 ט״ז כסלו תשע״ג VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3 NOVEMBER 30, 2012

Tiferes representatives, Ayala Buxbaum, Adena Gastfreund, Tamara Giblon, Nechama Lipton, and Kimchit Ribacoff, traveled with students from Bais Yaakov and Bnos Bais Yaakov to join girls from over 60 other schools for the BAIS YAAKOV CONVENTION, held November 16-18 in Cleveland, OH. The phenomenal speakers for the weekend urged the attendees to take responsibility for their actions .כלל ישראל since they are the future of was covered through activities, panel ”,אין הדבר תלוי אלא בי“ ,The theme and a מלוה מלכה discussions and workshops. The girls enjoyed a lively performance by the students of Yavne. They also visited the science centre and took a boat tour on Sunday before returning back to Toronto.

Thank you to the Fant, Keller, and Stoll families for opening their homes to our school’s representatives. Thank you also to Miss Shevi Janowski for accompanying the girls to the convention.

Tiferes was honoured to have RABBI ORLOFSKY speak to the school in He presented a .טוב ורע November. Rabbi Orlofsky spoke about the concept of discussing the need for ,ספר בראשית of פרשיות new way of looking at the first few He reviewed the idea that .יעקב and עשו and ,יצחק and ישמעאל ,קין and הבל both and בית מדרש the world needs both types of people - those that learn in the .רע those that go out into the world to fight directly against the Rabbi Orlofsky is a popular lecturer internationally where his combination of humor, novel insights and inspiration touch the lives of thousands. He has taught in the Discovery Seminar, Aish Hatorah Fellowships and Ohr Somayach, and is currently on the and seminaries. He has lectured ישיבות staff of Darchei Binah Seminary and college for women, as well as other for almost twenty years in the Ohr LaGolah Rabbinical training institute.

Have some Nachas News? Comments? Ideas? Calendar Corner Tell Us What You Think Shabbos Tiferes December 1 Dessert Reception December 22 E-mail PTA Grades 9 and 10 December 3 Reading Day January 9 [email protected] PTA Grades 11 and 12 December 4 Exams January 10-18 Chanuka Break December 13-17 Winter Break January 21-25 School Pictures December 20 School Resumes January 28 SAVE THE DATE: TBY Bar Mitzvah (13th Year) Gala Dinner May 26th, 2013 PAGE 2

A YOM IYUN to commemorate KRISTALLNACHT was held this month. Students were divided into teacher-led groups where they discussed the concept of spiritual heroism during the Holocaust. Students and teachers read amazing stories of during the war who were concerned, not only with their physical survival, but also with their spiritual one. Groups discussed the various halachich questions that were .שאלות ותשובות ממעמקים posed to R. Efrayim Oshry and printed in Thank you, as always, to Mrs. Lipner and all of our teacher facilitators. Thank you also to Reena Cohen and Adina Levi, our Yom Iyun committee. An example of a question that was asked: Time and place: 5702 (1942), Kovno ghetto Background: One of Rabbi Oshry’s students was a boy named Szereszewski who had not yet reached bar before his bar mitzvah, because he was afraid he would be killed תפילין mitzvah age. The boy yearned to put on in one of the roundups of children and would never reach his thirteenth birthday, when he would be obligated to .תפילין put on ?before the age of 13 תפילין Question: May the boy put on The groups discussed the question and suggested answers; they then read the response of Rabbi Oshry. ,for educational purposes תפילין since a minor may wear ,תפילין Answer: Rabbi Oshry allowed the boy to put on provided that he knows to treat them in a manner befitting their sanctity. The Rabbi trusted this boy, whose attested to his character. However, the Rabbi stressed that he was too young to מצוה strong desire to perform the .מנין be counted in a

JOB SHADOWING - Students of Grade 10 spent Monday, November 14th visiting various places of work as part of their Careers course. Some of the professions our students experienced were: landscaping design, physiotherapy, make up and nail application, cupcake- store baking and decorating, property management, preschool and school-aged environments, a criminal courtroom, and financial offices. The girls have had the opportunity to share their experiences with the class, and are encouraged to attempt future job shadow opportunities to help them in their quest for the best fitting job to meet their interests and abilities. We appreciate all those who allowed our students this wonderful opportunity.

The TEACHERS’ PD DAY was an opportunity for the staff to receive important information about how to best implement ministry guidelines in the classroom and our curriculum. Teachers discussed concepts such as success criteria and methods of assessment. They were also provided with many resources that are available to them. Teachers then met with their department heads to share specific methods of ensuring their subjects cover all curriculum expectations. Teachers will continue to meet their department heads throughout the year to ensure consistency of learning across all grades. Thank you to Rabbi Feigenbaum, Mrs. Green, and Mrs. Train for your informative presentations. Thank you also to Dr. Salmon for arranging the teachers’ breakfast and to Mr. Neil Mikhailov for setting up the meeting room. PAGE 3

to the Benmergui Family for the הכרת הטוב We’d like to express our in honour of ,ראש חדש כסלו delicious sufganiyot they sent for .אהרון ברוך בן שמעון שמואל - Mr. Benmergui’s father’s yahrtzeit

PLAY IS HERE! Play heads, Zahava Cohen and Kimchit Ribacoff, and play director, Miss Feigenbaum, presented this year’s production at a recent school assembly. The girls were told the storyline of the play, as well as the try-out schedule. Practices will begin after Chanuka. Good luck to all our production participants..

Teachers had the Preparations are in full swing chance to get to as excitement for SHABBOS know each other TIFERES grows. Committees were outside the class at given time over the last couple of the sometimes- weeks to create a memorable Shabbos experience. annual TEACHERS’ GET TOGETHER. included delicious homemade delicacies and a מלוה מלכה The from Mrs. Leah Handlesman. Thank you to everyone דבר תורה who attended - stay tuned for more staff events.

ACTIVITY PERIOD has begun. Every Tuesday, girls attend workshops led by women of our community. Some of FOOD COMMITTEE MEMBERS, the classes offered this session are Cake Decorating, Chesed, HADASSA WEBER AND MIRA GLOGAUER, SHOPPING FOR SHABBOS J e w e l r y Making, Make-up Application, and Nia.


Communication between parents and teachers is critical. Please make every effort to attend this important evening. If you are unable to attend, you can leave a message for your daughter’s teachers in the school office. PAGE 4

Grade 9 students were welcomed into the home of Mr. & Mrs. Sussman for their cowboy-themed Melave Malka. Event heads, Leah Dadoun and Aliza Shor, planned a fun evening that included a getting-to- דברי תורה know-you game, pizza, and from Rabbi Feigenbaum, Shira Cohen and Gabi Froom.

The grade 10 Melave Malka, once again hosted by the Feigenbaum family, included a דברי תורה pirate theme, baked ziti & lasagna, and from Rabbi Feigenbaum, Eden Gabay, and Malka Goldreich . Thank you to organizers, Chana Levi and Chana Lichtman, for a job well done.

A slumber party was the theme of the grade 11 Melave Malka. Organized by Neima Mandel & Shira Mittelmann and hosted at the Salmon’s home, attendees enjoyed pizza, waffles, pancakes, and hot chocolate. Thank you to Rabbi Feigenbaum, Miriam Hytman, and Elisheva Nemetz for their .דברי תורה

The grade 12 Under the was held at מלוה מלכה Sea our very own school. Ricki Birnbaum and Shalvi Rosen provided an entertaining evening of hide and seek around the school, as well as delicious sushi. Rabbi Feigenbaum and


HOLD THE DATE: The DESSERT RECEPTION FOR WOMEN & GIRLS will be on Motzei Shabbos, December 22. Our FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE, Rivkah Perl, Adina Plonka, and Sabrina Toledano, continue selling coffee pizza, and cookbooks. All money raised goes towards the senior graduation trip at the end of the year. Our YEARBOOK editors are hard at work trying to complete the yearbook early to avoid the busy time before production. Please make sure to PURCHASE A YEARBOOK AD to honour your graduate. See order form on page 9. After much anticipation, the hallways of Tiferes are filled with traces of indigo blue as the seniors finally donned their SENIOR SWEATSHIRTS this month. The senior class heard from representatives of Darchei Bina, Eshel, Halichos Bais Yaakov, Lev Bais Yaakov, Machon Ra’aya, Meohr Bais Yaakov, Midreshet Tehila, and Scharfman’s, Stern College, Tomer Devorah, Touro College, and others when they visited the school this month. Seminary interviews will start in December.

חברותא Join your friends at Tov Li North, every Tuesday at 8:30 pm for COFFEE SHOP - an inspirational learning experience with young women from the community. If you have any questions, call Mimi Elmaleh (647) 970-6464, Sarah Encaoua (647) 648-8131, or Sarah Azoulay (647) 893-3361

This year’s CHESED HEADS, Chaya Benmergui and Leah Halbert, together with our chesed teacher advisor, Mrs. Rachel Javasky are busy networking with city organizations to find chesed opportunities for and to provide help wherever it is needed in our community. Some of these opportunities include: mothers’ helpers, tutors, volunteers at D.A.N.I., drivers for Tomchei Shabbos, among others. If you or someone you know is in need of a chesed, you can now contact the chesed committee directly at their new CHESED E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]. PAGE 6

with our graduates and we offer קשר Tiferes Bais Yaakov is proud of its efforts in maintaining a close many opportunities for our alumnae to gather together and keep their connection to Tiferes strong.

ALUMNAE SHIURIM - There are several shiurim happening around the city for Tiferes alumnae. Every Sunday morning, Rabbi בעיון Jacoby meets with several girls to study Mrs. Melnick will be hosting some .חומש .in her home on Monday nights שיעורים שיעור Rabbi Feigenbaum spoke at opening during בטחון and אמונה about maintaining our difficult times.

Mrs. Dorit Solnik did a hands-on workshop of the ,ראש חדש כסלו On Her moving words throughout the .הפרשת חלה mitzvah of demonstration, about this special mitzvah and the amazing opportunity inspired all who were in ,כלל ישראל it is to daven for ourselves and the week of December ראש חדש טבת attendance. There will be a 16th - stay tuned for details. ALUMNAE VISITORS - It was nice to see Dina Bahar (‘10), Reena Fine (‘11), Adina (Klein ‘05) Korobkin, Miri Morris (‘12), Daniella Philips (‘10), Batya Rosenberg (‘11), Shayna Rosenberg (‘11), Bryna Sheinis (‘07) this month. Tiferes would like to thank Dr. & Mrs. Ohayon, parents of Talya Ohayon (‘13), who recently hosted an information evening in their home for the PHYSICIAN’S ASSISTANT PROGRAM AT MCMASTER UNIVERSITY. Attendees heard from Academic Director, Dr. Penny Thompson, and a current P.A. student. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Do you have a great idea? our alumnae list is ever-growing and ב״ה !KEEP IN TOUCH expanding. Please take a moment to send us an update about where you are and what you’re up to. You can also call Mrs. Kleinman at (416) 785-4044 ext. 233, or e-mail [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you.

SPONSOR A DAY OF LEARNING UNIFORM GEMACH PARENT VOLUNTEERS A day of learning can be If you need uniforms or have Looking for a way to be involved sponsored in honour or in memory uniforms you no longer need, in your daughter’s school? We of a loved one, or as a refuah please contact Mrs. Shirley have just the job for you! We’re shleima. Please contact our Belzberg (416) 789-2716. looking for volunteer help Executive Director, Mr. Lawrence For more information or to arrange throughout the year. For Weinberg at (416) 785-4044 uniform pick-up, please contact information, please contact our ext. 226, for sponsorship the school (416) 785-4044. Executive Director, Mr. Lawrence opportunities. Weinberg (416) 785-4044, ext. 226. PAGE 7

מצוה Parents, Alumnae, and Students Are Invited to Participate in this Unique

being written that will be donated to the ספר תורה As many of you already know, there is a Kotel and used as part of its weekly rotation.

.but elusive for most of us ,מצוה is a great ספר תורה Writing a We have helped by making it as simple as possible for you, .of owning a letter זכות as we at Tiferes are now offering the opportunity to have the

If you want to buy a letter, fill out the order form and you .ספר תורה are the new owner of a letter/s in a The order form can be found at http://jewishfundraiser.org/orderform.php?id=15.

For those who would like to join our affiliate program, and sell letters, you will need to get your own unique URL to use when selling/purchasing letters. This can be done by visiting the following site: http://jewishfundraiser.org/affiliates.php?id=15 Some of the grand prizes available to be won by our top sellers are: an iPod Touch, a rare bottle of Single Malt Scotch (30 year), and an iPad 2 (64 GB).

Each $36 letter purchased will receive a Canadian Charitable Donation Receipt and for every purchase the donor will receive an emailed certificate acknowledging their ownership.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact

Mrs. Miriam Kanner at [email protected] or at 416-785-4044 ext. 236.

Looking forward to your enthusiastic participation in this project.


The Mothers’ Association and the Senior Class of Tiferes Bais Yaakov present

A Dessert Reception for Women & Girls

Speaker * Student Video * Senior Choir * Raffle

Motzei Shabbos, December 22nd, 2012 7:30 p.m. 85 Stormont Avenue

$36 for 2/$5 each additional attendee

Please RSVP (416) 785-4044 ext. 233 [email protected]

Payment can be made at the door


Tiferes Bais Yaakov

2012-2013 Yearbook Ads Order Form

Name of Ad Purchaser: ______Address/City/Postal Code: ______Phone Number: ( ) _____ - ______

Please check your ad size:

____ Full Page $180 ____ 1/8 Page: $36 (Business Card)

____ ½ Page: $100 ____ 1/16 Page: $18 (Tiferes Students Pay $15)

____ ¼ Page $60 ____ 1 Line: $10 (Tiferes Students Only)

Ad Text: ______

If more space is needed, please attach a separate paper. E-mailed ads will be greatly appreciated! Our e-mail: [email protected] Please make checks payable to: Tiferes Bais Yaakov Yearbook Tax Receipts will be provided for payments of $18 and up. PAGE 10

מזל טוב * To Shifra (Levy ’10) and Avi Marder on their recent engagement.

* To Tova (Lavin ’10) and Yaakov Zev Hochman on the birth of their son, Yishaya David.

יישר כח To Yardena (Keslassy ‘08) and Ezra Gal * on the birth of their son. Dear Rabbi Feigenbaum,

* Rachel Zahavi (‘08) and Baruch Kagarlitskiy It is with great pleasure that I inform you that for on their recent engagement. the month of Cheshvan, your graduates, Alicia Aquino and Chana Edson, were inducted into our * Shelley Frisch-Israel (‘10) and Tzadok STAHR program ("Sharfman's Torah Academic Honor Roll") as a Cheshvan S.T.A.H.R. Weinberg on their recent engagement. This honor society is a reflection of their class attendance, excellence on their weekly Parshat HaShavuah quiz, as well as their overall participation in the upkeep of their apartment.

I am attaching the pictures that were taken of .them when they received their S.T.A.H.R יישר כח *To Ruby (Weinberg ’08) Goldstein certificates. We are very happy with their accomplishments and wish you much continued on being accepted to the Nachas from your graduates.

NYU College of Nursing. Sincerely,

Rabbi Label Sharfman Send Us Your Nachas News Dean [email protected]