Fighting For Freedom: Revolution and Civil War Trouble in the Colonies 1. Why were the signers of the Declaration of Independence so solemn (serious) when they signed? 2. What were their goals? 3. What incident led to England taking harsher measures of rule over the colonies? 4. How did Parliament respond to the Tea Party?

A Shot Heard ‘round the World 5. Why did the British march on the colonial towns of Lexington and Concord? 6. When did the Revolutionary War begin?

A Congress of Great Men 7. What was the king’s reaction to Lexington and Concord? What did he declare? 8. Who helped organize a congress of delegates to discuss the crisis? 9. Who was given command of the new Continental Army? 10. Where was the first major battle of the American Revolution?

To Begin the World Over Again 11. Who was the writer (recently emigrated from England) who persuaded many to support freedom from British rule? What was the name of the pamphlet he wrote? 12. When was the vote for independence?

All Men are Created Equal 13. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence (DOI)? 14. What did the author of the DOI think of slavery?

No Turning Back 15. When did the Continental Congress adopt the DOI?

Part II: Revolution A People’s War 16. How did women contribute to the war for independence? 17. In the late 1770s, how successful were the Americans in their fight against the British? What was the low point for the Americans?

The World Turned Upside Down 18. What was the most important battle of the war in 1781? 19. What country sided with the Americans and helped them win the war?

The Miracle in Philadelphia 20. Why did delegates come to believe that they had to create a whole new constitution? 21. What the GREAT COMPROMISE? 22. Which group(s) were left out of the concept of “We the People?”

Establishing Precedents 23. What political institutions developed out of the rivalries between Washington’s cabinet secretaries? 24. What laws were passed under John Adams’ administration that infringed on freedoms of speech and press? 25. What was the “Revolution of 1800?” An Empire for Liberty 26. What bold executive move did Jefferson undertake that went beyond his powers and expanded the size of the US? 27. Who were sent to explore this expanded territory?

Fighting for Freedom Parts III and IV 28. What was the great contradiction in the American guarantee of freedom?

The Slave Trade 29. What was the “Great Triangle” trade route? 30. What was the “Middle Passage?” 31. Where in the colonies and the early United States could slavery be found?

Plantation Slavery 32. How many slaves were in America by 1800? 33. How were the Black Codes? How did the Black Codes define slaves?

Abolition 34. According to historian Eric Foner, what were the abolitionists attacking besides slavery? 35. What was the support system that helped slaves escape to the North? 36. Who was the escaped slave, nicknamed Moses, who became one of the most wanted fugitives in the entire South?

Frederick Douglass 37. How did American society explain denying freedom to 4 million people in a country that defines itself as a land of liberty?

A little giant and a big Debate 38. Why was Stephen Douglas’s Kansas Nebraska bill such a radically new law? What did it allow? 39. Who was the self-educated lawyer who opposed Stephen Douglas for the US Senate in 1858? 40. How did Douglas view freedom in the light of slavery? 41. How did Lincoln view freedom in the light of slavery?

Splitting Apart 42. In what year was Lincoln elected president? What was the reaction in the South? 43. What was the first state to leave the Union? How many finally left? 44. What was the name of the new “nation?” 45. Who was the president of the new southern nation? 46. When did the Civil War begin?

Americans against Americans 47. About how many Americans died in the Civil War? 48. What was the first major battle of the Civil War?

Forever free 49. What advantages did the South have leading up to the Civil War? 50. Why did abolitionists like and John Rock criticize Lincoln? 51. Why did Lincoln wait to issue an executive order to free the slaves? 52. What battle gave Lincoln what he was waiting for in #60 above? 53. What was the proclamation Lincoln issued in January 1, 1863? 54. What did the proclamation do? What did it NOT do?

To Arms! 55. Why were some in the North called cowards? 56. About how many black soldiers served in the Union army during the Civil War?

Gettysburg 57. Why was Gettysburg such a big gamble for Robert E. Lee? 58. What became known as the most famous “charge” in American military history? 59. How many men did Lee lose in 3 days at Gettysburg?

A New Birth of Freedom 60. On what occasion did Lincoln deliver his Gettysburg Address? 61. What did Lincoln mean by a “new birth of freedom?”

The Final Year 62. Who was the general who Lincoln finally entrusted with aggressively and brutally fighting the war to victory? 63. Who was the general who burned Atlanta, cut a 50-mile path to the sea, and wrote “War is all hell?”

“A Nation Worth Fighting For” 64. When did the Civil War end? 65. What happened to the president days after the war ended?