Modelling and analysis of real-time coordination patterns Kemper, S.

Citation Kemper, S. (2011, December 20). Modelling and analysis of real-time coordination patterns. IPA Dissertation Series. BOXPress BV, 2011-24. Retrieved from

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1979 Born on 20 July in Bremerhaven, Germany

1992-1999 High School (Gymnasium), Nordenham, Germany

1999-2006 Diplom (equivalent to master’s degree) in , Carl-von- Ossietzky Universit¨at,Oldenburg, Germany Major in Theoretical Computer Science Thesis title: SAT-based Verification for Abstraction Refinement

2006-2011 PhD student at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, supervised by Prof. Dr. Frank S. de Boer

2011- Scientific Staff Member, Carl-von-Ossietzky Universit¨atOldenburg, Germany



V(·) (set of all models), 58 anchored jitter, 109 ν (valuation), 9 associated labelled transition system, ν|X (restriction to clock set), 9 13 tact (actual arrival time), 109 BDD, see binary decision diagram topt (optimal arrival time), 109 binary decision diagram, 57 Time (time domain), 7 BMC, see bounded model checking •α (domain of the abstraction), 71 bounded model checking, 3, 43, 57 Atoms(·) (set of atoms), 57 completeness, 59 A (timed automaton), 12 N (timed network automaton), 30 CASM, see constraint automata with T (timed constraint automaton), 20 state memory Conts(·) (set of atoms and variables), CEGAR, see counterexample-guided ab- 57 straction refinement ⊕ (function overriding), 82 clause, 61 n⊥ (representation of ⊥), 45 clock, 8 ⊥ (no data), 10 timeshift, 9 • α|. (candidate set for refinement), 83 update, 9 dc|Q (reduced data constraint), 36 valuation, 9 D|dc (data variables used in dc), 10 clock constraint, 8 P|dc (ports used in dc), 10 convex, 9, 69 Vars(·) (set of variables), 57 diagonal, 18 \dc (removal of data constraint liter- inter-step, 49 als), 140 CNF (conjunctive normal form), 61 colouring, 29 ABP, see alternating bit protocol colours, 29 abstraction, 67 completeness of bounded model check- by merging omission, 68 ing, 59 domain, 71 completeness threshold, 59 abstraction by merging omission, 68 concretisation, 74 abstraction refinement, 67, 68 configuration action transition, 33 timed automaton, 13 active port, 10 timed constraint automaton, 22 alternating bit protocol, 104 timed network automaton, 32

155 156 INDEX conjunctive normal form, 61 locations, 45, 63 conservative approximation, 67 soundness, 129 constraint automata with state mem- timed automaton, 47 ory, 41 timed automaton product, 48 convexity, 9, 69 timed constraint automaton, 49 counterexample timed constraint automaton prod- concretisation, 74 uct, 52 spurious, 3 timed network automaton, 53 counterexample guided abstraction re- timed network automaton compo- finement, 81 sition, 56 craig interpolant, see interpolant hiding data assignment, 10 on timed constraint automata, 26 restriction, 10 inactive port, 10 data constraint, 10 inconsistent formulas, 75 reduced, 36 inter-step clock constraint, 49 data content variable, 46 internal port, 33 data domain, 10 interpolant, 76 data fullness variable, 46 prefix, 76 delayed action transition, 33 suffix, 76 derived interpretation, 132 interpretation, 57 derived run, 128 diagonal clock constraint, 18 jitter, 109 diameter, 59 anchored, 109 domain of the abstraction, 71 non-anchored, 109 joint broadcast synchronisation, 15 EA, see extensible automata framework Eclipse, 88 k-step reachability, 59 ECT (Extensible Coordination Tools), k-unfolding, 58 88 labelled transition system, 13 environmental constraints, 28 lip-synchronisation protocol, 108 extensible automata framework, 88 literal, 61 extension (in ECT), 90 localisation, 44 false negative, 67 loop-free run, 60 false positive, 67 LSP, see lip-synchronisation protocol flip rule, 35 LTS, see labelled transition system formula representation, 44 ⊥ memory cell, 19 n , 45 MO, see abstraction by merging omis- clock constraints, 44, 62 sion clocks, 44, 62 model, 58 data constraints, 46 model checking, 43 data values, 45 modularity, 2 data variables, 46 events/ports, 46 negation normal form (NNF), 68 internal port, 56 NNF, see negation normal form localisation, 44 non-anchored jitter, 109 INDEX 157 operator precedence, 8 TA, see timed automaton over-approximation, 67 TCA, see timed constraint automaton time, 7 plugin (in ECT), 90 continuous, 7 port, 10 discrete, 7 active, 10 time domain, 7 in TCA, 19 timed automaton, 2, 11, 12 in TNA, 29 configuration, 13 inactive, 10 external transition, 12 internal, 33 internal transition, 12 port activity variable, 46, 53 run, 13 port colour variable, 53 synchronisation, 15 port data variable, 46, 53 trace semantics, 14 predicate abstraction, 67 timed constraint automaton, 2, 18, 20 prefix (interpolant), 76 configuration, 22 QIA, see quantitative intentional au- formula representation, 49 tomata hiding, 26 quantitative intentional automata, 88 invisible transition, 20 run, 22 reachability, 59 trace semantics, 23 recurrence diameter, 60 visible transition, 20 reduced data constraint, 36 timed network automaton, 2, 29 refinement, 68, 81 action transition, 33 Reo, 125 configuration, 32 conversion from, 88 delayed action transition, 33 conversion to, 88 run, 32 run timeshift, 9 loop-free, 13, 22, 32, 60 TNA, see timed network automaton, timed automaton, 13 30 timed constraint automaton, 22 trace semantics timed network automaton, 32 timed automaton, 14 witness, 75 timed constraint automaton, 23

SAT solving, 43, 61 under-approximation, 67 satisfiability modulo theory, 43 unfolding depth, 58 satisfiable, 58 update, 9 scalability, 2 update map, 9 skew, 109 SMC, see symbolic model checking valuation, 9 SMT, see satisfiability modulo theory restriction, 9 spurious counterexample, 3, 67, 74 witness run, 75 suffix (interpolant), 76 symbolic model checking, 57 synchronisation binary, 17 joint broadcast, 15 timed automaton, 15


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Faculty ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, ence, RU. 2006-16 UL. 2006-05 V. Sundramoorthy. At Home In Ser- M. Hendriks. Model Checking Timed vice Discovery. Faculty of Electrical Automata - Techniques and Applica- Engineering, Mathematics & Computer tions. Faculty of Science, Mathematics Science, UT. 2006-17 and Computer Science, RU. 2006-06 B. Gebremichael. Expressivity of J. Ketema. B¨ohm-Like Trees for Timed Automata Models. Faculty of Rewriting. Faculty of Sciences, Science, Mathematics and Computer VUA. 2006-07 Science, RU. 2006-18 L.C.M. van Gool. Formalising M.W.A. Streppel. Multifunctional Interface Specifications. Faculty of Geometric Data Structures. Faculty Mathematics and Computer Science, of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2006-19 TU/e. 2007-07 C.J.F. Cremers. Scyther - Semantics N. Trˇcka. Silent Steps in Transition and Verification of Security Protocols. Systems and Markov Chains. Faculty Faculty of Mathematics and Computer of Mathematics and Computer Science, Science, TU/e. 2006-20 TU/e. 2007-08 J.V. Guillen Scholten. Mobile Chan- R. Brinkman. Searching in encrypted nels for Exogenous Coordination of Dis- data. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- tributed Systems: Semantics, Imple- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, mentation and Composition. Faculty UT. 2007-09 of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, A. van Weelden. Putting types UL. 2006-21 to good use. Faculty of Science, H.A. de Jong. Flexible Heterogeneous Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Systems. Faculty of Natural RU. 2007-10 Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer J.A.R. Noppen. Imperfect Infor- Science, UvA. 2007-01 mation in Software Development Pro- N.K. Kavaldjiev. A run-time recon- cesses. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- figurable Network-on-Chip for stream- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, ing DSP applications. Faculty of UT. 2007-11 Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & R. Boumen. Integration and Test Computer Science, UT. 2007-02 plans for Complex Manufacturing Sys- M. van Veelen. Considerations tems. Faculty of Mechanical Engineer- on Modeling for Early Detection of ing, TU/e. 2007-12 Abnormalities in Locally Autonomous A.J. Wijs. What to do Next?: Distributed Systems. Faculty of Analysing and Optimising System Be- Mathematics and Computing Sciences, haviour in Time. Faculty of Sciences, RUG. 2007-03 Division of Mathematics and Computer T.D. Vu. Semantics and Applications Science, VUA. 2007-13 of Process and Program Algebra. Fac- C.F.J. Lange. Assessing and Improv- ulty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, ing the Quality of Modeling: A Series of and Computer Science, UvA. 2007-04 Empirical Studies about the UML. Fac- ulty of Mathematics and Computer Sci- L. Brand´anBriones. Theories for ence, TU/e. 2007-14 Model-based Testing: Real-time and Coverage. Faculty of Electrical Engi- T. van der Storm. Component- neering, Mathematics & Computer Sci- based Configuration, Integration and ence, UT. 2007-05 Delivery. Faculty of Natural Sci- ences, Mathematics, and Computer Sci- I. Loeb. Natural Deduction: Shar- ence,UvA. 2007-15 ing by Presentation. Faculty of Sci- ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- B.S. Graaf. Model-Driven Evolu- ence, RU. 2007-06 tion of Software Architectures. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, M. Torabi Dashti. Keeping Fair- and Computer Science, TUD. 2007-16 ness Alive: Design and Formal Verifica- tion of Optimistic Fair Exchange Pro- A.H.J. Mathijssen. Logical Calculi tocols. Faculty of Sciences, Division for Reasoning with Binding. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, of Mathematics and Computer Science, VUA. 2008-07 TU/e. 2007-17 I.S.M. de Jong. Integration and Test D. Jarnikov. QoS framework for Strategies for Complex Manufacturing Video Streaming in Home Networks. Machines. Faculty of Mechanical En- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer gineering, TU/e. 2008-08 Science, TU/e. 2007-18 I. Hasuo. Tracing Anonymity with M. A. Abam. New Data Structures Coalgebras. Faculty of Science, and Algorithms for Mobile Data. Fac- Mathematics and Computer Science, ulty of Mathematics and Computer Sci- RU. 2008-09 ence, TU/e. 2007-19 L.G.W.A. Cleophas. Tree Algo- W. Pieters. La Volont´e Machi- rithms: Two Taxonomies and a Toolkit. nale: Understanding the Electronic Vot- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer ing Controversy. Faculty of Science, Science, TU/e. 2008-10 Mathematics and Computer Science, I.S. Zapreev. Model Checking Markov RU. 2008-01 Chains: Techniques and Tools. Faculty A.L. de Groot. Practical Automa- of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics ton Proofs in PVS. Faculty of Science, & Computer Science, UT. 2008-11 Mathematics and Computer Science, M. Farshi. A Theoretical and Exper- RU. 2008-02 imental Study of Geometric Networks. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer M. Bruntink. Renovation of Id- Science, TU/e. 2008-12 iomatic Crosscutting Concerns in Em- bedded Systems. Faculty of Electrical G. Gulesir. Evolvable Behavior Speci- Engineering, Mathematics, and Com- fications Using Context-Sensitive Wild- puter Science, TUD. 2008-03 cards. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, A.M. Marin. An Integrated System UT. 2008-13 to Manage Crosscutting Concerns in F.D. Garcia. Formal and Computa- Source Code. Faculty of Electrical En- tional Cryptography: Protocols, Hashes gineering, Mathematics, and Computer and Commitments. Faculty of Sci- Science, TUD. 2008-04 ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- N.C.W.M. Braspenning. Model- ence, RU. 2008-14 based Integration and Testing of P. E. A. D¨urr. Resource-based Veri- High-tech Multi-disciplinary Systems. fication for Robust Composition of As- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, pects. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- TU/e. 2008-05 ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, M. Bravenboer. Exercises in Free UT. 2008-15 Syntax: Syntax Definition, Parsing, E.M. Bortnik. Formal Methods in and Assimilation of Language Conglom- Support of SMC Design. Faculty of Me- erates. Faculty of Science, UU. 2008-06 chanical Engineering, TU/e. 2008-16 R.H. Mak. Design and Perfor- Mathematics and Computer Science, mance Analysis of Data-Independent TU/e. 2008-26 Stream Processing Systems. Faculty H. Kastenberg. Graph-Based Soft- of Mathematics and Computer Science, ware Specification and Verification. TU/e. 2008-17 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, M. van der Horst. Scalable Block Mathematics & Computer Science, Processing Algorithms. Faculty of UT. 2008-27 Mathematics and Computer Science, I.R. Buhan. Cryptographic Keys TU/e. 2008-18 from Noisy Data Theory and Applica- C.M. Gray. Algorithms for Fat Ob- tions. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- jects: Decompositions and Applications. ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer UT. 2008-28 Science, TU/e. 2008-19 R.S. Marin-Perianu. Wireless Sen- J.R. Calam´e. Testing Reactive Sys- sor Networks in Motion: Clustering Al- tems with Data - Enumerative Meth- gorithms for Service Discovery and Pro- ods and Constraint Solving. Faculty of visioning. Faculty of Electrical Engi- Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & neering, Mathematics & Computer Sci- Computer Science, UT. 2008-20 ence, UT. 2008-29 E. Mumford. Drawing Graphs for M.H.G. Verhoef. Modeling and Vali- Cartographic Applications. Faculty of dating Distributed Embedded Real-Time Mathematics and Computer Science, Control Systems. Faculty of Science, TU/e. 2008-21 Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2009-01 E.H. de Graaf. Mining Semi- structured Data, Theoretical and Ex- M. de Mol. Reasoning about Func- perimental Aspects of Pattern Evalua- tional Programs: Sparkle, a proof as- tion. Faculty of Mathematics and Nat- sistant for Clean. Faculty of Science, ural Sciences, UL. 2008-22 Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2009-02 R. Brijder. Models of Natural Compu- tation: Gene Assembly and Membrane M. Lormans. Managing Requirements Systems. Faculty of Mathematics and Evolution. Faculty of Electrical Engi- Natural Sciences, UL. 2008-23 neering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, TUD. 2009-03 A. Koprowski. Termination of Rewriting and Its Certification. Faculty M.P.W.J. van Osch. Automated of Mathematics and Computer Science, Model-based Testing of Hybrid Systems. TU/e. 2008-24 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2009-04 U. Khadim. Process Algebras for Hy- brid Systems: Comparison and Devel- H. Sozer. Architecting Fault-Tolerant opment. Faculty of Mathematics and Software Systems. Faculty of Electrical Computer Science, TU/e. 2008-25 Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science, UT. 2009-05 J. Markovski. Real and Stochas- tic Time in Process Algebras for Per- M.J. van Weerdenburg. Effi- formance Evaluation. Faculty of cient Rewriting Techniques. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, M.R. Czenko. TuLiP - Reshaping TU/e. 2009-06 Trust Management. Faculty of Electri- cal Engineering, Mathematics & Com- H.H. Hansen. Coalgebraic Modelling: puter Science, UT. 2009-16 Applications in Automata Theory and Modal Logic. Faculty of Sciences, Divi- T. Chen. Clocks, Dice and Pro- sion of Mathematics and Computer Sci- cesses. Faculty of Sciences, Division ence, VUA. 2009-07 of Mathematics and Computer Science, VUA. 2009-17 A. Mesbah. Analysis and Testing of Ajax-based Single-page Web Applica- C. Kaliszyk. Correctness and Avail- tions. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- ability: Building Computer Algebra on ing, Mathematics, and Computer Sci- top of Proof Assistants and making ence, TUD. 2009-08 Proof Assistants available over the Web. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and A.L. Rodriguez Yakushev. Towards Computer Science, RU. 2009-18 Getting Generic Programming Ready for Prime Time. Faculty of Science, R.S.S. O’Connor. Incompleteness & UU. 2009-9 Completeness: Formalizing Logic and Analysis in Type Theory. Faculty of Sci- K.R. Olmos Joffr´e. Strategies for ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- Context Sensitive Program Transforma- ence, RU. 2009-19 tion. Faculty of Science, UU. 2009-10 B. Ploeger. Improved Verification J.A.G.M. van den Berg. Reason- Methods for Concurrent Systems. Fac- ing about Java programs in PVS using ulty of Mathematics and Computer Sci- JML. Faculty of Science, Mathematics ence, TU/e. 2009-20 and Computer Science, RU. 2009-11 T. Han. Diagnosis, Synthesis M.G. Khatib. MEMS-Based Stor- and Analysis of Probabilistic Mod- age Devices. Integration in Energy- els. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- Constrained Mobile Systems. Faculty of ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & UT. 2009-21 Computer Science, UT. 2009-12 R. Li. Mixed-Integer Evolution Strate- S.G.M. Cornelissen. Evaluating Dy- gies for Parameter Optimization and namic Analysis Techniques for Program Their Applications to Medical Image Comprehension. Faculty of Electrical Analysis. Faculty of Mathematics and Engineering, Mathematics, and Com- Natural Sciences, UL. 2009-22 puter Science, TUD. 2009-13 J.H.P. Kwisthout. The Computa- D. Bolzoni. Revisiting Anomaly- tional Complexity of Probabilistic Net- based Network Intrusion Detection Sys- works. Faculty of Science, UU. 2009-23 tems. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, T.K. Cocx. Algorithmic Tools for UT. 2009-14 Data-Oriented Law Enforcement. Fac- ulty of Mathematics and Natural Sci- H.L. Jonker. Security Matters: Pri- ences, UL. 2009-24 vacy in Voting and Fairness in Digital Exchange. Faculty of Mathematics and A.I. Baars. Embedded Compilers. Fac- Computer Science, TU/e. 2009-15 ulty of Science, UU. 2009-25 M.A.C. Dekker. Flexible Access Con- J.S. de Bruin. Service-Oriented Dis- trol for Dynamic Collaborative Environ- covery of Knowledge - Foundations, Im- ments. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- plementations and Applications. Fac- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, ulty of Mathematics and Natural Sci- UT. 2009-26 ences, UL. 2010-09 J.F.J. Laros. Metrics and Visualisa- D. Costa. Formal Models for Compo- tion for Crime Analysis and Genomics. nent Connectors. Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Division of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, UL. 2009-27 Science, VUA. 2010-10 C.J. Boogerd. Focusing Automatic M.M. Jaghoori. Time at Your Ser- Code Inspections. Faculty of Electrical vice: Schedulability Analysis of Real- Engineering, Mathematics, and Com- Time and Distributed Services. Faculty puter Science, TUD. 2010-01 of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL. 2010-11 M.R. Neuh¨außer. Model Checking Nondeterministic and Randomly Timed R. Bakhshi. Gossiping Models: For- Systems. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- mal Analysis of Epidemic Protocols. ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Department of UT. 2010-02 Computer Science, VUA. 2011-01 B.J. Arnoldus. An Illumination of J. Endrullis. Termination and Pro- the Template Enigma: Software Code ductivity. Faculty of Sciences, Division Generation with Templates. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, of Mathematics and Computer Science, VUA. 2010-03 TU/e. 2011-02 T. Staijen. Graph-Based Specification E. Zambon. Towards Optimal IT and Verification for Aspect-Oriented Availability Planning: Methods and Languages. Faculty of Electrical Engi- Tools. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- neering, Mathematics & Computer Sci- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, ence, UT. 2010-04 UT. 2011-03 Y. Wang. Epistemic Modelling and L. Astefanoaei. An Executable The- Protocol Dynamics. Faculty of Science, ory of Multi-Agent Systems Refinement. UvA. 2010-05 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural J.K. Berendsen. Abstraction, Prices Sciences, UL. 2011-04 and Probability in Model Checking J. Proen¸ca. Synchronous coordina- Timed Automata. Faculty of Science, tion of distributed components. Faculty Mathematics and Computer Science, of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, RU. 2010-06 UL. 2011-05 A. Nugroho. The Effects of UML A. Moralı. IT Architecture-Based Modeling on the Quality of Software. Confidentiality Risk Assessment in Net- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural works of Organizations. Faculty of Sciences, UL. 2010-07 Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & A. Silva. Kleene Coalgebra. Faculty Computer Science, UT. 2011-06 of Science, Mathematics and Computer M. van der Bijl. On changing mod- Science, RU. 2010-08 els in Model-Based Testing. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & C.P. Tsirogiannis. Analysis of Flow Computer Science, UT. 2011-07 and Visibility on Triangulated Terrains. C. Krause. Reconfigurable Component Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Connectors. Faculty of Mathematics Science, TU/e. 2011-16 and Natural Sciences, UL. 2011-08 Y.-J. Moon. Stochastic Models for M.E. Andr´es. Quantitative Analysis Quality of Service of Component Con- of Information Leakage in Probabilistic nectors. Faculty of Mathematics and and Nondeterministic Systems. Faculty Natural Sciences, UL. 2011-17 of Science, Mathematics and Computer R. Middelkoop. Capturing and Ex- Science, RU. 2011-09 ploiting Abstract Views of States in OO M. Atif. Formal Modeling and Verifi- Verification. Faculty of Mathematics cation of Distributed Failure Detectors. and Computer Science, TU/e. 2011-18 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2011-10 M.F. van Amstel. Assessing and Im- proving the Quality of Model Transfor- P.J.A. van Tilburg. From Com- mations. Faculty of Mathematics and putability to Executability – A process- Computer Science, TU/e. 2011-19 theoretic view on automata theory. Fac- ulty of Mathematics and Computer Sci- A.N. Tamalet. Towards Correct Pro- ence, TU/e. 2011-11 grams in Practice. Faculty of Sci- Z. Protic. Configuration manage- ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- ment for models: Generic methods ence, RU. 2011-20 for model comparison and model co- H.J.S. Basten. Ambiguity Detection evolution. Faculty of Mathematics and for Programming Language Grammars. Computer Science, TU/e. 2011-12 Faculty of Science, UvA. 2011-21 S. Georgievska. Probability and Hid- M. Izadi. Model Checking of Compo- ing in Concurrent Processes. Faculty nent Connectors. Faculty of Mathemat- of Mathematics and Computer Science, ics and Natural Sciences, UL. 2011-22 TU/e. 2011-13 S. Malakuti. Event Composition L.C.L. Kats. Building Blocks for Lan- Model: Achieving Naturalness in Run- guage Workbenches. Faculty of Elec- time Enforcement. Faculty of Electrical trical Engineering, Mathematics, and Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Computer Science, TUD. 2011-23 Science, UT. 2011-14 S. Kemper. Modelling and Analysis of M. Raffelsieper. Cell Libraries and Real-Time Coordination Patterns. Fac- Verification. Faculty of Mathematics ulty of Mathematics and Natural Sci- and Computer Science, TU/e. 2011-15 ences, UL. 2011-24