Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • • Rochester • • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

MINUTES Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11th November 2020 Virtual Meeting ~ 7.30 pm

Attendees: Cllr G. Crozer (Chairman) Cllr C. Watson (Vice-Chair) Cllr L. Atkinson Cllr R. Collins Cllr M. Stone Cllr T. Munday Cllr G. Jerreat Ward Cllr R. Sands Mrs J. Allen (Clerk)

Members of the public: Three (3)

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer. opened the meeting and thanked both the members of the Parish Council and the three Parishioners present for attending.

1. Apologies for absence HHPC903:11.11.20 None.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations HHPC904:11.11.20 Cllr M. Stone spoke to declare a personal interest in connection to planning application MC/20/2034, where she advised that she was a direct neighbour.

HHPC905:11.11.20 Cllr C. Watson spoke to declare a personal interest in connection to planning application MC/20/2136, where she advised that she too was a neighbour.

HHPC906:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to declare that he had been asked to provide assistance to the homeowners, concerning planning application MC/20/2302.

He confirmed that although he had provided his feedback support to their sketches, that he had not been paid or received any pecuniary interests for his aid.

3. Minutes of the last meeting a). To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th October 2020. HHPC907:11.11.20 The minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 14th October 2020, were submitted by the Clerk. It was proposed by Cllr L. Atkinson to approve the minutes as a correct record. This proposal was seconded by Cllr R. Collins and unanimously agreed.

4. Matters arising from the minutes (not otherwise on the agenda) HHPC908:11.11.20 None.

5. Planning a). Applications HHPC909:11.11.20 The members discussed the two new planning applications that had been received since the last meeting:

MC/20/2682 – Land To The South Of Britannia Road, High Halstow Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that this application had only shown on the Council website the day before the meeting. He confirmed that from looking at the details on the planning portal that it appeared that Redrow had applied to Medway Council to change the use of the land on the southern side of Britannia Road, in order to convert it into a temporary car

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

park. Where he thought, presumably, additional parking was required for the builders and contractors’ vehicles and their porta cabins, following the sale of further properties at Heronden Grange.

Each member was asked in turn for his/her opinion, where Parish Council unanimously agreed that they would prefer for the car park to be situated on the northern side of Britannia Road instead, which was thought to be held by the same land owner.

Cllr C. Watson also spoke to refer to an email sent by Mr J. Clay, a member of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee and a practicing Barrister specialising in Planning and Environmental Law, where he too had provided his professional opinion.

The members raised their concerns that the southern side would cause issues with traffic and that this site was thought to have had archaeological value. Cllr G. Jerreat also stipulated that Redrow had not given any idea on the timescales involved for their ‘temporary’ plans.

It was proposed by the Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, that Parish Council should delegate their objections via the Neighbourhood Planning team, where the further opinions of these could also be sought, before the objection be submitted. This proposal was seconded by Cllr L. Atkinson and unanimously agreed.

• MC/20/2302– Orchard Bungalow, Buck Hole Farm The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to remind the members to an interest he had declared earlier in the meeting regarding this planning application, ref: HHPC906 :11.11.20 .

Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that having reviewed this application online, that he recommended the members did not submit an objection where he acknowledged that the Homeowners had submitted an application to increase the size of their garage. b). Decisions HHPC910:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to confirm receipt of three planning application decisions that had been approved with conditions since the last meeting:

• MC/20/2283 – 41 Gypsy Way • MC/20/2136 – 21 Ruggles Close • MC/20/2034 – 16 Christmas Lane

The members discussed the approvals in more detail, where it was agreed that Cllr R. Collins would write to Medway Council to enquire as to why these three applications had been approved so quickly, despite letters of objection being received. c). Appeals and other matters HHPC911:11.11.20 None. d). Redrow Development (Heronden Grange) HHPC912:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he had attended the Heronden Grange development the day before the meeting, where he noted that Redrow had now planted some new trees behind the flats that backed onto Willowbank Drive.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website : e). Neighbourhood Plan HHPC913:11.11.20 Cllr G. Crozer spoke to advise that the Neighbourhood Plan committee were still trying to obtain answers from Medway Council surrounding the HIF Bid, where they had now enlisted the assistance of Ward Councillor Phil Filmer to help.

He advised that the committee had received a response from Dawn Hudd at Medway Council regarding discussing a ‘master plan’. Where the members had devised a response to send to Medway Council on behalf of the Parish Council.

He closed his report in advising that a further meeting with Medway Council and Redrow was going to be sought, where the members would highlight High Halstow’s terms and conditions. He also understood that the Neighbourhood Plan was finally almost complete, apart from a few outstanding policies.

Cllr R. Collins also spoke to confirm that the draft plan was now ready to share and that he would forward a copy of this correspondence onto all the members of the Parish Council, before sending it onto Medway Council. f). Local Plan HHPC914:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer spoke to confirm that he had no report. g). Section 106 monies HHPC915:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he needed to speak to Redrow or Medway Council to confirm how many of the new properties at Heronden Grange were now occupied.

With permission from the Chairman a member of the public spoke to confirm that she knew the rough figures and that she would email this information directly to Cllr R. Collins after the meeting.

6. Finance a). Bank Balances HHPC916:11.11.20 The Councillors carefully reviewed the bank balances provided, where the figures were deemed as acceptable. b). BACS payments made since the last meeting HHPC917:11.11.20 The Councillors carefully reviewed the BACS payments made since the last meeting where it was unanimously agreed that these payments were acceptable. c). Accounts for Payment HHPC918:11.11.20 Cllr G. Crozer, read aloud the proposed payments, as per shown below. These payments were accepted, having been proposed by Cllr R. Collins, seconded by the Vice Chair Cllr C. Watson and unanimously agreed.

Payment Payee Reference Method Amount Notes STANDING Hire of Garages Mr M. Rowe - ORDER £70.00 Postage of Allotment Letter Post Office - CARD £2.06 (recorded delivery) Mrs J Allen - BACS £427.57 A3 Office Printer Grounds Maintenance TO BE PAID October 2020 Nurture Landscapes - BY BACS £2,086.80 INV: 1SE 6003016 Kent County TO BE PAID Balance to pay from 10 x Supplies - BY BACS £24.07 Handihoops

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

Payment for meetings, ongoing liaison and production of draft plan for SEA Screening and Reg 14 TO BE PAID purposes Troy Hayes Planning - BY BACS £1,800.00 INV: 1829 TO BE PAID HHT October 2020 Smart Print Services - BY BACS £691.50 INV: 103419 TO BE PAID Football Fence Meopham Fencing - BY BACS £1,326.00 INV: 7299 Recruitment TO BE PAID 40 Treated Picket Pales Warehouse - BY BACS £81.90 INV: 1083 50% contribution towards TO BE PAID the Telephone & Broadband Stoke Parish Council HHPC233:11.12.19 BY BACS £16.80 communications package TO BE PAID October Tax & NI for JB, JG & HMRC - BY BACS £402.70 JA TO BE PAID October 2020 Wages J Gallivan - BY BACS £648.88 TO BE PAID October 2020 Wages J. Balciunas - BY BACS £649.08 October 2020 Wages (inc TO BE PAID increment, back pay & J Allen - BY BACS £723.26 pension deduction) October 20 Employee TO BE PAID Pension Contributions Smart Pension - BY BACS £43.12 (deducted at source) TO BE PAID October 20 Employer Smart Pension - BY BACS £25.33 Pension Contributions TOTAL £9,019.07

7). Grant Applications HHPC919:11.11.20 None.

8. Management of Land and Property a). Recreation Ground HHPC920:11.11.20 The Vice-Chair Cllr C. Watson spoke to advise that she had no report. b). Play Parks HHPC921:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to refer the members to the report he had circulated before the meeting, surrounding the two quotes received to repair the gap between the two panels on the ‘Half Pipe skate ramp.

He advised that the first quote received from Radii Ramps, ranged from between £400 to £6,000, where the company had quoted to weld the riding surface panels together. Cllr R Collins advised that he did not recommend this method of repair, as he did not feel that this solution would be a permanent fix.

The second quote received from Fearless Ramps, involved dismantling the ‘Half Pipe’, where it was understood that the engineers could then establish the root cause of the problem and provide additional costs for a remedial repair. The quote received for a troubleshooting stood at £445 +VAT.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

A discussion ensued between the members where Cllr R. Collins proposed to accept the quote received from Fearless Ramps, this proposal was seconded by Cllr C. Watson and was unanimously agreed.

Cllr R. Collins closed his report in advising that Fearless Ramps were also part of the Safe Play Company, where he advised that the contractor had offered to look at the climbing frame with broken rotators, to establish if the rotators could be repaired. He advised that if they were unable to mend them then the contractor had offered to weld them solidly to the frame, at an additional cost of £395 + VAT. Cllr R. Collins advised that he would investigate further to repair the existing rotators.

HHPC922:11.11.20 It was acknowledged that Ward Cllr R. Sands had joined the meeting briefly, to update the members on the outcome of the planning committee meeting that had taken place at Medway Council earlier that evening. Cllr L. Atkinson requested that the Chairman allow Ward Councillor R. Sands to speak, where Cllr G. Crozer gave his permission

Ward Councillor R. Sands spoke to inform the members that during the planning meeting the committee members had decided to turn down the application, submitted by Esquire Estates, for a 30-dwelling development at the Hollies in Sharnal Street ref: MC/201237. It was expected however that an appeal surrounding this decision would be lodged by the developers.

Cllr R. Sands spoke further to inform the members that he was trying to resurrect the Rural Liaison Committee, that had previously been placed on hold following the COVID-19 outbreak. He advised that a provisional meeting had been scheduled to take place on Monday 7th December, where it was expected the first order of business would be to elect a Chairman for this financial year. Cllr R. Sands closed his report, thanked the members for allowing him to attend and left the meeting at 7.57pm. c). Allotments HHPC923:11.11.20 Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to advise that following her last report, ref HHPC862:14.10.20 that she was delighted to inform the members that the tenant in question had recently tended to his plot and that his allotment was now looking much better.

HHPC924:11.11.20 A discussion ensued in relation to the ownership of the overgrown trees close of the Veterinary Surgery, where the members acknowledged receipt of a complaint from the Veterinary surgery, claiming that the foliage was now disrupting their electricity supply.

Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he understood the trees in question were the responsibility of the Highways Department at Medway Council. Where Cllr G. Jerreat also spoke to advise that he understood that the electricity board were responsible for trimming them back.

The members agreed to ask Cllr R. Collins to try to speak to Medway Council to confirm whose responsibility these trees were and to report back to the members with his findings in due course. d). Forge Common HHPC925:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he had no report. e). Village Grounds Maintenance HHPC926:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, commented that he had noted that Nurture Landscapes had been a lot more attentive within the village over the past couple of weeks.

The Clerk, Mrs J. Allen, also spoke to advise that she had written to both Nurture Landscapes and BLM to inform them of the members decision surrounding the new Village Grounds Maintenance Contract as discussed at the last meeting ref: HHPC899:14.10.20 .

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website : f). Notice Boards HHPC927:11.11.20 Cllr M. Stone spoke to refer the members to a report Cllr L. Atkinson had prepared in advance, where it was acknowledged that she had researched four potential new manufacturers including the associated costs.

Cllr M. Stone spoke to request permission to include two new notice boards in the 2021/2022 budget, where she advised that she also understood that an application for a grant from the Community Lottery was going to be sought.

It was recognised that each new notice board would cost approximately £2,000, not including fitting or installation, where each member was asked in turn for his or her thoughts on what type of notice boards they would prefer including their material.

It was suggested by Cllr C. Watson that the new notice boards should be made from metal. Cllr L. Atkinson agreed with this. Both Cllr G. Jerreat and Cllr M. Stone proposed that the new boards should be made from Recycled plastic (A.K.A manmade timber) where Cllr T. Munday stated he had no preference. Councillors R. Collins and G. Crozer thought that the new notice boards should be made from Wood. Where Cllr R Collins also commented that he did not think the village needed new noticeboards when the old ones could be repaired.

Cllr M. Stone was asked by the Chairman to propose a budget for the new boards where she proposed a budget of £1,000 each. Which was thought by Cllr L. Atkinson to be too low. On this basis it was agreed that Cllr M. Stone would confirm the exact costs of a replacement boards in both aluminium and man- made timber (recycled plastic) including fitting and report back to the members further at the next meeting.

9. Highways & Transport a). Public Rights of Way HHPC928:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to inform the members that he had received an email from Mr A. Taylor, the Footpaths Officer at Medway Council, to advise that the replacement kissing gate on the RS40 footpath had been delayed, however temporary repairs to the stiles would be undertaken.

HHPC929:11.11.20 Cllr L. Atkinson also spoke to advise that she had received a complaint from a member of the public that the public footpath at Bessies Lane was overgrown and that the farmer of adjacent field had been very confrontational when the Parishioner had crossed over his land.

Cllr G. Crozer spoke in response to advise that Bessies Lane had already been cleared twice this year, with the last time this happened as being recorded as back in June, Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to remind the Chairman that since the summer the Parish had received a number of sunny days and lots of rain, which would have encouraged the foliage to have grown back.

HHPC930:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins also spoke to remind the Clerk to chase Medway Council for an update on resurfacing of Longfield Avenue, as reported by Cllr A. Catchpole back in March, ref: HHPC446:11.03.20 . The Clerk asked for photographs to send onto the Council to support her claim that the road was delaminating. b). Street Cleaning HHPC931:11.11.20 The Clerk, Mrs J. Allen, advised the members that she had received a call from Street Cleaner Mr J. Gallivan, to confirm that following the second lockdown announcement that he was going to go back into self isolation.

It was agreed that Cllr G. Jereatt would speak to Mr J. Balciunas to ask if he was able to provide any additional cover where it was also recognised that Mr J. Balciunas had submited notification of his up coming two weeks annual leave, where it was recognised that the Parish would then be without a street Page 6 of 16

High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website : cleaner for a fortnight. The members discussed the idea of looking into possible additional cover, which they agreed they would discuss in more detail at the next meeting. c). Tree Wardens Report HHPC932:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise the members that the Clerk had received a response from Medway Council confirming that they would be replacing the two lost trees, as discussed at the last meeting ref: HHPC869:14.10.20 . d). Bus Shelters HHPC933:11.11.20 Cllr G. Jerreat spoke to advise that Medway Council, Volker Highways and Littlethorpes of Leicester were still liaising with each other in regards to the replacement bus shelter at Britannia Road. He asked the Clerk, Mrs J. Allen, to chase Littlethorpes of Leicester to confirm when the new shelter was likely to be delivered. e). Dog Bins HHPC934:11.11.20 The Clerk, Mrs J Allen, referred the members to an email she had circulated previously, which advised that the concrete base for the full-size bin at Sharnal Street was meant to have been installed earlier that week.

She advised the members that she would check the works had been completed and report back to the members with her findings in due course.

10. Internal Committee Updates a). High Halstow Road Reps Committee HHPC935:11.11.20 Cllr M. Stone spoke to refer the members to a report she had prepared and circulated prior to the meeting. Please refer to Index A. b). High Halstow Environmental Group HHPC936:11.11.20 Cllr M. Stone spoke to advise, that as per the above, that she had prepared her report and circulated a copy of this to the members in advance. Please refer to Index B.

She also advised the members that there had been a delay at the school as her connection there had sadly been poorly. c). GDPR Working Party d). Policy Working Party HHPC937:11.11.20 Cllr G. Crozer spoke to enquire which of the Councillors would be interested in joining the new GDPR Working Party & the new Policy Working Party.

Councillors T. Munday, L. Atkinson and C. Watson put their names forward, alongside the Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer. Cllr M. Stone also offered her assistance. It was agreed that Cllr G. Crozer would set up a new group email to arrange for a virtual meeting within the next month with the new working party members.

11. External Committee Updates a). KALC HHPC938:11.11.20 Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to refer the members to the KALC report she had prepared following the meeting that had taken place the month before ref HHPC876:14.10.20 . Please refer to Index C. b). Rural Liaison HHPC939:11.11.20 Please refer to item 8B, for a copy of Ward Cllr R. Sands report ref HHPC922:11.11.20 .

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website : c). High Halstow Primary Academy HHPC940:11.11.20 The Vice-Chair, Cllr C. Watson, spoke to advise that as per her report, that she had circulated prior to the meeting (see Index D), that the Academy’s Business manager, Simon, was meant to be reviewing their Emergency plan.

It was understood that he would like to contact the Parish Council to discuss the details of this plan in more detail and to determine how the Academy could potentially use the Village Hall, should the need arise.

Cllr C. Watson was given the contact details for the hall committee from Cllr R. Collins which she advised that she would forward onto the Business Manager. d). Friends of St Margaret’s HHPC941:11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that he had no report.

12. Communications a). High Halstow Times HHPC942:11.11.20 The members discussed the font and size of the print in the High Halstow Times, where it was felt that a different font and more efficient spacing might help the publication look better and manage the space more effectively. It was agreed that Cllr M. Stone and Cllr L. Atkinson would approach the publisher to discuss this matter further detail.

The members also acknowledged that they had already spent the majority of their budget set for this financial year for the printing of the High Halstow Times publication and that more funds should be set aside for next year. b). Website HHPC943:11.11.20 Cllr T. Munday spoke to advise that the Parish Council’s website was up to date, bar a copy of the November High Halstow Times, which he would chase the editor for. c). Reintroduction of Face to Face meetings HHPC944:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer spoke to acknowledge that owing to the COVID-19 pandemic that Face to Face meetings were still prohibited. He asked the Clerk to ensure this item remained on the agenda for when face to face meetings were allowed to take place. d). Review of Mail Master System HHPC945:11.11.20 Cllr T. Munday spoke to advise that he was looking into reorganising the Mail Master system, as it appeared that some of the subsections contained more emails than others. He felt that this reconstruction would help simplify the system and offered the members a refresher tutorial session on how to search for data.

13. Police Matters a). Neighbourhood Watch HHPC946:11.11.20 Cllr T. Munday spoke to advise that he had no report.

14. Halls a). Recreation (Village) Hall HHPC947:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to suggest that the members should consider offering the use of the car park at the Village Hall to aid with vaccinations, once a COVID-19 vaccine had been found.

Cllr R. Collins also spoke to confirm that the Clerk had circulated a copy of the revised constitution, which he urged the members to read. He asked the members to contact the Clerk if they did not have this where she could recirculate this correspondence.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

Cllr T. Munday also spoke to advise that he would add a copy of this document to the members’ website. b). Memorial Hall HHPC948.11.11.20 Cllr R. Collins spoke to advise that owing the COVID-19 pandemic that the Memorial Hall remained closed.

15. Village Reports a). Relief in Need HHPC949:11.11.20 The Chairman Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to acknowledge that Ms C. Peek had emailed her report to the members prior to commencement of the meeting. Please refer to Index E.

16. Consultations HHPC950:11.11.20 None.

17. Correspondence a). To discuss the possibility of erecting a Christmas tree in the Village Hall car park HHPC951:11.11.20 Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to request that the members consider erecting a Christmas tree in the Village Hall car park, to spread some festive cheer after a very difficult year.

A discussion ensued amongst the Councillors where it was agreed that an outside electrical supply would be required to power the lights on the tree. It was also felt that although the idea was a very good suggestion, that it had sadly come forward too late to organise for this year. Especially as the tree would need to be erected by the end of that month to ensure it was in situ for the beginning of December.

The members discussed the possibility of solar powered lights, however owing to the recent lack of direct sunlight and the darker evenings, it was acknowledged that the solar panel would probably not generate enough energy to power the lights on the tree for the whole of the month of December.

The members agreed to proportion some money in their 2021/2022 budget to incorporate the installation of an electrical supply and a tree for the next year. They also discussed funding a tree to feature in this year’s nativity scene, which was planned to be displayed at St Margaret’s Church. b). To consider a request from wHoo Cares to use the Village Hall car park on 25/12/2020 HHPC952:11.11.20 The members discussed an email received from wHoo Cares, reequesting permission to use the Village Hall Car Park, to distribute pre packaged Christmas dinners to the volunteers who will deliver them to those in need on the 25/12/2020. It was acknowledged that this request had been previously discussed via email, where the members had unanimously consented to it. c). To consider a request made by the Football Club for a reduction of the hire fees, owing to the closure of the Cricket Club due to COVID-19 HHPC953:11.11.20 Cllr T. Munday spoke to advise that the Cricket Club were already aware that the Football Team had not used their facilities this year, owing to Coronavirus. He advised that having discussed this matter with the Cricket Club committee members, they confirmed that they would be happy to waive any additional fees for this year, providing any costs incurred for marking out the pitch had been covered.

A discussion ensued amongst the Parish Councillors where the members unanimously agreed to waive the remaining balance of the fees for this year. d). To discuss and consider a quote received from Nurture Landscapes to pollard the trees near to the Veterinary Surgery HHPC954:11.11.20 It was acknowledged that this matter had already been discussed earlier in the meeting, please see item 8c, ref HHPC924:11.11.20 . Page 9 of 16

High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

The members unanimously agreed however that if the trees were discovered to be the Parish Council’s responsibility then they would arrange for overgrown branches to be cut back from the power lines as soon as possible.

18. Reports & Circulars HHPC955:11.11.20 None.

19. Disclosure of any other business HHPC956:11.11.20 Cllr L. Atkinson spoke to advise that she had received a complaint from a member of the public concerning the lack of screening in the village shop. Cllr G. Crozer reported this was not the Parish Council’s responsibility.

The Chairman Cllr G. Crozer also spoke to remind the Clerk to chase Hoo Parish Council for their 50% contribution towards the legal fees incurred in writing to Medway Council concerning the HIF Bid.

Public Session Two members of the public spoke.

One member expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council and confirmed that she had already submitted her credentials to the Clerk for consideration.

The second Parishioner spoke to enquire if the ‘Village Volunteering event’ was still going ahead on Saturday 14th November, despite the present lockdown. She advised that she understood two people could still meet in an outside space and that potentially the event could be classed as either work or exercise. It was confirmed that the event would take place, weather depending.

20. Date of next meeting HHPC957:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, spoke to confirm that the date of the next Parish Council meeting would be held on Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 7.30pm.

21. Section 100A HHPC958:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, read out loud the statement listed on the agenda in relation to Section 100A(4).

It was proposed by the Chairman Cllr G. Crozer, that the public be excluded from the next item, which was seconded by the Vice Chair, Cllr C. Watson, and unanimously agreed.

The three members of the public left.

22. Vacancies a). To discuss the co-option of potential new councillors following the Medway Council vacancy notice published on 09/10/2020 HHPC959:11.11.20 The members discussed the need to place a additionsal vacany notice in the public domain, in order to notify the Parishioners of the two present Parish Councillor vacancies, following the expiry of the statutory Medway Council notice (as published on 09/10/2020).

Four of the Seven Councillors present voted in favour of placing an additional notice on the notice boards, providing an additional week’s notice for applications and encouraging any potential applicants to apply to the Clerk in writing, with a closing date of Friday 20th November.

Once the ‘new’ closing date had passed it was agreed that any further applications would be considered, for co-option at the next meeting.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

23. Personnel a). To discuss the current COVID-19 pandemic situation concerning the Street Cleaners HHPC960:11.11.20 The members requested the Clerk re-write to Mr J. Balciunas, to remind him of the current regulations concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and present lockdown guidelines.

24. Close of meeting HHPC961:11.11.20 The Chairman, Cllr G. Crozer, closed the meeting at 9.05pm and thanked everyone for attending.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on: Wednesday 9th December 2020 7.30pm Virtual Forum

INDEXES Index A High Halstow Road Reps Committee REF: HHPC935:11.11.20 Despite the second lockdown requests on the Peninsula have not increased recently Shopping tasks for 2 gentlemen, one in Cliffe and one in High Halstow continue. The gentleman in High Halstow has also been supported to attend a hospital appointment. He is considering joining wHoo Cares as a partner. I anticipate that future medical appointments being supported through wHoo Cares while the shopping will continue through the High Halstow Road Rep scheme. When this second Lockdown ends a friend of the gentleman will likely take on shopping support once again.

Currently there are sufficient masks, gloves and hand sanitiser supplies for volunteers.

It has been reported to me that MARR in the rest of Medway has experienced some increase in requests. There has been a reduction in volunteer availability but currently need is being met. MARR have supported the distribution of more food parcels on behalf of One Big Family, a Chatham based charity and going forward MARR will offer support to Street Angels who are a Gillingham based charity. Where needed in some areas of Medway volunteers are supporting pharmacies to make home deliveries.

To ensure it is understood that help is still available from volunteers MARR are again delivering leaflets. There will be some leaflet distribution on the Peninsula.

Index B High Halstow Environmental Group REF: HHPC936:11.11.20 A zoom Environment Group meeting took place on the 19th October. Topics from the pre-COVID-19 meeting back in February were revisited and identified as possible projects going forward with some action points being agreed.

1. Tree Planting starting with a school-based project A Higher-Level Teaching Assistant from High Halstow Primary school has agreed to work with us on this project. After further discussion with the school it is hoped that they will feel able to meet the criteria for a free tree pack from the Woodlands Trust and then make a request. This will hopefully be a joint High Halstow Primary School /Parish initiative.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

2. Zero Waste on Wheels This Face Book and Maidstone based company supplies environmentally friendly products via a door step delivery and refill system. They also supply so called “naked” products (bars of shampoo conditioner etc as well as food items and cleaning products). They have agreed to visit the village if sufficient numbers of villagers are interested. An email has been sent to members of the WI in High Halstow. I hope to further publicise and if sufficient interest is expressed will arrange a visit.

3. Terracycle A company called Terracycle partners with big brands to offer a free way to recycle items that cannot be recycled in household recycling. The Group needs to investigate further and consider if the village could offer collection points for specific items.

4. Visit to a recycling centre Members of the group are interested in visiting a recycling centre sometime in the new year. The WI have also expressed an interest and a joint activity could be organised

5. Working with Other Parishes The group discussed this possibility. Looking again at the “20 Specific Actions for Parish Councils” document from F.O.E seems appropriate before taking this forward

6. Litter Pick Members of the Group supported the October Litter Pick and will support the next Litter Pick event in November.

7. Another Zoom Meeting The next meeting is planned for 16th November 2020

Index C External Committee Updates - KALC REF: HHPC938:11.11.20

KALC MEETING OCTOBER 2020 Halling • Added GDPR software installed to their laptop so that they are GDPR compliant • Ran AGM on Zoom • Couple of meetings run on Teams • There has been some flooding on the marshes

Cliffe and • Neighbourhood plan is draft stage and ready to go to Statutory Consultation. COVID is having an effect. Required Referendum has been put back to May 2021 • Gladman site (5-year appeal process) has now been given an approval west of Town Road was approved and now await a full application for matters and design the only issue was for transport and they had given some money to a new Arriva bus service at peak hours but only to Strood station for a period of 5 years. They have also provided £35,000 towards a new cycle and pedestrian route to Buckland road. Have S.106 monies but a lot of the money is going elsewhere. Parish is only getting 20%. • Retirement Complex has turned down the application. Too urban in a rural area. Waiting to see if they will appeal. • Possible application from Trenport for 500 homes in Cliffe. They have contacting Parish Council and discussing this for some time. Nothing yet but changes in Planning law but it may be now that they will take this forward. There is a large field just as you enter Cliffe. Intentions are that they build there and a new road shooting off. Intentions also are to build around the back of the school. Page 12 of 16

High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

• APCN Tennis Courts and Bowling green will all go for development. They will provide a playing field to compensate but waiting to hear on that. • Residents are all very anti-development but at no stage has the Parish Council supported it. • Buckland Lakes are under new management. No longer offering fishing but will be organising a range of new activities as the situation on COVID19 changes. • RSPB has had issues with vandalism around Cliffe Pools. Never seen anything like it and they have had to employ extra security and shut off the car park. Many issues with motor bikes. One fatality at the beginning of lockdown period when a male was thrown from his motorbike on the Saxon Shoreway. Swimmers in the lake. Hunters going out trying to shoot birds and stealing eggs. It has calmed now somewhat now. • B2000 continuing cause for concern. Speeding and HGVs. This will only get worse with all the additional development. Looking into possibility of speed check signs. Do not have resources but are investigating if this can be done in the new financial year. Highways department do not consider the B2000 to be an issue with any future possible construction also. As far as they are concerned there are no issues. However, there was an overturned lorry at Mockbegger last week (12-17 Oct) for quite a few hours. Road was also closed from High Halstow to Cliffe for roadworks so movement was impossible.

High Halstow • Meeting ok on zoom – all Councillors in attendance with no issues • We have had two Councillors resign. One around the beginning of lockdown and another a few weeks ago. Notices have gone up and interviews will take place within the next few weeks with any applications. • GDPR working party which will work with Policies Committee to ensure that our website is user friendly for all disabilities. The deadline has passed but we are working on this. • Put a new fence in by the goal end that backs on to houses to stop the ball banging on the fence – which we had to repair. • Hoping for new noticeboards. I’m researching for the best quality for the price and hope to have 2 new ones. • Planning Applications – usual extensions applications but one for barn conversion at the edge of the village – infill? As well as two developments along Sharnal Street which will go to Planning Committee very soon • Redrow Development want to build a car park opposite the new estate as they are having issues with drainage – cess pits atm as they can’t get the drainage right. • Issues with Redrow • Filling in drainage ditches - Complaint made to Medway and Enforcement officer is dealing with this. • Taking down established trees which now leave the young family with a garden that is overlooked by 3 storey apartment building. The trees were tall enough to provide privacy before. • Medway slow at releasing s.106 monies for the build • Neighbourhood Plan going well. Lucky enough to have George Crozer who has a wealth of knowledge of the area and who fought a hard battle over the Airport. We are also lucky enough to have a Barrister on the Working Group who specialises in Planning and the Environment. Both have been an asset at taking the Plan forward; and our Chairman is keeping it tight together and doing an excellent job also Other members of the team, Linda Atkinson, Marilyn, Mick O’Hanlon (previous Councillor) and Bernard who is a qualified Town Planner and Architect. All bringing something to the table which has helped push through. Almost at the stage to take to Medway Council for approval. Expert working on the last few ideas in the hope it may pass.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

• High Halstow Community Lottery (HHCL) funded new after school club with bits and pieces they needed for it including a shed to store.

• HHCL also funded the playground markings in the school which were completed during lockdown and before the children went back to school • Both halls still closed • High Halstow - Relief In Need Charity which helps those in need and the bereaved. Had many applications for University Grants this year and all applications were successful • Issus with parking outside the Red Dog which stops buses from turning easily into and out of Christmas Lane. PC agreed to request Medway Council for yellow lines. • Started Litter Picking each Saturday morning after the PC meeting • Had a Road Reps Committee during lockdown to help all villagers which was well received and championed by Marilyn Stone. Most areas received support. Although we set it up as a Parish Committee it went further. Many people came forward to volunteer. Many of those have gone back to work. Around half of the volunteers have confirmed that they would like to volunteer even though they have less time. Hoping that other versions of “wHoo Cares” will be developed in other regions. • High Halstow Environmental Group ideas going as to how we can help the environment but any other parishes are welcome. Tree planting has been considered. Discussed linking up with Hoo and any other parishes that would be interested. Contact Marilyn if interested. Zero waste on wheels are a good start and are welcome. Sell lots of things not in packages. Do a whole range of products.

Stoke • Fairly quiet apart from the usual fly tipping problems • Have one vacancy for a Councillor • No major land developments in Stoke so no issues there. • School issue and parents are not happy. School have issued a notice and are carrying the new procedure out to buss Years 1 and 2 up to Allhallows and so are years 5 & 6. So that just leaves 3 & 4 at the school. Tried to close the school about 18 months ago but after protests they backed down. But they now appear to be doing this in slow motion… Numbers are not sufficient so years are taught together.

Grain • 2 vacancies • “Crabbies” were at Grain for around 6 months are took all their crabs. • Major issue with litter during lockdown. Many people turned up Grain it was awful. PC has to remove litter so 2 skips ordered rather than the usual 1. • No fete, no St Georges, no pantomime due to COVID19 • Been contacted by the Coastal Path team who mentioned a path that does not exist. Had to put them straight as they already have one that is already disabled friendly. • No huge developments but a small development of 4 houses has been built. Road was closed for weeks on end and caused all kinds of mayhem. Another set of 5 has been agreed in a unsuitable area. Don’t get S.106 • Don’t need a Neighbourhood Plan as their neighbours are Industry. Own so much land • Village hall. PPL and PRS fees are too high. It someone books a disco it costs £68 on top of their fees so its not worth the Charity booking it. • During COVID got lots of decorating done in the hall. Toilets are looking clean. Now loathe to let anyone in!

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

• Resurrection of Tank No 5. Application had been for 5 gas tanks but they only built 4. Business is doing well they are now going to be building no 5. This includes a large area which they call PIZ Public Information Zone. They knocked down 4 houses to create that area. and Wainscott • 2 vacancies due to Councillors non-attendance for 6 months. • Problem with parking. Had yellow lines down but no-one took any notice. Around 18 months ago had a meeting with Phil Filmer to discuss speed bumps but nothing ever came of the issue. Supposed to put up signage but a small sign has gone up but it’s so small it cannot be read. • Two litter picking groups. Have yellow hi-vis with Litter Picker on the backs. • Large Planning Application for 70 houses in . Hog Marsh Valley. Well over 100 objections and it has not been determined yet. Developer bought the land from Church Commissioners • Planning Application shortly for new Secondary School and 200 houses opposite Sans Pierel.

St Mary Hoo • Speeding lorries through small hamlet. During August and September, the number of lorries and speed through the village was awful • Fenn Bell wants to expand the zoo. Proprietor wants to sell shares in his business to enable him to purchase the land. They were mentioned on BBC South East News.

Chris Buckwell • The six-month rule has not gone away. It was not suspended because of COVID. • Is everyone aware of the six-month rule? Councils that did not meet within a six-month period no longer exists and Medway Council assumes responsibility. That is the lawful position. • As Chairman of Medway Scrutiny Committee, it would be useful to know if all our 11 parishes had a normal convened meeting within a six-month period. • There appears to have been no audit of that and I have had two residents of two different parishes contacting informing that checking on Websites Parish x and Parish Y have not had proper meetings. Informal meetings do not count for the six-month rule. • Jane Ringham had sent an email out to all Clerks carrying out the audit. • As Chairman of Medway Council Scrutiny Committee Chris putting that to the responsible cabinet member. • Unaware whether Cooling has met. Nothing on their website. • Clerks duty to convene the meeting within the six-month period.

Next meetings • 17 February 2021 • 21 April 2021

Index D High Halstow Primary Academy REF: HHPC940:11.11.20 I have been contacted by the school with the following: Their business manager, Simon, is reviewing their Emergency plan and would like to discuss with the Parish Council as to how the school could make use of the Village Hall should the need arise. They are looking for details of how/who to contact re this.

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High Halstow Parish Council 50 Pepys Way • Strood • Rochester • Kent • ME2 3LL Tel: 01634 710086 • e-mail: [email protected] Website :

Index E Relief in Need REF: HHPC949:11.11.20 The last trustees’ meeting was in January 2020; the April meeting was postponed and since then the trustees have continued to communicate and make decisions via email. The trustees’ business is generally unaffected by the COVID-19 situation as we continue to consider applications and make awards to those in need. Additionally, the trustees are kept up to date on all matters affecting the charity by monthly reports from the clerk.

The charity’s financial year ended on 31st October. Most of the student bursary cheques have now been cashed and most of the vouchers for computer equipment have been spent, although students don’t have to spend the whole of their voucher money straight away if they prefer not to.

As most of the Relief in Need charity's business is confidential it is difficult for me to find much of interest to tell the Councillors. If there is anything in particular that you wanted to know, I would try to answer your questions but may not be able to provide much detail.

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