Brownhills Gazette Issue 58 July 1994
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BROWNHILLS ISSUEN0.58 DISTRIBUTED TO OVER JULY 1994 6,000 HOUSEHOLDS AND 25p WHEN SOLD BUSINESSES MONTHLY Amazing feat in L.A. - but dragging feet in Clayhanger Back in November the state highways were torn apart as at least 18 months to repair the tion of all the damaged highways. American city of Los Angeles suf flyovers collapsed like a pack of damage. Amazing ly, 6 months Mean while, work on the canal fered its biggest earthquake for cards and traffic was disrupted later, 12 months ahead of schedule bridge spanning 6 feet of water in many years resulting in damage to over a wide area. Conservative an astonishing feat of engineering Clayhanger, goes on, and on, and build ings and roads . Main inter- estimates were that it would take and planning has seen the restora- on ......... .. MP Campaigns to get B.N.N.R. report published Richard Shepherd, MP for Aldridge and Brownhills North, has ter to Sir John Fitzpatrick at the Highways Agency in Birmingham, secured an Ombudsman's investigation into the Government's he highlights a number of points favouring a route a long the refusal to publish the Inspector's Report from the 1988 inquiry into Northe rn s hore of Chasewater rather than the Southern shore. the Relief Road. He said, "Because I have been refused a copy of the Among these were the need for a bypass to alleviate traffic conges report over a number of years I was pleased to submit another tion in Brownhills, the number of homes that would have to be reques t. Even though this was again refused I am hopeful that the demolished and the serious en vironmental consequences of the pro Ombudsman, Mr William Reid, w ill support my view that the report posed route. He goes on to point out that the refusal to publish the ought to be published." 1988 report has, in his opinion, severely handicapped local action He has also made his views known to the Public Enquiry into the g roups who ra rely have access to s ufficient funds or resources to proposed route w hich began in Walsall on the 21st of June. In a let- promote alternative routes. BEDS - CHINESE RUGS - HEADBOARDS - CUSHION FLOOR - CARPETS - RUGS - REMNANTS - UNDERLAY 4'6" DIVAN Complete with headboard pillows, duvet & all year round OVERLOCKING & FRINGING SERVICE AVAILABLE Bathroom carpet rolls @ £5.75 sq yd INTEREST FREE CREDIT SUBJECT TO STATUS - Details on request 3' Divans from £89 Cushion floor from £3.99 sq yd FREE ESTIMATES and samples to your own home. FREE FITTING. Carpets from £1.50 sq yd BEDS BY: DORLUX, SPRUNG Large selection of remnants & roll FREE DELIVERY & DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD BED lines cut to size required SLUMBER, CUMFILUX 60 HIGH STREET, BROWNHILLS. 100's of rugs in stock, including AXMINSTER CARPETS FROM Chinese, Tumbletwist. CARPETS OF WORTH TEL: 0543 371405 Sheepskin - fluffy rugs. 2 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JULY 1994 BROWN HILLS 'Friends of the Earth protesters prepare for long motorway battle' EDITORIAL At the opening of the Pu blic They demonstrated their deter C a m paig n said: 'The Public has Articles and photographs to Inquiry into the pro posed mina tion to fig ht a vigorous cam clearly shown its opposition to the be considered for Birmingham Northern Relief Road paign to stop the 27 mile toll road, BNRR. We do n ' t wa nt a n M25 on June 21, Friends of the Ea rth which, along w ith the-Birmingham round t he Mid lan d s, w e don' t publication should be sent activists and loca l peop le fro m Westen Orbital, comprises the want the pollution, the destruction to The Editor, around the region gathered outside la rgest new motorw ay system in of our countryside or the conges Brownhills Gazette, the Inquiry venue (The Centra l the country. tion it w ill cause. This is just the clo Baker Bond, Hall Methodist Church, Walsall) to Gerald Kells of Friends of the beginning of a battle we intend to 183 High Street, Brownhills show their opposition to the road. Ea rth West Mid lands Transport win' WS86HW Advertising Calling all young anglers 0543 452840/1 or 0217896768 If you would like to p ick up expertise at the same time. away empty handed. The dates som e really useful tips this England Interna tional Angler, are as follows, 10th, 17th, 24th and Summer make a date in your diary Dave Berrow, will be on hand to 31st of Augus t a nd parents are Group Editor for some exciting events taking give help and advice as well as a asked to meet with their child ren Rosalie Bott place in Brownhills. Fletcher's number of local match fishermen. behind the Market at 9.30 a.m. on 0217896855 Tackle Sho p have s ponsored four Anyone else w ho wants to lend a the day and to pick them.up at 3.30 fishing matches for youngsters on hand will be most welcome. The p.m. Gazette Series the Tesco's le n g th of the canal. cost for each day will be SO pence Anyone who would like more Sheldon/South Yardley, The water, which is owne d by and this will go towards the pur de tails can ring Steve Thomas on Hodge Hill, Fletcher's, has been made available chase of p rize vouch e rs for the Bro wnhills 277825 or call in to Castle Bromwich, free of charge to enable boys and winners, it's hoped tha t with suffi Fle tche r 's Tackle on the High Chelmsley Wood, girls to compete and pick up some cient support that no-one will go Street. Coleshill/Water Orton, Brownhills, Harborne, Bearwood/Warley Busy season for Shire Oak Brass Band and Pelsall On Saturday the 18th of June the Summer Fete. It was the fi rst ti me school o n a number of occasions Monthly Gazette Series Brass Band entertained the crowds that the band had visited this event d uring the Christmas Schoolabout Circulation 67,500 at the R;:idl eys Junior School although they had been to the season. The fete was o pened by Richa rd Shepherd MP and every Publishers one en joyed th e two se ssions Baker Bond CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE played by the band during the (Printing & Publishing) Ltd All advertisements are accepted subject to approval of copy. The publishers a fternoon. The school choir also P.O. Box 1 reserve the right to cancel or refuse to accept any order without giving an explana provided some perfect singing that tion. delighted the a ud ience. Even 183 High Street, Whilst every care will be taken during compilation and printing, the publishers though it is near the end of term the shall not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failure of an advertisement to Brownhills, Walsall, band has had a very busy schedule West Midlands WS8 6HW appear or any damage or inconvenience caused by errors, omissions and misprints. No guarantee can be given that an advertisement will appear on a specified playing at a number of fetes and date or in any particular position, although every effort will be made to meet the they a lso appeared at the Pelsall advertisers requirements. Millennium C arnival. An end of Cancellations for display advertisements must be received by the publishers in term concert took place on the 20th DEADLINES writing and not less than 7 days prior to copy date, and in the case of classified of July and featured the choir from August adver tisements 2 days prior to copy date. Cancellation by telephone will not be accepted. S t John's C h urch of England Copy Deadline: 12/8/94 Credits will only be issued for that part of the advertisement which is incorrect Scho ol, conducte d by Mrs K. Published '. 24/8/94 and a full credit will not be issued unless the publisher accepts that the error was Hammond. Shire Oak Brass Band such that all response to the advertisement would be affected. will support any venture, if you September Box numbers are available for the receipt of bona fide replies only and must would like to enlist their help for a Copy Deadline: 13/9/94 not be used for trade canvassing matter. Liability is not accepted for loss or incon venience due to delay on forwarding replies. fu ture event p lease contact Mrs Published : 23/9/94 Terms of payment Ne tt: 30 Days: Smith on Brownhills 452518. SILVER COURT omCIANS FOR ALL YOUR OPTICAL REQUIREMENTS e BU DGET FRAM ES e LARGE SELECTI ON OF FAS HION FRAMES e SAF ETY SPEC TACL ES e CON TACT LE NSES e HEARIN G AID SER VICE e HEA RING AID BATTER IES CALL JN OR TELEPHONE FOR DETAILS BRYAN w. SEAMAN (F.F.D.O.) 17 SILVER COURT, HIGH STREET , BROWNHILLS. TEL. 0543 372504 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, JULY 1994 3 CRIME BULLETIN Burglaries a t houses were was again stolen from Hednesford down this month and occurred at Road. Watling Street and Tamworth With regard to the youth who Close, Brownhills, Rose Drive and was attacked and robbed by three Church Street, Clayhanger. The West Indian males, we are s till burglar at the Church Street break appealing for witnesses. If you in was detained by the household have any information or saw any er himself. Property was stolen thing suspicious please ring 0543 Ken Benton from a garage in Shannan Drive.