Quote of the Month

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

July 2014 Vol 6 / Issue 7

Dear Sai Bandhus, In this issue:

“Achintyaavyakta Roopaya Nirgunaaya Gunaathmane | • Editorial Samastha Jagadaadhaaraaya Moorthaye Brahmane Namah ||” • Bhashya • News Salutations to the Supreme One, who is Formless, devoid of qualities yet is the storehouse • Archives of the same, cannot be comprehended by thoughts and is the substratum of the entire Universe.

This is the first verse in the “Guru Geetha” invoking the Supreme One who is responsible for the genesis, sustenance and annihilation of this cosmos. Guru Geetha is the crest jewel of the Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen puranas) which runs to about 180 and odd verses as a conversation between Lord and Goddess Paravathi where the former extols the greatness of GURU to the latter. Lord Shiva clearly mentions the following about a GURU:

1. GURU is the one and the only one who can dispel the ignorance of a disciple. 2. GURU is none but the Formless Supreme Spirit manifest in a form for the upliftment of mankind. 3. GURU is considered as the Holy Trinity (, and Shiva responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the cosmos) manifest in one. 4. The place where a GURU resides, is as hallowed as Kashi, the washings of HIS feet are but the Holy Ganges capable of absolving all the sins of the ones who partake the same with steadfast faith, the feet of the GURU is that of Lord’s (Vishnupaada), the face of the GURU is Brahma (Brahma mukhaa) and the knowledge that emanates from HIS mouth is Lord Shiva (i.e. Brahma Jnaana or Atma Jnaana), the entire citadel finds its asylum at HIS feet , entire galaxy of the , seers and other beings seek refuge in HIM and extol HIM in various ways. 5. The worship of one’s GURU itself is the worship to Supreme Lord and the utterance of GURU’s name with love is same as the hallowed name of the Lord. 6. One who distinguishes the GURU from the SUPREME LORD has failed to understand the significance of the former’s unity with the latter.

Well, the traits go on and on that finally it becomes very easy to count the stars or measure the Universe but very arduous to narrate the qualities of the GURU which outbeat the metric system of counting. Such is the greatness of GURU that even the Vedas which are considered as the source root of Knowledge have failed to sing his unstained glory completely.

Lord manifests as a GURU to uplift the mankind, by himself donning a mortal frame, assiduously treading the path of austerity and righteousness hence setting an example to the ones who follow Him to the goal ultimatum. The Lord’s manifestation as a GURU is not restricted to particular geography or a sect or group of people. Isn’t the entire creation his projection! So, a GURU’s manifestation in various ages of time, place and persons depends upon the prevailing conditions of the righteousness or in simple – GURU’s manifestation in flesh and blood is in accordance to the Yugadharma and kaaladharma. Salutations to such a divine principle –GURU which has time and again manifested in various places, in various forms upholding the abhivachana of Lord ­“­­­­ Abyutthanam Adharmasya tadaathmaanam Srujaamyaham…..”.

In such a holy lineage of saints, Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj holds a cardinal position, nay the very crest jewel of all the saints- The LION amongst all the Yogis (Yoga Simha) who manifested in flesh and blood in the hamlet of Shirdi. Lucky is that remote village Shirdi where the unmanifest willed to don a form and manifested first at the aforesaid hamlet as a boy of 16 yrs who later disappeared only to reappear after a few years in the form of a Fakir (a mendicant) with Chand Patil’s band (who had come to Shirdi for a marriage) when he made the village his permanent residence till Samadhi.

The Fakir who came with Chand Patil’s marriage procession was welcomed into the village by the Khandoba temple’s priest Shri Bhagat Mahalsapati by addressing the former as “SAI”. The word SAI in persian language means­ . Hence the priest was fortunate enough in recognizing the divinity of the Fakir and befittingly named him SAI. It is a common practice in various parts of India to address respectfully an elderly person as BABA. Hence the villagers started calling the fakir as SAI, BABA or SAI BABA. The fakir, whose details of parentage and name weren’t known, happily acknowledged to such a call of the villagers. The Supreme Lord who is beyond the fetters of name and bonding (naamateetah and bandhavimukta), out of love for his devotees, accepted the names as , Krishna , Shiva etc; received the motherly love, affection and services from Kausalya , Yashoda , Anasuya and other mahabhaktaas. Similarly, Sai Samarth whose birth, parentage and name were unknown happily accepted the name christened by the priest. So, the unnamed willed Himself to be named.

Now, the question…. Why at all this analogy of explanation of who Sai Baba is? Maybe, as Sai Bhaktaas we need no proof to support the greatness of Lord Sai Maharaj for he always shines as the “ Uneclipsed Sun” in the sky of our hearts. But, when someone wants to know the Greatness of our Guru, it is our bound duty to proudly proclaim our baandhavya with our “Atma Bandhu”­ Sainath , we are not trying to be a biased lot by glorifying only our GURU to the ones who ask us for the same, but trying to emphasize the Universality of our Guru with all the other Gurus, envisioning our Guru in every particle of this creation and sing his divine leelas to our heart’s content. In fact, we should consider this as an esteemed honor bestowed onto us by the four faced creator to sing the Unstained Glory of the “ Creator of the Four Faced Creator ” himself. Though our praises fall short of words versus the glory of Sai Maharaj, yet we should leave no stone unturned to render our service to HIM.

Now, coming to the point…… To which caste did Sai Maharaj belong to? If someone tries to localize Sai to a particular caste, please read “Sri Sai Satcharitra” the authentic biography on Lord Sai Baba by his disciple Sri Anna Saheb Dhabolkar( alias Sri Hemadpath), where the author enlists the features of the “Religion” of Sai Baba. Lord Sai lived in a dilapidated mosque, which he named Dwarakamai. He had the sacred fire “Dhuni” burning eternally in Generated with www.html-to-pdf.netthe mosque, the ringing of the bells, the sacred basil plant (tulasi plant), the recitation Page 1 / 7 Vedas, Upanishads and puranas which was a regular activity at Dwarakamai and all the system befitting a Hindu sampradaaya. By this, if someone concluded that “Baba is a Hindu” were further surprised to see a plenty of Muslims coming to the mosque and doing Namaz (prayers) in which Baba himself participated, further Baba used to dress himself like a Muslim Fakir and always uttered “ Malik” (God is the Master). So, if someone concluded that Baba was a Moslem, again they were surprised to see the ears of Baba were pierced like a Hindu. Neither the Hindus nor Muslims could claim Baba to be belonging to their castes respectively. So, Baba by these activities, perfectly unified castes by bringing about a blend in the worship by being tolerant to all the castes and allowing them to worship the GOD in their own way. If the Hindus applied Tilak to Baba’s forehead waved Arathi to HIM, then the Muslim devotees would also devotedly participate by performing Namaz in Dwarakamai. Sai Samarth saw no distinction between any caste or creed and never differentiated people based on the same. He always uttered “Sab Ka Malik Ek” (There is Only One Lord for everyone) and always believed in the spirit of Universal Brotherhood and Humanity. Once when he was questioned about his caste, he said “Parvardigar” (i.e. Caste of GOD) and his religion as “Manavatvam” (i.e. Humanity) thereby stressing the point that all were children of GOD and belonged to GOD alone. He always encouraged people to stick to their own religion and the religious practices enjoined by the same saying, “Stick to the precincts of your religion and practice the same with all piosity, dedication, faith, respect your fellowmen, never belittle any other caste or religion as the essence of each and every religion lies in speaking about the Universality of A SINGLE GOD. We call HIM by various names, in reality HE is ONE and NONE THE SECOND TO HIM ”. The best example for the Sai Baba’s religious tolerance was observing the Sri Ramanavami festival which was sacred for the Hindus and the Urs festival (Sandal Procession) sacred for the Muslims simultaneously. Both the processions of Sri Ramanavami and that of Urs used to take place side to side at the same time and both the communities participated in the same with harmony and love for one another. This spectacular feature of the Mata Samaikyataa of Sai Baba is followed even till date at Shirdi where both the festivals of Sri Rama and that of Urs are celebrated simultaneously during the time of Sri Ramanavami (Chaitra Shuddha Navami).

Though Sai Baba showed religious tolerance, yet he never encouraged anyone to discard or belittle the practices of one religion and resort to another. There was an incident during Baba’s lifetime when a person converted himself to another religion and when he informed Baba, the latter rebuked him severely saying, “Get lost from my sight, you think that by changing your religion you have become more superior? How can you be a true follower of this present religion that you have accepted if you have not understood the one that you were born in? All religions speak of the same GOD and stresses on the core aspect of humanity. A person is said to be a true follower of a religion when he respects and adores the principles of all the other religions with all the love and reverence and yet stick to his own domain and follow the rules and disciples enjoined by the same. I cannot tolerate to see the face of a person who has changed his father, so be off from my sight”. By this Sai perfectly shone an example for Lord Krishna’s Geethavakya­ “Swa dharmemidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayaavah…” (i.e. Always stick to swadharma).

We can remember the words of the great Saint Kabir who said- “Jath Na Poocho Sadhu Ki Pooch Lijiye Jnaan…” (i.e; Never enquire about the religion of a saint but only enquire about his Knowledge). So, it is unnecessary to debate or discuss or hypothesize the religion, caste, parentage and the birth of Sai Baba because our scriptures say- “Rushi moolam na pashyatu…” (i.e; never search for the origin of a Sage). In fact, it is very correct, if we start searching for the origin of Sai Baba with a skeptic mind we end up nowhere but only to beget a bundle of frustration and confusion. Rather we contemplate of the Origin of Sai Baba with pure love and unflinching devotion at HIS FEET, we realize that he is none but the “ANAADYANTA SVAYAMBHOOTA NIRGUNA ADVITEEYA PARABRAHMA” (i.e; the One with no beginning or end, Unborn, formless, eternal, the Undivided Supreme Lord).

Despite of being manifest in a mortal frame, Baba never said that he was GOD nor ordered anyone to worship HIM rather, he said that he was the humble servant of the GOD and GOD was his Master and whatever credit the devotees gave to HIM (Baba) should reach the GOD rather than HIM. This demonstrates the humility of the magnanimous personality of Lord Sai Baba.

Though the Lord of the Universe, he lived like a mendicant begging for alms to subsist his daily living, partook only the alms that he got from begging from the houses, ate only a frugal part of the same and the shared his Bhiksha with all dogs, cats and other animals in the village. Only a GURU of the highest order and a realized one can alone recognize the universality of the GOD in all creatures. (Sarva bhoota-Parameshwaraikyata). Now coming to the point of Dakshina, Sai Baba took money in the form of Dakshina form his devotees and by evening distributed the same to poor and needy and again became a poor Fakir. Both the rich and poor, alike distinction thronged to have Darshan of Sri Sai at Shirdi, many offered him money as Dakshina from morning till evening. Though Baba took the same, still he never utilized the same for his personal enjoyment, so by evening he used to distribute the entire money to all the needy and again assume the garb of a simple mendicant. He donated all the money he got for charitable purposes like repair of the old dilapidated temples of Shirdi, wells etc. In order to ascertain this fact, the erstwhile British government appointed an officer Mr. Chakranarayan to closely follow the activities of the influx and efflux of dakshina in the durbar of Sai Baba. Chakranarayan stayed at Shirdi, incognito for many years closely observing SaI Baba and his daily activities. After Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Chakranarayan declared his identity and took over Sai Baba’s possessions to see for HIS monetary accumulation only to get shocked to see that Baba had nothing but a few, worn out, useless, deformed rupee coins. Stunned at the simplicity and the true selfless nature of Sai Baba, Chakranarayan wailed in sorrow and repentance for having doubted the magnanimity of Sai Maharaj. This incident alone is enough for us to understand the “Grandeur of Simplicity” in Sai Baba. Despite of this if still there are doubts regarding the authenticity of the same, then rather I would deem it as a person who can see the Sun and yet think that there is only darkness around.

Now coming to the point­ “Where is the Shastrapramaana (authenticity according to scriptures) for the Life and teachings of Sai Baba?” First of all, let the person who raises this query realize that Vedas, Shastras or any other scriptures that have taken origin from the Supreme Lord himself have proclaimed their inability to describe the BRAHMAN in totality. GURU is undoubtedly the BRAHMAN himself, so how can the Vedas or Shastraas which find their origin in the former give a pramaana to the one who is “Pramaanaateetah”. Yet the GURU sticks to Shastraas and principles adjoined by the same and instructs the devotees to follow the same by assiduously practicing the same. Lord Shiva himself says to Goddess Parvathi, “Oh Parvathi! Every word uttered from the mouth of a true Guru (SADGURU) is a hymn, scriptural knowledge embellished in proper practice, if ardently followed by a saadhaka, sure would the latter attain oneness with the Supreme Lord”. On ardently reading Satcharitra , we realize this Shastrapramaanatva of Sai Maharaj in his Life and teachings.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya propounded the Mahavaakyas which are clearly reflected in the Life and teachings of Sai Baba. “Aham Brahmaasmi” (The Brahman is this Self) speaks of visualizing the presence of the Brahman in the Self and understanding the equity of the same, though outwardly Baba looked involved with all the day to day activities yet He was always engrossed in HIS true self , never was he moved by dualities of Life. He shone like a perfect sthitaprajna in a state of perfect equilibrium. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmaaseeth” (Everything is nothing but the Brahman alone)- which Sai demonstrated by visualizing GOD in ever miniscule of the creation and telling all, “GOD alone is the Master, believe HIM alone, for HE alone exists in everything and nothing is present beyond HIS domain”. “Ayamaathma Brahmah” (The Atman is a form of Brahman) - which he demonstrated to the devotees by instructing them to ardently believe in GOD and realize that all that’s happening in their lives is but HIS (Lord’s) amorous sport in lifting off the veil of Illusion (Maya) from their lives and make them realize that their TRUE SELF is same as the LATTER (I.e. GOD). “THE ADVAITA” siddantha shone to the perfection in every step, teaching, life and practice of Sai Baba and anybody who has a pint of doubt regarding the same, kindly read Sai Satcharitra it will clear the doubts in quintals.

Further, Sai Maharaj’s authenticity over scriptures is well illustrated in Sai Satcharitra. Though Sai read no books or scriptures, had a perfect mastery over the same and he believed in no bookish knowledge, rather his teachings and lessons to the devotees were practical. What books of Yoga or Siddhanta or Shastra or Veda does Baba need to learn when HE is but the “Vedamoorthy, Vedaachaarya, Geethacharya, Mahayogeeshwara” himself. When Das Ganu wanted to write a commentary on Ishavasya Upanishad and sought the asylum of Sai to help him in the same, Baba blessed him saying that his doubt will dispelled by the maid servant of Kaka Dikshit. This story is beautifully narrated in Satcharitra and going to details of the same would make this writing lengthier. It would be prudent to go back to Satcharitra and read the same to enjoy every word of this leela of Sai Maharaj. In a gist, Sai demonstrated to Ganu (through the maid servant) the summary of Ishavasya Upanishad which speaks of All- Pervasiveness of the Lord, understanding the same and doing our duties without any attachment towards the fruit of the labor, being contented with what we have and not craving for something which is rightfully not ours, not getting carried away by the dualities of life like joy and sorrow, success and failure and finally viewing everything in this creation, animate or inanimate as a leela nay but a form of the LORD SUPREME and finally realize the Oneness of the Self with the SUPREME ONE (Atmaparamaatmaikyata). Another incident where Lord Sai demonstrated HIS clairvoyance over the scriptural knowledge and Sanskrit language by properly explaining a verse from Bhagavad Gita to a devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar when the latter was muttering the same verse in front of Baba and at the same time also puffed up with pride of his mastery over Gita and the misconception that Baba was ignorant about Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit language. Sai Samarth pricked this bubble of pride by properly explaining the verse in context to a small grammatical peculiarity (Upasarga, a special group of words in Sanskrit grammar which when added as a prefix to a word (especially a verb) will forcibly bring out the hidden meaning from that word. This reminds me of the verse speaking about the meaning of the word Upasarga from Panini’s Vyakarana - Upasargeshu Dhatvartho Balaadanyatra neeyate, Parhaara Haara Samhaara Vihaara Parihaaravat ). So in the Geetha Shloka, the word “Prashana” (which means questioning) had an upasarga “Pari” as prefix, so the very word “Pari+ Parshana” which became “Pariprashna” was excellently explained by Sai Samartha by quoting the grammatical peculiarity of Upasarga, thereby giving the proper meaning hidden in the Geetha Verse and dispelling the clouds of doubts from Nana Chandorkar’s mind. How can Sai be ignorant of Bhagavad Geetha when he is the same “Geethacharya Bhagavan Sri Krishna” himself, how can Baba be an illiterate of Sanskrit language when he is same “Universal Lord Shiva­ Vedanaayaka” himself.

As we continue to sing the glory of Lord Sai, it gets endless. Only our words stop, but HIS leelas doesn’t. Salutations to such an Immaculate Lord of the Universe. Whatever comments one may pass on our Baba, positive or negative is all but a part and parcel of HIS SELF alone. For everything originates from HIM and finally rests in HIM alone. Bouquets or brickbats, he takes it alike, for he is beyond all these dualities. He is the eternal caring mother who showers love and affection on all, irrespective of who they are and what they say. Finally I would like to sign off with a verse from Shwetashwetaropanishat which often reminds me of the true nature of Lord Sai -

“Na Tatra Sooryo bhaati Na Chandrataarakam Na Imaa Vidyuto Na Bhaati Kuto Ayamagnih | Tameva Baantam Anubhaati Sarvam Tasya Bhaasa Sarvam Idam Vibhaati ||”

(Meaning: Neither the Sun, Moon, Stars nor the Fire exist or illumine THERE {here THERE refers to the SUPREME STATE}, nay it is because of that ETERNAL ALL EFFULGENT POWER which is the source root for all states of existence are all these entities are shining with luster and glory.)

The truth is none can dry up the ocean of Sai (Sai Samudram), none can cloak the Sun of Sai (Sai Marthaanda), and none can wrap up the sky of Sai (Sai Aakasha) as a carpet similarly no comments can tarnish or stain the “Unstained Glory of Lord Sai Samartha” because he is not just a GURU, not just a SAMARTHA SADGURU but “BHAKTAKAARYA KALPADHRUMA GURUSAARVABHAUMA SRIMAD ANANTHAKOTI BRAHMAANDA NAAYAKA SRIMAD RAAJADHIRAAJA YOGIRAJA MAHARAJA TRIBHUVANA ANANTHA ADVAITA ABHEDA NIRANJANA NIRGUNA NIRVIKALPA NIRAALAMBA PARIPOORNA SADODITHA SAKALAMATHA STHAAPITA SRI SACCHIDAANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ”.

Victory be to the Glory of the most ancient One manifest as Sainath of Shirdi. Victory to Sai , our Saguna and Nirguna Parabrahma. Victory to Lord Sai who is Atmaarama ever residing in all our hearts, guiding all us in all walks of life, safely ferrying us in his “boat of grace” across the “Ocean of mundane existence” and finally placing us onto the “Shore of Final beautide” (i.e; bestowing us Oneness with HIS SELF). Salutations dearest Baba for not just being a “part of our lives” but “being our very lives”.

-- Samartha Sadguru Sainaatho Vijayate --

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Sri Sai Sahasranama Bhashya


[Meaning: - Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows Heath and Long Life]

Lord Sai praised as “Doctor of Doctors” alone has the ability to bestow health and a long life to anyone. A mortal of a doctor can treat the underlying malady alone, to repeat a Doctor treats but the “Doctor of Doctors”­ Lord Sai “CURES”. Treatment may make the person healthy and prolong the life. But, Cure is not just related to the Body, it also refers to the condition at the mental plane (i.e. microcosm), when there is a state of equity between the macrocosm and the microcosm, then we will be in a perfect state of equilibrium which is the “Actual Health” and a “Long Life” here refers to a fruitful, fulfilling and a blissful life (devoid of any blemish) ever engrossed in the Feet of Lord, performing every duty as a step of ascension to the throne of oneness with HIM.

Salutations to such a Vaidyanaatha- Bhagavan Sainath.

to be continued....

----Jai Sree Sadguru Sai Samartha----

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Shirdi News

1. Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visited Shirdi along with her husband Shri.Raj Kundra on Thursday, 5th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actress was felicitated by the Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Ajay More.

2. Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visited Shirdi along with their families on Friday, 6th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

3. Shri Sai Baba Junior College achieves 98 percent result in 12th standard examination- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Shri Sai Baba Junior College managed by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi achieved 98 percent result in the recently concluded 12th standard examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board of Maharashtra.500 students had appeared for the examination out of which 488 students passed out with flying colors. Thus the college continued its tradition of bright students passing out from its college this year also.

Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav scored cent percent marks in Mathematics subject and thus became the top scorer in Mathematics for entire Maharashtra state.

The Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board had conducted the 12th standard examination in March 2014. 157 Students from Science, 163 students from Arts & 178 students from Commerce had appeared in the final examination. Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav from Science scored 85.69%, Kum.Kavitha Bharat More from arts scored 86.46% and Kum.Gayathri Bhaskar Mandlik from Commerce scored 86.31% were the top scorers for Shri Sai Baba Junior College. Kum.Jayashree Chintamani Pandey & Kum. Neha Dilip Chalke from Science, Kum.Misbha Raju Sheikh & Kum.Neha Mahesh Sonwane from Arts and Kum.Shivani Sanjay Manjrekar & Ashrafi Heena Ahmedhasan from Commerce secured 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan’s tri member committee President & District Court Chief Justice Shri.Shashikant Kulkarni, District Officer Shri.Anil Kavde, Executive Officer Shri.Kundan Kumar Sonwane, Deputy Executive Officer Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Officers Shri.Bahusaheb Sable, Shri.Subhash Garkal, Shri.Suryaban Game, Shri.Uttamrao Gondkar & Shri.Dilip Ugale congratulated successful students and the teachers / lecturers.

Prinicipal of Shri Sai Baba Junior College Shri.Vikas Shivgaje, Lecturers Smt.Mandakini Savant, Smt.Sangeetha Andurekar, Smt.Vyshali Deshmukh, Shri.Dilip Shelke, Shri.Prashanth Gadkari, Shri.Sunil Kandekar, Shri.Sujit Dalvi, Smt.Sarita Lavre, Smt.Swathi Kadu, Smt.Seema Sonwane, Smt.Vandana Deshmukh, Smt.Kanchan Jaware, Shri.Datta Shelke, Shri.Dilip Sangamnere, Shri.Subhash Dandvate, Shri.Bahusaheb Anaap, Smt.Anitha and all the other staff members have put in lot of efforts in bringing laurels to the college. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

4. Marathi Television Serial Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Well known Marathi Television Serial "Ulta chasma ya Malikethil"'s Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visited Shirdi along with his wife on Saturday, 14th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actor was felicitated by the Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appa Saheb Shinde.

5. Free Eye check­up and Cataract Surgery Camp conducted by Shri Sainath Hospital – A Report – : Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

The Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Kundankumar Sonawane informed media persons that the Free Eye check-up and Cataract Surgey Camp organized by Shri Sainath Hospital in assoication with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan and Lions Club of Shirdi was a huge success with 244 patients attending the camp.

Shri Sonawane said that between 4th June 2014 and 6th June 2014, a free Eye check-up & Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Shri Sainath hospital. In this camp 244 needy and poor patients from in and around villages of Shirdi had attended. Out of which Cataract Surgey was perfomed on 108 needy patients by Sansthan's Eye Specialist Dr.Sunil Sonatakke. Free Spectacles were distributed at a function to the needy patients in collaboration with Lions club of shirdi. Shirdi Lions Club Members Dr.Eknath Gondkar, Shri.Vasant Kadam, Shri.Vishal Tidake were present on the occasion.

Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr.Prabhakar Rao, Dr.Sanjay Patare, Dr.Sunil Sonatakke and other staff members of Shri Sainath Hospital worked day and night and saw that this camp was conducted successfully. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

6. Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visit to Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visited Shirdi along with his wife on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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Copyright © www.saiamrithadhara.com Quote of the Month

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

July 2014 Vol 6 / Issue 7

Dear Sai Bandhus, In this issue:

“Achintyaavyakta Roopaya Nirgunaaya Gunaathmane | • Editorial Samastha Jagadaadhaaraaya Moorthaye Brahmane Namah ||” • Sahasranama Bhashya • News Salutations to the Supreme One, who is Formless, devoid of qualities yet is the storehouse • Archives of the same, cannot be comprehended by thoughts and is the substratum of the entire Universe.

This is the first verse in the “Guru Geetha” invoking the Supreme One who is responsible for the genesis, sustenance and annihilation of this cosmos. Guru Geetha is the crest jewel of the Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen puranas) which runs to about 180 and odd verses as a conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravathi where the former extols the greatness of GURU to the latter. Lord Shiva clearly mentions the following about a GURU:

1. GURU is the one and the only one who can dispel the ignorance of a disciple. 2. GURU is none but the Formless Supreme Spirit manifest in a form for the upliftment of mankind. 3. GURU is considered as the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the cosmos) manifest in one. 4. The place where a GURU resides, is as hallowed as Kashi, the washings of HIS feet are but the Holy Ganges capable of absolving all the sins of the ones who partake the same with steadfast faith, the feet of the GURU is that of Lord’s (Vishnupaada), the face of the GURU is Brahma (Brahma mukhaa) and the knowledge that emanates from HIS mouth is Lord Shiva (i.e. Brahma Jnaana or Atma Jnaana), the entire citadel finds its asylum at HIS feet , entire galaxy of the Gods, seers and other beings seek refuge in HIM and extol HIM in various ways. 5. The worship of one’s GURU itself is the worship to Supreme Lord and the utterance of GURU’s name with love is same as the hallowed name of the Lord. 6. One who distinguishes the GURU from the SUPREME LORD has failed to understand the significance of the former’s unity with the latter.

Well, the traits go on and on that finally it becomes very easy to count the stars or measure the Universe but very arduous to narrate the qualities of the GURU which outbeat the metric system of counting. Such is the greatness of GURU that even the Vedas which are considered as the source root of Knowledge have failed to sing his unstained glory completely.

Lord manifests as a GURU to uplift the mankind, by himself donning a mortal frame, assiduously treading the path of austerity and righteousness hence setting an example to the ones who follow Him to the goal ultimatum. The Lord’s manifestation as a GURU is not restricted to particular geography or a sect or group of people. Isn’t the entire creation his projection! So, a GURU’s manifestation in various ages of time, place and persons depends upon the prevailing conditions of the righteousness or in simple – GURU’s manifestation in flesh and blood is in accordance to the Yugadharma and kaaladharma. Salutations to such a divine principle –GURU which has time and again manifested in various places, in various forms upholding the abhivachana of Lord Krishna ­“­­­­ Abyutthanam Adharmasya tadaathmaanam Srujaamyaham…..”.

In such a holy lineage of saints, Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj holds a cardinal position, nay the very crest jewel of all the saints- The LION amongst all the Yogis (Yoga Simha) who manifested in flesh and blood in the hamlet of Shirdi. Lucky is that remote village Shirdi where the unmanifest willed to don a form and manifested first at the aforesaid hamlet as a boy of 16 yrs who later disappeared only to reappear after a few years in the form of a Fakir (a mendicant) with Chand Patil’s band (who had come to Shirdi for a marriage) when he made the village his permanent residence till Samadhi.

The Fakir who came with Chand Patil’s marriage procession was welcomed into the village by the Khandoba temple’s priest Shri Bhagat Mahalsapati by addressing the former as “SAI”. The word SAI in persian language means­ GOD. Hence the priest was fortunate enough in recognizing the divinity of the Fakir and befittingly named him SAI. It is a common practice in various parts of India to address respectfully an elderly person as BABA. Hence the villagers started calling the fakir as SAI, BABA or SAI BABA. The fakir, whose details of parentage and name weren’t known, happily acknowledged to such a call of the villagers. The Supreme Lord who is beyond the fetters of name and bonding (naamateetah and bandhavimukta), out of love for his devotees, accepted the names as Rama, Krishna , Shiva etc; received the motherly love, affection and services from Kausalya , Yashoda , Anasuya and other mahabhaktaas. Similarly, Sai Samarth whose birth, parentage and name were unknown happily accepted the name christened by the priest. So, the unnamed willed Himself to be named.

Now, the question…. Why at all this analogy of explanation of who Sai Baba is? Maybe, as Sai Bhaktaas we need no proof to support the greatness of Lord Sai Maharaj for he always shines as the “ Uneclipsed Sun” in the sky of our hearts. But, when someone wants to know the Greatness of our Guru, it is our bound duty to proudly proclaim our baandhavya with our “Atma Bandhu”­ Sainath Bhagavan, we are not trying to be a biased lot by glorifying only our GURU to the ones who ask us for the same, but trying to emphasize the Universality of our Guru with all the other Gurus, envisioning our Guru in every particle of this creation and sing his divine leelas to our heart’s content. In fact, we should consider this as an esteemed honor bestowed onto us by the four faced creator to sing the Unstained Glory of the “ Creator of the Four Faced Creator ” himself. Though our praises fall short of words versus the glory of Sai Maharaj, yet we should leave no stone unturned to render our service to HIM.

Now, coming to the point…… To which caste did Sai Maharaj belong to? If someone tries to localize Sai to a particular caste, please read “Sri Sai Satcharitra” the authentic biography on Lord Sai Baba by his disciple Sri Anna Saheb Dhabolkar( alias Sri Hemadpath), where the author enlists the features of the “Religion” of Sai Baba. Lord Sai lived in a dilapidated mosque, which he named Dwarakamai. He had the sacred fire “Dhuni” burning eternally in the mosque, the ringing of the bells, the sacred basil plant (tulasi plant), the recitation Vedas, Upanishads and puranas which was a regular activity at Dwarakamai and all the system befitting a Hindu sampradaaya. By this, if someone concluded that “Baba is a Hindu” were further surprised to see a plenty of Muslims coming to the mosque and doing Namaz (prayers) in which Baba himself participated, further Baba used to dress himself like a Muslim Fakir and always uttered “Allah Malik” (God is the Master). So, if someone concluded that Baba was a Moslem, again they were surprised to see the ears of Baba were pierced like a Hindu. Neither the Hindus nor Muslims could claim Baba to be belonging to their castes respectively. So, Baba by these activities, perfectly unified castes by bringing about a blend in the worship by being tolerant to all the castes and allowing them to worship the GOD in their own way. If the Hindus applied Tilak to Baba’s forehead waved Arathi to HIM, then the Muslim devotees would also devotedly participate by performing Namaz in Dwarakamai. Sai Samarth saw no distinction between any caste or creed and never differentiated people based on the same. He always uttered “Sab Ka Malik Ek” (There is Only One Lord for everyone) and always believed in the spirit of Universal Brotherhood and Humanity. Once when he was questioned about his caste, he said “Parvardigar” (i.e. Caste of GOD) and his religion as “Manavatvam” (i.e. Humanity) thereby stressing the point that all were children of GOD and belonged to GOD alone. He always encouraged people to stick to their own religion and the religious practices enjoined by the same saying, “Stick to the precincts of your religion and practice the same with all piosity, dedication, faith, respect your fellowmen, never belittle any other caste or religion as the essence of each and every religion lies in speaking about the Universality of A SINGLE GOD. We call HIM by various names, in reality HE is ONE and NONE THE SECOND TO HIM ”. The best example for the Sai Baba’s religious tolerance was observing the Sri Ramanavami festival which was sacred for the Hindus and the Urs festival (Sandal Procession) sacred for the Muslims simultaneously. Both the processions of Sri Ramanavami and that of Urs used to take place side to side at the same time and both the communities participated in the same with harmony and love for one another. This spectacular feature of the Mata Samaikyataa of Sai Baba is followed even till date at Shirdi where both the festivals of Sri Rama and that of Urs are celebrated simultaneously during the time of Sri Ramanavami (Chaitra Shuddha Navami).

Though Sai Baba showed religious tolerance, yet he never encouraged anyone to discard or belittle the practices of one religion and resort to another. There was an incident during Baba’s lifetime when a person converted himself to another religion and when he informed Baba, the latter rebuked him severely saying, “Get lost from my sight, you think that by changing your religion you have become more superior? How can you be a true follower of this present religion that you have accepted if you have not understood the one that you were born in? All religions speak of the same GOD and stresses on the core aspect of humanity. A person is said to be a true follower of a religion when he respects and adores the principles of all the other religions with all the love and reverence and yet stick to his own domain and follow the rules and disciples enjoined by the same. I cannot tolerate to see the face of a person who has changed his father, so be off from my sight”. By this Sai perfectly shone an example for Lord Krishna’s Geethavakya­ “Swa dharmemidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayaavah…” (i.e. Always stick to swadharma).

We can remember the words of the great Saint Kabir who said- “Jath Na Poocho Sadhu Ki Pooch Lijiye Jnaan…” (i.e; Never enquire about the religion of a saint but only enquire about his Knowledge). So, it is unnecessary to debate or discuss or hypothesize the religion, caste, parentage and the birth of Sai Baba because our scriptures say- “Rushi moolam na pashyatu…” (i.e; never search for the origin of a Sage). In fact, it is very correct, if we start searching for the origin of Sai Baba with a skeptic mind we end up nowhere but only to beget a bundle of frustration and confusion. Rather we contemplate of the Origin of Sai Baba with pure love and unflinching devotion at HIS FEET, we realize that he is none but the “ANAADYANTA SVAYAMBHOOTA NIRGUNA ADVITEEYA PARABRAHMA” (i.e; the One with no beginning or end, Unborn, formless, eternal, the Undivided Supreme Lord).

Despite of being Brahman manifest in a mortal frame, Baba never said that he was GOD nor ordered anyone to worship HIM rather, he said that he was the humble servant of the GOD and GOD was his Master and whatever credit the devotees gave to HIM (Baba) should reach the GOD rather than HIM. This demonstrates the humility of the magnanimous personality of Lord Sai Baba.

Though the Lord of the Universe, he lived like a mendicant begging for alms to subsist his daily living, partook only the alms that he got from begging from the houses, ate only a frugal part of the same and the shared his Bhiksha with all dogs, cats and other animals in the village. Only a GURU of the highest order and a realized one can alone recognize the universality of the GOD in all creatures. (Sarva bhoota-Parameshwaraikyata). Now coming to the point of Dakshina, Sai Baba took money in the form of Dakshina form his devotees and by evening distributed the same to poor and needy and again became a poor Fakir. Both the rich and poor, alike distinction thronged to have Darshan of Sri Sai at Shirdi, many offered him money as Dakshina from morning till evening. Though Baba took the same, still he never utilized the same for his personal enjoyment, so by evening he used to distribute the entire money to all the needy and again assume the garb of a simple mendicant. He donated all the money he got for charitable purposes like repair of the old dilapidated temples of Shirdi, wells etc. In order to ascertain this fact, the erstwhile British government appointed an officer Mr. Chakranarayan to closely follow the activities of the influx and efflux of dakshina in the durbar of Sai Baba. Chakranarayan stayed at Shirdi, incognito for many years closely observing SaI Baba and his daily activities. After Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Chakranarayan declared his identity and took over Sai Baba’s possessions to see for HIS monetary accumulation only to get shocked to see that Baba had nothing but a few, worn out, useless, deformed rupee coins. Stunned at the simplicity and the true selfless nature of Sai Baba, Chakranarayan wailed in sorrow and repentance for having doubted the magnanimity of Sai Maharaj. This incident alone is enough for us to understand the “Grandeur of Simplicity” in Sai Baba. Despite of this if still there are doubts regarding the authenticity of the same, then rather I would deem it as a person who can see the Sun and yet think that there is only darkness around.

Now coming to the point­ “Where is the Shastrapramaana (authenticity according to scriptures) for the Life and teachings of Sai Baba?” First of all, let the person who raises this query realize that Vedas, Shastras or any other scriptures that have taken origin from the Supreme Lord himself have proclaimed their inability to describe the BRAHMAN in totality. GURU is undoubtedly the BRAHMAN himself, so how can the Vedas or Shastraas which find their origin in the former give a pramaana to the one who is “Pramaanaateetah”. Yet the GURU sticks to Shastraas and principles adjoined by the same and instructs the devotees to follow the same by assiduously practicing the same. Lord Shiva himself says to Goddess Parvathi, “Oh Parvathi! Every word uttered from the mouth of a true Guru (SADGURU) is a hymn, scriptural knowledge embellished in proper practice, if ardently followed by a saadhaka, sure would the latter attain oneness with the Supreme Lord”. On ardently reading Satcharitra , we realize this Shastrapramaanatva of Sai Maharaj in his Life and teachings.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya propounded the Mahavaakyas which are clearly reflected in the Life and teachings of Sai Baba. “Aham Brahmaasmi” (The Brahman is this Self) speaks of visualizing the presence of the Brahman in the Self and understanding the equity of the same, though outwardly Baba looked involved with all the day to day Generated with www.html-to-pdf.netactivities yet He was always engrossed in HIS true self , never was he moved by dualities Page 2 / 7 of Life. He shone like a perfect sthitaprajna in a state of perfect equilibrium. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmaaseeth” (Everything is nothing but the Brahman alone)- which Sai demonstrated by visualizing GOD in ever miniscule of the creation and telling all, “GOD alone is the Master, believe HIM alone, for HE alone exists in everything and nothing is present beyond HIS domain”. “Ayamaathma Brahmah” (The Atman is a form of Brahman) - which he demonstrated to the devotees by instructing them to ardently believe in GOD and realize that all that’s happening in their lives is but HIS (Lord’s) amorous sport in lifting off the veil of Illusion (Maya) from their lives and make them realize that their TRUE SELF is same as the LATTER (I.e. GOD). “THE ADVAITA” siddantha shone to the perfection in every step, teaching, life and practice of Sai Baba and anybody who has a pint of doubt regarding the same, kindly read Sai Satcharitra it will clear the doubts in quintals.

Further, Sai Maharaj’s authenticity over scriptures is well illustrated in Sai Satcharitra. Though Sai read no books or scriptures, had a perfect mastery over the same and he believed in no bookish knowledge, rather his teachings and lessons to the devotees were practical. What books of Yoga or Siddhanta or Shastra or Veda does Baba need to learn when HE is but the “Vedamoorthy, Vedaachaarya, Geethacharya, Mahayogeeshwara” himself. When Das Ganu wanted to write a commentary on Ishavasya Upanishad and sought the asylum of Sai to help him in the same, Baba blessed him saying that his doubt will dispelled by the maid servant of Kaka Dikshit. This story is beautifully narrated in Satcharitra and going to details of the same would make this writing lengthier. It would be prudent to go back to Satcharitra and read the same to enjoy every word of this leela of Sai Maharaj. In a gist, Sai demonstrated to Ganu (through the maid servant) the summary of Ishavasya Upanishad which speaks of All- Pervasiveness of the Lord, understanding the same and doing our duties without any attachment towards the fruit of the labor, being contented with what we have and not craving for something which is rightfully not ours, not getting carried away by the dualities of life like joy and sorrow, success and failure and finally viewing everything in this creation, animate or inanimate as a leela nay but a form of the LORD SUPREME and finally realize the Oneness of the Self with the SUPREME ONE (Atmaparamaatmaikyata). Another incident where Lord Sai demonstrated HIS clairvoyance over the scriptural knowledge and Sanskrit language by properly explaining a verse from Bhagavad Gita to a devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar when the latter was muttering the same verse in front of Baba and at the same time also puffed up with pride of his mastery over Gita and the misconception that Baba was ignorant about Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit language. Sai Samarth pricked this bubble of pride by properly explaining the verse in context to a small grammatical peculiarity (Upasarga, a special group of words in Sanskrit grammar which when added as a prefix to a word (especially a verb) will forcibly bring out the hidden meaning from that word. This reminds me of the verse speaking about the meaning of the word Upasarga from Panini’s Vyakarana - Upasargeshu Dhatvartho Balaadanyatra neeyate, Parhaara Haara Samhaara Vihaara Parihaaravat ). So in the Geetha Shloka, the word “Prashana” (which means questioning) had an upasarga “Pari” as prefix, so the very word “Pari+ Parshana” which became “Pariprashna” was excellently explained by Sai Samartha by quoting the grammatical peculiarity of Upasarga, thereby giving the proper meaning hidden in the Geetha Verse and dispelling the clouds of doubts from Nana Chandorkar’s mind. How can Sai be ignorant of Bhagavad Geetha when he is the same “Geethacharya Bhagavan Sri Krishna” himself, how can Baba be an illiterate of Sanskrit language when he is same “Universal Lord Shiva­ Vedanaayaka” himself.

As we continue to sing the glory of Lord Sai, it gets endless. Only our words stop, but HIS leelas doesn’t. Salutations to such an Immaculate Lord of the Universe. Whatever comments one may pass on our Baba, positive or negative is all but a part and parcel of HIS SELF alone. For everything originates from HIM and finally rests in HIM alone. Bouquets or brickbats, he takes it alike, for he is beyond all these dualities. He is the eternal caring mother who showers love and affection on all, irrespective of who they are and what they say. Finally I would like to sign off with a verse from Shwetashwetaropanishat which often reminds me of the true nature of Lord Sai -

“Na Tatra Sooryo bhaati Na Chandrataarakam Na Imaa Vidyuto Na Bhaati Kuto Ayamagnih | Tameva Baantam Anubhaati Sarvam Tasya Bhaasa Sarvam Idam Vibhaati ||”

(Meaning: Neither the Sun, Moon, Stars nor the Fire exist or illumine THERE {here THERE refers to the SUPREME STATE}, nay it is because of that ETERNAL ALL EFFULGENT POWER which is the source root for all states of existence are all these entities are shining with luster and glory.)

The truth is none can dry up the ocean of Sai (Sai Samudram), none can cloak the Sun of Sai (Sai Marthaanda), and none can wrap up the sky of Sai (Sai Aakasha) as a carpet similarly no comments can tarnish or stain the “Unstained Glory of Lord Sai Samartha” because he is not just a GURU, not just a SAMARTHA SADGURU but “BHAKTAKAARYA KALPADHRUMA GURUSAARVABHAUMA SRIMAD ANANTHAKOTI BRAHMAANDA NAAYAKA SRIMAD RAAJADHIRAAJA YOGIRAJA MAHARAJA TRIBHUVANA ANANTHA ADVAITA ABHEDA NIRANJANA NIRGUNA NIRVIKALPA NIRAALAMBA PARIPOORNA SADODITHA SAKALAMATHA STHAAPITA SRI SACCHIDAANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ”.

Victory be to the Glory of the most ancient One manifest as Sainath of Shirdi. Victory to Sai , our Saguna and Nirguna Parabrahma. Victory to Lord Sai who is Atmaarama ever residing in all our hearts, guiding all us in all walks of life, safely ferrying us in his “boat of grace” across the “Ocean of mundane existence” and finally placing us onto the “Shore of Final beautide” (i.e; bestowing us Oneness with HIS SELF). Salutations dearest Baba for not just being a “part of our lives” but “being our very lives”.

-- Samartha Sadguru Sainaatho Vijayate --

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Sri Sai Sahasranama Bhashya


[Meaning: - Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows Heath and Long Life]

Lord Sai praised as “Doctor of Doctors” alone has the ability to bestow health and a long life to anyone. A mortal of a doctor can treat the underlying malady alone, to repeat a Doctor treats but the “Doctor of Doctors”­ Lord Sai “CURES”. Treatment may make the person healthy and prolong the life. But, Cure is not just related to the Body, it also refers to the condition at the mental plane (i.e. microcosm), when there is a state of equity between the macrocosm and the microcosm, then we will be in a perfect state of equilibrium which is the “Actual Health” and a “Long Life” here refers to a fruitful, fulfilling and a blissful life (devoid of any blemish) ever engrossed in the Feet of Lord, performing every duty as a step of ascension to the throne of oneness with HIM.

Salutations to such a Vaidyanaatha- Bhagavan Sainath.

to be continued....

----Jai Sree Sadguru Sai Samartha----

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Shirdi News

1. Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visited Shirdi along with her husband Shri.Raj Kundra on Thursday, 5th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actress was felicitated by the Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Ajay More.

2. Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visited Shirdi along with their families on Friday, 6th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

3. Shri Sai Baba Junior College achieves 98 percent result in 12th standard examination- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Shri Sai Baba Junior College managed by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi achieved 98 percent result in the recently concluded 12th standard examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board of Maharashtra.500 students had appeared for the examination out of which 488 students passed out with flying colors. Thus the college continued its tradition of bright students passing out from its college this year also.

Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav scored cent percent marks in Mathematics subject and thus became the top scorer in Mathematics for entire Maharashtra state.

The Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board had conducted the 12th standard examination in March 2014. 157 Students from Science, 163 students from Arts & 178 students from Commerce had appeared in the final examination. Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav from Science scored 85.69%, Kum.Kavitha Bharat More from arts scored 86.46% and Kum.Gayathri Bhaskar Mandlik from Commerce scored 86.31% were the top scorers for Shri Sai Baba Junior College. Kum.Jayashree Chintamani Pandey & Kum. Neha Dilip Chalke from Science, Kum.Misbha Raju Sheikh & Kum.Neha Mahesh Sonwane from Arts and Kum.Shivani Sanjay Manjrekar & Ashrafi Heena Ahmedhasan from Commerce secured 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan’s tri member committee President & District Court Chief Justice Shri.Shashikant Kulkarni, District Officer Shri.Anil Kavde, Executive Officer Shri.Kundan Kumar Sonwane, Deputy Executive Officer Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Officers Shri.Bahusaheb Sable, Shri.Subhash Garkal, Shri.Suryaban Game, Shri.Uttamrao Gondkar & Shri.Dilip Ugale congratulated successful students and the teachers / lecturers.

Prinicipal of Shri Sai Baba Junior College Shri.Vikas Shivgaje, Lecturers Smt.Mandakini Savant, Smt.Sangeetha Andurekar, Smt.Vyshali Deshmukh, Shri.Dilip Shelke, Shri.Prashanth Gadkari, Shri.Sunil Kandekar, Shri.Sujit Dalvi, Smt.Sarita Lavre, Smt.Swathi Kadu, Smt.Seema Sonwane, Smt.Vandana Deshmukh, Smt.Kanchan Jaware, Shri.Datta Shelke, Shri.Dilip Sangamnere, Shri.Subhash Dandvate, Shri.Bahusaheb Anaap, Smt.Anitha and all the other staff members have put in lot of efforts in bringing laurels to the college. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

4. Marathi Television Serial Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Well known Marathi Television Serial "Ulta chasma ya Malikethil"'s Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visited Shirdi along with his wife on Saturday, 14th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actor was felicitated by the Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appa Saheb Shinde.

5. Free Eye check­up and Cataract Surgery Camp conducted by Shri Sainath Hospital – A Report – : Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

The Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Kundankumar Sonawane informed media persons that the Free Eye check-up and Cataract Surgey Camp organized by Shri Sainath Hospital in assoication with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan and Lions Club of Shirdi was a huge success with 244 patients attending the camp.

Shri Sonawane said that between 4th June 2014 and 6th June 2014, a free Eye check-up & Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Shri Sainath hospital. In this camp 244 needy and poor patients from in and around villages of Shirdi had attended. Out of which Cataract Surgey was perfomed on 108 needy patients by Sansthan's Eye Specialist Dr.Sunil Sonatakke. Free Spectacles were distributed at a function to the needy patients in collaboration with Lions club of shirdi. Shirdi Lions Club Members Dr.Eknath Gondkar, Shri.Vasant Kadam, Shri.Vishal Tidake were present on the occasion.

Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr.Prabhakar Rao, Dr.Sanjay Patare, Dr.Sunil Sonatakke and other staff members of Shri Sainath Hospital worked day and night and saw that this camp was conducted successfully. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

6. Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visit to Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visited Shirdi along with his wife on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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Copyright © www.saiamrithadhara.com Quote of the Month

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

July 2014 Vol 6 / Issue 7

Dear Sai Bandhus, In this issue:

“Achintyaavyakta Roopaya Nirgunaaya Gunaathmane | • Editorial Samastha Jagadaadhaaraaya Moorthaye Brahmane Namah ||” • Sahasranama Bhashya • News Salutations to the Supreme One, who is Formless, devoid of qualities yet is the storehouse • Archives of the same, cannot be comprehended by thoughts and is the substratum of the entire Universe.

This is the first verse in the “Guru Geetha” invoking the Supreme One who is responsible for the genesis, sustenance and annihilation of this cosmos. Guru Geetha is the crest jewel of the Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen puranas) which runs to about 180 and odd verses as a conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravathi where the former extols the greatness of GURU to the latter. Lord Shiva clearly mentions the following about a GURU:

1. GURU is the one and the only one who can dispel the ignorance of a disciple. 2. GURU is none but the Formless Supreme Spirit manifest in a form for the upliftment of mankind. 3. GURU is considered as the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the cosmos) manifest in one. 4. The place where a GURU resides, is as hallowed as Kashi, the washings of HIS feet are but the Holy Ganges capable of absolving all the sins of the ones who partake the same with steadfast faith, the feet of the GURU is that of Lord’s (Vishnupaada), the face of the GURU is Brahma (Brahma mukhaa) and the knowledge that emanates from HIS mouth is Lord Shiva (i.e. Brahma Jnaana or Atma Jnaana), the entire citadel finds its asylum at HIS feet , entire galaxy of the Gods, seers and other beings seek refuge in HIM and extol HIM in various ways. 5. The worship of one’s GURU itself is the worship to Supreme Lord and the utterance of GURU’s name with love is same as the hallowed name of the Lord. 6. One who distinguishes the GURU from the SUPREME LORD has failed to understand the significance of the former’s unity with the latter.

Well, the traits go on and on that finally it becomes very easy to count the stars or measure the Universe but very arduous to narrate the qualities of the GURU which outbeat the metric system of counting. Such is the greatness of GURU that even the Vedas which are considered as the source root of Knowledge have failed to sing his unstained glory completely.

Lord manifests as a GURU to uplift the mankind, by himself donning a mortal frame, assiduously treading the path of austerity and righteousness hence setting an example to the ones who follow Him to the goal ultimatum. The Lord’s manifestation as a GURU is not restricted to particular geography or a sect or group of people. Isn’t the entire creation his projection! So, a GURU’s manifestation in various ages of time, place and persons depends upon the prevailing conditions of the righteousness or in simple – GURU’s manifestation in flesh and blood is in accordance to the Yugadharma and kaaladharma. Salutations to such a divine principle –GURU which has time and again manifested in various places, in various forms upholding the abhivachana of Lord Krishna ­“­­­­ Abyutthanam Adharmasya tadaathmaanam Srujaamyaham…..”.

In such a holy lineage of saints, Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj holds a cardinal position, nay the very crest jewel of all the saints- The LION amongst all the Yogis (Yoga Simha) who manifested in flesh and blood in the hamlet of Shirdi. Lucky is that remote village Shirdi where the unmanifest willed to don a form and manifested first at the aforesaid hamlet as a boy of 16 yrs who later disappeared only to reappear after a few years in the form of a Fakir (a mendicant) with Chand Patil’s band (who had come to Shirdi for a marriage) when he made the village his permanent residence till Samadhi.

The Fakir who came with Chand Patil’s marriage procession was welcomed into the village by the Khandoba temple’s priest Shri Bhagat Mahalsapati by addressing the former as “SAI”. The word SAI in persian language means­ GOD. Hence the priest was fortunate enough in recognizing the divinity of the Fakir and befittingly named him SAI. It is a common practice in various parts of India to address respectfully an elderly person as BABA. Hence the villagers started calling the fakir as SAI, BABA or SAI BABA. The fakir, whose details of parentage and name weren’t known, happily acknowledged to such a call of the villagers. The Supreme Lord who is beyond the fetters of name and bonding (naamateetah and bandhavimukta), out of love for his devotees, accepted the names as Rama, Krishna , Shiva etc; received the motherly love, affection and services from Kausalya , Yashoda , Anasuya and other mahabhaktaas. Similarly, Sai Samarth whose birth, parentage and name were unknown happily accepted the name christened by the priest. So, the unnamed willed Himself to be named.

Now, the question…. Why at all this analogy of explanation of who Sai Baba is? Maybe, as Sai Bhaktaas we need no proof to support the greatness of Lord Sai Maharaj for he always shines as the “ Uneclipsed Sun” in the sky of our hearts. But, when someone wants to know the Greatness of our Guru, it is our bound duty to proudly proclaim our baandhavya with our “Atma Bandhu”­ Sainath Bhagavan, we are not trying to be a biased lot by glorifying only our GURU to the ones who ask us for the same, but trying to emphasize the Universality of our Guru with all the other Gurus, envisioning our Guru in every particle of this creation and sing his divine leelas to our heart’s content. In fact, we should consider this as an esteemed honor bestowed onto us by the four faced creator to sing the Unstained Glory of the “ Creator of the Four Faced Creator ” himself. Though our praises fall short of words versus the glory of Sai Maharaj, yet we should leave no stone unturned to render our service to HIM.

Now, coming to the point…… To which caste did Sai Maharaj belong to? If someone tries to localize Sai to a particular caste, please read “Sri Sai Satcharitra” the authentic biography on Lord Sai Baba by his disciple Sri Anna Saheb Dhabolkar( alias Sri Hemadpath), where the author enlists the features of the “Religion” of Sai Baba. Lord Sai lived in a dilapidated mosque, which he named Dwarakamai. He had the sacred fire “Dhuni” burning eternally in the mosque, the ringing of the bells, the sacred basil plant (tulasi plant), the recitation Vedas, Upanishads and puranas which was a regular activity at Dwarakamai and all the system befitting a Hindu sampradaaya. By this, if someone concluded that “Baba is a Hindu” were further surprised to see a plenty of Muslims coming to the mosque and doing Namaz (prayers) in which Baba himself participated, further Baba used to dress himself like a Muslim Fakir and always uttered “Allah Malik” (God is the Master). So, if someone concluded that Baba was a Moslem, again they were surprised to see the ears of Baba were pierced like a Hindu. Neither the Hindus nor Muslims could claim Baba to be belonging to their castes respectively. So, Baba by these activities, perfectly unified castes by bringing about a blend in the worship by being tolerant to all the castes and allowing them to worship the GOD in their own way. If the Hindus applied Tilak to Baba’s forehead waved Arathi to HIM, then the Muslim devotees would also devotedly participate by performing Namaz in Dwarakamai. Sai Samarth saw no distinction between any caste or creed and never differentiated people based on the same. He always uttered “Sab Ka Malik Ek” (There is Only One Lord for everyone) and always believed in the spirit of Universal Brotherhood and Humanity. Once when he was questioned about his caste, he said “Parvardigar” (i.e. Caste of GOD) and his religion as “Manavatvam” (i.e. Humanity) thereby stressing the point that all were children of GOD and belonged to GOD alone. He always encouraged people to stick to their own religion and the religious practices enjoined by the same saying, “Stick to the precincts of your religion and practice the same with all piosity, dedication, faith, respect your fellowmen, never belittle any other caste or religion as the essence of each and every religion lies in speaking about the Universality of A SINGLE GOD. We call HIM by various names, in reality HE is ONE and NONE THE SECOND TO HIM ”. The best example for the Sai Baba’s religious tolerance was observing the Sri Ramanavami festival which was sacred for the Hindus and the Urs festival (Sandal Procession) sacred for the Muslims simultaneously. Both the processions of Sri Ramanavami and that of Urs used to take place side to side at the same time and both the communities participated in the same with harmony and love for one another. This spectacular feature of the Mata Samaikyataa of Sai Baba is followed even till date at Shirdi where both the festivals of Sri Rama and that of Urs are celebrated simultaneously during the time of Sri Ramanavami (Chaitra Shuddha Navami).

Though Sai Baba showed religious tolerance, yet he never encouraged anyone to discard or belittle the practices of one religion and resort to another. There was an incident during Baba’s lifetime when a person converted himself to another religion and when he informed Baba, the latter rebuked him severely saying, “Get lost from my sight, you think that by changing your religion you have become more superior? How can you be a true follower of this present religion that you have accepted if you have not understood the one that you were born in? All religions speak of the same GOD and stresses on the core aspect of humanity. A person is said to be a true follower of a religion when he respects and adores the principles of all the other religions with all the love and reverence and yet stick to his own domain and follow the rules and disciples enjoined by the same. I cannot tolerate to see the face of a person who has changed his father, so be off from my sight”. By this Sai perfectly shone an example for Lord Krishna’s Geethavakya­ “Swa dharmemidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayaavah…” (i.e. Always stick to swadharma).

We can remember the words of the great Saint Kabir who said- “Jath Na Poocho Sadhu Ki Pooch Lijiye Jnaan…” (i.e; Never enquire about the religion of a saint but only enquire about his Knowledge). So, it is unnecessary to debate or discuss or hypothesize the religion, caste, parentage and the birth of Sai Baba because our scriptures say- “Rushi moolam na pashyatu…” (i.e; never search for the origin of a Sage). In fact, it is very correct, if we start searching for the origin of Sai Baba with a skeptic mind we end up nowhere but only to beget a bundle of frustration and confusion. Rather we contemplate of the Origin of Sai Baba with pure love and unflinching devotion at HIS FEET, we realize that he is none but the “ANAADYANTA SVAYAMBHOOTA NIRGUNA ADVITEEYA PARABRAHMA” (i.e; the One with no beginning or end, Unborn, formless, eternal, the Undivided Supreme Lord).

Despite of being Brahman manifest in a mortal frame, Baba never said that he was GOD nor ordered anyone to worship HIM rather, he said that he was the humble servant of the GOD and GOD was his Master and whatever credit the devotees gave to HIM (Baba) should reach the GOD rather than HIM. This demonstrates the humility of the magnanimous personality of Lord Sai Baba.

Though the Lord of the Universe, he lived like a mendicant begging for alms to subsist his daily living, partook only the alms that he got from begging from the houses, ate only a frugal part of the same and the shared his Bhiksha with all dogs, cats and other animals in the village. Only a GURU of the highest order and a realized one can alone recognize the universality of the GOD in all creatures. (Sarva bhoota-Parameshwaraikyata). Now coming to the point of Dakshina, Sai Baba took money in the form of Dakshina form his devotees and by evening distributed the same to poor and needy and again became a poor Fakir. Both the rich and poor, alike distinction thronged to have Darshan of Sri Sai at Shirdi, many offered him money as Dakshina from morning till evening. Though Baba took the same, still he never utilized the same for his personal enjoyment, so by evening he used to distribute the entire money to all the needy and again assume the garb of a simple mendicant. He donated all the money he got for charitable purposes like repair of the old dilapidated temples of Shirdi, wells etc. In order to ascertain this fact, the erstwhile British government appointed an officer Mr. Chakranarayan to closely follow the activities of the influx and efflux of dakshina in the durbar of Sai Baba. Chakranarayan stayed at Shirdi, incognito for many years closely observing SaI Baba and his daily activities. After Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Chakranarayan declared his identity and took over Sai Baba’s possessions to see for HIS monetary accumulation only to get shocked to see that Baba had nothing but a few, worn out, useless, deformed rupee coins. Stunned at the simplicity and the true selfless nature of Sai Baba, Chakranarayan wailed in sorrow and repentance for having doubted the magnanimity of Sai Maharaj. This incident alone is enough for us to understand the “Grandeur of Simplicity” in Sai Baba. Despite of this if still there are doubts regarding the authenticity of the same, then rather I would deem it as a person who can see the Sun and yet think that there is only darkness around.

Now coming to the point­ “Where is the Shastrapramaana (authenticity according to scriptures) for the Life and teachings of Sai Baba?” First of all, let the person who raises this query realize that Vedas, Shastras or any other scriptures that have taken origin from the Supreme Lord himself have proclaimed their inability to describe the BRAHMAN in totality. GURU is undoubtedly the BRAHMAN himself, so how can the Vedas or Shastraas which find their origin in the former give a pramaana to the one who is “Pramaanaateetah”. Yet the GURU sticks to Shastraas and principles adjoined by the same and instructs the devotees to follow the same by assiduously practicing the same. Lord Shiva himself says to Goddess Parvathi, “Oh Parvathi! Every word uttered from the mouth of a true Guru (SADGURU) is a hymn, scriptural knowledge embellished in proper practice, if ardently followed by a saadhaka, sure would the latter attain oneness with the Supreme Lord”. On ardently reading Satcharitra , we realize this Shastrapramaanatva of Sai Maharaj in his Life and teachings.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya propounded the Mahavaakyas which are clearly reflected in the Life and teachings of Sai Baba. “Aham Brahmaasmi” (The Brahman is this Self) speaks of visualizing the presence of the Brahman in the Self and understanding the equity of the same, though outwardly Baba looked involved with all the day to day activities yet He was always engrossed in HIS true self , never was he moved by dualities of Life. He shone like a perfect sthitaprajna in a state of perfect equilibrium. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmaaseeth” (Everything is nothing but the Brahman alone)- which Sai demonstrated by visualizing GOD in ever miniscule of the creation and telling all, “GOD alone is the Master, believe HIM alone, for HE alone exists in everything and nothing is present beyond HIS domain”. “Ayamaathma Brahmah” (The Atman is a form of Brahman) - which he demonstrated to the devotees by instructing them to ardently believe in GOD and realize that all that’s happening in their lives is but HIS (Lord’s) amorous sport in lifting off the veil of Illusion (Maya) from their lives and make them realize that their TRUE SELF is same as the LATTER (I.e. GOD). “THE ADVAITA” siddantha shone to the perfection in every step, teaching, life and practice of Sai Baba and anybody who has a pint of doubt regarding the same, kindly read Sai Satcharitra it will clear the doubts in quintals.

Further, Sai Maharaj’s authenticity over scriptures is well illustrated in Sai Satcharitra. Though Sai read no books or scriptures, had a perfect mastery over the same and he believed in no bookish knowledge, rather his teachings and lessons to the devotees were practical. What books of Yoga or Siddhanta or Shastra or Veda does Baba need to learn when HE is but the “Vedamoorthy, Vedaachaarya, Geethacharya, Mahayogeeshwara” himself. When Das Ganu wanted to write a commentary on Ishavasya Upanishad and sought the asylum of Sai to help him in the same, Baba blessed him saying that his doubt will dispelled by the maid servant of Kaka Dikshit. This story is beautifully narrated in Satcharitra and going to details of the same would make this writing lengthier. It would be prudent to go back to Satcharitra and read the same to enjoy every word of this leela of Sai Maharaj. In a gist, Sai demonstrated to Ganu (through the maid servant) the summary of Ishavasya Upanishad which speaks of All- Pervasiveness of the Lord, understanding the same and doing our duties without any attachment towards the fruit of the labor, being contented with what we have and not craving for something which is rightfully not ours, not getting carried away by the dualities of life like joy and sorrow, success and failure and finally viewing everything in this creation, animate or inanimate as a leela nay but a form of the LORD SUPREME and finally realize the Oneness of the Self with the SUPREME ONE (Atmaparamaatmaikyata). Another incident where Lord Sai demonstrated HIS clairvoyance over the scriptural knowledge and Sanskrit language by properly explaining a verse from Bhagavad Gita to a devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar when the latter was muttering the same verse in front of Baba and at the same time also puffed up with pride of his mastery over Gita and the misconception that Baba was ignorant about Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit language. Sai Samarth pricked this bubble of pride by properly explaining the verse in context to a small grammatical peculiarity (Upasarga, a special group of words in Sanskrit grammar which when added as a prefix to a word (especially a verb) will forcibly bring out the hidden meaning from that word. This reminds me of the verse speaking about the meaning of the word Upasarga from Panini’s Vyakarana - Upasargeshu Dhatvartho Balaadanyatra neeyate, Parhaara Haara Samhaara Vihaara Parihaaravat ). So in the Geetha Shloka, the word “Prashana” (which means questioning) had an upasarga “Pari” as prefix, so the very word “Pari+ Parshana” which became “Pariprashna” was excellently explained by Sai Samartha by quoting the grammatical peculiarity of Upasarga, thereby giving the proper meaning hidden in the Geetha Verse and dispelling the clouds of doubts from Nana Chandorkar’s mind. How can Sai be ignorant of Bhagavad Geetha when he is the same “Geethacharya Bhagavan Sri Krishna” himself, how can Baba be an illiterate of Sanskrit language when he is same “Universal Lord Shiva­ Vedanaayaka” himself.

As we continue to sing the glory of Lord Sai, it gets endless. Only our words stop, but HIS leelas doesn’t. Salutations to such an Immaculate Lord of the Universe. Whatever comments one may pass on our Baba, positive or negative is all but a part and parcel of HIS SELF alone. For everything originates from HIM and finally rests in HIM alone. Bouquets or brickbats, he takes it alike, for he is beyond all these dualities. He is the eternal caring mother who showers love and affection on all, irrespective of who they are and what they say. Finally I would like to sign off with a verse from Shwetashwetaropanishat which often reminds me of the true nature of Lord Sai -

“Na Tatra Sooryo bhaati Na Chandrataarakam Na Imaa Vidyuto Na Bhaati Kuto Ayamagnih | Tameva Baantam Anubhaati Sarvam Tasya Bhaasa Sarvam Idam Vibhaati ||”

(Meaning: Neither the Sun, Moon, Stars nor the Fire exist or illumine THERE {here THERE refers to the SUPREME STATE}, nay it is because of that ETERNAL ALL EFFULGENT POWER which is the source root for all states of existence are all these entities are shining with luster and glory.)

The truth is none can dry up the ocean of Sai (Sai Samudram), none can cloak the Sun of Sai (Sai Marthaanda), and none can wrap up the sky of Sai (Sai Aakasha) as a carpet similarly no comments can tarnish or stain the “Unstained Glory of Lord Sai Samartha” because he is not just a GURU, not just a SAMARTHA SADGURU but “BHAKTAKAARYA KALPADHRUMA GURUSAARVABHAUMA SRIMAD ANANTHAKOTI BRAHMAANDA NAAYAKA SRIMAD RAAJADHIRAAJA YOGIRAJA MAHARAJA TRIBHUVANA ANANTHA ADVAITA ABHEDA NIRANJANA NIRGUNA NIRVIKALPA NIRAALAMBA PARIPOORNA SADODITHA SAKALAMATHA STHAAPITA SRI SACCHIDAANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ”.

Victory be to the Glory of the most ancient One manifest as Sainath of Shirdi. Victory to Sai , our Saguna and Nirguna Parabrahma. Victory to Lord Sai who is Atmaarama ever residing in all our hearts, guiding all us in all walks of life, safely ferrying us in his “boat of grace” across the “Ocean of mundane existence” and finally placing us onto the “Shore of Final beautide” (i.e; bestowing us Oneness with HIS SELF). Salutations dearest Baba for not just being a “part of our lives” but “being our very lives”.

-- Samartha Sadguru Sainaatho Vijayate --

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Sri Sai Sahasranama Bhashya


[Meaning: - Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows Heath and Long Life]

Lord Sai praised as “Doctor of Doctors” alone has the ability to bestow health and a long life to anyone. A mortal of a doctor can treat the underlying malady alone, to repeat a Doctor treats but the “Doctor of Doctors”­ Lord Sai “CURES”. Treatment may make the person healthy and prolong the life. But, Cure is not just related to the Body, it also refers to the condition at the mental plane (i.e. microcosm), when there is a state of equity between the macrocosm and the microcosm, then we will be in a perfect state of equilibrium which is the “Actual Health” and a “Long Life” here refers to a fruitful, fulfilling and a blissful life (devoid of any blemish) ever engrossed in the Feet of Lord, performing every duty as a step of ascension to the throne of oneness with HIM.

Generated with www.html-to-pdf.netSalutations to such a Vaidyanaatha- Bhagavan Sainath. Page 3 / 7

to be continued....

----Jai Sree Sadguru Sai Samartha----

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Shirdi News

1. Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visited Shirdi along with her husband Shri.Raj Kundra on Thursday, 5th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actress was felicitated by the Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Ajay More.

2. Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visited Shirdi along with their families on Friday, 6th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

3. Shri Sai Baba Junior College achieves 98 percent result in 12th standard examination- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Shri Sai Baba Junior College managed by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi achieved 98 percent result in the recently concluded 12th standard examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board of Maharashtra.500 students had appeared for the examination out of which 488 students passed out with flying colors. Thus the college continued its tradition of bright students passing out from its college this year also.

Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav scored cent percent marks in Mathematics subject and thus became the top scorer in Mathematics for entire Maharashtra state.

The Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board had conducted the 12th standard examination in March 2014. 157 Students from Science, 163 students from Arts & 178 students from Commerce had appeared in the final examination. Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav from Science scored 85.69%, Kum.Kavitha Bharat More from arts scored 86.46% and Kum.Gayathri Bhaskar Mandlik from Commerce scored 86.31% were the top scorers for Shri Sai Baba Junior College. Kum.Jayashree Chintamani Pandey & Kum. Neha Dilip Chalke from Science, Kum.Misbha Raju Sheikh & Kum.Neha Mahesh Sonwane from Arts and Kum.Shivani Sanjay Manjrekar & Ashrafi Heena Ahmedhasan from Commerce secured 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan’s tri member committee President & District Court Chief Justice Shri.Shashikant Kulkarni, District Officer Shri.Anil Kavde, Executive Officer Shri.Kundan Kumar Sonwane, Deputy Executive Officer Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Officers Shri.Bahusaheb Sable, Shri.Subhash Garkal, Shri.Suryaban Game, Shri.Uttamrao Gondkar & Shri.Dilip Ugale congratulated successful students and the teachers / lecturers.

Prinicipal of Shri Sai Baba Junior College Shri.Vikas Shivgaje, Lecturers Smt.Mandakini Savant, Smt.Sangeetha Andurekar, Smt.Vyshali Deshmukh, Shri.Dilip Shelke, Shri.Prashanth Gadkari, Shri.Sunil Kandekar, Shri.Sujit Dalvi, Smt.Sarita Lavre, Smt.Swathi Kadu, Smt.Seema Sonwane, Smt.Vandana Deshmukh, Smt.Kanchan Jaware, Shri.Datta Shelke, Shri.Dilip Sangamnere, Shri.Subhash Dandvate, Shri.Bahusaheb Anaap, Smt.Anitha and all the other staff members have put in lot of efforts in bringing laurels to the college. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

4. Marathi Television Serial Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Well known Marathi Television Serial "Ulta chasma ya Malikethil"'s Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visited Shirdi along with his wife on Saturday, 14th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actor was felicitated by the Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appa Saheb Shinde.

5. Free Eye check­up and Cataract Surgery Camp conducted by Shri Sainath Hospital – A Report – : Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

The Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Kundankumar Sonawane informed media persons that the Free Eye check-up and Cataract Surgey Camp organized by Shri Sainath Hospital in assoication with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan and Lions Club of Shirdi was a huge success with 244 patients attending the camp.

Shri Sonawane said that between 4th June 2014 and 6th June 2014, a free Eye check-up & Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Shri Sainath hospital. In this camp 244 needy and poor patients from in and around villages of Shirdi had attended. Out of which Cataract Surgey was perfomed on 108 needy patients by Sansthan's Eye Specialist Dr.Sunil Sonatakke. Free Spectacles were distributed at a function to the needy patients in collaboration with Lions club of shirdi. Shirdi Lions Club Members Dr.Eknath Gondkar, Shri.Vasant Kadam, Shri.Vishal Tidake were present on the occasion.

Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr.Prabhakar Rao, Dr.Sanjay Patare, Dr.Sunil Sonatakke and other staff members of Shri Sainath Hospital worked day and night and saw that this camp was conducted successfully. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

6. Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visit to Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visited Shirdi along with his wife on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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Copyright © www.saiamrithadhara.com Quote of the Month

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

July 2014 Vol 6 / Issue 7

Dear Sai Bandhus, In this issue:

“Achintyaavyakta Roopaya Nirgunaaya Gunaathmane | • Editorial Samastha Jagadaadhaaraaya Moorthaye Brahmane Namah ||” • Sahasranama Bhashya • News Salutations to the Supreme One, who is Formless, devoid of qualities yet is the storehouse • Archives of the same, cannot be comprehended by thoughts and is the substratum of the entire Universe.

This is the first verse in the “Guru Geetha” invoking the Supreme One who is responsible for the genesis, sustenance and annihilation of this cosmos. Guru Geetha is the crest jewel of the Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen puranas) which runs to about 180 and odd verses as a conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravathi where the former extols the greatness of GURU to the latter. Lord Shiva clearly mentions the following about a GURU:

1. GURU is the one and the only one who can dispel the ignorance of a disciple. 2. GURU is none but the Formless Supreme Spirit manifest in a form for the upliftment of mankind. 3. GURU is considered as the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the cosmos) manifest in one. 4. The place where a GURU resides, is as hallowed as Kashi, the washings of HIS feet are but the Holy Ganges capable of absolving all the sins of the ones who partake the same with steadfast faith, the feet of the GURU is that of Lord’s (Vishnupaada), the face of the GURU is Brahma (Brahma mukhaa) and the knowledge that emanates from HIS mouth is Lord Shiva (i.e. Brahma Jnaana or Atma Jnaana), the entire citadel finds its asylum at HIS feet , entire galaxy of the Gods, seers and other beings seek refuge in HIM and extol HIM in various ways. 5. The worship of one’s GURU itself is the worship to Supreme Lord and the utterance of GURU’s name with love is same as the hallowed name of the Lord. 6. One who distinguishes the GURU from the SUPREME LORD has failed to understand the significance of the former’s unity with the latter.

Well, the traits go on and on that finally it becomes very easy to count the stars or measure the Universe but very arduous to narrate the qualities of the GURU which outbeat the metric system of counting. Such is the greatness of GURU that even the Vedas which are considered as the source root of Knowledge have failed to sing his unstained glory completely.

Lord manifests as a GURU to uplift the mankind, by himself donning a mortal frame, assiduously treading the path of austerity and righteousness hence setting an example to the ones who follow Him to the goal ultimatum. The Lord’s manifestation as a GURU is not restricted to particular geography or a sect or group of people. Isn’t the entire creation his projection! So, a GURU’s manifestation in various ages of time, place and persons depends upon the prevailing conditions of the righteousness or in simple – GURU’s manifestation in flesh and blood is in accordance to the Yugadharma and kaaladharma. Salutations to such a divine principle –GURU which has time and again manifested in various places, in various forms upholding the abhivachana of Lord Krishna ­“­­­­ Abyutthanam Adharmasya tadaathmaanam Srujaamyaham…..”.

In such a holy lineage of saints, Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj holds a cardinal position, nay the very crest jewel of all the saints- The LION amongst all the Yogis (Yoga Simha) who manifested in flesh and blood in the hamlet of Shirdi. Lucky is that remote village Shirdi where the unmanifest willed to don a form and manifested first at the aforesaid hamlet as a boy of 16 yrs who later disappeared only to reappear after a few years in the form of a Fakir (a mendicant) with Chand Patil’s band (who had come to Shirdi for a marriage) when he made the village his permanent residence till Samadhi.

The Fakir who came with Chand Patil’s marriage procession was welcomed into the village by the Khandoba temple’s priest Shri Bhagat Mahalsapati by addressing the former as “SAI”. The word SAI in persian language means­ GOD. Hence the priest was fortunate enough in recognizing the divinity of the Fakir and befittingly named him SAI. It is a common practice in various parts of India to address respectfully an elderly person as BABA. Hence the villagers started calling the fakir as SAI, BABA or SAI BABA. The fakir, whose details of parentage and name weren’t known, happily acknowledged to such a call of the villagers. The Supreme Lord who is beyond the fetters of name and bonding (naamateetah and bandhavimukta), out of love for his devotees, accepted the names as Rama, Krishna , Shiva etc; received the motherly love, affection and services from Kausalya , Yashoda , Anasuya and other mahabhaktaas. Similarly, Sai Samarth whose birth, parentage and name were unknown happily accepted the name christened by the priest. So, the unnamed willed Himself to be named.

Now, the question…. Why at all this analogy of explanation of who Sai Baba is? Maybe, as Sai Bhaktaas we need no proof to support the greatness of Lord Sai Maharaj for he always shines as the “ Uneclipsed Sun” in the sky of our hearts. But, when someone wants to know the Greatness of our Guru, it is our bound duty to proudly proclaim our baandhavya with our “Atma Bandhu”­ Sainath Bhagavan, we are not trying to be a biased lot by glorifying only our GURU to the ones who ask us for the same, but trying to emphasize the Universality of our Guru with all the other Gurus, envisioning our Guru in every particle of this creation and sing his divine leelas to our heart’s content. In fact, we should consider this as an esteemed honor bestowed onto us by the four faced creator to sing the Unstained Glory of the “ Creator of the Four Faced Creator ” himself. Though our praises fall short of words versus the glory of Sai Maharaj, yet we should leave no stone unturned to render our service to HIM.

Now, coming to the point…… To which caste did Sai Maharaj belong to? If someone tries to localize Sai to a particular caste, please read “Sri Sai Satcharitra” the authentic biography on Lord Sai Baba by his disciple Sri Anna Saheb Dhabolkar( alias Sri Hemadpath), where the author enlists the features of the “Religion” of Sai Baba. Lord Sai lived in a dilapidated mosque, which he named Dwarakamai. He had the sacred fire “Dhuni” burning eternally in the mosque, the ringing of the bells, the sacred basil plant (tulasi plant), the recitation Vedas, Upanishads and puranas which was a regular activity at Dwarakamai and all the system befitting a Hindu sampradaaya. By this, if someone concluded that “Baba is a Hindu” were further surprised to see a plenty of Muslims coming to the mosque and doing Namaz (prayers) in which Baba himself participated, further Baba used to dress himself like a Muslim Fakir and always uttered “Allah Malik” (God is the Master). So, if someone concluded that Baba was a Moslem, again they were surprised to see the ears of Baba were pierced like a Hindu. Neither the Hindus nor Muslims could claim Baba to be belonging to their castes respectively. So, Baba by these activities, perfectly unified castes by bringing about a blend in the worship by being tolerant to all the castes and allowing them to worship the GOD in their own way. If the Hindus applied Tilak to Baba’s forehead waved Arathi to HIM, then the Muslim devotees would also devotedly participate by performing Namaz in Dwarakamai. Sai Samarth saw no distinction between any caste or creed and never differentiated people based on the same. He always uttered “Sab Ka Malik Ek” (There is Only One Lord for everyone) and always believed in the spirit of Universal Brotherhood and Humanity. Once when he was questioned about his caste, he said “Parvardigar” (i.e. Caste of GOD) and his religion as “Manavatvam” (i.e. Humanity) thereby stressing the point that all were children of GOD and belonged to GOD alone. He always encouraged people to stick to their own religion and the religious practices enjoined by the same saying, “Stick to the precincts of your religion and practice the same with all piosity, dedication, faith, respect your fellowmen, never belittle any other caste or religion as the essence of each and every religion lies in speaking about the Universality of A SINGLE GOD. We call HIM by various names, in reality HE is ONE and NONE THE SECOND TO HIM ”. The best example for the Sai Baba’s religious tolerance was observing the Sri Ramanavami festival which was sacred for the Hindus and the Urs festival (Sandal Procession) sacred for the Muslims simultaneously. Both the processions of Sri Ramanavami and that of Urs used to take place side to side at the same time and both the communities participated in the same with harmony and love for one another. This spectacular feature of the Mata Samaikyataa of Sai Baba is followed even till date at Shirdi where both the festivals of Sri Rama and that of Urs are celebrated simultaneously during the time of Sri Ramanavami (Chaitra Shuddha Navami).

Though Sai Baba showed religious tolerance, yet he never encouraged anyone to discard or belittle the practices of one religion and resort to another. There was an incident during Baba’s lifetime when a person converted himself to another religion and when he informed Baba, the latter rebuked him severely saying, “Get lost from my sight, you think that by changing your religion you have become more superior? How can you be a true follower of this present religion that you have accepted if you have not understood the one that you were born in? All religions speak of the same GOD and stresses on the core aspect of humanity. A person is said to be a true follower of a religion when he respects and adores the principles of all the other religions with all the love and reverence and yet stick to his own domain and follow the rules and disciples enjoined by the same. I cannot tolerate to see the face of a person who has changed his father, so be off from my sight”. By this Sai perfectly shone an example for Lord Krishna’s Geethavakya­ “Swa dharmemidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayaavah…” (i.e. Always stick to swadharma).

We can remember the words of the great Saint Kabir who said- “Jath Na Poocho Sadhu Ki Pooch Lijiye Jnaan…” (i.e; Never enquire about the religion of a saint but only enquire about his Knowledge). So, it is unnecessary to debate or discuss or hypothesize the religion, caste, parentage and the birth of Sai Baba because our scriptures say- “Rushi moolam na pashyatu…” (i.e; never search for the origin of a Sage). In fact, it is very correct, if we start searching for the origin of Sai Baba with a skeptic mind we end up nowhere but only to beget a bundle of frustration and confusion. Rather we contemplate of the Origin of Sai Baba with pure love and unflinching devotion at HIS FEET, we realize that he is none but the “ANAADYANTA SVAYAMBHOOTA NIRGUNA ADVITEEYA PARABRAHMA” (i.e; the One with no beginning or end, Unborn, formless, eternal, the Undivided Supreme Lord).

Despite of being Brahman manifest in a mortal frame, Baba never said that he was GOD nor ordered anyone to worship HIM rather, he said that he was the humble servant of the GOD and GOD was his Master and whatever credit the devotees gave to HIM (Baba) should reach the GOD rather than HIM. This demonstrates the humility of the magnanimous personality of Lord Sai Baba.

Though the Lord of the Universe, he lived like a mendicant begging for alms to subsist his daily living, partook only the alms that he got from begging from the houses, ate only a frugal part of the same and the shared his Bhiksha with all dogs, cats and other animals in the village. Only a GURU of the highest order and a realized one can alone recognize the universality of the GOD in all creatures. (Sarva bhoota-Parameshwaraikyata). Now coming to the point of Dakshina, Sai Baba took money in the form of Dakshina form his devotees and by evening distributed the same to poor and needy and again became a poor Fakir. Both the rich and poor, alike distinction thronged to have Darshan of Sri Sai at Shirdi, many offered him money as Dakshina from morning till evening. Though Baba took the same, still he never utilized the same for his personal enjoyment, so by evening he used to distribute the entire money to all the needy and again assume the garb of a simple mendicant. He donated all the money he got for charitable purposes like repair of the old dilapidated temples of Shirdi, wells etc. In order to ascertain this fact, the erstwhile British government appointed an officer Mr. Chakranarayan to closely follow the activities of the influx and efflux of dakshina in the durbar of Sai Baba. Chakranarayan stayed at Shirdi, incognito for many years closely observing SaI Baba and his daily activities. After Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Chakranarayan declared his identity and took over Sai Baba’s possessions to see for HIS monetary accumulation only to get shocked to see that Baba had nothing but a few, worn out, useless, deformed rupee coins. Stunned at the simplicity and the true selfless nature of Sai Baba, Chakranarayan wailed in sorrow and repentance for having doubted the magnanimity of Sai Maharaj. This incident alone is enough for us to understand the “Grandeur of Simplicity” in Sai Baba. Despite of this if still there are doubts regarding the authenticity of the same, then rather I would deem it as a person who can see the Sun and yet think that there is only darkness around.

Now coming to the point­ “Where is the Shastrapramaana (authenticity according to scriptures) for the Life and teachings of Sai Baba?” First of all, let the person who raises this query realize that Vedas, Shastras or any other scriptures that have taken origin from the Supreme Lord himself have proclaimed their inability to describe the BRAHMAN in totality. GURU is undoubtedly the BRAHMAN himself, so how can the Vedas or Shastraas which find their origin in the former give a pramaana to the one who is “Pramaanaateetah”. Yet the GURU sticks to Shastraas and principles adjoined by the same and instructs the devotees to follow the same by assiduously practicing the same. Lord Shiva himself says to Goddess Parvathi, “Oh Parvathi! Every word uttered from the mouth of a true Guru (SADGURU) is a hymn, scriptural knowledge embellished in proper practice, if ardently followed by a saadhaka, sure would the latter attain oneness with the Supreme Lord”. On ardently reading Satcharitra , we realize this Shastrapramaanatva of Sai Maharaj in his Life and teachings.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya propounded the Mahavaakyas which are clearly reflected in the Life and teachings of Sai Baba. “Aham Brahmaasmi” (The Brahman is this Self) speaks of visualizing the presence of the Brahman in the Self and understanding the equity of the same, though outwardly Baba looked involved with all the day to day activities yet He was always engrossed in HIS true self , never was he moved by dualities of Life. He shone like a perfect sthitaprajna in a state of perfect equilibrium. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmaaseeth” (Everything is nothing but the Brahman alone)- which Sai demonstrated by visualizing GOD in ever miniscule of the creation and telling all, “GOD alone is the Master, believe HIM alone, for HE alone exists in everything and nothing is present beyond HIS domain”. “Ayamaathma Brahmah” (The Atman is a form of Brahman) - which he demonstrated to the devotees by instructing them to ardently believe in GOD and realize that all that’s happening in their lives is but HIS (Lord’s) amorous sport in lifting off the veil of Illusion (Maya) from their lives and make them realize that their TRUE SELF is same as the LATTER (I.e. GOD). “THE ADVAITA” siddantha shone to the perfection in every step, teaching, life and practice of Sai Baba and anybody who has a pint of doubt regarding the same, kindly read Sai Satcharitra it will clear the doubts in quintals.

Further, Sai Maharaj’s authenticity over scriptures is well illustrated in Sai Satcharitra. Though Sai read no books or scriptures, had a perfect mastery over the same and he believed in no bookish knowledge, rather his teachings and lessons to the devotees were practical. What books of Yoga or Siddhanta or Shastra or Veda does Baba need to learn when HE is but the “Vedamoorthy, Vedaachaarya, Geethacharya, Mahayogeeshwara” himself. When Das Ganu wanted to write a commentary on Ishavasya Upanishad and sought the asylum of Sai to help him in the same, Baba blessed him saying that his doubt will dispelled by the maid servant of Kaka Dikshit. This story is beautifully narrated in Satcharitra and going to details of the same would make this writing lengthier. It would be prudent to go back to Satcharitra and read the same to enjoy every word of this leela of Sai Maharaj. In a gist, Sai demonstrated to Ganu (through the maid servant) the summary of Ishavasya Upanishad which speaks of All- Pervasiveness of the Lord, understanding the same and doing our duties without any attachment towards the fruit of the labor, being contented with what we have and not craving for something which is rightfully not ours, not getting carried away by the dualities of life like joy and sorrow, success and failure and finally viewing everything in this creation, animate or inanimate as a leela nay but a form of the LORD SUPREME and finally realize the Oneness of the Self with the SUPREME ONE (Atmaparamaatmaikyata). Another incident where Lord Sai demonstrated HIS clairvoyance over the scriptural knowledge and Sanskrit language by properly explaining a verse from Bhagavad Gita to a devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar when the latter was muttering the same verse in front of Baba and at the same time also puffed up with pride of his mastery over Gita and the misconception that Baba was ignorant about Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit language. Sai Samarth pricked this bubble of pride by properly explaining the verse in context to a small grammatical peculiarity (Upasarga, a special group of words in Sanskrit grammar which when added as a prefix to a word (especially a verb) will forcibly bring out the hidden meaning from that word. This reminds me of the verse speaking about the meaning of the word Upasarga from Panini’s Vyakarana - Upasargeshu Dhatvartho Balaadanyatra neeyate, Parhaara Haara Samhaara Vihaara Parihaaravat ). So in the Geetha Shloka, the word “Prashana” (which means questioning) had an upasarga “Pari” as prefix, so the very word “Pari+ Parshana” which became “Pariprashna” was excellently explained by Sai Samartha by quoting the grammatical peculiarity of Upasarga, thereby giving the proper meaning hidden in the Geetha Verse and dispelling the clouds of doubts from Nana Chandorkar’s mind. How can Sai be ignorant of Bhagavad Geetha when he is the same “Geethacharya Bhagavan Sri Krishna” himself, how can Baba be an illiterate of Sanskrit language when he is same “Universal Lord Shiva­ Vedanaayaka” himself.

As we continue to sing the glory of Lord Sai, it gets endless. Only our words stop, but HIS leelas doesn’t. Salutations to such an Immaculate Lord of the Universe. Whatever comments one may pass on our Baba, positive or negative is all but a part and parcel of HIS SELF alone. For everything originates from HIM and finally rests in HIM alone. Bouquets or brickbats, he takes it alike, for he is beyond all these dualities. He is the eternal caring mother who showers love and affection on all, irrespective of who they are and what they say. Finally I would like to sign off with a verse from Shwetashwetaropanishat which often reminds me of the true nature of Lord Sai -

“Na Tatra Sooryo bhaati Na Chandrataarakam Na Imaa Vidyuto Na Bhaati Kuto Ayamagnih | Tameva Baantam Anubhaati Sarvam Tasya Bhaasa Sarvam Idam Vibhaati ||”

(Meaning: Neither the Sun, Moon, Stars nor the Fire exist or illumine THERE {here THERE refers to the SUPREME STATE}, nay it is because of that ETERNAL ALL EFFULGENT POWER which is the source root for all states of existence are all these entities are shining with luster and glory.)

The truth is none can dry up the ocean of Sai (Sai Samudram), none can cloak the Sun of Sai (Sai Marthaanda), and none can wrap up the sky of Sai (Sai Aakasha) as a carpet similarly no comments can tarnish or stain the “Unstained Glory of Lord Sai Samartha” because he is not just a GURU, not just a SAMARTHA SADGURU but “BHAKTAKAARYA KALPADHRUMA GURUSAARVABHAUMA SRIMAD ANANTHAKOTI BRAHMAANDA NAAYAKA SRIMAD RAAJADHIRAAJA YOGIRAJA MAHARAJA TRIBHUVANA ANANTHA ADVAITA ABHEDA NIRANJANA NIRGUNA NIRVIKALPA NIRAALAMBA PARIPOORNA SADODITHA SAKALAMATHA STHAAPITA SRI SACCHIDAANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ”.

Victory be to the Glory of the most ancient One manifest as Sainath of Shirdi. Victory to Sai , our Saguna and Nirguna Parabrahma. Victory to Lord Sai who is Atmaarama ever residing in all our hearts, guiding all us in all walks of life, safely ferrying us in his “boat of grace” across the “Ocean of mundane existence” and finally placing us onto the “Shore of Final beautide” (i.e; bestowing us Oneness with HIS SELF). Salutations dearest Baba for not just being a “part of our lives” but “being our very lives”.

-- Samartha Sadguru Sainaatho Vijayate --

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Sri Sai Sahasranama Bhashya


[Meaning: - Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows Heath and Long Life]

Lord Sai praised as “Doctor of Doctors” alone has the ability to bestow health and a long life to anyone. A mortal of a doctor can treat the underlying malady alone, to repeat a Doctor treats but the “Doctor of Doctors”­ Lord Sai “CURES”. Treatment may make the person healthy and prolong the life. But, Cure is not just related to the Body, it also refers to the condition at the mental plane (i.e. microcosm), when there is a state of equity between the macrocosm and the microcosm, then we will be in a perfect state of equilibrium which is the “Actual Health” and a “Long Life” here refers to a fruitful, fulfilling and a blissful life (devoid of any blemish) ever engrossed in the Feet of Lord, performing every duty as a step of ascension to the throne of oneness with HIM.

Salutations to such a Vaidyanaatha- Bhagavan Sainath.

to be continued....

----Jai Sree Sadguru Sai Samartha----

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Shirdi News

1. Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visited Shirdi along with her husband Shri.Raj Kundra on Thursday, 5th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actress was felicitated by the Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Ajay More.

2. Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visited Shirdi along with their families on Friday, 6th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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3. Shri Sai Baba Junior College achieves 98 percent result in 12th standard examination- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Shri Sai Baba Junior College managed by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi achieved 98 percent result in the recently concluded 12th standard examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board of Maharashtra.500 students had appeared for the examination out of which 488 students passed out with flying colors. Thus the college continued its tradition of bright students passing out from its college this year also.

Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav scored cent percent marks in Mathematics subject and thus became the top scorer in Mathematics for entire Maharashtra state.

The Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board had conducted the 12th standard examination in March 2014. 157 Students from Science, 163 students from Arts & 178 students from Commerce had appeared in the final examination. Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav from Science scored 85.69%, Kum.Kavitha Bharat More from arts scored 86.46% and Kum.Gayathri Bhaskar Mandlik from Commerce scored 86.31% were the top scorers for Shri Sai Baba Junior College. Kum.Jayashree Chintamani Pandey & Kum. Neha Dilip Chalke from Science, Kum.Misbha Raju Sheikh & Kum.Neha Mahesh Sonwane from Arts and Kum.Shivani Sanjay Manjrekar & Ashrafi Heena Ahmedhasan from Commerce secured 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan’s tri member committee President & District Court Chief Justice Shri.Shashikant Kulkarni, District Officer Shri.Anil Kavde, Executive Officer Shri.Kundan Kumar Sonwane, Deputy Executive Officer Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Officers Shri.Bahusaheb Sable, Shri.Subhash Garkal, Shri.Suryaban Game, Shri.Uttamrao Gondkar & Shri.Dilip Ugale congratulated successful students and the teachers / lecturers.

Prinicipal of Shri Sai Baba Junior College Shri.Vikas Shivgaje, Lecturers Smt.Mandakini Savant, Smt.Sangeetha Andurekar, Smt.Vyshali Deshmukh, Shri.Dilip Shelke, Shri.Prashanth Gadkari, Shri.Sunil Kandekar, Shri.Sujit Dalvi, Smt.Sarita Lavre, Smt.Swathi Kadu, Smt.Seema Sonwane, Smt.Vandana Deshmukh, Smt.Kanchan Jaware, Shri.Datta Shelke, Shri.Dilip Sangamnere, Shri.Subhash Dandvate, Shri.Bahusaheb Anaap, Smt.Anitha and all the other staff members have put in lot of efforts in bringing laurels to the college. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

4. Marathi Television Serial Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Well known Marathi Television Serial "Ulta chasma ya Malikethil"'s Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visited Shirdi along with his wife on Saturday, 14th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actor was felicitated by the Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appa Saheb Shinde.

5. Free Eye check­up and Cataract Surgery Camp conducted by Shri Sainath Hospital – A Report – : Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

The Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Kundankumar Sonawane informed media persons that the Free Eye check-up and Cataract Surgey Camp organized by Shri Sainath Hospital in assoication with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan and Lions Club of Shirdi was a huge success with 244 patients attending the camp.

Shri Sonawane said that between 4th June 2014 and 6th June 2014, a free Eye check-up & Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Shri Sainath hospital. In this camp 244 needy and poor patients from in and around villages of Shirdi had attended. Out of which Cataract Surgey was perfomed on 108 needy patients by Sansthan's Eye Specialist Dr.Sunil Sonatakke. Free Spectacles were distributed at a function to the needy patients in collaboration with Lions club of shirdi. Shirdi Lions Club Members Dr.Eknath Gondkar, Shri.Vasant Kadam, Shri.Vishal Tidake were present on the occasion.

Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr.Prabhakar Rao, Dr.Sanjay Patare, Dr.Sunil Sonatakke and other staff members of Shri Sainath Hospital worked day and night and saw that this camp was conducted successfully. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

6. Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visit to Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visited Shirdi along with his wife on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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Copyright © www.saiamrithadhara.com Quote of the Month

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

July 2014 Vol 6 / Issue 7

Dear Sai Bandhus, In this issue:

“Achintyaavyakta Roopaya Nirgunaaya Gunaathmane | • Editorial Samastha Jagadaadhaaraaya Moorthaye Brahmane Namah ||” • Sahasranama Bhashya • News Salutations to the Supreme One, who is Formless, devoid of qualities yet is the storehouse • Archives of the same, cannot be comprehended by thoughts and is the substratum of the entire Universe.

This is the first verse in the “Guru Geetha” invoking the Supreme One who is responsible for the genesis, sustenance and annihilation of this cosmos. Guru Geetha is the crest jewel of the Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen puranas) which runs to about 180 and odd verses as a conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravathi where the former extols the greatness of GURU to the latter. Lord Shiva clearly mentions the following about a GURU:

1. GURU is the one and the only one who can dispel the ignorance of a disciple. 2. GURU is none but the Formless Supreme Spirit manifest in a form for the upliftment of mankind. 3. GURU is considered as the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the cosmos) manifest in one. 4. The place where a GURU resides, is as hallowed as Kashi, the washings of HIS feet are but the Holy Ganges capable of absolving all the sins of the ones who partake the same with steadfast faith, the feet of the GURU is that of Lord’s (Vishnupaada), the face of the GURU is Brahma (Brahma mukhaa) and the knowledge that emanates from HIS mouth is Lord Shiva (i.e. Brahma Jnaana or Atma Jnaana), the entire citadel finds its asylum at HIS feet , entire galaxy of the Gods, seers and other beings seek refuge in HIM and extol HIM in various ways. 5. The worship of one’s GURU itself is the worship to Supreme Lord and the utterance of GURU’s name with love is same as the hallowed name of the Lord. 6. One who distinguishes the GURU from the SUPREME LORD has failed to understand the significance of the former’s unity with the latter.

Well, the traits go on and on that finally it becomes very easy to count the stars or measure the Universe but very arduous to narrate the qualities of the GURU which outbeat the metric system of counting. Such is the greatness of GURU that even the Vedas which are considered as the source root of Knowledge have failed to sing his unstained glory completely.

Lord manifests as a GURU to uplift the mankind, by himself donning a mortal frame, assiduously treading the path of austerity and righteousness hence setting an example to the ones who follow Him to the goal ultimatum. The Lord’s manifestation as a GURU is not restricted to particular geography or a sect or group of people. Isn’t the entire creation his projection! So, a GURU’s manifestation in various ages of time, place and persons depends upon the prevailing conditions of the righteousness or in simple – GURU’s manifestation in flesh and blood is in accordance to the Yugadharma and kaaladharma. Salutations to such a divine principle –GURU which has time and again manifested in various places, in various forms upholding the abhivachana of Lord Krishna ­“­­­­ Abyutthanam Adharmasya tadaathmaanam Srujaamyaham…..”.

In such a holy lineage of saints, Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj holds a cardinal position, nay the very crest jewel of all the saints- The LION amongst all the Yogis (Yoga Simha) who manifested in flesh and blood in the hamlet of Shirdi. Lucky is that remote village Shirdi where the unmanifest willed to don a form and manifested first at the aforesaid hamlet as a boy of 16 yrs who later disappeared only to reappear after a few years in the form of a Fakir (a mendicant) with Chand Patil’s band (who had come to Shirdi for a marriage) when he made the village his permanent residence till Samadhi.

The Fakir who came with Chand Patil’s marriage procession was welcomed into the village by the Khandoba temple’s priest Shri Bhagat Mahalsapati by addressing the former as “SAI”. The word SAI in persian language means­ GOD. Hence the priest was fortunate enough in recognizing the divinity of the Fakir and befittingly named him SAI. It is a common practice in various parts of India to address respectfully an elderly person as BABA. Hence the villagers started calling the fakir as SAI, BABA or SAI BABA. The fakir, whose details of parentage and name weren’t known, happily acknowledged to such a call of the villagers. The Supreme Lord who is beyond the fetters of name and bonding (naamateetah and bandhavimukta), out of love for his devotees, accepted the names as Rama, Krishna , Shiva etc; received the motherly love, affection and services from Kausalya , Yashoda , Anasuya and other mahabhaktaas. Similarly, Sai Samarth whose birth, parentage and name were unknown happily accepted the name christened by the priest. So, the unnamed willed Himself to be named.

Now, the question…. Why at all this analogy of explanation of who Sai Baba is? Maybe, as Sai Bhaktaas we need no proof to support the greatness of Lord Sai Maharaj for he always shines as the “ Uneclipsed Sun” in the sky of our hearts. But, when someone wants to know the Greatness of our Guru, it is our bound duty to proudly proclaim our baandhavya with our “Atma Bandhu”­ Sainath Bhagavan, we are not trying to be a biased lot by glorifying only our GURU to the ones who ask us for the same, but trying to emphasize the Universality of our Guru with all the other Gurus, envisioning our Guru in every particle of this creation and sing his divine leelas to our heart’s content. In fact, we should consider this as an esteemed honor bestowed onto us by the four faced creator to sing the Unstained Glory of the “ Creator of the Four Faced Creator ” himself. Though our praises fall short of words versus the glory of Sai Maharaj, yet we should leave no stone unturned to render our service to HIM.

Now, coming to the point…… To which caste did Sai Maharaj belong to? If someone tries to localize Sai to a particular caste, please read “Sri Sai Satcharitra” the authentic biography on Lord Sai Baba by his disciple Sri Anna Saheb Dhabolkar( alias Sri Hemadpath), where the author enlists the features of the “Religion” of Sai Baba. Lord Sai lived in a dilapidated mosque, which he named Dwarakamai. He had the sacred fire “Dhuni” burning eternally in the mosque, the ringing of the bells, the sacred basil plant (tulasi plant), the recitation Vedas, Upanishads and puranas which was a regular activity at Dwarakamai and all the system befitting a Hindu sampradaaya. By this, if someone concluded that “Baba is a Hindu” were further surprised to see a plenty of Muslims coming to the mosque and doing Namaz (prayers) in which Baba himself participated, further Baba used to dress himself like a Muslim Fakir and always uttered “Allah Malik” (God is the Master). So, if someone concluded that Baba was a Moslem, again they were surprised to see the ears of Baba were pierced like a Hindu. Neither the Hindus nor Muslims could claim Baba to be belonging to their castes respectively. So, Baba by these activities, perfectly unified castes by bringing about a blend in the worship by being tolerant to all the castes and allowing them to worship the GOD in their own way. If the Hindus applied Tilak to Baba’s forehead waved Arathi to HIM, then the Muslim devotees would also devotedly participate by performing Namaz in Dwarakamai. Sai Samarth saw no distinction between any caste or creed and never differentiated people based on the same. He always uttered “Sab Ka Malik Ek” (There is Only One Lord for everyone) and always believed in the spirit of Universal Brotherhood and Humanity. Once when he was questioned about his caste, he said “Parvardigar” (i.e. Caste of GOD) and his religion as “Manavatvam” (i.e. Humanity) thereby stressing the point that all were children of GOD and belonged to GOD alone. He always encouraged people to stick to their own religion and the religious practices enjoined by the same saying, “Stick to the precincts of your religion and practice the same with all piosity, dedication, faith, respect your fellowmen, never belittle any other caste or religion as the essence of each and every religion lies in speaking about the Universality of A SINGLE GOD. We call HIM by various names, in reality HE is ONE and NONE THE SECOND TO HIM ”. The best example for the Sai Baba’s religious tolerance was observing the Sri Ramanavami festival which was sacred for the Hindus and the Urs festival (Sandal Procession) sacred for the Muslims simultaneously. Both the processions of Sri Ramanavami and that of Urs used to take place side to side at the same time and both the communities participated in the same with harmony and love for one another. This spectacular feature of the Mata Samaikyataa of Sai Baba is followed even till date at Shirdi where both the festivals of Sri Rama and that of Urs are celebrated simultaneously during the time of Sri Ramanavami (Chaitra Shuddha Navami).

Though Sai Baba showed religious tolerance, yet he never encouraged anyone to discard or belittle the practices of one religion and resort to another. There was an incident during Baba’s lifetime when a person converted himself to another religion and when he informed Baba, the latter rebuked him severely saying, “Get lost from my sight, you think that by changing your religion you have become more superior? How can you be a true follower of this present religion that you have accepted if you have not understood the one that you were born in? All religions speak of the same GOD and stresses on the core aspect of humanity. A person is said to be a true follower of a religion when he respects and adores the principles of all the other religions with all the love and reverence and yet stick to his own domain and follow the rules and disciples enjoined by the same. I cannot tolerate to see the face of a person who has changed his father, so be off from my sight”. By this Sai perfectly shone an example for Lord Krishna’s Geethavakya­ “Swa dharmemidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayaavah…” (i.e. Always stick to swadharma).

We can remember the words of the great Saint Kabir who said- “Jath Na Poocho Sadhu Ki Pooch Lijiye Jnaan…” (i.e; Never enquire about the religion of a saint but only enquire about his Knowledge). So, it is unnecessary to debate or discuss or hypothesize the religion, caste, parentage and the birth of Sai Baba because our scriptures say- “Rushi moolam na pashyatu…” (i.e; never search for the origin of a Sage). In fact, it is very correct, if we start searching for the origin of Sai Baba with a skeptic mind we end up nowhere but only to beget a bundle of frustration and confusion. Rather we contemplate of the Origin of Sai Baba with pure love and unflinching devotion at HIS FEET, we realize that he is none but the “ANAADYANTA SVAYAMBHOOTA NIRGUNA ADVITEEYA PARABRAHMA” (i.e; the One with no beginning or end, Unborn, formless, eternal, the Undivided Supreme Lord).

Despite of being Brahman manifest in a mortal frame, Baba never said that he was GOD nor ordered anyone to worship HIM rather, he said that he was the humble servant of the GOD and GOD was his Master and whatever credit the devotees gave to HIM (Baba) should reach the GOD rather than HIM. This demonstrates the humility of the magnanimous personality of Lord Sai Baba.

Though the Lord of the Universe, he lived like a mendicant begging for alms to subsist his daily living, partook only the alms that he got from begging from the houses, ate only a frugal part of the same and the shared his Bhiksha with all dogs, cats and other animals in the village. Only a GURU of the highest order and a realized one can alone recognize the universality of the GOD in all creatures. (Sarva bhoota-Parameshwaraikyata). Now coming to the point of Dakshina, Sai Baba took money in the form of Dakshina form his devotees and by evening distributed the same to poor and needy and again became a poor Fakir. Both the rich and poor, alike distinction thronged to have Darshan of Sri Sai at Shirdi, many offered him money as Dakshina from morning till evening. Though Baba took the same, still he never utilized the same for his personal enjoyment, so by evening he used to distribute the entire money to all the needy and again assume the garb of a simple mendicant. He donated all the money he got for charitable purposes like repair of the old dilapidated temples of Shirdi, wells etc. In order to ascertain this fact, the erstwhile British government appointed an officer Mr. Chakranarayan to closely follow the activities of the influx and efflux of dakshina in the durbar of Sai Baba. Chakranarayan stayed at Shirdi, incognito for many years closely observing SaI Baba and his daily activities. After Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Chakranarayan declared his identity and took over Sai Baba’s possessions to see for HIS monetary accumulation only to get shocked to see that Baba had nothing but a few, worn out, useless, deformed rupee coins. Stunned at the simplicity and the true selfless nature of Sai Baba, Chakranarayan wailed in sorrow and repentance for having doubted the magnanimity of Sai Maharaj. This incident alone is enough for us to understand the “Grandeur of Simplicity” in Sai Baba. Despite of this if still there are doubts regarding the authenticity of the same, then rather I would deem it as a person who can see the Sun and yet think that there is only darkness around.

Now coming to the point­ “Where is the Shastrapramaana (authenticity according to scriptures) for the Life and teachings of Sai Baba?” First of all, let the person who raises this query realize that Vedas, Shastras or any other scriptures that have taken origin from the Supreme Lord himself have proclaimed their inability to describe the BRAHMAN in totality. GURU is undoubtedly the BRAHMAN himself, so how can the Vedas or Shastraas which find their origin in the former give a pramaana to the one who is “Pramaanaateetah”. Yet the GURU sticks to Shastraas and principles adjoined by the same and instructs the devotees to follow the same by assiduously practicing the same. Lord Shiva himself says to Goddess Parvathi, “Oh Parvathi! Every word uttered from the mouth of a true Guru (SADGURU) is a hymn, scriptural knowledge embellished in proper practice, if ardently followed by a saadhaka, sure would the latter attain oneness with the Supreme Lord”. On ardently reading Satcharitra , we realize this Shastrapramaanatva of Sai Maharaj in his Life and teachings.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya propounded the Mahavaakyas which are clearly reflected in the Life and teachings of Sai Baba. “Aham Brahmaasmi” (The Brahman is this Self) speaks of visualizing the presence of the Brahman in the Self and understanding the equity of the same, though outwardly Baba looked involved with all the day to day activities yet He was always engrossed in HIS true self , never was he moved by dualities of Life. He shone like a perfect sthitaprajna in a state of perfect equilibrium. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmaaseeth” (Everything is nothing but the Brahman alone)- which Sai demonstrated by visualizing GOD in ever miniscule of the creation and telling all, “GOD alone is the Master, believe HIM alone, for HE alone exists in everything and nothing is present beyond HIS domain”. “Ayamaathma Brahmah” (The Atman is a form of Brahman) - which he demonstrated to the devotees by instructing them to ardently believe in GOD and realize that all that’s happening in their lives is but HIS (Lord’s) amorous sport in lifting off the veil of Illusion (Maya) from their lives and make them realize that their TRUE SELF is same as the LATTER (I.e. GOD). “THE ADVAITA” siddantha shone to the perfection in every step, teaching, life and practice of Sai Baba and anybody who has a pint of doubt regarding the same, kindly read Sai Satcharitra it will clear the doubts in quintals.

Further, Sai Maharaj’s authenticity over scriptures is well illustrated in Sai Satcharitra. Though Sai read no books or scriptures, had a perfect mastery over the same and he believed in no bookish knowledge, rather his teachings and lessons to the devotees were practical. What books of Yoga or Siddhanta or Shastra or Veda does Baba need to learn when HE is but the “Vedamoorthy, Vedaachaarya, Geethacharya, Mahayogeeshwara” himself. When Das Ganu wanted to write a commentary on Ishavasya Upanishad and sought the asylum of Sai to help him in the same, Baba blessed him saying that his doubt will dispelled by the maid servant of Kaka Dikshit. This story is beautifully narrated in Satcharitra and going to details of the same would make this writing lengthier. It would be prudent to go back to Satcharitra and read the same to enjoy every word of this leela of Sai Maharaj. In a gist, Sai demonstrated to Ganu (through the maid servant) the summary of Ishavasya Upanishad which speaks of All- Pervasiveness of the Lord, understanding the same and doing our duties without any attachment towards the fruit of the labor, being contented with what we have and not craving for something which is rightfully not ours, not getting carried away by the dualities of life like joy and sorrow, success and failure and finally viewing everything in this creation, animate or inanimate as a leela nay but a form of the LORD SUPREME and finally realize the Oneness of the Self with the SUPREME ONE (Atmaparamaatmaikyata). Another incident where Lord Sai demonstrated HIS clairvoyance over the scriptural knowledge and Sanskrit language by properly explaining a verse from Bhagavad Gita to a devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar when the latter was muttering the same verse in front of Baba and at the same time also puffed up with pride of his mastery over Gita and the misconception that Baba was ignorant about Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit language. Sai Samarth pricked this bubble of pride by properly explaining the verse in context to a small grammatical peculiarity (Upasarga, a special group of words in Sanskrit grammar which when added as a prefix to a word (especially a verb) will forcibly bring out the hidden meaning from that word. This reminds me of the verse speaking about the meaning of the word Upasarga from Panini’s Vyakarana - Upasargeshu Dhatvartho Balaadanyatra neeyate, Parhaara Haara Samhaara Vihaara Parihaaravat ). So in the Geetha Shloka, the word “Prashana” (which means questioning) had an upasarga “Pari” as prefix, so the very word “Pari+ Parshana” which became “Pariprashna” was excellently explained by Sai Samartha by quoting the grammatical peculiarity of Upasarga, thereby giving the proper meaning hidden in the Geetha Verse and dispelling the clouds of doubts from Nana Chandorkar’s mind. How can Sai be ignorant of Bhagavad Geetha when he is the same “Geethacharya Bhagavan Sri Krishna” himself, how can Baba be an illiterate of Sanskrit language when he is same “Universal Lord Shiva­ Vedanaayaka” himself.

As we continue to sing the glory of Lord Sai, it gets endless. Only our words stop, but HIS leelas doesn’t. Salutations to such an Immaculate Lord of the Universe. Whatever comments one may pass on our Baba, positive or negative is all but a part and parcel of HIS SELF alone. For everything originates from HIM and finally rests in HIM alone. Bouquets or brickbats, he takes it alike, for he is beyond all these dualities. He is the eternal caring mother who showers love and affection on all, irrespective of who they are and what they say. Finally I would like to sign off with a verse from Shwetashwetaropanishat which often reminds me of the true nature of Lord Sai -

“Na Tatra Sooryo bhaati Na Chandrataarakam Na Imaa Vidyuto Na Bhaati Kuto Ayamagnih | Tameva Baantam Anubhaati Sarvam Tasya Bhaasa Sarvam Idam Vibhaati ||”

(Meaning: Neither the Sun, Moon, Stars nor the Fire exist or illumine THERE {here THERE refers to the SUPREME STATE}, nay it is because of that ETERNAL ALL EFFULGENT POWER which is the source root for all states of existence are all these entities are shining with luster and glory.)

The truth is none can dry up the ocean of Sai (Sai Samudram), none can cloak the Sun of Sai (Sai Marthaanda), and none can wrap up the sky of Sai (Sai Aakasha) as a carpet similarly no comments can tarnish or stain the “Unstained Glory of Lord Sai Samartha” because he is not just a GURU, not just a SAMARTHA SADGURU but “BHAKTAKAARYA KALPADHRUMA GURUSAARVABHAUMA SRIMAD ANANTHAKOTI BRAHMAANDA NAAYAKA SRIMAD RAAJADHIRAAJA YOGIRAJA MAHARAJA TRIBHUVANA ANANTHA ADVAITA ABHEDA NIRANJANA NIRGUNA NIRVIKALPA NIRAALAMBA PARIPOORNA SADODITHA SAKALAMATHA STHAAPITA SRI SACCHIDAANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ”.

Victory be to the Glory of the most ancient One manifest as Sainath of Shirdi. Victory to Sai , our Saguna and Nirguna Parabrahma. Victory to Lord Sai who is Atmaarama ever residing in all our hearts, guiding all us in all walks of life, safely ferrying us in his “boat of grace” across the “Ocean of mundane existence” and finally placing us onto the “Shore of Final beautide” (i.e; bestowing us Oneness with HIS SELF). Salutations dearest Baba for not just being a “part of our lives” but “being our very lives”.

-- Samartha Sadguru Sainaatho Vijayate --

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Sri Sai Sahasranama Bhashya


[Meaning: - Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows Heath and Long Life]

Lord Sai praised as “Doctor of Doctors” alone has the ability to bestow health and a long life to anyone. A mortal of a doctor can treat the underlying malady alone, to repeat a Doctor treats but the “Doctor of Doctors”­ Lord Sai “CURES”. Treatment may make the person healthy and prolong the life. But, Cure is not just related to the Body, it also refers to the condition at the mental plane (i.e. microcosm), when there is a state of equity between the macrocosm and the microcosm, then we will be in a perfect state of equilibrium which is the “Actual Health” and a “Long Life” here refers to a fruitful, fulfilling and a blissful life (devoid of any blemish) ever engrossed in the Feet of Lord, performing every duty as a step of ascension to the throne of oneness with HIM.

Salutations to such a Vaidyanaatha- Bhagavan Sainath.

to be continued....

----Jai Sree Sadguru Sai Samartha----

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Shirdi News

1. Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visited Shirdi along with her husband Shri.Raj Kundra on Thursday, 5th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actress was felicitated by the Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Ajay More.

2. Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visited Shirdi along with their families on Friday, 6th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

3. Shri Sai Baba Junior College achieves 98 percent result in 12th standard examination- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Shri Sai Baba Junior College managed by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi achieved 98 percent result in the recently concluded 12th standard examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board of Maharashtra.500 students had appeared for the examination out of which 488 students passed out with flying colors. Thus the college continued its tradition of bright students passing out from its college this year also.

Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav scored cent percent marks in Mathematics subject and thus became the top scorer in Mathematics for entire Maharashtra state.

The Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board had conducted the 12th standard examination in March 2014. 157 Students from Science, 163 students from Arts & 178 students from Commerce had appeared in the final examination. Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav from Science scored 85.69%, Kum.Kavitha Bharat More from arts scored 86.46% and Kum.Gayathri Bhaskar Mandlik from Commerce scored 86.31% were the top scorers for Shri Sai Baba Junior College. Kum.Jayashree Chintamani Pandey & Kum. Neha Dilip Chalke from Science, Kum.Misbha Raju Sheikh & Kum.Neha Mahesh Sonwane from Arts and Kum.Shivani Sanjay Manjrekar & Ashrafi Heena Ahmedhasan from Commerce secured 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan’s tri member committee President & District Court Chief Justice Shri.Shashikant Kulkarni, District Officer Shri.Anil Kavde, Executive Officer Shri.Kundan Kumar Sonwane, Deputy Executive Officer Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Officers Shri.Bahusaheb Sable, Shri.Subhash Garkal, Shri.Suryaban Game, Shri.Uttamrao Gondkar & Shri.Dilip Ugale congratulated successful students and the teachers / lecturers.

Prinicipal of Shri Sai Baba Junior College Shri.Vikas Shivgaje, Lecturers Smt.Mandakini Savant, Smt.Sangeetha Andurekar, Smt.Vyshali Deshmukh, Shri.Dilip Shelke, Shri.Prashanth Gadkari, Shri.Sunil Kandekar, Shri.Sujit Dalvi, Smt.Sarita Lavre, Smt.Swathi Kadu, Smt.Seema Sonwane, Smt.Vandana Deshmukh, Smt.Kanchan Jaware, Shri.Datta Shelke, Shri.Dilip Sangamnere, Shri.Subhash Dandvate, Shri.Bahusaheb Anaap, Smt.Anitha and all the other staff members have put in lot of efforts in bringing laurels to the college. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

4. Marathi Television Serial Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Well known Marathi Television Serial "Ulta chasma ya Malikethil"'s Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visited Shirdi along with his wife on Saturday, 14th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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After the Darshan the Actor was felicitated by the Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appa Saheb Shinde.

5. Free Eye check­up and Cataract Surgery Camp conducted by Shri Sainath Hospital – A Report – : Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

The Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Kundankumar Sonawane informed media persons that the Free Eye check-up and Cataract Surgey Camp organized by Shri Sainath Hospital in assoication with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan and Lions Club of Shirdi was a huge success with 244 patients attending the camp.

Shri Sonawane said that between 4th June 2014 and 6th June 2014, a free Eye check-up & Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Shri Sainath hospital. In this camp 244 needy and poor patients from in and around villages of Shirdi had attended. Out of which Cataract Surgey was perfomed on 108 needy patients by Sansthan's Eye Specialist Dr.Sunil Sonatakke. Free Spectacles were distributed at a function to the needy patients in collaboration with Lions club of shirdi. Shirdi Lions Club Members Dr.Eknath Gondkar, Shri.Vasant Kadam, Shri.Vishal Tidake were present on the occasion.

Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr.Prabhakar Rao, Dr.Sanjay Patare, Dr.Sunil Sonatakke and other staff members of Shri Sainath Hospital worked day and night and saw that this camp was conducted successfully. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

6. Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visit to Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visited Shirdi along with his wife on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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Copyright © www.saiamrithadhara.com Quote of the Month

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

July 2014 Vol 6 / Issue 7

Dear Sai Bandhus, In this issue:

“Achintyaavyakta Roopaya Nirgunaaya Gunaathmane | • Editorial Samastha Jagadaadhaaraaya Moorthaye Brahmane Namah ||” • Sahasranama Bhashya • News Salutations to the Supreme One, who is Formless, devoid of qualities yet is the storehouse • Archives of the same, cannot be comprehended by thoughts and is the substratum of the entire Universe.

This is the first verse in the “Guru Geetha” invoking the Supreme One who is responsible for the genesis, sustenance and annihilation of this cosmos. Guru Geetha is the crest jewel of the Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen puranas) which runs to about 180 and odd verses as a conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravathi where the former extols the greatness of GURU to the latter. Lord Shiva clearly mentions the following about a GURU:

1. GURU is the one and the only one who can dispel the ignorance of a disciple. 2. GURU is none but the Formless Supreme Spirit manifest in a form for the upliftment of mankind. 3. GURU is considered as the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the cosmos) manifest in one. 4. The place where a GURU resides, is as hallowed as Kashi, the washings of HIS feet are but the Holy Ganges capable of absolving all the sins of the ones who partake the same with steadfast faith, the feet of the GURU is that of Lord’s (Vishnupaada), the face of the GURU is Brahma (Brahma mukhaa) and the knowledge that emanates from HIS mouth is Lord Shiva (i.e. Brahma Jnaana or Atma Jnaana), the entire citadel finds its asylum at HIS feet , entire galaxy of the Gods, seers and other beings seek refuge in HIM and extol HIM in various ways. 5. The worship of one’s GURU itself is the worship to Supreme Lord and the utterance of GURU’s name with love is same as the hallowed name of the Lord. 6. One who distinguishes the GURU from the SUPREME LORD has failed to understand the significance of the former’s unity with the latter.

Well, the traits go on and on that finally it becomes very easy to count the stars or measure the Universe but very arduous to narrate the qualities of the GURU which outbeat the metric system of counting. Such is the greatness of GURU that even the Vedas which are considered as the source root of Knowledge have failed to sing his unstained glory completely.

Lord manifests as a GURU to uplift the mankind, by himself donning a mortal frame, assiduously treading the path of austerity and righteousness hence setting an example to the ones who follow Him to the goal ultimatum. The Lord’s manifestation as a GURU is not restricted to particular geography or a sect or group of people. Isn’t the entire creation his projection! So, a GURU’s manifestation in various ages of time, place and persons depends upon the prevailing conditions of the righteousness or in simple – GURU’s manifestation in flesh and blood is in accordance to the Yugadharma and kaaladharma. Salutations to such a divine principle –GURU which has time and again manifested in various places, in various forms upholding the abhivachana of Lord Krishna ­“­­­­ Abyutthanam Adharmasya tadaathmaanam Srujaamyaham…..”.

In such a holy lineage of saints, Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj holds a cardinal position, nay the very crest jewel of all the saints- The LION amongst all the Yogis (Yoga Simha) who manifested in flesh and blood in the hamlet of Shirdi. Lucky is that remote village Shirdi where the unmanifest willed to don a form and manifested first at the aforesaid hamlet as a boy of 16 yrs who later disappeared only to reappear after a few years in the form of a Fakir (a mendicant) with Chand Patil’s band (who had come to Shirdi for a marriage) when he made the village his permanent residence till Samadhi.

The Fakir who came with Chand Patil’s marriage procession was welcomed into the village by the Khandoba temple’s priest Shri Bhagat Mahalsapati by addressing the former as “SAI”. The word SAI in persian language means­ GOD. Hence the priest was fortunate enough in recognizing the divinity of the Fakir and befittingly named him SAI. It is a common practice in various parts of India to address respectfully an elderly person as BABA. Hence the villagers started calling the fakir as SAI, BABA or SAI BABA. The fakir, whose details of parentage and name weren’t known, happily acknowledged to such a call of the villagers. The Supreme Lord who is beyond the fetters of name and bonding (naamateetah and bandhavimukta), out of love for his devotees, accepted the names as Rama, Krishna , Shiva etc; received the motherly love, affection and services from Kausalya , Yashoda , Anasuya and other mahabhaktaas. Similarly, Sai Samarth whose birth, parentage and name were unknown happily accepted the name christened by the priest. So, the unnamed willed Himself to be named.

Now, the question…. Why at all this analogy of explanation of who Sai Baba is? Maybe, as Sai Bhaktaas we need no proof to support the greatness of Lord Sai Maharaj for he always shines as the “ Uneclipsed Sun” in the sky of our hearts. But, when someone wants to know the Greatness of our Guru, it is our bound duty to proudly proclaim our baandhavya with our “Atma Bandhu”­ Sainath Bhagavan, we are not trying to be a biased lot by glorifying only our GURU to the ones who ask us for the same, but trying to emphasize the Universality of our Guru with all the other Gurus, envisioning our Guru in every particle of this creation and sing his divine leelas to our heart’s content. In fact, we should consider this as an esteemed honor bestowed onto us by the four faced creator to sing the Unstained Glory of the “ Creator of the Four Faced Creator ” himself. Though our praises fall short of words versus the glory of Sai Maharaj, yet we should leave no stone unturned to render our service to HIM.

Now, coming to the point…… To which caste did Sai Maharaj belong to? If someone tries to localize Sai to a particular caste, please read “Sri Sai Satcharitra” the authentic biography on Lord Sai Baba by his disciple Sri Anna Saheb Dhabolkar( alias Sri Hemadpath), where the author enlists the features of the “Religion” of Sai Baba. Lord Sai lived in a dilapidated mosque, which he named Dwarakamai. He had the sacred fire “Dhuni” burning eternally in the mosque, the ringing of the bells, the sacred basil plant (tulasi plant), the recitation Vedas, Upanishads and puranas which was a regular activity at Dwarakamai and all the system befitting a Hindu sampradaaya. By this, if someone concluded that “Baba is a Hindu” were further surprised to see a plenty of Muslims coming to the mosque and doing Namaz (prayers) in which Baba himself participated, further Baba used to dress himself like a Muslim Fakir and always uttered “Allah Malik” (God is the Master). So, if someone concluded that Baba was a Moslem, again they were surprised to see the ears of Baba were pierced like a Hindu. Neither the Hindus nor Muslims could claim Baba to be belonging to their castes respectively. So, Baba by these activities, perfectly unified castes by bringing about a blend in the worship by being tolerant to all the castes and allowing them to worship the GOD in their own way. If the Hindus applied Tilak to Baba’s forehead waved Arathi to HIM, then the Muslim devotees would also devotedly participate by performing Namaz in Dwarakamai. Sai Samarth saw no distinction between any caste or creed and never differentiated people based on the same. He always uttered “Sab Ka Malik Ek” (There is Only One Lord for everyone) and always believed in the spirit of Universal Brotherhood and Humanity. Once when he was questioned about his caste, he said “Parvardigar” (i.e. Caste of GOD) and his religion as “Manavatvam” (i.e. Humanity) thereby stressing the point that all were children of GOD and belonged to GOD alone. He always encouraged people to stick to their own religion and the religious practices enjoined by the same saying, “Stick to the precincts of your religion and practice the same with all piosity, dedication, faith, respect your fellowmen, never belittle any other caste or religion as the essence of each and every religion lies in speaking about the Universality of A SINGLE GOD. We call HIM by various names, in reality HE is ONE and NONE THE SECOND TO HIM ”. The best example for the Sai Baba’s religious tolerance was observing the Sri Ramanavami festival which was sacred for the Hindus and the Urs festival (Sandal Procession) sacred for the Muslims simultaneously. Both the processions of Sri Ramanavami and that of Urs used to take place side to side at the same time and both the communities participated in the same with harmony and love for one another. This spectacular feature of the Mata Samaikyataa of Sai Baba is followed even till date at Shirdi where both the festivals of Sri Rama and that of Urs are celebrated simultaneously during the time of Sri Ramanavami (Chaitra Shuddha Navami).

Though Sai Baba showed religious tolerance, yet he never encouraged anyone to discard or belittle the practices of one religion and resort to another. There was an incident during Baba’s lifetime when a person converted himself to another religion and when he informed Baba, the latter rebuked him severely saying, “Get lost from my sight, you think that by changing your religion you have become more superior? How can you be a true follower of this present religion that you have accepted if you have not understood the one that you were born in? All religions speak of the same GOD and stresses on the core aspect of humanity. A person is said to be a true follower of a religion when he respects and adores the principles of all the other religions with all the love and reverence and yet stick to his own domain and follow the rules and disciples enjoined by the same. I cannot tolerate to see the face of a person who has changed his father, so be off from my sight”. By this Sai perfectly shone an example for Lord Krishna’s Geethavakya­ “Swa dharmemidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayaavah…” (i.e. Always stick to swadharma).

We can remember the words of the great Saint Kabir who said- “Jath Na Poocho Sadhu Ki Pooch Lijiye Jnaan…” (i.e; Never enquire about the religion of a saint but only enquire about his Knowledge). So, it is unnecessary to debate or discuss or hypothesize the religion, caste, parentage and the birth of Sai Baba because our scriptures say- “Rushi moolam na pashyatu…” (i.e; never search for the origin of a Sage). In fact, it is very correct, if we start searching for the origin of Sai Baba with a skeptic mind we end up nowhere but only to beget a bundle of frustration and confusion. Rather we contemplate of the Origin of Sai Baba with pure love and unflinching devotion at HIS FEET, we realize that he is none but the “ANAADYANTA SVAYAMBHOOTA NIRGUNA ADVITEEYA PARABRAHMA” (i.e; the One with no beginning or end, Unborn, formless, eternal, the Undivided Supreme Lord).

Despite of being Brahman manifest in a mortal frame, Baba never said that he was GOD nor ordered anyone to worship HIM rather, he said that he was the humble servant of the GOD and GOD was his Master and whatever credit the devotees gave to HIM (Baba) should reach the GOD rather than HIM. This demonstrates the humility of the magnanimous personality of Lord Sai Baba.

Though the Lord of the Universe, he lived like a mendicant begging for alms to subsist his daily living, partook only the alms that he got from begging from the houses, ate only a frugal part of the same and the shared his Bhiksha with all dogs, cats and other animals in the village. Only a GURU of the highest order and a realized one can alone recognize the universality of the GOD in all creatures. (Sarva bhoota-Parameshwaraikyata). Now coming to the point of Dakshina, Sai Baba took money in the form of Dakshina form his devotees and by evening distributed the same to poor and needy and again became a poor Fakir. Both the rich and poor, alike distinction thronged to have Darshan of Sri Sai at Shirdi, many offered him money as Dakshina from morning till evening. Though Baba took the same, still he never utilized the same for his personal enjoyment, so by evening he used to distribute the entire money to all the needy and again assume the garb of a simple mendicant. He donated all the money he got for charitable purposes like repair of the old dilapidated temples of Shirdi, wells etc. In order to ascertain this fact, the erstwhile British government appointed an officer Mr. Chakranarayan to closely follow the activities of the influx and efflux of dakshina in the durbar of Sai Baba. Chakranarayan stayed at Shirdi, incognito for many years closely observing SaI Baba and his daily activities. After Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Chakranarayan declared his identity and took over Sai Baba’s possessions to see for HIS monetary accumulation only to get shocked to see that Baba had nothing but a few, worn out, useless, deformed rupee coins. Stunned at the simplicity and the true selfless nature of Sai Baba, Chakranarayan wailed in sorrow and repentance for having doubted the magnanimity of Sai Maharaj. This incident alone is enough for us to understand the “Grandeur of Simplicity” in Sai Baba. Despite of this if still there are doubts regarding the authenticity of the same, then rather I would deem it as a person who can see the Sun and yet think that there is only darkness around.

Now coming to the point­ “Where is the Shastrapramaana (authenticity according to scriptures) for the Life and teachings of Sai Baba?” First of all, let the person who raises this query realize that Vedas, Shastras or any other scriptures that have taken origin from the Supreme Lord himself have proclaimed their inability to describe the BRAHMAN in totality. GURU is undoubtedly the BRAHMAN himself, so how can the Vedas or Shastraas which find their origin in the former give a pramaana to the one who is “Pramaanaateetah”. Yet the GURU sticks to Shastraas and principles adjoined by the same and instructs the devotees to follow the same by assiduously practicing the same. Lord Shiva himself says to Goddess Parvathi, “Oh Parvathi! Every word uttered from the mouth of a true Guru (SADGURU) is a hymn, scriptural knowledge embellished in proper practice, if ardently followed by a saadhaka, sure would the latter attain oneness with the Supreme Lord”. On ardently reading Satcharitra , we realize this Shastrapramaanatva of Sai Maharaj in his Life and teachings.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya propounded the Mahavaakyas which are clearly reflected in the Life and teachings of Sai Baba. “Aham Brahmaasmi” (The Brahman is this Self) speaks of visualizing the presence of the Brahman in the Self and understanding the equity of the same, though outwardly Baba looked involved with all the day to day activities yet He was always engrossed in HIS true self , never was he moved by dualities of Life. He shone like a perfect sthitaprajna in a state of perfect equilibrium. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmaaseeth” (Everything is nothing but the Brahman alone)- which Sai demonstrated by visualizing GOD in ever miniscule of the creation and telling all, “GOD alone is the Master, believe HIM alone, for HE alone exists in everything and nothing is present beyond HIS domain”. “Ayamaathma Brahmah” (The Atman is a form of Brahman) - which he demonstrated to the devotees by instructing them to ardently believe in GOD and realize that all that’s happening in their lives is but HIS (Lord’s) amorous sport in lifting off the veil of Illusion (Maya) from their lives and make them realize that their TRUE SELF is same as the LATTER (I.e. GOD). “THE ADVAITA” siddantha shone to the perfection in every step, teaching, life and practice of Sai Baba and anybody who has a pint of doubt regarding the same, kindly read Sai Satcharitra it will clear the doubts in quintals.

Further, Sai Maharaj’s authenticity over scriptures is well illustrated in Sai Satcharitra. Though Sai read no books or scriptures, had a perfect mastery over the same and he believed in no bookish knowledge, rather his teachings and lessons to the devotees were practical. What books of Yoga or Siddhanta or Shastra or Veda does Baba need to learn when HE is but the “Vedamoorthy, Vedaachaarya, Geethacharya, Mahayogeeshwara” himself. When Das Ganu wanted to write a commentary on Ishavasya Upanishad and sought the asylum of Sai to help him in the same, Baba blessed him saying that his doubt will dispelled by the maid servant of Kaka Dikshit. This story is beautifully narrated in Satcharitra and going to details of the same would make this writing lengthier. It would be prudent to go back to Satcharitra and read the same to enjoy every word of this leela of Sai Maharaj. In a gist, Sai demonstrated to Ganu (through the maid servant) the summary of Ishavasya Upanishad which speaks of All- Pervasiveness of the Lord, understanding the same and doing our duties without any attachment towards the fruit of the labor, being contented with what we have and not craving for something which is rightfully not ours, not getting carried away by the dualities of life like joy and sorrow, success and failure and finally viewing everything in this creation, animate or inanimate as a leela nay but a form of the LORD SUPREME and finally realize the Oneness of the Self with the SUPREME ONE (Atmaparamaatmaikyata). Another incident where Lord Sai demonstrated HIS clairvoyance over the scriptural knowledge and Sanskrit language by properly explaining a verse from Bhagavad Gita to a devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar when the latter was muttering the same verse in front of Baba and at the same time also puffed up with pride of his mastery over Gita and the misconception that Baba was ignorant about Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit language. Sai Samarth pricked this bubble of pride by properly explaining the verse in context to a small grammatical peculiarity (Upasarga, a special group of words in Sanskrit grammar which when added as a prefix to a word (especially a verb) will forcibly bring out the hidden meaning from that word. This reminds me of the verse speaking about the meaning of the word Upasarga from Panini’s Vyakarana - Upasargeshu Dhatvartho Balaadanyatra neeyate, Parhaara Haara Samhaara Vihaara Parihaaravat ). So in the Geetha Shloka, the word “Prashana” (which means questioning) had an upasarga “Pari” as prefix, so the very word “Pari+ Parshana” which became “Pariprashna” was excellently explained by Sai Samartha by quoting the grammatical peculiarity of Upasarga, thereby giving the proper meaning hidden in the Geetha Verse and dispelling the clouds of doubts from Nana Chandorkar’s mind. How can Sai be ignorant of Bhagavad Geetha when he is the same “Geethacharya Bhagavan Sri Krishna” himself, how can Baba be an illiterate of Sanskrit language when he is same “Universal Lord Shiva­ Vedanaayaka” himself.

As we continue to sing the glory of Lord Sai, it gets endless. Only our words stop, but HIS leelas doesn’t. Salutations to such an Immaculate Lord of the Universe. Whatever comments one may pass on our Baba, positive or negative is all but a part and parcel of HIS SELF alone. For everything originates from HIM and finally rests in HIM alone. Bouquets or brickbats, he takes it alike, for he is beyond all these dualities. He is the eternal caring mother who showers love and affection on all, irrespective of who they are and what they say. Finally I would like to sign off with a verse from Shwetashwetaropanishat which often reminds me of the true nature of Lord Sai -

“Na Tatra Sooryo bhaati Na Chandrataarakam Na Imaa Vidyuto Na Bhaati Kuto Ayamagnih | Tameva Baantam Anubhaati Sarvam Tasya Bhaasa Sarvam Idam Vibhaati ||”

(Meaning: Neither the Sun, Moon, Stars nor the Fire exist or illumine THERE {here THERE refers to the SUPREME STATE}, nay it is because of that ETERNAL ALL EFFULGENT POWER which is the source root for all states of existence are all these entities are shining with luster and glory.)

The truth is none can dry up the ocean of Sai (Sai Samudram), none can cloak the Sun of Sai (Sai Marthaanda), and none can wrap up the sky of Sai (Sai Aakasha) as a carpet similarly no comments can tarnish or stain the “Unstained Glory of Lord Sai Samartha” because he is not just a GURU, not just a SAMARTHA SADGURU but “BHAKTAKAARYA KALPADHRUMA GURUSAARVABHAUMA SRIMAD ANANTHAKOTI BRAHMAANDA NAAYAKA SRIMAD RAAJADHIRAAJA YOGIRAJA MAHARAJA TRIBHUVANA ANANTHA ADVAITA ABHEDA NIRANJANA NIRGUNA NIRVIKALPA NIRAALAMBA PARIPOORNA SADODITHA SAKALAMATHA STHAAPITA SRI SACCHIDAANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ”.

Victory be to the Glory of the most ancient One manifest as Sainath of Shirdi. Victory to Sai , our Saguna and Nirguna Parabrahma. Victory to Lord Sai who is Atmaarama ever residing in all our hearts, guiding all us in all walks of life, safely ferrying us in his “boat of grace” across the “Ocean of mundane existence” and finally placing us onto the “Shore of Final beautide” (i.e; bestowing us Oneness with HIS SELF). Salutations dearest Baba for not just being a “part of our lives” but “being our very lives”.

-- Samartha Sadguru Sainaatho Vijayate --

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Sri Sai Sahasranama Bhashya


[Meaning: - Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows Heath and Long Life]

Lord Sai praised as “Doctor of Doctors” alone has the ability to bestow health and a long life to anyone. A mortal of a doctor can treat the underlying malady alone, to repeat a Doctor treats but the “Doctor of Doctors”­ Lord Sai “CURES”. Treatment may make the person healthy and prolong the life. But, Cure is not just related to the Body, it also refers to the condition at the mental plane (i.e. microcosm), when there is a state of equity between the macrocosm and the microcosm, then we will be in a perfect state of equilibrium which is the “Actual Health” and a “Long Life” here refers to a fruitful, fulfilling and a blissful life (devoid of any blemish) ever engrossed in the Feet of Lord, performing every duty as a step of ascension to the throne of oneness with HIM.

Salutations to such a Vaidyanaatha- Bhagavan Sainath.

to be continued....

----Jai Sree Sadguru Sai Samartha----

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Shirdi News

1. Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visited Shirdi along with her husband Shri.Raj Kundra on Thursday, 5th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actress was felicitated by the Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Ajay More.

2. Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visited Shirdi along with their families on Friday, 6th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

3. Shri Sai Baba Junior College achieves 98 percent result in 12th standard examination- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Shri Sai Baba Junior College managed by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi achieved 98 percent result in the recently concluded 12th standard examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board of Maharashtra.500 students had appeared for the examination out of which 488 students passed out with flying colors. Thus the college continued its tradition of bright students passing out from its college this year also.

Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav scored cent percent marks in Mathematics subject and thus became the top scorer in Mathematics for entire Maharashtra state.

The Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board had conducted the 12th standard examination in March 2014. 157 Students from Science, 163 students from Arts & 178 students from Commerce had appeared in the final examination. Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav from Science scored 85.69%, Kum.Kavitha Bharat More from arts scored 86.46% and Kum.Gayathri Bhaskar Mandlik from Commerce scored 86.31% were the top scorers for Shri Sai Baba Junior College. Kum.Jayashree Chintamani Pandey & Kum. Neha Dilip Chalke from Science, Kum.Misbha Raju Sheikh & Kum.Neha Mahesh Sonwane from Arts and Kum.Shivani Sanjay Manjrekar & Ashrafi Heena Ahmedhasan from Commerce secured 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan’s tri member committee President & District Court Chief Justice Shri.Shashikant Kulkarni, District Officer Shri.Anil Kavde, Executive Officer Shri.Kundan Kumar Sonwane, Deputy Executive Officer Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Officers Shri.Bahusaheb Sable, Shri.Subhash Garkal, Shri.Suryaban Game, Shri.Uttamrao Gondkar & Shri.Dilip Ugale congratulated successful students and the teachers / lecturers.

Prinicipal of Shri Sai Baba Junior College Shri.Vikas Shivgaje, Lecturers Smt.Mandakini Savant, Smt.Sangeetha Andurekar, Smt.Vyshali Deshmukh, Shri.Dilip Shelke, Shri.Prashanth Gadkari, Shri.Sunil Kandekar, Shri.Sujit Dalvi, Smt.Sarita Lavre, Smt.Swathi Kadu, Smt.Seema Sonwane, Smt.Vandana Deshmukh, Smt.Kanchan Jaware, Shri.Datta Shelke, Shri.Dilip Sangamnere, Shri.Subhash Dandvate, Shri.Bahusaheb Anaap, Smt.Anitha and all the other staff members have put in lot of efforts in bringing laurels to the college. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

4. Marathi Television Serial Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Well known Marathi Television Serial "Ulta chasma ya Malikethil"'s Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visited Shirdi along with his wife on Saturday, 14th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actor was felicitated by the Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appa Saheb Shinde.

5. Free Eye check­up and Cataract Surgery Camp conducted by Shri Sainath Hospital – A Report – : Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

The Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Kundankumar Sonawane informed media persons that the Free Eye check-up and Cataract Surgey Camp organized by Shri Sainath Hospital in assoication with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan and Lions Club of Shirdi was a huge success with 244 patients attending the camp.

Shri Sonawane said that between 4th June 2014 and 6th June 2014, a free Eye check-up & Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Shri Sainath hospital. In this camp 244 needy and poor patients from in and around villages of Shirdi had attended. Out of which Cataract Surgey was perfomed on 108 needy patients by Sansthan's Eye Specialist Dr.Sunil Sonatakke. Free Spectacles were distributed at a function to the needy patients in collaboration with Lions club of shirdi. Shirdi Lions Club Members Dr.Eknath Gondkar, Shri.Vasant Kadam, Shri.Vishal Tidake were present on the occasion.

Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr.Prabhakar Rao, Dr.Sanjay Patare, Dr.Sunil Sonatakke and other staff members of Shri Sainath Hospital worked day and night and saw that this camp was conducted successfully. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

6. Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visit to Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visited Shirdi along with his wife on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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Copyright © www.saiamrithadhara.com Quote of the Month

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

July 2014 Vol 6 / Issue 7

Dear Sai Bandhus, In this issue:

“Achintyaavyakta Roopaya Nirgunaaya Gunaathmane | • Editorial Samastha Jagadaadhaaraaya Moorthaye Brahmane Namah ||” • Sahasranama Bhashya • News Salutations to the Supreme One, who is Formless, devoid of qualities yet is the storehouse • Archives of the same, cannot be comprehended by thoughts and is the substratum of the entire Universe.

This is the first verse in the “Guru Geetha” invoking the Supreme One who is responsible for the genesis, sustenance and annihilation of this cosmos. Guru Geetha is the crest jewel of the Skanda Purana (one of the eighteen puranas) which runs to about 180 and odd verses as a conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravathi where the former extols the greatness of GURU to the latter. Lord Shiva clearly mentions the following about a GURU:

1. GURU is the one and the only one who can dispel the ignorance of a disciple. 2. GURU is none but the Formless Supreme Spirit manifest in a form for the upliftment of mankind. 3. GURU is considered as the Holy Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the cosmos) manifest in one. 4. The place where a GURU resides, is as hallowed as Kashi, the washings of HIS feet are but the Holy Ganges capable of absolving all the sins of the ones who partake the same with steadfast faith, the feet of the GURU is that of Lord’s (Vishnupaada), the face of the GURU is Brahma (Brahma mukhaa) and the knowledge that emanates from HIS mouth is Lord Shiva (i.e. Brahma Jnaana or Atma Jnaana), the entire citadel finds its asylum at HIS feet , entire galaxy of the Gods, seers and other beings seek refuge in HIM and extol HIM in various ways. 5. The worship of one’s GURU itself is the worship to Supreme Lord and the utterance of GURU’s name with love is same as the hallowed name of the Lord. 6. One who distinguishes the GURU from the SUPREME LORD has failed to understand the significance of the former’s unity with the latter.

Well, the traits go on and on that finally it becomes very easy to count the stars or measure the Universe but very arduous to narrate the qualities of the GURU which outbeat the metric system of counting. Such is the greatness of GURU that even the Vedas which are considered as the source root of Knowledge have failed to sing his unstained glory completely.

Lord manifests as a GURU to uplift the mankind, by himself donning a mortal frame, assiduously treading the path of austerity and righteousness hence setting an example to the ones who follow Him to the goal ultimatum. The Lord’s manifestation as a GURU is not restricted to particular geography or a sect or group of people. Isn’t the entire creation his projection! So, a GURU’s manifestation in various ages of time, place and persons depends upon the prevailing conditions of the righteousness or in simple – GURU’s manifestation in flesh and blood is in accordance to the Yugadharma and kaaladharma. Salutations to such a divine principle –GURU which has time and again manifested in various places, in various forms upholding the abhivachana of Lord Krishna ­“­­­­ Abyutthanam Adharmasya tadaathmaanam Srujaamyaham…..”.

In such a holy lineage of saints, Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj holds a cardinal position, nay the very crest jewel of all the saints- The LION amongst all the Yogis (Yoga Simha) who manifested in flesh and blood in the hamlet of Shirdi. Lucky is that remote village Shirdi where the unmanifest willed to don a form and manifested first at the aforesaid hamlet as a boy of 16 yrs who later disappeared only to reappear after a few years in the form of a Fakir (a mendicant) with Chand Patil’s band (who had come to Shirdi for a marriage) when he made the village his permanent residence till Samadhi.

The Fakir who came with Chand Patil’s marriage procession was welcomed into the village by the Khandoba temple’s priest Shri Bhagat Mahalsapati by addressing the former as “SAI”. The word SAI in persian language means­ GOD. Hence the priest was fortunate enough in recognizing the divinity of the Fakir and befittingly named him SAI. It is a common practice in various parts of India to address respectfully an elderly person as BABA. Hence the villagers started calling the fakir as SAI, BABA or SAI BABA. The fakir, whose details of parentage and name weren’t known, happily acknowledged to such a call of the villagers. The Supreme Lord who is beyond the fetters of name and bonding (naamateetah and bandhavimukta), out of love for his devotees, accepted the names as Rama, Krishna , Shiva etc; received the motherly love, affection and services from Kausalya , Yashoda , Anasuya and other mahabhaktaas. Similarly, Sai Samarth whose birth, parentage and name were unknown happily accepted the name christened by the priest. So, the unnamed willed Himself to be named.

Now, the question…. Why at all this analogy of explanation of who Sai Baba is? Maybe, as Sai Bhaktaas we need no proof to support the greatness of Lord Sai Maharaj for he always shines as the “ Uneclipsed Sun” in the sky of our hearts. But, when someone wants to know the Greatness of our Guru, it is our bound duty to proudly proclaim our baandhavya with our “Atma Bandhu”­ Sainath Bhagavan, we are not trying to be a biased lot by glorifying only our GURU to the ones who ask us for the same, but trying to emphasize the Universality of our Guru with all the other Gurus, envisioning our Guru in every particle of this creation and sing his divine leelas to our heart’s content. In fact, we should consider this as an esteemed honor bestowed onto us by the four faced creator to sing the Unstained Glory of the “ Creator of the Four Faced Creator ” himself. Though our praises fall short of words versus the glory of Sai Maharaj, yet we should leave no stone unturned to render our service to HIM.

Now, coming to the point…… To which caste did Sai Maharaj belong to? If someone tries to localize Sai to a particular caste, please read “Sri Sai Satcharitra” the authentic biography on Lord Sai Baba by his disciple Sri Anna Saheb Dhabolkar( alias Sri Hemadpath), where the author enlists the features of the “Religion” of Sai Baba. Lord Sai lived in a dilapidated mosque, which he named Dwarakamai. He had the sacred fire “Dhuni” burning eternally in the mosque, the ringing of the bells, the sacred basil plant (tulasi plant), the recitation Vedas, Upanishads and puranas which was a regular activity at Dwarakamai and all the system befitting a Hindu sampradaaya. By this, if someone concluded that “Baba is a Hindu” were further surprised to see a plenty of Muslims coming to the mosque and doing Namaz (prayers) in which Baba himself participated, further Baba used to dress himself like a Muslim Fakir and always uttered “Allah Malik” (God is the Master). So, if someone concluded that Baba was a Moslem, again they were surprised to see the ears of Baba were pierced like a Hindu. Neither the Hindus nor Muslims could claim Baba to be belonging to their castes respectively. So, Baba by these activities, perfectly unified castes by bringing about a blend in the worship by being tolerant to all the castes and allowing them to worship the GOD in their own way. If the Hindus applied Tilak to Baba’s forehead waved Arathi to HIM, then the Muslim devotees would also devotedly participate by performing Namaz in Dwarakamai. Sai Samarth saw no distinction between any caste or creed and never differentiated people based on the same. He always uttered “Sab Ka Malik Ek” (There is Only One Lord for everyone) and always believed in the spirit of Universal Brotherhood and Humanity. Once when he was questioned about his caste, he said “Parvardigar” (i.e. Caste of GOD) and his religion as “Manavatvam” (i.e. Humanity) thereby stressing the point that all were children of GOD and belonged to GOD alone. He always encouraged people to stick to their own religion and the religious practices enjoined by the same saying, “Stick to the precincts of your religion and practice the same with all piosity, dedication, faith, respect your fellowmen, never belittle any other caste or religion as the essence of each and every religion lies in speaking about the Universality of A SINGLE GOD. We call HIM by various names, in reality HE is ONE and NONE THE SECOND TO HIM ”. The best example for the Sai Baba’s religious tolerance was observing the Sri Ramanavami festival which was sacred for the Hindus and the Urs festival (Sandal Procession) sacred for the Muslims simultaneously. Both the processions of Sri Ramanavami and that of Urs used to take place side to side at the same time and both the communities participated in the same with harmony and love for one another. This spectacular feature of the Mata Samaikyataa of Sai Baba is followed even till date at Shirdi where both the festivals of Sri Rama and that of Urs are celebrated simultaneously during the time of Sri Ramanavami (Chaitra Shuddha Navami).

Though Sai Baba showed religious tolerance, yet he never encouraged anyone to discard or belittle the practices of one religion and resort to another. There was an incident during Baba’s lifetime when a person converted himself to another religion and when he informed Baba, the latter rebuked him severely saying, “Get lost from my sight, you think that by changing your religion you have become more superior? How can you be a true follower of this present religion that you have accepted if you have not understood the one that you were born in? All religions speak of the same GOD and stresses on the core aspect of humanity. A person is said to be a true follower of a religion when he respects and adores the principles of all the other religions with all the love and reverence and yet stick to his own domain and follow the rules and disciples enjoined by the same. I cannot tolerate to see the face of a person who has changed his father, so be off from my sight”. By this Sai perfectly shone an example for Lord Krishna’s Geethavakya­ “Swa dharmemidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayaavah…” (i.e. Always stick to swadharma).

We can remember the words of the great Saint Kabir who said- “Jath Na Poocho Sadhu Ki Pooch Lijiye Jnaan…” (i.e; Never enquire about the religion of a saint but only enquire about his Knowledge). So, it is unnecessary to debate or discuss or hypothesize the religion, caste, parentage and the birth of Sai Baba because our scriptures say- “Rushi moolam na pashyatu…” (i.e; never search for the origin of a Sage). In fact, it is very correct, if we start searching for the origin of Sai Baba with a skeptic mind we end up nowhere but only to beget a bundle of frustration and confusion. Rather we contemplate of the Origin of Sai Baba with pure love and unflinching devotion at HIS FEET, we realize that he is none but the “ANAADYANTA SVAYAMBHOOTA NIRGUNA ADVITEEYA PARABRAHMA” (i.e; the One with no beginning or end, Unborn, formless, eternal, the Undivided Supreme Lord).

Despite of being Brahman manifest in a mortal frame, Baba never said that he was GOD nor ordered anyone to worship HIM rather, he said that he was the humble servant of the GOD and GOD was his Master and whatever credit the devotees gave to HIM (Baba) should reach the GOD rather than HIM. This demonstrates the humility of the magnanimous personality of Lord Sai Baba.

Though the Lord of the Universe, he lived like a mendicant begging for alms to subsist his daily living, partook only the alms that he got from begging from the houses, ate only a frugal part of the same and the shared his Bhiksha with all dogs, cats and other animals in the village. Only a GURU of the highest order and a realized one can alone recognize the universality of the GOD in all creatures. (Sarva bhoota-Parameshwaraikyata). Now coming to the point of Dakshina, Sai Baba took money in the form of Dakshina form his devotees and by evening distributed the same to poor and needy and again became a poor Fakir. Both the rich and poor, alike distinction thronged to have Darshan of Sri Sai at Shirdi, many offered him money as Dakshina from morning till evening. Though Baba took the same, still he never utilized the same for his personal enjoyment, so by evening he used to distribute the entire money to all the needy and again assume the garb of a simple mendicant. He donated all the money he got for charitable purposes like repair of the old dilapidated temples of Shirdi, wells etc. In order to ascertain this fact, the erstwhile British government appointed an officer Mr. Chakranarayan to closely follow the activities of the influx and efflux of dakshina in the durbar of Sai Baba. Chakranarayan stayed at Shirdi, incognito for many years closely observing SaI Baba and his daily activities. After Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Chakranarayan declared his identity and took over Sai Baba’s possessions to see for HIS monetary accumulation only to get shocked to see that Baba had nothing but a few, worn out, useless, deformed rupee coins. Stunned at the simplicity and the true selfless nature of Sai Baba, Chakranarayan wailed in sorrow and repentance for having doubted the magnanimity of Sai Maharaj. This incident alone is enough for us to understand the “Grandeur of Simplicity” in Sai Baba. Despite of this if still there are doubts regarding the authenticity of the same, then rather I would deem it as a person who can see the Sun and yet think that there is only darkness around.

Now coming to the point­ “Where is the Shastrapramaana (authenticity according to scriptures) for the Life and teachings of Sai Baba?” First of all, let the person who raises this query realize that Vedas, Shastras or any other scriptures that have taken origin from the Supreme Lord himself have proclaimed their inability to describe the BRAHMAN in totality. GURU is undoubtedly the BRAHMAN himself, so how can the Vedas or Shastraas which find their origin in the former give a pramaana to the one who is “Pramaanaateetah”. Yet the GURU sticks to Shastraas and principles adjoined by the same and instructs the devotees to follow the same by assiduously practicing the same. Lord Shiva himself says to Goddess Parvathi, “Oh Parvathi! Every word uttered from the mouth of a true Guru (SADGURU) is a hymn, scriptural knowledge embellished in proper practice, if ardently followed by a saadhaka, sure would the latter attain oneness with the Supreme Lord”. On ardently reading Satcharitra , we realize this Shastrapramaanatva of Sai Maharaj in his Life and teachings.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya propounded the Mahavaakyas which are clearly reflected in the Life and teachings of Sai Baba. “Aham Brahmaasmi” (The Brahman is this Self) speaks of visualizing the presence of the Brahman in the Self and understanding the equity of the same, though outwardly Baba looked involved with all the day to day activities yet He was always engrossed in HIS true self , never was he moved by dualities of Life. He shone like a perfect sthitaprajna in a state of perfect equilibrium. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmaaseeth” (Everything is nothing but the Brahman alone)- which Sai demonstrated by visualizing GOD in ever miniscule of the creation and telling all, “GOD alone is the Master, believe HIM alone, for HE alone exists in everything and nothing is present beyond HIS domain”. “Ayamaathma Brahmah” (The Atman is a form of Brahman) - which he demonstrated to the devotees by instructing them to ardently believe in GOD and realize that all that’s happening in their lives is but HIS (Lord’s) amorous sport in lifting off the veil of Illusion (Maya) from their lives and make them realize that their TRUE SELF is same as the LATTER (I.e. GOD). “THE ADVAITA” siddantha shone to the perfection in every step, teaching, life and practice of Sai Baba and anybody who has a pint of doubt regarding the same, kindly read Sai Satcharitra it will clear the doubts in quintals.

Further, Sai Maharaj’s authenticity over scriptures is well illustrated in Sai Satcharitra. Though Sai read no books or scriptures, had a perfect mastery over the same and he believed in no bookish knowledge, rather his teachings and lessons to the devotees were practical. What books of Yoga or Siddhanta or Shastra or Veda does Baba need to learn when HE is but the “Vedamoorthy, Vedaachaarya, Geethacharya, Mahayogeeshwara” himself. When Das Ganu wanted to write a commentary on Ishavasya Upanishad and sought the asylum of Sai to help him in the same, Baba blessed him saying that his doubt will dispelled by the maid servant of Kaka Dikshit. This story is beautifully narrated in Satcharitra and going to details of the same would make this writing lengthier. It would be prudent to go back to Satcharitra and read the same to enjoy every word of this leela of Sai Maharaj. In a gist, Sai demonstrated to Ganu (through the maid servant) the summary of Ishavasya Upanishad which speaks of All- Pervasiveness of the Lord, understanding the same and doing our duties without any attachment towards the fruit of the labor, being contented with what we have and not craving for something which is rightfully not ours, not getting carried away by the dualities of life like joy and sorrow, success and failure and finally viewing everything in this creation, animate or inanimate as a leela nay but a form of the LORD SUPREME and finally realize the Oneness of the Self with the SUPREME ONE (Atmaparamaatmaikyata). Another incident where Lord Sai demonstrated HIS clairvoyance over the scriptural knowledge and Sanskrit language by properly explaining a verse from Bhagavad Gita to a devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar when the latter was muttering the same verse in front of Baba and at the same time also puffed up with pride of his mastery over Gita and the misconception that Baba was ignorant about Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit language. Sai Samarth pricked this bubble of pride by properly explaining the verse in context to a small grammatical peculiarity (Upasarga, a special group of words in Sanskrit grammar which when added as a prefix to a word (especially a verb) will forcibly bring out the hidden meaning from that word. This reminds me of the verse speaking about the meaning of the word Upasarga from Panini’s Vyakarana - Upasargeshu Dhatvartho Balaadanyatra neeyate, Parhaara Haara Samhaara Vihaara Parihaaravat ). So in the Geetha Shloka, the word “Prashana” (which means questioning) had an upasarga “Pari” as prefix, so the very word “Pari+ Parshana” which became “Pariprashna” was excellently explained by Sai Samartha by quoting the grammatical peculiarity of Upasarga, thereby giving the proper meaning hidden in the Geetha Verse and dispelling the clouds of doubts from Nana Chandorkar’s mind. How can Sai be ignorant of Bhagavad Geetha when he is the same “Geethacharya Bhagavan Sri Krishna” himself, how can Baba be an illiterate of Sanskrit language when he is same “Universal Lord Shiva­ Vedanaayaka” himself.

As we continue to sing the glory of Lord Sai, it gets endless. Only our words stop, but HIS leelas doesn’t. Salutations to such an Immaculate Lord of the Universe. Whatever comments one may pass on our Baba, positive or negative is all but a part and parcel of HIS SELF alone. For everything originates from HIM and finally rests in HIM alone. Bouquets or brickbats, he takes it alike, for he is beyond all these dualities. He is the eternal caring mother who showers love and affection on all, irrespective of who they are and what they say. Finally I would like to sign off with a verse from Shwetashwetaropanishat which often reminds me of the true nature of Lord Sai -

“Na Tatra Sooryo bhaati Na Chandrataarakam Na Imaa Vidyuto Na Bhaati Kuto Ayamagnih | Tameva Baantam Anubhaati Sarvam Tasya Bhaasa Sarvam Idam Vibhaati ||”

(Meaning: Neither the Sun, Moon, Stars nor the Fire exist or illumine THERE {here THERE refers to the SUPREME STATE}, nay it is because of that ETERNAL ALL EFFULGENT POWER which is the source root for all states of existence are all these entities are shining with luster and glory.)

The truth is none can dry up the ocean of Sai (Sai Samudram), none can cloak the Sun of Sai (Sai Marthaanda), and none can wrap up the sky of Sai (Sai Aakasha) as a carpet similarly no comments can tarnish or stain the “Unstained Glory of Lord Sai Samartha” because he is not just a GURU, not just a SAMARTHA SADGURU but “BHAKTAKAARYA KALPADHRUMA GURUSAARVABHAUMA SRIMAD ANANTHAKOTI BRAHMAANDA NAAYAKA SRIMAD RAAJADHIRAAJA YOGIRAJA MAHARAJA TRIBHUVANA ANANTHA ADVAITA ABHEDA NIRANJANA NIRGUNA NIRVIKALPA NIRAALAMBA PARIPOORNA SADODITHA SAKALAMATHA STHAAPITA SRI SACCHIDAANANDA SAMARTHA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ”.

Victory be to the Glory of the most ancient One manifest as Sainath of Shirdi. Victory to Sai , our Saguna and Nirguna Parabrahma. Victory to Lord Sai who is Atmaarama ever residing in all our hearts, guiding all us in all walks of life, safely ferrying us in his “boat of grace” across the “Ocean of mundane existence” and finally placing us onto the “Shore of Final beautide” (i.e; bestowing us Oneness with HIS SELF). Salutations dearest Baba for not just being a “part of our lives” but “being our very lives”.

-- Samartha Sadguru Sainaatho Vijayate --

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Sri Sai Sahasranama Bhashya


[Meaning: - Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows Heath and Long Life]

Lord Sai praised as “Doctor of Doctors” alone has the ability to bestow health and a long life to anyone. A mortal of a doctor can treat the underlying malady alone, to repeat a Doctor treats but the “Doctor of Doctors”­ Lord Sai “CURES”. Treatment may make the person healthy and prolong the life. But, Cure is not just related to the Body, it also refers to the condition at the mental plane (i.e. microcosm), when there is a state of equity between the macrocosm and the microcosm, then we will be in a perfect state of equilibrium which is the “Actual Health” and a “Long Life” here refers to a fruitful, fulfilling and a blissful life (devoid of any blemish) ever engrossed in the Feet of Lord, performing every duty as a step of ascension to the throne of oneness with HIM.

Salutations to such a Vaidyanaatha- Bhagavan Sainath.

to be continued....

----Jai Sree Sadguru Sai Samartha----

By Dr. P.V. Sivacharan

Shirdi News

1. Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Film Actress Smt.Shilpa Shetty visited Shirdi along with her husband Shri.Raj Kundra on Thursday, 5th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actress was felicitated by the Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Ajay More.

2. Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Indian Cricketers Shri.Yuvaraj Singh and Shri.Mohit Sharma visited Shirdi along with their families on Friday, 6th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

3. Shri Sai Baba Junior College achieves 98 percent result in 12th standard examination- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi

Shri Sai Baba Junior College managed by Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi achieved 98 percent result in the recently concluded 12th standard examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board of Maharashtra.500 students had appeared for the examination out of which 488 students passed out with flying colors. Thus the college continued its tradition of bright students passing out from its college this year also.

Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav scored cent percent marks in Mathematics subject and thus became the top scorer in Mathematics for entire Maharashtra state.

The Maharashtra Higher Secondary Education Board had conducted the 12th standard examination in March 2014. 157 Students from Science, 163 students from Arts & 178 students from Commerce had appeared in the final examination. Kum.Kalyani Jyotilal Jadhav from Science scored 85.69%, Kum.Kavitha Bharat More from arts scored 86.46% and Kum.Gayathri Bhaskar Mandlik from Commerce scored 86.31% were the top scorers for Shri Sai Baba Junior College. Kum.Jayashree Chintamani Pandey & Kum. Neha Dilip Chalke from Science, Kum.Misbha Raju Sheikh & Kum.Neha Mahesh Sonwane from Arts and Kum.Shivani Sanjay Manjrekar & Ashrafi Heena Ahmedhasan from Commerce secured 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan’s tri member committee President & District Court Chief Justice Shri.Shashikant Kulkarni, District Officer Shri.Anil Kavde, Executive Officer Shri.Kundan Kumar Sonwane, Deputy Executive Officer Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Administrative Officers Shri.Bahusaheb Sable, Shri.Subhash Garkal, Shri.Suryaban Game, Shri.Uttamrao Gondkar & Shri.Dilip Ugale congratulated successful students and the teachers / lecturers.

Prinicipal of Shri Sai Baba Junior College Shri.Vikas Shivgaje, Lecturers Smt.Mandakini Savant, Smt.Sangeetha Andurekar, Smt.Vyshali Deshmukh, Shri.Dilip Shelke, Shri.Prashanth Gadkari, Shri.Sunil Kandekar, Shri.Sujit Dalvi, Smt.Sarita Lavre, Smt.Swathi Kadu, Smt.Seema Sonwane, Smt.Vandana Deshmukh, Smt.Kanchan Jaware, Shri.Datta Shelke, Shri.Dilip Sangamnere, Shri.Subhash Dandvate, Shri.Bahusaheb Anaap, Smt.Anitha and all the other staff members have put in lot of efforts in bringing laurels to the college. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

4. Marathi Television Serial Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visit to Shirdi- Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Well known Marathi Television Serial "Ulta chasma ya Malikethil"'s Actor Shri.Shailesh Lota visited Shirdi along with his wife on Saturday, 14th June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

After the Darshan the Actor was felicitated by the Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appa Saheb Shinde.

5. Free Eye check­up and Cataract Surgery Camp conducted by Shri Sainath Hospital – A Report – : Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

The Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Kundankumar Sonawane informed media persons that the Free Eye check-up and Cataract Surgey Camp organized by Shri Sainath Hospital in assoication with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan and Lions Club of Shirdi was a huge success with 244 patients attending the camp.

Shri Sonawane said that between 4th June 2014 and 6th June 2014, a free Eye check-up & Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Shri Sainath hospital. In this camp 244 needy and poor patients from in and around villages of Shirdi had attended. Out of which Cataract Surgey was perfomed on 108 needy patients by Sansthan's Eye Specialist Dr.Sunil Sonatakke. Free Spectacles were distributed at a function to the needy patients in collaboration with Lions club of shirdi. Shirdi Lions Club Members Dr.Eknath Gondkar, Shri.Vasant Kadam, Shri.Vishal Tidake were present on the occasion.

Deputy Executive Officer of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) Shri.Appasaheb Shinde, Medical Director Dr.Prabhakar Rao, Dr.Sanjay Patare, Dr.Sunil Sonatakke and other staff members of Shri Sainath Hospital worked day and night and saw that this camp was conducted successfully. (Translated from Marathi to English by Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar, Bangalore).

6. Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visit to Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi.

Maharashtra Yuva Sena President Shri.Aditya Thakre visited Shirdi along with his wife on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 and had darshan of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi.

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