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Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Article Association of grassland birds with -Imperata patch in a northeastern tea estate of Bangladesh

Muntasir Akash, Tania Khan & Sayam U. Chowdhury

26 June 2018 | Vol. 10 | No. 7 | Pages: 11831–11843 10.11609/jot.3469.10.7.11831-11843

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Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 Article Association of grassland birds with Saccharum-Imperata patch in a northeastern tea estate of Bangladesh

Muntasir Akash 1, Tania Khan 2 & Sayam U. Chowdhury 3 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) 1 Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Neelkhet Road, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh 2 Bangladesh Bird Club, House-11, Road-4, Banani D.O.H.S., Kakali, 1206 Dhaka, Bangladesh OPEN ACCESS 3 Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force, Flat - 501, House - 16/C , Road - Tallabag, Sobhanbagh, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh 1 [email protected] (corresponding author), 2 [email protected] , 3 [email protected]

Abstract: Saccharum-Imperata grasslands in Bangladesh were once directly associated with 10 natve extrpated birds and stll harbor many diminutves. These habitats are now pocketed only in northeastern regions of the country due to intensive conversion, overstocked grazing and fre suppression. Afer a hiatus of about four decades, compositon and interacton of grassland specialist birds within a managed habitat of a tea estate was studied between November 2015 and May 2016 at micro-habitat scale using line transects, diversity indices, Bray-Curts cluster analysis and linear mixed models. Including 819 individuals of 39 grassland specialists, a total of 2,586 individuals of 110 species were recorded. The analyses indicated the landscape to have a signifcant efect on species richness. Of six micro-habitats, the area along the creek and dense tall grasses are important habitats for grassland specialists. The later ranked top in Shannon’s index (H′) for specialists (33 species, H′ = 2.988) followed by micro-habitats along the creek (18, 2.592) and sparse short grass (16, 2.401), comparing marked diference with micro-habitats of sparse grass along the road (21, H′=2.279), bush associated (11, 2.206) and crop associated areas (11, 2.124). The efect of slash-and-burn was stark on specialists, no signifcant associaton was found with grazing. This has been surmised as relatonship among specialists’ ecology, long-term treatment efect and unpalatable nature of Saccharum ravennae as fodder. Based on the hypothesis, the study emphasizes exigencies of a potental management strategy for avian habitats within tea estates of Bangladesh.

Keywords: Aves, community ecology, compositon, grazing, interacton, , unpalatable grasses.

DOI: htp:// | ZooBank:

Editor: Hem Sagar Baral, School of Environmental Sciences, Albury-Woodonga, Australia. Date of publicaton: 26 June 2018 (online & print)

Manuscript details: Ms # 3469 | Received 27 April 2017 | Final received 06 May 2018 | Finally accepted 20 May 2018

Citaton: Akash, M., T. Khan & S.U. Chowdhury (2018). Associaton of grassland birds with Saccharum-Imperata patch in a northeastern tea estate of Bangladesh. Journal of Threatened Taxa 10(7): 11831–11843; htp://

Copyright: © Akash et al. 2018. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this artcle in any medium, reproducton and distributon by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publicaton.

Funding: The Bangladesh Bird Club fnanced the project under the Munir Ahmed Khan Bird Conservaton Fund raised in memory of the late Ranger Mr. Munir Ahmed Khan of the Bangladesh Forest Department.

Competng interests: The authors declare no competng interests.

Author Details: Muntasir Akash is an aspiring naturalist with an ardent curiosity in studying , ecological and biological aspects of the Tropics, especially of crustaceans, fshes, birds and lesser cats. He has completed BS and MS degree in Zoology from University of Dhaka and has been serving as a faculty to the same department since 2017. Tania Khan is a keen birdwatcher based in Sylhet, NE Bangladesh and a member of the Bangladesh Bird Club. She played a key role in discovering the grassland area where the study took place. She is a well known for her animal rehabilitaton work in Bangladesh. Sayam U. Chowdhury has been working in behavioral ecology, research and conservaton of globally threatened species in Bangladesh and abroad for the last 12 years. He has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from the North South Universty and MPhil in Biodiversity Conservaton from University of Cambridge.

Author Contributon: MA conducted the survey, planned and ran the analytcs, drafed and fnalized the manuscript. TK partcipated in the survey and helped with local logistcs. SUC helped in securing the fund, study design, supervised the study and edited an earlier version of the manuscript.

Acknowledgements: The authors are thankful to all the contributors of the Munir Ahmed Khan Bird Conservaton Fund and selectng this project to support. We are also grateful to the workers and land managers of the Kurma Tea Estate for grantng access to the site. The Noazesh Knowledge Centre of WildTeam was of invaluable use as provided signifcant literary works.

11831 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

INTRODUCTION anthropogenic efects on forest birds, works are much less concentrated on grasslands’ avian specialists Dominated by monocotyledonous of the (Helzer & Jelinsky 1999). Research interests, however, family Poaceae and specialist fauna, grasslands are are increasing worldwide to perceive the least known universally spread, discrete habitats with characteristc grassland birds from ecological and evolutonary adaptaton to periodical disturbances (Singh et al. 1983; viewpoints and to determine factors causing the Vickery & Herkert 1995). Grasslands are dwindling and apparently unstoppable declining trend (e.g., Norment so are its denizens. Anthropogenic efects are mountng; et al. 2010; Osborne & Sparling 2013; Manakadan 2014; as a consequence, grasslands rank high on the list of da Silva et al. 2015; Davis et al. 2016; Duchardt et al. most threatened and the least studied habitats (Samson 2016; Rahmani et al. 2016).

& Knopf 1994; Coppedge et al. 2001). Rising levels of CO2 As a stark similarity with the ongoing global scenario, because of climate change, in additon to these factors, these habitats of Bangladesh stll yield many rare and also acts in favor of C3 xyloid woody plants growth over globally threatened species including Yellow-breasted C4 graminoid grasses (Polley et al. 1994; Coppedge et Buntng Emberiza aureola and Bristled Grassbird al. 2001). Considering avifauna, over the past three Chaetornis striata. They also harbor regionally decades, populatons of grassland birds are backsliding diminishing smaller mammals like the Indian Hare in a steep and persistent rate primarily due to habitat Lepus nigricollis, the Bengal Fox Vulpes bengalensis as loss, degradaton and alteraton (Knopf 1994; Peterjohn well as the globally Vulnerable Fishing Cat Prionailurus 1994; Vickery & Herkert 1995). viverrinus. Other than the annotaton from Khan (1988), The Indian Subcontnent possesses tropical tall any systematc study on the resident and migratory grasslands which are strongly lattude dependent and grassland birds is stll largely absent in Bangladesh, climate driven (Whyte 1977; Singh & Krishnamurthy however. Akash et al. (2017) was the frst such atempt 1981; Singh et al. 1983; Peet et al. 1999). Of the four afer this long hiatus representng status and fuctuaton major categories, Phragmites-­Saccharum-Imperata of grassland birds whereas the current work exemplifes sheets, ofen known as ‘wet savanna’, enriched with their associaton in a managed habitat. alluvial soil, is spread across the entre northwestern Based on the aforementoned status of grassland Gangetc plain to the eastern Brahmaputra plain birds, the study aimed (1) to investgate their associaton descending along the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna with vegetaton types, and (2) to provide a baseline for watersheds (Rowntree 1954; Singh et al. 1983; Garrity comparatve studies to update the shortall on grassland et al. 1997). birds of Bangladesh. With a loss of nearly 50% of natural formaton, grasslands in the Indian Subcontnent have become severely fragmented. Only one percent of today’s MATERIALS AND METHODS remaining grass-scapes are under legal proctecton. Yet, with around 200 obligatory specialists from diferent Study area taxa, these Indo-Gangetc grasslands cover 10 important The study area is about 17.59ha. The Kurma Tea bird areas (IBA) which harbor about 20 globally Estate (24.203060N & 91.865280E) located in a synclinal threatened bird species (Rahmani et al. 2016). valley of the northeastern administratve district of In Bangladesh, around 5% percent of the total Moulvibazar of Sylhet division administers the patch. forested area is represented by grasslands (IUCN To the north, the site is 10km from Adampur Reserve Bangladesh 2015a). At present, patches similar to the Forest whereas Moulvibazar municipality is 33km away. characteristc northeastern Indian grass complex, are The Indian states of Tripura and Assam are 3km on the worst afected and the least known habitats of the south and 35km to the east from the study area, the country, and exist as pockets only throughout the respectvely. The antclinal Atharamura-Longtharai hill northern and southeastern administratve divisions of range straddling from north to south delimits the site Sylhet and Chitagong of Bangladesh (Khan 1977; Kabir horizontally (Saigal 2005). According to the Köppen et al. 2010; IUCN Bangladesh 2015a). Of the country’s climate classifcaton system, the region falls under 31 extrpated species, 10 of both mammalian and avian tropical wet savanna climate having characteristc species were directly associated with grasslands (IUCN yearly heavy precipitaton (Pathak 2005). Winter spans Bangladesh 2015a,b). from November to February while May to September In comparison to researches dealing with consttutes monsoon. Surrounded by the tea garden

11832 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

Figure 1. Study Area, microhabitat stratfcaton and layout of transect lines.

except for the northerly located tree plantaton area, the to year round random grazing, controlled by the garden study site is traversed by two creeks running from west workers. The Cogon Grass Imperata cylindrica forms the to east, being the widest westward (Fig. 1). second sheet layer, as a majority where Ravenna Grass is sparse or absent. The Ravenna Grass is completely Micro-habitat stratfcaton absent along the southwestern side and sparse on the Typical of the northeastern part of Bangladesh, this eastern tp of the study area. The northeastern tp of the grassy patch gets the major mass from the family grassland supports dense Clerodendrum infortunatum Poaceae (Ahmed et al. 2008a). With a typical elephant and Lantana camara growth. Calotropis gigantea was grass formaton, Ravenna Grass Saccharum ravennae the only woody shrub of the area, and Streblus asper stands as the most dominant and the tallest species. was also seen but in a trimmed state being subject to The grass is harvested yearly, startng from the last week regular maintenance. of January depending on the ripening of the Ravenna Considering the spread of the grass species diversity, Grass, which is followed by an immediate burn afer the study area was classifed into six micro-habitats (1) completon by mid-February. The whole area is subject bush associated area with tght predominance growth

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 11833 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

© Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash © Tania Khan Image 1. Study area - habitats of Clerodendrum infortunatum and Lantana camara residents, grassland generalists and grassland specialists. with an average height of 1.0 m (BA), (2) dense tall Siddiqui et al. (2008b), Grimmet et al. (2011) and IUCN grass formaton with characteristc heavy growth of Bangladesh (2015a) were consulted for nomenclature average 1.5–2 m tall Ravenna Grass (DT), (3) sparse grass and categorizaton. along roads with sparse tall Ravenna Grass formaton with smaller Cogon Grass and other grasses (SG), (4) Data analyses sparse short grass with spread of 0.5m tall Cogon Grass For examining the adequacy of the sampling (SS), (5) grasses along the creek atributed with tall efort, the species accumulaton curves were analyzed Ravenna Grass, middle-layered sedges and their integral (Peterson & Slade 1998; Magurran 2004). The curves associaton within creek emergence with a strong bushy for diferent micro-habitat layouts went to the plateau appearance of 1.0m height (AC), and (6) crop associated universally, thus conferring confdence that most of the area with the presence of lentls and only creeping species had been sighted as well as to the completeness grasses with a height of 0.25m (CA) (Image 1). of the survey efort (Fig. 2). Shannon’s diversity index (H′) for total and specialist Bird survey species was consulted to check the diversity of the avian Prior to the stratfcaton randomly set six transect community of the study area and at the micro-habitat lines (T1–T6) were placed across the study site, each level (Magurran 2004). Alpha-species diversity at the being 100m long, a minimum distance of 100m between micro-habitat levels for specialist species was described lines was maintained. A line sprawled across two with Whitaker’s rank-abundance curves (Magurran diferent micro-habitats was considered for the micro- 2004). The total number of species in the area was habitat over which it positoned most. A distance belt predicted using extrapolaton of results with frst- and for each transect was set at 20m on both sides (Bibby second-order Jackknife (J, J′), Chao (C) and bootstrap (b) et al. 1992; Pomeroy 1992). The survey contnued for a total of seven months, one single-day feld trip in each month between November 2015 and May 2016. On an average 15 minutes was spent on each transect line to record observatons. Two trained observers conducted transect walks in the early morning hours (07:30–09:30 hr). Even rato of count sequence among transects was followed carefully. Direct observaton and calls were followed when visibility was restricted owing to dense vegetaton; distant calls were omited to avoid Along the creek Bush associated observaton bias. Overhead fiers were recorded only Crop associated Dense tall grass when identfcaton was confrmed. High-resoluton Sparse grass along road Sparse short grass photographs were analyzed for further confrmaton. Ahmed et al. (2008a,b), Siddiqui et al. (2008a,b), Grimmet et al. (2011) and IUCN Bangladesh (2015a) were used for taxonomy and categorizaton. Observed birds were summed up into three separate categories, Figure 2. Rarefacton curves for avian species assemblages at the i.e., passerines and non-passerines, migrants and study area.

11834 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al. richness estmators (Kindt & Coe 2005). To evaluate and the survey whereas bush associated and crop associated compare similarites in avian species compositon among microhabitats had the lowest. micro-habitats, single-link, abundance-based Bray-Curts With less to no Ravenna Grass growth, highly managed cluster analysis was conducted (Kindt & Coe 2005). crop associated and bush associated microhabitats

To assess the impact of micro-habitats on specialist had the highest generalist species presence (SCAg=48, species richness, two separate linear mixed efect SBAg=43). Moderate numbers of generalists were found models (LMEMs) were performed. Richness data for amidst the dense tall grass and sparse grass along roads specialist species against microhabitats was used as (SDTg=35, SSGg=35). Minimal number of generalists (<30) fxed efects (covariates) whereas data for generalist were observed from sparse short grass and along the species and total richness was treated as random creek transects (SSSg=28, SACg=23). efect separately (Arellano-Valle & Genton 2005). Non- Considering abundances, specialist species parametric Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed comprised 32% (ns= 829), 79% were contributed by the to bring out statstcal diferences for slash-and-burn generalists (ng = 1757). Microhabitat of crop associated and grazing efect at microhabitats level on specialists. areas had the largest congregaton of individuals

Abundance data of each survey was evaluated to test (nCA=559) followed by other areas, viz., dense tall the signifcance of grazing efect whereas data of the grass (nDT=526) > bush associated areas (nBA=457) > month of January and February was to test that of sparse grass along roads (nSG=404) > sparse short grass slash-and-burn (Gardener 2012). Normality of data was (nSS=369) > areas along the creek (nAC=271). Despite this checked using Q-Q plots, Shapiro-Wilk Test and boxplots. fnding, crop associated areas, bush associated areas, Logarithmic transformaton was applied for richness microhabitat along the creek and sparse short grass data conductng LMEM simulatons. yielded a low percentage (<30%) appraising specialist

The dimension of the area, distances, mapping, species’ densites (nCAs=74, nBAs=85, nACs=76, nSSs=104). habitat data atributes were estmated with ArcGIS In contrast, specialist individuals were the densest in

10.3.1 (2015) and Google Earth Pro (2015). Ground- dense tall grass (60%, nDTs=314) followed by sparse grass truthing of the measurements was carried out by Global along road microhabitats (41%, nSGs=166). December Positoning System (GPS) navigator Garmin GPSMAP 62S was the peak when specialists were characterized with (2005). All statstcal analyses were run with R 3.3.0 (R apical numbers in all transects (except) along bush Core Team 2016) using lme4 (Bates et al. 2015), MASS associated and crop associated areas. (Venables & Ripley 2002), nlme (Pinheiro et al. 2017) and BiodiversityR (Kindt & Coe 2005) packages. Diversity values Diversity index of Shannon was the highest for dense

tall grass (H′DT= 3.68) in terms of total species whereas RESULTS value produced from the total transects (n=7) along

the creek was (H′AC= 3.347) (Fig. 4). For generalists, Species richness however, species diversity index climbed higher for crop

Of the 110 species of observed birds, 39 were associated areas (H′CAg= 3.374) followed by sparse grass specialists and the remaining 71 were habitat generalists. areas along roads (H′SGg= 3.041) in comparison to that of

In comparison to 19 resident grassland specialists, there dense tall grass (H′DTg= 3.032). Taking the specialists into were 33 migratory species; however, no summer migrant account, diversity values ranked top for dense tall grass with specializaton on grassland was recorded (Table 1, and areas along the creek (H′DTs= 2.988, H′ACs=2.592) Fig. 3, Images 2–23). (Fig.5). Richness, considering total species, was highest Alpha species diversity in context of grassland along transects at the microhabitat of dense tall grass specialists have been analyzed using Whitaker curves

(SDT = 68 species) being trailed by crop associated area based on proportonal abundance (species abundance/ with 59 species. Species compositon were relatvely total abundance) against rank of species (Fig. 6). Among close at bush associated area and the area of sparse microhabitats, the highest diversity rank of grassland grass along roads (SBA = 54, SSG = 56). Minimal number of specialist was with the dense tall grass followed by species (S<50) was seen on transects along sparse short sparse grass along roads and areas integrated with the grass and along the creek microhabitats (SSS = 44, SAC = creek. Bush and crop associated areas positoned lowest 41). In the context of grassland specialists, the dense for specialist species density. tall grass microhabitats held the highest species during

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 11835 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

Table 1. Number of specialist species in each of six microhabitats along with their feeding guild, migratory habit

Trophic Residency Threat Species AC BA CA DT SG SS Total Compositon Status Status

nP Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla Insectvore Mw LC 1 1 0 3 0 3 8 nPCommon Hoopoe Upupa epops Insectvore R LC 2 9 12 1 0 2 26

nPIndian Roller Coracias benghalensis Insectvore R LC 0 5 6 0 9 1 21

nPBlack‑shouldered Kite Elanus axillaris Raptor R LC 6 0 0 1 0 0 7

nPBarred Butonquail Turnix suscitator Insectvore R LC 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 nPWestern Marsh Harrier Circus Raptor M LC 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 aeruginosus w

nP Pied Harrier C. melanoleucos Raptor Mw LC 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 PBlack-headed Buntng Emberiza Seed eater M LC 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 melanocephala w

P Yellow‑breasted Buntng E. aureola Seed eater Mw VU 4 0 0 50 2 12 68

P Litle Buntng E. pusilla Seed eater Mw LC 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

P Chestnut‑eared Buntng E. fucata Seed eater Mw LC 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 PCommon Rosefnch Carpodacus Seed eater M LC 0 0 0 13 0 0 13 erythrinus w

P Paddyfeld Pipit Anthus rufulus Insectvore Mw LC 10 0 12 17 20 10 69

P Yellow Wagtail Motacilla fava Insectvore Mw LC 0 0 0 8 0 3 11 PTricoloured Munia Lonchura malacca Seed eater R LC 4 0 2 6 0 0 12

PChestnut Munia L. atricapilla Seed eater R LC 0 0 0 11 0 3 14

PScaly‑breasted Munia L. punctulata Seed eater R LC 8 10 18 41 17 27 121

PWhite‑rumped Munia L. striata Seed eater R LC 0 0 0 3 2 0 5

PIndian Silverbill Euodice malabarica Seed eater R LC 0 0 0 11 0 0 11

PRed Avadavat Amandava amandava Seed eater R LC 1 0 0 11 6 8 26

PBaya Weaver Ploceus philippinus Seed eater R LC 6 0 2 13 2 0 23

P Jerdon's Bush Chat Saxicola jerdoni Insectvore Mw DD 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 PPied Bush Chat S. caprata Insectvore R LC 0 9 2 2 1 8 22

P Common Stonechat S. torquatus Insectvore Mw LC 1 10 2 13 3 6 35

P Bluethroat Luscinia svecica Insectvore Mw LC 0 0 0 4 2 0 6

P Siberian Rubythroat Calliope calliope Insectvore Mw LC 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 PStriated Babbler Turdoides earlei Omnivore R LC 0 13 0 13 0 0 26 PYellow‑eyed Babbler Chrysomma Insectvore M VU 0 4 0 13 60 0 77 sinense w

P Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus Insectvore Mw LC 0 2 0 2 0 0 4

P Thick‑billed Warbler Iduna aedon Insectvore Mw LC 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 PClamorous Reed Warbler Acrocephalus Insectvore M LC 4 0 0 3 1 0 8 stentoreus w

P Striated Grassbird Megalurus palustris Insectvore Mw LC 4 0 0 6 1 0 11 PPlain Prinia Prinia inornata Insectvore R LC 10 0 9 22 8 7 56

PGrey‑Breasted Prinia P. hodgsonii Insectvore R LC 1 17 5 0 6 0 29

PGraceful Prinia P. gracilis Insectvore R LC 0 5 0 0 0 0 5

PGolden-headed Cistcola Cistcola exilis Insectvore R LC 10 0 0 21 13 2 46

POriental Skylark Alauda gulgula Insectvore R LC 2 0 0 0 1 2 5 PGreater Short‑toed Lark Calandrella Insectvore M LC 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 brachydachtyla w PBengal Bush Lark Mirafra assamica Insectvore R LC 0 0 4 7 7 9 27

nP P Species, non-passerine species, Species, passerine species, Mw, winter migrants, R, residents, LC, Least Concern, VU, Vulnerable, DD, Data Defcient, AC, Along the creek, BA, Bush Associated, DT, Dense Tall Grass, SG, Sparse Grass Along Road, SS, Sparse Short Grass, CA, Crop Associated

11836 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

Figure 3. Number of specialist species observed in each microhabitat in each month of the study period.

Figure 4. Shannon index for microhabitat types of the study area with variaton considering all species, generalists and specialists.

Associaton of specialists with habitats and Table 2. Parameters estmates of microhabitat types on the grassland specialists richness from LMEM and LMEM outputs management atributes total generalists

LMEM models showed the signifcance of diferent LMEMtotal microhabitats to the grassland species (Table 2). Microhabitat types Std. Error t-value p-value Considering richness of generalists and total richness Intercept 0.189 10.32 <0.001 as random efects separately and microhabitats as Bush Associated Area 0.244 -0.764 0.46 fxed efects, both models (LMEMtotal, LMEMgeneralists, Crop Associated Area 0.318 -1.111 0.29 respectvely) depicted that over other microhabitats, Dense Tall Grass 0.219 2.188 0.056 area along the creek stood as most positve for specialists Sparse Grass Along Road 0.252 0.462 0.65 being trailed by the areas associated with dense tall Sparse Short Grass 0.187 -0.664 0.52 grass. It became evident that both microhabitats along LMEMgeneralists the creek and of dense tall grass were signifcant for the Intercept 0.227 8.833 <0.001 grassland specialists over the adapters. Bush Associated Area 0.327 -1.029 0.316 Abundance of specialists showed a marked drop Crop Associated Area 0.361 -0.943 0.36 in each transect surveyed before and afer slash-and- Dense Tall Grass 0.199 3.427 0.002 burn treatment. Wilcoxon signed rank test on these Sparse Grass Along Road 0.267 -1.015 0.323 paired data supported this sharp sink in density with Sparse Short Grass 0.284 -0.0845 0.9335 signifcance (p = 0.04); however, the efect of grazing

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 11837 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

Along the creek Bush associated Crop associated Dense tall grass Sparse grass along road Sparse short grass

Figure 5. Rank-abundance curve (grassland specialists) for Figure 7. Estmaton of total avian species presence in the study microhabitats of the study area. area. Richness estmators: frst- and second-order Jackknife (J, J′), Chao (C) and bootstrap (b).

richness estmators (Fig. 7). Richness estmators yielded close results within a range of 117-126 species for the grassland patch.


These 110 species observed from the survey yielded about 15% of the country’s total bird species. Though generalist birds made the most chunk of the area’s avifauna (65%), the presence of 39 specialists in the area—35% of the total compositon, up to half in Figure 6. Clusters of microhabitats considering species compositon. Microhabitats: AC - along the creek, BA - bush associated area, comparison with Khan (1988)—was pertaining to the DT - dense tall grass, SG - sparse grass along road, SS - sparse short specializaton of the study site’s potentality to harbor grass, CA - crop associated area. habitat specifc fauna. All specialists have shown signifcant associaton in preference to the dense tall grass and area along the creek pressure did not show any statstcal diference (p>0.05). in comparison to the remaining four microhabitats. Yet crop associated area exceeds the index for generalists, Similarity in community structure dense tall grass stands with the highest diversity status Resemblance of these micro-landscapes in species for total compositon as well as for the specialists. From compositon had been delineated with linkage distance this micro-landscape, together with the area along the applying Bray-Curts cluster analysis (single link) (Fig. 7). creek, most rare sightngs for the area are noted, like It appeared that compositon found in areas associated all fve estrildid fnches of Bangladesh, one fringillid with bush and crops held strong diferences compared to fnch, one ploceid, four emberizids, viz., Yellow-breasted others, most evident with that of microhabitats of sparse Buntng Emberiza aureola, Black-headed Buntng E. short grass and areas along the creek. The distances melanocephala, Yellow-eyed Babbler Chrysomma also showed that species compositon in roadside sparse sinense, Jerdon’s Bushchat Saxicola jerdoni, and species grass and dense tall grass difered signifcantly from the from the genera Prinia, Calliope and Luscinia (Table 1). clade of BA and CA. Yellow-eyed Babbler and Yellow-breasted Buntng both are threatened in Bangladesh, the later is Critcally Predicton analysis Endangered at the global scale (IUCN Bangladesh 2015a). Total species for the study area had been estmated From the microhabitat of dense tall grass, the using extrapolaton of results with frst- and second- maximum single count of Common Rosefnch Carpodacus order Jackknife (J, J′), Chao (C), and bootstrap (b) erythrinus (n=13) and Yellow-breasted Buntng (n=50)

11838 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al. was recorded being the largest congregaton in terms breeding, feeding and roostng ground (Callaway et al. of single survey atempt (Round et al. 2014; Thompson 2000). Besides, the study site is a pocketed grassland et al. 2014; IUCN Bangladesh 2015a). Sightng of Black- patch, heavily managed and has to support routne headed Buntng was only the fourth natonal record to grazing actvites which might act as a trigger for the less the country (Chowdhury 2016). The grass patch is also palatable and unpalatable, fre-resistant plant species’ the only known breeding ground of Golden-headed ascendancy as well as replacing or oustng most obligate Cistcola Cistcola exilis. grassland species (Knopf 1994; Zalba & Cozzani 2004; Appraising the compositon for the microhabitat, Pandey et al. 2015). Avian compositon, management bush-associated and crop-associated areas gave the most practces and grazing avoiding atribute of Saccharum generalized avian community. Community architecture and Imperata could be the possible causatons for was comparatvely the most unlikely for the area along associaton of specialists’ presence with dense tall grass the creek and for sparse short grass. Microhabitat of and the area along the creek and sparse short grass in sparse short grass had the third highest diversity index on a respectve sequence, amidst clear dominance of the the list but produced species which were less abundant generalists and other factors. or even absent in some surveys for dense tall grass and Unpalatable nature of grasses is a common area along the creek. Sparse short grass specifcally gave phenomenon. As of Moore & Jung (2001), with low records for Pied Bush Chat Saxicola caprata and species nitrogenous nutrient content, unpalatable grass species like the Oriental Skylark Alauda gulgula, Greater Short- are used to protect themselves from grazing by storing toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla, the Bengal Bush high amount of acid-unhydrolizable fractons (AUF) in Lark Mirafra assamica, Common Hoopoe Upupa epops, the form of structural carbohydrate. Amalgamaton the Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquila, pipits Anthus spp., of unpalatable neighbors with edible grass species in and wagtails Motacilla spp. having preference for less naturally or semi-naturally maintained grassland ensures dense sparse grass and open areas (Table 1) (Siddiqui et avoidance from being grazed totally, thus, together with al. 2008b). sparse grazing efect from wild herbivores, confrm Though human-caused slash-and-burn management complete ecosystem functoning (Fretwell & Barach gave a signifcant reducton to the avian density (both 1977; Milchunas et al. 1987; Peart 1989; McNaughton adapters and specialists) of the area, grazing–which was 1993; Frank & Evans 1997; Callaway et al. 2000). observed being carried out throughout the survey–did In total, Saccharum dominated grasslands and not exert signifcant efect on the birds. Additonally, habitats comprise about 0.8 million hectares in even afer burning the patch which was a sudden Bangladesh (IUCN Bangladesh 2015a). Cultvaton of and rapid disturbance, specialists did not disappear sugarcane S. ofcinarum encompasses about another completely from the area, rather they showed a gradual 0.16 million hectares throughout the northern and departure (Fig. 3). The presence of several specialists northwestern districts (Ahmed et al. 2008a). While even afer complete torching of the site in February Ravenna Grass is mainly concentrated towards and insignifcant end result of grazing might have had a northeastern regions throughout the country’s 174 tea relaton to the centralized positon of the dense tall grass gardens, another congener S. spontaneum occupies the area (core area), also to the ecology of the specialists. central region as well as the vast sand bars on the Ganges Most of the specialists were small passerines with edge and the Jamuna (Ahmed et al. 2008a; Ahammed 2012). avoidance tendency (Johnson & Lgl 2001; Sliwinski & Though enigmatc grassland specialists have gone from Koper 2012; Ellison et al. 2013; Besnard et al. 2016). Bangladesh, this existng Saccharum spread is stll of Relevantly, it should be enumerated that the only importance for many species, yielding records at regular ground-dwelling species observed from the area was a intervals (Round et al. 2014; Khan et al. 2015). Together single individual of Barred Butonquail. with sugarcane, Saccharum species hold signifcant Furthermore, Ravenna Grass is highly unpalatable economic benefts. For example, materials for making and has a noxious efect on catle, being typical of a huts and cotage industries are extracted on a yearly Saccharum, as mentoned by Seifert & Beller (1969), basis (Ahmed et al. 2008a). Henty (1982), Pandey et al. (2012), and Gul et al. (2014). As tmely interventon afer Khan (1988), the study, Along with noxiousness of Saccharum, the low palatable along with Akash et al. (2017), presented specialist rate of Cogon Grass has also been noted (Khatri & Barua avian diversity from any anthropogenic grassland, their 2011; Goroshi et al. 2015). Such unpalatable grasses, in interacton with such habitats and stands as an updated turn, have been assumed to be ideal for proper avian reference for further researches and comparatve

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 11839 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al. studies. Conserving tea garden grasslands might act assemblages in grasslands associated with catle ranching and as an advantage for mending feasible conservaton soybean agriculture in the Uruguayan savanna ecoregion of Brazil and Uruguay. The Condor 117(1): 53–63; htp:// strategies for grassland birds, as Saccharum has a CONDOR-14-85.1 natural resistance against grazing, noteworthy economic Davis, C.A., R.T. Churchwell, S.D. Fuhlendorf, D.M. Engle & T.J. Hovick (2016). Efect of pyric herbivory on source–sink dynamics benefts and stll supports specialized avian diversity. in grassland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 53(4): 1004–1012; The results of this study further illustrate the value of htp:// habitats stll present in tea estates for globally and Duchardt, C.J., J.R. Miller, D.M. Debinski & D.M. Engle (2016). Adaptng the Fire–Grazing Interacton to Small Pastures in a natonally threatened birds. The authors suggest that Fragmented Landscape for Grassland Bird Conservaton. Rangeland conservaton atempts for the country’s last grasslands Ecology & Management 69: 300–309; htp:// and their denizens should be considered of low grazing j.0021-8901.2004.00937.x Ellison, K.S. C.A. Ribic, D.W. Sample, M.J. Fawcet & J.D. Dadisman importance and marked seasonality in commercial (2013). Impacts of tree rows on grassland birds and potental nest value of Saccharum sp. as well as a form of eco-birding, predators: a removal experiment. PloS One 8(4): e59151; htp://doi. partcularly, for northeastern tea gardens. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0059151 Frank, D.A. & R.D. Evans (1997). Efects of natve grazers on grassland N cycling in Yellowstone Natonal Park. Ecology 78(7): 38–48; htp:// Fretwell, S.D. & A.L. Barach (1977). The regulaton of plant REFERENCES communites by the food chains exploitng them. 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Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 11841 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

© Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash Image 2. Baya Weaver Image 3. Bengal Bushlark Image 4. Black-winged Kite

© Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash Image 5. Bluethroat Image 6. Chestnut-eared Buntng Image 7. Common Hoopoe

© Sayam U. Chowdhury © Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash Image 8. Golden-headed Cistcola Image 9. Graceful Prinia Image 10. Grey-breasted Prinia

© Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash Image 11. Indian Roller Image 12. Paddyfeld Pipit Image 13. Pied Bushchat

© Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash Image 14. Plain Prinia Image 15. Red Munia Image 16. Scaly-breasted Munia

11842 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 Associaton of grassland birds in tea estate Akash et al.

© Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash Image 17. Striated Babbler Image 18. Tricolored Munia Image 19. White-rumped Munia

© Muntasir Akash © Muntasir Akash © Sayam U. Chowdhury Image 20. White-tailed Stonechat Image 21. Yellow Wagtail Image 22. Yellow-breasted Buntng

© Sayam U. Chowdhury

Image 23. Yellow-eyed Babbler Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2018 | 10(7): 11831–11843 11843 OPEN ACCESS The Journal of Threatened Taxa is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows unrestricted use of artcles in any medium, reproducton, and distributon by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publicaton.

ISSN 0974-7907 (Online); ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

June 2018 | Vol. 10 | No. 7 | Pages: 11831–11998 Date of Publicaton: 26 June 2018 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2018.10.7.11831-11998

Artcle A frst report and additonal descripton of the assassin bug Neostaccia plebeja (Stål) (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from India with comparatve Associaton of grassland birds with Saccharum-Imperata patch in a notes on Staccia diluta Stål from Assam, India northeastern tea estate of Bangladesh -- Balasaheb V. Sarode, Swapnil S. Boyane & Hemant. V. Ghate, Pp. 11948– -- Muntasir Akash, Tania Khan & Sayam U. Chowdhury, Pp. 11831–11843 11954

Communicatons First defnitve record of a whip scorpion Labochirus tauricornis (Pocock, 1900) from Goa, India: with notes on its morphometry and pedipalp Assessment on the impacts of human-tger confict and community-based micro-morphology conservaton in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, India -- Manoj Ramakant Borkar, Pp. 11955–11962 -- Sandeep Chouksey & Somesh Singh, Pp. 11844–11849 Distributon and populaton status of Kingiodendron pinnatum Mapping the confict of raptor conservaton and recreatonal shootng in the (Angiosperms: Fabaceae) an endemic and endangered legume tree in Batumi Botleneck, Republic of Georgia southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India -- Anna Sándor & Brandon P. Anthony, Pp. 11850–11862 -- P.A. Jose, Siju Tom Kuruvila & N.M. Binoy, Pp. 11963–11968

Length-weight relatonship and conditon factor of Bangana dero (Hamilton, Polytrias indica (Poaceae: ): the name, species identty 1822) (Actnopterygii: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from northeastern region and its distributon in India of India -- Vatsavaya S. Raju & V. Sampath Kumar, Pp. 11969–11972 -- Kamlesh Kumar Yadav & Rani Dhanze, Pp. 11863–11868 Notes An annotated checklist of the birds of upper Chenab catchment, Jammu & Kashmir, India Fish fauna of Nandur-Madhmeshwar wetland, Maharashtra, India -- Neeraj Sharma, Suresh Kumar Rana, Pankaj Raina, Raja Amir & Muzafar -- Prashant Wagh, Sudhakar Kurhade, Shrikant Jadhav & Deepa Jaiswal, Ahmed Kichloo, Pp. 11869–11894 Pp. 11973–11979

Floristc enumeraton of Torna Fort (Western Ghats, India): a storehouse of Biology and distributon of the Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnemosyne endemic plants (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), a rare buterfy in the -- Mayur D. Nandikar, Priyanka T. Giranje & Durga C. Jadhav, Pp. 11895–11915 Republic of Mordovia, Russia -- A.B. Ruchin, Pp. 11980–11983 Short Communicatons New Lycaenid buterfy records from Jammu & Kashmir, India Parasitological fndings and antparasitc treatment of captve Jaguarundis -- Shakha Sharma & Neeraj Sharma, Pp. 11984–11987 Herpailurus yagouaroundi (Carnivora: Felidae) in a conservaton center in Brazil First record of a trogid beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Trogidae) from -- Nárjara Veras Grossmann, Anderson Silva de Sousa, Rebecca Martns the Western Ghats, India Cardoso & Estevam Guilherme Lux Hoppe, Pp. 11916–11919 -- Aparna Sureshchandra Kalawate & S.S. Patole, Pp. 11988–11991

Pathological and immunohistochemical studies on hemangiosarcoma in Notes on the taxonomy and distributon of the Bengal Morning Glory tgers Panthera tgris and lions Panthera leo Ipomoea rubens Choisy (Convolvulaceae) in India -- N. Jayasree, Ch. Srilatha, N. Sailaja, R. Venu & W.L.N.V. Varaprasad, Pp. -- J. Swamy & Pragada Venkata Ramana, Pp. 11992–11994 11920–11924 Macrofungus Nitschkia macrospora Teng (Ascomycetes: Nitschkiaceae), a Do Black-naped Hares Lepus nigricollis (Mammalia: Lagomorpha: Leporidae) new report to India have synanthropic associaton with wind farms? -- K.J. Nandan Patel, M. Krishnappa & V. Krishna, Pp. 11995–11996 -- V. Anoop, P.R. Arun & Rajah Jayapal, Pp. 11925–11927 Miscellaneous A frst confrmed record of the Indian Crested Porcupine Hystrix indica (Mammalia: Rodenta: Hystricidae) in the United Arab Emirates Natonal Biodiversity Authority -- Maral K. Chreiki, Mark D. Steer, Sami Ullah Majeed, Swamit Kakembo & Member Steve Ross, Pp. 11928–11933

A taxonomic study of six species of the genus Junonia Hübner, [1819] (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from the northwestern Himalayan region in India -- Deepika Mehra, Jagbir Singh Kirt & Avtar Kaur Sidhu, Pp. 11934–11947 Publisher & Host


Threatened Taxa