Today Autumn 2019 Residents on the water to ‘Save our

Residents’ armada in action (photo Tony Nockles) Over the early months of 2019 there was its designed life and needs refurbishing to speculation locally that the Environment maintain its standard of flood protection Agency (EA) had plans to work on the for 3000 homes and businesses’ Ember Channel of the between Three possible scenarios were presented the Sewage Treatment works by the EA on the basis that significant and the Molember Sluice near Hampton expenditure might be required to maintain Court Station. the water levels on the Mole and The EA made these plans known in early Ember, the latter being the main flood June, when they held two information events management channel of the River Mole. for local residents on the first and seventh In summary the three schemes were: day of the month at Imber Court in East . The first event was not particularly A) Keep the present river levels and well attended but a week later word had replace the worn-out gates at the spread about the major changes planned Molember and Zenith Sluices and many local river-dwellers and others B) Lower the river level by 0.6 metres descended upon the EA staff. They were (2ft) to reduce the loading on the bombarded with questions and complaints weirs and remove the barriers to from residents justifiably worried about the fish passage amenity they had grown to love that was C) Lower the river level by 1.6 metres under threat. (5¼ ft) and install in-channel The EA described the Lower Mole Flood “berms” to form a “low-flow channel Alleviation Scheme as ‘reaching the end of and improve biodiversity”. 13

33642_TDT_AUTUMN_2019_002.indd 13 28/08/2019 08:17 Neither options B) nor C) were acceptable River Ember upstream from the Summer to local river dwellers as these would make Road footbridge. access to the river difficult for children and There are various estimates of the number the elderly. More important it would be of people involved, but it seems there were difficult to rescue anyone who might fall more than 100 people both on boats and into the river because of the drop from the on the towpath, including Thames Ditton towpath to the water of between 0.9 metres RA Councillor Karen Randolph and (3ft) and 1.9 metres (6¼ ft). Molesey RA Councillor Lesley Yauner. A further problem with lowering the river level, to allow for “berms” to appear, would The river-dwellers of Molesey have spoken be an inevitable deterioration of the visual and it seems that the EA has listened, appeal of the river, and the opportunities because plans for the changes to the river for general dumping of unwanted materials have now been postponed for several years. and fly-tipping. It is very likely that the EA can expect some vigorous response should they attempt to On Sunday 7 July local people expressed revisit these proposals. their united disapproval of the EA’s plans by forming an ‘armada’ of floating craft on the Tony Nockles

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