5.11 Cam, Wellow and Somer Valleys Around Norton Forest of Avon

Map Ref: 11.1 e. Establish trees and small woodlands to reduce the , Cam and Wellow Brook impact of light industrial use and trading estates. Valleys (Including B&NES12) f. Establish individual and groups of trees and small woodlands within parks and greenspaces a. Ensure all woodlands have a current Forestry addressing inequalities in tree canopy cover Commission management plan (or equivalent), and with a strong community dimension to their addressing broad objectives, supporting their location, size and care. preparation and delivery. Focus initially on the number of ASNW and PAWS, including Cleaves g. Establish individual and groups of trees and small Wood SSSI. woodlands within primary and secondary school grounds, with school responsibility for their care. b. Buffer ASNW and PAWS by establishing fringing areas for natural regeneration. h. Establish individual and small groups of trees in/ adjacent to streets, addressing inequalities in c. Establish new native woodlands of a scale, tree canopy cover and with a strong community pattern and species mix appropriate to landscape dimension to their location, size and care. character within the ‘Camerton Gap’ to 21.1, as part of an overall corridor linking woodlands in i. Ensure any new development requires the the Cam and Wellow Valleys through Peasedown conservation and planting of trees within the site St. John. Conserve priority habitats, historic and as determined by scale and impact, includes monuments and viewpoints. off-site tree and woodland planting. d. Establish new native woodlands of a scale, j. Conserve and enhance orchards, prioritising pattern and species mix appropriate to landscape those not covered by grant schemes, working to character within the ‘Radstock Gap’ to 11.2, as maintain locally distinctive varieties and extending part of an overall corridor linking woodlands in these whilst conserving priority habitats, historic the Wellow and Cam Valleys through Peasdown monuments and viewpoints. St. John. Conserve priority habitats, historic monuments and viewpoints.


k. Conserve and regenerate hedgerow boundaries front and back gardens, enhancing amenity and with an initial focus on those outside grant softening the urban edge. schemes, which are not low cut and/or where c. Plant small native woodlands linking existing sites, hedgerow trees are present. whilst ensuring conservation of other priority l. Conserve hedgerow and other field trees and habitats, historic monuments and viewpoints. plant new ones at irregular spacings where absent d. Ensure any new development requires the within hedged boundaries. conservation and planting of trees within the site m. Ensure that public access routes are easy to use and as determined by scale and impact, includes and follow. off-site tree and woodland planting. e. Conserve and regenerate hedgerow boundaries Map Ref: 11.2 with an initial focus on those outside grant and Peasedown St John Ridge schemes, which are not low cut and/or where (B&NES13) hedgerow trees are present. f. Conserve hedgerow and other field trees and a. Ensure all woodlands have a current Forestry plant new ones at irregular spacings where absent Commission management plan (or equivalent), within hedged boundaries. addressing broad objectives, supporting their preparation and delivery. g. Ensure that public access routes are easy to use and follow b. Establish woodlands of a scale, pattern and species mix appropriate to landscape character in a corridor between the woodland complex on the Map Ref: 11.4 southern fringe of Bath to Peasedown St. John, Hinton Charterhouse and Baggeridge linking to woodlands in 11.1. Ensure conservation Plateau (B&NES17) of other priority habitats including semi-improved a. Ensure all woodlands have a current Forestry agricultural grassland, historic monuments and Commission management plan (or equivalent), viewpoints. addressing broad objectives, supporting their c. Ensure any new development requires the preparation and delivery. Focus on the number of conservation and planting of trees within the site ASNW and PAWS first. and as determined by scale and impact, includes b. Buffer ASNW and PAWS by establishing fringing off-site tree and woodland planting. areas for natural regeneration. d. Conserve and regenerate hedgerow boundaries c. Establish new native woodlands of a scale, with an initial focus on those outside grant pattern and species mix appropriate for landscape schemes, which are not low cut and/or where character across the ‘Freshford Gap’ to 11.5 linking hedgerow trees are present. woodlands in the Wellow and Avon Valleys, whilst e. Conserve hedgerow and other field trees and conserving priority habitats, bat corridors, historic plant new ones at irregular spacings where absent monuments and viewpoints. within hedged boundaries. d. Ensure any new development requires the f. Ensure that public access routes are easy to use conservation and planting of trees within the site and follow. and as determined by scale and impact, includes off-site tree and woodland planting. Map Ref: 11.3 e. Work with landowners at Hinton House and Norton Radstock Southern Farmlands surrounding estate land to support conservation (B&NES15) of parkland character including existing field trees, woodlands, hedgerows and walled boundaries. a. Ensure all woodlands have a current Forestry Commission management plan (or equivalent), f. Conserve and regenerate hedgerow boundaries addressing broad objectives, supporting their with an initial focus on those outside grant preparation and delivery. schemes, which are not low cut and/or where hedgerow trees are present. b. Work with residents in Radstock to run a Garden Forest scheme to plant shrubs and trees in


g. Conserve hedgerow and other field trees and Map Ref: 11.6 plant new ones at irregular spacings where absent Hollow Marsh (B&NES7) within hedged boundaries. a. Ensure any new development requires the h. Conserve and restore dry stone walls, with an conservation and planting of trees within the site initial focus on those outside grant schemes. and as determined by scale and impact, includes i. Ensure that public access routes are easy to use off-site tree and woodland planting. Any tree and follow. planting or woodland creation to avoid Grade 1 agricultural land and to consider the distinctive Map Ref: 11.5 landscape character of the area. Freshford and Limpley Stoke Valley b. Conserve and regenerate hedgerow boundaries (B&NES18) with an initial focus on those outside grant schemes, which are not low cut and/or where a. Ensure all woodlands have a current Forestry hedgerow trees are present. Commission management plan (or equivalent), addressing broad objectives, supporting their c. Conserve hedgerow and other field trees and preparation and delivery. Focus on the number of plant new ones at irregular spacings where absent ASNW and PAWS first. within hedged boundaries. b. Buffer ASNW and PAWS by establishing fringing d. Ensure that public access routes are easy to use areas for natural regeneration. and follow. c. Establish small native woodlands linking existing sites, whilst ensuring conservation of good quality Map Ref: 11.7 semi-improved grassland, priority habitats, bat Farrington Gurney Farmlands corridors, historic monuments and viewpoints, with (B&NES8) specific consideration of the Bath World Heritage a. Ensure any new development requires the Site setting and B&NES emerging guidance. conservation and planting of trees within the site d. Establish new native woodlands across the and as determined by scale and impact, includes ‘Freshford Gap’ to 11.4 linking woodlands in the off-site tree and woodland planting. Tree planting Wellow and Avon Valleys, whilst conserving to avoid extensive Grade 1 agricultural land. priority habitats, bat corridors, historic monuments b. Conserve and regenerate hedgerow boundaries and viewpoints, with specific consideration of with an initial focus on those outside grant the Bath World Heritage Site setting and B&NES schemes, which are not low cut and/or where emerging guidance. hedgerow trees are present. e. Ensure any new development requires the c. Conserve hedgerow and other field trees and conservation and planting of trees within the site plant new ones at irregular spacings where absent and as determined by scale and impact, includes within hedged boundaries. off-site tree and woodland planting. d. Ensure that public access routes are easy to use f. Conserve and regenerate hedgerow boundaries and follow. with an initial focus on those outside grant schemes, which are not low cut and/or where hedgerow trees are present. g. Conserve hedgerow and other field trees and plant new ones at irregular spacings where absent within hedged boundaries. h. Conserve and restore dry stone walls, with an initial focus on those outside grant schemes. i. Ensure that public access routes are easy to use and follow.