A , Chandlers Ford, Romsey, Winchester Romsey, Salisbury, Bath, Bristol & Cardiff Romsey 4 46 , Winchester 1 Chandler’s Ford & Winchester Eastleigh, & 2 Eastleigh U1E Basingstoke, London, Reading, Birmingham & the North

y a


o n w International ia n r Airport Key to Services h d B a a a m H s s y s e t a L t w G U1 r a r to n ee Southampton First e o n R M o 7 a Airport Parkway 2 d 2


46 e e Bassett U2 n Bluestar u a n L U2 Public Transport e M v 27 ay m Motorw a A h t e d t a n e St. George o o t Uni-Link s R S s S1 r Catholic College a e Golf Course Lordswood B p S1 e i n R iv G p r e land Rd an D B a Map 2012 o r g e l

e d Dunv L

m h e a t n s e M

City-Link u n s

s S a e id

t 2 e S ( ) 1 E t Free service y G W 7 y re R e U1 M S1 r Cantell Maths n R o e oa d o ad R t S1 & Computing 3 o o Velvet d 5 r a A w College R

d a a Lord’s Hill l y l 4 inset (below) 3 d e L b or a Wilts & Dorset ds o o hil R L l Way U2 d U2 V Bassett 1 2 2A 3 S1 io 5 Lord’s r let fo R Green 4 46 x P1 d M 2A o G an C l s e Brijan M br Hill d 2A n id a g 2 o R L E e 7 r o o y o r U6 r 1 d

m R Lord’s Hill er sw e L ld P1 U2 a o

M C A 8A U9 P1 o 1 oo U6 L R S1 8A a e r R o Recreation 1 d Infrequent service Hillyfields o d x d n o t 2A R s U6 e m t 1 a 5 o d

Centre r h 0 s 0 d s r s e i 1 U1 d w l e 46 e W l a ess Rd U6 U6 y o Burg a W R r U y R Coxford 8A te U9 U6 n d 8A s Hail & Ride section e U6 Princess h i v d 3 1 nc U2 U1 R i e Marlhill ay Palm Anne 0 W W S1 r ill Aldermoor 1 S1 University of s Swaythling Copse nh 2A P1 i

w t 1 o y

Br Southampton U6

8A M

18 r U9 27 e R Mo Route calling ow torway L d Highfield Campus Bishops & Waltham

d Adanac a d A a U9 8A o Ro H lls Dr Park 1 R ess ig i iv Oasis Academy Burg h t H e U9 S1 y fi es U6 e d or 7 Lord’s Hill le l F 18 Route terminus l S1 d a 2 Chartwell 1 2A a Av Highfield o V e R 2 2 U6 e 8A Riverside S Green l d U9 a w o T Park a 2A D o h y

e w M t 18 1 d U2 Southampton h Route directions a s e 3 46 o A t g l R 1 U1 r U9 g i General v e n 0 o r e U9 s g W Southampton S 7 e d h P 2 W o d n H D S1 a t 7 n R d i West a a s g f u o a h t a o e U6 Common T o r oa fi e o o r l h e e A o

R Upper s 7 0 e c R l d a R e U6 H d Rail line / Station a 1 n b v w 1 n R i P1 L m e d n

n a u Shirley i d n

d W ll l 5 U9 n e o r d i

A U2 l y u e e h End R l

v m L r e

e fi e i e U9 High A 2 e r a l g

u e l r h v Park School T 1 n r L 2A o

n g e

a Botley 2A e i T W H

e Mansel o n v ig Bus stop H University of k a e h X2 M A 2 8A a S Park W y t M l 4 U9 re A in 8A Southampton O et a v d d 2 e e a 10 Moorgreen d nu rm o S1 7 18 R Avenue Campus n e e U6 Bitterne 7 r r A 1 e e e Be st llem K Limited stop M e oo Park A h r Rd inset (below) B2 c S 8 8A 8 o Redbridge in 1 U9 d 8B (Not all bus services stop here. t a t 8 W 0 d St. Denys 1 a o o Redbri Portswood o dge C 8A Please check timetables for details.) r e Hill 3 10 S1 R R X2 18 H 5 7 2 P1 w n d a a 1 o t d a i d l L 3 l o h y Tauntons l a e S2 U1 U6 U9 Townhill n 1 o t D e L w S en 8B Millbrook 0 R y fi o U9 Rebridge R s r B2 s y a n s e

o College t R i y Park Shirley n a m n 7 p n i o k Estate s r a 2 a 8B

Community e W d e a W y e o B2

im Western W s P 7 W or Botley

T a R W W o i d U9

e School b a l a R

Community r d t o W ill 8A s o Hawthorns d i

t 18 u e R tt h 2 Regent’s Park Shirley inset 1 n d s L Hospital o u 0 U1 o H n 8 b n R P1 o il a l w Gover 2A e Community (below) e S o tw n R T v t a s o 7 d T e A J d e X2 College y a W le m M 2 1 2 2A 3 10 S1 r 2 ad 3 i e o nd Ro 0 S2 h s u 7 est E 1 2 S S1 s W way 2A 4 18 S2 R U9 eh B2 se Re X2 10 10 o o M au d O a St. Denys le 2A in C 2A a T ge br 2 kley d L ste rid id Rd h a a g W d edb e e A R Redbridge Green 1 R e v i e o A m n X7 a 0 v u d A v d e Park p e R Harefield s 1 n s 2 d M o e u n n o Millbrook 2 e Woodlands g S1 1 Bitterne E r 0 Bitterne o L 8 2 X2 d t r Waterside 1 Sailsbury o B2 Brockenhurst & Lymington Brockenhurst 1 R d 1 a h 2A 5 R s Community h 10 e lis e e 8 n g i 6 ng d l G E Lo l e School 6 8 W 2A S2 S2 F 8B enue R g 3 v o A X7 o n B2 2 i d u B3 t a n 8A e K R 7 s 2A d s d r s k e r U6 Totton r 0 a S 1 3 a y 18 m P h 1 P o y L 4 ir Bitterne S B s 2 t a le on St. Anne’s tt n n 1 y 8A ( ) o d P1 d inset below T e e 8 a Bit g R Ro 10 a tern o rs Catholic e 7 e che o Ro 3 a Ar 9 R d 7 R ad

e School

W B2 2 2A 8 8A 8B c w es 2A Hedge End & Botley a o t

l S1 3 M l 9 B1 B2 B3 illb P s 3 ro n ok 9 oad Rd ard Road 1 Thornhill Park R d How 0 O 3 18 7 Bitterne Road East R a 1 d River Itchen ich Ro r mo d n 2 o 3 f S1 Dock 9 N S1 2A d d 9 6 B1 Gate 20 8 9 e e a 1 8

w o Royal South B 3 S2 U2 R d c a 8B andgua o n Hants Waterside L rd S2 o m Rd o R B3 2A 5 U1 d b S1 8A 1 n S2 0 e m 11 S1 o a e B3 1 X2 3 2 L h v t t A r 8 e Freemantle Thornhill R e e Container Wa o r e B1 Millbrook terloo o a City Centre N t tr Common 2 Itchen Ro X7 d S r Port ad ea S inset (overleaf) P p College r i 7 lbank n Central Station il g d 1 a 1 2 2A 3 4 4A 5 6 7 M 9 8 o R inset (below) 3 18 B1 R 8 8A 8B 9 10 S1 X2 X4 o 3

M 2A a r o d un 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 18 P1 kle tba 1 2 2A 3 8A Hin tte h Western n W t ay 10 S1 X2 4 6 8 U1 U2 U6 r o

Brockenhurst, Bournemouth, Poole & Weymouth Bournemouth, Poole Brockenhurst, Common Docks City-link N 9 10 11 12 18 S2 7 e Veracity Palmerston d v St. Mary’s A U1 City-link X7 a Recreation B1 Park Stadium o e R e 3 r Common t t Dock r r d e a a Gate 10 e o b l R 9 18 Hoglands P A n Southampton e River Test Park Sholing le Green 2 th W City College Technology a B e K 5 u 2A s Ch r ape 2A College 9 s t l R B1 C d Weston le Q Sholing d a d o S2 u s 9 18 2 n Leisure R Common a t 5 d R y l o e d a World y R a 2A d R e o W a d g s 5 R Dock W p a d i o s e Gate 8 y r h l n s B i d e B d i d

Mayflower ue Chapel a Tudor House 2 o M Q 1 Park 2 Toll R Museum 1 2 2A Itchen Radstoc B1 s H 2A k R t 3 Bridge oad 3 t

i u g 3 4 4A B

h 1

S 5 6 X4 Woolston Oasis Academy

t 2A r 6 Mayfield

e Solent e 3 4 Rd

t 1 Sky 1 4A on 3

4B i 4A 5 tat 4 Po 6 X4 S Sholing Millers rtsm ou d th Pond oa Rd 9 R U2 ey Wrig otl ht’s 4 B Hill U6 4A 9 Vehicle Ferry City-link Passenger Ferry 5 5 National X4 Terminal Terminal W Woolston 5 e Oceanography es n to a n L U2 Centre G e ro l v Mayfield b U6 e Po r m R Park N tsm d e ou a w t H t h R e o oa an w d L n Oasis Academy

n o Weston t Mayfield es R 4 W o 4A a X4

d 4 Chamberlayne College 4A 1 for the Arts allace R X4 W oa d

Fareham or Portsmouth Eastern e


Docks 1 b

K m

in a g 1 H s e W c u n o l e v o e A Southampton re l s to n Water R d West Wood 6 1 km

12 minutes based on 5 km/h average walking speed: 1 km = 12 mins = 52 calories = 1250 steps = 0.22kg CO2 saved.

Passenger & car ferry to Passenger ferry Fast passenger ferry & Hamble 6 Fareham, Portsmouth, Havant This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material East Cowes (Isle of Wight) to Hythe to West Cowes (Isle of Wight) Chichester, Brighton & Gatwick Airport with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Southampton City Council 100019679 2012 City Centre Bus Stop Guide = Bus Stops Travel Destinations and Operators Operator contacts

l d P lan HD er Bus Operators b West Route Operator Destinations Monday - Saturday Sunday m T u Park h HA C Daytime Evening Daytime HC e

Q Bluestar



E HE Cultural M 1 Bluestar City Centre, Basset, Chandler’s Ford, Otterborne, Winchester 20 mins 60 mins 30 mins 023 8061 8233 a

s i

l East t Commercial Road Commercial Road e www.bluestarbus.co.uk P Quarter

A Park a 1 First Weston, Woolston, City Centre, Central Station, 10 mins 60 mins 30 mins r HG HF b Mayflower k Wyndham o

T Shirley, Aldermoor, Lord’s Hill, Adanac Park Place Theatre d v e oa Sea City e IC R ID r B Brijan Tours rk Museum r a H a P a t c s a r B1 First Bitterne, Sholing, Bitterne 4 per day (off peak) e e v W Civic Guildhall S 01489 788138 e t OOK RO l Square HBR AD r SOUT o Centre e Blec c hynd e www.brijantours.com en T k Southampton P1 Bluestar City Centre, Portswood, Highfield Lane, Glen Eyre Road 60 mins (off peak) e t rrac AL e R Solent University IE o Central Station a d S1 First RSH, City Centre, Central Station, Freemantle, Regents Park, Shirley, 60 mins BBC AM First ce General Hospital, Lordswood, Lord’s Hill SF rra IA Te AH East Park 023 8022 4854 Weste AN AO rn Espl d U1 Unilink National Centre of Ocenography, City Centre, Central Station, Portswood, 10/15 mins 20 mins 15 mins anade w Roa www.firstgroup.com Civic Centre Road Ne University, Swaythling, Airport AA AI Toys R Us Unilink AF Above 2 Bluestar City Centre, Portswood, Swaythling, , Eastleigh, 20 mins 60 mins 60 mins W P e K s a Bishopstoke, Fair Oak 023 8059 5974 i l t Bar n S AE m e t

g r M n e W s a I Palmerston N

r www.unilinkbus.co.uk r w T National Express y s O 2 First Lord’s Hill, Maybush, Millbrook, Shirley, Central Station, City Centre, 20 mins 60 mins 30 mins N S a P Marlands AD t

ST t coach station E o r AJ Park y s o e n e Woolston, Merry Oak, Bitterene, , r p t

t l ASDA R a l P a AC AB a T ur rade n o o n IF Velvet a a b h r d d AK d a e e B2 First Bitterne, Midanbury, Bitterne 3 per day (off peak) T H Q e 023 8061 2288

r e

r 2 a

CB CC CD S2 Velvet Northam (peak), City Centre,Bedford Place, Polygon, Freemantle, 60 mins c t M CA h Fron www.velvetbus.info e Above Bar Sout i IG Church l Regents Park, Shirley e Pound Tree Road


b CF CE o U2 Unilink City Centre, Avenue, Campus, University, Basset Green, Crematorium 30 mins 30 mins 30 mins Wilts &Dorset (W&D) v CG WestQuay e John Retail Park B Hoglands 01202 673555 Lewis a CO 2A First Lord’s Hill, General Hospital, Millbrook, Shirley, Central Station, City Centre, 20 mins 60 mins 30 mins


S CH Park 01722 336855


l t Woolston, Peartree, Bitterne, Harefield, Thornhill a


W e

BQ CM s e www.wdbus.co.uk t CI






i X2 First Millbrook, Freemantle, Central Station, City Centre 10 mins 60 mins CL V CJ


Xelabus H BP CK Houndwell 3 Bluestar City Centre, Bitterne, Hedge End, Botley 30/60 mins 60 mins 60 mins a r b BR Park 023 8064 4715 o CT CU 3 First Lord’s Hill, Aldermoor, General Hospital, Shirley, Central Station, City Centre, 10 mins 30 mins 30 mins u r CN Hanover B www.xelabus.info P uildings CP H Woolston, Sholing, Thornhill a anov er Buildings r BS Old Town a Marks & W d H Street Walls o e e Spencer un s IKEA CQ d B3 First Bitterne, Harefield, Bitterne 3 per day (off peak)

t BM w

Q BL Q ell WestQuay u Road u e ferry and coach and ferry Bargate a BI e y Car Park n 4 Bluestar City Centre, Central Station, Shirley, Lord’s Hill, North Badderseley, Romsey 30 mins 120 mins 60 mins Coach Operators

Shopping Centre ’ s Debenhams

R BD W a on travelling by bus, rail, bus, by travelling on o Market a y t BJ y S

d Albion ar 4 First City Centre, Ocean Village, Woolston, Lowford, Warsash, Locks Heath, 60 mins 60 mins CR M

Place St Greyhound Southampton City Council City Southampton Stubbington, Lee-on-the-Solent, Gosport

East Street 0900 096 0000 Information from from Information

X4 First City Centre, Ocean Village, Woolston, Lowford, Locks Heath, Fareham, 30 mins 60 mins

Car Park www.greyhounduk.com C Porchester, Portsmouth Old Town a Transport s Walls T

t h l



y Megabus a

W 4A First City Centre, Ocean Village, Woolston, Lowford, Warsash, 60 mins Q

Star W e

a s e Hotel ’ n n y 2 a e Locks Heath, Fareham 0900 160 0900

e L

M u Public

Q d i l

l www.megabus.com e The Quays e fi 5 First , Swaythling, Portswood, Bedford Place, City Centre, 30 mins 60 mins

Swimming and H e

e i Diving Complex T g r City College, Woolston, Wrights Hill, Sholing S Dolphin

S h h St E est y W Hotel L

a T R S A National Express


t C s ’ r

n e R 6 Bluestar City Centre, Central Station, Freemantle, Millbrook, Redbridge, Totton, 30/60 mins 120 mins e i chm St Micheal’s e e on 0870 580 8080 u d t QH S Church Q tre BF BE et Lyndhurst, Lymington Tudor House www.nationalexpress.com and Garden Holyrood QD Church ruins 6 First City Centre, Ocean Village, Woolston, Netley, Hamble 20 mins 60 mins 60 mins He Chamber of rb Commerce Be er rnard 7 Brijan Southampton, Bitterne, West End, Bishops Waltham, Swanmore 60 mins t W Street a t l y QC k e er a A e Rail Operators r v W e 7 First City Centre, RSH, Valley, Portswood, , 10 mins 30/60 mins 20 mins n t u s e S ’ Medieval n h Townhill Park, Midanbury

Merchant’s e g i Westgate House e National Rail Enquiries

H u Hall


e X7 Wilts&Dor Central Station, Totton, Wellow, Whiteparish, Salisbury 60 mins 3 per day 0845 7484 950 l i TH QE M www.nationalrail.co.uk Register 2 8 Bluestar Central Station, Freemantle, Millbrook, Redbridge, 60 mins Mayflower Office e Briton Str Q eet QB Totton, Marchwood, Hythe e TG Qu Park h e ens Te Wool House T rrace Cross Country (CC) 8/8A First Hedge End, Ageas Bowl, , West End, 15 mins 60 mins 60 mins 0870 010 0084 TF Queen’s Chartwell Green, Bitterne, Northam, City Centre, Central Station, TE QG Park Upper Shirley, General Hospital www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk T ow The d n nute Roa Q Ca QF 9 Bluestar City Centre, Central Station, Rushington, Hythe, Fawley 15/20 mins 60 mins 30 mins ua QE2 Mile God’s y House QA First Great Western (FGW) Tower River Test 9 First City Centre, Northam, Bitterne, Sholing 15 mins 60 mins 30 mins 08457 000 125 TD www.firstgreatwestern.com TB 10/11 Bluestar City Centre, Central Station, Freemantle, Millbrook, 30 mins TA TC Redbridge, Totton, Cadham Southern (SOU) 10 First City Centre, Banister Park, Upper Shirley, General Hospital, Shirley, 60 mins 0845 127 2920 Millbrook, Redbridge, Totton Marina www.southernrailway.com 12 Bluestar City Centre, Central Station, Freemantle, Redbridge, Totton, Calmore 30 mins 60 mins 60 mins Service Destination Stops Service Destination Stops 18 Bluestar Millbrook, Shirley, Central Station, City Centre, Northam, 7/8 mins 30 mins 15 mins Southwest Trains (SWT) Bitterne, Thornhill, Hightown 0845 6000 650 Citylink Central station TB TE BF BR AJ 6 Netley/Hamble CI BD BE TH QB www.swtrains.co.uk 46 Velvet General Hospital, Lord’s Hill, Winchester 6 per day Town Quay SF AK BP BE TF U6 Portswood/General Hos QA TC TE BF BR AJ AO AH ID A Velvet Botley, Hedge End, Chartwell, Green, Mansbridge, Airport, Eastleigh 30 mins 60 mins 60 mins 1 Chandlers Ford/Winchester CT AC HD Dock Gate 4 IC AA AI AK BP BE TF TD Ferry Operators 1 Woolston/Weston HE AB CJ BD BE QD QC QH 7 Portswood/Townhill Park CE AD HC Hythe Ferry Shirley/Lord's Hill QC BF BJ CM AF HF 7 Bishop’s Waltham BL AN IE Local Rail Map Local Service Salisbury - Romsey 023 8084 0722 U1 University/Airport QA TC TE BF BR AJ AO SF HD X7 Salisbury BS AJ AL Local Service Southampton - Portsmouth www.hytheferry.co.uk Towards Regional Services Winchester HA AI SF AK BP BE TF TD London Dock Gate 4 8/8A Bitterne/Hedge End CA BL AJ AN AH IE Midlands Towards Salisbury Red Funnel Ferries 2 Eastleigh/Fair Oak CU AD HD General Hospital IE IA CO AE HG Bristol 023 8033 4010 Romsey www.redfunnel.co.uk 2/2A Townhill Park/Thornhill HE AB CH BD BE QD QC QH 9 Bitterne/Sholing CB BL AJ AN IE Chandlers Ford Eastleigh Shirley/Lord’s Hill QC BF BJ CM AF HG 8/9/10 Totton/Waterside BS AJ AL 11/12 Southampton U2 Crematorium AO HD Airport Parkway Public Transport Enquiry Service 10 Shirley/Totton CG AE HC Swaythling 3 Hedge End BL AJ AN AH IE Traveline 18 Bitterne/Thornhill HE AB CK BM AJ AN AH IE Towards Fareham 0871 200 2233 3 Shirley/Lord’s Hill QC BF BJ CM AF HF Bitterene Woolston Sholing Portsmouth Brighton www.traveline.info Shirley/Millbrook IA AA AI AK BP CL AF HG St. Denys Woolston/Thornhill HE AB CK BD BE QD QH S1 Shirley/Lord’s Hill IG CQ CF AE HG Calls cost 10p per minute from land lines, plus 4 Lord’s Hill/Romsey CL AF HF www.southampton.gov.uk Redbridge Millbrook RSH IB HE AB CC IF Southampton connection fee. Calls from other networks may vary. If you have difficulty reading the map and guide in this format then please 4/4A/X4 Fareham/Gosport BI CR QE QB Central contact 023 8083 3816 where we will be able to offer further help. S2 Shirley CF AE HC Towards Bournemouth Totton 5 Woolston/Sholing HA AB CG CP Poole The information is correct as of July 2012. Bus services may change at Weymouth short notice and the council is unable to accept any responsibility for any Bassett Green/Portswood CQ CE AD HC subsequent inaccuracies in this guide. Please scan these codes with your QR reader