UPDATE #17 Weekly COVID-19 Situation Report

27 July – 2 August 2020


IOM managed PoE sites conducting COVID-19 screening 3 Individuals screened for COVID-19 at IOM operated PoE sites 7,214 Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Sudan 2,437 Number of recoveries of COVID-19 cases in South Sudan 1,211 Total COVID-19 deaths in South Sudan

47 Non-formal learning in Wau PoC AA in Western Bahr el Ghazal © IOM 2020 HIGHLIGHTS

01 192,890 individuals reached through COVID-19 specific hygiene promotion sessions held at water SITUATION OVERVIEW points and through house to house campaigns. The COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve in the African region, with a rising incidence of cases and associated deaths. Of the 114,394 reported new cases in the Africa region, the majority, 68% (77,963), were recorded in South Africa, which 7,214 travellers screened for 02 remains the hardest hit country across the continent and ranks fifth globally. The current figures in the region represent 4.5% COVID-19 at Juba International of confirmed COVID-19 cases and 1.9% of deaths reported worldwide, according to WHO. Airport, Ground Crossing, and . Public health systems globally continue to come under severe strain due to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with total numbers of infected individuals reaching 17,660,523 cases, and 680,894 people have died of the infection globally by the 03 4,832 reusable masks produced by end of the week (WHO COVID-19 Situation Report 195, 2 August 2020). In Africa, there were 802, 792 cases and 13,779 IOM beneficiaries. deaths, according to WHO.

04 198,535 individuals received South Sudan continues to see a rise in the number of confirmed cases, with 2,437 confirmed cases, 1,211 recoveries, and COVID-19 sensitization. 47 deaths, as of 3 August 2020.


ve C-19 C-19 T C S IOM S S S R M PE S R T N COVID-19 R I I COVID-19 D Negativity Certificates creening at Juba airport, Wau R C HRP T airport, and Nimule ground N COVID-19 R outh udan recorded the S S T inisterial Order signed b the 1 N C wo COVID-19 patients first death resulting from Health inister issued the crossing. uspension of direct C evised COVID-19 Global he N suspends laborator Confirmed recovered and were released Corona Virus Desease. immediate suspension of flights from affected countries. C HRP appeals for $6.71B to fight testing for individuals seeking 132 COVID-19 cases from the treatment center in COVID-19 negativity certificates estriction of social gatherings. Kena and ganda close the virus in the worlds poorest voluntar testing and those confirmed out of the 775 Juba. until further notice. borders, with onl cargo allowed countries, and address the needs travelling between states to tests conducted, bringing the from ganda to outh udan. of the most vulnerable. clear the backlog of samples. total to 2,437 cases.

13 March 19 March 3 March 1 April 04 May 07 May 07 May 11 May 14 May 17 May 6 May 7 May 03 Jun 16 Jun 3 Aug

C-19 A S IOM E P  T C-19 T SPRP S R- C-19 D R T P S- S S A he Global trategic L M A he newl established COVID-19 HRP CPRP outh udan re-opens airspace N Preparedness esponse Plan A N T A Curfew across the countr with strict precautionar measures, National ask orce appoints epanded to include interventions he oH released COVID-19 reduced to 10pm-am. including 14-da self-uarantine President alva Kiir a transitional sub-committee he COVID-19 Addendum that mitigate health and socio- Countr Preparedness e-opening of restaurants, prior to inter-state travel. appoints a new COVID-19 to review the activities of the reuests for 390, bringing and esponse Plan, covering economic impacts. bars, shops with observance ask orce to replace the former High evel ask orce. the overall outh udan HP April to eptember 2020. of social distancing. High-evel ask orce. appeal for this ear to 1.9B.

Situation Overview 01 Update #17 Weekly COVID-19 Situation Report



●    IOM continued to conduct weekly assessment of mobility and COVID-19 preparedness at 19 displacement sites and 56 points of US Ambassador Tom Hushek, JIA Director Kur Kuol, entry/transit hubs, including those prioritized by the Points of Entry IOM Chief JP Chauzy inaugurate handwashing station at Juba Technical Working Group, with the latest weekly update available International Airport © IOM 2020 / Liatile PUTSOA here.

●    DTM South Sudan finalized the weekly submission for the DTM Global COVID-19 Mobility Impact exercise, providing information on movement restrictions, active measures, and the impact of the outbreak on different population groups in the country for 87 locations across the country, including land and blue border points, airports, and internal transit points and areas (towns, cities). Data is Participants practice handwashing during an IOM COVID-19 available on the interactive geoportal. The DTM team also prepared prevention and awareness raising session in Wau PoCAA. © IOM 2020 / Savior Amaza a Mobility Update on COVID-19 preparedness and response in the country, summarizing developments at key points (19 displacement sites and 56 transit hubs and PoEs). Data is available in a narrative ●    IOM continued to support IPC/WASH activities at three IOM-operated PoEs (Wau, Nimule report complemented by additional contextual information Ground Crossing, and Juba International Airport). outlining key developments since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country. A detailed overview of locations is available in the dataset, ●    In Wau, five permanent handwashing facilities in Wau Eastern Bank Market and Suk Hajar to enable partners to conduct tailored and independent analysis. Market, Wau Teaching Hospital, Suk Jou Market, and Eastern Bank were fully operational this reporting period and benefited 13,094 individuals during the reporting week (3,535 girls, ●   Since the onset of COVID-19 preparedness and response activities, 3,404 boys, 3,143 women, 3,012 men). The trained handwashing teams continue to operate DTM - in collaboration with partners - has been conducting and and maintain the handwashing stations. IOM connected one handwashing facility to the main collating data on entries and exits at main displacement sites (Juba, water supply at Wau Teaching Hospital, which will be handed over to the hospital next week. Bor, Bentiu, Malakal and Wau PoC AA) as part of the population ●    In Twic, three hand washing facilities (1,000L each) and three handwashing stations (500L movement monitoring resulting from COVID-19 related measures. each) at three health facilities (Wunrok PHCC, Mother Theresa Hospital and Mayen Abun The weekly average of daily flows is available here. Historical data Hospital) remained fully operational, benefitting 10,261 individuals (2,770 girls, 2,668 boys, can be shared upon request. 2,463 women, 2,360 men) . ●    Following the COVID-19 PoE prioritization list, DTM activated ●    In Juba, six handwashing facilities (1,000L each) in Juba Bus Station, Juba River Port, Konyo a flow monitoring point at Nesitu, in addition to two points Konyo Market, Hai Referendum Market, Juba International Airport, and Jebel Market benefited already active at Juba River Port and Gabat Port. Data collection 26,718 individuals during the reporting week (7,214 girls, 6,947 boys, 6,412 women, 6,145 in the Capital provides humanitarian partners and agencies with men). In addition, 14 handwashing stations (500L each) in Gudele 1 Market, Gudele 2 Market information concerning the internal and (long/short) cross border and Bus Station, Suk Libia Market, Jebel Market A, Jebel Market B, Jonderu 1 Market and movements, to enable informed and evidence-based decision Bus station, Jonderu2A Bus Station, Jonderu2B Bus Station, Jonderu2C Bus Station, Juba making and programming. International Airport B, Mangateen, Munuki A, Munuki B, and Jebel C Market benefited 26,781 individuals during the reporting week (7,231 girls, 6,963 boys, 6,427 women, 6,160 men) . One handwashing station in Gudele 2 Market and Bus Station was not operational this week to due to the soil conditions of the site, which caused an overflow of the soak way pit. This will be fixed and re-operational in the next reporting week. POINTS OF ENTRY ●    IOM conducted WASH NFI distributions in Twic and , benefitting a total of 310 households (25 in Twic and 285 in Magwi). All distributions were complemented with COVID-19 sensitization. ●   IOM continues COVID-19 screening at three PoEs and provides IPC/WASH support at Juba International Airport, Wau Airport, and ●    IOM continues to maintain 617 handwashing stations country-wide, as follows: Nimule Ground Crossing.

●   Arrivals and departures screening for COVID-19 conducted, 283 Handwashing stations, Bentiu PoC Case management centre reaching a total of 7,214 travellers, as follows: 1 Borehole drilled at Akoc rehabilitated at Malakal Teaching & Handwashing stations, 6 1 Handwashing Hospital, Malakal County Twic County stations, Bentiu Town 3,943 2,632 639 246 Handwashing individuals screened individuals screened stations, Malakal PoC individuals Abyei at Juba International at Nimule Border screened at Northern Upper Nile Airport Crossing Wau Airport Bahr 23 Handwashing stations, Western Bahr el Ghazal Unity Bentiu Logbase, Warehouse & Wau el Ghazal Airport ●   At the Nimule PoE, IOM continued to construct two blocks of Warrap Humanitarian Hub latrines (men and women blocks) at the Jalei truck parking area for 6 Handwashing Jonglei stations, IOM Office 22 Handwashing truck drivers to utilize while awaiting screening at the PoE. in Wau Lakes stations, Juba International Airport, Juba River Port, Bus ●   As co-lead of the PoE TWG, IOM continued collaborating with 6 Handwashing stations, & Markets C.Equatoria the Epi Surveillance TWG on the integration of testing high risk stations, Wau PoC Western Juba International populations, such as truck drivers, at PoEs. A joint concept is being Airport Equatoria 25 Handwashing developed as requested by the National Steering Committee (NSC) stations, IOM office in Juba 1 Case management centre to help advocate for this initiative. constructed at Muktaah PHCC, Wau County Nimule Ground 1 Handwashing stations, ●   As part of a global project, IOM DTM is conducting a mobility 5 Handwashing Crossing IOM Warehouse in Magwi & 3 restrictions monitoring exercise, which remotely collects stations, Wau Town Handwashing stations, in Magwi information about mobility restrictions and preparedness measures at PoEs. Point of Entry with IPC / Case management WASH facilities (handwashing WASH support centres stations & boreholes)

Preparedness & Response 02 Update #17 Weekly COVID-19 Situation Report


●    IOM Core Pipeline supported a ●    In Wau and Bentiu PoC, Camp Management teams continue to adopt COVID-19 approaches to deliver CCCM functions by partner for a COVID-19 response in chairing virtual bi-weekly and monthly PoC Coordination Meetings with sector partners and camp authorities to address Terekeka County in Central Equatoria PoC needs, identify gaps in service delivery, and ensure timely and relevant information sharing with the humanitarian State. Critical WASH items provided community amidst the COVID-19 response. for household COVID-19 infection, ●    In Bentiu PoC, Camp Management teams facilitated three Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with various segments of the prevention, and control included PoC population, informing PoC community perceptions and attitude analysis led by IOM CCCM leading Communication soap, buckets with and without tap. and Community Engagement Working Group. Handpump spare parts and chlorine HTH were also released to support ●    Through the IDP women-led cloth face covering production initiative supported by IOM Camp Management team in in ensuring equitable access to safe Wau PoCAA site, 413 fabric reusable face covering were produced, engaging 29 IDP women, including 11 with disabilities, and clean water. Approximately bringing the total to 1,466 masks produced since early July. 5,100 individuals will benefit from these WASH items. ●    IOM continued prepositioning to key RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT logistic hub locations that are still accessible by road transportation, ●   IOM continued COVID-19 awareness and hygiene promotion activities to communities at Bentiu and Malakal PoCs; as well ensuring the uninterrupted as outside the PoCs in Wau, Twic, Magwi, and Juba. provision of key supplies for WASH ●   Hygiene promotion sessions were held at water points and through house to house campaigns, including through the Cluster partners’ COVID-19 utilization of megaphones, reaching 192,890 individuals (39,879 girls, 34,189 boys, 60,142 women, 58,680 men, including responses during the rainy season. 1,641 PSNs) country-wide, with key messages including signs and symptoms and prevention measures, all aligned with the Approximately 56.97 metric tons of Risk Communication and Community Engagement Technical Working Group guidance. WASH items en route to logistics hubs in Rumbek and Wau. Soap, ●   IOM displayed awareness messages on COVID-19 at the 627 IOM-installed handwashing stations in order that beneficiaries water purification tablets (Aquatabs), can read messages every time they wash hands. In partnership with the Water Tankers Association, IOM continues to carry and buckets with and without tap out mass awareness raising campaigns displaying IEC materials and playing pre-recorded messages through megaphones with will be prepositioned. 50 water tankers in Juba. ●   In Juba, IOM conducted a community engagement FGD at Hai Gabat Area with 12 individuals (3 men, 9 women), which ●    Procurement and delivery of included youth and women leaders. Topics covered included information on COVID-19 signs, symptoms and prevention, as COVID-19 WASH pipeline supplies well as attitudes and practices towards COVID-19. funded by DFID, ECHO, BHA, and CERF is currently ongoing. In ●   In Malakal PoC, IOM conducted another COVID-19 radio show on the importance of COVID-19 prevention and mitigation addition, procurement of personal measures. protective equipment (PPE) funded ●   In Malakal, MHPSS teams led 29 awareness raising activities, reaching 378 direct beneficiaries and 2,552 indirect beneficiaries, by BHA and DFID is in progress. with key messaging on MHPSS considerations during COVID-19 and its prevention, aimed at behavioral change while tackling misinformation. ●    IOM Core Pipeline received additional funding from BHA to ●   In Bentiu, MHPSS teams led 22 awareness raising activities in the PoC, Rubkona town, and Yoanyang clinic, reaching 2,168 procure reusable cloth face masks individuals with key messaging on COVID-19 and its prevention, aimed at behavioural change while tackling misinformation. for distribution to densely populated ●   In Wau, MHPSS teams led 150 sessions on COVID-19 risk communications and awareness raising, reaching 457 (185 male, urban locations and PoC sites. 272 female) beneficiaries.

COORDINATION NOTES ●   Active participation in various EVD/COVID-19 fora, including the Strategic Advisory Group, National Task Force, COVID-19 National Steering Committee meetings, Technical Working Groups, and State Task Forces. ●   Participation in the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) with OCHA, partners, and other stakeholders. ●   IOM is a member of the Needs Analysis Working Group (NAWG), a key platform that provides decision-makers (ICCG) and responders with data and analysis on impact and needs to help priorities response based on identified needs. ●   IOM continues to support the PoE TWG, IPC/WASH TWG, and RCCE TWG to draft the COVID-19 National Sitrep, which is submitted to the National Steering Committee weekly. ●   Under the IPC/WASH TWG, IOM continued to take a lead in the Sub-Committee on IPC/WASH in Communities and Camp-like Settings and at the national level, IOM continued to actively participate in the WASH Cluster EPnR technical working group to coordinate the ongoing COVID-19 response in Juba. ●   The PoE TWG is collaborating with the Protection Response Group (PRG) to ensure all partners register on the online protection reporting tool in Kobo.

Teenage mothers support group meeting they have adapted to COVID-19 preventive measures. © IOM 2020 / James Achien

IOM’s COVID-19 response activities are supported by:

Preparedness & Response 03 Update #17