re.d in.tructioT)8 on reverse ~fo,e comrJetina form. F:'m Anoroved. 0·... 8 Nc. 2070-0060. Annrc\e1 ex)ires ;'-:28-95 , United States ~ Registration \ OPP Identifier Number I 1 Environmental Protection Agency I Amendment , &EPA ~, ,:" r_. K Washington, DC 20460 IX] Other I _. 'J J ..... J~ Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Oassification fMc Corporation. Ag. Prod. Group/279-3232 J. Toapkins . (!"]None o Restricted 4. CompanY!Product (Name) IPM' fMc Corp.,Ag. Prod. Group/ Xtra 25 5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Cads) 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(cIl3) FMC Corporation (b)(i). my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling ~ricultural Products Group 1 35 Market Street to: Philadelphia, PA 19103 EPA Reg. No. Attn: L:J Carlson ° . CheCk if this is 8 newaddrsss Product Name Section - II

Amendment - Explain below. Final printed labels in repsonse ffOTIFICATION ~n ';'~ 0 Agency letter dated Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated ·Me Too· Application. I\U 0 DEC 1 1 20c0 [!] Notification - Expl.ain below. 0 Other - Explain below. Explanation: Use additional pagels) if necessary. (For section I end Section II.) I)Removal of the state of CT, ID, MA. NV, NY, OR, UT and WA from state listing and graphic under "command geographical use area." 2) Change claim for common cocklebur from control to suppression and add yellow foxtail to controlled grasses. Notification changes in accordance with PR Notice 98-10, II. H. and II. B. Section - III 1. Material This Product Will Be Packa-ged In: Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging 1Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container 1--- Metal ~ Ves Ej Ves Ves r----- iP I x Plastic ~ \!_ No I No 'I XI No Glass -_.. __. ---- : If "Yes" No. per 2 If "Yes" ~ • .J. per _0_- ;;aper * Certifica tion mus t , Unit PaCka~n~ w~~ cantainer Package wgt C:Jntai ner ~ Other (Specify) I be submitted com~arti n a;tze I I - bot les carto I 3. location of Contents Information 4. S;,e(s) Retail Con,,"n.r ---15.' Locetion of D;rect;ons compartmentalized bottle ~upplemental label in plastic ~ Label o Container 3 quarts and 2 gals. neck packet 6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product Other §Utho9,aph "- X Paper ~Ued Stend eel Section - IV

(Complete items dire-ctly below for identification of individual to be cc-tacted, if n8cessa~'f, to prc-:;

& Registration Manager 215-299c..o /i436 1------Certification ~. Daft! Application I certify that the statements I heYe made on this fonn and ...UadM"Oio thereto era true, accurate and c~ete. ~ ("6~ved I aCknowled~~~ny knowiinglly false or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment or , (Stam~!": both under ap, I Ie law. A I , , ( , l t { t 2. Signature '0 3. Product , ~ ~ ~f.~1 .... Development ., 0 , , & Registrations Manager \., , '" , ' .' , 4. Typed Name 5. Date • ° Don Carlson 11/16/00 . . . -~~ EPA Form 8570-1 (Rev. 3-941 PreVIous editions are obsolete . Whi"te - EPA File (original) Yellow - Applicant Copy Code 1800

NOTIFICATION Herbicide DEC 1 1 2000 For Agricultural or Commercial Use Only NOT FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ~ommand Xtra Herbicide B Command Xtra Herbicide G

EPA Reg. No. 279-3232 EPA Est. 279- EPA Reg. No. 279-3232 EPA Est.

Active Ingredient: 8yWt. Active Ingredient: 8yWt. Sulfentrazone" . _ .... 39.6% Clomazone: 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)methyl-4, Inert Ingredients:. '" 60.4% 4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone ...... 31.4% 100.0% Inert Ingredients: ...... 68.6% • N-[2.4-dichloro-5-[ 4-( difluoromethyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1 H- 1 ,2, 4-triazol-l-ynpheny nmethanesulfonamide 100.0% Contains 4 pounds of active ingredient per gallon. Contains 3.0 pounds of active ingredient per gallon U.S. Patent No. 4,405,357 U S. Patent No. 4,818,275 AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on contains requirements tor the protection of agricultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance. It al80 decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) statements on this label about personal protective equipment and restricted-entry intervaL The requirements in this box only a!?ply (PPE), and restrictedMentry interval. The requirements in this box to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Protection only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Standard. Protection Standard. Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the Do not enter or allow 'NOfker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 heurs. restricted entry Interval (REI) of 12 heurs. PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under Exception: if the product is soiHnjected or soH-incorporated, the the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with Worker Protection Standard under certain circumstances, aUO\W anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is: workers to enter the treated area If there will be no contact with Coveralls over long--sleeved Shirt and long pants, waterproof gloves, anything that has been treated. and shoes plus socks. PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact This Co-Pack contains 3.0 quarts of Command Xtra 8 and 2.0 gallons of with anything that has been treated, sUCh as plants, soil, or water, Command Xtra G is: Coveralls; Chemical-resistant gloves; such as Barrier laminate or Rubber, or Nitrile Rubber or Viton; Shoes plus socks. For Emergency AlI8lst.nce Call (800) 331-3148 Butyl Refer to the individual product labets for Precautionary Statements, Worker Protection Standard Requirements, Storage and Disposal and Environmental Hazards information. SPECIAL PRECAUTION Off-site movement of spray drift or vapors of Command Xtra herbicide can cause foliar wtlitening or yellowing of some plants. Prior to maklng applications, read and strictly follow all -FMC. precautions and instructions in the GENERAL APPLICATION PRECAUTIONS and SPRAY DRIFT PRECAUTIONS _ns. FMC Corporation Agricultural Products Group Philadelphia PA 19103 11/2000 Net Contents DIRECTIONS FOR USE ROTATIONAL CROPPING PRECAUTIONS It is a violation of Federal law to use thIs product in a manner inconsistent Under some conditions, temporary Vvtlitening or yellowing of leaves may With its labeling. occur on approved rotational crops where undesirable soil residues of Command Xtra exist Do not apply this product aerially or through any of irrigation system. Under abnormal conditions, carryover injury to rotational crops can Do not apply than once per season. occur, The follOWing factors can contribUte to increased risk of in{ury to Do not apply this product in a way that win contact workers or other rotational crops: persons, either direc~y or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or 1) Exceeding label recommended rates. Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. 2) Over application resulting from use of wom nozzles, excessive over· lapping of spray swaths, failing to shut off spray booms when turning (end row areas), or slOwing or stopping sprayer. GENERAL APPUCAll0N PRECAU110NS 3) Soil with pH less than or equal to 5.9 IMPORTANT 4) Extreme dryness in the 10ur months following application. 5) of rotational crop hybrid. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THE PRECAUTIONS IN THIS Additional recommendations to prevent rotational crop injury may be pro­ SECTION OF THE LABEL MAY RESULT IN INJURY TO vided in the, form of service bulletins for location INhere risk of injury is SENSITIVE PLANTS significantly Increased due to extremely dry conditIons Avoid making applications when spray particles may be Refer to Rotational Crop Guldellnea and Replanting Instructions for carried by air currents to areas where sensitive crops and eoybeans for additional crop planting Information. plants arB grOwing, or when temperature inversions exist. Leave an adequats bufter zone between the area to be lreatsd and desirable pan1s. Coarse sprays are less likely to drjft out SPRAYER CLEANUP of the target area than flne sprays_ 00 not drain or flush equipment on or near desirable trees or other plants, or in areas where their roots may extend or in locations where the Foliar contact with spray drift Or vapors may cause whitening chemical may be washed or into contact with theIr roots, Do not of sensitive plants. Symptoms are generally temporary in contamInate any body of water including irrigation water that may be used nature bUt may persist on some plant species. on other crops, Carefuny follow sprayer clean-up instructions noted below to prevent spray tank residues from damaging other crops. Command Xlra must be used as a preemergent soil applied Sprayer equipment should be thoroughly rinsed remove residues of treatment. to herbicide that might injure other subsequently sprayed crops. The steps Application precautlona must be taken .. lollowa: below should be followed for the thorough rinsin!;l 01 spray eqUipment following applications of Command Xtra herbiCIde or tank mixes of Do not apply aerially or Ihrough irrigation eqUipment. Command Xtra with other labeled products, ObServe all buffer restrictions. 1) Drain.any remaining spray solution from tank, pump, hoses and boom Sensitive plants may show symptoms of foliar whitening or and dIscard in an approved manner (See Note that follows). yellowing if oon\aC\ed by Commend Xtra herbicide. 2) Clean tank and fittings by: • Thoroughly hOSIng down the inside walls of the spray tank with a of Do not apply Command Xtra within 1.200 leet the Iollowing quantity of water equal to of the total tank CapacIty and operating areas: Towns and HOUSing Developments, Commerota. Va the pump to circulate this solution through the sprayer system for 15 FruitINut or Vegetable' Production, Commercial Greenh,,""" minutes. or Nurseries. Washing dOINfl the outside surfaces of equipment. Prior to application, other adjacent properties muet be Removing nozzle tip and screen from end nozzle in each boom checked, and spraying within 300 leet of desirable pants must sectIon and allowmg several gallons 01 rlnsate solution to flush be avoided. completely through boom (collect rinsate while flushing). 3) Thoroughly drain remaining rinsate solution from tank, pump and Before application, determine air movement and direction, hoses. Combine with boom flushing and dispose of all rinsates from 00 not apply in winds above 10 miles per hOur. thIS first nnsing in an approved manner (see Note that follows). Do not exceed 30 psi spray pressure. • When switChing from water dilutions to applications utilizing crop oil or liquid fertilizer as a carrier, a small of crop oil or liquid Do not apply Command Xtra herbicide to non-field art$6- fertIlIzer, should be flushed through the tank, pump, hoses, and including fence rows, waterways, ditches, and roadsides. boom pnor to the next use. Dispose of crop 011 or liquid fertilizer When moving spray equipment to noncontiguous sites, do rinsate in an approved manner (see Note for local, state and federal net guidelines) allow spray solution to spray or drip fram tanks, hoses, fttti~, or spray nozzles and tips, 4) Remove the remaining nozzle tips, and screens and the line filter and wash in a pail of warm soapy water, thoroughly rinse and . Refer to use directions in the soybean section for additional requirements. 5) Hose down the inside walls of the spray tank a second and CIrculate this solution using the same procedure as noted in #2 above. 'Except for peppers, pumpkins, succulent peas, sweet <:0111. sweet potato, and winter squash. 6) If the next use of the sprayer will be for applying a preemergent or preplant incorporated pesticide on any crop· for which Command Xtra IS registered, rmsate from this second rinsing may be utilized by dilutIng with the water for the next pesticide load; HOWEVER SPRAY DRIFT PRECAU110NS If the next use of the sprayer will be a postemergence applied Non-target spray drift of Command Xtra herbicide shOuk! 'bo pesticide on any crop, drain nnsate solution from this second nnsing. avoided to prevent whitening of desirable plants. Ddtt ,. Retain nnsate solution for use only~ with a soil incorporated pesticide Influenced by many Iaclore which Include Wind apeoc!, ...... to be applied on a crop for which Command Xtra is registered. Refill tank (after draining second rinsate SOlution) in accordance INith post­ prMoure, particle olze, nozzle type, and boom helllht, emergence product label directions Do not apply with nozZles other Ihan flood, whlr1chamberiOf NOTE: Dispose of excess spray mixture and/or rinsate from first tank Raindrop> or similar tips that produce ooarse sprays. rinsmg by application to cropland as described on this label. If excess Do not apply when weather conditions lavor drift. spray mixture andlor rinsate from first rinsing cannot be disposed of according to label instructions, dispose of in compliance wlth local, state minimum spray volume of gallons A 10 per acra.-..J$ and federal guidelines. Contact your state pesticide or Environmental recommended With appropriate nozzle types and sizes 1het Contra! Agency or the HazardoUS Waste representative the nearest produce coarser sprays. EPA regional office for guidance. Use minimum nozzle pressure and boom height while maintaining uniform spray pattern. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Command Xtra herbicide is a co-pack product compriSing separate containers of Command Xtra Herbicide B and Command XU-a Herbicide G. The individual components must be used together or a reduction in weed control will result. Do not mix or apply separately. Care must be taken when mixing Command Xtra herbicide. AVOid mixing 2 in areas adjacent to desirable plants Command Xtra Alone Broadcaat or Banded Appllcatlona: Apply Command Xtra alone or in Fill the spray tank one-fourth to one-third full with water; with agitator tank mix combinations by ground equipment using a finished spray operating, add the recommended amount of Command Xtra B herbicide. volume of 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Use nozZles suitable for Mix thoroughly and fill tank one-half full continuing agitation. Add broadcast boom or banded application of herbicides, Coarse sprays are Command Xtra G herbicide to the tank while maintaining agitation. less likely to drift out of the target area than fine sprays. See "GENERAL Complete filling the sprayer tank with water. Maintain agitation during APPLICATION PRECAUTIONS" and "SPRAY DRIFT PRECAUTIONS filling, mixing and applicatIon. sections for specific recommendations to reduce spray drift. For Command Xtra tank mixtures with wettable powder or dry flowab!e Commend Xtra Tank Mlxturea formulations, nozzle screens and strainers should be no finer than 50~ Fill the spray tank one-fourth to one-third full with water; with agitator mesh. operating, add the recommended amount of Command Xtra B herbicide. Continuous agitation during application is required. Avoid overlap, Shut Next add the recommended amount of the tank mix partner using the off spray booms while turning slowing or stopping, as over application following order; dry formulations (a,g" wettable powders, dry flowables) may result. Avoid letting Command Xtrs sit overnight as setting of first, liquid suspensions (e.9·, flowables) next and finally liquids (e.g., product and difficulty of resuspending may occur. EC's). Mix thoroughly and flll tank one-half full oontinuing agttaUon. Add Banded Applications-Calculate rates and volumes required by using Command Xtrs G herbicide to the tank while maintaining agitation. the the following formulas: Complete filling the sprayer tank with water, Where the use of a surfactant is recommended, add as the last ingredient to the spray tank. Band ";d!h Maintain agitation during filling, mixing and appllcatlon Broadcast in inches Band rate x Rate Per per acre Fertilizer Spray Mlxturea Row width Acre In inches CompatlbliHy Applications of Command Xtrs alone, or with recommended tank Band width in inches Broadcast Band volume mixtures, in conjunction with fertihzer solutions may be used unless use x Volume per acre directions specifically state otherwise. Smail quantities should be tested Aowwidth Per Acre for compatibility by the following procedure before mixing tankful in inches quantities. Cultivation Altar Planting 1) Put 1 pint of fertifizer solution in a quart jaL If cultivation Is necessary b.acause of soil crusting, compaction, or weed emergence, soil treated with Command Xtra may be shallow-cultivated ~) Add the appropriate amount of herbicide based on the table beloW. If more than one product is to be used, add each separately using the (no deeper than 1112 ~ 2') or rotary-hoed without reducing the weed control following sequence: dry formulations (e.g., \Nettable powders. dry activity of Command Xtra. Avoid deep cultivation which may bring flowables) first, liquid suspensions (e.g., flowables) next and finally untreated soil to the surface and result in poor weed control liquids (e.g, EC's). SOYBEANS Amount To Be Added Herbicide Rate/Acre Per Pint of FlUId ForIlU_ ca.tMANDXTRA GEOGRAPHICAL USE AII:A Wettable Yz pound % level teaspoon Powders 1 pound 1% level teaspoons or 2 pounds 3 level teaspoons Dry Flowables 3 pounds 4V21evel teaspoons (Dry Granules)

Emulsifiable 1 pint V2 level teaspoon Concentrates lquan 1 level teaspoon or 2 quarts 2 level leaspc<>ns Flowables 3 quarts 3 level teaspcx>ns

* Based on a spray volume of 25 gpa. For lower or higher spray volumes, adjust fluid fertilizer quantity accordingly. 3) Close jar and shake well. '.) Watch mixture for several seconds, again in 5 minutes and ag$in after 30 minutes. If herbicidelfertilizer combination remains mixed or can be remixed readily (Le., does not permanently separate, foam, gel or become lumpy), the mixture is compatible and can be mixed In full volumes and sprayed. If the mixture is compatible, prepare spray by adding fertilizer solution to the tank first, then follow directions noted GENERAL INFORMATION below: Command Xtra herbicide is a co-paCk product for preemergence control at broadleat and grass weeds In northern area soybeans (see map Mixing Instructions above). Each co-pack of Command Xtrs contains 3 guarts 01 Command Xtra B herbicide and 2 gallons of Command Xtra G herbicide and will Command Xtra Alone: Ftil the spray tank one-fourth to one-third futI with treat from 8 to 12 acres depending on soil type. The Individual fertilizer solution. Slurry Command Xtra 8 with 2 parts of water and add components of the Commarid Xtra c()oopack mUM be used t~ether slowly to spray tank of fertilizer with agitator running. Repeat With or a reduction In weed control will re8utt. Do not mix and apply Command Xtra G. Complete filling the spray tank 'With fertilizer. Maintain separately, agitation during filling, mixing and application Command Xtrs contains products with two distinct modes of action. Command Xtra Tank Mixtures: Fill the spray tank one-fourth to one-third Weeds will exhibit ~mptoms similar to a postemergence application of full ,.;th fertilizer soIuUon. Slurry Command Xtra 8 ";th 2 parts of _ a diphenyl ethers (Gobra or Reflex), E~ure to light results in plant desIccation, burning symptoms and death. Due to the unique modes of and add slowly to spray tank 01 fertilizer with agitator running. Oilute or action of the two active Ingredients contained in Command Xtra control slurry individual tank mix partners with sufficient water to make a free of a wide spectrum of broadleafs and grasses can be obtained. This flowing dIspersion, then, maintaining agitation, add to the spray tank of includes biotvpes 01. susceptible weedslhat are resistant to some other fertilizer using the fot/owing order: slurry of dry formulations (wettable soybean herrncides powde", dry nowal>es) flrst. diluted liquid formulations (EC's, nowables) Command Xtra is taken up primarily by the roots and shoots but some second. Finally, dilute Command Xtra G with 2 parts of water and add to foliar uptake can be expected. Command Xtra will burn down small agitated fertilizer mixture. Complete filling the spray tank with fertilizer. giants of susceptible broadleaf species that are emerged at application, Maintain agitation during filling, mixing and application. Soil moisture is important for ad~uate weed contror, Under very dry conditions" shaJlow incorporation (no deeper than 2") may be necessary for herbiCIde activation. When adequate soil mOIsture is present GENERAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Command Xtra will provide residual control of susceptible germinating Ground Applications weeds. Activity on established weeds will depend on the Weed species and the location of the roots in the soil. Command Xtra herbicide is a co~pack product com...prising separate containers of Command Xtra 8 and Command Xtra G. The individual Command Xtra exhibits excellent crop safety, Poor growing conditions, components must be used together or a reduction in weed control will such as excessive moisture, cool temperatures, and soil compaction or result. Do not mix or apply separately. the presence of various pathogens may impact seedling vigor. Under these conditions, the active ingredients in Command Xtra, like other soil~ applied herbicides, can injure soybeans. However, these early iOiurY. symptoms are short-lived. Early crop injury has not resulted In Ylelo 3 reductions in research trials TIMING AND METHOD OF APPLICATION REPLANTING INSTRUCTIONS Surtace apply Command Xtra according to the table below to soybeans in If the initial planting of soybeans fails to produce a uniform stand, all tillage systems from 30 days prior to planting up to emergence 01 the soybeans may be replanted in fields treated with Command Xtra alone crop_ Do not apply Command Xtra if soybeans are emerging through the Do not retreat fIelds with a second application of Command Xtra. When soil surface (cracking) or crop injury may result. Water or fertilizer may be tank miXing with a labeled product, refer to the replant instructions for that product Do not replant treated fields with ar}Y crpp at intervalS that are used as a carrier tor Command Xtra mconsistent with the ROTATIONAL CROP GUIDELINES on the Command Xtra label. Where a tank mix is used, reter to the product's Aates of Product labels for any additional replant instructions. FL.OZ.IA (LB.AI.IA) Acres Treated ROTATIONAL CROP GUIDELINES by Contents 01 Command Command Shown below are the minimum intervals in months from the time of SoH Texture Pacl<:age Xtra B XtraG Command Xtra application until Command Xtra treated SOlI can be replanted to the crops listed, When Command Xtra is tank mixed with ·Sand, Loamy Sand, Clay Sand 12 8.0 (0.25) 21.3 (0.50) another herbicide, reler to the partner Jabel for recropping instructions, following the directions that are most restrictive. Also refer to the sections Sandy loam, Loam, Silt Loam, headed "Rotational Cropping Precautions" and "General Information" Silty Clay Loam, Clay Loam, 10 9.8 (0.30) 25.6 (0.60) Sandy Clay Loam, Silt ANYTIME Soybeans Clay, Loamy Clay, Sandy Clay, 8 12.0 (0.375) 32.0 (0.76) Tobacco Silty Clay 1QMONTHS *Do not apply Command Xtra to sOlIs classified as sand with less than 1% organiC Corn, Field'" matter. Rice Sorghum WEEDS CONTROLLED 12 MONTHS When used at the rates appropriate for soil types listed in the table Wheat above, Command Xtra will provide control or suppression of the following Peanuts broadleaf weeds and grasses Sweet Potatoes dROADLEAljES 16 MONTHS' Amaranth Mustard, wild Barley • Palmer Nightshade Buckwheat " Spiny - Eastern black Millet, pearl MlUet, proso Anoda, spurred - Hairy Oats Beggarweed, Florida - Silverleaf Rye Carpstwead Pigweed Teosinte Cocklebur, common* - Redroot Triticale Copperleaf, Hophornbeam - Smooth Wild rice Croton, tropic -Tumble 18 MONTHS' Daisy, Amencan Poorjoe COtton Oayflower, common Purslane, common Sweet Corn Galinsoga, hairy Pusley, Florida Any other crop not listed Groundcherry Redwood 24 MONTHS' -Clammy Senna,coffee Canola - Cutleaf Side Sugar Beets Jimsonweed - Prickly Kochia - Southern ~Fje/d Corn is defined to include only that corn grown for grain or silage, popcorn and seed Corn. Ladysthumb Smartweed Lambsquarters, common - Ladysthumb' 'Crops that have rotational intervals greater than 12 months after a Vlallow, Venice - Pennsylvania Command Xtra application are the result of crop injury concerns. _ ,v1exicanweed Smellmelon Morningglory Spurge. spotted RESTRICTIONS - Entlreleaf Starbur, bristly 00 not apply Command Xtra to soils classified as sands containing less ·Ivyleaf Velvetleaf than 1% organic matter. - Palmleaf Waterhemp Do not apply more than once per season - Pitted· -Common Do not ailow livestock to graze on treated soybean vines, or feed treated - Purple - Tall soybean vines or Vine trasn to livestock. - Red - Smallfiower - Tall

GRASSES Barnyardgrass Goosegrass Broadleaf signalgrass Orchardgrass Crabgrass Panicum - Large - Common - Smooth - Fall Field sandbur· -Texas Foxtail Seedling Johnsongr8Ss~ - Giant - Green - Yellow

SEDGES Nutsedge - Pur!> • • Yellow Sedge, annual

*Indicates suppression or partial control only 4 Dealers Should Sellin Original Packagas Only. Term. of Sat. or Uee: On purchase of this product buyer and user agree to the following conditions: Warranty: FMC makes no warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the use of this product other than indicated on the label. Exoept as so warranted the product is sold as is. Buyer and user assume all risl< of use and/or handling and/or storage of this material when such use andl or handling andlor storage is contrary to label instructions, Direction. and Recommendatlona: Follow directions carefully. Timing and method of application, weather and crop conditions, mixture with other chemicals not specifically recommended and other influencing factors in the use of this product are beyond the control of the seller and are assumed by the buyer at his own risk. Uae of Product: FMC's recommendations for the use of this product are based upon tests believed to be reliable. The use of this product being beyond the control of the manufacturer, no guarantee, expressed or implied is made as to the effects of such or the results to be obtained if not used in accordance with directions or established safe practice. Damag": Buyer's or user's exclusive remedy fO!' damages for breach of warranty or negligence shall be limited to direct damages not exceeding the purchase price paid and shall not inciude incidental or consequential damages. Command and ...c -Trademarks of FMC Corporation