
The faculty at Washington & Jefferson College is described in the catalog as “master teachers, mentors and advisers who take an active interest in students’ futures and preparedness for life beyond campus.” Without a doubt, this outstanding group of scholars, Fulbright Fellows, world travelers, and experts in their fields creates a first-rate learning community within a collaborative and integrated learning environment.

As a liberal arts college, we tend to focus on classroom excellence and the learning environment. At the same time, however, our faculty members achieve impressive recognition for their research and scholarship, a side of their professional careers perhaps a bit less apparent to the College community. These accomplishments take many forms: publications, presentations, artistic and creative endeavors, new pedagogical methods, as well as contributions to the community outside the College.

This Almanac of Scholarly and Professional Achievement brings together in one document the accomplishments of this remarkable group of teachers and scholars over the past year, along with the outstanding achievements of some of their students. It serves as a celebration, if you will; a bit of blowing our own horn, to be sure – but eminently appropriate and well deserved. We also hope this impressive list serves as a motivator, a challenge, and a stimulus for future endeavors.

This integration of excellent teaching with impressive scholarship is one of the qualities which makes W&J special and about which we all should be quite proud. Congratulations to all!

John E. Zimmerman, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty

1 Publications Dr. Barry Chametzky, Adjunct Instructor of Modern Languages, published the following: Yalof, B., & Chametzky B. (2016, under review). Mentoring online doctoral students through a community of practice model. Under review with the Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning.

Chametzky, B. (2016). Contradictions in e-learning: The naturalness of unnaturally learning online. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 4(1), 15-27. Available from

Chametzky, B. (2015). Book review of Girardet, & Pécheur. (Eds.). (2013). Écho: Méthode de français. Paris, : CLE Intérnational. To be available from The French Review, 89(1), October 2015.

Chametzky, B. (2015). Surviving situational suffering: A classic grounded theory study of post-secondary contingent faculty members in the . Grounded Theory Review, 14(1). Available from situational-suffering-a-classic-grounded-theory-study-of-post- secondary-part-time-educators-in-the-united-states/.

Chametzky, B. (2015). Blurred lines: A study of engagement in online learning. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 8(2), 70-78. doi:10.9734/BJESBS/2015/16876.

George David Clark, Assistant Professor of English, published: New Poems: “Wind in the Cypress, Salt in the Wind” in Third Coast (forthcoming Spring 2016) “Twenty-Five Years of Fresh Air” in Image (forthcoming Spring 2016)

2 “Pale Lieutenant at the Empire Ball” in AGNI (forthcoming Spring 2016) “Poltergeists” in Birmingham Poetry Review (forthcoming Spring 2016) “The Statue Gardens,” The Gettysburg Review 29.1 (2016): 5-10. Print. “Traveling Circus,” The Cincinnati Review 12.2 (2015): 161-2. Print. “Dim Time,” The Cincinnati Review 12.2 (2015): 163. Print. “One More Minute,” Southern Poetry Review 53.1 (2015): 50. Print.

Poems Reprinted in Anthologies and Special Series: “Jellyfish,” “White Noise,” and ‘Whatever Burn this Be,” Ed. Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum. 2016. Web. “Cigarettes,” Mildly Erotic Verse. Ed. Emma Wright. London: The Emma Press, 2016. 71-3. Print. “Jellyfish,” Full: An Anthology of Moon Poems. Eds. Hornfeldt and Durrant. Toledo: Two of Cups Press, 2016. 30-2. Print. “Gilapause” and “Cold Night,” Manifest West. Ed. Mark Todd. Gunnison: Western Press Books, 2015. 53, 63. Print. “Jellyfish,” Stone, River, Sky. Eds. Melissa Dickson and Carey Scott Wilkerson. Mobile: Negative Capability Press, 2015. 37-8. Print. “Cigarettes,” Slow Things. Ed. Emma Wright. London: The Emma Press. 2015. 43-5. Print. “Dim Time” was also published as a limited edition broadside by the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center

Dr. Samuel Fee, Professor of Computing and Information Studies, published:

3 Fee, S. B. (2016). Reflections on Custom Mobile App Development for Archaeological Data Collection. In Averett, E. W., Gordon, J. M., & Counts, D. B. (eds.)

Mobilizing the Past: Recent Approaches to Archaeological Fieldwork in the Digital Age. Grand Forks, ND: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota.

Dr. Ryan Higginbottom, Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics, published Warm-Up Problems: How to Help Students Learn, Avoid Grading Homework, and Make All Your Dreams Come True, MAA FOCUS 36 (2016), no. 1, 31–32.

Dr. Amanda Holland-Minkley, Associate Professor of Computing and Information Studies, published the following: Amanda M. Holland-Minkley and Thomas Lombardi. 2016. Improving Engagement in Introductory Courses with Homework Resubmission. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 534-539.

Dr. Hanna Kim, Associate Professor of Philosophy, published: "Aesthetic Terms, Metaphor, and Categories: A Reply to De Clercq," Philosophia (2015) 43 (4):1059-1066.

“Metaphor-Proof Expressions: A Dimensional Account of the Metaphorical Uninterpretability of Aesthetic Terms,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (2015) 73:4.

Dr. Hsiao-Ching Kuo, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business, published: Nakhata, Chinintorn, and Hsiao-Ching Kuo (2016), "Consumer avoidance of specially priced items during social coupon redemption." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

Dr. Carolyn Kyler, Professor of English, published “Dawn in Harlem: Exploring the Origins of the Harlem Renaissance through Image and

4 Text.” Critical Insights: Harlem Renaissance. Ed. Christopher Varlack. Ipswich, MA: Grey House, 2015. 3-21.

Dr. Robbie Iuliucci, Professor of Chemistry, publish the following: Monitoring the Refinement of Crystal Structures with 15N Solid- State NMR Shift Tensor Data. Keyton Kalakewich, Robbie Iuliucci, Karl T. Mueller, Harriet Eloranta, James K. Harper, Journal of Chemical Physics 2015, 143, 194702 [DOI:10.1063/1.4935367].

Critical Analysis of Cluster Models and Exchange-Correlation Functionals for Calculating Magnetic Shielding in Molecular Solids, Sean T. Holmes, Robbie Iuliucci, Karl Mueller, and Cecil Dybowski, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2015 11 (11), 5229–5241 [DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.5b00752].

Insight to the chemically active silanol group through accurate prediction of the high resolution 29Si solid state NMR spectrum of crystalline triphenysilanol. Robbie J. Iuliucci, Project Report for Department of Energy Visiting Faculty Program Grant, August 30, 2015.

Dr. Robert Litchfield, Associate Professor of Business, published Litchfield, R. C., Ford, C., & Gentry, R. (2015). Linking individual creativity to organizational innovation. Journal of Creative Behavior, 49, 279-294. DOI: 10.1002/jocb.65

Dr. Thomas Lombardi, Associate Professor of Computing and Information Studies, published: Holland-Minkley, A. M., & Lombardi, T. (2016, February). Improving Engagement in Introductory Courses with Homework Resubmission. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (pp. 534-539). ACM.

5 Dr. James Longo, Professor of Education, wrote selections in Mediators Beyond Borders International Education Mediation Curriculum Handbook. Educational Consultant. 2016.

Dr. W. Thomas Mainwaring, Professor of History, published “The Underground Railroad: Deus ex Machina,” in Regina D. Sullivan and Monte Harrell Hampton, eds., Varieties of Southern Religious History: Essays in Honor of Donald G. Mathews (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2015).

Dr. Michael McCracken, Associate Professor of Physics, published: M.E. McCracken, et al. "Search for baryon-number and lepton- number violating decays of Λ hyperons using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory”. Physical Review D 92, 072002 (2015).

Dr. Stuart J. Miller, Professor of Sociology, announces the publication of his 17th book, the 8th edition of Juvenile Justice in America with Clemens Bartollas and Pearson publications.

Dr. Cathy Petchel, Assistant Professor of Psychology, published “Harnessing the potential of community-based participatory research approaches in bipolar disorder” Michalak et al. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders (2016) 4:4.

Jeffrey Siger, Adjunct Professor of English, published DEVIL OF DELPHI, the seventh mystery-thriller in his Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis series (Poisoned Pen Press, 2015).

Dr. Olga Solovieva, Assistant Professor and Director of Religious Studies Program, published “Spiritual Exegesis as an Ascetic Performance in Gregory of Nyssa,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 23:4 (Winter 2015), 529-558.

Dr. Linda Troost, Professor of English, published the following: “Archery in the Long Eighteenth Century,” British Sporting Literature and Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century, ed. Sharon Harrow (Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2015): 105–24.


“What to Make of Frank Churchill,” Sensibilities: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of Australia 51 (2015): 110–19.

Reviews of Barbara K. Seeber's Jane Austen and Animals (Ashgate, 2013) and Sarah Raff's Jane Austen's Erotic Advice (Oxford UP, 2014), Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 35.1 (2016): forthcoming.

Dr. Robert G. Walker, Senior Research Fellow, published: “Fugitive Allusions in Boswell in Search of a Wife, or The Charming Mr. Boswell,” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, 22 (2015), 93-111.

“The Rough-hewn Patterns of Evelyn Waugh’s Sword of Honor,” Sewanee Review, 123 (Fall 2015), 674-84.

“Issues with Biographical Evidence in Recent Studies of Samuel Johnson: A Review Essay,” Biography, 38.3 (Summer 2015), 425- 435.

“Boswell’s Reference to Erasmus on His Fear of Death,” Notes & Queries, 62 (2015), 302.

“John Armstrong’s ‘Finer Souls’ in an Early Boswell Journal,” Notes & Queries, 63 (2016), 86-87.

Hugo Grotius: The Truth of the Christian Religion (Antognazza, ed.), Religion in the Age of Enlightenment, 5 (2015), 311-315.

Prose Immortality, 1711-1819 (Sider Jost), Eighteenth-Century Intelligencer, (forthcoming, March 2016).

7 Presentations Dr. Amparo Alpañés, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, presented “The End of the World: Spanish Science Fiction and Society.” Bridges Across Cultures, Florence, , July 2015.

Dr. Jennifer Logan Bayline, Associate Professor of Chemistry, presented the following: “The Chemistry of Perfume.” Networking Dinner (hosted by the Pittsburgh Women Chemist Committee), Pittsburgh, PA, February 2016.

Wilkes, R.A.*, J.L. Bayline, and J.S. Kilgore. 2015. Phytoremediation potential of native wetland species in acid mine drainage (AMD) conditions. Poster presentation at 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, Aug 2015. (this is already entered under Jason Kilgore if you want to somehow combine info) *W&J General Biology Major (’15)

Dr. Barry Chametzky, Adjunct Instructor of Modern Languages, presented Classic Grounded Theory: What is it and how is it done. Invited lecture to an advanced Sociology class at Washington & Jefferson College: November 9, 2015.

George David Clark, Assistant Professor of English, presented: Visiting Writer Reading: Poet’s in Print Series at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center (10/10/15).

Visiting Writer Reading: SAFTA Pen to Podium Series in Knoxville (1/10/16).

Visiting Writer Reading/Craft Lecture (“Dramas of Syntax in Bishop and Shakespeare”): Trevecca University (1/28/16).

Visiting Writer Reading/Craft Lecture (“Metrical Tools for the Free Verse Poet”): Union University (3/10/16).

8 Off-Site Reading: 32 Poems in LA with Pleiades and Tupelo Quarterly (3/30/16).

Featured Reading: Arkansas Literary Festival (4/15/16).

Dr. Michael Crabtree, Professor of Psychology, presented: Hofscher, R., Russell, E., Crabtree, M., Bennett, E., Kennedy, K., & Isacco, A. (2016, August). National Guard and Reserves: An Examination of Differences Concerning Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms. Presentation part of a symposium, Translating Research with National Guard and Reserve Veteran into Effective Clinical Practice. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.

Kennedy, K., Parks, A., Bennett, E., & Crabtree, M. (2016, August). How Social Factors Impact Treatment-Seeking among National Guard and Reserve Service Members. Presentation part of a symposium, Translating Research with National Guard and Reserve Veteran into Effective Clinical Practice. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado.

Hofscher, R., Russell, E., Crabtree, M., Bennett, E., Kennedy, K., & Isacco, A. (2016). National Guard and Reserves: An Examination of Differences Concerning Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms. Submitted to Journal of Military Behavioral Health on 3/18/16.

“Addiction: A Family Affair”, Presented at the 3rd Annual Banquet of Resurrection Power of Washington, Invited Presentation, April 9, 2016, George Washington Hotel

“Staying Intellectual Active while Operating as a Practitioner”, Invited Presentation for Pecosh Counseling and Consulting, January 20, 2016, Washington PA

9 Susan F. Crampton-Frenchik, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, presented: "What Have You Done for the Garden Entrusted to You?: (In)visibility in Véronique Tadjo’s Written and Painted Narratives," South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference, Durham, NC, November 2015.

“En-gendering the Spirit of Rebellion: Identity through Mobility in the Works of Malika Mokeddem and Véronique Tadjo”, Women in French Conference, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, June 2016.

Dr. Candy DeBerry, Professor of Biology, gave the following presentations: "Creating Wildlife Habitats" and “Water Conservation in the Garden” workshops for the Master Naturalist Program of the West Virginia Department of Conservation and Natural Resources at the Good Zoo at Oglebay in Wheeling, WV, in June 2015.

“Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden” at the 5th annual Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs, PA, in September 2015. The Fair, sponsored by Mother Earth News magazine, is one of the premier sustainable living events in the United States.

"What Can Gardeners Do To Fight Climate Change?" at the Washington District United Methodist Women’s annual meeting in Washington, PA, in September 2015.

“Medicine in the Civil War, 1861-1865: Marvels, Maladies, and Misconceptions” at the Lunch with Friends continuing education meeting for the Friends of Citizens Library in Washington, PA, in October 2015.

Dr. Annette Drew-Bear, Professor of English, presented:

10 “Rhetoric in the Shakespeare Classroom” in the Colloquy on Practical Rhetoric for Performance and the Classroom at the Blackfriars Conference, Staunton, Virginia, 30 October, 2015.

“Engaging Students in Textual Studies” in the Seminar on Teaching Textual Studies in/through Shakespeare at the Shakespeare Association of America meeting in New Orleans, 24 March, 2016.

Dr. Robert East, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, presented:

Dr. Tara Fee, Associate Professor of English, presented “The Real Housewives of New England: Economy and Epistemology in Lydia Maria Child’s The American Frugal Housewife” at the Society for the Study of American Women Writers in , 5-7 November 2015.

Dr. Zheya Gai, Professor of Political Science and International Studies, presented a paper titled “Sino-Japan Relations: Hot Economics Cold Politics” at the 44th annual conference of the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies (MAR/AAS) held at the University of Pittsburgh on Oct. 9-11, 2015.

Dr. Charles Hannon, Professor of Computing and Information Studies, presented the following: “Visualizing Referentiality in As I Lay Dying.” Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), July 15-18, 2015, University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.

“IxD as Service to the Community.” Interaction Design Education Summit, February 28-29, 2016, Helsinki, Finland.

“Gender and Status in Voice User Interfaces.” Interaction 16, March 1-4, 2016, Helsinki, Finland.

Dr. Jennifer Harding, Associate Professor of English, presented:

11 “Similes and Puns: a Rescue Mission.” Keynote address at the Poetics and Linguistics Association annual conference in Canterbury, England, July 18, 2015.

“Embodied Reading and John Updike’s ‘Transaction’.” Panel presentation at the Northeast Modern Language Association annual convention, Hartford, Connecticut, March 20, 2016.

Dr. Ryan Higginbottom Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics, and Dr. Steven Malinak, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, presented an organized panel discussion “Reconnecting the Liberal Arts with the Natural Science and Mathematics" at The Transylvania Seminar on July 25, 2015 in Lexington, KY.

Dr. Ryan Higginbottom Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics, presented "Warmup Problems: How to Help Students Learn, Avoid Grading Homework, and Make All Your Dreams Come True," presented at Mathfest on August 6, 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Robbie Iuliucci, Professor of Chemistry, presented the following: University of Central Florida, Chemistry Department Seminar, January 2016, Measuring and modeling chemical shift anisotropy in nanoparticles used as protective barriers in Lithium sulfur batteries.

Pacific North National Laboratory, Environmental Molecular Science Seminar, July, 28 2015, Measuring and modeling the 29Si chemical shift anisotropy in crystalline triphenylsilanol.

Dr. Jason Kilgore, Associate Professor of Biology, presented the following: Toski, D.*, and J. Kilgore. 2016. Quantifying carbon sequestration and storage in an urban campus arboretum. Poster presentation at Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Kutztown, PA, April 2016. *W&J Environmental Studies Major (’16)


Wilkes, R.A.*, J.L. Bayline, and J.S. Kilgore. 2015. Phytoremediation potential of native wetland species in acid mine drainage (AMD) conditions. Poster presentation at 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, Aug 2015. *W&J General Biology Major (’15)

Ritchey, J.P.*, and J.S. Kilgore. 2015. Is aggregative oviposition beneficial to emerald ash borer fitness? Poster presentation at 2015 ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Aug 2015. *W&J General Biology Major (’15)

Wilkes, R.A.*, and J.S. Kilgore. 2015. On the border: Is emerald ash borer associated with ash trees exposed to higher light intensity? Poster presentation at 2015 ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Aug 2015. *W&J General Biology Major (’15)

Dr. Hanna Kim, Associate Professor of Philosophy, presented: “Thick and Thin Notions of Desert: What Kind of Desert Is Involved in Folk Attributions of Moral Responsibility?” Midsouth Philosophy Conference, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN (February, 2016).

“Challenging Vargas’s Revisionism: What Kind of Desert is Involved in Folk Attributions of Moral Responsibility?” Buffalo Annual Experimental Philosophy Conference, University at Buffalo, Poster Presentation (September, 2016).

Comments on Timothy Perrine’s (Indiana University) “Credit Virtue Epistemology and Explanatory Questions”, Midsouth Philosophy Conference, Memphis, TN (February).

Dr. Hsiao-Ching Kuo, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business, published:

13 Kuo, Hsiao-Ching and Sajeev Varki (2016), “Information valence and information type as determinants of information sensitivity and consumers’ willingness to share personal information,” 2016 Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Bergen, Norway, June 23-26, 2016.

Kuo, Hsiao-Ching (2016), “The Effect of categorization mindset on consumers’ social decisions”, 2016 Annual Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 18- 20, 2016.

Nakhata, Chinintorn and Hsiao-Ching Kuo (2012), “Negative Online Consumer Review and Online Shopping Behavior: The Moderating Effects of Discount Size and Product Type.” MBAA International Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 28-30, 2012.

Dr. Carolyn Kyler, Professor of English, presented “James Weldon Johnson and the Legacy of ‘The Creation.’” College English Association National Conference. Denver, Colorado. April 2, 2016.

Dr. Yi-Tak Lai, Assistant Professor of Biology, presented: Dove, L.J., Molina, A.E., Lai, Y.T., Bayline, R.J. “Studying hedgehog gene expression during muscle development in Manduca sexta” 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2015.

Molina, A.E., Dove, L.J., Lai, Y.T., Bayline, R.J. “RNA sequences analysis of muscle development in Manduca sexta” 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2015.

Dr. Alice Grier Lee, Professor of Biology, took her "Music of Life" FYS class to hear her play on the South Hills Multi-Organist recital on September 14, 2015 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon. The other four recitalists are organists at area churches and Trinity Cathedral.


Dr. Michael Lewis, Assistant Professor of English, presented: “Liberalism, Labor, and Agency in the Industrial Novel.” Victorians Institute Conference, Spartanburg SC, October 2-3, 2015.

“Workers’ Nature in Political Economy and the Industrial Novel.” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, Asheville NC, March 10-13, 2016.

Dr. Robert Litchfield, Associate Professor of Business, presented the following: Litchfield, R. C., & Hirst, G. (2015). A new creative imperative? Reconciling individual creative action and employment precarity. Paper presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver.

Litchfield, R. C., Gilson & Shalley, C. E. (2015). Can teams have a creative personality? Poster presented at INGroup conference, Pittsburgh.

Dr. Thomas Lombardi, Associate Professor of Computing and Information Studies, presented: Lombardi, T. (2015, November 13). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Metadata. Computational Visual Aesthetics Workshop at University of Pittsburgh [HTML]. Retrieved from metadata-tom-lombardi/.

Lombardi, T. (2016, June). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Metadata. Keystone Digital Humanities Conference 2016, Pittsburgh, PA, June 22-24, 2016.

Dr. James Longo, Professor of Education presented the following:

15 ” Why Students Hate History and What Teaching the Lives of Presidents and First Ladies Can Do About It.” The Advocates: WJUP Radio, Jupiter, Florida, January 2016.

“Favorite Haunts – Here, There, and Everywhere.” Lunch with Friends. Citizen’s Library, Washington, PA, October 2015.

“How to Write a Good Ghost Story.” Washington Park Middle School, October 2015.

“School Improvement that Works: College-School District- Foundation Partnerships.” Oxford Education Research Symposium, Pembroke College, Oxford University, Oxford, England, August 2015.

Dr. Steven Malinak, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Chemistry, presented “Evolution: The Paradigm for the Liberal Arts” at The Transylvania Seminar, Transylvania University, Lexington KY, 23-25 July 2015.

Professor Pat Maloney, Professor of Art, presented: Sabbatical art exhibition, "A Child's Story" in Olin Art Gallery, September 18–October 11, 2015. Created twenty-seven new small scale earthenware and porcelain of books and children's clothing that reflect images of children she met in India, Haiti and Africa and gave a public lecture at the Opening Reception, September 11.

Guest speaker, "A Child's Story" and discussed the creative process, challenges of being an artist, rejection, failure, loss, abandonment and the fragility of life to the following classes: EDU 403 Instruction and Assessment, EDU 207 Educational Psychology, October 13 and ENG 205 Creative Writing, October 15 in Olin Art Gallery.

Benedum Guest Speaker, "The Graphic Imagery on Ghanaian Cloth and the Cultural Interpretation." An interactive Adinkra

16 printing workshop to fifth grade students with the assistance of Professor Ryan Bunting and Mrs. Diane Day at Washington Park Elementary on November 24.

Dr. Karin Maresh, Associate Professor of Communication Arts, presented “Forgotten Playwrights and the of Irish Memory.” Panel Respondant. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Montréal, Canada, August 2015.

Dr. Kathleen McEvoy, Associate Professor of English, presented “Horror and the Origins of Gabriel García Márquez’s Magical Realism,” College English Association Conference (CEA), Denver, CO, March 2016.

Dr. Susan Medley, Professor of Music, presented: “Roundtable Discussion on Challenges Facing the Community Choir Conductor,” American Choral Directors Association PA Summer Conference, Elizabethtown College, August 3, 2015.

Choral Reading Session for Conductors of Community, Music & Worship, and Youth Choirs, Co-presenter, American Choral Directors Association PA Summer Conference, Elizabethtown College, August 4, 2015.

Dr. Gregg Osborne, Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy, presented “Bennett’s Porcelain Pig and the Empirical Unity of Time”, presented at 12th International Kant Congress, University of Vienna, September 21, 2015

Dr. Keun Jae Park, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business: Served as a discussant at Financial Management Association Meetings in Orlando, October, 2015.

Scheduled to present a paper, “Superstar CEOs and Innovation”, at Eastern Finance Association in Baltimore, April, 2016.

17 Dr. Cathy Petchel, Assistant Professor of Psychology, presented “Criminal Minds and Psychopaths in Contemporary Crime Series” Bridges Across Cultures Conference Florence, Italy July, 2015.

Associate Professor of Art, Patrick Schmidt, participated in four exhibitions this year. Solo exhibition at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA Schmidt installed seven new works on paper and created a drawing installation using a variety of colorful tape filling an entire room

Schmidt also presented in three group shows for the Amazing Artists of Pittsburgh, at the Christine Frechard Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA Schmidt presented five paintings.

For the Landscape Problem, at the Mine Factory, Pittsburgh, PA he included a drawing installation around a 3FT square column.

And for the Possible Realities 2, Karl Stirner Trail Proposals Exhibition at , Easton, PA he presented a maquette.

Aric Brown ’17 will present the results of his research with Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan, Associate Professor of Biology, as a research poster titled “Bryophyte and sediment bacterial communities from streams in Southwestern PA” at the Western Biology Symposium held in Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA. Apr. 2, 2016.

Christy Presson Shaughnessy, Associate Professor and Chair of the Modern Languages, presented: “Illustrating Emilia Pardo Bazán’s Short Fiction.“ 65th Annual Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature (MIFLC), College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C., October 15, 2015.

"This is the Modern World: Nature vs. Civilization in Pardo Bazán's Short Fiction." Carolina Conference for Romance Studies, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, April 2, 2016.


Dr. Dana Shiller, Associate Professor of English, presented “Hollinghurst’s The Stranger’s Child: The Romance of the Archive and the Pity of War” at the Northeast Modern Language Association conference, Hartford, March 19, 2016.

Dr. Olga Solovieva, Assistant Professor and Director of Religious Studies Program, “Literary Representations of Pilgrimage and the Construction of Religious Subjectivity,” the American Academy of Religion, Eastern International Region Annual Meeting, May 6-7, 2016.

Caitlin M. Tice ’16 presented the results of her research with Dr. Candy S. DeBerry, Professor of Biology, and Dr. Michael S. Leonard, Associate Professor of Chemistry, in a poster entitled “Alternative and FDA- approved cancer treatments: comparing hydrophobicity and induction of apoptosis in HeLa cells” at the 251st American Chemical Society national meeting in San Diego, CA.

Dr. Linda Troost, Professor of English, presented the following: “How the Internet Made Jane Austen Famous,” W&J Faculty Colloquium (February 2016).

“Merry Sherwood and the 1795-96 London Theatre Season,” Modern Language Association, Austin, Texas (January 2016).

“Pride and Prejudice 1995: The Game Changer,” BBC Pride and Prejudice 1995: Reflections around a Much-Loved Production, Chawton House Library, Chawton, England (September 2015), with Sayre Greenfield.

“Jane Austen, Sea Anemones, and Digital Archives”, Centre for the Book, U of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (July 2015).

“Multimedia Emma,” Jane Austen Society of Australia, Canberra (July 2015), with Sayre Greenfield.

19 “Words with Jane: What to Make of Frank Churchill,” Jane Austen Society of Australia, Canberra (July 2015).

Dr. Michael Wolf, Associate Professor of Philosophy, presented the following: “A Third Way: The Manifest and Scientific Images are Interwoven.” Wilfrid Sellars Society Meeting, APA Eastern Division Meetings, January 8, 2016.

“Weak Externalism and Absent Kinds.” Mid-Atlantic Philosophy of Language Group. West Virginia University, August 8, 2015.

“Cross-Discourse Contribution (Themes from The Normative and the Natural).” Books-in-Progress Session at the Summer Institute in American Philosophy. University College Dublin, June 8, 2015. . Dr. Roman Wong, Professor of Mathematics, presented: Presentation at the 2015 Fall Ohio Section Meeting of MAA (Mathematical Association of America) at Capital University, October 23-24.

Presentation at the 2016 national Joint Mathematics Meeting in Seattle, January 6-9.

Dr. Han Ye, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, presented the following: “A Further study on Error Analysis and Learner Strategy in L2 Chinese Character Learning”, The 14th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, May 7, 2016.

Feedback in a Synchronous Classroom, The 9th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (TCLT9), University of Macau, China, May 27-29, 2016.

20 Fellowships and Grants

George David Clark, Assistant Professor of English, received a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference.

Dr. Zheya Gai, Professor of Political Science and International Studies, works with Dr. Robert East, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies as co-PIs on a Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) Exploratory Grant. They will take a group of students to China in June 2016 to conduct collaborative projects with students and faculty at our partner schools in China.

Dr. Jennifer Harding, Associate Professor of English, received a 1970 Fund for Faculty Development grant, providing funds to pay an undergraduate research assistant to provide bibliographic help on Harding’s book manuscript, Similes, Puns, and Counterfactuals in Literary Narrative, forthcoming from Routledge.

Dr. Robbie Iuliucci, Professor of Chemistry, received the Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions Department of Energy Visiting Faculty Program

Dr. Michael Lewis, Assistant Professor of English, Dr. Dana Shiller, Professor of English, and Dr. Linda Troost, Professor of English received awards from the Class of 1970 Fund for Faculty Development.

Dr. James Longo, Professor of Education, continues working with the Benedum Master Teacher Grant, partnering with Washington School District and Mary Montague with TIDES Training of Belfast, North Ireland, 2015. The week of April 9 – 16, 2016 Mary Montague returned to lecture, guest teach, and work with community leaders as part of the Benedum Master Teacher Grant and other financial organizations on campus.

21 Dr. Karin Maresh, Associate Professor of Communication Arts, was one of five W&J faculty to receive a Mellon Grant for the development of a Latin American Studies minor at the College (Summer 2015).

Dr. Keun Jae Park, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business, received a journal submission fee grant from the Economics and Business Department.

22 Research Projects

Dr. Jennifer Logan Bayline, Associate Professor of Chemistry, mentored the research of Abigail DeIuliis ’16 in her independent study, “Chemical Analysis of an Oil Painting.”

George David Clark, Assistant Professor of English, works in progress: Romance in the Panopticon (a collection of poems).

Contemporary Poets of Faith (an anthology, co-edited with Joshua Robbins of University of the Incarnate Word).

Dr. Hsiao-Ching Kuo, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business: Kuo, Hsiao-Ching and Chinintorn Nakhata, “Price promotions and products with low consumer ratings,” Manuscript in preparation for submission to Journal of Consumer Marketing by April 15, 2016.

Kuo, Hsiao-Ching and Sajeev Varki, “How you categorize influences how helpful you are: the effect of categorization mindset on consumers’ social decision,” Manuscript in preparation for submission to Journal of Consumer Psychology by Summer 2016.

Kuo, Hsiao-Ching and Sajeev Varki, “What makes for ‘sensitive information’?” Manuscript in preparation for submission to Journal of Service Research by Summer 2016.

Kuo, Hsiao-Ching and Sajeev Varki, “Are firms perceived to be safer after a hack attack?” Manuscript in preparation for submission to a top-tier journal by Summer 2016.

Dr. Yi-Tak Lai, Assistant Professor of Biology, mentored the research of Lindsey Dove ’16 and Ana Molina (Brazilian Scientific Mobility Program) with Dr. Ron Bayline, Associate Professor of Biology, on characterizing the muscle development genes in Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) between June and August of 2015. She is also continuing research with

23 Dr. Thomas Lombardi and Dr.Ronald Bayline on studying the RNA expression profile in Manduca sexta using molecular and computational tools.

Dr. Alice Grier Lee, Professor of Biology, is an investigator on a new grant from the National Science Foundation to Carnegie Mellon University to further develop cognitive genetic tutor programs. The current grant focuses on the development of a curriculum on genetics pathways with four topics and the research goal is to examine how learning transfers from one topic to the next. Dr. Lee is using two models in Genetics (BIO 201) this year: Developmental Genetics and Gene Regulation. This is the 12th year that Dr. Lee has collaborated with CMU on cognitive genetic tutor programs as an investigator.

Dr. James Longo, Professor of Education, is working on final edits on Vendetta: Hitler’s War Against a Vanished Empire, A Dead Archduke, and His Royal Orphans.

Dr. Keun Jae Park, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business, is involved in research on the following projects: “Superstar CEOs and Innovation” “Management Team Diversity and Corporate Innovation” “Passive Institutional Investors and Corporate Innovation”

Luisa Lopes de Souza conducted molecular microbiology research with Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan in Summer 2015 to develop and standardize molecular biology protocols for identifying fungi from streams.

Aric Brown ’17 conducted bioinformatics-based molecular microbiology research with Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan in Spring 2016 to characterize and compare bacterial communities of two different streams in three different seasons.

Caitlin M. Tice ’16 completed an independent study entitled “Alternative and FDA-approved cancer treatments: comparing hydrophobicity and induction of apoptosis in HeLa cells” under the

24 supervision of Dr. Candy S. DeBerry, Professor of Biology, and Dr. Michael S. Leonard, Associate Professor of Chemistry.

Dr. Han Ye, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages: Paper: Feedback in a Synchronous Classroom (under review)

Paper: A Study on the Acquisition of Mandarin Classifiers by Heritage and Second Language Learners of Chinese (under review) Other Honors and Activities

Dr. Amparo Alpañés, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, was Conference co-organizer at the II Annual International Conferencec in the Humanities - Bridges Across Cultures, Florence, Italy, July 2015.

Dr. Candy DeBerry, Professor of Biology, attended the 24rd Native Plants in the Landscape Conference at Millersville University, Millersville, PA, in June 2015. Dr. DeBerry serves on the conference steering committee and was assistanceships coordinator for the 2015 conference.

George David Clark, Assistant Professor of English: Reviews of Reveille (my book—published Feb. 2015) appeared in Rain Taxi, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Quarterly West, The Hopkins Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, and The Journal.

Edited/published two print issues of 32 Poems (13.2 and 14.1) as editor-in-chief. Selections from these issues were reprinted in Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, Best American Poetry, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology among other publications.

Edited/published dozens of interviews, reviews, and critical essays online through the prose features project at 32

Nominated and advanced to finalist in the running to replace George Core as editor of The Sewanee Review.

25 Dr. Zheya Gai, Professor of Political Science and International Studies: Serves as the Director of the ASIANetwork Freeman Student- Faculty Fellows program, which provides grants to student- faculty teams to conduct summer projects in Asia.

Appointed as a members of the McCoy Award Selection Committee at Marietta College in Fall 2015.

Served as the chief organizer of the 4th Annual Pittsburgh Asia Consortium (PAC) Undergraduate Asian Studies Research Conference hosted by Washington and Jefferson College on Saturday, April 9, 2016.

Peer-nominated as a speaker on the ASIANetwork Speakers Bureau 2017-2019.

Dr. Jennifer Harding, Associate Professor of English, served as a board member of the Main Street Farmers Market and of the Washington County Historical Society, supporting their efforts and creating opportunities for student internships.

Dr. Jason Kilgore, Associate Professor of Biology: Level I Accreditation, Campus Arboretum at W&J College. 2016. ArbNet, Morton Register of Arboreta, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL.

Annual Wetlands Walk. 2016. Chartiers Creek Watershed Association, Washington, PA.

Arbor Day Observance, Campus Arboretum at W&J College. 2015. Planted four ginkgo trees. W&J College, Washington, PA.

Tree Campus USA Certification, Campus Arboretum at W&J College. 2015. Arbor Day Foundation, Nebraska City, NE.

Dr. Hsiao-Ching Kuo, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business, received the 2015 AMA/ACRA Triennial Conference nomination of best

26 paper award (“Nakhata, Chinintorn and Hsiao-Ching Kuo, “Consumer Avoidance of Special-Priced Items during Social Coupon Redemption,”)

Dr. Carolyn Kyler, Professor of English, was elected Second Vice President of the College English Association.

Dr. Yi-Tak Lai, Assistant Professor of Biology, and Dr. Thomas Lombardi, Assistant Professor of Computing and Information Studies participated in the 2015 RNA-Seq for the Next Generation workshop hosted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA learning center at Bowie State University in June 2015. They also participated in the 2015 Genome Consortium for Active Teaching NextGen Sequencing (GCAT-SEEK) Undergraduate Education Workshop at Morgan State University in June 2015. Both workshops are being funded by the National Science Foundation.

Dr. Alice Grier Lee, Professor of Biology, worked with a group of students to establish a Pre-Vet Club as part of the Pre-Health Professions Society. Dr. Lee serves as the faculty advisor for the group.

Dr. James Longo, Professor of Education, was: Elected to the executive board as an educational consultant for “Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Maxo Vanka.” St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church, Millvale, PA. January 2016.

Quoted in the Observer Reporter, “Washington Woman Helping in War Torn South Sudan.” November 18, 2015.

Quoted in the Observer Reporter, “Peacemaker: “Rehumanizing” is the Key to Resolution.” November 13, 2015.

A member of the Middle States Evaluation Team, Middle States Commission on Higher Education, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, October 2015.

A participant at the “Fulbright Scholar Program, Annual Conference and Anniversary Austrian-American Fulbright Program.” Embassy of Austria, Washington DC. October 2015.


Elected to the advisory board Washington Health System Teen Outreach Program, Washington, PA 2015.

A book reviewer for Nonnie Talks About Race: An Interactive Book for Children and Adults. By Mary Jo Podgurski. 2015.

Washington and Jefferson College, was recognized as one of the “30 Great Small Colleges for a Teaching Degree” by W & J shared this honor with Swarthmore, Vassar, Bowdoin, Spelman, Colgate, Fisk and other nationally recognized liberal arts colleges, 2015.

Dr. W. Thomas Mainwaring, Professor of History, attended the Southern Historical Association annual meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, where his graduate school adviser, Donald G. Mathews, was honored for a long and distinguished career in history.

Dr. Karin Maresh, Associate Professor of Communication Arts, was a performer in Be My Baby at the Apple Hill Playhouse, Delmont, PA (August 2015).

Dr. Lauryn S. Mayer, Associate Professor of English, organized and ran the 30th International Conference on Medievalism, held in Pittsburgh on October 2nd and 3rd.

Dr. Susan Medley, Professor of Music: Will lead the Pittsburgh Concert Chorale in a performance on the Dollar Bank Main Stage of the Three Rivers Arts Festival, June 11, 2016.

Served as Adjudicator for the Heinz Chapel Chamber Choir Festival, University of Pittsburgh, February 21, 2016.

Organized and conducted the fourth annual “Pittsburgh Sings: The Pittsburgh Concert Chorale Festival of Choirs” at Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland, November 1, 2015.


Elected President-Elect of American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania, September 2015.

Dr. Gregg Osborne, Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy, served as referee for British Journal of the History of Philosophy and for Hume Studies.

Dr. Deborah Polvani, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, was selected to attend a National Science Foundation sponsored workshop (through cCWCS - Chemistry Collaborations, Workshops, and Communities of Scholars) on Food Chemistry to take place at Clarke University in Dubuque, IA, June 26 – July 1, 2016.

Dr. Dana Shiller, Associate Professor of English, taught a module on World War I literature at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) in Gujarat, India (January 9-16, 2016).

Adjunct Professor of English, Jeffrey Siger’s novel, DEVIL OF DELPHI is nominated by “Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine” as a 2016 Barry Award winner for BEST NOVEL.

Dr. Linda Troost, Professor of English: Recorded a podcast in the series Chawton House Library Conversations, May 2015.

Had an interview with her published in The Accidental Indexer by Nan Badgett (Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2015): 28-29.