Personal Details and contact

Born February 4, 1967 Belgian nationality

Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, 43 boulevard du jardin botanique, B-1000 E-mail : [email protected]

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Systems Analysis and Economics for Public Decision Making, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1996 (Ph.D. Thesis – May 1996 – “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Partially Cooperative Solutions to a Global Externality: The Greenhouse Effect”)

M.A. (Masters of Arts) in Systems Analysis and Economics for Public Decision Making, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1992 (september 1990 – may 1992)

Licence et maîtrise en sciences économiques et sociales, option analyse économique, Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix, ,1989

Academic and previous employment

Since September 2013: Vice Rector, Université Saint-Louis, Brussels - Sep 2013 – Sep 2018: Vice Rector in charge of Education and International relations - From Sep 2018: Vice Rector in charge of International Relations

Since September 2001: Université Saint-Louis, Brussels

- until September 2003: Assistant Professor (chargé de cours invité) - until January 2008: Associate Professor (chargé de cours) - until September 2013: Professor (professeur) - from October 2013: Professor (professeur ordinaire)

Invited positions: ULG (2000-2006), VUB (2002-2003), Fucam (2006-2007), UCLouvain (2019-2022)

From September 1996 to December 2000: work in the private sector in Paris

From September 1989 to June 1990: Research Assistant for a research contract (econometric and provisional model of social security financing) Univ of Namur and Univ of .

Teaching duties

Current courses

Economics (in English) Environmental Economics (in French) Interdisciplinary Seminar on Post-Growth Society (in French)


Main administrative responsibilities

Current duties

- Since September 2013, Vice-Rector and Vice President of the Board of Management of the University - Since September 2013 and from September 2005 – September 2011: Member of the Board of Management of the University - Since September 2013 and from September 2003 - September 2011 : Member of the Board of Direction of the University - External duties: Since September 2013: Member of the Vice-Rectors Group for International Relations; Since December 2012: academic member of the CRI; Since June 2014, substitute member ARES Chambre de Universités and substitute member ARES Board of Management

Various Past duties

Within the University: President of the Education Council (2013-18), Dean, School of Economics, social and political sciences (2005-2011), Member of the Faculty Board of the School of economics, social and political sciences (2002-2013), Member of the Board of the Institute of European Studies (2007-2009),

External responsibilities: President of the Vice-Rectors for International Relations for the 6 french-speaking universities of (2016-19), Member of the Strategic Board of the Louvain School of Management (2005-2011), President of the ‘International Relations’ Group for the Academie Louvain (2009-2010), Board member of the Economic School of Louvain (2004-2009), Member of the Vice Rectors Group for Education (2013-18); Member of the Board and treasurer of the “Association Universitaire pour l’Environnement” (a not for profit environmental organization based at the Free University of Brussels) (2003-2016).

Research Interests

Environmental economics and ecological economics; more precisely, the economics of climate change, nature reserve selection and nature reserve design and other subjects related to environmental economics (ecosystem services, monetary valuation, …)


Published peer-reviewed papers (non Belgian Journals)

- Chantih, C.; Permpoonwiwat, C and B. Hamaide (2021) : “Measure of Productivity Loss due to Road Traffic Accidents in Thailand”, IATSS Research – In Press - Uehara, T.; M. Cordier and B. Hamaide (2018): “Fully Dynamic Input-Output / System Dynamics Modeling for Ecological Economic System Analysis”, Sustainability, 10, 1765, doi:10.3990/su10061765 - Cordier, M. ; T. Uehara; J. Weih and B. Hamaide (2017): “Input-Output Economic Model integrated within a System Dynamics Ecological Model: feedback loop


methodology applied to fish nursery restoration”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 140, 46-57. - Neve, M. and B. Hamaide (2017) “Environmental Kuznets Curve with Adjusted Savings as a Tradeoff between Environment and Development”, Australian Economic Papers, Vol 56(1), 39-58. - Albers, H. ; Busby, G. ; Hamaide, B. ; Ando, A. and Polasky, S. (2016) “Spatially- Correlated Risk in Nature Reserve Site Selection”, PLoS (Public Library of Science) One, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0146023 - Hamaide, B ; V. Colson, P. Lejeune and J. Rondeux (2014) “Recreational value of regional forests: the case of Belgium’s Walloon Region”, International Journal of Sustainable Society, Vol 6(4), 319-335. - Hamaide, B.; H. J. Albers and G. Busby (2014) “Backup coverage models in nature reserve site selection with spatial spread risk heterogeneity”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, vol 48, 158-167. - Cordier, M.; J. Perrez-Agundez, W. Hecq, B. Hamaide, (2014) “A guiding framework for ecosystem services monetization in ecological-economic modeling”, Ecosystem Services, Vol 8, 86-96. - Hamaide, B. and J. Sheerin (2011): “Species Protection from Current Reserves: Economic and Biological Considerations, Spatial Issues and Policy Evaluations”. Ecological Economics, vol. 70, 667-675 - François, M. and B. Hamaide (2011): “Certified Emissions Reduction Weights for Improved CDM Projects”, Environmental Policy and Governance, vol. 21, 31-41 - Hamaide, B.; J. Williams and C. ReVelle (2009): “Cost-Efficient Reserve Site Selection Favoring Persistence of Threatened and Endangered Species”, Geographical Analysis, vol 41, 66-84. - Lixon, B.; P. Thomassin and B. Hamaide (2008): “Industrial Output Restriction and the Kyoto Protocol: An Input-Output Approach with Application to Canada”, Ecological Economics, vol.68, 249-258. - Hamaide, B. and J. J. Boland (2006): “Cost-Benefit Analysis Is Useful In Evaluating Climate Change Policies”, World Resource Review, Vol.18, nr.2, p.427-438. - Hamaide, B.; C. ReVelle and S. Malcolm (2006): “Biological Reserves, Rare Species and the Tradeoff Between Species Abundance and Species Diversity”, Ecological Economics, Vol.56, nr.4, p.570-583. - Hamaide, B. (2004) : “Analyse économique de l’effet de serre et pertinence du Protocole de Kyoto”, Economie Appliquée, Vol.52, nr. 2, 147-169. - Hamaide, B. (2003): ““Economic” and “Political” Cooperation in Various Climate Policy Scenarios”, Climate Policy, Vol. 3, nr 2, 71-78 - Hamaide, B. and J. J. Boland (2000): “Benefits, Costs and Cooperation in Greenhouse Gas Abatement”, Climatic Change, Vol 47, 239-258.

Book and Journal (Ed)

- Fagnart, J-F et B. Hamaide (Ed.) (2012), “Environnement et développement économique”, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol 51(4), 120 pages. - Hamaide, B. et S. Brunet (Ed) (2012), “Développement durable et économie environnementale régionale”, Publication des FUSL, Brussels, Belgium, 286p.


Book chapters

- Efio, S., Sogbohossou, Z.Y. Magno, B. Hamaide, M.R.B. Houinato, M. Habiyaremye, B.A. Sinsi and C.R. Tossou (2021): “Socio-economic implications of crop raiding around Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, northern Benin”, in Press. - Brunet, S. et Hamaide, B. (2012) : “Introduction : Analyse du développement durable et applications régionales” in B. Hamaide and S. Brunet (Ed.) “Développement durable et économie environnementale régionale”, Publication des FUSL, Brussels, Belgium, p.7-10. - Hamaide, B. (2012): “Evaluation de la durabilité” in B. Hamaide and S. Brunet (Ed.) “Développement durable et économie environnementale régionale”, Publication des FUSL, Brussels, Belgium, p.33-38. - Hamaide, B. (2008) : « Biodiversité et réserves naturelles, croisement entre les analyses biologiques, mathématiques et économiques ». In C. Eberhard ed. « Traduire nos responsabilites planetaires. Recomposer nos paysages juridiques ». Bruylant Academia, Brussels, p.547-565. - Hamaide, B.; J. Sheerin and C. Tingsabadh (2008): “Nature Reserve Selection for Endangered Species Considering Habitat Needs : The Case of Thailand”, in C. C. Pertsova (Ed.) “Ecological Economics Research Trends”, Nova Science Publishers, Chapter 10, pages 207-229. - Hamaide, B. et X. Wauthy (2004): “Star Academy: un OVNI économique?”, in Y. Cartuyvels (Ed.) : « Star Academy : un objet pour les sciences humaines », Publications des Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, p.137-156. - Hamaide, B. (2002): « (In)efficience, (in)efficacité et (in)égalité de la politique économique et des négociations sur les changements climatiques », in E. Guttmann et al. (ed.), Cahier du CRISES HS-05, Université du Québec à Montréal, p.240-259.

Submitted paper

- Hamaide, V., B. Hamaide and J.C. Williams (2021) : “Nature Reserve Optimization with Buffer Zones and Wildlife Corridors for Rare Species”, submitted

Others (including Belgian Journals)

- Neve, M. et B. Hamaide (2015): “La courbe environnementale de Kuznets revisitée”. In La croissance : réalités et perspectives, Actes du 21e Congrès des économistes belges de langue française, : Éditions de l’Université Ouverte, 2015. - Hamaide, B.; S. Faucheux, M. Neve et M. O’Connor (2012): “Croissance et environnement: la pensée et les faits”, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 51(4), 9-24.

Presentations at conferences or seminars

Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia, March 2021; Shanghai Lixin University, China, January 2020; Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2019; European Society for Ecological Economics Conference, Leeds, UK, June 2015; World Conference of Environmental and Resource Economists, Istanbul, June 2014.; University of


Mons, November 2012 ; Conseil Wallon de l'environnement pour le développement durable", September 2012; Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Rio, Brazil, June 2012; BIT’s World Congress on Biodiversity, Xi-An, China, April 2012; Organization of IWEPS Conference, Namur, Belgium, December 2011 ; European Society for Ecological Economics Conference, Slovenia, June 2009; Virginia Institute of Technology, VA, USA, November 2010; Catholic University of Louvain, Department of Biology, January 2009; UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), November 2007; International Conference on Sustainable Urban Environmental Practices, Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 2008; BEED (Belgian Environmental Economics Day), EHSAL, Brussels, February 2008; Thematic meeting of the French Economic Association, Toulouse, June 2008; Third World Conference of Environmental and Resource Economists, Kyoto, Japan, July 2006; ISOLDE (International Symposium on Locational Decisions) Conference, University of Sevilla, Spain, June 2005; 8th Conference of the International Society of Ecological Economists, Montreal, July 2004; Workshop on spatial dynamic models of economics and ecosystems, International center for theoretical physics, Trieste, Italy, April 2004; Université Laval, Montréal, Juillet 2002 ; EuroConference of Environmental Policy in a Global Economy, Acqafredda di Maratea, Italy, October 2001; 8th gobal warming international conference, Columbia University, New York, 1997.

PhD Theses

Member of the Follow Up Committee and of the Jury for the PhD Thesis of Mr. Thomas Dogot, ULG, Gembloux, 2004; Mr. Vincent Colson, ULG, Gembloux, 2009; Mr. Matéo Cordier, Université de Versailles à Saint Quentin, France, 2011; Mrs Audrey Polard, ULB, 2012; Mr. Laurent Lievens, UCL-, 2015.

Co-Director of the Ph.D Thesis in economics of Mr. Martin Neve, Université Saint-Louis, April 2017.

Co-Director of the Ph.D Thesis in economics and management of Mr. Sylvain Efio, Université Saint-Louis, Joint thesis between the Université Saint-Louis and the Université Abomey-Calavi, Benin, ongoing

Review and referee

Referee pour Ecological Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Regional Science, International Journal of Sustainable Society, Land Economics, Journal of Public Economics, International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Mountain Research and Development, Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecological Modelling; Environment, Development and Sustainability, International Journal of Geographical Information Science; The Social Science Journal; Sustainability; Land; Water, …

Member of the editorial board: International journal of sustainable society


Various (projects, grants, affiliations,…)

- ASEM-DUO project, funded by the EU – with Rangsit University, Thailand, 2021- 2022 - Credit Mobility project, funded by the EU - Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok – 2016 to 2020 - June 2012 - December 2012: expert for the section "environnement" of the project "Wallonie - Horizon 2022" for the Minister-President of the Walloon Region in Belgium, Mr. Demotte - As part of the sabbatical year 2011-2012: a) September 2011 – February 2012: Research at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Oregon State University, USA. And b) March – April 2012: Research at the Department of Economics, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand - Series of 6 Seminars in Environmental Economics given at IWEPS, Namur, Belgium, between February and June 2011 - From January 2007 to January 2009: “Development of an integrated spatio-economic- ecological modelling framework for the analysis of overall impacts of sustainability policy measures”. Project financed by BELSPO. Partners: TML , Bureau du Plan, FUSL and UGent - Grant from the Canadian Government for Canadian Studies, 2007. - Member of Mensa - Member of the International society of ecological economists (ISEE) and the European Association of Environmental Economists (EAERE)