Information Communication Technology SmartLearn

Computer Basics

Chapter 1 : Computer - Introduction

I. Name the parts given below:

Monitor Printer CPU

Keyboard Mouse

SmartLearn Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn II. Match the following. One has been done for you.

1. Mouse

2. Keyboard

3. Monitor

4. Printer 5. CPU

SmartLearn Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn III. Tick ( ) the correct answer: 1. ______is an electronic device which accepts data and instructions, stores in its memory, processes the data and gives result.

Printer Computer

2. Computer makes our ______very easy.

Work games

3. Select the part of the computer

Television Keyboard

4. Monitor looks like a

Television CPU IV. Missing Letters: 1. C O M P U T E R

2. M O N I T O R

3. M O U S E

K E Y B O A R D 4. 5. P R I N T E R SmartLearn 1 1 Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn Chapter 2: Basics of Keyboard

1. Label the shaded buttons

Alphabet keys Number keys

Function keys


II. Match the following 1. Back Space Key (2)

2. (4)

3. Caps (1)

(3) 4. Space bar Key

SmartLearn Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn III. Tick ( ) the correct answer: 1. Keyboard is an ______device

Keys Input

2. There are ______types of keys in the keyboard

Three five

3. Which of the following key is used to leave space between two words

Backspace key spacebar key

4.______is a primary device of the computer

keyboard Num Lock

5.The keys can be moved

Left , right, up, down Left, up, left, up


1. Keyboard looks is an output device. False

2. The small buttons are called keys. True

3. Space bar is the shortest key in the keyboard. False

4. A keyboard is an arrangement of keys. True

5. Num Lock key allows, you to use the numbers True

SmartLearn Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn V. Fill up the Missing letters

1. K E Y B O A R D

C U R S O R 2.

3. S P A C E B A R

4. S H I F T

5. C O N T R O L

Chapter 3: Basics of Mouse

I. Label the Shaded buttons. Scroll Wheel

Right Button

Left Button

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II. Tick ( ) the correct answer: 1. ______is used for pointing and choosing the pictures.

Pointing Mouse

2. Left click refers to a ______of the left button in the mouse.

Double click single click

3. ______refers to press and hold on the left button while moving the mouse

Dragging Moving

4. ______which moves when the mouse is moved

text an arrow

5. A small vertical blinking line is a ______.

Mouse cursor Text cursor

III.True or false:

1. The mouse is used to point an item True

2. The Mouse cursor is a small vertical blinking line False

3. An arrow moves when the mouse is moved True

4. Double click refers to double clicking the left button True

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III. Match the Following

1. Left Click

2. Text Cursor

3. Mouse Cursor


4. Right Click

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Enjoy with MS Paint

Chapter 1 : MS Paint - Introduction

I. W rite the steps in opening MS Paint

Select the Select the Program menu accessories Folder

Click The Start Click on the Button Paint option

SmartLearn Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn II. Write the parts of MS Paint Window.

Menu Bar Tittle Bar

Tool Bar

Drawing Area

Color Bar III. Rearrange the jumbled letters:-






SmartLearn Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn

IV. Identify the names of the following tools:

1. Eraser Tool

Pencil Tool 2.

Brush Tool 3.

V. Write the missing Letters:-

1. P__NC____E I L __O__L.T O

2. BR__S__U H T____L.OO

3. ER__SE__A R TOOL.

4. __OO__T L B__X O

5. D__AG. R

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Enjoy with MS Paint

Chapter 2 :Add colors to Ms Paint I. Write the tools name by seeing the picture.

Fill with Color Tool 1......

2...... Rectangle Tool

3...... Ellipse Tool

Foreground color 4...... 5...... Background Color II True or False.

1. The Foreground color is on top of the Background color. T

2. The background color is in bottom of the Background color. T

3. The box at the top left of the MS Paint window shows the F Foreground color and the background color.

4. Ellipse tool is used to draw rectangles. F

5. We can fill more than one closed shaped figures with T different colors.

SmartLearn Class 1 Information Communication Technology SmartLearn III. Find the missing letter

1. A i rr b r uU S h

2. S pp r a yy 3. B a c kk g r oo u nn d 4. F o r e g r o u n d

5. T o o l b a r

IV. Rearrange the jumbled words.

1. BRUHSRAI Airbrush

2. RSPYA Spray

3. FFTEEC Effect

4. LSLFI Fills Paint 5. TPAIN

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Enjoy with MS Paint

Chapter 3 :Tools

I. Rearrange the jumbled words.

1. OFFRREME Free form

2. CARGEELTN Rectangle

3. ADRONM Random

4. TNPRIOO portion

II. Tick ( ) the correct answer:

1. Tool used to select the portion of the image

Free form selection tool

Rectangular selection tool

Both A and B

2. Tool used to select the portion of the picture in a random way.

Free form selection tool

Rectangular selection tool

None of these

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III. Answer the following.

1. What is the selection tool?

...... These tools are used to select the portions of the image

which you have already made......

2. What are the two types of selection tool?

...... 1. The free form select tool

...... 2. The rectangular select tool

Chapter 1: DO's And Don'tsI.

Tick the correct statement and cross out the wrong

1. Your hands must be clean and dry when you use the computer

2. You can insert any objects into the computer .

3. Keep the lab clean and tidy .

4. You should always remove your shoes outside the computer room.

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