Minutes of a Meeting of Parish Council held on Thursday 5th March 2020 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall at Colmworth

Present: Cllr. L. Knight, Cllr. T. Frew, Cllr. G. Palmer, Cllr. B. Brightman, A. Papé (Clerk),

2020/012. Apologies Apologies received and accepted from Councillors Pegler and Ball. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Knight.

2020/013. Declarations of Interest and Confirmation of Changes to Registers of Interest None.

2020/014. Approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 09th January 2020 It was noted that discussions relating to the footpath closure and budget had not been recorded in the January 2020 minutes. Both items had been included on the March 2020 agenda. With the exceptions noted the minutes the Council reconciled to accept the minutes.

2020/015. Public Open Forum No members of the public present.

2020/016. Average Speed Cameras (ASCs) a) Receive update on current status Councillor Knight provided an update on the ASC’s. The planned installation of the camera system was due to commence on the 6th May. There may be some minor amendments to exact dates; Borough Council Highways would keep Councillor Knight appraised of any changes.

Highways advised that the cost for the installation of a third camera would be £12,000. A reduction may be possible but could not be guaranteed.

Councillor Knight would ask when the signage would be put in place. 30 roundels would be put on the road. The vehicle activated speed signs would need to be removed.

Councillor Brightman raised the importance of visibility when exiting City Lane.

The Council reconciled to fund the installation of a 3rd camera at the cost quoted.

A donation of £1000 had been agreed from the Ward Fund towards the ASC’s.

2020/017. Events a) Agree a date for a village litter pick The Council reconciled to arrange a village litter pick for the 02nd May 2020.

Clerk to arrange loan of equipment from BBC and promotion of event on the Colmworth T and the church newsletter. Councillors would check availability.

2020/018. Ward Report a) Receive Borough Councillor Tom Wootton report Borough Councillor Wootton was not available to attend the meeting.


March 2019

b) Review Ward Funding projects Reverend Tim Wilson would be asked for an update regarding Ward Funding for the church gates.

Councillor Frew would provide the Clerk with the quotations for the bench.

2020/019. Planning a) Review and agree comments for application 20/00258/LDE. Residential use and conservatory extension. The Barns, 2A, Colesden Road, Colmworth. No comments

2020/020. Highways, Rail and Rights of Way a) Discuss East West Rail route announcement Councillors Pegler and Palmer would attend an information event and report back to the Parish Council

b) Discuss pavement/verge parking and verge damage and agree action Pavement and verge parking in various areas of the village was causing damage and affecting accessibility. The Council reconciled to write to properties where pavement/verge parking was taking place and ask that vehicles are not parked on verges and pavements.

The verge was damaged by the pumping station on Church Road due to vehicles parking on it. The Council reconciled to raise the damage with Bedford Borough Council Highways and ask that the verge be repaired, and Anglian Water be contacted to ensure work vehicles no longer park on the verge.

Damage to verges and potholes on Queens Road were raised. These would also be reported to Bedford Borough Council Highways.

Clerk to thank Highways for the proactive approach to the repair of the potholes that had appeared recently.

c) Discuss removal of footpath closure and agree action The closure had been removed.

d) Discuss Footpaths Councillor Frew confirmed that he was the Rights of Way Councillor.

e) Receive feedback on Bushmead Road meeting from Councillor Brightman Councillor Brightman reported that £70K had been spent on the recent repairs on Bushmead Road. Top dressing would be carried out in the next 3 years. Resurfacing would be carried out approximately 10 years after top dressing. Highways would investigate the flooding issues on Bushmead Road before future resurfacing. Andrew Prigmore had agreed to investigate the speeding issues on Bushmead Road. Eight data strips would be put in place. These would collect data on speed, volume of traffic and vehicle type.

2020/021. Finance a) Receipts and payments and schedule of payments The Clerk was reviewing payments and receipts and would provide a full update in due course.


March 2019

The Council agreed the following payments:

Mrs Frew Chq £102.99 Snowdrops Bedford Borough Council Chq £39.71 Election recharges Association of Payment due in April £93.00 Affiliation fee Town and Parish Councils

b) Review the accounts The Clerk would undertake training for the accounts package and bring the accounts up to date.

The Council reconciled to keep Councillors Pegler, Knight and Palmer as signatories for the bank account. Anne Papé would be added as a signatory. All other signatories would be removed. The contact details would be amended to the Clerk’s address.

The Clerk would contact Opus about the closing of the electricity supply account. c) Consider accounts software for 2020-2021 It was felt that a spreadsheet could be used for the accounts and that the accounts software may not be required for 2020/2021. The Clerk would meet with a previous Clerk to gain further information. Councillor Palmer would be able to review the accounts with the Clerk d) Review the budget for 2020-2021 It was noted that the budget had been discussed and reviewed at the January 2020 Parish Council meeting. 2020/022. Police and crime a) Receive crime reports Crime statistics had been received for 08/01/2020 – 28/01/2020. 4 crimes had been recorded in Colmworth between those dates.

b) Receive information on Police Priority Setting Meeting The Council agreed that it would be interested in receiving further information on the Priority Setting meetings.

2020/023. Country Park, Playing Field, Gardening Club and Triangle a) Review inspection reports for the playing field/play area The weekly inspection reports for the Playing Field / Play Area were circulated prior to the meeting. The Councillors noted the reports. The inspections were undertaken by Martin Phillips on a weekly basis. Councillor Frew would undertake inspections in the absence of Martin Phillips. It was agreed that Martin Phillips would be asked to wash the village gates once the weather had improved and to replace the plastic in the notice board on Road.

b) Receive electricity supply reading for The Triangle The Council noted the electricity supply reading. The Clerk would write to the Secretary of Manor Barns with the details of the reading. c) Discuss and agree arrangements for the event in the Country Park in May 2020 Councillor Frew tabled a draft flyer for the event. The Council reconciled to print flyers and ask if they could be delivered as an insert in the Church magazine.


March 2019

Clerk to check on the number of flyers required, contact Rev’d Wilson to request inclusion with the church magazine and request quote for printing flyers. Councillor Frew would forward the draft flyer to the Clerk.

Councillor Frew advised that a ‘Community Cake’ was to be shared at the event. The importance of the supplier holding the relevant Food Hygiene certification was discussed. It was recommended that Councillor Frew contact Sharon Woolmer. Funding would be needed for the cake.

d) Discuss matters relating to the Country Park, Playing Field and Gardening Club Grass cutting would be undertaken by Kevin Morgan-Jones and paths would be cut by Will Saunders. The Clerk would check on the length of the contract.

Manor Farm would be asked if they could cut back overhanging branches in the access to the country park. This was to prevent any accidental damage to the branches by the tractor used for the grass cutting.

The Gardening Club was awaiting the delivery of snowdrops. The next working party would be at the village hall on the 07th March 2020.

An owl nesting box in the Country Park would be relocated.

2020/024. Asset inspection and document check a) Review Asset Register The asset register was reviewed by the Council and agreed to be accurate.

2020/025. Website a) Consider options for a new website and agree action After review of the website options the Council reconciled to move forward with the proposal from Eyelid Productions. The Council requested further information on the retention of current e-mail addresses, the new domain name and the possibility of the village hall having a section within the website which they would administer.

The Clerk would request further information and instruct Eyelid Productions. The Clerk would ask if a discount could be applied.

2020/026. Overview and Scrutiny Committee a) Consider what the Parish Council would like Bedford Borough Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look at in 2020 The Council reconciled to propose that the Committee to look at support and funding for schools, maintenance of Rights of Way and rural policing.

2020/27. Colmworth Chronicle a) Agree update for Colmworth Chronicle Councillors Pegler and Knight would be meeting with Richard Fuller MP at the Houses of Parliament on Monday 30th March. It was intended to discuss A1 realignment and issues with HGV’s on local roads. Councillors were asked to send any further topics for discussion, with some background information, to Councillors Pegler and Knight. The Councillors would provide a report for the Chronicle.

Councillor Knight had marked up a copy of the Chronicle with amendments to details to be forwarded to the Editor by the Clerk.

Additional items to be submitted for inclusion in the Chronicle would be: • Average speed cameras update


March 2019

• New Clerk • East/West Rail update • Neighbourhood Watch.

The Clerk would check the next publication date.

Date of Next Meetings: • Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 14th May 2020 7.00pm • Annual Parish Council Meeting Thursday 14th May 7.30pm