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Abercrombie, Robert, 118 American Jeremiad (Bercovitch), 272 Abridgement of Christian Divinitie American Journal of Education, 284 (Wollebius), 69 American Journal of Science and Arts, 280 Account Book (Edwards), 39, 52–3, 185 American Literature, 1607–1885 Account of his CONVERSION, (Richardson), 265 EXPERIENCES, and RELIGIOUS American Renaissance: Art and Expression EXERCISES, given by himself, An in the Age of Emerson and Whitman (Hopkins). See also Personal (Matthiessen), 269 Narrative, 49 American Revolution, 262 Adam, 94, 146, 150, 155, 158, 226, 248 American Spirit in Letters (Williams), 308 and covenant with God, 157 American Tract Society, 262, 276, 282 aesthetics. See beauty American Writers Series, 269, 285 affections. See Treatise Concerning Ames, William, 69, 127 Religious Affections Anachronism of Jonathan Edwards, The Ahlstrom, Sydney E., 315 (Niebuhr), 312 alcohol abuse, punishment of, 74 Anachronism of Jonathan Edwards, The Allen, Alexander, 271 (Parrington), 306 Altogether Lovely (Edwards), 290 Analogy of Religion (Butler), 255 America’s Evangelical (Gura), 290 Andover Seminary, 224 America’s Theologian (Jenson), 290 angels, 131–3, 135 American culture and literature Anglicanism, 24, 61, 66, 69, 73–4. See also and Edwards’s legacy to religious Church of England intellectuals and scholars, 300–19 Edwards’s appeal to, 240 and Edwards’s prose, 276–7 Angoff, Charles, 306 and literary criticism of , Angus, Joseph, 253 267–9 Antichrist, 32, 75, 135, 154–5, 190 and representations of Sarah Pierpont apocalypse, 3, 185, 239 Edwards in, 290 Appelius, Johannes Conradus, 243 and Scripture narratives, 128 Approaching the End of God’s Grand and Transcendentalism, 306–7 Design (Edwards), 118 Edwards’s contribution to Arminianism, 43, 111, 113, 128, 202, 209, understanding the relationship 229, 231, 249, 255 between awakenings and, 262, 273, and free will, 93, 171 275 and preaching, 69 Edwards’s reputation and legacy in, Edwards’s defense against, 114, 206 262–77, 280–91, 304 of John Wesley, 241 modernism in, 267–8 threat of to doctrine of God’s sentimentalism in, 275–6 sovereignty, 35, 111 sermons’ role in, 103, 122 Armstrong, John H., 231 American Home Society, 223 Ascol, Tom, 231


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Ashley, Joseph, 118 Balch, Hezekiah, 228 Atlas Geographus: Or, a Compleat System Banner of Truth Trust, 230, 256 of Geography, Ancient and Modern baptism, 33, 62–71, 156–7 (Moll), 185 as sign of grace, 67–8 atonement, 149, 158, 218, 226 Edward’s views on, 157 Atwater, Lyman, 229 Edwards’s baptism of black children, Augustinianism, 30, 303 340 Aupaumut, Hendrick, 208 in Northampton, 71 Awaiting Winter Visitors: Jonathan Baptist Book Concern, 285 Edwards, 1749 (poem, Hudgins), 289 Baptist Missionary Society, 247, 250 awakenings. See also Faithful Narrative; , 30, 64, 74, 157, 220 Great Awakening; Second Great and Andrew Fuller, 247 Awakening; Some Thoughts, 115 and , 247 accusations of excess in, 28–30 Edwards’s reputation among, 246–8 and A Faithful Narrative as the model Founders Movement, 231 for future, 126 Particular Baptists, 246–7 and contribution by Edwards to Southern Baptist Convention, 231 understanding the relationship tolerance of in New England, 61 between American nationhood and, use of Edwards’s legacy during 262, 273, 275 awakenings, 227 and Finney’s new measures, 222 Barnes, Albert, 228 and infinite punishment, 134 Bartleby the Scrivener (Melville), 276 and international renown of Edwards, Bartlett, Bernard, 39 240–1, 243, 256–7 Bartlett, Phebe, 4, 51, 126, 254, 281, 331, and letter writing, 51 338 and the anxious bench, 222 Bavinck, Herman, 255 and theological legacy of Edwards, Baxter, Richard, 66 217–32 Bayle, Pierre, 90 and tri-world narrative of Edwards, 130 beauty, 108, 155, 158–9, 162 and true religion, 29–31 and virtue, 173 and youths, 125, 339 divine, 149, 159 as historical evidence of divine agency, of God, 21–3, 151–2 27, 29, 31, 90–1, 95 of holiness, 84, 113 as millennial harbingers, 136 of nature, 23, 176 as sign of God’s approval of Edwards, of order in society, 156, 340 114 of Scripture, 112 awakening sermons, 113–17, 138–41 spiritual, 147 defense of by Edwards, 3, 28–32, spiritual versus natural, 176 189–90 Bebbington, D. W., 13 disappointment of to Edwards, 126, 141 Beecher, Lyman, 220 in Northampton, 2, 25–7, 30, 113, 154 Beers, Henry A., 304 in Scotland, 240 Belcher, Jonathan, 200 influence of Edwards, 95, 141 Bellamy, Joseph, 53, 157, 219, 251, 265, Old and New Light ministers on, 27–9 288, 341 promotion of by Edwards, 31, 129–30, benevolence, 3, 45, 92 134 and sense of the heart, 176 treatises on, 218 and virtue, 173 disinterested, 92–3, 152, 158, 208, 275 Backus, Isaac, 227 to Being, 84, 92, 94, 276 bad book episode, 117, 119 Bercovitch, Sacvan, 272–3 Edwards’s handling of, 31, 338–9 Berkeley, George, 88, 148, 173, 177, 307 Badger, Joseph, 5, 55 Bethlehem Baptist Church, 230 Baird, Samuel J., 158 Beveridge, William, 40

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Bible, 146–7. See also God; revelation; Buell, Samuel, 29–30, 118 Scripture Burggraaff, Winfield, 306 aids to study of, 184–5 Burr, Aaron, Jr., 37 and Edwards’s engagement of Burr, Aaron, Sr., 35–6, 228, 302, 325 controversial issues, 187 letter to Edwards, 48 and Edwards’s sermons and preaching, Burr, Esther Edwards, 46, 54 187–9 and Edwards’s letter to, 325–7 and Edwards’s study in original death of, 37 languages, 184 illness of, 325–7 and innovative critical scholarship on, Butler, Jon, 327 186 Butler, Joseph, 254 and nature, 147 Buxtorf, Johann, 186 and Pentateuch’s multiple authorship, 187 Calcutta, India, publication of Humble Deists’ rejection of as revelation, 85 Attempt in, 251 Edwards’s distribution of, 53 Calvin, John, 127, 312 Edwards’s exegesis of, 145, 181–93 Calvinism, 221, 253, 255, 326. See also Enlightenment rejection of as an justification by faith; Puritanism, 20 historical source, 90 altering of by disciples of Edwards, excellency of, 147 158 Biblical Repertory, 281 and doctrinal divisions with Edwards, Bilderdijk, Willem, 252 158, 162 Blackburn, Gideon, 228 and Edwards’s transcendence of, 275 Blake, William, 88 and imputation of sin, 150 “Blank Bible” (Edwards), 182, 184–5, and the Second Awakening, 220 187. See also Miscellaneous and Transcendentalism, 254 Observations on the Holy Scriptures, Anglican converts’ rejection of, 69 147 Edwards on critics of, 153 Blithedale Romance (Hawthorne), 276 Edwards’s reputation among Bloch, Ruth, 338 international network of, 243, 257 Bolingbroke, Lord Henry St. John of, Edwards’s theocentrism, 306, 310 89–90 higher type of, 246 Bolton, Connecticut in Edwards’s Indian sermons, 205–6 Edwards as pastor in, 24, 41, 50, 107, in Southern Baptist churches, 231 108 literary criticism of, 267–9, 275 Edwards’s sermons in, 108 lower version of, 246 Bonnet, Gijsbet, 243 necessitarian doctrine of, 242, 244, 248 Borges, J. L., 256 of Edwards, 300, 304, 306, 309, 331 Bower, Archibald, 185 Cambridge History of American Literature Boyle, Robert, 86 (Trent, ed.), 266, 274 Bradford, William, 50, 127 Cambridge Platform, The, 49, 61, 63–4, Bradstreet, Anne, 50, 271 71–3 Bradstreet, Simon, 66 Cambridge Platonists, 145 Brainerd, David, 119, 197–8, 223, 243, 288. Campbell, John McLeod, 253 See also Life of David Brainerd, Canby, Henry Seidel, 304 52 Capen, Joseph, 66 and visit to the Edwards home, 33 Careful and Strict Enquiry into the Modern as Christian hero, 223 Prevailing Notions of That Freedom of death of, 223 Will, Which Is Supposed to Be Breck, Robert, 53, 288 Essential to Moral Agency, Vertue, and Brekus, Catherine, 331 Vice, Reward and Punishment, Praise British moralists, 145 and Blame, A. See Freedom of the Will Buell, Lawrence, 275 Carey, William, 250

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Carpenter, Frederic, 306 Church of England, 251, 253. See also Catalogue of Reading (Edwards), 185–6 Anglicanism, 20, 63, 136, 240, 244 Catch the Fire (Chevreau), 256 Church of Scotland, 69, 73, 241, 248 Catholicism, 43, 75, 132, 150, 200 Church’s Marriage to Her Sons, and to Her and Edwards’s notebooks of defeats of, God, The (Edwards), 118 11, 32 City on a Hill, A (Edwards), 115 as false religion, 202 Clap, Thomas, 28 Edwards’s condemnation of, 190 Clarissa (Richardson), 53 Chalmers, Thomas, 248, 250 Clarke, James Freeman, 266 Chamberlain, Ava, 14 Clarke, Samuel, 152–3, 162 Chambers, Ephraim, 186 Classic Americans: A Study of Eminent Characteristics of Men, Manners, American Writers from Irving to Opinions, Times (Lord Shaftesbury), Whitman (Canby), 304 92, 164 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 252, 263 charity, 74 College of New Jersey, 35–6, 48, 73, 106, Charity and Its Fruits (Edwards), 26, 91, 184, 302 93, 115, 131, 151 Edwards’s letter to trustees of, 128, Chauncy, Charles, 29–30, 155 192 Cherbury, Lord Herbert of, 83 Collins, Anthony, 83 Chevreau, Guy, 256 Colman, Benjamin, 26, 113 children. See also baptism; Bartlett, Columbia Literary History of the United Phebe; youth States, 273 and infant damnation, 284, 286 Complete Christian Dictionary, A (Wilson), colonial childrearing practices, 186 325 Complete Concordance to the Holy depravity of, 331 Scriptures of the Old and New Edwards’s ministry to, 331 Testament, A (Cruden), 186 Edwards’s sermons to, 134 concert of prayer, 32, 155, 190, 219, 222, Edwards’s views of, 331 240. See also awakenings, 3 Children Ought to Love the Lord Concordantiae Graecae Versionis Vulgo (Edwards), 132 Dictae LXX Interpretum (Trommius), Christ the Great Example of Gospel 186 Ministers (Edwards), 118 conferences and gatherings, on Edwards, Christ the Spiritual Sun (Edwards), 135 2, 13, 230, 284, 290, 300–1, 303, Christ, the Light of the World (Edwards), 317–19 107, 112 Congregational Way, 10, 61, 63–4, 66, Christian Happiness (Edwards), 107 70–1, 74–5 Christian History (periodical), 32, 137 Congregationalism, 10, 71, 339 Christian Library, 241 and church discipline, 71 Christian practice, 115 Edwards’s appeal to, 240 and true religion, 30–1 Edwards’s reputation among English, as Old as the Creation 249–50 (Tindal), 82, 186 view of ministry in. See also Christianity Not Mysterious (Toland), 82 Congregational Way, 73 Chubb, Thomas, 153 Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, 280 church discipline, 31, 64, 71, 73, 156 Connecticut Missionary Society, 223 and Congregational theory of, 71 Connecticut Society of Colonial Dames, and the bad book episode, 338 285 church membership, 24, 33–4, 62–71, 75, Consider My Servant (Coombe), 287 125 Continuation of the Exposition of the and women, 335 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Edwards’s decision on, 45, 118–19, Hebrews, A (Owen), 185 156 conversion, 50, 156, 217

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Conversion of President Edwards, The. See Delusion or Dynamic? (Packer), 256 Personal Narrative depravity, 326. See also human nature, 3, Cooper, William, 29, 240 93–4, 144 corporal punishment, 54 equality of, 207 Cotton, John, 61 of children, 331 Court of the Gentiles: Or a Discourse Descartes, Rene, 162, 166, 250 Touching the Original of Human Desiring God Ministries, 231 Literature, Both Philologie and Diary (Edwards), 41–6 Philosophie, from Scripture & Jewish Dictionary of National Biography Church (Gale), 185 (Stephen), 254 covenant of grace, 157 Discourse Designed to Explain the Doctrine covenant of works, 157 of Atonement (Maxcy), 227 Credibility of the Gospel History, The Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of (Lardner), 185 the Christian Religion, A (Collins), 83 Critical and Chronological History of Discourses on the Miracles of Our Saviour Knowledge, A (Winder), 186 (Woolston), 83 Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 80 Discourses on Various Important Subjects, Crocco, Stephen, 13 Nearly Concerning the Great Affair of Croswell, Andrew, 46 the Soul’s Eternal Salvation Cruden, Alexander, 186 (Edwards), 113 Cummins, Maria, 275 Distinguishing Marks of the Work of the Cure of Deism, The (Smith), 83 Spirit of God (Edwards), 116, 151, 218 Cutler, Timothy, 24, 43, 56 and endorsement of awakenings, 28 Cyclopaedia, or an Universal Dictionary of English edition of, 240 Art and Sciences (Chambers), 186 Glasgow edition of, 240 Divine and Supernatural Light, A Danforth, Samuel, 62 (Edwards), 112, 189 Danger of an Unconverted Ministry, The and Transcendentalism, 271 (Tennent), 27 Doctrine of Original Sin, The (Wesley), 94 Daniel, Stephen H., 11 Doddridge, Philip, 185 Daniels, Vincent, 315 Doolittle, Benjamin, 341 Danks, Samuel, 338 Dryden, John, 83 Davenport, James, 28–30, 116 Dunciad, The (Pope), 82 Davenport, John, 64 Duties of Christians in a Time of War, The Dayton, Cornelia Hughes, 335, 339 (Edwards), 121 De veritate religionis christianae (Grotius), Duty of Charity to the Poor, The (Edwards), 186 112 Deacon’s Masterpiece, The (Holmes), Duyckinck, Evart, 264 280–1 Duyckinck, George, 264 death, 41, 134, 137, 188, 326–7 Dwight, Joseph, 201 and judgment, 117 Dwight, Sereno E., 181–3 declension, 64–6, 154 Dwight, Timothy, 220 Dedication to God (Edwards), 107 Dwight, Timothy, Jr., 35 Deerfield, Massachusetts, Indian attack on, 196–7 earth, in Edwards’s , 127–36 Defects of Preachers Reproved, The Edwardean, The (journal), 285 (Stoddard), 109 Edwards, Esther. See Burr, Esther Edwards Deism, 128, 130, 145–6, 307. See also Edwards, Esther Stoddard, 21 Enlightenment, 23, 43, 81, 93 Edwards, Eunice, 54 and the Bible, 85 Edwards, Hannah, 200 Edwards’s attack on, 81–5 Edwards, Jerusha, 33 on prophecy, 83 and David Brainerd, 197 Deism Revealed (Skelton), 83 death of, 33

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Edwards, Jonathan. See also and Great Concern of a Watchman for Northampton, Massachusetts; Souls, 118 Stockbridge, Massachusetts and Great Question, 253 and Account Book, 39, 52–3, 185 and Harmony of the Old and New and Altogether Lovely, 290 Testaments, 147, 192 and Approaching the End of God’s and He That Believeth Shall Be Saved, Grand Design, 118 121 and “Blank Bible,” 182, 184–5, 187 and Heaven Is a World of Love, 122 and Catalogue of Reading, 185, 186 and His Redeeming Love, 290 and Charity and Its Fruits, 26, 91, 93, and History of the Work of Redemption, 115, 131, 151 26, 31, 90, 115, 126, 129, 155, 176, and Children Ought to Love the Lord, 192, 241, 244 132 and Humble Attempt, 3, 32, 119, 155, and Christ the Great Example of Gospel 190, 240 Ministers, 118 and Humble Inquiry, 3, 156–7, and Christ the Spiritual Sun, 135 191 and Christ, the Light of the World, 107, and Images of Divine Things, 23, 147, 112 183, 313 and Christian Happiness, 107 and In the Name of the Lord of Hosts, and Church’s Marriage to Her Sons, and 121 to Her God, 118 and Justification by Faith Alone, 113, and City on a Hill, 115 117, 152 and Dedication to God, 107 and Last Will and Testament, 39, 54 and Diary, 41–6 and Life of David Brainerd, 33, 52, 198, and Discourses on Various Important 208, 223, 250, 276, 277 Subjects, Nearly Concerning the Great and Living Peaceably One with Another, Affair of the Soul’s Eternal Salvation, 108 113 and Mind, The, 86–7, 145, 164, 277 and Distinguishing Marks of the Work of and Miscellaneous Observations on the Spirit of God, 28, 116, 151, 218, Important Theological Subjects. See 240 also “Miscellanies,” 241 and Divine and Supernatural Light, 112, and Miscellaneous Observations on the 271 Holy Scriptures, 182. See also “Blank and Duties of Christians in a Time of Bible,” 147 War, 121 and “Miscellanies,” 12, 14, 50, 131, and Duty of Charity to the Poor, 112 134–5, 157, 182–4, 290, 314, and End of Creation, 3, 35, 91, 148, 302 316–18 and Excellency of Jesus Christ, 114 and Misrepresentations Corrected, 191 and Faithful Narrative, 26, 51, 62, 113, and Nakedness of Job, 107 125, 189, 218, 239–40, 331–2, 340 and The Nature of True Virtue, 3, 35, 91, and Farewell Sermon, 119 94, 152, 245, 302, 307 and Freedom of the Will, 3, 35, 93, 153, and Notebook 45, 138 218, 246–7, 252–3, 263, 277, 280, and Notes on Scripture, 147, 182, 184–5, 302, 307 187 and Glorious Grace, 107 and Notes on the Apocalypse, 154, 182 and God Glorified in the Work of and Of Atoms, 86, 148, 166 Redemption, 111, 189, 281 and Of Being, 86, 146, 148, 163 and God Is Infinitely Strong, 121 and On Sarah Pierpont, 39, 46–8 and God Is the Father of Lights, 112 and Original Sin, 3, 35, 94, 191, 203, and God’s People Tried by a Battle Lost, 206–7, 209, 302 121 and Personal Narrative, 48–52, 138 and Great Christian Doctrine of Original and Pleasantness of Religion, 108 Sin Defended, 149 and Pure in Heart Blessed, 112

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and Remarks on Important Theological as president of the College of New Controversies, 241 Jersey, 36, 302 and Resolutions, 39–42 as provider, 54 and Sacramental Union in Christ, 120 as teacher, 53, 199, 203 and Sermons and Discourses, 13 as theologian, 11, 264 and Sinners in the Hands of an Angry at Yale College, 24, 53, 104, 108 God, 3, 11, 13, 28, 49, 116, 139–41, attack on Deism of, 81–5, 93 253, 303, 313 attack on natural philosophy, 85–8 and Some Thoughts, 29, 32, 48, 52, 116, attitude toward reprobation, 44–5 151, 155, 218 bad book episode and, 31, 338–9 and Sons of Oil, Heavenly Lights, 118 Bathsheba Kingsley and, 340 and Spiritual Understanding of Divine biblical exegesis of, 145, 181–93 Things Denied to the Unregenerate, birth of, 19 108, 112 character of, 4, 24, 44, 46, 55–7, 199, and Things That Belong to True Religion, 202, 285, 304 120 conferences on, 2, 230, 300–1, and To the Rising Generation, 290 317–19 and Torments of Hell Are Exceeding courtship of Sarah Pierpont, 24 Great, 109 covenant theology of, 157 and Treatise Concerning Religious death of, 37, 54 Affections, 3, 30, 51, 114, 116–17, debate over contribution to American 151, 156, 189, 209, 218, 240–1, 243, philosophy, 307–9 249, 253, 263, 276–7, 282, 286, dissertations on, 269, 285, 290 315–16 ecstatic experiences of, 22–3 and True Excellency of a Minister of the enemies of, 43–4 Gospel, 118 ethical and moral thought of, 91–5, and True Love to God, 107 110–13, 12–54, 13–77 and Types, 183 evangelicalism of, 217–32 and Types of the Messiah, 23 family life of, 24, 33–7, 47, 53–4 and Way of Holiness, 107, 122 farming and, 52 and Wicked Men Useful in Their finances of, 52, 54, 333 Destruction Only, 285 gatherings for, 284, 290, 303 and Works of Jonathan Edwards, 2, 8, Great Awakening and, 27–32, 14. See also by specific titles; Yale 115–17 Edition historical context of life of, 19–21, 32 and Wrath of Almighty God, 290 international academic attention, 256 and Yield to God’s Word, or Be Broken international reputation of, 263. by His Hand, 122 See also awakenings;byspecific and Youth and the Pleasures of Piety, country, 239–57 113 knowledge of healing lore, 326 apocalyptic vision of, 239 legacy to religious intellectuals and as anachronism, 285, 300, 303, 306 scholarship, 300–19 as competent businessman, 52 lending of books by, 53 as missionary, 250. See also Indians; letter to daughter Esther, 54, 325–7 Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 20, literary ambitions of, 43 34–6, 196–209 loyalty to British crown of, 19 as New York City pastor, 73, 106–8 marriage to Sarah Pierpont, 108 as pastor in Bolton, Connecticut, 24, 41, millennial views of, 31–2, 154–6 50, 107–8 Neo-Orthodox recovery of, 310–13 as philosopher. See also excellency; obsession with Whitefield of, 138 natural virtue; philosophy; on earth’s history, 127–36 substance; true virtue, 11, 162–77 on free will, 152–4 as preacher, 3, 9, 11, 28, 141 on gender roles, 334–9, 341

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Edwards, Jonathan (cont.) and On Sarah Pierpont (Edwards), 46–8 on heaven, 127–36 as true saint, 4, 47, 52 on hell, 28, 134–6 character of, 55 on nature, 183 death of, 37 on wealth, 333 Edwards’s courtship of, 24 personal writings of. See also Account holiness of, 337 Book; Diary; On Sarah Pierpoint; portraits of, 55 Personal Narrative, 39–57 religious experience of, 4, 29, 47, 283, philosophy of history of, 88–91, 338 176–7 representations in popular fiction, physical collapses of, 43 288–90 portraits of, 5–7, 55 Edwards, Timothy, 21, 25, 44, 62, 70, 75 prose style of, 276–7 and the Lord’s Supper, 70 refutation of Enlightenment thought as influence, 125 by, 22–3, 80–95 challenge to ministerial authority of, 72 religious struggles of, 21, 24 sermons of, 103–4 renaissance of, 229–32 Edwards, Timothy (son of J. Edwards), 209 reputation among Romanticists, Edwards, Tyron, 254 251–3 Eliot, John, 199 reputation and legacy of in American Ellison, Julie, 338 culture, 280–91 Elsie Venner (Holmes), 280 reputation in American literature, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 254, 268–9, 271, 262–77 276, 283, 290, 307–9 self-righteousness of, 45 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 255 sermons and preaching of, 106–23, End of Creation, The (Edwards), 3, 35, 91, 187–9 148, 302 social context of Northampton influence of, 302 ministry, 341–2 England, 239 theology of, 225–7, 336–7. See also Edwards’s reputation in, 239, 241–2 awakenings; beauty; benevolence; Enlightenment. See also Deism, 3, 9–10, Bible; Calvinism; depravity; 19 excellency; free will; God; love; Edwards’s refutation of secular thought millennialism; natural ability; of, 22–3, 80–95 original sin; religious knowledge; ethical and moral thought of, 91–5 sermons; substance; true religion; historical thought of, 91 virtue, 127–36, 144–59 scrutiny of Scripture during, 81 tri-world narrative of history of, Enquiry Concerning Human 127–36, 192 Understanding, An (Hume), 92 views on children, 331 Enquiry Concerning Political Justice views on elderly people, 332 (Godwin), 245 views on Indians, 36, 55, 202–9 Enquiry Concerning the Principles of views on slavery, 36, 55, 341–2 Morals (Hume), 92 views on women’s spirituality, 21 enthusiasm, 29 views on young people, 25, 65, 113, Equiano, Olaudah, 273 137–8 Erskine, John, 240, 247–8, 253 youth of, 21–2 Erskine, Mrs. John, 283 Edwards, Jonathan, Jr., 36, 54–5, 183, 226, eschatology, 154, 176. See also 341 millennialism Edwards, Lucy, 37 Essay on the Equity of the Divine Edwards, Mary, 25, 35 Government (Williams), 249 Edwards, Pierpont, 35 Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Edwards, Sarah, 24, 35, 54 Passions and Affections with Edwards, Sarah Pierpont, 108 Illustration on the Moral Sense, An and family income, 52 (Hutcheson), 92

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Essays Moral, Political and Literary Family Expositor: Or, a Paraphrase and (Hume), 90 Version of the New Testament: with Esther Burr’s Journal (Rankin), 283 Critical Notes; and a Practical ethics and morals Improvement of Each Section and centrality of revelation to, 84 (Doddridge), 185 and free will, 152–4 Farewell Sermon (Edwards), 119 Edwards on, 84, 91–5, 152–4, Faust, Clarence H., 269–70, 285 173–7 Fawcett, Joseph, 245 Edwards’s sermons on, 110–13 Fichte,J.H.,252 enforcement of social, 74 Finney, Charles, 221–2, 264 Enlightenment views of, 91–5 Fisher, George Park, 303–4 Puritan ideas of, 61 Fiske, John, 71 evangelicalism. See also awakenings, 9, Foster, Frank Hugh, 310 27 Foxcroft, Thomas, 45, 122 and Edwards’s theological legacy to, Francke, Dr. August Hermann, 136 217–32 Franklin, Benjamin, 19, 36, 40, 262, 267, and missions and , 273, 307 222–5 and slavery, 36 and preaching, 68, 70 free will, 166, 170–3. See also Freedom of and true religion, 12 the Will, 152–4 defined, 217 Freedom of the Will (Edwards), 3, 35, 93, indiscriminate, 218 153, 263, 277 self-confession in, 49 and distinction between natural and Evangelized America, 285 moral ability, 218, 246 excellency, 145–54, 156–8, 163–6, 173, and Holmes, 280 176–7. See also God, 4, 51, 88, 108, criticism of, 252–3 114 influence of, 302, 307 contribution to philosophy of, 164 Rylands’s teaching of, 247 in Indian sermons, 120 Welsh translation of, 249 of grace, 149–54 freemen, 73 of love, 151 French and Indian War, 19–20, 32, 35, of the Bible, 147 121, 202, 206 Excellency of Jesus Christ, The (Edwards), and Indian and war sermons, 121 114 missions established in defense from, Experience (Emerson), 276 199 Exposition of the Old and New Testaments Fuller, Andrew, 247–8 (Henry), 145, 185 Gale, George, 221 faith, 184, 311, 312. See also justification Gale, Theophilus, 185 by faith, 144, 157 gatherings. See conferences and Indian profession of, 203 gatherings, on Edwards youth as models of, 137 Gay, Ebenezer, 69 Faithful Narrative, A (Edwards), 332. See gender roles. See also women also awakenings; Bartlett, Phebe; Edwards on, 334–9, 341 Hutchinson, Abigail, 26, 51, 113, 125, scholarly interest in, 273 189, 218, 239–240 Genetic History of New England Theology, and factionalism in Northampton, 62 A (Foster), 310 as the model for future awakenings, 126 Germany, 239 Edinburgh publication of, 240 Edwards’s reputation in, 242, 252 English publication of, 239 Romanticism in, 252 race in, 340 Gerstner, John H., 230 fallen, humanity as, 146, 150, 173, 177, Gibbon, Edward, 89 218. See also original sin, 68, 84, 90, Gladstone, William Ewart, 252 93, 106, 132–5, 146 Glorious Grace (Edwards), 107

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glory of God, 4, 22, 50, 112, 139, 144, and evangelicalism, 218–19 147–9, 155–6, 312 Edwards’s writings during, 151 God. See also Bible; excellency; glory of Edwards’s sermons and preaching God; grace; love; wrath of God during, 115–17 and Satan, 27 Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin as a beam of light, 112 Defended, The (Edwards), 149 as substance of all things, 166–70 Great Concern of a Watchman for Souls, covenant with Abraham, 64 The (Edwards), 118 covenant with New England colonists, Great Question (Edwards), 253 75 Great Salvation Revealed and Offered in Deists’ view of, 23 the Gospel, The (Williams), 68 holiness of, 51 Green, Joseph, 66 in natural philosophy, 23, 82 Gregory of Nyssa, 288 righteousness of, 156 Griswold, Rufus, 264 sovereignty of, 22, 35, 49, 68–9, 85, Grosart, Alexander B., 182, 254 87–8, 111, 144, 147, 158, 165–6, 284 Grotius, Hugo, 186 spiritual beauty of, 151–2 Gura, Philip, 13 trinitarian character of. See Trinity Guyse, John, 239, 262, 281 will of, 61, 170–3, 175, 177 God Glorified in the Work of Redemption Hagenbach, K. R., 252 (Edwards), 189, 281 Half-Way Covenant, 33, 65, 156, 226 preaching of, 111 in Northampton, 70 God Is Infinitely Strong (Edwards), 121 Hall of Fame for Great Americans, and God Is the Father of Lights (Edwards), 112 bust of Edwards in, 285 God’s People Tried by a Battle Lost Hall, David D., 10, 326 (Edwards), 121 Hall, Gordon, 224 Godwin, William, 244–6 Hall, Reverend David, 39 Golden Day, The (Mumford), 268 Hambrick-Stowe, Charles, 327 Goodricke, Henry, 243 Hampshire Gazette, 285 Gordon, George A., 304–5 Harmony of the Old and New Testaments, Gordon, William, 240 The (Edwards), 147, 192 Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation (Fuller), Haroutunian, Joseph, 310–13 247 Harris, Howell, 249 Gosse, Edmund, 103 Hart, D. G., 305 grace, 70, 144, 151 Hawley, Elisha, 338 and baptism, 67–8 Hawley, Gideon, 36, 45, 201, 204 and spiritual equality, 340 Hawley, Joseph, 288 Edwards’s dependence on God’s, 51 suicide of, 26, 126, 287 Edwards’s experience of, 42 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 275–6, 288 excellency of, 149–54 Haystack Prayer Meeting, 224 holiness as sign of, 151 He Speaks to Our Time (review, Johnson), infused, 150–1 315 leads to practice, 151 He That Believeth Shall Be Saved means of, 42, 157 (Edwards), 121 necessity of, 207 health of God, 4, 23, 25, 35, 39, 50, 111, 136, and Edwards’s knowledge of healing 158, 197, 207, 218, 332, 335 lore, 326 signs of, 151, 189 and sin, 326 sinners’ dependence on, 68 Heaton, Hannah, 41 toward fallen mankind, 90 heaven work of, 63–4 as goal of Resolutions, 40 Grace Community Church, 230 in Edwards’s theology and history, Great Awakening, 27–32, 51, 67 127–36

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Heaven Is a World of Love (Edwards), Humble Inquiry, An (Edwards), 3, 156–7, 122 191 Heimert, Alan, 273–4 and Judas at the Lord’s Supper, 191 hell, 28, 148 Hume, David, 19, 89–91, 241 in Edwards’s theology and history, moral theories of, 91–2 134–6 Hutcheson, Francis, 91–2, 152, 162, 173, Henry, Matthew, 145, 185 177, 302 Hidy, Lance, 6 moral theories of, 91–2 His Redeeming Love (Edwards), 290 Hutchinson, Abigail, 4, 51, 126, 281, 331, Historical and Critical Dictionary (Bayle), 338 90 hypocrites, 65, 68, 184 history, 176–7. See also millennialism, 10 idealism, 87, 148, 158, 177, 284, 306–7, Edwards’s tri-world narrative of, 309 127–36, 192 Images of Divine Things (Edwards), 147, exclusion of theistic considerations 313. See also nature, 23 during Enlightenment, 88–91 biblical references in, 183 History of Heaven, A (Russell), 129 imputation of sin, 94, 150, 158, 248 History of the Popes, from the Foundation In the American Grain (Williams), 267 of the See of Rome to the Present In the Name of the Lord of Hosts Time, The (Bower), 185 (Edwards), 121 History of the Work of Redemption, A incarnation, 133, 155, 183, 253 (Edwards), 27, 31, 90, 115, 129, 155, Indians, 350. See also Brainerd, David; 176, 192, 241 French and Indian War; Stockbridge, critical review of, 244 Massachusetts, 12, 20, 210–4 Welsh translation of, 249 advocacy of rights based on Christian Hobbes, Thomas, 171 brotherhood, 209 Hodge, Charles, 229 and John Stoddard, 25 Holbrook, Clyde A., 316 and the Stockbridge mission, 4, 34, 120, Holifield, E. Brooks, 11 196 holiness, 63, 84, 94, 107, 112 as proof of necessity of regenerating as sign of grace, 151 grace, 202 beauty of, 113, 340 as threats rather than souls to be Edwards’s quest for, 50–1 redeemed, 200 of Sarah Pierpont Edwards, 337 as under sway of Satan, 203 Holland, 239 attack on Deerfield, Massachusetts, Hollis, Isaac, 201 196–7 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 266, 303 Brainerd as missionary to, 223 Holy Spirit, 29, 131, 221, 256, 339 civilizing of, 36, 200, 202–3, Hooker, Thomas, 61, 63–4 207–9 Hopkins, Samuel, 36, 47–8, 53, 56, 145, contempt of the Williams family of, 157, 181, 219, 239, 265, 341 201 Horsfield, John, 66 education of, 203, 209 human nature. See also depravity, 9, 92–3, Edwards as friend of, 35, 201–2, 132, 184, 192 208–9 depravity in, 93–4 Edwards’s distribution of Bibles to, 53 Edwards’s pessimistic view of, 301, Edwards’s proffering of Christ as refuge 305 to, 206 Edwards’s reevaluation of after Edwards’s sermons and preaching to, Stockbridge, 55 106, 119–21, 204–5 Humble Attempt, An (Edwards), 3, 32, 119, Edwards’s views on, 36, 55, 202–9, 155, 190 341 and concert of prayer, 240 Edwards’s teaching of, 53

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Indians (cont.) Judson, Adoniram, 224 missionaries to, 200 justification by faith, 157, 241. See also spiritual equality of, 205–9 faith, 43, 107, 111, 113, 151–2 strain with English at Stockbridge Justification by Faith Alone (Edwards), mission, 199–202 113, 117, 152 Inquiry Concerning Virtue, An (Lord Shaftesbury), 92 Kames, Lord, 241 Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Kant, Immanuel, 80 Beauty and Virtue, An (Hutcheson), Kellogg, Martin, 201 92 Kimnach, Wilson H., 11 International Review, 280 King George’s War, 32 Introduction to the History of the Principal King Philip’s War, 34, 197, 199 Kingdoms and States of Europe, An Kingdom of God in America, The (Pufendorf), 90 (Niebuhr), 311–12 Israel, 135, 184 Kingsley, Bathsheba, 340 itinerancy, 69, 116, 220 Kistler, Don, 230 Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo, 263, 275 James, John Angell, 249 knowledge, 162 James, William, 306, 308 Kuyper, Abraham, 255 Janice Meredith: A Story of the Revolution (Ford), 284 Ladies Library, The (Steele), 53 Jefferson, Thomas, 273 Lamplighter, The (Cummins), 276 Jesus Christ, 22, 135, 149, 187, 192 Lardner, Nathaniel, 185 Edwards’s proffering of to Indians, 206 Last Will and Testament (Edwards), 39, 54 in the wilderness, 120 Lawrence, D. H., 267–8 Johnson, Samuel, 148 Le Long, Isaac, 242 Johnson, Thomas H., 269–70, 285 Lecky, W. E. H., 254 Johnson, William Bullein, 227 Lectures on American Literature (Knapp), Jonathan Edwards (McGiffert), 306 263 Jonathan Edwards (Miller), 270, 313 Leibniz, G. W., 162, 169, 177 Jonathan Edwards and the Successive Leland, John, 83 Forms of the New Divinity (article), Lesser, M. X., 13, 301 281 letters, in colonial times, 51 Jonathan Edwards as a Man of Letters Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum (Johnson), 285 (Buxtorf), 186 Jonathan Edwards in Western Life of David Brainerd (Edwards), 223, Massachusetts (poem, Lowell), 289 276–7. See also Brainerd, David, 33, Jonathan Edwards: A Life (Marsden), 300 52, 198 Jonathan Edwards: A Reference Guide influence on missionaries, 208, 250 (Lesser), 301 light imagery, 84, 107, 112 Jonathan Edwards: An Annotated in Edwards’s sermons, 112 Bibliography, 1979–1993 (Lesser), Ligonier Ministries, 230 301 Literary History of the United States Jonathan Edwards: Representative (Spiller, ed.), 270 Selections (Johnson), 269 literature. See American culture and Jonathan Edwards: The Fiery Puritan literature (Parkes), 285, 306 Living Peaceably One with Another Jonathan Edwards’s View of Human Nature (Edwards), 108 (Faust), 285 Lloyd-Jones, Martyn, 255 Journal of Religious Ethics, 291 Locke, John, 19, 22, 81, 95, 145, 162, 167, Judaism, 55, 135, 146, 185, 187 277, 342 Judas, 191 Lombard, Anne, 334 Judd, Jonathan, 118 Lord’s Supper, 3–4, 62, 64, 67–8, 70, 72, Judgment Day, 34, 119, 135–6 156, 190, 219, 332

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Edwards’s repudiation of Stoddardean McDermott, Gerald, 231, 333 view of, 157 McGiffert, Arthur Cushman, Jr., 306 Judas at, 191 Mead, Sidney E., 315 non-participation in Northampton, 71 mechanical philosophy. See natural love, 3, 151 philosophy and British moral philosophy, 152 Mede, Joseph, 154–5 as a condition of justification, 158 Melanchthon, Philip, 127 as center of theology, 151 Melville, Herman, 269, 275–6, 290 as obedience to divine law, 158 Methodists, 136, 220, 241 as prime virtue, 151 Edwards’s reputation among English, divine, 131 241–2 excellency of, 151 Mettle of the Pasture, The (Allen), 284 of Being, 92 Mill, John Stuart, 254 of Christ, 132 millennialism. See also history, 31–2, 118, of complacence, 176 154–6 of God, 22, 29, 92–4, 150, 152, 157, and awakenings, 136 174–5 Miller, Perry, 14, 65, 254, 269, 271, 274, of neighbor, 3, 152 276, 286, 288, 301, 305, 313–17 of self, 150, 174 agnosticism of, 315 Lovejoy, Arthur O., 268 and revival of interest in Edwards, 270, Lovelace, Richard, 231 300, 328 Lowell, Robert, 287, 289 Mills, Samuel, 224 Lowman, Moses, 154, 185 Mind, The (Edwards), 86–7, 145, 164, 277 Luther, Martin, 312 Minister’s Black Veil, The (Poe), 288 Minister’s Wooing (Stowe), 276 MacArthur, John, 230 ministers. See also preaching; sermons Mackintosh, Sir James, 244 and New Divinty school dominance in, Mahaney, C. J., 231 219 Main Currents of American Thought authority of, 61, 63, 71–5 (Parrington), 268, 285 Congregational view of, 73 Malebranche, Nicolas, 145, 162, 177 Old and New Light, 27–9 contrasted with Edwards, 163–5 Presbyterian view of, 63, 73 Manton, Thomas, 44 Puritan view of, 61–2, 118 marriage salaries of, 52, 62 and espousal theology, 336–7 Minkema, Kenneth P., 10, 137, 229, 340 and typology, 336 Minot, Mrs. John, 67 Marriage to a Difficult Man (Dodds), 289 Miscellaneous Observations on Important Marrow of Sacred Divinity (Ames), 69 Theological Subjects (Edwards), 241. Marsden, George, 9, 231, 291, 300 See also “Miscellanies” Martineau, James, 254 Miscellaneous Observations on the Holy Martyn, Henry, 250 Scriptures (Edwards), 147, 182.See Massachusetts Missionary Society, 223 also “Blank Bible” Mather, Cotton, 64, 72, 75, 127, 153, 156, “Miscellanies” (Edwards), 182–3, 184, 290, 262, 267–8 314, 316–18. See also Miscellaneous Mather, Increase, 69, 72, 75, 156 Observations on Important Mather, Richard, 64, 69 Theological Subjects, 12, 14, 50, 131, Mather, Shepard, 64 135 Mathers family, the, 307 and redemption, 135 Matthiessen, F. O., 269, 273, 276 covenants in, 157 Maurice, F. D., 253 hell in, 134 Maxcy, Jonathan, 227 interpretations of prophecy in, 183 May, Henry F., 317 various publishers of, 183 McCheyne, Robert Murray, 250 Misrepresentations Corrected (Edwards), McCulloch, William, 240–1 191

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missions and missionaries. See also Neo-Orthodoxy, 300, 310–13 Brainerd, David; Indians; Neoplatonism, 148, 163, 168, 288 Stockbridge, Massachusetts Netherlands, 255 and influence of Life of David Brainerd Edwards’s reputation in, 242–4, 252, on, 208, 250 255 as Christ’s Army, 203 Nettleton, Asahel, 220 civilizing logic of, 199 New Divinity School, 208, 219–20 Edwards’s involvement with, 34–6, and dominance of ministerial 196–209 associations, 219 Edwards’s reputation among, 250 and rejection of moral sense, 95 evangelical, 222–5 decline of, 220, 303 Mo¨ıse Amyraut, 153 New England Magazine, 284 Moll, Herman, 185 New England Quarterly, 271 Montgomery, James, 249 New Lights, 27, 28, 30, 35, 46, 151 Moody Bible Institute, 285 New Testament, 64, 83, 85, 147, 184–5, moral sense, 91–5, 152 191–2 More, Henry, 146, 148, 162, 166, 177 in Edwards’s sermons, 204 contrasted with Edwards, 163–5 New York City, 42, 187 More, Paul Elmer, 266 Edwards as pastor in, 21, 73 Morgan, Edmund S., 65 Edwards’s sermons in, 106–8 Morison, Samuel Eliot, 269 New Yorker, The (magazine), 13, 289 Mr. Edwards and the Spider (poem, Newell, Samuel, 224 Lowell), 287 Newton, Isaac, 19, 22, 86, 88, 95, 165, Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary, 224 342 Mumford, Lewis, 268 Newton, John, 240, 244 Munneweaunummuck, Cornelius, 204 Nichols, Stephen, 231 Munneweaunummuck, Mary, 204 Nichols, William C., 231 Murdock, Kenneth, 269 Niebuhr, H. Richard, 310–13, 316 Murray, Iain, 230, 255 Niebuhr, Reinhold, 314 Murray, Judith Sargent, 273 Noll, Mark, 229, 231 Norris, John, 165 Nakedness of Job, The (Edwards), 107 Northampton, Massachusetts. See also Narrative of the Captivity, A (Richardson), church membership, Lord’s Supper, 288 24–34, 70 Native Americans. See Indians and baptismal covenants, 71 natural ability, 154, 157–8, 218–19, 222, and Edwards’s conflict with 225–6, 229, 246–7, 249, 252 congregation, 30–1, 156 natural philosophy, 10, 85–88 and Edwards’s dismissal from ministry, and God, 23, 82 4–5, 34–5, 119, 141, 191, natural virtue. See also true virtue; virtue, 196–8 173–7 and Solomon Stoddard, 61, 125 nature, 147, 165–6, 173–5, 177, 183, 193, and the bad book episode, 31, 117, 119, 307. See also Images of Divine Things; 338–9 natural philosophy, 50, and the Half-Way Covenant, 70 82–3 and the Lord’s Supper, 71 and Edwards as closet naturalist, 314 awakening in, 2, 25–7, 113, 152, and the Bible, 147 154 beauty of, 23, 176 communion controversy in, 1991, Edwards’s biblical references to, 183 197–8. See church membership; Edwards’s typological use of, 286 Lord’s Supper God revealed in, 85 Edwards as assistant to Stoddard in, 24, Nature of True Virtue, The (Edwards), 3, 108–10 35, 91, 94, 152, 245 Edwards as minister in, 24–31, 34, 61, influence of, 302, 307 110–19, 183

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Edwards’s criticism of business Paraphrase and Notes on the Revelation practices in, 333 (Lowman), 154, 185 Edwards’s publicizing of awakening, Parker, Theodore, 271, 283 26 Parkman, Ebenezer, 41 factionalism in, 62 Parr, Samuel, 245 land scarcity in, 330 Parrington, Vernon Louis, 268, 306, 310 moral conduct in, 110–13 Parrish, Samuel, 62 second awakening in, 30 Parsons, Elihu, 35 social context of Edwards’s ministry in, Peel, Albert, 255 341–2 Personal Narrative (Edwards), 48–52, 138 young people in, 25 philosophy Notebook 45 (Edwards), 138 and Edwards, 162–77 Notes on Scripture (Edwards), 147, 182, and Edwards’s avoidance of 184–5, 187 occasionalism, 168 and theory of Pentateuch’s multiple and God as substance of all things, authorship, 187 166–70 Notes on the Apocalypse (Edwards), 154, contribution of excellency to, 164 182 debate over Edwards’s contribution to, Nott, Samuel, Jr., 224 307–9 Numenius of Apamea, 85 Edwards’s challenge to premises of modern, 177 occasionalism, 168, 177 Edwards’s creative resolutions of Ode to Jonathan Edwards (poem), 286 theological issues in, 166 Of Atoms (Edwards), 86, 148, 166 Edwards’s reputation in British, Of Being (Edwards), 86, 146, 148, 163 244–6 Old and New Testament Connected in the Pierpont, James, 24 History of the Jews and Neighbouring piety, 217, 327 Nations, The (Prideaux), 185 Edwards’s Puritan, 40 Old Lights, 27–9 female, 337–8 Old Testament, 64, 82, 85 of Sarah Pierpont Edwards, 29, 47, 52 and history, 90 Piety versus Moralism (Haroutunian), 310, and typology, 147, 183–4, 192 312 prophecy, 146 Piggin, Stuart, 222 Oldtown Folks (Stowe), 271 Piper, John, 8, 230 On Sarah Pierpont (Edwards), 39, 46–8 Pleasantness of Religion, The (Edwards), original sin, 93–4, 144, 158. See also 108 Original Sin; sin and sinners Poole, Matthew, 145, 185 Original Sin (Edwards), 3, 35, 94, 191 Pope, Alexander, 82 and equality in human depravity, Pope, the, 32, 154, 190 206–7 Porterfield, Amanda, 334 and Indians, 203, 209 power of the keys, 71–2 influence of, 302 preaching, 3, 68 Welsh translation of, 249 and Solomon Stoddard, 104–5 Orr, James, 249 and Timothy Edwards, 103–4 Outline Sketch of American Literature Edwards’s Stockbridge, 119–21 (Beers), 304 Edwards’s hellfire, 9, 109–10, 112, 122, Owen, John, 185, 249 134 evangelical, 68, 70 Packer,J.I.,255–6 of Edwards, 106–23 Paine, Thomas, 245 of God Glorified in the Work of Pamela (Richardson), 263 Redemption, 111 Paradiso (Dante), 131 of Sinners, 3, 28 Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistle of St. Preface to Discourses, 114–15 Paul to the Galatians, A (Locke), 185 premarital sex, punishment of, 74

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Presbyterianism, 73 Radicalism of Jonathan Edwards Edwardsean during Second Great (Carpenter), 306 Awakening, 227–9 Ramism, 122, 165, 177, 274 Edwards’s reputation among Scottish, Ramsey, Paul, 286 244 Ramus, Peter, 104, 165 view of ministry in, 63, 73 rationalists, 130 Prideaux, Humphrey, 185 Rawson, Grindal, 62 Priestley, Joseph, 244 reason, 80–2, 145–6 Prince, Sally, 46 corrupted by sin, 82, 84 Prince, Thomas, 32, 137 redemption, 130, 133, 155. See also prisca theologia (ancient theology), 85, History of the Work of Redemption, 146 11, 23, 29, 90–1, 126, 129 Private Thoughts on Religion (Beveridge), covenant of, 157 40 Reformed Dogmatics (Bavinck), 255 prophecy, 75, 81, 154 Reforming Synod, 64–5, 70, 72, 74 Deists on, 83 regeneration, 42, 50–1, 112, 136, 151, 159, Enlightenment attacks on, 82 173, 177, 217, 282 in “Miscellanies,” 183 and adult baptism, 157 Old Testament, 146 Religio Laici (Dryden), 83 Prose Writers of America (Griswold), 264 religious knowledge, 146–7 Prospering, The (Speare), 288 Remarks on Important Theological Controversies (Edwards), 241 and Edwards’s refutation of Remarks on the Essays (Edwards), 241 Enlightenment thought, 95 Remarks on the History of England Edwards’s influence on missions of, 222 (Bolingbroke), 90 liberal, 305, 308 renaissance of Edwardseanism, 229–32 missions of, 223 reprobation, 44–5, 148 providence, 75, 82, 86, 89–91, 154, 176, Resolutions (Edwards), 39–42 221 resurrection, 133, 155, 183 and mission work, 202 revelation, 10, 112, 144–6 Pufendorf, Samuel, 90 and centrality of to morality, 84 Pure in Heart Blessed, The (Edwards), 112 Deists’ rejection of biblical, 85 Puritan Mind, The (Schneider), 306, 310 Enlightenment ideas of, 81–5 Puritanism, 20, 200 suppression of during Enlightenment, and baptism, 67 81 and marriage, 337 revivals. See awakenings; Great and moral duties, 61 Awakening; Second Great and spiritual diaries, 41, 49 Awakening as devotional movement, 327 Richards, James, 224 Edwards as immersed in, 162 Richardson, Charles F., 265–6 literary criticism of, 267–8, 272 Richardson, Samuel, 53, 263 revival in academic study of, Ridderbos, Jan, 255 268–9 righteousness, 69, 135 understanding of the church and of God, 156 ministry in, 61–2 Riley, I. Woodbridge, 309 , The (Miller, ed.), 271 Rogers, Henry, 250, 252, 257 Pye Smith, John, 249 Romanticism, and Edwards’s reputation, 251–3 Quaestio, 43, 111 Roosevelt, Teddy, 285 Quakers, 61 Royce, Josiah, 308 Russell, Jeffrey Burton, 129 race. See also Indians; slavery Ryland, John, 246–7, 252 scholarly interest in, 273 Ryle, J. C., 253

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Sacramental Union in Christ (Edwards), Sergeant, John, 198–201 120 Sermon for Jonathan Edwards (poem, sacraments. See also baptism; Lord’s Waters), 289 Supper, 68, 70 sermons, 69 Sacred and Profane History of the World and God Glorified in the Work of Connected, The (Shuckford), 186 Redemption, 111 Saltonstall, Gurdon, 74 and Solomon Stoddard, 104–5 salvation, 84, 130, 144, 146, 150–1, 157, and the Preface to Discourses, 114–15 218 and Timothy Edwards, 103–4 and spiritual equality between Indians criticism of Edwards’s hellfire sermons, and English, 205–7 304 from sin, 111–12 Edwards’s awakening, 113–17, necessity of, 114 138–41 obligation to accept, 246 Edwards’s espousal, 336–7 Satan, 26–8, 134–6, 155–6 Edwards’s hellfire, 9, 109–10, 112, 122, America as kingdom of, 155 134 Indians under sway of, 203 Edwards’s New York, 106–8 Saybrook Platform, 72–3 Edwards’s Northampton, 110–19 Saybrook synod, 74 Edwards’s ordination, 118 scandal of particularity, 83, 85 Edwards’s Stockbridge, 119–21 Schafer, Thomas, 316 Edwards’s to Indians, 106, 119–21, 204 Schneider, Herbert W., 306, 309 Edwards’s war, 121 Scotland Edwards’s use of Scripture in, 187–9 and concert of prayer, 155 light imagery in, 112 awakenings in, 240 literary merit of, 103, 122 “Blank Bible” in, 182 of Edwards, 106–23 Edwards’s reputation in, 239–41, 244, online, 8 249 publication of Edwards’s collected. See Scott, Thomas, 251 also Discourses on Various Important Scripture. See also Bible; “Blank Bible”; Subjects, Nearly Concerning the Great Miscellaneous Observations on the Affair of the Soul’s Eternal Salvation Holy Scriptures; Notes on Scripture to children, 134 and typology, 23 to youth, 113, 138 as source for Edwards’s redemptive traditional structure of, 105–6, 187 history, 129 Sermons and Discourses (Edwards), 13 narratives of as literary form, 128 Sewall, Samuel, 288 scrutiny of during Enlightenment, 81 Shaftesbury, Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper Scripture Chronology (Bedford), 187 of, 92, 162, 164, 173, 177 Scripture-Doctrine of Original Sin, The Sheldon, Billy, 137, 188 (Taylor), 94, 191 Shepard, Thomas, 41, 61, 151 Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Shuckford, Samuel, 186 Religion in New England, a Treatise in Significance of Edwards To-day, The Five Parts (Chauncy), 30 (essay, Gordon), 304 sin and sinners, 150, 152, 309. See also and Charles Finney, 221–2 natural ability; Original Sin; original and Edwardsean Presbyterianism, sin 227–9 and atonement, 149 and evangelicalism, 219–22 and Edwards as sinful, 51 and influence of Edwards in, 262 and health, 326 sense of the heart, 165, 286 and humanity, 84 sentimentalism, 275–6 and new birth, 68 Separatists, 63, 118, 151, 156 as root of Northampton’s problems, Sergeant, Abigail, 34, 53, 198, 200 111–12

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sin and sinners (cont.) Edwards’s dismay over conditions at, dependence on grace, 68 201 imputation of, 94, 150, 158 Edwards’s family life in, 35–6 reason corrupted by, 82, 84 Edwards’s sermons and preaching at, responsibility to repent, 158 119–21 salvation from, 111–12 funding problems for mission of, 200 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God promising start at, 199 (Edwards), 3, 11, 13, 49, 116 strain between English and Indians in, and Perry Miller, 313 199–202 as awakening sermon, 139–41 Stoddard, Christian, 25 criticisms of, 303 Stoddard, John, 32, 332 Gaelic translation of, 253 as mission brainchild, 199 preaching of, 28 death of, 33 Sinners in Zion (Edwards), 139 Stoddard, Solomon, 24, 65, 67, 70, Skelton, Philip, 83 108–10, 137, 219, 287 slavery, 36, 55, 341–2 and church membership, 156 and Benjamin Franklin, 36 and criticism of Congregational Way, 70 and spiritual equality, 340, 342 and the Lord’s Supper, 190, 198 Smith, Elisha, 83 and the power of the keys, 72 Social Sources of Denominationalism, The as influence, 125 (Niebuhr), 311 ministerial authority of, 61 Society of the Brethren, The, 224 sermons and preaching of, 104–5 Some Thoughts (Edwards), 29, 32, 48, 52, Stoddardeanism, 70, 118–19. See also 116, 151, 155, 218 church membership; Lord’s Supper; Some Thoughts Concerning the Revival. Stoddard, Solomon 65 See Some Thoughts Storms, Samuel, 231 Sons of Oil, Heavenly Lights (Edwards), Story of Religion in America, The (Sweet), 118 306 Spangenburg, August Gottlieb, 242 Stout, Harry S., 11, 317 Spener, Philip, 242 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 265, 271, 275, Spengemann, William, 274 282–3, 285 spiders Strong, Job, 118 Edwards’s study of, 41, 280, 328 Studies in Classic American Literature imagery of, 3, 28, 287, 328 (Lawrence), 267 Spiller, Robert E., 270 Suarez,´ Francisco, 163 Spinoza, Baruch, 163, 170 substance, and God, 166–70 Spiritual Understanding of Divine Things Sweeney, Douglas A., 12 Denied to the Unregenerate, A Sweet, William Warren, 306 (Edwards), 108, 112 Synopsis Criticorum (Poole), 145, 185 Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, 248 Steele, Richard, 53 Tabletalk (magazine), 230 Stein, Stephen J., 12 Taylor, Edward, 50, 271 Steinmetz, Johann Adam, 242 Taylor, Isaac, 239 Stephen, Leslie, 254 Taylor, Jeremy, 103, 303 Stewart, Dugald, 244 Taylor, John, 94, 149, 186, 191, 207 Stiles, Ezra, 198 Taylor, Nathaniel, 220 Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 196–209 Ten New England Leaders, 285 and education of Indians, 53 Tennent, Gilbert, 27, 228, 288 and the Williams family’s objection to The Preacher (poem, Whittier), 283 Edwards as minister at, 198–9, theocentrism, 12, 162, 306, 310–11 201–2 theology Edwards as minister at, 34–6, 119, and Edwards’s legacy to New England, 223 225–7, 302–5

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and prisca theologia, 85, 146 True Excellency of a Minister of the Gospel, covenant, 157 The (Edwards), 118 Edwards’s legacy to religious True Love to God (Edwards), 107 intellectuals and scholarship, true religion, 26, 29–31, 207, 217, 219, 300–19 222, 227 espousal, 336–7 and Christian practice, 30 New England theology, 310 and evangelicalism, 12 of Edwards, 144–59, 336–7. See also True Religion Delineated (Bellamy), 247 awakenings; beauty; benevolence; true saints, 4, 63, 68, 183 Bible; Calvinism; depravity; Sarah Pierpont Edwards as, 47 excellency; free will; God; love; true virtue. See also natural virtue; virtue, millennialism; natural ability; 92, 95, 152, 158–9, 173–7 original sin; religious knowledge; and gratitude, 246 sermons; substance; virtue, 127–36 Turnbull, George, 152 Theology of Jonathan Edwards, The Turretin, Francis, 153 (poem), 287 Twain, Mark, 265, 285 Theoretico-Practica Theologia (van on Edwards, 265 Mastricht), 150 Two Dissertations (Edwards) Things That Belong to True Religion Welsh translation of, 249 (Edwards), 120 Tyler, Moses Coit, 265 Thomas, Robert, 253 Types (Edwards), 183 Thoughts upon Necessity (Wesley), 241 Types of the Messiah (Edwards), 23 Tillotson, John, 69 typology, 23, 87, 147, 159, 176, 183–4, Tindal, Matthew, 82–3, 186 272, 290 Titus (slave), 55, 341 and Edwards’s use in nature, 286 To the Rising Generation (Edwards), 290 and marriage, 336 Toland, John, 82 and Scripture, 23 Torments of Hell Are Exceeding Great, The and the New Testament, 147 (Edwards), 109 Typology and Early American Literature Toronto Airport Vineyard Fellowship, 256 (Bercovitch), 272 Toronto Blessing, 256 Townsend, Harvey G., 183, 306 Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, 325 Tracy, Patricia, 329 Unitarianism, 65, 122, 254 Transcendentalism, 271, 274, University Gets Religion, The (Hart), 305 306–8 and Calvinism, 254 Valeri, Mark, 333 Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, A van Mastricht, Petrus, 150 (Edwards), 3, 30, 51, 114, 116–17, van Werkhoven, Marinus, 243 151, 156, 189, 209, 218, 249, 263, Venus (slave), 341 276–7, 282, 286, 316 View of the Principle Deistical Writers and distinguishing true versus false (Leland), 83 affections, 30 virtue, 113, 157, 173–7, 276. See also Dutch edition, 243 natural virtue, true virtue, 47 London version of, 240 and beauty, 173 Ryle on, 253 and benevolence, 173 Smith’s introduction to, 315 love as prime, 151 Welsh translation of, 249 visible saints. See true saints Wesley’s editing of, 241 Visser’t Hooft, W. A., 306–8 Treatise on Human Nature, A (Hume), 92 Trent, William P., 266 Wadsworth, Benjamin, 67 Trinity, 22, 85, 127, 130–4, 148, Wait, Thomas, 338 165–6 Wales, 239, 255 Trommius, Abraham, 186 Edwards’s reputation in, 249, 257

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374 Index

Walley, John, 46, 48 Winthrop, John, 74 Warfield, Benjamin Breckenridge, 229 Wisdom and Folly in Religion Warner, Susan, 275 (Haroutunian), 312 Warren, Robert Penn, 271–2 Witherspoon, John, 302 Washington, George, 40 Withrow, Brandon G., 231 Wasson, David, 266 Wollaston, William, 152 Watts, Isaac, 26, 239, 262, 281 Wollebius, Johann, 69 Way of Holiness, The (Edwards), 107, 122 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 245 Webster, David, 53 Woman’s Home Companion, 286 Weir, John F., 6 women. See also gender roles Wesley, John, 26, 94, 218 and church membership, 335 and Edwards’s reputation in England, as guardians of the home, 335 242 as missionaries, 224 as Arminian, 241 Edwards’s views on spirituality of, 21 Wheeler, Rachel M., 12 piety of, 337–8 Whether God Is Not Angry with the Woodbridge, John, 66, 72 Country for Doing So Little toward the Woodbridge, Timothy, 198 Conversion of the Indians? Woolston, Thomas, 83 (Stoddard), 197 Word of God, 19, 51, 105, 189. See also Whitby, Daniel, 153 Bible; Scripture Whitefield, George, 240, 288, 331. See also Works of Jonathan Edwards (Edwards), 14. awakenings, 2, 26–7, 115, 136–9, See also by specific titles; Yale 218 Edition, 2 and admiration of Sarah Pierpont official website of, 8 Edwards, 47 Worst Sinner, Jonathan Edwards’s God, The influence on Edwards, 11 (poem, Lowell), 289 Whitman, Walt, 268, 275–6, 306 Wrath of Almighty God, The (Edwards), Whittier, John Greenleaf, 283 290 Wicked Men Useful in Their Destruction wrath of God, 3, 28, 68, 149, 158 Only (Edwards), 285 Wigglesworth, Michael, 41, 271 Yale College, 73 Wilder, Amos, 315 Edwards at, 21, 24, 53, 104, 108 Willard, Josiah, 136 Edwardseans at, 219 Willard, Samuel, 69 Yale Edition, 2, 14, 256, 272–3, 286, 288, Williams family, the, 25, 62, 198, 201 300–1, 307, 313–17 as Edwards’s enemy, 43, 201 Sinners in, 140 objections over Edwards at Stockbridge Yale University. See Yale College by, 198–9, 201–2 Yankee, 289 on baptism, 69 Yield to God’s Word, or Be Broken by His Williams, Elisha, 21, 201 Hand (Edwards), 122 Williams, Ephraim, 198, 200–1 young folks bible. See bad book episode Williams, Solomon, 191 youth. See also bad book episode; Williams, Stanley Thomas, 308 children, 137–8, 332 Williams, Stephen, 72–3, 140 and awakenings, 125, 339 Williams, William, 25–6, 68–9, and land scarcity, 329–30 189 and Northampton awakening, 25 Williams, William Carlos, 267–8 complaints about, 61, 65 Willison, John, 240 Edwards’s sermons to, 113, 138 Wilson, John, 127 Youth and the Pleasures of Piety Wilson, Thomas, 186 (Edwards), 113 Winder, Henry, 186 Winslow, Ola, 313 Zakai, Avihu, 10

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