November 20-22, 2016 Doha #WorldPolicyConf TABLE DES MATIERES TABLE OF CONTENTS



a neuvième édition de la se tient dans un contexte he ninth World Policy Conference is being held against a background where où le doute sur l’avenir de la mondialisation semble bien implanté. Nom- doubt about the future of globalisation seems deeply instilled. There are Lbreux sont les problèmes géopolitiques susceptibles de dégénérer à plus ou Tmany geopolitical problems likely to degenerate in the near-term. The moins court terme. Le désaccord des grandes puissances face aux provocations disagreement among major powers over provocative actions by Kim Jong Un de Kim Jong Un fait craindre une crise majeure autour de la péninsule coréenne. raises fears of a major crisis around the Korean peninsula.

C’est également en raison des désaccords entre les principales puissances concer- It is also because of disagreements between the leading powers involved nées que la guerre se poursuit en Syrie et en Irak, sans que l’on puisse encore that the war is continuing in Syria and Iraq, without even the possibility of anti- même entrevoir la restauration d’une paix au Moyen-Orient. Les instabilités sur cipating the restoration of peace in the Middle East. Instability persists on the les marches de la Russie, en Ukraine mais aussi potentiellement en Asie Centrale, Russian borders, in The Ukraine and potentially also in Central Asia. The European perdurent. L’Union européenne secouée par la crise des réfugiés et maintenant Union, shaken by the refugee crisis and now by Brexit as well as economic par le Brexit mais aussi par ses déséquilibres économiques, paie le prix d’un imbalances, is paying the price of its accelerated enlargement in the 1990s, made élargissement accéléré dans les années 1990, rendu nécessaire par la chute de necessary by the fall of the Soviet Union. The shadow of terrorism hangs l’Union soviétique. Partout plane l’ombre du terrorisme. La défiance, omnipré- everywhere. Suspicion is omnipresent, compromising the chances of good sente, compromet les chances d’une bonne gouvernance régionale et mondiale. regional and world governance. As a result, relationships between Ainsi les relations entre la Turquie et les pays occidentaux se sont-elles dégradées and western countries deteriorated after the attempted coup in July. après la tentative de coup d’Etat du mois de juillet. Le rejet de la domination Rejection of transatlantic domination is being expressed in the vitality of transatlantique se traduit par la vitalité d’organisations improbables telles que improbable organisations, such as summits of the BRICS countries. Populist, les sommets des BRICS. Au sein même des démocraties libérales, les mouvements anti-establishment movements are proliferating at the very heart of liberal populistes, anti-establishment, prolifèrent. democracies.

La réunion de Doha se tient au lendemain de l’élection présidentielle aux Etats- The Doha meeting is being held a few days after the ' presidential Unis, après une campagne dont l’étrangeté et la violence ont surpris le monde election, after a strange and violent campaign that has surprised the whole entier et dont les effets se feront longtemps sentir. Les Américains sont davantage world, the effects of which will be felt for a long time. The Americans have turned tournés vers eux-mêmes et l’hypothèse caressée par certains d’un “leadership further inward and the assumption held by some of 'American leadership' américain“ bénéficiant au système international dans son ensemble n’a guère benefiting the entire international system hasn't much chance of taking shape. de chances de prendre corps. La révolution technologique se poursuit et même The technological revolution is continuing and even accelerating, anticipating s’accélère, laissant entrevoir des transformations radicales dans l’ordre écono- radical and sometimes destabilising transformations in the economic and social mique et social parfois déstabilisatrices, alors que l’enthousiasme pour la mon- order, while enthusiasm for globalisation has fallen off, to the point that dialisation est retombé, au point que l’on s’inquiète partout de la montée d’une throughout the world people are worried about a protectionist wave. vague protectionniste.


Telles sont les conditions dans lesquelles va s’ouvrir la Conférence de Doha. Plus These are the conditions in which the Doha Conference will be opened. More than que jamais, la WPC se veut pragmatique, tolérante et en un sens profond non ever, the WPC would like to be pragmatic, tolerant and profoundly non-aligned alignée sur quelque puissance ou quelqu’idéologie que se soit. Plus que jamais, with any power or ideology whatsoever. More than ever, it is mobilised elle se mobilise autour de cette question fondamentale : comment organiser la around this fundamental question: how to organise peaceful coexistence in a coexistence pacifique dans un monde suffisamment ouvert pour que les peuples sufficiently-open world so that people can best benefit from the huge oppor- puissent bénéficier au mieux des opportunités immenses ouvertes par la révo- tunities offered by the technological revolution, without abandoning their lution technologique, sans renier leur histoire et leur culture. history and culture.

Thierry de MONTBRIAL Thierry de MONTBRIAL Fondateur et Président de la WPC WPC Founder and Chairman

BIOGRAPHIE BIOGRAPHY Thierry de Montbrial est le président de l'Institut français des relations internationales Thierry de Montbrial is Executive Chairman of the French Institute of International Relations qu'il a fondé en 1979. Il est professeur émérite au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. (Ifri), which he founded in 1979. He is Professor Emeritus at the Conservatoire national des En 2008, il a lancé la World Policy Conference. Il est membre de l'Académie des sciences arts et métiers. In 2008, he launched the World Policy Conference. He has been a member morales et politiques de l'Institut de depuis 1992 et membre associé de nombreuses of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques of the since 1992, and académies étrangères dont l'Académie des sciences de Russie. Il siège au conseil ou au is a member of a number of foreign academies including the Russian Academy of Sciences. conseil consultatif de plusieurs entreprises ou institutions internationales. He serves on the board or advisory board of a number of international companies and Thierry de Montbrial a dirigé le département de sciences économiques de l'Ecole poly- institutions. Thierry de Montbrial chaired the Department of Economics at the Ecole poly- Thierry technique entre 1974 et 1992. Il a été le premier Président de la Fondation de la recherche technique from 1974 to 1992. He was the first Chairman of the Foundation for Strategic de MONTBRIAL stratégique (1993-2001). Il a mis sur pied le Centre d'analyse et de prévision du Ministère Research (1993-2001). Entrusted with the creation of the Policy Planning Staff (Centre des Affaires étrangères et en a été le premier directeur (1973-1979). d'analyse et de prevision) at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was its first director (1973-1979). Il est l'auteur de vingt livres, certains traduits en plusieurs langues. Il est Commandeur de la Légion d'honneur, Grand Officier de l'Ordre national du mérite et titulaire de nombreuses He has authored twenty books, several of them translated in various languages. He is a autres décorations françaises et étrangères, ainsi que de neuf doctorats honoris causa. Commandeur of the Légion d'honneur and a Grand Officer of the National Order of Merit and has been awarded many other state honors by the French and foreign governments. Thierry de Montbrial est ancien élève de l'Ecole polytechnique, docteur en économie He holds nine honoris causa doctorates. mathématique de l'Université de Berkeley (Californie) et ancien ingénieur général au corps des Mines. Thierry de Montbrial is a graduate of the Ecole polytechnique and the Ecole des mines, and received a PhD in Mathematical Economics from the University of California at Berkeley.

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10 / World Policy Conference 2016 11 PROGRAMME AGENDA LUNDI 21 NOVEMBRE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 08:30 • 09:45 Session plénière 8 Plenary Session 8 PROGRAMME Union européenne : la prochaine étape ? // European Union: what next? 10:00 • 12:30 Ateliers parallèles Parallel workshops AGENDA 1. Finance et économie // 1. Finance and Economy • 2. Énergie et Climat // 2. Energy and Climate • 3. La Chine en transition // 3. China in transition 12:45 • 14:15 Déjeuner débat Lunch Debate 14:15 • 16:00 Session plénière 9 Plenary Session 9 Après les élections américaines // Post-American Elections 16:00 • 16:30 Session plénière 10 Plenary Session 10 DIMANCHE 20 NOVEMBRE La conquête de l’espace : une grande aventure technologique et un défi pour SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 la gouvernance // Space as a major technological and governance adventure 16:30 • 17:00 Pause café Coffee break 08:30 • 09:30 Café d’accueil Welcome coffee 17:00 • 18:30 Session plénière 11 Plenary Session 11 09:30 • 10:45 Ouverture Opening Session Combattre le terrorisme // Fighting Terrorism 18:30 • 19:45 Session plénière 12 Plenary Session 12 10:45 • 12:00 Session plénière 1 Plenary Session 1 La stabilité politique et économique en Asie de l’Est // Political and Economic Stability in East Asia L’avenir du Moyen-Orient // The future of the Middle East 20:00 • 20:30 Cocktail Cocktail 12:00 • 13:15 Session plénière 2 Plenary Session 2 Ethique et relations public-privé // Ethics and Government-Business relations 20:30 Dîner de gala Gala Dinner 13:15 • 14:45 Déjeuner-débat Lunch debate 14:45 • 15:15 Session plénière 3 Plenary Session 3 MARDI 22 NOVEMBRE Le rôle européen et international de la Turquie // Turkey’s European and international role TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 15:15 • 16:30 Session plénière 4 Plenary Session 4 08:00 • 08:45 Rapports des ateliers parallèles Reports from parallel workshops Santé : innovations technologiques et gouvernance mondiale // 08:45 • 10:00 Session plénière 13 Plenary Session 13 Health: Technological innovation and global governance Les principaux défis de l’économie mondiale // Main world economic challenges 16:30 • 18:00 Session plénière 5 Plenary Session 5 10:00 • 11:15 Session plénière 14 Plenary Session 14 Le changement technologique et le nouveau contrat social // Le rôle des hydrocarbures dans le paysage géopolitique régional // Technological change and the New Social Contract The role of hydrocarbons in the regional geopolitical landscape 18:00 • 18:30 Pause-café Coffee break 11:15 • 11:45 Pause café Coffee break 18:30 • 19:00 Session plénière 6 Plenary Session 6 11:45 • 13:00 Session plénière 15 Plenary Session 15 Le Royaume-Uni après le Brexit // UK after Brexit L’Éducation et le rôle des femmes // Education and the role of women 19:00 • 20:00 Session plénière 7 Plenary Session 7 13:15 • 14:15 Déjeuner Lunch La sécurité et le développement économique en Afrique // 14:15 • 15:30 Session plénière 16 Plenary Session 16 Security and Economic Development in Africa Diversification, éducation et emploi au Moyen-Orient / 20:30 Dîner-débat Dinner Debate Diversification, Education and Employment in the Middle East 15:30 • 16:45 Session plénière 17 Plenary Session 17 Session Young Leaders : Bouleversements, populismes et le monde de demain // Young Leaders Session: Disruption, Populism and World of Tomorrow 16:45 • 17:15 Pause café Coffee break 17:15 • 19:00 Session plénière 18 Plenary Session 18 Débat final / Final debate

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16 / World Policy Conference 2016 17 THÈMES DES SESSIONS CONFERENCE THEMES

Session 1. L'avenir du Moyen-Orient Session 1. The future of the Middle East

Loin d'ouvrir la voie à une période de paix et de prospérité, le soi-disant "Printemps arabe" a engendré Far from paving the way for a peaceful and prosperous era, the so-called “Arab Spring” led to even more de nouveaux fléaux qui frappent l'ensemble du Moyen-Orient. La région (Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord) scourges affecting the Middle East at large. Nonetheless, the region (the Middle East and North Africa) dispose toutefois de ressources humaines et naturelles qui devraient augurer d'un avenir prometteur. Qui enjoys human and natural resources that should allow for a bright future. Who should do what, and when, doit faire quoi, et quand, pour obtenir dans un avenir pas trop lointain les bienfaits que le "Printemps to achieve in a not too distant future the benefits that the “Arab Spring” has been unable to deliver? arabe" n'a pas été en mesure d'apporter ?

Session 2. Éthique et relations public-privé Session 2. Ethics and Government-Business relations

La révolution des technologies de l'information se poursuit à un rythme accéléré. Elle a déjà eu de pro- The information technology revolution is still moving full-speed ahead. It has already deeply impacted fondes répercussions sur les relations gouvernement-monde des affaires (ou relations public-privé), et government business, public-private relations and how media and public opinion influence them. For sur la façon dont les médias et les opinions publiques interfèrent avec ces relations. Par exemple, la lutte instance, fighting corruption or tax evasion are becoming major government issues at the national as well contre la corruption ou l'évasion fiscale sont aujourd'hui des enjeux gouvernementaux majeurs, tant au as the international levels. Technology also raises new ethical issues, typically in critical situations where niveau national qu'international. La technologie soulève également de nouvelles questions éthiques, mathematical algorithms replace human judgment or media campaigns become substitutes for fair trials. notamment dans les situations critiques où le jugement humain est remplacé par des algorithmes mathé- This session’s objective is to look at these related issues’ various aspects. matiques ou lorsque des campagnes médiatiques se substituent à des procès équitables. Cette session a pour objectif d'analyser les divers aspects de ces questions connexes. Session 3. Turkey’s European and international role Session 3. Le rôle européen et international de la Turquie Turkey is not only a key actor in the Middle East. It also plays a major political, economic and cultural role in La Turquie n'est pas seulement un acteur clé du Moyen-Orient. Elle joue également un rôle important dans European affairs and in the space of the former Soviet Union. This session aims to clarify that role in the les affaires européennes et dans l'espace de l'ancienne Union soviétique. Ce rôle est politique, économique aftermath of the most recent political and geopolitical developments. et culturel. Cette session a pour objectif de préciser les contours de ce rôle au lendemain des plus récents développements politiques et géopolitiques. Session 4. Health: Technological development and global governance Session 4. Santé : innovations technologiques et gouvernance mondiale Technology’s impact on medicine has ongoing organizational and governance repercussions with conside- La technologie a des répercussions sur la médecine en termes d'organisation et de gouvernance, avec des rable international consequences. For example, how can epidemics be prevented and fought? How can conséquences internationales considérables. Exemples : comment prévenir et combattre les épidémies ; health cooperation between developed and developing countries be improved? Every year, it is part of the comment améliorer la coopération en matière de santé entre pays développés et pays en développement ? WPC mission to assess the situation and make recommendations in this crucial area. La WPC a notamment pour mission, année après année, d'évaluer la situation et d'émettre des recomman- dations dans ce domaine vital.

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Session 5. Le changement technologique et le nouveau contrat social Session 5. Technological change and the New Social Contract

Dans cette quatrième session de la 9e WPC consacrée à la technologie, nous examinerons plus largement Directly focusing on technology, this session will examine the broader issue of the IT revolution’s disruptive les effets disruptifs de la révolution des technologies de l'information sur les "contrats sociaux" dans le effects on “social contracts” around the world. Governments must adapt to new emerging economic and monde entier. Les gouvernements doivent s'adapter à de nouveaux modèles économiques et de sécurité, security models. The failure to do so is bound to undermine their legitimacy. sachant que toute incapacité à s'adapter risque de saper leur légitimité. Session 6. UK after Brexit Session 6. Le Royaume-Uni après le Brexit The results of the June 23rd referendum in the UK came as a big shock, seeming to destabilize even those Les résultats du référendum britannique du 23 juin ont constitué un choc énorme, semblant même désta- who were in favor of Brexit. The rest of the EU is determined to remain united and take a tough stance in biliser les partisans du Brexit. Le reste de l'UE est déterminée à rester unie et à se montrer ferme dans les the upcoming negotiations with the outgoing member. How can the UK envisage its future in the next few négociations à venir avec le membre sortant. Comment la Grande-Bretagne peut-elle envisager son avenir years and beyond? à court terme et au-delà ? Session 7. Security and Economic Development in Africa Session 7. La sécurité et le développement économique en Afrique It is now well recognized that Africa is a continent in progress, with huge economic potential. However, it Il est aujourd'hui clairement admis que l'Afrique est un continent sur la voie du progrès, doté d'un potentiel still faces serious local and regional governance issues as well as major security challenges, some of them économique énorme. Toutefois, l'Afrique reste confrontée à de graves problèmes gouvernance locale et closely related to the Middle East. This session’s goal is to identify those issues and challenges and look at régionale et à des défis majeurs en matière de sécurité, dont certains sont étroitement liés à la situation au the role of external powers, such as Europe, the US and China. Moyen-Orient. Cette session a pour objectif d'identifier ces problèmes et ces défis, et d'examiner le rôle des puissances extérieures telles que l'Europe, les États-Unis et la Chine. Session 8. The European Union: what next?

Session 8. Union européenne : la prochaine étape ? The European Union currently faces at least three major crises: the Eurozone is far from being entirely stabilized; the refugee crisis has revealed Europe’s weakness at the security level, lack of a coherent im- L'Union européenne se trouve aujourd'hui confrontée à au moins trois crises majeures : la zone Euro est loin migration and refugee policy and flawed implementation of the Schengen Agreements; and the Brexit d'être entièrement stabilisée ; la crise des réfugiés a mis en évidence la faiblesse de l'Europe dans le domaine vote has left everyone unprepared. So far, 2016 is unlikely to be the first year of European disintegration. de la sécurité, l'absence d'une politique cohérente sur l'immigration et les réfugiés, et les failles dans la mise How is it possible to react positively to these challenges and boost the European construction adventure en œuvre des Accords de Schengen ; les résultats du référendum sur le Brexit ont pris tout le monde au in spite of the Eurosceptics and populists? Could the EU survive a protracted period of stagnation with dépourvu. 2016 ne semble toutefois pas marquer le début de la désintégration de l'Union européenne. consequences for the rest of the world? Comment réagir positivement à ces défis et donner un nouvel élan à la construction européenne malgré les eurosceptiques et les populistes ? L'UE pourrait-elle survivre à une période de stagnation prolongée, avec quelles conséquences pour le reste du monde ? Session 9. After the American elections

The ninth WPC starts less than two weeks after the US presidential election. The unprecedented campaign Session 9. Après les élections américaines left the world puzzled about the future course of American economic and foreign policy. Moderated by a prominent American journalist, this panel will consider the consequences of November 8 from the rest of La 9e WPC commence moins de deux semaines après les élections présidentielles aux États-Unis. La cam- the world’s viewpoint. pagne présidentielle, sans précédent dans l'histoire, a laissé le monde perplexe quant à la future politique

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économique et étrangère des États-Unis. Dans ce panel, modéré par un éminent journaliste américain, nous examinerons les conséquences du 8 novembre du point de vue du reste du monde. Session 10. Space as a major technological and governance adventure

Three issues will be discussed: Session 10. La conquête de l'espace : une grande aventure technolo- 1. Technological developments in this field; gique et un défi pour la gouvernance 2. Space activities and climate change; 3. The conquest of Mars. Trois questions seront débattues : 1. développements technologiques dans ce domaine ; 2. activités spatiales et changement climatique ; 3. la conquête de la planète Mars. Session 11. Fighting Terrorism

Although terrorism is by no means new in a historical perspective, it is currently becoming a worldwide Session 11. Combattre le terrorisme scourge. In theory, to eradicate it, the “international community” should share an understanding of its root causes and build coordinated strategies at various levels. To what extent is this feasible, since there Le terrorisme a certes toujours existé, mais il est devenu aujourd'hui un fléau mondial. En théorie, pour is no international definition of terrorism and some of the major States disagree on their analysis of the l'éradiquer, la "communauté internationale" devrait partager une même compréhension de ses racines et risks? How can a minimum core of cooperation be defined, and among whom? élaborer des stratégies cordonnées à différents niveaux. Dans quelle mesure est-ce faisable, sachant qu'il n'existe pas de définition internationale du terrorisme et que certains grands États divergent dans leur analyse des risques ? Comment définir un noyau de coopération, et entre qui ? Session 12. Political and Economic Stability in East Asia

Session 12. La stabilité politique et économique en Asie de l'Est The WPC regularly covers East Asia. Tensions have remained very high since the Montreux meeting, although some positive diplomatic moves have taken place in the China-Japan-Korea triangle. However, L'Asie de l'Est est l'une des principales régions régulièrement couvertes par la WPC. Depuis la conférence de North Korea’s provocative attitude is increasingly alarming and particularly challenging for the US and Montreux, les tensions restent vives malgré quelques avancées diplomatiques dans le triangle Chine-Japon- China. The region also faces some significant economic challenges. Corée. L'attitude provocante de la Corée du Nord est de plus en plus préoccupante et constitue un véritable défi pour les États-Unis et la Chine en particulier. La région est également confrontée à d'importants enjeux économiques. Session 13. The world’s main economic challenges

Session 13. Les principaux défis de l’économie mondiale This is also a traditional WPC session. Its aim is to look at major global economic governance issues from three complementary points of view: Il s'agit là encore d'une session traditionnelle de la WPC. Elle a pour objectif d'appréhender les grandes 1. Structural developments; questions de la gouvernance économique globale selon trois points de vue complémentaires : 2. International trade (currently slowing down, with strong protectionist forces around the world); 1. Développements structurels ; 3. Macroeconomic policies and their coordination (or lack of). 2. Commerce international (aujourd'hui en repli, avec de puissantes forces protectionnistes à l'œuvre partout dans le monde) ; 3. Politiques macroéconomiques et leur coordination (ou l'absence de).

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Session 14. Le rôle des hydrocarbures dans le paysage géopolitique Session 14. The role of hydrocarbons in the regional geopolitical landscape régional This session will feature a debate between the Chairman and CEO of Total and President and CEO of Qatar Cette session se déroulera sous forme de débat entre le PDG de Total et le PDG de Qatar Petroleum Petroleum.

Session 15. L'Éducation et le rôle des femmes Session 15. Education and the role of women

Les femmes ont un rôle important à jouer dans le développement durable, économique et social, partout Women have a major role to play in sustainable economic and social development around the world. dans le monde. Cette session sera consacrée à la question de l'éducation des femmes et à leur importance This session will emphasize both the issue of the education of women and the importance of women as en tant qu'éducatrices, en s’appuyant sur l’exemple du Qatar. educators.

Session 16. Diversification, éducation et emploi au Moyen-Orient Session 16. Diversification, Education and Employment in the Middle East

Cette session, comme la session 15, sera consacrée à l'éducation mais selon une perspective différente. La Like session 15, this one will emphasize education, but from a different point of view. Most leaders in the plupart des dirigeants du Moyen-Orient, et d'autres pays dont les économies sont largement tributaires de Middle East, as in other countries whose economies still depend primarily on their natural resources, leurs ressources naturelles, ont conscience que leur développement économique et social à long terme understand that successful long-term economic and social development depends on economic diversifi- dépend de la diversification économique. La réussite de la diversification dépend à son tour de la qualité de cation. Successful diversification, in turn, depends on the quality of education. This session has a clear link l'éducation. Cette session est clairement liée à la session 1, même si l'échelle de temps est différente. with session 1, although on a different timescale.

Session 17. Session Young Leaders : Bouleversements, populismes Session 17. Young Leaders Session: Disruption, Populism and the World et le monde de demain of Tomorrow

Le monde n'a jamais connu de mutation aussi rapide, et cela s'explique par l'accélération de la révolution The still-accelerating information technology revolution means that the world is changing with des technologies de l'information. Les nouvelles générations d'entrepreneurs et de dirigeants portent sur unprecedented speed. As a consequence, the new generations of entrepreneurs and leaders look at the le monde un regard différent de celui de leurs aînés. La réalité des relations internationales risque d'en être world in a way quite different from their elders. Their way is likely to impact the reality of international affectée beaucoup plus rapidement que sous les précédents changements générationnels. Mais il est vrai relations much faster than under past generational changes. But it is also true that populist, nationalist aussi que des forces populistes, nationalistes et anti-mondialisation sont aujourd'hui à l'œuvre. Dans cette and anti-globalization forces are currently at work. In this session, the panelists will be asked to spell out session, il sera demandé au panel d'identifier les grands enjeux de la gouvernance mondiale qu'il convient the most important global governance issues that they believe need to be addressed soon to fulfill their à leur avis de relever sans délai afin de répondre à leurs attentes. expectations.

Session 18. Débat final Session 18. Final debate

Cette session finale traditionnelle de la WPC se veut un exercice récapitulatif et est également l'occasion This traditional final session of the WPC is meant as a wrap-up exercise and an opportunity to fill in de préciser ou de développer certains points. some gaps.

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Ateliers Workshops

ATELIER « FINANCE ET ÉCONOMIE » Mais la croissance en 2017 resterait relativement WORKSHOP "FINANCE AND ECONOMY " attained in the first half of the 2000. They are some Cet atelier abordera deux questions majeures. Pre- faible par rapport aux taux de croissance annuels The workshop will address two major issues First, reassuring upside developments including the easy mièrement, les perspectives de l'économie mon- atteints dans la première moitié des années 2000. the World Economic Outlook and its multiple risk re-pricing in financial markets after Brexit; the en- diale et les différentes dimensions du risque. Deu- On observe quelques signes rassurants tels qu’un dimensions. Secondly, the present state and the couraging labor market in the US; the pickup in xièmement, la situation actuelle et le programme re-pricing sans heurt sur les marchés financiers après work-plan of financial reforms after the Septem- prices in oil and commodities which alleviates the de réformes financières après le sommet du G20 de le Brexit, un marché du travail encourageant aux ber Hangzhou G20 meeting. pressure on oil and commodities producers. Hangzhou en septembre. États-Unis, et une remontée des prix du pétrole et des marchandises qui allège la pression sur les pro- 1. WORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Still the potential for setbacks to the growth outlook 1. PERSPECTIVES DE L'ÉCONOMIE MONDIALE ducteurs de pétrole et de marchandises. In 2016, the global economic recovery has been char- of the International Institutions is high. Risks remain En 2016, la reprise économique mondiale se caractérise acterized by a disappointing subdued growth. numerous at a global level and the materialization of par une croissance modérée décevante. Les dernières Toutefois, les prévisions de croissance des institutions According to the IMF last projections, world growth some of these risks could be particularly adverse for prévisions du FMI évaluent la croissance mondiale cette internationales pourraient être mises à mal. En effet, this year is projected at 3,1%, 0,1% lower than the April global economic growth and stability. Among these année à 3,1 %, 0,1 % de moins que les prévisions d'avril. les risques restent nombreux au niveau international projections. In advanced economies, the legacies of risks: first, the geostrategic risks in the Middle East, Dans les économies avancées, l'héritage de l'essor et la matérialisation de certains de ces risques the pre-crisis boom and of the subsequent bust are in Africa, in the Eastern part of Europe and in Asia; enregistré avant la crise et de la récession qui a suivi pourrait porter atteinte à la croissance et à la stabi- still overshadowing the recovery and the June UK second, the new political risks coming from the pow- continue de faire de l'ombre à la reprise, et le vote lité économique mondiale. Parmi ces risques, il vote in favor of leaving the European Union had a erful move against global trade and in favor of a drive britannique de juin en faveur de la sortie de l'Union convient de citer : premièrement, les risques certain negative influence as well as weaker than towards nationalism and protectionism in many européenne a eu une influence négative, tout comme géostratégiques au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique, en expected growth in the US. The emerging economies, advanced economies (US elections, UK Brexit, Euro- la croissance plus faible que prévu enregistrée aux Europe de l'Est et en Asie ; deuxièmement, les nou- which had been largely preserved from the acute pean new nationalism, etc.); third, the potential États-Unis. Les économies émergentes, largement veaux risques politiques liés à un puissant mouve- crisis of the advanced economies in 2008-2009, are consequences of prolonged low growth in the ad- préservées de la grave crise qui avait frappé les éco- ment de fond hostile au commerce international et adjusting to lower rates of growth. That being said, vanced economies (secular stagnation) and the low nomies avancées en 2008-2009, s'ajustent désormais favorable au nationalisme et au protectionnisme growth in emerging market and develo-ping econo- level of productivity improvement; fourth, the re- à des taux de croissance moindres. Ceci dit, la crois- dans de nombreuses économies avancées (élections mies is expected to strengthen somewhat in 2016 to maining financial risks stemming from the legacy of sance dans les marchés émergents et les économies aux États-Unis, Brexit, nouveau nationalisme euro- 4,2%, contributing to 75% of global growth this year. the financial crisis, high level of public and private en développement devrait atteindre 4,2 % en 2016, péen, etc.) ; troisièmement, les conséquences poten- The modest pickup expected in 2016 comes after five debts both in the advanced and emerging economies contribuant à hauteur de 75 % à la croissance mondiale tielles d'une période prolongée de faible croissance consecutive years of decline. and potential bubbles coming out of very accom- cette année. Ce modeste regain attendu en 2016 fait dans les économies avancées (stagnation séculaire) modating monetary policies; and fifth, a number of suite à cinq années consécutives de déclin. et le faible niveau d'amélioration de la productivité ; The disappointing growth this year does not signal other specific risks, including China’s economic rebal- quatrièmement, les risques financiers hérités de necessarily the same level of growth in 2017: the IMF ancing, emerging countries imbalances and further La croissance décevante cette année ne doit pas être la crise financière, un niveau élevé d'endettement growth projections for 2017 are 3,4% for the world sovereign risks issues in the advanced as in the interprétée comme annonciatrice d'un même niveau public et privé dans les économies avancées et émer- (0,3% more than this year), with a slight pickup both emerging countries. de croissance pour 2017 : les prévisions de croissance gentes, et les bulles potentielles découlant de for the advanced economies, with a growth projec- du FMI pour 2017 sont de 3,4 % pour le monde (0,3 % politiques monétaires très accommodantes ; et tion of 1,8% instead of 1,6%, and for the emerging The workshop would concentrate on several issues de plus que cette année), avec une légère accéléra- cinquièmement, un certain nombre de risques market and developing economies with a growth of that should require much attention from the inter- tion pour les économies avancées (prévision de spécifiques, notamment le rééquilibrage écono- 4,6% instead of 4,2% this year. national community, in particular but not exclu- croissance de 1,8 % au lieu de 1,6 %) et pour les éco- mique en Chine, les déséquilibres dans les marchés sively: nomies émergentes et en développement (+ 4,6 % émergents et l'exposition au risque souverain dans But growth in 2017 would remain relatively meager • What are the underlying causes of the decrease au lieu de 4,2 % cette année). les pays avancés et émergents. in comparison with the yearly rates of growth of growth of “total factor productivity” and of

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L'atelier se concentrera sur plusieurs questions qui fiscale peut-elle remplacer ou compléter la poli- labor productivity observed in many advanced 2. FINANCIAL REFORMS: PROGRESS MADE AND méritent l'attention de la communauté internatio- tique monétaire ? Les économies avancées et émer- economies? WORK-PLAN nale, notamment mais non exclusivement : gentes disposent-elles d'un espace fiscal suffisant Since the first G20 commitment to fundamental pour cela ? • Is there an associated real danger of “secular reform of the global financial system, substantial • Quelles sont les causes sous-jacentes de la diminu- stagnation” in advanced economies, including in progress have been made, which does not mean tion de croissance de la « productivité globale des 2. RÉFORMES FINANCIÈRES : PROGRÈS RÉALISÉS ET the United States? What are the multiple dimen- that it was easy or without opposition and chal- facteurs » et de la productivité du travail observée PLAN DE TRAVAIL sions of its consequences if such stagnation is lenges. What is remarkable since the global finan- dans de nombreuses économies avancées ? Depuis le premier engagement du G20 de réformer confirmed? cial crisis is that all measures are now prepared and en profondeur le système financier mondial, de nom- decided by the International Community as a • Existe-t-il un réel danger de « stagnation sécu- breux progrès ont été réalisés, ce qui ne veut pas dire • In Europe, particularly in the Euro area, there is an whole, including systemic emerging economies, laire » dans les économies avancées, y compris aux que cela s'est fait en toute facilité, sans rencontrer la overall lack of domestic demand, signaled, in (new inclusive composition of Basel Committee, États-Unis ? Quelles sont les multiples dimensions moindre opposition ou le moindre problème. Fait particular, by a significant and increasing current Financial Stability Board and G20) and not only by d'une telle stagnation si celle-ci se confirme ? remarquable depuis la crise financière mondiale, account surplus and by a low level of inflation. the advanced economies as was the case before toutes ces mesures sont aujourd'hui préparées et What are the appropriate ways (fiscal, PPP infra- (previous restricted format of Basel Committee, G10 • En Europe, notamment dans la zone euro, on ob- décidées par la communauté internationale dans son structure investment, new deal of social partners and G7). serve une absence générale de demande inté- ensemble, y compris les économies émergentes sys- in some countries…) to activate domestic demand rieure, révélée notamment par un excédent signi- témiques (nouvelle composition inclusive du Comité and counter sustained abnormally low inflation The workshop could concentrate, amongst others, ficatif et croissant des comptes courants et un de Bâle, Conseil de stabilité financière et G20) et pas in order to alleviate the burden on the monetary on five issues that are of particular importance: niveau d'inflation faible. Quels sont les moyens seulement par les économies avancées, comme policy of the ECB? appropriés (fiscal, PPP, investissements dans les c'était le cas avant (ancien format restreint du Comi- • Ending too-big-to-fail. It is clearly one of the most infrastructures, nouveau contrat social dans té de Bâle, G10, G7). • What are the medium and long term consequenc- decisive measures. Implementation of higher loss certains pays...) pour activer la demande intérieure es of the global rebalancing of energy consump- absorbency and more intensive supervision is most et contrer l'inflation anormalement faible afin L'atelier pourrait se concentrer entre autres sur cinq tion out of fossil energy? advanced for systemic banks. A lot remain to be de soulager la pression sur la politique monétaire questions qui revêtent une importance particulière : done to make operational resolution plans for cross de la BCE ? • Is there a significant likelihood for some of the border firms. Another related issue is the ending of • En finir avec le principe du trop gros pour faire fail- present acute geopolitical tensions – in particular, too-big-to-fail for financial institutions and entities • Quelles sont les conséquences à moyen et long lite. C'est assurément l'une des mesures les plus in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe and in South- other than banks. As regards insurance, the IAIS terme du rééquilibrage mondial de la consomma- décisives. La mise en œuvre d'une capacité addi- east Asia – to turn global and to impact signifi- (International Association of Insurance Supervisors) tion énergétique entre énergies fossiles et énergies tionnelle d'absorption des pertes et d'une supervi- cantly the world economy as a whole? finalized its higher loss absorbency requirements renouvelables ? sion plus stricte pour les banques systémiques a for global systemically important insurers. Signifi- bien avancé. Beaucoup reste à faire en matière de • The central banks of the advanced economies cant progress has still to be made also for identify- • Existe-t-il un risque que certaines des fortes ten- plans opérationnels de résolution pour les sociétés cannot be the “only game in town” and some ing “non-banks – non insurers” global systemi- sions géopolitiques actuelles – notamment au transfrontalières. Autre question associée, la fin du adverse consequences of policy accommodation cally important institutions. Moyen-Orient, en Europe de l'Est et en Asie du Sud- principe du trop gros pour faire faillite des institu- are visible. Can fiscal policy substitute, comple- Est – ne s'internationalisent et n'aient un impact tions et entités financières autres que les banques. ment or supplement monetary policy? Is there a • Pursuing OTC derivatives market reforms and re- significatif sur l'économie mondiale ? En ce qui concerne les assurances, l'IAIS (Association significant fiscal space to do that in advanced and inforcing Central Counterparty Clearing Houses internationale des superviseurs d'assurance) a fina- emerging economies? (CCPs) resilience. Good progress was made as • Les banques centrales des économies avancées ne lisé ses exigences de capacité additionnelle d'ab- regards adoption of legislation and regulations doivent pas être la « seule option possible » et cer- sorption des pertes pour les assureurs d'importance for higher capital requirements for non-centrally taines conséquences négatives de l'accommodation systémique. D'importants progrès restent toutefois cleared derivatives and for trade reporting re- monétaire sont d'ores et déjà visibles. La politique à accomplir pour identifier les institutions d'impor- quirements. Margin requirements are behind

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tance systémique mondiale « hors banques - hors ou la renationalisation du système mondial est plus schedule and a lot of jurisdictions are late in de- WORKSHOP “ENERGY AND CLIMATE” assurances ». important que jamais, alors que la menace de rena- veloping platform trading frameworks. A lot of Our energy systems seem today to be at cross- tionalisation reste forte. Pour préserver un terrain further work remains to be done to be sure that roads. The landscape on the oil market has com- • Poursuivre les réformes du marché des produits de jeu ouvert, la régulation doit couvrir de manière the CCPs for the OTC derivatives transactions are pletely changed these last few years, triggered by dérivés de gré à gré et renforcer la capacité de résis- exhaustive les marchés et institutions financiers themselves not too-big-to-fail but solid and re- the expansion of the light tight oil production in tance des chambres de compensation centrale. De mondiaux, tout en évitant les conflits, les incohé- silient. Work needs also to be actively pursued in the US leading, since mid-2014, to a strong de- réels progrès ont été réalisés en ce qui concerne rences et les écarts entre les régimes. the fields of recovery planning and resolvability. crease in oil prices. l'adoption de réglementations et de régulations imposant des exigences plus élevées en matière de • Risques de mauvaise conduite. Sur cette question • Transforming shadow banking into resilient mar- Liquefied natural gas markets have also entered an fonds propres pour les produits dérivés non com- qui est peut-être la plus importante du point de vue ket based finance. There still is a threat of disor- era of low prices, moving from post-Fukushima pensés centralement et des exigences de reporting du fonctionnement de nos démocraties, les orien- derly adjustments in financial markets taking into stressed markets to a situation of oversupply, with commercial. Du retard a été pris au niveau des exi- tations actuelles du Conseil de stabilité financière account disconnect between risk taking in finan- several projects entering into service mainly in the gences de marge, et nombre de pays accusent un et de la communauté internationale sont triples : cial markets and developments in real economy. US and Australia in the next few years. Furthermore, retard dans l'élaboration de plateformes de trading. renforcer les éléments dissuasifs de mauvaise It is important therefore to address vulnerabilities new perspectives on technologies and innovation Beaucoup reste à faire pour garantir que les conduite, concevoir des référentiels et améliorer les in capital market and asset management activi- are modifying the energy sector, with the increased chambres de compensation centrale des transac- normes mondiales de bonne conduite sur plusieurs ties both on a short term basis and on a longer global deployment of renewables (especially on- tions de produits dérivés de gré à gré ne soient elles- marchés (revenu fixe, marchandises et devises), term basis. Implementation of the agreed re- shore wind and solar) and their significant cost mêmes pas trop grosses pour faire faillite mais au suppression possible des activités bancaires corres- forms (oversight and regulation of shadow bank- reduction. Finally, high expectations are now placed contraire solides et résistantes. Il est également pondantes. ing entities, money market funds, and risk align- on COP22 in Marrakech, as a first milestone of the nécessaire d'œuvrer activement dans le domaine de Un document publié récemment par le G30 - ment of securitization) remains at an early stage. implementation of the ambitious global agreement la planification de la reprise et de la résolvabilité. « Banking conduct and culture » - souligne la dimen- The issue is to devise the additional policy tools on climate change adopted in December 2015. In sion culturelle de la lutte contre les mauvaises to mitigate systemic risks coming from non-bank, this setting, all energy actors have to adapt their • Transformer le secteur bancaire parallèle en fi- conduites : dans plusieurs institutions financières, une non-insurance asset managers. strategies on the long term in a world characterized nances fondées sur un marché résilient. La menace mutation importante des comportements et de la by a growing complexity, strong uncertainties and d'ajustements désordonnés sur les marchés finan- culture d'entreprise en faveur des valeurs d'éthique et • Preserving a global playing field. Preventing interdependencies. ciers perdure, en tenant compte de la déconnexion d'intégrité est essentielle. regulatory arbitrage, segmentation and/or rena- entre la prise de risque sur les marchés financiers tionalization of the global system is more impor- On national levels, experiences of energy transition et les développements de l'économie réelle. Il est tant than ever in a time when the threat of rena- towards low carbon systems across the world reveal par conséquent essentiel de résoudre les vulnéra- ATELIER « ÉNERGIE ET CLIMAT » tionalization is acute. To preserve an open level different trends and approaches. In the economies bilités sur le marché des capitaux et les activités de Nos systèmes énergétiques semblent aujourd'hui à playing field, regulation needs to cover compre- of the Middle East, the dynamics of growing energy gestion d'actifs, tant à court terme qu'à plus long la croisée des chemins. Le paysage pétrolier s'est hensively global financial markets and institu- consumption needs combined with a strong de- terme. La mise en œuvre des réformes convenues radicalement transformé ces dernières années sous tions, while avoiding conflicts, inconsistencies and pendency of oil and gas exporting countries to- (supervision et réglementation des entités du sec- l'effet de l'expansion de la production de pétrole de gaps between regimes. wards hydrocarbon revenues, brings additional teur bancaire parallèle, fonds de marché monétaire schiste aux États-Unis, ayant abouti mi-2014 à une challenges in defining national energy transition et alignement du risque de titrisation) n'en est qu'à forte baisse des prix du pétrole. policies. ses débuts. L'idée est de concevoir les outils poli- tiques complémentaires destinés à réduire les Les marchés du gaz naturel liquéfié sont également The “Energy and Climate” workshop of the 9th edi- risques systémiques émanant des gestionnaires entrés dans une période de prix bas, une situation de tion of the World Policy Conference will aim at d'actifs hors banques et hors assurances. surapprovisionnement ayant succédé aux marchés discussing these challenges, with distinguished sous tension de l’après-Fukushima, et plusieurs pro- speakers providing their views on the impact of • Préserver un terrain de jeu international. Empêcher jets principalement aux États-Unis et en Australie these changes on the global energy markets, with les arbitrages réglementaires, la segmentation et/ vont être déployés dans les années à venir. En outre, a particular focus on the Middle East.

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les nouvelles perspectives en matière de technolo- 1. AFFAIRES INTÉRIEURES CHINOISES WORKSHOP "CHINA IN TRANSITION " 2. SINO-AMERICAN RELATIONS: COOPERATION OR gies et d'innovation contribuent à transformer le Le Président Xi a mené une campagne anti-corrup- This workshop will bring together experts from CONFRONTATION? secteur de l'énergie, avec le développement croissant tion plutôt poussée, affectant la vie quotidienne des Asia, Europe, and the United States for a compre- The Sino-American relations have had a mixed des énergies renouvelables (en particulier l'éolien et élites chinoises. Le 19e Congrès du Parti se tiendra à hensive analysis of the changing role of China on record. Many Americans consider China as increas- le solaire terrestres) partout dans le monde et la l'automne prochain. Sachant que cinq membres du the regional and global stage and its impact on the ingly assertive in the South China Sea and the baisse significative de leurs coûts. Enfin, la COP22 à Comité permanent du Politburo sont appelés à être future. East China Sea. From the Chinese perspective, the Marrakech suscite aujourd'hui de fortes attentes en remplacés l'an prochain, d'aucuns spéculent sur une United States is anxiously seeking world predomi- tant que première étape de la mise en œuvre de évolution du système politique chinois. Pour l'instant, 1. CHINA’S DOMESTIC AFFAIRS nance and regional hegemony. Furthermore, the l'ambitieux objectif de l'accord international sur le la Chine s'attache à restructurer son industrie et son President Xi has carried out an anti-corruption two countries’ differing responses toward North changement climatique adopté en décembre 2015. économie. Le FMI apprécie vivement les efforts de la campaign rather thoroughly, affecting the daily Korea’s nuclear provocation expose wide discre- Dans ce contexte, tous les acteurs du secteur de Chine, tandis que la communauté internationale lives of China’s elites. The 19th Party Congress will pancies in their approaches to regional security. l'énergie doivent adapter leurs stratégies à long s'interroge sur leur efficacité et leur faisabilité. be held in next autumn. As five of the Politburo terme dans un monde caractérisé par une complexi- • Combien de temps le Président Xi va-t-il pouvoir Standing Committee members are expected to be • How will the recent ruling of the Permanent Court té croissante, de fortes incertitudes et d'importantes poursuivre cette campagne contre les intérêts des replaced next year, some speculate over how Chi- of Arbitration (PCA) affect China’s future strate- interdépendances. élites politiques chinoises ? Cette campagne féroce nese political system will change. Meanwhile, China gies in the South China Sea and its approach to aurait eu d'importantes répercussions sur les acti- has been striving to restructure its industry and territorial issues in general? How will it impact on Les expériences de transition énergétique vers des vités des gouvernements locaux, lesquels repré- economy. IMF highly appreciates China’s efforts the broader Sino-American relations? systèmes à faibles émissions de carbone menées un sentaient l'une des forces motrices de l'économie while international community has cast doubt on peu partout dans le monde mettent en évidence chinoise. Le Président Xi va-t-il changer de façon its effectiveness and feasibility. • During his time, Deng Xiaoping suggested to set différentes tendances et approches. Dans les écono- radicale le système politique chinois ? Comment aside ownership issues and instead focus on joint mies du Moyen-Orient, la dynamique des besoins peut-il consolider son pouvoir face aux voix discor- • How long will President Xi be able to push through development, to maintain coprosperity of that croissants en consommation énergétique, combinée dantes qui se font de plus en plus entendre ? the campaign against the vested interests of Chi- region. Is his line still valid? à une forte dépendance des pays exportateurs de • La Chine pourra-t-elle éviter une bulle économique nese political elites? Some argue that this heavy- pétrole et de gaz aux revenus générés par les hydro- et le piège du revenu moyen grâce à la restructura- handed campaign has seriously affected the ac- • The US will have a new president by the end of carbures, pose de nouveaux défis et rend nécessaire tion ? Quel est l'impact de la restructuration chinoise tivities of local governments, which had been one the year, and China is expected to undergo a l'élaboration de politiques nationales de transition sur la vie quotidienne de la population et sur le of the driving forces of Chinese economy. Will change in the top leadership during the 19th Party énergétique. marché chinois ? Quel sera l'impact de la restructu- President Xi make a radical change in China’s Congress next autumn. How will this transitional ration chinoise sur l'économie internationale, si la political system? How would he consolidate his period affect the Asia-Pacific region? L'atelier « Énergie et climat » de la 9e édition de la Chine cesse d’être l'usine du monde pour devenir le power amid the rising voices of resistance? World Policy Conference sera consacré à ces défis. Des marché de consommation du monde ? • What’s the weight of Russian factors in shaping intervenants de premier plan analyseront l'impact de • Will China be able to avoid bubble economy and Sino-American relations? ces changements sur les marchés mondiaux de l'éner- 2. RELATIONS SINO-AMÉRICAINES : COOPÉRATION middle income trap by restructuring? What is the gie, avec un focus particulier sur le Moyen-Orient. OU CONFRONTATION ? impact of China’s restructuring on the daily life 3. THE NEW SILK ROAD INITIATIVE AND THE GLOBAL Les relations sino-américaines sont passées par di- of Chinese people and its market? What is the ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE vers stades. Nombre d'Américains voient une Chine impact of China’s restructuring on the interna- In September 2013, President Xi Jinping has un- ATELIER « LA CHINE EN TRANSITION » de plus en plus déterminée à faire valoir ses reven- tional economy, if the country stops being the veiled the “One Belt One Road” grand strategy as Cet atelier, réunissant des experts venus d'Asie, dications en Mer de Chine méridionale et en Mer de world’s factory to become the world’s consump- an “answer to the call of our time for regional and d'Europe et des États-Unis, se propose d'analyser Chine orientale. Les Chinois considèrent pour leur part tion market? global cooperation.” China has launched new insti- de façon exhaustive l'évolution du rôle de la Chine que les États-Unis cherchent à asseoir leur domina- tutions like the New Silk Road Fund (December sur la scène régionale et mondiale et son impact sur tion mondiale et leur hégémonie régionale. Par ail- 2014), the New Development Bank (July 2015) and l'avenir. leurs, les réponses différentes des deux pays face à the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

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la provocation nucléaire nord-coréenne laissent en- • La BAII a démarré ses activités en janvier dernier et (January 2016) to meet its financial needs. • For the effective transition to the new economy, trevoir d'importantes divergences dans leurs ap- réussi à lever 100 milliards de dollars. Toutefois, ce China needs to have a more effective and sophis- proches de la sécurité régionale. montant est bien loin du budget général du projet • Will the implementation of the “One Belt One ticated financial market, which is a tall order. Does « Une ceinture, une voie », estimé à un trillion de Road” initiative be successful in achieving the China have the blueprint for this historic task? • Comment la récente décision de la Cour perma- dollars. Comment la BAII pourra-t-elle combler cet sustainable growth of China as well as promoting What economic growth rate is appropriate for the nente d'arbitrage (CPA) affectera-t-elle les futures écart ? coprosperity in the region, and eventually stimu- sustainable economic development of China? stratégies de la Chine en Mer de Chine méridionale lating the global economy? et son approche des questions territoriales en gé- 4. MARCHÉ FINANCIER CHINOIS ET INTERNATION- néral ? Quel sera son impact sur les relations sino- ALISATION DU RMB • The AIIB started its business this past January and américaines ? En décembre dernier, le gouvernement chinois a mis succeeded in raising the capital of $100 billion. • À l'époque, Deng Xiaoping préconisait de laisser de en place un nouvel indice de change dans lequel le However, this amount falls short of the overall côté les questions de possession et de se concentrer RMB sera indexé à un panier de 13 devises. Certains funding of the “One Belt One Road” project, which plutôt sur le développement conjoint afin de main- observateurs pensent que la Chine essaie encore is estimated to be around $1 trillion. How will the tenir la coprospérité de cette région. Sa ligne est- d'arrimer son taux de change au dollar américain AIIB be able to close this gap? elle encore valable ? (USD), tandis que d'autres admettent que la Chine a • Les États-Unis auront un nouveau président à la fin commencé à communiquer avec le marché en atta- 4. CHINA’S FINANCIAL MARKET AND INTERNATION- de l'année et la Chine devrait connaître un change- chant le RMB à un panier de devises. En attendant, la ALIZATION OF THE RMB ment de leadership à l’occasion du 19e Congrès du Chine a atteint son objectif puisque le RMB est désor- Last December, Chinese government introduced a Parti à l'automne prochain. Comment cette période mais inclus dans le panier DTS (Droits de tirage spé- new exchange rate index that will see the RMB val- de transition affectera-t-elle la région Asie-Paci- cial) du Fonds Monétaire International, indiquant que ued against a basket of 13 trade-weighted curren- fique ? sa devise est « librement utilisable » au sens de la cies. Some believe that China is still pegging its • Quel est le poids des facteurs russes dans les rela- définition du FMI. exchange rate to USD, while others accept that tions sino-américaines ? China started to communicate with the market by • Quel sera l'impact de cette réforme du taux de linking it to a basket of currencies. In the meantime, 3. L'INITIATIVE « NOUVELLE ROUTE DE LA SOIE » ET change sur le marché financier chinois et son éco- China has achieved its goal for the RMB to be LA GOUVERNANCE ÉCONOMIQUE GLOBALE nomie en général ? included in the International Monetary Fund’s Le Président Xi Jinping a présenté en septembre 2013 • Comment l'inclusion du RMB dans le panier DTS Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket, indicating la stratégie « Une ceinture, une voie » qui s'inscrit contribuera-t-elle à l'internationalisation du RMB ? that its currency has met the IMF’s definition of dans le « mouvement actuel de coopération régio- Quel sera l'impact du yuan en tant que devise de “freely usable” currency. nale et mondiale ». La Chine a créé de nouvelles réserve mondiale sur le commerce mondial ? La institutions telles que le fonds « Route de la soie » suprématie du dollar sera-t-elle supplantée par le • How will this reform in exchange rate affect Chi- (décembre 2014), la nouvelle Banque de développe- yuan ? Si oui, quand ? nese financial market and its economy in general? ment (juillet 2015) et la Banque asiatique d'investis- • Pour une transition réussie vers une nouvelle éco- sement pour les infrastructures (BAII) (janvier 2016) nomie, la Chine doit se doter d'un marché financier • How will the inclusion of RMB in SDR contribute to afin de répondre à ses besoins financiers. plus efficace et sophistiqué, ce qui constitue un défi the internationalization trend of RMB? What will • La mise en œuvre de l'initiative « Une ceinture, une de taille. La Chine a-t-elle un plan pour mener à be the impact of the yuan as the global reserve voie » permettra-t-elle à la Chine de parvenir à une bien cette tâche historique ? Quel est le taux de currency on global trade? Will the primacy of the croissance durable et de promouvoir la coprospé- croissance économique approprié pour un dévelop- dollar be trumped by the yuan? If yes, when? rité dans la région, stimulant ainsi au final l'écono- pement économique durable de la Chine ? mie mondiale ?

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ABBAD EL the IMF and the World Bank, working on areas that was Member of Syrian parliament (2003-2012), chair- department of the OECD. He is alumnus of the Ecole ANDALOUSSI Zineb included international economic policy relating to man of Syrian Imams ORG (religious leaders) (2005- nationale d’administration. CEO of Euromed Advisory. Former debt, aid effectiveness, trade, and global economic 2008), Khatib (Friday Speaker) of Zahraa Mosque in Managing Director, Head of Africa, prospects. He obtained his graduate and post- Damascus (1981-2011), Director of the Institute of the ALLAVENA within Rothschild where she spent 17 years in the graduate degrees in Economics from the London Holy Quran in Syria (1990-2001). He was also a Fac- Jean-Luc M&A field. Before joining Rothschild, she was a School of Economics. ulty member in the Islamic Call College Damascus Partner of Apollo Global Manage- senior auditor at Ernst & Young in the industry team. (1996-2002). He is a regular contributor to interna- ment and Honorary Chairman of She graduated from the engineering school Ecole AL-DERHAM Hassan tional newspapers and magazines as well as to TV the French American Foundation - France. He is also Centrale de in the economics area. She is also a Rashid and radio programs. He graduated from Damascus Honorary Chairman of HEC Foundation and of the HEC Board Member of CACEIS, the global asset servicing Qatar University’s 6th President since University, Beirut University, the Islamic Call College Alumni Association. He started his career at the bank provider and subsidiary of Credit Agricole. 2015. He was previously Vice-Presi- and Karachi University. He holds a PhD from the Uni- Paribas (1986-1988) and then at Lyonnaise des Eaux dent for Research, Qatar University (2007-2015). He versity of Khartoum. (1989-1992). He was appointed Chief Operating ADAMAKIS Emmanuel also served in several roles at Qatar University includ- Officer and CEO of Techpack International (Pechiney- Metropolitan of France & Exarch of ing Associate Vice President for Research and Head AL-KAABI Saad LBO France) (1996-1999) after ha-ving served as Europe. He received his academic of Civil Engineering at the College of Engineering. His Sherida CFO (1992-1996) and then President of the Packa- education in France, attending the research interests include construction productivity, President and CEO of Qatar Petrole- ging Division Cosmetology Luxury International of Sorbonne in Paris, before continuing his studies at project optimization, legal contracts and procure- um since November 2014. He joined Pechiney (1999-2000). He also served as Chief Oper- the Catholic Institute and the St. Sergius Orthodox ment. He is also a member of several professional Qatar Petroleum (QP) in 1986 as a student studying ating Officer of Lagardère Media (2000-2005) and as Theological Institute. He was ordained a priest in international societies and organizations. He holds a Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering at Pennsylva- Chief of staff of H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco 1985, he continued his doctoral studies at the Holy PhD from the University of South Wales, UK and a nia State University, USA. Immediately after gradu- (2005-2006). He holds a Master degree from HEC, Cross Institute of Theology in Boston, Massachusetts Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Georgia ation, he joined QP’s Reservoir & Field Development Paris. in the United States. In 1995, he was appointed direc- Tech, USA. Department, where he progressed through various tor of the Office of the Orthodox Church to the positions. He then became the Manager of Gas De- AL-MANNAI Essa Ali European Union in Brussels, Belgium. He is Vice ALDOSSARY Salman velopment responsible for North Field management Executive Director of the Reach Out President of the Conference of European Churches Senior policy advisor and head of and development. From 2006 until this appointment, To Asia (ROTA). He joined ROTA as (CEC) and President of the Assembly of Orthodox Public Policy Analysis at the King- he was the Director of QP’s Oil & Gas Ventures Direc- Senior Operations Manager in 2009 Bishops of France, as well as the Co-President of the dom Economic and Energy Analysis torate. In September 2014, he was appointed as QP’s and was promoted to the role of Executive Director Council of Christian Churches of France. He is Department of Saudi Aramco (SA), the Saudi Managing Director. He graduated from Pennsylvania in 2010. Since then he has been responsible for con- Co-President of the World Conference of Religions for national oil company. Prior to his current position, he State University, USA. tinuing the strategic course set by ROTA’s Board of Peace (WCRP). was a senior advisor at the Ministry of Petroleum and Directors. Under his leadership, the organization has Mineral Resources (MoPM), and lead negotiator on a ALLARD Patrick led a variety of initiatives in 13 countries around Asia AHMED Masood number of issues on international energy and envi- Consultant on international eco- and Qatar. He has served on the steering committees He will as of January 2017 become ronmental policies at multiple UN organizations, as nomic issues to the Policy Planning of various international and local groups in the field President of the Center for Global well as the G20. He also served as a board member Staff, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of development and social responsibility. Since 2010, Development. He was Director of the at the Green Climate Fund. He graduated from the France. Formerly, he has held the position of he has been a member of the Inter-agency Network IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department from University of Hull, United Kingdom and the Univer- Chief Economist / Senior advisor for international for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Minimum Stand- November 2008 to October 2016. Previously, he was sity of Westminster, United Kingdom. economic issues, Policy Planning Staff, Ministry of ards Working Group. In Qatar, he represents ROTA on the Director of the External Relations Department in Foreign and European Affairs, France. He also has the steering Board of the TAMM Volunteer Network, the IMF, and between 2003-2006 he served as Direc- AL-HABASH Mohamad served as Head of the International Macroeconomic of which ROTA is a founding member. tor General for Policy and International Development Faculty member - Associate Prof. of Forecasts Division and Head of the Public accounts at the U.K. government’s Department for Interna- Islamic and Arabic studies in Abu Division of the French Ministry of Economy. He tional Development. Earlier, he held positions in Dhabi University, UAE, since 2013. He has also been staff economist at the Economic

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AL-MOHANNADI education researcher, a Director of Cultural Relations land since 2007. He has a Bachelor of Medicine and AOUN Marie-Claire Hassan bin Ibrahim Department and Evaluation Institute Director. She is Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University and an Director of the Center for Energy at Director of the Diplomatic Institute, an active member of the Committee of Trustees of EMBA from HEC Paris. the French Institute for International Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, the State Appreciation and Recognition Awards, Na- Relations (Ifri) and lecturer at Paris since 2012. Following his doctorate degree, he be- tional Coordinator for Education for All 2030, mem- AMRANI Youssef Dauphine University. She began her career in the came Assistant professor at Qatar University. In 2005, ber of the Executive Council of ISESCO, member of the Chargé de mission, Royal Cabinet, energy sector in 2004 as a research fellow at the he moved into the public service sphere, where he Executive Council of the ALESCO, Chair of the Com- . He was appointed as Minis- Center for Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials headed the Department of Social Planning at the mittee of Co-operation Agreement between the ter Delegate for Foreign Affairs and at Paris Dauphine University. She served as a policy State of Qatar Planning Council. In parallel, he was State of Qatar and UNESCO, Executive Chairperson of Cooperation by His Majesty King Mohammed VI in officer for the French energy regulator (Commission Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Population Com- "Education Excellence Award". She graduated from 2013. He served as Ambassador to Colombia, Ecuador, de Régulation de l’Energie) (2008-2014). She holds a mittee (2007-2011). In 2009, he was appointed as the Qatar University. She also has Master’s Degree from Panama, Chile, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Hon- PhD in Economics from Paris Dauphine University state focal point representative for the Alliance of Ain Shams University in education. She holds a PhD duras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Belize. In 2008, he and is the author of several papers on energy. Civilizations. Author and co-author of several books from the same university. was appointed Secretary General at the Ministry of and technical reports, he has published many articles Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, a position he held APPERT Olivier in academic journals, and conference papers on AL-THANI Meshal until his election as Secretary General of the Union Chairman of the Conseil Français de various political, sustainable development, and Bin Hamad Mohamed Jabr for the Mediterranean, in July 2011. He holds a degree l'Energie and the French committee management issues. He holds a Ph.D in Resources Former Ambassador of the State of in economics from the University Mohammed V, of the World Energy Council. He is Management from the University of Huddersfield, Qatar to France (2013-2016). Previ- Rabat and graduated from the Institute of Manage- also General Delegate of the French Academy of United Kingdom. ously, he served as Permanent Representative of the ment, Boston. Engineering. Previously, he was Chairman and State of Qatar to the United Nations in New York CEO of IFP Energies nouvelles (2003-2015). Prior to AL-SHATTI (2011-2013). He was Ambassador of the State of Qatar ANDREWS John that, in 1999 he was appointed Director of the Abdulmajeed to Belgium (2007-2011), Counsellor at the Embassy Author and journalist specialising in International Energy Agency’s Long-Term Coopera- Member of the Supreme Petroleum of the State of Qatar in Brussels (2004-2007) and he world politics. He is a senior editor tion and Policy Analysis Directorate. From 1989 to Council in Kuwait. An Independent worked at the Embassy of the State of Qatar in for Project Syndicate and a contribut- 1994, he headed the oil and gas department of the Economics advisor in the field of Public policy, En- Washington (2000-2004). He also worked at the ing editor for The Economist. He was The Economist's French Industry Ministry. He worked as Executive ergy, finance and economics of social media. He Permanent Delegation of the State of Qatar in New foreign correspondent. In a 24-year career that in- Vice-President of the IFP in charge of research and served as Economics Advisor to the UNDP, Kuwait. York (1998-2000). He started his career at the Minis- cluded positions in London as Asia editor, his foreign development activities (1994-1998). He graduated Former Chairman of the Board of Directors and Man- try of Foreign Affairs in 1997. He graduated in inter- postings ranged from Singapore and Hong Kong to from the l’Ecole Polytechnique and l’Ecole des aging Director of the Commercial Bank of Kuwait. He national relations from the American University, Brussels, Washington DC, Paris and finally Los Ange- Mines. was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kuwait Washington. les. His latest book is The World in Conflict: under- Banking Association (2007-2010). He started his ca- standing the world's troublespots, published by AVITAL David reer at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research AL-THANI Sheikh Profile Books under The Economist imprint. President of MTP Investment Group. (KISR) as a researcher and later as a manager of the Mohamed Bin Hamad Entrepreneur, venture capitalist and economics department. He graduated from Syracuse Director of Public Health Depart- ANTIL Alain philanthropist who has realized University and continued post-graduate degrees at ment, Ministry of Public Health of Head of the Ifri Sub-Saharan Africa great success in real estate, parking, biotech and Stanford University. Qatar. He is also, among others, Chair of the Na- program. He works on Mauritanian other areas thanks to the strong values and princi- tional preventive health care committee, Qatar since and security issues in the Sahel. He ples acquired through his long military career, the AL-SULAITI 2013 and Chair of the International Health Regula- teaches at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Lille. tenets and cornerstones of his business philosophy Hamda Hasan tions Committee, Qatar since 2011. He has been a He has been a research fellow at the Institut de are creativity, flexibility, persistence and an infallible Secretary General of the Qatar Na- Member of the Executive Committee for GCC Coun- Recherches Internationales et Stratégiques in Paris moral code. He serves on the board of directors of tional Commission for Education, tries, Saudi Arabia since 2008 and Representative, from 2003 to 2004. He holds a Ph. D. in political several companies and is actively involved in charity Culture and Science, since 2014. She has been an Qatar Health in the World Health Assembly, Switzer- geography from the University of Rouen. and political organizations.

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AYRAULT Jean-Marc BARCHINI CIBILS experiences in the technology sector. He started his BAUCHARD Denis Minister of Foreign Affairs and Inter- Angel Ramon career as a researcher in Robotics, Artificial Intelli- Senior Fellow for North Africa/Middle national Development of France since Ambassador of the Republic of Para- gence with IBM Corporation. He served as President East at the French Institute of Inter- February 2016. He served as Prime guay to the State of Qatar since 2014. and CEO Lucent EMEA and then as International CEO national Relations (ifri) and consul- minister from May 2012 to March 2014. He was Mayor Prior to that, he served as a Member of the MERCO- and corporate officer. He was also CEO of BT Global tant in international relations. He was formerly of Nantes (in Loire-Atlantique, west of France) from SUR Parliament (2008-2013) and was notably Vice Services and a BT Group PLC board member. He sits President of the Arab World Institute located 1989 to 2012 and president of the Urban Community of President and then President of the Committee on in various boards and he is a frequent speaker in in Paris (2002-2004). He was Ambassador of France Nantes Métropole from 2001 to 2012. He was also the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly worldwide conferences on Digital. to Canada (1998-2001) and to Jordan (1989-1993). a Member of Parliament. From 1997 to 2012, he was (Eurolat). He was also a Professor of International He also served as Financial Counselor at the French president of the Socialist, radical, citizen and left-wing Public Law at the American University of Asuncion, BAS Jean-Christophe Mission to the United Nations (1978-1981). He currents Group at the French National Assembly. He Paraguay (2006) and a Member of the House of Re- Founder and CEO of The Global Com- published or edited several books - La démocratie started his career as a German professor in 1973. presentatives of Paraguay (1998-2003). He obtained pass. He is also a senior Advisor, est-elle soluble dans l’Islam? - and writes regularly a lawyer degree from the American University of strategic development and partner- in Le Monde, Politique Etrangère, Questions interna- BABACAN Ali Asuncion, Paraguay. ships, of Agence Publics. Prior to this, he served as tionales, Ramsès. He graduated from Science-Po Member of Parliament and Former Director of Democratic Citizenship and Participation in Paris. He also attended l’École Nationale d'Admi- Deputy Prime Minister of the Repu- BARK Taeho at the Council of Europe. He served at the United nistration (National School of Administration). blic of Turkey. He was also a member Professor and former Dean at the Nations Alliance of Civilizations in New York as of the National Security Council. He served as Minister Graduate School of International deputy Director, Strategic Development and Partner- BAZIN Sébastien of Foreign Affairs (2007-2009). In 2002, he was Studies (GSIS) of Seoul National Uni- ships (2008-2014). He also served as the Head of Chairman and CEO, AccorHotels. He elected to Parliament and appointed as the Minister versity. He served as Minister for Trade of Korea (2011- Development Policy Dialogue at the World Bank began his career in the finance sector of Treasury. In addition to his tenure as Minister of 2013) and Ambassador-at-Large for International (1999-2008). He was the first Executive Director of in 1985 in the United States. In 1997, Treasury, he was appointed in 2005 as the first Chief Economy and Trade (2013-2014). He also served as the Aspen Institute France (1994-1999) and is cur- he joined Colony Capital to install and develop from Negotiator for Turkey’s accession negotiations with Chairman of the Korea International Trade Commis- rently a member of the executive board of the Aspen Paris the European branch of the private investment the European Union. He holds a BS in Industrial En- sion. Prior to this, he worked as a senior research Institute in France. firm. Within 15 years, he managed and participated gineering from the Middle East Technical University, fellow of the KDI and served as the Vice President of in a number of investments in the hotel sector. Mem- Ankara. He received a MBA in Marketing, Organiza- the KIEP. He also worked on the international com- BATHILY Abdoulaye ber of AccorHotels' board since 2005, he was ap- tional Behavior and International Business from the merce issues as a senior economist in the Office of Special Representative of the UN pointed as Chairman and CEO of the Group in 2013. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern the President of the Republic of Korea. He graduated Secretary-General for Central Africa He is also Vice-Chairman of the supervisory board University in Evanston, Illinois. from Seoul National University and he obtained a and Head of UN Regional Office for of the Gustave Roussy Foundation and member of Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin- Central Africa, Gabon (2014-2016). He also served as the Board of Directors of GE. He holds a master in BARABAN Lionel Madison. Special Deputy Representative of the UN Secretary- Economics from the Sorbonne University of Paris. Serial entrepreneur, he started the General in the United Nations Multidimensional Inte- adventure in France where he BARRAULT François grated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) (2013- BENALI Leila launched several successful start ups. Chairman and founder of FDB Part- 2014), Minister of State in the Office of the President, International expert in energy, stra- He then went on to manage a technology incubator ners SPRL an investment and advi- in charge of African Affairs, Senegal (2012-2013), tegies, investments and interna- from 1995 to 1998. In 1998, he founded Entopia, a com- sory firm in TMT and publishing. In Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly (Committees tional relations. She is in charge of pany specialized in semantic analysis and raised $40 2011, he was appointed Chairman of Idate/DigiWorld on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security) Senegal energy policy in Saudi Aramco. She contributed, Million. He headed the company from the Silicon Valley Institute (Institut de l’Audiovisuel et des télécom- (2001-2006). He was also a Tenured Professor of among others, to drafting the Iraqi hydrocarbons until 2006. After France and the USA, he moved to munications en Europe), the leading European Think History, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal law, to creating a gas company in a double-diggit China where he developed Xanadu, a key player of Tank and consultancy organisation dedicated to In- (1975-2013). He holds a PhD in Humanities from the growing economy, to the national economic strategy online travel services, with Nicolas Berbigier. In 2010 ternet, Telecommunications and Media. He has had University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar and a PhD in in post-sanctions Libya, to the G20 response to the they co-founded FAMOCO of which he is the CEO. unique and diversified entrepreneurial and corporate History from the University of Birmingham, UK. 2008 crisis, in addition to multiple commercial trans-

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actions and major projects. She was director for the BESNAINOU Pierre Research Institute of The Romanian Academy, The print Management – Leadership in Times of Change, Middle East and Africa at IHS, professor at Sciences Honorary Chairman of the French Romanian Intellectual Property Law Review. He has provides an innovative set of principles by which Po, and industrial engineer at Schlumberger. She Judaism Foundation. He served as a Ph. D. in Management. leaders can succeed in an increasingly challenging holds a MS in Industrial Engineering from Moham- Chairman of the European Jewish environment. madia Engineering School and the Ecole Centrale Congress (ECJ) (2005-2007) and of the French Unified BOŠNJAK Tomislav Paris, and PhD Summa Cum Laude in Energy Eco- Jewish Social Fund (FSJU) (2006-2014). He also co- Ambassador of the Republic of Croa- BRÉCHOT Christian nomics from Sciences Po. chaired the Unified Jewish Appeal of France (AUJF) tia to the State of Qatar since 2012. He President of the Institut Pasteur. Pre- (2006-2014). In January 2010, he took over from served as Head of non-European viously, he was Vice-President of the BENSEMHOUN Arié David de Rothschild as President of the French Juda- Bilateral Economic Relations Department (2009- Institut Merieux, in charge of medical Executive Director, ELNET, since 2011. ism Foundation, position he held until 2014. He 2012), Head of Expatriate Network Management and scientific affairs (2008-2013). He served as Direc- He made his career in the private started his career first as an entrepreneur in house- Dept/Sectn at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs tor General of the French institute for health and sector as a consultant in communica- hold appliance and then in internet with LibertySurf (2008-2009). He has been a Career Diplomat with medical research (Inserm) (2001-2007). He headed tions, PR and international relations dealing with (internet service provider). He is also a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic the National Reference Center on the molecular middle-eastern and strategic affairs. He plays a cru- the Board of Governors at the Shimon Peres Center of Croatia since 1991. He graduated from the Royal epidemiology of viral hepatitis, Pasteur/Necker. He cial role in the French-israeli relationship through his for Peace and of the Weisman Institute France. Melbourne Institute of Technology and Monash was also head of the National Reference Centre on commitment both at the community and political University, Melbourne, Australia. viral hepatitis. He holds MD Ph.D degrees, he studied levels. He seeks to strengthen ties between political BILOA Marie-Roger at the Pasteur Institute and the Necker Faculty of leaders from France and Israel who believe that close CEO, The Africa International Media BOUABID Othman Medicine. In 1989 he became full professor of Cell relations between Europe and Israel are vital to both Group, Media Consultant and Adviser Interior Ministry of the Kingdom of Biology and Hepatology. parties. on African Affairs. She also heads the Morocco. Former Governor. He was "Club Millenium" in Paris. Born in Cameroon, edu- Director of Cabinet of the Interior BUJON DE BERTOSSI Christophe cated in Cote d'Ivoire, France and Austria, she gradu- Minister, chargé de mission at the Cabinet of the L’ESTANG François Director of the Centre for Migrations ated from the universities of Abidjan, La Sorbonne in Interior Minister and administrator at the central President, FBE International Consul- and Citizenship at the French Insti- Paris and Vienna (German Studies, Political Science administration of the Interior Ministry. He studied at tants. Former Senior International tute for International Relations (Ifri). and History). She is also an alumni of the Diplomatic the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris. He gradu- Adviser and member of the European Advisory He was a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Univer- Academy in Vienna and of the Harvard Kennedy ated from the Law School of Rabat and he holds a Board of Citi after having been Chairman of Citigroup sity of Warwick (UK) between 2001 and 2003, and a School of Governance. Besides being a frequent TV PhD in political sciences from the University Paris II. France. Former Ambassador of France to the United visiting fellow at the New York University (2009), the guest (TV5Monde, France24, Aljazeera, RFI, i-Télé, States and to Canada, diplomatic Advisor to Prime Institute for Advanced Studies-Collegium in Lyon ARD, ZDF) to comment current news and African BOUÉE Charles Edouard Minister Jacques Chirac and special Assistant to (2010), and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of politics, she is involved in a hydro energy project in CEO of Roland Berger. He joined the President Charles de Gaulle. Former Director of inter- Ethnic and Religious Diversity (2015). He gained his Africa and seeking partners. firm in 2001 as Senior Partner in the national relations at the French Atomic Energy PhD in Political Sciences in 2000 at the Institute of Paris office, where he headed the Commissariat. He is a graduate of the Institut Political Studies in Aix-en-Provence (France) and his BORZA Remus Financial Services and Energy & Utility Competence d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, of the Ecole Nationale Habilitation (HDR) at Sciences Po Paris in 2013. He is President, EuroInsol. He is an attor- Centers as well as the firm's Private Equity activities. d’Administration, and of the Harvard Graduate one of the editors of the book European States and ney at law, insolvency practitioner. He became President & Managing Partner of Roland School of Business Administration. their Muslim Citizens (Cambridge University Press, He is managing partner within the Berger for Greater China in 2006. Since 2009, he is 2013) and the author of La citoyenneté à la française law firm Borza & Associates, specialized in commer- heading the Asian Leadership Team. Prior to joining BURELLE Jean (Editions du CNRS, 2016). cial legal advice, and EuroInsol, professional com- Roland Berger, he was Vice President of another Chairman & CEO of Burelle and Hon- pany specialized in judicial reorganization. He has leading global strategy consultancy (1997- 2001). orary Chairman of Plastic Omnium. published various articles and studies within The He started his career as an investment banker at Former President, MEDEF Interna- Romanian Criminal Law Review, The Legal Courier, Société Générale (M&A and corporate finance) in tional (2005-2016). He started his career as a manu- “Law” Magazine, the Romanian Journal of the Legal Paris and London. One of his latest books, Light Foot- facturing engineer at L’Oréal (1966-1967). He was

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Department Head, General Manager, Chairman & CEO CHARAFEDDINE epistemology of social sciences University of Laus- CHUNG Chul-Khil of Plastic Omnium (1967-2001). He was among others Raed anne (1988-1994) and Reader, Institut d’Études Poli- Vice Chairman & CEO, SK Innovation Director and President of the Compensation Commit- First Vice-Governor at Banque du tiques, Paris (1976-1982). He graduated from the since 2016. He has held various posi- tee of Essilor International (1997-2009), Director of Liban, Lebanon’s central bank, since University of Paris-Sorbonne and the University of tions within the SK Group, among the French-American Chamber of Commerce (1999- April 2009. Prior to his current mission he spent Paris V. others, President & CEO, SK Innovation, President & 2005) and Director of Lyon School of Management twenty years in the banking sector. He is the Alter- CEO, SK Energy, President, Strategy Committee of SK (EM Lyon) (2004-2010). He was also member of the nate Governor for Lebanon at the International CHEVALLIER Eric SUPEX Council, President, Corporate Ethics Committee Executive Committee of Medef (2002-2005). He is a Monetary Fund as well at the Arab Monetary Fund’s Ambassador of France to the State of of SK SUPEX Council, President & CEO, SK C&C, Presi- member of the Supervisory Board of Banque Hot- Board of Governors and the Alternate Chairman of Qatar since 2014. Previously, he dent & Managing Director of IT Service Business, SK tinguer since 2005. He graduated from the Federal the Capital Markets Authority in Lebanon. He is also served as French Ambassador for C&C, Executive Vice President & Head of Corporate Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. He holds a the Chair of the Advisory Council for the Islamic Syria at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after the Planning & Management, SK C&C, Head of SK Research MBA from Harvard University. Finance Qualification (IFQ). He graduated from the closure of the French Embassy in Damascus. He was Institute, SK Holdings. He graduated from Pusan University of North Carolina, Charlotte, United States Ambassador to Syria (2009-2012). He was also Spe- National University and Georgia State University. CHALMIN Philippe and participated in several executive education pro- cial Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spokes- Professor of Economic History and grams at Harvard University and MIT. person and Director of Communication and Informa- COHEN-TANUGI Director of the Master of Interna- tion at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2008-2009), Laurent tional Affairs at Paris-Dauphine Uni- CHAREONWONG- Special Advisor for crises and conflicts to the Minister Founder and managing partner, versity, Founder of the Cercle Cyclope, main european SAK Kriengsak of Foreign and European Affairs (2007) and Director Laurent Cohen-Tanugi Avocats. He research institute on raw materials markets. He was President of the Institute of Future of International missions at Médecins du Monde served as Chairman of French governmental task a member of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Studies for Development and an (2006). He was a Senior lecturer at the Paris Institute force on Europe in the global economy (2007-2008). Office of the French Prime Minister. He published Honorary Consul General in Thailand. Senior Fellow at of Political Studies (IEP), the French National School He was a Partner, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & around forty books including the latest Le siècle de Harvard University and a Fellow at University of Ox- of Public Administration (ENA) and the University Flom LLP (2005-2007), Senior Vice-President and Jules, le XXIe siècle raconté à mon petit-fils, Bourin ford. He was a Prime Ministerial Advisor in Thailand Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He is a Medical Doctor General Counsel, Member of the Executive Commit- 2010. He is the President of the French Observatory on and a Member of Parliament. He is also an Executive from Paris V University and a graduate of Paris Insti- tee of the Sanofi-Synthelabo pharmaceutical group formation of food products’ prices and margins since Chairman Adviser to CP ALL Public Company Limited tute of Political Studies. (2004) and a Partner, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & 2010. He graduated from HEC, he is "agrégé" in his- in Thailand and a Director of ASTI Holdings. He gra- Hamilton (1991-2003). He also served as FCPA Inde- tory and holds a doctorate in humanities. duated from Monash University, Australia, Harvard CHEY Tae-won pendent Corporate Monitor appointed by the University, Cambridge University, UK and Oxford Uni- Chairman of SK Group. He oversees United States Department of Justice and Securities CHANG Dae-Whan versity, UK. He also holds a PhD in Economics. and unites the 82 companies – pri- and Exchange Commission (2011-2014). He gradu- Chairman & Publisher, Maekyung marily focused on the energy, chem- ated from Harvard Law School, University Paris I, Media Group. He is Chairman of Maeil CHERKAOUI ical, telecommunications, semiconductor and trading/ Panthéon-Sorbonne Law School, the Institut Business Newspaper and Maeil Mohamed services industries – that comprise SK Group. He has d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (1980) and the Ecole Broadcasting Network. He served as Acting Prime Emeritus University Professor and been Chairman & CEO of SK Holdings since 2016, Chair- Normale Supérieure. Minister of Korea (2002). He currently serves as Emeritus Research Director, National man of SK Hynix since 2012 and Chairman of SK In- Founder and Executive Chairman of World Know- Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris. He is novation since 2011. From 1998 to 2001, he served as COLLOMB Bertrand ledge Forum, Board Member of World Association of Professor, Hassan II University of Casablanca. He has Chairman & CEO of SK Energy. He was among others Honorary Chairman of Lafarge, who Newspapers and Member of the Global Commission been Co-Editor « Sociologies » at Presses Universi- a Member of Brookings International Advisory Coun- has just merged to form LafargeHol- on Internet Governance. He graduated from the taires de France since 2006. He served as Director of cil (ICA) (2010), Director of the Board, United Nations cim. He is a Director of LafargeHolcim, University of Rochester in Politics, from the George the Groupe d’Étude des Méthodes de l’Analyse Soci- Global Compact (2008), Vice Chairman, Federation and was a director of several international companies, Washington University in International Affairs, from ologique, Research Unit, National Centre for Scien- of Korean Industries (2005). He graduated from among which Unilever, Allianz, DuPont and Total. New York University in International Business Man- tific Research and University of Paris Sorbonne (1998- Korea University. He holds a PhD from the University From 1966 to 1975, he worked with the French govern- agement and received a Ph. D. from NYU. 2010), Full Professor of methodology and of Chicago. ment in various positions. He joined Lafarge in 1975.

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He was appointed Chairman and CEO of Lafarge in retail, utilities, tax and welfare, public security, Intelligence Unit, Group Vice President of Data and Ambassador-at-Large by the 58th Government 1989. He was Chairman of Lafarge from 2003 to 2007. telecommunications, financial services and manu- Resources, Inc., and a consultant with McKinsey (2002-2003) of the Republic of Turkey. He continued In parallel he was Chairman of Institut de l’Entreprise, facturing). The transformation of corporations and Co. to serve in the 59th (2003-2007) and 60th (2007-2011) of AFEP (Association of the large French companies) and governments is at the heart of this role. He Governments. He worked at Beykent University in and of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustain- started his career at the ‘Inspection Generale des DAIANU Daniel Istanbul as a professor from 1999 to 2004. He pu- able Development). Member of the Institut de France Finances’ (French Treasury) and joined Capgemini in Professor of economics, The School blished several books and articles on foreign policy. and Past Chairman of the Académie des sciences 1989. He holds a diploma of the ‘Institut d’Etudes of Political and Administrative Stu- He graduated from Bosphorus University. He holds a morales et politiques. He graduated from the Ecole Politiques de Paris’ and of the ‘Ecole Nationale dies in Bucharest and member of the PhD from the Department of Political Science and polytechnique and the Ecole des Mines in Paris. He d’Administration’. Board of the Central Bank of . First Vice International Relations, Bosporus University. also holds a French law degree and a PhD in Manage- President of the Romanian Financial Supervision ment from the University of Texas. CZARNECKI Ryszard Authority during 2013-2014. He served as a member DEJAMMET Alain Polish politician, Vice-President of of the European Parliament (2007-2009) and he co- Ambassador of France. He began COOPER Richard the European Parliament responsible authored EP report on the reform of the regulation to work at the French Ministry of Maurits C. Boas Professor of Interna- for Eastern Policy and the Eastern and supervision of financial markets. He also held Foreign Affairs as Head of the Press tional Economics at Harvard Univer- Partnership. He served as Minister of European Af- the position of Finance Minister of Romania (1997- and Information Department (1981-1985) and then sity since 1981. Previously, he was fairs, Minister without Portfolio and Deputy Minister 1998), Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Banca became Head of the North Africa and Middle-East Chairman of the National Intelligence Council of Culture and Arts. He has been a member of the Comerciala Romana (2005-2007), Chief Economist Department (1985-1989). He was Ambassador (1995-1997), Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank European Parliament since 2004. He is Vice-President of the National Bank of Romania (1992-1997) and to Egypt (1989-1991), Head of the Political Affairs of Boston (1990-1992), Under-Secretary of State for of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, as well as Deputy Minister of Finance (1992). Department (1991-1995), Ambassador to the UN Economic Affairs (1977-1981), Deputy Assistant Secre- interparliamentary forum with national parliaments (1995-2000), and then to the Holy See (2000-2001). tary of State for International Monetary Affairs (1965- of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, DAVID Dominique He was Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee 1966), U.S. Department of State. He received an A.B. and Georgia. He is also Coordinator in Committee on Advisor to the Executive Chairman, of the Institut du Monde Arabe. Today, he is Chairman from Oberlin College, a M.Sc (Econ) from London Budget Control (CONT), member of the Foreign Ifri, and Editor of Politique étrangère. of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation School of Economics and Political Science, and a Ph.D. Affairs (AFET) committee in the EP and the Delega- Former Executive Vice-President of Res Publica. from Harvard University. tion EU - Ukraine. He graduated from the University Ifri. Previously, he was in charge of the Security Stu- of Wroclaw. dies department at Ifri. Before joining Ifri, he was DELAPALME Nathalie COUNSELL Benedict Deputy Director of the Institut français de polémolo- Executive Director (Research and Corporate & Investment Banking at DADUSH Uri gie (French Institute of Polemology), and then Policy) of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation Deutsche Bank, London. He is wor- Senior Fellow at the OCP Policy Secretary General of the FEDN (Fondation pour les since 2010. She previously served as king on Debt Capital Markets advi- Center in Rabat, Morocco and a non- études de défense nationale). He also taught at the Inspecteur général des finances at the French Minis- sory for European corporates and financial institu- resident scholar at Bruegel. He is Military School of Saint-Cyr, at the Paris I University try of Economy and Finances, as Advisor in charge of tions. Prior to this, he was an entrepreneur in both Principal of Economic Policy International, LLC, pro- and at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (IEP). Africa to several French Ministers of Foreign Affairs the for-profit and non-for-profit sectors. He is the viding consulting services to the World Bank and His studies and publications deal with strategic and Ministers of Development, and as advisor at founder of Europe's largest student-led policy insti- to other international organizations as well as cor- issues, particularly with French strategy and Euro- the Finances and Budget Commission of the French tute: the 'King's Think Tank' and an online marketing porations. He teaches courses on globalization pean issues. Senate. She graduated from the Institut d’Etudes startup. He holds a Bachelor's degree in European and on international trade policy at the OCP Policy Politiques of Paris and holds a degree (DEA) in Studies from King's College London. School and at the School of Public Policy at the Uni- DAVUTOGLU Ahmet applied economics. versity of Maryland. He was previously Director of Former Prime Minister of the Repu- COZON Stanislas the International Economics Program at Carnegie blic of Turkey. Previously, he served DERVIS Kemal Managing director in charge of and, at the World Bank, Director of the International as Minister of Foreign Affairs (2011- Vice President and Director of Global global industry sectors within Trade, Economic Policy, and Development Prospects 2014). Following the November 2002 elections he Economy and Development at the Capgemini (consumer products, Departments. He was also President of the Economist was appointed as Chief Adviser to the Prime Minister Brookings Institution and Senior Ad-

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visor at Sabanci University. He was Minister of Eco- DICKEY Christopher unique approach based on skills and mentoring. The University () and at La Sagesse University (Bei- nomic Affairs of Turkey. He also served as Head of the World News Editor, The Daily Beast. vocational training and certifications, which are 100% rut, Lebanon). He is the author of numerous books United Nations Development Program, member of Former Paris Bureau Chief and Mid- online, promote employability for digital and tech and articles dealing with International relations and the Turkish Parliament and was a Vice President of dle East Editor, The Daily Beast, au- jobs and help people to quickly integrate into the geopolitics: the Mediterranean, North Africa and the the World Bank. He earned his Bachelor and Master’s thor of seven books, most recently Our Man in workforce and add value. In 2016, he was selected as Arab world. Also, he is co-director of the Moroccan- degrees from the London School of Economics, and Charleston: Britain’s Secret Agent in the Civil War “Forbes 30 under 30 Europe”. He graduated from the Spanish review “Peace and International Security” his PhD in economics from Princeton University. South. He was formerly the Paris Bureau Chief for INSA Lyon. and in charge of the Observatory of Mediterranean Newsweek Magazine, and previously covered the Studies (Abdelmalek Essaadi University). DESFILIS José Middle East and Central America for The Washington DURAND Hermine Partner, Desfilis. He is the Senior Post. He has also written for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Regional manager at the French EREKAT Saeb Partner of the firm that he joined in Policy, The New Yorker, The New York Review of Nuclear Safety Authority, she is in Chief Palestinian Negotiator and 1986 and became its managing part- Books, The New York Times Book Review, Wired and charge of the regulation of nuclear Head of the Negotiations Affairs De- ner in 1990. He can handle complex operations in- National Geographic. He frequently appears as a safety and radiation protection in South-Western partment since 2003. He is also Head volving finance and taxation. He has a strong exper- commentator on CNN, France 24, the BBC and many France. She previously worked for Veolia Australia as of the Palestinian Side of the Steering and Monitoring tise in governance issues as well as business other networks in the United States and abroad. He a business developer (2015) and for EDF as a nuclear Committee since 1996. He is an elected member to succession. He holds a Master’s Degree in Corporate is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. maintenance supervisor (2014). She is a graduate the Palestinian Legislative Council since 1996. He was Law (Institut du Droit des Affaires, University of Ecole normale supérieure and Paris Institute of Minister of Local Government, Palestinian National of Paris II – Assas) and a Master’s Degree from the DROUIN François Political Studies, and an engineer of the French Corps Authority (1994-2003), Head of the Palestinian Elec- Institut d’Economie Appliquée in Paris. Chairman of the Board for the Auto- des Mines. tion Commission (1993-1996), Vice-Chairman of the routes et Tunnel du Mont Blanc and Palestinian Negotiating Delegation (1991-1993) and DESOUCHES of Société Française du Tunnel Rou- EL AYNAOUI Karim Professor of Political Science at Al-Najah University/ Christine tier du Fréjus, Vice President of the French Public Managing Director of OCP Policy Nablus (1979-1991). He graduated from the Univer- Honorary lecturer at the Université Investment Bank (BPI), President of ETI FINANCE. Center and advisor to the CEO and sity of San Francisco. He holds a PhD from Bradford de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Former CEO of OSEO (the French Agency for Innova- Chairman of OCP. Previously, he was University, United Kingdom. expert-consultant to international organisations. tion and SMEs financing). Former Engineer at the Director of Economics and International Relations Through her research, relationships in the field and Directorate of Navigation of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais at Bank Al-Maghrib (2005-2012). Earlier within this ERLANGER Steven various positions held in the Organisation interna- Region, Managing Director of the Caisse de Dépôts institution, he contributed to establish and lead the London bureau chief of The New York tionale de la Francophonie (OIF), she has become a (French public financial institution) for the Nor- research division, and was a member of the Gover- Times. Former Paris bureau chief of specialist in democratisation, crisis and conflict reso- mandie Region and later on for the Bourgogne re- nor’s Cabinet. Before joining Bank Al-Maghrib, he The New York Times. He has served lution, transition and peace-building processes, es- gion, Chairman of the Board for the Caisses d’Epargne worked for eight years at the World Bank, both in its in numerous postings for The Times in Jerusalem, pecially in Africa. In the OIF, her positions have in- (French savings banks) in the Midi-Pyrenees and for MENA and Africa regions as an Economist. He holds Berlin, Prague, Washington, , Bangkok and cluded chief of staff, delegate for peace, democracy the Crédit Foncier de France (National mortgage a PhD in economics from the University of Bordeaux, New York where he served as Culture Editor for two and human rights and special advisor for political ). He holds a degree from the Ecole where he taught for three years. years. Previously, he worked for The Boston Globe as and diplomatic affairs to the Secretary-General from Polytechnique and from the ENPC (corps de Ponts). European correspondent, based in London. He also 1988 to 2010. She holds a Ph.D. in political science and EL HOUDAIGUI reported from Eastern Europe, Moscow and revolu- is a member of the Académie des Sciences d'Outre DUBUC Pierre Rachid tionary Iran. He was a Teaching Fellow at Harvard Mer, a member of Ifri’s Strategic Advisory Board and CEO and co-founder of OpenClass- Professor of International Relations at University. He shared in a Pulitzer Prize for Explana- an Officer of the . rooms, the leading e-learning plat- Abdelmalek Essaadi University, tory Reporting for a series on Al Qaeda and global form in Europe with more than Tangier's Law Faculty and Senior Fellow at the OCP terrorism in 2002. He received an A.B. degree from 2 million members and 40 partners. Launched in Policy Center. He is also professor at Royal College of Harvard College and studied Russian at St. Antony's 2013, OpenClassrooms makes education accessible to Advanced Military Studies (Kenitra) and professor College, Oxford. all. The platform revolutionizes learning with a invited at Cergy-Pontoise University (Paris), Cadix

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EVANS Ryan Environment up to 2010. He is a member of the stra- GALLARDO Juan French Army on October 4, 2006. Promoted to Briga- Founder, CEO, and editor-in-chief of tegic water and energy R&D committee of Qatar Chairman of Grupo Azucarero Mèxico dier General in 1997, he was appointed Assistant War on the Rocks, a digital outlet on chaired by the minister of industry and energy. He (Sugar Mills) and of GEUSA now GEPP. General to the 11th Airborne Division and joined the strategy, defense, and foreign affairs. holds a PhD from University of Strasbourg (France). He is also a board member of Cater- SFOR (Stabilization Force) as Head of the "Plans and He has written for The Washington Post, The New pillar Inc., Lafarge, Santander Mexico, Rabobank and Policy" Office in the former Yugoslavia. He was York Times, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, the CTC FUJISAKI Ichiro a member of the International Advisory Council of admitted to the Ecole Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr Sentinel of West Point. He deployed to Helmand Chairman of the Institute of Interna- BOMBARDIER. He served as CEO of COECE, Mexico's in September 1967. He then chose to serve in the Province, Afghanistan (2010-2011) as a civilian social tional Relations, Sophia University, Trade Coalition for NAFTA and Free Trade agreements infantry and joined the Ecole d'application de scientist on a U.S. Army Human Terrain Team. He Japan. He is also President of the (1992-2002). He was also President of Industrial l'infanterie (Infantry School) in Montpellier. worked as assistant director at the Center for the America-Japan Society Inc. He served as Ambassador Minera Mexico (Mexico’s largest mining company). National Interest, as a research fellow at the Center of Japan to the United States (2008-2012), Ambas- He graduated from the Escuela Libre de Derecho in GERMAY Nicolas (de) for National Policy, and for the International Centre sador of Japan to the UN and WTO in Mexico City. Chief Operating Officer WPC. He acts for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (2005-2008). He also held the position of Deputy as COO of WPC since its first edition in in London. He has lectured, among others at the U.S. Foreign Minister (2002-2005) and Director General GASCÓN Lorenzo 2008. He is also chairman and founder Army War College, American University, John Hop- for North American Affairs (1999-2002). He entered Academician and Vice-Chairman of of Alandia, a holding investing alongside industrials in kins University. He received his MA from the King’s the Foreign Ministry in 1969. He served in Jakarta, the Royal Academy of Economic and companies facing special situations. Vice chairman of College London War Studies Department. Paris, London, and Washington DC. He Studied at Financial Sciences of Spain. He also the Franco Indian chamber of commerce, he is more Keio University, Brown University and Stanford served as Dean of the Illustrious College of Econo- especially in charge of agricultural investments. He FOUCHER Michel Graduate School. mists of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and as a seats, or seated, at several Advisory Boards such as Chair of applied Geopolitics at Col- member of the International Council of the US Infor- British Telecom or PWC. He published a book on glo- lege of World Studies (FMSH) since GADIO Cheikh Tidiane mation Agency. He is Honorary President of the Eu- balization in June 2010: Mondialisation, un autre regard 2013. He is among others Senior Ad- President of the Institute for Pan- ropean League of Economic Cooperation and board and one on restructuring issues in France (2015). visor to the Compagnie Jacques Coeur (since 2013). African Strategies, Peace-Security- Member of the Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe. He was French Ambassador to Latvia (2002-2006), Governance (IPS) since 2012. He is He is also WAAS Fellow. In addition he has been GIRARD Renaud after having served as an Advisor to the French also President of the Citizens Panafrican Mouvement Chairman, President and C.E.O. of several companies, Senior reporter and war correspond- Foreign Minister (1997-2002), Special Envoy to the (Luy Jot Jotna), OIC Special Envoy to Central African including Tuneles y Autopistas de Barcelona S.A. and ent at Le Figaro. He has covered Balkans and the Caucasus (1999). He also served as Republic since 2014, OIC Secretary General Special the Banco de Expansion Industrial. He holds a Ph.D major worldwide political crises and Director of the policy planning staff of the French Representative for Africa since 2016. He was Senior and graduated from the Senior Management Pro- armed conflicts for the past 30 years. Expert on geo- Foreign Ministry (1999-2002). From 2010 to 2013, he Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Repu- gram (PADE) of the IESE Business School. Doctor politics, he publishes every Tuesday his interna- was Director of Studies and Research, Institute of blic of Senegal (2000-2009). He is also Chairman and Honoris Causa for the Universities of Michoacan tional column in Le Figaro. He has written several Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN). CEO SARATA HOLDING LLC, a consulting and advising (Mexico) and Lishui (China). books on the Middle East and the big diplomatic Firm for “Business and Development Partnerships issues of the West. He regularly takes part in inter- FREYSSINET Philippe with Africa” since 2009. In March 2008, he led and GEORGELIN national conferences. He is also a Professor at the Technical Director for Energy and successfully concluded the Peace Agreement which Jean-Louis Institut d’études politiques de Paris and a member Environment at Qatar National Re- ended the military conflict between Chad and Sudan. Former Grand Chancellor of the of the editorial board of the Revue des deux Mondes. search Fund, a member of Qatar From 2003 to 2009, he led several mediation mis- Legion of Honor and Chancellor of In 2014, he was awarded the grand prix de la presse Foundation. He is member of the strategic committee sions in Guinea Bissau, Sudan and Libya. He holds the National Order of Merit. He was admitted to the internationale by the foreign correspondents in of QF R&D. Before joining Qatar Foundation in 2014, a PhD in communications from The Ohio State second section of warrant officiers (officiers géné- Paris. He graduated from the Ecole normale supé- he was Deputy Director General at the French Na- University. raux) on February 28, 2010. He became personal chief rieure and the Ecole nationale d’administration. tional Research Agency (ANR) in charge of scientific of staff of the President of the Republic in 2002. He affairs. In 2005, he joined ANR at its inception, first as was promoted to Army General on October 3, 2003, Head of the Department on Sustainable Energies and and then appointed Chief of the Defense Staff of the


GOMART Thomas of Neuchâtel and an advanced management degree HALGOUËT June (du) tion Age (Praeger, 2009 with Thomas Rid; translated Director of Ifri. Former Vice President from the École des Cadres de Lausanne. Head of Mergers and Acquisitions at in Chinese in 2011). His articles appeared in major for Strategic Development at Ifri Airbus Group, she heads all M&A journals (Policy Review, Internationale Politik, Com- (2010-2015). He was its /Nis GUIGOU Elisabeth transactions for the group. She joined mentaire, Etudes, etc.). centre director (2004-2013), and the co-director of Member of the French Parliament EADS in 1997 as Vice-President Mergers and Acquisi- the Russie.Nei.Visions electronic collection. He re- and President of the Commission of tions. Prior to EADS, she was Executive Director at HOAGLAND Jim searches on security, digital, and energy issues. He Foreign Affairs at the Assemblée Ernst & Young transaction advisory services in Paris. Contributing Editor to The Washington was a Lavoisier Fellow at MGIMO (Moscow State In- nationale. She began at the Ministry of Finance, then She started her career in Grant Thornton in Germany Post since January 2010, after serving stitute for International Relations), Associate Fellow worked on Finance Minister Jacques Delors’ staff in in 1991 in audit and then capital markets and transac- two decades as Associate Editor and at the European Institute for Security Studies, and 1982, and then became adviser to the President tion advisory roles. She attended University College Chief Foreign Correspondent. He has served in a vari- Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of War Studies, of the French Republic François Mitterrand (1982-1990). Dublin and the Royal Society of Arts in London. ety of reporting, editing, and opinion-forming roles King’s College. Gomart is PhD in History (Paris I She was, among others, Deputy Minister for European since joining the newspaper in 1966. He was awarded Panthéon-Sorbonne) and EMBA (HEC). His latest Affairs (1990-1993), member of the European Parlia- HASSASSIAN Manuel two Pulitzer prizes and other journalism honors. He publications: “The Return of Geopolitical Risk - ment (1994-1997), Minister of Justice and Keeper Ambassador from Palestine to Lon- began his journalism career as a reporter with the Rock Russia, China and the United States”, Etudes de l’Ifri, of the Seals (1997-2000) and Minister of Employment don. He served the Palestinian peo- Hill Evening Herald in 1960 while still in college. He is Apr. 2016, and “Les ressorts de l'intervention russe en and Solidarity (2000-2002). In 1994, she founded ple with distinction for twenty five the author of a book, South Africa: Civilizations in Con- Syrie”, Revue des Deux Mondes (Sept. 2016). the Association Europartenaires that she is co-chairing years and has been a superb representative at the flict, published (1972). He graduated with an A.B. in in order to promote debates on Europe. She is also Ministry of Higher Education, at the Association of Journalism from the University of South Carolina and GOULARD Caroline a board member of Notre Europe. She graduated Arab Universities, and among other international he has done graduate work at the University of Aix-en- CEO & Co-founder at Dataveyes. Ever from the University of Montpellier, France. She studied academic organizations. Among his academic Provence and Columbia University. since the completion of her studies, at the Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA). awards and honors, Professor Hassassian was award- she has been nurturing a passion for ed an Honorary Doctorate (Docteur Honoris Causa) HOSOYA Yuichi how information can be expressed, shared and under- HALALAI Traian by the University of Reims, France, and nominated Professor, Faculty of Law, Keio Univer- stood. In 2010, sensing that the rich data era will President of Banca de Import Export by the Center of International Development and sity. He has served as assistant profes- transform the way we work, learn and communicate, a Romaniei – EximBank SA since Conflict Management, University of Maryland, sor at Hokkaido University, Keiai Uni- she co-founded Dataveyes, a studio specialized in 2012. He has a wide experience in for the Gleitzman Middle East Award. In 2015 he re- versity, and Keio University. He was also a visiting Human-Data interactions. Within Dataveyes, she banking as Deputy General Manager and Board ceived the Grassroot Diplomat Award. He earned a researcher at Princeton University, and visiting profes- translates data into interactive experiences, in order Member of Romanian Bank SA (part of National Bank BA in Political Science from the American University sor at Sciences Po, Paris (2009-2010). He is a member to reveal new insightful stories, accompany new uses of Greece Group) and previously as Chief Financial of Beirut, an MA in International Relations from of Prime Minister Abe’s Advisory Panels on Restructu- and understand our environment shaped by data and Officer of ING Bank in Romania. He was also part of Toledo University, Ohio, U.S.A. and a PhD in ring the Legal Basis for National Security and on algorithms. the team that, in 1998, established ING Securities in Comparative Politics from University of Cincinnati, National Security and Defense Capabilities. He is the Romania. In 2014, he led the team that established Ohio, U.S.A. author of “Japan’s National Identity in Postwar Diplo- GUÉRIN Gilles the Romanian Association of Exporters (AREX). He macy: The Three Basic Principles,” in Gilbert Rozman, Managing Director, Banque Bordier & holds a MBA degree from the Doctoral School for Fi- HECKER Marc ed., East Asian National Identities: Common Roots and Cie, Geneva. Former Managing Part- nance & Banking (DOFIN) affiliated to the Academy Director of publications at the French Chinese Exceptionalism (Stanford University Press, ner, EFG Bank, Geneva. Area of ex- of Economic Studies Bucharest and he attended a Institute of International Relations 2012). He graduated from Rikkyo University, the Uni- pertise: private asset management. Member of the specialized fellow training at Erasmus University in (Ifri) and editor-in-chief of Politique versity of Birmingham and Keio University. Board and Treasurer of the WPC Foundation. He Rotterdam, the Netherlands. étrangère. He holds a PhD in political science from previously worked as a money market dealer at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and teaches a HOUARI Mikail Al Saudi bank in Paris, then as treasurer for Europe course on terrorism at Sciences Po. He published Deputy President of Airbus Group Af- at the National Bank of Abu Dhabi in Paris. He several books including Intifada française ? (Ellipses, rica Middle East since 2016. He has received a degree in economics from the University 2012) and War 2.0: Irregular Warfare in the Informa- been elected President of the CCEF in

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the UAE (official French Trade advisors) for the last served also as a Deputy Convenor of the PGA Peace JÉGOUREL Yves the Central Committee of the China Democratic three years. In 2011 he was appointed General Dele- & Democracy, Law and Human Rights Programs. He Senior Fellow at OCP Policy Center League. He has taught in University of Vermont, gate of the Group Airbus for the UAE. In 2005 he joined is currently Advisory Board Member of the Iman and associate professor in finance at Cornell University, University of California at San EADS (European Aeronautics Defence and Space Com- Foundation (London) and Member of the Alumni the University of Bordeaux (France). Diego, University of Sydney in Australia as well as pany) in Sao Paulo as VP Latin America for all the Club of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. He grad- He is also an affiliate professor at Toulouse Business Peking University. He was a research fellow at the defence activity of the group. He also served as Vice uated from the University of Vienna and he holds a School. His most recent research examines the link Brookings Institution and a visiting professor at the President Sales and Marketing of Thales in Saudi Ara- PhD in Economics and Social Sciences. between the volatility of the futures market, ex- University of Vienna. He holds a Ph.D. from Cornell bia. His career began in Madrid in 1988 within Alcatel. change rate uncertainty and the export of cereals. He University. He graduated from the Paris Ecole Superieure des ISAR Lucian is also the head of a master program focused on Sciences Commerciales Appliquées. Former Minister Delegate for the banking, finance and international trading both at JOHNSTON Donald J. Business Environment, Romania. the University of Bordeaux and at Vietnam National Chair of the McCall MacBain Founda- HUR Kyung-Wook Currently, he is Chairman of the University (Hanoi, Vietnam). He has authored sev- tion, Geneva, Switzerland. Former Senior Advisor to Bae, Kim & Lee LLC Board of Cluj Innovation City Foundation. Until 2010, eral books in the field of finance, including a work Visiting Professor at Yonsei University, and advisor to the AMRO (Asian Mac- he was Chairman of the Board of EFG Securities Ro- studying financial derivatives. He graduated from Seoul, former Chair of the International Risk Govern- roeconomic Research Office). He is mania, Chairman of the Board of EFG Finance Roma- Middlesex University. He holds a PhD from the Uni- ance Council (IRGC), Switzerland. Former Secretary- also Board member of Samsung Life Insurance and GS nia and Senior Executive Director of Bancpost S.A. versity of Bordeaux. General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation Shareholding Company. He served as Ambassador of Before joining Bancpost, he was Deputy-Treasurer and Development (OECD) in Paris. In 1978, he was Korea to the OECD. He also held the position of Vice and Head of Trading with Citigroup Romania. He was JEREMIĆ Vuk elected Member of Parliament for Westmount. As a Minister for the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Sec- also Chairman of the Board of CFR Infrastructura President of the Center for Interna- member of the Trudeau government, he successively retary to the President for National Agenda, Senior (Romanian Railways), Chairman of the Board of tional Relations and Sustainable held the positions of President of the Treasury Board, Economist for the IMF. He holds a MBA from the Stan- Transgaz (Romanian National Gas Grid Company), Development (CIRSD). Previously, he Minister of State for Science and Technology, Minister ford Graduate School of Business and graduated from member of the Board of Transelectrica (Romanian was President of the 67th session of the UN General of State for Economic and Regional Development, the Department of Business Administration, Seoul National Electricity Company). He graduated from Assembly (2012-2013). He served as Serbia's Minister Minister of Justice and Attorney General. He graduated National University. Chicago Booth School of Business, Harvard Business of Foreign Affairs (2007-2012). Prior to becoming in Law from McGill University, Montreal. School and from St. Catherine’s College, Oxford. Foreign Minister, he served among others as an advi- IDO Kiyoto sor to the President of Serbia. He also worked in JU Chul-ki Vice Chairman at the Institute for In- JANKOWITSCH London for Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Kleinwort Ben- President of the Overseas Koreans ternational Economic Studies, which Peter son, and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. In 2013, he Foundation. Previously he was Sen- is the research institute established Member of the Directorate of the was named a Young Global Leader by the World ior Secretary for Foreign Affairs and by Toyota Motor Corporation. After joining the Japa- Austro-French Centre for Rapproche- Economic Forum, and in 2014 was appointed to the National Security to the President, Korea. Previously, nese Ministry of Finance in 1973, he engaged mainly ment in Europe. Former Federal Minister of Foreign Leadership Council of the UN Sustainable Develop- he was Vice President and Secretary-General of the in the international issues. Afterwards, he joined The Affairs, Permanent Representative to the United ment Solutions Network (SDSN). He graduated from Global Compact Korea Network. He retired from Bank of Japan as Executive Director. He studied Math- Nations and to the Organization for Economic Coop- Cambridge University and from Harvard University’s diplomatic service at the end of 2006 after a long ematics at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Business eration and Development (OECD), President of the Kennedy School of Government. career that culminated in his ambassadorship to Administration at Saarland University in Germany. Security Council, and Vice President of the Steering France. He also served as Ambassadors to the United Committee of the International Energy Agency. He JIA Qingguo Nations in Geneva, to Morocco and Mauritania. He IRBEC Yusuf Ziya studied law, political science and modern languages Professor and Dean of the School was Director-General of Economic Affairs at the Former Member of the Turkish Par- at the University of Vienna and at The Hague Aca- of International Studies of Peking Korean Foreign Ministry. He studied at Seoul Na- liament. He served as a member of demy of International Law. University. He is a member of the tional University and the Graduate School of Public the Executive Committee of The Standing Committee of the National Committee of Administration in France, and also received a mas- Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) and of the the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Confe- ter’s degree in international politics from the Free Parliamentary Network on the IMF & World Bank. He rence and a member of the Standing Committee of Brussels University in Belgium.

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KABBAJ Mohamed teur/CNAM School of Public Health, member of the International Law from the Fletcher School of Diplo- of the GCC states with a particular interest in GCC-EU President of Lafarge Morocco, Chan- French Academy of Ingeneering. Former Consultant macy/Harvard Law School. Relations. He received his Ph.D. from the University celor of Euro-Mediterranean univer- to the OECD, Visiting Professor at Yale University, of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany and also studied at sity of Fès and member of the Has- Under Secretary at the Ministry of Health in charge KHASHOGGI Jamal the American University in Washington, D.C. and the san II Academy of Science and Technology. He was of French hospitals and Adviser to the Prime Minister. General Manager, Editor in Chief Of Al University of South Carolina. Advisor to His Majesty the King Mohammed VI. He He holds a master in Agronomy from the Institut Arab News Channel. He began his served as Minister of Finance and Foreign Invest- national agronomique Paris-Grignon, a MBA and a career as a correspondent for the KOWAL Pawel ment. He was also President of the Development PhD in Socioeconomics from Cornell University. Saudi Gazette Daily. From 1991 to 1999, he was a Assistant professor in the Institute of Committee of the IMF and the Work Bank and Minis- foreign correspondent to cover the events in coun- Political Studies at the Polish Acad- ter of Public Works, Vocational and Professional KERR John tries such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and emy of Sciences. He was a member Training. He was also governor of Casablanca region Former member of the UK Diplo- the Middle East. He was Deputy Editor In Chief of Arab of the European Parliament, Chairman of UE delega- and member of Moroccan parliament. He graduated matic Service (1966-2002), serving News. In 2003, he became Editor In Chief of Al-Watan tion to EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Commission from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, and the Na- abroad, in Moscow, Islamabad, daily and then was appointed as the media advisor and of Foreign Affairs Committee (2009-2014). From tional School of Civil Engineering; he has a "Diplôme Washington and Brussels, and in London, in the to Prince Turki Al Faisal, the Saudi Ambassador in 2007 to 2009 he was a member of Parliament (Sejm). d’Etudes Approfondies" in Econometry, Sorbonne Foreign Office and Treasury, where he was Private London and later Washington. In 2007, he returned He also served as Secretary of State in the Ministry of University, Paris. Secretary to two Chancellors of the Exchequer. From to Al-Watan as its Editor in Chief. He graduated from Foreign Affairs of Poland (2006-2007). Author of 2004, he has been an independent member of the the Indian State University. numerous publications on the trans-formation pro- KARAGANOV Sergei House of Lords, where he currently serves on its Eco- cesses in Central Europe. He is a member of the edi- Honorary Chairman of the Presidium nomic Select Committee. He was Deputy Chairman KIVINIEMI Mari torial board of the bi-monthly “New Eastern Europe”. of the non-governmental Council on of Royal Dutch Shell (2005-2012), Chairman of Impe- OECD Deputy Secretary-General since He graduated from the Faculty of History at the Foreign and Defense Policy. Russian rial College London (2005-2011), and a Director of Rio August 2014. She is responsible for Jagiellonian University of Cracow and studied at the foreign and economic affairs specialist. He is a Member Tinto (2002-2015). He also served as Secretary-Gen- the strategic oversight of the OECD’s Collegium Invisibile of Warsaw (1996-1998). of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Ministry of eral of the EU Convention (2002-2003). He was UK work on Efficient and Effective Governance; Territo- Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Founder and Permanent Representative to the European Union rial Deve-lopment; Trade and Agriculture, as well as KUMAR Ashwani former Deputy Director of the Institute of Europe of the (1990-1995), British Ambassador to the United States Statistics. She is also responsible for advancing the Senior Advocate at the Supreme Academy of Sciences of USSR/Russia (1989-2010). He (1995-1997) and Foreign Office Permanent Under- Better Life Initiative. She was Finland’s Prime Minister Court of India. He was a Parliamen- has been Dean of the School of International Econom- Secretary (1997-2002). (2010-2011). She had previously been Minister of tarian for the State of Punjab for ics and Foreign Affairs of the National Research Univer- Public Administration and Local Government, Minis- 14 years and served in the Union Government as sity Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) since 2006. KHAN Jehangir ter for Foreign Trade and Development, and Minister Minister of State in the Departments of Industrial He was a Member of High Level Panel of Eminent Director of the UN Counter-Terrorism for European Affairs. She graduated from the Univer- Policy & Planning, Parliamentary Affairs, Planning, Persons on European Security as a Common Project Implementation Task Force (CTITF) sity of Helsinki. Science, Technology and Earth Sciences (2006-2012). (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) and the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre He later served as the Cabinet Minister for Law (2014-2015). He graduated from the Department of (UNCCT) in the Department of Political Affairs (DPA) KOCH Christian & Justice in the UPA II (2013). He represented India Economics of the Moscow State University. in the UN Secretariat. Previously he served as Acting Director of the Gulf Research Center at the United Nations several times. He graduated Director and Deputy Director of DPA’s Middle East and Foundation in Geneva, Switzerland. from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. KERGUIZIAU West Asia Division (MEWAD) and, before that, of the Previously, he served as Director of DE KERVASDOUÉ Asia and the Pacific Division (APD). He also served as International Studies at the Gulf Research Center in KUMAR Suresh Jean (de) Head of DPA's Iraq Team and Chairman of the UN Iraq Dubai, UAE. Prior to joining the GRC, he worked as Chief Editor of and Managing Director of the Institut Operations Group (IOG). Before joining the UN Secre- Head of the Strategic Studies Section at the Emirates Indian Journal of African Studies. mutualiste Montsouris. Emeritus Professor of Econ- tariat in 1992, he served as Chef de Cabinet to the Center for Strategic Studies and Research, Abu Head and Director of the Department omy and Health Management at the Conservatoire President of the UN General Assembly. He is a gradu- Dhabi. His work at the Gulf Research Center combines of African Studies, University of Delhi and of the National des Arts et Métiers and founder of the Pas- ate of London University and holds a Doctorate in the various international and foreign relations issues Centre for African Studies, UGC (2016-2020). He is a

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member of the Africa Committee of Confederation of the MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France, and received his Ph.D in Economics from the Univer- At Tsinghua University, he cohosted "Silk Roads", an of Indian Industry (CII) and an executive member of the French employers association). He graduated sity of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. exchange program between students from top uni- Indo-Africa Chamber of Commerce in India (IACCI). from the Hautes Etudes Commerciales business versities in China and France. He graduated from About 135 articles have been published in different school (HEC, Paris) and the Ecole Nationale LE GALL Jean-Yves Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. He holds a Ph.D books, journals and newspapers. He has actively d'Administration (ENA, Paris). President of the Centre National in Robotics and Pattern Recognition from the Univer- contributed his opinions on India and Africa in the d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES, 2013), sity of Illinois. different international media channels such as BBC, LAICHOUBI Mohamed President of the International Astro- Aljazeera (English), ABC (USA), Yomiuri Shinbun Former Minister of Labor and Social nautical Federation (IAF, 2015), co-Chair of the Council LIAUTAUD Susan (Japan) and All India Radio. He holds a PhD from protection and Minister of Youths and of the European Space Agency (ESA, 2015), Chair of the Founder of Susan Liautaud & Associ- the University of Delhi. Sports, Algeria. He also served as Board of the European GNSS Agency (GSA, 2016). He ates Limited (SLAL), a consultancy in Ambassador of Algeria in Romania, Deputy, Presi- is a qualified engineer and scientist who has devoted ethics matters internationally. She LABLANCHY dent of the Finance and Budget Commission at the his entire career to the European space programme, also serves as Vice Chair of the Court of Governors of Jean-Pierre national Assembly, Member of the Commission holding positions within the French national scien- the London School of Economics and Political Science Medical Doctor, registered in Paris of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Emigration. He tific research agency CNRS, several French ministries and is a Lecturer in Public Policy at Stanford Univer- and in London (General Medical is a Member of the Royal Academy of Spain for and at Novespace before joining Starsem and sity. She was a Visiting Scholar at the Stanford Council). He has worked in close collaboration with Economic and Finance Sciences and of the Forum Arianespace, where he was Chairman & CEO until Center of Philanthropy and Civil Society. She is also pharmaceutical firms (Laboratoires pharmaceu- “Penser l’Europe”. He is researcher, lecturer and his appointment as President of CNES. He is a member Chair of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans tiques Debat, Laboratoires Lisapharm) and with the teacher at the Higher School for Political Sciences, of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Frontières US Advisory Board, Vice Chair of the National Agronomic Institut (Paris Grignon). He was at the Institute of Diplomacy and at the Interna- and has received several awards from France, the American Hospital of Paris Board of Governors, personal M.D. for President Abdoulaye Wade (Sen- tional Relations and the National School of Adminis- Russian Federation and the Government of Japan. member of the Care Global Supervisory Board, and egal, 1988-2010). He was also associate professor, tration (ENA). He was a board member of the member of les Arts Décoratifs board. She served as Medical University Paris XIII (Bobigny, 1985-2010). He High Institute of Management and Planning as well LÉVY-LANG André Associate Dean for International and Graduate Pro- served as Consultant for France Televisions Founda- as the National Office of Statistics. He was also mem- Member of the board of Institut fran- grams at Stanford University Law School and a cor- tion (main public TV channels, 2006-2008). He ber of the mediators team for the resolution of çais des relations internationales porate lawyer at Sullivan & Cromwell. She holds a worked with Sankhia, opening the first white blood the Northern Mali and Northern Niger Conflict. He (Ifri), affiliate emeritus professor in PhD in Social Policy from the London School of Eco- cells banking in the US (bio banking FDA approval / graduated from the University of Law and Economic Finance at Paris-Dauphine University, non-executive nomics and Political Science and a Juris Doctor from Pr Michel Sadelain NYU). He published Psychostra- Sciences. Chairman of Les Echos, vice-chairman of the super- Columbia University Law School. tegy, Ed Polytechniques, 2002 and Fighting fatigue, visory board of Rothschild et Cie, Chairman of Fonda- M.A. Ed. 2005. LEE Hye-min tion du Risque and Institut Louis Bachelier. He held LIPSKY John G20 Sherpa and Ambassador for In- various positions in the Schlumberger Group and he Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute LAFONT Bruno ternational Economic Affairs, Repub- was CEO of Banque Paribas until the merger creating at Johns Hopkins University’s Paul H. Co-chairman of the Board of Direc- lic of Korea. Former Ambassador to BNPParibas. He started as a research physicist at Nitze School of Advanced Interna- tors of LafargeHolcim. He was Chair- France. He also served as Ambassador to the Philip- the French atomic energy commission (CEA). He tional Studies (SAIS). Formerly, he served as First man and Chief Executive Officer of pines. Previously, he was Deputy Minister for Trade graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique and holds a Deputy Managing Director of the International Mon- Lafarge (2007-2015). He began his career at Lafarge and Chief Negotiator for the Korea-EU FTA (2008- Ph.D. from Stanford University. etary Fund (2006-2011) and as Special Advisor to the in 1983 and held numerous positions in finance 2010). He held the position of Director-General and Managing Director, IMF (September 2011-November and international operations. He is a member of the Deputy Chief negotiator for the KOREA-US FTA, LI Yi Fan 2011). Previously, he served as Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Business Council (2006-2008). He joined the Foreign Service in 1980. CEO, He-Sai Photonics Technologies. JPMorgan Investment Bank and JPMorgan's Chief for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). He is pres- He was also Minister-Counsellor, Korean Permanent Formerly Principal Engineer at West- Economist. He also was Chief Economist of Salomon ently chairing the Energy & Climate Change Working Delegation to the Organization of Economic Coo- ern Digital. Before joining Western Brothers, Inc. (1992-1997). He graduated from Wes- Group of the ERT (European Roundtable of Industrial- peration and Development (OECD), in Paris (2004- Digital, he has worked in several Fortune 500 com- leyan University and he holds a Ph.D. in economics ists) and the Sustainable Development Commission 2005). He graduated from Seoul National University panies including Lam Research and Parker Hannifin. from Stanford University.

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LO Moubarack Mission to Yugoslavia, resident in Sarajevo. He was MALLIKARJUN interest in new dimension of energy and environmental Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center, a naval officer (1952-1955). He was commissioned Manu policies and measures. He belongs to the Expert Network Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, Foreign Service Officer in 1956. He served as Principal Social entrepreneur working in the of the World Economic Forum. Senegal. President of the Emergence Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European fields of International Relations & Institute, specializing in economic and statistical Affairs (1974-1977) and as U.S. Ambassador to Luxem- Development. He is working on the post-production MENON Shivshankar studies and strategic planning. He is currently Special bourg (1977-1981). He graduated from Yale University. of a series of films that deal with themes of politics Chairman of the Advisory Board of Adviser and Chief Economist of the Prime Minister and economics. He has several years of private sector the Institute of Chinese Studies in and Coordinator of the Economic and Social Analysis LULACHE Daniela experience in the fields of Information & Communi- New Delhi, and is a Distinguished Unit. Previously, he was deputy director in the Cabi- Chief Executive Officer of Nucleare- cation Technology, Finance and Outsourcing with the Fellow at the Brookings Institution, Washington. He net of Macky Sall, president of Senegal. He also lectrica, the only nuclear energy firms Fidelity Investments, Futures First, Convergys served as national security advisor to the Prime Min- served as an economic advisor to several Prime producer in Romania, since 2013. and Madhubala Estates. He holds a degree in Inter- ister of India (2010-2014), and previously as Foreign Ministers. He is an expert for the UN, the African De- Before joining Nuclearelectrica, she held the position national Relations from the School of Advanced Secretary of India (2006-2009). He served as Ambas- velopment Bank, the World Bank, the African Union. of Counselor of the Vice-Governor of the National International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, a sador or High Commissioner of India to Israel (1995- He has served as associate lecturer at the National Bank of Romania. Previously, she was General Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication 1997), Sri Lanka (1997-2000), China (2000-2003), and School of Administration of Senegal and the Univer- Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Engineering from R.V. College of Engineering, and Pakistan (2003-2006). He studied at the Scindia sity Gaston Berger of St. Louis. Fondul Proprietatea (Property Fund), managing the is currently pursuing a Master in Creación Literaria at School, Gwalior and at St. Stephens College, Delhi entire activity of the Fund. She has a long and rich Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone, Spain. University, where he studied ancient Indian history LOULICHKI Mohamed experience in banking and financial consulting and Chinese. Former Ambassador of Morocco to sectors. She graduated from the Bucharest Academy MANDIL Claude the United Nations and Professor at of Economic Studies. Former Executive Director of the In- MORATINOS Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane. Pre- ternational Energy Agency (2003- Miguel Ángel viously, he was Permanent Representative to the MAKRAM-EBEID 2007). Before joining the IEA in 2003, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs United Nations Office in Geneva (2006-2008). He Mona he was Chairman and CEO of the Institut Français du and Cooperation of Spain (2004- served as Director-General of Multilateral relations Egyptian Senator and former mem- Pétrole and, previous to that, Managing Director of 2010). He served as Director of the Institute of and Global Cooperation (2003-2006). He had earlier ber of Parliament. She is also Distin- Gaz de France. Earlier posts have included Director Cooperation with the Arab World (1991-1993) and was served as Deputy Permanent Representative at his guished Lecturer, Political Science Department, General for Energy and Raw Materials at the Ministry appointed General Director of Foreign Policy for country’s Mission in New York (2001-2003). He was American University in Cairo. She has been a member of Industry (1990-1998), Director General of Bureau Africa and the Middle East (1993-1996). He also held also Morocco’s Coordinator with the UN Mission for of the National Council for Human Rights since 2012 of Mines and Geology (BGRM) (1988-1990), CEO of the the position of Spain’s Ambassador in Israel (1996). the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), in and Advisor to the Minister of Labour and Immigra- Institute for Industrial Development (IDI) (1983-1988) He was EU Special Representative for the Middle Laayoune (1999-2001). He was Ambassador to Hun- tion responsible for Egyptian abroad since 2011. She and Technical Advisor in the French Prime Minister’s East Peace Process (1996-2003). Actually he promotes gary, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995- was a member of the World Bank’s Council of Advi- cabinet (1981-1982). He is a graduate of France’s Ecole the signature of the International Treaty for a Global 1999). He was also a member of the Cabinet, then sors for Middle East & North Africa Region (MENA). Polytechnique and Ecole des Mines. Dry Land Alliance in Qatar, he is Honorary Chairman person in charge of the Cabinet of the Minister of She was advisor to the Supreme Council of the of the CIRSD Board of Advisers (Center for Interna- Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (1991-1995). Armed Forced (SCAF) in 2012 and served on the Com- MASUDA Tatsuo tional Relations and Sustainable Development), mittee for Policy Development (UN, 2001-2004). She Visiting professor at the NUCB Graduate Senior Advisor of Sustainable Development Solutions LOWENSTEIN James graduated from Harvard University. She is a prolific School on energy-climate nexus, spe- Network of the Earth Institute at Columbia University Co-Founder of the French American writer in English, French and Arabic. She is Officier cial advisor to SOC Corporation in Tokyo, and member of the Leadership Council of the UN Foundation. He is a member of the de la Légion d’honneur. chairman of FairCourt Capital in London and strategic Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). Council on Foreign Relations and the committee member of Elion House in Singapore. He has International Institute for Strategic Studies. He began had an extensive career in energy business and policy his career at Marshall Plan European Headquarters in making as JAPEX advisor, JNOC vice president and direc- Paris in 1950. In 1951, he was assigned to the U.S. Special tor of the International Energy Agency. He has a strong

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MOURRE Marc Europe. As the Founding Chairwoman of the Young DC (2001-2003). She holds a Ph.D. in political science for technology transfer. He worked as an independ- Director and founder of Mourre and Diplomats’ Centre in Poland, she had a key role in from Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. ent consultant for several European technology Co specializing in oil, gas and com- reactivating Visegrad Group cooperation. She gradu- corporations (1994-1997). He joined in 1997 the Cor- modities since February 2016, previ- ated in International Relations at the University of NASHARUDIN porate Recovery practice of Ernst & Young Consulting ously Managing Director, Vice Chairman of the Com- Warsaw and she holds an Executive MBA from the Mat Isa Switzerland. In 2001, he became Vice President for modities Division for Morgan Stanley with a focus on University of Quebec in Montreal, Warsaw School of Executive Chairman and Chief Execu- Global Business Development of the newly formed Emerging Markets specifically the Middle East and Economics and the China University of Mining and tive Officer of the Global Movement Telecoms Medias Network (TMN) Global Business Unit Africa. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1986. Previously, Technology. of Moderates Foundation, an organisation estab- of Capgemini Ernst & Young. In 2004 he was ap- he worked for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs lished as a referral point for the consolidation and pointed Group Sales Director and in 2006 joined as Cultural Attaché in Hong Kong, then he joined Elf NARAYANAN dissemination of information and material pertain- Capgemini’s Executive Committee. He was in charge Aquitaine (today Total) in the International trading Mayankote Kelath ing to moderation and the fight against extremism. of the Global Infrastructure Services strategic busi- oil division. He holds a Master of Sciences in business Former Governor of the State of West Concurrently, he is also Chairman of the Nassar ness unit (2011-2015). Since 2016, he is leading the administration from Sup. de co. Marseille, a D.E.A in Bengal. Former Senior Advisor and Foundation and he was recently appointed as a newly created Competitiveness central department. Business Administration from ESSEC/IAE Aix en National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of panel member of the Consultation and Corruption He also oversees Capgemini’s India operations. He Provence and a D.E.S.S in international trade and India. He led India in institutionalized security and Prevention Panel of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption graduated from the University of Lausanne. transportation from Aix Marseille University. strategic dialogues with several countries including Commission (MACC). He was a Member of the Malay- Brazil, France, Japan, Sri Lanka, Germany, Russia, UK sian Parliament (1999-2004 and 2008-2013). He OUALALOU Fathallah MUÑIZ Manuel and the USA. Prior to this, he was Director of the In- graduated from the University of Jordan and the Economist and Moroccan politician. Director of the Program on Transat- telligence Bureau and Chairman of the Joint Intelli- International Islamic University of Malaysia. He holds He served as Minister of Economy, lantic Relations at Harvard Universi- gence Committee. He also headed the Prime Minis- a PhD from the University Utara Malaysia. Finance, Privatisation and Tourism ty’s Weatherhead Center for Interna- ter’s Task Force on Developing an Integrated and then Minister of Finance and Privatisation. He tional Affairs. He also directs the Fundación Rafael Capability to address Internal Security Challenges. NASR Samir was also elected several times city Councillor in Rabat del Pino’s Program on Global Leadership, which aims Has dealt extensively with a whole range of issues President, ECE Capital. He was a con- and Member of Parliament. He is the author of sev- to foster Spanish talent in the field of international concerning internal, national and global security, sultant at the OECD. He is co-founder eral books and publications, more specifically on affairs. He is a co-Founder and former President of including aspects such as Counter-Terrorism, Coun- and was Chairman of the Economic issues of the economic theory, the Euro-Mediterra- The Altius Society. He was a Research Fellow at ter-Intelligence and Strategic Analysis. Holds a Mas- Department at the Lebanese University. He has been nean relationships, Maghreb, issues of development Science Po's Centre d’Études de Relations Interna- ter’s Degree in Economics from the University of Chairman at the National Investment Guarantee and financing and on the economic crisis. He also tionales (CERI) (2012-2014). He graduated from the Madras. Corporation since 1993. He was economic and finan- held the position of Mayor of the City of Rabat. Complutense University in Madrid, the IEB and Har- cial advisor at Qatari Diwan Amiri (2000-2005), and vard's Kennedy School of Government. He is on the NARDON Laurence strategic advisor to the Chairman at Fransabank SAL PAAL Douglas H. final stages of a DPhil (PhD) in International Relations Head of the Ifri program on North (2005-2007). Since 1982, he has been Chairman and Vice President, Carnegie Endowment at the University of Oxford. America. She edits its online research CEO of ECE Group. He received a Master’s Degree in for International Peace. He previ- papers, such as the U.S.-focused Economics from the American University of Beirut, ously served as vice chairman of NAIRNE Ula Potomac Papers. She writes on northern American and a Ph. D. in Economics from the Ecole des Hautes JPMorgan Chase International (2006-2008) and was Director of Global Advisory Services and transatlantic issues in the annual Ifri report Etudes en Sciences Sociales. director of the American Institute in Taiwan (2002- at Geopolitical Intelligence Services Ramses. She also teaches a class on Civil Society in 2006). He was on the National Security Council staffs AG, Liechtenstein, and owner and the United States at Institut d’Etudes Politiques de NICOLET Patrick of Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush be- director of Nairne Ltd, a strategic economic develop- Paris and is a columnnist for the weekly paper Ré- Group Management Board Member, tween 1986 and 1993 as director of Asian Affairs and ment research and consultancy company in the UK. forme. Prior to joining Ifri, she was a research fellow Competitiveness & India, Capgemini. then as senior director and special assistant to the Her international experience extends from working at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales He began his career in venture capi- president. He held positions in the policy planning on United Nations assignments in Africa and Asia to (EHESS), then a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Stra- tal. In 1986, he was appointed General Manager of staff at the State Department, as a senior analyst for co-ordinating cross border co-operation projects in tegic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, the first Swiss private-public partnership company the CIA, and at U.S. embassies in Singapore and Bei-

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jing. He graduated from Brown University. He holds in public and government service – including terms POUYANNÉ Patrick of Middle Eastern History of Tel Aviv University, a PhD in History and East Asian Languages from as Head of Staff for the Minister of Public Service then Chairman of the Board and Chief Distinguished Global Professor at NYU and a Distin- Harvard University. for the Minister of Employment and Social Affairs, and Executive Officer, Total. He held vari- guished Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He in the private sector as Deputy CEO of SOFRES, he has ous positions in the French Industry served as Israel Ambassador to the United States PARK In-Kook worked for more than 15 years as a top executive Ministry and in ministerial offices from 1989 to 1996, and former Chief Negotiator with Syria in the mid President of the Korea Foundation within SNCF. He was Director of Strategy and then including Environment and Industry Technical Advisor 1990's and as the president of Tel-Aviv University for Advanced Studies. He served as Director of Passenger activities before becoming act- to the Prime Minister (1993-1995) and Chief of Staff to (1999-2007). He has been a member of Tel Aviv Uni- Ambassador and Permanent Repre- ing CEO in 2008. He was first appointed Chairman of the Information Technology and Space Minister (1995- versity's faculty since 1971. His most recent book sentative of the Republic of Korea to the United Na- SNCF in 2008 and was reappointed in 2013. Other 1996). He joined Total in 1997, as Chief Administrative is The Lingering Conflict: Israel, The Arabs and The tions (2008-2011), Deputy Minister for Policy Planning responsibilities have included his Chairmanships of Officer of Total E&P Angola and became Group Repre- Middle East (Brookings, December 2011). His bio- and International Organizations in the Ministry of Eurostar Group, of and of SYSTRA, sentative in Qatar in 1999. In 2002, he was named graphy of Yitzhak Rabin will be published by Yale Foreign Affairs and Trade and Ambassador to Kuwait as well as being a Board member of Keolis. Senior Vice President, Finance, Economics and Infor- University Press. (2003-2005). He also served as Secretary to the mation Systems in Exploration & Production. In 2006, President of the Republic of Korea for International PLATTEAU Jean-Louis he became Senior Vice President, Strategy, Business RADU Răsvan Security (2002-2003). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree EFG Bank, Geneva. He began his ca- Development and R&D in Exploration & Production. In CEO, UniCredit România. He started to from the Department of Chinese Language and reer at Bank Brussels Lambert (BBL), 2012, he was appointed President, Refining & Chemi- work at the Romanian Commercial Literature and a Master’s Degree from the Graduate in Brussels and Singapore, and after- cals and member of the Executive Committee. He is a Bank (1991). He was appointed Ex- School of Law at Seoul National University. wards pursued his career at BNP Paribas Fortis and graduate of École Polytechnique and an Engineer of ecutive Vice President of the C.E.C. Bank (2000), and Dexia Group, where he was CEO of Dexia Switzerland, the French Corps des Mines. he then became Retail Executive Vice President of the PASZKIEWICZ before joining Geneva Cantonal Bank (BCGE) as Head Raiffeisen Bank in Romania (2001). He was appointed Ladislas of Private Banking and Member of the Executive QIAO Yide CEO of UniCredit Romania in 2005. He was also Presi- Vice president Strategy & Climate, Board. He also served as Head of Private Banking Vice Chairman & Secretary General of dent of the Advisory Board of the Prime Minister of Total since 2016. Previously, he Romandie at BSI before joining EFG Bank as, succes- Shanghai Development Research Romania. He graduated from the Polytechnic Univer- served as the senior vice president Mergers & Acqui- sively, Head of Private Banking Geneva and Vice Foundation (SDRF). After graduating sity of Bucharest in engineering, and from the Roma- sitions for Total S.A. since early 2015. From 2010 to Chairman of EFG Asset Management and Head of the from Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in nian American University in economy. He also gradu- 2014 he was senior vice president Americas for the Independent Asset Managers. He holds Manage- 1987, he entered Harvard Institute for International ated from an MBA program with the Conservatoire Exploration and Production division of Total. Prior to ment, Finance and Tax Master’s degrees from the Development and did research work. In 1995, he re- National des Arts et Métiers in Paris (Romanian that, he also served as senior vice president Middle Universities of Brussels (Solvay Business School) and turned to China as Chief Representative and Manag- branch), and from Harvard Business School (AMP). East for the same division (2007-2010). He was also Leuven (UCL-Business and Administration Business ing Director of New York Life until 2003. Prior to study managing director of the Total’s E&P subsidiary in School IAG). in the US, he conducted a research as Assistant Direc- RICHARD Philippe Argentina, Total Austral (2005-2007). He was head tor at the Institute of World Economy, Shanghai Director, International Affairs, Finan- of the Investor Relations department of Total S.A., PLOQUIN Xavier Academy of Social Sciences. He is the author of “Chi- cial Services Regulatory Authority and in various other positions in the Total group, Deputy Head Corporate Financing nese Economy: The Next 30 Years” (2011), “Rethink- (FSRA), Abu Dhabi Global Market which he joined in 1985. He holds a masters degree and Development at the Direction ing the International Monetary System - 70 Years (ADGM) since 2015. Prior to joining ADGM’s FSRA, he in business administration from New York University générale du Trésor (French Treasury) after the Bretton Woods Conference” (2014), and was the Director of the International Affairs Depart- and a master’s degree in finance from the Institut since 2015. Previously, he served as Deputy Chief “Global Financial Governance: Challenges, Goals and ment at the French Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel d’Etudes Politiques in Paris, France. of Bureau (Energy) at the National Budget Office, Reforms” (2016). et de Résolution (ACPR). He was a member of the Ministry of Finance (2013-2015). He was also a market Advisory Board of the United Arab Emirates Securi- PEPY Guillaume analyst at Total Gas & Power New Energies USA, Inc. RABINOVICH Itamar ties and Commodities Authority (2008-2009). From Chairman of SNCF's Executive Board (2011-2012) and Assistant Project Manager at L’Oréal President of the Israel Institute 2001 to 2008, he was the Secretary General of the and Chairman and CEO of SNCF Mo- (2010-2011). He graduated from the Ecole Polytech- (Washington and Jerusalem). Cur- International Organization of Securities Commissions bilités. After holding various positions nique and Mines Paristech, Paris, France. rently he is Professor Emeritus (IOSCO). He graduated from Paris Dauphine Univer-

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sity, the EDHEC business school of Lille and the Insti- founder of the G20. He is President of the Asia Education, Saudi Arabia. He is Guest Professor at Ifri in 2002 to work on the European policies in the tut d’Etudes Politiques of Paris. Society Policy Institute in New York. On climate Osaka University, Japan. He is also an Active Member Mediterranean region and in the Middle East, on the change, he ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2007 and of the Board of Trustees for King Abdulaziz Center for regional political and economic dynamics and on the RICQUIER Anita legislated in 2008 for a 20% mandatory renewable National Dialogue. He holds a Ph.D. in Politics and Arab policy of France. She started the "Contemporary Singaporean entrepreneur. A lawyer energy target for Australia. He represented Australia International Relations from Lancaster University. Turkey" research program in 2008, to follow the by training, she is the founder and at the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. He emergence of Turkey as a global power. Her present chief executive officer of Camelot was a member of the UN High Level Panel on Global SÁNCHEZ research focuses on Turkish diplomacy, new region- Trust Pte Ltd, a corporate services company based Sustainability and is a co-author of the report SORONDO Marcelo al conflicts and their impact on Middle East econo- in Singapore, with clients drawn from the region “Resilient People, Resilient Planet” for the 2012 Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy mies. She directed a book on La Turquie au Moyen- and from the rest of the world, particularly Europe. Rio+20 Conference. He is also Chair of the Indepen- of Sciences and the Pontifical Acad- Orient : une puissance régionale ? [Turkey in the Camelot provides its clients with advice on a range dent Commission on Multilateralism. He also emy of Social Sciences since 1998. In 1999, he was Middle East: a regional power ?], published by CNRS of issues including corporate structures and regula- serves as a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University appointed Secretary Prelate of the Pontifical éditions in december 2011. She graduated from tory matters. in Beijing. Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas. In 2001, His Holiness Sciences Po Paris. She holds a postgraduate degree John Paul II consecrated him titular Bishop of Ves- in applied economics and a PhD in political science. ROBERT Virginie RYU Jin Roy covìo. He was also decorated as Cavaliere di gran Foreign desk editor, Les Echos since Chairman and CEO of Poongsan croce of the Italian Republic in 1999, official of honour SECK Aminata 2012. She was a foreign correspond- Group, one of the largest manufac- of the Légion d’Honneur by the Republic of France in Program Associate, African Higher ent in New York for Les Echos (2008- turers of metal products and muni- 2000, Grão Mestre da Ordem de Rio Branco by the Education Program, TrustAfrica. She is 2012). She was also head of the innovation service of tions in the world. He is actively involved in numer- Republic of Brazil in 2004, official of the Republic of an independent consultant special- Les Echos (2000-2007) and deputy head of High- ous business organizations notably as Vice Chairman Austria in 2004, and knight of the Republic of Chile ized in education reforms, vocational training and Tech-Medias service of Les Echos (1994-2000). She of the Korea-U.S. Economic Council, Vice Chairman of in 2006. youth empowerment in Africa. Since 2010 she works graduated from Valparaiso University and North- the Korea Defense Industry Association and Vice with international donors, governments and non- western University. Chairman of the Federation of Korean Industries. Ad- SANO Tadakatsu profits to create a stronger nexus between policies and ditionally, he supports a number of philanthropic Attorney-at-law at Jones Day. His community’s needs. She recently coordinated the first RÖTTGEN Norbert organizations worldwide. He serves as a Vice Chair- practice focuses on regulatory com- continental summit on the ‘Revitalization of African Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Com- man of Korea Mecenat Association, a Board Member pliance and encompasses a broad Higher Education’. She also works for the economic mittee, Bundestag. He served as the of America’s Promise and the World Golf Founda- range of government regulations, product safety, and social reinsertion of street children. In 2106 she was German Federal Minister for the En- tion’s First Tee program and as a Trustee of the installment sales regulations, foreign direct invest- honored with President Obama’s prestigious Mandela vironment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety George H. W. Bush Presidential Library Foundation. ment regulation, energy & environment, and com- Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. She from October 2009 to May 2012. He has been a mem- He graduated from the Seoul National University. petition law. He represents various clients in civil graduated from ISM and from the Sorbonne. ber of the German Bundestag since 1994. During this disputes. He spent 35 years at Ministry of Economy, time he has fulfilled key functions within the Chris- SAGER Abdulaziz Trade and Industry. During his tenure as Director- SHARMA Ajay tian Democratic Party (CDU) and the German federal President of Sager Group Holding as General of the Trade Policy Bureau and Vice Minister Ambassador of the United Kingdom government. In 2009, his first book, "Deutschlands well as Chairman and Founder of the for International Affairs, he worked in the field of to the State of Qatar since 2015. Pre- beste Jahre kommen noch", was released. He holds Gulf Research Center, Jeddah, estab- international trade policy. He served as Chief Execu- viously, he served as the Foreign & a PhD in Law from Bonn University. He is a Senior lished in 2000. In 2003, he was appointed as a mem- tive Assistant to Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama Commonwealth Office (FCO) Head of Iran depart- Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance. ber of the Makkah Province Council. In addition, he (2009-2010). ment and non-resident Chargé d'affaires to Iran serves as a member on the advisory board of, among (2012-2015). He played a role in the recent Iran RUDD Kevin others, the Arab Thought Foundation, the Geneva SCHMID Dorothée nuclear negotiations and was involved in the reo- Australia’s 26th Prime Minister (2007- Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Head of the Turkey / Middle East pro- pening of the British Embassy in Tehran in August 2010, 2013) and Former Foreign (DCAF), the Faculty of Economics and Administration gram at the French Institute of Inter- 2015. He has had previous diplomatic postings in Minister (2010-2012). He was a co- of King Abdulaziz University, the Ministry of Higher national Relations (Ifri). She joined Paris, Ankara and Moscow.

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SHEK Daniel research associate at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Trade (2009). He is member of Chatham House, tions internationales since 2003 (Documentation Former Ambassador of Israel to nology. He has been advisor to several international London, and also member of the Aspen Institute française). In 2008, he received the Edouard Bon- France. During his 27 year long career organizations such as The World Health Organisation, Romania. He graduated in Journalism and Commu- nefous Award from the French Academy of Moral and in Israel's diplomatic service, he also Médecins Sans Frontière and AEDES – EU. He holds a nication Sciences. Political Sciences, Institut de France. served as Director of European Affairs, Spokesman of MBA and is a graduate from the Harvard Business the Foreign Ministry and Consul General in San Fran- School. STOICA Gruia TABET Riad cisco. He has extensive experience in European Af- President of Grampet Group, the President of Berit International Hol- fairs and has participated in a number of chapters of STARK Hans most important Central and East- ding SA, President of Batiliban- Arab-Israeli negotiations, in particular while working Secretary General of the Study Com- European actor in the field of railway France, Franco-Arab Consortium for closely with then Foreign Minister Shimon Peres. He mittee for Franco-German Relations transport and logistics services. He established development, board member of the executive com- has for many years taken part in devising media (Cerfa), Ifri. He has been professor of Grampet Group in 2000. In September 2012, he was mittee of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce, strategies for the Foreign Ministry and is considered contemporary German civilization at Paris-Sorbonne appointed President of the Romania-Kazakhstan Paris, board member and founding member of the an expert on public diplomacy. Since leaving the University since 2012 after teaching at New Sorbonne Business Council. He started business in 1990, when Lebanese American Chamber of Commerce, Bey- Foreign Service, he has been an independent con- University from 2005 to 2012 as senior lecturer. He he opened his first company. Since 1990 until now he routh. He was Advisor to the Lebanese President for sultant on Israeli and international affairs and graduated from the Institut d’études politiques de held only top management positions, being respon- the French-speaking world (1986-1988) and Advisor teaches Diplomacy at Tel Aviv University. Paris (SciencesPo) in 1987, majoring in International sible for the strategic development of his company. to the Minister of Finance for the private sector (1999- Relations. Furthermore, he holds a Diplôme d’études He graduated from the Polytechnic University of 2001). He is the author of numerous books and stud- SIMON Jean-Marc approfondies (DEA) in Soviet and Eastern European Bucharest and the National Defense College, Carol I ies on economic development, environment and French Ambassador. He worked for Studies from SciencesPo (1990) and a PhD in political National Defense University also in Bucharest and the land-use planning. He graduated from the Institut the French Foreign Ministry and the sciences from Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2001). Europe of Tomorrow Academic Society. d’Urbanisme, Paris-Sorbonne University. Ministry of Cooperation as an advi- sor. He worked in numerous embassies all over the STARKLOFF Xavier STRIL Arthur TANEJA Narendra world, notably as Advisor and Consul General before Deputy Head of Multilateral Financ- Head of Unit at the French Ministry of Chairman of Energy Security Group being appointed as French Ambassador to Central ing for Development at the French Health since 2016. He served as French of the Federation of Indian Chambers African Republic (1996-2001), to Nigeria (2001-2003), Treasury, in charge of the World Bank expert seconded to the European of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). He to Gabon (2003-2008), and to Côte d’Ivoire (2009- Group and the African Development Bank. He has Commission. He was a Case handler within the Direc- is also the Founder President of New Delhi-based 2012). He was a Representative to the ECOWAS and been Managing Director for French Speaking Africa torate-General for Competition. He graduated from World Energy Policy Summit. He is India's leading to the ECCAS. He is now alternate deputy of Oise, and at Jumia Travel (2014-2015), and Project Manager at the Ecole Polytechnique and Paristech Mines, Paris. expert, thinker, speaker and television commentator Chairman of Eurafrique Stratégies SAS. He graduated Zodiac Aerospace (2013-2014). He is a graduate of on energy issues and developments and had earlier from Paris II Assas University in Public Law. Ecole Polytechnique and an Engineer of the French SUR Serge served as South Asia Bureau Chief for a number of Corps des Mines. Agrégé in Public Law, Emeritus Pro- European business publications, including interna- SIMON Tobby fessor of Public Law, University of tional oil and gas weekly Upstream. He has authored Founder and President of Synergia STOIAN Marius Paris Panthéon-Assas, where he set two books and edited several books and publica- Foundation. He is also the President President of Club România. He star- up the Master of International Relations (2000-2012). tions. He is a Member of the World Economic Forum of the Synergia Group. He is a Com- ted his career in journalism in 1990 as He was Deputy Director of the UNIDIR, Geneva (1986- Global Agenda Council on the Future of Electricity and missioner with the Global Commission for Internet editor of the Tineretul Liber newspa- 1996) and ad hoc Judge at the International Court of also represents India on energy on the BRICS Busi- Governance (GCIG) and a member of the Tri Lateral per. He then worked as a press correspondent for a Justice in The Hague (2009-2012). He is the founder ness Council. He read economics, business, com- Commission. He served on the advisory board Romanian newspaper and TV channel, in Hungary and was director (1999-2012) of the Thucydides merce, policy, leadership, diplomacy and interna- member of the Centre for New American Security and Republic of Moldova. He then became personal Center-Analysis and Research in International Rela- tional affairs at different prestigious universities in (CNAS), the International Council of the Belfer Centre advisor for the Secretary of State for the Romanians tions, and remains director of the French Yearbook India, Norway and the United Kingdom. for Science and International Affairs at The John F. Abroad (2000) and for the Minister of Tourism (2001- of International Relations (AFRI, since 2000). He is Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He is a 2003). He was Under Secretary of State for Foreign also Editor-in-chief of the bimonthly journal Ques-

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TERRAB Mostafa ment as Governor of the Banque de France in 1993. Board of EUBrasil association (Brussels). He is also a jective to establish a new and innovative set of tech- Chairman and CEO of OCP Group. He He graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieure Senior Research Fellow at OCP Policy Center (Rabat) nologies in the world of health dietary supplements. was an advisor in the Royal Cabinet des Mines de Nancy, of the IEP of Paris, of the Univer- and Director of Latin America Research Chair at the He graduated from the Dauphine University (Paris, and also served as Secretary-Gener- sité de Paris (in economics) and of the Ecole nation- Centre d’Etudes Sociales, Economiques et Managéri- France) with a major in finance and marketing. al of the MENA Economic Summit. In 1998, he was ale d’administration. He was awarded honorary ales (CESEM - HEM Rabat). He is a Member of the appointed Director-General of the National Telecom- doctorates by several universities. Committee of Rencontres Internationales de Genève, WANG Jisi munications Regulatory Agency. Then, he joined the a Member of the Advisory Council of (jour- President of the Institute of Interna- World Bank as Lead Regulatory Specialist in the USUL Ali Resul nal of International Relations), Portugal. Journalist, tional and Strategic Studies, Peking Global Information and Communications Depart- Head of Strategic Research Center at columnist for Radio France Internationale (RFI – Bra- University, and professor of the ment, and headed the World Bank's Information for the Turkish Foreign Ministry (SAM). zilian Service), he has published extensively on geo- School of International Studies, Peking University. He Development Program. He holds a MS and a PhD in He worked at the Centre for Eurasian politics, global economics, regional integration was a Global Scholar at Princeton University (2011- Operations Research from the Massachusetts Insti- Strategic Studies (ASAM) (1999-2001). He served as and trade negotiations, Brazil and Latin America. 2015). He has been a member of the Foreign Policy tute of Technology and received an engineering director of the Center for Research of the European He holds a PhD in Political Sciences from Sciences Advisory Committee of the Foreign Ministry of China diploma from the ENPC, Paris. Union, Istanbul University business, Istanbul Ticaret Po Paris. since 2008, and honorary President of the Chinese University. He graduated from the Faculty of Political Association for American Studies. He taught in TIKUM Njoya Science and International Relations at the University VÉDRINE Hubert Peking University’s Department of International Regional Anti-Corruption and Eco- of Bogaziçi in Istanbul. He holds a PhD in political Founder of Hubert Védrine Conseil, a Politics (1983-1991), and then served as director of the nomic Governance Advisor for UNDP science from Bilkent University and a PhD in Interna- public affairs consultancy that spe- Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Acade- Africa. He joined UNDP through the tional Relations from the University of Essex. cializes in foreign, economic, and my of Social Sciences. He was concurrently director Leadership Development Programme (LEAD). He has geopolitical affairs. He worked as a diplomatic Advi- of the Institute of International Strategic Studies at served as Country Programme Specialist and Project VAÏSSE Justin sor, Spokesman, and Secretary-General with French the Central Party School of the Communist Party of Manager for the Peace Consolidation and Governance A French historian, he was appointed President François Mitterrand (1981-1995). He also China (2001-2009). He obtained an MA degree from project in UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Africa, in New Director of Policy Planning at the served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1997 to Peking University. York. Before joining UNDP, he was a litigating attor- French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2002 under the cohabitation government of Presi- ney in Cameroon and New York. He is a World Fellow March 2013. In this role, he advises the Minister on his dent Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. WEYMULLER Bruno at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale strategic decisions and provides background analysis In 2004, he was appointed as an Independant Direc- Member of Total Professeurs Asso- University, USA. He graduated from Columbia Uni- and forecast on international affairs. Prior to this ap- tor at LVMH. From 2005 to 2007, he was a member of ciés, of the French Energy Council versity School of Law, New York, from the Central pointment, Justin Vaïsse was Senior Fellow in Foreign the High Level Group for an "Alliance of Civilizations" and of the Economic Institute Re- European University, Hungary, and from the Univer- Policy at the Brookings Institution and an adjunct of Kofi Annan. He graduated from the Institut search Coe-Rexecode. He was Executive Vice Presi- sity of Yaoundé II SOA, Cameroon. professor at SAIS (Johns Hopkins University). An As- d’études politiques of Paris and the Ecole nationale dent at Total in charge of Strategy and Risk Assess- sociate teacher at the Paris School of International d’administration (ENA). ment (2000-2008). He was Chief Financial Officer of TRICHET Jean-Claude Affairs, Dr. Vaïsse is the author of numerous books on Elf Aquitaine (1994-2000). He began his career at the Former President of the European the United States, including Neoconservatism – The VERET Amalric Ministry for Industry (1972-1978), then he joined the Central Bank and Honorary Governor Biography of a Movement (Harvard University Press, CEO of Pronutri, Activa and Nutrilab Prime Minister Raymond Barre’s cabinet (1978-1981). of Banque de France. He is presently 2010). His biography of former National Security Ad- laboratories. He turned Pronutri into He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique, and the Chairman of the Group of Thirty and Chairman of the viser Zbigniew Brzezinski was published in France in a worldwide developed company, Ecole des Mines in Paris. He holds a Master of Science Board of Bruegel Institute. He was assigned to vari- early 2016 and will come out in English in 2017. bringing it to a new level and making it one of the from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ous posts at the French Ministry of Finance. He was major players on the market of health dietary sup- an adviser to the President of the Republic. He was VALLADÃO Alfredo plements. He extended the scope of Pronutri with WOŹNIAK Maciej chairman of the Paris Club (sovereign debt resched- Professor at Paris School of Interna- international subsidiaries in Europe, the USA and Vice-President of the Board, Polish uling) from 1985 to 1993. He was Chairman of the tional Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po Asia, making Nutripuncture™ a worldwide brand. He Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG SA). He European Monetary Committee until his appoint- Paris. President of the Advisory created in 1999 the Activa Laboratories with the ob- worked at the Ministry of Finance

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and at the Ministry of Economy, where he led the Oil ZHU Yan-Mei GONG Xiaosheng and Gas Department (2003-2008). He represented Executive Vice President of Beijing China Special Envoy on the Middle Poland at IEA Governing Board meetings a number Genomics Institute (BGI) since 2015 East Issue since 2014. After gradua- of times. He was Prime Minister’s chief adviser on and Director of Strategic Develop- tion, he worked in the Department of Energy Security (2008-2010). He represented Poland ment Center of BGI since 2013. Previously, she was West Asian and North African Affairs of the Foreign in the V4 High-Level Group on Energy and the EC’s the Project Director of The Southern Securities Invest- Ministry, at the Embassy of China to the Arab Repu- Group for the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection ment Bank, Vice Dean of School of Economics and blic of Egypt, at the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Plan. He advised the Environment Minister and Chief Management at Tongji University, Executive Dean of Council of China and at the Permanent Mission of Geologist on the geological and mining law reform Chinese Academy of Science and Technology Man- China to the UN. He served as Head of the Chinese (2011-2013). He graduated from Cracow University of agement. She was also a visiting scholar of Swiss Office to the Palestinian National Authority (at the Economics and the National School of Public Admin- Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (2005-2007) Rank of Ambassador), Ambassador to the Hashemite istration. and a visiting scholar of Gothenburg University in Kingdom of Jordan and Ambassador to the Republic Sweden (2012). Her research focuses on innovation Turkey. He graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies YEOH Michael management and policy. She has also published the University. Founder & CEO of the Asian Strategy book named Power of Innovation and more than 30 and Leadership Institute (ASLI), a papers in high-impact journals and conference do- leading independent Think Tank in mestically and internationally. Malaysia and Asean. He is also Founder and Chairman of the World Chinese Economic Forum and the Asean ZINSOU Lionel Leadership Forum. He was appointed by the Prime Co-President of the Fondation Afri- Minister of Malaysia to be a Commissioner in Malaysia's caFrance pour une croissance parta- Competition Commission and Malaysia's Representa- gée. Former Prime Minister in charge tive with Ambassadorial Status to the Asean High of economic development, evaluating public policy Level Task Force established by the Asean Heads of and promoting good governance in Benin. Former Governments at the Asean Summit. He is also Secre- CEO of the Private Equity firm PAI and Chair of the tary-General of the Malaysia China Business Council French-African Foundation for Growth. He started his and the Asean Business Forum. He studied at Monash career as a lecturer in economics at Paris University University and the Aresty Institute of Wharton School. and was a member of the Department of Industry's Minister’s Office and the Prime Minister's Office. In YIM Sung-joon 1986, he joined Danone where he held various posi- Senior Advisor at Lee International IP tions including Corporate Development Director and & Law Group. Previously, he held the then CEO of the grocery division. In 1997, he joined position of President of the Korea the Rothschild Bank as General Partner; he was Head Foundation (2007-2010). He joined the Ministry of of the Consumer Products Group, Head of Middle East Foreign Affairs in 1974 and served, among others, as and Africa. He graduated from Ecole Normale Supé- Korean Ambassador to Canada (2004-2007) and rieure, Sciences Po, the London School of Economics Egypt (1996-1999). In 2001, he was Deputy Minister and La Sorbonne in history and economics. He is for Foreign Affairs and in 2002, he was appointed as a “professeur agrégé de sciences économiques the National Security Advisor to President Kim Dae- et sociales”. jung. He currently co-chairs the Korea-Canada Fo- rum. He graduated from Seoul National University, Oxford University and Keio University.

78 / World Policy Conference 2016 79 LIEU DE LA CONFERENCE CONFERENCE VENUE

80 / World Policy Conference 2016 8181 LIEULIEU DE DE LA LA CONFÉRENCECONFÉRENCE CONFERENCE VENUE DOHA Doha, qui signifie littéralement « le grand Doha, which means literally “the big tree”, is the arbre », est la capitale du Qatar. Fondé en 1850, capital city of Qatar. Founded in 1850, this small ce petit port de pêche s’est construit autour de fishing harbour grown up through pearl fishing, la pêche des perles, activité qui a largement an activity that has greatly influenced the art influencé l’art et l’architecture des édifices de and the building architecture in the city. Doha la capitale. Doha est située sur le golfe Persique, is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf; it is il s’agit de la plus grande ville et du centre the biggest city and the economic center économique du pays, abritant avec sa proche of the country, where more than 80% of Qatar’s banlieue plus de 80 % de la population du Qatar. population is living (including the inner suburbs). Doha est une ville qui offre un mélange riche Doha provides a rich mix of culture and de culture et d’architecture – que l’on peut architecture – that can particularly be discovered notamment découvrir au musée d’Art islamique, at the Museum of Islamic Art, an architectural bijou architectural signé Ieoh Ming Pei – jewel designed by Ieoh Ming Pei – landscapes, de paysages, tel que le désert qui offre des as in the desert, which offers the possibility rencontres silencieuses avec les fauconniers to meet the silence and the falconers training qui s’entraînent. Il s’agit d’un art ancestral there. It is an ancestral art that has become devenu un sport. a sport. De grandes manifestations sportives ont Major international sports events are regularly régulièrement lieu dans la capitale comme taking place in the city such as the 2006 Asian les Jeux asiatiques de 2006 ou l’open de tennis Games and the Doha tennis Open. The city de Doha. La ville se prépare à accueillir plusieurs is currently preparing to host several games matches de la coupe du monde de football of the 2022 Football World Cup organized de 2022 organisée par le Qatar. by Qatar. De nombreuses conférences internationales Numerous international conferences are held ont lieu à Doha. Ainsi la capitale a par exemple in Doha. For instance, the city hosted the first accueilli la première réunion du cycle de Doha meeting of the Doha Round for the development pour le développement des négociations de of the trade negotiations of the World Trade l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) en Organization (WTO) in 2001, the Summit on 2001, le sommet sur le changement climatique Climate Change in 2012 and the 38th session en 2012 ou encore la 38e session du Comité du of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO en 2014. in 2014.

82 / World Policy Conference 2016 83 WPC SHERATON GRAND 2016 DOHA RESORT & CONVENTION HOTEL







MUSEUM OF ISLAMIC ART SOUQ WAQIF LIEU DE LA CONFÉRENCE • VENUE Al Corniche St, Doha Bounded by Al-Souq St & Grand Hamad St, Doha Sheraton Grand THE PEARL MONUMENT Al Corniche Street, P.O Box 6000, Al Corniche St, Doha Doha, Qatar Tel: +974 4485 4444 84 / World Policy Conference 2016 85 INFOS PRATIQUES PRACTICAL INFORMATION







ACCUEIL • REGISTRATION DESK Le bureau d'accueil de la conférence sera ouvert : The conference registration desk will be open at the following times: Samedi de 15h00 à 20h00 Saturday: 15:00 • 20:00 Dimanche et lundi de 8h00 à 20h00 Sunday, Monday: 8:00 • 20:00 Mardi de 8h00 à 15h00 Tuesday: 8:00 • 15:00 CONTACT +33 6 46 54 46 34 / +974 66 83 72 73 / [email protected]

86 / World Policy Conference 2016 87 NOTES NOTES

88 / World Policy Conference 2016 89 PARTENAIRES PARTNERS

Doha Conference 2016 Partner


WPC Foundation Partners Content • Agenda Publications • Website Song-Nim Kwon Poongsan Corporate Identity Graphic Standards Corporate Wordmark 코퍼리트 워드마크 BS-01 [email protected]

Organization Nicolas de Germay [email protected] 기본형

Production Florent de Chantérac

Grid System [email protected] 10


0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Communication • Press Guillaume Foucault [email protected]




With the support of Roland Berger • CNES • Jean Burelle Jean-Pierre Hansen • Pierre Keller • José Desfilis • André Lévy-Lang

90 / World Policy Conference 2016 91 Institut Français des Relations Internationales #WorldPolicyConf