HIGH TIDE LOW TIOF 10-14-69 10-14-69 4 8 at 0554 a 6 at 0000 5 7 at 1812 __tOURGlASS o 9 at 1148

All The News That FltS We_P~r:l~n~t ______~ VOL 9, No 8527 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Monday, October 13, 1969 Paratroopers Disco,er Nixon Reaffirms Position on Demonstrations WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Nlxon today reafflrmed hlS vow not to be sway­ Red Underground ed by natlonwlde antlwar demonstratlons Wednesday Glvlng In to the protes­ ters would lnvlte anarchy, Nlxon sald Arsenal Near Saigon The Presldent sald he too ]olned wlth Amerlcans worklng toward peace, but SAIGON (UPI) -- U S Headquarters to­ that he already was followlng a careful course lion the road to peace" after day reported dlscovery of a huge under­ drastlcally changlng the pollcles of the Johnson Admlnlstratlon ground arsenal near Salgon contalnlng The Whlte Bouse released a letter Nlxon wrote to a Georgetown Unlverslty enough weapons and ammunltlon to equlp student who had wrltten to the PreSl~ 3,000 Communlst troops Offlclals sald dent complalnlng that hlS Sept 26 British Soldiers Prepare the cache was part of a bUlldup for a news conference statement that "un­ new offenSlve expected In mld-November der no Clrcumstances whatever wlll I To Remo,e Barricades A communlque sald elements of the U S be affected by the Oct 15 Vlet Nam 82nd Alrborne D1V1Slon found the arsen­ moratorlum " BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND (UPI) al yesterday durlng operatlons In the Nlxon wrote to. sophomore Randy J Brltlsh so Idlers moved lnto the Skan­ "Iron Trlangle" area 25 mlles northwest D1Cks, "To Ilsten to publlC oplnlon lS klll Road Dlstrlct wlth bulldozers to­ of Salgon one thlng, to be swayed by publlc dem­ day to rlp down lO-foot-hlgh barrlcades "Tunnel Rats" explorlng the network onstratlons lS another " erected durlng the nlght by resldents found machlneguns, rlfles, mortar "If a Presldent allowed hlS course of the Protestant nelghborhood shells, rocket-propelled grenades and to be set by those who demonstrate," Brltlsh Home Secretary James Calla­ cases of small arms and sald lt probab­ Nlxon told D1Cks, "he would betray the ghan flew to London to report on the ly took a year to bUlld the place trust of all the rest Whatever the weekend of battle by Protestants wlth Amerlcan troop strength In Vlet Nam lssue, to allow government POllCy to pollce and troops and told Parl1ament fell by 4,100 men last week, the U S be made In the streets would destroy the vlolence marked "a most serlOUS Command reported, an lndlcatlon of the the democratlc process turnlng pOlnt " "Phase Two" wlthdrawal of 35,000 men "It would glve the declslon, not to Troops lobbed volley after volley from the war zone by Dec 15 the ma]Orlty, and not to those ~Vlth the of tear gas early today lnto a surglng Spokesmen sald 505,600 Amerlcans were strongest arguments, but to those wlth brlck-throwlng crowd of Skanklll Pro­ on duty In Vlet Nam as of Oct 2, low­ the loudest VOlces It would reduce test-ants screamlng "Soldlers out" and est number Slnce the week of Feb 29, statecraft to slogans It would In­ "Brltlsh Army, Go Home" Snlpers open­ 1968 The force reached nearly 540,000 vlte anarchy It would allow every ed flre and soldlers scanned the roof­ men at the helght of the Amerlcan bUlld­ group to test strength not at the bal­ tops for flashes from thelr guns up lot box but through confrontatlon In It was the second stralght nlght of Battles were In the north today the streets " Vlolence stemmlng from angry antl­ Cathollc reactlon by Protestants to Policeman the Northern Ireland government's deCl­ Claims Turner Solicited Guns Slon to dlsarm pollce and dlsband the WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Chlcago's top pollceman testlfled today that Ma] Gen "B-Speclal" aux1l1ary force Carl C Turner Sollclted guns from hlm "as cus ndlan for the U S Army" and la­ f>; J,$o ter asked hlm to destroy the recelpts before 1 ~stlgators saw them Turner, the ret1red Army Provost Mar&hal who admltted last week that he sold some of the guns for personal proflt, sald he couldn't remember whether he asked to have the recelpts destroyed But he lnSlsted that Chlcago Pollce Superlnten­ dent James B Conllsk Jr knew all along the guns were for the General's person­ al collectlon, not the Army Nixon Announces Plans "That's the truth, I say to thlS com­ mlttee'" the bald peppery Turner sald "Let God be my Judge' for Address to Nation Conllsk, testlfYlng wlth Turner In W~SHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Nlxon a rare confrontatlon before a crowded announced plans to address the natlon hearlng of the Senate Permanent Inves­ on Monday, Nov 3, on what the Whlte tlgatlons Subcomm1ttee, flatly denled House descrlbed as the entlre Vlet Nam the retlred General's clalm situatlon "Gen Turner was expllclt In hlS ex­ The announcement, unusual In that lt planatlon of the 1ntended use of the was made three weeks In advance, came weapons for an A~y museum and my ap­ as the Chlef Executlve conferred wlth proval was glven wlth the understand­ Henry Cabot Lodge, home from the ParlS lng that the weapons would be transfer­ Peace Talks red to hlS custody solely for the use The Whlte House sald Lodge was ex­ and beneflt of the U S Army," Conllsk pected to leave from New York Clty Tues­ sald DON'T FENCE ME IN -- Belfast housew~ves day In t1me to be In the French Capltol "ThlS lS a dlrect confllct of sworn shop at an open a~r fru~t stand ~n for the Thursday negotlatlng seSSlon testlmony," sald Sen Karl E Mundt front of a barbed w~re barr~cade ~n the Spokesman Ronald Zlegler sald the " You can't both be rlght " Cathol~c Coates Street area Br~t~sh Presldent had been thlnklng for some The Subcommlttee dld not resolve the troops are keep~ng an uneasy peace be­ tlme of maklng a major speech to the confllct but Sen Abraham Rlblcoff tween Cathol~cs and Protestants ~n country on Vlet Nam told Turner to be ready to testlfy Northern Ireland Zlegler also pOlnted out that Nov 1 agaln would mark the flrst annlversary of the A Pentagon spokesman dlsclosed today "If I were to say all the thlngs halt of bomblng In North Vlet Nam and that records perta1nlng to Turner's that were true about thlS sltuatlon, lt that Nlxon thought Nov 3 would be a gun deallngs had been turned over to could eas1ly create a bloodbath," Cal­ "proper tlme" to report on the war Slt­ the Justlce Department Sept 27 for laghan told the House of Commons In uatlon "approprlate act1on" He gave no de­ London Current plans call for the Preslden­ talls The Home Secretary sald the vlo1ence tlal address to be carrled 11ve on na­ Turner had hlS Dlstlngulshed SerVlce was at "a most serlOUS turnlng pOJnt" tlonW1de televls10n and radlo No hour Medal revoked as a result of the In­ because "for the flrst tlme, rloters has beer set for It to begln vestlgatlon and lost hls new clvlllan used flrearms freely and troops were Job as Chlef of U S Marshals forced to return the flre " HOURGLASS ~onday, Octoher 13, 1969J Handicraft Shop Tonight T x, th Locksmith Carved Moray Eel ln fu11 swim AROUND TOWN Are you fumIng? captured ln mangrove wood, 38" You've locked yourself out of long The carved line and wood Hallow n Tim your home and don't have a spare graIn are fully utilIzed to accent The annual Speclal SerVlces Halloween Cos­ key? the speed and grace of thlS sea tume Contest will be held on Oct 31st at 6 30 Are you on the verge of screamlng?denlzen Mother of Pearl Inlay pm at the Rlchardson Theater All chl1dren You've an Important company meet- eyes, real teeth set In mouth, through the 6th Grade of Elementary School are lng and you've mlsplaced the key to mounted on a solId pedestal Has lnvlted to partlclpate your attache case? flaw that needs reflnlshlng but Halloween costume Judglng prlzes wl1l be Peace worth the art work of thlS rarely awarded ln the followlng categorles Help WIll come ln the Santa Claus seen pIece MOST ORIGINAL FUNNIEST SCARIEST shane of amIable Clyde "Tex" Grubbs, New Stlck Charts arrIved of Chl1dren wl1l be Judged ln age groups Pre­ Global's master locksmIth unknown geographlcal area but flne schoolers and Klndergarten, 1st & 2nd Grades, Tex, who has 30 years' experIence, authentIc pIeces depIctIng thIs 3rd & 4th Grades, 5th & 6th Grades can open about anythlng wIth the eX-anCIent navlgatlonal system They ceptlon of the new manlpulatlon- are of good desIgn and sturdy con- YYWC Luncheon Thursday proof safes structlon Were you beglnnlng to thlnk we weren't havlng These are made of wonder materlals Also only EIGHT Llklep Canoes, a YYWC Luncheon thlS month? Calm yourself such as teflon, whIch IS smooth and ranglng from 11 " - 21" be ear- ThlS month's program lS one you'll enJoy Our nOlseless and gIves no lndlcatlon toly for these speaker has proven herself one of those people a safeman The new wonder materlals For Chrlstmas malilng small and who lS thoroughly allve and lovlng lt Anyone lIghtweIght glfts unIque "one of who has seen her act as translator between the a kInd" pollshed Coconut noveltIes Marshallese and AmerIcan populatlon w11l never Ideal for roundlng out the Chrlst­ forget her warmth and humor as two cultures try mas "extras" glft llSt Made by to understand each other In case you haven't ¥lcroneSlan P0110 vlctlms ln MaJuro guessed her name (you MUST be new') It's Allce ln a self-effort for lncome ~~at Buck, and If you don't want to be left out of a a wonderful way to begln thlS com­ thoroughly delIghtful experlence you'd better lng "Season of Glvlng " call Alma Gelzlnls (82461) or Eleanor Cottr111 PEYINDER start your serlOUS (83663) and make your reservatlons for Thurs­ Chrlstmas shopplng now' day's luncheon Don't forget to tell the lady you call lf thIS lS your flrst or last luncheon Telephone Information on Island And lf you put yourself on t~e REOUESTS FOR TELEPHONF SERVICE ,I Permanent ReservatIon LISt last month, you (DD 11-154) don't have to call anyone Requests for Telephone Serv1ce should be llmlted to the Kentron­ Protect Your Child Hawall Communlcatlons Manager as Your chIld can be protected agaInst German far In advance as pOSSIble Pro­ Measles (Rubella) A safe and effectIve vac­ cessIng of normal adm1nlstratlve/ CIne agalnst thlS dlsease has been developed resIdentIal serVIce requ1res ap­ The vaCClne lS now avallable at the KMR HOSP1- proxlmately three (3) days ~ere tal and wlll be glven durlng normal lmmunlza­ extenslve lnstallatlons or reloca- tlon hours, except to women of the chIld-bear­ cannot he x-rayed tlons are requlred, addltlonal en- Ing age The vaCClne lS glven to chlldren ln Asked to recall a few Jobs, Tex glneerlng and procurement tlme wl11 an effort to break the chaln of lnfectlon A sald once a man called needIng a be requlred woman who receIves the VQCClne may become preg­ door lock repaIred Because of AttentIon IS lnvlted to paragraph nant durIng the perlod ln whIch she lS bUlldlng heavy snow on the roads, Tex '.Jould 3, page 7, KMR Telephone Dlrectory an Immunlty to Rubella, ln WhlCh case there lS not go To Insure that serVIce 1S provld- a chance that the Chlld would be born wIth a "Then, In a lIttle vlhlle, the guyed on the date requlred, lt IS re- buth defect showed up wIth hIS door and all," quested that sponsors and/or ad- An epIdemIc lS expected ln 1970 In the 196~ Tex laughlnglv re~embers mlnlstratlve personnel submIt re- 65 epIdemIc, It IS estlmated 16,000 chlldren "I save a lot of mlleage by talk- quests for telephone serVlce for In- were born deaf, not to mentlon many others wIth Ing to people on the phone," Tex comlng personnel at least flve (5) ImpaIred hearlng Other defects caused by thIS noted "For examule, the man who days prIor to actual requlrement VIrus are heart dlsease, bllndness and mental was locked ln the bathroom, had he for serVlce retardatIon In addItIon, mlscarrlage and not been so eXCIted, could have got­ stIllbIrths deprIve many other chIldren of a ten hImself out by sImply uS1ng a Please Not, chance of llfe nall fIle " The fee IS $3 the rewards are maXlmum About locks, Tex sald that any The Bowllng Allev lS closed for re­ The lmmunlzatlon hours are tar-based 011 IS harmful "~en condltlonlng of the lanes and pln­ Mon - Frl 0730 - 0830 the 011 drles out, It leaves a res­ settlng machInes untll Oct 15th 1300 - 1400 Idue of gummy tar that blnds the Flre regulatlons requlre that the Saturday 0730 - 0900 pIns ln the lock mechanlsm " Ceramlc/Hobby Shop also be closed for He sald the bIggest problem on the same perlod People enterlng Mail Closeouts lsland 1S corrOSl0n Tex added, Speclal Servlces BUIldIng (805) are Tn accordance wIth the new Post OffIce hours "It contrlbutes about 75 percent requested to observe the NO SMOKING of October 1st, MAIL CLOSEOUT tlmes are as fol­ to my work The rust, salt, coral Slgns that are posted All other lows at the Post OffIce dust and dryness " faclilties In the bUlldlng (SpecIal PausIng a moment, Tex then ex­ ServIces OffIce, Gear Locker, Llb­ MONDAY 7 30 pm pla1ned, "One of the rewardlng rary, RadIO StatIon) WIll follow nor­ WEDNESDAY 1 00 pm thlngs about locksmlth work lS you mal operatlng hours FRIDAY 6 00 pm do many thlngs for the securlty of property and safety of the publlC SATURDAY, October 18, 1969 - 8 30 pm Scan- though many don't realIze lt " Tex{Cont'd) dInaVIan Buffet YOKWE YUK CLUB Tex IS certIfIed and bonded by Tex's oldest son, Clyde, lS a mln­ the Assoclated LocksmIths of Amer­ lster ln Massachusetts Another NORSK SILDE SALAT VARM KATOFLE SALAT lea, the NatIonal Locksmlths of son, Glenn, llves at home Tex's NorwegIan HerrIng Salad Hot Potato Salad Amerlca and the Natlonal Lock and youngest son, RIchard, Just earned Safemen of AmerIca hIS Green Beret at Ft Bragg SVENSKE KJOT BULLER GRONNE ERTER OPSTU He belongs to three techn1cal "He was so happy he took a shower SwedIsh Meat Balls Creamed Peas trade organlzatlons and has contrl­ In lt and then slept ln It,'' Tex buted artIcles to several trade grlnned ASPARGES OMLETT FRESH NOR\\fEGIAN publIcatIons Asparagus Omelette STYLE BREAD Tex recently attended a semInar PRESS Wives ..... on locksmlthlng In Dallas, hlS In case you mlssed the an­ KOGT LAKS MED HOLLANDES SOUS hometown "I receIved a warm 'to7el­ nouncement last week It's work Poached Salmon w/Hollandalse Sauce come," he chuckled "It was 110 party tlme' The Table Decora­ degrees " tIons Commlttee for the 196q STEKT OKSEKJOT ICELANDIC PONNUKOKUR H1S wife, May, llves In San Lean­ PRESS Party needs your help Pot Roast of Beef IcelandIC Crepes wIth dro, CalIf She's Supervlsor of Brlng a paIr of SCIssors and come Hlnpped Cream Nurses at Falrmont Hospltal there to the Communlty Center thIs Thurs By reservatIon only TIckets on sale at the (Contlnued In colurrn three) day evenlng, Oct 16th at 8 pm YYC Monday, Oct 13 They are lImIted -~------I B"cks Nixo 's Troop W;~~dr"w"l Move ---~­ Roi Flip· ~ 5ch dul

ROI-N~~Jl WEEKLY ~LIGHT SCHFDULE Harriman Endorses Viet Ham Moratorium DAILY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY New York (UPI )--Former Vlet Nanl peace negotld.tor Averell Harrlman, speaklng Wl th Flle;ht Depart ftrrl\re Depart ArrIve J

Ford said Nlxon has moved toward peace a dlfferent POllCy " OT~ USl~ ~c lvltle~ 111 levelep ~rtnr~al nloc~\JU1e.., to lr'.Jurc tl1.t. p~s c:r-Lr.:; crcc",­ 1'1 Vlet Nam "an era of negotlatlon In­ If the Pre~ldent falls to respond to In, In sufflCl~rt t_rne to ~c~rJ 21rC13ft stead of confrontatlons, an era when these requests, sald Lowensteln, many prIor to sccr ul e3 dEpc'rL1...... e tl'T'=' peace becomes more than Just a word" people wlll lose falth ln the democratlc However, he sald the Unlted States process and wldespread dlsorders could would play the RUsslan game In Southeast erupt Israeli Jet Planes ASla by SupplYlng arms and economlC as­ "I pray God that we WIll not arrlve slstance to non-Communlst natlons there at that pOlnt," he sald durlng a tele­ Attael Arab Targets "We WIll not send AmerIcan ground V1Slon Intervlew troops to fIght other countrles' battles "But there are mlllJ.ons of Amerlcans Near Capital of Amman there," he ;:::ald who feel very desperate now and I am UPI--Israell Jet planes today attacked "We are a Paclflc power, not an ASlan afrald that If there IS no response Arab targets near the capl tal of Amman, power An ASld.n presence, yes An they are gOlng to seek redress In other wlthout apparently belng challenged by ASlan power, no " ways " ground or alr defenses Lowensteln, acknowledged that the A temporary truce to allow Israel to House Has Hard Time Presldent mlght be entltled to more return the bodles of two Ecyptaln com­ tlme ln hlS efforts to achleve a mandos stllled flghtlng across the Suez washlng~~~~~i)~!lrhHU!~UM'!!day, the settlement of the war, but he sald, Canal day after Columbus Day, the start of "The questlon we are entltled to ask A Jordanlan mllltary spokesman re­ another busy week In the House The day's when thlS country faces the dlsastrous ported that flve Israell Jets struck wlth day's agenda was to hear Pres Nlxon's consequences of that war at home, IS rockets, bombs and machlneguns about 2 1/2 latest leglslatlve message to Congress what IS It we get from flghtlng mlles north of As Salt, WhlCh lles about Naturally It was deemed flttlng and 15 mlles northwest of Amman proper to summon members to hear the US Judge Grants Viewing As Salt IS the headquarters for the Presldent's proposals Palestlne Armed Struggle Command, PASC, Unfortunately, after the clerk flnlsh­ Of Chicago Riot films the Arab guerrllla coordlnatlng body ed runnlng tWlce through the roll--as Chlcago (UPI)--A federal Judge today He sald the rald began at about 8 am provlded by House rules--and had counted granted the prosecutlon In the Chlcago and lasted for 15 mlnutes but sald there all those standlng around, fewer than rlot consplracy trlal permlsslon to were no casulatles half the members had answered thelr show the Jury ~wo fllms of defendants He made no mentlon of damages or counter­ names--not a quorum tauntlng pollce and exhortlng antlwar flre by Jordanlan or guerrllla antl­ There IS not much the House can do demonstrators durlng the 1968 Demo­ alrcraft defenses wlthout a quorum, If anybody makes a cratlc Natlonal Conventlon week In Tel AV1V, an Israell spokesman sald pOlnt of It, as somebody had--except to One fllm showed Rennard C "Rennle" the rald agalnst the As Salt area followed adJourn Davls, a leader of the Natlonal Mobll­ mortar and bazooka attacks agalnst the It also can stall, If the leaders elect lzatlon Commlttee to End the War In Nahal Golan settlement by Arab guerrll­ elect to do so Instead of pronounclng Vlet Nam, shoutlng to pollce through a las earller In the day the count, reportedly about 120 of the bullhorn Nahal Golan lles two mlles frl'lll tile 218 needed, Speaker John W McCormack "If you don't want a rlot, you'd bet­ Israel-SyrIan Ce<1'l'-tlt< 11llt III tht elected to stall ter move out of here If you want a occupled l,ollll Ht' I,-'.ht llt It t ht I" Later a auorum WR~ ~PR0hpn ,...., ,,+ Page 4 HOURGLASS SPORTS Monday, October 13, 1969 Mets to go Wit" Lefties TENNIS CLUB The - wIll unroll theIr left­ SpeCIal ServIces WIshes to Inform all players takIng advantage of the handed battIng platoon tomorrow when the Bal tl- _.r l more OrIoles pItch rIght-hander Jlm Palmer In Island TennIS Court faCIlItIes that the thIrd game o~ the World Serles In New York they are lImIted to one set or 60 It means that , , Ken mInutes, WhICh ever 1S greater, Boswell and wlll start for the whIle others are waItIng flrst tlme In the serles and that rlght-handed Island reSIdents deSIrIng to JOIn hltters , Ed Charles, , the KwaJaleln Tennls Club are dl­ and Al Wels wIll be on the bench ~ rected to contact LInda Clark, It IS a system that has worked remarkably ';;: 82303 well for Mets manager , and now that * * * * * the New Yorkers have gone further than theIr most dIehard fans thought they would at the I Volleyball 5ch dul start of the season It IS no tlme to change JOHN CHRIVIA. METS PITCHER Tuesday, Oct 14 No ballplayer lIkes sIttIng on the bench gets Instructlons from Coach John 6 pm LDS A vs Ebeye But none of the Mets IS crltlcal of Hodges, DagllS at a recent LIttle League 7 pm Palm Terrace B vs Doves not after the amazlng success he has helped game Other players In the dug­ 8 pm Palm Terrace A vs Unknowns them achleve The rIght-handed platoon sat out walt eagerly to take the Wednesday, Oct 15 throughout the Natlonal League playoffs as held 6 pm Unknowns vs Ebeye the Mets swept Atlanta In three straIght games 7 pm Doves vs Coconut Grove when the Braves started three rlght-handed Me's (oach John Daglis Thursday, Oct 16 pItchers But the Mets' rlghty hItters got A New Yorker who once played 6 pm Roadrunners 15 vs Douglas thelr chances In the flrst two serIes games ball on cement yards, John DagllS 7 pm LDS B vs Press B when the Orloles used left-handers MIke Cuel­ now IS actlve In the KwaJaleln 8 pm Press A vs Roadrunners A lar and Dave McNally The strategy paId off sports world as well as belng a Yesterday's Scores Ll ttle League coach when Wels got the decIsIve hIt In the ~ets' Press A over Palm Terrace A second-game VICtOry, enablIng them to SpIlt ThIS IS John's fourth year In 12-4 15-3 the fIrst two games In BaltImore He had two Llttle League Douglas over Doves hIts yesterday About hlS Mets, John commented, 15-9 15-9 Shamsky, who doesn't fIgure to play much In "John Chrlvla IS the ace and my * * * * * the serIes because of the Orloles abundance of most dependable at fIeld and at left-nanded starters, says he would prefer to oat Davld Essner unorthodox LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL play But he says reallstlcally but up and comIng player " Tuesday, Oct 14 "The bIg thIng IS to Wln the serIes" Then "My InfIeld has three marks for 5 pm Dodgers vs New York "1.e adds "ThIs IS a 25-man ball club and we've It Mark Nlelsen, fIrst base, Wednesday, Oct 15 been .. InnIng thIS way all along " Mark Delacruz, second base, and 5 pm Cubs vs Glants Mark Darrel, thIrd base They're Thursday, Oct 16 Pro foo,ball Resul,s all good boys 5 pm Atlanta vs Jr Ebeye Is There was plenty of actIon In the Natlonal "ChrIS Daglls handles shortstop Yesterday's Results Football League wIth seven games played Bal­ and catches Chrlvla's fast ball Mets 20 Atlanta 12 tImore WIll host PhIladelphIa tonIght at behInd the plate Gregory Daglls Dodgers 10 o MemorIal StadIum The game was moved back a 18 fIrst year and has good poten­ * * * * * day because of the tlalltles Rex Kern The t-llnnesota VIkIngs converted two blocked "Another brother act, FrItz Magslg covers the outfIeld wIth kICks Into touchdowns as they rolle~ to a Columbus, OhlO (UPI)--It would eagerness and younger BrIan Magslg 31-0 WIn over the ChIcago B~ars be nIce to see Rex Kern completely IS folloWIng hlS footsteps Four fIeld goals by Cur~ KnIght and fIve healthy As a walkIng wounded, the InterceptIons combIned to gIve the WashIngton "Other outfIelders Doug Slater, fIery OhIO State Junlor quarterback Redsklns a 33-17 WIn over the St LOUIS Cardl- Lloyd Peabody and Steven JOlI­ has been phenomenai nals coeur are shapl~g up and WIll be For the past two weeks, Kern has LeRoy Kelly returned to the Cleveland lIneup comIng around by mId season Tom­ spent most of the mIdweek practIce and scored two touchdowns to lead the Browns my Kay IS a good utlllty man, who seSSIons restIng a sllghtly-pulled rates a startIng berth to a 21-17 VIctOry over the New Orle~ns SaInts leg muscle The Dallas Cowboys stayed undefeated wIth a "All Llttle Leaguers should be But when Saturday rolls around, 24-17 WIn over the Atlanta Falcons The Cow­ out plaYIng baseball, at least rambllng Rex IS ready to stage hlS boys scored two fIrst quarter touchdowns and durIng the season wlthout haVIng breathtaklng run, pass and fake then coasted the rest of the game coaches or fathers supervlslng show Bart Starr fIred scorIng passes of 40 and "Just thrOWIng and hlttlng It was tYPIcal Kern performance four yards to Carroll Dale In leadIng the among frIends WIll sharpen theIr Saturday He fIred three touch­ Green Bay Packers to a 28-17 WIn over the reflexes " down passes and ran for two others DetrOIt LIons John's been on Island three scores whlle spearheadlng the The Los Angeles Rams exploded for two touch­ years as a mechanIcal deSIgner defendlng NatIonal champIons to a for Burns and Roe dOV1'1S In the I fInal quarter to pullout a come­ 54-21 rout of Mlchlgan State before from-behInd 27-21 vIctory over the San Fran­ * * * * * a record crowd of 86,614 at OhIO CISCO 4gers StadIum Frank Tarkenton hIt Joe MorrIson wIth a se­ fas' Pi'ch Resul,s The effort pushed Kern's career ven-yard scorIng pass and added a fourth quar­ ROI Namur 21 Bldg & Grnds 4 yardage total past the 2,220 mark Sandbaggers 15 Have Falth 6 In lUSt 12 vars1ty starts ter fIeld goal to lead the New York GIants to u , a 10-7 WIn over the PIttsburgh Steelers Kentron 2 Palm Terrace 1 The VIctory extended the Buckeye s In the AmerIcan Football League Emerson Tuesday, Oct 14 wInnlng streak to 17 games IncludIng Boozer ran WIld and racked up 129 yards to Dally FIeld 12 agaInst BIg Ten opponents lead the New York Jets to a 21-7 WIn over 5 15 RaInbows vs Ebeye Islanders Kern, who entered the game WIth (Keaton & A"ndy) the CInCInnatI Bengals George Sauer hauled 1,959 caree~ paSSIng and rushIng In a 14-yard pass from Joe Namath for one of Brandon FIeld yards In 11 varslty starts, com­ the Jets' scores 5 15 S K F vs Sandbaggers pleted 10 of 21 passes for 189 The Kansas C1ty ChIefs used a raln soaked (Mlerk & Runyon) yards and add~d 64 yards rushlng In fIeld to theIr advantage as they blanked the Wednesday, Oct 15 16 tnps Houston OIlers, 24-0 Houston punter Roy Dally FIeld The flery redhead from Lancaster, Gerela could not handle the ball on two punt 5 15 Rocky Rooters vs Bldg & G OhIO, completed touchdown passes of attempts and lost the ball tWIce to the ChIefs (Watson & Neale) 24, 13 and 29 yards to Jan Whlte, who scored on both recoverIes Brandon FIeld Bruce JankowskI and Tom Compana Veteran Daryle Lamonlca passed for three 5 15 Palm Terrace vs Weco Mets In addItIon, he scored on short touchdowns In leadIng the Oakland RaIders to a (Rhoades & Talbert) runs of one and four yards 24-14 VIctory over the Denver Broncos The Thursday, Oct 15 Other OhlO State touchdowns were game was played In typlcal WInter weather wIth Dally FIeld scored by Mark Dabvlc on a 14-yard lIght snow and 22 degree temperatures 5 15 HIgh School vs Southern C InterceptIon, Larry Zelllna on a The Boston PatrIots beat the Buffalo BIlls, (Keaton & Santos) 73-yard punt return, and Campana on 23-16 Brandon FIeld a flve-yard pass from KeVIn Rushak, And the San Dlego Chargers downed the Mlaml 5 30 ROI Namur vs Ebeye Is who replaced Kern at quarterback In DolphIns, 21-14 Saturday nIght (GouveIa & Bolllan) the fourth perIod SIX-MAN VOLLEYBALL TONIGHT - 6 - 7 - 8 pm * * * * * * * * * * Page HOURGLASS Monday, October 13, 1 '}e,} DOW JONES CLOSING RANGE

Supreme Courl 10 Rule on Siale Welfare Culs 30 Indus 808 94 up 12 34 20 Rails 196 99 up 1 14 Washlngton (UPI)--The Supreme Court agreed today to rule durlng ItS flrst 15 Util 111 29 up 1 25 term under Chlef Justlce Warren E Burger on the consclentlous objector rlghts 65 Stocks 274 18 up 3 18 of Vlet Nam War protesters and on state authorlty to Ilmlt or cut back on wel­ fare payments In a serles of orders~ the elght-member Court sald these and NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE other legal Issues have been accepted for arguments and ultlmate declslon be­ fore the newly convened term ends next Indus 55 66 up 69 sprlng Pope Appoin's Commission Transp 42 74 up 47 The Court In ItS flrst set of orders UtI1 39 60 up 40 each year beglns spelllng out the cases for Con'ro,ersial Issues Flnance 70 81 up 1 37 It wlll or wlll not hear and tends to Vatlcan Clty (UPI)--The Pope today All Stocks 52 63 up 65 set a pattern of Jurlsdlctlon The vote appolnted a speclal corr~lSSlon headed EqUIvalent to a galn of 53¢ of four Justlces IS needed to obtaln by a leadlng Vatlcan conservatlve to ln the average prIce of an hlgh court reVlew of an appeal Two deal wlth controverslal Issues such NYSE share Vlet Nam draft cases were accepted for as prlestly cellbacy a hearlng Vatlcan observers sald the Pope's Family Headcount Wrong One came on the government's appeal move appeared to have blocked the way BETHLEHEM, PA (L~I) -- Felton of the rullng b¥ Federal Judge Charles for potentlal efforts by Ilberal and LOUlse Slover made a personal E Wyzanskl In Boston that a draftee blShops to brlng the marrlage of head count today and headed for theIr speclflcally obJectlng to the Vlet Nam prlests and dlsputes over dogma and home at Naples, NY, assured theIr War cannot be Inducted for servlce theologlcal study Into the assembly slx-year-old daughter Sharon was In there HIS declslon upset the JUry for debate by the full body the famlly car convlctlon of John H Slsson Jr ~ a The Pope has sald Slnce he flrst It was the Slovers' second Jour­ Harvard graduate who had been found called the synod that he wants It to ney ln less than 24 hours to thelr gUllty of refuslng Inductlon dlSCUSS only one questlon--how he home In western New York state, all The other case came on the appeal of can share authorlty wlth blShops because Sharon was left behlnd yes­ Elllon Ashton Welsh II of Los Angeles whlle retalnlng hlS supreme power In terday ln a serVlce statlon In sub- who was sentenced to three years In the church urban Hellertown Jall for refuslng to submlt to Induc­ The Pontlff named ItalIan Cardlnal Sharon, not mlssed untll the tlon He clalmed consclentlous obJec­ Perlcle Fellcl~ one of the leadlng Sherlff notlfled the Slovers on tor status even though he holds no conservatlve spokesmen In the Vatlcan~ thelr arrIval In Naples, spent the rellglous bellef In the conventlonal to head the Commlsslon on ControversIal nIght at the home of Stella Wurst, sense QuestIons Other members are Arch­ a Hellertown postal clerk on whose On the welfare payment Issue~ the blShop Joseph Cordelro of Karachl and door she knocke~ when the famlly car Court agreed to hear cases from Mary­ BIShop Stefan Trochta of Lltomerlce, "went that way " land and New York In the Maryland Czechoslovakla She had a mug of mIlk for break­ case~ a U S appeals court struck down A panel of Independent Cathollc fast, a dISh of homemade soup and a a state law Imposlng a $250-a-month experts who are brleflng newsmen dally bowl of Jello for lunch, all under celllng on payments to famllles wlth on the synod, WhICh IS meetIng In the watchful eye of Carrle Derr, a dependent chlldren and the state ap­ closed sesslons, attrIbuted lIttle SOlld Pennsylvanla Dutch-type neIgh­ pealed slgnlflcance to the appolntment of bor who took over as babysltter when In New York~ the state cut back wel­ the conservatlve Fellcl to head the MISS Wurst went to work fare to save up to $109 mllllon a year commlSSlon The Slovers came en masse -- Mom, and 10 reclplent famll1es appealed on Pop, and the flve youngsters who behalf of an estlmated 1 3 mllllon wel­ Ba,h's Tac,ics Agains' neglected to report that Sharon was fare benef1Clarles who were affected mIss1ng when the car pulled away The 2nd U S Clrcult Court of Appeals Haynswor,h Cri,icized from the gas statlon yesterday and ruled last July the state actIon was \{ashlngton (UPI)--Sen Ernest Holl­ headed for home valld Ings, (Dem -S C ) sald today that They had been to the auto races Sen BIrch Bayh was wagIng a newspaper at Langhorne, Pa , then camned out Adul' Educa,ion war WIth hIt-and-run tactlcs to defeat durlng the weekend Persons who have reglstered for the Presldent NIYOn'S nomlnatlon of Judge "We dldn't mlSS her," Slover con­ non-credIt evenlng courses are remIn­ Clement F Haynsworth to the Supreme fessed "We forgot to count heads ded that classes wlll begln on the Court Elther we all do It or Don -- our followIng schedule Some open1ngs are Complalnlng that Bayh had refused oldest boy, who lS 15 -- does It stlll avaIlable In Sewlng, BasIc Com­ hlS InVItatIon to debate the nomlna­ But he was klnda foolln' around wlth puter Systems PrIncIples, ConversatIonal t10n on natlonal televIsIon, Holllngs the guys In the car behlnd us " Marshallese and Fundamentals of Secu­ sald,"Bayh contlnues to try hlS case Slover, a constructlon worker, rItIes and InvestIng RegIstratIon 1S agaInst Haynsworth 1n the newspapers sald Sharon "seems all rlght but acts at SpecIal ServIces Offlce and refusps to meet the Issues that he a llttle scared Who wouldn't be SEWING has drawn " that far from home wlth Daddy and 6 30 pm October 13 Bayh and other congressIonal crltlcs Mommy gone?" HIgh School Home Ec Room have accused Haynsworth of a confllct There was a fInal head count today BEGINNING TYPING of Interest In JudgIng cases lnvolvlng Flve klds came wlth the Slovers, 7 pm October 13 companles In WhIch he had a fInancIal SlX were gOlng back HIgh School Room 106 Interest BASIC COMPUTER SYSTEMS PRINCIPLES rlolllngs attacked Bayh for telllng a Officer says 50S L ad r 6 30 pm October 14 news conference he would seek to sub­ HIgh School Room 102 poena records of Haynsworth's flnanclal Used Crowds to Escape GOURMET COOKING deallngs unless the Justlce Departflent 7 pm October 14 handed them over to the Senate JudICIary CHICAGO (UPI) -- A plainclothes H1gh School Home Ec Room CommIttee, WhIch approved the nomlnatlonpollceman testlfled today that Thomas CONVERSATIONAL MARSHALLESE last week Hayden, a founder of Students for a 7 pm October 16 Thls was a phony 1ssue, saId Holllngs, Democratlc Soclety, tWlce exhorted HIgh School Room 204 because the commlttee was not seeklng crowds to attempt to block hlS ar- FUNDAMENTALS OF SECURITIES AND INVEST­ addltlonal records rest durlng the 1968 Democratlc Nat- ING "The record shows that the Judlclary lonal Conventlon 7 pm October 22 CommIttee has been provIded wlth every An arrest of Hayden by the pollce- Hlgh School Room 101 blt of lnformatlon Sen Bayh has re- man, Frank RlgglO, resulte~ In protest KEYPUNCH quested," Holllngs saId marches on a pollce statlon and to 7 pm October 27 "There IS no request pendlng from the the General John Logan statue In Grant KMR Data Center Senate of the Judge and now Sen Bayh Park RlgglO'S testlmony came after FAMOUS FIRST FACTS -- The flrst success­ has a news conference to attack the the Jurors at a federal consplracy ful oleomargarlne manufacturer was Al­ Justlce Department for wlthholdlng In- trlal were permltted by the Court to fred Paraf of New York Clty~ who or­ formatIon and start more headllnes Vlew fllms of the marches, over de- ganl zed the Oleo-Margarlne Manufacturlng It IS very dlfflClut for Judge Hayns- fense obJectlons Company In 1871 On Aprll 8~ 1973, he worth to defend hlmself WIth these hlt RlgglO also testlfled that he heard obtaIned patent No 137,564 on hlS and run tactlcs " another of the eIght defendants, Abbot process for purlfYlng and separatlng Holilngs' denuncIatIon of Bayh' s tac- "AbbIe" Hoffman, urge a crowd at the fats tlCS followed a Whlte House statement Logan statue on Aug 29, 1~68, to ab- over the weekend. duct ChIcago Deputy PolIce Supt By GROVER BRINKMAN Celltrn! Press ASSOCtatlO1l Correspondent CHARLESTON III -The 1m age of Abraham Lmcoln grows ever taller 111 I1hnOls especIal Iy along the Lmcoln Hentage TraIl whIch meanders across the south central part of the state start1l1g m IndIana and termrnatrng m the Spnngfleld area of Illrnols TOUrIsm the deSIre of many people on the road today all eager to walk the same traIls as did Lincoln and hIS fam,ly helps the Image grow Restored cab1l1s land owned by the Lmcolns Abe s trek across the praIrie hIS pll gnmage to New Salem as a young man the old cemetenes 111 whIch relatIves are bu.ned all are on the ,tmerary of the Lincoln buff Now a statue of Lmcoln thought to be the largest m the world 's an actuahty In a new park east of Charleston near the sIte of one of the fa mous debates between Lmcoln and Douglas

THE LINCOLN STATUE IS so huge I t towers over the na tlve oaks and can be seen from mIles In each dIrectIOn ThIS new glass and steel stat The 62 foot tall LIncoln I'M OUT SIXTY BUCKS AND I LOST MY POLE ~~ o~t;n:~u~~s fe~;n~~~~ s w:~~~: likeness IS amazmg Even the ovER THE SIDE are SIX feet In length Standing po~ture the upheld hand the agamst the giant an ordmary ~~a~~:mO~/~~e g~~~~ol~ !~o t~~e man IS a pygmy bated h,s cause throughout The pose I~ so natural the III mOl s stat ue '0 true In reproductIOn that v,ewlng It from a dIstance one might expect It to walk off CHARLESTON was the home I ts concrete pedestal of Lmcoln s parents At nearby The statue was manufactured Lincoln Log Cabin State Park by a dIsplay fIrm In st Paul an aged hlac bush stIli bIos soms although It wag planted Mmn and tran~ported by spe clal trallors to Charleston qUIte by the Lincoln fam,ly when a transportatIOn Job they llved here more than a MOVing the gIant plexlglass century ago and steel figure reqUIred re Nearby IS old Shiloh Ceme movmg two feet from ItS WIdth tery a beautiful country bunal '0 It would fIt the carners So ground whele he Thomas Lm Lmcoln IS slIghtly slImmer coin Abe s fathel and Sarah <\nreh than he actually v. aq m real Lincoln hIS step mother Thorn U \\IS dISch,l1ged UCLA 'lS hfe a, dIed m 1851 Sarah hved un ."'-~~I.II"L.,::...... e'2.:..L_~ ",t wt ph'losophy pJOft'isot tIl 1869 four years after Abe s :l mlhhnt dnd an adnlltterJ THE STATUE was taken to assassmatlOn C0Il1J11Ull1St lt~tcns to tl ques Charleston In sectIOns and Charleston SIte of one of the tlon dUting pte...,,s conferencL mounted by cranes on a can hlstonc Lmcoln Douglas de crete pedestal In the new Abra bates now has a lIVIng memory 1n Los. Angeles foHov.... ln her 11"",,"" ,Ir..,... I.I;, A. H .....,.. TIl=" TO M ham Lmcoln Park east of here of the event lpcture on bL-tck lttel1tUJe DAY D M E'FL.E.;(. where Its recent dedIcatIOn Lmcoln remembered m var 2.6 PII'-.1E. o~\ve ,,)he g l\ e the lecture de'plte drev. thouqands of people 10US forms of hfe SIzed sculp '~~~~=-~.cr£~~:~~~~-,-~0:~~_~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~!:.~_ii~ a lllhng th,t ,tudents J t DeSIgner ,culptor Bob Edgett tUre In all part, of the nallon tcmhng \\ ould not get sLhor,1 worl

AMCHITKA SHAKEUP--Thls )S the seIsmograph recordmg at Berkeley CalIf of the under ground nuclear te~t on Amchltka The deep lme (mIddle) IS a 65 Richter scale recording 'Ibout the force of a major earthquake The drum rotates counter clockWIse as the ncedle Jccolds tremors PaIred vertIcal hnes denote one mmute Intervals on the drum ON TRIAL IN CHICAGO-Tom Hayden (sc'lted) '11'''' ers questIOns .it 1. ne", conference

AEC ON AMCHITKA-ThlS IS the AtomIC Energy CommISSIOn s housmg and recreation m 'itallllton on Amchltka The Island IS 1500 mllco from earthquake conSClOU'i Anchorage l Monday, October 13, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 7 ,..------W"ATI5IT, WHEN YOU SNOOPl/'klHAT GET A BIG GEORGE! p HAPPeNED' LEITEfitFROM THE HEAD e BEAGLE <(oo a ALWAI{S n FAINT' u t s

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'N),IAT'LL IT "Look, Farnsworth, I don't care HOW Broadway Joe wears BE 11-115 hiS hair " B MOIlNING-, e e~~TLEZ WE e HAYE F~IED t E6~5, HA~Iol, COLD CE~EAL, I WISHING WELL~I I HOTCE~AL Registered U S Patent Office e 3 2 8 7 4- 2 8 5 8 7 5 2 f T F R C A A H G E A E V 2 6 8 5 2 3 6 7 2 8 4, 7 3 0 P E T R R L S F A N H Y 7 8 3 2 7 4: 2 8 5 7 2 3 6 F L 0 R L U 0 T 0 0 M N Y 3 4: 7 8 8 2 5 6 2 8 5 2 1 C P W H T 0 U 0 N B T E S II 7 2 3 8 6 7 2 4- 3 2 6 8 0 F I E E A R N S M P L N 8 2 Ii 3 7 4, 2 8 6 7 3 8 Ii E 0 F 0 E E W E T E R F R 6 4: 7 5 2 8 6 3 2 5 8 7 6 M T T L U E I E E R T T Y R o o S HERE Is a pleasant little game that will give you a message Iil every day It Is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune Count the letters In your first name If the num ber of letters Is 6 or more subtract 4 If the number Is less than 6 add 3 The result Is your key number Start at the upper left hand corner of the rectangle and check everyone of your key numbers left to right Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you JCROSSWORD --- By E~gene Sheffer I HORIZONTAL 37 A mmt VERTICAL 16 Chmese 1 IsUe fIber 38 EdIble nut 1 Knave dynasty 5 Jolt In a 40 NaomI S oCclubs 20 SWISS let chosen 2 Yellow canton . 9 Machme name bugle 21 Tense part 42 --pro 3 HIll 22 SIte of I 12 English nobIS 4 Sheet Tal Z rIver 43 SpIritless waist or Mahal a 13 Armadillo 48 Irvmg s stream 23 Corot 14 Palm sleeper 5 SIamese pamtlng leaf 49 Far com 24 War god ~ (var) North 6 Japanese 26 Soft pIth 15 LeWIS cIty tree 27 Madnd Carroll 50 Not far 7 Deface cheer character from Nod 8 Chooses 28 ChIck pea 17 WItty 51 Make an 9 Element 29 Ireland saYIng ace from of wealth 31 Gazmg 18 Men doff here 10 Medlcmal abstract them 52 Insect plant edly 19 Smokes 53 DIspatch 11 Small rugs 34 School 21 Claw ------related 24 Used Answer to Saturday s puzzle group before gun SAP. CR ET E. COB 35 Humllla.tes and graph lu L E. HE LE AWE 37 Before 25 Labneed N. foliate CONTRACT BRIDGE MAGN IF IE D. NET LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE 26 Hodge _A or pod podge MI .M EE D. 38 Awme B Jay Becker pp By 30 Footed HA EN .S AT INS 39 Famous (Top lecord Holder In Mal'en' IndiVidual Champlenlhlp f'lay) vase AL A.SE C. R 0 DIN canal 31 Slippers TI LT.D IP .N ATO 40 Mater FAMOUS HAND 32 BIblical EV ER T. AR T. TOR 41 The dIll name DES IR E. EO CE NE 44 PrefiX of West dealer generally agreed that this lead 33 Immature negatIOn would prove decisive _r au cu p • Neither side vulnerable amphIbIans POI CAr. ME RO ONS 45 AmerIcan Howe v e r the Commander •• NORTH 35 Foundon humOrist (South) started out with a bang IIININ EP OD E. WEE a flag GEE SE WE D. LET 46 Little and Immediately took a sub 36 HIghway ." IndIans .­.9. stantJal bite (that could have SIgn ... vera.. e &ime or oolutlou 26 miIIul.. 47 ConclUSIOn +QJ832 been much larger) out of the ",965432 Culbertsons lead He overcalled WEST EAST Mrs Culbertson s spade bid With • .164 • K 10 9 82 two clubs and then went on to • .1 87 32 • AK10 five clubs after Lenz had jump + K 10 7 4 + A965 raised to tour ",J ",10 Mrs Culbertson d 0 ubi e d SOUTH which would certainly be ranked .AQ763 today as a very bad call but .Q65 LIggett failed to take advantage +­ of a golden opportunity when he ",AKQ87 passed He obviously had the values The biddIng tor a redouble and he would \\eet North East have reaped a rich harvest had Pass Pass 1. he accurately appraised the Pass "'" PaRS situatIOn that had developed Pass Pass Dble As It was Liggett had no Openmg lead-four of spades trouble making the doubled con lt IS always Interesting to tract with two overtricks West look back Into the past and see led a spade and declarer made how brJdge was played by Its all the tricks atter dlscardmg leadmg exponents some thirty dummy's two hearts on hIS A Q or forty years ago ot spades, cashing the ace of clubs and crossruffmg the haRd T his d e a I occurred In the until dummy s fifth diamond WIdely publiCIzed Lenz Culbert eventually took the last tnck son match of 1931 Commander The Culbertsons tmally won WinfIeld LIggett .1r had Just the match by 8980 points and entered the fray replacmg Os ruled the bridge world for many )JNVB B 1I0lHIIW L )JSVW C 'S~NI)J)OlS l: 3NO) wald Jacoby after 103 Tubbers years but It Is rather doubtful 3Nld L-UMOa OOllV~NV)I OL 'MOllVMS 6 'N~IS 9 that their bidding methods were had been played Mr and Mrs as effective as those In use )100) c:; 31d331S \1 3NIlIVW13nS l:-SSOJ;)V S1I3MSNV CRYPI'OQUIPS Culbertson had pIled up a lead today Progress Is of course In THYUGNIHM YTCSOYITHN UMIG of 16840 pomts against Lenz evltable In any field and bridge and Jacoby and WIth only 4-7 IS certainly no exception to the YHOSG YHGNYGCSTN rubbers left to play It was rule Saturday 8 CryptoqUlP OLD SUPERMARKET PUSHCARTS SELDOM MAKE MUCH HASTE Page 8 HOURGLASS Monda.r, Ortobpr 13, 1~(/1 ] WANTED PUBLISHED BY GLOBAL ASSOCIATES AT THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE MARSHALL ISLANDS CONTRACT DAHC~ 6o-70-C-DOOI CLASSIFIED The HourGla.ss 15 publlshed dally Monday through Sa.turday FOR SALE Materlal for publlcat10n on the ArOlUld Town page must be subm1 tted 1n loT 1 t1ng Anyone lnterested In taklng yoga In­ to the HourGlass 1'2 hours prlOl'" to deS1red publlcat10n date Materlal for the Ad a.nd Sport9 pages must be submltted 10 'WT1t1ng to the HourGlass Off1ce 24 hours structlon please call 84571 before des1red publ1cat1on dates ... Telephone not1ces and ads 101111 not be accepted All copy and photographs be- Nlkkorex F camera (35mm) w/snap-on lens come the property of the HourGlass Republ1cat10n of mater1al conta1ned hereln 1S not authOl"'lZed Ylthout approv­ cap, neck strap, Sekonlc Mlcro-Cllp-on LOST al of the Command1ng Off1cer Kvajaleln Mlss11e Range If you have not recel ved your copy of the HourGlass by 6 15 pm please call llght meter, and bracket to accommodate 83539 between 6 15 and 6 45 pm and a copy .... :111 be dehvered to you elther flash-gun or llght meter Has EDITOR Larry Corsl STAFF Lucy Bloedel Rudy BaldW"ln FEATURE WRITER Robert We've lost our cat It lS black wlth PhllllPS CHculatlon Manager James McCo~en GLOBAL ASSOCIATES 50mm f/2 lens All for $110 Makes a whlte streak on face, whlte ruff and excellent start for beglnnlng a Nlkon feet Red collar, tag #75689 Please system or a great addltlon to your ex­ call 82534 Qtrs 405-C OFFICIAL BULLETIN lstlng system Call 82415 after 5 pm DATE DUTY OFFICER PHONE ANNOUNCEMENTS 130ct69 CPT Belknap 82466 140ct69 MAJ Schaaf 82438 14' x 10' alumlnum patlo and two plcnlC Cathollc couples The Cathollc Wo­ LTC Coyle 82882 tables, $100 Chlld's trlcycle, excel­ men's Club lS havlng a get acqualnted 150ct69 160ct69 CPT Metelskl 83524 lent for 2-3 year old, $3 Call Curt party at the MZ Club on Saturday, Oct CW3 Keellng 82896 Dandrldge at 77462 durlng worklng hours 25 at 8 pm The speclal feature of 170ct69 180ct69 MAJ Barnett 82479 or 82644 after 5 30 pm the evenlng wlll be Wlne tastlng For 190ct69 MAJ Deley 84486 reservatlons please call Grace Kerr at Duty hours of 11 30 - 12 30 Monday Ploneer comb ampllfler and record 82565 or Rosemarle Glasolll at 82435 through Frlday, phone 81419 for Duty player Dual TG-27 tape deck Palr before Oct 20 Ploneer cS26 speakers Two mlcrophones Offlcer Duty Offlcer lS KwaJaleln Mlsslle wlth adaptors, patch cords, etc Inter- Lutheran Pastor Fredrlck L Von Husen Range Commandlng Offlcer's representa­ comm extenSIon cords, etc All In ex­ of Wahlawa, Hawall wlll conduct a tlve durlng other than normal duty cellent condltlon, less than four months serVlce of Holy Communlon Thursday, hours old, used only SlX or seven tlmes for Oct 16 In the Island Memorlal Chapel dubblng Orlglnal cost $379 95 All at 7 30 pm Everyone lS welcome for $360, must sell before Monday, leav­ Call Dewayne Guhn at 82454 lf you have Range Operation lng Tuesday May be seen at Sands BQ, any questlons A Range Operatlon lS scheduled for room 106 Phone 82523, ask for Ken tomorrow, Oct 14 Although there CQ to all KwaJaleln Hams The KwaJa­ wlll be no general blackout on KwaJa­ Lady's Dlamond solltalre rlng, 1 56 leln Amateur RadlO Club lnvltes you leln, optlcal requlrements may neces­ carats, platlnum mountlng AAA-quallty to be ltS guest at the annual KARC sltate turnlng off the rotatlng bea­ Call 82450 after 5 pm get-acqualnted dlnner All llcensed con and posslbly some other llghts Hams and thelr XYL's or YL's are In­ durlng certaln phases of the opera­ vlted tlon Vehlcle llghts wlll not be af­ Stlll have louver patlo and cover, Date November 15, 1969 fected 34' x 34', chlldren's toys and books, Place Yowke Yuk Club In connectlon wlth thlS operatlon ha­ drapes for upstalrs bedrooIlll and one Contact Gus Guastamachlo, 83386 or zard areas wlll eXlst ln the ocean 1 ton Carrler alr condltloner Must 83675 or Stan Flerston, 99346 or 82366 wlthln a 200 nautlcal mlle radlus of sell before Oct 13 Call Mageds at In order that arrangements can be made KwaJaleln and ln the KwaJaleln Atoll 82733 at the club, contact Gus or Stan as on the Islands and ln the lagoon between soon as posslble a Ilne JOlnlng and lncludlng Bogerl Land for Sale Island of Hawall, paved and Yabbehohr Islands and a Ilne JOln­ streets, electrlclty and zoned for mul­ Women Chapel FellowshlP old and ne,,, ex­ lng and lncludlng BlgeJ and Gea Is­ tiple unlts (apartments) Excellent ecutlves and clrcle chalrmen wlll meet lands All personnel other than those investment Lots' values are up 13 7% Tuesday, Oct 14 at 8 pm The lnstal­ asslgned to duty or Ilvlng on Meck Is­ 1n one year Call Bob Foster, 81000 latlon of new offlcers wlll take place land and all craft must remaln out of days Must sell to meet new COffiffilt­ at the Island Chapel Anyone lnteres­ the above hazard areas between the ments ted lS lnvltea to attend hours of 1930, Oct 14 and 0520, Oct 15 Cannon 7, 35mw camera wlth 50 mm 1 1 4 The regular monthly meetlng of the Tonight at the Movies lens and 85mm 1 1 8 lens $125, lady's KwaJc' ln Communlty Theatre wlll be RICHARDSON -- Jack of Dlamonds 26" blcycle ln good condltlon, $10, held tJ~lght, Oct 13 at the Communlty man's sport Jacket Slze 40 worn once, Center All members and lnterested George Hamllton, Joseph $30, Lady's Slze 10 blue lace & chlffon thesplans are urged to attend thlS Cotten cockta1l dress - new, $12 95 Several lmportant meetlng at 7 30 pm sharp Suspense-Drama Color dresses, sklrts and shorts - real rea­ 7 30 AT sonable come and try them on, comlCS Emon Lodge #179 F & AM wlll hold a OCEAN VIEW -- Traltors Gate and paper backs 497-A or phone 82705 speclal meetlng at 7 30 pm, Oct 14 Gary Raymond All F C and M M Masons are cordlal­ Suspense-Drama B & W Sansul 3000 wlth walnut cablnet, excel­ ly lnvlted 7 30 & 12 30 AT lent condltlon, $160 or best offer YOKWE YUK Dlme Wlth A Halo Golf cart $8 Call 82198 or 82533 Once upon a tlme there was a man who Barbara Luna, Rafael Lopez Ilved on an lsland ln the mlddle of Drama B & W Sony TC-350 4-track stereo tape deck, the beautlful blue Paclflc Ocean One 7 & 9 AT 3 heads (record, playback, erase) With Tuesday nlght he went to the Yokwe Yuk IVEY HALL Good) Bad & Ugly monltorlng capability through speakers Club, WhlCh was where everyone who Cllnt Eastwood, Ell Wallach or earphones, 2 speeds (7 1/2 & 3 3/4 was anyone went, especlally on Tues­ Wallach, Lee Van Cleef IPS), 7 lnch reel, translstorized pre­ day nlght He spent the evenlng play­ Western Color-WS ampllflers, walnut base, dust cover, lng an excltlng game where you make 6 30 & 8 45 AT sound-on-sound, sound-wlth-sound, orl­ Xs on cards and won $1,500 The next TRADE Green SlIme gllan packlng, extra parts, connecting day he spent the money at Macy's and WINDS Robert Horton cords & instructions, used only for everyone llved happlly after SClence-Flctlon Color-WS four months, $100 Call CPT Belknap Make a falry tale come true -- $1,500 8 ATC at 81431, duty hours, or 82466, after ln 59 numbers" Yokwe Yuk Club - 8 pm Also Featured duty Oct 14 For All Manklnd - A fllm of Apollo 11 Hams - Heath SBIOl 80-10 meter trans­ Overdue Books MECK Blue Max celver With power supply and mlcrophone The followlng beoks are more than ISLAND George Peppard, Ursula $399 95 Heath SBIIO transcelver With three months overdue from the Grace Andress, James Mason power supply, speaker combinatlon and Sherwood Llbrary ln the Speclal Servlces WWI Drama Color-WS mlcrophone, $299 95 Call 83329 BUlldlng Thelr prompt return lS re­ 8 (Tomorrow Nlght) AT quested Overdue Books Cont'd Halllcrafters Model SX-IOO 4-band Bartle, C - Three Plays by Eugene short wave receiver, Will reach O'Nell Ramsey, Dallas - Rules of Golf the long ones, $115 Call 83733 Beavers, Blll - Alchollsm Schlpper, Larry - Art Metal Work after 5 pm Buron, B - Fall of Fortress Europe SOlIS, Ray - Maps of Mlcronesla Cooper, I E - Llfe Trammel, H - They Came to a Valley and Eldrldge, A J - Raw Gold Odds Agalnst Me Just recelved from PACEX - Lotus rlng, Gathercole, G - Llfe of Chrlst Wallln, Russ - The New SClence of Skln opal settlngs, Slze 6, $29 Call Haley, Cathy - War and Peace and Scuba Dlvlng and L A 84665 Metzger, L - Llvlng Sea County - Under-Water Re­ (Cont'd ln Col 3) creatlon