The thirty gigahertz instrument receiver for the Q-U-I Joint Tenerife experiment: Concept and experimental results Enrique Villa, Juan L. Cano, Jaime Cagigas, David Ortiz, Francisco J. Casas, Ana R. Pérez, Beatriz Aja, J. Vicente Terán, Luisa de la Fuente, Eduardo Artal, Roger Hoyland, and Ángel Mediavilla

Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 024702 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4907015 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing

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Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: Download to IP: On: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:08:32 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 86, 024702 (2015)

The thirty gigahertz instrument receiver for the Q-U-I Joint Tenerife experiment: Concept and experimental results Enrique Villa,1,a) Juan L. Cano,1 Jaime Cagigas,1 David Ortiz,2 Francisco J. Casas,2 Ana R. Pérez,1 Beatriz Aja,1 J. Vicente Terán,1 Luisa de la Fuente,1 Eduardo Artal,1 Roger Hoyland,3 and Ángel Mediavilla1 1Departamento Ingeniería de Comunicaciones, Universidad de Cantabria, Plaza de la Ciencia s/n, Santander 39005, Spain 2Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros s/n, Santander 39005, Spain 3Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Vía Láctea s/n, La Laguna 38205, Spain (Received 12 December 2014; accepted 19 January 2015; published online 4 February 2015) This paper presents the analysis, design, and characterization of the thirty gigahertz instrument receiver developed for the Q-U-I Joint Tenerife experiment. The receiver is aimed to obtain polarization data of the cosmic microwave background radiation from the sky, obtaining the Q, U, and I Stokes parameters of the incoming signal simultaneously. A comprehensive analysis of the theory behind the proposed receiver is presented for a linearly polarized input signal, and the functionality tests have demonstrated adequate results in terms of Stokes parameters, which validate the concept of the receiver based on electronic phase switching. C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. []

I. INTRODUCTION the moment right after the Big Bang.6 Among ground-based projects, QUIET7 and FARADAY8 have developed sensitive The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the ther- radiometers based on the schemes of previous receivers per- mal radiation from the Big Bang explosion, which fills the forming high-quality sky maps. A new ground-based polar- whole Universe.1 The existence of the CMB radiation2 was ization experiment, called Q-U-I Joint Tenerife (QUIJOTE) postulated by Gamow, Alpher, and Herman in the late 1940s experiment, is under development with the aim of charac- when they were investigating the primordial nucleosynthesis terizing the polarization of the CMB and other galactic and of light elements. However, it was first detected in 1964, when extragalactic signals at medium and large angular scales in the Penzias and Wilson accidentally measured an excess of noise- frequency range from 10 to 47 GHz.9,10 The configuration of like signal which could not be removed.3 The characterization the receiver enables to obtain Q, U, and I Stokes parameters of the CMB radiation is, nowadays, one of the most important simultaneously, which describe the polarization states of an observational probes in cosmology, as it allows to set con- electromagnetic radiation in terms of the total intensity, the straints on the main cosmological parameters that describe fractional degree of polarization, and the shape parameters of our Universe. Hence, a great effort has been invested over the polarization ellipse.11 the last decades in developing the necessary technology, in This paper presents the analysis, design, and characteriza- particular radio astronomy receivers, to collect high-sensitivity tion of the receiver for the QUIJOTE Thirty-GHz Instrument CMB data. A first space mission dedicated to the analysis of (TGI), verifying the functionality of the receiver according to the CMB was the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)4 in the theory. A representative polarimeter is analyzed obtaining the late 1980s, which measured the CMB anisotropies and the detected voltages in each output which depend on the whose results were improved by the Wilkinson Microwave polarization of the incoming signal. Furthermore, the measure- Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)4 in the early 2000s. More recently, ments of the receiver response validate the instrument concept the PLANCK mission5 was launched with a wider frequency comparing measured values with the theoretical ones. The range, more sensitive receivers, and a higher angular resolution document is divided into five sections. The first one gives an than the previous missions. While the focus of the previous introduction and, then, the QUIJOTE experiment is described space missions, as well as of many other ground-based or and analyzed in Sec.II. Section III is focused in the subsystems balloon-borne experiments, has been the characterization of which make up the receiver, giving an overview of their perfor- the intensity properties of the CMB, nowadays, the interest of mances. The functionality test is presented and discussed in the community has shifted to the study of the polarization of Sec.IV, and, finally, Sec.V draws general conclusions. the CMB. The reason for this is the search for the primordial B-mode signal that might be encoded in the CMB polarization pattern. This signal may be a proof of inflation, a theoret- II. TGI QUIJOTE EXPERIMENT ical framework that explains the evolution of the Universe in The QUIJOTE project is a ground-based experiment in- stalled and being operated at (Canary Is- a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: lands, Spain) and it is divided into two different stages. In the [email protected] first one, called Phase I, a multi-frequency instrument (MFI),

0034-6748/2015/86(2)/024702/9/$30.00 86, 024702-1 © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: Download to IP: On: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:08:32 024702-2 Villa et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 024702 (2015)

consisting of 4 pixels with 8 channels per horn, characterizes providing the power of the signal through the I parameter and the CMB covering different bands within the frequency range the linear polarization from the Q and U parameters. from 10 to 20 GHz. In the Phase II, two instruments are under The calculation of the Stokes parameters is achieved from development for a second telescope, a 30-GHz (TGI—Thirty- the combination of measurable signals in the receiver. A polar- GHz Instrument) and a 40-GHz (FGI—Forty-GHz Instru- izer, placed in front of an orthomode transducer (OMT), pro- ment). The TGI and the FGI instruments are composed of 31 vides left- and right-hand circular polarization output signals, pixels each one working in the 26–36 GHz and the 35–47 GHz which detected and properly combined enable to obtain the frequency band, respectively. parameters. The TGI polarimeter block diagram is shown in Fig.1. A. Scientific goals Each pixel of the TGI is composed of a cold stage module (20 K) and a room temperature (298 K) module. The cryogenic The main scientific goals of QUIJOTE are to detect the part is made up of a feedhorn, a polarizer, an OMT, and two primordial B-mode signal down to r = 0.05 and to characterize low-noise amplifiers (LNAs). Outside the cryostat, two gain the polarization of low-frequency Galactic foregrounds, in and filtering modules, the phase switches module, andthe particular, the synchrotron emission and the anomalous micro- correlation and detection module operate at room temperature, 10 wave emission. QUIJOTE data will be a valuable comple- in which the microwave signal is amplified, filtered, correlated ment of Planck polarization data at higher frequency, which by 180◦ microstrip hybrids and, finally, converted into DC volt- will provide information about the polarization properties of ages using square-law detectors. These signals are collected by the thermal dust, a foreground that shows up at frequencies a data acquisition system (DAS). The phase switches modules above 100 GHz. comprise 0◦/180◦ and 0◦/90◦ phase switches generating four 12 From previous experiments, most CMB information has polarization states and their performance is crucial in order to been obtained only from intensity measurements. Therefore, obtain the Stokes parameters, minimizing the leakage among the analysis of its polarization signal provides helpful data in them and, at the same time, overcoming the 1/f noise and order to completely characterize the CMB radiation. different systematic errors in the receiver. The standard theory states that the CMB is linearly polar- ized, so its polarization state can be described using Q and C. TGI receiver analysis U Stokes parameters, defined by complex spin spherical har- monics. However, scientific polarization maps are usually The sketch in Fig.1 shows four outputs ( Vd1–Vd4) provid- defined in terms of E- and B-field components, which corre- ing the detected DC voltages, which are combined in the DAS. spond to a combination of Q and U coefficients. These param- Considering a circular coordinate system, the Stokes eters enable the calculation of the angular power spectra in parameters are defined by terms of temperature, E- and B-modes, which define the way 2 2 in which the CMB anisotropies are originated from scalar or I = El + Er , (1) gravitational waves perturbations, respectively. | | |∗ | Q = 2·Re El ·Er , (2) The QUIJOTE experiment is defined with two polariza- U = −2·Im E∗·E , (3) tion surveys. This strategy enables the receiver to scan sky l r 2 2  areas and to obtain significant information of inflationary state V = El − Er , (4) of the CMB. The first one is a deep survey intended to analyze | | | | a sky area of around 3000 square degrees, whereas the sec- where El and Er are the electrical field components in a cir- ond one is a shallow survey scanning around 18 000 square cular coordinate system. The parameter V is assumed to be degrees. Both surveys will reach low sensitivities in order to V = 0, since it is the sign of circular polarization and the obtain sky maps and synchrotron information. CMB is considered as linearly polarized, and therefore it is not measured. A simplified schematic of the TGI receiver, shown in B. TGI receiver block diagram Fig.2, is assumed in order to analyze the operation of the The QUIJOTE TGI radiometer is intended to measure the polarimeter. According to the scheme, the combination of the ◦ ◦ polarization of the CMB measuring three of the Stokes param- 90 - and 180 -phase switches (Φ1,Φ3 andΦ2,Φ4, respectively) eters (Q, U, and I), simultaneously. They are related to the provides four phase states per branch. Hence, sixteen phase amplitude of the two orthogonal electrical field components, states are achieved between both branches of the pixel. Since

FIG. 1. Sketch of the TGI QUIJOTE receiver. Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: Download to IP: On: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:08:32 024702-3 Villa et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 024702 (2015)

FIG. 2. Simplified sketch of the TGI polarimeter.

different combinations of phase states cause redundant states, These values correspond to the Stokes parameters defined the analysis of the phase state of the pixel is easier analyzed in a circular coordinate system, Eq. (1)–(4). In an analogous in terms of the difference between branches of the pixel ΦT , way, the Stokes parameters are calculated for the other phase given by states and they are listed in TableI. An alternative method to measure the Stokes parameters ΦT =ΦB2 −ΦB1 = Φ3 +Φ4 − Φ1 +Φ2 , (5) ( ) ( ) is based on their calculation from the detected voltage values where ΦB2 corresponds to the phase state of the lower branch of each independent detector, providing a set of values which of the phase switch module and ΦB1 to the phase state of the corresponds to each detector not from each phase state. The upper branch of the phase switch module in Fig.2. main difference between both methods is in the characteriza- The input signals to the phase switch module, El and Er, tion of the systematic errors, during the calibration process, are the outputs of the OMT, which are the components of the since they come from different sources. incoming electromagnetic radiation to a circular polarization As mentioned before, the CMB is expected to be weakly receiver. These signals are defined by linearly polarized. Therefore, the previous analysis is focused on a linear polarization as input signal to the polarimeter. The 1 El ∝ √ · EX + j·EY , (6) translation from linear polarization signal to circular polarized 2 ( ) wave is performed with the square -ridge waveguide po- 1 larizer13 combined with the OMT,13 which splits left-hand and Er ∝ √ · EX − j·EY , (7) 2 ( ) right-hand circular components. The reference plane of the polarizer is rotated 45◦ regarding the reference system of the where EX and EY are the orthogonal electrical field compo- nents in a Cartesian coordinate system incoming to the feed- input signal and the OMT in order to accomplish the behavior of a septum polarizer.14 The combination of the polarizer plus horn. Then, considering the phase state ΦT = 0 which corre- sponds to the reference state in each phase switch, the detected OMT enables to overcome the septum polarizer bandwidth output voltages are obtained as limitation with a simple arrangement. Considering the input signal with and amplitude level A, 2 Vd1 ∝ El + Er , (8) the detected outputs for the phase state ΦT = 0 are given by | |2 Vd2 ∝ El − Er , (9) V = K·A2, (16) | | 2 d1 Vd3 ∝ El + j·Er , (10) | |2 Vd2 = 0, (17) Vd4 ∝ El − j·Er . (11) | | K V = ·A2, (18) Therefore, performing the linear combination between d3 2 outputs, the following values are achieved: K · 2 2 2 Vd4 = A , (19) Vd1 +Vd2 ∝ El + Er + El − Er , (12) 2 | |2 | | 2 Vd3 +Vd4 ∝ El + j·Er + El − j·Er , (13) where K is a constant related to the amplification in the | 2 | |2 | ∗ receiver chain. Vd1 −Vd2 ∝ El + Er − El − Er = 4·Re El·Er , (14) | | | 2 | ( 2 ) By changing the phase state of the phase switches module, Vd3 −Vd4 ∝ El + j·Er − El − j·Er the values for the different polarization states are listed in | ∗ | | | = 4·Im El·Er . (15) TableII. ( )

TABLE I. Stokes parameters from output detected voltages. TABLE II. Detected voltages for an x-axis polarized signal.

ΦT IQU ΦT Vd1 Vd2 Vd3 Vd4

◦ ◦ 2 2 2 0 Vd1 + Vd2 = Vd3 + Vd4 Vd1 − Vd2 Vd3 − Vd4 0 K ·A 0 K /2 ·A K /2 ·A ◦ ◦ 2 2 ( ) 2 ( ) 90 Vd1 + Vd2 = Vd3 + Vd4 Vd3 − Vd4 Vd1 − Vd2 90 K /2 ·A K /2 ·A K ·A 0 ◦ ◦ ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 180 Vd1 + Vd2 = Vd3 + Vd4 Vd2 − Vd1 Vd4 − Vd3 180 0 K ·A K /2 ·A K /2 ·A ◦ ◦ 2 2 ( ) ( ) 2 270 Vd1 + Vd2 = Vd3 + Vd4 Vd4 − Vd3 Vd2 − Vd1 270 K /2 ·A K /2 ·A 0 K ·A ( ) ( ) Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: Download to IP: On: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:08:32 024702-4 Villa et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 024702 (2015)

TABLE III. Detected voltages for a y-axis polarized signal. The phase switches module has been, recently, finished with the functionality covered providing the sixteen phase ΦT Vd1 Vd2 Vd3 Vd4 states by combining its two branches. The module is designed 0◦ 0 K ·A2 K /2 ·A2 K /2 ·A2 in a WR-28 waveguide chassis and includes in each branch a ( ) ( ) 90◦ K /2 ·A2 K /2 ·A2 0 K ·A2 180◦ (Ref. 16) and a 90◦ (Ref. 17) phase switches. The mod- ( ) ( ) 180◦ K ·A2 0 K /2 ·A2 K /2 ·A2 ule is provided with transistor-transistor logic (TTL) drivers ( ) ( ) 270◦ K /2 ·A2 K /2 ·A2 K ·A2 0 ( ) ( ) DR65-0109 from MACOM Technology Solutions adding the full-switching capability to the module. A detailed view of the assembly inside the chassis of the 90◦- and 180◦-phase switches is shown in Fig.3, and di fferent In the particular case of a y-axis linear polarization input views of the phase switches module are shown in Fig.4. The signal, the analysis of the receiver response is analogous, and measurement results of the module are depicted in Fig.5 in the the four detected voltages of the polarimeter are listed in frequency range from 24 to 38 GHz. The phase states in each Table III. branch related to the reference state are shown in Fig. 5(a), while the insertion loss of each phase state is presented in III. QUIJOTE POLARIMETER SUBSYSTEMS Fig. 5(b). From the measurements shown in Fig.5, the mean values The subsystems of the TGI receiver are individually in the frequency band of the receiver (from 26 to 36 GHz) of assembled and characterized in order to validate their indivi- each phase state are obtained and they are listed in TableV. dual performances, which were formerly described in Refs. 13 and 15. A summary of the performances of the feedhorn, the IV. QUIJOTE POLARIMETER TEST polarizer, the OMT, the gain and filtering module, and the detection and correlation module in the 26–36 GHz frequency The functionality test carried out to a representative pixel band is listed in TableIV. of the QUIJOTE TGI consists of providing a broadband

TABLE IV. Summary of the individual performances of the subsystems (average values in the 26–36 GHz band).

Subsystem Photograph Performance

Feedhorn antenna S11 < −22 dB | | Directivity > 20 dB Cross-polarization < −40 dB

Polarizer S11 TE11s < −25 dB | | S11 TE11c < −25 dB | | S21 > −0.2 dB | | ∆Φ = 90◦ ± 1◦

OMT S11 TE10 < −25 dB | | S11 TE11 < −25 dB | | S21 > −0.15 dB | | IsolationOutput1-Output2 ∼ 50 dB ◦ ◦ ∆ΦOutput1-Output2 = 1 ± 0.5

Gain and filtering S11 < −15 dB | | modules S22 < −13 dB | | S21 ∼ 33 dB | |

Correlation and S11 = S22 < −10 dB | | | | detection modules Isolation > 10 dB

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FIG. 3. Detailed view of the cascaded 90◦- and 180◦-phase switches.

linearly polarized signal at the receiver input and recording the detected voltages at the Back-End Module (BEM) outputs, expecting Stokes parameters according to the input signal polarization. The receiver chain is fully representative of the pixels that will be installed in the TGI at Teide observa- tory except the Front-End Module (FEM) cryogenic LNAs which are not included due to the excess of signal power at room temperature. Besides, the functionality of the receiver is not committed by the absence of the cryogenic LNAs since the optomechanics (feedhorn, polarizer, and OMT), phase switches, and detection and correlation modules assure the proper functionality of the receiver. As main consideration,

FIG. 5. Phase switches module results. (a) Phase difference between states for each branch. (b) Transmission coefficient for state and branch. R1 and R2 mean Branch #1 and Branch #2, respectively.

the absence of the cryogenic LNAs only implies an analysis of the power budget of the receiver. The cryogenic LNAs are composed of two cascaded monolithic microwave integrated circuit low-noise ampli- fiers18 with a 5-dB microstrip attenuator allocated between them. A view of the assembly of one module is shown in Fig.6. The measurement of the cryogenic LNA at 13 K provides an average noise temperature of 23.1 K with an average insertion gain of 40.9 dB for a total power consumption of 7.8 mW in the 26–36 GHz band. The use of the LNAs at room temperature would provide an excess of power level in the receiver chain which makes the detector operate in its non-linear region. The

TABLE V. Average values of the phase difference in each phase state of the module in the frequency band from 26 to 36 GHz.

State Phase difference (deg)

D180_R1 181.06 D270_R1 −87.73 D90_R1 90.74 D180_R2 177.73 FIG. 4. Phase switches module. (a) Inside view of the chassis with 180◦ and D270_R2 −88.88 90◦ phase switch circuits. (b) Back view of the chassis with the TTL signals D90_R2 88.71 control board. Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: Download to IP: On: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:08:32 024702-6 Villa et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 024702 (2015)

FIG. 6. Cryogenic low-noise amplifier for the TGI receiver. (a) Assembly. (b) Measurement results.

cryogenic test including the optomechanic parts and the LNAs avoid compression in the detector devices. The detectors have together with the room temperature subsystems, and using a a sensitivity around 1200 mV/mW, and the gain of the video cold load at the input, will be performed in a dedicated cryostat amplifiers is adjusted to provide output voltages lower than in the final assembly at the observatory. 10 V, according with the DAS and resolution requirements for Considering the noise results of the representative cryo- a 24-bits system PXI-4495 from National Instruments in the genic LNA, an equivalent system noise temperature of about telescope. 38 K is expected, since the effect of the optomechanics, spill- The two signals split up in the OMT outputs are correlated over effect, and the sky temperature over the bandwidth are in the last module of the chain, so the electrical paths of directly added to the receiver noise of about 25 K (addition of each branch must be identical. Since the individual subsystem the LNA contribution and the rest of the chain). in a branch of the receiver could show slight differences in The test is carried out exciting the receiver with a broad- their phase response related to the one assembled in the other band x-axis linearly polarized signal. A sketch of the func- branch of the receiver, both signals are affected for a phase tionality test is shown in Fig.7. Unlike the final application, imbalance. Therefore, one of the branches of the receiver is in the functionality test, it is required a relatively high power provided with an adjusting phase element, which enables the polarized signal, much greater than the un-polarized receiver minimization of the phase difference between branches. Thus, contributions, since the use of a large integration time for data the extra electrical length added by the adjusting phase element post-processing is beyond the scope of this test. The linear is compensated by using different lengths in the connection operation of the receiver is assured up to an incoming power cables from the OMT outputs to the amplifying modules in- level of about −25 dBm in the microwave detector input, which puts. Hence, the lengths of the flexible coaxial cables are 1 in. is composed of a HSCH-9161 Schottky diode and a low-pass different. resistor-capacitor filter to extract the video signal and showsa The detected values are measured covering all the phase narrow window in terms of the power of the incoming signal switches states, so four TTL signals are implemented to bias before working out of its linear region. The broadband linearly polarized signal is accomplished TABLE VI. Actuation TTL control signals for the phase switches. using a noise source model 346CK01 from Agilent Technolo- gies with an excess noise ratio of 13 dB, which provides an Branch Phase switch actuation Frequency (Hz) equivalent noise temperature around 6000 K, which is further 1 180◦ 1 amplified (33 dB) and transmitted by a conical horn (21 dBiof 1 90◦ 2 gain). The rectangular waveguide input of the conical horn pro- 2 180◦ 4 vides the required linear polarization. The distance between 2 90◦ 8 transmitting antenna and the receiver feedhorn is adjusted to

FIG. 7. Receiver functionality test bench (the back-end module corresponds to the room temperature part of the receiver in Fig.1). Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: Download to IP: On: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 12:08:32 024702-7 Villa et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 024702 (2015)

FIG. 8. Photograph of the polarimeter test bench. (a) View of the x-axis linearly polarized signal generator and the input feedhorn. (b) Rear view with the connection to the acquisition system. (c) Optomechanics and connection to back-end module input.

switch which is activated using each one are listed in TableVI. The tests at DICOM facilities are made using a PXI- 1031DC module from National Instruments as DAS in the setup, implementing the measurements under LabVIEW soft- ware with a 24-bits NI PCI/PXI-4462 card. The tests consist of measuring the detected voltages of the receiver in a defined period of time and the Stokes parameters are calculated after processing the values. A sampling rate of 1 kHz is configured in the system and the number of points is equal to 1000, which corresponds to 1 s of acquisition time and real data. This period is the minimum needed time to cover a complete period of all the states of the phase switches with the TTL signals configured as in TableVI. The calculation method is based on the analysis of the values obtained from each detected voltage FIG. 9. Output signals of the receiver for an x-axis linear polarization input in each state and the comparison among them. The adjusting signal. phase is configured to minimize theff di erence between the two mid-voltage outputs, corresponding to the values K/2 ·A2 in ( ) each phase switch circuit and change the state of the TableII, in a concrete state. Then, the full sequence of states receiver. The frequencies of each TTL signal and the phase is analyzed calculating the parameters in each phase state.

TABLE VII. Average detected voltages in each output and each phase state.

State ΦT (deg) ΦB2 (deg) ΦB1 (deg) Vd1 Vd2 Vd3 Vd4

0 0 0 0 5.589 0.019 2.861 2.424 1 90 90 0 2.613 2.848 4.720 0.226 2 180 180 0 0.049 5.484 2.274 3.017 3 270 270 0 2.917 2.546 0.286 4.944 4 270 0 90 2.487 3.193 0.179 5.204 5 0 90 90 5.457 0.046 2.908 2.308 6 90 180 90 3.312 2.305 4.966 0.167 7 180 270 90 0.107 5.076 2.162 2.900 8 180 0 180 0.113 5.456 2.566 2.742 9 270 90 180 2.811 2.838 0.251 5.130 10 0 180 180 5.800 0.131 2.745 2.786 11 90 270 180 2.957 2.510 4.746 0.182 12 90 0 270 3.496 2.044 4.887 0.175 13 180 90 270 0.096 5.117 2.307 2.761 14 270 180 270 2.245 3.401 0.159 5.187 15 0 270 270 5.215 0.067 2.548 2.465

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TABLE VIII. Stokes parameters and isolation ratios in each phase state. V. CONCLUSION

Q/I U/Q The analysis, design, and characterization of the TGI ΦT (deg) IQU (dB) (dB) receiver for the QUIJOTE instrument have been described. The theory background of the instrument is developed in order to 0 (state #10) 5.732 5.669 0.041 −0.049 −21.427 90 (state #1) 5.205 4.494 0.236 −0.638 −12.804 obtain the Stokes parameters of an incoming electromagnetic 180 (state #8) 5.439 5.343 0.175 −0.078 −14.813 signal, and the functionality of the receiver is analyzed. A room 270 (state #9) 5.516 4.879 0.027 −0.533 −22.577 temperature test is performed using a wideband noise linearly polarized signal which is converted into a circular polarization signal by the system. A set of output detected signals are obtained which enable the calculations of the I, Q, and U Once the Stokes parameters are obtained, two figures Stokes parameters, simultaneously, with significant isolation of merit are defined as the isolation between the Q and I values. The results obtained validate the use of the proposed parameters and the U and Q parameters, which are given receiver scheme as a polarimeter aimed to characterize the by CMB polarization.

Q/I dB = 10·log10 Q/I , (20) | ( ) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS U/Q dB = 10·log10 U/Q . (21) | ( ) The authors would like to thank Spanish Ministry for Ideally, they should be 0 and −∞ values, but in a real sce- Economy and Competitiveness for the financial support pro- nario, they denote the leakage signal due to the imperfections vided under the CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 programme of the subsystems which are part of the receivers. under Reference No. CSD2010-00064. The authors also thank Since the phase adjust is only made for one state, a certain Eva Cuerno, with the Departamento Ingeniería de Comunica- phase imbalance will affect to the others states. 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