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Brian Gibson Maintenance Services for the House & Garden Please call me to discuss your requirements Telephone: 01733 380505 Mobile: 07841 529116 E-mail: [email protected] 31 Road, Castor, Peterborough PE5 7AX

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8am BCP Communion 6pm Patronal Sun 1st 10.15am Family Communion Evensong 6pm Evensong 12noon Tue 3rd Midday Prayer 12noon 5pm Holy Wed 4th 10am Holy Communion Midday Prayer Communion

12noon Thu 5th Midday Prayer 8am Holy Communion 9am 9am Holy 9:15am Short Sun 8th 10.15am Sung Eucharist Morning Communion Family Service 6pm Evensong Worship

12noon Tue 10th Midday Prayer

12noon Wed 11th 10am Holy Communion Midday Prayer

Fri 13th 10:30am Preschool Service

8am Holy Communion Sun 15th 10:15am Sung Eucharist and 9am Holy Family Praise in Cedar Centre Communion (BCP) 6pm Evensong

Wed 18th 10am Holy Communion

5.30pm 8am Holy Communion 9am Morning 9am Holy Patronal Sun 22nd 10:15am Sung Eucharist Worship Communion Evening 6pm Evensong Service 6pm Short Tue 24th 7am Sung Mattins and Breakfast Patronal Service & Refreshments Wed 18th 10am Holy Communion 8am BCP Holy Communion 9am Holy Sun 29th 10:15am Sung Eucharist Communion 6pm Evensong

Daily Services: Angelus & Mattins at 7.30am and Angelus & Evensong at 6pm at Castor. Morning Worship is a simplified, short service (35mins or so) consisting of hymns, prayers, a reading and a homily reflecting on the Gospel of the day. It does not include Holy Communion. There is always a Communion Service at Castor at 10.15am every Sunday.

Front cover picture: Castor CE Primary School May Day celebrations. Kellie Hall was May Queen, James Shaw was May King with George Hill and Lucy Weatherhead as Attendants 3 THE RECTORY JUNE 2014

Earlier this year the Prime Minster suggested Britons should be “more confident about our status as a Christian country”. He was attacked on a number of fronts for that statement. Some people said it was just plainly inaccurate; that statistically it might have been true once but no longer was. Others accused him of fostering division within our communities. Others felt that the matter of religion should be kept in the private domain and not be raised as a matter of public policy. The Sunday Times responded with the following headline on 27th April: Q. Where in the world do you find Christmas banned, Arabic compulsory and boys and girls forced to sit apart? A. A school in Birmingham. My response is, like it or not, religion is clearly in the public sphere if that sort of thing is happening in state schools. The reporters in the Sunday Times went on to write: Islamist ideology has jeopardized learning and may have put children at risk of radicalization. Mr Cameron apparently felt the need to raise the issue of Britain as Christian country in the light of such news. The plain fact is that religion is rightly or wrongly very much in the public domain and the question in part is about an appropriate response on behalf of the church to such news. What for example do we mean when we describe Britain as a Christian country today? Do we mean simply that most people are practising or worshipping Christians or define themselves as Christians? The statistics are not straightforward. When the 2011 census was taken, 59 per cent of those in and Wales described themselves as Christian. But the 2001 census found 72 per cent were nominally Christian. “The net loss of 4.1 million Christians would have been significantly worse had it not been for an influx of 1.2 million foreign-born believers.” I suspect, although of course I do not know, that actually Mr Cameron was not referring to the statistics; he was possibly referring our cultural and spiritual heritage. In a sense the spiritual geography of the country is still Christian. Most cities have a large cathedral. Most towns have churches near the centre; in most villages the church is still the most significant building. Thousands of war memorials and village crosses are “Christian” in style. Mosques, of course, iare also becoming dominating features in many places. But I sense that Mr Cameron was not referring to the spiritual geography either but to a much more intangible inheritance, that of shared values that are perceived by most people to be vital to our well-being and important to most people. These include certain rights and obligations; the importance (sacredness even) of the individual in the eyes of God and neighbour and the scriptural duty to treat others with dignity and respect. Clearly there have been many occasions when Christians have behaved as badly as anybody else, when churches have abused their power and authority but this does not devalue the essential values which are central to Christianity and by which its adherents should be judged. But I would go one stage further. I believe the church has to have the courage to say some values are not merely cultural but should be universal, that they are not negotiable. The church and its members have to say in the public forum of debate that the form of expressions of some faiths and religions in practice is not acceptable. If for example the Sunday Times report is true then we need to have the courage to say that it is not acceptable in this country; that such things should not be allowed in a school funded by the public purse. Even more I believe we have to find the courage to give space for moderate Muslims to speak out. We have to encourage them for example to condemn publically the behaviour of the militant Muslims who abducted the Nigerian school girls, for if the moderates do not condemn such actions the assumption will be by others that they do not object. One of the Christian values that has been intrinsic to the faith since the foundation of the church is

4 the moral courage to stand up and state unequivocally that the treatment of some people, especially the vulnerableand oppressed might be plain wrong, not just a matter of cultural difference. For me, it is the values represented by Jesus’ teaching about the wellbeing of individuals and communities that are matters of public concern and part of our heritage still today. When he (Jesus) came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’ If the behaviour of some Muslims at schools in Birmingham or in Northern Nigeria contradicts this statement of Jesus we have to have the courage to challenge their behaviour and beliefs as unacceptable. This is not racist or religious hatred. It is something central to our inheritance that I suspect Mr Cameron might have been trying to express. But then we have to challenge behaviour that oppresses human beings wherever we see it, whether it be in the life of neighbouring religions and cultures or in the life of our church or our nation too. The Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury, who has said that Christians might soon become “strangers in our own land”, told The Independent: “Christianity is the single most important element in England’s history. From our legal system to our constitution, it is at the very foundations of national identity.” I think that this is what Mr Cameron was referring to a heritage about which we need to be more confident, for it is a goodly heritage. William DUTIES CASTOR JUNE 2014 ' ' ' '' !)#%' &"-!)2' &%+3$(%' +%)!%+&' &$!%&4%-' *77%+#*+2' !%)(*-' (8)6$(%' $-#%+(%&&$*-&' &%+3%+' %9$%' :*&9%6' 56)!$%&' !" 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" "" :+1(%"L22K&" " "Ser "vices for JUNE 2014 SGe"rvice""s for J 3+"R(6"A&41%B+(6"UNE 2014 Readers/Sidesmen 1st June 10:15am Rev Trevor Sands ! " " " "" 8th June 10:15am Café Church 8th June Mrs G Hill M " " " "" 15th June 10:15am Mrs Bridget Spencer 15th June Mr D Moll M " "" J1551(4":$+@&" 22nd June 3pm Rev Langley Mackrell-Hay 22nd June Mrs S Mason-Brown ' (Holy Communion) 29th June Mr SR Armitage ' ' ' ' ' 29th June 10:15am Mr Ian Cornell ' ' ' ' " "" ;+";"A22W&+" 5 G " "" ;+)"L"A155" ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " "" !NC!Q(4"" R&["8+&[2+"-(%K)'' " "" !NC!Q(4"" 7(/\"79$+09" ! " " "" ;+)":+1KB&*"-W&%0&+" M " " "" R&["S(%B5&6";(0@+&55EA(6"]A256"7244$%12%^" M " " "" ; + " _ ( % " 7 2 + % & 5 5 " """ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Patronal Festival Marholm Sunday 1st June at 6pm Sung Evensong Midsummer Day Mattins and Breakfast: A service will take place at 7am at Castor on Tuesday 24th June followed by breakfast in the Cedar Centre. All welcome. Stibbington Patronal Festival: Sunday 22nd June at 5.30pm Castor Patronal Festival & Service of Confirmation: Sunday 6th July at 10:15am. Bishop John Flack will lead a service of Confirmation for 22 adults, children and young adults from our church, village and school community. CHILDREN’S CHURCH Find out what’s happening for families and children in our churches during June… Sunday 1st 10:15am at Castor please join us for our Family Communion service followed by refreshments served in church. Sunday 8th 9:15am at Sutton please join us for our short family service (25mins) followed by refreshments. 10:15am at Castor please join us for our Children’s Church sessions with a group for 3-7’s and 8-11’s in the Cedar Centre. Sunday 15th 10:15am Please join us in Castor Church where we will once again bring our ‘Family Praise’ service into church! With gospel reading, prayers and live music played by our band! Refreshments will be served after the service in the Cedar Centre. Sunday 22nd 10:15am at Castor please join us for our Children’s Church sessions with a group for 3-7’s and 8-11’s in the Cedar Centre. Sunday 29th 10:15am at Castor please join us for our ‘Messy Church’ session in the Cedar Centre. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday at Castor children should meet in church for the first hymn where we will then go to the Cedar Centre as a group. PARISH RECORDS MAY 2014 Baptisms Holly Louise Mayman, the daughter of Louise and Andrew John Mayman of Holywell Way, Longthorpe, took place at the Church of St Kyneburgha of Castor on 3rd May 2014.

Florence Louise Brown, the daughter of Zoe and Jamie Brown of Bristol Avenue, Werrington was baptised at the Church of St Kyneburgha of Castor on 18th May 2014. Zoe and Jamie were married at Castor, Florence is the granddaughter of Gary and Nancy Brown.

Cameron Andrew Dean, Chloe Elizabeth Paula Cook and Hayden Paul Richard Cook, the children of Andrew Paul Cook and Alison Elizabeth Chandler of Glinton Road, were baptised at the Church of St Kyneburgha of Castor on 31st May 2014. The baptisms took place during the marriage ceremony of their parents.

Weddings The marriage of Daniel Thompson and Kerry Louise Belson of Kirkmeadow, Bretton, took place at the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Marholm on 31st May 2014.

Andrew Paul Cook and Alison Elizabeth Chandler were married at the Church of St Kyneburgha of Castor on 31st May 2014. The couple live on Glinton Road, Helpston.

6 The marriage of John Keith Wyldbore and Marion Hannaford Kelly took place at the Church of St Kyneburgha of Castor on 3rd May 2014. The couple live on Whittlesey Road, Peterborough. Funerals The funeral of Dawn Louise Hall, wife of Les and mother of Kellie and Owen of Helpston Road Ailsworth, who died, aged 40, on 3rd May 2014 took place at Peterborough Crematorium on 23rd May 2014. CASTOR CHURCH – STEWARDSHIP Later this year we will be running a stewardship campaign which is about people giving time, skills and money to the upkeep of both the local and the wider church community. As a lead into this, we are going to run a series of small articles in the parish magazine, giving background information. This month we are focussing on the Parish Share.

WHAT IS THE PARISH SHARE? As people often ask about the Parish Share and what it involves here is a brief summary.

The Parish Share is the sum of money paid by each parish or group of parishes to the Peterborough Diocese every year. This year ours at Castor will be £65,000.

As usual, following discussions at our recent Annual Meetings, this will be sub-divided in an equitable way between our six churches (Castor, Upton, Sutton, Marholm and recent additions of Stibbington and Water Newton). The contributions from all 343 parishes in the Diocese help support local and diocesan ministry:- - Our parish priest's monthly stipend –payment to offset a priest’s need to seek paid employment elsewhere to support himself and his family - His clergy pension contributions and housing costs - Clergy training - Licensed and certificated lay training - A wide range of diocesan services e.g. Diocesan Education Dept, which supports local church and community schools, provides a wealth of talks and study days including Safeguarding training

How much each parish contributes is based on church membership, attendance and the socio-economic category of the parish. This information is gathered annually in the Parish Share and Common Fund Survey.

Kath Henderson (on behalf of the Benefice Teaching & Learning Group) ST KYNEBURGHA’S BUILDING PRESERVATION FUND Trust Garden Safari – 14th June 2014: After a leisurely stroll around three generously hosted local gardens (choice of three routes) with ‘products of the vine’ suitably available en route, the challenge is to make it to the Grys’s House in Peterborough Road to round the evening off. 6.30 p.m. start. Tickets will be available soon from Sarah Wood at [email protected] or 01733 380107

Lady Chapel Roof: It is hoped that contractors will be in a position to commence replacing the whole of the Lady Chapel Collyweston Roof slates in early Autumn. This work is now pressing due to increased risk from water leaking onto ancient roof timbers and masonry. Permission to do the work, in the form of a faculty, has been given by the Diocese and a request has been made for grant funding from the Augean Landfill Community Fund. The Trust will be looking to support this project financially as it will cost in the region of £26,000.

Richard Perkins 7 BELL RINGERS I have been asked when and why the church bells are being rung. I shall do my best to explain. Our present peal of bells was installed in 1700 and sound exactly the same as the day they were installed, except we augmented them with two more for the millennium so now have eight. We ring for every Sunday service from about 9.30 to 10.15, and our practice evenings are every Monday 7.30-9pm, except for Bank Holidays when we sometimes ring at other towers nearby, as long as there is a good pub! In addition to this a bell chimes for the offices of the day, the Angelus, 3, 3, 3 & 9 chimes, 7.30 & 11.56am and 5.56pm, and at the beginning of the Sunday service 10.15 and the Wednesday communion 10.30am.

Occasionally one can hear the Passing Bell, which is rung when a villager has died. This is usually rung after the morning service at 8am, but sometimes after evensong at 6.30pm. For a man 3, 3, 3, followed by the number of years on earth, then again 3, 3 & 3. With a woman the only difference it’s 2 chimes three times instead of three and with a child a single chimes three times, the rest being the same.

For weddings we ring to call the guests to the church for about 25 minutes until the bride enters the church, and then afterwards as the couple leave to celebrate the marriage, for about 20 minutes. We have the wedding of Robert McIntyre and Samantha Norris on Saturday 7th June, so you will be able to hear the bells for them.

Funerals are very different, we ring half muffled, which is done by fitting a thick leather muffle on one side of the clapper, which strikes the inside of the bell. This produces a normal strike, followed by a muffled strike, alternating. The harmonics of the bell are sustained as the muffle strike is very quiet. So it sounds a little bit like an echo, most find this very attractive and appropriate for a funeral. We generally ring to call the mourners to the church for the service for about 30 minutes.

There is quite a lot more about why and when the bells can be rung, but this is enough for this occasion. The band is almost all from Castor, and is a very varied bunch of all ages both men and women. Children can ring, and adults even into their eighties, it’s not very physical. It’s also very social and relaxing, one can take the art of Church Bell ringing, or Change Ringing to whatever level one wants, we are a little pedestrian, but do it well.

If anyone is interested in ringing or just want to see the bells and how they are rung, just give me a call any time (01733 380597) and I will be happy to show you, or come on a Saturday morning between 10am- 12noon when we have training. The entrance is around the back of the church. William Baxter S.K.Y. (ST KYNEBURGHA YOUTH GROUP) SKY (Youth Group) is still happening this summer term despite the diversions many Young People endure at this time of year with exams and sport. We meet on Sunday evenings at 6pm. At present we are doing a Youth Alpha course which is an introduction to the Christian faith. Our last two meetings have looked at whether Christianity is boring, irrelevant and untrue, and also examining whether Jesus was Bad, Mad, or God ? We look at video clips, play games and eat biscuits (sometimes at the same time). If you’re in Year 7 and above please come along. The next meetings are June 8th and 22nd. On July 6th we are having a BBQ and on July 12th we’ll have a stand at the Fete. The meetings are at 5 Manor Farm Lane, Castor. Peter Winfrey AILSWORTH METHODIST CHAPEL TEA & CHAT Tuesday 17th June and 15th July. 2-3pm Everybody Welcome

8 CAFÉ CHURCH AT AILSWORTH METHODIST CHAPEL If you are looking for a different way of worship, in an informal and relaxed atmosphere, come and see if the mix of Coffee and Christianity is your cup of tea!! Listen to a series of hymns, poems, bible verses, stories and prayers and join in the discussion over refreshments in a cosy setting. Our Café Church takes place on the second Sunday of every month at 10:15am. Please come and join us. For more information, please call Linda on 01733 380255. ST K'S PLANT FAYRE A huge thank you to everyone who contributed help in any way - from strong arms to delicious cakes. You are too many to mention by name but your efforts contributed to a wonderful, friendly enjoyable occasion which made a an enormous net profit of £1,716.81p! Well done a great team effort.

Special thanks also to CASPRA for their generous support with help and their £250 donation which enabled us to buy what was needed before the event (it does take quite a lot of money in preparation ) and to the PCC for raffle donations and help. Not to be forgotten, our thanks to Ian Sheldon, stall holders Bev Rigby, Maggie Noble, Dinah Lewis, helpers who stayed all day David & Susan Edwards, Chris & Neil Remnant, Ann Perkins, Carole Savage, Felene Lane, Helen & Martin Jarvis, Margaret Conkey, Val Roberts, Sue Spence, Sandra Snart and Helen Boulton. Thanks too to Stuart Woods, Ed Baxter, David Henderson and his team of Church guides and to Tony Corke our Treasurer you all worked so hard. Please forgive us if any names have been omitted. Your help is much appreciated.

We had a happy day and hope all our helpers enjoyed the day too. Eileen Ladds and Jennie Corke ZUMBATHON THANK YOU A big thank you to everyone who helped with the recent Castor Zumbathon in any way. We are pleased to report that a total of £414 was raised for our church, which was really good for 2 hours hard slog! We are particularly grateful to the 3 Zumba teachers who gave their time for free. Chris Murrell SUTTON SPECIALS RECIPE BOOK We are pleased to announce the “launch” of the Recipe Book at SUTTON STAWBERRY FAYRE on Saturday 21st June. Proceeds from the sale of the cookery book will go to Sutton Church & St Michaels Hall Funds. CASA – CASTOR & AILSWORTH SOCIETY OF ART June's demonstration is on Thursday 12th June 7:30pm at the Cedar Centre which will be a Watercolour Townscape by Keith Hornblower who is an architectural illustrator. Come and see a loose and spontaneous watercolour! Entrance £3 members, £4 non-members, under 25s FREE.

As a resident of our 6 benefices you are invited to show/sell any art or craft you have done at our Summer Festival Art & Craft Exhibition Sat 12th-Sun 13th July. For further details please contact Jane Lang on 380671 or [email protected] Jane Lang

9 PHOENIX GROUP The trip to the Saturday matinee to see the latest Peterborough Playgoers production 'The Winslow Boy' was much enjoyed.

This month, to take advantage of (hopefully) summer weather we will be going to the ancient bronze age site at on 11th June. Entrance is only £3 and there are good paths throughout the site. Electric buggies and wheelchairs are available to borrow so it’s suitable for the less able (just let us know what you need so we can reserve them). There is a Cafe serving drinks, snacks, cakes, etc. which are reasonably priced and good quality. We will be travelling by car share leaving the Villages at 11am, so if you are able come, to offer lifts or require a lift please let us know as soon as possible.

Our July get-together will be in the garden of Enid Garner on 16th July from 5pm -8pm with a 'faith supper' as usual. More details next month.

Contacts for Flag Fen & other information from Angela 380003, Enid 380555, Janet 380331, Jennie 380303 Email [email protected] Jennie Corke EVERGREEN NEWS Our fixtures for June are as follows: Thursday 5th 2pm Evergreen Club in the Village Hall Thursday 19th 2pm Evergreen Club in the Village Hall Friday 27th Race night at Peterborough Greyhound Stadium. Coach leaves Ailsworth at 6:30pm

Evergreen Committee Sutton Strawberry Fayre Saturday 21st June from 2pm at The Paddock, The Drift, Sutton Strawberry Teas – Stalls – Children’s Games Competitions – Bouncy Castle – Music Licenced Bar – Vintage/Classic Cars/Bikes on show Admission Adults £1 Children FREE Proceeds in aid of Sutton Church & St Michaels Hall Funds

10 NEWS FROM CASTOR SCHOOL As the weather has improved our ability to enjoy outdoor learning has inevitably improved. This has been greatly enhanced in recent weeks with the help of Anglian Water. As part of their community support programme and as a team building exercise for their staff we had 16 people developing our pond garden. They replanted and restricted the garden over one day and have made it into a wonderful place for creatures of all shapes and sizes. They built a hibernaculum, a stumpery, marshy bog, rockery, bug hotel, log pile, built raised beds, installed a water butt and replanted the pond. Throughout their work they talked to groups of children and answered their questions and explained what they were doing. It was a very impressive operation and we are extremely grateful to Mark Froggat and his team. Children have already been pond dipping and exploring the garden. Our next environment project involves surveying bees and our older children will be off for walks along the to develop their understanding of their current river topic.

The Year 6 children recently completed their National Tests (SATS) and all gave their best throughout the week. We were particularly impressed with how well they approached their papers and positive attitude throughout the week. It will be interesting to see their results later this term and I look forward to sharing their successes with you in a couple of months.

Success continues on the sporting front: we recently found out that our netball team will be competing in the County finals in early July. This is a result of their success in the Peterborough competition last term. Our Year 4s have already been involved in an orienteering competition (2nd out of 8 teams) and a cricket tournament coming 3rd in our group of 4 (we have a little bit of work to do to develop cricket in school). We are looking forward to the city’s swimming gala and a tennis tournament at Virgin Active before half term. We are confident of some good results in these events and I look forward to sharing them via Twitter and on our website soon.

We continue to be grateful to our army of Reading Buddies. We have over 16 people from the community regularly coming in to listen to readers and this is making a real difference to our children’s enjoyment of reading. We recently took a group of boys on an exciting trip to see POSH play their last league football match of the season. Thanks to their hard work on the Premiership Reading scheme developed by the Literacy Trust and their persuasive letter writing we met Darren Ferguson (the manager) just before kick- off. It was a great day out and we hope it will inspire the boys to further develop their reading and writing skills.

As ever, if you are able to help out in anyway or wish to come along to any events in school in the coming months please do contact the school. We have an end of term performance of ‘Shakespeare Rocks’ to look forward to as well as an open evening to see our art work. Mark Ratchford, Headteacher

11 MARHOLM NEWS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Pizza and Prosecco in Poplar Farm Barn, Marholm on the evening of Saturday 23rd August. This will be a ticketed event more information to follow. Also, Marholm Christmas Lunch on Sunday 14th December at Marholm Village Hall.

Marholm Village News: Another successful Car Boot Sale raised £430 for the Friends of Marholm Society. Perfect weather, lots of stalls and activities for the children made a great day.

Friends of Marholm Society Events: Marholm Pudding Club: Come and enjoy the next Pudding Club meeting on Thursday 5th June at 7.00pm. All friends and family are very welcome. Marholm Village Hall. Entry is £1 if you bring a pudding. £2, if not. Healthy appetite required! And don’t forget to bring a plate and a spoon! Please see website for more details. Want to know more? Contact Bella Craven or email: [email protected]

Marholm Book Club: Our chosen current reads are The Beauty of Murder and the Third Plantagenet’s. Happy Reading!

Marholm Book Club meets on a regular basis. Come and join the next meeting - Thursday 19th June 7.30pm @ The Fitzwilliam Arms (in the Snug), Marholm. No need to read the book(s) – just come along and enjoy a friendly chat. Want to know more? Contact Sue Walsh 01733 262904 or email: [email protected] .

Find out all the latest news and events at: www.marholmvillage.co.uk or email: [email protected] See us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marholmvillage

PETERBOROUGH MALE VOICE CHOIR SUMMER CONCERT AT CASTOR 7.30pm Saturday 21st June at the Church of St Kyneburgha of Castor. The award-winning Peterborough Male Voice Choir return to Castor for their 2014 Summer Concert with special guests Peterborough Youth Choir, performing highlights from their repertoire including choral favourites, ballads and songs from the shows. Not to be missed! Tickets from £9 available from Peterborough Visitor Information Centre, by phone on 0333 666 3366 or online at www.peterboroughmvchoir.org.uk. Alternatively please telephone Brian and Alison Gibson on 01733 380796 and leave a message. CASTOR HOUSE GARDEN OPENING SATURDAY JUNE 21ST 6-9:30PM (NATIONAL GARDEN SCHEME) Jazz Evening with the Roaring Twenties Jazz Band. Enjoy a relaxing evening with music, dancing and a drink from the bar. Many new features to explore in the garden such as a willow arbour and annual meadow planting. Also a newly planted orchard in the walled garden. Plants available to buy from the plant stall. Admission £4 per adult tickets on the gate.


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13 14 CASPRA THE GARDEN VILLAGE SOCIETY PERSON 2014 I give Notice of an It’s that time of year again. CASPRA are looking for nominations for the annual Village Person Award. Extraordinary General Meeting Do you know anyone within your community/Group to be held in or association who you think is worthy of recognition The Village Hall, Castor for their efforts which benefit others? Someone who on Thursday 19th June at 7:30pm helps within the home or community or has gained academic or sporting excellence. A person who, by their kindness or consideration, make a positive Election of Officers and Committee contribution to village life. Nominations are open to Anyone wishing to be considered for any all ages and to anyone living in the Parish of position in the Society should submit their Ailsworth, Castor, Marholm, Sutton and Upton. name to me in writing or by telephone, Previous runners-up may also be nominated again. along with the name of a proposer, not Presentations will be made at the Village Summer later than 2 weeks prior to the EGM. Fete.

Please forward nominations giving full details to: Gill JE Fairchild, 8 Singerfire Road, Pick, 2 Casworth Way, Ailsworth. Ailsworth. Tel: 01733 380211


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16 EILEEN’S OPEN GARDEN 8TH JUNE Eileen invites you to tea in her garden on Sunday 8th June 2-4:30pm. At 31 Stocks Hill, Castor. With raffle. All proceeds towards Castor & Ailsworth Preschool. For more details please telephone 01733 380773.

CASTOR CHURCH 200 CLUB The winners of the April draw were as follows: £15 Julie Anderson £10 Millie Weston £5 Helen Boulton The June monthly and six monthly draw will take place at the Annual Fete on Saturday July 12th


Thursday 1st 10:30am Marholm 87 Club Coffee Morning at Marholm Village Hall Wednesday 4th 10:30am Coffee in the Cedar Centre, Castor Thursday 5th 2pm Evergreen Club in the Village Hall 7pm Marholm Pudding Club at Marholm Village Hall Sunday 8th 2-4:30pm Eileen’s Open Garden at 31 Stocks Hill, Castor Wednesday 11th 10:30am Coffee in the Cedar Centre, Castor Phoenix Group visit to Flag Fen Thursday 12th 7:30pm CASA Art Demonstration Evening, The Cedar Centre Saturday 14th St Kyneburgha Building Preservation Trust Garden Safari event Tuesday 17th 2-3pm Coffee & Chat at Ailsworth Methodist Chapel Wednesday 18th 10:30am Coffee in the Cedar Centre, Castor Thursday 19th 2pm Evergreen Club in the Village Hall 7:30pm Marholm Book Club at The Fitzwilliam Arms (Snug Room), Marholm 7:30pm The Garden Society Extraordinary Meeting, Castor Village Hall Saturday 21st 2pm onwards Sutton Strawberry Fayre 6-9:30pm Castor House Open Gardens & Jazz Evening 7:30pm Peterborough Male Voice Choir concert at Castor Ch urch Wednesday 25th 10:30am Coffee in the Cedar Centre, Castor Friday 27th Race night at Peterborough Greyhound Stadium. Coach leaves Ailsworth at 6:30pm

Do you have something to feature in Parish News? Material for Parish News can be given to the Parish Office in the following ways: Email: [email protected] Post: c/o The Cedar Centre, Church Walk, Peterborough, Castor, PE5 7AX or deliver by hand – there is now a postbox next to the entrance door to the Cedar Centre. Or Call: 01733 380900. The deadline for copy for the July 2014 magazine will be Tuesday 17th June 2014.


The Revd Canon William Burke Assistant Priest The Rectory Revd Fr Ray Hemingray 5 Church Hill, Castor 4 Holywell Way, Longthorpe Peterborough PE5 7AU Peterborough PE3 6SS E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: 01733 380244 Tel: 01733 262523

Retired Priest Revd Canon Haydn Smart Email: [email protected] Tel: 01733 380460

In addition to preparation for weddings, baptisms and funerals Parish Clergy welcome being contacted for home visits including communion at home, hospital visits, blessing of houses, confession and other private matters or whenever there is a need to do so. Castor Benefice Office Benefice Administrator - Mrs Jo Morris The Cedar Centre, Church Walk, Castor, Peterborough, PE5 7AY Email: [email protected] Tel: 01733 380900

In the first instance, please contact Jo for all general enquiries relating to weddings, baptisms, parish records, daily church enquiries including visits, material for the website and Parish Magazine. Kath Henderson, Benefice Lay Reader Bridget Spencer, Benefice Lay Reader Tel 01733 380452 Tel 01733 381175

Pastoral Team Co-ordinator Carol Savage Tel 01733 380981 Church Wardens and Parish Contacts St Kyneburgha of Castor The Blessed Virgin Mary at Helen Boulton - 01733 380064 Marholm (Please contact Helen for a lift to 10:15am William Craven - 01733 263461 Sunday service at Castor) Andrew Jarvis - 01733 380939 Simon Leeds - 01733 380579 St Michael and All Angels Sutton St John the Baptist at Upton Alison Maddigan - 01780 783096 Lyn Bell - 01733 380766 Sarah Hilton - 01780 784700 David Longfoot - 01733 380301 St John the Baptist Church at Stibbington St Remigius Water Newton Ric hard Winfrey – 01780 782431 Grace & Charles Brown – 01733 233512 Carol Lindsay - 01780 782338 The Cedar Centre, Castor For booking enquiries please telephone 01733 380541 or email [email protected] or view our website at www.thecedarcentre.co.uk

18 Chapman Associates Property Rentals Specialising in Residential Lettings Castor & Ailsworth Please contact us for your requirements

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Village Venues For Hire Parties, Celebrations, Meetings, Discos, Fairs, Corporate Events and ideal venues for regular groups/clubs Castor & Ailsworth Village Hall The Cedar Centre, Castor For the larger event up to 160, with Up to 72, with dvd, video and projection services, separate kitchen. separate bar and kitchen area. Public The Chapter Room offers meeting facilities boardroom style for up to 8 Entertainment & MPR Licensed, ideal for people, private office with phone, fax and photocopier parties and fund raisers. Tel: 380541 Tel: 380349 www.thecedarcentre.co.uk Chapel School Room Marholm Village Hall St Michael’s Hall, Sutton Ailsworth Up to 90 people Within Sutton Church, for up to 35 Up to 40 people Kitchen, good parking people. Small kitchen, disabled access Tel: 380255 Tel: 266076 Tel: 380900

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