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Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-27-1906 Tucumcari News, 10-27-1906 The ucT umcari Print. Co.

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Volume 2. No. i TUCUriCARl, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27 1906. Subscription $1.00 a year.

the Dawson, the Santa Fe Central, QUAY 'S REPUBLICAN TICKET the Farmington branch of the Den- ver & Railroad and other lines. Something About the Candidates That Stand for Good Government

REGISTER. TO DAY AND have seen nothing more accurate VOTE NOVEMBER. SIXTH than that given by the Santa Fe New Mexican in its issue of Oct. The Nkws will this issue, as 22, and we arc going to give it in full. New Mexican previously stated, say something here The says: "It is a remarkable record about the republican ticket. We that delegate W. II. Andrews made want the patrons of this paper to in congress and in , a understand who the republican record that stands unequaled by candidates are and something o f any of his predecessors and that what they can do and propose to do sets a standard which it will be dif ficult for any successor to reach. if elected by the suffrage of the peo- He missed only one day while con- congressional ple. Our candidate, gress was in session and that on Hon. W. H. Andrews, has been occount of illness. When it is re- before the people of New Mexico membered that during this time since the campaign of 1904 and there were many demands upon every body knows something of him of a persqnal nature, so press- his public career, particularly as it ing as to be imperative, his faith- fulness to his constituents is the relates to the affairs of New Mex- more significant. Nor was delegate ico. Fie has made an able and Andrews a mere idle spectator. worthy representative, of the people The doorkeepers of both houses. and the interests of the territory said more than once, that delegate

HON. N. V. GALLEGOS, Republican Candidate for Representative

many a chairman ol important Greatest of all, however, was the committees, all ihe more signifi- part he played in securing for New cant because he did not have a vote Mexico and the passage of and is not an .eloquent man. In the Hamilton Statehood Enabling fact, he had no time making beau- Act. The fierce fight over this tiful speeches before committees or bill, the confidence of its opponents for insertion in the congressional that it would be defeated, are well record. He was too busy in the remembered. But it is not so well work for New Mexico. known that it was the diplomacy, Delegate Andrews introduced seven- the energy, the "never say die" ty-seven bills and presented be- spirit of delegate Andrews that tween fifty and sixty petitions, l ie saved the day for statehood, and secured 416 pensions, more than all more than that he secured for .the his predecessors together. Me had new state the most magnificent do- passed seven private pension bills, nations of lands and money that although the share tacitly allotted were ever bestowed upon a com- to each representative is only three monwealth. or four. Me secured for a New Among other measures that he Mexico boy, James Chaves, adopt- secured for New Mexico was an ap- ed son of the grand old man, J. propriation to establish a fish cul-

a Gal-lina- Franco Chaves, position at the ture station at Trout Springs, s Capitol. During the four years Canon, San Miguel county. preceding the term of delegate To amend section one nnd ten of Andrews, only two private pension an act of congress approved June bills from New Mexico were pass- 21, 1898, to make certain grants of to legislation secured HON. W. H. ANDREWS, Republican Candidate for Representative. ed and as the land to the Territory of New Mex- it was insignificant compared with ico and for other purposes, permit-in- g demand that he be returned to con- Andrews was as busy a man as delegate Andrews' work. II . the leasing of more than one gress in order that the work laid there was in either house and that brought about the establishment of section of territorial lands. out bv him may hf successfully he knew more about what was go- 78 postoffices, numerous post He has pending in the committee As to . the record of ing on and was a greater factor in routes and of concluded. Continued on patfe (our. our worthy delegate in congress we legislation of national import than over the El Paso & Southwestern, Hoc, total G5 DELINQVENT TAX LIST. tyi 85 cost 39 J. L. Sanchez w sw ), sec 15 tp 711 r 2H0, nji nw'A s 22 t 7 nr 28 e; lot 4 blk 21 AMOUNTS OVKR $25.00. T T it I Co taxes last half year 1905 7 13 Top Notch Ouav County, Ni:v Mnsico. penalty 36c cost 550 total 8 04 personal Store etc taxes 20 i And Notice of Application for property sheep 73 penalty 04 Judgment and Sale Under costs 5, total 22 12 E. HcCARGAR, Prop. Judgment, for the Year Townsend it Co. F A all taxes for 1905 1905 personal property horses etc taxes 4G 78, panalty 31 costs 70, total .jg 82. Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Books In accordances wiln Chaptor twenty-tw- Tucumcari Water Ice & Power Co taxes of the Laws of the Thirty third Legislative Magazines, Daily Papers, Notions, Groceries. on lots to-- i blk .). T T it I co year Assembly of the TVrtitory of New Mexico penalty 2 cost total Main Phone 53 Tucumcari and amendments thereto. I. Donald Stew- "105 49 95 50 70c 53 is Street personal property taxes 11G penalty 1 I art, Treasurer and Collector of 55 5 83 cost 1 20 total 58, total taxes the County of Quay, in the Territory of 123 123 58 New Mexico, do hereby make, certify and Union Telegraph co. personal publish the following notice and list of tax- property, taxes for 1905, 97.31, penalty es amountimj to not less than $25.00, pay 4. 87, cost 70c, taxes 102.88. able in said county and delinquent on the I'KECINCT TWO. WHITE FRONT RESTAURANT first day of December 1905 and the first Mrs L A Nance all taxes for 05, person- day of Juno lyoG tno same being hereafter al property and horses taxes 90 03 set forth by precincts, and containing the penalty 4 50 costs 70 total 95 x c.--t.t- -. : ,1 23. ni i 1ri o iTiuntuya, 1., ouui.11 oiuc g names of all owners of properly upon which C II Young imp on gov land lots taxes have become delinquent, the year or 13 lot 4 blk 7Russellad lots 4 blk 28 Order--All j years for 1 Short Hours Day and Night which same are delinquent, the T T it co addition taxes 1905 34 98 pen- amount of taxes, the penalties and costs, alty 75 cost 2 00 total 38 73, Kegular Meals zoo. Kooms zoo and b(Jo the description of the property whereon the I'KECINCT THREE same are due, the amount of taxes, if any, l'orbes R C all taxes for 05, personal due on personal prope-M- of WOOD fc OK such party. property horses and sheep taxos 222 50, J. R. This list and notice was not made and penalty 1 13 costs 70 total 234 33. published within ninety days after the said R O Smith personal property horses and taxes became delinquent cocause of the lack cattle taxes for 1905 40 Gi penalty 2 03 of funds available to pay for advertising cost 7oc total 43 34 A A ifc A h fti. ft 1A1 A A fft A fh A rfri A Ai iA rth A A si'mo as required by law and on account Jeff Woodward personal property horses of an erroneous publication having hereto- and for 3 cattle year 1905 taxes 33 06 penal- fore been made of a part of said ROCK ISLAND EATING HOUSE list. ty G5 cost 70 total 35 41 4 Notice is hereby given that I, Donald Williams J II second half of 05 tax, per- ..BBBfcBtaB (J Stewart, Treasurer and sonal h IBbk collector property horses, cattle etc taxes 47 23 of said county of Quay, will apply to the penalty 2 3G, costs 35c, total 49 94 District court held within and for the coun- PRECINCT FOUR ty of Quay upon the next return day there ; Dining Hall Lunch Counter. Igo Walker and Chenault ne )S, sec 20, and of, on the third Saturday of Decem twp 8 r 32 1G0 acres taxes 4 25.pQn.1lty 22c ber, A. D., 1906, tor judgment against the Oysters and Fish in season cast 35c, total 4 82; personal property cat- persons, lands, real cslatc and personal tle and sheep taxes G5 95, penalty 3 24, T. S. McDER-MOT- Prop. MR.S. W. E. LIDSCOMD. Mgr. property described in the following list, to- costs 35, total 69 54. gether with costs and penalties, and for an Tafoya, Niconer all taxes for 05, person- order to sell the same to satisfy saic judg al property sheep taxes 67 8G penalty ment. 3 39, costs 70, total 71 95. And further notice is hereby civen that PRECINCT FIVE. I. Donald Stewart, treasurer and G L Lee personal property imn on irov collector of the said county of Tucumcari Townsite & Investment (o Quay will land horses and cattle taxes last half year within thirty days after the rendition of 1905 Gi 03 penalty 3 05 cost 35c total such jndgment against the pronertv de taxes G4 43 scribed in said list or any part, parcel M. or Otero, RitaS. all taxes for o. Derson.il 1 portion thereof and after havinu civen duo sheep i taxes 25 32, penalty r 27, costs 70, notice by a hand bill posted on the front total 27 29. door of the district court house in the town Washington, of I Hill all taxes for 01. per ucumcari, county of Quay, New Mex- the sonal property ico, same being the building in which cattle, taxes Go7 50, penalty m; h- - and Residence Lots For Sale u.:u court 01 me county of Ouav is 34 costs 70, total 733 98 held, at least ten days prior to the'day 0f Hittson, W II all taxes sale, of er or sale for 05, personal at publicauction in front property horses, sheep and other items, M. B. GOLDENBERG, of said buildniL'. the l ...n Agt. taxes 190 43, penalty 52, costs al property described in this notice against 9 70, total 200 65. may ue rendered for the amount JK"iof taxes, penalties and costs due PRECINCT SIX hereon cont.nuing said sa!o from day to Horse Shoe Cattle co. personal day as provided by law. property imp on gov land, horses and cattle taxes Donald Stkwakt 5 553 o penalty 27 G7 cost taxes Jreasurer and collector of 70c county, New Mexico. 5Si 77 W. F.'uuchanan J D Ortega personal property imp on gov land, horses and IMiECMNCTONli!.n,ty cattle taxes last half year J. S. KABRICH 05 27 90 penalty 1 40 cost 35c, total 29 65 Mrs Eva drowning taxes lot Lucas Oicga on iG blk 15 personal property imp on r T it 1 co year 1905, 37 00 penaltv , , gov land, horses and cattle last half ynar cost ,,oc total taxas NEW WAGON AND FEED YARD 39 25, ,,crsoiml proper(y 05 49 iG penalty 2 46 cost 35c tota ...,Ml.ws Iaxus , 5S pona, 8c 5 97 cost 70c total 2 3G L G Spitz personal property horses and All Kinds ol Feed Stuff Constantly On Hand Hughes & Co, II V second half of taxes cattle taxes ,05 "jo5, personal 92 93 penalty 4 65 cost 70c, property sheep taxee .,3 ,0 taxes 98 28 penalty 2 is costs 35 total .,G AMOUNT UNDER Mrs da 1. Love taxes lot's $25.00 on 5 hlk To I I I 35 the delinquent taxpayers co year 1905 3, known and J .,5 puimll unknown in the list cost Hoc total 33 82 below. You are hereby notified J M that I will offer Lawson taxes on lots G block 2, for sale at public auction at the Russell add.lot bk front door f jT T vMr . . of the court penalty house in Tucumcari, county of i.77 cost Soc total 3S.01 49 Quay, New Mexico on the 15th day of De- Uhif1 Flnnkn1 1 ColArt a Martinez, Sabino 40 wiiii r. iK.iiiinii ahhiiim second half of taxes cember, A. D, na of 190G, to the highest bidder 05 ne.(, 02 of nw.i ,, ! sjti, for cash all the hereinafter 49 acres; e2 of no.,, mentioned and 8w4 of ne.,, .04 n described lands, real 9 l n noe 1G0 acres estate and personal taxes 7 ., pcnuh J to cost property satisfy the amount of taxes, 35c total 8 12: nersnnni penalties, Whiskies, g horses interest and costs set opposite 2 cattle sheep, taxes 2.1 ... .1 nli each 49 X ' 3 description that are then due and un- costs 35, total 26 13 -- paid and shall 49 K- continue said from TRY THEM. s,"'th and Heirs, sale day 49 sw'. n,, to day until all of Mi twp said property has been 49 iin.r joc.lots 1 and 2 blk 29,T, sold. Co- T nxos for year , J A. B. was. n .s This list was not made and published in DAVBER, . . PROP. S ty 1. 55. cost 50c, total 3.. 13 the time required by law u, because of the .m :v ,treet taxes on lack lots ,3 ,,, ljIk of funds available to pay for advortis- - 31. c- - J'aro5 tax 37oo,pena (Continued on page 14 JUDGES OF THE ELECTION Lloyd Valley Breezes. Correspondence: ELLIS Judges of Election as Appointed h We arc having some very bad by the Board of County-Co-m weather for the time of year, I missioners. this is Monday the 22, and it is Dray and Transfer still snowing. ELECTION NOVEMBER. 6TH J. E. Erwin is quite sick from the effects of a spider bite. Prompt given all calls day or night Prect. No. i. Tucumcari. Attention Sabino Martinez, This is terrible hard weather on W. F. Buchanan, candidates they are looking a little I J.J. Pace. drawed, epecially our socialist Polling place Court House. Our Motto: "Reasonable Prices." PKoie21 This cold weather to is making 1 Prcct No. 2. Rcvuclto. by mm ml Francisco M. Esquibel. us thaw our melons out the fire Francisco Barerasi before we can cat them. Ben Comstock. C. R. Kelsay went to Tucumcari Polling place School House. Sunday after medicine for I. E. Irwin. Prcct. No. 3. Endee. Telephone Exchange Felipe Baca, W. W. Lloyd and W. F Kelsay Tucumcari Manuel Garcia, got their crops harvested before Horace E as ley. the storm. It seems they may both Polling place School Houre. hays to lease ground to stack their Put in a Phone Do it The Phone is a Time stuff as the yield is somet h i n g Saver. Ask Central Prcct. No. 4. Puerto. Now. Time is Money. Andres Domenguez, wonderful. for Trains. - Geo. Yates, B. Lloyd is running C. C. Mc- R. A. Morris. Carty's affairs in the valley while McCarty is out lectioneering for 1 B. F. HERRING, PROP. FARR HERRING, MGR. Polling place School House. the office of tax assessor. Prcct. No. 5. Dodson. B. W. Wood, We see in the last issue of the Doretego Garcia, News that our good editor has re Sam Gholson. duced the price of that paper to one dollar, which we appreciate. A. D. BERG, L. Polling place Quay Sc'l House. GOLDEN Puks. E. TAYLOR, Suit. Our pumpkin crop is short this Prcct. No. 6. Montoya. year but think we can 'pay for the Juan Ortega, paper in turnips as we have plenty E. G. Spinks, of them. TUCUMCARI Sinobio Apadoca. Plow Boy Polling place School House. have just received a car of Water, Ice Power Co. What Supports New Mexico. We wind mills Barnes & Rankin. itf I few figures which show (INCORPORATED.) Here M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH, how New Mexico supports a pop Every enterprising citizen should patronize Sunday ulation ot 275,000 people, a score Sunday School 10 A M a. local industry or nnforprisi. imMO(rK of prosperous towns, hundreds of Preaching 11 A M villages and great manufacturing Junior 3:30 I' M WIS ARB ITOKE) TO STAY, AND SOLICIT Preaching 8 P M industry. The value of agricul Wednesday in New Mexico Prayer Meeting 8 P M YOUR PATRONAGE). tural products this Friday year exceeds 20,000,000; the val- - W H M S 3 P M OUR RATES REASONABLE. of products amounts to Saturday Choir Rehearsal 7:30 P M 15.000,000; of its sheep and lambs Pastor's residence one block south and sold ,6000,000; of its. cattle sold one block cast of Post Office. JOKL F IIUOQPETH, S6,ooo,ooo: of its coal and other Pastor mineral products over S"joo,ooo; the wages distributed by the rail A. roads already constructed or un J. STREET, John F. Seaman der construction foot up $600,000, Sole 000 and there are such little inci Aent for Now has S. C. Pandolfo's dentals as the construction of vast reservoir systems, of 20,000 health seekers; ot 100,000 tourists, not to DAWSON COAL fire Insurance Agency speak of branches of stock raising. not enumerated our colonization See W. N. Troup, (he Drayman. project and of the many incidental Give Him Your Insurance occupations that go with civilized life. Territorial Resources. t Because He Has the Best A carload of plows All kinds, MONAR H I at Barnes & Rankin. itf

Knights of Pythias SALOON. Tucumcari Lodge No 29, meets every Wednesday evening Visiting brothron cordially invited , C C Davidson, C C FINE coal R L Hunter, K of R S LIQUORS and CIGARS. Genuine Colorado Screened Nut Coal. A. F. & A. M. Tucumcari Lodge No. 27. Day Phone 37 Meets every first and third Monday in H. M. SMITH a CO., L. E. TAYLOR each month, Visiting brothers invited. t Night Phone 46 TUCUMCARI, : N. M. II. II. Hargis, W. M. J J. Q. Adams, Sec. QUAY COUNTY party that should the people send Clothing and UryOoods store in Quay County." t him to the constitutional conven- "Thrnnlv exclusive REPUBLICAN TICKET t tion that he will be an able servant Continued From Pago One of the people. Hon. M. C De Baca, the nomi- Received! for Just on claims a bill to authorize the nee of Guadalupe and Quay, payment of 5,000 to the widow of the council, district of San Miguel, the late Tranquilino Luna, in full Guadalupe and Quay, is also a Up-to-Da- te! for his contest expenses in the con- veteran in the service of the repub I tested election case of Manzanares lican party and enjoys the confi- against Luna. dence and respect of a constituency I He has secured the promise of that d.isires to reward his labors JLsttlies Coats, support from his friends for a bill in the House of the Territorial Misses Coats, now pending to pay the railroad Assembly by promoting him to the bonds issued b y Santa Fe and Council. Mr. Baca's record has Men's Overcoats, Grant counties and which with in- been prominenty mentioned in these Men's Ulsters, t terest, amounted to almost a mill- columns recently, our people know ion dollars. him and ho will have more than the Men's Craviwettes t Other important measures arc party's vote in these two counties Idailies Cravinettes ; pending and some of them will un- and if endorsed by San Miguel, - I doubtedly become law if he is re- which there is little doubt that he Prices absolutely the low- turned to congress on November 6. will be, will defeat the democratic I But this tells only of a small nominee by a tremendous majority. est considering quality ami part of the work performed by del- He is a true and tried representa- style. t egate Andrews. Not speaking of tive of the people and they are loud the immense mass of literature in their praise of his record in the The Golden Rule Cash Store, sent to his constituents, he was al- House of the last Assembly. We i ways at the beck and call of the believe he will guard carefully the "Everything for Everybody." humblest person of New Mexico; interests of Qua' and Guadalupe I he was their errand boy, who de- counties in the territorial Council. nied no request and interested him- For the House of the assembly self personally in every personal the republican party offers a young petition. From what he has done, man of this city, N. V. Gallegos, ' an be readily deduced what he will who as deputy in the office of his Whitmore & Co. do during his second in con- term brother, the probate clerk, has M. N. WHITMORE. PROP. gress, when additional experience, made many friends among the peo- more friends, a higher standing in ple. He holds the position of U. The Place to Buy your the departments as well as at the S. court commissioner and has White House and in congress will made a proficient and pains-takin- g enable him to do more for New official in both these capacities. Staple Fancy Groceries. Mexico than he accomplished Gallegos was the unanimous choice CITY HEATS-FIS- H, during the past eighteen months. of the party of this and Guadalupe ETC. If New Mexico ever needed an in- counties and is in a position to do fluential representative at Wash- something for us in case he is elec- We take your orders and ington, it is now, and who will de- ted. While he is less than thirty make prompt deliver)'.. . . ny that such a representative i s years of age he has had splendid W i 1 1 i a m H. advantages, com- Andrews the educational and OUR. PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. republican nominee for d e ing from an ancestry that has al- to the sixtieth congress? " ways been prominent in New Mex- This paper believes that it is the ico politics, knows of the ways and A A A A A A A A A a th duty of everybody in Quay coun- means of accomplishing legislation ty and incumbent upon republicans than many older better politicians. CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST NOTICE. to make their greatest effort to see He belongs to the Gallegos and that the head of the ticket is taken Sandoval families, the largest and Department of the Interior, care of. Department of the Interior, United Stales Let us watch this on the most prominent of New Mexico, his Land Office 6th of Land Office. November. father having always taken prom-Continue- d Cl.iyton, New Mexico, The republican nominee for del- on Page iG Clayton, New Mexico. Oct. 2.), 1900. Oct. 190G egate to the constitutional conven- A sufficient contest affidavit 24, having been A sufficient filed in this office by Robert W. contest affidavit having been tion, Hon. Cruz Gallegos is a na- Buy your hats of Mrs. Jowell Fisher filed in this office by contestant, against homestead entry No Vivalda C. Morris, contestant, against Homestead entry No. tive of New Mexico and a worthy and be satisfied with your purchase. 739a, made March t, 1906, for v, sw'-- Sec. 2, NJ NWtf Section 730". made Feb. 23, 1906, for NWtf and patriotic citizen and one of the Another new line in. Beautiful 11, Township Sec. Township 10' 9 Kange 30 li., by Samuel H 2., N., Iinnge 33 E , Howldin by Verne representative republicans of this patterns. Racket Store. contestce, in which it is L. Morris contestee, in which it alleged that said is alleged Samuel H. Howldin has wholly that said Verne L. Morris has section of New Mexico. He did abandoned wholly said tract; that he has changed abandoned said tract; that he has Mrs. Jones Taliaferro of White his residence changed not seek the office but when the therefrom for more than six his residence therefrom for more who months last than six Oaks, has been visiting rel- past; that said tract is not settled months since making said entry; party asked him to give it his ser- upon and that said in for cultivated by said party as tract is not settled upon and atives the past month required by cultivated by vices in this campaign he answer- aw, and that said alleged absence said party as required by law stopped over Tuesday to from and that said visit a the said land was not due to his employ- alleged absence from the ed his party's petition as he has said land was not to few days with Mrs. M. II. Koch. ment in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corns due his employment d the in the Army, Navy done in the past and got into the United States as a private soldier or Marine Corps of the officer, United States as a private e seaman or marine, during the war soldier, officer, harness. II was his party's with Spain seaman or marine during or during any other war in the war with Nvh.ch Spain or during choice two years ago for sheriff of J. P, DONAHUE the United States may be engaged. any other war in which Now therefore said parties the United State may be engaged." Said Quay county and lacked only a few are notified to parlies are Dealer in appear respond and offer, vidence touching hereby notified to appear, re- votes of being said allegation spond and offer evidence elected. He has for at n. o'clock a.m. on Jan , touching said 907. before N. V. Gallegos, U. S. at 10 o'clock a. m. on Jan. 4, 1907 many years been one of the veter- Conn before N. V. Confectionery Commissioner, at his office in Turumcnri Clallegos, U. S. Court Com- ans in his party's councils and has New Mexico, and that final hearing missioner in his office at Tucumcari, New will be Mexico, rendered a valuable service. He Tobacco, Cigars, held at ,0 o'clock a. m. on januar , and that final hearing will be held i907,before the Register at 10 o'clock a. m. on, Jan. 25, 1907 before andReceiverat the the is thoroughly in sympathy with re- Cold ,r,ce Register and Receiver at the United Drinks, MexicoS,a,CS in ( laylon- New States Land Office publican principles under- in Clayton, Now Mexico. and Fruits, Books, The said 1 he oaid contestant having, in a proper contestant having, i a affidavit, stands as well as a careful study of affidavit filed Oct. filed Oct. 5, 1906, set forth facts Magazines. Sl ,900, set fortl which show which show that after due K that after due diligence person- our industrial interests will permit diligenc , al service , sonal service of this SlL of this notice can not bo made, it t-- Notions, lite. notice can not is one what the results of dem- made, it ,s hereby hereby ordered and directed that such ordered ami d reeled ocratic supremacy would be in notice be given by due and proper publi- this Main Street. 'Phone 47 cation. ,.ot territory. It is the belief of the Howard V. Fox, Register. Kuwakij W. Fox, Register. STILL ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT the teniperatn zone, and mangos, IN FOREIGN LANDS. zapotes, chlrimollas, papayas, bread- American Farmer Learning to Do fruit, cocoanuts, nanclies, pineapples, Profitable Dairying. coffee, etc., of tho tropics. INTERESTING INFORMATION BY The map suggests tho ease and In n recent conversation with tho OUR CORRESPONDENTS. profit or railroad extension. Tho sug- writer, Prof. Fraser said that tho gested .Mexican link in the n American farmer lias not learned how system will doubtless be under to make the most out of his land and EFFORT TO RECLAIM LAND construction soon. It will be built a has not yet acquired the ability to Tew miles buck from the coast along make as much out of his cows as sonio the foothills, tapping fertile and A COW WITH A RECORD. of the European dairymen do. lie Important National Movement Begun valleys, extending back declares that It Is easily possible for in Portugal Natural Advantages Into the sierras, opening and sottllni.' Noted Member of the Guernsey Fam- tho American cow owner to make a most healthful and delightful re ily Awaiting Development in Which Has Numerous Progeny. twice as much milk and cream out of glon. The state lacks many things it as the average cow makes. This Mexican State. that are prime necessities elsewhere Glen wood Girl VI. belongs to ono Is a fourfold of the returns There is need or good roads and city of increase tho noted Guernsey families. Her Yoni an acre of laud. Improvement crusades. In many sec- niothor, Glenwood wns Imported Girl, There Is no doubt that Uio pro- tions carriages, two or four wheeled in 1SS3 her dnm in and has given birth fessor Is right and we can accom- are unknown. Enterprising automo to seven that daughters and four bulls. All plish four times as much as we aro bile builders are eager to supply this of Glenwood Girl's daughters are alive doing now and with the same gen- territory. except Glenwood Girl II., which had eral expenditure. This Is a remark- J. U. tUCIIAKDSON. to be on killed account of an Injury. able statement, but It Is ono easy to In every dairy herd is usually there prove. The average cow is a poor BAD TEETH OF SCHOOL CHIL somo cow Is a groat that deal better specimen of the bovine race, mnklng I.ISUOK. POKTt'GAL. DREN. less than 1 50 pounds of butter In a Portugal has started In on a sys- year. It is not a great stretch or tho tem or land reclamation which, if ns imagination to see every cow giving successful ns it promises to lie. must milk enough to produce at least. HO0 result in similar movements in vari- pounds of butler per year, or all cows ous parts of Europe. giving enough to bring the averago In the south of Portugal a serious up to thai point. atlenipt is being made with some On Hie other hand, it Is not an ex- chance of success to bring back Into travagant thing to believe that tho cultivation a largo tract of land. time is coming when the average; acre This country being essentially agri- PltANKFORT. CiRIl.M NY. of land t.ill produce twice as much cultural, any stops to reclaim land The result of an examination of tlu forage as at the present time. In thai has gone out of cultivation, esti- teeth of the pupils of a school al this country we hnve had such a mated at 4,:il 4,000 hectares (about Hochhelde Is very suggestive. Of tin superabundance of land that we have 10,000,000 acres), or 14 per cent, of 1,020 children examined 482 were boys fallen into tho habit of using it waste-fully- . the total area of Portugal, arc a move and 5158 girls. Tho boys had 12,82( Guernsey Cow, Glenwood Girl VI. Some of the pastures aro in In t lie right direction. defective teeth and only 2,1 1G sound the condition in which they wero Some energetic members of society ones. Only 11) of the boys had per than nil the rest, one thai is capable when tho timber was cut off. Tho in tho district or Sorpa, in combina- fectly sound sets or teeth, H97 sets of producing largo yields of milk and soil has never been turned, and tho tion with tho municipal authorities, were unlit for chewing food, with I OS fat, and at the same time gives birth wild grasses are the only ones to bo have set to work upon 100,000 acres, boys disturbances in their general to ninny strong and largo producing found. It takes a good many acres of dividing It. up into allotments of 15 condition were observed, duo to de- or animals. The of breeding lies such laud to support a cow, especially acres each and lolling it at a nominal cayed teeth. Of the teeth the thai, in the judicious use is made of in a dry summer, such as this has rent, calculated according lo the es- girls 15.717 wero found defective and the best blood in thn herd. In order been in some sections devoted to timated value of the land, which has only HI! I sound. Only 1C girls had to obtain tho best results, records dairying. ns it were, four classifications, tho perfect sets of tooth; 205 girls were must be kept of not only the amount It will require many years yet to highest quit rent being placed at suffering in their general condition in rec- consequence decayed of product yielded, but a breeding awake our cow owners to tho real $!1.20 and "the lowest at 10 cents per of teeth. 00 per ord, which should show the strong conditions as t hey exist and to com- allotment, free of local rates and The total result showed that characteristics of the animal, as well pare litem wit'- - the conditions that taxes for ten years. cent, of all the teeth examined were as tho defective; only :!5 out of 1,020 chil- weak. may exist. Could we drop some of Quite a heterogeneous of mixture dren had sound sets of teeth. In MM! Glenwood Cirl VI. Is considered ono these cow own'rs down Into the fields lias already taken possession of the best individuals of this family of Holland or Denmark, tho impres- children a poor bodily constitution of their tenements. Carpenters, was duo lo poor teeth. Tho result and her heifers are making good rec- sion might 1)0 sooner made. To do masons, doctors, chemists, barbers, ords and her bulls are producing some profitable dairying requires a wceJing shows that carles, or decay or the s''atnst losses, tailors, and even beg- teeth, has extremely noxious conse- very fine stock. These facts all show out process in our methods. Tho gars, figure in tho list. Girl was a very pre- quences. that Glenwood method that has been followed for One or the chief dlflleultles to be potent animal and she has trans- IIKMIAIU) (JUUNTHEIt. that two centuries of pasturing cows on overcome before making the allot- mitted to daughters and bulls the any may her kind of pasture nature glvo ments was to deal with tho proprie- COOPERATIVE FARMING. samo good be trait. us should abandoned. The old tary rights of bee keepers, who cen- VI. yearly rec- Glenwood Girl has a natural pasture does not produce turies ago had privileges con- average certain 2 ord of 12,184 pounds of milk; enough feed even when It It Is not ferred upon them whereby they did of lest, 4.69 per cent., and 572 pounds overstocked, and It is frequently so a thriving irado In honey and wax. 087 pounds of but- will not fat, equivalent to badly overstocked that it This trade has In later limes dimin- ter. produce as much ns it might. ished, owing to tho destruction of the Moral produce of tho land, chlelly by SKIMMINGS. Pi HALF STALL FOR COWS. firing when portions thereof were cleared lor wheat and other cereals. American farmers should feed more Arrangement Which Some Dairymen Matters have been amicably settled SKVIT.T.rc. SPAIN'. bran. Prefer to Old-Styl- e Stalls. for the bee keepers and tho embryo Cooperative farming In Tho hand separator is now very pop- associations agriculturists. Tho success of the Germany are interesting the Spanish ular and prolltable. Where a dairyman desires to use a scheme as far as it has gone has dairy cow is a great factor in cow's stall witli a half people. The stanchion and stirred tho ambition of the resi- ovcry civilized country. partition, the accompanying illustra- At tho close of 1005, 17,102 coopera- dents In a largo part of tho north of In If a man would have a first-clas- s tion will furnish a suggestion that tive farming associations existed Portugal, whore a project on similar I may com- he German empire, comprising a herd of cows he should raise them be valuable. Somo have linos Is being set on foot to bring himself. plained of tho danger of cows step- - membership of over 1,000,000 farm- back into cultivation something llko ers; 10,2:10 of the above number of The pioneer always finds the cow half a million acres. a great help in obtaining food in an associations wero confederated. Out unsettled country. K. II. KINCIIANT. of tho 0,411 associations operating In A cow should not alway? bo judged Prussia 0,050 facilitated credits to by what she is doing, but by what RESOURCEFUL MEXICAN STATE. farmers, 770 attended to the supply she might do if given a proper chance. and demand, and 1.72S to dairying. Tho average of our cows is too low In Uavarln 2,151;! of the 0,294 associa- in quality. Wo can Improve It by tions dedicated their work to furnish- continually disposing of tho poorest. ing credits to agricultural undertak- Many a calf that would mako a ings, 2:4 to supply and demand, 217 valuable cow Is sent to tho butcher to dairying, and 200 lo various other because tho owner could sell his milk purposes, all. however, foster! n; at a good price. mutual assistance to husbandmen nnd Cow Stalls with Half Partitions, thus redounding to their benefit. Selling Butter and Cheese. ping on each other with tho half par- - 'JALA PA, MKXICO. Tho cooperative associations of ' When a farmer sells butter his loss tltlon, but such accidents occur in ex-- ' This region is rich In resources and credit expend loans amounting to, on In fertility does not exceed SO renin ceptlonul cases only. Tho standing full of promise. tho average, front $71,410,000 to per ton. The butter is mostly carbon-nceou- s room for the cow varies according to Tho State of is now of annually. In 1905 the coopera- and hence of little value as the size of the animal, says l'rairlo great interest to foreigners nnd will tive bodies for the creation of demand plant food. Mill if lie sells cheese the Farmer, but there should be siiinciont bo for years to come. It includes purchased fertilizers, forage, seed, loss of fertility is $20 per ion. because space so thai (he cow will not bo both temperate and tropical zones coal and other items amounting t cheese is largely composed of nitro- obliged to step hack into the gulter, and extends from the gulf coast to it $12,002,500. On the other hand, tho genous and mineral elements. and al tin same time have space lim- mountain elevation of 10,000 feet. centers of supply and dairying, which, ited so (hat the droppings will read-- i Thus soil and climate are varied. In a comparatively short t line, havu The farmer who now selects and My fall Into the gutter. For medium Tho markets of .lalapa, 4,000 foot .enteto.l a career of great prosperity, saves seod corn, and lakes gocd care lo large cows about Hvo and one half high, have In season apples, , realized over $905,000 on their trans of It, hat; laid the fcuudatlon of a good feel from the standing space is pears, quinces, plums, grapoa, actious. crop next year. Farm Journal. oranges, lemons, figs, melons, etc., of CHAttLES KAHMINsiSCI. debt and restored them to commer- THE QUAY COUNTY He stands by the principles of the frage. which cial activity. Republican party as advocated by 7. The Civil Rights Act, REPUBLICAN PLATFORM equal 22. The establishment of the r; all persons the Preemont the path-finde- Lin- xtended to gold standard which placed our We, the Republicans of Quay coln the emancipator; Grant the protection of the laws. monetary system on a stable basis county, in convention assembled, soldier; Garfield -- the statesman; S. All existing laws for the pay and in harmony with the great na- our faith in, and our al- McKinle- y- the advance agent of ment of pensions to veterans of tions of . legiance to the principles of the prosperity, Roosevelt and whose the Civil War and their surviving Republican party, which, by its qualities combine all these in such relatives. 23. Every schedule of duties half-centur- re- adopted within the past y of existence has at all a way as to make him truly a rep- 0. The liberal legislation on imports times been the safe guard of the resentative of the people; we rec- specting mineral lands, which built fifty years, in which the policy of intercstsof all the people and which ognize him as a man who really up the industry, added protection to American labor has has preserved the destiny of this does things and who can do some- enormously to the wealth of the been distinctly recognized and ef- republic; we indorse the record of thing in the fioth congress of the country in the and semi- ficiently applied, has been the pro- our great rough-ride- r, President United States for the Territory of precious metals, and made it pos- duct of a Republican congress. Theodore Roosevelt, who stands New Mexico. sible to resume specie payments. Now if your sympathy is with unquali- this sort of legislation, vote the on every occasion for an We unequivocally endorse the 10. The resumption of specie fied Republican ticket. square deal for all men no able, manly and patriotic admin- payments. matter what their station in life; istration of Gov. Herbert J. 11. The reduction of postage, the President whose wisdom and CONTEST NOTICE and all of the territorial the money order system, the es- patriotism commend themselves to and federal officials of New Mexi- tablishing of the railway mail ser- every thinking citizen; his policies Department of the Interior, United States co. vice, free delivery) rural free de- Land Office at home and abroad in behalf of livery, and other improvements and American interests We most heartily endorse the Cl.iyton, New Mexico, that make the postoflice establish- Sept. 12 have secured for him the admi- work that has been done and is 1906. being done by our worthy chair- ment of the United States the most A sufficient contest affidavit having been ration and respect of the nation, filed in this office by A. Moore of Monre, man of the Republican territorial efficient agency of that character J. and it is with pride that we con- N. Mex., contestant, against homestead cen. Hon. II. O. that can be found on the globe. tinue our confidence in his admin- com. Pursum, entry No. 4927, made Aug. 18, 1903 for 12. The life saving service. istration. We recognize him as a for the efficient way in which he S. Yz S. E, i sec. 28, and N. N. E. 13. The artificial propagation President who has done more to has organized the party in the ter- i sec 33, Township 10 north, Range and distribution of fish. 30 liast, by J. V. Coker, con-testc- e, curb the trusts and other great ritory so that all the great army in- The distribution of seeds in which it is alleged that said corporations than all the hosts of of Republicans can be brought 14. to the field in New Mexico's ser- and other measures of vast impor- J . V. Toker has wholly abandoned said democracy; in him we recognize tract; that he has changed his residence vice on notice; wc tance in the promotion of agricul- a President who will safely guard the shortest for more six ture. therefrom than months last the interests of our people and this recognize in him an able, loyal past; that said tract is not settled upon and and pos- 15. The endowment of public great nation as long as he is in of- consistant Republican, cultivated by said party as required by of peo- schools, agricultural , etc. l.iw, and that said alleged absence from fice, and last but not least, we rec- sessing the confidence the by of land from the public the said land was not due to his employ- ognize ple for his candor, his honor and grants him as the friend of the ment in the Army, Navy, or Marine integrity; a man who can lead the domain. Corps Territory of New Mexico. of the United States as a private soldier, Republican party in New Mexico 16. The Administrative Cus- Therefore we endorse the enab- officer, seaman or marine, during the war to victory in this campaign. toms Act, which insures justice ling act, bearing his signature, with Spain, or during any other war in and equality in the collection of which the United States may be engaged. which offers to the Territory of TIIK KKI'UIM.KWN COUNTS' CHNTKAl. duties. Now therefore said parties are notified to New Mexico admission to the COM MITT UK. 17. The International Copy- appear, and offer evidence touching said Union, and believe in allegation 10 o'clock the theory right laws, which respects the at a. m. on Nov. ro of one Precinct i. I. C. Uarnes. and 190G, before N. V. Gallegos, U. S. Court state for New Mexico and rights of in K. authors the product Commissioner, his office in Arizona depen-danc- Garcia. at Tucumcari, and no longer a of their brains, but Precinct 2. Albert Wilborn. at the same New Mexico, and that final hearing will be time protects our publishing in- held at 10 o'clock a. m. on November We reaffirm our faith in the Re- 3. E. li. llcdgecoko. 17, " dustry by requiring that books igoG.beforc the Register andReceiver at the publican doctrine of a protective .. Absent. United " shall be printed in this country to States Land Office in Clayton, New tariff which has particularly favor- 5. Pedro Horquez. Mexico. " entitle them to copyright. ed New Mexico in her wool and 6. Gregrio Floros. The said contestant having, in a proper other industries, and we arc unal- iS. The establishing of the affidavit, filed Aug. 9, igoG, set forth facts which show terably opposed to any tariff legis- Circuit Court of Appeals, to re- that after due diligence, per- A I'AKTV THAT lOKS I'lllKCS. lieve sonal service of this notice can not be lation will in a re- the Supreme Court and no that result Here are some of the principal made, it is hereby ordered and directed cat-shee- longer require litigants to suffer a duction in the price of our acts of legislation by the Repub- that such notici be given by duo and prop- delay of three or four years in se- wool or and other product lican party: er publication. 48-- of curing a decision on appeal. Howard W. Fox, Register. the Territory of New Mexico. 1. The Homestead law, passed In the of our President, by 10. The admission of the states a Republican congress and Nothing to Fear. "we stand unequivocally for a pro- of Kansas; , , Col- signed by Abraham Lincoln. Mothers need have no hesitancy in con- orado, North and tective tariff and we feel that the 2. The acts for the issuance of South Dokato, tinuing to give Chamberlain's cough reme- phenominal industrial prosperity legal tenders and national bank- Whashington, , dy to their little ones, as it contains ab- and solutely nothing injurious. which we are now enjoying is not notes, which gave the people a and provision for This remedy is not only perfectly safe to give to be lightly jeopardized, for it currency of equal statehood for New Mexico and small and stable value children, but is a would be to the last degree foolish and Arizona. medicine of great worth in all parts of the country. and merit. It has a world wide reputation to secure here and there a small Anti-Tru- 3. The system of internal rev- 20. The st Act. (This for its cures of coughs., colds and croup benefit of de- at the cost business enue taxation, by which approxi- was drawn by Senator Sherman andean always be relied upon. For sale pression." by Pioneer Drug Store. mately one-hal- f of the ordinary and Edmunds, and introduced by We endorse the splendid record expenses of the government have the former. In the house its pas- There is building brick for sale at of our worthy delegate to congress been visited upon malt and spirit- sage was secured by William Mc- Co. tf Hon. William H. Andrews, who uous liquors, tobacco and cigars. Kinley against an attempt to have has put forth every effort to ad- .. The thirteenth it side tracked in amendment behalf of a bill The intense itching characteristic of ec- of vance the interests his constitu- to the constitution, which abolish- for the free coinage of silver, which zema, tetter and like skin diseases is in- ency and to secure the best re- ed slavery. received the vote of every demo- stantly allayed by applying Chamberlains sults possible for the territory of 5. The fourteenth amendment cratic member with one exception. Salve and many severe cases have been permanently cured by its New Mexico who has labored dil- which created citizenship of the So it may be said the use. For sale that law was by Pioneer Drug store. igently and earnestly at all times United States as distinguished placed upon the statute books for the people and the territory, from citizenship of the several over the united opposition of the BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching every Sunday at A M and and wc feel that justice demands, states, and provided that no state democratic party as represented in it 7:30 1' M and that the welfaie of the Repub- should abridge the privileges the house ) or Sunday School at 10 A M lican party of this de- of territory immunities citizens of the Unit- 21. The National Bankruptcy Junior Union at 3 P M 1 mands that he be rewarded by ed States. Acts of 1S67 and 1808, which re- Prayer Meeting Thursday at 7:30 P M Choir returned to complete the good G. The fifteenth amendment, lieved many thousands of unfor- practice Friday at 7:30 P M Milton Rkkck, work he has so faithfully begun. which established equality of suf tunate men from their burdens of Pastor cnoss on STATE- HOOD VOTE The' following is the opinion of Attorney General Heed on t h e IIOTKAKI BLLK IU UJ subject: ft $ M. B. FOWLER, Proprietor Oct. 17, 1 oof. Hon. C. V. Safford, Secretary of Republican Central Committee, Santa Fe. New Mexico. Sole agents Hei His' Kyffhauser, Export,. Sir I have vour letter of the Scharnagle's Select, Pabst's Export and1 6th inst., in which you ask, "in Blue Ribbon Beers. the event a voter neglects to cross either the yes or no on his ballot with reference to the statehood DEMOCRATIC TICKET propsition, picasc auvisc 11 t 11 e ballot on that question should be SEASONABLE For Delegate to Congress counted either for or against." O. A. LARAZOLA you are au vised tnat in such an SOFT For Representative event the ballot should not be S. C. PANDOLFO counted either for or against on For Sheriff the statehood question. Respect DRINKS J. A. STREET fully submitted. W. C. Rkid, Manufactured by the Fowler Bottling For Treasurer Compan' Soda, Lemon Sour, and all FLORENCIO MARTINEZ Attorney General. other Cold Drinks. Mellow, Pepsin For Probate Clerk Quay Locals. and Egg Nog our specials. R. P. DONOHCK) Correspondence: For, Assessor Still the homeseekers come to SAM CHADWICK Quay but they must walk way back For Probate Judge and sit down as the land is all R. L. PATTERSON gone near town. Snow before frost is something ICE PROMPTLY DELIVERED For Supt. of Schools $ new to the Missourian but such is A I I 'P D. J. ABER TCia. DADTC1 . OP THPa a a iTVe a the case in Quay county this ft niM 1. J wi rvi For Com. Dist. i Hi R. J. DARNELL School has been suspended in i& For Com. Dist. 2 definitely for the purpose of enlarg- iXSi J. M. HODGES ing the school house. to For Com. Dist. 3 The tax payers have been regis WASH BATSON tering and getting ready for the 0 'JPlione 45 election which promises to be inter- to For Co. Surveyor esting in some respects. to SAM ABER The socialists candidtcs m e t 1 For Con. Conv'n the Quay people last Saturday C. C. DAVIDSON night and they seem to think they NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF will win the race. 4 ofr QVAY COUNTY. S. C. Pandolfo made the first W. F. BUCHANAN, Pre.'t. EAR.L GEORGE Cashier. meeting; the t Hon. O. A. Larazola, Demo speech at the socialist t socialist seemed to be favorably cratitic nominee for Delegate to tX Congress and other prominent impressed with him but could not First National Bank the people agree with his argument regarding The b speakers will address Xi socialism, but he told them t h e 0 of Quay county on the political -- OF TUCUMCARI.- - issues of the day at Tucumcari, truth both pure and simple. Mexico, on the of Old Bean Raiskk. t New afternoon General Banking Business Transacted. X igo6( Saturday). I h October 27th We have Marbles for all the X him evcry- - Come out and hear school boys Top Notch Store. I TUCUMCARI, - - N. M. lets have a grand old IP bodv. and 52t t rallv! Democratic A fine line of Tablets and all b Bv order order of the Democratic county and Territorial Committees. kinds of School Supplies at the Top Notch Store. " 5Uf Sere Republica.no nickle cigar in town Sepan todos por estas presentes Best Union," at the Club que yo el abajo firmado biendo cido "Tcifcr's 5c Pool Rooms, tf. un democrata, por los ultimos 24. I anos ahora renuncio de tal partido WANTED Every man, woman CLUB POOL ROOMS! por que he visto que no rcconoce and child in Quay county to try a IK ha los hombrcs pobres a los hom-bre- s pair of hose made by the famous legales ha el, por que es el Radiant Hosiery Mills For sale JOSEPH SPENCER, PROPRIETOR. partido de la ingratitiub y por lo at The Racket. 5itf tanto ahora tengo el honor de an- - A Carload of Candy at the Top unciar ha mts muchos amigos que Notch Store. 5tf The place where you play de ahora para adalantc me afilo al MorningGlory Coffee is always the a qttie game of pool arid nnrtido renublicano el partido de same, Best selling coffee in town smoke a good cigar. la libertad y protccion de todo Whitmore & Co. 48tf hombre y me declaro de ahora para adalanteun republicano y les doy Bethel Chapter, No. 15, 0. E. S. In. desnidida ha mis amigos demo Regular meetings on and and .th Tues- cratas. days of each month, at Masonic Hall. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. (OH Around Higinio Sena Visiting members of the order cordially Testigo, invited to attend. MAIN STREET TUCUMCARI, N. M. J. V. Gallegos Alic E. Koch, V. M, I I F. L. Gutierrez M. H. Kocu. Secretary. t

any other manner disturbing any Democratas y Larazolo THE JUDGE'S GHARGE The Tucumcari News worshiping assembly or priv a t e Pero no chili no frijoles TO THE GRAND JURY Published Saturdays family, or attending any public The Tucumcari Printing (o. Nobody in New Mexico believes meeting or public exhibition, ex- in free trade all right, then vote cept for religious worship or in- New Mexico. The Pistol Tolers svnd Violators at Tucumcari, ticket. or engaged in any labor, the republican of Sunday Law Are Warned struction, except works of necessity, charity Official Paper ol Quay County Don't kick at some one else on lo Obey (he Statute. or mercy, it is an indictable offence. is n o t election day if your name And should any violation of this Subscription, $1.50 the Year GRAND JURY IS VERY BVSY mrristorod. Attend to the matter statute come to your knowledge or 'Entered it tecond-cl- t nutter October JO, 1903 at the pot! Court of o( yourself. Quay County District information, it is the duty th e oHice at Tucumcari, New Mexico under act ol Congreu The March J, 1879." convened Monday under rather ad grand jury to indict all such per- the sheep man goes Whenever verse circumstances, the snowstorm sons. In this connection, I charge in this election he REPUBLICAN TICKET to cast his vote delaying trains until the Judge and you that the selling in a saloon and should first weigh in his mind the Clerk did not arrive from the south the running of gambling devices on difference between deinocr a t i c until about noon. The juries were Sunday, is a violation of the law. in wool and republican wool. empaneled and the docket called The charge further enumerates the afternoon and the term begun that it is compulsory that parents Larazblo is a sweet singer from with the businesslike dispatch that and guardians having control of a Israel, but he is dead against governs Judge Mann's action on children to send them to school for protective tariff which policy me'ans the bench. The Grand Jury has at least three months in the year, cheap wool for New Mexico. Vote returned about 20 true bills and uch children being over the age of for Andrews who stands for the no true bills up to the end of yes- seven vears and under fourteen. terday's deliberations. adjoured best interests of New Mexico. The Judge court Thurs Few cases have been called t h e day to Mondav and went to Santa has The fact that this country time being consumed in the argu- Fe to attend an adjourned session never since the days ol Washing ment of motions and other prelimi- of the supreme court. ton seen such universal prosperi naries. In case of Berry vs Ellis, is Ed Ellis, contempt, Ellis We would like to see the pres- For Delegate to Congress. ty or a more contented people fined $25. 00 and cost and Harry in- going to make it rather difficult ent grand jury of Quay county HON. W. IT. ANDREWS. Ellis made party to defendant to vestigate some of the land locators For Delegate Constitutional Con. campaigning for the democrats suit of injunction. The attorneys we have had in this neck of the CRUZ GALLEGOS whose general trend of political were C. C. Davidson for plaintiff January is For Council argument is always calamitous. and M. C. Mechem, defendant. The woods since last. It M. C. de BACA Their old barnacled howl of panic onlv other case called was Sostino an every day occurrence that some Gallegos Montoya, submit For Representative ahead for business interests and vs. S. poor devil comes in to improve a ted and decision reserved. N. V. GALLEGOS hard times for the wage enrner has homestead he located some There are several paragraphs of For Sheriff been discarded with the rest of months ago and when he takes the Court's charge to the Grand JOHN MADDEN out a surveyor, which he should the rubbish that goes to the can Jury the Nkws believes will be of For Treasurer pile. interest to the people. We have done in the first place, he J. . HARRISON will publish excerpts as follows: finds his land located some where Clerk For A good many of our democrat It is unlawful for any county else than he expected it, often on A. 13. DAUBER ic contemporaries are mauing commissioner, sneritt, treasurer, worthless ground, maybe on a For Assessor assessor, probate judge or a great deal of fuss over the fact probate place so rough that there isn't FRANCISCO GUTIERREZ clerk, or any person who, as prin that II. O. Bursum has made good room to build a house For School Superintendent cipal or deputy holds any county and barn every claimed irregularity that has MILNOR RUDULPII office, to either directly or indirect and little if any tilable land. Such been charged by the experts who For Probate Judge ly buy, sell, deal in or speculate in procedure is criminal and should the V. S. MONTOYA have been using penitentiary any certificates, warrant or other not be tolerated. campaign For Commissioner 2nd Dist. books for thunder evidence of indebtedness issued by! PEDRO BORQUEZ against the but such county, or by the Territory, Uncle Tom's Cabin, the play except such warrant as might be For Commissioner 3rd Dist. it is to be remembered that the Thursday night, was patronized by issued to such person. It is also THOMAS DAVIS money, to the cent, has been giv- about 1000 people. The part of unlawful for city officers to trade For Surveyor en over with the understanding in city warrants in any manner ex Little Eva was good and worth W. IT. MORGAN that Bursum is to have a hearing cept such warrants as are issued the rest of the show. and a thorough investigation at an legally to them. it Register do now. 1.. 1 ...1 . is my eariy uiiiu iiuu iiuiii.t.i wnen 11 is It duty to call your at Today is Democratic day tention Register if you mean to vote. shown that he is not in error and particularly to section 1377 Tucumcari, look out for rain. of the compiled statutes of 1807. he owes the penitentiary account Notwithstanding Register, Register, Register. wherein the law provides, in effect that real estate all tins money nothing, is to be llw.t If .. i is steadily in mm 11 nu ijl-iui- sunn c a r y a advancing price prop- Have you registered? If noti repaid him. Bursum's position is deadly weapon, either concealed or erty is changing hands every day why not? this: If he can't show to the sat otherwise, on or about the settle in Tucumcari. isfaction of all concerned that his ments of the territory, except on Register and vote the republi- administration was clear of any his own premises, or in lawful de TIME TABLE. f can ticket. irregularities he will accept the t.nau ui ma jjciaun, property or E. P. & S. W . family, it is an indictable crime In Effect Sund&y April 8th, 1906. situation, but if on the other hand un The registration books close ten der the laws of this territory GOING EAST. days before election don't over he does prove his position he The law also provides No. 124 leaves Rock Island depot Tu- that if any cumcari A. M. wants vindication. person shall 10130 look anything. draw a deadly weapon No. 124 leaves E. P. & S. W. depot Tu- in a threatening manner toward cumcari 10:40 A. M. Giving passengers chance to procure Say, if you want to vote o .11 j The socialists arc claiming another, except in the lawful 200 de tickets and baggage checks at E. V. & S. W. November 6th you would better or mi be 300 votes for some of ience 01 nimseit, ins family or his depot. property it is an indictable Arrive Dawson 4:55 P. M. see that your name is registered. their candidates begins to look offense You are furl her warned, t h e FROM THE EAST. like they are stronger than we have charge goes If you want a delegate to con- on, that if any person No. 123 leave Dawson 9:45 A. M. been disposed to figure them. gress who can accomplish some- shall be found upon the first d a v Arrive Tucumcari, (R. I. depot) 5:20 of the week, commonly I'. M. thing for New Mexico, f o called Sun vote r lucumcari is lull of people this No. 124 carded to make connection with kk-" iny sport, or 1,1 ' W. IT. Andrews. week Things are lively. ". . eastbound train at French 3:52 I'. M. and horse racing, cock fighting, or in with No. 3 westbound irain 10:45 A. M. All the latest Papers and Maga- Preaching. t zines at Donahues'. tf Owing to the inclemency of the I weather last Sunday and Sunday Local and Personal f is F. M. Rhomberg, the Alamogor-d- o Jeweler, is in the city. before we held no services as an- nounced, but we expect to hold Donahues' is headquarters for M. Church Lee Gholson of Dodson, in services at the E. was Mrs. Eva White, Kansas City, Cream and finest candies made. town Wednesday for goods. North every Sunday for a while; visiting Mon-toy- a, itf the Kohn Brothers at we will say now that we will fill New Nuts of all kinds at the Top was in Tucumcari Tuesday Dr. Nichols and Dr. Coulter every Sunday morn- Notch Store. the time there 5itf and made a filing on a homestead have made improvements about ing and evening until otherwise Hampton's Home Spun Tobacco near the office this week. that place. announced. All arc invited to at- at the Top Notch Store. 5 1 tf " " O. M. Callahan and Francisco Buy a box of Marguerites at tend. L. B. Guooan. Juan D. Ortega, sheep man of Donahues,-th- best smoke in town. King, Graham, , are here to Kerns Montoya, is in the city attending Endee look ,U the country and tell this itf Cokkkspondknck: court. paper they are going to take lands A. V. Johns from Greenfield, This section was visited by cold The Jones meat is market now when they find suitable locations. Ky., is in town for a few days. He weather and sleet Sunday. opposite the Glenrock and is looking for a location. near Jas. Bell, the stock is building a the Plaza hotel. Endee man, R. A. Lockwood was in the city Monday. He had The little daughter of Mr. and nice little shanty cn h's place. Attorney W. II. Hittson of 111., Mrs. L. A Campbell was christen- lost several head of horses a n d D. C. Aylesworth has built a brother of W. J. of this city, ed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. mules and trailed them this w a y small room and is going to is here attending court. John Welch the morningof the25th until the snow storm obliterated build another of . A. II. Boatman of Dodson, was all trace of them. by Father Haelterman with Mr. and J. P. Allen may g'H his new house in town Wednesday on business Mrs. Welch as Sponsors. After completed in time to give a Xmas connected with his land. Acasio Gallegos of,Torreon, in the Mrs. Welch served Torrance Co., is Interpreter f o r breakfast. dance. Ladies, I can in fash- please you the Quay county District Court, I. G. Walker has received his fall Goldenberg has a car of stoves ionable millinery; call and see present term, and by the way, is outfit for the post office and is now and ranges. 1 -- at my new stock Miss Emma J alms one of the best in New Mexico. ready for business. 5itf Stoves and ranges handled in sleet was quite severe on O. V. Sinclair & Co. have mov- The Albert Wilborn is serving t h e car lots by Goldenberg. our new neighbors who are living ed their grocery store and meat Court as Crier and attends to bus- in and cooking by camp fires. market into the old Perlstein build Customers get the benefit of car tents iness like he has been accustomed ing on the south side of Main and load prices and carload freights by Messrs. Miller, Quarlcs and Ev- to such work. the Perlstein Brothers are now in trading with Goldenberg. ans returned from the Sun- day where they have been cutting The entire west has been buried the building purchased from Mor- This month specialty i s our report weather in snow most of this week, a n d gan. stoves Goldenberg. feed. They the Quay county had a plenty of it on quite severe up there. Try a "Langsdorf," the cigar of We have just received a new line Monday and Tuesday. Room-Souyeni- crops looking fine. quality at the Club Pool r of furniture Quality the best Wheat are Ladies' fashionable Dress Skirts Post Cards at the Top Prices right. Barnes & Rankin. Success to the Nkws. at The Racket. 5itf Notch btore. 52tf itf Tad


fhlMMMMMMM I iff A Just received a car load of the celebrated National Stoves and Ranges

These stoves possess many useful, clean, modern and up-to-da- te features. Quick bakers, fine cookers, powerful heaters, fuel savers. lb By purchasing in car lots direct from the factory we arc able to get lower prices and lower freight rates and offer our customers Extraordinary bargains in heaters, and steel ranges The M. B. Goldenberg Co. J I Bonded Whisky for the Tucumcari Trade i I have bought in bond and have on storage in United States warehouses in Early Times, and I Frankfort, Ky., twenty barrels HIGH GRADE WHISKIES for the fall and winter trade. First shipment just received and your trade can be supplied in this line by the drink, bottle or gallon at prices reasonable for pure and strictly first g I class sroods. Also high class whiskies Bot- - UhfTf rlAflhlllT I AMI A. B. DAUBtR, " -- wmM- isia.sr-.r'.i-.ss- i nunc ouiuuii I Licmni I

EVERY COUNTY Professional Cards FOR. ANDREWS jg U. S. COHMISSIONER $ ft C. MECHEM, JJJ LAND F1LINOS MADE fa According to the Albuquerque Morning Journal the prospect of District Attoknev, REAL ESTATE. $ the 10,000 majority for Mr. An- Tucumcari, - - New Mexico. Business and Resident Properties for Sale Cheap and 1ft drews looks exceedingly bright. ft Says journal: "Chairman C. DAVIDSON, yVj Favorable Terms . fl the ( the properties of the fjfi Bursum, of the territorial republi- kf Will be pleased to show buyers Attorney at Law, McGee Addition and the (f can central committee, says the 55 election of candidate Andrews for Russell Addition to the Town. ft Tucumcari, New Mexico. VS. Mke Prices and Term. delegate to congress, looks execed-l- y $ Ncr:rr.i t. w. heman. $ bright, and he predicts a major- Q H. ALLDRIDGE ity of 10,000 votes for the head of the ticket. Chairman Bursum is attorney at law of the opinion that Mr. Andrews Will practico in all the courts of the Ter- will carry every county of the ter- ritory and before the U. S. Land office and 0 EY ISLAND BAR AND CAFE I ritory with maybe the exception of the Department at Washington. two or three known democratic TUCUMCARI, - N. M LANIGAN, JAMES Prop. J counties. jATTESON & MATTESON, I I Treatment Good, A GOOD BITE. Puerto Pickings. Attorneys at Law. land practice (Correspondence. office and oollections. I Good Wines, Fresh Oyster, patented claims. relinquishments and resident pnopertv for sale. Liquors Fish J We had snow and cold weather notary publio I the first of the week which made Tucumcari. - New Mkxicc sheep J and and the cattle and men look J E. WHARTON, gloomy but nearly everybody rais- t Cigars, Game, ed plenty of feed stuff to fatten a Attorney at Law. good of stock. I do a general Civil and Criminal prac- tice. Give promt personal attention to all Geo. Yates sold his steers to business. nnTmnnTTTTTmnnnnnnTmTfnmTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTinTTnnTTTTTTTTnTm Batson Brothers and will deliver Alamogordo, - New Mexico. I V. H. Fuqua, Pres. V. A. Jai-kson- Sec. 1 them at Texline. g F. M. I V. F. Buchanan, Treas. Jack Lewis and wife and Mrs. HERRING, D. exas and New Mexico Investment Co. Medford of the plains passed Physician & Surgeon. J j through Puerto last week on their Second door east of Goldenbers's Store way to Tucumcari. Tucumcari, - - Nkw Mexico I PHONE 100 Mestl Estate, John De Olivera of the Frio I Town XiOts 3 Draw, was a visitor Saturday. DR. H. D. NICHOLS and Jack Lewis has gone to Kansas 7 5 I Acreage Property City with a train of cattle. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone E J. S. Petty went to Tcxico last connections. Russell addition to the town of Tucumcari. Office East Main Office No. C. Friday to meet his mother riiAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiuuniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiunuituuiiuitiimiiiimmiimitiiituii and Residence, No. 7G. nieces, the daughters of J. W. TUCUMCARI, NEW Chandler of Gail, Texas. T h e y MEXICO

JACKSON-GALBRAITH-fOXWOR- TH reached Puerto Sunday. CO. JEO. D. MARTINEZ Messrs. Ponder and Meeks were -- (Incorporated January ist iqo.j.)- - in Puerto Saturday looking for County Surveyor, All WINDOW OLASS A SPECIALTY-A- LL SIZES patented lands. They are from business entrusted to me will' be promptly and accurately Okla. Those who have patented attended to Doors, Sash, Moulding, Lime, Office at Court House Finishing, Cement Etc. lands, however, seem to - think Tucumcari, New Mexico. more of them than the buyers. Your patronage is appreciated Our school is progressing nicely m. H. the KOCH,' CALL and GET PRICES - - Tucumcari, N, M. but enrollment numbers only about twenty at present, more Licensed Undertaker will come in later. aund Embalmer Complete Shorty Reynolds was canvass- Slocw of Funera.1 Goodi. The ing this t Tucumcari part the country last week Southwest of Post Office, Tucumcari I I in the interest of the republican DRUGS. candidates. Dr. Tomlinson is an Experienced Pharmacist. is in X This fact The majority of the voters in LAND the peoples Drug Store. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medi-- OFFICE. t cal use Only. this precinct have registered. N. V. GALLEGOS, Bkau Grass. Aviso. Estn es la casn donde Comprnr Ins MedJcinaj. U. S. Court Com.

I If you want good, clean Coal, Land Filings, Final Proofs, Contests Your Trade Solicited. buy the Colorado Screened Nut and all land matters attended to. No from E. Taylor. charge for final proof applications. L. 46tf Office at Court House. NOTICE SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE Pure.' D.Miieicr.'itii: anel KVpubli-- 1 The Club Pool Room has "Y 13" the- - rig.'irs, the- - of t( T15KKITOKY OK NKW MKXICO an whisky at Stoe-- Exchange standard quality. COUNTY OF QUAY. J'SS' Saloon. 51 'It I'lllO l)imnrrnlir mwl K'unnLli. can whisky at the Stock IN THIS DISTRICT COURT Complete new stock of lashieni-bl- e Exchange Saloon. Montnomnrv Hull. millinery at the- - Jahns millin- - 51 ,jt Plnintifl, SOCIALIST TICKET ry parlors em Main Street. Call Pure- - Democratic and Republi- - in d see before buying can whisky at the Stock Exchange NO. Q(j. For Congress. Miss Emma Saloon. 5141 Ida M. Lovo, W. P. METCALF Jahns. Defendant. For Representative Whereas, on the 13th day of August, A. TOM A VANCE I). 19,06, in tho ahovo entitled cause, in CANDIDATKS I'OK COUNTV OKKICKS, (I. C.KiO, President. CO. CHEAULT, Cashier which Montgomery Hell is plaintiff and Ida Sheriff F. Love is defendant, judgment was duly A. J, WILSON. renelured in the District Court of Q u a y TUCUMCARI TRUST & SAVINGS BANK County, New Mexico, in favor in favor of County Clerk the plaintiff and against the said defendant I. S. CAMPBELL. for the sum of One Thousand Seven Hun- Treasurer We do a general Banking business. dred and Twenty-em- e Dollars, together FREMONT THOMPSON with the sum of Twenty-seve- n and five one Assessor hundredth costs of said action 1 Dollars, the c. c. Mccarty Your Patronage Solicited. Main St., Tucumcari, N. 11. which said sum was decreed to bear inter- I 1 est at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum Probate Judge from the said date until paid. M. F. WALKER. And, whereas, by the judgment and de- County Superintendent of Schools cree aforesaid the amount aforesaid w a s J. T. WII1TTINGTON aeljudged to be a lien upon the following Surveyor described land and real estate, situate, ly- W, T, ing anel being in the county of Quay and II. S. ANDERSON. NICHOLSON Territory of New Mexico, t; Commissioner Dist. No. 2 Lots numbered Four and Five (4 & 5) in R. C. ABERCROMBIE. General Blacksmithing and Wood Work.: Hlock Number Thirty-fiv- e (35) of the town Commissioner Dist. No. 3 of Tucumcari, N. M., and as shown on the G. official plat of said town on Record with II. VANDYKE. the the recorder of said County. Dcing 5Wt HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. the same land heretofore deeelcd and trans- ferred to W. S. Reddell by a warranty CONTEST NOTICE Main Street Tucumcari, N. M. deed on the 17th day of Apri 1902, by the Tucumcari Townsite and Investment Com- Department of the Interior, United pany, and which instrument was recorded States Land Office in the office of the Probate Clerk and recorder of Quay County in s a i d Clayton, N. M., Roc-or- 17, 1906. territory, at page 1 in Hook 3 of the Oct. of Deeds and Mortgages of said Coun- A Sufficient contest Affidavit having been The Racket Store ty, and by said W. S. Reddell and Ida S. filed in this oHicc by A. II. Boatman con' Reddell transferred by warranty deed to testant, against Homestead Kntry No A. JOWELL, Prop. Ida F. Love on the 23rd day of September 4235, made December 10 1902, for SW.j iejo2, which said deed whs duly recorded Section 23, Township 9 North, Kange 29 in the office ot said Probate Clerk and East, by John K. Garrison, contestce, Queensware, Qraniteware, Glassware, Toys, recorder at page 4 in Hook 3 of rec- which it is alleged that "said John K. Gar Notions, Furnishing Goods, Etc. ords of deeds and canveyances, on the 13th rison has wholly abandoned said tract;that day of July 1903. he has changed his residence therefrom last And, whereas it was further decreed for more than six months past; that J said tract is not settled upon nor cultivated MAIN STREET, TUCUHCARI, N. M. that all and singular tho real estate afore- 1 as required by law and that said alleged said should be sold in accorelanco with law absence from the said land was not due to and the practice of said Court to satisfy his employment in the army, navy, or ma the amount aforesaid, and the undersigned rine corps of the United States, as a pri was duly appointed Special Master to make vate soldier, officer, seaman or marine dur- sale aforesaid, AttcMition actual settlors and home seekers, see the ing the war with Spain or during any euhcr giv- Now, therefore, NOTICE is hereby war in which the United States mny been Master r" en that I, the undersiged, Special gaged." Said parties are hereby notified on the day W H in the above entitled cause, 24 to appear, respond anel offer MORGAN of evidence of November. A. D. 1906, at the hour touching said allegation at 10 o'clocU a. in. day, at the front ten o'clock A. M. of said on December 17, njoO before N. V. Gall- - Agent door of the Court House of Quay County, egos, U. S. Coart Commissioner at his ol Real Estate and Surveyor New Mexico, will offer for sale at public fice in Tucumcari. New Mexico: and that Before you locate or have your claim surveyed. Years of highest bidder for vendue, and sell to the final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m practic al experience in surveying and engineering. Work land anel real es- cash, all anel singular the on December 27, 190G, before the Register guaran teed. A bonified resident of Tucumcari and tate above described, in accorelance with and Receiver at the United States Land I oughly Relinquishments bought and sold. the judgment and decree aforesaid. Office in Clayton, New Mexico. reasonable. Office at pre sent with Col. He Mkkkitt C Mixiikm, The said contestant having, in a proper A Terms T. W. a oflidaeit, filed July 2.1, lejoO, set forth facts mans, S. land commissioner, Main street, Tucumcari. Special Master. l which show that after duo diligence pesr 52 t. sonal service of this notice cannot be made it is hereby ordered anel directed that such given by due and proper pnblica The Photo Tent opposite the notice be ion. n do first Glenrock Hotel is ready to HmvAiii) V. Fox, Register c lowest prices. class work the 52 6t. STOCK EXCHANGE 52 it FOR SALE A pretty line of An Awful Cough Cured. years ago our little girl lnd SALOON ware at The Racket. 5 iff "Two glass with is building touch of pneumonia, which left her (Moral Stock Exchanged for money) The Southwestern an awful cough. She had spells of cough A. - - in yards GEO. MOORE, Proprietor four additional tracks the ing, just like one with the w h o op i n here and will probably build a turn couidi and some thought she would not The Stock Exchange sells double stamped bonded whiskey, table a little later. get well at all. We got a bottle of Cham all kinds of wines, liquors, brandies and alcohol. Pure Ten- berlain's Cough Kemeely, which acted lik nessee whiskey; also Green River, the whiskey without a head- head ol good coughing got FOR SALE 250 a charm. She stoppeel and ache. stock cattle, 3.000 head of good stout anel fat, ' writes Mrs. Ora Hussarel III. remedy is for sale by stock sheep and 100 head of pure Hrubaker, This YOU ALWAYS WELCOME the Pioneer Drug Co. ARE bred American Merino bucks. Jno.W. Madden 50 tf Best Chocolate Creams on ice at We guarantee to treat you right. Opposite M. H. CJoldenberg Co. Tucumcari, N. M. the Top Notch. THE ORCHARD. HORTICULTURE If a cover crop was not sown In tho orchard last month, attend to tho matter at once. Don't let tho ground be bare all winter. Satisfied with the varieties In tho orchard? If not, now is a good time to decide which trees hud better bo grafted next . Watch the pouch and other trec3 WHEN CLEANING THE ORCHARD carefully for weak crotches. A few bolts, whore needed, may How the Work of Getting Brush out save loss when wind storms come. Do May Be Simplified. it now. If tho pears and quinces are scabby Hvorybody knows what a tiresome and cracked, and If tho leaves have and slow task it is to clean the brush prematurely dropped from the trees, out of an any a orchard with kind of it's a Biiro hint that you neglected to conveyance. When it bus to be picked spray with Uordeaux mixture early in up t it is about the worst work on ho the season. farm. is even churn- It worse than Nearly all of pears arc THE ing with an varieties dash churn. if ripened indoors. The prop- Hut one of our new men on the farm, better time to gather pears is shown by says a correspondent the er of Rural the earo with which the stem parts WOMAN'S CORNER New Yorker, implement has made an from tho branch, when the fruit is with a which two men and team can slightly lifted. get it out easily and ten times as fast Wo find tho much abused Kolffer disgusted beginner gives it up for- pear very fine for canning. The can- ADVICE BY EXPERT. ever. neries in these parts put up large Tho next of the empire exercises quantities of them. Properly cooked consists in bending from side to side. and canned they are crisp and tender; EASY MEANS OF ATTAINING A This is hard enough, and most likely and, too. the trees are regular and GRACEFUL FIGURE. a strain upon tho muscles. Hut tho prolific fruit bearers and very hardy. enthusiast can take hold of a chair by Hulletin No.j.222, by Prof. Pettit, Is way of assistance, and not bend 6Imple Exercise by a way. one of tho best authorities yet pub- Recommended too far either Tho Idea is to Famous Physical bend the body until it feels supple. j lished on spraying against codling-mot- Culturist on apples. Write for a copy to Mistakes of Beginners. Tho more one bends in moderation the experiment station, Ag- tho bettor. ricultural post ofllco, Michi- An English physical culturist has Tho neck must bo small if one Is gan. Thorough spraying will now de- Invented some exorcises which he going to got tho empire figure, and stroy the second brood of the moth. calls tho empire exercises. Ho took to As a general thing (except in south- them Paris, but. ho found that ern localities) it is usually safer to the women there did not. need them. plant fruit trees in the spring, espe- And now he has sent them to this cially fonder kinds liko the peach, country. I 41 the plum, etc. If desired, apples, These exercises, gathered together pears, ot', may be set in file early briefly, are these; They aro called H the empire exercises, fall. Kven if trees are not to be set and they are for this fall, it is often a good plan to the reduction or (be bell. line. Only buy needed nursery stock now, and this, and nothing more, unless one is Uimi heel It in at home until spring. full in the throat, when there are ex- - Windfall apples shoujd be destroyed orrises for making the throat smaller. or fed as soon as possible. The Most people practicing the em- who thus kills jll tho worms pire exercises will tighten up tho A Brush Drag. which drop to the ground in windfall belt. Hut. this is not the way. Tho fruit, has taken a big rtcp forward belt, should be very loose to give tho as with any other contrivance I have in the destruction of next' year's codlin- waist muscles full play. The corset ever seen. He went to tho woods g-moth crop. Farm Journal. should bo taken off while one is ex- and cut a small tree with a crotch, ercising. as shown, rf tough wood. The limbs The empiio exercises aro simple he left six feet long and the body New Idea in Ladders. enough. Put on something loose and part 12 feet. It was about four Inches A man has hit oka now do this: Step forward and sink upon In diameter at the crotch, and he idea in making a ladder wluciiv he knee. Regain your position and stop hewed the straight part down, so it thinks is such a good thing that ho forward with the other foot and sink was about two and a half or three upon tho other knee. One foot goes inches at tho other end. He then cut forward and tho other knee bends. the ends of the limbs a little slanting That Is the way to do It. Tho rule on the under side, so as to run smooth- is to keep on until you are pretty well ly along and not catch In the ground. tired out. Across the crotch he bolted a piece The Knglish Instructor advises mod- eration. He says of plank 1V6 Inches thick and six amateurs do too next winter one must have this fig- inches wide firmly to each limb, and much In the beginning, and tho re- ure, even though ono does not plan is far enough from the crotch so be sult a serious relapse. They got to wear an empire gown. All so dresses could put a heavy clevis on it in the tired that they .take to tho couch, aro to be a little shorter in tho waist middle, to which he could fasten a and then thero is no moro exercise line, and not a word is heard about long chain (tho chain should bo at for weeks and months. Maybe the tho straight front. least 12 feet long). To tho other ends of tho chain he a long attached STYLES FOR THE ovenor six or seven feet long, and a FALL. is not altogether tho mode for modern single whirrietrcc to this at each end, gowns. all of which Is shown in the cut. To Wide Base Fruit Ladder. Forecast of Fashions Seem3 to Prom- ThO 8t.i0 Of COI'KPt nunit m. use it one man drives the team and ise Little Change. of tho women, tends to a differ- - the other takes hold of long end with has had it patented. While this lad-do- r out style of flguro than was in vogue tho slant of limbs pointing up. Tho Is intended for uso in workshops, It would bo quite within tho range 100 years ago and ono fools that tho team is driven slowly, and the brush In climbing over and about machin- of possibilities that the fall styles mode belongs to another ago and time. ery, says For general wear, is gathered by tho limbs under the tho Prailio Farmer, there should show but little change from the however, the ordi-- 1 nary and more chain until as much as team can draw is no reason but what our readers modes which have prevailed. There modern styles will pre-- ; can get an idea from this plan vail, it Is not surprising is accumulated. Tho load is then for aro a few hints given by those who that tho up making a similar ladder for woman who has so long accus-- ; driven to the fire, where it is burn- their havo returned from foreign been ing, and when a past is swung own use The Idea is well illustrated lashlon tomod lo tailor mados should have little regarding tho things off, and tho man holding the long in tho accompanying sketch. centers which cultivated a taste for tho things which polo lifts It up. The ends of the will bo retained and those which are havo a definite fit, which aro adapted eliminated eligl-bi- to short posts or limbs catch into the Do Forest Leaves Am- to be front the list of their particular stylo of flguro and Dead Gather in ground, and the whole load is rolled monia? designs. The princess Is doomed. which they appear to tho very best advantage. This over on top of the firo in tho best A good deal of interest Is bolng Tho empire effect is its substitute. fact will also militate against tho very largo possible position for burning. If In the question of Thut the wretched substitute for the and rather gor-- ! shown whether or goons plaids properly made and handled this takes not dead forest leaves in process princess should go from tho realm of which are bolng displayed their as latest the brush absolutely clean and with- of decay gather atmospheric nitrogen. attractive modes is not sad. To see a the and smartest things for early fall out touching once by tho hands. If say they do. woman attired In a tightly (Hied prin- wear. In the majority of Some scientists that cases large plaids a wood lot Is not accessible it can bo Some experiments made In Europe cess skirt reaching up under the arms are extremely un- becoming to (he made by bolting three pieces of scant- leave the matter In doubt. In seven at Hie side and cutting acros.: the body ordinary figure. They are dimenll to ( ling togother as shown, being care- experiments In pot culture, allowing just under the bust was a spectacle match irrectly and aro not to be forgotten. The fact ordinarily too showy to appeal ful to use good, tough, straight-grain- s the to decay, showed no gain that the to tho leaves women of quiet timber, and the operator will of nitrogen in five of the pots but a new empire effect proposed calls for a and refined tastes. in pieces will find it as great a labor saver as the gain in the other two. The results Buwn one do much to horse rako In the hayflelcl. are not positive enough to a save It from the ridiculous features Alcohol in Cider. warrant brought conclusion, for some unknown quanti- which have the princess Into Cider contains from four to tea per dinrepute; yet, all, tnc craplre To spend monoy uselessly Is a sin. ties may have entered into the trials. after i cent, of alcohol W. V. llllOIUNAN, I'll kh A. II. NIMPHON, V. l'HKH. kaiii. nicounie, cahhikh Chas. Kohn of Montoya is in If you want fruits for preserving

6288 town. give us your order; we will make Gholson, Quay special prices, & Co. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF Sam the ranch Whitmore man was in the city yesterday. One patented ir- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ranch, can be TUCUMCARI. N. M. rigated, will be sold a bargain. AT THIS Best brand of cigars and tobacco at OI.OHK flr IIIJ.SINH.MH OOTOIIISIt 2aill, 1IXXI at The Racket. itf Inquire of M. B. Goldenberg. 43H RESOURCES: UABItlllES! D. B. Garrison, Agua Cavallo, See us before buying paper for Loans and Discounts 107.453.fig Capital Paid 25,000.00 in city your house, 25 new patterns just U S Bonds and was the Wednesday. Premiums G.Gso.oo Surplus and Profits 5,099.66 " received. Barnes & Rankin rtf Ilk Bldg, Film and Fixtures 12,315.29 Circulation F. E. McCleary, Schillings 6,250.00 G. M. Brown V. Cih Md Sight Exchange 1I1.87H.32 Depoiiti 201.947.64 Best " man was offering his goods has bought O. 238,297.3" 238.297.30 to Tucumcari trade Wednesday. Sinclair's interest in the O. V. Sin- clair &. Co. .grocery bnsincss. I, W. V. Jesse Pate came in from Carizo- - Buchanan, President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear Fresh Figs and Dates at the Top that the above statement is true to the best of my belief. zo Thursday night, en route home W. 1 BUCHANAN, Pkks. Notch Store. itf to Dawson. Subscribed and sworn to before mo on this the 23rd day of October, 1906. The democrats are to make big C. C. DAVIDSON, W. H. Morgan, the surveyor, (ovkr) Notary for Quay Co., N. M. burbecue and will have speaking at Public spent last week south of Quay, sur night at the court house. veying lands for locators. We want your business, no accounts too large for us to handle; Strayed or Stolen. W. B. Jarrell and T. A. Wayne and none too small to receive our careful and courteous attention. Ten head of mules; one bay are shipping two car loads of fat We call your particular large of cash marc witn small Dell on, branded attention to the amount cattle to Kansas City. reserve on hand, and to our deposits which are higher than ever before. A J connected on left thigh; bay W. H. Morgan has sold the Rack We buy and sell exchange on all parts ol the world, safest and horse branded J PL connected on cheapest. et Store or the W. A. Jackson build left thigh. Will pay $20.00 re ing to A. Jowell & Co. ward for information leading to the Bonded Officers. Davlight and Burglary Insurance are the re- recovery of these animals. Notify safest guarantees we can offer our depositors. Donald Stewart and family turned Thursday from a summer's sheriff J. A. Street, Tucumcari, or visit in Scotland. Jas. Bell, Endee, N. M. itf A line of underwear at NOTICE OF ELECTION. complete FOR SALE A pretty line of The Racket. itf glass ware at The Racket. 5 itf Notice is hereby given to all legal voters in the No more chapped hands and face The Southwestern is building of Ouav. Territory of New Mexico, b if you use Eastman's cold cream four additional tracks in the yards Countv f t that general election will be held in the said county and and lotion For Sale at The Rack- here and will probably build a turn territory on the 6th day of november, A. D. 1906, et. itf table a little later. WANTED A girl to do general for the purpose of Electing: FOR. SALE 250 head of good work. Apply at The Racket to Convention. house stock cattle, 3,000 head of good One member the Constitutional Store. itf "Shall Arizona and New Mexico be united to form stock sheep and 100 head of pure ludge adjourned I Merino one Mann court bred American bucks. State"? Friday morning until Monday and J no. W. Madden 50 tf One Delegate to the 60th Congress. went to Santa Fe to attend an ad- Tucumcari, N. M. One member for the 5th Council District. journed session of the Supreme Vegetables and fruits of all Court. - One Representative for the 8th District. kinds at Whitmore & Co. 48tf- A Sheriff II. M. Smith sold this week the lot joining his saloon on south main Ex-offi- cio Collector A Treasurer and to Aiken who will build and open a ReisieraJion Books Open. A Clerk of the Probate Court and Ex-offic- io Re away. grocery store right The election registration board corder. shoe Lon Reed, the horse ranch for Tucumcari Precinct No. 1 Assessor. in His An man, was town yesterday. Quay County, are now ready for A Superintendent of Schools. company is shipping 7000 head of business at Perlstein's until ten A Judge cattle from Montoya this week. Probate days prior to the election. County Commissioner 2nd District. Mrs. J. W. Hancock, Dawson, County Commissioner 3rd District. mother of Mrs. J. M. Alvey, is vis CONTEST NOTICE. iting her. A County Surveyor. Deparlmeni of the Interior, United Stales Said election to be held in the various precincts R. V. Clayton and Dick Rich Land Olfice. ards are in the city from Shawnee, Clayton, New Mexico. and places to wit: Oct. 23, 190G. bought M. 's No. One Tucumcari, at the Court Okla. Richards J. A sufficient contest affidavit having been In Precinct homestead and will locate filed in this office by William II. Ivie, House. contestant, against Homestead entry No. here permanently. 4G78. made June 1st, 1903, forNWSWJ , In Precinct No. two Revuelto, at the School Lots 2 & 5, Section 4, Township 8 N., Mrs. J. F. Hedgpcth left Wed Range 29 IJ., by Noble A. Hice, Contested, House. nesday to join her husband at Pe- in which it is alleged that "said Noble School A. Hice has wholly abandoned said tract; In Precinct No. Three Endee, at the cos City, Texas, where he is loca that he has changed his residence there- House in Old Endee. ted this year. Rev. Hedgpeth from for more than six months last past; School House. that said tract is not settled upon and In Precinct No. Four Puerto, at the went straight Irom h.1 raso to cultivated by said party as required by law In Precinct No. Five Dodson, at the School House. Pecos City. and that said alleged absence from the said N. oya, the School House. land was not due to lis employment in the In Precinct Six Mont at Ed Wright, the Santa Rosa attor Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the Polls will be open from 9 A. M. to 6 P.H. United Stated as a private soldier, officer, The ney, attencieu court nere mis weeic. seaman or marine, during the war with By order of the beaidof ccunty cfir.missineis Spain or during any other war in which W. II . Morgan is going to make of Quay county, New Hexico. the United States may bo engaged." Said y QALLEQ0S application to prove up on his parties are hereby notified to appear re- homestead next week. spond and oder evidence touching said al- clerk. legation at 10 o'clock a. m. Dec. 29, 190G, We arc receiving grapes, peach- before N. V. Gallegos, U. S, Court Com- missioner in his office at Tucumcari New es, apples and other fruits daily. Mexico, and that final hearing will be held Whitmore & Co. 43tf at 10 o'clock a. m. on Jan. 24, 1907 before the Register and Receiver at the United The NEWS Try the Sterling and Fast Mail States Land Office in Clayton, New Mexico. o p The said contestant having, in a proper Fine Cut Tobacco at the T affidavit, filed Sept. 29, 190G, set fortli facts One Dollar Notch, tf. which show that after due diligence person- al service of this notice can not be made, Wines of all kinds at the K. C. it is hereby ordered and directed that such line of cigars notice be given by due and proper publi- Year Largest and best cation. One at the Top Notch. Edward W. Fox, Register. Delinquent Tax List. total 3 42. (Continued from page two) Buckncr, T B all taxes for 05. personal property, cattle, taxes 3 28, penalty Ilnrtman, Clarence second half of taxes 70, total 4 15. Kelly & Co. Domingttez, Andres second half of t.wes Gross, 05, lots 5 blk vii Kussell add taxes 15, personal property, horses, rattle. sheep penalty 06c, costs 40c, total 1 61. 05, costs t Jones, J E second half of taxes 05, per etc taxes 205. penalty 10, 3s. sonal property, horses and other items,' tal 2 50. POPULAR STORE NEWS Pearl all taxes for person- taxes 7 75, penalty 39, costs 35, total 8 49 Edwards, 05. horses, Hems J P Martinez and 13roe no sw al property, cattle and other So. costs 70.tot.1l w ne se nw s 23 t 10 r 30 c so taxes 17 75, penalty Forbes, J C second half of taxes 05. per- WAISTS 4 sec 23. tio 3oe n2 sw 4 sec 24 t 10 r 30 tax LADIES' SHIRT sonal horses and sheep, taves last half year '05 9 25 penalty 46c cost 35 property, 66. total total 10 06 13 19, penalty costs 35. 14 io. Gholson, Lee F. all taxes for 05. per- As the season is about over on this T A Maddox imp on gov land personal sonal property, horses and other items, class of merchandise wo are going to property taxes 05 6 56 penally 33c cost taxes 2 40, penalty 12, costs 70. total 3 22. offer this week our entire stock of 35c total 7 24. Gholson, E S all taxes for 05, personal exactly Postal Telegraph Co. all taxes for 05, Ladies' Summer Waists at property, cattle, taxes 1 $7. penalty 09, personal property, telegraph lines, taxes ONE-HAL- F ONE-HAL- F PRICE costs 70, total 2 66. PRICE 5 55, penalty 28, costs 70, total 6 53. Hunter, Eliza second half of taxes 05 Now this means a less than cost sale C J Heed taxes on lots 23-2- 4 blk 23 t t personal property, horses, cattle etc, taxes it isn't a question of price with 6 i co year '05 2 32 penalty u cost Soc to- but 10 99, penalty s. costs 35. total n S9. us: it is We will not tal 3 24, PRINCIPLE. Hunter. Mark second half of taxes 05, to Sanchez, Benito second half of taxes 05, cany goods over from one season personal property horses and cattle, taxes waists stylish now personal property sheep, taxes 3 24, penal- another. The arc 16 iS, penalty Si, costs 35. total 17 34. they won't be next year. Come ty 16, costs 35, total 3 75 but Nelson, J P second half of taxes 05. per. early and get your choice. all taxes lot 1 blk t t ; Sam Stern 05 14 sonal property, horses, cattle etc taxes 9 25 penalty 46 cost 40 total 10 11 11 52, penalty 5S, costs 35, total 12 45. Thorpe, Wm all taxes for 05, personal Parks, W C all taxes for 05, personal iG property' horses, cattle, etc taxes 30, property, horses and other items, taxes penalty 8, costs 70, total 17 S2. 20 95, penalty 1 05, costs 70, total 22 70. Gross Kelly & Co. Mrs Wni Thorp se nw n sw Jose Patricio Sanchessw of se t r pen 4 sec 12 11 3oe taxes year '05 7 03 sec 14 t 7 r 2S, nw ne and w nw 8 alty 35c cost 70c .otal 08, per prop taxes sec 23 t 7 r 2Se taxes "05 793 penalty 40 cost total 4 50 penalty 23c 70c 5 43, cost 70c total 9 03. Vinabidez, Paublin all taxes for 05, per- Wilson, W F second half of taxes 05, IWI sonal property, horses cattle etc. taxes personal property, horses and cattle, taxes '7 73. penalty 89, costs 70, total 19 32. G 59, penalty 33, costs 35, total 7 24. Watson, J V all taxes for 05, lots Aguilar, Jose Ma all taxes for 05. per V. & block Kussel addition 5 55, pen- Co 23. taxes sonal property, cattle, taxes 8S, penalty 0. Sinclair 28, costs 6 alty 70, total 53. 04, costs 70, total 1 G2, White, K E Mrs second half of taxes 05, Bradiord C F second half of taxes 05, lot 7 blk 26, T T taxes 93c penalty 05c, personal property, horses cattle etc. taxes costs 1 18; When in need of G roccries, Mea, Feed, 20c, total personal property, 3 12: penalty 16, costs 35, total 3 63. G cattle 52, penalty 32, costs 35, total 7 '9 Morris, R A all ta::es for 05, se. sec 30, Flour and Mealcall on O. V. Sinclair Clem Hobbins, second half of taxes 05, t 8 n r 28 e 160 acres, taxes 6 80, penalty & Co. 13 v oy sack of Hour guaraneed lots 22-2- 3 block 14, T T taxes 9 25, penal- 34, costs 70, total 7 84. o he he bes'' or money refunded. ty 4G, costs 40, total 10 11. Nation, F W all taxes for 05, personal PRECINCT TWO property , horses and cattle, taxes 1217, Garcia y Herrera Santiago, second half penalty Gi. costs 70; total 13 48. of taxes 05, 2 of ne4, n2 of se4, s 31, t 9, n Sena, Hijinio all taxes for 05, sc.) sec 28 4S3 O. V. SINCLAIR & CO. r 32 e 1G0 acres, taxes 3 04, penalty 15c, 'Phone t 1 1 n r 28 e 1G0 acres, taxes 8 50, penalty costs 35c, total 3 54. 43, costs 70, total 9 G3; personal property Gomez, Juan second half of taxes 05, horses and sheep, taxes 1 92, penalty 10, personal property, horses and cattle, taxes costs 70, (otal 2 62. 7 82, penalty 39, costs 35, total 8 56. Montoya, Pedro all taxes for 05, per- Patent Lands. sonal property, horses cattle and THE sheep, Alvarado, Santiago ne s of se 4 of sec 32 taxes 8 23, penalty costs total 41, 70, 9 34. t 10 n r 30 e forty .'icres 02 tax 1 12; 03 Martinez, Victoriano, all taxes for 05, tax 1 20; 04 tax 34; 05 tax 1 3G; total tax personal property, horses, sheep etc, taxes 5 02, penalty 25, costs 40, total 6 67. Legal Tender Saloon 14 58, penalty costs total 1G01. 73, 70, Aztec Land and Cattle co, sw 4 of sw 4 I'RKCINCT TIIKKK. sec 9 t S n r 27 e forty acres; 05 tax 1 36, Haca, Felipe C second half of taxes 05, penalty 07, costs 35, total 1 7S. The Pioneer House of the Kind in the City. personal horses, property, sheep etc, taxes Baldizan, Victor s 2 of sw 4 of sec 14 t 11 WINES, BRANDIES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. 13 Gi, penalty G8, costs 35, total 14 G4. n r 29 e; se 4 of sc. sec 15 t 11 n r 29 c; ne Birch, L E t 1G0 H second half of taxes 05, 4 of n 04 of sec 22 11 n r 290 acres; CALL AND SEE US. H. K. GRVBBS, horses and cattle, taxes G74, penalty 34, 03 tax 5 44, penalty 27, costs 35, total G oG cost 35, total 7 43. I31ea, Jose C sw 4 of sw 4 of sec 10 t 1 Claybrook, J T second half of taxes 05. n r 33 e, forty acres; 04 tax 1 3 J ; 05 tax nw. of sec 15, t 9 n r 36 e 1G0 acres, taxes 1 3G, penalty 24, costs 70, total 3 54. 4 42, penalty 22, costs 35, total 4 99, Chavez, Antonio s 2 of no 4, s 2 of nw 4 Fife, Martha E, all taxes for 05, per- sec t n r 32 eiGo acres 02 tax 4 4G; sonal property, horses and cattle, taxes 03 tax 4 81; 04 tax 5 36; 05 tax 5 44 total t 2007, penalty 1 00, costs 70, total 21 77. 20 07, penalty 1 oo, costs 40, total 22 47 FURNITURE SOME SPECIALTIES FOR THE MONTH I Griggs, Cary all taxes for 05, personal Cartwright Geo II su 4 of sw 4 sec 32 t property, cattle, taxes 12 79. penalty G4, 9 n r 27 e forty acres; 02 tax 112; 03 tax CHAIRS Wind Mills, Well Curbing, Piping, costs 70, total 14 13, 1 20; 04 tax 34; 05 tax 1 36 total taxes I M G A Garcia w ne n nw 5I02 penalty 25 costs 1 40 total 67. Cylinders and all wind mills and sec 17 tio r3fie taxes last half year'05 11 24 Chavez Jose sw 4 of se 4 sec 21 t 10 n r I AND well supplies. penalty 5GC cost 35c total 12 15, 31 e forty acres. 02 tax 1 12; 03 tav 1 20; I'RKCINCT FOUR. tax 1 tax 1 3G; total 5 02 penalty 04 34; 05 BARNES & RANKIN, Tucumcari, N. M. Mc Dial Chas second half of 05 personal 25 costs 1 40 total G 67. I ROCKERS property.horses and cattle tax 8 73 penalty Day, Geo M no 4 sec 32 t 10 n r 3G e 1G0 44 cost 35 tolal 9 52 acres; 02 tax 4 46; 03 tax 4 81; 04 tax 5 3G; i 'tun UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Long A H all taxes 05 personal property 05 tax 5 44 total 2007 penalty 100 costs 1 40 I cattle taxes 10 48 penalty 52 cost 70 total total 22 47. 11 70 Davis, Elisha se 4 of sw 4, s 2 se 4, ne 4 Taylor Geo R second half of 05 personal of se 4 sec 30 t 1 1 n r 27 e 1G0 acres; 02 Books Open. FOR SALE- - 152 acres of pat- property horses and cattle taxes 20 05 pen- tax 4 46; 03 tax 4 81; 04 tax 536; 05 tax RcisteraJion alty 03 costs 31; total 21 93 5 44 total 20 07, penalty 00 costs 1 40 ented lands, Go acres tillable, liv- total 22 The election registration board I'RKCINCT KIVK 47. ing water and good range, 9 miles of 1 all taxes for prop- Gonzales, Matias sw 4 nw 4, nw 4 of for Tucumcari Precinct "No. Birch, E. 05, personal west of town. Inquire at. of- sw sec 11 t n r 28 u 80 acres; tax this erty, taxes 43, penalty 07, costs 70, to- 4 7 03 240 Quay County, arc now ready for fice. June tax 2 G8; tax 2 total 80 penalty tf tal 2 20. 04 05 72 7 costs total business at Perlstein's, until ten Briscoe, W II second half of taxes 05, 39 05 9 24. Vegetables and fruits of all personal taxes 2 92, penalty 15, costs 35, (Continued on page 15) days prior to the election. kinds at Whitmoru & Co. j8tf 7

WBf aBHHa BOBOBBDD.3 m j H. C. BO WEN'S 1880 old whiskey. This famous old whisky will soon be off the market, It Is now in stock at the K. C. SALOON WILLIAM PATTY, PROP. Our bar whiskey, Old Oscar Pepper, is ten years old. All our barrel whiskey is doublcstampcd goods HEIMS AND PABTS BEERS, BOTTLE AND DRAUGHT Bonded goods of all kinds. Rye, Bourbons and Corn whiskies of best brands. Wines of all brands. We want to call your attention to our Hungarian Blackberry vjuiuwciiiuI vvnua : l i orivi errv. oners. : i

Delinquent Tax List. r 27 c forty acres; 05 tax 3O penalty 07 Se 4 of sec 26 t 6 n r 31 c 160 in a name? (Continued from page i.) costs 35 total 1 78. taxes 5 44 penalty 27 costs 70 to- 's Martinez Victor s 2 of se 4 sec 9 t 10 n r ling same as required by law and on account tal 6 41 2 e; n 2 of ne 4 sec 17 t 10 n r 33 c 1G0 of an erroneous publication having been Sw of se sec t 5 n r c A good deal when that costs to- 4 4 5 27 heretofore made of a"res; 05 tax 5 44 penalty 27 35 a part of said list. 40 acres; taxes 1 36 penalty 07 name is Donami tal 0 oG. Stkwaut costs 70 total 2 13 Treasurer and collector of Montoya, Hernadino s 2 of se 4; so 4 of Sw of sec t 5 n r c 160 Quay county New Mexico. sw 4 sec 21 t 10 n r 33 c 120 acres; 05 tax 4 25 27 acres: taxes 5 penalty 27 costs W. F. Huciianan 408 penalty 21 costs 35 total 4 G4. 44 total 6 Stamped on a loaf of Deputy Montoya, Maria Dolores Ma de c 2 of 70 41 1G0 of bread. I'UKCINCT ONK. ne 4; e 2 of se 4 sec 20 t 10 n r 330 S 2 of sw 4, s.2 sc 4 sec 9 t 7 Alfred, If second half of taxes for 05, acres; total 14 G3 penalty 73 costs 05 to n r 28 c 160 acres; taxes 5 44 pen- For those round cream personal property consisting of horses, cat tal iG 41. alty 27 costs 70 total 6 41 tle and other items, taxes 11 penalty sw of sec 20 t 5 n r 27 e loaves, call at 70, Ortega, Jesus 4 N2 of se4, sc 4 of sc 4 sec 8 t 7 n costs tax 81; tax 59c, 35. total 12 G.. 1O0 acres; 02 tax 4 4G; 03 4 04 r 28 e 120 acres; taxes 4 08 penal- F G penalty The Pioneer Bakery. Hrowning per prop tax last half yr 5 3O; 05 tax 5 44; total 20 07 00 ty 21 costs 70 total 4 99 '0511 10 penalty 56c cost 70c, total 12 3G costs total 22 47. 40 Lot 4 sec 3 t 8 n r 27 e 40 acres Hrewer, S N second half of taxes for 05, Ortega, Jose sw.i of sec 30 1 11 nr 28 a tax 1 36 penalty costs to- lots blk 5 Daubs add, taxes 2 28. 1G0 acres; 05 tax 5 44 penalty 27 costs 35 05 07 35 tal 1 78 penalty 12c, costs 40c, total 2 80 total 0 oG. w sec Nw of sw sec t 6 n r c r John Campbell per prop tax horses and Ogle, Richard Mack 2 of sw 4 13 4 4 33 34 1 t n r 28 e; n 2 so 4 sec 14 t 9 n r 28 c 1G0 40 acres; 05 tax 36 penalty 07 Saddle and Harness cattle taxes second half year '05 5 99 pen- 9 tax penalty 27 costs 35 to costs 35 total 1 7S alty 300 cost 35c total tax G C. acres; 05 5 44 G oG. of Cummings, Mollic V all taxes fjr 05. tal West 2 of nw 4, se 4 nw 4 sec REPAIR SHOP personal property consisting of telephone Padilla Nabor se 4 sec 3 t 12 n r 33 e 1G0 9 t 511 r 35 e 120 acres; 05 tax tax 3O; tax 5 44; total 10 80 oS line and fixtures, taxes 22 20, penalty 1 11, acres; 04 5 05 4 penalty 21 costs 35 total 4 64 penalty costs 70 total 12 costs 70, total 24 01. 54 04. Ne 4 of se 4 sec 16 I ion r 27 e We to do all kinds U are prepaired Rus-se- l, Revuelta Andre n 2 of sw 4; s 2 of nw J D Chamblee taxes on lot 7 blk 18 40 acres; 02 tax 12; 03 tax 1 20; of 1 11 1G0 3G Saddle and Harness repairing. .1 sec n r 33 " acres; 04 tax 5 1 tax for year '05 1 ti penalty Gc cost n 04 tax 34; 05 tax 1 36 total 5 02 tax 5 total 10 penalty 54 costs 70 .joe total 57 05 44; 90 penalty 25 costs 1 40 total. 6 67 total 12 04. Curren, J F. all taxes for 05, personal S 2 of se 4 sec 12 t 9 n r 3G o; n Clint Rutherford, Rael. lesus Maria sw.i of sw 4 of sec 9 property, printing office, taxes G 82, pen- 2 of ne 4 sec 12 t 9 n r 36 e 1C0 t 7 n r 28 e forty acres; 02 tax 12; 03 tax 70', 0.1. 36; 5 : alty 34c, costs total 7 8G. - acres: tax 5 05 tax 44 to Tucumca.ri, New Mexico 1 20; 04 tax 1 34; 05 tax 3O; toial 5 02 pen- Campbell, Geo second half of taxes 05, tal 10 So penalty 54 costs 70 total alto costs 1 total G G7. personal property, horses and cattle taxes 25 40 12 04 Lydcs, Samuel K ne 4 of sec 10 t 12 n r 18 iG, penalty 91, costs 5, total 19 42. 350 1G0 acres; 02 tax 4 40:03 tax. Si; 04 tax Goodman, II. all taxes for 05, personal For Sale. 5 3G; 05 tax 5 44; total 2007 penalty 00 property taxes, 11 10, penalty 5G, costs 35 costs 40 total 22 47. One four room house and two THE LEGAL TENDER total 12 01. Suntle, Jos N W s 2 nw 4 n 2 s w 4 sec lots, on easy terms. Inquire of Hendren TF all taxes for 05, lots 29 t it n r 27 e 1G0 acres; 02 tax 4 4G; 03 M. B. Goldcnlierg. block 21, Tucumcari townsite, taxes 1 85, 43tf Barber Shop tax 4 Si; 04 tax 5 3G; 05 tax 544; total penalty 09, costs 80, total 2 74, personal One three room house and two 20 07 penalty 00 costs 40 total 22 47. property cattle taxes 3 85, penalty 19, terms. Inquire of ne 4 sec lots, on easy D. Truiillo, Donanciano Veaoi 9 A. Hclman, Prop. costs 70, total 4 74. t 12 n r 32 e; w 2 of nw 4 sec 10 t 12 n r 32 M. B. Goldcnberg. Gonzales, Teodoritasw4 of sec 14 t 7 n o 1G0 acres; 04 tax 5 3G; penalty 27 costs Correct Treatment of Customers. r 28 e Go acres. 02 tax 4 4G; 03 tax 4 81; 35 sotal 5 9S. Hour 3G; tax pen For tfood Cow Brand 04 tax 5 05 5 44; total 2007 of sw sw of se BATHS. Tafoya, Niconer SC4 4; 4 & alty 1 00 costs 40 total 22 47. go to Whitmore Co., a guaran- sec 33 t 9 n r 32 e lots 2 and 3 of sec 4 t 8 - - - Mhxico Gonzales, Miguel sw 4 of se 4 sec t 5 n tee with every sack. 48tf Tucumcari, New n r 32 o 1G0; 04 tax 5 3G; 05 tax 5 44; total r 27 0 forty acres; 02 tax 12; 03 tax 1 20; 10 80 penalty 54 costs 70 total 12 04. 04 tax 1 34, 05 tax 1 3G; total 5 02 penalty Go to the Top Notch for all kinds 25 costs 1 40 total G G7. Patent La.nd Unknown Owners. of candies, the freshest and bcstt Garcia, Manuel Asw 4 of nw 4 sec 17 t Nw 4-- of nc 4, c 2 of nw 4 sec 2 10 n r jG e; s 2 of no 4; no 4 of no 4 sec 18 t 12 n r e 120 acres: taxes 4 08 Wm. Troup t 10 n r 36 c 1G0 acres; 04 tax 53G; 05 tax penalty 21 costs 70 total 4 99 total 10 80 penalty 54 costs 70 total 5 44 Lot 6 sec 6 I 12 n r 32 e 33 acres 12 04 COAL DEALER taxes 1 12 penalty 06 costs 70 to- Chamberlain's Johnson, Jas F W2 of nw 4 sec 10 t 12 n tal 1 88 AND r 35 east So acres; 02 tax 2 23; 03 tax 2 40; Nw 4 of nw 4 sec 18 t 11 11 r 36e 04 tax 2 08; 05 tax 2 72; total taxes 10 03 40 acres: taxes 36 penalty 07 E 1 11 CITY TRANSFER penalty 50 costs 40 total 93. costs 70 total 2 13 Lucero, Cruz s 2 ne 4, n 2 se4 sec 14 i Se 4 of ne 4, s 2 of ne 4 and lot 1G0 acres; t2 n r 34 e 05 lax 5 44 penalty x sec .1 t ion r 20 e 160 acres; 27 costs 35 total 0 oG. taxes 5 44 penalty 27 costs 70 to Lopez, Juan ne 4 of ne 4 sec 12 t ioih tal 6 41 acres; tax 1 3G penalty THE PHOENIX h 31 e forty 05 07 N 2 of nw 4 sec 4 t 9 n r 30 e 80 f total costs 35 78. acres: taxes 2 72 penalty 14 cost Martinez, M S e 2 nw 4, n 2 ne 4 sec 25 Barber Shop 70 total 3 50 t 10 n r 30 e 1G0 acres 02 tax 4 4G; 03 tax On the Corner. N 2 nw.j. nw.j. sec 20 t q n 3G; total sw.(, ., 81; 04 tax 5 05 tax 544; 2007 taxes 08 penal Cough Remedy - r 30 e 120 acres; 4 s penalty 1 00 costs 40 total 22 47 ty 2i costs 70 total 4 99 The Children's Favorite AND COLD BATHS s Montano, Hasina nw 4 sec 5 t 9 n r 33 CURES HOT Nw 4. sec 20 t 0 n r 34. c 160 Coughs, Colds, Croup c 1G0 acres; 02 tax 4G; 03 tax 4 8i; 04 tax and 1 acres; taxes 5 penalty 27 costs Cough. s b total 14 G3 penalty 73 costs 05 to 44 Whooping 6 41 Thlsrorno!y Is fnrnouii for lUcurenovor tal if) 70 total enn Agent Alamogordo Steam Laundry 41. nliirKO ixirt of tho clvlllzod world. It second half personal Sw of so 4, e 2 of SW4, sw of nlwnyo fic djontcd upon. It contains no McDial Chas 05 4 4 opium or othor hnmiful itruir nnil may lo s property horses and cattle tax S 73 penal sw 4 sec 19 t b n r 27 e iuo acres; (,'lvou an cnnflilontly to a tmby na to nu mlult to Prlco 25 eta; Largo Slzo, 50 cts. O. CASH Proprietor ly 44 costs 35 ol'"i 0 5 taxes 5 44 penalty 27 costs 70 so G t 8 n tal G 777777777777777777777? Moses, Wells II sw 2 of 4 sec 41 QUAY COUNTY this business and went into the real ceivc most of the vote of all par- schools in session and others will opened during the next twenty REPUBLICAN TICKET. estate and farm loan business. He ties for the reason that he has be was successful in all these enter- done more to advance the public days. This work shows the from page four. Continued prises and has letters of recom- school interests than everybody splendid serviee that has been done mendation from all his employers else in the county since his elec- by Mr. Rudulph, who gets up and inenfpart in the politics of the which show him to Re thoroughly tion to that responsible position. goes from district to'district to at- territory. He is a graduate of tlie proficient in clerical work. He Rudulph is an old teacher, having tend to the business of his office. high school of , studied came toTucumcari in 1902 and has entered the profession when he was The reports of some time ago law in the office of Spiess and Da- been engaged in business here seventeen years old. He receiv- show that he paid back to the vis of that city, and was committee since. Mr. Dauber assures the ed his education at St. Mary's schools without any solicitation clerk of the house of representa- party that if elected for county college, at Mora, and followed fifty dollars salary allowed him by tives in the 34th legislature, and clerk he will devote his tinta per- teaching up to 1895. He came to the board of county commissioners dis- in March, 1903, was appointed sonally to the discharge of the du- Quay county in 1901 and took for visiting the various school clerk of the probate court of Quay ties of the office. charge of the Goke sheep ranch tricts, having decided it was not county, by Gov. Miguel Otero and Francisco L. Gutierrez, the cast of town and is yet in charge the intention of the law to allow has acquitted himself in a credita- nominee for county assessor, is of that business. He was elected special compensation for this ser- ble manner in every particular. In among the pioneer settlers of Quay county superintendent of Guada- vice. He promises if elected to January, 1905, he was married to county, or the section composing lupe county in the fall of 1902, and do everything possible for him to the daughter of.Hon. Eugenio Ro- Quay county, for he lived here a in 1903 was appointed superinten- do for the advancement of our mero, the present treasurer and number of years befote Quay was dent of Quay comity by Miguel S. pnblic school interests. s V. collector of San Miguel county and legislated into existence. Frank-i- Otero, and in the fall of 190 was Judge S. Montoj'a, who was coaloil inspector of NewMexico,and lineally decended from the Gu- - elected to succeed himself. On the unanimous choice of the rep- who is also one of the ablest pol- ublican party for probate judge iticians and wealthiest citizens of was nominated to succeed himself. the territory. Gallegos holds the The Judge's record is well known place of U. S. Court Commissioner in the county and it will be very under appointment of hard to defeat him. Judge Mon-toy- a Judge W. J. Mills since 1905, was born at Santa Fe and and has proven his ability in every went to Albuquerque with his pa- particular in the conduct of these rents when a boy where he receiv- offices. He is sober, prudent and ed a common school education, faithful and will be elected by a following which he went into the good rojnd majority to the house employ of the Santa Fe Rv. Co. of the thirty-sevent- h legislative as- remaining with them for 15 years. sembly, He came to Quay county and was John Madden, the nominee for elected Probate Judge by the re- sheriff, is an old timer in this sec- publican party in 1904 and made a tion of New Mexico, having been very satisfactory record. He is engaged in the stock business here related to the Montoya and Galle- since his boyhood. Madden has gos families, both of which names been successful in all of his busi-ues- s are historical in New Mexico. The undertakings and is the pres- Judge promises his best efforts if ent manager in charge of the Pa-jari- Livestock Co., whose head- Pedro Borquez, nominee for quarters are near Tucumcari, in commissioner from thd second dis- this county. Madden was the trict, we are informed, is one of unanimous choice of the party for the leading citizens of his commu- sheriff and the republicans are go- nity and thoroughly proficient to ing to do their best to elect him. attend to the du'le of the office of Everybody in Quay county will say county commissioner. Madden is a capable and worthy Thomas Davis, nominat'd from gentleman and the republicans are the third district is among the convinced that he will serve the county's most substantial citizens people with the utmost satisfac- and is going to get the vote of both tion. republicans and democrats in his J. J. Harrison, our candidate home precinct and very strong for treasurer and collector, had no support all over the county. Dav- is has made a success of his own opposition in the republican party A. B. DAUDEIt, Republican Candidate for Probate Clerk. for the nomination and is univer- business and if elected will look as tierrez and Chaves families of tin's the first clay of January, sally known to be a capable and 1903, carefully to the welfare of the territory, also the Pereas of Bcr there was no schools in county deserving man. His election is Quay as he docs his own person- nalillo county, prominent among county and not a blank conceded. He is true to his friends of any al interests. Don't forget Davis them being Pedro Perea, delegate description and only three school and faithful to his party's princi- when you make up your ticket. to congress. He received his ed districts in the county ples. and by April V. H. Morgan, the surveyor and ucation in Las Vegas Jesuit col- 1005, he had organized three new civil engineer was the unanimous A. 13. Dauber, the republican lege, later coming to this section school districts and the scholastic choice of the party for surveyor nominee for probate clerk is a well and residing here for fifteen years. population numbered 652. On and it would have been impossible known business man of this city. He has been voting the republi August 1, 1005, the reports to the to make a better. He is prepared He was born on a farm near Tope-ka- , can ticket since reaching his ma territorial superintendent of pub- by education, experience and with Kan. After graduating from jority, although his fatlier was a lic instruction showed twelve a fine set of engineer's apparatus the high school he took the position democrat, and is pledged in case school districts and twelve for the work and not only that but of book keeper for the Merchants of his election to give the asses schools in session with an average he is a gentleman who commands National Bank, of Topeka. He office his sor's personal attention. attendance of nearly 400 children, the respect and confidence of all served three years in that position He declares that his time and with a total enumeration of 720. who know him. Mr. Morgan has when he resigned to take the po- whatever money he may have At are the close of the school year, a U. S. Army and Spanish-America- n sition of assistant cashier for always at the command of the re- the August 1, 1906, we had in Quay war record that readily con- First National Bank of Horton, publican party and his town and county fourteen schools going vinces one that he is the stuff that Kansas. One year afterwards he county. with an enrollment of over 500 men arc made of. He will be went to Yukon, Okla., and organ- Milnor su- Rudulph, :hc present school children. We have at pres- elected by a large majority. ized the Farmers and Merchants perintendent of of e schools this ent twenty-on- school districts in Now the Nkws would like t o Bank, being one of the stockhold- county, was unanimously nomina- the county with an enumeration of urge its readers to support this ers and filling the place of assist- ted by the 1 republican county con- 1475 There were on the 1st of ticket as we believe it thoroughly ant cashier. He afterwards sold vention for re- - and will October, the present month, eight representative from top to bottom.