Made by Angela B. Giada C. Giacomo P. e Andrea G. THE FILM’S PLOT CIVIC


The Mad Idea of the Superiority of a Race Theories based on the assumption that humanity is divided into biologically superior and inferior races are said to be racist. HISTORY THE NAZISM

National Socialism was an ideology characterized by a nationalist vision of radical socialism, populist , statist, collectivist, racist and totalitarian. It was born immediately after the First World War in Germany. Berlin was the capital of this country, so the city with the biggest diffusion of racial ideas and rights: the most controlled from this point of view. THE ASSUMPTION OF THE POWER • On January 30 1933 the Nazis with torchlight processions through the Brandenburg Gate celebrating the “Conquest Day”. On April 1, the Berlin City Council met and then Adolf Hitler was declared as "Supreme Commander" of Germany. NAZI SPORTS

The Nazis claim to control all aspects of German life also extended to sports to promote the myth of “Aryan” racial superiority and physical prowess. PHYSICAL


The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia, Greece and they were repeated every 4 years for 12 centuries. Forty-nine athletic teams from around the world competed in the Berlin Olympics, more than in any previous Olympics. ART THE SYMBOL OF OLYMPICS

Each colour of these five woven rings corresponds to a continent: OCEANIA, ASIA, AFRICA, EUROPE, AMERICA. They are intertwined like the States that, during the Olympic Games, are united. GEOGRAPHY BERLIN

Berlin is the capital of Germany since a lot of time: here were held the Olympic Games in 1936. ITALIAN AND


Italy took part to these Olympic Games with 182 athlets, like Ondina Valla, Annibale Frossi, Alfredo Foni, Franceso Gabriotti, , Libero Marchini, Luigi Scarabello, Achille Piccini. France took part to these Olympic Games with 201 athlets. MUSIC AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM

The anthem is dedicated to the flag of the United States of America and the lyrics are taken from the poem "The defence of Fort Mchenry" by Francis Scott Key (1864). SCIENCE THE MUSCLES

The muscles of the human body: work the skeletal system, are under voluntary control and are concerned with movement, posture, and balance. They’re often divided into striated muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle. TECHNOLOGY RUNNING SHOES OF JESSE OWENS

The “first specimens" of sports footwear, were the feet themselves, but then was discovered that to run without getting hurt, people had to wear something and were invented the running shoes. These are Jesse Owens’ shoes during the Olympic Games: THE END