
%LDZDN  SS © 2016 by International Varanid Interest Group

)HHGLQJ%HKDYLRURIDQ$VLDQ:DWHU0RQLWRU Varanus salvator macromaculatus on a Bornean Bearded Pig Sus barbatus barbatus Carcass


1The Nature Conservancy Suite 2-01, 60 Leicester Street Carlton, Victoria 3053, AU (PDLOM¿W]VLPRQV#WQFRUJ

2School of Life and Environmental Sciences Deakin University 221 Burwood Highway Burwood, Victoria 3125, AU

3BirdLife Australia Suite 2-05, 60 Leicester Street Carlton, Victoria 3053, AU E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract – The Southeast Asian water monitor Varanus salvator is considered to be a generalist carnivore. Here, we describe an observation of a V. s. macromaculatus feeding on a dead adult Bornean bearded pig Sus barbatus barbatus in , and review other cases of V. salvator feeding on Sus species elsewhere in southeast .

Introduction Observations

The Southeast Asian water monitor Varanus  $W  K RQ  2FWREHU  ZH REVHUYHG D V. salvator is considered to be a generalist carnivore. Its salvator macromaculatus feeding on a dead adult diet includes large invertebrates and small vertebrates Bornean bearded pig Sus barbatus barbatus on the VXFK DV LQVHFWV ¿VK FUDEV IUHVKZDWHU WXUWOHV VHD PXGG\EDQNVRIWKH.LQDEDWDQJDQ5LYHUQHDU6XNDX WXUWOHV OL]DUGV FURFRGLOHV DQG WKHLU HJJV ELUGV DQG 6DEDK %RUQHR ƒ ƍ 1 ƒ ƍ (  )LJV     WKHLUHJJVDQGUDWVLQDGGLWLRQWRFDUULRQ 'DV The pig showed no obvious signs of decomposition or *DXONH   *DXONH  +RUQ  6KLQH et LQMXU\ ZDV ODUJHO\ LQWDFW DQG WKH FDXVH RI GHDWK ZDV al7UDHKROWDE 2SLQLRQVRQWKHUHODWLYH not obvious. A saltwater Crocodylus porosus importance of carrion vary between authors. Although ZDV DOVR ZDWFKLQJ WKH IHHGLQJ HYHQW IURP WKH ZDWHU GRFXPHQWHGVSHFLHVVSHFL¿FGDWDRQLWVGLHWDQGIHHGLQJ approximately 10 m from the bank. During the 10 techniques are scarce (Bundhitwongrut et al. LW PLQXWHV RI REVHUYDWLRQ WKH ZDWHU PRQLWRU IHG RQ WKH is increasingly reported (e.g. %XQGKLWZRQJUXW et al pig’s soft internal tissues which were obtained by the  &RWD  6RPPHUODG  .DUXQDUDWKQD et al. monitor’s head entering a cavity in the pig’s abdomen /RVRV *UHHQH6WDQQHU  (Fig. 2). The monitor was cautious throughout the feeding event. On returning to the site approximately 50 BIAWAK VOL. 10 NO. 2 49

Fig. 1. Varanus salvator macromaculatus with dead Fig. 2. Head of V. salvator macromaculatus entering a %RUQHDQ EHDUGHG SLJ 3KRWRJUDSKHG E\ James cavity in the Bornean bearded pig to obtain soft organs. Fitzsimons. 3KRWRJUDSKHGE\James Fizsimons.

PLQXWHVODWHUWKHPRQLWRUZDVVWLOOIHHGLQJRQWKHSLJ importance as a food source with high nutritional value carcass in the same manner (for a further 10 minutes of and low energy cost when compared to hunting. observation) and the crocodile was still watching from Like the observations of Boogaarts (1938) and the water. *DXONH   RXU REVHUYDWLRQV LQ 6DEDK RI D V. salvator macromaculatus feeding on the carcass of a Discussion S. b. barbatus were almost certainly a case of carrion consumption.  %HVLGHVFRQVLGHUDEOHKXPDQKXQWLQJSUHVVXUHIHZ predators of S. b. barbatus are recorded (Meijaard et al Acknowledgments – We thank two anonymous  DOWKRXJKFORXGHGOHRSDUGVDQGUHWLFXODWHGS\WKRQV reviewers for comments on the manuscript. KDYHEHHQNQRZQWRWDNHSLJOHWV &XUUDQLQ0HLMDDUG  3KLOOLSSV  3KLOOLSSV   2XU REVHUYDWLRQ References DSSHDUVWREHWKH¿UVWRIDV. salvator macromaculatus feeding on a dead S. b. barbatus +RZHYHU LQ 1RUWK %RRJDDUWV0 Nangoeih’s. De Nederlandsch 6XPDWUD%RRJDDUWV LQ0HLMDDUG UHFRUGHG ,QGLVFKH-DJHU'HF Asian water monitors feeding on dead banded pigs S. %XQGKLWZRQJUXW766DJXHQVDE.7KLUDNKXSW  scrofa vittatus: “We found three specimens which had 26*3DXZHOV$FDVHRISUHGDWLRQRIWKH been taken by tigers, and from which these had only water monitor Varanus salvator on the western removed the most desirable bits of meat. Monitor lizards snail-eating Malayemys macrocephala and bears had removed the remainder of the carcasses”. (Reptilia: & Bataguridae) in Bangkok. ,Q WKH 3KLOOLSLQHV *DXONH   UHSRUWHG ZDWHU Biawak 2: 106-108 monitors in feeding aggregation on two ‘Sus barbatus’ &RWD0 56RPPHUODG1RWHVDQG FDUFDVVHVRQ&DODXLW,VODQG3DODZDQ3URYLQFH+RZHYHU REVHUYDWLRQVRQWKH¿VKSUH\RIVaranus salvator recent taxonomic treatment recognizes this pig taxon macromaculatus (Reptilia: : Varanidae) DV D VHSDUDWH VSHFLHV WKH 3DODZDQ EHDUGHG SLJ S. LQ7KDLODQGZLWKDUHYLHZRIWKH¿VKSUH\RIWKH ahoenobarbus 1RQHWKHOHVV *DXONH   VXJJHVWV Varanus salvator complex known to date. Biawak the ability of water monitors to detect large carcasses 7: 63-70. VXFKDVSLJV LQSODFHVOLNHWKH3KLOLSSLQHVWREHORZ 'DV,$)LHOG*XLGHWRWKH5HSWLOHVRI6RXWK considering such potential prey are widely exploited (DVW$VLD0\DQPDU7KDLODQG/DRV&DPERGLD E\ KXPDQV EXW ZKHUH GHWHFWHG KDYH DQ RFFDVLRQDO 9LHWQDP3HQLQVXODU0DOD\VLD6LQJDSRUH6XPDWUD 50 FITZSIMONS & THOMAS - VARANUS SALVATOR)((',1*21SUS CARCASS

 %RUQHR-DYD%DOL1HZ+ROODQG/RQGRQSS  &RQVXOWDQWV%RJRU,QGRQHVLDSS *DXONH02QWKHGLHWRIWKHZDWHUPRQLWRU 0HLMDDUG(1DQJRHLKV EHDUGHGSLJV 6XLIRUP Varanus salvatorLQWKH3KLOLSSLQHV3S Soundings 14(2): 13-14. In%|KPH: +*+RUQ HGV $GYDQFHVLQ 0HLMDDUG(-3G¶+XDUW :5/2OLYHU Monitor Research. Mertensiella 2. Deutsche  )DPLO\6XLGDH 3LJV 3SIn:LOVRQ  *HVHOOVFKDIWIU+HUSHWRORJLHXQG7HUUDULHQNXQGH  '( 5$0LWWHUPHLHU HGV +DQGERRNRIWKH  H9%RQQ Mammals of the World. Volume 2: Hoofed *DXONH07D[RQRP\DQGELRORJ\RI3KLOLSSLQH  0DPPDOV/\Q[(GLFLRQV%DUFHORQD water monitors (Varanus salvator 3KLOLSSLQH 3KLOOLSSV4 .3KLOOLSSV3KLOOLSSV¶)LHOG Journal of Science 121: 345-381. Guide to the Mammals of Borneo and Their *DXONH0 +*+RUQVaranus salvator  (FRORJ\6DEDK6DUDZDN%UXQHLDQG.DOLPDQWDQ  QRPLQDWHIRUP 3SIn3LDQND(5  -RKQ%HDXIR\3XEOLVKLQJ2[IRUGSS  '5.LQJ 5$.LQJ HGV 9DUDQRLG/L]DUGVRI 6KLQH5$PEDUL\DQWR36+DUORZ 0XPSXQL  WKH:RUOG,QGLDQD8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV%ORRPLQJWRQ  (FRORJLFDOWUDLWVRIFRPPHUFLDOO\KDUYHVWHG .DUXQDUDWKQD'066$$7$PDUDVLQJKH   ZDWHUPRQLWRUVVaranus salvatorLQQRUWKHUQ  (0.%(NDQD\DNH2EVHUYHGSUHGDWLRQ . Wildlife Research 25: 437-447.  RQDVXFNHUPRXWKFDW¿VK Hypostomus 6WDQQHU00DPPDOOLNHIHHGLQJEHKDYLRURI plecostomus) by a water monitor (Varanus Varanus salvator and its conservational salvator) in Bellanwila Attidiya Sanctuary. Biawak implications. Biawak 4: 128-131. 2: 37-39. 7UDHKROW&D7KHIRRGDQGIHHGLQJEHKDYLRURI /RVRV-% +:*UHHQH(FRORJLFDODQG  WKHZDWHUPRQLWRUVaranus salvatorLQ0DOD\VLD evolutionary implications of diet in monitor Malayan Nature Journal 47: 331-343. lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 7UDHKROW&E1RWHVRQWKHZDWHUPRQLWRU 35: 379-407. Varanus salvator as a scavenger. Malayan Nature /XFFKLQL9(0HLMDDUG&+'LRQJ&3*URYHV  Journal 47: 345-353.  (5DQGL1HZSK\ORJHQHWLFSHUVSHFWLYHV among species of South-east Asian wild pig (Sus sp.) based on mtDNA sequences and morphometric data. Journal of Zoology 266: 25-35. 0HLMDDUG(%HDUGHGSLJ Sus barbatus):  (FRORJ\FRQVHUYDWLRQVWDWXVDQGUHVHDUFK methodology. Background document for the  HOHFWURQLFFRQIHUHQFHRQEHDUGHGSLJUHVHDUFK and recommendations for a collaborative research  SURJUDPPH±0D\%RJRU,QGRQHVLD  ::),QGRQHVLD&,)25DQG(FRVHQVH 

Received: 5 September 2016; Accepted: 23 October 2016