16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum




Learn more about the emergency summit on Thursday 8 July 2021 here

Nine months after the John Snow Memorandum outlined the dangers of a strategy of herd immunity by infection, the UK government has decided to abandon most mitigations in England on the 19th of July. This will be done amid a background of surging cases, while only half of our population is fully vaccinated. This means exposing millions to infection, and its consequences, In our letter to The Lancet signed by more than 120 scientists, we outline our grave concerns about this strategy and call on the government to change course urgently.



First published in The Lancet, 7 July 2021

As the third wave of the pandemic takes hold across England, the UK Government plans to further re-open the nation. Implicit in this decision is the acceptance that infections will surge, but that this does not matter

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because vaccines have “broken the link between infection and mortality”1.

On July 19, 2021—branded as Freedom Day—almost all restrictions are set to end. We believe this decision is dangerous and premature. An end to the pandemic through population immunity requires enough of the population to be immune to prevent exponential growth of SARS-CoV-2. Population immunity is unlikely to be achieved without much higher levels of vaccination than can be reasonably expected by July 19, 2021. Proportionate mitigations will be needed to avoid hundreds of thousands of new infections, until many more are vaccinated. Nevertheless, the UK Government's intention to ease restrictions from July 19, 2021, means that immunity will be achieved by vaccination for some people but by natural infection for others (predominantly the young). The UK Health Secretary has stated that daily cases could reach 100 000 per day over the summer months

of 2021.2

The link between infection and death might have been weakened, but it has not been broken, and infection can still cause substantial morbidity in both acute and long-term illness. We have previously pointed to the dangers of

relying on immunity by natural infection,3 and we have five main concerns with the UK Government's plan to lift all restrictions at this stage of the pandemic.

First, unmitigated transmission will disproportionately affect unvaccinated children and young people who have already suffered greatly. Official UK Government data show that as of July 4, 2021, 51% of the total UK population have been fully vaccinated and 68% have been partially vaccinated. Even assuming that approximately 20% of unvaccinated people are protected by previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, this still leaves more than 17 million people with no protection against COVID-19. Given this, and the high transmissibility of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant, exponential growth will probably continue until millions more people are infected, leaving hundreds of thousands of

people with long-term illness and disability.4

This strategy risks creating a generation left with chronic health problems and disability, the personal and economic impacts of which might be felt for decades to come. https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 2/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum

Second, high rates of transmission in schools and in children will lead to significant educational disruption, a problem not addressed by abandoning isolation of exposed children (which is done on the basis of imperfect daily

rapid tests).5 The root cause of educational disruption is transmission, not isolation. Strict mitigations in schools alongside measures to keep community transmission low and eventual vaccination of children will

ensure children can remain in schools safely.6,7,8 This is all the more important for clinically and socially vulnerable children. Allowing transmission to continue over the summer will create a reservoir of infection, which will probably accelerate spread when schools and universities re-open in autumn.

Third, preliminary modelling data9 suggest the government's strategy provides fertile ground for the emergence of vaccine-resistant variants. This would place all at risk, including those already vaccinated, within the UK and globally. While vaccines can be updated, this requires time and resources, leaving many exposed in the interim. Spread of potentially more transmissible escape variants would disproportionately affect the most disadvantaged in our country and other countries with poor access to vaccines.

Fourth, this strategy will have a significant impact on health services and exhausted health-care staff who have not yet recovered from previous infection waves. The link between cases and admissions has not been broken, and rising case numbers will inevitably lead to increased hospital admissions, applying further pressure at a time when millions of people are waiting for medical procedures and routine care. Fifth, as deprived communities are more exposed to and more at risk from COVID-19, these policies will continue to disproportionately affect the most vulnerable and marginalised, deepening inequalities.

In light of these grave risks, and given that vaccination offers the prospect of quickly reaching the same goal of population immunity without incurring them, we consider any strategy that tolerates high levels of infection to be both unethical and illogical. The UK Government must reconsider its current strategy and take urgent steps to protect the public, including children. We https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 3/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum believe the government is embarking on a dangerous and unethical experiment, and we call on it to pause plans to abandon mitigations on July 19, 2021.

Instead, the government should delay complete re-opening until everyone, including adolescents, have been offered vaccination and uptake is high, and until mitigation measures, especially adequate ventilation (through investment in CO2 monitors and air filtration devices) and spacing (eg, by reducing class sizes), are in place in schools. Until then, public health measures must include those called for by WHO (universal mask wearing in indoor spaces, even for those vaccinated), the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ventilation and air filtration), and Independent SAGE (effective border quarantine; test, trace isolate, and support). This will ensure that everyone is protected and make it much less likely that we will need further restrictions or lockdowns in the autumn.

REFERENCES 1. Morton B. Covid: upbeat about easing lockdown in England on 19 July. BBC News, July 4, 2021.

2. Wright K. Covid: Self-isolation to be scrapped for double-jabbed and children in England. BBC News, July 6, 2021

3. Alwan NA, Burgess RA, Ashworth S, et al. Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now. Lancet 2020; 396(10260): e71-e2.

4. ONS. Prevalence of ongoing symptoms following coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in the UK: 1 July 2021, 2021.

5. Gurdasani D. ZH, Greenhalgh T, Roberts A, Yates K, Haque Z, Michie S, McKee M, Pagel C, Hyde Z, Bassani DG, West R, Reicher S, Deeks J. Daily contact testing trials in schools are unethical and extending them to include the delta variant puts everyone at risk. BMJ Opinion 2021.

6. Gurdasani D, Alwan NA, Greenhalgh T, et al. School reopening without robust COVID-19 mitigation risks accelerating the pandemic. Lancet 2021; https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 4/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum 397(10280): 1177-8.

7. Lessler J, Grabowski MK, Grantz KH, et al. Household COVID-19 risk and in- person schooling. Science 2021.

8. The ABC Science Collaborative Final Report for NC School Districts and Charters in Plan A, 2021.

9. Gog JR HE, Danon L, Thompson R. Vaccine escape in a heterogeneous population: insights for SARS-CoV-2 from a simple model. MedRxiv 2021.


SIGNATORIES Dr. Deepti Gurdasani, Queen Mary University of , UK Professor John Drury, University of Sussex, UK Professor Trisha Greenhalgh, University of Oxford, UK Dr. Stephen Griffin, University of Leeds, UK Dr. Zoë Hyde, University of Western Australia, Australia Professor Aris Katzourakis, University of Oxford, UK Professor Martin McKee, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Professor Susan Michie, University College London, UK Professor Christina Pagel, University College London, UK Professor Ann Phoenix, University College, London Professor Deenan Pillay, University College London, UK Dr Zubaida Haque, Member of Independent SAGE Professor Kimberly Prather, University of California, San Diego, USA Professor Stephen Reicher, University of St. Andrews, UK Professor Naveed Sattar, University of Glasgow, UK Professor Robert West, University College London, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 5/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Kit Yates, University of Bath, UK Dr. Hisham Ziauddeen, , UK Dr. Joe Pajak, FRSC, CSci, NHS Foundation Trust Governor, UK Professor Karl Friston, University College London, UK Dr Dominic Pimenta, Richmond Research Institute, U.K. Dr Christos Argyropoulos, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico , Albuquerque, NM, USA Professor Andrew Ewing, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Prof. Carlos Gershenson, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico. Professor Alice Roberts, University of Birmingham, UK Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Loughborough University, UK Professor Gabriel Scally, University of Bristol, UK Dr David Berger, GP Emergency Doctor, Broome, Australia Dr. Rochelle A. Burgess, University College London, UK Professor Reinhard Busse, Berlin University of Technology, Germany Professor David Cameron, University of Edinburgh, UK Dr Sterghios A. Moschos, Northumbria University, UK Professor Joshua Silver, University of Oxford, UK Professor Kailash Chand, Former Deputy chair BMA, UK Professor Elias Mossialos, London School of Economics and Political Science Professor Ken Rice, University of Edinburgh, UK Dr. Bharat Pankhania, University of Exeter, UK Dr. Mike Gill, Former Regional Director of Public Health, UK Dr. Graham Winyard, former Medical Director, NHS England, UK Dr Sakkaf Ahmed Aftab,Chair BMA Yorkshire Consultant Committee,Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust. Prof. Sunil Raina, Dr. RP Govt. Medical College, Tanda, India Dr Katrin Rabiei, Neurosurgery Consultant, Gothenburg, Sweden Dr. Tom Lawton, Bradford Teaching NHS Foundation Trust Professor Colin Davis, University of Bristol, UK Dr Asad Khan, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK Professor Debby Bogaert, University of Edinburgh, UK Dr Christine Peters , Consultant Microbiologist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK Dr Stephen Duckett, Director, Health Program. Grattan Institute, Melbourne, Australia https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 6/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Elena Mikalsen, Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, USA Professor Maya H Buch, University of Manchester, UK Dr. David R. Tomlinson, Fresh Air NHS, UK Professor Julian Mamo, University of Malta, Msida, Malta Dr Bobbie Jacobson, Johns Hopkins University, US Dr Stephane Bourgeois, Queen Mary , UK Dr Valentina Gallo, University of Groningen, Netherlands Ms. Helen Hughes, Chief Executive, Patient Safety Learning, UK Professor Jose M Martin-Moreno, University of Valencia, & Senior Adviser, WHO/Europe - Public Health and Health Systems, Hon FFPH, Royal Colleges of Physicians of the Dr. Alison George, General Practitioner, and honorary GP in Emergency Medicine, UK Dr. Matt Prescott, Independent Scientist, UK Dr. Miquel Oliu-Barton, Université Paris Dauphine–PSL, Paris, France Dr. Bary Pradelski, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France Dr. Peter W.G. Tennant, University of Leeds, UK Professor Mark S Gilthorpe, University of Leeds, UK Professor Yaneer Bar-Yam, President, New England Complex Systems Institute, US Dr Penelope Toff, Co-Chair Public Health Medicine Committee, BMA, UK Professor Alastair H Leyland, University of Glasgow Dr. Eilir Hughes, Fresh Air NHS, UK Dr. Matt Butler, Fresh Air NHS, UK Dr Rachel Clarke, Oxford, UK Dr. Huw Waters, Fresh Air NHS, UK Dr Richard Fitzgerald , Retired Consultant Radiologist, UK Dr Clare Wenham, London School of Economics and Political Science Dr Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Cardiff University, UK Dr Charlotte Wilhelm-Benartzi, Cardiff University, UK Professor Nicolas Dirr, Cardiff University, UK Dr Manjil P. Saikia, Cardiff University, UK Dr Robert Wilson, Cardiff University, UK Professor Owen Jones, Cardiff University, UK Lisa Kennedy, Cardiff University, UK Dr. Andreas Artemiou, Cardiff University, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 7/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Ulrich Pennig, Cardiff University, UK Dr. Federica Dragoni, Cardiff University, UK Dr Julia Patterson, EveryDoctor, UK Professor Anthony Costello, University College London, and former director of Maternal and Child Health, WHO Prof Alan McNally, University of Birmingham, UK Dr Peter M B English, recently retired Consultant in Communicable Disease Control; Immediate past Chair of BMA Public Health Medicine Committee Dr. Klaus Hentrich, KH Innovation, UK Dr. Usama Kadri, Cardiff University, UK Professor Adrian Hayday, King’s College London & Institute, London, UK Dr. Irene Tosetti, Anesthesiologist, Geneva, Switzerland Professor Michael G Baker, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand Dr. Chaand Nagpaul, Chair of the Council of the British Medical Association Professor Melissa Parker, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK Professor Laura Bear, London School of Economics and Political Science Dr Matthew Reeves, University College London, UK Dr Andrew Tuplin, University of Leeds, UK Professor Adrian Whitehouse, University of Leeds, UK Professor John McLauchlan, University of Glasgow, UK Dr Duncan Robertson, Loughborough University & St Catherine’s College, Oxford Professor Andrew Macdonald, University of Leeds, UK Dr Tolu Oni, University of Cambridge, UK Dr Hongyi Zhang, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK Dr. Eric Topol, The Scripps Research Institute, US Dr. Jennifer Brenton, Independent Consultant Obstetrician Gynecologist, US Dr Natalya Davis, Pediatrician, US Dr. Angela Duke, Independent Consultant Obstetrician Gynecologist, US Dr. Vipul Shah , Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon, India Dr. Katya Shpilberg, Radiologist, USA Dr. Suzanne L. Steele, Family Medicine, US Dr. Catherine Scott, Psychiatrist, University of Southern California, US Dr KK Cheng, University of Birmingham Professor Melanie M. Brinkmann, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 8/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr YuFeng Judy Huang, General Practitioner Sydney NSW Australia Dr Kate Jardine, Paediatric Cardiologist, Newcastle NSW Australia Dr Sherry Jester, Pediatrician, US Associate Professor Ehud Zamir, Ophthalmologist, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Lorraine Baker, General Practitioner, Melbourne Australia Dr Nancy Malek, Anaesthetist, Sydney, Australia Dr. Alissa Kahn, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Rowan University, USA Professor Lisa Maher, Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity, UNSW Sydney, Australia Professor Joanna Parish, University of Birmingham, UK Dr. John A. Jimenez, Independent Consultant Psychiatrist, US Dr Julian W Tang, Honorary Associate Professor/ Clinical Virologist, Respiratory Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Dr David Allen, Occupational and Environmental Physician, Sydney, Australia Dr. Tania Thorn, NHS, Uk Dr. Sarah Brien, University of Southampton, UK Mrs. Judith Jackson, University of Stirling, United Kingdom Professor Willem van Schaik, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Dr. Maggie Deytrikh, None, retired doctor, UK Dr. Marc Redmile-Gordon, Royal Horticultural Society, United Kingdom Dr. Lisa Graham-Wisener, Queen's University Belfast, UK Dr. Paul Toner, Queen's University Belfast, UK Dr. Winnie Chua, University of Birmingham, UK Dr. Jenny Groarke, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom Mrs. Dr. Katja Adolf, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Ms. Rosy Fitzgerald, University of London, United Kingdom Dr. Katherine McConkey, NHS GP, United Kingdom Dr. Yara Evans, , UK Prof. Humberto Debat, National Intitute of Technology, Argentina Dr. Pieter Peach, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia Professor Mark A Hollywood, Smooth Muscle Research Centre, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Co Louth., Ireland Dr. Richard H. Ebright, Rutgers University, United States Professor Catherine Walshe, Lancaster University, UK A/Prof. Basu Gopal, The Alfred & Monash University, Australia Ms. Pamela lincoln, Health professionals, Australia https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 9/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Mr. Rein Leetmaa, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Dr. Gita Sinha, CEO, Almora Health Strategies, United States Dr. Andrea Perna, University of Roehampton, UK Dr. Lucky Tran, Columbia University, USA Miss Hattie Taylor, HCW, England Professor Jennifer Maggs, Pennsylvania State University, USA Professor Paul Dolman, University of East Anglia, UK Dr. Sarah Willicombe, GP, UK Dr Vipul Shah, Vipul, R P Shah Memorial Trust for Children with Disabilities, India Miss Jacqueline Mburu, Nurse with long covid, United Kingdom Doctor, Noor Bari, Western Sydney Local district hospital, Australia Dr. William Lees, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK Dr. Amanda Kvalsvig, University of Otago Wellington, New Zealand Dr. Emma Weisblatt, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, UK Dr. Kelvin Ward, Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care, New Zealand Dr. Daniela Litzlbauer, HNO2-Gruppenpraxis, Austria Dr. Tim Worthley, General Practitioner, PCN Clinical Director Sussex, United Kingdom Dr. Naomi Clement, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, United Kingdom Mr. Geraint Jones, Adv. Pharmacist - HIV & Homecare, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, United Kingdom Miss Nicki Fuller, Nurse, UK Mrs. Sarah Buttimore, Registered Nurse, Uk Dr. John Blenkinsopp, Retired Medical Practitioner, UK Dr. Emma Wilmot, University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS FT, England Professor David Gordon, University of Bristol, UK Dr. Hisbel Arochena, IEEE / EMBS, UK Dr. Sian Arfon, GP , Wales Dr. Melanie Stefan, University of Edinburgh, UK Prof. Dr. Dominique de Quervain, University of Basel, Switzerland Dr. James Whitehorn, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Dr. Andrew K Black, Retired Consultant Psychiatrist, UK Professor Pankaj Trivedi, Sapienza University, Rome, Italia Dr. Helen Allott, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 10/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Professor Joseph Harbison, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Dr. Amber Ruigrok, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Mrs. Samantha killen, NHS staff, parent of three school age children, United Kingdom Professor Angel Chater, University of Bedfordshire; British Psychological Society COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce, UK Dr. Edward Emmott, University of Liverpool, UK Mrs. Nicola Selhuber, Health professional, Scotland Mrs. Gillian Hamilton, Optometrist, Scotland Professor Brendan Delaney, Imperial College London, UK Dr. Gillian Shorter, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom Dr. Gavin Stewart, University of Newcastle, Cochrane, Campbell Collaboration, United Kingdom Occupational Therapist, Helen Skiffington, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Grace Roberts, Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom Andy, Turner, University of Leeds, UK Ms. fiona patterson, health care professional, United Kingdom Dr. Victor Arturo Matamoros Gomez, Instituto Anahuac de Salud Publica. Universidad Anahuac Mexico, Mexico Mr. Stephen Porter, Dental surgeon B.D.S., United Kingdom Student, Ishank Tiwari, Independent Researcher, India Dr. Lucy Thompson, University of Aberdeen, Scotland Mr. Robert Dyas, Oral Surgeon, UK Dr. Dilip Kumar Gandhi, Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom Dr. Louise Davis, NHS doctor and Associate Clinical Professor England Mrs. Kelly Raihani, Family liasion officer NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Kerry Smith, Parklands, United Kingdom Dr. Myrna Over, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. Helen Wise, Consultant anaesthetist, University Hospitals Dorset, United Kingdom, United Kingdom Dr. Margaret Husted, University of Winchester, Uk - England Mr. Anthony E Kemp, Registered Nurse, UK Dr. Jack Ferguson, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Dr. Andrew Lee, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Dr. Daniel Campion, Travel Health Physician, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 11/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Abigail Hine, Consultant Anaesthetist, NHS, UK Professor Chris Ponting, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Dr. Kevin Herbert, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Dr. Eleanor Gaunt, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Ms. Lisa Brighton, King's College London, United Kingdom Dr. Michael Zandi, UCLH and UCL, United Kingdom Dr. Pierre Antoine, King's College London, Royaume-Uni Dr. Rene Loewenson, TARSC Ms. Katie Love, Aberystwyth university, United Kingdom Dr. Amy Elliott, General practice, United Kingdom Ms. Nichola Goddard, Public health England, UK Miss Gaynor Marshall, Retired Health/Public Heath Professional, England Professor of Developmental Clinical Psychology, Cathy Creswell, University of Oxford, UK Associate Professor Duncan Sparrow, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Dr. Charlotte Bonardi, University of Nottingham, UK Mx, Alex Porter, Support Worker, UK Ms. Alexandra Bartlett, Royal Veterinary College, UK Professor Alison Adam, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Dr. Harriet Mears, The , United Kingdom Dr. Sue Laughlin, Peoples Health Movement Scotland, Scotland Dr. Pragya Vohra, University of York, UK Mrs. Sam Donaldson, Research Nurse, Scotland Dr. Elizabeth Sawyer, University of Westminster, UK Dr. Virginia Gould, University of Bristol, UK Dr. Pauline Campbell, GCU, UK Dr. Imogen Wright, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa Ms. M. Clapperton, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom Mr. Peter Lion, Private Healthcare / Rutherford Cancer Centre, England Dr. Clare Leong, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK Professor Richard Simpson, universities of Stirling (NMAHP research unit) &St Andres University medical school, UK Dr. Sorcha Holloway, NHS, UK Dr. Julie Greenslade, Retired Community Paediatrician, UK Dr. Sarah Jackson, Consultant Radiologist, United Kingdom Dr. Marianne Seebold, NHS worker (off sick for 15 months with long covid), England https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 12/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Y. Hancock, University of York, U.K. Mrs. Louise Slorance, Edinburgh, UK Professor Daryl O'Connor, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Dr. Amy Downing, University of Leeds, UK Dr. Richard Sloan, University of Edinburgh, UK Dr. Konstantin Blyuss, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Doctorant, Mark A. Hanson, EPFL, Switzerland Mrs. Susan Royse, ROYAL COLLEGE OF , NURSING AND MIDWIFERY COUNCIL., United Kingdom Dr. Matthew Burgess, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Mrs. Olesya Spencer, NHS GP surgery, UK Mrs. Sarah Hockey, Nurse, United Kingdom Professor Stephen E Moss, University College London, UK Dr. KAREN CAMPOS LEON, University of Birmingham (most recently), UK Professor Kavita Vedhara, University of Nottingham, England Mrs. Dawn Knight, Health care professional, England Dr. Trudi Edginton, City, University of London, UK MD PhD, Maria Jesus Diaz Candamio, Hospital Universitario A Coruna, Espana Dr. Santosh Kumar, University of Birmingham, UK , Dr raghavendra Bhat, Ras Al Khaimah Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE Ms. Norina Gasteiger, University of Manchester, UK Dr. Kasia Bera, St Annes College, Oxford, Uk Mrs. Ellen phipps, Nhs, Uk Dr. med., Apela Salamon, KAGES, Austria Dr. Miraz Rahman, King's College London, United Kingdom Dr. Mark Bowler, Educational Psychologist, United Kingdom Dr. Pooja Mishra, GP, UK Prof. David Schultz, University of Manchester, UK Professor Alan Parker, Cardiff University, United Kingdom Dr. Eliza Wolfson, University of Bristol, United Kingdom Dr. Aimee Murray, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Dr. Katherine Brown, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. Euan Bennet, University of Bristol, UK Professor Robert Beynon, Emeritus, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Dr. Jerzy Samolej, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 13/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Raymond Agius, The University of Manchester, UK Professor Nicolas Locker, University of Surrey, United Kingdom Dr. Kayleigh Hook, The Lancet, United Kingdom Miss Kirsty Stanley, Independent Occupational Therapist at Occupation4Life Ltd, United Kingdom Mrs. Justine Blyth-Towers, HCW, United Kingdom Dr. Blair Strang, St George's, University of London, UK Dr. Anna Rom, NHS GP, United Kingdom Mr. Ben Moody, Nhs, United Kingdom Dr. Andrea Schafferhans, TU Munchen, Germany Miss May, Biologist, public, Bristol Dr. Sonia Chester, GP, England Dr. Kate Harrison, University of Chester, United Kingdom Dr. Tony Biggins, Psychiatrist rtd, UK Dr. Arthur Hosie, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom Dr. Maia Chankseliani, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Dr. Rowan Walmsley, Doctor, Uk Dr. Michael Head, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Professor Rob Sneyd, University of Plymouth, UK Mr. Henry Mather, Previous NHS employee, United Kingdom Dr. Yuki Furuse, Kyoto University, Japan Dr. Catherine Dodds, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, United Kingdom Dr. Tom Arnot, University of Bath, United Kingdom Ms. Claire Elek, Quadram Institute, United Kingdom Ms. Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Co-Deputy Director, Human Rights Centre, Lecturer, School of Law, University of Essex, United Kingdom Mr. David Smith, NHS, United Kingdom Ms. Olga Stepanova, MRC HGU, University of Edinburgh, Scotland Prof. Charles Antaki, Loughborough University, United Kingdom Dr. Huw Waters, FreshAir Wales, Wales Dr. Kazuki Shimizu, Hokkaido University, Japan Dr. Benjamin Thomas, University of Bath, UK PROFESSOR, BARBARA HARRISS-WHITE, OXFORD UNIVERSITY, United Kingdom Dr. Bai Li, University of Bristol, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 14/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Ian Kellar, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Dr. Angharad Ruttley, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Killian Hanlon, Harvard Medical School, USA Prof. Mathew Owens, University of Reading, United Kingdom Dr. Anna Smielewska, NHS, UK Ms. April Hayes, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Dr. Emma Wall, Francis Crick Institute, United Kingdom dr, Rhys Thomas, Royal College of Anaesthetists, United Kingdom Professor Dan Osborn, UCL, UK Miss Victoria Jackson, University of Exeter, UK Dr. Chris Jones, Royal Surrey Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK Associate Professor Andrew Seal, UCL Institute for Global Health, England Carly, Bliss, Cardiff University, Wales, UK Prof. Dr. Michael A. R. Meier, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Dr. Hamish King, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom Dr. Rachel Sumner, University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom Dr. Susan Joseph, King's College London, United Kingdom Mx, Zo√´ Freeman, University College London, United Kingdom Prof. Nils Hoppe, Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences, University of Hannover, Germany Dr. Richard A.I. Bethlehem, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Professor Edward Feil, University of Bath, United Kingdom Dr. T. J. Bacon, Middlesex University, UK Prof. Sara Mole, University College London, United Kingdom Ms. Rita Reale, Nurse, United Kingdom Professor and Fellow of Digital Health, Harold Thimbleby, Swansea University, Wales Dr. Michelle Richardson, Ucl, Uk Dr. Karon Ornadel, Doctor, United Kingdom Dr. Nina Fudge, Queen Mary University of London, UK Dr. Samantha Caton, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Dr. Catherine Maria Vassallo, Member, Royal College of Psychiatrists &GMC, United Kingdom Mr. Paul Southon, Faculty of Public Health, United Kingdom Mrs. Victoria Pointon, Registered Nurse, England Mrs. Kezia Marshall, NHS, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 15/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Priya Silverstein, Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education, UK Dr. Michael Crichton, Heriot-Watt Univeristy, United Kingdom Dr. Robin Fawcett, GP, United Kingdom Dr. Nathalie Schmidt, UCL, UK Associate Professor Clare Kelly, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Dr. Richard Bowyer, NHS Surgeon, UK Dr. Meeta Tanna, GP, UK Mrs. Helen Raywood, Hull University Hospitals NHS Trust, England Dr. Barbara Zeitlinger, ENT specialist, Austria Dr. Samar Betmouni, Consultant Neuropathologist, UK Dr. Justin Parkhurst, Dept of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK Professor Suzanne Richards, School of Medicine, University of Leeds, UK Dr. Jessica Hayes, College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, NUI Galway, Ireland Mr. Graeme Foubister, Retired NHS Consultant, Scotland Dr. Richard Williams, Imperial College London, UK Dr. Michael Orgel, Medact, UK Dr. Chia Fan Liang, NHS consultant physician, UK Prof. Georgina Born, Oxford University and UCL, UK Dr. Victoria Donovan, University Hospitals Sussex, United Kingdom Mrs. Lynne Churchill, Social Worker, United Kingdom Mrs. Dorothy Partington, Palliative Care Specialist, Scotland. Ms. Hilary Best, PwME, United Kingdom Dr. Ping-Yi Kuo, Kingston Hospital NHS Trust, UK Dr. Gavin Thoms, Retired Doctor, UK Ms. Gabriella Merry, The Lancet, UK Dr. Michael Orgel, Medact, UK Dr. Rafael Romero Garcia, University of Cambridge, UK Mr. Paul Butler, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, England Dr. Lisa Ronan, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. Manfred G. Kitzbichler, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. Christina Tobin Kahrstrom, Scientist, senior editor at magazine, United Kingdom Professor Catherine pope, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Dr. Elizabeth Dzeng, Associate Professor, UCSF; Senior Research Fellow, https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 16/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Cicely Saunders Institute, King's College London, UK and US Dr. Juan Francisco Palma, Bristol University, United Kingdom Dr. Robert Stott-Marshall, University of Nottingham, UK Mrs. Elizabeth Foubister, Retired NHS Dietitian, United Kingdom Dr. Emma Major, University of York, U.K. Dr. Gurdeep Sagoo, University of Leeds, UK Professor Elaine Kempson, University of Bristol, United Kingdom Mrs. Sue Chandler, Senior Clinical Pharmacist, Thurrock CCG, UK Prof. James Bernard Walsh, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Professor Alan PALMER, University of Reading, United Kingdom Doctor, Ole Olsen, MabMax Biologics Ltd., United Kingdom Dr. Carolyn Way, University Hospitals Southampton, UK Ms. Mary Willis, NMC, United Kingdom Dr. Donal Hill, EPFL, Switzerland Mr. Tim Kelly, Medi-Kelsey Ltd, UK Dr. Julia Ferrari, University of York, United Kingdom Dr. Antal Wozniak, University of Liverpool, UK Dr. Chico, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Ms. Mary Rankin, , RCN, United Kingdom Dr. Smita Nagmoti, Public Health ST2, UK Professor Simon Gates, Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Dr. Sally Baxter, GP, England, mr, Paul wright, British Psychological Society, uk Dr. Brad Amos, Emeritus MRC research group leader Cambridge, UK Mr. Matthew Robinson BSc(Hons) MPhil CMCIEH, Chartered Institute if Environmental Health, United Kingdom Dr. Simon Williams, Senior Lecturer in People and Organisation, Swansea University, United Kingdom Dr. Martin Yuille, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom Asst. Professor Orla Hegarty, University College Dublin, Ireland Dr. Ashley Heinson, The University of Southampton, The United Kingdom of Great Britain Dr. Stephen P. Moss, Research Consultant, Computational Genomics, United Kingdom Mr. Andrew Rowell, Department of Health, University of Bath, UK Dr. Veronika Rasic, NHS GP, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 17/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Andrew, Marsh, University of Warwick, United Kingdom Miss Hannah Walker, University of York, UK Ms. Caroline Fuggle, MSc Health Science, United Kingdom Dr. Lana Lai, University of Manchester, UK Dr. Rebecca Beeken, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Mrs. Clare Morgan, Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, UK Mr. Gary Stocker, University of Warwick, UK Dr. Jane Killalea, Primary Care, England Mr. Theo DENYS, Nurse, Belgium Dr. Jamie Wood, University of York, United Kingdom Professor Laura JV Piddock, University of Birmingham, UK Mr. Simon De Cogan, BABCP, United Kingdom Councillor, Sarah Nield, Brighton and Hove City Council / Brighton and Hove Green Party, United Kingdom Dr. Debora Sijacki, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom General Practitioner, Dr. Carol Mooney, Irish College of General Practioners., Ireland Dr. Luke Carter, University of Birmingham, UK Mrs. Debra Blenkinsop, RGN/RHV member of RCN, England Dr. Sarah Pocknell, NHS, UK Dr. Saul Albert, Loughborough University, UK Mr. Matthew Pearce, MEF2C Parent & Medical Personnel Support Group, United Kingdom Prof. David Barer, Newcastle University, United Kingdom Dr. Kirsty McLean, GP, UK Mr. Sergio Graziosi, EPPI Centre, University College London, United Kingdom Dr. Victoria Holt, Homerton University Hospital, United Kingdom Dr. Helen Day, NHS GP, UK Mr. Trevor McCarthy, Independent Consultant, United Kingdom Miss Sarah MacDonald, School Nursing Service, United Kingdom Dr. Behdad Shambayati, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, UK Mrs. Lorraine Morgan, Gerontology - British Society of Gerontology. Nursing - retired, Wales Dr. Olivia Davies, University Hospitals Dorset, UK Professor Sandy Oliver, University College London, UK Miss Julia Haynes, Research Assistant at Wytham woods, University of https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 18/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Oxford, UK Dr. Katy Sutcliffe, University College London, UK Me, Peter Adelsberg, Registered Nurse, United Kingdom Prof. Cait MacPhee, The University of Edinburgh, UK Dr. Gillian Stokes, University College London, United Kingdom Miss Deborah Klayman, NHS, UK Dr. Meena Khatwa, UCL Social Research Institute, UK Dr. med., H. Thole, Physician, Lecturer in Medical Education, Germany Professor Martin B. Richards, University of Huddersfield, UK Dr. Jo Thompson Coon, University of Exeter, UK Dr. Alex Smith, Syngenta, United Kingdom Dr. Victoria Carr, Wellcome Sanger Institute, United Kingdom Mrs. Sara Mason, NHS Volunteer Responder, England Dr. Christine Habgood-Coote, Retired GP, UK Dr. Nabeela Aziz, Doctor, UK Dr. Suzanne Johnson, University of Manchester, England Dr. Rebecca Rees, Social Research Institute, University College London, UK Ms. Ivy Owens, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Mrs. Paula Fitzsimon, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, United Kingdom Mr. David Walker-Sunderhauf, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Dr. Lisa Tyrer, Contact tracer, United Kingdom Mrs. Moira Bennet, Retired MLSO in Microbiology, United Kingdom Dr. Hassan Saleem, NHS, U.K. Dr. Charlotte Ferguson, GP, UK Dr. Nicola Peel, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK Professor Diane G Newell OBE, Veterinary Laboratories Agency (retired), UK Miss Katie Read, Health and Social Care worker, United Kingdom Dr. Soma Meran, Cardiff University, Wales, UK Dr. Mark Newman, UCL, United Kingdom Mr. Simon Howarth, Royal College of Surgeons, UK Professor Emeritus, Derek Edwards, Loughborough University, UK Mr. Dominic Habgood-Coote, Imperial College London, UK Mrs. Valerie Stuart, None, England Dr. Vasa Curcin, King's College London, United Kingdom Dr. Fiammetta Ugolini, NHS, UK Professor Jonathan Sharples, University College London, UK Dr. Marianne tinkler, NHS consultant, Uk https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 19/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Professor Stuart Gilmour, Graduate School of Public Health, St. Luke's International University, Japan Dr. Jo McHugo, Nhs, England Dr. Andrew Stephens, RCVS, United Kingdom Ms. Pamela Henley, " Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Chartered Scientist", Wales, UK Dr. Kate Lawlor, University Hospital Wales, Wales Dr. Alfredo Espina, GP, United Kingdom Dr. Dominique Florin, GP, London, UK Ms. Julia Faulconbridge, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, UK Miss Amy Robinson, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust, UK Dr. Barbara Vogel, St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Miss Dessislava Veltcheva, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Dr. Alexey Mikaberidze, University of Reading, United Kingdom Dr. Annabel Crossman, North Bristol NHS Trust, UK Miss Naomi Gray, University of Oxford, UK Dr. Mirre Simons, University of Sheffield, UK Dr. Katherine Jones, Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust, Uk Dr. Sara Clohisey, University of edinburgh, Scotland Dr. Amrish Y. Baidjoe, LSHTM, the Netherlands Dr. Katherine Wood, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Mr. Stephen Richer, University of Bath, United Kingdom Dr. Angie Burns, Retired academic, UK Mrs. Alyson Worley, NMC, United Kingdom Dr. Lauren Smith, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Dr. Karen Palmer, retired, UK Chartered Scientist CSci, Marilena Ioannou, De Montfort University, England Dr. Diego Bassani, University of Toronto, Canada Miss Nadia Khaliq, Health Care Worker, United Kingdom Dr. Adele onder, Nhs grampian, U.K. Dr. Diana Jellinek, Retired consultant paediatrician, United Kingdom Ms. Linda Goodman, Post Grad Student Goldsmiths College, United Kingdom Mrs. Jackie Wyse, NHS staff, United Kingdom Mrs. Maxine, Registered Nurse, UK Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Federation of American Scientists, United States https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 20/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Polly Nyiri, NHS, Uk Dr. Ruth Mackay, NHS Anaesthetist, UK Dr. Lindsay Broadbent, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom Mrs. Nicola Philbin, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Dr. Felicity Wood, NHS, Uk Dr. Elena Pizzo, University College London, United Kingdom Dr. Patrick O'Driscoll, UCL, United Kingdom Dr. Tristram Wyatt, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Mrs. Claire Wilson, Retired health visitor and nurse, United Kingdom Emeritus Professor james parle, University of Birmingham, UK Dr. √Åine FitzGerald, Independent PhD Scientist, United Kingdom Dr. Charles Lind, Retired consultant psychiatrist Ayrshire, Scotland Mrs. Zoe Johnstone, Nhs, United Kingdom Mr. Jack Williamson, The Lancet, United Kingdom Dr. Peter Barabas, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom Mr. Costas Tsakirides, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom Professor Veronica Kinsler, The Francis Crick Institute, London, United Kingdom Mrs. Irene Kwan, Social Research Institute, University College London, United Kingdom Professor Cam Bowie, Retired Public Health Physician, United Kingdom Dr. Emily Sammons, University of Oxford, UK Professor Andrea Cornwall, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom Miss Aljawharah, Phd student, UK Dr. Gabriela Petrof, Gosh, United Kingdom Mrs. Maureen Davies, RGN, England Dr. Elizabeth McSweeney, NHS, England Miss Sophie Rowlands, Registered Dietitian (Allied Healthcare Professional), NHS, United Kingdom Mr. Duncan Merrell, Paramedic Queensland Ambulance Service WHS Officer Ret., Australia Dr. Philippa, NHS, England Dr. Declan Phelan, GP, UK Dr. Erica Gadsby, University of Kent, UK Mrs. Kathryn Woodrow, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Janet Smith, Retired university of Birmingham (Life Sciences), UK Dr. Anna Judson, Self Employed, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 21/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Joerg Danzer, boden & grundwasser Allg√§u GmbH, Germany Mr. Ralph Oldershaw, Care worker., United Kingdom Mr. John Hebden, social care, England Dr. Sarah McDonald, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Dr. Naomi Beer, NHS, England Dr. Dr Will Nutland, The Love Tank CIC, United Kingdom Dr. Helen Shutte, Medical, Uk Dr. Will Stevens, University of Oxford, UK ms, Dawn malyon, nurse, United Kingdom Mr. John McNally, Retired, United Kingdom Dr. Wendy Gray, Medical doctor, United Kingdom Dr. Caroline Dalton, Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. Mr. Abhishek Sengupta, Graduate student, United States Mrs. Diane Stout, NHS, Uk Dr. Badia Ahmed, ST4 Histopathology Doctor, King‚Äôs College Hospital, United Kingdom Dr. Carmen Marginean, BHI, UK Dr. Elizabeth Hubbard, GP, Leeds, United Kingdom Dr. Jamilla Hussain, Hull York Medical School, Yorkshire Dr. Mark H Burton, Retired NHS professional and manager, UK Mr. Ted Baldwin, Labour Party, United Kingdom Emeritus Professor Len Hall, University of Bristol, UK Mrs. Barbara Hocking, NHS, United Kingdom Miss Ria Agarwal, Physician Associate, England Dr. Laura Elizabeth Clark, Consultant physician with long Covid, UK Mrs. Judith Kelly, Scientist, United Kingdom Mr. Andrew Champion, Nurse Practitioner, United Kingdom Dr. Avril Washington, Consultant Paediatrician, St George's University Hospitals NHSFT, United Kingdom Dr. Nathalie MacDermott, King's College London, United Kingdom Mrs. Natalie Rogers, Long Covid Support, UK Dr. Anna Porter, NHS doctor, England Mr. Bernard Kelly, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Fiona Carolyn Mactaggart, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Lothian Health Board (Retired), United Kingdom Ms. Anita Hashmi, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Dr. Allan Carrillo-Baltodano, Queen Mary University of London, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 22/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Jamie King, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Nicola Heslehurst, Newcastle University, United Kingdom Dr. Lisa Cutts, Ex pharmacist, England Ms. Jennifer O'Gorman, Mental Health, United Kingdom Dr. Jane Flint Bridgewater, Trustee, Mary Stevens Hospice, Stourbridge, UK Mrs. Nia, Physiotherapist, Wales uk Dr. Laurie Tully, Working Well, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, UK Dr. Asad Khan, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom Dr. Kelly Fearnley, Foundation Doctor, Bradford Royal Infirmary, UK Dr. Frances Ward, , Uk Dr. James McKenna, RVL, United Kingdom Dr. Rae Duncan, NHS Consultant and member of both Long Covid Support Group and Long Covid Kids support group, England Mrs. Jackie Fenton-Bradbury, UK citizen, United Kingdom Dr. Theodoros Vrouchos, Public Health Wales, United Kingdom Dr. Giles Sanders, Head of Diagnostics, TTP, UK Professor Mitch Blair, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Public Health, Dept of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom Mrs. Jane Robertson, B.Sc. (Hons) Experimental Pathology Glasgow, UK Dr. Lucy Cheke, University of Cambridge, Uk MD, PhD, Katrin Rabiei, Gothenburg University, Sweden Dr. Robert Dickinson, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Dr. Rachel Thomson, General Practitioner, UK Dr. K.N. Hng, Doctors with M.E., UK Dr. Donna Traves, NHS, Uk Dr. Anette Freyer, Nottingham University Hospitals, England Dr. Shaun Peter Qureshi, Palliative Medicine Physician, United Kingdom Dr. Gerald Barry, University College Dublin, Ireland Dr. Madhavi Munasinghe, GP, UK Dr. Ruth Coman, Retired, UnitedKingdom Dr. Sudeep Chand, Former Global Health Adviser, UK Government, United Kingdom Professor Anthony Staines, Dublin City University, Ireland Miss Catherine Chapman, Long covid - healthcare worker, United Kingdom Misd, Alexandra Stevens, Public health, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 23/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Miss Lucy Woolhouse, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Dr. Simon Child, Personal capacity, United Kingdom Dr. Bethan Clayton, Royal Preston Hospital, England Dr. Ashish Bansal, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Craig Richardsob, personal capacity, Uk Dr. Mike, NHS medical consultant, England Ms. Johanna McNicholl, De Montfort University, United Kingdom Ms. Mary Arigho, Socialist Health Association, United Kingdom Dr. Jessica Briggs, North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Miss Rebecca Symons, BSc, MSc, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom Mr. Dominic Kenyon, Registered nursing associate/apprentice ld nursing student, United Kingdom Dr. Stuart Coghill, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Paul Stern, Retired GP, UK Ms. Amanda Frank, Public Health England, UK Dr. Duncan Berryman, Queen‚Äôs University Belfast, United Kingdom Dr. Kumar Saha, Doctor, United Kingdom Ms. Tracy Meggitt, University of Sheffield, England Mr. Patrick Matthew Stuart, Optometrist, United Kingdom Doctor, Ann Marisa Silverman, Retired Consultant Psychiatrist, UK Dr. Gail Loudon, HCW, United Kingdom Dr. Hannah Nazri, University of Oxford, UK Mr. Gah-Kai Leung, Department of Politics & International Studies, University of Warwick, United Kingdom Mrs. Caroline Morgan, MLSO, UK Dr. Gemma Holding, NHS, UK Mr. David Woods, Clinical Pharmacist, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand Dr. Naomi How, NHS, UK Mr. Jose Noe Rizo Amezquita, Secretaria de salud, Mexico Dr. Anthony Bowering, N.H.S., United Kingdom Mrs. Mary Ion, NHS, UK Prof. Sigrid Neuhauser, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Microbiology Dr. Bogdana Huma, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands Master, Yamili Espejo Iriarte, Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Mexico Dr. Thomas Smith, The University of Cambridge, UK- University Hospital https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 24/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum trust, England Dr. Danny Thomas, GP, Devon, UK Ms. Viv Pribram, NHS, United Kingdom Mrs. Susie Wolstenholme, HCPC, UK Dr. Peter Smith, Retired Consultant Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, United Kingdom Mrs. Beata Gould, HCSW, Uk Dr. Arthur Dyer, Oxford University l, United Kingdom Mrs. Victoria Beale, University of York, United Kingdom Mrs. Anka Pilkington, Optometrist, UK Dr. Geoffrey Levine, Medical Practitioner, United Kingdom Dr. Karen Schucan Bird, UCL, UK Patient Safety and Experience Manager, Ed Poole, ENCCG, United Kingdom Professor Carol Rivas, University College London, United Kingdom Professor of nanotoxicology, Andrew Nelson, University of Leeds, UK Ms. Amy Walker, Bradford District Care Trust (Nurse), United Kingdom Dr. Andrew J Winnard, Space Medicine Systematic Review Methods, UK Mrs. Viv Cleary, Public Health, United Kingdom Dr. Sharon Brayley, Gp, United Kingdom Saashi Bedford, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. Rui Santos, NHS, UK Dr. Toby Fagan, NHS, UK Mr. Paul Clayton, BPS, United Kingdom Dr. Annegret Pelchen-Matthews, University College, London, United Kingdom Dr. Dr Alvin Chan, GP, United Kingdom Dr. Erik Cox, Inclusive Designs Ltd, United Kingdom Dr. Kirby James, Independent Consultant, UK Dr. Tom Pike, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Dr. Mark Walton, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. James Hillier, Bristol Royal Infirmary, United Kingdom Mr. Andrew Perks, Health and social care officer, UK Dr. Lucas Tselepis, NHS, UK Ms. Kim Sanders-Fisher, Former Medical profesional, UK Dr. Gabriela Jiga-Boy, School of Psychology, Swansea University, UK Dr. Joe Cuthbert, Hull York Medical School & Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 25/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Visiting Professor Dr Stephen Quarrie, Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom Dr. Sarah Williams, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Anthea Lehmann, Royal college of physicians, United Kingdom Dr. Linn Jarte, NHS, Wales, UK Professor Derek Cook, St George's University of London, United Kingdom Dr. Wilkinson, Biotechnology, UK Dr. Geoffrey Schrecker, FRCGP, United Kingdom Mrs. Carol Freeman, NHS Research, UK Mr. Frederik Quetscher, Technische Universit√§t Darmstadt, Germany Dr. Nicholas Hopkinson, Imperial College London, UK Mr. Mark Wallace, Retired Nurse, United Kingdom Mr. Javed, University of York, United Kingdom Dr. Michael Farrall, Retired Consultant Community Paediatrician, United Kingdom Dr. Christof Gallagher, GP, UK Mr. Stuart Sutherland, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Rune Linding, Humboldt-Universit√§t zu Berlin, Germany Dr. John Gibson, Intensive Care Doctor, Norfolk, UK Dr. Ibtihal Elshikh, Child Psychiatrist- NHS, United Kingdom Doctor, Roy Seaman, Private, United Kingdom Dr. Johnson, General Practitioner, UK Dr. Josef Boehle, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Dr. Dermot Fitzsimons, Speech and Language Therapist, Glasgow, Scotland Ms. Margaret Gear, Yasp, U.K. Ms. Kirsty Macaulay, Nurse, United Kingdom Mrs. elaine duncan, PhD Candidate, United Kingdom Dr. Paula Bradley, NHS, England Dr. Natalie Gibson, MRCGP, UK Dr. Marisol Smith, , UK Mr. Howard Walker, Economist, signing in personal capacity, United Kingdom Dr. Sarah Cowley, GP, UK Mr. Oliver Allenby-Smith, Doctor, United Kingdom Ms. Hilda Palmer, Greater Manchester Hazards Centre and Hazards Campaign, United Kingdom Dr. Wolfgang Wester, Bangor University, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 26/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Sharon Hamilton, GP, Scotland Prof. Dr. Robin Ketteler, University College London, United Kingdom Professor Stuart Milligan, King's college London, United Kingdom Dr. Angela Kehagia, University College London Hospital, UK Professor Jennifer Bizley, University College London, United Kingdom Dr. Anna Krzywoszynska, University of Sheffield, UK Professor Jayant S Vaidya, University College London, United Kingdon Ms. Layla Lavallee, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Dr. Ali Abbas, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Dr. Alison Rodgers, A concerned former medical researcher and current teacher, United Kingdom Dr. Francesca Cavallaro, University College London, UK Dr. Matt Butler, FreshAirNHS and Cambridge University Hospitals, United Kingdom Dr. David Hughes, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom LCSW, April Dawn Harter, Narcissism Recovery Center, LLC., USA Dr. Jade Khalife, Lund University, Sweden Dr. Amanda McNaughton, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom Dr. Andrew Hellewell, , United Kingdom Dr. Yusof Rahman, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia, Australia Mr. David Steadson, Epidemiologist, VanaTech Behavioural Science, Sweden Dr. Jennifer Haworth, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Dr. Donald Macphail, GP rtd, UK Dr. Sajid Alam, NHS, UK Dr. Benjamin Phillips, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Mrs. Rachel Clark, Staff Nurse in NHS hospital, United Kingdom Dr. Ping Chen, Anaesthetic consultant, UK Dr. Justine Firnhaber-Baker, University of St Andrews, Scotland MissJessica Littlefair, Psychological Well-being Practitioner, England Dr. Sandi Dheensa, University of Bristol, UK MissBe-Nazir Bari, Chartered society of Physiotherapists, United Kingdom Mr. Richard Buckwell, Nottingham and Notts Keep Our NHS Public, uk Mr. Geoffrey Woodruff, Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK Mr. Robert Collins, Community Health Care Assistant, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Ms. Valerie Demouy, Lecturer in French, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 27/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Jiri Sikac, PrimeVigilance, Czechia MissFrancesca Sarah Lennon, Nurse at First Option Healthcare, United Kingdom Ms. Jessica McClure, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom Dr. Rob Thomas, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, United Kingdom Dr. Zuzana Sikacova, Pfizer, Czech Republic Dr. Lee Benson, NHS Doctor, United Kingdom Ms. Karen Reismann, RMN, Greater Manchester, UK MissBrenda Eadie, Charge Nurse, United Kingdom Ms. Melanie Gale, RGN, United Kingdom Dr. Harry Mcnaughton, UHDB NHS Trust, United Kingdom MrsAly Kimber-Herridge, Registered Midwife, United Kingdom Reader in transport and health modelling, Dr James Woodcock, University of Cambridge, UK Mrs. Hannah Doit, University of Nottingham, UK (PhD student), United Kingdom Dr. Niamh Mcguire, , Uk none, Yvonne Endter, medical doctor, Germany Mrs. Yvonne Mackenzie, Speech & Language Therapist, Scotland Dr (Medical), Gordon McGlasham, Retired General Practitioner, Uk Mrs. Elizabeth James, Parent & Registered Occupational Therapist, United Kingdom Dr. Maximiliane Verferden, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, United Kingdom Dr. Emily Arden-Close, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom - England MissNoelle Greenfield, Speech & Language Therapist, England Dr. Gemma Kirby, UKAEA, United Kingdon Dr. med., Wolfgang Hagen, Klinik Hietzing, Austria Mrs. Vanessa, Nurse, England Professor-Dean, Fausto J Pinto, Lisbon School of Medicine-University of Lisbon, Portugal Ms. Nina Barbosa, NHS, United Kingdom Prof. David M Wilkinson, University of Lincoln, UK., UK Dr. Gerard Reissmann, GP, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom Ms. Aisha Bari, Scientist, United Kingdom Dr. Greig Lennon, St Jude Children‚Äôs Research Hospital, USA Dr. Stella McGarry, GP3, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 28/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Ms. Anne Gill, Retired Nurse and Teacher., United Kingdom Dr. Sarah Clayton, Veterinary Surgeon, UK Dr. Neil J. Gostling, Lecturer in Evolution and Palaeobiology University of Southampton, United Kingdom Professor Matthew Cobb, School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, UK Prof. Martin Milton, Regents University London, UK MRes, Giuseppe Ciccone, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom MissAlison Taylor, University of Brighton, United Kingdom Mr. Simon Neal, Consultant Clinical Psychologist NHS, UK Mrs. Rachael Read, Nurse, United Kingdom Professor Ann Blandford, UCL, UK Dr. Rob Dalziel, Research Officer Healthwatch, UK Dr. Peter Van der Graaf, Teesside University, United Kingdom Mrs. G Young, counsellor, Uk Doctor, Paul Temblett, Consultant in Intensive Care, Swansea Bay University Health Board, UK MissSharon Phillipson, Registered Nurse, United Kingdom Dr. Dirk Mueller, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom Mrs. Clare Bartlett, Registered Nursing Associate (NHS), England Dr. Samit Chakrabarty, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Doctor, Amanda Gregory ., MB, BCH, BAHons, DRCOG, MRGCP (Retired), United Kingdom Dr. Heather Kazara, Former DPhil student at Zoology Department, University of Oxford, UK Doctor, Mark Hillen, ELZA Institute, Switzerland Professor Huw Davies, University of St Andrews, UK Professor Roberto Rossi, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Emeritus Professor Margaret F Bassendine, Newcastle University, United Kingdom Dr. Phil Wheeler, NHS GP, United Kingdom Dr. Katherine Twomey, University of Manchester, UK MissRebecca Fearnley, Ambulance Service, United Kingdom Dr. Gillian Fludger, GP, UK Mr. Andy Low, Pharmacist, UK Mrs. Sheila Rockey, Health care support worker, Uk https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 29/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Mr. Graeme Jones, Retired NHS Senior Health Promotion Officer, England Dr. Michael Kay, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Dr. Emily Stevenson, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Tayside, Scotland Dr. Carolyn Johnstone, Retired doctor, Uk Professor Laura DeMarco, Harvard University, United Kingdom Dr. Nicola Fletcher, University College Dublin, Ireland Dr. Sue Edgley, Retired Psychiatrist, UK Dr. S Moolla, Consultant, UK Dr. Alan Woodall, Powys Teaching Health Board, Wales Mt, Jeremy N Leslie-Spinks, University of Oxforf, UK Dr. Jo-anne Veltman, NHS, UK Professor of Applied Cancer Research, Nora Pashayan, UCL, United Kingdom Ms. Vivienne Seymour Clark, Psychotherapist (retired), United Kingdom Mr. Chris Rowan, Healthcare worker, United Kingdom Dr. Mira Kharbanda, NHS, United Kingdom Ms. Annayah M.B. Prosser, University of Bath, UK Mr. Mike Adams, HCPC, Scotland Dr. Sambhavi Sheedy, GP, England Dr. Dan Donnelly, Senior Lecturer, University of Leeds, Uk Dr. Mark Willcox, GP, UK Dr. Shokufeh Tavassoli, Bristol, United Kingdom Mrs. Helen Townsend, CRPS talk and support UK, Scotland, UK Ms. Cheryl Paterson, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Dr. Katherine Coyne, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. JOANNA Grice, NHS GP, United Kingdom Dr. Lorna Kviat, Oncology registrar, UK Dr. Vivienne Madden, Doctor, United Kingdom Dr. Vicky Marchant, GP, United Kingdom Mrs. Mrs LESLEY Powell, Local Authority, United Kingdom Ms. Karen Adler, University of Leicester, United Kingdom Mrs. Linda Walker, RGN ODP university of Sheffield, UK Mrs. Sandra E Graham, Registered Nurse, Canada Dr. Rebecca Sullivan, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Ramyya Sivanathan, GP, UK MissAdrienne Adele Cox, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Mr. Ant Babajee, PgDip Public Health graduand and Anti-Racism Network steering group member at Middlesex University, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 30/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Mr. Oliver Ding, Nurse, Deutschland Mr. Cameron Green, Data Science Intl, Switzerland Mr. Christopher S Anton, Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom Professor Debora Price, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Dr. Lisa Bose, GP, UK Dr. Petra Walter, Freelancer, Deutschland Dr. Tanvi Rai, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Mr. Lee Miller, NHS, UK Dr. Josh Chai, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK Dr. Luigi Aloia, UCL, United Kingdom Ms. Sarah Rimmer, Speech Therapist, Whittington Health NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Mike Carter, Rdr in Virology Univ of Surrey (retired), United Kingdom MissCarissa Wong, University of Bristol, Cardiff University, United Kingdom Dr. Sophie Cooke, University of Birmingham, UK Dr. Alison Gill, Nottingham University Hospitals, United Kingdom Dr. Angela Bentley, NHS, Scotland Dr. Megan Robertson, Norwich Medical School, England Dr. Mark A Phillips, FIChemE FRSA, United Kingdom Dr. Ophelia Entsir Dadzie, NHS, United Kingdom Professor Bernie Carter, Edge Hill University & Alder Hey Children‚Äôs Hospital, United Kingdom Dr. Jenny Porter, St James‚Äôs Hospital / Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Dr. Kat Alcock, University College London, England Dr. Helen Zealley, Retired Director of Public Health, United Kingdom Dr. Julian Ting, Consultant Respiratory Physician, United Kingdom MissAndrea English, Advanced nurse practitioner, Uk Dr. Katja Doerholt, Paediatrician, infectious diseases, St. George‚Äùs University Hospital, Uk Dr. Al Dorman, NHS, United Kingdom M/s, Sue McBean, Royal College of Nursing, Northern Ireland Dr. Zoya Georgieva, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. Daniel Chapman, University of Stirling, UK Dr. Zera Brittenden, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, London, England Dr. Elizabeth Calton, Paediatric Registrar, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 31/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Kate Horsley, GMC, Great Britain Dr. Andy Tate, GP London, United Kingdom Dr. Rob Hallifax, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Dr. Katherine Cushing, Newcastle, UnitedKingdom Ms. Karen Burrows, Occupational Therapist, Uk Dr. Adam Squires, University of Bath, United Kingdom Dr. Deborah Caswell, Francis Crick Institute, United Kingdom Dr. Howard Smedley, NHS ( rtd), UK Mrs. Jessica Fisher, HCPC, UK Dr. Jo√£o Martins, GP Trainee, UK Ms. Judith Parsons, King‚Äôs College London, UK Mr. Jake Knight, Nottingham uni, United Kingdom Dr. Gita Ramdharry, UCL, United Kingdom MissDrinalda Cela, Biologist, UK Dr. rebecca lee, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Dr. Richard Ramyar, Doctors with M E., United Kingdom Dr. Katherine Fowler, Research Scientist and Parent, United Kingdom Miss Kate Barton, NHS, Wales Miss Lucy Garrard, NHS Staff, UK Dr. Urwah Abdul Rahman, RCGP member, United Kingdom Certified Physician Assistant and Medical Technologist, PA-C, M.T. Mrs. Michelle O. Martin, Bates, Miller and Sims Rural Healthcare Practice, USA Dr. Qainaat Husnoo, Nhs, United Kingdom Dr. E-J Smith, University College London Hospitals, UK Mrs. Helen Watson, Radiographer, United Kingdom Dr. Paul Richardson, Retired, United Kingdom Professor Paul Clarke, Consultant Neonatologist, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK Doctor, Loreto DRAKE, Gp, Uk Dr. Ruth Smith, Science Teacher, United Kingdom Mr. Marcel Lovera-Davis, Ex Nurse, United Kingdom Mr. john moore, Physiotherapist, United Kingdom Marion Rusling, General practice, United Kingdom Ms. Alice Guilbert, Occupational therapist, United Kingdom Dr. Claire Harrow, NHSGGC, Scotland Doctor, Mark Thomas Heafield, RCP/ABN, UK MissClaire Reeves, NHS vaccinator and biology MSc grad, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 32/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Annette Abbott, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Nicholas Holmes, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Dr. Jenny Bird, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Trust, United Kingdom Dr. Alan McNicol, Ealanach Ltd, United Kingdom Dr. Juliette Brown, Consultant Psychiatrist, UK Ms. Susan McKeown-Wade, Clinical Nurse Specialist, UK Mr. David ULLATHORNE, Physicist, UK Mrs. Linda Berry, University of Manchester (retired), United Kingdom Mrs. Lesley Conran, Family Support Manager (Retired) and Grandmother, Wales Ms. Stephanie Clarke, Social worker local authority, England Dr. Andy Stillman, Rtd, United Kingdom Dr. Bernard Betts, University of York retired, United Kingdom Mr. Vikesh Shah, Moorfields Eye Hospital, United Kingdom Prof. Ruth Luthi-Carter, University of Leicester, United Kingdom Mrs. Catriona Brodie, Primary Care Clinical Pharmacist, NHS Highland, Scotland Ms. Jo Hayden, Registered Nurse, UK MissElizabeth White, Healthcare worker and transplant recipient, England Dr. Joanne Jones, Cambridge University, UK Mrs. Jenny Walker, public health manager, Uk Dipl.-Psych., Meike Thomassen, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Germany Dr. Caroline Oliver, North Bristol NHS Trust, UK Professor Rosaleen McCarthy, University of Southampton, UK Dr. Sadia Hoque, General practitioner, United Kingdom Dr. Annabelle Baughan, Retired consultant haematologist, Medical Director & Postgraduate Dean, UK Dr. Ken Burchett, , UK Ms. Marian Greaves, Registered nurse, UK MissCharlene Law, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Tharin Blumenschein, University of East Anglia, UK Dr. Tammy Davidson Thompson, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom Dr. Lindsay Fraser-Moodie, Fresh Air NHS / GP Registrar, United Kingdom Ms. Shanu Sadhwani, Brighton & Sussex Medical School, UK Dr. George Madden, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 33/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Simon Cornell, NHS, UK Professor Jacinta O'Shea, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Mrs. Kelly Tweedie, NHS, England Mrs. Anna Yalci, Healthcare worker, United Kingdom Dr. Ruth Speare, Public health, United Kingdom Mrs. Fiona Lamb, NHS nurse, UK Dr. Lara Roberts, King‚Äôs College Hospital, England Dr. Jennifer Smith-Wymant, Research & Engagement Officer for a national charity, United Kingdom Dr. Iain MacArthur, Northumbria University, United Kingdom Dr. Lauren Kelly, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom Dr. Clare Jeffries, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Simone Schnall, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Mr. Jamie Dunning, Department of life sciences, imperial college London, Uk Dr. Mark Harper, Chair, Cambridge ME Support Group, United Kingdom Dr. Jan Lindfeldt MD PhD DPMSA, Independent Pharmaceutical Professional, United Kingdom Dr. Margaret Glogowska, Senior Researcher, University of Oxford, UK Professor Mark Wainwright, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Dr. William Michael Brown, University of Bedfordshire, UK Professor Declan Devane, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Mrs. Susan Armstrong Robinson, Retired Senior Nurse/Specialist Health Visitor, United Kingdom Dr. Gwyndaf Roberts, Bangor University, United Kingdom Dr. Stephen Clarke, General Practitioner, United Kingdom Dr. Rebecca Newby, NHS GP, UK Dr. Dina Kronhaus, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Dr. Robaire Beckwith, Scientist/Medically trained, United Kingdom Dr. Dan Henderson, GP Partner and PCN Clinical Director, England Dr. David Briggs, The Francis Crick Institute, United Kingdom Dr. Rachel Bevins, University of Worcester, United Kingdom Dr. Megan Wallace, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Dr. Jody Winter, Principal Lecturer in Microbiology, Nottingham Trent University, UK Mrs. Valerie May Duskin, Social Care, United Kingdom Mr. Peter Davis, BDS, United Kingdom Ms. Miriam Kennet, The Green Economics Institute, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 34/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Stefano Kaburu, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom Dr. Leon Rozewicz, Medical Director Priory North London Hospital, United Kingdom Dr. Adam Jacobs, Director, Biostatistics, Premier Research, United Kingdom Mrs. Catherine Wightwick, University of Cambridge (science degree), United Kingdom Mrs. Maggie Wallace, Retired Medical Laboratory Technician, United Kingdom Professor Karla Miller, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Professor Russell G Egdell, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK Mr. Thomas Craig, NHS, United Kingdom Professor Elspeth Webb, Retired Professor of Paediatrics & Child Health, Cardiff University, Wales Mr. Ben Pollinger, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Helen Rea, Healthcare Worker, United Kingdom Dr. Kevin Skinley, University of Liverpool, England Global Health Epidemiologist, Dr. Cristina A. Fernandez, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, United States Mr. John DYER, Formerly CTO TERENA & post-graduate researcher Dept of Paediatrics, University of Oxford, UK Professor Robert Walsh, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom Mrs. Lesley Fletcher, Nurse, United Kingdom Professor Joanne Greenhalgh, Professor of Applied Social Research Methodology, University of Leeds, UK Dr. Buckton, M.Inst.P, England Dr. Chris H. Hill, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. David Nicholl, Clinical Lead for , City Hospital, Birmingham, U.K. Doctor, Nadine Seward, King's College London, United Kingdom Dr. Deborah Peter, GP, United Kingdom Dr. Michael McEvoy, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Andrew Broadbent, CES Ltd Economic & Social Research, London, UK Dr. Andrzej Harris, St Catharine's College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Dr. Paul O‚ÄôBrien, NHS, UK Dr. Jonathan Moore, Unaffiliated, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 35/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Mrs. Brooke Bianco, RN, United Kingdom MissOlivia Hoare, NHS, United Kingdom Mrs. Nadira Petterson, NHS, UK, United Kingdom Ms. Jane Lewis, Reg nurse (vaccinator), UK Dr. Miriam Silver, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, United Kingdom Dr. Dimitra Blana, Lecturer in Health Data Science, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom Dr. Jonathan Smith, Hospital Consultant, United Kingdom Dr. FILIPPO SANFILIPPO, Policlinico Hospital, Catania, Italia Dr. James Apperly, UCL (alum), UK Dr. Cath Livingstone, NHS, United Kingdom Professor Patrick Eyers, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Dr. Karen Ward, Manchester University Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Mrs. Barbara Potter, Open University, United Kingdom Dr. Theresa Howe, Consultant Clinical Oncologist VUNHST, Wales Dr. Alison Hughes, GP, United Kingdom Doctor, Dr Peter N Taysum, Associate Specialist, , CDD(NHS)FT, England Ms. Dinah Middleton, Retired RGN, England Dr. John Edwards, Wolstanton Medical Centre, United Kingdom Miss Gwenno Thomas, NHS Physiotherapist, Wales Dr. Martin Smith, Vaccine Manufacturing & Innovation Centre, UK Dr. Stuart Gillespie, Senior Fellow, IFPRI, United Kingdom Prof. Charlotte Bolton, University of Nottingham, UK Dr. Nigel Goddard, University of Edinburgh, Scotland MissMary Jane Macmillan, NHS, Scotland Dr. Clare Rayner, Retired, U.K. Mrs. Diana Mair, NHS, England Dr. Tina Leonard, Retired Cochrane Collaboration Managing Editor, United Kingdom Prof. Dr. Michael Wagner, University of Vienna, Austria Dr. Laura peacock, NHS dentist, United Kingdom Dr. Mohammad Hussain, NHS, United Kingdom Mrs. Yvette wilson, Allied health professional, England Dr. Agnes Ayton, Oxford Health Nhs foundation Trust, United Kingdom Professor Maria Chironna, Hygiene and Public Health, University of Bari, Italy Professor Helen Ward, Imperial College London, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 36/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Professor barbara jennings, Norwich Medical School, United Kingdom Dr. James French, RCOA, UK Dr. Jyrki Loima, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Professor David Collier, Industry, United Kingdom Dr. Jill A. Padawer, PhD, Former Faculty, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA Ms. Maria Higgins, NHS Scotland, Scotland Dr. Alison M Dunning, University of Cambridge, Uk Ms. Veena Ugargol, NHS, U.K. Dr. Yasmeen Hayat, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Ben Greenhalgh, Psychiatry ST5, Gateshead, United Kingdom Mrs. Carol Erden, NHS, Scotland Ms. Sue Dean RN, RCN SAM, UK Ms. Lisa McJury, NMC, United Kingdom MissRachel Ranson, NHS Worker, United Kingdom Dr. Joanne Flanagan, UK Atomic Energy Authority, United Kingdom Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, James Neilson, University of Liverpool, UK MissVinesha Pillai, Medical Student, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Dr. Christina Maslen, Health Evidence Matters Ltd, United Kingdom Dr. Iain Gow, Retired Reader in Physiology and Pharmacology, United Kingdom Professor David MarksUHBW, UHBW, United Kingdom Ms. Sally Fereday, Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management, United Kingdom Dr. Alison Murray, Retired, United Kingdom Dr. Cynthia Pinto, Brutish Psychological Society, Uk MissBeth Hunt, NHS Manager, United Kingdom MissCaitlin Pentland, Clinical Research, United Kingdom Dr. Neil Chadborn, University of Nottingham, Uk Ms. Bonnie Grotjahn, Psychotherapist, UK Mrs. Clare Henderson, HCW, United Kingdom Professor Nigel Goldenfeld, Institute for Genomic Biology and Dept. Of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Member US National Academy of Sciences., United States Dr. Maria Markides, GP in NHS, England Dr. Laura Ferguson, University of Southern California, USA https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 37/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Anja Heilmann, University College London, United Kingdom Prof. Caroline Fitzpatrick, UCL, UK Ms. Sue Carney, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom Professor Katrina Wyatt, University of Exeter, UK Dr. Amanda Woods, Independent Consultant Dermatologist, UK Dr. Zo√´ Waller, Associate Professor, UCL School of Pharmacy, UK Dr. Michael Poon, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Dr. Siobhan Crabb, Chartered College of Teachers, United Kingdom Dr. Dr. University Hospital Southampton, United Kingdom Professor Neil Fairweather, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Dr. Martin Stocks, Independent biomedical scientist, UK Doctor, John Goodenough, , United Kingdom Professor Martin Newby, Emeritus, City University of London, United Kingdom Mr. John S Bridle, Fellow of the Institute of Acoustics, Member IEEE, UK Professor Jan Nagler, Centre for Human and Machine Intelligence, Frankfurt, Germany Dr. Andrew Wang, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA Associate Professor Quantitative Criminology, Jose Pina-Sanchez, University of Leeds, United Kingdom MissGenevieve Glover, NMC, UK Ms. Lisa Robinson, Registered Nurse, Canada Dr. Priya Goswami, GP, England Dr. Divya Srivastava, Self-employed, United Kingdom Dr. Emma Turtle, NHS Fife, Scotland Professor John Papaloizou, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Dr. Jo Stanley, Lucy Cavendish College Cambridge, UK Mrs. Art, Healthcare, England Professor of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, Colin D Bingle, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Mr. Paul Welch, NHS nurse, UK Dr. Susan Hooper, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. S Pumpluen, University of Nottingham, UK Dr. Mark Oliver, Retired NHS GP, England Professor Thomas Sotiriou, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Dr. Roland Schaette, UCL, UK https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 38/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Ms. Debra Westlake, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom Professor Denise Sheer, Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, United Kingdom Mr. Alun Beard, University Hospitals Sussex, Society and College of Radiographers, United Kingdom Dr. Anthony Kerry, Royal College of Physicians and NHS, England UK Mr. John Rogers, Retired R&D Chemist., Spain Ms. Janet Newsham, Hazards campaign, United Kingdom MissReema Quadros, Dental officer, England Dr. Ulrich Schwarz-Linek, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom Dr. Helen Price, Keele University, United Kingdom Mr. Oliver manners, PhD Candidate in Chemistry, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Dr. Brid Hughes, Anaesthetist, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Dr. Lauren Bailey, Oxford, United Kingdom Professor Stephen Mobbs, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, UK Dr. ACHYUT GULERI, NHS employee, U.K. Mrs. Desaline Simon, Medic, United Kingdom Dr. Mary Kline Barnes, Pediatrician, United States Dr. James Bowen, Open University, UK Dr. Catherine Franconi, Neurologist Perth, Australia Dr. Parsley powersmith, BMA, England Mr. David Coulson, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom Dr. Adrian McElholm, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Internal Medicine Physician, Uk Dr. Jay Mueller, Emergency Medicine Consultant, Australia Dr. Jonathan Derek Fluxman, GP (retired), United Kingdom Dr. Anna Hallett, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Australia Dr. Tony Winston, Consultant Psychiatrist, Warwick, UK Mrs. Deborah Hoyle, Nurse, RCN, England Dr. Carol Tang, General Practitioner/Breast Cancer Physician, Wales Dr. Anna Walisiewicz, Mount Street Dental, United Kingdom Ms. Pamela MacKay, Registered Nurse, Massachusetts, United States Dr. Kamal Patel, Consultant Paediatrician Paediatric Emergency & Critical Care, United Kingdom Professor Somnath Mukhopadhyay, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 39/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum United Kingdom Dr. Melissa Sargaison, South Central Ambulance Service CCAS, Uk Dr. Stephen Wilkinson, University of Buckingham, United Kingdom Ms. Margaret McFadden, Senior Clinical Research Nurse, NHS, Scotland Dr. Gail Corbett, GP retired, Scotland Dr. Jarrad Hall, University of Western Australia, Australia Dr. Jane Speake, Retired, United Kingdom Professor Harry P. De Koning, Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Dr. Heather Semper, Sheffield hallam university, United Kingdom Dr. Julian Lob-Levyt, Public Health, UK Dr. Gabriella Conti, UCL, United Kingdom Mrs. Anne Walker, Neonatal nurse, England Doctor, Keren Shaw, Retired GP and Ethicist, United Kingdom Dr. Lise Hertel, Doctor in NHS, Scotland Ms. Penny Hurt, None, United Kingdom Professor Ian Clark, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom Mrs. Teresa Dundovic, IndieSAGE, England Mrs. Nicola Holt, Nurse, UK Dr. Rachel Starer, NHS, England Mr. Robert Wheatley, Retired Consultant Paediatrician, United Kingdom Professor Kenneth Long, Imperial College London, UK Dr. Mary Stuart, Personal, Uk Ms. Marcia Breen, Registered Nurse, Australia Dr. Keith Baverstock, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Mrs. Janine Cumberbatch, Critical Care Nursing Sister in NHS, England Mrs. Nina Leonard, Reg MBACP (Accred), United Kingdom Dr. Peter Hutchison, , Scotland Dr. Susanne Griffin, Retired doctor, UK Dr. James Pimm, NHS GP, England Mrs. Catherine Boyd, NHS, United Kingdom Ms. Sara Gibbs, Fellow Faculty Public Health, UK Dr. Peter Knipe, Queens University Belfast, UK Dr. Anna Taylor, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Dr. Lauren Barklie, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Styliani Gkika, NHS, United Kingdom Mrs. Sheila Downes, Retired physiotherapist, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 40/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Mr. Tom Parke, Berry Consultants, UK Dr. Maria, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom Dr. Adrian S Sztucki, NHS, United Kingdom Dr. Helena Yeoh, UCL, UK Dr. Karen Job, Consultant Paediatrician, London, United Kingdom Dr. Natalie Hallam, GP, United Kingdom Dr. Samuel Gardiner, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom Mr. Robin Payne, NHS, United Kingdom Mrs. Vicki Burrell, Edinburgh university, Uk Dr. Rhea Arini, University of Oxford, UK MissClara Chong, Southampton general hospital, Uk Mrs. Sally Dillon RGN dipDN, Nurse, England Dr. Louise Hyde, Doctors‚Äô Association UK, Wales Dr. Ver√≥nica Athi√©-Morales, Independent science educator. Previously at ICRF(Francis Crick Institute)/UCL, Mexico/U.K. Dr. Lisa O Connor, Trinity, Ireland Ms. Sally Anne, Registered Nurse, United Kingdom Dr. Tracy Epton, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Professor Nicola Ragge, Oxford Brookes University, UK Dr. Sandro Mattarei, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom Ms. Karen Youens, Nhs, United Kingdom Dr. SAM DAVIS, Leeds Beckett, United Kingdom Dr. Robert McIntyre, NHS, Scotland Dr. Vivek Kalra, Consultant Paediatrician, NNUH., UK Mr. Ryan, Navigo healthcare, United Kingdom Dr. Dylan Kneale, UCL Social Research Institute, UK Dr. Nicola Mc Farlane, Paediatric junior doctor, United Kingdom Dr. Kathryn Remington, Pain relief practitioner, UK Dr. Polly Holme, , United Kingdom Dr. Tavitian-Exley, Imperial College London; Health Promotion Board Singapore, United Kingdom Professor of Toxicology, retired, Francesco De Matteis, University of Turin, Italy and MRC toxicology Unit, UK, Italy and UK Professor Peter Juni, University of Toronto, Canada Mr. Phil Harrison, NHS, UK Dr. Jitka MacAdam, Cranfield University, United Kingdom https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 41/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Dr. Peter Drobac, University of Oxford, UK Dr. William Waites, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom Professor Anna Stiles Hanlon, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA, USA Dr. Lee Ian Garner, University of Oxford, United Kingdom MissYosel Mouzo, Psychotherapist, England Lecturer in Epidemiology, Dr Anne Wilson, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK Ms. Morag Forbes, Midwife and Student School Nurse (SCPHN), England Dr. Adam Bryson OBE, Public Health Physician retired, UK Mrs. Tracy Howard, Environmental Health Professional, U.K. Ms. Irene McKee, NHS, United Kingdom Miss Jenny gough, Royal cornwall, Uk Dr. Vincent O'Brien, Self-employed Scientist and Parent, Scotland, UK Dr. Robin Howard, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Guy's and St. Thomas' Trust, United Kingdom Ms. Rupali Vaidya, Midwife, Kent, United Kingdom Dr. Julie Cave, Independent Research Scientist, Complementary Health Therapist, and person with ME/CFS, United Kingdom Dr. Matthew Lloyd, University of Bath, United Kingdom Dr. Michelle Harvie, University Manchester, UK Dr. Shahpur Patell, Retired, United Kingdom


The government policy will lead to mass

infection when many remain unprotected

The dangers of pursuing population immunity through mass infection with SARS-CoV-2 were outlined by a group of scientists in the John Snow Memorandum in October 2020.1 The Memorandum outlined the many

scientific and ethical reasons why such a strategy was deeply flawed.1 What we have learned since has vindicated this stance. We have since witnessed extensive virus evolution giving rise to multiple variants which are more transmissible, more severe and capable of partially evading immunity https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 42/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum

conferred by vaccines or previous infection.2 Infection-acquired immunity from COVID-19 provides inferior protection compared with vaccination while

re-infections appear more common than previously thought.3 Persistent and sometimes debilitating illness have been found in 10-30% of those infected,

including among the young.4-5 It is clear that COVID-19 is far more than a

respiratory disease; it affects many body systems6-8, including the brain, even

in people who initially experienced only mild disease.9 Now that safe and highly effective vaccines are available, that protect people against severe disease and reduce transmission, it is unethical to expose people deliberately to risk of infection.

Unfortunately, England’s infection-acquired population immunity strategy has re-emerged. Thus far, the government’s policy of acting only when healthcare services are at breaking point has contributed to over 150,000

deaths,10 up to 2 million people with Long COVID,11 and the emergence and spread of the highly transmissible Alpha variant that caused a devastating 2nd wave in the UK before spreading across Europe and beyond. The government’s refusal to adopt adequate mitigations in schools at a time of

high levels of community infections12-13 has contributed to mass infections of children and onward transmission to family members. Children have suffered significant educational disruption, missed key developmental milestones, and too many have lost parents or grandparents as a result.

The government removed the mandate for masks in English secondary schools on 17th May 2021, despite the emerging dominance of the even more

transmissible Delta variant.14 Now, when infection rates in children and

young adults are high and rising rapidly,15-16 ministers have announced plans to abandon isolation of contacts of schoolchildren (replacing this with

suboptimal daily rapid tests),17 and to abandon bubbles in schools after the

summer.18 This will leave children, who have been woefully unprotected in schools throughout the pandemic, exposed to a significantly increased risk of infection. While the Pfizer vaccine has been shown to be safe in children

over 12 and is being administered in many countries,19 some government

advisors, albeit speaking personally,20 have advocated allowing children to be infected, arguing that the benefit-harm balance may be better than vaccination. So far, despite MHRA approval, the Joint Committee on https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 43/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has not supported vaccination of adolescents, a policy out of step with much of Europe, North America, and

South East Asia, where millions of under 18s have been vaccinated.21 The inevitable consequence of these policies has been, and will continue to be, mass infection in children, with ensuing chronic illness for many.

The ‘road map’ for re-opening, announced in February 2021,22 did not focus on controlling transmission, unless this risked overwhelming the NHS. The adherence to the stage 3 of the road map’s releasing of restrictions effectively demonstrated the government’s acceptance of risks that a significant 3rd wave modelled by the government’s advisory group (SAGE

SPI-M) could occur.23 Continuing roll-out of vaccines meant that much larger surges in cases could be tolerated before healthcare capacity was overwhelmed. Whilst the emergence of new variants of concern was a

criterion for re-evaluating the road map,22 the rapid spread of the delta variant was not seen as a reason to pause further opening. The acceptance of virus spread through the young is no different to the strategy of herd immunity by infection, which was rightly abandoned by the government in late March 2020.

England is now experiencing a third wave with over 20,000 daily reported cases and 9 day doubling times as of 2 July 2021 , this time with the more transmissible Delta variant. Yet the government is rapidly easing measures in the midst of a surging pandemic. Euro2020 matches attended by tens of thousands of fans have gone ahead, leading to 15% of those who attended

from Scotland becoming infected.24 While it is unclear where these infections were acquired, it is likely that activities such as travel and socialisation linked to these events have contributed to spread. On 19th of July, almost all restrictions including social distancing and widespread mask

use will be stopped.25 The same day, nightclubs will open without the need

for pre-testing.26 This has been widely branded as ‘freedom day’, sending the message that the pandemic is effectively over. As cases rise rapidly, some government advisors and MPs are now suggesting that release of daily case updates on COVID-19 should be stopped, as they ‘are a long way from being

an important cause of death’.27 https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 44/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum

These strands of evidence support the conclusion that the policy being pursued, by design or default, is population immunity through mass infection of large swathes of the population. Herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved by this approach in the timescale that would avoid undue harm to the UK population.


1. Alwan NA, Burgess RA, Ashworth S, et al. Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now. Lancet 2020; 396(10260): e71-e2. 2. Wall EC, Wu M, Harvey R, et al. Neutralising antibody activity against SARS-CoV-2 VOCs B.1.617.2 and B.1.351 by BNT162b2 vaccination. Lancet 2021. 3. Tomic A SD, Ogbe A, O’Connor D, Pace M, Adland E, Alexander F, Ali M, Allot K. Divergent trajectories of antiviral memory after SARS-Cov-2 infection. Research Square (preprint) 2021. 4. ONS. Prevalence of ongoing symptoms following coronavirus (COVID- 19) infection in the UK: 1 April 2021 5. ONS. Prevalence of ongoing symptoms following coronavirus (COVID- 19) infection in the UK: 1 July 2021, 2021. 6. Nalbandian A, Sehgal K, Gupta A, et al. Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome. Nat Med 2021; 27(4): 601-15. 7. Al-Aly Z, Xie Y, Bowe B. High-dimensional characterization of post- acute sequelae of COVID-19. Nature 2021; 594(7862): 259-64. 8. Roberts CM, Levi M, McKee M, Schilling R, Lim WS, Grocott MPW. COVID-19: a complex multisystem disorder. Br J Anaesth 2020; 125(3): 238-42. 9. Douaud G LS, Alfaro-Almagro F, Arthofer C, Wang C, Lange F, Andersson JLR, Griffanti L. Brain imaging before and after COVID-19 in UK Biobank. MedRxiv 2021. 10. Gov.uk. Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK. 2021. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths. 11. Whitaker M EJ, Chadeau-Hyam M, Riley S, Darzi A, Cooke G, Ward H, Elliott P. Persistent symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection in a random https://www.johnsnowmemo.com 45/47 16/07/2021 JOHN SNOW MEMORANDUM - John Snow Memorandum community sample of 508,707 people, 2021 12. Gurdasani D, Alwan NA, Greenhalgh T, et al. School reopening without robust COVID-19 mitigation risks accelerating the pandemic. Lancet 2021; 397(10280): 1177-8 13. Gurdasani D, Pagel, C., Yates K., McKee M., Greenhalgh T. . Is the government “following the data” on face coverings in schools? BMJ Opinion 2021. 14. Gov.uk. Face coverings no longer required in schools and colleges from 17 May. 2021. 15. ONS. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: 2 July 2021 16. Public Health England. Weekly national Influenza and COVID-19 surveillance report: Week 26 report (up to week 25 data). 01 July 2021 17. Aubrey Allegretti JE, Natalie Grover. Ministers set to end automatic isolation for pupils in England. The Guardian. 2021. 18. Neilan C. School bubbles could be dropped on July 19, says Gavin Williamson. The Telegraph. 2021 19. Howard J. COVID-19 and balancing the risks: The vaccine or the virus. Science-Based Medicine. 2021. 20. Smyth C. ‘Children better off catching Covid naturally than having a jab. The Times. 2021. 21. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID Data Tracker: COVID-19 Vaccinations in the United States. 2021. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid- data-tracker/#vaccinations. 22. Gov.uk. COVID-19 Response - Spring 2021. 2021. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-response-spring- 2021/covid-19-response-spring-2021. 23. SPI-M-O. SPI-M-O: Summary of modelling on easing restrictions, 2021. 24. Heather Stewart LB, Linda Geddes. Covid: surge in Scottish cases raises Euro 2020 safety concerns. The Guardian. 2021. 25. Morton B. Covid: Boris Johnson upbeat about easing lockdown in England on 19 July. BBC News. 2021. 26. Exclusive: Now let’s dance - clubs to reopen (with no Covid tests or vaccine passports). Evening Standard. 2021. 27. Somerville E, Davies G. Stop daily case updates as virus no longer an 'important cause of mortality', says JCVI scientist. The Telegraph. 2021.

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