1st Grade Social Studies At a Glance

Grading Periods Unit Name Estimated Timeframe Unit: At School 25 days  My School, My Community – Chapter 1 o I Am a Good Citizen – 3 days . Traits of good citizens o My Rights and Responsibilities – 4 days . Home and school o I Follow Rules and Laws – 3 days . Home and school o My Leaders – 4 days . Home, school, community o My Government – 3 days . Community, state, nation o Locations in the School – 4 days . Classroom, office, nurse, gym, cafeteria o Symbols of My Country – 5 days 1st Grading Period . Flag, eagle, rose, White House, Star Spangled Banner and Francis Scott Key, pledge of allegiance, Statue of Liberty Unit: Holidays and Celebrations (taught when holiday falls) 3-5 days per  o Purpose of and when established o How celebrated  First Responders Day (September 11th) 2 Days o Honors those who assist in emergencies  Constitution Day (Sept 17th)and Celebrate Freedom

Week o What document means? o Who signed and why? o Symbols that represent freedom in our country  County Fair Day o Why important to local community? Unit: Everyone Works 25 days  Work in the Community –Chapter 2 o Needs and Wants – 4 days . Basic Human Needs o Goods, services, and products – 4 days . Examples from home, school, and community . How exchanged and role of markets o Why we Make Choices – 3 days . Choices people make impact of wanting more than they can have o Buying and Selling – 5 days 2nd Grading Period . Role of markets and how people exchange items within o Spending and Saving – 5 days . Why we save and how we spend money o Jobs People Do – 5 days . Specialized jobs and how they contribute to goods and services Unit: Geography: Map Skills and Human Characteristics 20 days Looking at Our World – Chapter 3  Where Things are Located – 4 days o map skills

o cardinal directions o Locations of things in school and community  Maps and Globes – 4 days o Locations – United States, Texas, local community o Create and use simple maps of classroom, school, and community  Land and Water – 4 days o Identify and describe landforms and bodies of water  Continents and Oceans – 2 days o Characteristics of each and how they are seen on maps and globes  Our Environment – 3 days o How weather and natural resources impact how people live  Getting From Here to There – 3 days o Communication and transportation around an area Holidays and Celebrations (taught when holiday falls) 3-5 days per  (2nd Monday in October) 3 Days  Celebrates contributions made by CC  Father of Texas Day (S.F.A.) - Nov 3rd 1 Day  - Nov. 11th - 3 Days  Thanksgiving - 5 days o Cultural Celebrations (, Hanukah, Eid, , , , etc.) 10 Days

Unit: All Around the World 30 days Traditions We Share – Chapter 4  What is Culture? – 5 days o How geography can impact culture o Examples of culture: music, dance, art, language, food, etc.  Families are Alike and Different – 3 days o Customs and traditions  Sharing Our Cultures – 5 days o Comparing how cultures and similar and different  What Are Our Celebrations? – 4 days o Celebrations and holidays and how celebrated in different areas  We Come Together – 5 days 3rd Grading Period o How people help their community o Eleanor Roosevelt, Richard Allen, and volunteers  We Celebrate Our Nation – 4 days o What is a hero and how do we identify them o Washington, Lincoln, MLK  Folktales and Fables – 4 days o What are they and how are they part of our culture? o What part of the stories are true and what are fiction? o Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, ant and the grasshopper Unit: Holidays and Celebrations (taught when holiday falls) 3-5 days per  Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Jan 18th 3 Days

 President’s Day - Feb 15th 3 Days

o George Washington, Abraham Lincoln  STAR Day o Anniversary of Texas Joining the US Feb 19th 1 Day  Texas / - Mar 2nd o 1 Day Jose Antonio Navarro and Stephen F. Austin  San Jacinto Day - 25th 1 Day

Unit: The United States and Texas 20 days  Our Past, Our Present – Chapter 5  Celebrating Texas and the Nation o Measuring Time – 4 days . How do we tell time- minutes, hours, days, years . Tools for telling time – clock, calendar o Talking about Time – 4 days . Past, Present, Future o How We Learn About History – 2 days . Tools for helping us learn about the past: documents, artifacts, museums, primary and secondary sources o American Heroes – 5 days . People who have shaped our country o National and State Symbols and People – 3 days . Alamo, Sam Houston, US/State Flag, 4th Grading Period US/State pledges Unit: Technology Then and Now 20 days

 Our Past, Our Present – Chapter 5  American Inventors – 5 days . Franklin, Bell, Edison, Morgan, Allen  Life Then and Now

. How technology changes people’s lives  Technology Then and Now – 3 days . Communication and Transportation and how it has changed

Holidays and Celebrations (taught when holiday falls) 3-5 days per

- April 22nd 2 Days  San Jacinto Day - April 25th 2 Days  - May 30th 2 Days  Independence Day - July 4th 2 Days

On-going Time, Chronology, Skills On-going