Healing Initiative Leadership Linkage (HILL) Student Magazine: Country Name: World without Borders Monthly update: Current News Host Editor Country Editor:

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Music Art Sports Norwegian folk music may be divided into two Rosemåling, or rosemaling Cross Country Skiing is the categories: instrumental and vocal. As a rule is the name of national sport of Norway. In this instrumental folk music is dance music a traditional form of sport, the skiers are required to (slåtter). Norwegian folk dances are social decorative folk art that depend on their locomotion gears dances and usually performed by couples, originated in the rural to move across extended terrains although there are a number of solo dances valleys of Norway. of snow covered mountains. as well, such as the halling. Norway has very Rosemåling is a style little of the ceremonial dance characteristic of of Norwegian decorative other cultures. Dance melodies may be painting on wood that uses broken down into two types: two-beat and stylized flower three-beat dances. The former are called ornamentation, scrollwork, halling, gangar or rull, whereas the latter are lining and geometric elements, often in flowing patterns. springar or springleik.

Youth Excellence & Leader: What is catching the attention of your youth?

Festivals Ice Music Geilo

Ice Music Geilo: an alternative music festival where the instruments, the stage and the concert area are all carved out of local ice and snow. The brainchild of Norwegian Terje Isungset, the man who ‘invented’ ice music (and still performs every year in Geilo), the Ice Music Festival is the oldest festival of its kind in the world. Today it draws performers and visitors from far-flung corners of the globe, as

both artists and audiences relish the opportunity to be part of a truly unique musical experience. All concerts take place outdoors, and are subject to the elements, but on a crisp, cloudless night, with the full moon lighting up the sky and the magical sound of the ice filling the air, something really magical happens here. Just remember to wrap up warm.


Healing Initiative Leadership Linkage (HILL) Student Magazine World without Borders


Country challenges and opportunities Constitution rights and Duties

Conflicts- Possible Compromise

United Nations voting record

Healing Initiative Leadership Linkage (HILL) Student Magazine World without Borders

Geographical Resources

Financial / Fiscal Responsibility


Table 1: Demographic 0-20 20-30 30-50 50-70 >70 Birth rate & death rate Female Male Table 2: Population 1991-2001 2001-2011 2011-2021 Female Male Table 3: Education Primary Secondary Sr. Secondary College Post graduate Female Male Table 4: Land Aerable Irrigated Desert Forest Table 5: Import & Export

Table 6: Finance 1990-2000 2000-2010 2010-2020 Currency value against dollars

GDP Percentage, Inflation Percentage


Healing Initiative Leadership Linkage (HILL) Student Magazine World without Borders

Historical Perspective (Monuments & lessons from history)

Culture of country (traditional dresses): is a Norwegian umbrella term encompassing, in its broadest sense, a range of both traditional rural clothes mostly dating to the 19th and 18th centuries as well as modern 20th-century folk costumes.

Religions: in Norway is mostly Evangelical Lutheran , with 71.5% of the population belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran in 2016. The Catholic Church is the next largest Christian church at 2.9%.

Language – Alphabets:

Foods: Fårikål - mutton stew: the national dish of Norway. Very simple preparation: cabbage and mutton is layered in a big pot along with black peppercorns, salt (and, in some recipes, wheat flour to thicken the sauce), covered with water and simmered until the meat is very tender. Potatoes on the side.

Learning from the past and present for the future:

Healing Initiative Leadership Linkage (HILL) Student Magazine World without Borders SYMBOLS & SIGNIFICANCE Country Name Name & Picture of the student Capital-cities & monuments on the Map

Weather: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in with an average temperature of 18°C (64°F) and the coldest is January at -3°C (27°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 8 in June. The wettest month is August with an average of 90mm of rain.

Latitude : 60.4720° N Longitude : 8.4689° E

Neighboring Countries: Sweden, Russia, Finland, Denmark, , Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Iceland, United Kingdom etc. N: E: W: S:

National Flag National Animal National Bird National Sport National Emblem & why & why & why & why & why

The red, white and Elk as the National blue colors are said to Animal of Norway Dipper as the National be influenced by the which gives an Bird of Norway which French Tricolor (as a emphasis to the gives an emphasis to symbol of liberty). unique characteristic the unique Inspiration also came attached to being an characteristic attached from the flags of the independent nation. to being an United Kingdom and independent nation. the United States. The off-centered white cross (The Scandinavian Cross) is taken from the Danish flag, and the blue cross is the Cross of Sweden.

National Flower National Tree Currency Coin Stamp & why & why & why & why & why

Purple heather as the National Flower of Norway which gives an emphasis the unique characteristic attached to being an independent nation.

The krone,is the currency of Norway and its dependent territories. It is subdivided into 100 øre, which exist only electronically since 2012. The name translates into English as crown.

Official language: Norwegian

Capital: Oslo

Government: Parliamentary system, Constitutional monarchy, Unitary state.

Population: 5,329,723 as per the latest records of 2018
