E1516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 12, 1999 lending. I hope that during the course of our Hreshchyshyn of Eagle River, Alaska, Nadia A graduate of Lebanon High School, he at- debate we can address these concerns. McQuiggen of Amherst and Kusia tended the University of Tulsa and Ohio State Both our financial service laws and con- Hreshchyshyn of Oakland, Calif.; and four University. He graduated from the University grandchildren.’’ sumer protection laws need to be modernized. of -Columbia, receiving his law degree On balance, H.R. 10, is a positive step in the Mr. Speaker, today I would like to join with from the university in 1949. An Army veteran right direction to achieve this goal. I urge my the Ukrainian-American community, and in- of World War II, he received the Purple Heart colleagues to join with me in supporting this deed, all of Western to honor Dr. and a Bronze Star. bill. Myroslaw M. Hreshchyshyn. To that end, I Judge Donnelly practiced law in Lebanon, f would like to convey to the Hreshchyshyn fam- Missouri, with Phil M. Donnelly and David ily my deepest sympathies, and ask my col- Donnelly from 1952 to 1965. He was an as- TRIBUTE TO DR. MYROSLAW M. leagues in the House of Representatives to sistant Attorney General of Missouri from 1957 HRESHCHYSHYN join with me in a moment of silence. to 1963. f He was appointed to the Missouri Supreme HON. JACK QUINN Court by Governor Warren E. Hearnes in RECOGNIZING TROOPER SAM OF NEW YORK 1965, and served as chief justice from 1973 to MITCHELL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1975, and from 1981 to 1983. He was the first Monday, July 12, 1999 chief justice to address the General Assembly HON. SCOTT McINNIS of Missouri on the State of the Judiciary in Mr. QUINN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in OF COLORADO January 1974. memory of Dr. Myroslaw M. Hreshchyshyn, a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Judge Donnelly was active in the commu- medical scientist, a professor of gynecologic Monday, July 12, 1999 nity. He was a member and elder at First oncology and obstretics at the University of Presbyterian Church, a member of Lebanon Buffalo Medical School, and a leader in the Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Masonic Lodge, A.F. & A.M. and a 50-year Ukrainian-American community in Western take this opportunity to recognize the dedica- member of the Missouri Bar. He served on the New York. tion, service and outstanding efforts of one of Lebanon Board of Education from 1959 to I would like to read into the RECORD an arti- Colorado's finest, Trooper Sam Mitchell of the 1965; on the board of the School of Religion, cle which appeared in the Buffalo News hon- Colorado State Patrol. As a former police offi- Drury College, Springfield, from 1958 to 1963; oring the life of Dr. Hreshchyshyn. cer, I know the time and commitment required and on the board of the Missouri School of ‘‘Dr. Myroslaw M. Hreshchyshyn, 71, a and for his work and achievements I wish to Religion, Columbia, from 1971 to 1972. medical scientist and professor of pay tribute to Trooper Mitchell and commend He was deputy chairman of the National gynecologic oncology and obstetrics at the him for receiving distinction as the Out- University at Buffalo Medical School, died Conference of Chief Justices in 1975. In 1998 standing State Patrol Trooper by The Hundred he published ``A Whistle in the Night,'' his Monday (May 24, 1999) in Lviv, Ukraine, Club. while working on a gynecology and obstet- autobiography and memoir. rics textbook to be published there. Joining the Colorado State Patrol in October Judge Robert T. Donnelly will be missed by He introduced the use of chemotherapy in of 1985, Sam Mitchell served with the Golden all who had the privilege to know him. I know gynecological oncology in the troop before transferring to the Colorado the Members of the House will join me in ex- in the 1960s and at the time of his death was Springs Troop and later to the Pueblo Troop. tending heartfelt condolences to his family: his continuing an investigation he began in the He is a distinguished D.U.I. officer averaging wife, Susie; his two sons, Thomas and Brian; late 1980s on diagnosing osteoporosis. over 300 D.U.I. arrests per year. His commit- Born in Kovel (Volya), Ukraine, he finished his sister, Helen; and his three grandchildren. ment to protecting the citizens of Pueblo has f his doctorate at J.W. Goethe University in helped to save many families the heartbreak Frankfurt, Germany, 1951. He served as an intern in Yonkers, did his residency at Cum- of losing a loved one to drunk driving. YOUTH VIOLENCE AND THE MEDIA berland Hospital, Brooklyn, and was a clinic He not only dedicates his time to insuring fellow in gynecologic cancer at Kings County the safety of those on the roads, he also gives HON. Hospital, Brooklyn. of his time to attend court hearings in order to OF He moved to Buffalo in 1957 after becoming insure that the intoxicated drivers he arrests a fellow in chemotherapy at Roswell Park face justice for their crimes. I greatly appre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cancer Institute. He joined the UB Medical ciate Trooper Mitchell and his work for the Monday, July 12, 1999 School faculty in 1970 and served as chair- people of Pueblo. Trooper Sam Mitchell is one man of department of gynecology and obstet- Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, last week, a very rics from 1982 to 1996. of a kind and I am grateful for his service and insightful article appeared on the Op-Ed page He also headed the gynecology and obstet- dedication to protecting innocent people from of . This article was writ- rics departments at Children’s Hospital, Buf- the atrocities that may be inflicted by intoxi- ten by William B. Ruger, Sr., chairman of the falo General Hospital, Millard Fillmore Hos- cated drivers. board of Sturm, Ruger & Company, which is pital and Erie County Medical Center until For his commitment, compassion, and will- located in Prescott, Arizona. Mr. Ruger is con- 1996. He oversaw the Reproductive Endocri- ingness to help I wish to commend Trooper sidered one of the most respected and re- nology Center, which is run by UB Medical Sam Mitchell. I would also like to congratulate sponsible voices in the firearms industry. His School and Children’s Hospital. him on a job well done, and I hope that he will He was a fellow of the American College of motto, and the company's motto, has always Obstetrics and Gynecology, founding chair- continue in his noble pursuits to see justice been ``Arms Makers for Responsible Citizens.'' man of the Gynecologic Oncology Group done. The article dealt with violence as part of the from 1971 to 1975 and president of the Buffalo f ongoing debate since the tragedy of Littleton, Gynecologic and Obstetric Society from 1977 Colorado. Bill Rugar's well thought out article IN MEMORY OF JUDGE ROBERT T. to 1978. would be required reading for anyone con- DONNELLY Hreshchyshyn helped initiate the USAID cerned about the role of the media as it re- American International Health Alliance Medical Partnerships Program, which ex- lates to youth violence. I submit the article to changes medical personnel and information HON. be printed in the RECORD. OF MISSOURI between two hospitals in Lviv and Millard [From the Washington Post] Fillmore Hospital. He also was one of the in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OUR DAILY DOSE OF DEATH vestigators in the $10 million National Insti- Monday, July 12, 1999 tutes of Health-funded Women’s Health Ini- (By William B. Ruger Sr.) tiative at UB. Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it is with deep When was the last time the media por- He was a member of more than 20 profes- sadness that I inform the House of the death trayed the responsible use of recreational sional associations and societies and contrib- of former Missouri Supreme Court Judge Rob- firearms? You wouldn’t know it from reading uted much to civic and educational organiza- ert T. Donnelly, 74, of Jefferson City, Missouri. the newspaper or watching television, but according to the National Safety Council, tions, especially in the Ukrainian-American Judge Donnelly was born Aug. 31, 1924, in community. the firearms accident rate has declined 20 He and Lidia Warecha were married in 1958. Lebanon, Missouri, a son of Thomas J. and percent during the past decade, plummeting In addition to his wife, survivors include Sybil True Donnelly. He was married Nov. 16, to a 90-year low. In 1998, only one percent of two sons, Yuri of South Buffalo and Adrian 1946, in Little Rock, Arkansas, to Wanda Sue accidental deaths were attributable to fire- of Scottsdale, Ariz.; three daughters, Marta ``Susie'' Oates, who survives at the home. arms accidents.