Felice Fontana 1730 - 1805 An Annotated Bibliography








LUIGI BELLONI, Università di Milano, Presidente UMBERTO ·CoRSINI, Università di Venezia MARIO FERRARI, Museo T·ridentino di Scienze Naturali PETER K. KNOEFEL, University of Louisville (Kentucky) CARLO MAccAGNI, Università di Genova RENATO G. MAZZOLINI, Università di Trento e St. Cross College di Oxford BRUNO ZANOBIO, Università di Pavia STUDI SU FELICE FONTANA



Felice Fontana 1730 - 1805 An Annotated Bibliography

TRENTO 1980 Questo volume è edito dalla Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche con il determinante contributo della Provincia Autonoma di Trento • Assessorato alle Attività Culturali


Tipografia TEMI . Trento Stampato nel I 980 . . . il se peut très-bien que je me sois trompé, et il seroit meme presque impossible que je ne me fusse tro1Jlpé ...

Felice Fontana


Felice Fontana, that "ingeniosus hom<;>" of Haller, that one of the "tw)n stars of Italy" of Du Bois Reymond, has never received the at­ tenti.on extending to compilation of his complete bibliography. That oÌ Adami ( 23 7) in his otherwise superb account is rather telescoped; that of Provenza! ( 262) appears to have been drawn from library catalogues. Besides the genera! reasons for such a Jack, two particularly apply to Fontana. He published the same work, or at least under the same title, many times. Far this there may be severa! explanations. First printings were sometlmes small and inadequate to the demand for his works, as his friend and editor Gibelin wrote (32) when he caused to be reprinted the Recherches physiques sur la nature de l' air nitreux et de l' air déphlogistiqué (18). Other requests far his writings appear to have been complied with hy sending manuscripts already published with no changes or perhaps the addition of a few words (11, 12, 13, 14, 36). At times correspondents may have published his letters with or whhout his knowledge ( 86). At times the simultaneous appearance of his work in severa! places suggests only a desire to reach a larger audience. The result is the neeed of numerous comparisons to establish identity or difference. The second reason is Fontana's habit of publishing artonymously (57, 84, 85, 97, 101), or wriring of himself in the third person (89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 100), or allowing attribution ·to himself of works pre­ pared under his supervision ( 98). The establishment of authorship of such writings becomes difficult or impossible. A third reason is exemplified by the famous T raité sur le venin de la vipère (35), Fontana's best-known publication, which is in fact a miscellany of observations on a variety of subjects.

-1- Ali tbese factors may bave contributed to tbe need felt for bis revindication ( 214, 233) witbin eigbty-fìve years of bis deatb, and bis being termed forgotten (263, 265) in another forty-fìve years. In arder to unravel this web, tbe present primary bibliograpby is divided inro four sections. Tbe fìrst (I.a.) includes only those works in wbich it is clearly indicated tbat tbe autbor was Felice Fontana. This may bave been clone by tbe appearance of his name on tbe title-page of books, or within the title itself as in periodica! publications, or at tbe end of the dedication ,as seen in some of bis early works. 'Dbe last bas led to a Jack of indication of autborsbip wben a work has been reprinted without the dedication ( 67). The second section ( I.b.) includes works the authorship of whicb has been questioned. Some of these probably were by Fontana, some not; each is considered individually. The third 'Seotion (I.e.) consists of false attributions, clone out of ehthusiasm no doubt, and based often on the printing of a title as by Mr. Fontana. The_ fourth section ( includes certain published letters. Far this purpose a somewhat arbitrary but convenient distinction has been made bètween two kinds of letters. The fìrst kind consists of those printings entitled "Letter to -'', Priestley, Ingen-Housz, Murray, Scar­ pa, Darcet, Gibelin, Guyton de Morveau. Some of these may indeed bave been dispatched as letters, but it may be doubted that ali were. Those letters which were obviously prepared as primarily scientifìc com­ munications have been placed as veritable works in Section I.a. This distinction may fall down in some cases such as the long letters to Cal­ dani describing recent experiments, but ali such letters published as are obviously of a persona! nature bave been placed in Section Section II.a., works about, and citations of, Fontana, with its 275 items, should go some way to dispel the belief that he needs vin­ dication or has ever been forgotten. Section II.b., an iconography, contains representations largely but not entirely the products of fantasy inspired by that celebrated figure, Felice Fontana.


Archeion - Archivio di Storia della Scienza. 1919- 1943.

Efemeridi chimico-mediche - Efemeridi ahimico-mediohe ( per servire di continuazione all'efemeridi fisico mediche dell'anno 1804). Milano, Agnello Nobile. 1805-1807.

Giornale di Firenze - Giornale di Firenze, Opera periodica che ha per primo oggetto la conservazione del corpo umano. 1769-1771.

Giornale d'Italia - Giornale d'Italia. Spettante alla Scienza Na- turale, e principalmente all'Agricoltura, al­ le Arti, ed al Commercio. Venezia. 17 64- 1776.

Giornale Fisico-Medico - Giornale Fisico-Medico, ossia Raccòlta di Osservazioni sopra la Fisica, Matematica, Chimica, Storia Naturale, Medicina, Chi­ rurgia, Arti e Agric~ltura. Pavia, Comini. 1792-1796.

Jour. de Physique - Observations sur la Physique, sur l'Histoi- re Naturelle, et sur ]es Arts. Par M. ]' Abbé Rozier. Paris 1773-1793. As Tournal de Physique, 1794-1823.

Mem. Soc. It. - Memorie di Matematica e Fisica della So­ cietà Italiana. Verona, Ramanzini. 1782.

-3- Mém. Soc. Méd. Emul. - Mémoires de la Societé Médicale d'Emu­ lation. Paris. 1796-1826.

Opuscoli Scelti - Opuscoli Scelti sulle Scienze e sulle Arti tratti dagli Atti delle Accademie, e dalle al­ tre Collezioni Filosofiche, e Letterarie, dal­ le Opere più Recenti Inglesi, Tedesche, Francesi, Latine e Italiane, e da Manoscrit­ ti Originali e Inedite. Milano, Marelli. 1778-1789.

Phil. Trans. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal So- ciety of London. 1665-1886.

Raccolta Ferrarese - Raccolta Ferrarese di Opuscoli Scientifici e Letterari di Ch. Autori Italiani. Vinegia, Coleti. 1779-1796.


AAP Alabama, Auburn University, Auburn. CtY Connecticut, Yale University, New Haven. CtY-M Connecticut, Yale University Medicai School Library, New Haven. cu California, University of California, Berkeley. DLC Washington, D.C. U.S. Library of Congress. DNAL Washington, D.C. U.S. National Agricultural Laboratory. DNLM Maryland, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda. FBM Firenze, Biblioteca Medica Centrale ( Careggi). FBN Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale. FSB Franhlurt am Main, Senckenbergische Bibliothek. GSUB Gottingen, Niedersachsische Staats- und Universitatsbiblio­ thek. ICJ Illinois, John Crerar Library, Chicago. ICU Illinois, University of Chicago, Chicago. IdU Idaho, University of Idaho, Moscow. IU Illinois, University of Illinois, Urbana. KU Kansas, University of Kansas, Lawrence. KU-M Kansas, University of Kansas Medicai Center, Kansas City. KyU Kentucky, University of Kentucky, Lexington. LBM London, British Museum (Reference Library, British Library). LRCS London, Royal College of Surgeons. LWI London, Wellcome Institute. MB Massachusetts, Boston Public Llbrary, Boston. MBAT Massachusetts, Boston Athenaeum, Boston. MBB Milano, Biblioteca Braidense.

-5- MB Co Massachusetts, Countway Library, Harvard University School of Medicine, Boston. MH Massachusetts, Harvard University, Cambridge. MH-BA Massachusetts, Harvard Graduate School of Business Admi­ nistration, Cambridge. MiEM Michigan, Michigan State University, Lansing. MiU Michigan, UniversitY of Michigan, Ann Arbor. MnU Minnesota, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. N New York State Library, Albany. NcD North Carolina, Duke University, Durham. NcRS North Carolina, North Carolina State University at Raleigh. NIC New York, Cornell University, Ithaca. NjP New Jersey, P.rinceton University, Princeton. NN New York, New York Public Library, New York. NNC New York, Columbia University, New York. NNNAM New York, New York Academy of Medicine, New York. NRU New York, University of Rochester, Rochester. oc Ohio, Pub1ic Library of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. OClW Ohio, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. ocu Ohio, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. OkU Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma, Norman. OOxM Ohio, Miami University, Oxford. ou Ohio, Ohio State University, Columbus. PBN P.aris, Bibliothèque Nationale. PiBU , Biblioteca Universitaria. pp Pennsylvania, Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

PPAmP Pennsylvania, American Philosophical Society, P0hiladelphia. PPAN Pennsylvania, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. PPC Pennsylvania, College of Physicians, Philadelphia. PU Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. RBC Rovereto, mblioteca Civica. RPJCB Rhode Island, J ohn Carter Brown Library, Providence. ScU South Carolina, University of South Carolina, Columbia. TBC Trento, Biblioteca Comunale. TxU Texas, University of Texas, Austin. ViU Virginia, University of Virginia, Gharlottesville. WiU Wien, Institut fiir Geschichte der Medizin der Universitat. wu Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, Madison.



1. Dissertation~' I epistolaire I de / Mr. l'Abbé Felice Fontana I de Rovereto / addressée au R. P. Urbain Tosetti / de.r écoles piés / lecteur en philosophie et en mathematiques / du College Naza­ réen de Rome. / Traduite de l'Italien. / Bologne 23 Mai 1757. In: Memoires sur les parties sensibles et irritables du corps ani­ ma!. Ouvrage qui sert de suite aux memoires de Monsieur De Haller. Tome troisième. pp. 157-243. Lausanne, D'Arnay. MDCCLX. Results of these experiments. 1. The tendons are insensible. 2. The dura mater is the same, in man. 3 . Al so in animals. 4. Also the pericranium, tbe peritoneum, the pleura. 5. And the ·arteries. 6. Opium applied externally does not destroy the mo tor power of nerves. 7. Irritation of tihe nerves of tihe heart neither accelerates its movements nor restores them. The manuscript of this work, in Italian and in the band of Fontana's friend Mare' Antonio Caldani, is MBB AD.XII.40. Haller found it a little long, translated it into French himself, and had it bound. See: L. Pecorella Vergnano: Il fondo Halle-

'fr The slashes in the book titles of this part indicate the lineation of the title pages.

-7- follows 1760

riano della Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense di Milano, Studi e Testi 8, Istituto di Storia della Medicina Università degli Studi. Milano 1965, and Erich Hintzsche, Albrecht von Haller: Mare Antonio Caldani, Briefwechsel 1756-1776, Huber, Bern urid Stuttgart, 1966. CU DNL FBN KU MiU PPAN PPC WU

1765 2. Dei moti I dell' / iride. / In Lucca, MDCCLXV. / Nella Stamperia di Jacopo Giusti. / Con Lic. de' Sup. / A spese di Vincenzo Landi Librajo Fioren­ tino. xij + 106 pp. The dedication is 10 Sig. Conte Carlo di Firmian, and is followed by: Pisa 10 maggio 1765, Felice Fontana. The author's name does not appear on the title-page. At the end of the text is a table of contents, of which these are the chapter headings. I. The iris moves only from that light which reaches the retina. II. On the cause whereby ·the light which falls on the 1Cetina produces the movement of the iris, ·and first the true natural state of the iris. III. The will is the cause of the movement of the pupi!. IV. Answers to objections. It is also proved that breathing and sneezing are voluntary movements. V. How the iris moves. Cty DNLM FBM FBN GSUB KU-M LBM LRCS LWI MBB MnU NNAM NIC PBN PiBU RBC TBC 1766 3. Nuove osservazioni / sopra i globetti rossi / del sangue. / In Lucca, MDCCLXVI. / Nella stamperia di Jacopo Giusti. / Con lic. de' Sup. / A spesa di Vincenzo Landi Librajo. Fiorentino. 45 pp.

-8- follows 1766

pp. 3-5 Dedication 'a sua eccellenza il Sig. Conte Carlo di Fir­ mian', etc. Felice Fontana etc., Firenze, 4 Gennaio 1766. Fon­ tana's name does not appear on the title page. p. 6 Quotation from Bonnet, 'Demontrer une eneur etc.'. pp. 7-45 text. P. Della Torre whose observations are contradicted, is cited only as a 'learned Italian philosopher'. In a long footnote, an Annotation of a Friend states that the author, since 1763, has been examining the smallest animals with the microscope, with results which he has communicated to se­ vera! I talian scholars, his friends. FBM FBN KU-M LBM LWI LRCS MBB NIC PBN PiBU PPC R)3C TBC WiU

1767 4. De irritabilitatis legibus nunc primum sancitis. Dissertatio in tres partes distributa. Felicis Fontanae in Lyceo Pisano Pubblici Pro­ fessoris et Academiae Scientarum Boniensis socij etc. etc. "Atti dell'Accademia delle Scienze in Siena detta de' Fisiocritici" 3:205-231, MDCCLXVII. Tue entire volume is dedicated to His Royal Highness Pietro Leopoldo,' Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, Archduke of , etc. etc. The article itself is dedicated to Joanni Georgia De Lagusio; it is dated Florentiae III Idus Novembris MDCCLXV. It begins with a quotation from Newton's Principles of Natural Philoso­ phy. Part I, pp. 209-218, Lex Pl"ima, de irritabilitatis actione, singulis fihl"ae contractionibus novo sempe,. stimulo excitando. Part II, pp. 219-225, de irritabilitatis vi post certum dum taxat tempus pro varia fibrae indole, et statu iterum excitanda. Part III, pp. 226-231, de spirituum animalium in movendis musculis inef­ ficacia. The text of these parts is identica! with that as they occur in (5).

5. De irritabilitatis / legibus, / nunc J primum sancitis, / et de spi­ rituum animalium / in movendis musculis / inefficacia, / Felicis Fontanae, / physici experimentalis / magni etruviae ducis, I in Lyceo Pisano / Physices Publici Professoris, / Boniensis Aca-

-9- follows 1767

demiae Scientarum / Soci, / etc. etc. / Lucae MDCCLXVII. / Typis Iohannis Riccomini / Praesidum Permissu. 144 pp. The final numerai of . the date has been added by hand, in ali copies seen. The dedication to Lagusius, wirh its date, and the quotation from Newton, are as in ( 4). The First Law is the same as in Part I, there; the Second Law is the same as Part II there. Newly added are the following three Laws: III, musculi, diuturno tempore contracti, irritabilitatem ammittunt. IV, mu­ sculi diuturno tempore distrae/i, compressique, irritabilitate pri­ vantur. V, musculi, longiori tempore relaxati, irritabilitatem am­ mittunt. Part II is identica! with Part III of ( 4). In one copy of this work (Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Cen­ trale, signature Palatino Targioni Tozzetti 21.B.5.1.25), two pages are loosely inserted. One is a frontispiece which omits the name of the author and his titles, but is otherwise similar. The second is the fust page of the text with the addition at its head of the full title of the work, the name of the author and his titles. A printing variant is suggested. DNLM FBM FBN GSUB LBM LRCS LWI MBB PBN PiBU RBC TBC WU

6. Osservazioni intorno al testicolo umano fatte dal Sig. Abate Fe­ lice Fontana, Nobile di Roveredo e Pubblico Lettore nella Uni­ versità di Pisa, scritte in una lettera al Sig. Pietro T abarrani Professor di Notomia nello Stato di Siena. Firenze, 20 marzo 1766. "Atti dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Siena detta de Fisio­ critici''. Tomo III, Appendix, pp. 129-135. An account of obser­ vations made in the summer of 1765, when Tabarrani was in . A manuscript of this work is in the Autografoteca Campori, Biblioteca Estense, Modena, which had been sent with a letter to L.M-A. Caldani, on 22 May 1766.

7. Osservazioni / sopra / la ruggine / del / grano / In Lucca / MDCCLXVI / Nella Stamperia di Jacopo Giusti / Con Lic. de' Sup. pp. 114. The author's name does not appear on the title page, but at the end of the dedication, which is to Van Swieten. 'A chi vorrà leg-

-10- follows 1767

gere', 4 pp., dates his discovery as June 1766, ends with a quo­ tation from Buffon. Text, 91 pp., explanation of ·~he figures, 8 pp., one plate with 8 figures. DNL FBN GSUB LBM MBB PBN PiBU PPAmP RBC TBC WiU WU

8. Ricerche fisiche / sopra il veleno / della vipera / di Felice Fon­ tana Roveretano / fisico / di S.A.R. il Gran-Duca / di Toscana I sopratendente al Regio Gabinetto / di fisica sperimentale / e pubblico professore nell'Università / di Pisa. / In Lucca, MDCCLXVII, / Nella Stamperia di J. Giusti / con lic. de' Sup. xvi+ 170 pp. Dedicated to S.A.R. Pietro Leopoldo. L'Editore: fìnally corning to light is a part of his experiments on the venom of the vi per, made by our author since 1764 in the city of Pisa, etc. A quo­ tation from Bonnet, p. 320 of his Contemplation de la Nature. Pages 159 of text, 10 of a table of contents. Of the eight copies of this work seen, two at FBN (signatures Palatino and Miscellanea Capretta 962.2) have the frontispiece with three added lines following the line, 'Della Vipera', which read: con alcune osservazioni sopra le anguillette Del Grano Sperone. In the latter copy, a rectangle of paper is pasted over these lines. The section L'Editore has two paragraphs added. One describes the table of contents, the other reads ~hat the author reserves a longer treatment of the anguillette far another work, sugli animali, che muo;ono, e che revivono, where will be seen a Iong series of observations on this subject, entirely unknown in or­ ganic physics. Otherwise, all copies are alike. . DNLM FBM FBN FSB GSUB LBM LRCS LWI MBB MnU NIC NRU PBN PiBU PPAmP RBC TBC WiU WU

1769 9. Osservazione del Sig. Felice Fontana Roveretano etc. sopra al­ cune specie maravigliosi insetti cioè de/I' animale Rotifero, della Seta Equina, dell'Assito, e della Mignatta. "Giornale d'Italia" 5: 44-48, 1769.

-11- follows 1769

Written in the first person throughout, this is apparently by Fontana. It describes briefly work whiah he hoped to publish in his 'microscopie animals' but which appeared in the Traité sur les poisons ( 35).

1775 10. Ricerche filosofiche / sopra J la fisica animale J di / Felice Fon­ tana. / Tomo I. / In Firenze L'anno MDCCLXXV. / Per Gae­ tano Cambiagi stampatore granducale J con licenza de' superiori. xxxvi+ 192 pp. Dedication to Haller, pp. III-VI; from the editor, pp. VII-X, including a description of projected volumes II-V; ~able of contents, pp. XI-XXXVI; text, pp. 1-192. Part. I, Ghapters / Laws I-V from De irritabilitatis legibus ( 5): I. Far each con­ traction of the fiber, a new stimulus is always necessary to awaken its irritabiHty; II. Irritability is not always constant, but only aÉter some time returns to the muscle, ,according to its na­ ture and state; III. Muscle a long time contracted loses its ir­ ritability; IV. Muscle stretahed or compressed for a long time loses its irritability; V. Muscle which remains relaxed for a long time loses its irritability. The Italian text is identica! with the Latin of ( 5). Part II, Chapter I, on the ineflìcacy of the anima! spirits in muscular movement. II, the nervous f!uid does not cause the movements of the heart; on the movements of the heart in Rotifer. III, on the emptying of the ventricles and the functions of the valves. IV, movements of the heart. V, com­ parison of the -irritability of the heart and other muscles. VI, why the heart never tires. VII, comparison of the will and ex­ ternal stimuli as stimuli to muscular contractions; the farce on nerve ·required to paralyze ·a muscle. VIII, more of the latter. IX, the cause of death from electricity. FBM FBN GSUB ICJ MBB MjP OkU PBN PIBU PPAmP TBC WU 11. Ricerche fisiche J sopra J l'aria fissa / di Felice Fontana / In Firenze l'anno MDCCLXXV. / per Gaetano Cambiagi stampatore granducale / con licenza de' superiori. 23 pp. '

-12- follows 177 5

This is the first of five printlngs of the same text on 'fixed air', i.e. carbon dioxide, COi. The reprintings probably were in response to a demand resulting from a great genera! interest in the purported medicinal propevties of soda water. Fontana con­ cluded that water was not acidified by fixed air itself, but by the sulfuric acid which accompanied it. He drew an additional hypothesis from the results of passing an electric spark through atmospheric ,air, that the latter contains a natural volatile acid which when removed leaves fixed air. He promised to describe an instrument, along with his work on nitrous air, for measuring the goodness of air. An iEnglish translatlon of this article is Ms. A.P.4.8, the Royal Society (London). FBN GSUB MBB PiBU RBC TBC

12. Ricerche fisiche sopra l'aria fissa. "Antologia Romana" 1: 303-4, 311-12, 327-8, 333-5. (Nos. 38- 42, Mar.-April, 1775). The first sentence states that the Abate Felice Fontana has sent us his work with the tltle shown. The text is identica! with that of (11). It is followed (p. 336) by a notice, quotlng a laudatory letter from Sig. Baldassari, Professor of Ghemistry in Siena, to Fontana, a copy of which the Editors have had by ac- cident. ' .

13. Ricerche fisiche sopra l'aria fissa del Sig. Ab. Felice Fontana. "Raccolta di Opuscoli fisico-medici" 4: 55-80, 1775. Firenze, Stamperia Bonducciana. The text is identica! wi th that of ( 11 ) . Added is a long footnotc by Giovanni Targioni T ozzetti, the editor. Its burden is tha t the experiments of Fontana and Targioni were in agreement.

14. Sur l'air fixe. Par M. Fontana etc. "Jour. de Physique" 6: 280-89, 1775. The text is a precise transla ti on of ( 11 ) .

15. Descrizione ed usi / di alcuni stromenti / per misurare / la sa­ lubrità dell'aria / di Felice Fontana / In Firenze l'anno

-13 - follows l 775

MDCCLXXV / per Gaetano Cambiagi stampatore Granducale / con licenza de' superiori. 42 pp., 9 pi. This book, after a 16-point 'analysis of the work', illustrates ,and describes the operation of eight instruments, four gravime­ trie i.e. depending on the weighing of mercury, four volumetrie. No data obtained with them, or indication of precision, are given. DNLM FBN GSUB MBB PBN PiBU TBC

16. Saggio di osservazione sopra il falso ergot e tremella di FeHce Fontana. "Antologia Romana" 1: 337-9, 345-6, 353-6, 361-3, 369-71 (Nos. 43-47, April-May 1775). This version, the third ( 86, 87), begins with a different introduc­ tory paragraph of personalities. The second paragraph gives the publishing history. The language of the prèvious version has been retained but additions bave made a text about twice as long. At the end it is stated that the origina! letter of Fontana was to his friend Sig. Dott. (Pietro) Ferroni, mathematician to His Royal Highness, that copies of it with additions went then to naturalists ali over Europe, among them Adanson (Paris), who, in his sur­ prise at seeing described so many movements of the Tremella which ·he had not seen, wrote to Fontana denying that they had studied the same Tremella. This was contradicted by Fontana, who implied that Adanson had simply failed to observe the movements.

17. Saggio di osservazioni / sopra il Falso / Ergot, e Tremella / di / Felice Fontana. / In Firenze, l'anno MDCCLXXV. / Per Gaetano Cambiagi Stam­ patore Granducale / Con Licenza De' Superiori. pp. 29. 'Dhis fourth version omits the fìrst paragraph of that of the "Antologia Romana" ( 16), but otherwise the text is identica!. It may be noted that the heading of the first page is simply 'Ergot, e Tremella', omitting the word 'Falso'. FBM FBN GSUB LBM MBB MH-BA PBN PiBU .PPAmP .RBC TBC WU

-14- follows 177 5

17a. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1775. cols. 465-472, 471-488. A 'Lettera del Sig. Ab. Felice Fontana' about the article of Corti, Osservazioni microscopiche sulla tremella, which had been revie­ wed in cols. 232-7 of this volume. Dated 4 Aprii 1775, it contains in cols 466 and 483 short para­ graphs not in the "Antologia Romana" (N° 88); in cols 484-5 it omits a paragraph of that article. Lt ends at the point where the "Antologia Romana" continues with the remarks of N.N. about Corti.

1776 18. Recherches physiques / sur la nature / de l'air nitreux / et/ de l'air déphlogistiqué. / Par M. l'Abbé Felix Fontana, / Physicien de S.A.R. le Grand Due de Toscane, / & Directeur du Cabinet Royale d'Histoire Natuvelle / à Florence. / · A Paris, chez Nyon l'ainé, Libraire, rtie S. Jean- / de Beauvais. I MDCCLXXVI. / Avec Approvation & Privilége du Roi. 184 pp. I. De l'Air Nitreux, pp. 1-110. II. De l'Air Déphlogistiqué. pp. 111-166. Table Analytique des Matieres. pp. 167-184. CtY DNLM FBM LBM MBB MH NNC OCU PBN PiBU TBC WU

19. Lettre de M. Felix Fontana à un de ses amis sur l'Ergo! et la Tremella. "Jour. de Physique" 7: .42-52, 1776. See also pp. 328-333. For the fìrst three paragraphs of the previous edition ( 16) on the publishing history, a few graceful words have been substituted. The subsequent text 'is a dose translation. The last two pages of ( 16) on the argument with Adanson were omitted. It appears that the illustration printed here was not that ·supplied by Fon­ tana, that it showed the true ergot rather than the false ergot,

-15 - follows 177 6

and that the title of the paper omitted the word 'false' before ergot. These points are made in A l'auteur de ce Recueil ( 94). These errors undoubtedly contributed to the subsequent confu­ sion over the idendty of these organisms that were being studied.

20. Lettre de M. l'Abbé de Fontana ...... à M. "Jour. de Physique" 7: 285-92, 1776. The text of the first part of this letter is a dose translation of ( 88). In place of the reflections of N. N., ·there is a discussion of the errar of regarding the movement of sap in plants as ana­ logous to the circulation of the blood in animals.

1777 21. Des mouvements de l'iris. Par. M. l'Abbé Fontana [etc.] "Jour. de Physique" 10: 25-104, 1777. The text is identical with that of ( 2 ì. It is not followed by the table of contents which constitutes the last four pages of the Italian version.

22. Herrn / Abts Felix Fontana, / S.V. Hoheit des Grossherzogs Von Toscana Physikers, / und Direktors des koniglichen Kabinets der I Naturgeschichte zu Florenz / Physische / Untersuchungen I uber die Natur I der Salpeterluft; I und der fixen Luft. I Aus dem Franzosischen und Italienischen / iibersetzt / von I F.X. von Wasserberg. / Wien / Zu der Grafferischen Buchhandlung, 1777. wu

Preface: The merit of 0the Ab. Fontana in physics, the approvai with which his essays bave been received, •how useful they are, are well-known. Being on similar subjects, the essays on nitrous, dephlogisnicated, and fìxed airs are translated, the first two from the French, the last from the Italian. Contents: nitrous air 116 pp.; dephlogisticated air 60 pp.; analytical index of subjects included in these •treatises: nitrous air 18 pp.; dephlogisticated air 7 pp.; fixed air 27 pp.

-16- 1778 23. Analyse de la malachite; Par M. l'Abbé Fontana, etc. Lu à l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, le 23 Mai 1778. "Jour. de Physique" 11: 509-21, 1778.

24. Mémoire sur la nature de l' acide des animaux, des végétaux et des substances gommeuses et resineuses, et sur la nature de l' acid des fourmis, et de quelques autres substances anima/es; Par M. l'A:bbé Fontana, etc. "Jour. de Physique" 12: 64-75, 169-89, 1778. First Part. The natural ei

25. Experiences sur l'alcali fixe végétal, et sur l'alcali minéral. Par M. l'Abbé Fontana, etc. "Jour. de Physique" 12: 376-91, 1778. On the decomposition of alcalis and acids, 4 pp.

-17- follows 1778

On the decomposition of potassium nitrate (nitre), 8 pp. A ma­ nuscript corresponding to this text, with the title, 'Experiences sur l'air qui se devouluppe du nitre' is in FBN Palat. 778, cc. 81-103. On a new method for determining the absolute weight of fìxed air, and that of severa! other artifìcial airs drawn from solids.

1779 26. Experiments and observations on the inflammable air breathed by various animals. By the Abbé Fontana, Director of the Ca­ binet of Natural History belonging to hls Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany; communicated by John Paradise, Esq., F.R.S. Read March 11, 1779. "Phil. Trans." 69: 337-361, 1779. (Printed in 1780). This text, in English, is identica! with that, in Italian, in "Opu­ scoli Scelti" ( 34), and in the "Nuovo Giornale d'Italia" ( 43), and with the version in French, "Jour. de Physique" ( 33). The manuscript of this article is L + P VII 96, the Royal So­ ciety ( London). 27. Account of the airs extracted from different kinds of waters; with thoughts on the saluhrity of air at different places. In a letter from the Abbé Fontana, Director of the Cabinet of Na­ tural History belonging to his Royal Highness the Duke of Tu­ scany, to Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. Read Aprii 16, 1779. "Phil. Trans.". 69: 432-453, 1779. (Printed in 1780). The text is identica! with that, in French, in the "Jour. de Phy­ sique" (30). The manuscript of this article is L + P VII 102, the Royal Society ( London) .

28. Mémoire sur la conversion de l'eatt en terre; Par. M. l'Abbé Fontana. [etc.] "Jour. de Physique" 13: 161-78, 1779. The text is identica!, with the difference of a few words, with FBN Ms. Palat. 778, cc. 41-65. After the work of others, mentioned here, and his o;n, the pro­ blem remains unresolved.

-18 - follows 1779

29. Mémoire sur l'evaporation des fluides dans l'air non renouvellé; Par M. l'Abbé Fontana. [etc.] "Jour. de Phys." 13: 22-38, 1779. A manuscript of this article is FBN, Palat. 778, cc. 1-23. The second part deals with the properties of sulfur. Added here as a footnote is a long note which properly belonged with the Mémoire sur l'acide des fourmis, ibid. ( 24).

1779-1780 30. Lettre ecrite à M. Priestley ...... le 9 février 1779. Par M. Pelli: Fontana, [etc.] "Jour. de Physique" 13: 374-379, 1779; 15: 30-35, 1780. The text is, in French, identica! with that in English, "Phil. Trans." ( 27). However, the title here says, 'présentée à la So­ cieté Royale de Londres, le 17 Mars, et lue le 26 du meme mois 1779'. A footnote is added here, to the effect that M. Inghe­ nausen (sic), two years ago in Paris, assisted the author in these experiments in hls hcme. A manuscript of these two papers is in the FBN, Ms. Palat. 778, cc. 25-140.

1780 31. Memoria sopra il veleno americano detto 'Ticunas'. By the Abbé Fontana, communicated by John Paradise. "Phil. Trans." 70: 163-220, 1780. Translation into English, ibid. Appendix, pp. IX-XIV. The ma­ nuscript of this article, Italian and English versions, is L + P VII 141, the Royal Society (London).

32. Recherches physiques / sur la nature / de l' aire nitreux / et / de l'aire déphlogistiqué. / Par M. l'Abbé Felix Fontana, / Physicien de S.A.R. l'Arciduc d'Autriche, / Grand-Duc de Toscane, & Directeur du / Cabinet Royale d'Histoire Naturelle à Florence. In: Expériences / et observations / sur différentes espèces d' air. / Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois de M.J. Prie&tley, / Docteur en

-19 - /ollows 1780

Droit, Membre de la Société Royale de Londres / Par M. Gibelin, Docteur en Médicine, Membre / de la Société Médical de Lon­ dres, / Tome Cinquieme / A Paris / chez Nyon l'<11ne, Libraire, rue de Jardinet, quartier / Saint-Andre-des Arcs, / MDCCLXXX I Avec Approootion & Privilege du Roi. Vol. V, pp. 141-322. Notlce: In joining to the experiments and observations on dif­ ferent kinds of air by Mr. Priestley the physical researches on the nature of nitrous air and dephlogisticated air by Mr. Fontana, it was thought to please the physicists, because this last work, I only a small number having bèen printed, has become diflìcult to fìnd. 33. Memoire sur l'air inflammable: Par M. l'Abbé F. Felix Fon­ tana, etc. "Jour de Physique" 15: 99-111, 1780. The text is identical with that in English, "Phil. Trans." ( 26), and with that in Italian, "Opuscoli Scehi" ( 34), and "Nuovo Giornale d'Italia" ( 4 3). A manuscript of this version, lacking the equivalent of about four pages of this printed text, is in FBN, Ms. Palat. 778.

34. Memoria sull'aria infiammabile del Sig. Ab. F. Fontana fisico di S.A.R. il Granduca di Toscana, e Direttore del suo Gabinetto di Storia Naturale. Presentata ai 28 Febbraio, e letta agli 11 Marzo 1779 alla R. Società di Londra. (Giornale di Fisica. Febbr. 1780) "Opuscoli Scelti" 3: 334-347, 1780. This text, in Italian, is identica! whh that in the "Nuovo Gior­ nale d'Italia" ( 43), in EngHsh, in "Phil. Trans." ( 26), and with that in French, "Jour. de Physique" ( 3 3).

1781 · 35. Traité / sur le vénin de la vipere / sur /es poisons américains / sur le laurier-cerise / et sur quelques autres poisons vegetaux. / On y a ioint I des observations / sur le structure primitive du corps animai. I Difjérentes expériences / sur la reproduction des

-20 - follows 1781 nerfs / et la description d'un nouveau canal de l'oiel. / Par M' Fdix Fontana / Physicien de S.A.R. l'Archiduc Grand-Duc de Toscane / et Directeur de son cabinet d'histoire naturelle. / Avec plusieurs p1anches. / Florence MDCCLXXXI. I Avec Ap­ probation. I Et se trouve " Paris chez Nyon l'Ainé- a Londres chez Emsley. Half-title: Sur les poisons et sur le corps animai. Voi. I, XXVIII + 329 pp. Voi. II, XI + 337 pp., 10 plates. The printer of this work is not named. Voi. I, p. II, a quotation from Senac, Traité du Coeur. pp. III-IV, a dedication, 'A mes­ sieurs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences d'Upsal en Suede'. pp. V-XIV, editor's preface. Table of Contents, pp. XV-XXVIII. The text in three parts, Recherches Physiques sur le venin de la vipere, 328 pp. The first part repea1s the work published in Luc­ ca in 1767 ( 8), with some changes made in the last chapter, on the cause of death of animals that have been poisoned by the viper, As explained in the preface, this part had been translated by M. Darcet soon after its appearance. Subsequently Fontana made additional experiments whioh constitute the second and thitd parts in this volume, with an entirely · new and different chapter on the cause of death in animals "bit by the viper. The second volume has the same half-title and frontispiece, followed by an elaborate table of contents, with chapters as follows. On remedies against the bi te of the vi per. If the bite is naturally mortai to man. Appendix to researches on the ven'om of the vi per. T reatise of the American pois on cali ed T icunas and on some other vegetable poisons. First tract on the cherry-laurel. Second tract on the cherry-laurel. Experiments on some other vegetable substances. Toxicodendron. Tobacco. Considera tions on the nerves in diseases. Experiments made in London in 1778 and 1778 and 1779 on the reproduction of the nerves. Observations on the primitive structure of the animai body; veget»hles and fossils.

-21- follows 1782

38. Principj generali della solidità, e della fluidità de' corpi. Del Sig. Felice Fontana, Direttore del Gabinetto Fisico del Gran Duca di Toscana. "Mem. Soc. It." 1782, I, 89-103. The text is very dose that of "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 46) and Opu­ scoli Scientifici (52). A manuscript with identica! text is FBN, Palat. 1197, voi. 74, cc. 300-305. 39. Articolo di lettera scritta .dal ·Medesimo al fratello pubblico pro­ fessore di matematica nell'Università di Pavia, Sopra la Luce, la Fiamma, il Calore ed il Flogisto. "Mem. Soc. It." 1782, I, 104-10. The te,;t is identica! with that in "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 47) and that in Opuscoli Scientifici ( 52). A manuscript, identica! in text, is FBN, Palat. 1197, voi. 74, cc. 305-07. 40. Lettera del Sig. Felice Fontana Direttore del Real Museo di Fi­ sica, e di Storia Naturale di Firenze al Sig. Adolfo Murray Pro­ fessore d'Anatomia a Upsal Scritta il dl 20. di Ottobre 1781. "Mem. Soc. It." 1782, I, 648-706. The text is divided among: animai respiration 25 pp.; heat, phlo­ giston and calxes 5 pp.; discovery of the adsovption of gases by charcoal 4 pp.; weighings in chemical changes 5 pp.; fixed air and its presence in the atmosphere 8 pp.; acids 6 pp.; vegetables and the tremella 2 pp. The text is dose to that of the "Jour. de Phy­ sique" (50) and that of the Opuscoli Scientifici (52). 41. Extrait d'une lettre de M. F. Fontana[ ... ] a M. Gibelin [ ... ] sur la conversion de l'eau en terre. "Jour. de Physique" 19: 396-8, 1782. The text is identica! with that of "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 42) except that here is added, at the end, Florence le 25 Novembre 1781. The problem which was left unresolved in an earlier paper ( 28) is now regarded as settled, that water is not converted into earth. 42. Estratto d'una lettera del Sig. Abate Felice Fontana [ . . . ] al Sig. Gibelin [. . . ] sul cangiamento dell'acqua in terra. "Opu­ scoli Scelti" 5: 326-8, 1782. The text is dose to that of "Jour. de Physique" ( 41).

-23 - follows 1782

43. Memoria sull'aria infiammabile del Signor Abate F. Felice Fon­ tana etc., presentata ai 28 Febbraio, e letta agli 11 Marzo 1779, alla R. Società di Londra. "Nuovo Giornale d'Italia" 6: 29-32, 36-38, 41-45, 1782. This is not a review, but a version in Italian, identica] with that in "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 34), with that in English, "Phil Trans." (26) and that in French, "Jour. de Physique" (33). 43a. "Novelle letterarie" (new sedes) 1782. cols 513-51'8, 529-534. A printing of Fontana's Lettera a Gibelin of 10 Juli 1782 (N' 44), identica! wlth it. 43b. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1782. cols. 817-818. Only the fìrst paragraph of the Lettera a Darcet (N' 45), it also lacks the two-page P.S. found there.

1783 44. Lettera del Sig. Felice Fontana a M. Gibelin [ . .. ] sotto li 10 Luglio 1782 Firenze. "Raccolta Ferrarese" 13: 122-9, 1783. On a remedy against the venom of the viper, and microscopie observations on primitive nerve cylinders, by compressing them between glass plates. The ·text is dose that of "Jour. de Physi­ que" (54). 45. L~ttera del Sig. Felice Fontana { ... ] al Ch. Chimico e Medico Sig. Darcet a Parigi. [on hydratids, tenia, and the crystalline lens] "Raccolta Ferrarese" 13: 130-46, 1783. This is identica! with "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 49), except that a long footnote •and a long postscript (by Fontana) bave been added, by the author of the Riflessioni ( 98), according to the last sentence of that work. 46. Principi generali della solidità e della fluidità dei corpi. Del Sig. Felice Fontana, [etc.] "Opuscoli Scelti" 6: 24-33, 1783. The text is very dose •to that of "Mem. Soc. It." ( 38) and Opuscoli Scientifici (52).

-24- follows 1783

47. Articolo di lettera scritta dal medesimo / [i.e., Felice Fontana] al P. Gregorio Fontana suo fratello, etc. sopra la luce, la fiamma, il calore, e il flogisto. "Opuscoli Scelti" 6: 34-8, 1783. The text is iden~ical with that in "Mem. Soc. It:" ( 39) and in Opuscoli Scientifici ( 52).

48. Risultati di sperienze sopra l'elasticità de' Fluidi Aeriformi per­ manenti sul mercurio. Del medesimo [i.e., Felice Fontana]. "Opuscoli Scelti" 6: 39-42, 1783. The text is identica! with that of "Mem. Soc. It. " (37), and that of Opuscoli Scientifici (52).

49. Lettera del Sig. Ab. Felice Fontana [etc.] al Sig.· Darcet etc. so­ pra le idatidi, le tenie, la produzione de' nervi e la struttura della lente cristallina. "Opuscoli Scelti" 6: 108-16, 1783. The text is identica! with that of "Raccolta Ferrarese" ( 45), but the footnote and postscript are lacking.

50. Lettre de M. l'Abbé Fontana a M. Murray du 20 Octobre 1781. Sur la Phlogistication de l'Air dans frs Poumons. "Jour de Phy­ sique" 22: 447-64; 23: 116-28, 184-93, 1783. In generai this text corresponds closely to that of "Mem. Soc. It." ( 40) and Opuscoli Scientifici ( 52). Many but not all of the additions to the first that make the latter are not found here. There is a preface by de Morveau, Paris, 13 May 1783, stating that Fontana had sent him 'severa! bits' printed in the "Mem. soc. Lt." with corrections •and additions by hand, that they were translated by M. L.D.B. of Dijon. Added here are also two foot­ notes on pneuma tic chemistry, and a Iong passage on latent heat.

51. Lettre de M. Fontana a M. le Due de Chaulnes [ 0!1 animai re­ spiration]. "Jour. de Physique" 23: 262-9, 1783. The text is identica! with that in Opuscoli Scientifici (52) except for two short paragraphs being omitted here.

- 25- follows 178.3

52. Opuscoli Scientifici / di / Felice Fontana / Fisico della persona di S.A.R. l'Arciduca, / e Gran Duca di Toscana, e Direttore / del Suo Real Museo di Storia Naturale / e di Fisica. I In Firenze MDCCLXXXÌII. / per Gaetano Cambiagi Stampatore Grandu­ cale Con Licenza dei Superiori. 219 pp. Notice to the reader: not ali of the works see the light for the fìrst time. Page 1 Lettera I. scritta al Duca de Chaulnes a Parigi sopra la Re­ spirazione. 1 Aprile 1783. A French translation, identica! as to text, appeared in the "Jour. de Physique" (51 ). 21 Lettera II. scritta al Professore Murray a Upsal sopra le nuove teorie Svezzesi. 20 Ott. 1781. Except for the addition here of fìve short phrases and one segment of four sentences, this text is identica! with that of "Mem. Soc. k" ( 40) and dose to that of the "Jour. de Physique", except as noted there ( 50). 124 Risultati di diverse esperienze sopra l'elasdcità de' fluidi aeriformi permanenti sul mercurio. This text is identica! with rhat of "Mem. Soc. It." (37) and "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 48). 13 3 Principi generali della solidità e della fluidità de' corpi. Except for the addition of a few words, the text is identica! with that of "Mem. Soc. It." ( 38) and "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 46). 156 Lettera III. scritta al Duca de Chaulnes a Parigi sopra i termometri, e il calore. 2 Dic. p.p. This was published elsewhere only in the Opusc. phys. chym. (55). 171 Lettera IV. scritta a M. Gibelin sopra un nuovo rimedio [ ... ] fluido [ ... ] nervosi. 1 O Luglio 17 82.

-26- follows 1783

The text is identica! with that of "Raccolta Ferrarese" ( 44) and dose to that of "Jour. de Physique" (54) except that two sentences are added, describing experiments on nerve and musde in living frogs, and F's belief that the glutinous materiai found in nerves is the normai state. 184 Lettera V. scritta a M. Darcet sopra idatidi, tenie, cristal­ lino [ ... ] linfatici. The text is dose to that of "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 49), that of "Raccolta Ferrarese" ( 45) induding the foomote and post­ script, and that of "Jour. de Physique" ( 53). 210 Articolo di Lettera al P. Fontana [ ... ] Luce [ ... ] Calo­ re [ ... ] Fiamma [ ... ] Flogisto. The text is identica! with that of "Mem. Soc. It." (39) and that of "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 47). FBM FBN GSUB LBM MiU NNAM PBN PiBU RBC TBC WiU WU

1784 53. Lettre de l'Abbé Fontana [ ... ] a M. Darcet [ ... ] sur la ma­ ladie des betes à taine, nommée folie, sur la ténia et le crystallin d es animaux. "Jour. de Physique" 24: 227-36, 1784. The text is dose to that of the "Raccolta Ferrarese" ( 45) and the "Opuscoli Scelti" ( 49). It has the f~otnote found in the former and not in the latter, and has the postscript but only about one-half as long as that in the former. 54. Lettre de l'Abbé Fontana a M. Gibelin [ ... ] datée de Florence du 10 Juillet 1782. "Jour. de Physique" 24: 417-21, 1784. The text is very dose to that of "Raccolta Ferrarese" ( 44).

55. Opuscules / physiques / et cbymiques / de M. F. Fontana / Physicien de S.A.R. l' Archi Due, Grand-Duc / de Toscane, Di­ recteur du Cabinet Royale / de Physique & d'Histoire Naturelle de Flo- / rence, & c. / ·

-27 - follows 1784

Traduirs de l'Italien par M. Grbelin, Do:teur en / Médicine de la Société Médical de / Londres, & C. / A Paris, chez Nyon l'ainé, Libraire, rue du Jardinet, / Quartier St-André-des-Arcs. / MDCCLXXXIV. 264 pp. DLC CtY IU KU MH OkU PBN PPC Translator's Notice: it was thought to render a service to the Jovers of natural science to have appear in our language the works of one of the most celebrated phys1cists of Italy ... 1. Lettre a ·Monsieur le Due de Chaulnes, à Paris. Florence, le 1 Avril, 1783. A translation of the first letter of the Opu­ scoli Scientifici ( 52), differing slight!y in language from that in the "Jour. de Physique" (51). 2. Lettre II. Ecrite à M. Adolphe Murray, Professeur d'Anato­ mie à Upsal. Le 20 Octobre 1783. A translation of the se­ cond letter of the Opuscoli Scientifici ( 52) with the additions found in the "Jour: de Physique" (50). 3. Résultats de différentes expériences sur l'elasticité des fluides aeriformes etc. A translation of the third section of the Opu­ scoli Scientifici ( 52). 4. Principes généraux de la solidité et de la fluidité des corps. The same, fourth section. 5. Lettre III. A Monsieur ]e Due de Chaulnes à Paris. Florence le 2 Décembre 1782. The same, fìfrh section. 6. Lettre IV. A M. Gibelin, D.M. à AL" en Provence. Florence, le 10 Juillet 1782. The same, sixth section. It is not identica! in wording with the "Jour. de Physique" ( 54). 7. Lettre V. A Monsieur Darcet, Docteur-Régent de la Faculté de Médicine, Professeur de Chymie au College à Paris. The same, seventh section. It is not identica] in wording with the "Jour. de Physique" (53 ). 8. Fragment d'une Jettre écrite au R.P. Fontana à Pavie, sur la Jumière, la ,fiamme, la chaleur et la phlogistique. The same, eighth section.

-28 - follows 1784

9. Lettre apologetique à un ami, en défense d'un ouvrage de M.F. :Fontana, intitulé: Recherches philosophiques sur la physique animale. A translation of the Lettera .Apologetica ( 97).

1785 56. Felix Fontana's / Beobachtungen und Versuche I iiber die Na­ tur / der thierischen Korper I Aus dem Italienischen / nebst einem Auszug aus dessen franzosischen W erke / iibel" das I Vi­ perngift / und einigen eigenen physiologischen Aufsiitzen / von D. E.B.G. Hebenstreit / ausserord. Professor der Arzneikunde in Leipzig I mit einem Kupfer. / Leipzig, / in der Weygandschen Buchhandlung, 1785. VII+ 336 pp. ICJ DNLM Hebenstreit wrote that this work was drawn from the Fisica animale of 177 5 ( 1 O), with bere and there a few omissions. This occupies about 150 pp., including 10 pp. of a table of contents. It is followed by a selection from the Traité sur le venin de la vipère (Florence 1781) (35) of 110 pp., and by 72 pp. of Hebenstreit's own essays on irritability and ·the heart.

57. Ristretto / d'una memoria / sulla decomposizione dell'acqua. / 18 Giugno 1785. No printer is named. 11 pp. The introduction, 'Al Lettore', makes it clear that this is the work of Felice Fontana, which fìrst appeared in the "Giornale Enciclopedico di Firenze" without naming the author. This pe­ riodica! has been irretriev:>ble. The text is quite dose to that of a version in French, in the "Jour. de Physique" (100). Testimony in court on the 26 November 1785 (Magistrato Su­ premo, Atti 2520, cc. 598, 599, Archivio di Stato, Firenze) was to the effect that this article appeared ·in the "Giornale Enciclopedico di Letteratura Italiana e oltremontane di Firen­ ze", n° XI, p. 100, which was printed 7 June 1785, although it bare the date 1784, as the journal was one year in retard, as happens with ali journals. The ·arride begins with a few pages on fatent and sensible heat, followed by experiments on the

-29- follows 1785

decomposition of water which confumed those of Lavoisier and Meusnier, but Fontana refused to accept them as proof of those author's contentions as to the composition of water.

1786 58. Lettera I di Felice Fontana I al celebre I Signore Ingen-Housz I medico di S.M. Imperiale. [Half-title:] Lettera / di Felice Fon­ tana. [At the end:] Firenze 13 marzo 1786. I Felice Fontana. I Firenze MDCCLXXXVI. / Presso Giuseppe Tofani in Piazza Pitti / Con Approvazione. Tue text of 16 pp. is very clcse to that in the "Jour. de Phy­ sique" ( 60). It relates experiments in which water was not decomposed on passage throught an iron tube at temperatures below incandescence.

59. Lettera / di Felice Fontana / al celebre / Signore Ingen-Housz / medico di S.M. Imperiale. / Firenze, Tofani, MDCCLXXXVI. 12 pp. [Half-titles:] Lettera II / di Felice Fontana. [At the end:] Firenze MDCCLXXXVI. / Presso Giuseppe Tofani Con Approvazione. The text is very dose to that in the "Jour. de Physique" ( 61). The experiments resembled those of the fìrst letter ( 58) but were done at the temperature of boiling water. The resu!ts were: water to vapor, vapor to water, or, the physics of the kitchen. 60. Lettre de M. l'Abbé Fontana au celebre M. Ingen-Housz [ ... ] "Jour de Physique" 28: 310-315, 1785. The text is dose to the I talian version ( 5 8 ) . Some observations of M. de la Metherie are added, in agreement with those of Fontana.

61. Seconde Lettre de M. l'Abbé Fontana au M. Ingen-Houz [ ... ] Jour. de Physique 29: 110-114, 1786. 62. Ristampa dei tre opuscoli che hanno per titolo I°. Giorgi, et Cioni M.DD. Prospectus commentarii circa aquae analysim etc. II". Ristretto d'una memoria sulla decomposizione del!' acqua.

-'30 - follows 1786

0 III • Manifesto Italiano presentata dal Dottor Giorgi. Coll'ag­ giunta di una introduzione, e di note necessal"ie per la perfetta intelligenza dei medesimi. Firenze, Cambiagi, MDCCLXXXVI. T!Ìe introduction to these reprinted articles states that Fontana fust published some experiments on the decomposition of water in the "Giornale Enciclopedico" and eleven days later ( as of 18 . June 1785) as a Ristretto, which is here reprinted (N° II). This introduction relates the history of the controversy, Fontana-Gior­ gi, unti! this point, and the author added many pertinent foot­ notes to each of the three reprinted articles. 63. Lettera / di I Felice Fontana / al / Cavaliere Lorgna. I Firenze MDCCLXXXVI. / Per Gaetano Cambiagi Stampat. Grand. / con approvazione. pp. 3-5, 1 plate. A description and illustration of an apparatus for the decom­ position of water. The results of one experlment are given. lt lasted ab out two hours; the iron tube fato· which water was run was at a temperature of about 180° C. Fontana was convinced that water gave nothing but water.

1787 64. Trattato / del veleno / della vipera, / de' veleni americani. / Di quello del lauro-regio, / e di altri veleni vegetabili. I Vi si aggiungono alcuni osservazioni / sopra la 'struttura primitiva del I corpo animale. I Varie sperienze su la riproduzione de' nervi; I e la descrizione d'un nuovo canale I dell'occhio. / Ope­ ra del Signor / Felice Fontana / fisico di S.A.R. L'Arciduca Granduca / di Toscana, e direttore del suo / gabinetto d'Istoria Naturale. / Napoli, MDCCLXXXVII. / presso la Nuova Società Letteraria / e Tipografica. / Con licenza de' Superiore e Privilegio del Re. Vols. 4, pp. 179, 248, 246, 127, 10 plates .. This version in ltalian resembles that in French of 1781 (35). Part I is like the work of Lucca ( 8), in that the subjects treated are the same, in the same number of chapters, with similar para­ graphing and in the same number of sentences, but the wording is different although with the same sense. One example will

- 31- follows 1787

suflice, from the Tavole delle Materie. Version of Lucca: Intro­ duzione, dove si mostra, che gli scrittori non sono d'accordo in in molte cose sopra le vipere. This version: Introduzione. Gli au­ tori sono pochissimo concordi fra loro in proposito della vipera. Part I of the Napoli version must have been printed from a revision of the Lucca version or, less likely, from a retranslation from the French. Chapter XIII of Part I, on the cause of death from tlie bite of the viper, was considerably revised as 1n the French version. The plates of the versions of Florence and Naples are identica!, ·the latter being folded once again. DLC ICJ TBC 65. Treatise / on the I venom of the viper; / on the / American poisons; / and on the / cherry laurel, / and some other / vege­ table poisons. / To which are annexed, / observations on the primitive structure of / the anima! body; different experiments on / the reproduction of the nerves; and a de-/ scription of a new canal of the eye. / with ten descriptive plates. / Translated from the originai French of / Felix Fontana, / naturalist to his Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany, / and director of his ca­ binet of natural history. / by Joseph Slcinner, I navy surgeon, and member of the corporation of surgeons / of London. London, Printed for J. Murray, N° 32, Fleet-street, / M, DCC, LXXXVII. 2 v., xix+409, xiv pp.; ii+395+xxxvi pp., 10 pi. This has a different half-title: Treatise on the venom of the viper. The quotation from Senac and the dedication are omitted. The Table of Contents is simplified; here only chapter-headings are given, no subheadings. Each volume is provided with an index. In Voi. II the elaborate Table of Contents of the Florence edi­ tfon has been simplified, and the supplement has been moved to tbe end of the text, preceding the index and explanation of the figures. The figures have been redrawn. The work is a faithful translation. DNLM IU KU-M LBM MBCo OC PBN PP PPC ScU 66. Opuscoli / scientifici / di / Felice Fontana / Fisico della persona di S.A.R. l'Ar-/ciduca, e Gran Duca di Toscana, / e Direttore del suo Real / Museo di Storia Natu- I raie e di Fisica. /

- 32- follows 1787

Napoli MDCCLXXXVII. / Presso La Nuova Società Letteraria / e Tipografica. / con Licenza de' Superiori e privilegio dei Rè. 159 pp. The text is identica! with that of the 1783 edition (52). It oc­ cupies fewer pages because the lines are printed more dosely. DLC DNLM ICU LRCS 67. Osservazioni / sopra / la ruggine / del grano. / Napoli MDCCLXXXVIII. / Presso la Nuova Società Letteraria e Tipografica. / con licenza de' superiori e privilegio del Rè. 48 pp., 1 pl. This is identica! with the edition of Lucca ( 7), except for the omission of the dedication. The phrase 'Di Felice Fontana' has been added on the title page in ink, by hand. FBN 68. Felix Fontana / Leibarzts des Grossherzogs von Toscana und Aussebers iiber sein Naturalien kabinet I Abhandlung I uber das / Viperngift, / die amerikanischen Gifte, das Kirschlorbeergift und einige / andere Pflanzengifte / nebst einigen Beobachtun­ gen I uber den I ursprunglichen Bau de' thierischen Korpers, iiber die / Wiederzeugung der Nerven / und der Be;chreibung eines neuen Augenkanales. / mit vielen Kupfem. / Aus dem Franzo­ sischen iibersetzt. / Berlin 1787 / Bei Christian Friedrich Himburg. xiv+ 500 pp., 10 pl. A faithful translation of the French version ( 35), with the ad­ dition of the foreword of the German translator. The text is fol­ lowed by the explanation of the plates, the table of contents, the index, and the plates. FSB IU CtY-M ICJ LWI NNAM DNLM 69. Lettera del Sig. Cavaliere Felice Fontana al Sig. de Morveau. "Mem. Soc. It." 1790, vol. V, pp. 581-5. Rambling and diffuse, this letter conveys little.

1792 70. See N° 101.a.

- 33 - fol/ows 1792

71. Articolo di lettera del Sig. Cau. [sic] Felice Fontana al Sig. Abb. G. Mangili. Sul nervo intercostale. "Giornale fisico-medico", 1792, 3: 94-96. On the origin of the intercostal nerve (N. sympathicus). In a footnote, Mangili added that Fontana had never professed origi­ nality here, but that now he had clearly shown the true situation. On pp. 178-79 of this journal is a letter to Fontana from Sig. Prof. Girardi lauding his demonstration ( see 192). 72. Articolo di lettera del Sig. Cav. F. Fontana alt' Ab. Giuseppe Mangili. "Giornale fisico-medico" 1792, 4: 116-18. The brief text contains what must have been Fontana's final statement on electricity as the natural cause of muscular contrac­ tion. A footnote, presumably by Mangili, states that F. had written to him about F's experiments with the Galvani pheno­ menon. 1795 73. Treatise / on the / venom of the viper; / on the / American poisons; / and on the / cherry !aure!, / and some other vegetable poisons. / To which are annexed, / observations on the primitive structure of / the anima! bod-v; different experiments on / the reproduction of the nerves, and a de- / scription of a new canal of the eye. / with ten descriptive plates. / Translated from the original French of / Felix Fontana, / Naturalist to his Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany, / and Director of his Cabinet of Natural History, by Joseph Slcinner, / Navy Surgeon and member of the Corporation of Surgeons of London. / The Second Edition. / Val. II London: / printed for John Cuthell, N° 4, Middle Row, Holborn I M.DCC.XCI. A reprinting of the .1787 version ( 65). DNLM ICJ IU LRCS. LWI MBAT NcD PPC PU 1800 74. Observations sur l'Ipomaea Hispida etc. "Mém. Soc. Méd. Emul." 4: 353-71, 1800. This has not been seen, but see ( 75).

-34- 1802

75. Observations on the Ipomaea Hispida, and some other plants of the family of the Convolvulus. By Felix Fontana. "Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine" 12: 16-26, 1802. One of the last researches of the new Candide, the article probes the mysteries of life and death, of animai or vegetable. It men­ cions rhe tremella and the small eels, oxygen and nitrogen, and a work which the author hopes to publish, wibh over 100 engra­ vings in two large volumes in quarto.

1803 76. Lettre de Felix Fontana, à un de ses amis, sur l'Ergo/ et la Tre­ mella. "Mém. Soc. Méd. Emul." 5: 515-528, 1803. The text is identica! with that of the "Jour. de Physique" ( 19); there 'are no illustrations and no A l' auteur de ce Recueil ( 94).

1804 77. Lettera del Cavaliere Felice Fontana direttore del R. museo di Firenze al chiarissimo Professore Scarpa in Pavia. Firenze li 6 settembre 1804. "Efemeridi Fisico-Mediche'', tomo 1 semestre secondo, 1804. On the size of the pupi! and the pulse-rate being subject to voluntary contro!. The editor added two long footnotes. This work has been seen only in the form of an "estratto".

1805 78. Lettera al chiarissimo professore Scarpa sopra il calore naturale delle sostanze vegetabili in istato di vita, e di vegetazione. Del cavaliere Felice Fontana etc. "Efemeridi chimico-mediche" Semestre primo. Tomo primo. pp. 1-27, 1805. The text is identica! with that in ( 79), except that here are added two pages, two conclusions, and a final paragraph, ali dealing with Fontana's efforts for voluntary contro! of the muscles of the external ear and the iris.

-35 - fol/ows 1805

79. Del calore naturale delle sostanze vegetative in istato di vita, e di vegetazione. Lettera del Cavaliere Felice Fontana .... al cit­ tadino Scarpa. "Biblioteca di Campagna" 2: 193-219, 1805. With the exception of pp. 1-2, two conclusions, and a final paragraph of the Lettera al Scarpa ( 78), the two texts are iden­ tica!. A death notice of Fontana appeared on pp. 272-74 of this publication ( see 198c.).

1806 80. Des Ritter Felix Fontana letzte Arbeiten in zwei Schreiben an Scarpa. I. Ober die willkiihrliche Bewegung der Iris. Florenz, den 6"" September 1804. "Neues Journal der ausliindischen medizinisch-chirurgischen Li­ teratur". 5: 41-45, 1806. A dose translation of ( 77), but with the omission of the last page, and the two footnotes which had been added to ( 77) by the editor. II. O ber die willkiihrliche bewegung der Ohren-Ober die Wiirme, Farbe und Empfindung der Pflanzen. Florenz, Novemb. 1804. Ibid. pp. 45-68. An ex aet transla t>ion of ( 7 8 ) .

1809 80a. Experiments and Observations on Inflammable Air breathed by Various Animals. By the Abbé Fontana, Director of the C~binet of Natural History belonging to bis Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany. "Phil. Trans. Abridged" (from 69: 337-361, 1779) 14: 526-537, 1809. There is added a brief footnote on Fontana's !ife and works. A few words of the origina!, not of consequence, have been changed. Otherwise this is a complete reprinting ( of N° 26), which is not true of articles by others in this abridged edition.

-36 - follows 1809

80b. Of the Airs extracted from di/ferent Kinds of W aters; with with Throughts on the Salubrzty of Air at different Places. By the Abbé Fontana. "Phil. Trans. Abridged" (from 69: 432-453, 1779) 14: 563-571, 1809. A few words are changed, principally the substitution of 'he' or 'M. Fontana' for 'I'. This is also a complete reprinting ( of N° 27). 80c. On the American Poison called Ticunas. By the Abbé Fontana. Translated from the Italian. "Phil. Trans. Abridgéd" (from 70: ix-xlv, 1780). 14: 641-666, 1809. A note states: 'Of the experiments related in 1this memoir an account is to be found in the English translation of Fontana's Treatise on Poisons, published in 2 vols. 8vo, 1781; but as in that translation the words of the author are not rendered with so much exactness as in the present translation, by one of the secretaries of the R.S., this memoir has, for that reason, been reprinted in this Abridgement'. This is •also a complete reprinting ( of N° 31 ) .

1873 80d. Treatment of snake-bite by the intravenous injection of ammonia a century ago. Anonymous. "Medicai Times and Gazette (London)" 23 August, 1873. p. 216. A translation into English of part of the Letter to Gi­ belin of 10 July 1782 (N° 44).

1874 80e. Fontana on the intra-venous injection of ammonia on snake-bite. In: The Thanatophidia of India, etc. J. Fayrer. London, Chur­ chill, 1874. Appendix IX, p. 171. A translation into English of that part of the Letter to Gibelin (N° 44) of 10 July 1782 which deals with a claimed antidote. It is shorter than the originai, longer than 80d.

- 37 - 1932 81. Observation on the rust of grain (F. Fontana, osservazioni sopra la ruggine del grario, Lucca 1767). Translated by P. P. Pirone, with biographical sketch .and translator's preface. American Phytopathological Society, Washington, D.C., 1932. ·38 pp., 1 pi., reproduction of medallion by Zuech. The text is a very dose translation; the figure is identica!. AAP cv DNAL IdU IU MiU NcRS OOxM ou

1955 82. Felice Fontana: the laws o/ irritability. A literal translation o/ the memoir De irritabilitatis legibus, 1767; added materiai /rom Ricerche filosofiche sopra la fisica animale, 1775; and correlation of these editions with the E.G.B. Hebenstreit German trans/a- . tion, 1785. John Felix Marchand and Hebbel Edward Hoff. "Jo1,1rnal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences" 10: . 197-206; 302-326; 399-420, 1955. 'Part I', Introduction, 10 pp., is an essay on the life and works 0 of Fontana, with numerous quotations. It places Fontana in the 'Century of Philosophy and Reason'. It treats subsequent writings and the development of the concept of the refractory period of muscle, to 1920. There are a few errors: the editor of the treatise on poisons was not Sage; the Accademia del Cimento did not found a new museum in 1800; the last sentence characterizing Fontana was not written by Gesner, but to him in a letter from Haller (247). References are given to 40 works of Fontana; two · are false attributions (109; 112). 'Part II', 25 pp., is an English - translation of De irritabilitatis legibus (Lucca, 1767, 5), Part I, · Laws I and II, and Part II. 'Part III', 20 pp., is a translation . of Part I, Laws III, IV, and V of the same, and comparison with Ricerche filosofiche sopra la fisica animale (Firenze 1775), 10) and the German translation ( 56) of Hebenstreit.

-38- Fig. 2 Portrait of unknown provenance and doubtful verity. follows 1767

Ostensibly a review of: Alimurgia, o sia modo di render meno gravi le carestie, proposto per sollievo de' poveri, dal Dott. Gio­ vanni Targioni Tozzetti. Firenze, Moucke, 1767, this is in fact a virulent attack on the author, bis observations, his ability to observe, bis penchant far citing the ancients, bis ignorance of the moderns, bis credulous belief in folk-sayings and folk-remedies, that is, all that he had written in this work. The style is that of Fontana, and although the article was unsigned it was believed to be his, particularly since that on the ruggine del grano ( 7) appeared in the same year. A reply to this 'maligno libello' ap­ peared subsequently (Analisi e difesa della celebre opera intito­ lata Alimurgia .... , Venezia, MDCCLXIX), in wbich no names were mentioned.

1768 85. Alimurgia: ossia modo di render meno gravi le carestie etc. Estratto del Giornale d'Yverdon. "Magaz~ino Italiano" 2: 71-85 (N°. 3, Giugno), 1768. A reprinting of ( 84). The author is not named.

1771 86. No title, no author. [On false ergot and tremella]. "Novelle Letterarie'', 2, 1771. Supplement to No. 30, 26 July. 8 pages, not numbered, between columns 480-481, 1771. Tbis is the fust appearance of a writing of Felice Fontana on the false ergot and the tremella. Its beginning reads: 'It is understood that at hand is a folio, written as far a foiend, a work currently being printed on some most important discoveries in natural history. We want to make this avaibble to the public and also not displease Sig. Abate Felice Fontana, etc., who is the author. If this folio is not from the hand of the author, which it seems to us it is, it is certainly taken from bis work, nearly the same words, and nothing which does not belong -to him'. In the index of subjects, these pages are listed under the name of Fontana; ali the five versions of this work make clear the authorship, even though his name may not appear in the title.

- 40- follows 1771

87. No title, no author. [On false ergot and tremella]. "Giornale di Firenze'', 1771, fascicolo di Giugno, pp. 460-481. This is the second version of this work. To the fust ( 86) it added a preliminary paragraph stating that the great importance of the subject led to its being reproduced with changes, made with the assistance of the author, to correct any obscurity of the original brief text. In fact there were added only seven footnotes, most of tl:iem shovt.

1775 88. Esame delle osservazioni dell'Abate Corti sulla circolazione del­ l'umore nella Cara. "Antologia Romana" 1: 366-68, 374-76, 382-84, 390-392. (Nos. 66-69, May) 1775. Fontana wrote to Bonnet, 21 June 1775 (Mazzolini (325) p. 96): 'The observations on Cara, printed at Rame, belong to me, but not tbe reflections that followed tbem, which however I believe just and true'. In 1776 Fontana published in the "Jour. de Phy­ sique" ( 20) the Lettre à M. + + + which omitted tbe final one­ third of this article attributed to N.N. (Non Nominato, i.e. Not Named ) , con taining a criticism of Corti and his work in a spirit which Corti avoided in his reply (ibid. 8: 231-254, 1776). See N° 17a. 89. Saggio / del Real / Gabinetto / di Fisica, / e di / Storia Natu­ rale I di Firenze. In Rome MDCCLXXV./ Nella Stamperia di Giovanni Zempel. / Con licenza de' Superiori. 4°, 38 pp. The text is identica! with that of "Antologia Romana" 1, 1775 ( 90). lt is written throughout about 'the illustrious Si­ gnor Abate Fontana who has courteously given permission to draw from his manuscripts', with many laudatory remarks about him. Most wviters have attributed the work to Fontana himse1f. Adami ( 237) included ~t in his list of Fontana's writings, but added a point of -interrogation. In Item 43-A of the R. Museo Filza di Negozi dell'Anno 1792, now ·in the Museum of the History of Science, Florence, it is

-41- follows 177 5

stateci that the author of this Saggio was the Abate Ceruti, who drew it from the manuscripts of Fontana. A 1etter from Fontana to Haller, dateci Firenze 7 Aprii 1775 {Burgerbibliothek Bern, Mss Hist. Helv. XVIII, Bd. 35: 58) implies strongly that Fon­ tana regardecl it as own work. About four-fifths of the essay is on instruments of physics,. one-fifth on natural history and anato­ mical models in colored wax, the last occupying six rooms but comprising only one-tenth of the tota! number of models.

90. Saggio del Real Gabinetto di fisica e di storia naturale di Firenze. "Antologia Romana" 1: 225-29, 233-37, 241-44, 249-52, 257-60, 265-69, 273-77, 281-85, 289-91, 297-301. (Nos. 29-38, Jan.-Mar.) 1775. The text is identica! with that of ( 89).

91. Meccanica. "Antologia Romana" 1: 142-44 {N° 18, October) 1774. On a machine of the Abate Fontana far inscribing divisions, simple and widely useful but very accurate.

92. Meccanica. "Antologia Romana" 1: 125-27 (N° 16, October) 1774. On the construction by the Abate Fontana of a precise barometer.

93. Meccanica. "Antolgia Romana" 1: 119-20 (No. 15, October) 1774. On the construction by the Abate Fontana of a thermometer of wide range and great sensitivity.

1776 94. A l' auteur de ce Recueil. "Jour. de Physique" 7: 328-33, 1776. This is addressed to (19). There are found bere two sets of notes: one by the author of 'this letter', ( unnamed but probably Fon­ tana); the other by the Editor ( presumably Rozier). They clear up the confusion of true and false ergot, and make some state­ ments on priority of discovery. The Adanson-Fontana exchange , printed in ( 16 )· is also given.

-42- follows 1776

95. Lettre sur l'Ergot et le Tremella. "Journal des Sçavans (Amsterdam)", 1776, II, 521-49. Cited only by Bilancioni ( 258), this work has not been seen, bui: is believed to exist. Its size ( 13 x 8 cm.) and number of pages suggest a reprinting of (19 ) .

1777 96. Description abrégé du cabinet de physique et d'istoire naturelle. du Grand-Duc de Toscane, à Florence. Traduite de l'Italien, avec 1 quelques notes, par M~ Argand de Genève ). "Jour. de Physique" 9: 41-48, 104-12, 194-203, 267-72, 377-79, 1777. ( 1) 'This is only a light sketch, and gives only a generai and su­ perfìcial idea of all that this famous Cabinet contains [ ... ] . I have believed that it would not be useless to make known an essay published last year in Rome by a man of letters who, so­ journing in Florence, had time to examine the Cabinet with the attention it merits. The conversations that I have had with M. l'A:bbé Fontana have allowed me to make some additions as re­ quired for better understanding'. In fact, this version is a dose translation of the Italian version ( 89), with little being omitted. There are twenty footnotes, in thirty-fìve pages. The French version adds as a footnote that the section on aria fissa has been cut out, as it will be treated at length elsewhere. Another footnote discusses Fontana's assay of gold. 1780 97. Lettera/ apologetica/ ad un amico in difesa dell'opera intitolata Ricerche Filosofiche sopra la Fisica Animale di F. Fontana. / 39 pp. This has no mention of author, date or imprimatur. It was written, probably by Fontana, in reply to Haller's criticism ( 142) of the fisica animale ( 10), probably on F's return to Firenze in 1780. PIBU

-43 - 1782-1783 98. Riflessioni sopra vari veleni, e sopra varie altre sostanze. "Raccolta Ferrarese" 12: 43-102, 1782; 13: 73-121, 1783. Although this is usually attributed to Fontana, it was probably not written by him, but by Angelo Della Decima ( see N° 346). Throughout the work, he is spoken of fa the third person, and the style is not his. I t is a long review of the Ricerche fisiche so­ pra il veleno della vipera ( 8), the Traité sur le venin de la vipère ( 35), and the Memoria sopra il veleno americano detto Ticunas (31).


99. Analisi delle ricerche fisiche intorno alt' aria nitrosa e alt' aria de­ flogisticata, del Sig. Ab. Felice Fontana. "Scelta di opuscoli interessanti". 3: 214-221, 1784. This is not identica! with the work of 1776 ( 18), but an analysis of it, as the title says. Probably not the work of Fontana himself, although ascribed to him, ·it bears no indication of the name of another author, except for a capitai letter S at the end.


100. Extrait d'espériences faites sur la décomposition de l'eau; par M. Felix Fontana[ ... ] "Jour. de Physique" 27: 228-29, 1785. This is written about the author in the thirc! person, but F's name is in the title. It describes the decomposition of water on passing it through a heated copper tube containing a spira! of iron wire. The gas collected was inflammable air, and the iron was largely converted to crystals, but the author's verdict on the theory of Lavoisier and Meusnier on the composition of water was not proven. The pages on latent and sensible heat of the Ristretto .... sulla decomposizione del!' acqua ( 57) are omitted here; otherwise the texts are similar.

-44- 1792 101. Lettera / ad un amico / sopra il sistema / degli sviluppi. / Fi­ renze MDCCXCII. I Per Gaetano Cambiagi Stamp. Granduc. / Con approvazione. / 23 pp. Anonymous. This work was a reply to repeated letters asking the author's view of the hypothesis of preformation as attributed to Haller, Bonnet and Spallanzani. It was called an 'anonimo libello' by Bilancioni ( 258). The copy seen is in a miscellany apparently collected by Attilio Zuccagni (1754-1807), Fiorentine physician who occupied the chairs of mineralogy and zoology in the faculty of physical and natural sciences of the Liceo established in 1807 in the Royal Museum of Physics during the K.ingdom of Etruria ( 1801-1808). Zuccagni was prefect of the botanica! garden of the Museum from 1782 to 1806, thtis an assistant to Fontana, the Director of ·the Museum. The words 'del Sig. Felice Fontana' are written on the title page of the work. It is likely to have been the origin of the non-existent Principes raisonnés sur la génération listed by Cuvier ( 203) as Fontana's last work, and cited many times since.

!Ola. Articolo di lettera del Sig. Cav. F. Fontana al Sig. Ab. Giuseppe Mangi!{ Firenze 10 Giugno 1792. Pensiere sulla origine del­ l'adipe osservato dai Chimici Parigini ne' cadaveri umani. "Giornale Fisico-Medico" 1792, 2: 188-192. After a short paragraph on the function of the seminai vesicles as receptacles for semen, probably by Fontana, there are three pages on the substance called adipocere, a waxy materia! described by Fourcroy and collaborators as being found in long-buried cadavers. The explanation of the origin of this materiai, offered here without evidence, is that it comes from insect larvae. This section sounds not at ali like Fontana, is more likely to have come from Mangili.


1767 102. Lettera sull'epidime. Felice Fontana Siena, B!ndi, 1767, in 4°, car. 4. Two bibliographies ( 242, 262) of Fontana and, un~il recent!y, the caralogs of two libraries have shown this entry. The word 'epidime' is found in no Vocabolario: one of the libraries has now ( 1975) changed it to 'epididime', to agree with the wording of the tit!e page which Bindi added to an offprint of the article on the testicle in the "Atti Senesi" ( 6), thus providing an excel­ lent example of the synecdoche. Bravo Bindi!

1777-1778 103. Les mouvements de l'iris. [?] "Journal des Sçavans", 1777-1778.

1778 104. Mémoire sur l'évaporation des fluides dans l'air non renouvelé. "Journal des Sçavans", 1778, p. 394.

1779 105. Mémoire sur la conversion de l'eau en terre. "Journal des Sçavans", 1779, p. 444. The three preceding items have been cited only by Bilancioni ( 258). They are not to be found in the Paris edition of that periodica!.

-47 - 1778 106. Nouvelle méthode pour déterminer le poids absolu de l'air fixe et celui des plusieurs autres airs artificiels qu'on retire des corps. "Jour. de Physique tav. [sic] XII, p. 388, 1778". This is actually by Fontana, but wrongly cited ( 262). It forms part of Expériences sur l' alkali fixe, etc. in "Jour. de Physique" (25). 1781 107. De sanguinis restitutione. "Accademia di Siena", VI, 161, 1781. This is cited as a work of Felice Fontana only by Bilancioni ( 258). It is a work of Gregorio Fontana.

1785 108. Copia di lettera del Signor Fontana ad un suo amico. In: Rac­ colta di var; opuscoli pubblicati sin'ora intorno all'uso delle lucer­ tole per la guarigione de' cancro, ed altri mali. Napoli., Coltellini, 1785 pp. 52-57. On the pharmaceutical preparations from lizards, this work has been attrrbuted to Felice but is undoubtedly that of G. M. Fon­ tana of Torino, from where it is dated, 30 July 1784.

1786 109. Analyse des eaux thermales de Vinay; avec des observations sur les insects micl"Oscopiques qui sont contenus, ainsi que leurs mousses. "Mémoires de l'Acad. R. des Se. de Turin" 2: 92-122 ( 1784-85).

1788 110. Méthode très sure de preparer un excellent Kermès minéral. Ibid. 3: 103-107 (1786-87). 111. Expériences chimiques sur la bile de la boeuf. Ibid. 3: 397-408 ( 1786-87). The three preceding items seem fust to bave been attributed to Felice Fontana in La France Litteraire, 1829 ( 206). They bave

-48 - follows 1788

since been cited many times. In the Catalogue of Scientific Papers, ( 1800-1863) compiled and published by the Royal Society of London, vol. III, p. 652, 1868, which cites a number of Felice's veritable publications, these three are attributed to Giovanni Ma­ ria Urbano Fontana. Guareschi in 1907 ( 240) stated that H. Kopp ( Gesch., t. III, p. 200) aflìrmed that publications of Fon­ tana are found in the journal cited, but that in fact no work of Felice Fontana was presented to that Academy, and that Kopp had probably confused Felice with bis brother Gregorio or with G. Maria Fontana of Tovino. The author of .these three works is named in the origina! print as Monsieur Fontana. Neither the subjects treated nor the style of writing resembles those of the works of Felice Fontana. See N° 346.

112. Lettre de M. Fontana a M. de la Métherie sur le vitriol de ma­ gnésie trouvé dans les carrières de Gypse. "Jour. de Physique" 33: 309-310, 1788. Frequently cited as a work of Felice Fontana, it is undoubtedly that of the Fontana of Torino, as there is a note at the end, 'Tu­ rin, le 17 Septembre 1788'.


In the following tabularion of published letters of Felice Fontana, the entri<'5 in parentheses have been assigned editorially, as .rhe date and place were missing in the original letters. Tbe members of the Fontana family are named as Elena F. (mo­ ther) , Giuseppe F. and Gregorio F. ( rwo of the sons, brothers of Fe­ lice) and Teresa F. (the daughter, sister of Felice). The references given are of rwo classes: A, those works listed in another section of the bibliography, II.a. These are also given here with name of author and bibliographic numbers as they appear in II.a. In B are those works not appearing elsewhere in the bibliography, but arran­ ged here in chronological order with assigned bibliographic numbers 113-118, following the last number of Section I.e. (112), and preceding the fìrst number of II.a. ( 118a).

Number Year Date Place Recipient Reference Localion of MS

1' 1754 26 Sept. Rovereto Gregorio F. 1 FBN1 2 1756 20 Sept. Bologna Giuseppe F. 9 TBC' 3 1757 28 May )) Tartarotti 1 RBC 4 (1758) (summer) (Florence) Caldani 4a BBCA 5 1758 22 Sept. Florence )) )) )) 6 )) 30 Oct. Pisa )) )) )) 7 )) 14 Dee. )) )) )) )) 8 )) 30 )) )) )) )) )) 9 1759 20 Jan. )) )) )) )) 10 )) 8 Mar. )) )) )) )) 11 )) 17 )) )) )) )) )) 12 )) 20 )) )) )) )) ))

-51- Number Year Dale Piace Reclplenl Reference Localion of MS

13 )) 25 )) )) G. Verati 11 ))

14 )) 2 Aprii )) Haller 5 BrB

15 )) 20 )) )) Caldani 4a BBCA

16 )) 8 May )) )) )) ))

17 )) 12 )) )) )) )) ))

18 (») (18-24 Nov.) (Florenee-Rome) Caldani )) ))

19 1759 29 Nov. Rom e )) )) ))

20 )) 1 Dee. )) Haller 6

21 )) 12 )) )) Caldani 4a BBCA

22 1760 7 Mar. » )) )) ))

22A )) 2 May (Rome) Haller )) BrB

23 )) 4 May Rom e Caldani )) BBCA

24 1761 12 Jan. Pisa )) )) ))

25 )) 20 )) )) )) )) ))

26 (») (Feb.) (Florenee) )) )) ))

27 1761 10 Aprii Pisa )) )) ))

28 ())) (May) ())) )) )) ))

29 1762 10 Jan. Pisa )) )) ))

30 ())) (Oet.) (Bologna) )) )) )) 31 1762 27 Oet. Bologna Haller 7

32 )) 28 )) )) Caldani 4a BBCA

33 )) 28 Nov. Florence )) )) ))

34 1763 (Jan.) )) )) )) ))

35 )) 12 Feb. Pisa )) )) MBE

36 )) 4 July )) )) )) BBCA

37 )) 18 Sept. Florence )) )) ))

38 ())) ())) ())) )) )) ))

39 1763 27 Sept. Florence )) 4 ))

40 )) 7 Oet. )) )) 4a ))

41 )) 10 Nov. )) )) )) ))

42 )) 12 .)) )) )) )) ))

43 )) 12 Dee. )) )) )) ))

44 1764 26 Feb. Pisa )) )) ))

44Ab )) 9 Aprii )) )) )) FBN'

- 52 - Number Year Date Piace Reciplent Rcference Locatlon or MS

45 » 13 » » » )) MBE

46 )) 13 June )) )) )) ))

47 )) 16 )) )) )) )) ))

48 )) 13 July Florence )) » ))

49 )) 18 )) » )) )) ))

50 )) 4 Aug. )) )) )) »

51 )) 8 Sept. )) )) )) ))

52 » 9 Oct. )) )) )) ))

53 ())) (Oct.-Nov.) (Pisa) )) )) BBCA 54 1764 27 Nov. Florence Giuseppe F. 9 TBC'

55 )) 8 Dee. )) Caldaoi 4a MBE

56 1765 10 Feb. )) )) )) FoBC

57 ())) (27 Mar.) (Pisa) )) )) MBE

58 1765 13 Apri! Pisa )) » ))

59 )) 26 )) )) )) )) ))

60 » 20 May )) )) )) ))

61 )) 25 June Florence Cotugno 10 TBC'

62 )) 27 July )) Haller 8 BeS

63 )) 9 Oct. )) G. Verati 11 BBCA

64 )) 22 Oct. )) Caldani 4a MBE

65 (1765-6) (Dec.-Jan.) (») )) )) BBCA

66 1766 20 Jao. Florence » )) MBE

67 )) 27 )) )) Grisellini 1 VBN

68 )) 12 Feb. )) Caldaoi 4a MBE

69 )) 18 Mar. )) )) )) FeBC

70 )) 10 Apri! )) )) )) MBE

71 )) 20 )) )) Giuseppe F. 1,10 TBC'

72 » 22 May )) Caldani 4a MBE

73 )) 12 June )) )) )) BBCA

74 )) 12 July )) Spallanzani 17 REBM 75 » 16 Oct. » Caldani 4a MBE

76 (») (Oct.-Nov.) ())) )) )) BBCA

77 1766 26 Nov. ())) » )) MBE

78 )) 30 Nov. Florence )) )) ))

- 53 - Number Year Date Piace Recipient Reference Locatlon of MS

114 » 8 July » Volta 15 MILS3 115° 1783 ( >26 Aug.) » H.Marshall 3 116' 1784 16 Jan. Pisa » 3 117 1786 25 May Florence Volta 16 MILS4 118 ( ») '(Spring) ( ») Caldani 4a BBCA 119 1786 14 June Fio rene e » » » 120 » 27 » » » » » 121 » 9 July » » » MBE 122 » 10 » » » » TsBC 123 » » » » » » BBCA 124 » 15 » » » » » 125 » 22 » » » » » 126 (») 31 » » » » » 127 1786 3 Aug. » » » » 128 » 25 Nov. » » » » 129 1789 20 May » » » » 130 1791 31 Aug. » » » TsBC 131 » 30 Oct. » » » BBCA 132 » 24 Dee. » » » » 133 1792 2 Mar. » » » MBE 134 » 8 Mar. » » » » 135 » 16 May » » » » 136 » 22 June » » » » 137 » 5 July » » » » 138 » 16 Aug. » » » » 139 » 6 Sept. » » » » 140 » 15 Oct. » » » » 141 (1793) (Jan.) ( ») » » » 142 1793 12 April Florence » 4a,10 TBC2 143 1794 18 May » » » » 144 » 24 May » » 4a BaBC 145 » 4 June » Teresa F. 4a,9 TBC' 146 » 18 » » Caldani 4a BaBC 147 (1795) Aprii ( ») F. Chiusole I RMC 148 1795 16 Dee. Florence » » »


a Given only in part. b This letter is erroneously cataloged as of Gregorio Fontana, whe­ reas it is of Felice. e This letter was dated 177 6 by a previous editor but that cannot be co~rect; Fontana was then in Paris, as is shown by three of his letters to Angelo Tavanti in Florence, dated February, 1776 (Fi­ renze, Archivio di Stato, Mise. di Finanze 512) and one from the Ab. Niccoli, 11 Aprii 177 6 (ibid. 529). d Before the 3rd May, known only as quoted in a letter to Lan­ driani. e This letter is known only as a translation from the French of the originai into English. It can be dated only as before the 26th of August. f The letter is in English.


A. APPEARING ELSEWHERE IN THE BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Adami, Casimiro. See II.a., 23 7. 2. Mazzolini, Renato. See II.a., 325. 3. Pace, Antonio. See II.a., 267. 4. Samoggia, Luigi. See II.a., 297. 4a. Mazzolini, R.G. and Ongaro, G. See II.a., 356.


1773-1775 5. 113. Epistolarum ab eruditis viris ad Alb. Hallerum scriptarum. Pars. I. Latinae. Bernae 1773-1775. Voi. IV, pp. 207-211. 6. Ibid. pp. 256-258. 7. Idem. Voi. V., pp. 119-120. 8. Ibid. pp. 178-179.

-56 - 1836 9. 114. Nozze Mazzetti-Altenburger. Lettere inedite di quaranta il­ lustri italiani del secolo XVIII. Milano, Bravetta, 1836.


9a. 114a. Cagnoli, Luigi. Lettere di vari illustri italiani del secolo XVIII e XIX à loro amici. Reggio Emilia, 1841. V, 284-287.


10. 115. Nozze Rossetti-Pegoretti. Alcune lettere di Felice e di Gre­ gorio Fontana. Trento, Seiser. 1873.


11. 116. Bassi, Laura. Lettere inedite alla celebre -. Scritte da illu­ stri italiani e stranieri con biografia. Bologna, Cenerelli, 1885.


12. 117. Volta, Alessandro. Epistolario. Edizione Nazionale. Bologna, Zanichelli. 1949. Voi. I, pp. 218-219. 13. Ibid. pp. 242-245. 14. Ibid. pp. 258-260. 15. Ibid. pp. 351-353. 16. Idem. Voi. II, 1951, pp. 345-346.


17. 118. Spallanzani, Lazaro. Epistolario. A cura di B. Biagi. Firenze, Sansoni, 1968. Voi. I, pp. 91-92. 18. Ibid. pp. 209.


BaBC Bassano del Grappa, Biblioteca Givica. BrB Bern, Burgerbibliothek. Mss Hist. Helv. XVIII, Bd. 19, 67a. BBCA Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell' Archigionasio. )3eS Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Sammlung Darmstadter 3c( 2) 177 4: Fontana. FBN' Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Coli. Gonnelli 13, 88. FBN2 Ibid., 13, 104. FeBC Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale. FoBC Forll, Biblioteca Comunale. GBPU' Genève, Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire, Ms. Bonnet 32, ff. 227-228. GBPU' Ibid. ff. 229-231. MBE Modena, Biblioteca Estense. MILS' Milano, Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Cartellario Volta G7. MILS' Ibid. Gl3. MILS' Ibid. Gl9. MILS' Ibid. G86. PPAmP Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society. . RBC Rovereto, Biblioteca Civica, Ms. 6.1'8. REBM Reggio Emilia, Biblioteca Municipale, Ms. B214-14. RMC Rovereto, Museo Civico. RoBAC Rovigo, Biblioteca dell'Accademia dei Concordi. TBC' Trento, Biblioteca Comunale, Ms. 908. TBC' Ibid. Ms. 743. ToBC Torino, Biblioteca Civica. TsBC Trieste, Biblioteca Civica. VBN Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Mss. Italiani Cl.10, Cod. N° 19, Coli. 6625, cc. 79, 80. A. copy is in TBC, Ms. 1160.



118a. GIACINTO BARTOLOMEO FABRI, Sulla insensibilità ed irritabilità H alleriana. Opuscoli di varj autori autori raccolti da Giacinto Bartolomeo Fabri. Parte prima nella quale si contengono tutte le cose favore­ voli al sistema del Chiarissimo Signor Haller. Parte seconda nella quale si contengono tutte le cose opposte al sistema del Chiaris­ simo Signor Haller. 2 vols., Bologna, Corciolani. Voi. I, Part 1, X + 354 pp., 1757. Part 2, 207 pp., 1759. Voi. II, Part. 1, 366 pp., Part. 2, 147 pp., 1757. Fontana's researches in Bologna are mentioned in I, pp. 289, 291, 329, 330, 332, by Caldani.


119. ALBERTO v. HALLER, Elementa Physiologiae Corporis Humani. Tomus Quartus. Cerebrum. Nervi. Muscoli. Lausanne, Grasse!, 1762. Citation of experiments of Caldani and Fontana ( 'our friends') in various animals, including man, showing lack of response to irritation of the dura mater by various means.

1765 120. Nuova osservazione sopra i globetti rossi del sangue, Lucca 1766, di Felice Fontana. "Giornale d'Italia" 2: 262-264, 1766. A review, mentioning also the work on the microscopica! animals.

-59 - follows 1765

120a. "Novelle letterarie" (fìrst series) 27, cols. 131-134, 147-151. / 1766. A long review of the Nuove osservazioni sopra i globetti rossi del sangue (N° 3).

1767 121. PIETRO TABARRANI, Appendice contenente le cose anatomiche del Sig. dottor Pietro T abarrani, professor di notomia nell'Università di Siena. Lettem I al Sig. Tommaso Perelli, prof. d'astronomia, U. Pisa. Siena 1 Gennaio 1766. Lettera II al Sig. Abate Felice Fontana, pubblico professore U. Pisa. Siena 20 Marzo 17 66. Lettera III al Sig. Dott. Giovanni Bi"nchi, da Rimino. Siena 15 Ag. 1766. "Atti dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Siena detta de Fisio-Critici" 3: Appendbc 1-128, 1767. In Letter I ( 40 pp.) a footnote on p. 21 mentions study by Fe­ lice Fontana, to be described in a fotter which follows in this Appendix, of a human testicle ( see 6). Letter II concerns a case of congenita! heart disease; why it should have been addressed to Fontana is not apparent, unless for the reason that Haller is cited in it.

122. Osservazioni sopra la ruggine del grano del Sig. Felice Fontana etc. Lucca (ma Firenze) Giusti 1767. "Magazzino Italiano". In Venezia, Bassaglia. 1: 237-239 (N° 8, Novembre), 1767. A review.

122a. "Novelle letterarie" (fìrst series) 28, cols. 4S5-486, 1767. A review of the lettera sull'epididime (N° 6).

122b. "Novelle letterarie" (fìrst series) 28, cols. 553-558, 572-575, 1767. A long review of De irritabilitatis legibus ( N° 4).

122c. "Novelle letterarie" (fìrst series) 28, cols. 791-796, 822-829, 1767. A long review of the ruggine del grano ( N° 7).

-60 - 1768 123. Ricerche fisiche sopra il veleno della vipera di Felice Fontana etc. Lucca, Giusti. "Magazzino Italiano" 2: 21-25, 45-48, 85-87, 1768. A review. The third section is entitled Del principio della Vita.

124. Osservazioni sopra la ruggine del grano del Sig. Felice Fontana, Lucca, Giusti, 1767. "Giornale d'Italia" 4: 169-176, 1768. A review. Notice of the work was given ( to this Journal? ) by Sig. Dott. Antonio Matani. This review cites the earller opinions on the nature of this serious · problem, and the experiments of Fontana in considerable detail, reprinting his illustrations with their full explanation.

125. ANTONIO MATANI, Articoli di Lettera al celebratissimo Signore N. N. Accademico dell'Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna. "Giornale d'Italia" 4: 177-178, 1768. Pistoia, Ottobre 17 6 7. This brief note mentions, among other things, the observations on Felice Fontana on fungi.


126. Estratto delle ricerche fisiche sopra il veleno della vipera di Felice Fontana, etc., Lucca, Giusti, 1768. "Giornale d'Italia" 5: 5-11, 20-23, 1769. A review.

1770 126a. "Novelle Letterarie" ( new series) 1, cols. 722-723, 1770. A note that Sig. Abate Fontana proposed the erection of light­ ning rods and that his philosopher-sovereign ordered him to do so for the welfare of the State

- 61- 1773 127. GUGLIELMO BAILEY, Avanzamento dell'Arti delle. Manifatture e del Commercio ovvero Descrizioni delle Macchine utili dei mo­ delli che si conservano nel Gabinetto della Società Instituita in Londra per l'incoraggiamento dell'Arti delle Manifatture e del Commercio. Firenze, Allegrini and Pisani. MDCCLXXIII. 2 vols. To the translation of a work by the same tide which appeared in London-the previous year, this elaborate work added a dedication to His Hoyal Highness Pietro Leopoldo which mentioned his establishment of a grandiose museum, with an elegant collection of machines, anatomy, and natural history, and also a preliminary discourse by the editors, of 46 pages, which discusses the English work ·in considerable detail, the constitution of the English So­ ciety with the same name as that of the work, equivalent names in English •and Italian of the ma~hines, equivalent uni-ts of weights and measures, and laudatory menrion of the Abate Felice Fon­ tana, celebrated physicist of the Grand Duke, and many machines that he has had constructed ofr the Museum in Florence.


127a. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1775. cols. 193-194. A review of the book on the false ergot and the tremella ( N° 17 ) .

127b. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1775. cols. 241-244. A review of the Aria fissa ( N° 11).

127c. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1775. cols. 401-404. A review of the Fisica Animale (N° 10).

127d. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1775. cols. 577-579. A review of the salubrità dell'aria (N° 15). At the end there is mention of Landriani's eudiometer.

-62- 1776

128. CLAUDE Loms BERTHOLLET, Observations sur l'air. Paris, Didot le jeune, MDCCLXXVI. 59 pp. The author cites his work and that of the Due de Chaulnes and Mr. Bewly to show that 'alr fixe' is an acid, contrary to the claims of Landriani and Fontana. The copy of this work in the library of the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze is inscribed, 'pour M. l'Abbé Felice Fontana'.

129. JoHANN }ACOB FERBER, Lettres sur la mi11éralogie et sur divers autres objects de l'histoire naturelle de l'Italie. Ecrit à Mr. le Chev. de Born. Strasburg, Bauer et Treuttel. MDCCLXXVI. Translated from the German with notes and observatiorÌs on the· same places by Mr. le B. de Dietrich. In a Jetter dated FJorence, 11 December 1771, Ferber described the new 'academy' and Fontana, who was charged with its esta­ blishment and may become its director. The many machines of physics and mathematics, the anatomica! waxes, Fontana's zeal · and ability, and his researches and publications are mentioned.

130. DOMENICO MAURIZIO RoFFREDI, Mémoire pour servir de sup­ plément et d' eclaircissement aux deux mémoires sur les anguilles du bled avorté et de la colle de farine. "Jour. de Physique" 7: 369-85, 1776. A po]emic with Fontana on ergot and tremella.

131. BONAVENTURA CORTI, Lettre à M. le Comte Paradisi sur la cir­ culation d'un fluide, découverte en diverses Plantes. "Jour. de Physique" 8: 232-54, 1776. A reply to the attack of M. N.N. ( 88) on Corti's paper on Cara, ·disavowing the use of similar language. 132. Review of Ricerche filosofiche sopra la fisica animale, by the Abbé Fontana. "Monthly Review" 55: 510-513, 1776. The' first part, concerning the loss and return of irritability in muscular contraction, is passed over briefly, with greater atten­ tion being paid to the second part on the cause of death from the electrical shock. The volume seemed verbose arid repetitious. Notice is taken of the promise of four more volumes.

-63- follows 1776

13 3. Recherches physiques sur la nature de l' air nitreux et de l'air déphlogistiqué, par M. l'Abbé Felix Fontana. "The Criticai Review" 40: 468, 1776. 'Abounding with nice and ingenious experiments'.

1777 134. ALBERTO von HALLER, Biblioteca Anatomica. Tiguri, Orell, Gessner, Fuessli e Socc., 1777. Vol. 2, pp. 565-67. Haller reviewed these works of Fontana: Epistola ad Tosetti, 1760 ( 1); dei moti dell'iride, 1765 ( 2), sopra i globetti rossi, 1766 (3); lettera sullo testicolo, 1767 (6); de legibus irritabi­ litatis, 1767 (5); il veleno della vipera, 1767 (8); sopra il falso ergot e tremella, 1775 (17); sopra la fisica animale, 1775 (10).

135. Recherches Philosophiques sur la nature de l'air nitrous et de l'air déphlogistiqué: i.e. Philosophical researches concerning the nature of nitrous air and air deprived of its phlogiston. By the Abbé Felix Fontana, etc., Paris, 1777. "Monthly Review" 56: 220, 1777. An erroneous substitution of Philosophiques for Physiques, also the date given as 1777 rather than 1 ì76. The work was conside­ red to be an improvement on the discoveries of Priestley. It explained the nature of common air and dephlogisticated air, and the revivification of metals in terms of phlogiston.

135a. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 8, cols. 107-108, 1777. A review of the book an aria nitrosa etc., ( N° 18).


136. JoHANN III BERNOULLI, Zusiitze zu den neuesten Nachrichten von Italien [ ... ]. Leipzig, Bei C. Fritsch. Vol. 1, pp. 251-54. 1777-1782. Comments on: construction of the museum ·in Florence, in 25 rooms holding a collection of physical instruments, natural pro-

- 64- fo//ows 1777-1782

ducts from the three kingdoms, and models of nature, including all parts of the human body in dyed wax and two life-sizè figures ( filling 8 rooms); an astronomica! observatory not yet completed although its instruments are ready; a library; ali under the direc­ tion of Abt Fontana who has traveled ·to France and England, the only way by which, as yet, advantages may be brought to coun­ tries. 1778 137. JoHANN III BERNOULLI, Kurze Nachrichten von den Verbesse­ rungen, welcher der Hr. Abbé Fontana zu Florenz bey einigen in die Astronomie einschlagenden Instrumenten angebracht hat. "Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch", 1778, pp. 94-105. On the physical, mechanical, and astronomica! instruments as mentioned in the Saggio del Real Gabinetto ( 90).

138. JEAN SENEBIER, Premier mémoire sur !es hygrometres. "Jour. de Physique" 11: 421-439, 1778. Notice is taken of Fontana's improvement of the hygrometer of Muschenbroek, which is stil! difficult to use. An I talian version of this appeared in "Opuscoli Scelti" 1: 353-360, 1778, and a review in the "Nuovo Giornale d'Italia" 3: 156-159, 1779.

139. JosEPH PRIESTLEY, Lettera al Sig. Cavaliere Don Marsiglio Lan­ driani contenente nuove scoperte. "Opuscoli Scelti" 1: 271-72, 1778. Priestley had learned of, and had confirmed, ·the curious discovery of Sig. Ab. Fontana of the absorption of aks by charcoal.

140. NrcoLAS DEYEUX, Reflexions sur le mémoire de M. l'Abbé Fon­ tana, où il s'agit de la nature de !'acide des fourmis. ~ "Jour. de Physique" 12: 352-59, 1778. A critlcism of (24).

141. PIERRE JosEPH MAcQUER, Dictionnaire de chymie, [etc.]. Paris, Didot jeune, MDCCLXXVIII. Citation of the excellent work of the Abbé Fontana ( 18).

- 65 - fol/ows 1778

142. ALBERTI HALLERI, De partium corporis humani praecipuarum fabrica et functionibus. Bern filld Lausanne, Typographkal Society. 1778. Voi. II, Cordis Fabrica. Motus. Voi. III, Elementa Sanguinis. Voi. III is dedicated to: Il!. viro cujus summa ingenio nihil diffi­ cile est suo in vindicando vero sodali Felici Fontana grati animi et meritae venerationis ergo. The appearance of these volumes with discussion of Fontana's works elicited the Lettera Apologetica ( 97).

1779 143. Ricerche fisiche sulla natura dell'aria nitrosa, e dell'aria deflogi­ sticata del Signor Abate Felice Fontana etc. A Parigi 1777. "Nuovo Giornale d'Italia" 3: 200, 1779. A review of (18).

144. JoSEPH PRIESTLEY, Extrait d'une lettre a D. Marsiglia Landriani. "Jour. de Physique" 13: 128-29, 1779. The same announcement as in Opuscoli Scelti ( 139).

145. JOHN INGENHOUSZ, Improvements in electricity. Annua! Henry Baker dissertation. Read to the Royal Society June 3, 1779. "Phil Trans." 69: 659-73, 1779. I. mentions the electrical machine contrived by the Abbé Fon­ tana for the cabinet of the Great Duke of Tuscany, which gave a very disagreeable shock.

146. JoHN INGEN-Housz, Account of a new kind of inflammable air or gas, etc. Read March 25, 1779. "Phil. Trans." 69: 376-418, 1779. I. cites important discoveries shown to him a year and a half before in Paris by Fontana, who will soon publish them, also that Fontana assisted I. in his experiments.

-66- follows 1779

147. JoHN lNGEN-Housz, Experiments upon vegetables, discovering their great power of purifying the common air in the sun-shine, and of injuring it in the shade and at night. To which is joined, a new method of examining the exact degree of salubrity of the atmosphere. London, P. Elmsly and H. Payne. Portrait of the author, lxxvii+302 pp., 1779. In addition to describing his experiments with plants, the author gave the most complete description we have of the construction and use of .rhe eudiometer, which he attributes to Fontana. He also described Fontana's discovery of a new method of procuring to a sick person the benefit of breathing any quantity of dephlo­ gisticated air, or as we would say, oxygen therapy. This work was reprinted, with annotations, in "Chronica Botanica" 11: 285- 396, 1949.

148. JosEPH AIGNAN SrGAUD DE LA FoNn, Essai sur difjérentes espèces d'air, qu'on designe sous le nom d'air fixe. Paris, Fr. Gueflìer. 400 pp., 5 plates, 1779. Fontana's Recherches physiques de l'air nitreux ( 18) are cited with approva!. On eudiometry, Fontana's name is not mentioned, Landriani is accredited with being the first to construct one, those of Magellan and Gerardin are descrihed at jength. Fontana's work on inflammable air and dephlogisticated air 1s described, his intention of testing nitrous air on himself is deplored.

1780 149. JOHN !NGENHOUSZ, On the degree of salubrity of the common air at sea, compared with that of the sea-shore, and that of places far removed /rom the sea. In a letter to Sir John Pringle, Bart., F.R.S. Dated Paris, Jan. 22, 1780, read Aprii 24, 1780. "Phil. Trans." 70: 354-77, 1780. Studies. with the n1trous test, in the manner of Abbé Fontana, as described in I's book ( 147) p. 155.

-67- fol/Òws 1780

150. Grn. lNGEN-Housz, Dell'influenza de' vegetali sulla salubrità dell'aria. "Opuscoli Scelti" 3: 173-83, 1780. Editor's Note: synopsis of experiments of I. from a book Expe­ riments upon vegetable etc. ( 147), with a description with figures of the new eudiometer of the celebrated Sig. Ab. Fontana, 'of whom nearly every page of this book bears honorable mention'.

151. PIETRO MoscATI e MARSILIO LANDRIANI, Sperienze ed osserva­ zioni sulle diverse specie d'arie fattizie. "Opuscoli Scelti" 3: 122-33, 1780. The authors stated that the fìrst attempt to fabricate a respirable air was that of Cornelius Drebbel who had conceived of a ship for underwater navigation. They described tbe preparation of def!ogisticated air, useful far such a purpose. They say Drebbel provided that the air expired by the occupants of the ship should pass over a large amount of water to remove the fixed air, which is in great amount in expired air and which according to the observations of the Abate Fontana chiefly renders alr irrespirable after it has passed through animai lungs. A footnote to F. refers to the book of Ingen-housz ( 14 7) where it was shown that there is no fixed air in atmospheric air but much in expired air shown by the formation of a precipitate in lime water and reddening of tincture of litmus, and where the Ah. Fontana professes that the lungs exhale this aeriform mofetic acid.

152. A review of the Account of the airs extracted /rom dilferent kinds of waters [ ... ] in a letter /rom the Abbé Fontana to Dr. Priestley. "Monthly Review" 63: 374-75; 375-76, 1780.

153. A review of: Memoria sopra il veleno americano etc. "Monthly Review" 64: 267-68, 1780. Emphasis is laid on the author's conclusion that the action of these poisons is not on the nerves.

- 68- follows 1780

154. Experiments and observations on the inflammable air breathed by various animals. By the Abbé Fontana etc., "Phil. Trans." 69, 1779. "The Critica! Review" 50: 127-32, 1780. An extensive review, with numerous quotations.

155. Account of the airs extracted fmm different kinds of waters; with thoughts on the salubrity of air at different places. By the Abbé Fontana. "Phil. Trans." 69, 1779. "The Critica! Review" 50: 132, 1780. Short shrift.

156. A memoir. on the American poison called Ticunas by the Abbé Fontana, "Phil. Trans." 70. "The Criticai Review" 50: 284-87, 1780. A review consisting largely of quotation~.


157. Gro. lNGE-Housz [sic], Sulla natura dell'aria deflogisticata, sulla maniera di procurarsela e di farne uso per la respirazione. "Opuscoli Scelti" 5: 290-304, 353-69, 1782. A description of the preparation of dephlogisticated air, the apparatus used for administration to man, and some observations on the composition of the respired gas mixture after varying numbers of breaths, analysis by the method of Fontana, who is cited briefly. The administration was carried out by Stoll, Pro­ fessor of Practical Medicine at the Vienna Hospital, from whom I. hoped to have information about its usefulness.

157a. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1782, cols. 17-25, 33-39, 49- 54, 65-68. A long essay on Fontana's work on poisons, comprehensive but much shorter and less detailed than that of Della Decima (N° 98) from which it differs in wording.

-69- 1783 158. Traité sur le Venin de la Vipere . ... Par M. Felix Fontana . ... Florence. "Critica! Review" 57: 134-39, 213-17, 1783. A long and detailed review of ( 35), with many comments.

159. FR. BARToLOzzr, Lettere contenenti alcuni tentativi d'esperienze per dimostrare una nuova forza esistente nel cuore, ed alcune riflessioni sopra alcuni punti fisiologici. "Opuscoli Scelti" 6: 217-40, 1783. Of 'il chiarissimo Sig. Abate Felice Fontana' he cites his works with poisons, also items 10, 40. As for the last, he doubts that F's hypothesis that phlogiston issues from the lung is supported by ,his experiments. Also, he asks, does not the heart continue to beat after its chambers are empty, contradicting Haller?

160. }EAN SENEBIER, Recherches sur l'influence de la lumiere solaire pour metamorphoser l'air fixe en l'air pur par la végétation. Genève, Chirol, MDCCLXXXIII, 385 pp. On p. 312 is criticism of Fontana's eudiometer. (For a later change of mind see ( 190). In Chapter IX, entitled 'Découvertes de M. l'Abbé Fontana ....', the author speaks of Fontana in a hinghly laudatory fashion, but chides him moderately for stating ( 40, p. 704) that all previous work on this subject was wrong, quite moderately in view of Senebier's publication in 1782 of a two·volume work on the subject ( Mémoires physico-chymiques . etc., Genève, Chirot).

1784 161. ].F. Luz, Anweisung das Eudiometer des Herrn Abt Von Fon­ tana zu verfertigen ingleichen durch eine sehr Einfache Einrich­ tung in kurzer Zeit Mineralwasser zu verfertigen. Niirnberg und Leipzig. 8°. 1784. The catalogue of the British Museum library is misleading in stating that this is a translation from the Italian. It is not that, but an originai investigation with Fontana's eudiometer.

-70- Fig. 4 - Bas-re lie f l·n plaster of unknown provenance. follows 1785

A reiteration of the great value of Fontana's eudiometer, ood its superiority to others.

Each of these libraries, .che FBM ,and that of the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze, has a volume of pamphleis, collected perhaps by Fontana himself, concerning his controversy with Ferdinando Giorgi over the decomposition of water. Each has items not in the other; together, however much they reveal of human nature, their contribution to physics and chemistry was nil. The relevant works of Fontana have already been cited as items 57-63, and 100. The following are the works of others. 166. GroRGI, et CIONI Med. DD. Prospectus Commentarii circa aquae Analysum a DD. Meusnier et Lavoisier Parisiis Anno 1784 factam. Florentiae Kal. Martii 1785. Pp. 11, 8°. The text is dose to that of "Jour de Physique" 27: 56-60, 1785. 167. Manifesto presentato dal Dottore Giorgi. Undated, pp. 8, 16°. 168. DR. FERDINANDO GroRGI, Saggio di natm·ali esperienze sopra la decomposizione del!' acqua in aria. Firenze, Tofani, 1785, Pp. 150, 1 plate. 169. Lettera di Eusebio Filatele al Signor D'. Giorgi Medico Fiorentino sopra alcune esperienze relative alla decomposizione del!' acqua. Venezia, 1785, Pp. 19, 12°. "Monthly Review" 73: 458, 1785. Consequences deduced: water is not a compound of inflammable air and dephlogisticated air, as M. Lavoisier supposes. A longer discussion in a Memoir was soon to be communicated. Other experiments on the weight of heat are cited.

1786 170. FERDINANDO GroRGI, Estratto dei risultati di alcune altre espe­ rienze sopra la decomposizione dell'acqua in aria respirabile rese pubbliche nelle mattine di 5, 6 e 7 aprile 1786. Firenze, Vanni, 1786. Pp. 16.

-72- follows 1786

171. I due capri gemelli ossia Parallelo esatissimo tra il Dottore Bal­ dassare Capra Medico milanese, il Dottore Giorgi Medico fioren­ tino. Venezia, 1786. pp. 24. 172. I Bussolotti. Lettera in difesa della probità di 22 testimoni in risposta alla querela del Signor Abate Fontana. Venezia, 1786. Pp. 19. 173. Memoria in difesa dell'ill: sig. Direttore Felice Fontana contro del signor Dottor Ferdinando Giorgi. Firenze, Cambiagi, 1786. Pp. 86. The catalog of FBM lists this as by Giovanni Fabbroni.

174. GAETANO CrnNI, Lettera al signor Ligofilo giornalista di Bologna. Firenze, 13 Giugno 1786. Pp. 10.

175. LUIGI TRAMONTANI, Difesa dell'Illustrissimo Signore Felice Fon­ tana etc. contro il Sig. Dottore Ferdinando Giorgi. Firenze, Cambiagi, 1786. Pp. 32. 176. Apologia del Sig. Dott. Ferdinando Giorgi Medico Fiorentino in risposta alla difesa del Sig. dott. Fel. Fontana etc. Attore nella causa di pretese ingiurie vertente avanti gl'Illustriss. Signori Bartolomeo Ralfaelli Ubaldo Maggi, e Pietro Berti Auditori del Supremo Magistrato della Città di Firenze. Firenze, Vanni, 1786. Pp. 226.

177. GIUSEPPE TOFANI, Lettera Prima di Stampatore Fiorentino al Signor Avvocato Rivani autore dell'Apologia del Signor Dottor Giorgi. Bassano, 1786. Pp. 25.

178. GIUSEPPE ToFANI, Giustificazione al pubblico contro lo ingiuste imputazione dell'Apologia dell'Avvocato Rivani. Firenze, Totani, 1786. Pp. 10.

179. GIUSEPPE ToFANI, Lettera Terza di Stampatore Fiorentino al 0 sig. avv' • Alessandro Rivani autore dell'Apologia del Sig. Dr. Giorgi. Bassano, 1786. Pp. 33.

- 73 - follows 1786

180. LUIGI TRAMONTANI, Brevi e particolari reflessioni in risposta al­ i'apologia del Dottore Ferdinando Giorgi. Firenze, Cambiagi, 1786. Pp. 25.

181. FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI, Riflessioni circa alle imputazioni dategli dal sig. Rivani e pubblicate nella sua apologia del Dott. Ferd. Giorgi, col! aggiunto d'un esame del documento riportato col nome del Cav. Landriani ProfeJ~ore di Fisica a Milano. Firenze, Cambiagi, 1786. Pp. 33.

182. GAETANO CIONI, Modesto appello al tribunale del pubblico per le non meritato imputazioni contro di lui stampate nell'apologia del Giorgi dall'Avvocato Alessandro Rivani della Fiorentina Cu­ ria Avvocato. Firenze, Cambiagi, 1786. Pp. 41.

183. GAETANO CrONI, Disinganno al pubblico fatto sul Saggio di Na­ turali Esperienze del Signor Dottore Ferdinando Giorgi. Verona, Ramanzlni, 1786. Pp. 47.

184. "Novelle letterarie" (new series) 1786. cols. 225-227, 241-242, 289-292, 305-311, 314-315, 417-419, 497-499. A presentation of the Fontana·Giorgi controversy on the decom­ position of water. Many of the communications are discussed in a non-polemic manner, finishing with: 'We ·remain impartial'.

185. PIERRE AuGUST AnET, Lettre a M. Ingen-housz, sur la décom­ position de l' eau. "Jour. de Physique" 28: 436-41, 1786. A criticism of ( 58 ) .

186. Opuscoli Scientifici di Felice Fontana: i.e. scientifica! tracts. By Pelli: Fontana, Florence. "Monthly Review" 74: 531-36, 1786. A detailed review, without comment, except on Part 4, soHdity and fluidity of bodies, ·'We could have wished to have some demonstrative proof of this doctrine, since the admitting hypo­ theses unsupported by facts is al ways dangerous in every phi­ losophical enquiry'.

-74- follows 1786

Finally, 'We have received much pleasure from this Author's works, whenever we have had an oppovtunity of pefusing and examining them; yet while we admire the learning and perseve­ rance of this indefatigable ei

187. Experiments on the decomposition of water. "The Critica! Review" 62: 373-77, 1786. The experiments of Lavoisier ,and Meusnier, Giorgi and Ciani, Fontana, and contentions by Adet, de la Metherie, and Berthollet are discussed.

1787 188. A treatise on the venom of the viper etc. [A review of ( 65)]. "Monthly Review" 76: 574-77, 1787. As the French edition of this work had been noticed previously (162), ,the reviewer now deals with the latter part, neglected before, which deals vnth antidotes against the poison of the viper. The inefficacy of fluid volatile alkali is noted; although lunar caustic is seen to be singularly. effective, a true specifìc, circum­ stances render it likely to fai!. Lunar caustic had no antidotal value when mixed with ticunas or the cherry-laurel. The most important part is found to be what is said on opium. The conclusion of the author (F.), who is perhaps too partial to ei

189. Treatise on the venom of the viper; on the American poisons; and on the cherry laurei, and some other vegetable poisons.

-75- follows 1787

Translated from the origina{ French of F. Fontana, by Joseph Skinner. "Critica! Review" 63: 474-75, 1787. 'To the merits of Fontana, we have often borne a willing testi­ mony; and of this work, we have given a very ample account in in our 57th volume. We are glad to see that it is now become our own by a very accurate translation'.

1788 190. JEAN SENEBIER, Expériences sur l'action de la lumière solaire dans la végétation. Geneva and Paris, Briand. MDCCLXXXVIII. Pp. xvi + 446. On pp. 113 and 211, the author wrote that Fontana's eudiometer was excellent, ,and that he follows ali the rules which that great observer prefers to make the tests certain and parallel.

1789 191. FRANCESCO CHIARENTI, Delle diverse teorie riguardanti le fisiche funzioni de' nervi, con nuove congetture ed osservazioni sopra le più accreditate ipotesi delle medesime. Dissertazione. Firenze, 1789. Chiarenti, graduate ,in medicine from the University of Pisa and the Hospital of S. Maria Nuova of Florence, was one of the triumvirate that constituted the provisional government of Flo­ rence in 1800-1801, the body that decreed the formation of the Nuova Accademia del Cimento ( see SchifI, item 252). His dis­ sertation described his experiments involving section of a nerve and stimulation above and below the section at V'arious times thereafter. He concluded that nerves themselves, as well as the brain, were capable of elaborating a 'nervous fluid'. Stimulation of the nerve trunk provoked liberation of this fluid and consequent muscular contraction. This nerve fluid he located in the 'corpic­ cioli' described by Fontana as within the nerve cylinder. This dissertation has been analyzed by E. Guarnieri and M.A. Man­ nelli, "Episteme", January-April 1968," pp. 26-34.

-76- 1790 19111. C. GIRTANNER, Mémoire sur l'irritabilité, considerée camme principe de la vie dans la nature organisée. "Observations sur la physique etc." 36: 422-440, 1790. Also in "Ann. d. Physik." 3: 317-351, 1791. 'I owe a great dea! to the works of M. l'Abbé Fontana [ ... ]'.

1791 192. M[ICHELE] GIRARDI, De Nervo Intercostali. Firenze, Tofani, 1791. 40 pp. 17.5 cm. Dedicated to: Viro Illustri Felice Fontana, Matheseos, Anatomes, ac UNIVERSAE HISTORIAE NATURALIS PERITISSIMO PRAESTANTISSIMARUM ACADEMARIUM. Quérard (206, Voi. 2, p. 512) wrote that this edition was highly inaccurate, that R. Desgenettes had printed an elegant and correct edition in Paris in 17 9 2, and gave a lengthy extract in the "Journale de Physique" (this is 41: 174-84. 1792). There the work of Fontana is cited at length, but a footnote states that Girardi's work does not give al! the evidence which Fontana had adduced.

1792 192a. CHARLES M. J. B. M. DuPATY, Lettres mr l'Italie, en 1785. Paris, Desenne, 1792. 2nd ed viij + 466 pp. pp. 116-120 give a brief description of the Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History in Florence, chiefly of the anatomica! models.

1793 193. R. DEs GENETTES, D. M., Réflexions générales sur l'utilité de l'anatomie artificielle, et en particulier sur la collection de Flor­ ence, et la nécessité d' en former de semblables en France. "Jour. de Physique" 43: 81-94, 1793. The author, having long studied anatomy and knowing well the collection of 1Wtificial anatomy at Florence, discusses the proposal to procure a complete copy for Paris. After a brief description

-77- follows 179 J

of the history of the ·subject of anatomy, the collection of waxes in Florence, 1nfìnitely superior to all others, is described in some detail. While methodical dissection of the cadaver is the basis of the healing art, the anatomica! waxes supplement that study, as do books and drawings.

1795 193a. J.D. BRANDIS, Versuch uber die Lebenskraft. Hanover, Hahn, 1795. Brandis proposed to extend Fontana's laws of irritability, which he cited fully, to the entire organism.

1797 193b. D.J. K5LLNER, Prufung der neuesten Bemuhungen und Untersu­ chungen in der Bestimmung der organischen Kriifte, nach Grund­ setzen der Kritischen Philosophie. "Reil's Arch. f. d. Physiol." 2: 240-396, 1797. Discussion of Fontana's laws of irritability.

1798 194. ENGELBERT WICHELHAUSEN, Jdeen uber die beste Anwendung der W achsbildnerei, neben Nachrichten van den anatomischen Wachspriiparaten in Florenz und deren Verfertigung, fur Kunstler, Kunstliebhaber und Anthropologen. Frankfurt am Main, J.L.L. Zefsler. 1798. 16 x 10 cm. xvi + 126 pp. A brief history of this art and its methods, with description of the most beautiful and complete collection which is in Florence.

1800 194a. L.H.C. NIEMEYER, Materialen zur Erregungstheorie. Gottingen, Rosenbach, 1800. A detailed discussion of Fontana's work, particularly on the topics . of voluntary movement and restoration of irritability.

-78- 1803 195. CuBIÈRES l'ainé, Discours sur la statue anatomique de Fontana. Paris, Cramer, 1803. 7 pp. On the 'anatomy in wood'; a statue of three thousand pieces, representing the adult male, is accompanied by one of a female showing the stages preceding •.nd following maternity. They are the result of the study by two hundred workers of four thousand cadavers over a period of thkty-five years. They were seen three years ago in Florence by Genera! Bonaparte, who ordered a com­ plete copy, samples of which will soon arrive in Paris. 196. KuRT SPRENGEL, Versuch einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Arzneikunde. Halle, Gebauer, 1803. 15 x 10 cm. Voi. 5. Citation of Fontana's works are: p. 95, Dei moti dell'iride, 2. p. 196, on the letter in Haller, ( 1), on De irritabilitatis legibus (in the Atti Senesi (4) ), on the Fisica Animale (10), Heben­ streit's translation, (56), and the Veleno della vipera (8). P. 457, on the 'celebrated Felix Fontana's ' work, La ruggine del grano ( 7), the author was in error.

1804 197. JEAN ALDINI, Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanism. Paris, Fournier, 1804, x + 398 pp., 10 pi. Fontana is cited. 1805 198. Brevi notizie biografiche per servire all'elogio del fu cav. Felice Ferdinando de Fontana. From an unidentified periodica!, pp. 139-144, 1805. FBN Probably the earliest euology, it is deeply moving and of great importance. 198a. G. BARZELLOTTI, Priifung einiger neuen Theorie iiber di niichste Ursache der Muskelzusammenziehung. "Reil's Arch. f. d. Physiol." 6: 168-221, 1805. A translation from the Italian in "Atti dell'Accademia delle Scienze", Siena, 1796, which has not been seen, on· the supposed

-79- foltows 1805

experimems of Girtanner which G. probably plagiarized from Fontana, who is not mentioned by B. 198b. "Notizie universali". Roveredo. N° 26. Friday 29 March 1805. Pages unnumbered. A death notice, as of Florence 19 March 1805, stating that Fontana, born 3 June 1730, had died on 10 March 1805 after an illness of 27 days following his fall in the street. His brother Bernardino is named as his heir. It also states: 'His friends will take ali posslble care to examine his manuscripts, no1: lea~.t the ones bound with those of the eminent mathematician his brother Gregorio [ ... ] '. This appears to be a reference to the volumes of Ms Palatino 1197, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence, indicating that this collection of manuscripts existed in the present form at the time of Felice's death; it suggests that Felice himself made the collection which is chiefly of papers of Gregorio, who died in 1803, perhaps also that Felice had few other manuscripts of his own, otherwise he would have included them in this col­ lection. (See N° 332). 198c. Necrologia. Notizie biografiche del Cavalier Felice Fontana. "Bi­ blioteca di campagna''. Milano. 1805. II, 272-274. A brief notice of the death, and a few words on the !ife.

1810 199. GIUSEPPE SARCHIANI, Elogio del Direttor Fontana. Letto nella pubblica solenne adunanza del 18 Settembre 1805. "Atti del'Imperiale Società economica de' Georgofili" 6: 21-34, 1810. This is probably the second eulogy, by the secretary of the society of Georgofili, of which Fontana had become a member in 1770.

1813 200. GIUSEPPE MANGILI, Elogio di Felice Fontana. Orazione inau­ gurale degli studi recitata il XII Novembre MDCCCXII nella Grand'Aula della R. Università di Pavia. Milano, Stamperia Reale, MDCCCXIII. 8°. 80 pp.

-80- follows 1813

The third eulogy, by a pupi! and friend of Fontana, it is the longest and most detailed, and the most often cited by biogra­ phers. A version said to have been printed in Pavia in 1812 has not been seen.

1815 201. KuRT SPRENGEL, Histoire de la médicine depuis son origine iusqu'au dix-neuvième siècle. Tr.anslated from the German 2nd. edition by A.J.L. Jourdan. Paris, Deterville, Desoer. 1815. Voi. 5. p. 264: Felice Fontana, in Dei moti dell'iride, showed that light did not directly cause movement of the -iris, hut only on penetra­ tion into the interior of the eye. p. 345: Felice Fontana of Roveredo, professor at Pisa, hegan work on irritability in 1757, staMed his career commanding our attention. In Haller, Mém. III, p. 40 a Tosetti, are shown: doubt of sensibility of membranes and tendon, the human dura mater; that the heart is not moved by stimulation of its nerves; that alcohol bùt not opium is active on nerves; and much more. p. 564: The celebrated Felice Fontana, in his work on disease of grain, was mistaken; he said he saw vibrios but these are not the cause of smutty rye or ergotism.

1816 202. SAMUEL BAUR, Allgemeincs historisch-biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch alter merkwiirdigen Personen, die in dem ersten Jahrzehent des neunzehntrn Jahrhunderts gestorben sind. Ulm, Stettinischen· Buchhandlung. Voi. 1, cols. 413-14. 1816. Names Felice Fontana, Abbe, as celebrated physician, physicist and nature-scholar, teacher of the Grand Duke, later Emperor, Leopold, whose museum he directed and sewed to complete with physical instruments and wax models of the human body. His researches are generally acknowledged, his writings have classica! value. Cited are items I-7, 10, 35, 56, 68, also II-136, 196.

-81- fol/ows 1816

203. GEORGES L.C.F.D. CUVIER, Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne. Rédigé par une société de gens de lettres et de savants. Paris, Michaud, 1816. Vol. 15, pp. 196-99. This authoritative article by C. is particularly important for its early date. It errs in stating that the wax anatomica! models were made by the artisans from drawings given to them by Fontana. It also makes it appear that J oseph II conferred on Fontana the title of chevalier on seeing the models in Firenze, i.e. before he had received the collection for the Josephinum. C. probably took from the eulogy of Mangili ( 200), which be cited, the frequently repeated but erroneous statement that F's last work was the Principes raisonnés sur la génération. C's opinion was that F showed himself to be lngenious and hard-working, but not always perfectly exact.


204. R. DESGENETTES, Dictionnaire des sciences médicales. Biogra­ phie n_zédicale .. Paris, Panckoucke. 1821. Vol. 4, pp. 180-86. This long biobibliography, which touches on many aspects of the !ife and works of Felice Fontana, is of particular value since the author was a friend of F., according to Dechambre ( 227). Also it recounts the controversy with Giorgi, which D. says has been passed over in silence by other biographers. He corrects the error of Cuvier ( 203) concerning the wax models, as being made from drawings only. The models are described at some length.

1825 205. Biografia universale antica e moderna ossia storia per alfabeto della vita pubblica e privata di tutte le persone che si distinsero

- 82- follows 1825

per opere, azioni, talenti, virtù e delitti. Opera affato nuova com­ pilata in Francia da una società di dotti ed ora per la prima volta recata in Italiano con aggiunte ed osservazioni. Venezia, Missiaglia, Tipografia di Alviropoli. MDCCCXXV. Vol. 21, pp. 518-20. An ei

1829 206. I.M. QUÉRARD, La France Litteraire. Paris, Firmin-Didot. Voi. III, p. 152. 8°. 1829. This appears to be the origin of the false attribution to Felice Fontana of the papers in the "Mèm. de l'Acad. R. des Sci. de Turin" of 1784-1788 (see items 109-111).

207. CURTIO SPRENGEL, Literatura medica externa. Lipsiae, Brockhaus. 1829. Citation of items 4, 8, 10, 35.

208. JoHANN WoLFGANG VON GOETHE, \Vilhelm Meisters Wander­ iahre oder die Entsagenden. Sammtliche Werke, Book III, Chapter 3. Stuttgart u. Augsburg, Gotta, 1856. Voi. 19, pp. 18-32. Where plastic anatomy was raised to the leve! of a protagonist (Belloni, 281).

1832 209. JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, Plastische Anatomie. A letter of 4 Febmary 1832. Sammtliche Werke, Stuttgart u. Tiibingen, Gotta. Vol. 31, pp. 321-24, 1857. On Florence, where plastic anatomy has been practised at a high leve! for many yeats.

-83 - 1834

210. ].E. DEZEIMERIS, Dictionnaire historiqtte de la médicine ancienne et ·moderne. Paris, Bechet. 1834. Voi. 2, pp". 339-41. A short biobrbliography giving Desgenettes ( 204) and Haller as sources.

1835 211. Osterreichische National-Encyclopiidie oder alphabetische Darle­ gung der wissenswurdigsten Eigenthumlichkeiten des iisterreichi­ schen Kaiserthumes. Wien, Beck, 1835. Voi. 2, p. 160. Brief note on Fontana's !ife and works.


212. F.-X. DE FELLER, Biographie universelle, ou dictionnaire histo­ rique. New Edition. Paris, Outhenin-Chalandre Fils, 1-839. Voi. 3, p. 106. A brief biobibliography, condensed from that by Cuvier ( 203), retaining some errors.


213. WrLLIAM BoWMAN, On the mmttte structure and movement of voluntary muscle. "Phil. Trans.", MDCCCXL Part. II. pp. 457-501. On the 'primitive fasciculus, the term adopted by Fontana' which term he prefers to use, and the tr·ansverse striae, of which 'Fon­ tana was .the fìrst to give what has seemed to me the correct explanation of their nature' (35, p. 229), 'a view which mis fìrst entertained by Fontana, although his claims to it have been often overlooked'.

- 84 - 1848 214. FILIPPO PACINI, Sui lavori di Anatomia microscopica di Felice Fontana, etc. Appendice: altra ditesa di Filippo Pacini di Pistoja, etc. "Gazzetta Toscana delle Scienze Medico-Fisiche" 6: 108-111, 118-21 (N° 7, 8, April 1and17) 1848. Begins: NEMO PROPHETA IN PATRIA SUA. This is an analysis and defense of Fontana's discoveries in microscopie ana­ tomy, with citations of those who ha ve attacked and supported him. I

-85- 1859 221. Nuova Enciclopedia popolare Italiana, ovvero Dizionario Generale di Scienze, Lettere, Arti, Storia, Geografia, etc. Torino, Società l'Unione tipografico-editrice. voi. 8, pp. 555-56. 1859. Details of the life and many of the works of Felice Fontana.

1860 221a. S. WEIR MITCHELL, Researches on the venom of the rattlesnake: with an investigation of the anatomy and physiology of the organs concerned. Smithsonian Institution Contributions to Knowledge. Voi. 12, article 6. ix + 139 pp. M. in general confirms and extends Fontana's treatise on the venom of the viper. He also defends him against his detractors.

221b. S. WEIR MrTCHELL, On the treatment of rattlesnake bites, with experimental criticisms upon the various remedies now in use. North American Medico-chirurgica! Review ( Philadelphia, Lip­ pincott). 1860. pp. 269-311. '[Fontana's] essay, or series of essays, is stili a monument of industry, ingeniously directed, and of experimental sagacity of the highest order. The admivable effort [ . . . ] made by the Abbé Fontana [ ... ] may also have clone something to prevent further study of this serpent, since his opinions have been reverentially received as :final, and the multitude of his experiments has caused them to be looked upon as exhautive of the subject'.

1863 222. J. PoGGENDORFF, Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch, zur Geschichte der Exacten Wissenschizften. Leipzig. 1863. Reprinted, Amsterdam 1970. voi. 1, cols. 767-68. Biographical details and many dtations of the works of Fontana, noting his use before 177 5 of spider-web for cross-hairs, and ether in a spirit-level, with a telescope.

-87- 1868 223. FILIPPO LussANA, Manuale pratico di fisiologia. Padova, Fratelli Salmin. 1868. Voi. 2, pp. 11-13. 'The cells of the blood are red or white, the first discovered by the Italian Malpighi in 1661 and described in the last century by the I talian Fontana; the second discovered by the ItaHar\ Spallanzani'. The change in shape of the erythrocytes during their passage through capillarie> was 'described with truth and accurateness' by Fontana; his conclusion that they are normally spherical in shape is not mentioned.

1873 224. P. LAROUSSE, Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIX' Siècle. Paris. 1873. voi. 8, p. 573. Very brief biobibliography.

1877 225. EVERARDO MICHELI scolopio, Storia dell'Università di Pisa dal MDCCXXXVII al MDCCCLIX. Pisa, Nistri, 1877. pp. 63-64. A brief biographical note on Fontana. Some information on sala­ ries is also given. 1878 226. Felice Fontana. In: Compendio di storia e della chimica, Enciclopedia di chimica scientifica e industriale, diretta da FRANCESCO SELMI. Torino. Unione tipografico-editrice, 1878. Voi. 11, pp. 695-97. This is criticai of F's work in chemistry. 1879 227. A. DECHAMBRE, Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médi­ cales . .. Paris, Masson et Asselin. 1879 IVéme serie, voi. 3, pp. 295-97. A fresh treatment of Fontana's !ife and works by Dechambre.

- 88 - fol/ows 1879

228. FRANCESCO AMBROSI, Profili di una storia degli scrittori e artisti Trentini. Borgo, Giovanni Marchetto. 1879. 8°, pp. 103. Describes the origins of the Accademia degli Agiati of Rovereto, and the lives of its members, including Felice, Giuseppe and Gre­ gorio Fontana, also Chiusole, Graser, Martini and Tartarotti. Two pages devoted to Felice F. list four of his works.

1880 229. G. BoccARDO, Nuova Enciclopedia Italiana. Torino, Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese. 1880. Ed. VI, vol. IX, pp. 688-89. Brief biography. 1883 229a. FRANCESCO AMBROSI, Scrittori ed artisti trentini. Trento, G. Zippel, 1883. 280 pp. On p. 81, a brief biobibliography. Between pp. 144-145, a drawing of the portrait in academic garb, now at the Accademia degl'Agiati (Il.b.2.).

1884 230. GIUSEPPE TELANI, Nozze Fasanelli-Gerosa. V Maggio MDCCCLXXXIV. Elogio di Felice Fontana, letto nell'adunanza degli Agiati di Rovereto il di 1 Agosto 18.16. Trento, Scotoni e Vitti. 1884. 13 pp. The ·ride states: drawn from the manuscript at Trento. The last has 11 pp., 31 x 20 cm. No documentati on is given. I t is unique in giving the year of birth as 1729.

1886 231. C. DE PESTI, Della nobile famiglia del già principato di Trento, De Fontana, e più specialmente di Felice e Gregorio. "Giornale Araldico". Anno XIV, No. 2 and 3. Pisa. 1886. 3 pp., 1 t>able.

-89 - follows 1886

Brief biographies of the two Fontanas, with a family tree going back nine generations. Three coats-of-arms are described ( 1 ) the ancient one, ( 2) that conferred (on another branch of the family, actually) by Matthias in 1616. Matthias (1557-1619) became head of the house of Hapsburg in 1606, Holy Roman Emperòt in 1612; (3) that conferred on Felice by Joseph II. Adami (237) commented on this: Festi does not document in a reliable way so much as he aflìrms. 23la. VINCENT RICHARDS, The landmarks of snake-poison literature being a review of the more important researches into the nature of snake-poisons. 2nd. Ed. Calcutta, Thacker Spink and Co. 1886. '[Redi] it was who first di-rected men's minds to the subject, and collected by patient enquiry the crude materiai which Fon­ tana, a century later, moulded into something Jike definite shape'. · 'While it is true that Francesco Redi and Richard Mead were the pioneers of the subject, the value of their researches was nothing as compared with that of Fontana's '.

1887-1890 232. F. AMBROSI, Naturalisti trentini. Ricordi biografici. II. Felice Fontana. "Bulletino della Società veneto-trentina di Scienze Naturali". 4: 145-49, 1887-90. Longer than the sketch by the same author ( 228), it. contains a few errors, but uniquely descrj.bes a visit of F. to his birthplace in 1794, states that he was imprisoned for ninety days at ·the time of the incursion of the Aretine crew, and that he enjoyed theatrical speotacles, especially those of the great Astigiano (Alfieri). 1890 233. GrnsEPPE C!RINCIONE, Rivendicazione a Felice Fontana (1779) della scoperta della guaina, della mielina e del cilindrasse dei tubi nervosi. "Incurabili'', Naples, 1890. 5: 214-225.

- 90- follows 1890

This is an essay on the nerve fiber as envisaged by Aristotle and Galen, by Fontana's immediate predecessors, and by Fontana bimself, with comments on Fontana's work by some subsequent wviters.

233a. S. WEIR MrTCHELL ·and E.T. RErcHERT, Researches upon the venom of poisonous serpents. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. 26, article 1, 186 pp. 1890. Much on the physicochemical properties, toxic and pathologic effects of the venom of Crotalidae. Many findings of Fontana with .the venom of the viper are confumed.

1892 234. Joseph Priestley. Scientific correspondence [ ... ] minety-seven letters [ ... ] together with an appendix_ [ ... ]. Edited with notes [ ... ]by H.C. BoLTON. New York, privately printed. pp. vii+ 240. 1892. The appendix contains an inventory of Priestley's laboratory; eudiometers of Fontana and Landriani are listed.

1894 235. C.J. MARTIN, On some effects upon the blood produced by the iniection of the venom of the Australian black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus). "Journal of physiology" (London) 15: 380-400, 1894. 'Fontana more than 100 years ago noticed that the blood re­ mained fluid in animals dead of viper-bite'.

235a. FRANCESCO AMBROSI, Scrittori ed artisti trentini. Trento, G. Zippel, 1894. 553 pp. On pp. 134-5, a brief biobibliography, with errors. This was reproduced in facsimile by Forni, Bologna, 1972.

- 91- 1897 236. MAX NEUBURGER, Die historische Entwicklung der experimentel­ len Gehirn- und Riickenmarksphysiologie vor Flourens. Stuttgart, Verlag ·von Ferdinand Enke, 1897. XXVI + 361 pp. Reproduced in 1967 by Bonset, Amsterdam. Fontana's work is cited many times.

1905 237. CASIMIRO AoAMI, Di Felice e Gregorio Fontana scienziati poma­ rolesi del secolo XVIII. Notizie biografiche e bibliografiche con lettere inedite, versi, ritratti ed autografi. Rovereto (Trentino), coi tipi di Ugo Grandi & C. pp. 117. 1905. This noble commemorative work was written, in one month ac­ cording to the author, for ·the occasion honoring the first cente­ nary of the deaths of F. ·and G. Fontana, held on 10 September 1905 in Pomarolo, the birthplace of Felice. It contains biogra­ phical studies, folly documented from published materiai and unpublished manuscripts; nine letters of Felice ( five previously unpublished, one of these in facsimile); two sonnets from bis 26th year; transcriptions of fifteen lapidary and other inscriptions; filteen letters of partioipation from scientists and other persons of authoriry, Italian except far Max Neuburger (Vienna). There is also a brief historical sketch of Pomarolo by G. Chiesa. The bibliography, of works by and about Felice Fontana, is incomplete and the citations are not always adequate; it contains two false attributions ( 111, 112). Although Adami, pursuing sources largely by correspondence, left som,e, perhaps many, undiscovered, his work remains ·the most comprehensive study of Felice Fontana, a mine of infarmation.

238. Solenni onoranze secolari agli illustri scienziati Felice e Gregorio Fontana. "Alto Adige" Trento, Scotoni e Vitti. 1905. The composition of the committees far the celebration in Poma­ rolo on the 12-15 September, 1905, and the events of those days, are described.

-92- follows 1905

239. Le onoranze di Pomarolo a Felice e Gregorio Fontana, X Set­ tembre 1905. From the "Raccoglitore di Rovereto", September 1905. A 9-page account of this celebration.

1907 240. !GILIO GuARESCHI, Notizie Storiche su Felice Fontana. Estratto dalla Nuova Enciclopedia di Chimica, voi. 5. Torino, Unione Tip. Ed. Torinese. 1907. 15 pp. This is an important, though preliminary, study of the works of Fontana with numerous quotations and citations.

1908 241. RICCARDO GRASSINI, La chimica e la farmacia in Firenze sotto il governo Lorenese. Appunti storici. Da Francesco II a Pietro Leopoldo. "Rivista di Fisica, Matematica, e Scienze Naturali" 18: 4 5-7 6, 1908. G. claims that Fontana invented the first eudiometer and was the first to recognize the constancy of the composition of atmo­ spheric air. He makes the evroneous statement that Torbern Bergman visited Florence.

1909 242. !GILIO GuARESCHI, Storia della chimica. VIII. La chimica in Italia dal 1750 al 1800 ..... Felice Fontana ... .. Torino, UTET, 1909. pp. 411-48. This is an expansion of •the previous arride ( 240), with particular attention to the physical and chemical works.

1911 243. GIOVANNI GALVAGNI, Felice Fontana (1730-1805) naturalista e chimico. "Bollettino Chimico Fannaceutico" No. 11, June, 1911. Milano. A 13-page essay on the !ife and works.

-93 - 1915 244. T.H. SHASTID, Felice Fontana. American Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Ophthalmology. C.A. Wood, (Ed.). Chicago, Cleveland Press. 7: 5243, 1915. Eight lines, one error (birthdate given as 1720).

1916 245. ALBERTO VEDRANI, Un grande naturalista trentino: Felice Fon­ tana. Lucca, Giusti. 99 pp. 1916. Although it is based on the studies of Adami ( 23 7) and Gua­ reschi (240), and only five of Fontana's publicarions (2, 3, 10, 35, 52), it is highly perceptive especially of thdr historical signi.ficance. 1922 246. MARIE PHISALIX, Animaux venimeux et venins. Paris, Masson et Cie. 1922. 2 Vols., xxv+ 657, xii+ 865 pp. Volume II, Chapter II, pp. 221-818, is devoted to serpents. The sections on venoms ·and coagulation of the blood (pp. 659- 97) and immunity against venom (pp. 744-99) are particularly valuable. This encyclopedic work has many citations of Fontana.

1923 247. Albrecht von Hallers Briefe an ]ohannes Gesner. Edited, annot.ated, with preface by HENRY E. SrGERIST. 8°, viri+ 576 pp. Berlin, Weidmannische Buchhandlung. 1923. < 549 letters in Latin, from 1759 to 1776, eight of which give notice of Felice Fontana.

1924 248. ALBERTO BENEDICENTI, Malati, Medici e Farmacisti. Storia dei rimedi traverso i secoli e delle teorie che ne spiegano l'azione sull'organismo. Milano, Ulrich Hoepli. 2nd., 1947 and 1951. Voi. 1, pp. xv + 782, 302 ili.; Voi. 2, pp. viii + 672, 220 ili.

-94 - follows 1924

This engaging compendium of poetry and history of drugs describes the !ife and works, chiefly pharmacological, of Felice Fontana.

1925 249. OTTO RunEL, Felice Fontana. In: Beitriige zur Geschichte der Medizin in Tiro!. Bolzano, Buchdruckerei Vogelweider. pp. 287-94. 1925. An essay on his ]ife and work, notes on T artarotti and the Acca­ demia degli Agiati.

1926 249a. L[AMBERTO] CESARINI SFORZA, La Biblioteca Comunale di Trento nel 1925. "Studi Trentini" Serie II'. Scienze naturali ed economiche. 0 ' Anno VII , Trento, 1926. pp. 81-83. A notice of the acquisition by the Biblioteca Gomunale, Trento, of important manuscrlpt materfal. It is now found in MSS 3584- 3590 of that llbrary. It consists of letters to and from Felice and Bernardino Fontana, as well as two early (1793 and 1799) wills of Felice, his diplomas from ten European academies, the award of 1771 of his pension, and notes of his expenses and savings. MSS 3591-3598 concern other members of the Fontana family. 1926-1927 250. A. VEDRANI, Una gloria Italiana: Felice Fontana. "L'Illustrazione Medica Italiana" 8: 118-26. 197-200; 1926; 9: 33-36, 1927. A review of Fontana's works, more extensively documented than Vedtani's prev.ious mongraph ( 245).

1927 251. PIETRQ CAPPARONI, G. Franck, Memorie. "Bollettino dell'Istituto Storico dell'Arte Sanitaria''. 6; 7, 1926, 1927.

-95- follows 1927

Giuseppe Franck (or Frank) professor in medicine at Pavia, where his better-known father Johann Peter Frank also taught, wrote fìve volumes of memoirs which are conserved at Wilno. Capparoni made excerpts of these which appeared in volumes 6 and 7 of this journal. On p. 81, voi. 7, is described a demon: strarion of water-divining by Thouvenel and his servant which apparently deceived Spallanzani who was presiding. Frank learned that the trick had already been exposed in Florence by Fontana and others through a letter from William Thomson, English physician, with a uncomp1imentary remark about Spallanzani.

1928 252. UGO SCHIFF (Postumo), Il museo di storia naturale e le facoltà di scienze fisiche e naturali di Ffrenze. Note storiche sullo stato delle scienze in Firenze sotto i Lorena. "Archeion" 9: 88-95, 290-324, 483-96, 10: 1-42, 1928. Also as Estratto, Roma, Casa Editrice Leonardo da Vinci, pp. 98. This posthumous publioation was prepared, with added preface and biographical sketch of Schiff by his former pupi! Mario Betti, from a manuscript entitled 'Centenario della Facoltà di Scienze fisiche e naturali dello Istituto di Studi Superiori in Firenze'. Schiff had written it for the fìrst centenary of the 'Liceo di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali', inaugurated in 1807. It was intended to be only Part I, covering the period from 1765, when Peter Leopold of Hapsburg-Lorraine became Grand Duke of Tuscany, to 1859 when the 'Liceo' was transformed into the 'Istituto di Studi Superiori', while Part II was •to dea! with the years leading to the 'Università degli Studi'. This second part was not com­ pleted, the 'Università' not being established unti! 1923. Of the 98 pages of this monograph, 29 dea! with the period 1765-1805, i.e., the time of activity in Florence of Felice Fon­ tana, to whose life and works many of these pages are devoted. Schiff's study is of particular value since, as a chemist, he could give informed discussions of Fontana's activities such as his work on the airs and his adherence to the phlogiston theory. Schiff's suggestion that Fontana more-or-less left chemical research to

- 96 - follows 1928

Peter Leopold, an enthusiastic amateur chemist, seems unjustified in view of such studies of Fontana as the nature of some animai substances ( 24), on alkalis ( 25), the analysis of malachite ( 23). Schiff's synopsis of the Saggio of 1775 ( 89) is valuable, especially in view of the rarity of this print. He noted the presence in Florence of F. Hackert, painter and writer on the use of varnish in paintlng, who advised Peter Leopold in his prnparation of Lac Martin, and of U .F. Hoefer, court .farmacist and discoverer of deposits in Tuscany of borie acid which led to important contributions to the State Treasury. A major error was the notice of a visit to Florence and work in the Museum of Torbern Bergman, 'Swedish chemist' of Fontana's writings, which did not occur. 1 Curiously, Schiff noted the slngular absence of any comment of Fontana on the presence of the celebrated guest· from Upsala. Schiff gave a full account of the establlshment, in 1801, of the 'Nuova Accademia del Cimento', with Fontana as President, in a magnificent ceremony which was its fìrst and unfortunately its last meeting. He gave a brief note on Giovanni Fabbroni, who accompanied Fontana on bis voyage of 177 5-80, became Vice-Director of the Museum in 1780, and succe~ded Fontana as Director in 1805. According •to Schiff, Fabbroni had mterests other than those of Fontana, was not always in accord w~th him, and took no great part in the arrangement of the museum.

1928-1929 253. Le opere di Alessandro Volta. Edizione Nazionale. Milano, Hoepll. Voi. 6, 1928, p. 301. Letter to Jean Senebier, 10 September 1778: the Abbé Fontana has discovered a substance which absorbs nearly completely common air; it ls charcoal 'red-hot'. Voi. 7, 1929: discussion of the work of Fontana: p. 45, the weight of heat; pp. 80-81, fixed air; p. 99, decomposition of water; pp. 64, 74, 182-84, the evaerometer.

1 M. L. Bonelli and Johann Nordstrom. "Physis" 3: 252-54, 1961.

-97 - 1929 254. GIULIO NATALI, Il Settecento. Milano, Vallardi, 1929. 3rd Ed. Vol. 1, p. 210. A brief note on Fontana, ending with mention of the eighty volumes of manusctipts in the FBN, and the exhortation, 'Ita­ lian youths, wish to be the first to explore the stored treasures of Italian knowledge'.

1930 255. CASIMIRO ADAMI, Un eroe della scienza. Felice Fontana Pomaro­ lese. Narrato ai suoi conterranei. Rovereto, Tipografia Sant'Ilario. 1930. 74 pp. A review of his llfe and works.

256. CASIMIRO ADAMI, Felice e Gregorio Fontana. In: La scuola di Pomarolo. 2nd Ed. Trento. 1930. pp. 71-82. A review, with photographs of the Casa Fontana, birthplace of Felice, of the portraits of Felice -and Gregorio on the Trofeo of the Società Musicale, and of the medallion in bronze by Stefano Zuech placed on the façade of the Municipio of Pomarolo on the celebracion of the bicentenary in Pomarolo, 13-,14 Sep­ tem:ber 1930. A record of the celebration is found on pp. 89-91 of this work.

257. CARLO PASOLLI, Il secondo centenario di Felice Fontana. "Bollettino Medico Trentino" 15: 378-383, July, August 1930. Ten pages with 3 photographs, derived from Adami ( 237).

258. GUGLIELMO BILANCIONI, Felice Fontana Trentino e gli studi sul­ l'anatomia e sulla fisiologia nell'orecchio e di altri organi del senso nella seconda metà del secolo XVIII. "Archeion" 12: 296-362, 1930. The •title of this article fails to convey its scope which is, in fact, a comprehensive and penetrating treatment of all of Fontana's biologica! researches; those in physics and chemistry are touched upon briefly. Bilancioni fulds in Fontana's works traces of Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton and Galileo; he sees him as even-

-98- follows 1930

tually a philosopher, whose final proclamation was of the unity of !ife. The article .includes 6 photographs of anatomica! models in wax which, along with 27 others from Fontana, are conserved in the anatomica! museum of the University of Montpellier .. ln an ap· pendix are 33 previously unpublished letters from Marc'Antonio Caldani to Giovanni Bianchi, 1757 -177 3, which indicate the pre­ sence of Fontana in Bologna in 1758-59. The references cited include four false attributions ( 107, 109-111).

259. LoEBISCH, Felice F. Fontana. In: Biographisches Lexikon. W. Haberling, F. Hiibotter, H. Vier­ ordt (Eds.) Berlin-Wien, Urban u. Schwarzenberg. 2: 562. 2nd Ed. Brief notice, citing 'Experiences chimique sur la bile de boeuf' Florenz, 1781 (see 111).

260. GIULIO PROVENZAL, Felice Fontana e il flogisto. "Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti". 90: 9-10 and 8::1-110, 1930-31. This is a defense of Fontana's adherence oto the doctrine of phlogiston, which was 'ingenious and frui~ful, a scientific error not an antiscientific fantasy [ which] led Fontana, like Scheele, Priestley, Cavendish, not to repudiate it after the discoveries of Lavoisier'.

260a. L. BoNOMI, Naturalisti, medici e tecnici trentini. Trento, A. Scotoni, 1930. Pp. 55-56 give a brief biobibliography, with errors and the Eckel 'po

1931 261. G. DEL GUERRA, Un epistolario di Felice Fontana . . Pisa, Pacini Mariotti, 1931. 16 pp. An account of the more than two hundred letters, directed to Giuseppe Antonio Slop, trentino, professor of astronomy at the University of Pisa, or members of his family.

- 99- 1934

262. G. PROVENZAL, Profili di Chimici Italiani. Felice Fontana (1730- 1805). "Rassegna di Clinica, Terapia e Scienze Aflini" 33: 205-10, 1934. Also as Chapter in: Profili Biobibliografici di Chimici Italiani. Sec. XV.-Sec. XIX. Roma, Istituto Nazionale Medico-farmacolo­ gico Serono n.d. pp. 55-62. This essay deals wirh Fontana chiefly as chemist, maklng claims far him which would nor generally be acceptable. The tone of the article is understandable when its date is noted. The biblio­ graphy is extensive but has lacunae.


263. F.H. GARRISON, Felice Fontana: a forgotten physiologist of the Trentino. "Bulletin of rhe New York Academy of Medicine" 11: 117-22, 1935 . .Garrison draws from some of Fontana's major works and Bilan­ cioni's arride ( 258) to piace him <1mong the most versatile bio­ logists of his period. He is termed pioneer in histology and the investigation of serpent venoms, equally acdve as a botanist, and a facile inventor of instruments. Only recently has he come into his own as an experimental physiologist, his work as such being overshadowed by -the spectacular interest •attaching to his Museum of wax preparations. Garrison's essay contains severa! errors: Fontana's birthdate 'is given as 1720; the Museum is said to have been founded by the Accademia del Cimento; Manzolini ( of Bo­ logna, worklng independently) is cited as Fontana's assistant; the indentity of Leopold II is unclear. Nevertheless, this is a scholarly study, and as the first comprehensive notice of Fontana in English, may have had a seminai influence.


264. HEBBEL E. HOFF, Galvani and the pre-Galvanian electrophysio­ logists. "Annals of Science" 1: 157-72, 1936. An account of the recognidon of the ability ,of the electric shock to stimulate nerve and muscle.

- 100 - follows 19 36

265. Y. BuRDIN, Felice Fontana, le physiologiste oublié du Trentin. "La Semaine des Hopiraux de Paris" 12: 61-63, 1936. Drawn from the article of Ga.rrison ( 263 ) ( which is cited), even as to the errors.

1942 266. HEBBEL E. HoFF, The history of the refractory period. A ne­ glected contribution of Felice Fontana. "Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine" 14: 635-72, 1942. Hoff gives a masterful discussion of the writings of Haller's opponent Whytt ( 1751); Caldani and Fontana in Haller ( 1760) and the various forms of De irritabilitatis legibus . .. ( 4, 5, 10, 56) (1760-1785); many English, French and Germans of 1790- 1805; Burdach (1837-41); M. Schiff (1849-94); the rnajority of whom cited Fontana, and Bowditch, Kronecker and Marey (1871-76) who did not. Citations are extensive and translated into English as required. Quotations from Boerhaave ( 1742-46) and Senac ( 1749) are given as possible starting points in Fon­ tana's thinking, and from J. Brown (1795), E. Darwin ( 1801) and R. Virchow ( 1858) as applications of Fontana's postulates.


267. ANTONIO PACE, The American Philosophical Society and Italy. "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society" 90: 3 87- 421, 1946. An account of the relations between the Society and Fontana, 1773-83, is included.


268. A. PAZZINI, Storia della Medicina. Milano, Società Editrice Libraria. 2 Vols. 1947. This work contains many citations of Fontana, with little docu­ mentation from primary sources.

- 101- follows 1947 ·

269. LUIGI CASTALDI, Francesco Boi (1767-1860) primo .cattedratico di _anatomia umana a Cagliari e le cere anatomiche fiorentine di Clemente Susini. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki. pp. 76. 1947. Chapter III, pp. 21-28, 'The teacMng of anatomy in Florence and Paolo Mascagni', describes the career of Mascagni ( 17 5 5- 1816?), professor of anatomy at Siena and Pisa, who became Fontana's friend and collaborator in anatomica! studies, teaching that subjeot at the hospital of Sanra Maria Nuova .jn Florence. Chapter IV, pp. 28-59, 'Felice Fontana, Clemente Susini and the anatomica! waxes of the Museum 'La Specola' in Florence'. Much informarion of Fontana and La Specola is given, but also the history of the wax-working industry in generai in Florence, the development of anatomica! models in wax elsewhere, many details of the wax-modelling shop in La Specola and the dissectors and arrisans employed there during and after the time of Fontana, and the waxes sent from la Specola to Vienna, Montpellier, Lausanne, Cairo (?), Warsaw (?), as well as Torino, Pisa, Bo­ logna, Pavia, Perugia, Genova, Siena and Cagliari.


270. ANDREA CoRSINI, La medicina alla corte di Pietro Leopoldo. "Rivista Ciba" 8: 1509-1540, 1954. From the Medici to the Lorrainese. Peter Leopold. 5 pp. Sanitary Service at the Court. 10 pp. Variolation and Hygiene. 6 pp. Hospitals and the Museum. 8 pp. Complementary Notes. 2 pp. There are 33 fine illustrations, of men, places, frontispieces and illustrarions from books, surgical instruments, wax models, etc.

1955 271. Editoria!. "Nature" 175: 410, 1955. A brief note on the !ife and works, with severa! errors.

-102- Fig. 6 - Death·mask in plaster. follows 1958

'The era of neurohistology begins with the discovery of the nerve­ fìber by Fontana ( 1787 )'.

276. MARY A. B. BRAZIER, The evolution of concepts relating to the electrical activity of the nervous system. 1600 to 1800. In: Anglo-American symposium on the history and philosophy of the brain and its functions London, 1957. The history and philosophy of knowledge of the brain and its functions. Oxford, Blackwell. 1958. pp. 191-222. In this review of the history of animai electricity, the contribution of Font.,na is limited to an attempt to produce muscular con­ traction by stimulation of the brain ( 1757) and his rather be­ grudged grant ~hait electricity, or something analogous to it, might excite muscular movement.

277. ANTONIO PACE, Benjamin Franklin and I taly. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society. 1958. 439 pp. Fontana played a large part in these relations, buying two Fran­ klin stoves for the Grnnd Duke about 1767, directing the instal­ lation of Franklinian conductors on the powder magazines in Tuscany around 1770, meeting Franklin in 1779, including a model of his 'Lightning House' in the two rooms of electrical instruments in the museum, and becoming a cooperative foreign member of the American Philosophical Sooiety in 1783.


278. D. KEILIN, The problem of anabiosis or latent !ife: history and current concept. The Leeuwenhoek Lecture. "Proc. Roy. Soc. London". Series B. 150: 149-91, 1959. This work places in proper perspective Fontana's studies of revi­ viscence of animalcules and demolishes the proposal that the failure to appear of Fontana's work on the !ife and apparent death of microscopie animals was due to his fear of being excom­ municated by the church.

- 104 - follows 19 59

278a. HEBBEL E. HoFF, A classic of microscopy: an early, if not the first, observation on the fluidity of the axoplasm, micromani­ pulation, and the use of the cover-slip. "Bulletin of the History of Medicine" 33: 375-79, 1959. Hoff reproduces Young's paper of 19 5 3 on the structure of nerve fibers and gives his own translation into English of Fontana's remarkably similar description of 1783 ( 44, 52, 54, 55, 66) of observations on ultimate nervous filaments composed of primitive nervous cylinders, using originai procedures which he had deve- loped. · 279. BRUNO ZANOBIO, Le osservazioni microscopiche di Felice Fontana sulla struttura dei nervi. "Physis" 1: 307-20, 1959. With copious quotations and reproduccions of Fontana's figures alongside of his own, Zanobio points out that Fontana discovered the ultimate nerve fibre, describing the axis cylinder, the myelin and endoneural sheaths and other details of structure. 279a. LUIGI PRONER, Medaglioni di illustri Trentini in un popolare compendio di storia patria. Trento, Temi, 1959. 555 pp. On pp. 212,218, a brief biography intended for schoolchildren.

1959-1960 280. PERICLE Dr PIETRO, Le conoscenze sui globuli del pus da Fon­ tana (1767) a Walter. "Acta med. Hist. patavina" 6: 75-82, 1959-60. The author discusses Fontana's observations as well as those made before and after bis. 281. LUIGI BELLONI, Anatomica plastica. I. Gli inizi. II. Le cere Bolognesi. III. Le cere Fiorentine. "Symposium Ciba" 7: 229-333, 1959. 8: 84-87, 129-32, 1960. Undocumented notes on the origins of anatomica! models in wax at Florence, Genova, Paris, London, and Amsterdam and later developments in Bologna, at La Specola and the Josephinum, with quotations from Goethe about them.

-105- 1960

282. M.P. EARLES, The experimental investigation of viper venom by Felice Fontana (1730-1805). "Annals of Science" 16: 255-68, 1960. The author gives a few biobibliographical details, some erroneous, e.g. Fontana began to work on the venom of the viper in 1764 in P.isa, not Bologna; his Ricerche filosofiche sopra la fisica ani­ male was published in Florence, not Lucca; the Museum of Physics and Natural History was not founded by the Accademia del Cimento. After mentioning the contributions of Redi ( 1664), Oharas (1669), Mead (1702) and Brogiani (1752) he analyzes Fontana's two works ( 8, 3 5) step by step as they were recounted. Fontana's experimental method is said to have rested on three prindples; fìrst to multiply the experiments; secondly to vary the experiments, changing methods and species; thirdly to otry to discover sources of errar. He demonstrated a dose-effect rela­ tionship, including the concept of dose per animai size, and the influence of animai species. His measurement of the absolute size of the fatai dose is discounted. Fontana distinguished between locai and genera! effects of the venom, and rejected his fìrst con­ clusion that the fatai action rested on ·the destruction of muscular irritability in favor of one depending on influence on the blood. Earle's estimate of the historical significance of Fontana's wotk on the venom of the viper is: ( 1) he showed the problem could be studied experimentally; (2) he realized the necessity of making a large number of experiments and a large number of controls; ( 3) he examined eioperimentally and rejected a number of er­ roneous ideas on the action of the poison; ( 4) he emphasized the validity of extending to man conclusions drawn from obser­ vations on experimental animals.

283. BRUNO ZANOBIO, L'immagine filamentoso-reticolare nell'anatomia microscopica dal XVII al XIX secolo. "Physis" 2: 299-317, 1960. The microscopists WH!is (1675), Fontana (1781), Monro (1783), Mascagni (1819) and Berres (1836) gave representations, stri­ kingly similar, of a reticular filamentous structure observed by them in the organs of animals, even in vegetables and minerals. Zanobio concludes from his own observations that these images

-106 - follows 1960

reported by the earlier workers were optical illusions ar1smg from the conditions of their microscopy and that such a structure does not in fact exist.


284. A. NrTTO, Felice Fontana e la scoperta della elasticità dei globuli rossi del sangue. "Atti della IV Biennale della Marca per la Storia della Medicina" (Fermo 1961), Fermo, 1961. pp. 145-55. A study of (3).

285. D. DE KLOBUSITZKY, Coa,gulant and anticoagulant agents in snake venoms. "The American Journal of the Medica! Sciences" 242: 107-23, 1961. 'This group of experiments (i.e. on coagulati on of the blood) could be considered to be a logica! continuation of those initiated in 17 6 7 by Fontana using the natural venoms of snakes and continued without interruption by many other investigators'.


286. L.B. SHEPPARD, The anatomy and histology of the normai rabbit eye with special reference to the ciliary zone. "Archives of Ophthalmology" 66: 896-904, 1961; 67: 87-100, 1962; 67: 254-61, 1962. 'In 1781, Fontana described, ·in the bull, a canal or spa~e [ which is] well-developed in the rabblt [ ..· . ]'.


287. BRUNO ZANOBIO, Ricerche di micrografia dell'eritrocita nel sette­ cento. In: Actes du symposium international sur les sciences naturelles, la chimie et la pharmacie de 1630 à 1850. Florence-Vinci 1960. Florence. 1962.

-107- follows 1962

A description of an 'order of the day' research of the mid-18th century, beginning with the observations of G.M. Della Torre ( 17 63) and his condusion that the red corpuscles of blood had an annular form .Fontana ( 1766) repeated these experiments, pel'formed new ones, and concluded that the corpuscles were not annular but spheroidal, a1though their shape changed during passage through blood vessels. He decided that they were not invested with a membrane.

288. AnAM WANDRUSZKA, Gli Asburgo-Lorena e le scienze naturali. In: Actes du symposium international sur les sciences naturelles, la chimie et la pharmacie du 1630 au 1850. Florence-Vinci 8-10 Octobre 1960. Firenze, Baccini e Chiappi. 1962. pp. 13-22. On the origins of the family interest with Leopold, Duke of Lorraine, fother of Francesco Stefano, fast Hapsburg-Lorraine Grand Duke of Tuscany, to Pietro Leopoldo, Maecenas of Fon­ nma, and his sons. 289. LUIGI BELLONI, L'eudiometro del Landriani (contributo alla sto­ ria medica dell'eudiometria). In: Actes du symposium international sur les sciences naturelles, la chimie et la pharmacie du 1630 au 1850. Florence-Vinci Oc­ tobre 1960. pp. 130-51. Firenze. 1962. Landriani's invention of an instrument, named by him eudiome­ ter, for measuring the salubrity of air, Volta's development which replaced it, and V's correspondence with L., are described. The opinion of Pietro Verri on the character of Landriani and the relation between the development of simildr instruments by Landriani and Fontana are given.

1963 290. MARY A.B. BRAZIER, Felice Fontana. ln: Essay on the history of Italian neurology. Proceedings of the international symposium on the history of neurology. Varenna - 30 VIII/1 IX 1961. Luigi Belloni (Ed.). Milano, 1963. pp. 107-16.

-108 - follows 1963

With notes on the !ife ·and works of Fontana, this article focuses particularly on his concern with irritability, its distinction from contraotility, the cause of muscular movement, and his changing views on the role of eleotridty.

1964 291. G.K. SMELSER and VICTORIA OZANICS, Contribution of anatomy to clinica/ ophthalmology. "American Joumal of Ophthalmology" 58: 55-68, 1964. An historical review, with many portraits. Fontana is included.

292. W.E. KNOWLEs MmDLETON, The history of the barometer. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1964. On Fontana's recording barometer ( described on p. 450) the author writes, 'As fa.r as I know this barograph is unique in having the chart paper moved by the changes in atmospheric pressure' (p. 291). ·

1965 293. F. RoDRIGUEZ-ERDMANN, Bleeding due to increased intravascular blood coagulation. "The New England Joumal of Medicine" 273: 1370-378, 1965. 'Apparently the first well-documented observations of tbe effect of viper venom on the blood were made by Fontana'.

294. B.S. MELDRUM, The actions of snake venoms on nerve and muscle. The pharmacology of phospholipase A and of polypeptide toxins. "Pharmacological Review" 17: 393-445, 1965. This review, concerned mainly with Elapid venoms, deals largely with actions on the neuromuscular system, and actions on the cardiovascular system, such as massive coagulation, multiple he­ morrhages, and acute hypotension are not covered. Citing ( 3 5), it states that, in the first major study of paralysis by snake venoms, Fontana shmved, in many mammalian and avian species,

-109 - follows 1965

that nerve conduction is not affected by venom, but that the direct excitability of skeletal muscle is abolished, and that venom applied to the tongue produces a loss of sensation.


295. ·E. HrNTZSCHE, Albrecht von Haller. Ignazio Somis. Briefwech­ sel 1754-77. Bern and Stuttgart, Huber Verlag. 1965. 147 pp. Learned professor of medicine in Torino, Somis exch3'nged ·with Haller books and manuscripts, including those of Fontana, as well as letters.

296. ANDREA Russo, Felice Fontana (1730-1805) e la sua attività farmacologica. In: Atti della V Biennale della Marca per la Storia della Medicina (Fermo, 2-5 maggio 1963). pp. 457-65. Fermo, Stabilimento Tipografico Sodale, 1965. Four pages on Fontana, two on his pharmacology.

297. LUIGI SAMOGGIA, L'indagine anatomica di Felice Fontana e di Ercole Lelli su gli acquedotti dell'orecchio interno in relazione alla scoperta del Cotugno. In: Atti della V Biennale della Marca per la Storia della Medicina (Fermo, 2-5 Maggio 1963). pp. 467-80. Fermo, Stabilimento Tipografico Sodale, 1965.


298. AARON M. TAUB, Ophidian cephalic glands. "Journal of Morphology" 11-8: 529-35, 1966. The first description of the venom glands is ascribed to Fontana.

299. E. HrNTZSCHE, Albrecht von Haller. Mare Antonio Caldani. Briefwechsel 1756-76. Bern and Stuttgart, Huber Verlag. 1966. 257 pp. The correspondence has many illuminating references to Fontana .

.- 110 - follows 1966

300. J. R. Dr PALMA, Felice Fontana (1720-1805): the forgotten physiologist. "Transacrions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia". 33: 261-63, 1966. This is a brief but perceprive review, with some errors such as the wrong birthdate, and the statement that Fontana failed to publish widely or communicate with the scientifìc societies of other countries.

1967 301. P.G. WASER, Die Pharmakologie der Calebassenalkaloide. "Bulletin der Schweizerisch~ Akademie der Med. Wissenschaf­ ten" 22: 486-500, 1967. The experiments of Fontana with pot-curare are cited as the first to be free of objecrions.

302. A. MEYER, Marcello Malpighi and the dawn of neurohistology. "Journal of the neurologica! sciences" 4: 185-93, 1967. In. this translation and study of Malpighi's De cerebro, 1665, it is state

303. M. JouvET, Neurophysiology of the states of sleep. "Physiological Review" 4 7: 117-77, 196 7. 'Since early times, hunters have noticed that during sleep their dogs showed sudden motor episodes [ ... ] long ago attributed these episodes to oneiric activi ty'. Fontana ( 2 ) , as far back as 1765, called 'sonno profondo' this sleep with 'convulsions'.

304. F.E. RussEL, Pharmacology of animai venoms. "Clinica! Pharmacology and Therapeutics" 8: 849-73, 1967. This comprehensive review begins with a quotation from 'the most prolific of the early writers on venoms, Felix Fòntana', ciring (35).

- 111- follows 1967

304a. GIUSEPPE 0NGARO, Leopoldo Marc'Antonio Caldani e Albrecht von Haller. In: Atti del XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Medicina (Modena 22-24 Settembre 1967). Roma, Arti Grafiche. 26 pp. Valuable for presenting the actors and settlng the scene of 'ir­ ritability'.

1968 305. H.A. REin and K.E. CHAN, The paradox in therapeutic defibri­ nation. "The Lancet" 1968, I, 485-86. 'Since Fontana ( 1789) noted that blood remained fluid in ani­ mals killed by vipers, the relation of snake venoms to dotting and bleeding has been studied by many workers'.

306. Enwrn CLARKE, The doctrine of the hollow nerve in the se­ venteenth and eighteenth centuries. In: Medicine science and culture. Historical essays in honor of Owsei Temkin. L.G. Stevenson and R.P. Multhauf (Eds.) Bal­ timore, Jobns Hopkins Press. 1968. pp. 123-41. W•itb the following sentences, tbis scbolarly work pJ.aces securely Fontana among students of the nerve, from Alcmaeon to Zinn. 'In 1717 Leeuwenboek saw and illustrateci the single myelinated nerve fiber [ ... ] . Of Greater signifìcance, however was tbe second discovery, made by Fontana in 1779. Like Leeuwenboek be observed the ultimate nerve fìber, but unlike his Dutch pre­ decessor he realized that he had clone so'.

307. E.C. CLARKE and C.D. O'MALLEY, The human brain and spinai card. A historical study illustrated by writings /rom antiquity to the twentieth century. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press. 1968. pp. 35-38, 304, 321. The authors give a brief note on Fontana's life and works, and transiate three excerpts from the Traité sur le venin de la vipére ( 3 5). They state 'There was no important improvement in the

-112- follows 1968

fondamenta! structure of the microscope during the eighteenth century, and on the whole the instrument fell into disrepute for investigation of animai ood human biology because of the frequent anifacts that misled those who used it [ ... ] . There was only one noteworthy contribution made after Leeuwenhoek's obser­ vations of 1717 and before the 'invention of the achromatic, compound microscope. That was the investigation of nerve fibers carried out by Fontana in 1779 and published in 1781'. 'lt has been claimed [ ... ] that" Fontana described the axis cy­ Hnder and the enveloping myelin sheath; however it is diflìcult to be certain that this was so'. 'It has also been claimed [ ... ] that Fontana (1784) observed the fluidity of the axoplasm [ ... ] but [he] had no idea of its precise origin nor of its function, for he naturally interpreted it in terms of the then current concept of animai spirits'. The last seems not enrirely foir, in view of Fontana's attack on the then current concept of animai spirits ( 5). The comment of J ohannes Miiller on the reliable experiments of Font>ana is cited, also F's description of globules of the retina, but whether these 'were retinai nerve cells or optical artifacts cannot be determined'.

308. MARIA LUISA RIGHINI BoNELLI, Il museo di storia della scienza. Milano, Electa Editrice. 1968. 251 pp. An essay of 27 pp. on 'La nascita delle collezioni scientiliche del museo di storia della scienza' with 7 pp. of notes is followed by 143 pp. of plates, many in color, showing instruments conserved there. 1135 of these are mtalogued in 85 pp., with brief essays introducing each oategory. Attributions to Fontana are fully noted.

309. ADAM WANDRUSZKA, Pietro Leopoldo, un grande riformatore. Firenze, Vallechi. 1968. 635 pp., 11 ili. Translated from the German, Leopoldo II, Wien, Herold, 1963- 65, by Giuseppe Cosmelli. An understanding of the carer of Felice Fontana would be in­ complete without an <1ppreciation of the character, 'well-delineated in this book, of Peter Leopold of Hapsburg-Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tusoony 1765-90. Note that the chapter (Part 4, Chap­ ter 4) in which Fontana appears is named 'The Useful Sciences'.

-113 - follows 1968

309a. W. BiicHERL, E.E. BucKLEY, and V. DEULOFEU, Venomous animals and their venoms. New York and London, Academic Press, 1968. 3 vols. A. Devi (p. 120) wrote: 'These studies (Redi et al.) were greatly extended by Felice Fontana whose investigation is considered the first toxicological study and the beginninig of modem scientific research on snake venoms. Surprisingly these studies were not substantiated by anything significant for many years, unti! Silas Weir Mitchell [ ... ]'.

1969 310. G. BARBENSI, Il pensiero scientifico in Toscana. Disegno storico dalle origini al 1859. Firenze, Olschki, 1969. ix + 494 pp. For conveniently separateci periods in time, such subjects as history, mathematics, phys'ics, chemistty, medicine, ,academies and museums are trea ted in such a way as 'tO provide a background for individuals and events in Tuscany.

311. J. STAFLOVA, Adrenergic innervation of the iris. ciliary body, and ciliary processes of the rabbit eye. "Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin" 125: 107-18, 1969. An anatomica! study of the region of the eye described by Fon­ tana in 1781 (35).

312. PIETRO LEOPOLDO n' ASBURGO LORENA, Relazioni sul governo della Toscana. Firenze, Olschki. 1969. Voi. I, p. 87. Brief comments on Fontana, Giovanni Fabbroni, and Custodian Gagli, by Pietro Leopoldo, Grand Duke of Tuscany, in 1790.

313. M. JouvET, Biogenic amines and the states of sleep . . "Science" 163: 32-41, 1969. 'The concept of ,the dichotomy of sleep has vety ancient roots, predating even modem physiology', referring to Dei moti del­ l'iride, 1765 (2).

-114- follows 1969

314. H. J. WEiss, S. ALLAN, E. DAVIDSON and S. KocHwA, Afibri­ nogenemia in man following tbe bite o/ a rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus). "The Arnerican Journal of Medicine" 47: 625-34, 1969. 'The hypothesis ( that transient afibrinogenernia was the direct result of a venorn, which, like thrornbin, clots fìbrinogen [. .. ] ) was suggested by Fontana in 1787 [ ... ]'·.

1970 315. A. M. SrLLITO and A.W. ZBROZYNA, The activity characteristics o/ the preganglionic pupilloconstrictor neurones. "Journal of Physiology (London)" 211: 767-79, 1970. 'As early as the 18th century Fontana ( 1765) observed that the pupils which were constricted durlng sleep dilated on awakening and in the case of extrerne arousal produced by painful stirnuli not only were the pupils dilated but the constrictor response to light was blocked'. Experirnents providing an explanation are reported.

316. RoDERICK W. HoME, Electricity and the nervous fluid. "Journal of the History of Biology" 3: 235-51, 1970. Haller, Caldani, Fontana, Galvani 'and others on the identifìcation of the nervous fluid with electricity.

317. MARY A. B. BRAZIER, Felice Fontana (1730-1805). In: Founders o/ Neurology. W. Hayrnalrer and F. Schiller, (Eds.). Springfìeld, Thomas. 1970. pp. 202-206. A brief outline of the contributions of Fontana to the study of the physiology of the nervous systern.

318. BALASZ BuGYI, The artist of anatomica! wax preparations: Felice Fontana. "Orvosi Hetilap" 111: 1296-97, 1970. The author provides, fo Hungarian, an account of Fontana's !ife and works, lively but with rnany errors, as a background for the wax models now at the Sernrnelweis Museurn in Budapest, donated by Joseph II.

-115- 1971 319. H. SCHADEWALT, Geschichtliche Einfiihrung: Hygiene und Um­ weltschutz. "Zbl. Bakt. Hyg.", I, &bt. Orig. B. 155: 203-19, 1971. The investigations by Fontana and others of ·the salubrity of the atmosphere are presented.

320. K. H. NAIFEH, S. E. HuGGINS and H. E. HoFF, E/fects of br~in­ stem section on respiratory patterns of crocodilian reptiles. "Respiratory Physiology" 13: 186-97, 1971. 'The initial studies of Fontana ( 1781) [ ... ] established the principal fact of a medullary respiratory center [ ... ]'. 321. A. H. MOHAMED, M. S. EL-SEROUGI and R. M. HAMED, The elfect of Naja nigricollis venom on blood clotting. "Toxicon" 9: 173-76, 1971. 'Fontana was the first to descvibe snake venoms as coagulants and anticoagulants'. 322. K. MAX M0LLER and MoGENS WESTERGAARD, Felice Fontana (1730-1805). En Apologi. "Medicinsk Forum", 1971, 101-11. A relation of ·Fontana's first description of the nudeolus ( not the nucleus), with their repedtion and confirmation of the observation, and a brief biography and Hsdng of works.

323. BRUNO ZANOBIO, Micrographic illusoire et théories sur la struc­ ture de la matière vivante. "Clio Medica" 6: 25-40, 1971. On Fontana and others who described filamentous, reticular, and globular structures in tissues; their nature as chimeras.

1972 324. F. B. AnAMSTONE ·and A. B. TAYLOR, Nucleolar reorganization in the epithelial cells of the jejunum of the rat. "Journal of Morphology" 136: 131-45, 1972. The first description of the nucleolus is ascribed to Fontana, in 1781 (35).

-116- follows 1972

325. LUIGI BELLONI, Felice Fontana. In: Dictionary of Scientific Biography, C. C. Gillispie, (Ed.). New York, C. Scribner's Sons. 1972. Voi. 5, pp ..55-57. This article presents the major events in the life, the researches and discoveries, and the publications by and about Felice Fontana.

326. RENATO MAZZOLINI, Il carteggio tra Charles Bonnet e Felice Fontana. "Physis" 14: 69-103, 1972. This article prints 7 lecters: F to B 6 Apri! 1775; B to F 20 May 1775; B to F 21June1775; F to B 21June1775; B to F 8 July 1775; B to F 8 Apri! 1782; B to F 22 December 1784; they throw great light on Fontana's character and labors, his relations with Landriani and Spallanzani, among others, and his polemics with Corti, Roffredi and Targioni Tozzetti. It goes much furtlier, explaining the origins of Fontana's work in botany, i.e. the practical one of studying the diseases of grain contributing to the famines in Tuscany, Gnd the fundamental one of extending the laws of irritability to microscopie organisms; also Fontana's exploration of the connection of anima! and vegetable life, and · the nature of !ife and death.

327. J. 0CHOA, Ultrathin longitudinal sections of single myelinated fibers far electron microscopy. "Journal of the neurologica! sciences" 17: 103-6, 1972. 'Much of our basic knowledge of the ,anatomy of the nerve fìber has been obtained by examining teased fìbers with 1he light microscope. This technique, which preceded the use of sections of embedded tissue, was used by Felice Fontana in 1781 to describe the ·nerve fìber [ . . . ]'.

328. E. CLARKE and J. G. BEARN, The spirai nerve bands of Fontana. Brain" 95: l-20, 1972. A full review with many references, and their own experiments, which confìrm Fontana's description of 1781 (35, Voi. 2, pp. 194-203).

-117 - 1973

329. M. D. GRMEK, Raisonnement expérimentale et recherches toxico­ lÒgiques chez Claude Bernard. Genève, Droz. 1973. xi+ 474 pp. The author has written from a familiarity with the published works of Fontana, which he dtes at length, and with the pu­ blished works 'and the laboratory notebooks of Bemard. He points out where Fontana went wrong in his explanation of the poison of the Ticunas (curare), 'and that Bernard was right, /rom bis own viewpoint, when he stated in 1845, on ne connaissait alors rien sur le mode d' action physiologique de cette substance. As far their work on the venom of the viper, Bernard studied assiduously Fontana's writings and was impressed and influenced by his analytical method, that is, the use of locai poisoning.

330. HoMER E. LE GRAND, A note on fixed air: the zmiversal acid. "Ambix" 20: 88-94, 1973. The experiments of Fontana on acids and on fixed air are cited as contributions supporting the theory of the latter being the principle of acidi ty. Reviewed in "Isis", 1974, p. 99.


331. GIUSEPPE ONGARO, Felice Fontana. In: Enciclopedia Biografica degli Scienziati e Tecnologi dalle ori­ gini al 1875. Mondadori, 1975. I, 506-509. A comprehensive résumé of the !ife and works.


332. PETER K. KNOEFEL, Felice Fontana (1730-1805) Works un­ published and works unwritten. "Physis"-18 (2), 185-197, 1976. An analysis and description of Mss Palatino 778 and 1197 of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence. Also a listing of those Mss believed to be by Felice Fontana; also of other unpublished

-118- follows 1976

Mss. Added citations of works promised or announced, but which are not known to have appoored. Appendices: translations into English of some excerpts from unpublished Mss on anatomy, chemistry, physics, and physiology.

333. R.D.G. THEAKSTON and H.A. REm, Effectiveness of Zagreb antivenom against envenoming by the adder, Vipera berus. "Lancet", July 17, 1976, p. 121. Fontana's low estimate of the probability of fatallry is questioned.

1977 334. FRANCO VENTURI, Scienza e riforma nella Toscana del settecento. Targioni Tozzetti, Lapi, Montelatici, Fontana e Pagnini. "Rivista Storica Italiana" 89: 77-105, 1977. This arride deals with the atremps to prevent crop fuilure and epidemie fever, also the controversy centering around the Ali­ murgia.

335. MARIA LUISA AzzAROLI, La Specola. The zoologica/ museum of Florence University. In: La ceroplastica nella scienza e nell'arte. Atti del I Congresso Internazionale, Firenze, 3-7 Giugno 1975. Firenze, Olschki, 1977. 2 vols., 724 pp. pp. 1-22. I. A brief history. II. The scienrifìc collections and monumental quarters. III. The exhibition galleries, with the anatomica! sec­ tion, its history, techniques, and content.

336. ENRICO CoTURRI, Paolo Mascagni e suoi rapporti con le cere della Specola. pp. 41-48 in: Atti del congresso sulla ceroplastica. See N° 335.

337. PETER K. KNOEFEL, Felice Fontana and the Useful Sciences. pp.. 95-102 in: Atti del congresso sulla ceroplastica. See N° 335. On F's discovery of the gas-adsorbing properties of activated charcoal, with translation into English of an excerpt from N° 40.

-119- follows 1977

338. ANTONIO MARTELLI, La nascita del reale gabinetto di fisica e storia naturale di Firenze e l'anatomia in cera e legno di Felice Fontana. pp. 103-133 in: Atti del congresso sulla ceroplastica. See N° 335. A valuable historical note with numerous documents.

339. MARIA LUISA RIGHINI BoNELLI and ISABELLA TRUCI, L'istituto di fisica e scienza naturali di Firenze alla luce di nuovo docu­ menti d'archivio. pp. 135-157 in: Atti del congresso sulla ceroplastica. See N° 335. Emphasis on the physical instruments.

340. JAcQUELINE SoNOLET, A propos d'un mannequin anatomique en bois: Napoléon Bonaparte et Felice Fontana. •pp. 443-458 in: Atti del congresso sulla ceroplastica. See N° 335. On the demountable models in wood, with many letters.

341. S.I. HAJDU, Cytology from antiquity to Papanicolaou. "Aota Cytologica" 21: 668-676, 1977. H. credits Fontana witb fust seeing with the microscope exfo­ liated epithelial cells, and noting the presence of nudeus and nucleolus before Brown and Valentin. He errs in attributing the mention to 1767 (N° 8) •instead of 1781 (N° 35).


342. H.A. REm, Bites by foreign venomous snakes in Britain. "British Medicai Journal" I: 1598-1600, 1978. Although no deaths are recorded here, Fontana's Iow estimate of the likelihood of fatai outcome is criticized. His condemnation of scarifìcation ( N° 65, II, 50) is supported.

343. J.C. ZADOKS, Methodology of Epidemiologica! Research. In: Plant disease. An advanced treatise. James G. Horsfall and Ellis B. Cowling, Eds. New York, Academlc Press, 1978. Voi. II, pp. 63-96.

-120 - follows 1978

Z., citing the English translation of the Osservazioni sopra. la ruggine del grano (N° 81), rather than the origina! (N° 7), criticizes Fontana ( whom he calls Felipe) for using the word experiment. Fontana did not write sperimenti, but esperienze and osservazioni, and quoting Buffon, experiences. Ali these terms were rendered as experiments by the translator.

344. M.A.B. BRAZIER, Architectonics of the cerebral cortex: research in the 19"' century. · In: Architectonics of the cereb1·al cortex. M.A.B. Brazier and H. Petsche, Eds. New York, Raven Press, 1978. pp. 9-29. '[ ... ] the interpretations of Fontana's findings (on the nerve fiber) were controversia! and have remained so to this day'_.

1979 345. P. BoQUET, History of snakevenom research. In: Snake venoms. C-Y Lee, Ed. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Spvinger, 1979. A :fust-moving review, from antiquity to the present; including 'Fontana's beautiful book published in 1781'.

346. PETER K. KNOEFEL, Felice Fontana, 1730-1805. Eleven false attributions. "Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze" IV ( 1) 49-54, 1979. K. deals with Items 83, 89, 98, !Ola (questioned works) and 107, 108, 109, 111and112 (false attributions), also Voi. XXII of the Ms Palatino 1197 of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence.

347. PETER K. KNOEFEL, Felice Fontana on generation. "Perspectives in Biology and Medicine". 23: 70-82, 1979. A brief review of the history of the rivai theories of generation (preformation and epigenesis) is followed by a translation into English of Fontana's Lettera [ . .. ] sopra il sistema degli sviluppi (N° 101).

- 121- follows 1979

348. PETER K. KNoEFEL, Fiorentine anatomica/ models in wax and wood. "Medicina nei secoli" 15 ( 3): 329-340. Dated September-Decem­ ber 1978, tltls actually appeared 1n October 1979. Notes on the production of wax models in Florence by Cigoli, Zummo, and Fontana, in Bologna by Lelli and the Manzol1nis, with contemporary and subsequent comments on them; also Fon­ tana's efforts to exchange wood for_ wax. 349. BENEDETTO LANZA, MARIA LUISA AZZAROLI PUCCETTI, MARTA PoGGESI, and ANTONIO MARTELLI. Photographs by LIBERTO PERUGI, Le cere anatomiche della Specola. Florence, Arnaud, 1979. 253 pp., 20.5 x 19 cm. This magnifìcent work is a complete photographic recording of the wru<: models of La Specola, largely from the peniod of Fon­ tana. There are 59 plates in color, with an apposite page in black-and-white with each structure labelled. There are 68 plates in black•and-white, with each photograph having a descrip­ tive caption. There are also essays on the history of the museum, and of cereoplastics including technical procedures, and biogra­ phical notes on Zummo, Fontana, Mascagni, Susini, and Peter Leopold of Hapsburg-Lorraine. There is also a bibliography, an index of names of persons, one of anatomica! terms in Larin, and one of 'the plates. 350. PETER K. KNOEFEL, The discovery of the adsorbent property of activated carbon. "Archives Intemationales d'histoire des Sciences" 29: 28-34, 1979, (Printed in 1980).

The rpriority of 0the discoveries of Bryan Higgins, Fontana, Lowitz, Priestley, and Scheele is discussed. 351. PETER K. KNoEFEL, Famine and fever in Tuscany. Eighteenth century I talian concern with the environment. "Physis" Anno XXI; 7-35, 1979. (Printed in 1980). Fontana's studies of the rust of wheat and the salubrity of the atmosphere are presented in relationship to the work of Giovanni Targioni Tozzerti and Marsilio Landriani.

- 122 - follows 1979

352. PETER K. KNOEFEL, Antonio Scarpa, Felice Fontana, and 1he Wax Models for Pavia. "Medicina nei Secoli" XVI, N' 2; 219-234, (May-August) 1979. (Printed in 1980). On the themes of: anatomica! preparations versus models; the origins, cerebral or spinai, of the sympathetic ( 'intercostal') nerves.

1980 353. MARIO FERRAR! and FRANCO PELLEGRI, Felice Fontana. lntroduction by Gino Tomasi. "Natura Alpina" 31: 1-52, 1980. Notes on the life and works, with many photographs.

354. PETER K. KNoEFEL, A barometer and a thermometer of Felice Fontana. "Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze". In press.

355. PETER K. KNOEFEL, Felice Fontana on Poisons. "Clio Medica". In press.

356. RENATO MAZZOLINI ·and GIUSEPPE ONGARO, [a cura di] Car­ teggio con Leopoldo Marc'Antonio Caldani 1758-1794. Trento, ed. Srudi Trentini di Scienze Storiche, pp. vi + 396 pp. 1980.

357. RENATO G. MAZZOLINI, The Iris in Eighteenth-century Physiology. Bem, Stuttgart, V·ienna, Huber. vi+ 193 pp. 1980. Extensive treatment of N' 2.


1. Portrait, oil on canvas, 58 x 49 cm., by Giulio (posslbly Julius) Eckel, 1887. Our knowledge of the origin of this portrait comes from a manuscript ", Dalle memorie storiche della Società Musicale Felice e Gregorio Fontana di Pomarolo by Don Luigi Bolner, first president of the Society. In Chapter 10, 'The portraits of the Fontanas', Don Luigi wrote that Signor Enrico Fontana (a descendant of Francesco, younge!' brother of Felice and Gregorio, according to Adami, 23 7) had 'a me­ dallion depicting the bust of Felice, which was photographed and the photograph sent to Vienna, to Mr. Giulio Eckel, aoademician-painter, brother-in-law of Sig. Angelo Aldrighetti, patron•member of the Society. The portrait, along with one of Gregorio, arrived in Pomarolo on the 5th September 1887. The •two portraits were placed back-tcrback in an ovai foame which was mounted on .a staff, which then served as a trofeo to be carried at the head of the Banda Musicale of the Society on its public appearances. Only the portrait of Gregorio is signed (G. Eckel, 1887) but there is no doubt of their similar origin. Nothing more of G. Eckel has been ascertained. This is •the most frequently reproduced of ali representations of Felice Fonvana (249, 256, 262, 276, 279, 290, 291, 322), but it must he regarded as chiefly the product of ·the artist's fantasy. It is now ·in the Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati.

2. Portrait, oil on canvas, 57.5 x 46 cm. This portrait of unknown provenance is in the Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati. The inscrip­ tion reads:

'" Ms. in the possession of Signorina Gina Adami, Rovereto.

-125- FELIX.FONTANA.ROBORETANUS. ACAD.SOCIUS.MAGNO.HETRURIAE. DUCE.A.PHYSICES.EXPERIM.ET.MUSEO. NATURALI.ATQ.IN.PISAN.LYCEO.PROF. HONORAR.CUI.IN.EXQUIRENDI. RER.CAUSSIS.VEL.CALLORI. IUDICIO.PAUCI.PARES.PO NUNTUR.ANTEFERTUR. NEMO. Felice Fontana of Rovereto, n1ember of the Academy. Professor of experimental physics in the Museum of the Grand Duke of Tuscany and honorary professor in the Liceo of Pisa, with whom in the research into _ the causes of things few may be placed equa! for judgment, none placed before. We do not Jmow that it was taken from life, but if it were, a likely date would be about 1770, on the basis that ·if he had been then director of the Museum ( which he became in 177 5), that would ha ve been recorded in the inscription. This would have him aged 40, which seems consonant with the face ·as depicted. This portrait is reproduced in 290, 317, 318.

3. Bust in plaster, llie-size. Of unknown provenance, this bust is in the Museum of la Specola, Firenze. Photographs of it are in 237, 242, 249, 256, 269, 310.

4. Bust in low -relief in plaster. Of unknown provenance, its copies exist in the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze, and in the Museo Civico, Rovereto.

5. Bust in low relief in bronze. The inscription reads (fa translation): Felice Fontana, glory of Italy, in Santa Croce. Physiologist, chemist, pathologist, microscopist, seer, revealed the most arduous secrets of the human organism. His master's genius createci the anatomica! waxes which the world admires. 1730 1805 Tbe medallion was affixed to the façade of the Municipio in Pomarolo in September, 1930. It is the work of Stefano Zuech ( 1877-1968), born 'in Brez, a village in the Dolomiti di Brenta, northwest of Trento. He

-126- studied under E. Pendl and E. v. Hellmer at the Imperlai Academy of Fine Arts in V~enna ( 1908), where he won severa! prizes, receiving in 1910 a state pension 'and a gold meda!. In 1912 Zuech opened bis own studio in Vienna, from which carne a bust of Cardinal Bishop Bern. Clesio ( 16th century) for Trento, where Zuech went after ,the war. Many pieces were made there, including commemorative medallions.

6. Death-mask in plaster. Many of the plaster molds used in making the anatomica! models in wax are 'Stili conserved af the Museum of La Specola in Florence. This death mask was found among them by An­ tonio Martelli in the autumn of 1974. Its provenance is indicateci by the following from the Archivio di Stato, Firenze, Filza No. 4863, I. R. Corte, entitled Il Museo di Fisica, Conti dall'Ottobre 1814 a tutto il 1820. A page therein is a printed form entitled Nota di spese minute fatte' da me infrascritto di questo Imperiale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale dal dì primo a tutto il dì 31 Dicembre 1814 ( the final date was added by hand). One entry reads: (Item) 27 ditto (i.e. disborso) a Gaetano 'Ciampi per la maschera del defunto Direttore Felice Fontana ( Signed) Luigi Baci. Compta. De' Bardi (Director) 10 L Gaetano Ciampi appears to have been the heir of Vincenzio Ciampi, Formatore, who, having his own shop as a maker of casts and wax models, was called to the Museum in 179 3 to evaluate the plaster molds (I. R. Corte 131: Segreteria della Corona e da Corte, Filza Negozj; Archivio di Stato, Firenze). The photograph was made directly from the mask.

7. Representations, present location not lmown. 'a. Adami ( 23 7, p. xxxvii) mentions a bronze medallion of a bust in high relief, inscribed: 'Felice Cavaliere De Fontana', of unknown provenance and undated, in the Museo Civico of Rovereto. b. A bust, the property of Sig. Enrico Fontana ( see 1 ) . c. In a letter to Casimiro Ad ami for ,the celebration of 19 O5 held in Pomarolo, the birthplace of Felice Fontana, Guglielmo Rorniti ( 1850- 1936), Professor of Anatomy at the University of Pisa, wrote, 17 Au­ gust 1905, '[ ... ] Fontana (whose bust has •always adorned my stu­ dy [ ... ]' (237, p. 43).


The numbers given are page numbers

Adarrµ, Casimiro li 41, 56, 90, 92, 94, Bergman, Torbern 93, 97 91l, 127 Bernard, Claude 118 Adami, Gina 125 Bernoulli, Johann III 64, 65 Adamstone, F.B. 116 Berres, Joseph 106 Adanson, Miche! 14, 15, 42 Berthollet, Claude Louis 63, 75 Adet, Pierre August 74, 75 Betti, Mario 96 Alcmaeon 112 Bewley; William 63 Aldini, Jean 79 Bianchi, Giovanni 60, 99 Aldrighetti, Angelo 125 Bilancioni, Guglielmo 43, 45, 47, 48, Alfieri, Vittorio 90 98, 100 Alighieri, Dante 98 Boccardo, G. 89 Al!an, S. 115 Boerhaave, Hermann 1O1 Ambrosi, Francesco 89, 90, 91 Boi, Francesco 102 Argand, Aimé 43 Bolner, don Luigi 125 Aristotle 91 Bolton, H.C. 91 Azzaroli, Maria Luisa 119, 122 Bonaparte, Napoleon 79, 120 Baci, Luigi 127 Bonelli, Maria Luisa (Righini) 97 Bailey, Wil!iam 62 Bonnet, Charles 9, 11, 41, 45, 54, 117 Baldassari 13 Bonomi, L. 99 Barbensi, G. 114 Boquet, P. 121 Bardi, Girolamo De' 127 Born, I. E. von 63 Bartolozzi, Francesco 70, 74 Bowditch, Henry Pickering 101 Barzellotti, G. 79 Bowman, William 84 Bassi, Laura 54, 57 Brainard, David 86 Baur, Samuel 81 Brandis, J.D. 78 Bearn, J.G. 117 Brazier, Mary A.B. 104, 108, 115, 121 Belloni, Luigi 83, 105, 108, 117 Brogiani, Domenico 106 Benedicenti, Alberto 94 Brown, john 101

-129 - Brown, Rooert 120 Darcet, Jean 2, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28 Biicherl, W. 114 Darwin, Erasmus 101 Buckley, E.E. 103, 114 Da.,idson, E. 115 Buf!on, Georges-Louis Ledere li, 121 Dechambre, A. 82, 88 Bugyi, Balasz 115 De Feller ,F .-X. 84 De Pesti, C. 89, 90 Burdach, Karl Friedrich 85, 101 Del Guerra, G. 99 Burdin, Y. 101 Della Decima, Angelo 44, 69 Cagnoli, Luigi 57 Della Torre, Giovanni Maria 9, 108 Caldani, Leopoldo Marc'Antonio 2, De Renzi, S. 85 7, 8, 10, 39, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, Desgenettes, René 77, 82, 84, 86 59, 99, 101, 110, 112 Deulofeu, V. 114 Capparoni, Pietro 95, 96 Devi, A. 114 Capra, Baldassare 73 Deyeux, Nicolaus 65 Castaldi, Luigi 102 Dezeimeris, J.E. 84 Cavendish, Henry 99 Dietrich, Baron d'Holbach (Paul Ceruti 42 Thierry) 63 Ce sa rin i Sforza, Lamberto 95 Di Palma, J.R. 111 Chan, K.E. 112 Di Pietro, Pericle 105 Charas, Moyse 106 Drebbol, Cornelius 68 Chaulnes, Due de, Marie Joseph Louis Du Bois Reymond, Emile 1 d'Alberi d'Ailly 25, 26, 28, 63 Dupaty, C.M.J.B.M. 77 Chiarenti, Francesco 76 Earles, M.P. 106 Chiesa, G. 92 Eckel, Giulio 99, 125 Chiusole, F. 55 El-Serougi, M.S. 116 Chiusole, Pio viii Ciampi, Gaetano 127 Fabbroni, Giovanni 73, 97, 114 Ciampi, Vincenzo 127 Fabri, Giacinto Bartolmeo 59 Cigoli (Lodovico Cardi) 122 Fayrer. J. 37 Cioni, Gaetano 30, 72, 73, 74, 75 Ferber, Johann Jacob 63 Cirincione, Giuseppe 90 Ferrati, Mario 123 Clarke, Edwin 112, 117 Ferroni, Pietro 14 Clesio, Bern. 127 Filatele, Eusebio 72 Corsini, Andrea 102 Firmian, Carlo di 8, 9 Corti, Bonaventura 15, 41, 63, 117 Fontana, Bernardino 80, 95 Cotugno, Domenico 53, 110 Fontana, Elena 51, 54 Coturri, Enrico 119 Fontana, Enrico 125 Cubieres I'ainé 79 Fontana, Francesco 125 Cuvier, Georges L.C.F.D. 45, 82, 83, Fontana, Giovanni Maria Urbano 48, 84 49

-130 - Fontana, Giuseppe 51, 53, 54 Hebenstreit, E.B.G. 29, 38 Fontana, Gregorio 25, 48, 49, 51, 56, Hellmer, E. von 127 80, 92, 98, 125 Higgins, Bryan 122 Fontana, Teresa 55 Hintzsche, Erich 8, 110 Fourcroy, Antoine François de 45 Hoefer, Francis 86, 97 Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine, Hoff, Hebbel E. 38, 100, 101, 105, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Holy Ro­ 116 man Emperor, father of Joseph Home, Roderick W. 115 and Peter Leopold 108 Huggins, S.E. 116 Franck, Giuseppe 95, 96 Frank, see Franck Ingenhousz, Jan 2, 19, 30, 66, 67, 68, Frank, Johann Peter 96 69, 71, 74 Franklin, Benjamin 104 Joseph II, Emperor 90, 115 Galen 91 Jouvet, M. 111, 114 Galilei, Galileo 98 Karant, Philip viii Galvagni, Govanni 9 3 Keilin, David 104 Galvani, Luigi 34, 115 Klauber, Laurence M. 103 Garrison, F.H. 100 Klobusitzky, D. de 107 Gesner, Johannes 38, 94 Knoefel, Peter K. 118, 119, 121, 122, Gibelin, Jean 1, 2, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 123 37, 71 Giorgi, Ferdinando 30, 31, 72, 73, Kochwa, S: 115 75, 82 Kollner, D.}. 78 Girardi, Michele 34, 77 Kopp, H. 49 Girtanner, C. 77, 80 Kronecker, Kad Hugo 101 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 83, 105 Lagusius, Johan Georg 9, 10 Grassini, Riccardo 93 Landi, Vincenzo 8 Grisellini, Francesco 53 L'llndriani, Marsiglia 56, 62, 65, 66, Grmek, M.D. 118 68, 71, 91, 108, 117, 122 Guareschi, Icilio 49, 93, 94 Lanza, Benedetto 122 Guarnieri, E. 76 Larousse, P. 88 Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent 30, 44, 72, 2, 25, 33 75, 99 Leake, Chauncey D. 103 Hackert, F. 97 Leeu\venhoek, Antonj van 112, 113 Hajdu, S.I. 120 Le Grand, Homer E. 118 Haller, Albrecht von 1, 7, 8, 12, 38, 42, 43, 45, 52, 53, 56, 59, 60, 64, Lelli, Ercole 110, 122 66, 70, 79, 84, 94, 101, 110, 112, Leonardo da Vinci 98 115 Leopold, Duke of Lorraine 108 Hamed, R.M. 116 Leopold II of Hapsburg-Lorraine, HasenOhrl see Lagusius Holy Roman Emperor 100, 113

- 131 Loebisch 99 Neuburger, Max 92 Loewenfeld, Irene E. 103 Newton, Isaac 9, 10, 98 Lorgna, A.M. 31 Niccoli, Raimondo 56 Lowitz, Johann Tobias 122 Niemeyer, L.H.C. 78 Lussana, F1lippo 88 Nitto, A. 107 Luz, ].F. 70 N.N. 15, 16, 41, 63 Macquer, Pierre Joseph 65 Nordstrom, Johan 97 Magellan, Jean-Hyacinthe de 71 Malpighi, Marcello 111 Ochoa, J. 117 Mangill, Giuseppe 34, 45, 80 O'Malley, C.D. 112 Mannelli, M.A. 76 Ongaro, Giuseppe viii, 56, 112, 118, Manzolini 100, 122 123 Marchand, John Felix 38 Ozanics, Victoria 109 Marey, Etienne Jules 101 Pace, Antonio 56, 101, 104 Marshall, Humphrey 55 Pacini, Filippo 85 Martelli, Antonio viii, 120, 122, 127 Paradise, John 18, 19 Martin, C.J. 91 Pasolli, Carlo 98 Mascagni, Paolo 102, 106, 119, 122 Pazzini, A. 101 Matani, Antonio 61 Matthias, Emperor 90 Pecorella Vergnano, L. 7 Mazzolini, Renato G. viii, 41, 56, 117, Pellegri, Franco 123 123 Pendi, E. 127 Mead, Richard 22, 90, 106 Perelli, Tommaso 60 Meldrum, B.S. 109 Perugi, Liberto 122 Metherie, Jean Claude de La 30, 71, Peter Leopold of Hapsburg-Lorraine, 75 Grand Duke of Tuscany 9, 11, 62, Meusnier de la Piace, Jean Baptiste 96, 97, 100, 113, 114, 122 Marie Charles 30, 44, 75 Phisalix, Marie 94 Meyer, A. 111 Pirone, P.P. 38 Micheli, Everardo 88 Poggendorff, J. 87 Middleton, W.E. Knowles 109 Poggesi, Marta 122 Mitchell, S. Weir 87, 91, 114 Porges, N. 103 Mohamed, A.M. 116 Priestley, Joseph 2, 18, 19, 20, 64, Mllller, K. Max 116 65, 66, 68, 91, 99, 122 Monro, Alexander Secundus 106 Pringle, John 67 Moscati, Pietro 68 Proner, Luigi 105 Miiller, Johannes 113 Provenza!, Giulio 1, 99, 100 Murray, Adolf 2, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28 Muschenbroek, P. van 65 Quérard, I.M. 77, 83 Naifeh, K.H. 116 Redi, Francesco 90, 106, 114 Natali, Giulio 98 Reichert, E.T. 91

132 - Reid, HA. 112, 119, 120 Tabarrani, Pietro 10, 60 Richards, Vincent 90 Targioni Tozzetti, Giovanni 13, 40, Righini Bonelli, Maria Luisa viii, 113, 117, 119, 122 120 Tartarotti, Girolamo 51, 95 Rivani, Alessandro 73 Taub, Aaron M. 11 O Rodriguez-Erdmann, F. 109 Tavanti, Angelo 56 Roffredi, Maurizio 63, 117 Taylor, A.B. 116 Romiti, Guglielmo 127 Telani, Giuseppe 89 Rozier, François 42 Theakston, R.D.G. 119 Rude!, Otto 95 Thomson, Willlam 96 Russell, F .E. 111 Thouvenel 96 Russo, Andrea 11 O Tofani, Giuseppe 73 Tosetti, Urbain 7 Sage, Balthazar Georges 38 Tramontani, Luigi 73, 74 Samoggia, Luigi 56, 110 Truci, Isabella 120 Sarchiani, Giuseppe 80 Scarpa, Antonio 2, 35, 36 Valentin, G. 120 Schadewalt, H. 116 Van Swieten, Gerard 10 Scharf, J.-H. 103 Vedrani, Alberto 94, 95 Scheele, Cari Wilhelm 99, 122 Venturi, Franco 11? Verati, G. 52, 53, 54 Schiff, Moritz 85, 101 Verri, PJetro 108 Schiff, Ugo 76, 96, 97 Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl 101 Selmi, Francesco 88 Vitali, G. 86 Senac, Jean-Baptiste 21, 32, 101 Volta, Alessandro 54, 55, 57, 97, 108 Senebier, Jean 65, 70, 76, 97 Settle, Thomas viii Wandruszka, Adam 108, 113 Shastid, T.H. 94 Waser, P.G. 111 Sheppard, L.B. 107 Wasserberg, F.X. von 16 Sigaud de Ja Fond, Joseph Aignan 67 Weiss, H.J. 115 Sigerist, Henry E. 94 Westergaard, Mogens 116 Whytt, Robert 101 Sillito, A.M. 115 Wichelhausen, Engelbert 78 Slcinner, Joseph 32, 76 Willis, Thomas 106' Slop, Giuseppe Antonio 99 Wurzbach, Constant von 86 Smelser, G.K. 109 Somis, Ignazio 11 O Zadoks, J.C. 120 Sonolet, Jacqueline 120 Zanobio, Bruno 105, 106, 107, 116 Spallanzani, Lazzaro 45, 53, 57, 96, Zbrozyna, A.W. 115 117 Zinn, Johann Gottfried 112 Sprengel, Kurt 79, 81, 83 Zobi, Antonio 85 Staflova, J. 114 Zuccagni, Attilio 45 Stoll, Maximilian 69 Zuech, Stefano 98, 126 Susini, Clemente 102, 122 Zummo, Gaetano Giulio 122 1

