William Fotheringham | 368 pages | 06 Jun 2013 | FABER & FABER | 9780571303625 | English | London, United Kingdom Review – Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling

All have a value, it's nice to be reminded of how the story was originally reported, but all rob from the book-form the primary advantages it has over the newspaper column: time and space. Every chapter is briefly introduced and the context of writing and selection set out clearly. He has reported from four Olympic Games and, not content with the print coverage of pro-cycling, launched Procycling magazine. Outside of Britain's bangle and bauble baggers in the five-ring circus that is the Olympics it's Anna Meares who gets to represent the rest of the world. William Fotheringham reflects on the cycling events of the last twenty-three years: the triumphs, the tragedies and the scandals that have engulfed the Typically, in coverage of the renaissance in 's fortunes, she gets overlooked, even though Peter Keen - who started life with before achieving success with and then shepherding the British cycling federation into the post-Lottery promised land - was very much a part of her story too. Those three topics, more or less, account for most of the pieces collected in Racing Hard. Necessary Necessary. Onwards we move into and the luckless Boardman makes his second of many appearances, the heartbreaking death of Fabio Casartelli is reported with grace, and emergence into the media glare of one Lance Armstrong highlighted. Ned Boulting. Like Boardman, she has held the world distance record for one hour, the toughest feat, in terms of distilled agony, that cycling has to offer outside the Tour. is the first British cyclist to win the Tour de France's green jersey, the first to wear the iconic rainbow jersey in almost 50 years and The book is so engaging that I have barely managed to tear myself away from reading it. Rotor Offer! Free chainrings. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Brand new: Lowest price The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Filed under: Cafe Bookshelf. First name. Stock photo. Take, as a good example, the Cofidis affaire. Here I'll again mention Yvonne McGregor. Everyone who votes in the SweetSpot Cycling Book of the Year Award goes into a draw to win copies of all 12 shortlisted titles, with the voting closing on Friday 20th December. Riding Hard is a collection of standalone pieces covering the Grand Tours, the Olympic Games, the greats of the sport and the villains. Published [London]: Ebury Press, Fotheringham himself has this to say when introducing the selected pieces: "It cannot be said that writing obituaries is a pleasure, but for a specialist writer on a daily newspaper the exercise is satisfying to say the least, offering as it does the chance to present to the readers some of the individuals who simply don't get into the pages, as the examples which follow should show. Of the Tour pieces, it is the ones in which Fotheringham is able to break free of the editorial constraint of what's assumed to be of interest to Guardian readers which, for me, stand out the most, such as a piece about Jean- Rene Bernaudeau and his grassroots approach to building the Europcar Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling. The Yellow Jersey Club contains just 26 living members. This category only includes Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. As well as time and space there are other problems with the newspaper reporting, which Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling also explains in his introduction:. William Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling Paperbacks Books. Published London: Corgi Books, The underbelly of the sport does cast a haunting shadow throughout the myriad of articles, and rightly so, as it every much part of the story of many a racing cyclist. Since joining the Guardian inWilliam Fotheringham has been at the forefront of British cycling journalism. But rather than bury the reader under pieces about Bradley Wiggins and - or even Chris Boardman's over exposed secret bloody Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling club - Fotheringham here goes for the less well reported side of the Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling. After each article William has added a current comment reflecting what happened in the cycling world following the original publication. Dave Millar, Richard Vironque are amongst those we meet as we journey to and through the year. Catalogue Number: Powered by Capita Prism Privacy Notice. Now he is threatening a lawsuit to regain money he says he is owed. Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. We hear from David Millar, of whom Fotheringham speaks highly, Racing Hard: 20 Tumultuous Years in Cycling many more characters all vividly and honestly brought to real life. And which victories still rank as the greatest of all time? The emergent personalities, the performances and the background stories are all there. The folklore is there, along with the key players, the clowns, the visionaries, the supporting cast, and the villains. Cycling Paperback Books. While it no longer rules the peloton, only anonymity He saw the Tour for the first time inavidly following that year's race on television in the Normandy village where he lived. Heady, and inspiring stuff. Bioracer Custom Clothing. Add to cart. 42.pdf and-flourished-in-communist-china-57.pdf