Boosting Your Company’s Strategic Agility

July 2015

© Copyright 20132015 Innosight LLC @ScottDAnthony Innosight overview

We are a global strategy consulting firm entirely focused on growth transformation. Founded by Professor in 2000, we collaborate with the world’s top companies to create growth strategies, build capabilities, and accelerate new growth initiatives.

Our Co-Founder Our Focus

CREATE GROWTH STRATEGIES How do I ensure my organization continues to achieve its growth goals in an ambiguous and changing environment?

BUILD INNOVATION CAPABILITIES How do I build the organizational capabilities Harvard Business School required to make innovation repeatable Professor Clay Christensen and sustainable? Awarded the Number 1 Management Thinker ACCELERATE NEW GROWTH INITIATIVES in the World in How do I spot, seize, and scale 2011 and 2013 opportunities to create new growth businesses?

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 1 Lessons from Life in the First Mile

• Every idea is partially right and partially wrong

• Customers lie and spreadsheets deceive

• White spaces exist for a reason

• It always takes longer, it always costs more

So be DEFT and have HOPE to smartly manage strategic uncertainty

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 2 “Everybody has a plan … until they get punched in the face.”

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 3 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 4 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 5 “For every one of our failures we had spreadsheets that looked awesome.” © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 6 Lessons from Life in the First Mile

• Every idea is partially right and partially wrong

• Customers lie and spreadsheets deceive

• White spaces exist for a reason

• It always takes longer, it always costs more

So be DEFT and have HOPE to smartly manage strategic uncertainty

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 7 Overcoming First Mile Challenges

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 8 Question Low Degree of Proof High

Is there a Said Shown Used Purchased Repeated Advocated need?

Can you Dreamed Drawn Prototyped Piloted Delivered Scaled deliver?

Revenue Model: Producing; Line of Is it Model: Model: Unit Entire Unit Sight to Profitable worth it? Envelope Economics Business Economics Profitability Validated

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 9 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 10 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 11 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 12 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 13 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 14 What would you like to discuss?

Decision Mastering Enabling Shaping the Making in Interfaces & Leadership Corporate Uncertainty Transitions Behaviors Culture

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 15 Decision Making in Uncertainty

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 16 Remember the different stages in the life of an idea

 The customers love it Search Successful Strategy  You can deliver it reliably  You know how to make money

Scale Successful Strategy

A startup is a temporary organization searching for a scalable and repeatable

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 17 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 18 Keys to decision making in uncertainty

Pre-determine 1 evaluation criteria

Involve objective 2 outsiders Double Down Pivot Impose a constraint 3 to force a decision

Never consider an  4 idea in isolation Continue Exploring Kill

Consider all 5 alternatives

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 19 Not all failures are created equal …

Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth. Jules Verne

We were stupid We were sloppy We hadn’t trained We shrewdly and missed and executed enough to have learned that an something poorly or the skills to assumption was obvious imprecisely execute well wrong

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 20 The ‘4Cs’ of successful disengagement

Codify re-usable 1 learning

2 Celebrate success

3 Communicate widely

4 Provide closure

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 21 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 22 Enabling Leadership Behaviors

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 23 Our job is to protect Change and new ideas from those uncertainty are part of Failure isn’t a who don’t understand life. Our job is not to necessary evil. In fact, that in order for resist them but to it isn’t evil at all. It is a greatness to emerge, build the capability to necessary there must be phases recover when consequence of doing of not-so-greatness. unexpected events something new. Protect the future, not occur. the past.

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 24 Shareholder value is a result, not a reason; ground activities in a motivational purpose

The essence of strategy is choice – what things will you decide not to do?

Strategy isn’t what you say, it is what you do. Allocate resources to create the future

Make the tough calls to break the sucking sound of the core business

Demonstrate a love of learning at key ritual moments to shape the corporate culture

Match the decision-making frame to the nature of the strategic challenges

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 25 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 26 “We don’t look at the financial analysis because it’s garbage in garbage out. We evaluate opportunities by the attractiveness of the market. The team attacks the project from all angles and rates it. You look directionally to see ‘Are they getting closer to the bulls eye?’ by reducing uncertainties. You watch the movement. If it’s flowing out typically we kill it.”

Match the decision-making frame to the nature of the strategic challenges © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 28 Your executive training regimen

Learn to Code Serve Pizza

Take a Field Trip Make New Friends

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 29 Managing Interfaces and Transitions

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 30 Lesson 1: Avoid the core except for when you truly need it

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 31 Lesson 2: Think a round ahead

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 32 Lesson 3: Remember new business models often require new sales channels (among other things)!

“I had a [sales] call...where I literally told the sales rep to take the iLook out of the bag and show it to the physician. He didn’t do it. So I asked him again. I had to ask him three times because he would not do it. And I’m the president of the company. He wasn’t being defiant, he was just nervous. It was palpable.” Kevin Goodwin, CEO, SonoSite

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 33 Lesson 4: Micromanage transitions

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 34 Shaping Your Corporate Culture

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 35 Q: What word best describes the innovation environment inside your organization?

1. Hostile – corporate antibodies actively fight it

2. Indifferent – active and consistent leadership is required

3. Encouraging – it can be a struggle but we’re committed to it

4. Enabling – it is part of who we are

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 36 We are organized to deliver consistent, reliable results. And that’s exactly the problem.

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 37 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 38 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 39 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 40 Knows the Takes idea Experiments customerDiscoversroad trips regularly


Seeks ideas Has internal Shares half- everywhereIntersectscollisions baked ideas

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 41 ‘On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B’

Don’t ask for … Without …

Ideas Mechanisms to process them

Answers Defining problems worth solving

Experiments Providing a stocked laboratory

Risk taking Being tolerant of ‘failure’

Disruption Ring-fencing resources

Breakthrough Impact Dedicating ‘A team’ talent

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 42 The Everyday Innovation System

Checklists Idea Supply Chain Idea Sorter

Core of Curiosity

Ritual Reinforcement Experiment Enablers Innovation Training © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 43 © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 44 different … that creates value

© Copyright 20132015 Innosight LLC © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 46 To Learn More … The Innovator’s Bookshelf

• Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker (1985) • Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew S. Grove (1996) • The Innovator’s Solution by Clayton Christensen & M. Raynor (2003) Basic language • Seizing the White Space by Mark Johnson (2010) and conceptual • The Little Black Book of Innovation by Scott D. Anthony (2011) overview • The Innovator’s Extinction by David E. Ulmer (2013) • Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace (2014) • Playing to Win by Roger Martin & A.G. Lafley (2013)

• Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath (2007) Developing • Borrowing Brilliance by David Kord Murray (2009) Ideas • Business Model Generation by A. Ostetrwalder & Y. Pigneur (2010) • Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson (2010)

• The High Velocity Edge by Steven Spear (2009) • Discovery-Driven Growth by Rita McGrath & Ian MacMillan (2009) Assessing and • The Innovator’s Guide to Growth by Anthony et al (2008) Testing Ideas • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries (2011) • The Four Steps to the Epiphany by Steven Gary Blank (2005) • The First Mile by Scott D. Anthony (2014)

• The Other Side of Innovation by Govindarajan & Trimble (2010) Building • Building a Growth Factory by Anthony & Duncan (2012) Capabilities • The Innovator’s DNA by J. Dyer, H. Gregersen & C. Christensen (2011) @ScottDAnthony [email protected] © Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 47 flexible humble thorough active innovative bold

© Copyright 2015 Innosight LLC 48

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© Copyright 20132015 Innosight LLC