THOUGHT VIBRATION T N and Th E Lo S H C V Io of Sound , S We T of T Ose Whi H Gi E

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THOUGHT VIBRATION T N and Th E Lo S H C V Io of Sound , S We T of T Ose Whi H Gi E Th o u gh t ! Vi b ra ti o n The Law of Attraction in the Thou ght World By WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON ” “ ” Authot of Thou h t P m The Law of the New Th ou ht on. g o . g . THE LIBRARY SHELF 1299 Farwell Ave . Chicago 1908 P REFACE. 1 0 1 William alker I n December , 9 , W Atkinson in assuming the editorship of the popular maga N zw T HOU G HT s zine , introduced him elf to the readers of that periodical in a memorable article . a a t a a a i Th t r icle cont ined cle r, ring ng, forceful a h s u a e a st tement of i individ l cre d , th n which nothing can aff ord a deeper insi ght into the char acter and inner self of the man whose name ap I pears as author of thi s book . t is the crys tallize n - d expressio of the world principles, the a and truths , which his writings seek to illumin te, in my Opinion should be read by every student as of his works , the key to the philosophy he a te ches . i a r h as r For th s re son the e been p efixed to this , “ a M k his l test book, under the title y Wor ing ” d a a a Cree , the most vit l of the fund ment l b e i en a M r l efs unci ted by . Atkinson in that famous i a 1 n a ntroductory st tement of 1 90 . None ca re d ” r I BELI EVE the ecurring, ringing of this a w an a s n uthor, ithout feeling n weri g thrill of PREFACE xa ta an e l tion d power . To those who read this oo I sa b k would y, imbue yourself thoroughly with the broad and beautiful spirit of those few preliminary paragraphs that you may pass on understandingly to the perusal of the teachings which follow. Those who have an opportunity to refer to the a a rticle from which this Creed is t ken , should do * I a so . t a tells of the work , the m teri l success , w - a a and a follo ed by over str in , physic l ment l ea and a a a a br kdown fin nci l dis ster , which m rked the earlier years of William Walker Atkinson . I t shows how he came to know what he now T HE T RU T H and holds to be , how , in his own h as a a . life, he demonstr ted its v lue For from n a and a and a a me t l physic l wreck fin nci l ruin , he ea wrought through its principles, perfect h lth , mental vigor and material prosperity . M r. a a Atkinson , during the m ny ye rs of his c a a N EW T HOU G HT onnection with the m g zine, , built for himself an enduring place in the hearts r a a of its reade s . For four ye rs his liter ry work was n a a confi ed to its p ges (including in ddition , e and a a thre books for its publishers) , rticle fter article of wonderful streng th and vital force en D flowed from his p . uring this time several 1" “ ” I nclu ded in Ncv Th o h t Annual for 1902 pub llsh ed by T h e New T h ough t P ubli sh ing PREFACE e s a a ar series of l s ons ppe red, under v ying titles , in rega rd to the application of the Law of At a n s tr ction i the Thought World, le sons which created a sensation and exerted a wonderful in flu ence upon the lives of those who applied their ’ Mr . s principles. They were written in Atkin on s own a a sp rkling, intim te style, teeming with all at thought , force, energy, fire, but shorn of “ mos h ere all a at fin p of the study, ttempt e writ ” a and ing, polished periods or dignified met phor, ' all fi a a ect tion or assumption of superior learning. ’ ki s One of M r. At nson s cardinal principle is “ ” a and a St nd on your own feet , he deprec tes n a y attempt to read infallibility into his writings . For this reason we have again prefaced the pres “ ” ent work with 3 Foreword in which he seeks ll N e t to instill into a students of w Though , whet her as expressed in his writings or in those — - of t s a . o her , the qu lity of self dependence A reading of this Foreword will g ive th e student a clear idea of the attitude of mind in which Mr l a . Atkinson thinks this and a l other individu l interpret r tions of life should be approached “ ” With My Working Creed and the Fore ” as u n a word g ides, the prese t re der should enter u T HOU G HT I BRAT I ON o e pon V , the b ok prop r, in PREFACE a spirit calculated to extract the greatest possible a v lue . T H OUG HT VI BRA T I ON embraces two series of a a the vit l lessons mentioned bove, with some a a a r ddition l rticles by M . Atkinson follow ing ou t the same line of teaching. The order of the lessons h as been somewhat changed in the combination ; and for further continuity and ea o cl rness , new less n titles in the form of chapter a a he dings h ve been selected . The publishers have preferred to retain the familiar unstudied style o f as a a a the lessons, origin lly written , r ther th n to subject the articles to the literary revision by the author which usually precedes publication in book ’ M r a . form . They contend th t Atkinson s mightiest a and influence, his gre test strength power, lies in s a a nd at t es v his imple, str ightforw rd , a im e en — “ colloquial language the kind which even my can a as a little son underst nd , wrote in gr titude a h e one earnest student . It is such writing th t t e — can a and world n eds, writing which be re d “ ” th e apprehended by the little sons of world, e m ere whether known as childr n or as en. Th “ ” i s a great deal of so- called fine writing on a New Thought subjects, be utiful sentences full t b u t of high , though some imes misty thought ; PREFACE ix a a a a this world needs common , pr ctic l , everyd y p plication of this thought . Where there is one e a a are a reader for the lit r ry m sterpiece, there e a hu ndred readers (plus ev n th t other one) , for o n as a ee a man the b ok writte k n , live, hum n talks and e a ffi e , writt n bout the di culti s , the prob a a e lems , the possibilities of the ver ge citiz n of the world . M s a r. ha a er This is truth Atkinson m st ed, and it is with intention he casts from h imthe s an a a em . a al re trictions of c d ic style He spe ks, ” a b u t w ys , not in dignified tones to the public, ' a n in the langu ge of a friend to YOU . It ca b e a hi m a as a s id of in pr ise, of nother before him : “ ”— Th e common people h eard h im g ladly! the s e a highe t , most nduring tribute th t can b e paid a ea to l der of men . Recognition is due to Louise Radford Wells e for the r vision of the proofs of this book, the and a r ea an selection of its title ch pte h dings , d th e a a m ordered rr nge ent of the lessons . RAN KLI N ERRY F L. B , E u h ditor of N ew Th o g t . Ju ne I 1 0 6 5, 9 Ch i ca o I lli nois g , . CONT ENT S . PREFACE B i B rr y Frankl n L. e y. I n whi ch we learn somethi ng of th e au thor and h ow rn th e book was bo . Fonzwonn I n whi ch th e au thor h as a word to say a ou t m b t eac ers and i sci es i se i nc u ed. h d pl , h lf l d MY WoRRI N o Cam f r Th e I beli eve o th e au tho . CHAPTER I Tm: LAW or ATTRACTI ON I N T HE T HOUGHT WORLD — One reat Law Thou ht a mani estati on of Ener y g g— f g - Thou ht Vi rati on Vi rati ons of i ht and g b b l —g heat di ff er solely i n rat e of vi brati on Hu man i nst ru ment capable of regi steri ng - — thou ght waves Experi ment s i n t elepat hy prove - — th e law of thou ht attracti on Li ke a t racts i ke g — t l i n th e Thou ght -world Th e wi reless t elegraphy of th mi n —A fie of ener wi t esta i w e d ld gy h bl shed la s.
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