THE »r. JOHNS NEWS VOLUME xxn —NO. 40 THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THUE8DAY AFTBSMOOM—JULY U. 1011. BUHIT PAGES ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ILLinLD SUKKIM EFFECTS JUSnCEMOOB 23PiESEnn OLLEDSnHLT Jack Johnson, the ’‘brack* ’ heavy* ULMeMOLON OMI.T SKLATITK TO FOLLOW MSB limOLOS GMIGES sssight pugilist of the world and a RIBD IN RAILWAY HTATHNf AT SGHOOl {20,000 snuoii Tl» OKATE WAH THE HTHHAWB eltissn of the Ifnitad Slatas has sign* AURITRN, N. Y. s ed an agreemen t in Imndon to ‘'asset** 0111 Lmng in Hrdasy, New gouth MTfM'KBOLDEHD ARE FHHf’BD TD yHA?lll TRI7IL omriALM MO Mrs. Mary Kaissr, a young Bohsin* FINALLY WINH FIMHT TO MrTTLE Frank A. Hookar. justice of the YRBY LITTLI Tt ATPRArT •Walss. on Bsetsr Monday, 191>. Rood supreme court of , a rasideat A2l5IOI??irE l.’VTETTTIOIl. Ian woman, died vary suddsniy Sun* IHPOHTANT gURMTION. night, mil! HRTirRN INTRHRMT. TMCT PATBRHH. day evsning of hast prostration at hsr of lamaln g, died auddenly In the Central aiatioa In Auburn, N. Y., home a mile west of this city, follow* tiusas Detroit won't 1st ‘‘Hmilsr** Ing an Illness of but two or three Fli Monday OMming. Juatlee Hooker, la I Mgys Ffsts* iBsanM Bill Donovan loose, as has been the goinpany with Jud«ee Deorve 8. Hoe- hours. talk. Yeotarday ha shut out the Ath* MJiOlHiyBHiFIIEIfillTIIOUSE The young woman and her husband 1*4 pMy Ntell Hs ArOHraloffs mer and H. A. Mandell, of the ctreult letles. while Detroit was busy push­ court of Detroit, had been oo aa auto­ had spent a portion of the day with For PsMry HoMsrs. ing over nine f'tHH 'Tuesday the iieople from their own country and mobile tour of several wesha' dura ­ TIgos beat the chiMRlans by 14 to S. tion. P4KM AND MPHAruB lead In the asventh taalng. HPNT HOVE NORTH. sinking into a state of unconscious ­ Judge Hwan. of the United Htatsa chine to Buffalo aad arrived at Au- HIRB 'rBAf’HBRfP WAHRfL aoce Oo. of Lansing, the Stats Orange district court at Dstroit. reeeatiy bunt Sunday. During the night Jue- ness from which she did not rally, Insurance organisation, has finally ThankaglviBg day has been set aa dying a few hours later. handed down a declaaion that ought Uoe Hooker suffered an attack of won its fight 'o establish the right to (he date of Lightvalght rhainplon to be carefully considered by all who HNprrlalpatfrat mmd AttsiMry af pr—nt w ^ b, . .upr.^ he suddenly fell forwaid aad was Last WTeedi Adsaisd. shed a tear or breath a sigh was t for the title before Tom McCarey’e j have bean or might be Induceii to put picked up dead. young husband. No friend accompan* court decision handed dosm July club In 1am Angeles *111# champion is' their money In such associations be- Judge Hooker's term aa a member led him. and In a strange land, unable fifth. to receive s gusrsntse of tl&.OOO with i cause they offered higher rates of In- of the court would have expired in 90V«>nil officials of thr Orand Home time ago the attomey*gener* a privilege of 10 par cent, besides 51 ; terest than banks, Trunk Railway Co w#»r»* In HI Johns to understand or speak a wrord of, . __ . January. 1913. During the years As nothing of particular Interast tk. iTpb.ii xinm* (iMitie ** * department ruled that the arbitra per cent of the revenues from the The Michigan Havinga A Loan As- Judge Hooker has been on the bench Monday svcnlns to attend the most* ih**caaket of the airl who had been patrons ’ policy was moving picture# of the fight. Welsh aoclation ” was organised In 18*9. with was expected to come before tha Ins of the common council an.l bewrd he was known as one of iu brilliant school meeting Monday evening, and .A wiiline to share hla lot in the new *" contravention of the statutes and will receive a guarantee of |6.0dA and ■ an authorised capiul of ftS.OdO.OdO. It members, who wrrote his opinions of assessors called for the put|Kioe of * prevented the adjudication in court, psr cent of the moving picture rev -1 ^raa supposed to be organixsd for pur- little buaineee of Importance aaldd rev lewins, correctlnR and affirming land, and with whom he bad for a with painstaking care. He was par­ from electing two members of tha short time lived happily. of points at issue between company enue 'There will be no side bet. pose of siding in the building of homes ticularly noted for his opinions In the assessments made aganst prof>* and pollcy-holdera. The company the weight will be 133 ringside and by means of loans on real estate. It | board was to be transacted, the larva erty owners on itortlons of HIgham "rhe quiet, silent grief of the young • (-onatitutional law cases and damage numbers attending In recent years man caused teirs of sincere sympathy either Jack Welch or Kddle Smith w|ii entered upon a general loan bus-1 suits. Hpring and Railroad streets where It ney -general to approve of the policy referee ' Inees. bought nrd sold real eatate | dwindled to twenty-three with not s is propose*! to grade. |iave and curb, to spring to Ih * eyes of the six or sev* (iovemor Osborn will have the ap­ Wonsan In the bunch. Supi. ('unninghani and Attorney en communlcsnta who bad stopped st form and the court has granted It. Wolgaat and his bride have left for and did other things In that line with j pointing of Justice Hooker's suocaa- staling that the agreement In the pol­ Han Praorleeo from Lom Angeles, a view of making big earnings, soi The torrid temperature of the ftmt Htanley expressed themselves as be- the church to hear .Maas. sor for the unexpIred term, and al­ of the sreek la responsible for the ap- Ing very much In favor of the con- In the absence of Father Lynch, icy is a voluntar>' one and declaring planning to ftop over only a few fbst It could Induce people to Invest i ready several names have been men ­ “the doctrine is well established In hourw there and then proceed to their money In Its stock on the promlae of | (tarent lack of active Interest on the teniplated Impnivenient, and made not the (larlsh priest. Father L^e of Lan* tioned upon whom the governor will part of the patrons, for aa a rule this this State that members of a volun ­ home in Cadillac. Mich., where they : better rates of Interest than banks or! look with favo«- for the vacancy. the slightest objection to the com* sing officiated. 'The intemient was will stay until aiNMJt .Sov. i. the city senda up a fair dslegatlon to ths made In the Catholic cemetery. tary society may aet up a tribunal to high class Imnds would pay. and be' pany ’a shan* of the tax which Is adjudicate the differences that arise > champion looking after his farm and annual school meettnas. |4.2«ht. the highest tax levied. exempt from taxation alao Thei between the aveoriation and Ita mem­ taking a well earned rest from the promises made by this sssoclatlon | After the meeting had been called After the rolls had t>een examined squared circl? to order by Chairman W. H. Brun ­ and approved. Atty Htanley stated bers and make Ita decision final In drew large Investmenu from all over | FNE EXCELLENT lITTIiMITIONS the absence of t»ad faith or a refusal son. the minutes of last year's mast­ that plans were already i>erfected for NELL mm PHTSiCIMI Michigan and from other states also. ing were read, and later approved. the erection In this city of a new $2u.- to act or pay after an adjudication In 1901, on petition of an has taken place” stockholder. Ralph L Aldrich was SCeULED FDR NEXT SEXSON The clerk then read the financial re­ «NMl passenger depot, a freight house, j port as published a week since, and office and loading platform that will DEM) ra Lone ILLNESS During the seeolon of the legisla­ made receiver for ihe Michigan Hav ­ ture there was sn attempt made to put SUnUNO CHOP .tTHLKTir I'LI H AlU: B.Af’KINfi A this too was accepted by the meet­ be constructed at an ex|>ense of ings A la>an association Discovery I ing. as was also the *Mtimated ex­ A(»425. and freight house team tracks UR. H.AKT srHATYEU HV WIDiiU through a law barring arbitration In of allege*! lmpro|wr accounting was COrMNi: FOR THE WINTER. pense account for the coming year. mutual companies and certain mem­ made by the receiver In 1903. ■ and tramways to Ih > built at an ex* A sum of 14.955 was voted for gen­ .\.M> Hil'K (’HILIIKK>. bers of the (innge. headed by Hpeak- The bill of complaint alleges x’s* : pendltun* of The Ht. Johns Athletic Club, sn or­ eral purposes; S995 for sites, build ­ The elevators of John Parr and er Baker, who is a member of the OF sun BEETS r1(»us misdeeds by the officers of the i executive committee of the Htate ganisation of young men, baa this ings and repairs, and $350 for the li- t’harles Hpracue will he moved to Dr ilaiiilet Hart, for many years compan), particular!) Its president j brar)’ fund. Orange, led the attack. Hecretarv- E and secretar). especially the latter: | Week completed arrangements with the north side ol the iighi-of*way of one of the successful physicians of the (!oit Lyceum Bureau for one of Fbr some time past the board has the D C fl. A .M R> Irarks .ind the Clinton county, itaased away at bis C Holden, of the company, however, THIN YEAR H.iKVEMI TO BE also the misuse and inisappropristion ! voted the fund set apart for teachers* and other mutual fire Insurani'e com- of the asaoriatlon's funds; and a gen- ^ the beat entertainment courses ever nee de|Mil will be erected near the home in Kureka late Wednesday after­ ilRKATEMT ETBR IN MTITK. put on In this city The five enter ­ salaries. Hereafter, according to a present IcM-atlon of these buildings, noon following a long period of de ­ INxnies ’ representatives opposed the erally reckless course in the per­ law enacted by the laat legiaiature, bill aurceeafully. Justice J. E HIrri formance of Its business. Including tainments are to coat something over one hundred leet east of Clinton clining health IMUO and ever)' one will be worth the thU iKidy of men w|i| have power to avenue. The company have express­ Dr. Man Is curvlved by three sons. wrote the opinidn. paying dividends when theywere vote all school taxes with the excep­ liiore than offset by looses, and the price of the entire course. ed a willingness to construct side ­ Kmesi and Dr. Kugene Hart of Kure­ I lrre« are Plkated Mirkigaa The attractioae selected by the tion of a special tax for the uurehae- tracks for the convenience of the ele­ ka. and Dr. Arthur A. Hart of .Maple ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ IMiytnent of wlthdcawals to stockhold ­ Ing of new school sites and the erec­ ♦ ♦ First iBMBg Miale* la Pra* ers when the officers knew the com- committee are the Apollo Concert Co.. vators ami will give the owners any Rapids, and one daughter. Miss Cambrian National (2lee Singers. Ben ­ tion of new bulldioga. location desired that does not inter ­ • Pearl ♦ THE rBrirHiM. ♦ darilsn ef Hweei Final. IM%p) to be insolvent. These are juat D. H. Hunt and (!. H. Hchoenhala a few of the Irregularities and dis ­ jamin Chapin. Impersonator. Tvroleau fere with the contemplated changes Hts first wife died In Ht. Johns a ♦ •Singers and Yodlers. and a lecture were elected to succeed themoelves as .ind improvements number of years ago while the doctor ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ honest actions alleged, which the members of the board. coim found to be fully proven. The by Robert Parr Miles, a man of na- The nes de|lot will b«> built of was a resident pbyalclan of this city Michigan will harvest the greatest llonai repuution. brick and tile and Is to he equlp|»ed Home time later he was united in mar­ MetiHHiist KpiseapaL crop of sugar beets ever harvested in case has been up to the supreme ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ court of the I’nlted Htates on certain . The price of tlckeu will be 11.50 with the latest conveniences and sta­ riage to Mn. Hattie Kills, daughter of Hervices on Hunday. July id. aa fol­ any state In the I'nion tbis year Ap­ each. ♦ ♦ tion house furnishings. 'The building the late WiTlIam T. Daviea. aad the lows: proximately 15u.(MO acre# are planted points, and has been fought for years. ♦ BI'H HAN tMIIT TDWTN. ♦ will be 112 feet In length by 30 feet widow survives. Morning wrorsbip sad sermon at and next fall farmers will receive This shows what this building and , ♦ ♦ in sudUi. a wide platform extending Funeral services will be held at lh:3rt more than It.tNW.OlM far their beets. loan .laaorlatlon did with the funds > ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ around It Between the driveway on the home in Kureka Friday afternoon Hunda) school at 12 o'clock We The crop proapecla were never better, of those who were tempted to Invest NNNNi NETS 6ETTIHI the aonlh side of the building and the at 2 o'clock. will be able to announce at the Hun- the dr>'. hot weather advancing the by the promise of high rates of in- i [The Newrs has been asked several tereet o | pavement will he a 10 foot court day arhool hour the time and place of beets la sugar percentage BUSY Nim PETITIONS times lately what has become of our where an> civic Improvement club or the annual Hunday school picnic. Farmera estimate that the crop la Hut how the stockholders fared is : Man About Town. Inquiry was made solcety may try their skill at land ­ The I’nlted Kpwortb lotague and now two weeks In advance of Ita shown by the order of Judge Hwan. ‘■ of the snake editor and be said M. A. scape gardening UMJIES TOOK DllOP Brotherhood service. In connection usual condition The tops raver the which required the owners of stork WILL AMk F«»R REHITBHIHMION T. said It w.ts too d —amed hot to in the companv. who had received The new freight hous4-, a building with the regular evening worship, ground, and In all parts of the state NEVT MPHIN44. erect a column, but that he had two 2HO feet by 3»* feet, will >h ‘ erected di ­ will be held st T o'clock The meeting from the Menominee region south- Interest thereon, to return their In- ■ or three good ones on the Ice. L«ter, rectly opfioslte the F C Mason Co. IN CUNTON COINin will be In charge of Mr John Walker. ward the fields ar* ‘ showing health. terwat money, ever)- cent of It. to Re- he was Induced to tear off the follow­ plant, some dUtanre south of the site I*realdent of the Brotherhood, .ind Mr. About I.I.fHHi veeders*arc caring for Aldrich Thus the stockhold ­ Nine months before the voters can ing- -Edltorl; of the building that has l>een In use i.HNENHKn V.ALr.ATIUN « A T. Putnam will lead the lesson »*>e crop, the OaM) wage ranging from ers lose **'all 'J*.'*** ’ ’‘*«*****^' ‘ i express tbemaolves on the matter. It Is reported that the liquor Interests man) years in the west end of this LKMN I> FIVi: VK.AHN. study, the subject of which is. “Need.; •' ‘*'>*** Michigan farm- U, "r***,* ’* ’'**'^ Investments The other day. during the hoteat of building will h- the office a|uirtiiienls the gate of atmundaiu-e “ The aer-1 “''s about 13.5 an acr** to harvest their principal. of louislng are making plans to put In the hot, a Ht. Johns man told me a Ample wagon room will l>e provided vice will close with a promise meet- ‘»**cts. The us«ial return from an acre cirrulatlon soon petition* asking the hot story. He sold that%fter sleep­ .iround the freight house for the con ­ AccoiMIng to figu furnished by Ing. and a brief address hv the ,nm - doubles the tiling coat. Michigan Hs»Inge and lomn iMMrd of supervisors to submit the less nighu he finally fell aoleep. to venience of I -amtters the auditor general by boards of aup- tor ’ As a beet- eugar producing state tion by its promise of considerable question of making Ingham county sleep to dream. He dreamed he went The si>eclal ivaving .iss*>ssment roll erx'ieors of Clinton county In the We will cordially welcome you to Michigan now ranks firm Cp to l91o larger Interest returns than banks or wet again. Because many go from to bell and upon arriving at the door is nearl) completed and will rotiie up years 19«Mt and 1911. Clinton county any or all of these services California occupied the first riund of bigh class bonds would pay Ingham county to Jackson, because It was opened a ersek by His Satanic at the next regular meeting of the isina fair way to be a pauper in a short the Ia4lder but last year Michigan It Is very apt to be true that money ' onsiderable leoney is sent by mall .Majesty, who inquired what he want ­ sent away from home In order to oh- i to breweries In Itetroit and elsewhere council, Mondii). Jul> IT, for final time, and It is really diatreaalng to Haptisi. jumped far ahead of the southern ed. Our Informant said he was look­ consideration After that datr 'h** contemplate her ('ondltlon financially. district. California and- each lain t»ener than average returns In ­ and because one brewery stands idle ing for a cool spot “Well,** said the clerk will be r« ad) to rece|v*> bids for In I9«M» the aaseesed valuation of Mrs. J. H .-kott, for twentv years produce two <-ropa of beets yearly. volves a risk that It Is not wise to there, the wets will make an effort to keeper of Hades, “come on in then the several blocks of brick (uiving the count) was l21.DNM>ed lo $1K.xo3,nH.5, or a fall- Hcott has spent her llfe-time in mis­ readiness for manufacturing the loan association Is concerned. It la WliHHAS IHtrsE H4ll.ll. sionary service both among the south- magage*! by well-known and sue- i '"d ^Ib Ln'rtght7or ” hr’ux%yers. If negroes and In the orient and Is heavy yieldto prxcricjiM7Addltltam ~*^venare tielng ” one'"of con- business men. conservsfively THE THNEImO THE PLACE I The architect of thla column was in lotst week Att> D. W. Kelle), ad* I the poatoffice the other day to find niinistrator of the Hattb- Wiggins es­ the count) can get away with If be- f" Interealclng teller of the story of, ,he oixteen plants, and the Indies- ‘'•rcfully administered, and The ' out what had become of a letter he tate. sold the W;ggins House on fore the tax______commlaalon;I— K...but I#If the *be triumphstriumphs ofof thethe croeecroee amongamong thethe tions are that the campaign next #„iifall .>**wa would recommend to such read- was expecting, when a lady called Hpnng street to Dr Eugene Han of rountlew all over the ataie have been little brown men of Japan. A mis- and winter will last three or four T.'* ‘n'**** In this MNE BEEN SELECTEDfor her mail at the general delivery hUirekH and Dr. A D Hsr» of Maple oi,. aam*- thing, and rejiorta sionar) offering will be received weeks longer than ciistoniar) line that they put It In the hands of window. She was handed a letter she Rapids from lotnaing say they have, there is Rev J. K. (Jregor)-. pastor of the Ht.: those whom they know rather than CLI.ATtlA i'lM’.ATY H. H. KXCI'HNIDA evidently was not expecting; for turn ­ This purchase ina) have l»ecn made liable to be an increased tax rate next Johns Baptist church, will preach at send It outside to lie Invested b) en ­ ing to a younger woman who was with (IDES TD DETRDIT. os an inveatiiient but Ml. Johns |»eo* year to even things up. the Rengal-RIley Hapilst church Hun ­ tire strangers ami In a manner that her she said. “Dl bet some of my pb are trusting that these enterpris ­ day. June 23 He addreaae*! a good SEVEMIL VILlMiES NK>E0 may “come home to rooat” like that ' folks Is dead —here's a lettqr right ing young physirians iiia) ae - fit to congregation there last Hunday. of the one m?ntloned above The annual excursion of the Clin ­ i from the dead letter office in Wnah* turn the building Into a hospital or OUTM nEO&E GONFiJOiMniNI ton County Hunday Hchoal Aaaoctatlon I Ington w it says so on the envelope.** sanitarium, the piiritos*' for " hich It MININTKR HAD HT\ND.IN. ------* — MDVINO PirTI’RES. will occur on Tuesday. August 29, and was originally lAtended when hullt HENDERSON-SiTH NUPTMLS Rev Robert Bresdy. a Methodist THOrHA.Aq^ RENDERED Hi»HE. The Panama Canal brought to your win be run to Detroit. (iov. Osborn was motoring from a tiuml>er of years ago b> the late preacher now sutloned at t'adlllac More than the ordinary plana will Detroit to Lansing a few days ago. LENA tlN HHOHEN. verx door In motion picture and gov- Dr A J Wiggins GELEBIMTED LUST NEEK and at one time filling the pulpit at -miiient views Hu- whole accompanied be made to have this excursion the Tire trouble caused him to stop at a Portland, la a beneficiary to the ex­ by lecture glvi»n by .Mr. T. A. Pudde- very hhsi In the history of the as­ Howell garage. While bla car was be­ tent of one thouaand pieces fdoliar HIH HRINT T<» URIMI. HR4NIN HILL PRACTIf'E HEDI- Oscoda and AuHahle , twin towns fool. This Is very Interesting os sociation. Dn the day set for the ing made ready the governor engaged pieces I of silver by Ihe will of a event the Tigers and Athletics will an old villager in conversation. Harry J Holbrook, formerly clerk across the river from each other on well as educational The pictures FINE \T HOMER. wealthy .Niles lady, recently deceased. the shore of loike Huron In Iosco show mechanical devices In operation cross Mita and this fact alone should “Do you know who I am?*' aakad of Ionia count), has been m,;de de ­ ^ Home time in his life the reverend insure one of Ihe largest crowds that the governor. fendant In a suit brought hy J C county, have this week been entirely and work accomplished to da»e. prov- gentleman made s hit with the lady wiped out hy fire Heveral lives Ing conclusively that this canal will has ever patronised Ihe railroad on “Nope," answered the one add rasa Miller of Montr.slm county who alleg­ Robert Henderson, youngest son of with the result mentioned above ed. es there Is 14 'tOo due on a mortgage have been lost and move than a fl,- be opon to the < ommerre of the world Clinton County day. “Do you know who In governor of oo a mill which Holbrook recently ? 11 ^ Hereafter, in view of (his. it Is fair iwu.tMM) worth of proiwrty deetroye,! in 1915. thla •" ; to premime all ministers will be try- a number of other email place, are At the Alliton Hsturday evening. Michigan r purchased at Hubbardston. The riage with ADia Susovi Hmlth of D«m-1 lng to make a hit with the ladlos. for. reported destroyed while Alpena has July 1.5 XICHMIICiilMMu UnCi LMumDI mBIIIC mMIII “Nope,** was again the answer, aad mongage originally was against H. ton The wading Qu**** they may be entertaining angels tin- ; sustained a | 0#0 loss by the H Hlociim Admiaoton. nil tents, 10c. the Howell man continued; “But all affair none but Ihe bride's relatives awarws flames that have swept a large por­ the fanners around here any that ha ' attending After a short wedding trip' tion of the Huroo shore NflTirB TO WATBB TAKBRH. BlimB IT ST. jowls ain ’t DO good." lOM.i lA H.UI B Ihe young coiiole will begin house­ Hundreds of famtilas have been That ended the converaation keeping at Homer where the groom, IDVBRTINRD LETTBHh. The Banrd of PabMc WovAca has A dispatch from liNila concerning Armstrong. Mary; Cobb. Charlie; rendered homeleoe by the fire that who recently graduated from the bought ona hnadrad watar matafa to HRfi. JAHBN CITHTAIN FABNRD A few nights ago two young psopis a fire oaya th ' city is afiort of water. OHMlIcal department of the univeralty, Ferguson. Mr. Dank; Femla. Karol I had Ita origin in a pile of dry slabs ba sot wbors It Is fouad that walsr Is Belag locokl option and probably oiiort W. H. nRT'NHON, P M. ! near the large saw mills oi Aii Hahie. AWAY HA'n^RDAY. —one of each aax—srere nrnipjlpg . will enter Into portnershlp with hla being vmased. one of the benches on court honpo of be4»r. puts our neighbor In an un ­ ^ brother, l>r. L. M. Hendemon. In the and because of the drouth In that aer- Aarons wtohiag to aprlakle strsot. enviable paaltloo so far aa thirat- A child was bom Wedneodav to Mr Con of the tiafe spread with terrify­ lawn We any there wora two, bpt ' practice of medtrlne. yard or gardan, ohould make appllen- Mrs. James (* 011010. at one time a one would hardly know it from tRs quenchers are ronremed and Mrs Guy Hllvomall of (Iraon- ing rapidUy. realdent of Btagtism. died at her Both of the yousg people are well tlon to tho supartaiondant for a sso* slae of the poekage diaployod. Oar MJL booh, but aorvived but a few houva. Many of the people warapad wlth^ ter. home In ImasiBg Bnturday morn ­ DNINRIN4i LIKE \ RININTKR. known In this city which has always nothing but the clothos they wwr** T. sraa occupying aaothor bsn eh naar been Dr. H4*iKleraoB*a home aad ' • “ O R PRB8TON. ing. FttttomI oorvicoo were hold at The editor of the Hetdlng Banner wearing, and are now In the direat ' Ht. Mary's church in that city Tuoadoy by aad among the other convoraatipn where the bride for a number of years: „ ' ^ Ip the market for a good farm 44tf Suptorlatandant. that flootad over and wao oaaght on frankly aaya be hates to drink like a sraa a succasaful teacher In the public I ”•***• good description sad price Ad* nead. . morning aad the remains brought to taaater, and aaka the eoaacil to give “•----- —hk Box 8 3M. 8t. Johns The raparts at the suffering at the first bound was this; 9be: “Do yon rhools FtirRTH tar atly bilial IIR. Johns oa the 11 o'cloek ear for ta- thlak oocond thoughts srs hoot?~ hack the oM-faehioaed driaklag capa HARRY BRADLVV tuouonada of InhahItanis In the terment Rev. Fathtrr Hill, who was aad let the asallary method of tahing huntad diatricts are appalllag. While Tboae having hilla against 4th of ‘nreo.** sold he; **bat whom wors yon I in St. Johns that morning to offlolate thinking of before you thought of a drlnh go to the dogs Oat your ahaviag aad massage work * hut few aharrad bod ies have haen July committee are raqueatad to send at a fauorai In St. Jaaapk's church. done at Coagreos Barbar Shop Satis- ' found, nuuiy famllloa boeamo oeparat or hand them to the iiaderalgnad. be­ moT* Then there woo silages tor a I conductad the burial aoivlee. second or two followed by a aanni NimCE. FHMNS 0. STHL OEGOKS faction gsaraataad Cholea lias of I ed. aad the suspense they are etidar fore Fritlay Dlgtot of this week whoa cigars to solect from. rf iag la driving many to the verge of the eseeutlve committee w||| meet that rsasmbled the broakiag of a oor- On and after July ISih, 1911, wa laoBBlty to audit and take action on oneh Mila. sot stay. But we didn't stay to find will inm lead any Immf for grain or cmniiHniNi TD Olohe Serateh Psad tor tha oM Detroit, in ber own loyal wsy, has IJCW F. n ’TTHHON. NMNNREmrOFFlinWE oat what had happanod. “Tham warn heans. Becretary. the happy days. “ JDHN ('.. HICKH. started a relief fund, end tents, blank- r»>HH *T. HOT V«T«I. a«a and food have already been for* HMRMR ■ JOH.V F. PARR. mTLRlIISy II J ENTERTAI.ADLT OF FINRINIL I Ollllooah toed olovw. Mif warded to tbooe who will need this as- Doa't lot the poahy fllao eat your HBAH R D IIKROIN. sistaaoe until they can locate In oth­ horoao and eowe alive, (lot a caa of William Camas, tm maay yaam a CHARIJHI NPRAtlDK (lot your ohaviag aad maseagi er ploeaa fly spray aad a sprayer at Ollllaoa^ The Bangal Ilaloa Aid iloclaCy will prosBlnsnt farmer la tha In the July Ontlag la an article on The strong wind that carried the Ferel Store and drive the filoa away. : sMOt ta tha grove aensaa the read part of tha coiuty. diad this HA’n^RDAY HPRCIAL. dose at CWigrass Barber Bhop Sar- Rainbow Trout Fishing written by lafactloa gnarantaed. Chotoe line of I 4atf ^ from Mia Harr Leva's rsoMonce on He Is anr vivsd by ths wMso I will sail ice cream eanos. larRs Fraacla R Btoel. son of Oeorge A cigars to oolect from I died oat and allhongh It will take Wednooday aftemaaa July IMh. Cimi- sag. Dslos Camas, of OvM 5r site at half pries. 2 tor 5 rents or Staal. formerty of thla city. Young some days to oxtlngutah the ftoseoe. New DiaoMtad Tan for lovers of : mittae No I will servo sappsr. All Mr quart R J. PIINirirfl Coffoo Steel eridtmtly knows eamethlng tho reoldonto are hopeful that the real good too. No coloring, strictly I ore iBvItsd. Mrs. Psaior rhoftoe of I Btore e about trout fishing and hna tha power Olohe Berateh Psad tor tha aid d angar of oAlwr villogao being doa- pare aad only 41 whpiars tl oMMM mM IgglHt M Bhrtnn ht Oil Store FMass M-M li:M-td. tte. m J. 4ttr oogM. t Ihp J. a.

thotr days vMIlgg hM Oar- Tw St . Johns News at aviation a OMsp tn ho oalahMaad IlY trada MnrrtlL te k. Hbc^ IMil PtaipiEi m I 1 *T>ar Dahu.** will bs the Mglc nt tha at or noar um olty of WnMi* m INDUWXMNT NVWSPi HMB lETMMMEfmMi PArTE EB- Chrlotlaa Padsnaor aMsttag la tha U. b the si m ttAMEE UALTE ETATIflTirE. B. church Iluaday avsatag. July Id. PttbUalMd •Tory Thuaiay af Mi mmm u lU Wa Umt alfwi. mi ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MIm Aaaa Keek, whs has haaa ua- A HECTEMrirL CBAmrElTA. ♦ ♦ 99m psogls ronllae to wknt sstsnt dar tha doetar's saia far tha past twa ♦ CUmROl PBMI ivATI ♦ Ahsfr hsnlth dopoads upoa ths ooadl- waohs with ggpeadisltls Is Imgrovtag. Ths Mown wtshss to coagrntalMs r. cvTcnMt ♦ BECBAEOMk • tloa of ths kidasya. Mtas PraafcIs Bsadds r of I sasiag ftl»a< a«r BslHhhntn of loaln npmi ths mw- ♦ ♦ The phyaiclaa la nearly all omm ratnra ed to har hems Maaday aflar ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ spsadlag a faw days violUiig har suat, Twamr-ocoND ti r lisful ontsoMs of ihs Chn nl sMitm •of isrisas lllasan. msksa a ehsMlsnl rsesat hold in that cMy. It wan n ane- sanlyals uf ihs patisnt's urias. Ha Mn. Wm. LaPaar. With the neroplaae tn pdlUen. cm haowa Mmi aniqga ths hidaufn am Mr. aiM Mrs. Oral BItlott aad Ht-j nonn flanarlally sad la svsry othsr Us daughter Marjory, of Daplala | poM atntm at SL JOfeM. M mny tnhe In the oitnntkm nt s ginnue. ipiag thsir work ptopariy, ths othsr —Pontine Proas Oaaocts. orgMP oaaaot bs brought back to violtod thsir parsau. Mr. sad Mrs.. igaa aatar Um aat at A1 Fnrhsr, lagl wash. Mafch I* Iff*- Ths lint of ■psnhara laeladsd ths hsnlth and atrongUi. bMt plntfona oraton la ths eouatry A Boath Onrollaa arialotar ptajrsd Whon ths kldOMu ors n sgisetod or Mrs. PPM Olekaraon. who has bana > bofore propasing to ths ycniag lady of vlaUiag bar paranis sad othsr friaado bsoktea musical sad talsnt la othsr ohnnod In any wny. aartoao rannlU his hsart. but the prayor did him ao ors oore to fallow. Aacordl ng to la this rlelnlty. rstarasd to her horns M MoaU hr Ms« TIAB Hass that la bsyuad oompors. laAssd goad. 8he acceptad him.—Qraad hsnlth utnliolleo. Bright'u dlsanos In Buafisid. last Friday. M- Oaa*t I ■simtt ths whols offsriag srao of ths highsnt ^Rapids Prsan, whieh In rrally an odvoneud form of Dr. aad Mm Eajraioad Blaigbc of oiMsr. Aad loals sad ths sarroand- kidnuy txoabis. snuaod nonrly ton Battle Crook returaod to thsir horns That Saa Praadaeo sdMor who was Baaday aftar rpsaitlag a faw days* ar b lag eouatry ahowsd thsir apprsdo- thousand dsatlis In 1910, In the slate nm PAKR NtPNUCNTCD FOH FORCMN hold up aad robbsd of tl.OM was for- of New York alone. Therefore, it be­ vlsitiag ths fonaer's pareats, Mr. sad AOVCNnSING BY TNC tloa of what ths coaunlttss had doao tuaote that hs did not have all of his hooves us to pay more attontlon to Mm J. D. BIsight. by turalag out In such aumbstu that wssk's anlnry with him at the thae.— the health of theM moot Important svsn the moot soaguine of ths pronK>- Bay City Trihuae. orgnna. EIPFBBBIICBE IE AEFEBTIMEfL ‘The ladsps ad eat newapnpar twsa-1 tsss wsf« surprtosd. An idanl herbal compound that haa aaNaiiAi. orricaa John Hoys HsmnMMd didn't do ao bad remarkable success as a kidney ty*flve or thirty yaaia ago was re* ■ NKW YOMK AND CHICAOO The sduentloaal bsasflts to bs ds- badly, aftsr all. Sat within flttssn remedy Is Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Iloot, gsrdad as assdlag some sort of extra­ IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES rivsd from such s course of satsr- fast of tbs king. But did he sell say the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder ordinary gsalua to make It a mieesM.** ! tolamsats cnanot be eotimotsd upoa a minlag stoek to ths nobility? That's Remedy. says Charles H. Oiaaly. editor of the laoney bnsl B aad it canaot fnil to the ernclal qussUon.—jnehoon CIU- The mild and healing Influence of Bnitlmore 8un. ‘but today It boa ba- HAVE YOU SECURED make bsttsr citlasas of those who this prepnratlon Is soon rsnJIxed. It coaw eotaMtehed upoa perfocUy daf- TO OUE rUEEM. stands the hlgheqt for Its remarkable Inlte buoiaaoe llaae. Advertlalag la were listeners to the high-toned of* Many maids, also s few hired girls, record of cures. a good nawepaper la profitable ad ­ Our raadara and frlaada at ferings. hold their Jobs and are paid outlond- If you fsel that you^. kidneys re­ vert Mag. The 8L Johns N smi who hneh It shows, too. that Ionia psopls and iohly high wogss olmply to prevsnt quire attsntloa, and wish a aomple probata notleoa to publish, or them from going away and telling "If you have sonmthing to sell you those from other pincen who helped bottle, write to Dr. Kilmer A Co.. con go to a job printer aad hare a who control them, will oon- what they know about the family.— Rlngharnttm, .N. Y. Mention thla pa­ fer a favor upon tha publish* to moke the Chautauqua a succoM. Knlamoxoo Ooxette. lot of bllla struck of aad dlotribute per and they will gladly forward It to them around town. That ta advertla ­ ar by roRueoClnc JadiHe Mar- appreciate the subntaatlal rather than A LOT you absolutely free, by mail. rill to have tbs prtatliiH dona An Ohio man boaota that he con lag In the crude state. Pnt the same the frnthy In the way of ntental food. 8warop-Root Is sol d by every drug­ matter In any kind of a newspaper In The News. If such rsquaat rock the cradle with one bond and gist In bottles of two oiss—Mk* and la made Jadpe Morrill will We wonder If 8t. Johns could do button bla wife's droM with ths other. aad that b odvertlatag in a more ad ­ II ..00. vanced mad effective fonn. Inoert At llm SnaHMitW Resort ea kindly prant IL as wall. If she wuaM do as well so We presume also that the gentlemssi PUBUOHMR. has learned to speak distinctly with the aome copy la a nswopnpsr that Ionia bnn done, ahould there happen ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ gosa into the home with a hold upon I \ Beaatifal Crystal Luke? to be enough enterprising clUxeas to bis mouth full of pins. —Detroit Press ♦ ♦ Prosoi the affections of the family elrele sad u Inaugurate or attempt to inaugurate ♦ ENErBOTTOH. ♦ that b advertising In the highest i' II oot Yon Skonld do so at onca. ♦ ♦ state." TAFT IN EirHIWAN. a Chautauqua In this city for the ben ­ A Boston professor bos given voice efit of Clinton county. More lb*D Petty Lett Have Bees tpoken for ap to tbti Senator LaFbllette of Wioeonsln to the belief that our present school ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦!! will flpht I»re*ld«nt Taft for Mlehl- ■ystam causss fatty degeneration of Mias Anns Keck, who has been so ♦ drag. in ciiidiB g maoy refidtats of CUnton Coonty. aaioiiB ipui'o votes In the 1912 coavontlon. III with appsodlcltls. Is bsCter. BELT WE AEB HQUAEE. the meeilsl liver. So long as the ♦ BEAIE LBAEE. ♦ The LbFhllette foreos claim to bo other liver Is unbsrmsd. the people Huaday school at the South Olive them the cdMor of St. Jobm Newa. undismayed by the publleatloo la Sheriff Taylor and Deputies Lnwrey will not seriously object.—leinalng church at 1:S0 p. m. Sunday, July Id. Thoie kits are all liigatgiri oo high gro mtd gmoag a grove the Washinpton Foot that Mlchlmui Is and Van Oisoon have started suit State Journal. Church at 2:30 p. m. agnlnt Ionia county to oollsct their ofmaplet and other hard wood thnber. The beach is fine, oolld for Taft. They declare that they Remember the Ladle#' Aid Solcety If a man expects too much from i will carry the fight Into the primariM. blllo. which were cut aeveral hundred b to meet with Mrs. Carl Rohrer on with alopoig gravelly bonom. racgilm t for ba thing nod dollara by the tKMird of supervloora at ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ pup be b pretty sure to be diaappoint- |* Even now five stenographers ars ♦ ♦ Thuradoy, July 20. woriring overtime grinding out let­ ita ooaaloa Inat . Several suits Mrs. G. J. Pergtioon was very pleas­ for children. are now psadlng. brought by Relding ♦ PITBT rOBMEllTN BT C1TT ♦ ters to IjiFV>llelle followers In Michi­ ♦ EEIT0B8 ♦ antly surprised last Sunday when the Promotion b quite a while getting i J Aroand the lakaare tbe cottages of a man her of St. Johns gan and other parts of the middle doctors, whose bills were cut.—-Ionia following caoM to spend the day: Mr. to the one who does noUilng but wait 11 Dispntch. ♦ ♦ people, and Crysad LaMe is emning to be more popokr every west. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Mrs. Ida Mlabk for it. The LnFhllette people claim to Ionia county rupervlaora have done Hd. Smith aad daughter Pearl. Mr. year, not only widi oar own paopla bat with those from have accurate advices about Michigan aad Mrs. Lsocer Wauvie and family thla same thing for years and got I.aPy>lleite will not care a bit If be Very few men like boate oooklag from skilled political observers. One away with It until a few months ago aad Carl Smith. The occasion was eaoufth to get married on that ac­ report mode to them was that at a doe* have the whip hand. —Chleago Mrs. Ferguson's birthday and a very News. count. For prices, terms, etc., see or write direct primary in western Michigan when a Portland deputy sheriff nued pleasant day w** spent. LaFhllette would be able to beat the county for the difference between It b possible for a juror to have Taft by SO.OPO voten The LaFollette T. R. In tbe sugar mess? .Next Bseagsd With EM LMct. the amount of his bill and that allow­ they will be accusing him of Mormon* prejudices without reading tbe nesrs- people realise that they cannot have a ed by the board, and he got his money. '*Tweaty-oae years ago I facod on papera. direct primary vote, but declare their tom.—Rooion TToaseript. The board proceeds upcm the theory awful dsath,*' writes H. B. Martin. EADURKEE purpose to fight for delegatee In all Port Harrebon. 8. C. "Doetors sold optlmbt Is oae who always! dlotricts. — FHopatrii. that everybody who prsaenta a bill to Senator Penroae favors reciprocity for everybody except the Insutirents. I had consumption sad the dreadful spou the silver lining in the other; While It Is pretty early In the them la dlahooest —they seem to think 'lailiriore Sun. cough I bod looked like IL sure; fellow's cloud St Jofana, season and pretty warm In tempera­ all are Lbissea. but themoelves. The enough. I tried everything I could ture to ulk politics, much less events above-mentioned people are but a What atate will J. Plerpont Morgan hour of. for mp cough, and was under When s man tsib a joke on himself • the treatment of the best doctor In it b one that doesn't give him much which do not take place for a year. sample of those who. after every aeo- find thb country in If he doesg't coaw bock pretty sfwn? —8t. Loula Georgetosrn. 8. C„ for a year, but the worst of It. The News believes T*resldent Taft will sion, are compelled to go after the G lobe-Democrat. could get no relief. A friend advised ■St have everything bis own way in board of superriaora of Ionia county me to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It frequently happens that a girl | Michigan In 1912. ThU opinion Is to get what rightfully belooga to Of course the Guggenhelms are I did oo and was completaly curad. I has a jewel cose worth more than the ■ fsel that I osse my life to thb great jewalry it contolaa. based upon what Is beard among the them for aervioes rendered. peevish. Wouldn't you be If Hade ______Snoi BDaicbed a billion dollars out of throat and lung cura." It's positively fanners of Clinton county along this .. hand? —Kanaas City SUr. guaranteed for coughs, colds sad all If you wont to fool peopb. fool { line. The .News has yet to hear of BOET EEOW WEAT BIT IT. ------broachbl aftectioas. Me sad $1.00. them by being esosibb when they one farmer who has said he will vote Trial bottle frso gt J. T. Mlllman'k, don't expect It of you. ' YOUR HAIR The coum. of the explodon of tbe for Taft If nominated. Indeed, all VanSIckle A Glospie's. Travb A Shll- laagssine of the battleship . ' to have bod poor luck In aecurlag ea- •r’A You didn't accomplish much today, who have expressed themselveo on whlch soak In Havana harbor in I wagementa.—Chicago Record-Herald. probably; yet today b a part of the fu­ ture you once expected so much of. the matter say they will vote against l*fi. will probably never be known. . ------♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ SOEVER him. the reason being Taft's sUnd on ♦ ♦ according to RHmulier General BIx- « •*.'* Whan will the people osaoe their reciprocity. If Clinton county Is an Yer redding In December. Surely ♦ RATH. ♦ by, chief of the engineers. II. S. A., the Ananias club will celebrate the ♦ ♦ useless talk of a ‘higher life." and j Indicator of the feeling against Taft who haa just returned to Washington occoalon with some magnificlent testl- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ asriously coasider the importance of the lower life? In Michigan the Prealdent can't retain from an ioapectlon of the raising of —Houston Post SOME the electoral vote of the Hlatc Roy Cushman, wife and little dau- the wrerk^ j Morgan b ______I It b easy for a woman to be good; ' Rut it la a good while to the 1912 pleased > ghter spent Sunday In Saginaw. General BIxby says that the roadl- m having the Onler.of tbe Red Keogle. ' after a woman bos children tbe only convention, and by that time the now Robert Smith of Owosoo spent Sun ­ . tion of the boat b such that It b Im of course, but hi* chief Intereat con ­ day at the home of L. A. Rounds. temptation ohe meeb b to borrow ^ money from the banks. disaffected farmer vote will havs possible to ascertain the cause, and tinues to be in tbe golden ••ogle, Garfield Smith of Detroit called on GOLD been srhipped into line and vote as that it might have been explodMl from particularly when It Is double.— Bos­ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shaw last Sarurda> ton tllobe. The B. Y. I*, r. will serve ice cream When I was a newspaper reporter 1 they always have —a big majority for the Inside or from a auhinarine or figured it out that of every thousand ' the Republican presidential candidate, in the basement of their church Sat­ torpedo from the outside. According to the dispatches. Senator urday evening. July 1&. . people nothing ever happens to nine ! b*' It Taft or I^Pollette Bristow is hotly attacking President , hundred and ninety-nine of them. I THE BANK Mlaa Anna Herbbon of Lansing is At present the dissatisfaction with Taft's course on the tariff. Mr. Bris­ visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Taft applies to Osborn, and for the Several of his party (Republican! tow halls from Salina. srhere the tem­ Robert Herbison. In thb place. same reason -ills stand for reciproc­ papers have suted that "Ben Hmn- perature reached 114 degrees—Kan ­ Mr*. Anna Rounds and Mrs 'Kate Owiilrtl ISSr. hr C. g. XtmmMmmm Os.—Ms. M cholt. chairman of the Republican sas City Journal. Robson spent Sunday in Laaslng with ity. his being a Taft man ir this and their brother. Dr. R. D. Smith. AFTER JttE CRIP other respects. State Central Committee, will resign." ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Mias Nellie McGregor of Hartford, etc. The News bad suppooed all the ♦ A o “Time and tide wait for no man,''; “do not put off the things that con Rut The .News believes both can Coan.. Is spending the week at the H Y ob D Not Recovor Yov be done today for tomorrow;" tonmrrow never comes. Youth and oppor­ lime that W. Frank Knox of the "Seo'' A FE.YM4IRE. home of Rev. 'md Mrs. Whaley. win In spite of the farmer disaffection. A IM Health Tiy TUi tunity are twins. Why? Well, bscause youth Is ambition, or at least held the position credited to Hanchett. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Flowers and should be. Youth b looking for opportunity; b knocking at the door hers The cities will vote almost solidly aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa daughter Maxine visited at the home TreatiBeBt. for both, so that really the rural vote It look* like d* nse ignorance when a and there 'to Se admitted. Old age goes out srlth a lantern aseklng sobm ------I of Mr. and Mr*. Ira Shaw Saturday. place for safety and shelter. The fire of youth haa parted company with against them would cut very Uttle pany organ doesn't know who b Mr* Chaa. Suggate Is quite til. { Miss Rva Smith, who was taken to For three years after on attack of tha Rva Klinger b the “hello" girl thla | Gvid last week and was operated on grip Ml*. C. B. llercr, of Houtli Britain, ambition, and. money or no money, ease and quiet seem to have formed a figure chairman of the bunch that fiirnbhes oo-partnsrship and the door of opportunity b sought only by young man the most able "editoriab" which ap­ Yeefc. I for appendicitis, b getting alcmg Ooan.,wastn poor lieollli simI found Jvsae Hutllff and family spent the I nicely. who have the world and the chances for climbing the ladder of success be­ pear In those same papers no relief unul sho bmlt up her l4ond fore them. EII.ITART AIR HHIFH. Fourth at Fred Bvana * There will be a sacred concert at wBh Dr. WilUoins ’ Pink Illb. Sha Mr. and Mr*. Blwln Van.Vorwick i Augustus Post in the World's Work the M. E. church Sunday evening. ! It’s up to ycMi, young man. to say whether or not you will go up or A writer on health In a city paper visited Clawson Wilson's Sunday. July IS. bsglnnlng at k:0ti. A silver "I attribute my bekneas directly ta for July give* some figures showing Mr. and Mrs Will .Marble of Ban ­ down that ladder; ith up to you to acquire the saving habit “baf<»re your says we ahould put on a change of offering will he taken ■a attack of tlie grip. I liori faintin'^ hair turns to silver"; It’s up to you to say whether at fifty ysara you are what has already been done by tbe nister visited Chss. Sandford's Sun-1 Mrs. Kmlly Watson of Mason. Mrs., underwear every morning. That man day, spalls, which canieoainewillinatwsra- lighting a bntern or pressing the button which turns on the electric light war department of varioua nations Marion Kramer of Chicago and Mrs.; I wouhl bint away while sitting of the year 1911 must be In'the employ of a knit gooda Mr. and Mrs Wm. Marble spent I Minnie P>atherly of Chosanlng spent in a chair or lying in I ml. After remr- with regard to aviation. the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs Jonw* house He Is doubtlsoa In tbe some Monday at the boaie of Mr. and Mrs. I qriag irom them 1 would Iw rtant men of the govern ­ for rolllloDaires? spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. ing the week there. liniba wooki liecoine B««41en rupee- ment. Resid es tbe crew of the naval .Sandford. Mra. Jack Husiey went to Detroit y at night. My alerp was hmkeo Do aot put It off; briag a portion of earningi of your profits to Tn Mr*. Roy Gardam and daughter Friday. She acrompsnisd her father lor I was extremely nei^ oiM and apprn- RTATB BAER OP NT. JOHEH sad open a Savings account. Do not let a dirigible. Kngl.ind has detailed nine a hsnbre of snuie impending danger. I Say! Don't It make one hot. ^ Statah of Gwnsso spent last week officer* and IK) men for service In to hb home (here after spending sev ­ hnd severe baadorlies most of Uie timu week or a month go by without Increa sing your deposit; it will earn for though, to have tbe coal man come In ' *^*I!*_ eral days with her In thb place. She you while you sleep; it will start you In busineoa when you have mode the air battalion of the army. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kvaas are living and a darting |sun over my left eya wMh a bill for the babnee on last win ­ returned home Saturday. which affersed Uie wliob side of mj ready for It and old age will not ^d you unprepared to moot either the Germany has at present SO officers In Chos. King's hoasr. They like tbe Dr. R. D. Smith of Grand Ledge, Issue of breodlng-wlnnlng or s weH-earnsd rsot. ter's coal just as you are giving a West but like Michigan better. hand. 1 waa tmahlnl wriUi neurslgio St the aviation school at Doebritx who has been seriously III at the paiasaitNuwl my heart simJ waa fim check for last summer's ice to tke tee Agaoo Sutllff. Kra Hatlagsr, Horn where active practice with various home of his aloter, Mrs Arena qasntly ceoHn n l to my bed. "Before yoar hair turaa to blvar" sae to It that you have mode ths man. aad the coal man oaka you If er Kvaas aad Krast Potter spent Sun ­ Rounds. In this place for the past two "Danng twovesrs ^ my stekoesi I most of the opporiunitbs that are In waiting for ihoae with a daalra to types of machines is In progress. day with Mr. and Mrs. Gso Sutllff. you are ready for next winter's sup­ weeks was taken to Dr. Foster's pri­ tras trasAsil si rflEereni tiuies by three win out In the battle of Ufa. Itb the money savers who hscome the atoa* France. bssMsa ita military dlrtgl- The Chlldrsa's Hay exsrebss srere vate hospital at louMtag Friday doctors. TYibr treatment did noAafford ey makers; It’s the money nmken who acquire ths spirit of satorpriss. ply and tbe Ice hmui wants to know If Msa will have more than oae hundred very well attended. The school hoaoe where be underwent an operation He Wm immi wo i ommm to Uj Dr. the spirit of tmpfovemeat aad the hettsnaeni of coaditloas The aavera you coa pay s little oo thb ssoaoa's woo fflbd All enjoyed the sftor- Wmbma nnk PlUi A few booHOol asropbaes next ysnr. They now hnvs b a very sick maa. ______, . . ^ horasa gara hovasa. cattb and shrap; have money Ice bill aawt The Rsbekabs tnotallad the follow­ Ihs bUs ravo ms mush I Mbit. My for Investmeat; they own storss aad stoeha; they mahe towns, vtibgaa aad military avtators formed tn aquodroas Mr. sad Mra. Ed. McCarthy. Chas. ing offlcera Friday evsalgg: N. a.,A. h—ss^ mdU ha- i eltba; they ars the amtor which knaps the wbesta af nnrarrai ta laotlon. ooasbtlag of fifty men sad from five Soadtord sad faaslty, Gso. McQatatoa Jock Johnson has besa maiehsd toi Wshaier; R. 8.. Jack Haslsy; trsuaar- Ka^atasd^lrisinad^corapMmto will you prepare yoarsslf to^ unit b thb great nrooaaatoa. young to eight military offlcsrs srhieh muha sad tomlly. Sam Bareh sad family, sr. loacotto Webstar; warden. Min ­ fight Jim Laag of loade a tn Aao- j Mr. qad Mra. Roy Crogo sad hb ma- frequent flighb from tbs military nie Harrington; rnadastor, Bmma traJb Eastor Moaday. Bnstor b sy-1 thor aad Mr. aad Mra. Keck aad ehll- Hasley; ehopUla. Mlaab Oostoa; R. ^ I “• you; aak tor oas of oar &■▼!■■■ Baaha sad apra ra secoaaf avbtloa groun d s at Fan. noayawao of a body rioan. bat tse'rej draa spsat the svsalag of ths Fourth a of N. Q.. Rosa Read; L. 8. of Nl 0.. aarsd ms fromyaam buadrsds have triad It ami buadrada bara woa sat as yoa will ff you Tbs aswiy fonaod ITaMsd Stotoa at Chas. Butlirrs. the alaft. Do not wait; atart fearful Jha wont "nosM back"—not ! Elisa Hsriibsn ; I. G.. Nucan Hall; Flak Fnis hara bra ynwr hair tarns to sHvor" aad aiaad army ssropiaoi earps now owns oaa O. G h Wka Hsu. ready to awst Opportuaity whi the daar. right away, anyhow, aftsr Jack de- j ehbfoab, gsnesal d^ Wright sad one Cnttb seropluat, par- and aftmr-sEhali of llvsia oas of hto kaoek-out blows | dhossd atth port of lb |tn.Sd0 op- ba girsn a trial right where Jha Esso. ♦ A for tha Mood ■ppropristloa Actlrs svtotloa work te bos at vltsllty. vigor or tswe. and b A TirrOE rEETBE. A has bssa carridsd on by offlesia at sflan a tors runner of prsstratli^ «Ms- ♦ A Or. WaMMar nnk nib it In an excha _ ^ ♦♦AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA tbe same ami are snhl only in . Tht Stale Aon* of StMou Boa Dbgo. Son Aatoalo, the govsra- •Bny these uadsrahirts sgdj*TJ^j, s«l sopeebtty w> to hannng the waU-kamvn trade mark swd ■wnt training grouaAs at nollsps ^ wrartng thane i pouple that must hasp up and doing or Mr. and Mra. Hdwb Frarson vlbted ate gaaraamad by the fnanafartarsr* la J.\w. HTWcautuy, Park, Md.. near Washington. Tbe frisads la Price Sunday. rsnta in no opiate, narrottc nr sa|Miiaa oo we ass ao rsnl nsod of i set boblndhood. that ooakl bjate tha nmm datkais afa> United Maloa navy has parrhassd two the lajunctlcn meattoasd ^ medietas to take tor It ta Mra. Aaaa Furry b apsadfag a few days viaiilag friends la Flint rsrtto mochlase. am hydro-asrciplaas ths It oonocitt il The grawiaa are aald hy all MIba Pope *Ml Mias Bsniire Elliott Ma We would be PBry glad to enroll yoa as one of our Bob> sad one lorpe pososapar eoirytug ma- •ailed on frien Is ?n tbta vlelnlty Sua- ra ■crib«. ow ------a.— poHcfca inaursE you ID gat the eHlas. tor tnualag offlosva. Lisab. A short catch of bhsters b •toy ^rara for tg ito. Hy t^^ Dr. WBttaam right of e11 the TTHudois O. EHtada oai Jdha Rdg- YSMck saitHss and rartehss ths Mr. aad Mr*, rharbs Feriilas of l^ttolag are ririUng thrir da-ighter. ova. r. 8 . N., bars hwl aamptoMI a bat theva aso pltty Ost It u Mra. E N. Baraaaa. ^ld!^sJraS!S!^ iS&*hMnlJra Mo. 3 far mplM and prioEB on aUkindEol job aaaras of li ■sa OBastss NMlay sprat a fasr eaaei^iSSiS5S9a** mt m j» 9m tm ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tm to toPtoU ih^&ito foipot MBP B4orWMofBM ^aUMAo. Tha at mm m______iw iSSSk *" ' TBat wa, ttoa of opch coatoOot Mto tha tan A. L. rnmam. a 9, Malptyra la vlMI af paymaat thatdlto ahall ha a llnr» o. CkmttAaf *mm of JhPMo laasoor la la. at tha aaaaooA at tha ttea and ploaa At U ■ii la LpigMllatf ^■"mK at CtPMaa aaA OraMai. mwt ytmm tm. ^^nMfeiTnMgM of’•an ^.idhoih QrahoagB rMk aav* oUlMa la Mara laat aw af Mlahlgaa, wUl aa tha 14TH DAT tho Mta. at Watavtoarn la (Mr JULY. A. a Ull. at tha 8 4 orn 4 qgyr ft . jo Taai lawn af 90mm imw, Wmt r. Mrs. Oaar at A. W. JOLLY. ON ‘M aMai MwA b ta ta«a tW paa( «aa 8 4 af 14 A. ott w mm Mia. Martla Waaaar aaA aaa ■■ aiOM wlea. Townoktpo, Clinton aoaaty, Suparvto- Mr. and Mm. H. O. Fruit of .North cha; thence R 10.24 elm; thence 8 6.14 frien d s here laat week. che and cross N 1-8 line sec 21 at 26 8 4 of SB 4 of NW 4 1 WN 8W ora Fmak HImea. John T. Snttoa aad SAFETY Manchester, Ind.. were guests of Mrs. cnittton County Pioneera will pic­ M. I A. E Cowlea. Highway Commlaaioaeri Jonathan Fruit's parents. Rev. and Mrs. E. T. Iba W of 1-8 poet on E aide of NR Is one of the principal requisites of a good invest ­ nic nt DeWttt Augnet if. Ifll. Thence 8 15 Iko; thence E 26 Ihe N 4 of RW 4 ------1 8N 2W Soydor, Henry Boalager aad Soper- Spohn, the past week. Mra Caaste Smith of Grand Ledpe Ralph Cowlea. vioore Arthur U Tripp aad Wm. 81c- ment. Our certificates of deposit form a neat and MIee Rllsabeth DuBols accompan ­ and crooa line between sections 21 ia visiting her niece, Mra. W. 8. aad 22 at 15 Iks 8 of N 1-8 post. 8 4 of 8W 4 ...... ------_ 1 8N 3W kles aad Highway Ckanmloaloaera absolutely safe form of investment and draw four per ied by her sister. Mm. Bdwln Burt, Joe Blenmater. Louis 8. Gilaan aad Clasrtoo Joaas, drove to Portland last week to attend Dills. cent interest. Money to loan on real estate and per­ Wednesday. July 5 Ralph, son of 8. Theace R 8.78 chs; theace 8 26* W 4 of SB 4------1 «N 2W aad all unknown or non- the funeral of their aunt. Kellogg, fell and broke hla collar 20' R 10.86 chs and croas line between J. T. Daniels. reatdan t peraon a. ownera aad sonal notes. Sa fmty Dmpoait Bmtam For MmmL Mr. and Mm Braton Britton of bone. N H and 8 V4 of 8 H of NW K utr W4orB4ofSE4 _ 1 8N 2W parnoos latereoted la the above de- (•rand Haven are vlattlng his moth­ Mr. aad Mra. Jcnklne of William- 22 at 16 cha R of W line of oar. Wku. T. Stead. acribod land, and each of you of the er, Mm. Thomas Anderaon. aad bro­ ston visited at Bert Florlmn's last Thence 8 20* 20' B 6.20 cho; thenw K 4 of E 4 M 8R 4 1 8N 3W n ames eat opposite the above deserip- ther. Clyde Britton, and family. week. 8 24 Ike and crane R and W M line Dr. A. O. Hart. tloae, are hereby notified that at the : JOHN C. HICKS. Pres. BERT C HALL, Vice. Pres. Mr. and Mm. Prank McCmcken Mn. Oeo. Scott and Mra. (Canale aec 22 at W 1-4 poet. N 2-4 of R 2-1 of E ' time 6^ place aforeoald, or at aneh and children of Beldlng have been Smith called on Mrs. Jerome Dills of ae 4 ...... — -.2 8N 3W other unw and place theraaftor to ALVA BONESTEEL, Cashier visiting relatives and friends in town Thence 8 10 00 cha; theace R 10 Sunday. cha; thence 8 0 Iks and crooa 8 1-8 Joe Blaainster. which said hearing may be adjourned, vicinity for several days. The Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott spent July N4ofW4ofNW4 _12 8 N 2W we shall proceed to reeaive blda for little boys have a goat and tandem line aec 22 Washington twp at 10.12 4Ui with their son Frank and family cha W of H I'ne. Frank Rice. the coaetracUon of said No. 25 (GRU- nart and enjoy themselves immensely In Lansing. N 4 of E 4 of .NW 4 ...12 8 N 3W BAlTGH DRAIN) la the nzaaner here- riding about. Thence 8 20.17 cha and cross coun ­ labefore stated, aad aloo that at aueb D. Ll Simmons of Detroit spent ty line between Weahtagton and A. B. McNeil. Sunday with his parents. Dr. aad N 4 of NB 4 esc. 5 tiam of lettlag from nine o'clook ip Greenbuoh townships at 10.12 cha W the forenoon to five o'eloak la the af- Ta Bvery Pni ef an Mrs. Stnunons of % post 8 aide ace 22 Waahlngtcn. Acres In 9W CJor. 40 Miss Waunita Rockwell of Olive rods N and 8 by SO tovBoon. the aaoeaeoMata for benefits Grange visitetl I>eWitt Grange Sat­ Thence 8 22 lha and end at 10.12 rode E and W —...... 12 8 N 3W aad the landa comprioad within the Peter, Peter, Pumpldn Eater urday evealAK. cha W and 22 Iks 8 of H post 8 aide William Stevens. No. 25 drain epeeial aaaoaaamat die- aec 32 Waohington. Mrs Bari Gregg and daughter from TownoMp of Greenbuah tiiet will be zubjeet to review. And HAD A WIFE and couldn ’t keep her. Toledo. O.. was rt guest at John Weth* I^ength of (train 215.14 cha at Laigp ....------8N 2W you aad each of you, owaora aad pM^ erall'a last week. The length of drain on each de ­ Health and Highway. aoaa Intereatod la the atoraoaid land, But had he furnished her with scription of land is aa follows; are hereby oltad to appear at the Uam reraet Ca.. Rxrinsive Mr. aad Mm. Summer were called W3-4orN20A.ofB to Toledo. Friday by the serious 111- FaHon Tewnshlp aad place of said lettlag, as atoroaald, Mahers 100 A of W lU 1-3 neas of their son. Description Section Chsina Acres of NW Frl 4 aad be heard with reapzct to each we will give absolutely free for a Mr. and Mm M T. Woodruff and .SR H of NW 14 26 10.40 and a piece of land special zaemam rate aad yoor iatar- limited time, an elegant handsome daughtsr. Ruth, are ipending a few N 4 of NR 14 26 40.45 10 reds B aad W by 00 aota la ratoUon therato. if you ao da- Art Panel. llHxlo Inches of the days at Petoakey. Wn ehlnatoa Tuwaehip rods N aad 8 la 8W Tube Roce Flour American Beauty Rose—true to na ­ No more preaching in the M. E neecriptkm Secthm (Chains Cor. E 100 A. W 126 Dated this 27Ui day of June, A. D. 1211. ture in its delicate blending of colors. church after the evening service July NM’ 14 of SW 14 frl 21 12J2 1-2 A. NW Frl 4____ 5 8 N 2W doubtless he could have “kept her very' Bzcellent for framing. Worthy of a 16. until Angnat M. NB 14 of NW 14 21 10.00 Faoaie M. Itotr. place in any home. Please remember Mm. Kate Moon aad daugh­ NW 14 of NB 14 21 20.21 N4ofW4ofB00A. CouBty Drain Owiailaaioaer of the well,” for women, as well as men. appreciate this offer la for a limited time only. ter of Lancing vtolted DeWUt friends ,NB 14 of NE 14 21 28.55 of W 100 A. of 8W 4 County of Gratiot. Saturday aad Snaday. and N 4 of 8 4 of E good material that they may do their work If you srant one of these beautiful N H of SR 14 of NE 14 21 .51 LOUIS F. ORBBN. pictures It will pay you to act at once. Clinton County Ponuma aad Farm- N4or84ofNW14 22 12.04 00 A . of W 100 A . of em Club rally at the fair grounds la ^ ______5 8 N SW County Drain Comazlaaioner of tha easily and well. Get the good wife a satJe Hee ear alnAsw display ef these M- 840184 of NW14 22 11.00 St. Johns August 12. Ifll. N 4 of 8W 14 22 20.08 (^has. Schmidt Coaaty of Cllaton. tmcflve panels. of “Tube Rose ” and you, as well as she. will Mr. aad Mra. Bari Tucker vtalted W20AofK50Aof 8W 4 of 8W 4 ofSW .IWBiTABi BKAmr COBMETB. her parents. Mr. and Mra. Perry Mil­ 8 4 of 8W 14 22 20.17 4 5 8N 2W ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A be pleased with the results. ler. of Watertown. Sunday. 8. McMaater. ♦ ♦ AijtB •!.<&. Ai-M. ibaa mjm Qreaabask Township Bertie Moon aad family moved from ♦ BALLJUi. ♦ are fashioned after exquisite fashion ­ I.anaing Friday Into Mra. Bmlly Description Section Phalna W 26 1-3 Acres of NW Frl 4 5 8N 2W ♦ ♦ able lines, yet are substantial and Cook's house. West Main St E 100 A of .\W 14 frl r, 22 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A practical—the best medium priced Mra Rlla Brown and daughter Surveyed June. 1211, under direc ­ Wm. H. King and wife. Ovid Roler na,. ££ corset known. Helen of Lansing spent Friday and tion of E. W. Redman. County Drain N 30 Acres of W 4 of Saturday at M. T. WoodrufTa. Commlnoioner. W 4 of 8W 4™...... 5 8N 2W Horn to .Mr. and Mra Tony ITieien I ndlrr* MIsfes* aad Childrens Mra. Byron Rllzxard of Olive and C. H. REDMAN and J. W. HARROD, Bat of John Hyde. of Dolla* Saturday, July 7. twin girls. OXPtlBDH .ISD PrMFH. Mrs. Ubbie Reed of Watertown visit ­ * Surveyors E 4 of NE Frl 4 .... 6 8 N 2W Wheat la nearly all harvested and ed Mm Mary J. VanFleet Friday. NpeHffratUn* H. Grubaugta. stacked and now the whistle of the Dur shoe business last week was threohera will soon be heard. the biggest we have ever known. Mn. Roy Smith aad daughter of (II Station stakes and grade hubs W 4 of NE Frl 4______6 8 N 2W Maple Rapids, spent Friday and are set every 8 rods and are num ­ Bridget Boyle. Mr. and Mra Frank Halfman and Sixes are beginning to be broken in children spent July 4 with their bro­ some styles. If you need another pair Saturday with relatives in DeWitt bered consecutively from 0 at outlet NW Frl 4 and N 20 A. Mr. and Mra. R. M. Carrier and to upper end; stnkee 0 to 63 licluolve orW4of8WFri4 6 8N 2W ther-in-law aad family, Mr. and Mra. it will pay yoj to come at once. Tony Thelen. The prices range from II.SO to $3J0 children aad Miss Margaret Cush of are placed 20 ft to left of center line D. 8. Morriaoa. Lansing visited st E. D. Wllllsms. of drain. Stakes 64 to 82 are 20 ft to 8 414 A. of W 4 of 8W Mr. and Mra Fred Benjamin and per pair in ladieF, and from kOr to baby Opal aad Rrford Patterson visit ­ $1.75 in children ‘a and mlsaes*. Sunday. right of center: stakes 20 to 24 are 14 Frl 4 ______6 8N 2W Rev. French, district superinten ­ ft to left of center; stakes 25 to end U. 8. Morrieon (Trnatoe) ed at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Plenae Retlee Bar IHaplay In .^ertk Patteraoo Sunday. dent of the I.4Utalng district was the are 14 ft to right of center. Center _ 6 8N 2W WlaAsw. guest of Rev. G. T. Fisher and wife E 4 of SW Frl 4 Mr. and Mrs Cbaa. Zell. Henry and line atakea are placed at every angle Sam McMaater. Thursday. and every 80 rode. Herman Ernst and Mr. and Mra. Cbaa W 4 of SB 4______6 3N fW Cole, were at the home of Mr. and i Two candidates were inatnictad In (21 The slope of each bank ahall Irwlfi Skinner. To get your Lumber of the third and fourth degrees Sat­ be 1 4 ft horizontal to 1 ft verticaL Mrs. Paul Zell. Sunday. urday evening and Ice cream and enke .NK 4 of SB 4 and N Mr. and Mra. James and C. J. (21 The bottom widths shall be TO 4 of SR 4 of SR 4 .... 6 8N 2W Si P. Horr were served. feet from (Hitlet to stake 64; 6 ft from Mundell and children, Mr. and Mrs. us. Will Hyde. llenernl MAae. Maple BapMs, MMu Mrs. Bants fell laat week and broke stake 64 to stake 70 and i feet from William Talt. Mr. and Mra. John W. 8 4 of SR 4 of SE 4.... 6 8N SW Patteraon and Mr. aad Mrs. Frrd one bone In her wrist. Her son. Dr stake 70 to upper end. Geo. 1.4iomia. We carry a complete line Rants, reduced the fracture and she (41 The work la divided Into 80 Brown spent Sunday at Grand Ledge. .\E 4 of NE 4 exc. a They all made the trip In their antoa. Is getting along finely. rod aectlona except section 1 which atrip of load off E aide Mra. W. J. Idnn and Mr. and Mrs. contains 105.36 r^a and section 11 Word has been received here of the of Building Material of 10 roda wide ...... 7 8N 2W msBwkrflaswiMlifFs Bert Scott attended the dedicatory which r^ntaina 25J rods. death of boUi Mr. and Mra. John Mc­ service of the Christian Science Geo. Loomis. Donald. at the home of their daughter, i all kinds and our prices (51 Three highway bridges will be W 3-4 of E 60 A. 8 4 church in Ijanaing Sunday. Mrs. Alice Brown, In Detroit. Mr. required. of NE 4 ...... 7 8N SW A 10-cent supper will be served (61 Four rods on each aide of eon- McDonald passed away Wednes da y. are the lowest. L. G. Loomla. July 6, and hla c-ompanton the follow­ Friday on the lawn at the parsonage ter line of drain will be required for NW 4 of NE 4 of W at from 5:20 till all are aerved. lee ing Monday. July 10. They were not right of way to be tiacd in roaafmc- 4 of SW 4 of NR 4... 7 tN SW lonx ported. Mr. McDonald aad fam-i cream for those who wish. tion and for depoalllofi of earth. Mice Margamt Andrew* aad Mlaa R. H. caok. ily for many years resided In Leba­ (71 All excavations ahall be re­ I Acre la NE Car. of Griffin of St. Johns visited at Fred moved al least six feet from top edge non on the (arm now owned and oc­ Peltier's last week and Mr. sad Mra NW Frl 4 ...______8N 2W cupied by Mrn. Julia Wood aad fam­ of banka aad be spread. All timber H. Howard. Frank (Rwdard of Greenbusb were within the limits of excavation aad ily. Afterwarda they nzoved to Ar- IWT their gueels Sunday. .VW Frl 4 exc. 1 A. kaaaaa. but (or a number of yearn ■m ahall be cut aad removed be­ In NB Cor______7 8N tw Mrs. BtUe Klagalev and chIMrea of yond the depoaHioaa of earth aad now In tbetr declining yearn, they Jnekaon. Mich., vtalted her motker, B. A. and Loalaa Smith have bean cared for by tboir children. within the right of way. No timber N 4 of R 4 214 Aerm Their oM-ttase frieadn hare extend Mra. Bllabeth CaMer, last wank le to be covered wMh excavatloao. Mrs. Orsgg of Mason to vlaltlag her of aw 4 aad N 4 of •ympnthy to the bereaved oaaa (81 Ail aaglee not affecting high* W 4 af W 4 of SB daughter. Mre. J. WeiWrell. ways shall be tiirnad on eaey cniwea At a regular M. E. coafereaee 4 aad N 4 of B 4 commenciag two roda each way from of W 4 of SC 4____ 7 8N SW ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A I Parr Lmnber Co. i Thuraday It waa uaaalmously rcqneet- angle atake. Oobame CTamptoa. ed that Rov. Y. T. Piaber be retaraod (2) SnllaMe opealnge munt be left ♦ aOiBT. ♦ to the DeWitt charge aad also voted or made through the depooHkma of NB 4 of an 4 one. SB ♦ ♦ Mr. Fleher a four weeps’ vaoatloa earth to afford a free paooaar of ear- 4ofNB4ofaB4..7 8N SW ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A face walar at aueb placaa aa the gan- Bdwaad F. OnibauiNi aad wife. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ eral ourlaee omy daaaato. Towaahlp of Waahtagtoa Fred Hopp aad wife at Snaday ♦ ♦ (|0| The depth of diala aad width In Omad Ladoe. ♦ MNrni BBBBlfBrilB. ♦ on top ore msBaarad from leval ef at Latge ------ON tw HaalOi aad Highway. Maame IMles In raising aad re- ♦ ♦ grade huha la fast aad taatha as medallng bin hoam ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ shown by the proftla which la made 822AlorWS0A. of U C. leaders of Merle i woh onll- w. uwr. a a part of them epaelHeatlaaa aad oan 5 4 of BW 4 ...... SS SN SW •nXaHW Staawt. Sena. Mta mm* •■■■■•*•• ed oa frteadn ta Riley Moi A Popukar Will Bill. rstav»e»» wtaataaiMtan. Mrs. E H. Farbes la oa the sick offiee. " * Mr. aad Mrs. Angnat 8e maitor of enntavnatatanw. N 8 A. of W SO A . of lanaing rialled at Cliarlea 8hnffor4 *n«tata>*tat. lice. BIAa will bo reaalved upon tha low­ 8 4 af 8W 4 ..__ SI IN IW Mias Maude Graaawoad vlaltsd Mias er 500 rnda of opeo drain as a whale, B Otebaugh Ghariae Shafler aad wtfo entertala* Niao Steadman Inat Banday. Ml aloo lo OO-roA eoetlaao. the (maaoti- Sac Twn ed July 4th her awther. brother aad etoaera reaarv lag to thsamsivm tha Paart Steadman Is boas* again for B SO A. of W 00 A. of Mntzr la-iaw. right to let the work to the best la- 8 4 of aw W while. a SN Haying aad bnrrant are absat oeer tereom of the drain. Will Ryda. la thin naiahbovhoad A very ftee THE NEWS WANT The ChllArao’o Day aaoraiaos at tha The eerttoa at the aaUat of aoM 4 af as 4 af 8W 4 Si SN crap af boMi. Greaabaa% H. B. ehursh wars m Drain will he let ftrat and the Philo Mllla. IP Mve. Fator Millar of Rilay, who hao carriad oat The ehgreh waa m lag smetloas ta their avdar np 4 of aw 4______Ji SN haon a gnat oufNter far a lagg Uma, COLUMNS. la nrrnrAaaei with the Al^ A. W. Jolly. Mr. aad Mrs. U D. Qi on nto wIBi the atoar pagaia ^ af 8 4 of 8 4 two aaas, Claade aad ao bears Mr. lag to ooM Prato ia ^ agtoa at tha at tm tk ...... • N Mrs Will Clalaad as Pboak Ofwhaaah. Otobe • Oar tha. oM Imther aad Aaaa. ai Ooaaty af (Iratlat. to ^ S^ af N 4 af 8 4 ■d Omto dnAH 9m Matfhaoa vlaMad Hr. WBI My ho had hr all .p of NW 4______Ji ON tor too Ihtla aad kMo w|]l ha oa onCiioM iX M

J. c. Mra. Cbau. Ilaaaar of AHaaaa la at ♦ **SSSBBfc ♦ all tba koaaa of Mra. ■ N Waite balplng kte alas aaur doat ba tala of Joaaph LaHtoaL, to earo tar "Aunt Dolly** Dodaa wbo BBgiy laar toartal alaMMa.** ba besfd bp tha.JhdB9 Frabato at at a A la npHn at bln said Caaatjr, at tba Prabato Offlaa la la faillag vary faat w«th no kopa df Baal wtrttlad absat a ad traaipad 1 IP f 1 Mir raeovory. oaat aad Usb hat Pbvl to tba otbar ead of tba raaai. tba aty af St. fabaa. aa tba SSth dar him at oaea aa tba yasuro maa wbaaa Th* ith of July wm Ml aa parfoaC ■ A. Utabflald. our rlllapa puut- Paul TbompauB w«u ragnriod la “I ouppsoe It waa olliy, bat I waat- at fliriatoer. A. D., Ifll, aad cbat laatiur. luft kla Mepela la front of tba MlBoronville aa a wnsMor tor buat- clotbaa ba bad savlad oa tba trola. ad to asa haw ydb aaoated to bm la tba crsdHara of said daaaaaod aia al- u Of. • 4ay aa Him. O. L. Bmtaard plaaoaC Tbe I4aa that ba waa a frtaad at WlUla o Umto vara plaaalac tkair paat offlaa Botorday foranaan aad un* llBg. He never bud buan away ftnai Now Tofb sarraaadlagB. y«t I ^da't iowad alx BMMrtha from tbs data of Mr ■ Hrodto maaa. Of- forttiaabaiy anutabady waated a wbaal tbe vtllage uatii be gradaated froai Maud's fUlad Paul with a mlgtaro at mamt to aak yoa to coom aa bars; aa tbla aattee la whiab to prroaa^ tbalr f_lp If a, m. and 1 to 4 4 Br'a oattac ana vttli a faw ralathraa prtda aad daxtety. Ma tnrasd baaMly bury badly tor tbay teak it aad iaft for tbe high acbuul aad wuat to tbu 4aa- I JasC dlda't write maeb, aad you (Doof?%L) faaar aad taapov^las) Uioacht that a to so la aad lavaatlaate bla staadtog ikmlr at tba hoaae of bar motJiar, Mra. paita uahaowB. tei uabool. aad tbe daatnl aabeal was Dated June tPth. A. D. Ifll. Cbaa. Caii aad wtfa la raturnlBg Boc altanted in a lowa Inrpa aaoaibi -aad aaar tbai tba ssrvaat wbo bad **Aad now —1 suppuoe my eiatbaa CMAHUB M. MMII^U ■allay, would ba about tba propar uibaroi «loUM at tba aad oae of tbe Mian Mtoorcaa of tbe Probate Offlee in tbe City of St. atora. Tbe oaw draaa waa dallvarad cal roaart oa Buonu Laba.| This Inke "Paul." wna ao naaaed by its admirars becaoua PauUi motber's aroeratloa waa atJli He baalteted and waa last. Whan Johns oa Monday, tbe Mtb day .. OB tba morBlnc of tba 3rd aad. omb - spabsB of with aw# aa bavlag mar­ June, in the year oaa tbouaaad nlaa [“-^JJ***™"** D. W. Kailap. ttka. Bralaard piekad tba wrong bun* ♦ .NINmi MN«AL ANB B1WKX. ♦ it reooaiblud Cohm in beauty, and wna be turned back Maud bad liaoa and LUnr, AUotitoya even nM»re reatfuJ. There he paddled ried Into a magalflcleat* ^atabitab’ waa ataading witb bar soft hands out- hundred and elevao. |WAUHUDaK m 41a. and tba new draaa waa taban to meat bacwiiae aba kapt a batler in bar Preaaat. CHARLBB M. liKll]ULL.| at Laar, oaar cotaar drag atota, Bt tba atora aad cut up tnto a eholaa aa* bis ouuoe all aumaser, figuratively, to atretebad aad bar pretty brown eyes tbe profit of hlo poehetbuok. and “maaalaa’* oa Mt. Aubara. dacinnatl. filled with teora. ^ul took ber in Judge of Probate. aortmaot of duat clotba before Mra. In tbe matter of tbe estate of l|ln- ; “ John Snltb loot a valuable boraa literolly, to tbe loan of hia heart. impreaaad fram eblldhoad with such Ma arma. Bralnard appaarad with tba otbar Ideas of tbe useful bouaabold funr- nie Coleasaa-Waldroa, d aBiaaed. On-fJ ■ARUD BBOWN, Attovaay at Law. buadta. It la raportad that Mr. Brain' laat weak. When be got out of tbe alatloa "1 think your clotbaa are parfactly Uoaary It te not stroase that Paul horrible.** abe robbed uo his abouldar. reading aad filing tbe petition duly Offkaa over Stats Rank, It Jabas aid now lakaa off bis aboaa uisbta Mra. Joe Ulrich is confiaad to the omnibaa at the (Touts House Maud Steveoe waa sittlag ou tbe veranda haalteted. aad then, as tbe door abut, “but I think you are Just aa splendid veiiflad of Harry Coleman, praying bofora going Into tba bouaa; and if bad by illaooa turned atroy. He bad expected to that tbe laat will and taatameat of WILL H. BSUNBON, Attornay at Law, aa keapa half tbe promlaao ha baa exercising a rocklag-cbair in a fash­ aa you can be.** , 9L Jobaa, Mich. Horn to Mr. nod Mrs. Fr^ C. Tiedt ion to diopiny to advantage higb-beel- meet Maud in a Mg bouae, bat he was eato deceased may be proved and ad- Mode, hia wife will be the best-dreaaed ^ ^ nloe-poond son unprepared —in those clotbaa at any mined to probate aad that ba or aome wotuan in town ed blue aboea and blue atocklaga. His ■mm VO LOAN. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Radamacher and obaervaat gnxc noted that bar draas rate—to encounter a man servant. ♦ ♦ . otbar ouitable paraoa may ba appolni- ^ I ed exacutor of aald estate, baby visited relatives In Dnilas Inst bad______more luce___ ou it than any other Aa he walked slowly back to hlo ♦ BBNtiAL USNTM. MONBY TO LOAN—Oa Drolb Tabca an Klale Bey. Sunday. girl's In eight, nnd that her hat woul#f car be realised that be waa up against m Tbereupoa it is ordered; That R. E. Page died at bis home in St. fkaradgy, tba fffb day at inly* A* D. eurttjr at raaaoaabla latoa amd on Mra. Bll Smith of Lebanon spent have required a prop If It had been a problem to which he bad not given ■atletoetory tarma. at Tba State Louis July 9th. 1911. of tubercuioaia. 4M1« at one o'clock in tbe afternoon laat week Friday with Mr. and Mrs. a real rone bush. She waa further aufflclent value. He had thoubgl that Baak of St. Jobaa. Larga or aamll aged 39 years. He leaves a wife, a John Smith. decorated witb ringn, chains aad be would excuse the tcontlnuss of him be aaaigaed for the bearing of aald tather and motber. one slater ;uid two Preaching In the hall next Sunday petitiou, aad that tbe helra at law aad aarouato Gall and asa oa. J. W. Mias Minnie Mohnke qf Ann Arbor pins to an extent that to Paul*# de ­ wardrobe by the suddennsns of bis at 2:30. Pltogarald. Caabiar. tf broUiara. Mr. Page was ‘wall-known ducting eye Implied either a copper trip, but it was cisar to blm in a legataes of aald decaaead and all oth­ visited her sister, Mra. Fred C. 'Tiedt. (lien Harper spent last T'ueaday in er peraoas inte rest ad in aald estate bare aa nearly his entire waa last week. mine or a political pull in tbe back­ fla^ that he had not tbe courage to MONEY TO LOAN—At low rata of la- pnaned in this \telnUy. He was atnbl- Lansing. ground.. He found oau-tbat it wna offer tbe esenee. Tbe correct ooo- L. O. Brown was in Eureka last Uoua tn secure an education and waa “Urandma** Kosaow of Riley spent tumnlng of his. exfeliow-traveler ^ ^ •la laoatTe at offtoa at tL W front Saturday until Tuesday with not the latter, for ber father was dead Wednesday. obliged to rely on bis own efforts for —ao aaid the clerk whom be ashed ehowed blm what be ought to be Probate office in tbe City of St Johns WulbfMge. tbe expenses of bis schooling. Laat ! Mrs Fred T1e«lt. wearing at that moment, aad be knew Horn to Mr. and Mre. (leo. Murton. I and show rouae. If any tba'ro ba, wby about ber before he went to bis room. a son, July 7. ; the will should not ba approved; Oetober finding hia health wna fall­ Mra. Calvin Rice and children of She was at tbe lake with relatives that be ebould not flare to appear be­ umrr Tmm bpbiibiiicl ing. he moved, with other membars j near 8t. Johns visited relatives In fore the man-eervant wMbout exact Miss Kate Brown returned from And it la further ordarad that no- snd was golDg to stay all summer. On Breckenrldge last Wed n esd ay tlce be given to the peiaoao Intor- Aad roya tbe balance la a batter of the family, to New Mexlro. ,for a ' this vicinity last Sunday. the Btrength of this information Paul ■rteraoou or <'veniBg dress. change of climate, but received no I Mra. Fred Mohnke of South Bengal Miaa Howe of Middleton vieited at | Mted In said estate of tbe paadaacy way to gat a aCart tbaa to Ibait yottr went to tbe boat-houee and hired a It must be eveaing dress, he re­ and apaad the balaaoa. benefit and came back to St. Louis. la spending several days with her flected ae be reaebed BUrbth Avenue. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crowley,j (||^ hearing thereof by raiialng a I canoe for the eeaaon before be un laat week. ; copy of this order to be published in CaantY JafvfBfi Mat, MIcb.. laat April. Tbe remains were I daughter. Mrs. Fred C. 'Tiedt. packed bis trunk. He and Maud ex- for tbe day waa waning. How to get brought here to the home of his aunt, Margaret Travis of Pontiac Is vis- the St Johns News, a newapapsr (Raaoniaao t6M.0M). Beveral In this vicinity attended changed Interested giaacee from a “spike-cont** at this late hour, how­ Ring In the home of Mr. aad Pays 3 par cent Intarabt oa all dapoo- Mrs. Rose (larrett. P^lneral waa con ­ ever. b^ld not know, but be threw , printed and circulating in aald coun- I the barn dnneo at Fred Mohnke ‘a in nearby tables In tbe dining-room at (Tbaa. Travie. ] ty of Clinton for three succeoaive Ito. Loom moaay on arortgagaa aad ducted by Rev. O. J. (iolden and bur- ! South Bengal Tuesday evening. supper, and abe came to his office tbe reserve aside and coafldad bla n acaa- Ini in village cemetery Tuesday after­ There were forty presen t at the weeks previous to said day of beor- otbar approved •aearttY. next morning to get a spool of dental alty to the clerk. Tbe clerk was a League meeting which was held at ALBBRT J. BALDWIN. Pros. noon ' Master William Smith spent several lac- days with his Krandparenu. Mr. and floss. *Tbere were too many other friend In need, informed him that tbe borne of Mr. and Mra. Frank Kals- COOLET E. BALL, Flea Ptoa. girls at tbe hotel for chances to be “dreoa sulii" could be hlfad, dallied (A true copy.) Mrs.. F. M. Piggott, in I.«banon. ling last Friday evening. Refreab- CHARLBB M. MBRRILL. R. C. DEXTER, Tiuaa. Anaaul Hcbeel Meeilag. lost by shyness or delay. Paul did not with the telephrme In his behalf, and roente were served and a pleasant ev ­ I Mrs. W. T. Whltford and baby lAoyd lose any chances, elt^r, aad when sent tbe deaii^ garmeota to his room Judge of Probate. *The annual school meeting was ening was spent. Mr. and Mra. Frank i Last issue July 13 j of South Beng.*!] spent laat week Fii- the end of the season parted them he In time for him to draaa for dinner, held at the school house Mcmday ev ­ ) day with her mother, Mrs. O. Newman. Rice will entertain the next meeting THE STATE BANK OF ening. Over one hundred of the vot ­ told hia friend, the clerk, of tbeir en- lust ae if be belonged to those select Friday evening. August 4. ST. JOHNS. ers were in attendance. L. L Bur-,I .Mrs., . F. M. Piggott and son Marion gagement. That young man with a aoctal circles which, he knew from dick waa elected trustee for three! ^ obaenration, tempered hie coo-. the sXories In "Tbe 400,“ never let eix ST. JOHNS MARKETS. ____ «L . _ yroro and it waa voted to have 9^ a™ ■*•*•'■* gnitulatlona: “Go^ for you. foxy ‘ o'clock catch them without a "awal* NO EOCTOE TO HELP BBB BIB.: ------fO—BCTAL ANB BATIINM. months school. A little spice was I •*® ‘** ‘ boy!* ’ with 'Swing on tight; mmmer' low-tall" on, COBBSrTBD POB TBB NBW8 CAPITAL PAID IN FULL. tIO.OPO. Like many of the older set of ■RT TBUBEBAT BOBimML ___ added to the meeting through the ef-1 August Martin and Mrs. Aug- engagements are fragile!" By half past seven he was startsd J aouthsrn darklsa, when tbe Civil war i «forts of one of the citlens trying to I Irer and daughter l40ulsc of South This advice sowed in Paul a seed • again, a little nervous lest he ! closed. Uncle Bi^ralm and bis wife. St. Johns, July 13. 1911. F. A TRAVIS BBAiira. aucure the reinstating of a pupil who . Bengal stient .Monday with their sls- of uneaslneos which grew to be ur­ be later than the proper hour of mak­ Aunt Jane, as they ware familiarly M. WELLER Vies PraaMsat had been expelled by the board. Tbe ] ter, Mra. Fred C. *Tledt. gent aa the winter wore on and ing evening calls. Secure in his ele­ known, chose to rsomin with tbalr Wheat, red ... ..78 J- PrraaERALD Caabiar aentlment of tbe meeting wna in fa- ^ . ------— brought blm fewer and fewer letters gance he encountered the man who former miatreaa rather • tbaa to try Wheat, white .. 77 A. J. 8. Jury Aaalatoat Cbabler vor of sustaining the board trtid the from .New York. In spite of his rols- opened to him. his calm unshaken by tbeir fortune elsewhere. Because of Date ...... _ 42 E. A. TALLMADOE Taller matter will indoubtedly be tbreehed j ♦ ♦ token Idea that push meant progress any translation of tbe glance which this fast Mra. Smith was paeullarly Rye 55 Three per cent intoroat paid oa aar- out In the circuit court. nrPLAiN. the flunky iMInorcavtlle always sittached to ber fonaar alayas aad aaw (?boice hand picked beans 11.75 tlflcatas of deposit aad oa aavtama '♦ and that ahow balanced substance there was s auhstretum of simplicity callsd them "flunkies" or "Isckey") to it that tbay stood In need of none C. H. P. and over 10 Ib. picks .... ILM accou^ *• Anetber BM Plen err Huun. and humility still unspoiled in him. east upon his white four-in-hand, his of tbe ordiuaiT comforts of life. ** ^ ***** ***' ^ ^ PTlnclpnl eltiw As he grew more and more uncertain derhy. and his printed card: Slckaess, however, bad laid bold on of Henry M. Rills, one of tbe old set­ Mrs. Tree continues very low. picaeu. Europe. Acoouate at farman, 1 tlers of IMiplain township, died Mon ­ of his prise he came to know that DR PAUL THOMPSON. Auat Jaae aad for days Bpbrlam had irora. shelled, per bushel day, July 10, 1911, of paralysis. Mr. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ice Mon ­ what be really loved in Maud waa the DENTMT. baoa kept away from tbe "Big House.'* | Corn In ear U ' ^^**’*^ ^ laeclMUilou reoetved <« fav- Kills was 78 years old and had been day, a son. gentieneas and goodness that made minorcavilia :, o . Bariy one morning, upon opening tbe 1 Clover aeed, June ...... *>*00 “niiiieietrot with roto eonfined to the bouse tor a year, a Frank McCullough la threshing her a girl of worth even If she had This ordeal over Paul waited In the rror door of her hoaae, Mrs. Smith Clover seed. Mammoth .... helpless invalid under tbe sole care wItb Mr. 'Tlllotson of Elsie. been iiennileas; and aa be looked over reception room with a new turn of aaw Rpbrlam approaching. Knowing Clover seed. Alsyke _____ m'm bnnMng. Supertor fbcilltlsn for xonk- lag coHectlonn of all blade. of his faithful and aged wife. He thought Wheu he waa married, j fkat Aunt Jane had bean sick, she LIVE 8T0CB. Mrs. Vina Smith spent laat week Moaer loaned oa approved seeurl- was a member of the Maaonic fater- with her parents near Maple Rapids. Cattle, fatted ...... 14.00 B $4.50 tlee rtH, 74^^. hi. <____ h- Ka.bu 2,r“•**d:r color, but, *"neverthless. “**11? *" "i!he;’' wy '25r*SJT'saes osad. ^ alty and tbe funeral services were Haxel Halner and Arthur Salters of w.. woi.d.r7?7 ”ho“'“ '• Veal calvee ______$5.00 9 $7.00 ____ conducted Wednesday afternoon by Hogs, per cwt ...... $$.00 9 $$.50 DIBBCTOBB. Bengal spent Sunday at tbe home of fair to hia betrothed. He had been /»'«7^** dead the Ovid lodge of which be waa a M D. Smead. Sheep, per owt ------t$A0 O UM F. L. ShUey, Otto Foliar member, burial in Riverside ceme­ daxxled by her apparent wealth, and ' " “Tea. yaa'm. ahe’a daad. “ Lnmba, per osrt ------$$.00 O ••-00 ; j. w. FltageraM. H. B. Kaeaiand, Mr. and .Mrs. Ben RIm of Maple lion for "Whan did she die. Bphrlam?** tery. had thoujtot of what It mtght do for Q**-**®" for immediate decialoa. he DBBfNHED MBAlik *0. W. Mnager. F. A Tmtrto, Rapids spent Sunday at the komafwm. «id he hmi not analyx^l tb* •» for him at “She died about mldalght. laat of E W. Smith. ^fact that he was relying on a cer- ^ 'I ***'"* alghf Beef, dreaaed . .N„ $4.00 0 $7.50 C. T. Babeoek, Dr. M. Weller. M. K. ( bnreh Nete«. Miss Kale Scofield of Ovid is giving "Well, well, well—did tbe doctor Pork, dreeeed ...... $7.00 9 $$.00 C.~ B. Qiffels. tain fundamental plainness in ber to J** “‘‘J* ’ mw Calvee. dreeeed ______$7.00 9 $9.00 Mtaa ITIa Wool! will lead the Bp- instnictlons In music to a cl of I blind her to the extremely smsil re- touched the actuality. I get there before ehe died? “ worth League meeting next Sunday eight at the Colony. ! turn that he would be making Per-1 "No. Muttoa. dreeeed ______$7.00 m‘n. Che Jee* died by bereelf.’ Tallow ...... 4 TEArBBBfP EXAMINATIONfl. evening. The topic will be, “Need, Mr. and Mrs. Erman Hie and son did not prevent his appl^ng himuelf j —National Monthly. the (late to AUiundance,*' Phil. 4:19; haps she was waking up to that raal- UTE POULTET. Pdr ItM «to Iff I. spent from Ssturdsy until Wednes ­ Ixatlon. to close observallon of the hangings' -- _____ 1 „ Phil 4:13 You are invited to be day of laat week with bis sister in and pictures md ornaments while he ! HOE HE FOUND TBE SAMPLE. Hens ______Until further notice Teaebera* Ex* present. I>etrolt Tbe more he thoui^t about If the time. i What the little girl, with tbe ten ------* antoatloBS will be held as followre; Chickens, large .. ------9 ’ ^ Jobaa, in tbe Court hooee, bw> Sunday morning service at the reg­ A great change haa taken place at more uncomfortable he became, un -1 He had plenty of time. Maud dW !pennies, wanted waa some Broilers. 1 3-4. to 2 lbs ular hour (*reacbiDg by the tiaator til he felt that nothing but a trip to ...... gtaalng second Tburaday of August. our colony grocer>'. .Mr. Wool of not appear for nesriy half an hmir. f*** ribbon of a particular shade for Ducks ...... ------9 Johns, in (Toon bouse, beginning in tbe evening. Union service at tbe lainaing has purchased the stock and New York to see his lady love again Gesae. fat ...... with hia own eyes would satisfy him. Then she drifted in all lace and lang- tnoiber. She knew tbe shade, but tblrd Tburaday of Oetobar, F. B. church. has the Interior of the building paint ­ tior. wltlf some murmured remark ‘'ottWb * explain It. and all she could Turkeys, fat------. 12 ed and cleaned in general and is put­ His mother, whom he worshipped and HIDBfL 8t. Jtdtns. in Court bouse, beginning who adored him. urged him ou. about not expecting any ooe so early, that, no, not that nor Giird 'Thuraday of June. Haplist <'bnreh. ting In a fresh stock of up-to-date and with an alr> assumption of "aide ” ****** deeper than that, and not Beef hides ------8% Notes for Sunday. July 18th: The I goods. "I don't care if she's a V'aiiderbllt that atiffened I*aul In the attitude of *®J?,****' ***** “ ®** ‘ Horse bides ------PROGRAM. pastor will take for his morning topic. heiress," she cried, "she won't find Apollo In pursuit of Daphne. He ad- ‘**'**®^ ••• looking hopeleua, Calf sklM. green------Ffrat dny— Morning, Orthography. “The characteriaalcs of a good A NOniF DAMF. LADT’S APPKAI-. anywhere a young man handsomer mlrrvl Its metmimlltanlem. but It **•*•" •«ddenly she dartful from tbe Deacott skins ------4 « Spelling. Aiithteetic. oral aad writ- To all kaowtag sufferers of rbeuam- or better dressed than my Paul." cast a fearful damper on hU hopes. *•*»*»; “** « P*rolng gentleman Sheep pelts------25 to $1.00 Theory aad Art. Afternoon. Oeo- member “ In the evening union ser­ tlewi. whether maacular or of the Joints. vices. Hev (Iolden will preach. Secretly l*aul concurred in the Considering that It waa the part of 1*^ the h^d. ‘Will you pi ewe come PRODUrS, TEOETABUM, FimTIi.! Oovenunent and U. 8. Rto- •rtattca. lumbsgas. heckacbe. palas in flrat sentiment, hut he had seen tory. The rhrlsilsn Kndeavor will be led the kldasys or neuralgia psins. writs to good generalship to begin the attack ^*** ***^* •**® asked, Butter 17 9 18 by the (taslor. Topic, "Our debts: her for a bswie trestamet which has re- something of (wople at Coma loike, he fired the first shot in a question ! ** ”*®f®®* 7*, .. . l-Iggs Second day — Morning. Grammar. ItsMleiily cored all of these tortures. She and he was a trifle uncertain as to the what are they? How to pay them ’’ feele It her duty to eaad It to all euf- about the infrequency of .Maud ’s let-i ^•'^****^' "•y <*ft*<*kblddy, * replied Potatoes ...... - I Phywiology, Reading. AfternoaS. I ferere FREE. Toe cure rooraelf st Impraosion that the productions of term .Maud shrugged her shotildeni I »be gemieroan. *if I ‘’•n be of any — ^**!Ecbool Law. State Manuel aad Courae Rom. 13:7-1(». You are welcome Onions ...... $1.00 0f Study, Algebra. Botany and Phjmiea , hooM aa theuasads will t«stlfy~Bo the Minorravllle tailor would make and patted her horse-collar pomps-1^ i chanee of cllaists beta# necsaasiy. This in the city Appearance meant much HAT. STRAW. WOOD. III) I Mmole dtoceverr hsntehes uric scid frowi I The little girl replied not, but led I faecoad grade.) General History, (aec> R. H. VanDeiiaen is very III to him, for he was still at the sla^ Timothy No. 1...... 114.00 oad grade). neuritis. I the blood. Inaoeas______the atiffened Joints. , , . . u ______"I’m such a floor letter-writer. I ] *•** wondering stranger to the coun- purlftM the blood, sad brlAten ttw eyes, j ®f development when a person si wara- Timothy No 2 ...... $13.00 Third day— (for flrat grade appll- A. J Hankins did business In Owos-| icivtng eisotlcity 'and tons to tbs whets never know what to say,*' was all the ...... ** - robe guaranteed not only hIs check explanation «he offered. i nilas she said triumphant- Timothy No. 3 and light mixed $12.00 <* 4 uita only) GesMral History, Physlea ■o Monday. ’ "yatrot If ths above intorsota you. for hut his social iiositlon. Still it seem­ No. 1 Clover ...... Mr. and Mrs. John Hannon spent d SST "«■»»♦«. Box R. , "You could always talk about ouri wants some ribt^ the ...... $10.00 8»«* Geometry. ed to him that the Journey was the engagement." peralated Paul. (color this gentleman s noae. * Jfo- Wood, bard ______$2.50 Certlfloatea of all grades will ba Sunday In Ithaca. , ______Wood, mixed ______— ----- only way to win hark his feeling of "fhir engagement?" repeated Maud. | ®** Monthly, $1.75 granted at tbe examination at St. Hart Grey of Pompeii visited J. A security. I Wood, soft ______IIJO 9 $1.75 ' Johns In August aad Mareb. Cartlfl- Watson's last week ‘a * raising her eyebrows delicately. "We ' ------I - ■ — — . ■ . The trip was pleasant to th-' young ______' oataa of the aacoad aad third grad tia Wm. Snelling and family of Fowler ]♦ —DEALS...... IK...... DIET. did say some foolish things laet sum­ F4IILBD. spent Sunday in town man from the couatry because it was mer, I believe, ” The ('aptain (1500)—So the dun-| QBAND TBtINB RAILWAT BTNRM. Uoaawill ba granted at all other axaaiiim- a novelty to him. but he found hlm- That waa too much for Paul. He geon game won't work? ' Mrs C. C. Kryder has returned ^tcOaiale In efiaat 7, Itll. from a visit to .North Star. , self unable to enjoy its every detail threw* c4iutlon and diplomacy to the The Warder —No Somebody smug­ All eaaminatlona will begin nt t ^ Clare Hates of I>urand spent Sun ­ ------; because hia mind waa so full of bis winds, in hia indignation gled an empty hogshead and .x couple day with hia parents, L G. Bates Anhiir I.a>we|| to Goerge H. Daniels, anxieties about Maud. Everything “Fnoliah things! he reputed In an ' ®f wall-mottoes in to the prisoner, Mail ______------7:56 a. m THBO. H. TOWNSEND. Mrs. A. E. Cobb is spending the com Ifi rods e of sec line between sec j suggested her. A prstty girl acroas outraged tone. "So you're one of**** thinks he's in a rathsikeller.— Steamboat Bxpraos — ...... $:47 a. m Oommiaaioaar of Seboola. week with friends at Re^'s lake. 17 and 18. Watertown, about 44 H rds the-alsle had her brawn eyes, but not those summer girls that the comic pa- { Fttrk. Mail ...... ------12:53 p. m. Dr. G. H, Beal and wife made a im of nwr corner sec 17 thence e to her sweetness or a tenth part of her pen laugh about.” ------Mail and Exprros _ — ------4:37 p. m business trip to St Johns Tues4ay. highwafer mark loxScIngglaas style. Why, thst traveling dress. Maud watched him calmly, and ' •• terribly Improvi- ••Tfealna Dapart Oaing Wool Miss Neva Dement of St. Charles Is thence south along highwalerl23458 compared with the one that Maud showed no signs of Injury at this ac- | " Mall aad Ffapraaa ... ------1$;56 a. ra. at the home of E N Waite and wife. KIver thence south along high- wore when she left the Imke for cusatlon. There was even something j ”^***** **** doneT ’ Mall ...... Si g. m. Mrs. Flora Craddock Is making an water mark of Said River to land New York, was as a i»anuy to a iieony. ; In her eyes that might have bsen 1 **l 8»t six months* aliinooy at Steamboat Bapro 7:2$ p. m extended visit with relatives in Ohio. owned by D W LowHI thenc^w to land Paul rather fancied himself for that translatfid as admiratloo. She leaned ' bridge before the divorce hud even Mall ...... 7:5$ p. m I B^rf aiMS in Mrs. J. A Whitbeck of Detroit Is owned by Mrs L. l*arke n'*to place bit of comparison, snd said It over hack languidly In her chair as Paul ; bsen formally applied for."—-Waahlng- JOHN WHERRBTT, Agrot of beginning. 15b. once or twice ao that he should not stopped before ber, frowning too Star. vtsItlDg her aunt. Mrs J. 8. Clemsut. MAPLE RAPIM 8TA«E LINE. Mrs. A. L. SIrkels and daughter George H. Paalels to Dwight W. formet to repeat it to hie sweethearf "Eltber you’re m flirt.” he asserted I FanMand Minnie are visiting friends at (Haego Ia>wel|, same as above description, A young man w)»o weiked through pointing his finger at her In arraign-. NOTIUE. Laave Maple RapMa at t:M a. m a* ‘ Lake. 11.00 the car was bo eminently well-dreueed ment. "or else you thought I wanted lira at 8t Johaa at 10:20; leave s Srnsat Sexton Is visiting his wife James Hulberi to Ernest B. Pardse. (bat Paul wondered unsaally whstber to marry you for your money aad : To ownera **®®* ***® ” ®*^ occuplera J^M at 2:20 p. ol . arrtve at Mopt after an exteaded visit in the wsatera n Ki n^ nw sec 32, Bingham, Maud would prefer tbe etraager's air you’re trying to puntob rae. 1 don't ,« ‘•■o or aay P*t^ or peraons. Bhidda at 4. Ordara left at DeWitt $1400. to bla. Paul's. bellsve you’re s flirt," he went on. , "rtn or corporation baviag charge of whniaoolahoaae pitaapUy atnadif t< alates. WILBUR HAWr. Proprietoi Mlaa Blanche Setteiingtoo retnraad Thomas W. Lsidwtn to Township of But that wav mndnsos lay; and he determined to reade r Jaatiee though •■y lands in this state: to ber studies in Detroit laat Tueaday DeWItt. a strip of ground 4 rds aq began to brod his thoaghls to hts be- the gtri'i unruffled air under bin NoGce to berahy gtvea that *11 nox- avaaiag. south of lot 320 bik 44 aad n of lot 3$5 havior In .New York, for be wanted 1 charge waa irritaUag to a degree., bik 45. DeWitt. $iO. to appear well before Mead.* aad be “but now that 1 aee all this elemmare,*^ township of Duplaln. county of Hugh Loyass aad family are nsov- J. Ruaaell GrinoM to Township De­ did not want to seem overcoam by tog iato tbe rooms over A. Newtog- that jroii Ilee In I've no doubt you Gltotoa, or wfthtn the llmito of any Witt. com 3 rds w of nw cor bik 44 n the elsgance of ber bonne, which be thought me a fortuae-hualer. Well, highway paostog bjr or throng such Mlci Ml* bakery. j to rds w 1 rd s 20 rds and e 1 rd to imagined was very ftoe indeed —finer, I’m not. I loved you baeaoae you are lands must be cut doom and duotray- Mias Hasel Crane, attsodlad oebaei bag, $i0. probably, stace Mend waa finer, tbaa a dear, sweat girt, aad you can aak oa or before tbe first (let) day of wtff Cr at Mt Plsaaaat vlaltod over Sunday Mary Frendsr to Caroliae laiecbt e anything known to Mtaoreaville our mother whether $*ve talked about J»lys-A D. Itll. sHth ber paraato bees. H w M ae M sec 22. Bengal, tl. j Ito reglaterad at an uaim port ant yoa or about yonr money —though I’m I _?*®**®* ^ *** brush Mias Neva BriggB raturaad Wad- J. Friable Walsh to Roht Shingle-' hotel to wbicb tbe Pullman coadnetor not auch a fool ao not to know its fwiwlag wfthta the llmlta of aay Ttan Tahto VtocUra Agrtl 11. toooday from a week's vtatt with bar ton. loto 5 aad Ablk 1. Roaaett’s aub* ' direetod btoi. made oa eiahorate tollat. valae Hat 1 ooe BoW*— be sraved bla highway poosing by or through awch tjmm A t, ii. p. m^i. $. 1 olafor, Della, in Detroit. | division outlot 2. also lot 7 e 4 lot $, la wbicb a rad alik baadkorchief bint- haadband arooad the room—“that ymi're. 1*^ aad removod 7. It. IS. Mias Vera UtcbffeM of the Mt I bik 5. Village of OvM ! lag from bin bvenat pne het, and a bot- maeh too rtob for me. so Hi aay goad- oa ot hatora the flrat day of Augaot Fleasaat summer aonaal agaat Sua-j Joaseo H Wellings to Cbauaeey E. tie at perfnaie partlctpatad, aad aal- bye aad go bame." ! ^ I’* ^*71 4ay with ber parrots here. Pratt, com ae cor of nw M nw M see Bad uptown. "Walt. Paul" Pbllaip to comply with this aotlee { _____ Maadla raie^ had ito uaforgotten on or before the date mentloasd or \ _ Mmy Mra. Harvey Bock aad tarn eblMran j 14 tbsoee w on a line of ssc 14 aad ! Inquiry started him to aa nghth (thi af Ovid spent Moaday with ber par- 17 to Its Interasctlon with s line of, Avenue car, and at a bigh-nomherad gaainii I geutlensas. I too days thereafter ahall make . Detroit); t:20. U:S0. P. m.- right of way of losaalag. St. Jahaa 1 street he go4 off aad walked west, “l*m gotag to tell ywu the exact 1*^ psfllaa so falling liable for thetl: gate. Geo. Briggs sad wife. j 2:2$. aad 5:2$. We Ira Eddy bad tbe mlofortaae to rua 1 and 81 Inals R R tbeaee aontheaster- uolag bla ejrea prndtgtowa ty. It was truth, evaa tf it hnrta roar feelingn ' «»to of enttfag mam. aad aa addi-j a 7jtt. hto iy along e line of right of way to its cisar that this mast be a spisadid a little." tlaaal levy of tea par caatam of sneh lt:tO. P. ai.—12:20. 2:2$, 4:2$. $:ll a sail In bis font one day last weak intersection with s aad w M llae sec*| neighborhood, for the honam were and has staae bean uolag rn itebaa. '*Gaa on.** saM Paul grimly. ooato. to be levied aad collaetsd i:it. >:$> at ll:t$. 14. thearc e to te corn er of ow M nw ' eaperh. with tbruhe on tbe otepe ItY father waa a pkMa. aulf-mad e agalaat the property la the aaom P. W. BROWN, O. B 4 P. 9700 to Mrs a. M. Edsrard of Fliat aad Mr. M aald sec 14 a to bag. $41d 0. ; aad hram work oa tbe aad man, aad he taught see to took for my maaaer as ocher taaaa are tovted aad ‘ ■* 91900 tolBcIi WA am wm and Mra. Ftoyd Blair of Omoaeo spent Fraaoea M. Towaoaad by guardian i flower* peeping through hsniifiTrr i httebemi anrana ptaHi peaplr 1 fell ********^ THOMAS PECK. \ Whcii vou wRfit and when ■uaday wttb Mrs. M B. Sehsaek to Claytoa S. Gillatt. tbe west forty lace curtains, and tbe Indlea wham be to loro with you last an Mtos Mariam Dawule is mahlag a (401 aerm of tbe east (M) aerm of »ly a* ‘ of what I cwaM use oomattoaioasT of Highways of the you dofft want advertise in tteo days* vialt at the baow of ber alo- tbe aoutbweot quarter of eeatlea owe Maud, aad to the aame gMterous j worth, and heenue* yon of Duplato. tar, Mra O. P. Fevguaaa. to Verasa. (1), Eagle. $ljt$. tmate. Paul felt the baotltatlon af the ' toalDar oa taadatty.* The News Want Column. tm COOL

tm to MMK K mn Mr. mma Mr*. B. B. ktmomr mmi IH> Ml D Ban tl* an ««r» ‘.a IHmm* part of tko J. wook. for MMa Carrto Muaiiahmr of Ckrkojr* fnUiB PU ACM LMVSB fMAB am riaitai MMs Marginrttr Trarta PMTMVS TBABS. •a4 C. C. bnt ElectricFan pie at Mra. W. B. Valaatla# wara Haaal TMamn of lonin via- Itod m OnrolyB Witty ovwr 9nngny FrMap aai Batariajr. »r T. H. Tawwaad la at Dr. LaVni it. yon ana almnyp wfthr oalar lonvaa thla one when yon moat It. eonnt of It bw> Mt. Maaaaat *ar a reagla af 4ara Snturiny to ba ahOMt ugfll about I wnniadoipp U 9. Orcaa. Will Qraaa aa4 W. Q. Auguai IM. I onnM think of Now I*vn boon down to tho loot dot* omdl -Wloor** Ig WMaaMta «atv> la pkglr Moakay. Man. R OMtta aad Mr. and Mra. lor mopy o timo, yo|^oiidjBa»rtoil ^ MiB. SImiw of Daraad araa la St. Q. Q. Stool hnva gona to ('ryatal for a wkllo I iwra, an ' ghtor ara guaota of bar parania, Mr giitar Halaa aaat to Datrolt TaaoAay. and Mra. W. W. Pock. uMmtli,** woo tka atatomant mada Moooble roll ogoia. Alwoyn ynu eonld find mo with the Mg lanpimMai. I ^11 Pamuil«a latt Moaiay for Day* Mloo Iona Chamharlaln of Farming- Tttooday by Prof. N. C. Murray, acting cklrf of tbf dopnrtmont of agvieulttiTo thaCa where I pot the nngM of Lou toa. Ohio, to vMt tha Wright hrothara. ton lo a gnoot In tha homa of Mr. and good emwUng oror you. onok with a Mra. Cbnrtos Walter. at Waokington aftor tba annonnea- the Lueky. Why oaee when me and Joho Mcrrackan waa la Oraad Bag* mont of tba July report on grain and “Slow** SInipooa won otmn do rt down lltUo woodmi gMi hnmaaooi to hla tSa oa bualaaaa tha lattar part of tha A homa balonginp to Murdo Antoo produce. In B1 Pano. *rex.. with pood raooon a tneo. Tha puopla wonM fall tor that, W«k»l[. d rogpod dand un laanolop mroat Mon oh? FIno?** An I ttopp to got my *The repofi,'’ anld Prof Murray, for taking a trip throngk Maaico. wo. Mr. and Mm. Joaaph Oraaa of Da­ day afternoon ahortly attar I o'clock., ■"* Mloo Opal Morrta hao ratumad »*• rmtkar aertoue effacta I •Mobko you ola*t qnito etnoy ‘Stow.’ ** TU trolt visitad At. Johaa ralatlvaa laat from Standlah to ipend the aummer' <»' drought during June, moot iiSbt * waak. 1 onyo. “Oo opt and bny fifty can to with her pnrenta. Mr. and-Mro H. W. Unportant eropa showing a “ VESS?’ **J^^?* ‘ but amrth of eotorod eonrt ptnator and Mr«. w L. fthlior haa goaa to Ohio Monia - oondlllon at present which tndleatea I Think l*m ktddin you. ««. but hare a onke of Ira aant oror.'* MACMNE CO. *o r««it har paraata for a aumbar of Mm. W. G. Wideman and daughtem • d Mm Sllabury and daughter have »»•••• average yields of pro-' ^ m ‘‘Stow'* loaha at am aa If be thonght 1 waa bntty. hnt whoa ha re* A.5. GML Mtaa Ruth l*alfi»ar haa vMt gone to Crystal Lake for a akort out* ‘•‘Mstion. Th* condltioo of tke varl* ; ^ tbia w.v Tb. Stir. tng. oua crops Is as followo: Hee.^ Bon. it waa tnw wny. Tm tuma with tha gooda I ohow him the Ina In Oraad Raidda for a aumbar of brain of Lou the Lucky never wenh* St wnaha, Mlaa Prances Culp haa returned to Condition. 80.1 per cent, of' "**®^, iJh !”"L « normal, compared with 86.4 , aeveml doala with the gullible In a Mm. H. M. Rarrln haa baan Ttalttag Grand Rapids after a two weeks' visit cunt, in 1910 and 84.7 par cent. Se Weetora dty. t^idvee ordem In thla city with Mr. and Mm A. G. Taking tke lee I pneha It arouad the ralatlvaa la Oraad Raplda durtap tha averaae for the laat imi oiT fh.« who oallo hlmaolf the box aatil the aaalMo beilevaa It's win* part Waak. Ruff. Mrs. Kmiiy Moore of Comnna la ter and goaa to sloop. When they are fh 17 A town ml rap^dltloui. StrmiSfraii^ Mlaa Omea Arnold want to Mt spending aeveml weeks In 8l Johns compared with 27 A snmiNi •MS.** Ptanaant Monday to attaad tha aom* *vith her brother, Luther Hammond ^ yield, andad 171 bushels ^ roao««t »• poooed to Oaea whan Dr. lAlhum Morrill waa f"ar aahool. and wife. ’ the average for the 1 Mt five v--. ’ ^ wouldn't h< *TtY* . worried us none, for tboy ain't -n»Lwiwf. ♦ arraaglng aa outlag for ooaM at hla Mlaa Omaa Hunt la attaadtap tha iem*^MKr*ilia**ail!ihiif? ”* ad** 9***** ronw^* 114* •Racial field for auchera, but riotous | tham araa no ehnnee of one of thorn little frloads oa the streets a eartaim aamlona at tha atata normal tiThlm 22e m cJSml Tike ** »»•** ‘“*® »*•»' •«> unatocklng Ha Jawn during ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ letter was brought to him. wbleto In Taallaatl. — UmeT^tiSr ^ «ty. P* toM only tke performnnee. Tou onght to have might, at flrat glaaee, aaan to iadl- Mlaa miabath rarfand of Oomana snort outing. Winter wheat; twndition. •8J) per, *47 between ua "That there toollah i------them «baa tbev moke un R. B. MoWeely sad wife, also Mm. cate, oae of those etiaage eailo at MiS!7 SlTLlSlrMiidlS*^ ^ •*"’* «“*■« «»a ' and ftode tHrcTbeaSTdoilrto^. In rama Friday to rialt har aunt. Mlaa Iman'^ Oorp af Akroa. Ohio, vtait* “dual paraoaallty." How hla rangrlF Raaa Oariaad. ^sTS IW** " i the words of the pots. If gtoneoa ed tholr aleee aad oouala. Mm. James able letter came Into eniataaee la ag> non KInnay haa baan anaadinc tha Bami^ tJrepon. at the ^ It*! ‘7“..; ‘StaP” moat,doleful, surveying could have killed me and “Btaw'' UeWItt. from July Ist, uatll Wedaea* plained by Doctor Merrill in “Wl» *»aaf waak In PMratal with Judpa K. 8. Mr ..STfJL O riu. . ITS- T/a Indicated yield per ^ur cash capital. “What If we get would have been dead onaa. Thay day, the 6th. George Morgan aad two j niB^ the Bey ftaarl and family. sJifWli 0» Irtt ^ pinched? We don't have no coin to certainly glvao ua poiaonona looha. daughtem of l.aaalag. couaias of Jas. My fiiaad Blekey, a dltnlauttve lit. hnm* «r"ir* !k ** .^“•*'*** * “ Pwahela, gUp tj,e copper and aquare ouroelvaa" DsWItt. came the flrat of July and Ue chap beard we were going to taSn Mm William Cnrtia of Tjanalaa rla- l^c of Mr ,nd ^ J. JL Gillett ua- the five year average. .. . Impreaalve. That night I given a laetnie to the auyed uaUI Wednesday. Hla daui^* a crowd to the mountalaa . He pnahaS itad Mm. WtlK.'>fn Muldar tha lattar public from tho top of a dry gocnla bos ^ ^ Spring wheat: Condition. 73.8 per “Did you ever henr of that motto tern remained for a few daya. his way Into the croirded offiM aaS part of tha waak. and the snbjeet waa “Fovingo, tha Mrs. Charles Lowe aad daughter. the first evidence I had of hia pran 1 ‘7 “*****'' ^'•nt, of a normal, compared wlth^"Nlx Daaperadomr It means 'Mover Poison-proof Pemvtaa.** roe spellliig Mlaa Fllabath Goddard haa ratumad v7l*'^'^•* ’t and j»4.€ per rent, on June 1. 1811, «l.«. let them nmke you give up,' and I Htsle. went to Wheelor, Gratiot conn* eace was tke side glaaee 1 canght at from Whita T^aka whara aha apant ^f?i***i**^..Y*^? ^ .^^**L ’'**^ guests of per cent, in 1810 and 87.8 per rent, want you to take It for yours. Now as follows: ty, to attand the funeral of an old a huarh of haalthy rad hair, up te tig naarly two wa*ba. Mm. O. W. Manning Friday. the ten year average; indicated yield we'll take a walk arouad this town “Povingo! Povingo! Sae Poviiigo. friend Tuesday remaining until Fii* air above the aeveral doaen Ilttln Mlaa Tot MrKInlay haa r«n«* to Da­ Mm. Wm. Strauaer and daughter, per acre. 11J buehela. compared with and discover if there Is any gmas the grsatest marvel of the century! ; day people crowded about my doak. I trolt and riaraland to vlalt ralatlvaa Mlaa (U>ldle. returned to Lansing Frl* 11.7 bushels in 1810 and IS..’* buahela growing in the streets.” The man who la abaolutaly Immune The Larkins* soap club celebrated I looked up aad Klckey amlled. for aavaral waaha day after a week's vlalt with the form­ the five year average. First thing we aee la one of thoae to all forma of snake poison! the Fourth at George Soydor ’a ' “Say. are you glvto' oat tickets for George and Howard DeWitt.* Bari; the mountains? Kin I get one?** Mr. and Mra. Warrm *aiWa%- hava er's brother. Mack Jefferies, and fam­ All wheat: Condition 76 « per cent cent museums In front of which a “Tbore In nothing repolaive abmit ratumad from an avtapded^att with ily. this performnace. Povtago doao not Wallace aad William Manin spent | In an Inaunt 16 kida told him wn of a normal, compared with 86.1 iwr P**^^ p’*** • «*•“ *• •!>•*»“«• the Fourth at Round Lake. | were and tkat if be did not quit ahor- ralatlvaa In Ann Arbor. Mm. Flora R. Blxby and family cent, on June 1. 1811. 71..', per cent. people to 'Coose In and See bite baade from reptJlea and drink Imve returned to Pontiac where they Frank Thorp and wife went to Bt. j ing they would “knock hie block off!** Mm. CTtarlaa Potloak of Datrolt la ^MAh8 _. . A. * lutn 11810 ir 1V ftBdand 84.4mm w fkS8Fper ^dbglfcent, tRmthe Boeco. he eaU themsOVIIl alive. ’* thlalAeiH Boaro their blond. No! Povingo la a hu* moithTTlr 8t JohlT w* h*M"i7T^IIl' Indicated yield per acre P*"** c^Quer hit 77 him lo a llbaral Johns the Py>urth .Sow Blekey was bieaoad with tha maat of har alator. Mm. Mary on na in 8t Johns with Mm Gmn* ,3,5 bushels, compared with 14.1 **«“*•*■ devouring enakm The young aad a Charieo Roe* aad wife aad little good Instincts of a gentleasan. aaS f^jthbartaon. for tww wooka ba.ll.1. In l.IO, and I4.T bu.lial.. Ib. *" »«• '<“« to !.» old ■on of Moline, III., came the Fourth to he quietly slid doam into the ehntr Mid waltad hla tarn. Blalwy eaow Mlaa Iva Ranniotar haa ratumad J. Baldwin and Mm. J. R Me* Other places where 1 had IIL Captured In the Andes mountains 1*®** from Kalamaaoo to vlalt har parants, roll uul luv. ro,ur;.d the Rose. Charles returned home. Inst Laha^» wfe^M . .llw .w amount of wheat remaining on when I aee how they la failin' for It “ expedlUoa aant out by tne Mr and Mm. r'harlaa Ranniotar. thirJila if^Mr. Tid Mm °® estimated at about ‘‘•'T* * ^ * ‘***^ ’* ^ .Mica Motie Ackroyd la attending He atappad op to the desk and pro* Mlaa Myrtia Thiimton ratumad school at Mt. Pleasant. aantad at close range a band of good S*.A18.0ao hualiels, compared with we have bit a live town. worM-rewowned scleoUat. Prof. Oor^ alas, aurmoantad wHh that tmglad Monday from n thraa waaka* vlalt man. Walktng on down the atreet. me don. Portngo araa ezMbItad In Loa- Mr, and Mrx Frank Chapman have 38,718.000 bushels on July 1. 1810. hair of glowing color which oaa( a with ralatlvaa In riavaland. Ohio and .37,701.000 bushels, the average nnnlnattng for some time with coin don privately before the wisest sharks RINMIRT, TMB PBNMAR. radlaace about him aad nanriy bid n Mr. and Mm Rllaworth Tallmadpa returned to their home near Seattle, at the end of It. the snake buaineos la In the medical world and every poa- Wash., after an extended vlalt with amount on farnta July I for the ttsst IHtJe pink face tkat always smiled in ­ and dauphtar IVtana hava ratumad five jf earn. in my hand. There must be something aible test wae made of this poison Bomethlag was owing to heredity the latter's parents. Mr. and Mm C. tn the ceoe of Robert Dodaiey, who. to proMlnanca whan an eye was turn ­ from a vlalt with frlanda In Ohio. Gale; Condition. 68.8 per cent, of a tn reptllen, I flguree. People la pleas­ proof party's powers. He wna then ed Ip hla diractlon. Hla shirt was tn- 8. Reofleld. ed to pay to aee snakes doing aome- brought to the United States erhere In the Ia»ndon of 2 T**** '~*®® G. G. Rtaal and R. J. Rally wara In Mr. and Mrx Fred Slater and son normal, compared with 86.7 |»er cent, blmaalf from the poaltlon of a foot­ genloualy diminished in the arih Datrolt tha ftmt of tha wa«k attand* on June 1. 1811. 82.2 per cent, tn 1810 tblng. or something doing arltb hie flrat pnbllr exhibition eras at the lengths and. aside front this alteratioM arrived from Hoopeaton 111., Sat­ snakes Thla Idea of having a roan World's Fair la St Louis. man and became a poet and publlaber lap tha Datmit-Phlladalfdila pamaa. urday to Tieit Mr. and Mm. F. W. and 86.3 per cent, the ten year aver ­ the bulky dimanalona wave patlantiF eat 'em la playad out. and you sure Povingo finds the of the of note. In his life of him Ralph Kaaaath Patrla of radlllar vialtad Goodes and other relatives aad frleoda age; Indicated yield per acre. 23J Straus gives Intercating gllmpoea of tolaratad and bald in contorralty tn buahela. compared with 31.8 bushels •**7 humans, he- .oake la iry to hasp him alive. tSe little body by hla ovamlla. hla pmndnMthar. Mm Gaorpa R. in and near thla city. canoe the humane aoclety wouldn't another Robert, the father In many Itod the misery of catarrh In 1810 and 28.4 buahela. the five It acta on him like optum does 00 tha Could ho gat a tlekat? Oed hlaaa Mg Hunt. frtNn Friday until Wadnaaday. stand for It bop flead. It aoothaa aad sUmulataa iiapiii la a remarkable man. stoo breathing Hyomei (proaounced Hlg^ year average. chose for htroaelf the Ill-paid calling lltUa boart, of oouroe ha aonld! IB Mint Rathar Parr and Mlaa Dorothy Son. while I'm striving desperate htan. two mlnutaa ba bad It aoanvaly diH o-me) a soothing, healing, germ kill-, Barley: Condition. 82.1 per cent, of achaelnma ter. Chapomn hava pona to ronway whara of a normal, compared with 80.2 per for some oeheme kavtag to do adth "Saa Povtago saatad aasoag tba poaltad In bis overalls pocket aad ta^ thay ara tha anaota of Mlaa Fmnrao tag air. Complete outfit 11.08. Tmvis enakae. “Stow" Canto pale aad higlna Two existing manuaaiipta of Rob- A Shiley gunranteea It. cent, oa June l, 18Il. 72.7 per cent. aaahao! ladlaa aad gantlsmea you bort Dodoley, aenior^-omanMated noting parting caromonioo. ha boltaS Liroa. In 1810 and 9”.9 per cent, the ten to shake as he points to a wtadow. out of the offlee aad. 1 preaume. van Mm. Harriet Bowie of Lansing vta- "Look there!*' he anye. “and I ain't will have aoawthtng to tall your with colored drawings and ptetumaque fTiarlaa Fowlar ratumad Tuaaday Ited her aloter. Mm. J. W. Fltxgemld. .veer average; Indicated yield per graadchlldrea. He haa all ktodo every step of the army home to gM from Rnydar Loka whara ha had baan took a drtnk since I bean here." Be- borders —throw considerable light uf - Friday aad left Saturday with Mm acre, 20.9 buahela. compared with with him. importaS at great expaaoa on hie character, and proclaim him a ready. apandinp aavami waaka with Rtaphan 22 4 buahela In 1810 and 24 8 h.mhela 1 T*??* ,‘*® i.7®' J*®* **!* from every part of the world. We had ttoked him to hrtng a nota F. F. Murdock for a lake trtp to Mack­ the five rear .nverage I «*••..“•• mptilea of all klnda scholar of many parts. He was a poet Rowall. inaw Island and the 800 “Tham la the deadly oobvn from from hla mother, expreaalng her will- Rye; Condition. 86.0 per cent of' ®»*»®’'' Above 'em as well •• i ingntti for him to go. aad early thn Mm. O. r. Clark haa pona to Pina Mm. M. I>. Hubbard and children : the tiger infested Jungles of India — in one of the mantmcrtptt exarclaro ^rnina be banded me a wall- l^aka whara sha will ba tha pnaat of returned lo their home in Pontiac a normal comitared with 88.6 jier cent SY.. the cotton mouth moccasin from the i All Perfectly Harmlaaa tn tiigoaoroetry and astronomy are aoilad piece of paper aad remarimd: har dauphtar. Mm 8. dk Wall, for oav- Monday after spending aeveml weeks 1 on June I. 1811, 87.6 per cent tn 1910 Rvergladea of Florida, the home of to be scan side by side with nilaa and 80.8 per rent the ten year aver- Take a playful rattier home to the “Here’s the note from my mammn. ami daya. In 8L John* with .Mr. and Mm J. T. baby. the alligator. Them la the fierce cop­ of grammar and hints for the youth­ Mlllman and A. H. Flldew. j age; indicated yield per acre. 16 perhead which carrtea death In Ha Hhe can't writa. hot abe told roe to Mlaa Nallla Collard ratumad to har *A Domeatlcated Copperhead Will ful wtitar; and one may imagine him at>d I rand It to har aad she aald It homa in Xaw liothrop Raturday aDar t»ei»evleve and (.eorge Furrier have bushels, compared with 16.3 buahela Please the Wife. fangs and the rattle anake about reciting the following llnaa —which returned to their hom^ in Htiirgla."af- buahela. the five year .ormie Before TheT Am which you all know. The aap. gentle- a poem of coaaldemble length wna all right” a ahort Vlalt In Rt. Johna with Mlaa All Gone! ” Tha note was aa follows: men, the aap. You all have read of this cUmo : Ruth Handamon ter a vlalt of «eveml weeks In. St. ______"That's the limit. I exclaims, get­ Daor doctor I can go to tha ntoua- Johna with their gmndpamnta, Mr, potatoes; Condition, 76.0. ting clone to the window to watch the Cleopatra, the beautiful queen, and . ^ . . . Mm Wo€»dard ratumad to har homa how abe had an asp sting her to death All lettem ev n At head A foot must telpe if you will tak good care at In Carland tha laat of tha waak aOar and Mm. William Ferrler. to. ^ 7:*. *7!.»tondlng them I geu the id<« “Why when she heard her friend Antony » toand ; ^ . him. 1 win ba a good hoy. a ahort vlalt In tha homa of Mr. and Mrs. Gvoigt- H. Judd left Friday for MRS. 8AMPSGN. 1^ Angeles. California, to vlalt her rent the sen averse; indicted -stew." hire . hall and »*-*had coimnlttad aulctde. Povingo al Rear light ye pen A uoe a steady hand. Mm L. F. Oman. (!arefully mind to mend tn sv'ry lln —Youth's Companion. fnther, Capt. Bailey, and other rela- yield per arm. 81,7 bushels, compared exhibit a party who will allow him­ loars the same kind of an asp from tha Mm. C. W. Dannatt. who haa baan er|th-en to discover defKts in The big tou ling-car had ('ome to a harmi mon onutlon that writing maotem leaving MoMH> to visit friends In the dye I could sae by hla face he was give their acholam”—Youth's Com* yours if you will give us the Ithaca. stop, and would not budge. Indus ­ "Well. I'd hare to be shown flmt," triously the man in sraterproof cap some fiigbtenad. fPr tham mptilas ov|>ortunity. Lens grindings Mr. and Mm C K. VanSickic. Mlaa he says, wcahanlng, for "Stew*' haa a angry at being gagged waa trying to Hdith VanRIckle, K U VanSickle, the aad goggles turned the crank handle, lot of fhith in me. but srilhmit result. He turned snd heat him to death, striking him with latter of New York City, and Mm K “Sure, rn elucidate." I says, “hut their beads. The old ratUar hit him NT«P THAT BA.VDRrPK M*. Brownell a* Birniinghan., Alatiama. turned until he was out of breath and first ni Just step In and invest a little itempifing freely. Finally he iMuaad. j in snaksa ” hard seven Umas right oa the nooe before It kllla vour hair. You kao« went to White Lake Tuesday to spend wrui. .1. . t ...... •“** B®* tR**®*!*"! wnl went over dandruff la a germ diaaaas and it TOWLE a month. The crowd advised him humomtMly. •Twisf It again. Alfred. ” wifh that I walks into the place. ^ in a corner of the pit aad dlad. This lands slowly aad snraly to haldnem Mr. and Mrs. R S. Clark. Mr. and “Him a horse ” and the proprietor who looks a lot i was a good play for It made the audi and there la only one way to cure ’ Mm R. G Clark. Miss Amhm King. like his lock In trade, comes to greet ence think that Povingo had klllad the dandroff aad that la to kill the germ MIsa Grace Clark. Mias .Mabel McKin ­ "Go it Johnson. ” SMch "** 1. -to V** »n»*wt some Hi I snake by abaorbing all Ha polaon. that oanase tba troubla. ley aad Mlaa Mabel Durkee am spend ­ H«it to gIbM the nuui waa snakes. ”.” I remaiiw deaf. Once more he selxad the crank It was a most succaoafal ahow and Greasy salves will uavar o this, ing some time at the Clark cottage at "All right,” aaya he. "thlrtyflve Whara tha aym are alnsfa nsvlag is ij» snd turned .N'o effect. Again he canto a pound —how much?” everybody was plaonad but "Stow.” SBMO aad ZRMf) BOAP kill the White Lake When It was over be came out of hla Bsrm aad are gnarantood to cure Arviae Pouch. .Mr. aad Mm Kmeat paused, to remove hla cap and regain ”I ain't no purrhaslag agent for a hla breath. parking house buying stock tor oxtail don all black aad blue from tham dandruff. Itehiag aeulp aad all oth- cn.1 Fuller. Mr. and Mm. William Haln of snah m' ne asa. aad said ha didn't ha* t ar germ dioaaaas of tha akin snd Cadillac aad Mr aad Mm Frank Her- Dkaarvlng the action, aa eMarly soup." I anys “Quit yamr ktddin ?” roan of ( ontnna spent Sunday in thla SrilTETr - That's the way we soil ’sm.” he ro- tfeve be couM stand it any awre. Just aanlp. citv with th* IflaM* »mrm PifMM.h .bS ‘*727 ’* * Uptumed CSp. pllaa. “Take your pick of colors and thaa Baaco. who am had pnt oat of BBMO and ZBMO BOAP are the city with the Misses asra Pouch aad bualasas. enma la and Mbad tor a Job BiaMe Palfrey. “Thank you. my man--thank you.” tone aciantlflc mmad laa tor thane af- he nmnniirsd. ”fih thq only otraat •Well.” I remarked . ”lt'0 svre a aad I give him ”Bltu‘p” ptooa whan I fttetiaM. To show onr fUth la IBMO Mm. Celia Worrbsater and cblldran find ha ain't afraid of analwls tooth on of < adlllac vialtad Mr. aad Mm C. W. ^ ^ queer way of noddling am. but you and BBMO SOAP wa have laatrnetod can give nm tlO worth. 1 wont one kmc tto thay didn't hnva no toagSw tho draggtat aolllag tham to refund Pannaiee the flrat of tha weak aa6 , serve a coppar." oa Wednasday la company with Hva. of them carsttil noppsrhssds. aad Thdt aMBt wa aonha d off tha eonrt* yonr OMnay if yon ara aot aattoflad Parmalae aad children laft for ChlSa-1 wrap me up a rattlaaaobe about thirty plOBtST with hnt nntor and moeod to with tha raanlta from tba vary first go Jnactloa. Ohio, to visit ralatihsa. ' years old. 1 doaV want tn taha wo anethi r town. WO dona wall aeary battle and tho ftmt oabe at aonp. tbe weak. 1 " ehanoaa. Fill out Uto rest of tha or- pinee. aad whan tha ahow brohe up at Wa ean aftoid to maha thla offer I too party Bico. Bto and ”Bton ” had aneh a hggnngg one bottle of HBIO aad ana iBVt. Arooag the many from Bt. Johaa' r with sasee of tham rnlahowad*eol« who tosh In the lake brsesaa at Crya-' oead darlinga thntM trying to hHe hoaltby hank roll. onha of aanp are aalflalant to ahow tal HoadsV srere Mr. aad Mm Myroe ' Tha givan "What tba aaah othata hands off. Put am la a Why dM wn qnit whan wa wna atok* tholr dwallag qnalfUas aad If unad nr- rnwllng to diractfcma. thay will effect Ward. Mr. aad Mm B F Behaenhaio. ! be oMkaa oMk aad 111 knee my bmo anil tor lag aaonayT'WW H 'omn thto wny. I mnd Thto hla tnaaguml a parnmaoat core. Mr. and Mra R H. Lae aad sona. '—National tham la a aongla of hmn n .” and I pays got to gtoag ton stron g Ig mr laetnre I Rohert, llolaad>and Raymon d . Mr. aad < Monthly. him and gaan not, and annan arsd ana day that Povingo Sold by drnggtois avarywhare and TMnUiiM.9k I Mm A G. Jonas and daughtara. Opal | -Wam'ar toae BrlghAensd up ennuM- had a eaerat charm wMeh ho agpHad i in SL Johns by Travto A Bhllay. »atM8 a.HL • ' and Xelma. Mr. aad Mrs. C. O. DnB^ ■tR ■WTAnL erabla when I onme ont empty hand ­ In paraan. curing annba Mug. One “Darling.” 1m : Paal Hmllh. Gayton Jadd. Dr. aad doelarsd. ”T'm al ed. "UMbT #et 'epi. ahr he enya. nlgbt two sow punrhaan toms Into! lutaly silly abi It you.” Mm W. A. Bcatt and aon Rohart. Mr. “well, rto ktai n^ find. ” Ufwa bringing wHh tham a com •t : and Mm. C. K Ball. Mr. aad Mrs A.! 'Vlh. yau must ba mlaUkan. ” she "Rat f AM.** t ww. ”ahout forty of who hall allwwad a roltlar to Mte S\ CAsnroRiA sweatly rapllad. ”I had beard hafore ’em aad yon*ro tn call tor tho renhagi oa a hat that Povtago coaMn ’t enrenne IHtHth BBA uunga* gxiusWsa TIsUsu M|tov 2 K Wlldan and aon Rodaay, Mr. and srvaani aaadan raguMir ualas-urs Z Mra. Bam ahaftor. Mlaa Msroah W11* you and I aver mat that yen ware •• ••«■ aa an aaa get a hall la amne hha. I hnowad tba gnta fMlar nonM aaa. Mlaa Wllllamasn. Dr. B C La* ahaaintaly silly.”—CMsago Record- part of the dty, and have a pit amie HemM. Vanaalar. A J B. Jury. Mr. aad Mva. and aigna prtotod. ” joMR wni J. Raadroft aad Mr and Mrs. K J. Wall^Mt nn hltod an amply aiaan- .Agaut ont. ThaTa why no qnli ♦ te tha HLSEIl Mhoaa df thi to fhna a a at tba ta Central I et gh the Mb. by t other half to be on Mr. RMinsda tbraMmi mr Waslay Waltar OMaabbat Lanm Uotdnnlar the ftmt of tbo weak. ■sbt Satiiriny aad Oo.. to put le He peaooet plagt aad A. C. AN* UTATl Afohla SaMtb sma la Oatrott ob aqulpasaatat aeomnlnea toliJMt. The ------PHdny nacil Hn n dair. MMa ObMlya Mahnr la apmidlng a Nichiiai propeMtlno le loebod npoo with tovor MTU MPMTIAL TSAIM. oonpla at waaba with bar anal. Mm. by tha boalaeae hoo of FottervtUe. ba improved sritb a hew anaS af palat Marla Masne at MMia. aad It la oaM that agoo^ at tha tana* HsrsMisI Dnflar abd bis daagbtar. Mrs. GaiuwAa Vlbaant abd daugh- ace are taUaf ktadly to tha Mas to Mim Mnaa. wars SL Jobas visitor's tar Blaaeba am vigitibg at tbs horns 1*1 mmka tha iirgenlmtlua at a new oom last ^laay. of Mr. abd Mta. Mdtanad HsMar. peay to haodla the leips onto end baea buetoeoe UuR ylHega oammmmBa Lss Klllam and wlla of BL Johns Mr. aad Mva. Aipbaaa Fblvar at OHm apant Sunday with tbair daugh predtleally oe aeoared Bhoold apant liindar «ltb bla pnmnia. Mr. the.oorperetloa bo orgoolaod on the sad Mrs. Bsrt Klllam. lar. Mr. and Mm. Lanla Vnlalni t. Savaml from this plans apant tb ppopeeed pleas. It Is aeld that tha MlchlaMi AciletilturmJ ooll«ar with Gomallaa Qrova sblartnlnsd bis msoagamaat of tha boatoaea will be en* c»-opmUMi of State Millars’ son. Pos Orova. and wifa of Grand mrth at Lanatag wbaa tba covnar ana at tba aaw Catbailc church wn la tba baada of soms ppipoga aatoetal AmoeimUam will rwa s taiwMis’ ImU* Rapids*over tba Ponitb. by tba fbrawra thsmaalvaa. the Btoek tut* irsla to bs known as tba “soil Will Guild of Waatflald. Pa., baa ra- laid. brMga eoaspaay aimply aetlag la aa and whaat spsclar' tbrongh aonUiam tumad to work for Prank Stone, altar Mr. aad Mm. Alaarandar Kowalk at- advlaory capacity. Mtehigan during tba rtmt taro waaks dowa of hie ofriee raeanUy aad tba an abaan ce of five yeaim. tandad tba fnaami of tbalr alaea. A A A In August. Tba Lake Sbore A Mlebl* Mm. Bangbart. In Dalbl lant weak net waa ao uauaual that It waa daaorad gon SouthamAUchlgaa Cantrsl Herman Gaddy wan the Sunday worthy of mmtkm la tba torn! paper. S^dnaaday. arad from all parts of Barry oouaty. Md <*lnclnnatl Nortbam rallroada evealng gnaat of bla brother, Albert AAA Gaddy, and wira ha Powlar. At the annual sebool maatlng on William Jaaalags Btyaa. diaeouraad haaa shown tbatr iataiwat and Mondny night Guy Richardson was WhHa Jgmpa WbHeaoA abd lomily two boors 08 social aad aatloaal pm- oonfldanra In tba antarprlaa bf Mrs. Aeea Grill and taro cbildrsn unanlmonaly eioctnd moda mtor of of rharioMe ware vlaltlag Frank Nor­ blaaw Friday attonMoa at tha Ian flonatiag tba uaa ot tba train sad tbls of uanr Hubbardaton spent Friday at dlatriet Ha. It, Bath aad DaWUt. ton aad family, a large rooator ba- meatlag of tha Chautauqua at Hast will ba tba slxtb train fumlsbad by bar brother's. M. M. Mssosr. Mr. and Mm. Comfart Rannay aad laoging to Mr. Norton attaeked tbo Inga. Tbe dtotrtbutloa of waaltb, tba Mlcblgsn Cantrsl railroad In ss Jsy Sasalons rsesntly purebaasd of Wbitcomba' IS-montbe-old baby, and laglalatioa. trusts, tba liquor problam, aany yaars. son Jamas apant Friday at Blale at I. C. Grill of Hubbsrdstoo s new low- the home of their aan. Lutbar. They before It oould ba pulled off bad badly pambltug refonna, aad a plaa for pure It will consist of tbraa coacbas In down S-wbaal msnnre spreader. made the trip In tbalr oatomoMle. paHrad tba baby uadamaotb both politics were laclodad la bis addraoa wbtcb abort lacturss on aublacts ra- Mlasaa Ploreace Hanford snd Mar­ Mrs. Lulu Moore and children, who eyoa. "The gTMtast quaatloa tbe future iMtiag to wbast culture will br glvao tha DttCter wore gusgu li^ weak of AAA alactloB la to detormlaa Is aot oae, and four expraas cars In which tba Mrs. Grace Btsaall, In Wadi Dallas bars baen at Sbaftaburg visiting bar brother snd mother, returned to Darlag a aevarn elaMHeal storm Iba of which political party will ba vlc- •xblblu will .**a displayed. The lec­ Blvtrs and Agnes Baadt. daugh­ torloua." aald Mra. Bryaa. "but which tures will treat of tba best matbods ters of Mrs. Tony Miller, have return ­ Mr. and Mrs Winnie Smith's on Sat­ rnaldcarr of John Hale of Mulllkoa. Haioo county, waa struck by i»anUitug. oae will elect to office maa whose of handling tba aoll so that It srlll ed from s two weeks' ouUag at Cryp- urday. srnia are not in tbe public treasury, produca tba maximum • ylaki of tal. Last Wednesday while unloading Hia daughter, Joaapblne. was slooe In tbe house aad s ball of fire passed or whose buslneoa is not In pnrtaar- wrbeat t'hsrias Howard has lately purchas­ bay tba horaaa baeame tangled la the sblp with the government, and by ed of 1. C. Grill of Hubbardaton. a tugs sad one came unhooked. Ed ­ a few feat above tbe bad lb which aov Ona of the lecture ears will ba for was staapiag She was rendered un ­ whose election tbe standard of poli­ tba woman. It will ba in cbarge of Moore home-power ganoltae an- ward Mahar went to hook the tug and cies will be raised." in some manner the borne kicked .Mr. conscious for about twenty ralnutoa. I an expert who will demonstrate the gtna. but recovered with no bad after af- [ In touching upon temporal quaa- banUltng of wlatar wheat flour for Floyd Blaaall sad wife and tbalr Mahar on the abouldar caualag a tlona. Mr. Ryron said: "It takaa iaoa UMklng bread and pastry with tba guests. Mlasaa Floienre Hanford and aavare pals, ba being unable to feefta. moral courage for a pastor to ooa- tdea of axtendlBg the use of Michigan Martha Duffer, apant tba Fourth In use bla arm for aavami days. He fa AAA demn a saloon man who never sttoods flour made from Michigan whaat. Ionia. reported aa doing aloaly. ■fee Mary Bebsaa. agad It, a woM- hla church than It does to condemn It Is t'xpseted that later la the sea­ tlaorga Bower and wife ware Sun- roaa at tbe Ballsy hotel. Ionia, at­ the members of hla coogragatloa son —or tftar seedin g—that other dny guests In the borne of bis Mstar. tempted to ead her life by taklag whose appetites auppon tbe saloon roads will take part In tba movemant Mrs. Tony Fox. living onutb of Pa- Jonas painted bla house last year. poison Monday In her room. Her keeper." sad ’boroughlr oorer tba wbsat-pro- waoK) It looks dull dead, no life to It. moans were heard In other parts of He closed the address with an ap­ THE ducing coentles of the state arltb “In ­ Hmary Mulford. who works for Smith painted bis bouse 10 yearn tbe building. Madical aid was sum-j peal for higher sod nobtor national struction" trains. Rogers Bros., was on the sick list ago. monad, but it is doubtful If ahe will Ideals, which be said ware Influendag last week but Is now able to be It looks clean, nice and don't need live. Her parents maide at Itbaoa. { all nations of the earth. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A around. repainting, barauae ba uaod L. A M. No rratTtr la known for her commit-, ♦ ♦ Mark Lsatch of Raiding snd Hugh l*alnt. and added three qtmrts of oil Ing the act jemSTON BINDEI ♦ TfOIITH SMAML ♦ dinkey of I^absnon started out this A TIMBLT WOBD. to oach gallon. AAA I Tbe weaker tbe syatom. the more ♦ ♦ week on their reepectlve tbrasbing The oil gave life aad preserved H. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A campaigns. < barleii Hem eat, a fiUasa of loala ; enayvstlng the heat and the greater Healdaa —adding the oil reduced Its has brought ««ilt against Dr. Wiley E. ^ the dsmger of proatratlon. Archie Smith was re-elected to the coat 40 canta on a gallon lass than J H. dtonebrook wsa In St Johns position of treasurer on the school Woodbury, for ?20.Mtt. on a charge of Tbla Is a truism—a propoaliloa other paint. malpractice. Dr. Woodbury Is aaais* needing no argument. laat week. iKwrd St Monday evening's snnusi Thirty-five yearn uae In .V. A. and school meatlag. tant physician at tbe loala asylum A word in favor of tbe sstatamatic Kmai Baster of Ashley rlsltad his 8. A. and two yearn ago he attended Mr. conaln. Hobart Johnson, laat week. Harrv Healey, who was savarely effects of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is time­ injured in the Xlaplc Rapids-Perrinum Longman A MnrtInax. Manufactur- Dement when bhi arm was broken. A ly—it ta s fact that tbls peculiar Mrs PV>rd Hennett entertained bar ball game the Fourth, Is able to be era The L. A M. Pure Paints. Var- year ago Bemont bad tbe arm ampu­ madlctue sireugtheaa sad tones all niece. Miss Isham. of Alma laat weak. nlabes aad Paints for every purpose, at work again. tated. He alleges that tbe loos of tbe organa and functions aad builds Oien Smith of Alma mitatf rala- Miss Roma Gleaaon of Grand Rap­ for mie by A. O. Hunt. circulation tn Ula arm followed the up tbe whole system. tlvea und friends in tbls vicinity last ids was the guest Wednesday and setting of the bone. vetwdi. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A We believe you will do well to take Thursday laat week of her friend. AAA Hood's during the heated period. Anna Johnson and Uoldle Kllley of ♦ ♦ .Mlsa lone Richmond. Will Aema, a yeoag bsahmpar freai Itbara visited at Harry Redman's laat John Smith had one of his work A OLKBT. A week. A A Grand I^ge. went over to Cliarlotte .V.4T HE B4N' rOOK*N. horses die last weak from the effacu with two compankma to aecnre a ('laude Johnson. Harley and Roy ot the beat. The other wan overcome AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA D. Shaddock picked up tbe bettor la tha perobattag at a (Mn Binder there ace wvevai:thlasB to Stonebrook attended tba calabratlon marriage license laat Friday. Before also, but was saved. part of an airship In his pasture field into nniuddsnitlnn. Of oonras. the Bret is will It do year work— at St Johns Clyde Randall baa recovered from he socured tbe Heeaae be was over ­ Mr. and Mrs. Deo Hale. Albert Mes­ come by the oxooaelve heat aad col­ Wedneadsy morning. No fatalitlee bailt to do it—wUl it do it eeoaomkediy —wttl tha btoder Into —is ito ser. Pearl Meaner Slllman and Otis bla recant Illness. have been reported from tbe svlnliea Fmnk Pearce has hired out to J. lapsed on tbe sidewalk in front of a oaottMeot with Ito ability to predaea leaoltW Smith were on a berrying trip near store. For ao hour It was s quaatioo meet in Detroit and be Is at s Iona Ijont Lsike part of last week C. Woodard at Klsle. to tell where it oame from He has it The BManfhotaren of tha Johntoeo Oraia Biodara have alwere Mrs R. Decker apant the week with of wbetbar he would mlly or not. but thaaa qatotioai in mlad aa they aoa tba important ooea that tba proa Mrs. Catbaiiae WIckaa and her finally after worklag over him sevemi under cover at his home sad Invitas son. Caleb WIckas. and wife of Dal­ Kment OIney snd family. bla friends to rail and examine tbe ive oBtooctor Is gmag to tarn over in hla mind. Mm. Cbaa. Surgatt of Fenmore Ims boom be recovered anffldantly to be las spant the Fourth with the lat­ taken back to Grand Ledge by auto­ wonderful contrivance. —Grand Ledge Tha Johnetoa OanUiMotol Htadar wiU meat aUItbaaeleondlttoBa ter's parents. Mr. sad Mrs. M. M. bean vary 111 a few days. Independent. Hattie HoMcn returned to Owoaao mobile. owea. Owing to tha very ttawM uiaearurtina Ihmaghnot. aaaa ot Wednanday momlag to work AAA aHea mto draft le of oaaraeanmied. aaweUae mskiag biadsr vary Mrs. Carrie Leetch of Durand and HOB C’.i3i IT RK IMHIItf Mrs Lois Leetch of Ypallaatl arrived C. M. Randall and wife apant Son- ihrHe .logaa, a poiotor af Gwoaaa, able, owing to tbe few perto to get eat ef order or wear. Wa lop i llabjr a aotbar has laafbnd of a nMjr Wedneeday of this week for a visit in day with Joe llrown and wife. baa begun suit against tbe Ann Arbor The Republican of last weak con ­ aiiem oo the ttmplietty os that means the eoviag of both money aad Cbna. Fatt of Detroit waa a guest tained an item to tbe effect that water atroMIbg bclmsst in bar faaaHjr, an* the home of their niece. Mrs. Charles railroad for tto.OftO damsgaa, for al­ to tho oaer of a tatador. of L. L. Allen and wife a few days. taken from th« city walls is slightly Howard. leged permanent Injuty to bla health Mahaa no diBorenee how little or how mmeb yea may pay for a I pacaally among tba cbildrsn, tqr tba Gao. McCItntoek and family went while worhiag In tbe abopa of the contaminated, and recommoads tbo C. 1. Rlchnioad sad family sttand- or there m aooe that will retorn to year poobet as orach mooey in a bsc of a free mmplc boctk of the fa* dod the Ionia Chautauqua on a re­ to tbalr borne In Dwooao Thumday. company. Fumaa from tbe paints boiling process ■KMs laaatnra. Dr. Csidw all’s Sftnp cent Sunday. Laat Su^ay In com­ Bari Baker and wife of Chapin wbleh he usad to paint hot engtoet .Now. The .News would Ilka to have reealto ae the Pepsin. This ofltr of tbs doctor ’s to pany wUb He.nry Tabor, they visited spent Sunday with L. Baker aad wife were not allo«rad to eacapa, owlag to tbe Republican tell ua how there caa Ray French and family and Bari Al- JohnBtcMi ContHiental Binder, nand a frsa sample bot^ bns bean re­ Cryatal Lstke. the lack of ventilation of the building. possibly be any contamination la weM liaugh and wife spent Snaday with water. sponded to by tbonsaads of wommi Mrs Ads Parr of Hubbardaton re­ From inhaling tbaae fumaa. Angus cently took a number of fine, poatcand J. E. Albaugb .ind family. mya hla body awalled until be weigh­ ca oo mamiKG md iwo di in sU parts of America. Cbaa. Albaugh la going to move In views of the realdenre and other ed 230 pounto. His normal weight la Gat your shaving aad maanage work THIS Dr. OsMwall’s Mmp Vspsfg la a Adam Albaugh's tenant Imune recent ­ 14u (MHinda. tmiy wendsrCiu laaaUya and ■maiiilly buildings, grounds and stock on Tar­ done at t'ongreas Barber Shop. Sat­ ry Wstter'a farm ly vacated by Joe Holden and family. WmSIw beeMssl^^alaaMiC^ J. K Albaugh was In Ovid recently AAA isfaction guaranteed. (Tiolce line of Wc have alto just received a carload'of Jamas muuand V./.C. «i«J. jmuuu^ttMiindell mnuand famflimiiiii* i__ _ ...__ ...... ^sss. cigars to select from. tf lee. Will Tall and John Patterson and I C^"* “*/*°* # Ittomeyo af John Hykos af Port­ and no child will refwm M. Than. It Is land. father of tbe boy who waa ^obU^remldv SLoald l?m ^ has heao suffering with uric scld of the stomach for soow time killed there some time ago aa a roault PWINT IK WELL T.iKRN. « good laamtm Cor tba wbolamailty Hroen were in auto party that spant of pleking up a live wire, aay that a Manure Spreaders bsenwm It la sAsetivs at all ages. It Sunday in Grand l..cdgc. Harry Gilmore and wife of Detroit, A DImondale woman wrote tbe edi ­ who spant the weak with C. M. Ran ­ suit for 114.000 dsmagaa la soon to be ta alasply wet dyaaadc Uba aaUa. plils ' Orlando, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cllf- stanad to recover tbe cost of the rare tor of the .News of that village asking and would like to have you ^all and learn about ^"**®*l amb^laa. wbleh mould Hennett. of Detroit. Is spending s dall and family, have gone to Owoa- that the men and boys be notified to so to visit on their return home. of Mra. Sykes since bar injury. This •a.iM 'Honth with relsttvea here. •His bro- suit will not effect the 120.000 damage wear bathing suiu when they go In them. e«MSIalas you doS^ bnow aaa^ly (her. Eddie, now visiting In Lyons, About 29 of the family of C. M. bathing near her home. Hiother Randall and wife gathered home tbe suit that Is now In prograaa against wtaas Is tba mattqy wbb N. It aaads a will also visit I*abanon friends. the village of Portland and the Citi­ Mauren. always curious, of tbe Fort- Randall and wife gather at tbalr i land Review wants to know how ahe jS^p'pupMu mTtramu: j Thomas Healey and home tbe FVsurtb to spend tbe day zens' Telephone Co. One case has toim up uSa elSd aaftMm It r^ba two daughters of Lake Odcuna vlaltad bean tried for the death of the boy knows they do or do not wear batblag suits F. ■. VIEVENBUIC wag ^In sv ar aigbt woadarfk te-| their son. Harry Healey and wife and resulted In a snmll judgment bean aaaurad wltb i Sunday. The latter's little dau ­ Maeeai Medirtaes Temes Febea- l*raaMant Taft's recent maeaaga against the eorporattoo. HdMi nmt Ih I St. John ^ Bich. Von can bay It of any druggist at ghter. Reva. accompanied them home. AAA KMaej Biaaoaes are ratable •fty asnu ar a dollar a battlarUM lai- Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Messer are suggesting an ..niendmeni to tbe Pure Food and Drugs iawa in tU raluUon to A balMIng In the eootor af tbe laoia under certain coodltlons Tbe right Vor batag tba taasUy Mae. bat yea are grandparents of a Mae little lady, state prison varda cootatntng tbe kit­ medicine miiat be token before tbe tovitad m make a test ef it ftmt at the bom June 30, to their daughter, Mrs. Prepared Medicinao. does not mfar to dector's aapanaa ftowd him year ad ­ such standard madlcinas aa Foley's chen. dining room, bakery, hospital, dlaeaar has i»rograaai d too far. Mr. dress taday aad ha will aawd yea a free letwls Roberts, and husband In Cali­ engine room, tailor shop and lawadry, Perry A Pitman. Dale, Tea., says: '*1 nampli battle diraet to your hums. fornia. and whose name Is Anna Mar­ Honey and Tar (Compound and Foley Vbaa whoa mtlaftad buy It of your fav- Kidney Pills, both of which are true waa completely destroyed bv fire waa down in twtt for four months oelle fli iigglcl guerite. Thursday at a lose of 130.000 oa tbe with kidney and bladder trouble ■iwt Mrs. Arthur Dick of Matherton waa niadlclaea carafully oompouedad of Qr. Caliwill dees not foal that tba Ingredients whose medicinal qaalltlea Btrueture sod contents. The fire gall aioues. Oae bottle of Folay'a purrhana of bis mmady aada bis ohll- the guest from Friday until Monday started in tbe laundry. KMaey Remedv cured me wall aad maUeu. Ha bsw apsriallasit la stonmcli, of her slsiera. Meadamea C 8. aad are recognized by the medical profea- uvur unft bowel diaaasaa for over farty The prison officials handled tbe sound " Aak for It. VaiMlehle A Glas- Henry Silvemall. She was accom­ alon Itself aa the beet known remedtal yearn aad will be plaaaod to give the Mgenta for the dleeaaee tkey are In* prisoners ably, daaplte tbe big uproar P*a seeder any advlea on tba sabjaat free panied lionie by the latter's little among them when tbe ftre was dla- nf rbarga. Alt am wolsean to write daughter.. Valva. who will remain tbe b'nded to countemet. For over three bias.a. wbatbar for tba awdleal advise decadee Foley's Honey and Tar Com­ covered. Tbe building waa a fwo- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A Short TahL free so seal i addroaa him Dr. reel of the week. story brick. 00 by 110 feet, erectod In ♦ A .V oniftwsll. m OaMwell bulldlag; John McDonald, at one time a resi­ pound baa been a atanderd reorady for ‘'®**gba, colds end lungs for cblMren 3004. after the ffrat building had bant ­ A nrPL.iiN. A in. dent of this township, on tbe farm ♦ A and for grown pemoes and It m- ed at that time. nou owned by .Mrs Julia Wood, of AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Southeast LstMuion. died Isst weak talae today Its |•re-emlaoace above all 30DOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) other preiwratlona of Ita kind. Fnlay An Gwaaaa yeoag OHm fotoMtoi cm Wednaadsy at the home of bis daugh­ cooaldenibla amusement for a car The day was pleas itly It in ter, Mrs. Alice Brown, in Detroit. He Kidney Pllla are equally efVsetIve aad maritorioua. VaaMekle b Olaaple load of paaaawgera on tbe Ann Arbor va rtoua games and amuoHaaats. waa the father of R. D. McDonald, de- one day reeeotly. A workman who Mr. Beott who la nearly §4 yoara of Tobecco: caaaed. a raaldent hare at tbe tlase of ♦♦♦AAAAAAAAAAAAAA bad been employed tn Owoaao aad attt to In fairly good baaltb aad great­ latk lael of bla death. waa going to hia booie at Duroad. ly aojayad the occastoa. Rev. J. B Fbote sad wife of Grand ♦ A Tomri A SLBA rCTriM. A placed bis loach baakat la tbe raolt Tha guaato from tha oovth raturaad l. recommeadari, that a f ruaawalb be‘ in Mr. Thoam’s auto. raturoed from LaUm Odessa whera noon at the Christian ebarrh ooa- for a visit with her coustna. ♦ ♦ built on tbe weet tide of Leasing; jas. Conk, who baa been apendinp theY spent a few days erftb frlaadn. dueted by Rev. C. W. I.orman and the Mr. aod Mra. Wilbur Morrison vis ­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ acrone Baldwin street Alee that aj hla vacation with his pareata. Hr. Faarth uf July Plcair. friends. reaaalna were laid at raat in tbe ited her parents here Friday en route croeawalk be built oa tbe aoatb side um I Mm. Ooarod Coek. returaed again 'The praad 4th of July plealc at tbe; Mr. aad Mra. John Oay accompan- Bureka remetory. The friend s from to Ltnalnp to visit hlo parents and Born to Mr. and Mm. Albert Yaai of McConnell street aereae laaelng i to Bay City, polnp by way of I^anstap Holy Trtnity church prounds was s; led by Mr. and Mra. Heary Oay awA away who attcodad the funemi were j returned to ihclr home in Brecken- in Riley, Sunday, July ftb, an 8V4 Ib. street Alao that a oraaaaralk be | and Detroit. decided aucBam. Tbe hall game eras i family Halted ftiends in Grand Lsdga Tbev made bla aon. Adelhert Parka, of Graad ridpe Saturday evenlnp daupbter. ^ built oa the east elde of Ottaara atrecl! The warm weather still coatinues. between Fhwier aad Westphalia and j Sunday. Blapida. aad pranddauphter. Mm. Our-. tp, (rtp with their new auto Mlaa Barbara Quimby of Lanalnp acroas Floml Avenue. Orowlap crops of all kinds am look- was won by PVrwIer 16 to 6. Mrn. Olrt of Detroit returoed to har red Pemhinp of Ovid and Mr. and | Mrs. .Neita Wtpht of St Johns ac- visited Miss Oertrode Devereaux Moved by Alderman Smith, sup- The wheat Is all cat and as a The races wem in charge of the i home Saturday after apendinp seveval Mm. Dariua Bldridpe and Mr. and : rompanled by her mother. Mm Mary Sunday. ported by Aldermaa Stone, that . rule proved to be a poed crop. Coro Youap Men's Society. The wlaaera I weeks with her sister. Mm. Heaiy Mm. Andrew Bldridpe and dauphter fumer. of Sickles, and aunt. Mm. Mr. and Mm. Theo. Martkxe of Ril­ marshal be instrnetad to build tbe | |a comlnp aloap In pood shape but aod pHxea wem aa follows: Pant bi­ Schneider. Flooaie of Blnphani and Mm Thomas Amelia Welllnps. of Ionia, came to ey visited Mr. and Mm. Harr>' Moon croaawalka recommeaded by tbe com- ; just now a pood min would be a naa- cycle race. Arnold Thelen. lat piiae, Mr. aad Mra. John FInels HsUad Shlaaer, of Benpal Bureka last Sunday. Mm Wipbt re- Sunday. mlttee on prades and walks. teiial benefit to all prowlnp crops. 91.50 hat. Lao Martin. 2ad prise. 91-00; at the hoam of their dauphter. Mr. ' ■ i turned home that evenlnp and Mm. Mr. and Mm. Schnvey of Lanalnp. Ayea, four; naye, none. ' ...... leo-yard daah, free for alt. Ray Pea- and Mrs. John Sebmuben, in West­ riW OF THANHH—We wish to Turner and Mm. Wellinpa remained Mr. and Mra. (ieo. Pike and family of reatlagaat Faad PMbaraaaiiala Ham*a TMb nlnptoo of Pewamo flrat prlxe, box of phalia Sunday. thank tbe friends, nelphbom and here to apend some time at Mm Tur- Dlire were entertained at the home City Pay Roil. W* offar One Hundred Dellara Itoward cigam. William Mulllna 9nd prise. Mlaa Heleaa Miller of Pewamo In slnpem for their kind assistance at' n^r'a boom. uf Mr. and Mm. Marc Cutlar July 4Ui, for any onsa of Qamrrb tbnl-ennnot be 92.60; boys' race, under 16. Alex Haf- j spendlnp a few days at the home of tbe death and burial of our husband ------Claim No. 463:— cured by Hall'e CSatairb Cum. 1911. E. J. Molnet ___ .112^6 F. /. CHENEY A CO.. TMade. O. ner, pHxc bell and bat; plrla' race, j her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mm. An- and father. Pi •*a Paem a ilopi. Mr. and Mm. Varney Pearce of De­ We. tbe underamaad. have kn ewn F. J. under 16. Annelia Pohl, prlxe story thony Hufnagal. Oeo. L 'Tlnkbam .... 30.00 Cheney fee tbe laat U yearn, aad tan- Mm. C'lartisa Parks. Prom Rev. H Stubenvoll. Allison, witt spent part of last week at the! book; younp men's race, under 26 A number of youap folks w«rn Ad home benime frtpht-; John Pfice______house in this Hlinpe. wi^- Grand laidge ened at kis umbrella aad mn away i Welter A Hodge______chine, bowling alley and animal show compound 1 pet great mllef.” Many Mr. and Mm, L O Sumner were raised the toul recelpu of tbe P*c- 1 ^|,o .offer sImllUrly will be Bert Parka and .Nellie Perahtnp School meettnp was heW In the July 4tb. hreakinp hla buppy and Dnvia Thumton ______called to 'Toledo. Ohio. Wednesday hy were peata Of relatlvea et Ovid over Strtckland district Monday evenlnp harneea Mark Fielda ...... nic to nearly 9600. benefit by Mr, Stewart's e>- the cHtIcal IRneea of their aon. In the evening waa a grand d splay | parlance. VanSIckIc A Olaaple. Sunday. Georpe Town trod waa elected treas­ Mm D. H. Hutchins and son Archie Mlaa FVrn r«»vemtooe of Mt. Pleas­ urer tVm. Talt. the director, tender ­ 911tJ6 of fireworks -md aaveral balloons | ^ Foley Kidney Pllla ere composed of' of Gaylord returoed home Tuesday af­ were raised. —ro— ant visited relatives here a mirt of ed hla reeipnatlon but wwa not accept­ lapredlenta specially selected for< ter a three weeks' Halt in St. Johns laat week. ed by the diatrtet their flormrtlvc. healinp. tonic, and { 362--(N. A. AldHch . 14.66 and DeWItt. Weir Palmer of Grand Ratuda Ha­ Mm Bmma McDonald went to De- •timulattnp effect upon tbe kidneya. Mr. and Mra Ernest Wolcott of H. Sutton was at Pewamo Saturday lted hla mother. Mm. Sarah Klrby, t troll Tiieedny to attend the funeral bladder aad uTtnary paaaagri They i Tonal fTomm'ra. pay roll .9261.9.*; Merle Beach and Mr. and Mm. Fred Ell Brenneman baa a flac new auto- last week. ; of Mm John McDonald, who died af- are antts«|Ptr. antlllthlr and a urtcl 964—Bdward O. Hnlae . .j$ liJK Peltier of the Hllape spent Sunday at oroblle. Mm. Stella Youngs and children of 1 ter n abort lllneoa. Mr. McDonald arid solvent Vanflirkle A Olasple. I 964—UhaHaa Keadrtek . 1.66 Eugene Peltier's. town laat sre*k. LOW I Flint were puesta of relatiews here • only died laat week after an illneea 966—John Hicks_____ . 41.64 Mr. and Mm. Fred Hleka of .NoH W. H. Saelling was at Muir 'Tues­ lest week. . of two days. This aped couple were 966—The IT. 8. Pipe Co. . 116.60 spent a few days laat week at (Tiaa. day oa baslaeos ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A Mr. aad Mra. 'Tyler Georgia were at Toorigt ♦ ♦. Wilcox's. Mm. Hicks waa formerly 6416.44 Mlaa Hnsel vnicox of this place. Pewaoao Sunday. ♦ WAHEINHTON. ♦: Miss Louloe Schafer of Westphalia MDCBlPBIIIiMi ♦ ♦ 967 Frwi ScVuv Id ei win d 'The Infant dauphter of Mr. aad _..946J6 Mm. Gao Rohrer. who suffered from called In town 'Tueeday. FARES 966—fNiarlee Cheat 97.18 convulaioaa July 4tb aad wao partial­ Willie Wirtx of Pewamo waa in oaaai ’IDTS town oae day lent week ('barley Grubauph. who has been i ly paralysed nn oae sMe. la better at 964.62 this wHttnp. Mlaeaa Roes Fox aad Irene FInels TO in very poor beitlth. died last Sunday. ; were nt Pewamo Sunday. SlWKFlG^ElEaiHSENNt A pood many attended the Silver ’ Mr. aad Mra J. W. Oiinniaon enter ­ Bros • show tn Aakley Batiirdey even- Total^treet and aewer diabta tained Mr. and Mm. Paul Pierce of Misses Clara sad l40uise ITIrtrh lowNm I JD033DQ lap. Water Fuad PIsbaveeaM were la Pewamo Sunday. ■XAL FAIflLT LAXATIVE. AS Monroe. Hugh Ounnlaon and dauphtr r Mtune And J«rgAy Congt IT GIVES SATWACnON TO ALU B Mrs, John Kirby and dauphter Com j 444:— and lady fHend of Detroit over the Broeot Thornton of Owoaao spent .920.60 Sunday with relatives here. m rrs effects spent last Sunday In Elsie with her i Faler ------Fourth. OnnliACy MowIvwAi brother. Adnm Mull ...... 17.66 Mr. and Mm M. A. .Norris and aon Mies Laura Feldpauoch of l.anBlnp .T SUPE AT ALL TWEE Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rose of Ash­ Gayle entertained the foiiowlnp July Tlolted friends here Tuesday. AND Mlaa Seraphine Martin spent San* M H ^ ^ El ley spent leet S

pMom •rt§,

Mm C. D Woolloy wan la MMn

Mm A J. H^nr aad eklldrsa of ■nrl Troop hao put mm auto Bsllevue are v|niuag her pnrealn. Om of tkf moot tatoraotlas «'«>• thU wook. fUnm oi tim ymr took plaeo oa Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Weals. R. D. Whitman «ms la Mtddlotoa Thuraiajr ■irgalaa. wImk MIm IMoa Mr. aad Mrs. Andrew Kinney have on Boadoy. Jaaet AtaoM. dauahtor of Mr. aad gone to Kent City for a two woeka* Mias Bilth Sue at Rlnle woo a town CLEARANCE SALE Mrs. Wtlkur P. ArmoM. ISS Oatarto visit with their son Hugh rallor on PtMay. ■c. Oak Park, waa laarrtad to Mari Laon Miner of Owoooo mas entor- Rav. W. P. Prsnsh of Lnnalng apont A great ma^ people have already taken advantage of our GENERAL Worthlactoa Nix of Rlvar Paraat. at talasd Inst weak at tks honat of Mr. Tuaoday la town. tka Rlrar Panat Matkodlat okurek, and Mrs. Jnn. Woodwortk. ■av. Ifidward Q. BekulU parfonaiac Mra M. J. Hortoa opent a faw Anya CLEARANCE SALE, thus showing they are alert for genuine value Mrs. Prank Woltor and daugktor lant wank In Mala. the oaraiBoar. tka full rtW aarrtaa Carol of PooUnc wars gusota of bar Bniie Tmap waa a huMnsns vlaitar bataa uaad la tka praaaaca of a Ian* slaior, Mrs. Jsnale Vsugkaa. offerings in dependable merchanedise. aumbar of fiiaaia aad ralaUvoa fitaa Mias Slltnbe«h Murphy of Owoaao Is la Alma on PrMay. rhlcaao. Oak Park aad Rlaar Poraat visiting at the honas of bar atstsr, Prank Baonatt was In Pontine job We are going to reduce our stock to make room for our new fall goods Aaaoac tkatr nuawroua glfu of out Mra. A. B Snyder, this weak. baolnaoo loot weak. •iaao, Itaaa aad atlrar waa a ckaak ■s-ar Cooi' vtaltor on flaturday. panr of wklek Mr. Nix ta aa eaiploya. man at Paotoo made a bualneas trip Myron Troop aad aoo Earle aucoad A BONA FIDE REDUCTION on everything in stock excepting Coats ’ —Oak Park Laavaa. to Orld tha last of the wash. Marl waa a fonaar Ovid boy. havtac Mr. aad Mrs. Bdward Howe of Lan ­ to Pulton on Sunday. thread, carpet warp, spool sHk, grain bags. kraduatad frooi tka hick aekooi hart sing visitsd In Ovid last week with Mra Eunice Bonaett was In Blaie with tka claaa of 1M6. Par tka paat hla aaochsr, Mrs. W. Q. Hunter. on bttstnsas Tuasdny. aix raara ha haa bald a paattloe with Tbos. Stanton, Oso. Gleason, K R. Mira Laura GaiMkam haa returned tka Jojrca Lumbar Coaipaar and la a Munson and famlllas are enjorlng a CO bar work In Toledo. COMPARE VALUES AND PRICES varr ambittoua aad proaxlaliic rouac two weeko* outing nt Argentine. Mr. aad Mrs. R. Q. Letu spaat •antlaaan. Wa axtand boat wlakaa Mrs. 8. P. Nix haa returned from Wednesday In Owoaao Chicago where she went tp attend Ed. Payne and wife of .North Star Hriiaal Maaftkk the wedding of her eon, Merl .Nix. spent Sunday in town Dimbm rmI sahi WRMbGoodM TalilRLiM BMdSpi Tka aanaal aekooi maattas was Mrs. Aiihur Morse and two children Mrs. P. C. Peck haa returned from bald In tka laaambly room of tka Beth and Victor, are In Cleveland vts- her vlnlt near Kingston. Ovid hick school on Monday •>vaolnc. ' lling her slater, Mrs. Robt. Crouae. $2.(x> values ____ $1.69 39c values _____ 3.59 tka aekooi board for tha paat yaar. I at Mt. Pleasant was home over Sun ­ Inees visitor here Tuea^pr. day. Two truateas, Scott Redfam and P. j Prank Vaucoasant of Shepherd i.etrolt spent j; 50c values __ ---- 39c ISC values ______12 I-2C 50c values __ $4.00 values ------$3.29 Crawford of this vllla^a. diad at bis on the street after being confined to Sunday here vlth his parents ------43c boma In Oiioo. July 4th. Por a com* his home several weeks on account of The Misses Gusts aad Sylvia Moore 35c values 29c 12 I-2C'values 10 I-2C 35c values . 3*c 3.00 values 2.59 pniiUvaly short time Mr. Crawford sickness. were In Owoaao on business Friday, 2^c values 19c IOC values ------9C 25c values.. _____ 21C 2.00 values 1.79 bad suffered from gansraae to hla Mn Helen (‘toss and daughter Ma­ i Miss Lirdia Smith la entertaining a light foot. Two months ago he came bel are spending a few weeks with I lady friend from Ithaca this week. 15c values 12 I.-2C 7 I-2C values 6c 15c values 12 l•2C 1.50 values. 1.29 to Ovid and wav operated on by Doc­ Herbert Cross it his cottage on Sag-i I Geo. Jackson of Ithaca was a bus- tors Campbell and McOaillcuddy at naw Bay. icx: values ^ _ 9C SC values 4 C IOC values ------9C 1.00 values •79 tha lioapital. He aaamad to improve I talnlng friends from Howell this and WAS able to return home Dr and Mr«. Clare Bates and chil­ i week. but It waa only for a ahon tijoe dren of Durand were visitors at the Mrs. Harriet Weston has leturaed home of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Bates dur ­ from her visit witb friends in Grand ing ^he past week. ReAd^-to-NPRg R«Rcly-tD-NPRI Uadwwa SiRi and Liale Glores R I. Baaba spent Wednesday In 8t. I Rapids Mesdames W H. Parker and New­ $1.00 values - 79c Johns on business. Mr^ K. Lacxemby haa returned Lndim, REaaau tatd Child-' Waah Dramn, Waah $1.00 values „------79c Mrs. Willis Gllban Is seriously III! ton Smith of St. Johns spent a part I from her visit wHh her daughter In 39c with catarrahal pneumonia of last week vtth the former'* sister. ' Indiana. Skirtt, Shirt Waiatm, Soc values _____ ------43c Mra. W. G. Hunter. faa*a Coatm, Saiim aad .25 values 19c H. Douglas Potter spent Thursday j C. A f*oat and wife of fOlsIc visit-i Wrappart, Ktmona* 2SC values. 21C . . In Grand Rapids on business Mr. and Mrs Wayne Woodworth i ed with Lewis Schlarf and family 3mrt9. and son Keith of Detroit are lialtlng ' this week 15c values I 2 I-2C Dean Tucker has purrhase<1 tha at the home of their parents, Mr. and mm f Ribbotu tmrbar shop of A. B. Waniar. Mra. B. S Wo«K|worlh. Raymond Green of Toledo la a guest 28 par cant REDUCTION 10 par cant REDUCTION IOC values QC L. H. Shaver Is working on bndgaa Mra Grahani G. Hunter and aon ‘ in the home of his uncle. Harry Green, W par aaat REDUCTION In the vicinity of Lake Odessa George are In Flint on account of the this week. Miss Vara Cowan want to Argentine sickness of her mother. Mra. Hunt ­ , C. D. Wooley and wife and Bert Umd bpaMos, ParaaoU and Monday for a few days* outing. er spent Sunday there. I Gilbert and wife siient the Fourth at La em emd Tapmatry Cmriaam. 28 emni Round I.jike. MaaUn Undafamar, Em- Mias Pannie Bailey was a visitor .Mr. and Mra. Baton Mr.Neeiey re­ I REDUCTION HTSmt REDUCTION • li In Owoaao Monday aad Tuesday turned the last of the week to their I I... B. Crsgo commenced hla thresh-' Wp home in Akron. Ohio, after visiting ing campaign for this fail on Wednea- Mias Beulah Briggs Is In South Ha- j their cousin. Mrs. James DeWttt. for I day. July 12th. van visiting relatives for two weeks. CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, a few days. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Beemer aad dau- 50c values ___ 4 .;c Mias Grace Abbott was In Durand Mrs. Stephen Harvey aad little I ghter apent the Fourth with relatives OR-ChHt, lant weak visiting .Mlsa Cecil Robaita son Kenneth, who hove been visiting I at .New Lothrop. 26c values 21c her parents. Mr. and Mra. Lewla Cross JO REDUCTION Clare Stone spent Sunday with his Mrs Prank Sebriag aad daughter, W par eatU REDUCTION IOC values ____ ouc parents. Mr. .ind Mrs. Luther Stone. for the paat three weeks, have retiira- : Mias .Nets, were business visitors In Chaa Pox of Durand visited his sis­ ed to their home In I.suialng. Owoaao on Friday. ter. Mrs. .Deo. Beardslee. over Sun ­ Mr and Mra. Geo. Tooley of Lan- The Silver Painlly show that waa day. alng spent a few days of las* week held here on Monday evening did not with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. T. I draw a very large crowd. B. L. Andrus of Grand Rapids made Abbott. They went from here to Ar­ Mrs. Sopha VanDeuaen of Klale; a bualneas trip to OvM the last of the gentine and Detroit for their summer week. spent a few days this week with her vacation daughter. Mrs. P. Bennett, and fam- Mias Gladys Hainar has gone jaa i My l>atmlt to visit relatives for eevenl Mni. Arthur Biiggs of Elsie has weeks. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ♦ ♦ been here this week assisting in the Miss Della Way of Detroit has been ♦ .NORTH R.IHLE. ♦ care of a relative. Mrs. French, of, aare caring for her aunt. Mrs Willis ♦ ♦ Detroit, who is lying In s very crltl-! Gilbert. cal condition at the home of her sla- ' Jas Couch of Jackspn was in town ter. Mra. H. B Gallop. John Hicks last week spending a few days with A. A. York gavv an addrwas at tho relatives F M churrh Thursday <»v«mlng. Mlea BesTrlca Ha vena of Cariand Mrs. Wni. Butcher ta vlalttng her I 33 Cliiitoii Ave. St. Jolms, Mich. spent Tuesday with Mlsa Mildred duaghter, Mra. Chas. Ssndy, in I.ian- Woodworth. sing BMiSTEII BOT .Mias KerxMtiirk of Stanwood waa Mr. and Mrs. David Monis snd Mr and Mrs Crab were Sunday gueau a gueat of Mra Willard Baker a part HER MODEST DEMAMWk SNK TIUTKLING ENfOilfHIWAR. of last week. of Mrs Rebecca Patrick. rNDDffBTEDLT A LIML. TWO rOHPABIflONH. The L. A. 8. will have an Ice cream A .Nebraska pioneer who had pur­ Tkave la an old saying that an Mlaa Nellie .lenka was i riaitor MEMIIIIPE A story la told about a group of Mrs. Ha^e—Look how different the social at 8. Brown's Saturday even- sued the dollar relentlessly and auc- Kngllahiuan Is never at home bat Pridny at the home of Mm John Pot­ Inc. July Ifi reaafiiliy decl-led. on the approach of when be la xhroad. but the tallowing strangers talking amiably together In fats of these two stotara. Mmlly mar- ter. in Burton. a country Inn rtad end beoame a miaarnble wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Sutherland of M.tH EATING niNNKR IN TEIMCW middle life, to take advantage of the stoo' oare toM by Anthony TraUape., Mr. and Mm John Oberlin ind Grand Ledge and I. Trlerweller and, rise of land and dlapooe of his home­ la direct teaUmaay to the contrary: One said, "I was born in Virginia, Mias Giggle—How hand to bear! daughter Ruth of Pontiac visited In family visited at John IngleFs Sun-! WHEN IT iN'Cl MKED. stead at a goad figure that was offer­ On this occaatoo. aa we made ourj Ike mother of sCataoman and fair w^ I Hsu. flnge—Har ototor Jane took Ovid last week day ed. The man was knosm as a driver, wey slowly fkruagti Switxerland aad j imm.” I warning by bar fate and remained an Don Holland went to Bay City Mon- Mr and Mrs. Geo. Reasler and Mr. shrewd sad claae fluted. He guarded over the Alps, wa sneountered agktn | "My aaUve stole la Kaotucky." old maid, kaaand saaCher, "the Urad of superb Mlaa Glggk^H^w unkoarable! — -ay .’Doming where he will work dur ­ and Mrs l.iawrence Raasler of I*an- Taa-N|af7 HalMlags Madly Nhakao carefully tha pnrae-otiinga. and when and again a pear, forlorn Kagflafc- ing the summer. sHtg were guests of John Morris and he handed out money to hla wife for man. who had no friend and no apCI- i paaiurea^ flaot bomaa. aons marksmen , Beltlaoie Amartoaa. :Rnin. and Mrs. Herbert Warae of family Sunday. Terrified People Kill Sttrai* neceraltlaa. she brought back tka tude for traeeiiag. He waa alwaya' •■d pserleae beanttaa. ' ^ ------tiny lord are making a visit with his chanae If there was any. losing his wwy aad fludlng blms«^ A third extallad Ohio, a fourth Tkava^ aotktog ao goad her a sore Writer Prefer* WIrhkraa. PvMsad Iwuialana At toot a toll, thrant aa Dr. King's Matootrlr Oil. *>mtker, Chas Warae. HIH LIPK-fNIBK. The terms were agreed on and the with no seat la Che coaches and am I bsd at the lows. gaunt man atod: Curse tt In a few houin. Rallovm any Mins Cora Burke of Oxford Is the "Ah! So that la the oldaar lahablt- sale.involving ftt.aag, wne about to "WeAL gentlemen . 1 aorae from the pain to any part wueat of her grandmother. Mrs. A E. antr* said the city man. **A vener ­ .Saa P^nclsco. Calif.. July 1, Tfit. be made, when aa unioaked-for ob- Once I found him at ttoire saatad at | li o'clock In the morning In the coupe' gardan spot of ABMVton." ------' >Tny. for the aummer. able figure, truly! How do you ac­ St. Johaa News. Btacle appeared. The woman refused "Where's tkat^ ekoutad tka otkara TB NEXT STET. maaos Hattie and Pelda Serrsis count for hla having lived all these m. Johns, Mich. to sign away her homsslead lighu. of a diligence which sras Intended to I sktot at noon tor tka ■ngadlne. It sraa .. "Unale Joe haa nmde hla wUI, hasn't ■tave gne to Plttaburg, Pa., to vlnlt yearar* Dear Mr--I will wrtir you regard­ Arguments or (-onxteg alike had no ' Hkowhegan. Matas Can I sail you be?" mlativwB tor «ome time. "WelL," a trifle acidly repllad the ing the sarthquahe wha^ occurred effect. hla pnrpeoe to go over the Alps In an- i ofitor which waa to leave at half paat ' a raaor-atrapf* —Bootna HovnM "Tan; what's the aast thing oo tka Harry Allen Is spending a par of landlord of the Skeedee travea. "I here at 2 o'clock this afreraemo. "Why does she refuser* asked thei 1 ate vacation with hla slater, Mra. 8. gueaa it's b'ciu he'a never done any- ! I was in a restaurant eating when &. aad which was already crowded ^ ' program lawyer to whom the haahami had wlUt pesaenger*. POUTMIAL nvWX Why. to get klaa to oonanlt a num- >fil iPNAtgumm. In Pontiac thing vsloe." —d*ttak. all at a mrt the table ba to tip—It i taken his trouhleo shook and Upped so bad Aat It slap "Ah!" he said. ”f am In time now.) "Wkan't U Newton who dtoeoverad 00001011040 "—Lite “I can't find out.”* aad anbody shall am me out of this (he law of gravllalton whan he saw - |isd coffee oat of the cups aad rattfad "Lst roe talk to her.** all the (Hskea soet." alluding to tactoer little mis­ •• apple fall tram a trsa" queiiod ** In leas than a minute the entir e Ho a itieeUag wnn arranged. ".Now,"' fortunes of srhick 1 had bean a wit* Ika otndanL TUachar Ifiaimnlilaglj 1 — Yewr street was filled with people and you said the lawyer, ’Nafl me frankly your neun. "No." repllad the waae guy. "The daagktor has a goad carrylag voice, WHY NOT Urn a may bet. i. for one. didn't atop to eat objection. Is It an araount of sentl- ' When I explatoad to him his pael- law of gravttatioa wne dleoovered by fkther (frtmlyi—Yes; It has al- very long aa there ware latge kvtek luant. or do yon aanaldar It a bad . tloa. he was as ene to whom Ufa was a paNtlclaa who hapgHMd to he un- ready carried rwny a good deal of halldlnge all araund ua—the psople bualnens deal?" too MCtor to be kneae. Bat he made ' der a plum cxnn"-ChieogB News. | ay monay. espectad to eee tham go Tkeir are "No." saM tkw wanmn. sriping away hla way Into ftaly. and enco untered two ten-elory bulldiggs aa ■arkat a tear. "It alkN aeltkar. 1 haven't me agiki at tka PM palace In Plor- ' St. that ware jotaad tight tegs tier ba- any aentliwa ni tm tha place. Goad- < fore the quake; now ona kge bona aeoa known. I have sinvad away my' "Can yoo tuR bm aeaietklug?" ka • 15 Horse Power Port life on It. I warhad Utore every Mt i aaM to me In a wklagar. kavlagi Upped one foot farsrard. It akaoh the lining all out of the tower of *he Per­ aa hard aa Jkkh. sgd now that he Is j taaaked my shealieT. "Tha paoplai # ry halMIng at foot of Maskat Bt going to soil It. I tkinfc 1 ongbt to, aaw aa tn anw rid that I daa ’t Ilka ta a The Bank of Italy, a Insge cement have part a# the manay. I navar did aal^d^^ la It they hasp tka X Yool like . bleak Imlldtng. waa akaken so hatd have any rannay that waa all my own ' aUe Oiffit that It mavad many of the bleaks aa that 1 noaM spend as I plaMod alace I aant Mm ta tka Uffltl. hat I toar • Inah or mavr right uanisrals i. It Taath'e CMni- • tm alas did graot damagr to other prop­ "Wall, that ooaads a Trading at Hal ’s erty that 1 did not aoe. sold tka lags! advtoor. ‘How maak, The people on Market St. ware so do yoo think rmm ough|»lo have?" reWllitaeoursiftoUraosprtsetoall. Tau'll sypreilsii the tost 18 aaarad they hardly know which way A Pdak Into Mi IkakM a "Da you think m weald he too. WaaM show tka boa of Rnahland Ar- a taat wnsa you buy ruRgmiRA. Ruuk. OARmrin.BMAOgn. to 00 or wkat to do; ckHdren warn oSs.,a« gtTLL'n lasve Is ealy ene preat (eaO taste very reeeen- R. P. PoftwIilB OutfilM much tor asa to ask?" she replied, af- | ■Ha aatos that E, A Lopar, a earpoa- * erylag. women running aad I gnaoa tar same boaftotlaa | the men ware tea sagrsd to ran. bat •ar. of Marllla. N. T.. alwaya catrlra. • they wear all loahlag aa If they want ­ The lawyar made it lltt. ead tka i "I have navar had a eat waaad. a daal woe slaasd. —Tauthk Ooaapaalaa | ed to ran. hvntoe ar aare tt would not soaa i * It It te SB UiUBb SB taB Bd iaoaas. Mis California la • alee etale and has kaol." ba wrllas. Graatoot koalor of; a a fine climate hat glre me gaud old burns, holla, era Ida, rkappad haada 1 • > ifglB. la BO Bibsr llosaf aaaOs Be you ast A aaw nuval brand hank haa Jnat aad Itpa. favor sarea, akin arupMona, Z Om- Michigan, srith a little had sroothar, tansy as wbsa yaa bav IbruHure That Is, 1 la pruisrancr to (*alltornla with bar aa laauai by tka Dnaaaagar dapnrt- aeaaam. oorna and pMoa He at J. T. i a you par Hra ptosa ar rerultuvs aeoB tor • gaud clhnale with aa onrtkqnaka ar- Mt of tha Qraad Trank MmHIc Rail- MIIInHia'h. ToaMHfcla A aiseplsd>i ? ary little wklla that akakaa the wkola ly. Tka aoaar la an Itoltotkra of a Travta A SkilayNi. Z ottta. Mane of that far ma. Taaro vary raapactfully. till TOT SfllD MOTMn. HMNWT P. MOORB, HeaRk Rooart Prngvtotar —Wa hare E. L HULL FAnaS ’ CEKRT TU all Made af hoiks aver knawe of Jt IT. it JL