CAS PO 450 Politique (Four credits) Instructor: Olivier ROZENBERG

This course enables students to discover and deepen their understanding of the principal elements of ’s contemporary political and institutional systems. It aims to define political French culture of the 5th Republic as well as current political events.

Emphasis is specially placed on the role of the President of the Republic, both through its formal power, its practices and the direct presidential elections. The course will help students examine the specificities and possible controversies linked to the great influence of the President over French politics. Notions of constitutional rights, political science and sociology will be called upon. This course aims to helps students master these different disciplines in a broad and complementary fashion.

In-class work is complemented by following current political events. Each class will begin with a 30-minute collective discussion about the main events of the week. To prepare, students are asked to read the weekly magazine L’Express, as well as one of the following daily : , Libération, or Le Figaro. The internet sites of these newspapers allow access to the entire article.

Emphasis will be specially put in reading and discussing French academic texts about the President. The texts have been selected in order to grasp a diversity of views (constitutional law, electoral sociology, political anthropology, international relations…).

Last but not least, the on-going Presidency of (2007-2012) is specially looked at by attending to connect the related policies, strategies and events to broader notion of political science.

Books and materials Les institutions de la France, Paris, La Documentation française, 3rd ed., 2009. L’Express (weekly magazine); Recommended reading: Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro (via their websites)

Examples of visits: Jean Moulin Museum, Charles de Gaulle Historial, Mont Valérien, political rallies.

Examples of Guest Lecturers : Cédric Moreau de Bellaing,: « Violent political participation in France – in decline or on the rise?” ; Nora El Kadim, « Sarkozy’s strategy toward migration ».

Grading Students will be graded on a number of levels. Aside from the midterm and final exams, students will be split into two groups and will alternate in writing summaries about class readings, which will be collected by the professor. Students must also prepare an 8 minute oral presentation with accompanying texts, and a 3-page essay. Outside research, however, is essential.

Class participation: 15% Oral presentation: 25% Written assignment: 15% Midterm: 15% Final: 30%

Attendance Policy See PIP policy on absences and tardiness

Bibliography CARCASSONNE, Guy, La Constitution. Paris: Seuil, 9ème éd., 2009. DUHAMEL, Olivier, Le pouvoir politique en France. Paris : Seuil, 5ème éd., 2003. GUNTHEN (de), B. MARTIN, A. NIOGRET, M. Les Institutions de la France. Paris : Nathan coll. Repères Pratiques, 2007. HASTINGS, Michel, Aborder la science politique. Paris : Seuil, 1996. HAUDEGAND, Nelly, LEFÉBURE, Pierre (dir.), Dictionnaire des questions politiques. 60 enjeux de la France contemporaine. Paris : Editions de l’Atelier, 2000. LAMBERT F., LEFRANC S., 50 fiches pour comprendre la science politique. Paris : Bréal, 2003. Les Cahiers français, numéro consacré à : « La Ve République, évolutions et débats », n° 332, mai-juin 2006. MENY Y., Le système politique français, Paris, Montchrestien, 5ème éd., 2006.