IN RELATION TO PLANT DISEASE Seasonal Population Dynamics of minerva (: Cicadellidae) and Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa


J. Econ. Entomol. 101(4): 1105Ð1113 (2008) ABSTRACT The grass sharpshooter, Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is a very common and often abundant grass-feeding in California. Its population dynamics and ability to transmit Xylella fastidiosa were monitored over a 2-yr period in CaliforniaÕs San Joaquin Valley. Collections of individuals from natural populations in irrigated pastures and alfalfa, Medicago savita L. Þelds adjacent to X. fastidiosa-infected almond (Prunus spp.) orchards indicated the oc- currence of three discrete generations per year that peaked during the summer. Population densities varied signiÞcantly among experimental Þeld survey sites. captured on intercepting mesh traps, yellow sticky cards, and UV-light traps indicated local movement of these insects into and surrounding X. fastidiosa-infected, almond orchards. Local movement and seasonal transmission of X. fastidiosa from infected almonds to Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don indicated that this may be partly responsible for the slow spread of almond leaf scorch now recently observed in CaliforniaÕs San Joaquin Valley.

KEY WORDS population dynamics, transmission efÞciency, grass sharpshooter, almond leaf scorch, PierceÕs disease (PD) of grapevines

Important diseases caused by the xylem-limited bac- signiÞcantly increased the threat of pathogen spread terium Xylella fastidiosa include PierceÕs disease (PD) among a variety of important crops, including almonds (in grapevines), almond leaf scorch (ALS), citrus var- (Almeida and Purcell 2003). iegated chlorosis, oleander leaf scorch, alfalfa dwarf, Little is known about the epidemiology of almond phony peach disease, and periwinkle wilt (Turner leaf scorch disease in California. In studies investigat- 1959, Moller et al. 1974, Davis et al. 1978, McCoy et al. ing PD, outbreaks were detected in Þelds near per- 1978, Rossetti 1991, Purcell et al. 1999). In many of manent pastures, alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., Þelds or these plant hosts, characteristic symptoms include vis- permanent irrigation ditches (Purcell and Frazier ible leaf scorching due to an accumulation of bacterial 1985). The regular occurrence of X. fastidiosa-infec- colonies and gums resulting in signiÞcant vessel oc- tious within these habitats led to the clusion (Stevenson et al. 2004). In almonds, there is conclusion that two native sharpshooters were respon- reportedly decreased productivity, scaffold dieback, sible for the spread of this disease: the grass sharpshooter, and ultimately death of ALS-affected trees (Mircetich Draeculacephala minerva Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadelli- et al. 1976). The discovery of ALS in the SJV has not dae), and Xyphon fulgida (Nottingham) (Frazier 1944). raised widespread concern among almond growers However, neither of these two sharpshooter are because the primary vectors seem to be native sharp- frequently found on grape. These insects only occasion- shooters that do not move far from preferred feeding ally use grapes as feeding hosts. Apparently, a similar and reproductive hosts (Purcell 1980, Purcell and Fra- situation occurs in almonds (Prunus spp.). In California zier 1985). Thus, the rate of disease spread is believed surveys of almond leaf scorch, the grass sharpshooter was to be low. However, the arrival of the highly mobile, the only known insect vector detected in areas with high and rapidly dispersing glassy-winged sharpshooter, incidence of ALS (Purcell 1980). Contrary to PD in Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar), into California has vineyards, the absence of gradients of almond leaf scorch near the breeding habitats suggests that factors other 1 University of California-Riverside, Department of Entomology, than the presence of vectors play a signiÞcant role in the Riverside, CA 92521. spread of ALS (Purcell 1980). Such factors might include 2 Corresponding author and current address: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Departamento de Entomologõ´a, Apartado 456, La differential host responses to infection by X. fastidiosa. Molina, Lima, Peru (e-mail: [email protected]). As a self-infertile, open-pollinated crop, almond orchards 3 USDAÐARS, Crop Diseases, Pests and Genetics Unit, San Joaquin are composed of two or more cultivars grown in adjacent Valley Agricultural Sciences Center, 9611 S. Riverbend Ave., Parlier, rows for optimal pollination efÞciency. Recent investi- CA 93648. 4 Current address: Department of Entomology, University of Wis- gations have revealed that certain almond cultivars (e.g., consin, Madison, WI 53706. ÔPeerlessÕ, ÔSonoraÕ, and ÔNonpareilÕ) are more suscepti- 1106 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 101, no. 4 ble to X. fastidiosa infection than others with respect to Materials and Methods symptom development and bacterial populations (Tevi- Seasonal Population Dynamics of Grass Sharp- otdale and Connell 2003). shooter in Pastures and Alfalfa Fields. Standard sweep Grass sharpshooters are common in CaliforniaÕs net collections (described below) were conducted coastal valleys as well as in irrigated portions of the from January 2004 through December 2006 in irrigated Central Valley (Purcell and Frazier 1985). This insect grass pastures, alfalfa Þelds, and almond orchard ßoor has a wide host range, but it is especially abundant in vegetation to measure the relative abundance of dif- grasses and sedges in moist habitats, with high popu- ferent stadia of grass sharpshooter in these habitats. lations frequently encountered in Bermuda grass, Cyn- Other insects were also captured, including other ci- odon dactylon (L.) (Hewitt et al.1942). Although no cadellids and the threecornered alfalfa hopper, Spis- mass movement (e.g., dispersal or immigration) of this sistilus festinus (Say). No cercopid species were species has been reported previously, it is generally founded during the period of observation. Irrigated held that grass sharpshooter populations remain lo- pastures and alfalfa Þelds selected for this study were calized, and display minimal dispersal, with their located adjacent to orchards with a documented in- greatest activity occurring during early evening (Win- cidence of ALS (Groves et al. 2005). Two experimen- kler et al.1949). Moreover, Gibson (1915) observed tal sites were selected in Fresno County, site 1 (36Њ that only speciÞc environmental conditions supported 49Ј20.48Љ N, 119Њ 44Ј01.27Љ W) and site w (36Њ 46Ј35.91Љ ßight and that strong winds suppressed ßight activity. N, 119Њ 36Ј28.53Љ W) and one in Kern County, site 3 In the San Joaquin Valley, three discrete genera- (35Њ 24Ј 13.61Љ N, 119Њ 17Ј39.23Љ W). Both alfalfa Þelds tions of the grass sharpshooter per year have been in Fresno County were established in 2001 with the M. reported (Winkler et al. 1949, Purcell and Frazier sativaÔWL 525 HQÕ. In Kern County, the M. sativaÔWL 1985). Eggs of the Þrst generation are deposited in late 625Ј was established in 2002, and all three alfalfa Þeld February. The second and third generations occur in sites were ßood irrigated. All three forage pastures early May and mid-July, respectively (Winkler et al. monitored in these experiments were colocated adjacent 1949). In southern Arizona, Gibson (1915) observed to the described alfalfa pastures, and they were similarly six generations within Þeld cages that corresponded ßood irrigated. Pastures were established before 1991 closely to Þeld observations. Purcell and Frazier (Ͼ11 yr old), and they were composed of a mixture of (1985) estimated a developmental threshold temper- C. dactylon, E. crus-galli, white clover (Trifolium repens ature of 13.5ЊC for the Þrst generation of eggs by using L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae Schreb.), smooth GibsonÕs data, but the data were inadequate to esti- crabgrass [Digitaria ischemum (Schreb.) Schreb. ex mate other developmental thresholds and rates. The Muhl.], orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), and pe- total nymphal period varied from 20 to 51 d depending rennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). upon season (Gibson 1915, Hewitt et al. 1942, Winkler Populations of grass sharpshooter present within et al. 1949). vegetation on the ßoor of almond orchards were mon- D. minerva has been documented as a competent itored at both locations in Fresno and at the single vector of X. fastidiosa strains that cause PD (Hewitt et location in Kern County. At Site one in Fresno al. 1946) and ALS (Mircetich et al. 1976). Successful County, the orchard was 14 yr old and consisted of transmission using insect vectors has been conÞrmed four almond cultivarsÑPrunus amygdalus [Mill.] D.A. Webb (Rosaceae) ÔSonoraÕ, ÔNe-plusÕ, ÔButteÕ, and from naturally infected almonds to almond seedlings ÔMissionÕÑalternately planted 9.1 m between rows and grapevines in greenhouse studies (Mircetich et al. and 7.9 m within rows. The orchard at site 2 in Fresno 1976) and from grapes to Þeld-grown almond trees. County was planted in 1988 and consisted of Sonora, The inability of this vector species to transmit the ÔCarmelÕ, and ÔNonpareilÕ almonds alternately planted bacterium to their typical feeding hosts, such as Ber- 6.7 m between rows and 7.9 m within rows. The Kern muda grass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] and water- County orchard at site 3 was planted in 1995 and grass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.], is poorly consisted of Sonora, ÔFritzÕ, and Nonpareil almonds understood (Hill and Purcell 1997). These plants are alternately planted 7.3 m between rows and 6.1 m very poor hosts of X. fastidiosa and that is probably within rows. why no transmission events have been observed. A standard sweep sample unit was composed of 50 In this study, we investigated the population dy- sweeps with a 38-cm-diameter circular net. Ten sweep namics of the grass sharpshooter and its ability to net samples, Ϸ10 m apart, were collected while walk- transmit X. fastidiosa in CaliforniaÕs San Joaquin Val- ing along two linear transects (Þve samples per ley. Our primary objectives were to 1) characterize transect) parallel to the direction of irrigation ßood- the seasonal population dynamics and abundance of water in each of the alfalfa, pasture, and almond ßoor grass sharpshooter; 2) determine the time of the year habitats. We hypothesized that the soil moisture gra- when this species disperses into almond orchards; and dient, as determined by distance to the irrigation head, 3) compare the transmission efÞciency of grass sharp- might inßuence grass sharpshooter population densi- shooter versus glassy-winged sharpshooter from Þeld- ties within pastures. Each sweep sample unit (plant grown cuttings of infected almond trees to a susceptible samples, insects, and debris) was placed into a cooled host plant species, Madacasgar periwinkle [Catharanthus ice chest and taken to the laboratory where samples roseus (L.) G. Don]. were frozen until all potential insect vectors were August 2008 CABRERA-LA ROSA ET AL.: POPULATION DYNAMICS OF D. minerva 1107 collected and counted at a later date. Collected vector from a X. fastidiosa-free colony maintained at the specimens were held at Ϫ20ЊC for further analysis. CDFA Arvin Field Station, Arvin, CA. Voucher specimens of sap-feeders were submitted to Acquisition Access Period (AAP). In total, Þve al- the Plant Pests Diagnostic Laboratory, California De- mond trees (Sonora) showing visible symptoms of partment of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), Sacra- almond leaf scorch from a 2003 survey and docu- mento, CA, and to the Systematic Entomology Labo- mented as X. fastidiosa-infected using a combination ratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture of double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked immu- Research Service, Beltsville, MD. nosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) (Agdia Inc., Elkhart, Seasonal Movement of Grass Sharpshooter into Al- IN), and conventional polymerase chain reaction mond Orchards. Three different trapping systems (PCR) (Groves at al. 2006) were used as acquisition were evaluated to measure the relative movement of sources for transmission experiments. Monthly from grass sharpshooter into almond orchards and along March to October in 2004 and March to September in their perimeters including suspended mesh traps (de- 2005, two 20-cm stem sections were removed from scribed below), yellow sticky cards, and UV (UV) each of two scaffolds per tree. On each of two scaf- light traps during a similar 2-yr interval from January folds, a single 20-cm stem section was cut from the 2004 to December 2006. Suspended mesh traps con- basal portion near the main trunk, whereas the re- sisted of Þberglass screen panels (2.25 by 0.90 m, ef- maining section was cut from the distal portion near fective sticky area 3.75 m2) covered by a commercial the outermost, tree canopy. Once cut, each green stem section containing foliage was immediately immersed glue (Stickem Special, Seabright Laboratories., Em- 3 eryville, CA). Six mesh traps per location were at- into water and placed into water-Þlled, 30-cm ßoral water pics. Upon return to the laboratory, stem sec- tached to plastic frames, inspected every 2 wk, and 3 replaced after 4Ð6 wk. Suspended mesh traps were tions with foliage were then enclosed within 605 cm , placed uniformly around the perimeter of each survey clear, plastic corsage boxes with two ventilation win- orchard to measure insect activity at the orchard in- dows covered by a Þberglass screen. Groups of Þve terface. Yellow traps consisted of sticky cards (27.5 by adult grass sharpshooter and glassywinged sharp- 22.5 cm, effective sticky area 372 cm2) (Seabright shooter were conÞned in each corsage box and al- Laboratories) fastened to poles at 1.5 m in height, and lowed to feed freely for an AAP of 3 d. Inoculation Access Period (IAP). After the 3 d AAP, these were systematically distributed around the or- each group of Þve adults exposed to ALS-affected chard block perimeter (on the block edge) and within almond stem sections were then separated and indi- the orchard to detect insect movement from the vidually transferred to healthy, 2-mo old Madagascar edges. Twenty-four to 28 cards per location were periwinkle (C. roseusÔCooler series, coconutÕ). Mada- checked and replaced every 2 wk. Two UV light traps gascar periwinkle were germinated from seed (Park (Bioquip, Rancho Dominguez, CA) were placed along Seed Wholesale, Greenwood, SC) and maintained un- a single orchard edge of each of three almond orchards Њ Ϸ der greenhouse conditions (24 C and a photoperiod of and spaced 80 m apart. Traps contained a commer- 16:8 [L:D]). For each date, 40 glassywinged sharp- cial insecticide (active ingredient, 2,2-dichlorovinyl shooters and 40Ð60 grass sharpshooters were allowed dimethyl phosphate, 18.6%, Spectrum, Ft. Lauderdale, to feed on periwinkles for an IAP of 4 d. After this FL). Each trap was operated daily for3hatdawn period, insects were collected and individually held in (0500Ð0800 hours) and3hatdusk (1800Ð2100 hours). 95% ethanol at Ϫ20ЊC for later analysis. After the 4 d Light traps at each location were inspected every 2 wk IAP, periwinkle plants were held under similar green- over a 2-yr period for sharpshooters, spittlebugs, and house conditions for up to 16 wk postinoculation. other potential insect vectors. Xylella fastidiosa Detection. The presence of X. fas- Transmission Efficiency. Insects. A X. fastidiosa-free tidiosa in Madagascar periwinkle indicator plants was colony of grass sharpshooter was maintained at the conÞrmed 8 and 16 wk postinoculation by using a USDAÐARS San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences combination of DAS-ELISA and PCR (Francis et al. Center at Parlier, CA. Founding adults were collected 2006). DAS-ELISA was conducted according to in- from an irrigated pasture in Fresno County in early structions provided by the manufacturer of the test kit 2004 and allowed to oviposit on Bermuda grass grown (Agdia Inc.). Brießy, 50Ð75 mg of leaf petiole tissue under greenhouse conditions. Plants were removed was homogenized in 1ϫ phosphate-buffered saline by from oviposition cages, and young nymphs were sub- using a Homex six tissue extractor (BioReba Inc., Re- sequently transferred to ironweed, Vernonia novebo- inach, Switzerland). One hundred microliters of this racensis (L.) Michx., a reported nonhost of X. fastid- solution was dispensed into replicate wells on micro- iosa (Marucci et al. 2003). Adults of this generation titer plates. All plates included positive and negative were transferred to healthy Bermuda grass and several controls. ELISA results were recorded with a Multi- generations were maintained under greenhouse con- skan MCC/340 microplate reader (ThermoLab- ditions held at 24ЊC and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) systems Corp., Vantaa, Finland) at a wavelength of 490 h (illuminated by overhead high-pressure, sodium va- nm. Plants were scored positive for X. fastidiosa if the por lights) and tested regularly for presence of X. optical density (OD) of test wells was greater than fastidiosa. Adult glassy-winged sharpshooters were that of the mean OD of noninoculated, healthy control also used to measure X. fastidiosa transmission from plants of the same plant variety plus three standard ALS-affected almond trees. Insects were provided deviations. 1108 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 101, no. 4

PCR assays were performed on all samples testing positive for the presence of X. fastidiosa using DAS- ELISA. Brießy, PCR assays generated a 221-bp ampli- con representative of X. fastidiosa (Francis et al. 2006). DNA templates were prepared by initially pul- verizing plant tissues and subjecting the sample to a modiÞed CTAB miniprepartion, extraction procedure (Zhang et al. 1998). PCR was then carried out in a 25-␮l reaction volume containing 1 ␮l of cell suspen- sion (Ϸ10Ð25 ng of genomic DNA template) in 1ϫ reaction buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 50 mM KCl, and 1.5 mM MgCl2) with the addition of 0.2 mM dNTPs,1UofTaqDNA polymerase (TaKaRa taq Hot Start Version, Takara Bio Inc., Shiga, Japan), and 0.2 ␮M each of forward and reverse primers. DNA am- pliÞcation was carried out in a thermocycler (model PTC-100, MJ Research, Watertown, MA) according to Fig. 1. Mean numbers (ϮSEM) of adult grass sharp- the published protocol speciÞed by Francis et al. shooter collected at different sections of permanent, irri- (2006). gated pasture at site 1 in Fresno County. Numbers were 2 ϭ Statistical Analysis. Insect population counts were highly correlated (R 0.9494) with distance from the irri- analyzed by habitat and monitoring method with anal- gation head at this experimental site. ysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by least signiÞ- cant difference (LSD) tests using SAS, version 9.1 (F ϭ 0.40; df ϭ 4,461, P ϭ 0.8058). In contrast, a notable (PROC MIXED, SAS Institute 2002Ð2003). Before trend in increasing grass sharpshooters populations analysis, data were log transformed to normalize vari- distant to the irrigation head was observed in both ance. Comparisons of mean X. fastidiosa transmission alfalfa (F ϭ 2.74; df ϭ 4, 484; P ϭ 0.0284) and perma- efÞciency among months and between insect vector nent pastures (F ϭ 2.8; df ϭ 4, 1041; P ϭ 0.0249). As species were carried out after an initial arcsine, square an example, populations of adult grass sharpshooters at root data transformation. SigniÞcant differences site 1 had the greatest overall correlation (R2 ϭ among means were determined by ANOVA (PROC 0.9494) between the number of insects captured with MIXED) by using REPEATED options statement. All sweep nets and the distance from the irrigation head means presented in tables and Þgures were back- (Fig. 1). transformed. A proportion of the grass sharpshooters population breeding in pastures and alfalfa Þelds may have dis- persed into adjacent almond orchards even in the Results absence of weeds on the orchard ßoor (Fig. 2). Peak Sweep collections in pastures and alfalfa Þelds ad- population densities of adult grass sharpshooters, as jacent to almond orchards with previous records of measured by sweep net sampling in 2004, occurred in ALS indicated that grass sharpshooter was the most late May, early July, and again in late September at two predominant of the known insect vectors among other of the three experimental sites. In 2005, three peak cicadellids and cercopids collected in this study. Over periods of adult capture were again observed at each the three habitats sampled using sweep net samples, in of the three permanent pasture sites in both Fresno total 26,239 adult grass sharpshooters and no adult (or and Kern counties. Peak captures of adult grass sharp- immature) glassy-winged sharpshooters were col- shooters occurred in May, July, and they were some- lected. The number of grass sharpshooters on almond what protracted throughout the fall, peaking in Sep- ßoor were so low that the analysis is meaningless The tember and October. Population densities of this largest proportion were swept in irrigated, permanent insect varied signiÞcantly among the test locations pasture habitats, with a total 25,040 (95.4%) adult grass (F ϭ 8.91; df ϭ 2, 482; P Ͻ 0.0001), with highest total sharpshooters followed by irrigated forage alfalfa populations recorded at site 1 where nearly 20-fold where 1,222 (4.5%) adult grass sharpshooters were higher populations were collected compared with ei- collected. ther pasture site. Temporal patterns of grass sharp- Over time, a signiÞcant habitat main effect (F ϭ shooters captured in alfalfa were not signiÞcantly (F ϭ 95.98; df ϭ 2, 339; P Ͻ 0.0001) was observed for the 0.92; df ϭ 4, 688; P ϭ 0.3094) different among the test mean number of adult grass sharpshooters collected locations sampled, and no discernible patterns in in- during the study with far greater numbers collected in sect generations were evident from these collections. permanent pasture in comparison to either alfalfa or Insects moved into almond orchards and along their weedy habitats on the orchard ßoor. We next analyzed perimeters at different times of the year. Peaks of insect densities within each habitat type separately insect dispersal mirrored the peaks of natural popu- along transects parallel to the direction of irrigation. lations within irrigated pastures (Fig. 3A and B). Two Among the weed species constituting the vegetation “abnormal” peaks were detected in both Fresno on almond orchard ßoors, the numbers of grass sharp- County locations, sites 1 and 2, during the winter. shooters were not inßuenced by irrigation gradient Reports of weather conditions (data not shown) in- August 2008 CABRERA-LA ROSA ET AL.: POPULATION DYNAMICS OF D. minerva 1109

Fig. 2. Mean numbers (ϮSEM) of adult grass sharpshooter captured with sweep nets in three irrigated, permanent pastures adjacent to site 1 (Fresno County) (A), site 2 (Fresno County) (B), and site 3 (Kern County) (C) during the 2-yr interval from January 2004 to January 2006. dicated that those peaks followed rainfall in the area Fresno County extended over a 2-wk period between (Ϸ15 mm/day). Captures higher or equal to one in- 1 and 21 December. In 2005, the patterns of adult grass dividual per trap composed 82.2% of total observations sharpshooter capture again varied among locations (325 of 395 d) at site 1, 41% at site 2 (237 of 577 d), and (F ϭ 2.09, df ϭ 60, 30; P ϭ 0.0026), with the greatest 54% at site 3 (315 of 577 d). Analysis of the cumulative difference occurring between Fresno and Kern coun- proportion of insects moving into the almond orchards ties. Temporal patterns of grass sharpshooter capture (Fig. 4) revealed a signiÞcant date ϫ location inter- were very similar between sites 1 and 2 in Fresno action (F ϭ 2.09, df ϭ 10, 50; P ϭ 0.0026) during the County with an estimated midpoint of adult capture spring period of 2004 and again during both the spring occurring on Julian day 331 (23 November). In con- (F ϭ 2.09, df ϭ 12, 60; P ϭ 0.0026) and fall period (F ϭ trast, the peak period of grass sharpshooter capture at 2.09, df ϭ 7, 35; P ϭ 0.0026) of 2005. SpeciÞcally, site 3 (Kern County) was protracted over a longer temporal patterns of adult grass sharpshooter move- interval, and an estimated midpoint of adult capture ment in the late spring and early summer differed (25 October) occurred nearly 1 mo earlier than at the signiÞcantly between experimental sites in both years Fresno County sites. of the study. However, the midpoint of adult grass Results from the light trap collections revealed only sharpshooter movement, estimated from logit-trans- very small peaks, or periods of capture, during the 2004 formed cumulative proportions captured, did not dif- sampling year. In contrast, comparatively high rates of fer among experimental sites in 2004 or 2005 with an capture, and presumably dispersal, occurred in 2005 estimated average midpoint of Julian day 192 (11 July) among all of the three experimental sites (Fig. 5). In and day 169 (18 June), respectively. Between years of 2005, peak capture at site 1 (Fresno County) occurred the study, the estimated midpoints varied by just over on Julian day 201 (20 July), whereas the remaining two 3 wk (23 d). During fall 2004 and 2005, adult grass test locations reported peak periods of collection 15 sharpshooters dispersal occurred over a more discrete and 30 d later for site 2 (Fresno County) and site 3 interval of time. The greatest proportion of adult grass (Kern County), respectively. Moreover, the magni- sharpshooter movement at the site 1 location in tude of the peak at site 1 was nearly 10- and 5-fold 1110 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 101, no. 4

Fig. 3. Mean numbers (ϮSEM) of adult grass sharpshooter captured on suspended mesh traps in three locations: site 1 (Fresno County) (A), site 2 (Fresno County) (B), and site 3 (Kern County) (C) during the 2-yr interval from January 2004 to January 2006. higher than the peaks observed at sites 2 and 3, re- were captured on 2,059 yellow sticky traps placed spectively. Very few insects were captured on the along orchard perimeters as well as along linear series of yellow sticky cards deployed within and sur- transects within test orchards over the 2-yr interval. rounding the experimental orchards. Over the course SpeciÞcally 14, 14, and 5 adult insects in total were of the entire study, 33 adult grass sharpshooters in total collected at sites 1Ð3, respectively. As a result of these

Fig. 4. Mean cumulative proportion of adult grass sharpshooter captured on suspended mesh traps placed along the perimeter of almond leaf scorch affected orchards during: summer 2004 (A), fall 2004Ð2005 (B), summer 2005 (C), and fall 2005 (D) at the three test locations: site 1 (Fresno County) (A), site 2 (Fresno County) (B), and site 3 (Kern County) (C). August 2008 CABRERA-LA ROSA ET AL.: POPULATION DYNAMICS OF D. minerva 1111

Fig. 5. Total number of grass sharpshooter captured on UV-light traps at the three experimental orchards perimeters: site 1 (Fresno County) (A), site 2 (Fresno County) (B), and site 3 (Kern County) (C) during the 2-yr interval from January 2004 to January 2006. very low totals, no analyses were performed on gascar periwinkle beginning at the time of symptom these data, and no observable trends in the timing onset (June) until leaf senescence (OctoberÐNo- or location of capture were evident (data not vember). Estimated rates of transmission efÞciency shown). varied signiÞcantly over time (F ϭ 5.75; df ϭ 9, 81; Seasonal differences in transmission efÞciency of P Ͻ 0.001) in our study with peak transmission the grass sharpshooters and glassy-winged sharp- efÞciency of X. fastidiosa observed in the mid-sea- shooters were detected using X. fastidiosa-infected son (July) followed by declining rates of transmis- almond trees as an acquisition source for the bac- sion later in the growing season. No signiÞcant terial pathogen (Fig. 6). Both insect species used in time ϫ vector species interaction was observed (F ϭ our experiments were able to transmit X. fastidiosa 0.63; df ϭ 7, 81; P ϭ 0.7291), and the mean percent- from mature, symptomatic almond trees to Mada- age of transmission efÞciency was observed to be

Fig. 6. Mean monthly transmission efÞciency (percentage Ϯ SEM) of X. fastidiosa by D. minerva (A) and H. vitripennis (B), when provided a 3-d acquisition access period on ALS-affected, mature almond trees and a 4-d inoculation access period to healthy C. roseus. 1112 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 101, no. 4 equal for both insect vector species (F ϭ 1.38; df ϭ mance is not well understood and deserves further 1, 81; P ϭ 0.2475) averaging 9.9 and 9.5% efÞciency investigation. for D. minerva and H. vitripennis, respectively. During the course of this study, large Þeld densities of grass sharpshooters were often associated with ar- eas of standing water. Daane et al. (1995) documented Discussion a similar pattern for leafhopper Erythroneura variabi- Previous reports have hypothesized that grass lis Beamer, a phloem-feeder, where the highest re- sharpshooter may not be the primary vector of almond corded population densities occurred in areas with leaf scorch in California (Purcell and Frazier 1985). reduced drainage and a higher incidence of competing Several factors should be considered when screening weed vegetation. Preferred on-plant feeding sites of for a primary vector: relative abundance of the insect grass sharpshooter are restricted to tender or succu- vector, potential of target crop infection, proportion of lent parts of the plant (Gibson 1915) in contrast to infectious insects in natural habitats, and efÞciency of glassy-winged sharpshooter, which will feed on woody transmission. Our investigation demonstrated that stems and dormant tissues (Almeida and Purcell grass sharpshooter is the most abundant insect vector 2003). Temporal presence of these succulent tissues in pastures neighboring almond orchards. Adult grass may also be a factor that inßuences grass sharpshooter sharpshooters also move into almond orchards and population dynamics in these irrigated forage pasture along their perimeters throughout the growing season. habitats. A proportion of dispersing grass sharpshooters are The overall goal of this project was to increase our potentially infectious vectors carrying strains of X. understanding of the epidemiology of ALS in the cen- fastidiosa (J.C.C.-L. et al., unpublished data), and they tral and southern San Joaquin Valley of California transmit X. fastidiosa strains as efÞciently as H. vitrip- where ALS has recently emerged as a serious threat. ennis. Three of these factors ßuctuated over the sea- A primary focus of this research has been to accurately son: the natural populations of insects within their identify the natural vectors of X. fastidiosa-ALS strains breeding habitats, their movement patterns into al- associated with ALS. An accurate knowledge of the mond orchards, and their transmission efÞciency of X. vector species that transmit X. fastidiosa in the central fastidiosa when using almond trees as an infection and southern San Joaquin Valley, where they acquire source. This seasonality may be explained in part by the pathogen, when they move into orchards, and the interactive effects of weather conditions, ßuctu- when they spread the pathogen to almonds is critical ations in the quality of the food source, availability of to understanding the epidemiology of this disease. more suitable feeding sites, and seasonality of bacterial population in planta. Previous studies identiÞed rainfall as a signiÞcant Acknowledgments potential environmental factor that has the most pro- nounced inßuence on PD spread. The more pro- We thank Beth Rutledge, Pat Dwyer, Ryan Groft, Andy nounced peaks of grass sharpshooter dispersal from Olson, and Alex Pierce for valuable technical assistance, and their breeding habitats were shortly after a heavy rain Bruce Mackey, USDAÐPaciÞc West Area, for assistance with statistical analysis. Partial Þnancial support for this research in the areas of this study. As expected from previous was provided by the Almond Board of California under reports (Gibson 1915, Purcell and Frazier 1985), large agreement numbers 04-RG-01 and 05-RG-01 and through a grass sharpshooter populations were found breeding SpeciÞc Cooperative Agreement with the University of Cal- on irrigated pastures, especially Bermuda grass. 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