Guqdsa Dry eoodsl Ia W -Weooordi to a •i F•'00m the New YorkEeald.. Amasements This Evening. Dry AUCTION SALES. Th* Voice fi Ruaisan Demccracy. DIRUPT MN1ORTATIOX. t Rao pat a (Unlleb) Jonarg eam ORLEANSTrnATan.-Meyerbeer'e celebrated Ioh 811lk Brooe Damask ntpeedhdedllyopeloe,'ePatent 'endulnm WINTER DRY GOODS. OInrtlas at Auee.s. -*'sI' i .dd•e•s omnte Sociey f us•s Liberalsi • to theRue- opera of "LLseHuguenote" will be repeated at the BY VINCENT & CO. LWier,wt publio inabouta cum Sodidersin Pond. it. K. Haggerty & Oro. i h bebrughtheforethea FrenchTheater thi evening,with the same cast as onthe rHIB DAY, Saturday, November 25, at 10 month. ltfdag pdti6n l hOli fith DIRECT IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN AND DO- rt.P*I4f r lTH .CA,fA A. Twome,stn able IOTHeca: At list the'Cea hoe succeeded In bringing night previous. dODOk,d At their AuEdI Room, No. HCUnumhose rsbtEE, will e to propel aetlwasy ens•ottwenty.•le horsepower, warupen dma. MESTIC DRY GOODS, of the O.. et RICHBROCHE SILK DAMASK CURTAINS. with El•t... its ars•rges,at •qyspeed to be Hipbrotho F. eo ereigs, feaingtheir pee le more than AMERICANTHATER.- Benefit Ravel streets. with full complimentof hie endeao red tohod ba~ckrenn Xos. 108 Canal and .8 Royal eomptete;forfour window., .15 al otbeeemleh TYsup.-Feats of Agility on. the Tight Rope, Mmlle. STradeSal i 144th-b te rf attainedat with steampower. The tendelnad bolers of I p0..weorapes The UIDbo.o is VolOy0.40N0 .ooo.tuto..- ot VirgluIa Tobacson. Time, at AusUou. 7.JE made every oonuonlon--buthe ha newverthslessuc- STHEROUGR PAeIB. fwi o cled,-and the TreaMathias in two GrandDances, the pleasant piece UtpooofpYar I1a 004000tdw. t1assorted00k of WOITIR DRY thcpeeent n_ aededimpewohiugthmnamo a -sfe Oonaboltof FrenO BY R. B. SYKES. HI has had no eonldemtlon for nRussianMblood. entitled "Jeannette and Jeannot," and Franooi Ravel GOODS., t.oi,.td aodrdy for0olmi0tttoI, Meo11..;all WoolPI.4l ad NewRoylt D. I04... od drUESDAY, November 28, at 101 We Ruanans aniPc refges ona foreignollU, sheda as Robert Macaire,are all announceodfor thin evening at .. OE, tt.h o'clook, S rQo•e•:•'d espeotA Ctu!rlpt t d. '.11w * .eoldat Mean.Gemoe Wlngfield exorbilant levies,of those t (tohaerr, O~opoar0,Atlpo*o, 1014 yard. Poil. A Co.,. sto., No,91 Swheelss•l-/ i en e i be aLafa tar at le aoeount of thes the AmericanTheater. Gnrlalrmat- ~nt heavy txes lmpeWsedonthe mas of our soldiers,oon- Chem, worth4aoot., at t, o bOhiOoqaoy*Oil*40ftbo10000k4110 - 1 0 Slk 004 " rAwe ii r288no , S-The oanada's adveiesi- hIefor the'ew Ow , ged by thousandsto a ueless death. ST. CHARLESTHATER.-- Mid Eliza Logai doe.o; Watch, Rogthh,Rogoder..0 Amo*4 Ftaoo..t. 4.el., iiISo CTo1A 0 .3.;00, 1o,00 .•6 ':.; 44s .0414 MIorio Ho. and Htf HOG.; Topocuh fora Just aeo is noble. It I for this that appears as Partheniaand Mr.O. Pope as Ingoear. The Gos. Lal .t.. bolt to sknohbt lkead oeowrb d in Lser. BRwkLts;.4MI.oh04o.,0o4 04. 4d .4.e ILs•n.•mr.-A pnit forlibel upon-the Rev. oourage,boldnes devotionand love are implantedin the ,otolhBI..hott Whitny d ' 1tr0 .h. futl. pIt M beads,n etc.,will e rhdyt entertainments will conclude with the "Stage Struck 400do.n wo ad beent RobertB. Hall,of Plymouth,Maom., who lsthe E~ow- humanheart. But to perish nuelesolyfor a caprise of .oetoftL. .ver.y 411.of Wilt. .o4 ColoredBRIaohoO 000••h•Wlrboles of c4tIdto fate. The whole world sympa- Tailor." 404 $1.O 40 t Wa.prevCo.C,o day ofeel.. .nt Nothing OCegreenmceelect frointhe 4rst disiteotto Moo- the Cari s melancoholy Gloh.o-Lp..o. 00).ttGtlOI thizeswith the Turks-nnot of ipartiallty, but because Oaralockf8llkaaorpun arty se~nmtat eve impacted Into this IFloor Oil Cloths. eacohtte, has been commencedagainst BIjamin Lind- theircanuse is just. They arenattcked, and they hare a DAN Rico's.-Benefit and last appearance of Rmbtroodi.. D atImhoinaom gsiand. a .lt, ot .0.o40d. qu.lit7.y 0..00000hohpn,0. r Webae onhand large.. ortmEotof FIOROIL of theNew BedfordMercury. The dam- rightto defendthemselves. with the "Dogeof b of thebet ad ordinaryqua.tles, from three CLOTIIS T Ihepulnfeellag in England was about to seysprop•ieteO" Conel, Wbbtand Coep.--To commence T..oo, VUtoool--oOSet., too.4o.rith ao iatoooto.. qntityot to twenty-fourfe. aes are setat $j2,000,and propertyhas been attached. And nurpoor soldierspour out theirbloodby torrents ; MountSt. Bernard." After which, " Helen Lovett; or morallyr...ioed FALLAND WINTER DRY BOUS10. they fightcourageodoiy, they wid. whiohwe cuttoI.tay rtoo orhIall, We arlenanbledone strew the earth with their Tragedy." To conclude with the "Mon- I. 0. HAGORIRTY& 1RO. Itl againsut theslow progiesmwhich Gertainsrtlelee inlast Baturday'sedition of that paper,corpses,and nobody except ue grievesat their fate-no- the Cincinnati topurchasrs unsuai advantoage in quahity sod price. 'ha made soiat in the proseon-I, obhsoag Mr.Hall with the pi etrationof a foul and die. bodyspproelsts their bravery key of Pltcairn'sIsland." aloOptf IOC.ol endB R,oyal.1"ou. .... A t. o .... with Th Czarsays he defends the orthodoxochurch. But TABLEOIL CLOTHS, TABLE COVERS, 16 :t ewar. Great dissetisfaction sems to gisaing erlme,while ei hie cononation a religous so- VANN•C•a's Mus1 uM.-Wax Statuary, Diora- .Hadame Packer, DOORMATS, WIN- ciety hoRoxbury, are the causes of the eommencementof It suot attacked; andif the Sultan oppresses it, why, DOWCURTAINS, PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, .to., at. peva. this regard In many parts of the ci thenhes the Czarnot rained his voice on the subest mieViewsand Ourloitiees. Open day and evening,atNo. FOEMERLY MADAME LEWIS. .D. DAMERON& CO, II CbteR. thIbsalt, ASTROLOGIODToadPHI. t Le'in since 1828? 62 St. Charlesstreet. O' Thi ol.IbrhtodPHItLOSOPHER, $9n09lw lad 9' C..toMhosu,treea. The lot of the Oheitia, say the Czar, Is a huardone EROF FATE, AFUAT BriTWaENNTWo NAVAL PBB- 0CIO4NO00T,sadowner of th. EOYPTIAN ORACL FATAL in Turkey. Wehavenever heard it mid that the Chris- UNIONHALL.-The Campbell Minstrels appear p..pootltllgytftOot. th.e Ldio. aod O.atI.oooto NeOtlro, th.0 J' Draperies WeWLndowhave . very at Cost. eoneoe.-A quarrel onrred on Thoreda evening, the tians in that country are more oppressedthan th pea- this evening at Union 1Hll,Fourth District,with their .bho. om.o.d Ooomhor CAMP STREOIT, o No. 460 Irg *uortmEntof rich Silk a4dWe.I eln oanteare with more particularly those bestowed by WWorsted Damk., ofcho4cestylel anad qu.lit. A.lw..ll delsne 10th, at the NavalAsylum, in Philadelphia,between two o, amusingand entertainingperformances. NATADEOOTROET,,hlIwoeo TERPSOCOORE 10d M'ELPO00ENE h.wo H•r t er, madennostay 1 the Caarin serfageto the nobles. Hladh net better om- o.olt. bythosede.'fiat tofor.. kee.pingtihils eseiption of gos afterthis year, w Areinduced to orf. I pensionersnamed Drussock and William0. RIggs, during ! Theyarealt of the STREETS,oth.o. shetmayh. mese byfreeingthe serf athome PRESENTATDIFIITURI. whichthe brminerpushed the latter downwith greatvlo- orthodoxehurch, and, what in more,they are Russians. FROMRio JANEIRO.-By the arrival of the tDo.on tho PAST, 0h0mat aot toinure a read)ysle foreuh. W Coouolt.Oi.o8t. e4 0p,4t -. D. DAMERON ,.b•Meitnt" b ta. , lence,and in the fall he struckhis head against a wall No ! the Czardefends no eausne-behas no high prinel.i bark Antelopeat Baltimore, dates have oeen received t CO., EI 4dp441 9iChrI,, ad -11Cwto,.,Hh4 t1r.4I r Plteo tol•bar. left London for Paris and died i•stantly from coneosslon of the brsin.Drus- elptIn view. He is only guided byhis pride, and it i to from Rio to the 7th of October. A heavy Desainv llie Co. this pride bhathe saorifies your blood. Ponrs,say we, business was lbspestry a rl stn,ais it sl•tated respectinga sooklhas ben committed to answer the oharge. He is nothis Ha. itoo careful of it. Have you ever seen doingat Rio in coffee. The transactionsduring Septem- and Brussels Carpeting fifty-fiveyears of ago, and Rggswnerly venny.The himtparade beforeground, your but rankse? not on Ye, thafneld you have of battle. seen him on the bercomprised CHARTRES STREET. 6 ....AT.... Sor tine•iteNo BA lerupion the islandt 219,000bags, and slnoe the let of October 6 latter wasone of the crewwith, CommodoreDecaotur at therehave been alesof 42000 bags. Thebetter qualitile TO THE LADIES. REDUCED PRICES. Itis he who bas eommenedthe war. Let it fall then Phladelphisn the harbor.of Tripoli. J30.totti,.4, 04 00001of •E•n o4derto ArdEo.o pr4eent the burningofthe uponhse bheaodalone. Letit put a limitto the stgnation wereOrm, and the feelingwas in favorof maintaining the ja3 IArgestock of VELVETTA: PLAIDSILKS, .010 an.0. yard. PESTRYAND BRUSSELSCARPETS, we are nw esllingthem at of or industry. quoted rates. Fine dark coffee was very searce. The Ssoltd•rhi on the CxTIioNRIot T WuirLaIO URGo.-The reductioon of pdce,. oie hbortbeni'datrbattled Bainklave Tau E After1812 came the 20th of Dscembr. stookof all kinds on band consietedof 40,000bags. Quo- A too; lotto Weinvit. pirchs.i. SNewYork lteral•pf the 18tkhas a sjicolumnreport of new,a4d ordere direct,. to Mia thes1y0. 4•41pVtt•IE, sNtyII.1I show the .~afI to hpe been alVet What will comeafter 1864? tations-.Superiors,4130 to 41600; Good Firsts, 41150to CLOTHCLOAAB AND HANTILLAS. fIromIi gli.h andAmeritcl M.nurctue,. Coroner's oeneerningthe death of Wn. Shall we be so supine as to permit an opportunltylike uoortOOmtoflltkind.With o,mplt.. o1 DRYG00OD. Polo lon X"'kxnglih is stated tithe lnvestigation, the present to eoape,,which will not again speedily pre- 41250; Fiat Ordinary,81900 to 41; SecondGood, 81700 We havealso oI handavery large44.ortmet. of THREE-PLY,. oa. , who lostthelr lives in PI.. Opttl DEo.IS, hot & 00.ra Henry Harrisonand Johnllhith; sent itself? Shall we not know how to profitby the to 31800; Second Ordinary,31 to 81400; United States MEDALLION,TOURNAY, WELTON ad otherCARPET; COC)OA the Wililmehntg election riot. The proceedingsof the storm invokedby the Car against himself' 10182pt DSSAINVILLE &00 andCHINA MATTING ; TABLE o IdPIANO COVERS, saeortment,41250 to 41300. 4 4t14 pric,s r L ifser spool Markets. 17th,having ooep- We live in faith-we have hope In the future ! Sd4 in et variety;DRUGosT .1• LINENCRU•IS CLOTIIS; Spledjury aterminated perledof onten daysand the night resultedof the in fdindg Oliver SHouse Furnts•nlg dr tise.s WINDOWRSHADERI 4 •1.le.an4 prices;STAIR RODS; Ia101: the reports of the Look at Poland! Hardly has the new. of the war 'theri t omedifference i reachedharwhen she again raises herbead, and pants fer An employee on the Watertown and Rome CLOTHRUGS; MATS--hlch . o01r11t th lowt, m4rietproie. I Lee guiltyas prinoipalof the murderof lsarrison,and CAMP STREET. 49 iousbr rbawth regati to the state of the I the frst opportunityto vindicateher rights andher iber- Railroad.named MatthewConner, was run over andhilled 49 524 2pSI A. BROUSSRAAU murder a CO. 23Chartres at. Thomas Newman and an unknownperson of the seza. - by a train at Rome,N. Y., on Thursday,the 18th inst. toinarketaiiepooe Thequotationsfor What will you do when the people of Poland take up SAMUEL E. MOORE & CO, of Smith. Twenty-twopersons were fobundguilty as no As the unfortunateman hasfriends residingin the Sonth- A'Have now on hand a, exceslnt apply of artislein theirline For Sale or bent. ,ddllog asgiven pysome of the brokers, in- arms? buslnew,which will b toldat, and the qgsditygeuao- W' Up..Nronlmodat,.g te, a Yourfate is the wort of all. Your comradesin Turkey ern country it may be a matter of interest to them to of spnedidSICONO H N isheomprod ROSNWOODPIANO, digA. -Dennistoun &Co., are about 1-l8d The murderershave escaped from Williamsburg,but Itoare be soldiers only exenutioner?; and you who areYour in vietoricosPoland,are will you cove- oatisfied you learn hls sfate. tEedtoHbofthbeast.Apartofthestock no.(nNI,.,d +yT. Nlbert,, Ca., Bmost of the persons eharge as beingaccessories had WhiteStone Chin DINNER ndYTEA WAREI thisFor prrlircllracquire at offre. thnotl. Brown, Shipley & Co. Qnote Whit French,Chins DINNER and TEA SETS; previouslybeenarrected on a charge of riot, andheld to with opprobrium-yon will have to biuth for your cour- A needle work shawl of the finest quality Carpetlng: Carpeting: Haint ni.4c4per lb. Sbalin thasm of$00 to appear. age. The blood of noighborsnever can he warshedaway. Whii. Ston.ChhIa CHAMBERSETS; everseen in America, and which was importedexpressly SETS; orW. aWe r.. ,Inga largoand aI4 t Liverpool, exclusrve of I 5ItBeware,may rest then. upon lest youyou for merit ever. once morethe name ofCain. qiltand Ptinled Stons TOILET ,AA. NaNSEawtNuI VELVET, A rqward of $1,000has been Offeredfor the murderers for the Crystal Palace exhibition,sold in NewYorkthe SiterPlated CASTORS, CANDLESTICRS, TABLE, TEA and DES BISSSELLS,THIBEEEFLP an INORAINCARPfTING. is stated at 870,000 ... th a on basrdt 00a4p of Hareleon. We knowwell that it will not be of your owmwill that other day for $1,025. It originally cost$2,700 inCon- BERTSPOONS and FORES; ... AL SO baei Wthich-t 89Ot 0 were Amjrioan. Sebouldyou marchhave against a will of the your Poles. own. ButDo youit is think, time.then, that thatyou stantinople. SestPolished Ti. COFFEEand TEA POTS,URNS, CHAFING DISH- FLOOROIL CLOTHS, three to tw.ty-tol ft .. id., cr.b06 We noticed yesterday, (says the St. Louis ES,TUREENS. COFFEE DRIPPERS, JELLY MOULDS; qualirg d newpaltrG,. All A. wAih wIar ffiariNg,Nlylol ps he.Ineekwiul it will be easytoproevent thounds of menin armfrom TEAPOTS, CASTOBS, SPOONS, LA- price.. 1 ,$-Hay. e O~t~ Market~ Republicanof the 14th,) thesfding of the body of a man The New York Express says Barnum's Auto- BritansniMetCOFFEE and J. D. DAMEIIONA CONo.,. having a goodunderstanding with each other. DLES,os. Coimoerioa1`auiee&ss rio Haireto the 8th north of the city, who hadcommitted suicide by hanging. On one oecasion when the new admini4trationof the biography huaalready been subscribed for to the amonunt N .. SIN.,S5'C.EAN. LJIpan.Id Waitersn d Try.; BrousdIand GiltG olarLELp; ninety copies; lut, report the werage saoles of cotton in that Mr.Kennedy, the coroner,furnoehes us with the pardtn- krevolltedcrown domains(this was was the introduced, case in nearly the peasantsall the provinces),in Poland of thousand andif the demandcontinues Frnsh Moderatoramps.; Hait Lamps end Chaideler.; Ivory H..- -F. P. Duconge the inquest, body was found, about3 oa'cock inthe present manner, the copyright inthe United States diedand Plain Cutlery; Fire Ins anodStands; Cat, Molded and DIEIlarm*hi. i4ien.NS Nand. ulttn, lAnatblINEN J.I retuAd aiekt at about 1000 bales daily. Prices were Ilars of The andthe troopswere ordered out. Thepeasants wouldnot t net Ware;Bron.ed, Gilt arn Silvtred Girtdoles; TablO amd huN&.dne,J Sunday afternoon,ner the Six-mileHouse, on the Belle- disperse,and the generalgave orderste load. The soldiers alonewill Barnumsome $200,000. P1.n0Gls wthout any change of moment. • foqtaineroad, hangingto a wild cherry treeby a yellow exeCtetdthis order, soupposingthat it had been given to DoorMstr; Brushes: Napkin Rings; CommotT:n aod Japanned Ware, CFLARTRES STREET, f people werenot in- b delie.d atan part . XiVO.:0 Sintimidatethe insurgents bet the with any otherartiltes, all of which will Celwoeo Post-ose Bmbezslement. cotton handkerohief, and the'feet two feet anda hal ,af-Among diseases, dyspepsia and liver 'ptf Bicnvillaand Cuatomhonw meet.. hnhr.he in ow pm1,in thesity freseof charge. a kTEN IVE ANDENTINEI.Y NEW the aabove groned. Nearlya hundred persons,coming from timidated. Then the generalmade a sign to the colonel complaitnrank a mostdicult toours. We are pleased STOCKOF DRUGIS,NIEO- ! otho otoIaA SBITIxrone, Nov. 28.-Wm. H. Martin, to fire. Thus commanded, the soldierstook aim, but did ICINES,CHEMICALS, FINN PERFUMEYN SURGICAL tohave it in ourpower to point out a remedywhich Large Stock Clothing .tow INSTRU- elnoclpal distributing clerk in the Post-office in tthe enrroundingneighborhood, had collooted at the spot, notfire. Astonlshed,the generl himself advaneed.and has MENTS,GLANS WAARE, ETC. and none of them had ever 'eeen or could identify the gave the word--fire. The soldiLerslowered their arms and provedeffectual in many cases,and whlchwe cansafely Opening. oqurtheal athe' this city, has been arrsted, on a charge of Ha keepsal agenera as Utontof F...1b, F~nrlianod Anificaa deoased. Hewas supposed,however, from hie drea and remainedimmovable, recommendas a certain and infalliblecure; it has been PATENT MEDICINES, Well,what do you eupposewas done to thoseeoldiers ? MONTROSS & STILWELL, stetaling letters, and embesslingthe money taken generalappearanee, to hare been a Frenohman. the means of rescuingthousands from an untimely Anda varietN N far*ileN*NmoreoLIr l, hi,lioan o br. N . Aholutely nothing. The commandantswere so much No.19 M anqu,coner of Commonsrset. of money thus taken garve. We meanthe HooanudGerman Bitters, prepared N. E.-P,.,,rriptinGattended p. . noun,with IhN p,.IN aN,. from them. The amouont alarmedat this affair'thatthey let it passin silence. -f Openedand now oening, a verylarge samrtment of fine and n109p1 m teWkl thtwl Mademoiselle Cruvelli, the prima donna who DThere is an example of what you maoydo. by Dr. C. M. Jackson,at the GermanMedicine Store, I said tqaimodiitto ieverat thousand dollars. ,,But to abstlainis not ail that you can do. The hour is 120 disappearedfrom Paris so mysteriouoly,a few weeks ago, Arch street, Philadelphia. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Curtaine, Damasks, Carpeting. eTeaork .. arkets. has been marriedat Frankfort-on-the-Maine,to h. Le comefor you to sidewith the massesin llssia, as did in adeat ourown msnus-ty atII' Fultonstreet, NewYork, ad ex- 1831the armyof Poland foritself. NO 19 CHARTRES STREET. 28. - The Cotton market of Paris. The mystery,then is dis- [ "To any inquiring what they shall do for prey forou ownheu st NewOrle~s,and made in thelatest style NawYoa, Nov. Vicomte de Vigier, dLetWea approach not beenid,that agreat epoch. inamoment so solemn and ter- D Th. undesi,,gNdNS,,in.tar. and Irr,ginI Aily EhNINer- a sough and cold, read s us•na,of the best goods anod workmnshlp. polled. Ier husbandhas a fortune of one hundredand we shouldsay, the followingce-a and, IHetiEIoN SILK aNd WORSTFID DAMASK ROPE, hare is dull, with sales to-day of barely 600 Todg.*rwsith hotceaeortment of GENTLEMEN'SFORNISH. PRIUNTED fiftythousand frans a year, anddrives elegant equipages ; ribleyou have been without fraternalcounsel. tifeate, which hasbeen rignedby onehundred of the ters LARTIN(i, bales. Priies are irregular, but without any INGGODS of thebest quulity. WORSTED,COTTON and WORSTED DAIMRAK, Weforeseea danger that meonacesyou. We wish to Housesof Druggitsin this country. to laybefore the LACE.,A MEUSLINCURTAINN, Iate but his nobility dates onlyfrom the time of Louis Phil. preserveyoufrom a crime. Haveconfidence in us. .5Sopltt MONTROSSAt STILWELL, CONNICES,ODIPS, TASSELS, quotiable change. tppe. The opera madeout a bill against Mademoiselle t Iis the uselaof the future that speakstoyon--Ruseia. poblio their estimateof a goodmediione. They are all CORDS,CURTAINNBANDS,TRIMIIINGS*, ,. VELVET,TAPESTRY RUNSSELE.BRLUSELS THRnE-PLY jt 7 byle-tiq' Cravellifor damages whioh will onsme the onehundred d freeand youog, condemnedto mutem on the native oil, men of the irstclass and of thehighest oharactor,whoae Carpeting, Carpeting. NE) Another Post-Office Robbery. INGRAINCAFELTING, TABLE and PIANO COVERS, TABLE and whomsevoice resoends in exile--the Russia of the experienceand business leadsthem to know, and this ia FRESH ARRIVALS. thousand franeswhich have been seised at the oanta- LINENLINENSIEETING, TOWELS, CRUMB CLOTHS, RUGS, NarwYbna, Nov. 28.-A clerk in the Post- martyrs,of the mines of Siberia. and of casemates--the opinion: egp igat- trices'sbankers. The haomge wree in a great measure tussiaof Pestels,and of Mouravieffs,of Ryleie and of their T O D D & C O., MATES,W officehas been detected in robbing the mails. Besetoujeffes--theRussia of which we are the heralds and d eeandIi Ia due to the maestro,Verdi, whosenew opera,written for " We, theundersigned, Wholrsole Drnggelst, loring l•• 120 C.9NAL. STREET, LOOKINGGLASSES, CLOCKS, CEHSNA WARE, BRONZE; PA- tongacuaied Teller. fe wihreflyrer's CherryPectoral, hereby crtify PERSHIP GERMANIA, PIER MACIIE.SILVEE PLATED WARE, MUSIC EOXES,Nc. Embeaslement by a Bank Oruvelli,cannot now be produced. theorgans before the world. ourbelitef tatit is thebest and mostrffectud rerLedyforPut- We hearyour cry of grief, your hatred,your call for me niaf ne w beantifnlpatterns. ROSEWOODand MAHOGANYFURNITURE, IREN FRNSI- Nov. 28.-The Paying Teller of ournyComplaoints eer ntelcd tolhe, icanpeopler. .4,nd r Wilopenthis several ad NewYonx, vengeanceagainst your oppresesors.We denounceto the mr ce VELVET, TAPESTRY, BRUSESELS, A man named James Bell was run over by euldfrou our Itcutldge of itsemnrausition, and Amerioan Exchange Bank in this city is world!rliving thereproach darkto crimes it, we opstigmatize your government,it-we apply we to itare the a elreeive TtREE-PLYand INGRAIN CARPETING. C o , MsliIIthe atnINSioa oS tN, pubhIe to our.INr ofHos. Pnr- l the the ears of the Hamilton and Eaton Railroad, near senfulnesc,crdilly careomendit tothe aflRiced as uorthl tleir Reseivdan Eo.igument snd for se low. hot iron withwhich it brands the living man. AshingAnirlN. .would aINSS, .npnIIINre JrHIS .A.q,.. tbSh. Sdisacoveredto hare embezzlded a large amount of rstconfidence, and ith the firm conuictionthatit will dofr .... ALSo.... god Sommerville,Ohio, on Wednesday,and instantly killed. liir allthat mrdicine caon d." NSgA,,..hand ofour15 oIN A, inpIA, ll .. ll cheaperrho l i y thoe.` for If our languagebe bitter and corrocive,it is because it relief a Sthe funds of the bank, by means of certited isisthe echoof the shrieksof violated women,the moans FLOOROIL CLOTHS, COCOAMATTING, Sotherhouse in thecity fr rashor .. tirfaotorpaper. CMCRTAINGOODS, S bt axeents lt several deserters from the RUGS, S,AND .202pIt ROBINSON & OLROYD. cheoeks drawn in the name of Irresponsible On the 18th inst. eofaged men dying under the rod, and the clanking of V. HsERaSEAsN idthe ohains to the soundsof which our favoritepoets, our f is a candidate to repre- aparties. army wereflogged at the Newport(Ky.) Barracks,and sentthe FooothRepueentotive DLtrito i.tth OtateaLegialntra, vlra TODD & CO., Southern BiUliard ,Saloon, then drummedout of the service. most loyalfiiends, are transportedto Siberia. Hoe. reaissed, CommtGion Thous.Mlceeoo, stL CarpetWreroom., WOO.105 and 10: GIRAYIERS ATRF.YT, a ipoion ohl be r,by In wordse a foreignin anticipationland we have of an commenced active openwarfare 190Canal street, near Royal, In n it rril b he witeed ixrxrerBt. Clurhrnd .. ur.Pr,."rr lr1I, VI NI.un. - FURTHER THE CANADA. ESOddpt TouroBuildisgs. George L. Leavitt, convicted in Manchester, a call-it is the bell afar off announeing A STATE LEOtISATURE.-Capt. JOHN A. THE LARGESTBILLIARD a; *or tha ttreigh willad Our wordis in JAQUESSion candidate to represent SALOONIN THE SOUTH.WEST'. SAlf aresat Sebastopol. N. H., of robbing his father of fifteen dollars,and vio-0. that the matins of the great fete of the resurrectionof the slrltepreaeutstiefDistrict "thepeople comm enesalso forthe Russian nation. This Itthe taltsLegiator, madevacnt by the reeaigltion ofHo. ti. . Rallett, Davis S Co.'s TWO ROOM--FOURTEEN TABLEB!! lently assa•lting him, has been sentenced to one day'. oiceor will not cee to resound until it is changed into M. M.MILLER Summers. al • PIANO FORTES. ar reurn,,. nLA.A.toS thA.E.liu.d pl.yligp1 The Soule Affair. solitary confnement,and State Pr:eonat hard labor for li, oNNN.wOIIN fortheenerINus rEpport tbh, ANreglEIn s tosin or a canticle of triumph. himin hi' NEffrto metaina Naw YonE, Nov. 28.-The accounts of the life. ______Distantas we are from you, we are your kindred,your As JULES LAVEO•NE, Esq., is a Candidate 89 Camp Street. Bill.,) lENSAbosld rPaNN aNl aIbor., to tah SIoautheSING., in size,in the 5Nllt~yoI its tIble', oN ,cNGNSI.e Russians and the Allies differ considerably with brethers. your only friends. We have reconciled the forthe StteaSeots, to lthe vacancycreated by therlaigaotio of Or The ofpurhers is rneaStedto eaminethose M AG- end TWOmen engaged in -the construction of a Rusoianswith the people of the West, who had con- theHon. J A. Braod. atd attntson Co.. quiet. re peottothe oonditionof affairs at Sabastopol. Sfoundedyou with the governmentof St. Petersburg. NIFICENTINSTRUMENTS. which are now taking the first rk in Mrr.Jldlcr has n bh pleapresobforoing his friend.that berr new work-hosesat Paterson,N. J., werelast week killed d-The Poles have offeredthe hand to us in our character The Russian reports state that but little injury CANCERnCURED.-Dr. Frazee has the honor !h. country. patronagehas eoobbid him to enlargeNo fIormer rornl end sl-- by the flltag of sonffoldlog. Four others were seri- Forbsuty of purityof tone, pdity of ction,they are of Rursians. Such is also the sense of the wordsthatwe toiTform th public that heis prRepredtreat allucase ol this fatal finish, and Te" numlrmhr Graof1nd his LIllouTnblee. wIl hblr.'lerntr , has been suffered by their works, while the Eng. ous andone fatally injured. ussurpas.sdbyannyuiufstursd. fromDInrier have addressedto them-sueh is the characterof our dluaes;0•0 be willGUARANTEE A CURE IN EVERYCASE, to Unionno-.elsl and contain TEN BILLIARDTABILES .ifk scounts say that the town was in rains allanoe with them. They have appreciatedour love for accept wheneomevitlorgenmay beaneoustyaortod. TThesubriber hasustR received tentoy of t~asesplendid PIANOS, oftheIt racy beetmauaulutore urd ntmt approvedquality. i $ the Bridget Welch and Ellen Holland, servantstd the Russan people. On your side understand it alseo, Oventheo,in rlouIstyles of cass, andof 6, .. A sad 5 octt.e. sowlite. the neerermay obtaino much ralies. ThoeeasmioedwithCaneerou whichadlu-lu . ree~dFsllso. and up.. fpm it, will -Uhh Four with 12,000 dead within the walls. and lovethe Poles-bocaure they arcePoles. of MadameBasry, of Boston, weresuffocated by an es- afeCtoioare invited tovtitDr.F. ad ren-DuringputthewholeTablc~. the month n~blitbeat hasbeen geohslonl rnge ot What de the Poles ask? Conulhtratios aIteelree. sIusactor.e,.sected withe grea,- y The French complin that their movements As ofhies PIANOSIro veHarioother ovatedand rggied, and storydeirable additionmade. It to he In capeof gu from one of the pipes one night last week. An independentPoland, which will be freeto confeder- n evridee. aicerityp ad hiseonetdeone inhileayltm ao treatment,Dr F.will undertake to cur. eseryeas of Cancer lention~andwill be the Loctenteadraeor of theprprielo.. t Mh ar muohn retarded by the long range of the They were fNonddead in their bed in the morning. ate itself with Russiaemancipated from autocracy,with- epe- nSl0Ip6SltW H. D. HEWITT,AgEat, 55 CRp sloeet. out alowing itself to be absorbed by her. The federal ensed,andmake no cbhargeutil the patient s cored. Patients _the SOUTHERNBILLIARDB SALOON thy moatelegant and the itussln guns. ramspopular oppositeto the uni- credwithoatpain or the uo ofthe knLte. Twenty Dollnrsettby I. the ci y. The Washington Union of the 17th says that, heformityu nion isof that,a despotic perhaps. centealznatlon.which is most Fall C(lothing. Thare thesib liih a>ndTurkish troops which re- mailwill teer, a ebac uofthe CANCER SPECIFIC, wRth ftl N.ew or hreeoolpncen-oa. as UnoaaedTwo As Grrlulhrn judglngfrom Informationreceived in Washington, the The preeentannexnation of Poland to Russiais an ab direction.foram. Addrae DoI.iFIAZEr. PIERSON, HARRISON & CO. both ofwhich can be dterorareaby InatomeAt night. Aco.Uanrar 'ewe the assault of the Rlisdansat'Balaklavr brutal force. Aftertwenty-threeyears of 0.tronag, EmperorNapoleon's reasons for prohibitingMr. Bouleie rdity-aworkoof apltpy ore., s st.Charle.seltrat., 1 MAGAZINESTREET, 1 i..olicit d. M. M. MILLER..901pl y, rc e to of pereoution,the Governmentdare not displacea single obaind, b appear to have been almost annihilated. frompasing through France must be grave indeed, to in its CORNERCANAL. thtlw96w- i re imentin all Poland witho•utsending another RUPTUOpS CURED.-Sherman's Curative Pa- Bals., Soirees, Concerts., etc. The Maoitour and Rlr. Soule. prevent them fromtheimputation of being a national nee. tWAn receivingby eory stekmar(Iom NewYork, the awat trnsa oin fwe tentTres and Roupture Remedy is a reliefsadcomflort andertacl TO RENT, The Paris Monitek r contains a conciliatory T1ese forced unions only perpetratehatred, andtime gusuaotenlatbeeureu all Ruptures. To seeoresgood it, atpplyto 2UTheI. g nodcwodio. ROOMI,. t. MASONICHALL., worksno change. Are Hunogaryor LombardyAustrian ? WIJNTER CLOTHIJNG, article respecting the affair of Mr. Sould. Among the articles disposed of at a recent thepro etetr'eastbleabhmnst, 10 l. Cterles, nodibqutre los whichAhe. beenfittd up CI....lyt pecticulo.. 1101 ryrta- qr The only Baltic provinces which accommodatethem- alf on- OWNMANUFACTURE,w hih we of.rk lowpriceE at for0..ienaBALLS, SOIREES, CONCERTS -r LECTU RES. Governmentof Petersburg Dr.BhemaH. For ftarther particuler, ee a1vertCemeaton third salein the Crystal Palace was a shirt for $136,which it selvesto the Holstelno-Mongol pageorspplY frs wholesal orreiil, terms,pply atthe o.,a ofth, GrandSecretboy, North Carolina.Senator. arm their childrenout of devotton,in defenseof the Greek to the tolore derictlvepamphlet. f.b21lyi For Inth, 0dd- took a femalefour months tomake. Mr.Plsque,of Wash- NEWSTILE MIELTON CLOTH IIAYMARKET COATS; in. -rust ofSt. Cherlrrnd Perdido streets. 0907prm Orthodox ohurch-with the Lutheran Bible in their fShort and sweet, read it while you may, CASSIMERESUITS, .rsy hand.oEme; B•rtm0onn, Nov. 24.-The Legislature of iegtoni boughtthe beautiful statue of the •ladiator for LIGIITFANCY pockets. BLUEand BROWN CLOTH FROCKS PALETOTS; eoI Nodth Carolih has elected Gov. David 8.Reid Timeia hort-I kno youcan notetay; and Cuba Tobacco. 53000. If we Russians will not understandthe nenessityof the ELEGANTPLUSH VELVET VESTS; as Senator inCongress for fonureare, to fill the restoration of Poland, Poland will not the less separate Butif your hair isgray, swhite assnow, DIRECTIMPORTATION FROM ST. JAGO DE CUBA. A Wasilng ton dispatch of the 17th inst., to from us, or else she will be separatedfrom Russiaby oth- GILLMANtt'SDYEwill mote it bluack a rorw, FRENCHFANCY CASSIhERE PANTS, new styles. Or Th,,e hundred,., fidtyd..l0.l..ap..O COBATOBACCO, vacanoy now exiestpg in the Senatorial repre- then she will become not independent, but SAuburn, orbrown, asyou mary de.Lre- .... ALSO...... ,pp.' 811O..l..ding the NewYbrk• mes,says: " The Presidentis busyon his er.; and perbrig, Fnny,P rom8,t. JIo d. V.0.. sentation of that State. foreignto nos. Ten minuolethnl is all t willrequire. SHIRTS,DRAWERS, UNDER SHIRTS, and every varity ofFUR- andlorfle. by S. DEV1S1CR A CO.14 M hiwl tre.t. n0S9;rS message. It is understood he will invite the attention of The quetion between Poland and Russia is a family - Foralse io NsewOrleano, wholseale and stal, by NSHINI GOODS. Congress to the many reent accldents to ocean steam- question-not one of foreignintervention. We ought to otao J. WRIGHTaI CO. atChartres estreetl. w"Our Retsil Department on FirstFloorwill alwys be suppled Cocoa ! Cocoa ! Arrival of the Hermann. ships, and repommendfurther legielation in reference to settle it for ourselves,and that without arms. wIththle Latet NoteltieI, a citensE d contry merchantsre rs. tE T,,,ty.i.o beg.of p.priorOUAYAQUIL, ending per lrg For it is not the Runssianpeople that you defend in Po- spsetfisyIsnvited tocsllAbesro, p•a,.is . ,I 6Stod F...y, fromSt. JbgoIs Cob.,sod for .1. by OceanSteam NavIgation." land. The Russian people,at the firsthourof its rerur- S For Sale, FURTHER FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. OpS. 0. DO1100CR C CO. 74 Myg..1 s treet rection,will deny you andwill urse your viotories. You A STADING PRESS, nitablefor a JOBPRINTER or Great .ttraction. .10 cor- The State Treasurer of Ohio gives notice to sustainthere the pretensionsof the Czar-of that Czar BOOKBINDER. Will be oldche.pifpphedfor.arlyat thicE.. Ur The uoporigo.dwill oBer- Coffee I Coffee r i~ ADAIS ,Ih SouleAAffair. who leares the half of Russinain a state of who b•.holderp thatthebyneed not upneceeserly loseone dol- serfdom, .•/AOVDA Y, Sity-twoObogprime CUBA COPPER, Ilndiig per brig Fo..y, takesnine reerulitsout of a thousand, who permitsthe .A"ew Cloak and .1ilfinery Rooms. NOVE.MBER 20. I' reERa ON 5HIPBOARD. isr on the Ohio stook'banks, ao they are abundantlyase- to 500yjads RICH PLAIDBILKS, at 765 elnt per yrd; fromS. Jag.deCuba, and for W1eby ocere to strikethe soidlers, the agents of the pollee D. P. SCANLAN & CO., NewYOar, Nov. 24. -- The Bremen stekmeroarsedby the pledge of State and United States stocks, heat the bourgeoLis,and all who are not peasantsto beat 80 .. RICHWIDE BROCADE, at*l per)ard; .ll9pet S.DE VISS11 R CO.74 Meg,.io. r10l. whibohbrsetilcommandinga premiumin the Northern thoe who arepeannte. Know,then, that In deftuedinog No. 12 Chartres street, 400 .. HANDSOMEMOURNING BILKS,at $1per yard; ermannnhas arrived here, bringing dates from of Russia; that fight- H00 .. SUPERWIDE GLACE SILE8, peryard; Choice . ahogany. olties.. him you suostainall the scourges I Havethe honorof informingthe Ladies,tha;, Ia dditionto atl ing him you fight for seignorialright, for rode, ri- 40 .. STRIPEDBROCADESILKS,IStSpIeyard; g$ FortyLoge o110o.4, MAH00ANY, lending ex brigFTIy ind LiCvepoolto the 8thinst., which arantlioipated for theirpresent establlhment, the) haveopened Roome In thestore by the employees,and the spoliations No. 0romSt. Jegld. Cob.,Indfor very, organuiedtheft t. di.plsyof choiceeollectico of FASHIONABLE650 .. BLACKSATIN STRIPE, YARD WIDa $lperysd. . ieirmby the Canada's accoounts.Her advices, how- A serious aecident docurred a few days since made in thuopenAay by the Boyarde. 0o0Spit I . DE VISSER1 CO.74 Me".i,.. etre. ever, embraoeeth following items not included on the BollefontaineRailroad, near St. Louis, ausedby a Poland hoeas ffered enoneh from Rtuowi. Even had ARTICLESIn CONFECLOUS.NOCO;OUIES and MODES, o 24 " Fd " .of Baton them atedby one of Lhe irm from the tn hbouseinI ari.. 4S5Idpllt pier. 19-4REAL BARNBLEY HEETING. at 50eEn. per yrnd Havana Sugar. treehteg fallen on the track. Thelocomotive ran into she been giltyof n•errors,she has longago expiated 20 .. HEAVY-4 LINEN DAMASK, t 1per yard. in the diepaoof the Canada's news: ier ohildren nder agehtre been carriedoff, her women 53 Si0 hundred.14 fifty e.... WHITE,YELLOW .. d BROWN, it while turninga eure, andthe engineerand stemen Fall and Winter Clothing. We r recelvingperBlEk Wanior a splendidlotof the richest diztr os -MAdditionslreiaforaements throwninto prison, her defendershave perishedin 8ibe- werekilled. The sre wereseashed up badly,and several ria, her frields are dispersedall over the lurfaOceof the F. STRINGER & 0C. r 10oopHt S. D VIOSER& CO.14 Mag..i.treat.l. under (le s alpeaanenbu ({) were on the( personsmore or lfas hurt. globe, her trophies hare been carried to Petersburg. NO. 35 CAMPSTREET, PARISIAN CLOAKSAND MANTILLAS. Imarch brSebsatepol. and at the last acconts They have not even left her a past. 3' Aerocow recelring nw .tyll. of AmongthIm ommo lot bought atGREAT BARGAINS! Sweetmeats. No! On the Polishsiell grow laurels for Russian war- The availshimselflof "r Twentybo... HAVANASWEETMEATS, l..41.g p.. brig were spp ta a ll lelauL camp On the night of the 10th a drunken German, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, undeoosigd thilopFportnity to aythat, atr tiers. It is full of the teansof women,of the blood of nearlygre years abence from the management ofthe business here, SonlnaJ.Pan, nd lfo .1 by named(thOaiFelarteen, was found dead upon the ex-. FOR GENTLEMEN'SWEAR. men shed by your fathers-perhapa by yourselves. On hewllI, Im thIAforth, dvote hi. whole toIt, and will .00Spot 0. DE VISORSR0 CO. 14 014..Il-.Ot. ai s liox 0si -A dpatch from SuperBseak add FancyCoload Oloth .Dtln1io ff8r treme brink of a bunig lime kilnnear Washington. lih the bordersof the Vistula, near the cemeteries of Prnga EVERYINDUCEMENT TO OLDAND NEW CUSTOMERS. Havana Cigars. s Iocmp at ustopo1states that righthand wasburneadentr5Itoff, and hileftpartly con- and of Volga,thereis no militarygloryfor you. Theonly FROCKand DROSS COATS, possibleglory for you in Polandis the gloryof reconcllia- OFFICEand BUSINESS COATS, E. REILLY, 3 9,... hOOndO.tbo,.,d HAVANACIGARS of the1,1,0.O1,4 terrMblae~weter had prevailed on the BIaqk oamed. Tle ajuryof inqueesteecidedthat.his death wa tion andalianoe ! OVERCOATSand PALETOTS. P. & E. REILLY, o..,d.o:; Uguo.,Cab.o. p C.rb..I.ul.Gacia,Maoeg.,1Atl.0imid, Sea, sadlthe AditedIo~Sa had been compelled awsed~lyaefocation from the gas proceedingfrom the What you have to do-how you shouldset yourselveeto Alarge variety of French,EgRlh and Amerolea Plain and Fancy W,,0g0,o Plori d. "-*"'I, 0,1ll110,Ni1ti.., Co. 0sIsp6% CornerCanl d Royalatreets. a Tiri,Pernl to lieve athirteaid t about Sebastopol and adln. worh-you will learnwhen the time will hare come. Our CASSIMEREPANTS; bans,C..Atao, tc.,,etc iI..re0en.d for tale by eounselsehall not fail you. But in awaiting these events, SILKend VELVET VESTS; n11106t 8.-C Y1100R 0 CO.14 Mlaga.nel,,t. put to0e , Cuderotandthe truthof our words,and by all that you City Bank of Cochran & Co. Op t.20th and 80th of October. CASHMEREend DRAP D'OR VESTS; 8 s1trsee. Alittle daughter of Mr. J. W. Wright, of ntver to carry arms against P'ointd. 1O.p hold rnored,swear Phin andRick Figured SILK and SATIN SCARFS and CRAVATS; Catalonia Winie. the becleg rw wgre pepletely, drenched, and Jamestown,Neir ork,was lately burnedto death under It is not the Czarwho exot this oath ofyou ; it is the &tNOTICE--From and after his dat SIX PER CENT.INTER. JOUVIN'SKID GLOVES; 3'Lod'ng pertrig nooielJ. P1er., and popular conscience-the remorse of the people. And EI0Twillbeo ,pidon Moneys'oIt inthis Bank, payble opdemand.- I.. Haven, foret.. iere usable,to keep uptheir re :onthe towp. the following olrumstanoes: It appears that Mr. W.'a UNDERGARMENTS ' thoughyoun should perishfor this cause, your blood will d HALFHOSE,of SILK, MKRINO, FLAN- IIGHTPERCENT.INTEREST paid on Moneys leftfoornnyspei by thn.1u.isnig.. -TheTu tBolte&rrAlo Wrench Govern. dweling took Are, and on the child being rescueders be saeered-youwill have fallen expiatoryvlctlms to the NEL,COTTON, est.; iedtime. 0erp.typp..1. Il LonOIllpipe. CATALONIA WINE, of superio ant siats that ioexclusion of Mr. Soule creptinto an out-bnldingwhich waseventually consumed freedomof Poland-a freedomto be shared in common SUPERLINEN INEN OSOMCOTTON SHIRTS, warraned CERTIFICATESOFDEPOSIT issued,ifdesired,hearingL hearmsqohltIy. 0.00 010S00 .0 CO.74 O0.g.,l stl..l. 1900.11 tolear thef inoa"neeotla with' tOhdwelling. with Ressn ia;the oommencement of the free association wellmRde; 1teolIOtertH,1d,:gotiabl inanyC ofthe ioofthe F ansomw hee enlirelyoruo upon private of all the 81Oavoniasin a-united and confederated ne- SOLELEATHER TRAVELING TRUNKS, of the beatPhiladelphia Havana Cigars. .a maafaErtuAe. IHORTLOANS mad uoUndMbted Collaterals. mhl 5• Smith O'Brien, the Irish patriot, was among poublie. at dSE, I.ANDOINPER BRI0SAMUEL 3. PETERS,FROM HAVANA. orteiboi dusaoentlv bilorte,leterert onl hmit. bebeen Creme De Bouzy Champagne, W.Twoboodred end foot thousand 61. hundredCIGARS-Rega- F-•re a"f :Ba-Theship Glenbure; bound the passnga in the steamnhipCanada, on her recent 'Works of Honorable Charles l.,4 Medi0R.&"&, LIamdn,, CilinEItol0, P1,..0do., P.111,11a, M I. exlitlirlt circulatedin Waoswe Miearchlent, In the RuuluxIee- & FILS BRAND. fromliir Orlelstt••fa•re, had been spoken trip from Maltt to @ibraltar,he having arrived from uogeoen ilooieetly dietribtidieotee tOo iopo, withot ths li- Gayarre, JACQUESSON '.1es, . c.,EfIA beatbra.d., fo1o.tll by Anatrallavia Mdrase. llooked care-worm, and on lear- euoietbeiog aware ort. tIoh, imeeitrlated toei byah loturky 3 FORSALE BY An ,tirelydlferetarltleefromthe Crdme de BSoey of other brand,. Ill9pH 0_S.0 1100R &CO. 74 `i h wheliftiy-four dats out. 'One iburth of t.n. . .tie the otherbrande,i tag theateamer, (beis prohibitedfrom returning to Great J. B. STEEL, InNOWLANDINGO, 10 bket.of abovnd - oew quartand pein, ad willrecolve, inthe orn ofa fewdays.utill ,'ew andiFashioosable Clotihng: her c had died frog ie.faever. Britaen byte terms of hbl pardon,)remarked that h: en- LAW PUBLISHER,BOOKSELLER TaHSLoOP-or-WAu ALBANY.-Fears are AND STATIONER G0r00ereupply. FAKNCIS FADRE & CO. obile Qotten a1reat. searuelyknew what countrymanto call himself. It is tertained of the safety of this shlp, and the Government ThisWioelsdecidedly superior tosny other Chapampelmport•i Currer of S1. Charleosmd C oooR ..MN0[o, Nov. 24.-The.e hasbeen an supposed that he contemplatesvisiting Italy. decidedto send the steamer Tuttonin search of her. 60 Intothis maroket, asi. wllknowRbyall whohaetr0ied JACQUK00O0 stret, active has Carp TREET. 60 111,,001,1frindtheirl.rg. BeSg0 ln toIvtl the their to ROMANCEOF LOUISIANA--Ivol., mo; SFILEBrand oeItherCREMEDE BOUZY or FLEUR D SI.SERY. 3 1et ;aa a the Gotteonmarket hereduring The Albanywas at Curaoes early in September,bound andwell storko 439o the Do do do roll.,8.o; Alsoon haod, my usualamsortment oftio beet WINES ae selectd A little German boy accidentally hung him- probably proceeded 3 +aiaetom g- ter part of to Carthagena,and from thence she m.Aket,whichwillbe oldon ureonabl. term.s FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, the past week, and the sales self in Hoboken,N. J., the otherday, while endeavorIng HISTORYOF LOUISIANA-TheSpanh Domination-Ivol., 8ro; LIQUORSla.the tots e on aeorlee aboutthe West India Islands. Do do do FeIehDomlEtio.--I I.,S,.; snyoherhouse lasTh city. nowreeivgl f.llrom their m0.0'tory in1N0.,.4 ,.mbiacingevI esalraee 18,800 bales. To-day factors have to getlntoa asel. He got upon a bench, raised one el THESCHOOL FOR POLITICS-A Dramatic Novl Jtlol1nt0 AWELLT. TAYLOR.No.I RoBalsr..t.articleappertaining ao " %ent~mm''lwadrobe, and ,ich will b, been frs and buyaer not comingforward the beards eomposing the roof, and ineertedhis head, TaI 8SNitwict ISl.AND.--The Boston Chron- INFLUENCEOF THE MECHANICARTS. o1I~rrdon nary rnodorst. term.. 0 Addiional..ppUl .ill .1 relwird readily, the transartions have been confinedto when the beanbalippedand his nook wascaught between J. B. STEEL, Furnished Dwelling House lb.lgbont thes1Dol t ea.1i1s. iole publishes the following intelligence from fy.I..rlp,. sw to ALep1he .oll..nt 1,, AllAnddIb,1l.. f am. o0 the s the roofndroof the shed. A silly man who . 48out800 bales Middling,olosing at 8o pe; lb. saw New0rleanSaltioiers' Warehoeu. FOR RENT. a71pd4&W0 eear u, m ee the child, the Sandwich Islands as coming from a perfectly The receipts of the instead of renderinghim assisetane, ran for a 094SIp3t N.. SeCamp. treo. Thelarge thre..stooy BRICKDWELLING HOUSE at the cor- 42-13 ------iarket have been 9800 magistrte. When extriaated the body was warm but reliable source: naro, Jolia and l.roae .treet, eGotin tongood rooms all com- sewelt T. 2syLor, bales; the sales for the same time 6800, and Ulifead aton. Jouvin's Kd4 Gloves. pletulyfurnished, willbe rented with or withoout theFrnitre chap By a recent privateletter from Honoluluwelearn thata to geodteaunt. NO. 15 ROYALSTREET, "Y~ i b.S" 1 s w the stookreaninlag n hand this evening em- messagewill leave that city very soon for WaRhington SJit rsivrd pership ANN REDWOOD, from Hare, our 1hi IMPORTEROF AtNew Loadon, Butler with a treaty of annexation. which has been drawnup 1pplyof Also,the STORE No. 4 Nathe.str.eet, conerof Areaud p5s5ge. braces a I4 ltms. Two county, Ohio, on the in properform, but not yet signed. a Judge Lee.who was to [to18dptf] TODD& CO.,110Cmul srers. WINES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, etc., etc. barkr and two brigs Apply WBOLSALE 18th ast.,the ower f the new CongregetloneletChurch, directedby our tovernsmeutto witness the elgnaturesof JOUVIN'S KID GLOVES. AND RETAIL. save r See drwrtlhmontanothlcolumn. arrl `at this port to-day. in corneeoa ooptr•atlton,fell on the workmenand the Ilstrument in qaestion.has been obligad to abeent iao ds stf other., ...I ....Lso . Southern .PIfitary .eademy and killed Bobert•JoneeuN. Jones,John himselffrom tonolulu on account of ill health,and con- O. Jonee,and near"lyho not been able as yet to attend to the duty Peritm.a. BLACKWARRIOR sad EMPIRE CITY, ho New J. D. Hewriquez, wooqdd ten othew,~ LOTTERY Staiqembota Passing. t or twoeofthem fatally. John C ned to him. Yorkl, l•th.r supplyof FASHIONABLE Jonea was a wealthy Welshmen, WTS ASnon8eO Or wa se "nor GE5AG.] CLOTHING and generallyknown T treat y to be signed hy •ll the ehres, and they Plus. AND VPtegh ee, e. 24.:The f wllowingsteam. are sash to rereive a peneion,whih ceaseswith the death OVERCOATS;BUSINESS COATS; BLACK and FANCYCAMS. [ 14e aa0e4 amow hbkenntrymen throughoutthe.oountry. OLAS8 GENTLEMEN'S Imbatoes s4s 4ine u the last of the recipient,with the exceptionof the pensilon to be MEREPANTS; RICH VELVET,CAHUMERaEd SILK VESTS, 1, . FURNISHING STORE. a esge 24 houre peld to the King, which is to be transferredto Alexandsr 1r TO BE DRAWN NOVEMBER Ol.1854. . ETRUNKES, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, ETC. sd" uperioruorta of LINEN.. MUSLINSHIRTS. Draw. abonda*neSw Orleasea be Edibuorgh at 0 WQlleae F gQtin Cat, who killed his father, in asehe shall seurvi his Majesty. It in understood O. Prieto 90 TiOket.-sad aRemmber, EveryPri NO.14 ST. CHARLES STREET, ThIreedoon LEIGHTON e9055m IVksouot $a 91.e; n 11hp4 ObeeSeptember last,and that the wholeamount to be paidin pensionswlllbe rome & BARBOT, IbelowVe.naSb Hotl,) New Orlean. '0elk agt;thie Fanzy Bullit at 12 last n1151p4I o. Cr.l oeepgd h jiWatweaoeqpmlitted to the Holnevrille wherefrom three to four hundred thouand dollars per oad t1.Chalu mel,New0rles.. 1lw ajt $ this mooming;the ...... , Embroidered F'elvet 'jllaR lty eeaning,the 10th enat.,by 8 T. BOrhhalter The property belongingto the present Governmentof Wipood, Wood, Wood...... 0,600 aefsts...... ,09 I tkteafternaea. a4 tephepbAebrtton, of Wehlgtone prirh,, e~,and thaisandselto beprohased outright by ouarGovern- W HSvni forsall a1ule .pplyof OAK, ASH. PINE ndMIXED I- ...... NORRIS & WAY, treaty w 4WJit, hbtliqgat the next April tae of the Pike ment for a fixedsam. WOODof the bat qu lit, I wil dIqpoof it inlap or small 1o8 S0A• l,a...... lM u ...... 6000 CLOTHIERS, athe n;ls atuuer The above items of intelliganee may be relied pen ua 4t lowestmarklt l. E, WHITE,New BA. nSIB "P- wall f01Pol...,sool iE.lp.o...... $0,050 poenty Ooealt fOapSoe m true bill of monrdr,fend in J. CorerOAMrIPndCOMMON STS., (mde, moreot,as they comefrom the higheat authority. i5-Everyprs doowsat eeh drawsg. the LCtyHItel.) ,ata ew,. Uo m. w th eop bythOGapd Jueyat the ltst Otober tena Easbrolderles, Bilks, Etc. SHave jut receivedachoie mroiceof thureet, FBll oni.ollmlo4eatBEka eeaPro. Ihp Gcvem had oewesda rewaroff 200fbr The NewYork Herald of the 18th contains the ... AT THE.... llommuniatoESA E stOtellyBAds.tR . RICH VELVET thappet of thefg .... AND .... ttva. foiowig dispatob: CHEAP STORE, LAMatErELSWAN, A.l..••dMssog W ROYAL PLUSH MoIWSe hftomth 20 ulth. WuenroTee, Nov. 17, 1e4.--Dlpatches have beenre- VESTS the arival of Oror varietyandcolor, to which they inviue th. eepec tath salvedat the Navy Departmentanneasingl 185 CAMP STEET. 185 ats.ulo o~tii por b h oem.Perry at Seuthampton,Engiland. Roots, shlsoes and Brogans, ofteir riende. * Slptt HARY .ell. Embrideed udafm NSoatsS M $I Mr.Sertlgee, the FrenchMiniatr, had an interview at ATWROLIAALZ. the State Departmeantthis afteroon with Mr.Mrey--th• HARRY.lll PIE MaS i.Onde Laiie at 6Iee" p- 7ud NowLmdiaa fom chipNorldk, ad is Itn, a CIarles E. s lla, 1, #aatA+;ecopt~etlIk bkMhkUII fSentside the Som afteair. Iraenl iwpdye , HARDYal. PE Sl.llMHlldeUIst.mpusLll • . .p ortmelt of BOOTSSBHOES,BROGANS, HATS, CAPS DENTIST, et to week on her, pd she will be in It s peottrue that the British Gouvsr t hve smenta No.IIC.oI tDet,NeOrleI.. M M DM eaudlieeeft re It• two weeks 4ctm the time the HARBYs IutrFla.E lleShMdi0o 90 cstsm per yad. eta GSHbma*qppliM.Hith pd.. DITCHINGBOOTS.IID3SSI 1r ARTIPFICIAL Sttba Dtma a.mwa dJu a navatlrc tothe West aditsewith a y'ereslne to •n- HARDY Sap.,hSa.,,S MeoSat saM..peryad. TEETHrerted is te he0tl orderw neeetei . 'Th•detlation of the ship i• not be, he beensated MA. SOOTS,BBOGANS, WOOL, MEXICAN,PAILM LEAP, STRAW ma D.mEr.r.K, willref, to p5.os owri - 6 *bt ae~mw.nko tha taa. eeauti bad s DLARBY.ll. R1edllS.. Da. k, $-.4,1l ,1 p••yad. CAMPRACHTHATSItthebrettuuknprip e b fuLlo W• t•wlbchforBEAIUTY, UTILITY IAND COMNORT settiJely bow, e yet, Ihlt to roeored that she will Silkand LIm. Dau., 8.4It 1 pr y1wd. TOTHE WtIg•E• c IAUBDY,A JyISadpkw IMOSTIt CO.IStoMam . toNk e..elled. IIS9ply n to l4iormstion.wauted of 0. lAcoek, a jour- HARBY1a41 AmClm P Sdtfot , from' t 151cents per yad. $th edlterranein Mt oagehlpof the sqnadron neyman printer who left Warentn, N. 0., in July, 18e. 0 Embro1derdCkml4t. .ad S•IEme;YTM..Al ih sheeatAve feetnix d!shs hige•sadlnrp die, na HlAT lYile Rih A MBats, Caps, etc. PLANITdR(ON TrMd sd RHsi•SLMe"; Sm.Mldend SriAsH,.-l, At oqI.l CI(#AR MEXICAN ANDd~T ar nhis fbice and has llnt eye. H we•d se hat i ATWUSLESALL' ppnarawnnH4rl. ll.o to ul the keel of the war steamer Ni gera, medin getting out lowpric. aeaataalprea we an a apw l m.Wmn CCUB YANAF60RIA.OatA rt aw...4~rn o ugh b-eulaIaraloba ry ollnWmiegtoen, •.O. Any infemation ronrcrnleghl SOILCOUNTY, RLNTDO TRE EE, ndarq nlrsoonl pow v .wI~pp ggbe.Ia gagoltbpaopI.cthatoItjv~rytborugg will be thanfully received at thin o2ce. iph STh lllply invitedto ell nd ami my SiikParCaesimere,Pmemh Leahom,Stewr Palm ILut. MedeuoIMAl.OSHEIDSOSHWRAPPERS odFILLERS. TOBACCOI her timbers. Paper throughout the Bouthwill confera fvoron .n4 will .d stlk. madNIHal HTS, a IlS, ANDSALES, aaloobd frm tbr l larre IMarkat wd forPlantatiud 61 rinknm IOaa. wmhurm6wSI ; k uht w esaI IslaMw mto, Orderashs beenr noted ionmWehipgt•oqto eouplete dIstresedmether hy cop"l eaeveDoati". LWssvoa- HORACE HARBT, No. 185 Camp trDet, ATTHELWEWUT MAURT PItI1. amrN{" IS r RsSRAW OtlaeeeleqW MiI Niali g e0 !(Hw thke8eblue the muets 4r'poutlM., tee (IL(. News 1 1p15 SluGy pe,1S8SI. SariaS ChwSeb Sri! Ilat 'IOWeQQI isqusw1a sruss mum rP)I34U t~tbol8~t~u"