News: The Journal of Avocational

Index to Volumes 19 – 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) [as of 30 January 2019] Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Articles & Features

A Monumental Undertaking: Meet the Fossil Butte National Monument’s Museum Curator, Arvid Aase. Winter 2017 (20.4): 17-20. Art Murphy Fine Photography (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Barone, Stefano. “Art Forms in Nature”: The Photomicrography of Stefano Barone (Interview with Barone.) Spring 2016 (19.1): 12-17. Bennitt, Tracie. Paleopost: In The Beginning (William H. “Bill” Mason III). Summer 2016 (19.2): 44-46. Birds, Beasts, Blossoms & Bugs: Specimens from the Extraordinary Collections at Fossil Butte National Monument. Winter 2017 (20.4): 21-23. Bonino, Enrico and Kier, Carlo. The Laws of Burial: What Preservation Reveals about Taphonomy (an excerpt from The Back to the Museum Guide to ). Fall 2016 (19.3): 18-24. Bonino, Enrico. Review of Trilobites of the British Isles by Robert Kennedy and Sinclair Stammers. Winter 2018 (21.4): 48-50. Cantrell, Joe. Discovering & Photographing Ostracods in Eocene Green River “Turritella Agate.” Winter 2017 (20.4): 38-41 Cavigelli, Jean-Pierre. Dee The Mammoth: Part I. Summer 2016 (19.2): 15-20. Cavigelli, Jean-Pierre. Dee The Mammoth: Part II of the Saga of Wyoming’s Biggest Mammoth. Winter 2016 (19.4): 4-11. Cerný, David. Review of Birds of Stone: Chinese Avian from the Age of by Luis M. Chiappe & Meng Qingjin. Summer 2018 (21.2): 23-27. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Brachs vs. Bivalves.” Summer 2017 (20.2): 41. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Bugs, Trikes, Megs, Hildis, and Hemis.” Spring 2017 (20.1): 50. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Fossil Names: Greek & Latin Prefixes & Suffixes.” Spring 2016 (19.1): 45. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Index Fossil.” Spring 2016 (19.1): 32. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Lagerstätten.” Summer 2017 (20.2): 41. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Paleomnemonics.” Summer 2016 (19.2): 20. Check Your PaleoIQ: “She Sells Seashells Down by the Seashore.” Summer 2016 (19.2): 6. Check Your PaleoIQ: “The Bone Wars.” Spring 2016 (19.1): 6. Check Your PaleoIQ: “What Is It: Temnodontosaurus platyodon.” Fall 2016 (19.3): 24.

2 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Check Your PaleoIQ: “Who Said It? – Part 1.” Winter 2016 (19.4): 6. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Who Said It? – Part 2.” Winter 2016 (19.4): 52. Check Your PaleoIQ: “Who Said It? – Part 3.” Winter 2016 (19.4): 54. Chinnici, Paul and Smith, Kent. The Experience. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Cordie, David. Ancient Spider Tails & Webs: When Eight Legs Just Aren’t Enough. Discussion of Wang, B. et al. (q.v.) Winter 2018 (21.4): 44-46. Cordie, David. The Keeps Getting Weirder. Discussion of Lerosey- Aubril, R. et. al (q.v.) and Lefebvre, B. et al. (q.v.). Recent Papers in Paleontology. Winter 2018 (21.4): 42-44. Cotton Crustacean (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Crane, Cynthia. The Aurora Fossil Museum: A Celebration of 40 Years in “Fossil Town, USA.” Spring 2018 (21.1): 15-20. Ink: Artist Esther Van Hulsen Uses 95-Million-Year-Old Ink To Paint The Portrait of an Extinct Octopus. Summer 2016 (19.2): 35-40. Davidson, Jane P. An excerpt from A History of Paleontological Illustration. (Special issue on scientific illustration.) Winter 2018 (21.4): 4-33. Davidson, Jane P. Review of Show Me the Bone: Reconstructing Prehistoric Monsters in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America by Gowan Dawson. Summer 2017 (20.2): 46-47 Debus, Allen A. Going for the Cycle: Dark Matter, Mass Extinctions, and the Rebirth of Paleontological Periodicity. Fall 2016 (19.3): 26-31. Dilcher, David. From Tiny Spores Mighty Lycopods Once Grew: Giants of the Coal-Age Forests. Winter 2016 (19.4): 16-21. Dino Socks: Socksmith Design (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). DiTorrice, Guy. Review of 52 Things You Should Know about Paleontology and 52 More Things You Should Know About Paleontology by Alex Cullum & Allard Martinius, Eds. Summer 2018 (21.2):16. DiTorrice, Guy. Review of The Walking Whales: From Land To Water In Eight Million Years by J.G.M. “Hans” Thewissen. Summer 2016 (19.2): 49-50. Ediacaran Jewelry: Half A Billion (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Eskridge, Daniel. Featured PaleoArtist. Spring 2016 (19.1): 4-6. Everhart, Mike. The Warm (or Cold)-Blooded Mosasaur! An Exclusive Excerpt from the Forthcoming New Edition of Oceans of Kansas. Summer 2017 (20.2): 42-44. Fastovsky, David E. Review ofWhere Dinosaurs Roamed: Lost Worlds of Utah’s Grand Staircase by Christa Sadler. Summer 2018 (21.2): 30-35.

3 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Fattori, Diana. Chemnitz’s Museum für Naturkunde: A Tropical Forest in the Northern Latitudes. Summer 2017 (20.2): 24-33. Fattori, Diana. Review of Fossils in Amber: Remarkable Snapshots of Prehistoric Forest Life by David Penney David I. Green. Summer 2018 (21.2): 29-30. Fattori, Diana. The Ice Age Cave Art of the First Paleoartists: The Chauvet Cave & the Caverne du Pont d’Arc. Fall 2017 (20.3): 43-52. Fattori, Diana. The Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines Mineral & Gem Show. Summer 2018 (21.2): 38-42. Fink, Stanton. Featured PaleoArtist. Spring 2017 (20.1): 4-7. Full, Michael E. Finding Fossil Evidence of Castoroides, the Giant Pleistocene Beaver, in Oregon: A Field Report from the Willamette Valley Pleistocene Project. Spring 2018 (21.1): 21-24. Full, Michael E. Tracks in Time: A Preliminary Report on Pleistocene Megafauna Tracks at McMinnville, Oregon. Spring 2017 (20.1): 23-27. Gearty, William. Review of The Rise of Marine Mammals: 50 Million Years of Evolution by Annalisa Berta & James L. Sumich. Summer 2018 (21.2): 35-36. Geological Society of America Meetings. Report back on GSA 2017: Responding to the Call for Diversity—Selected Presentations. Summer 2018 (21.2): 49-51. Geological Society of America. A Report-Back on the 2017 Meetings in Seattle, Washington: Part 1. Spring 2018 (21.1): 25-35. Giorgetti, Pia. An Homage to Linnæus (1707-1778): The Prince of Botanists, the Father of Modern Taxonomy. Fall 2016 (19.3): 32-37. Gómez de Silva, Héctor. Review of Flying Dinosaurs: How Fearsome Reptiles Became Birds by John Pickrell. Spring 2017 (20.1): 44-45. Gómez de Silva, Héctor. Review of Weird Dinosaurs: The Strange New Fossils Challenging Everything We Thought We Knew by John Pickrell. Winter 2018 (21.4): 51-52. Gon, Sam III. Hawaiian Fossils & Subfossils. Spring 2018 (21.1): 36-40. Grande, Lance. A “Fossil” Presence: The Seven-Decade Dynasty of the Ulrich Clan. Winter 2017 (20.4): 34-37. Grande, Lance. An Excerpt from The Lost World of Fossil Lake. Winter 2017 (20.4): 6-15. Grimaldi, David. A David Grimaldi Bibliography: A Listing of the Work of the United States’ Foremost Expert on Fossil Amber. Fall 2017 (20.3): 22-28 Holzinger, Katharina. “Mystery at the Grand Exposition” (Part 1). PaleoFiction. Fall 2018 (21.3): 24-36. Holzinger, Katharina. Paleontologists and Their Prehistoric Pets: An interview with the creator of the popular series. Fall 2018 (21.3): 12-15

4 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Izquierdo, Yasmani Ceballos and Ford, Tracy Lee. Cuba’s Madruga Formation: Mogotes and Cenozoic Secrets. Summer 2017 (20.2): 18-20. Izquierdo, Yasmani Ceballos. Discussion of Xing, Lida et al. (q.v.). Recent Papers in Paleontology. Spring 2017 (20.1): 51. Izquierdo, Yasmani Ceballos. Plant Fossils From Cuba: Evidence of a Laurasian Coastal Forest? Summer 2016 (19.2): 31-34. Jasinski, Steven E. Review of Sabertooth by Mauricio Antón. Summer 2018 (21.2): 27-29. Jones, Holly (Dr. Jones).Ratbot Comics: “Acts of God” Insurance. Spring 2016 (19.1): 18. Jones, Holly (Dr. Jones).Ratbot Comics: Jogi and Brigit. Summer 2017 (20.2): 31. Jones, Holly (Dr. Jones).Ratbot Comics: The Rudest Bivalve. Summer 2016 (19.2): 34. Keesey, Mike. Paleocene: A New Comic Traces the Rise of the Mammals (excerpt). Spring 2017 (20.1): 40-43 Kemmerer-Area Directories: Rock & Fossil Shops; Dig-Your-Own Quarries; Lodging; Seasonal Events, Eats & Entertainment. Winter 2017 (20.4): 28-32. Kennedy, Jim. Review of The Star-Crossed Stone: The Secret Life, Myths, and History of a Fascinating Fossil by Kenneth J. McNamara. Spring 2016 (19.1): 46-47. Kimmig, Julien. Review of Solving the Mystery of the First Animals on Land: The Fossils of Blackberry Hill by Kenneth Gass. Fall 2016 (19.3): 51. Lask, Michael. The Silurian Trilobites of Caleb Quarry, New York. Fall 2017 (20.3): 30-36 Lau, Joel. Hawaiian Plant Fossils in Lava: A Photo Essay. Spring 2018 (21.1): 41- 43. Lo Squalo! A Land Shark in the Center of Naples, Italy? Summer 2017 (20.2): 17. Lomax, Dean. Hidden in Plain Sight: A Worldwide Search That Led Back Home. Spring 2016 (19.1): 41-45. Lomp, Stephen. Mamasaurus. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Luallin, Shellie and Hagadorn, James W. The Ammonitologist: A Remembrance in Honor of William Dana Bateman. Winter 2016 (19.4): 13-15. Lucas, Spencer G. Review of Footprints in Stone: Fossil Traces of Coal Age Tetrapods by Ronald J. Buta and David C. Kopaska-Merkel. Spring 2017 (20.1): 48-49. Lucas, Spencer G. Review of When the Invasion of Land Failed: The Legacy of the Extinctions by George R. McGhee, Jr. Winter 2018 (21.4): 47-48.

5 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

MacFadden, Bruce J. and Gardner, Eleanor E. The FOSSIL Project: Past, Present, and Future. Winter 2016 (19.4): 22-23. Marks, Ken. Just Another Fish Story. But This Time There’s a 13-Pound Mammoth Tooth at the End! Spring 2016 (19.1): 40. Mattei, Glenn M. New Jersey Amber: A Look at the Past though Trapped Organisms. Fall 2017 (20.3): 18-21 Mears, Ellen. Stripes and Spots: Reconstructing Animal Color in Deep Time. Summer 2016 (19.2): 25-30. Mehling, Carl. Collecting My Thoughts: A Paleontologist Ruminates on What Makes a Fossil a Fossil. Spring 2017 (20.1): 29-38. microFOSSILS: Master Photomicrographers Reveal the Surreal and Beautiful World of the Planet’s Most Abundant Fossils: The Micropalaeontological Society’s “Microfossil of the Month” Calendar. Spring 2016 (19.1): 8-11. Molnar, Ralph. Review of Horned Armadillos and Rafting Monkeys: The Fascinating Fossil Mammals of South America by Darin A Croft & Velizar Simeonovski. Summer 2018 (21.2): 17-19. Monger, Gareth. A Disarray of Palaeoart. Summer 2018 (21.2): 6-9. Monger, Gareth. Brontosaurus at the ICZN (cartoon). Summer 2016 (19.2): 46. Monger, Gareth. Featured PaleoArtist. Summer 2016 (19.2): 4-10. Monger, Gareth. Speculative Paleoart: Pterosaur Embryos. Summer 2016 (19.2): 41-43. Muskelly, Cameron. Paleontology “On the Spectrum.” Fall 2018 (21.3): 51-52 Musmarra, Nando & Fattori, Diana. Blame it on the Bats: Tracking Extinct “Lords of the Night” in the Eocene Quarries of Wyoming’s Green River Formation ... and Beyond. Spring 2016 (19.1): 19-28. Musmarra, Nando. Am Löwentor: The Stuttgart Museum of Natural History— Here There Be (Swabian) Dragons! Spring 2017 (20.1): 8-17. Musmarra, Nando. Review of Fossil Insects: An Introduction To Paleaeoentomology by David Penney &James E. Jepson. Summer 2016 (19.2): 47-49. Musmarra, Nando. Review of Fossil Seahorses and Other Biota from the Tunjice Konservat-Lagerstätte, Slovenia by Jure Žalohar & Tomaž Hitij. Spring 2016 (19.1): 47-48. Musmarra, Nando. Review of the Nomochirus Series. Spring 2016 (19.1): 50-52. Musmarra, Nando. The Other Side Of Archaeopteryx: The Counterpart of the Famous “Berlin Specimen.” Summer 2016 (19.2): 8-12.

6 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Musmarra, Nando. The Solnhofen Archipelago: A Journey by the Numbers. Fall 2018 (21.3): 37-41. Norpell, Thomas. Faux Fossils. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Owen, Neil. The GeoBlitz Project: Taking Stock of the Collections at the Leeds Museum. Spring 2017 (20.1): 18-21. PaleoGifts: Special Winter Feature. (Featuring Art Murphy Fine Photography; Beasts of the Mesozoic: David Silva; Boneyard Pets: Eric Winston; Cotton Crustacean; Dino Socks: Socksmith Design; Ediacaran Jewelry: Half A Billion; Faux Fossils: Thomas Norpell; Mamasaurus (Stephen Lomp); PaleoPals: Chenoa Ellinghouse; The Silurian Experience (Paul Chinnici & Kent Smith). Winter 2016 (19.4): 32-52. Paleontological Illustration Through the Centuries: A Gallery of Images. (Special issue on scientific illustration.) Winter 2018 (21.4): 14-27. Paleontologists and Their Prehistoric Pets: A Gallery. Fall 2018 (21.3): 16-21. PaleoPals: Chenoa Ellinghouse (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Panciroli, Elsa. Your Inner Fish: Swimming on a Tide of Improved Science Communication? Spring 2016 (19.1): 29-34. Pastori, Fabio. Featured PaleoArtist. Fall 2017 (20.3): 4-15. Ramic, Diane. Featured PaleoArtist. Spring 2018 (21.1): 4-11. Ricketts, Wendell & Baldanza, Angela. Thar She Blows! The World’s First Fossil Ambergris Found in Italy. Spring 2016 (19.1): 35-39. Ricketts, Wendell. All Eyes on Rare Priscacara with Four vs. Three Anal Spines: New Species or Natural Variation? Winter 2017 (20.4): 24 Ricketts, Wendell. American Fossil: The “Education Quarry” Winter 2017 (20.4): 43-46. Ricketts, Wendell. Getting Binomial Names Right (Yes, It Matters). Fall 2016 (19.3): 38. Ricketts, Wendell. How Does “Ida” Mean? Darwinius masillae—Science by Press Release? Fall 2016 (19.3): 11-16. Ricketts, Wendell. Kemmerer is Coal Country: A Visit to the Westmoreland Mine. Winter 2017 (20.4): 33. Ricketts, Wendell. Review of Grandmother Fish by Jonathan Tweet and Karen Lewis. Spring 2016 (19.1): 49. Ricketts, Wendell. Review of Tyrannosaurus Rex written and illustrated by Ted Rechlin. Summer 2016 (19.2): 51-52. Ricketts, Wendell. Wait ... What? Desperately Seeking Fossil IDs On Facebook. (Humor) Summer 2016 (19.2): 22-24.

7 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Ricketts, Wendell. Would You Recognize A Holotype If It Hit You in the Chevron? Fall 2017 (20.3): 37-40. Rogers, David Jr. Cretaceous Fire. Winter 2018 (21.4): 39-41. Rowe, Robert. Review of The Sauropod Dinosaurs: Life in the Age of Giants by Mark Hallett& Mathew J. Wedel. Summer 2018 (21.2): 22-23. Sallan, L., Giles, S., Sansom, R. S., Clarke, J., Johanson, Z., Sansom, I.J., and Janvier, P. (2017, March). The ‘Tully Monster’ Is Not a Vertebrate: Characters, Convergence and Taphonomy Palaeozoic Problematic Animals. Palaeontology 60(2): 149-157. Recent Papers in Paleontology. Discussion by Wendell Ricketts. Summer 2017 (20.2): 49-50. Sallan, L., Giles, S., Sansom, R. S., Clarke, J., Johanson, Z., Sansom, I.J., and Janvier, P. (2017, March). The ‘Tully Monster’ Is Not a Vertebrate: Characters, Convergence and Taphonomy Palaeozoic Problematic Animals. Palaeontology 60(2): 149-157. Recent Papers in Paleontology. Discussion by Wendell Ricketts. Summer 2017 (20.2): 49-50. Secher, Andy. A Monitor Lizard from Green River: The Find of a Lifetime. Winter 2017 (20.4): 49-51. Sellén, Carlos Rafael Borges; Ruiz, Alberto F. Arano; and Izquierdo, Yasmani Ceballos. The Mystery Tooth of Rodas, Cuba: A Mosasaur in the Cretaceous Caribbean? Fall 2016 (19.3): 39-44. Sermon, Tom. Featured PaleoArtist. Fall 2018 (21.3): 4-9. Silva, David. Beasts of the Mesozoic. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Simmons, Todd. Review of Dinosaurs of the British Isles by Dean Lomax & Nobumichi Tamura. Summer 2017 (20.2): 47-48 Simmons, Todd. Review of The Giant Spike-Toothed Salmon and Other Extinct Wildlife of Central California by Julia T. Sankey & Jacob Biewer. Summer 2018 (21.2):13-14. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Press Release: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology to Sue to Block Reductions to Grand Staircase & Bears Ears National Monuments. Winter 2017 (20.4): 53-55 Summer Reading Special Section. Summer 2018 (21.2): 4-37. Swaby, Emily J. (Not) All about Allosaurus! The Overlooked Theropods of the Morrison Formation. Winter 2018 (21.4): 34-38. Swaby, Emily J. Exploring Ammonite Diversity along the North Yorkshire Coast. Fall 2016 (19.3): 45-50. Tamura, Nobu. Featured PaleoArtist. Summer 2017 (20.2): 4-12.

8 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Taylor, Dorceta E. Lack of Racial and Other Diversity in the Geosciences: A Keynote Address from the 2017 Geological Society of America Meetings. Summer 2018 (21.2): 44-48. Tennant, Jon. PaleorXiv: What Would Open Access to All Paleontological Research Look Like? Summer 2017 (20.2): 13-16. The International Chronostratigraphic Chart: The 2018 update from the International Commission on . Fall 2018 (21.3): 10-11. Thomas, Matthew Caleb. Review of The Lost Species: Great Expeditions in the Collections of Natural History Museums by Christopher Kemp. Summer 2018 (21.2): 36-37. Thomson, Bill. FOSSIL: The Creative Process: The Making of a Wordless Book. Summer 2017 (20.2): 35-39. Thomson, Bill. Inspired by the Past: “Wordless Book” Author Bill Thomson Talks About Creating FOSSIL. Fall 2016 (19.3): 52-53. Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside / “Harte Schale, weicher Kern”: Images from the Bürgermeister Müller Museum’s exhibition of fossil crustaceans from the Solnhofen Archipelago System. Fall 2018 (21.3): 42-49. Tulu, Yasemin. Review of The Origin of Higher Taxa: Palaeobiological, Developmental, and Ecological Perspectives by T.S. Kemp. Spring 2017 (20.1): 46-47. van Hulsen, Esther. Featured PaleoArtist. Fall 2016 (19.3): 4-6. Wilkin, Jack. The Geological History and Paleoenvironment of the South German Plattenkalks. Spring 2018 (21.1): 44-51. Williams, M., Benton, M., and Ross, A. (2015). The Strawberry Bank Lagerstätte Reveals Insights into Early Jurassic Life. Journal of the Geological Society 172(6): 683-692. Recent Papers in Paleontology. Discussion by Wendell Ricketts. Fall 2016 (19.3): 54. Winston, Eric. Boneyard Pets. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Woehr, Daniel A. A Mammoth Job: Exceptional Finds Require Exceptional Measures (designing a custom display stand for a baby mammoth jaw). Winter 2016 (19.4): 25-29.

9 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Publications Antón, Mauricio. Sabertooth. (Reviewed by Steven E. Jasinski.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 27-29. Berta, Annalisa & Sumich. James L. The Rise of Marine Mammals: 50 Million Years of Evolution. (Reviewed by William Gearty.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 35-36. Buta, Ronald J. and Kopaska-Merkel, David C. Footprints in Stone: Fossil Traces of Coal Age Tetrapods. Spring 2017 (20.1): 48-49. (Reviewed by Spencer G. Lucas.) Chiappe, Luis M. & Qingjin, Meng. Birds of Stone: Chinese Avian Fossils from the Age of Dinosaurs. (Reviewed by David Cerný.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 23-27. Chinnici, Paul and Smith, Kent. The Silurian Experience. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Croft, Darin A. & Simeonovski, Velizar. Horned Armadillos and Rafting Monkeys: The Fascinating Fossil Mammals of South America. (Reviewed by Ralph Molnar.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 17-19. Cullum, Alex & Martinius, Allard (Eds.) 52 Things You Should Know about Paleontology and 52 More Things You Should Know About Paleontology. (Reviewed by Guy DiTorrice.) Summer 2018 (21.2):16. Davidson, Jane P. An excerpt from A History of Paleontological Illustration. (Special issue on scientific illustration.) Winter 2018 (21.4): 4-33. Davidson, Jane P. Patrons of Paleontology: How Government Support Shaped a Science. (Reviewed by Ashley W. Poust.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 12-13. Dawson, Gowan. Show Me the Bone: Reconstructing Prehistoric Monsters in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America. Summer 2017 (20.2): 46-47. (Reviewed by Jane P. Davidson.) Dunlop, Jason A. & Penney, David. Fossil Arachnids. (Reviewed by Nando Musmarra.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 20-21. Everhart, Mike. Oceans of Kansas (2nd ed.). The Warm (or Cold)-Blooded Mosasaur! Summer 2017 (20.2): 42-44. (Excerpt.) Gass, Kenneth. Solving the Mystery of the First Animals on Land: The Fossils of Blackberry Hill. Fall 2016 (19.3): 51. (Reviewed by Julien Kimmig.) Hallett, Mark & Wedel, Mathew J. The Sauropod Dinosaurs: Life in the Age of Giants. (Reviewed by Robert Rowe.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 22-23. Keesey, Mike. Paleocene: A New Comic Traces the Rise of the Mammals. Spring 2017 (20.1): 40-43. (Excerpt.) Kemp, Christopher. The Lost Species: Great Expeditions in the Collections of Natural History Museums. (Reviewed by Matthew Caleb Thomas.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 36-37.

10 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Kemp, T.S. The Origin of Higher Taxa: Palaeobiological, Developmental, and Ecological Perspectives. Spring 2017 (20.1): 46-47. (Reviewed by Yasemin Tulu.) Kennedy, Robert and Stammers, Sinclair. Trilobites of the British Isles. (Reviewed by Enrico Bonino.) Winter 2018 (21.4): 48-50. Lefebvre, B., Gutiérrez-Marco, J. C., Lehnert, O., Martin, E. L. O., Nowak, H., Akodad, M., El Hariri, K., Servais, T. (2018, January). Age Calibration of the Lower Fezouata Lagerstätte, Morocco. Lethaia 51(2): 296-311. Recent Papers in Paleontology: The Cambrian Keeps Getting Weirder (discussion by David Cordie). Winter 2018 (21.4): 42-44. Lerosey-Aubril, R., Gaines, R. R., Hegna, T. A., Ortega-Hernández, J., Van Roy, P., Kier, C., Bonino, E. (2018, June). The Weeks Formation Konservat- Lagerstätte and the Evolutionary Transition of Cambrian Marine Life. Journal of Geological Society 175(5): 705-715. Recent Papers in Paleontology: The Cambrian Keeps Getting Weirder (discussion by David Cordie). Winter 2018 (21.4): 42-44. Lomax, Dean & Tamura, Nobumichi. Dinosaurs of the British Isles. Summer 2017 (20.2): 47-48. (Reviewed by Todd Simmons.) Lomp, Stephen. Mamasaurus. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). McGhee, George R. Jr. When the Invasion of Land Failed: The Legacy of the Devonian Extinctions. (Reviewed by Spencer G. Lucas. Winter 2018 (21.4): 47-48. McNamara, Kenneth J. The Star-Crossed Stone: The Secret Life, Myths, and History of a Fascinating Fossil. Spring 2016 (19.1): 46-47. (Reviewed by Jim Kennedy.) Monger, Gareth. A Disarray of Palaeoart. Summer 2018 (21.2): 6-9. Nomochirus Series, The. Spring 2016 (19.1): 50-52. (Reviewed by Nando Musmarra.) North Carolina Fossil Club. Fossil (five-volume series). (Reviewed by Jim Kennedy). Summer 2018 (21.2): 10-11. Penney, David & Green, David I. Fossils in Amber: Remarkable Snapshots of Prehistoric Forest Life. Reviewed by Diana Fattori.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 29- 30. Penney, David and Jepson, James E. Fossil Insects: An Introduction To Paleaeoentomology. Summer 2016 (19.2): 47-49. (Reviewed by Nando Musmarra.) Pickrell, John. Flying Dinosaurs: How Fearsome Reptiles Became Birds. Spring 2017 (20.1): 44-45. (Reviewed by Héctor Gómez de Silva.)

11 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

Pickrell, John. Weird Dinosaurs: The Strange New Fossils Challenging Everything We Thought We Knew. (Reviewed by Héctor Gómez de Silva.) Winter 2018 (21.4): 51-52. Rechlin, Ted. Tyrannosaurus Rex. Summer 2016 (19.2): 51-52. (Reviewed by Wendell Ricketts.) Sadler, Christa. Where Dinosaurs Roamed: Lost Worlds of Utah’s Grand Staircase. (Reviewed by David E. Fastovsky.) Summer 2018 (21.2): 30-35. Sallan, L., Giles, S., Sansom, R. S., Clarke, J., Johanson, Z., Sansom, I.J., and Janvier, P. (2017, March). The ‘Tully Monster’ Is Not a Vertebrate: Characters, Convergence and Taphonomy Palaeozoic Problematic Animals. Palaeontology 60(2): 149-157. Recent Papers in Paleontology. Discussion by Wendell Ricketts. Summer 2017 (20.2): 49-50. Sankey, Julia T. & Biewer, Jacob. The Giant Spike-Toothed Salmon and Other Extinct Wildlife of Central California. (Reviewed by Todd Simmons.) Summer 2018 (21.2):13-14. Thewissen, J.G.M. “Hans.” The Walking Whales: From Land To Water In Eight Million Years. Summer 2016 (19.2): 49-50. (Reviewed by Guy DiTorrice.) Thomson, Bill. Inspired by the Past: “Wordless Book” Author Bill Thomson Talks About Creating FOSSIL. Fall 2016 (19.3): 52-53; FOSSIL: The Creative Process: The Making of a Wordless Book. Summer 2017 (20.2): 35-39. Tweet, Jonathan and Lewis, Karen. Grandmother Fish. Spring 2016 (19.1): 49. (Reviewed by Wendell Ricketts.) Wang, B., Dunlop, J. A., Selden, P. A., Garwood, R. J, Shear, W. A., Müller, P., Lei, X. (2018, February). Cretaceous Arachnid Chimerarachne yingi gen. et sp. nov. Illuminates Spider Origins. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2(4): 614-622. Recent Papers in Paleontology: Ancient Spider Tails & Webs: When Eight Legs Just Aren’t Enough (discussion by David Cordie). Winter 2018 (21.4): 44- 46. Williams, M., Benton, M., and Ross, A. (2015). The Strawberry Bank Lagerstätte Reveals Insights into Early Jurassic Life. Journal of the Geological Society 172(6): 683-692. Recent Papers in Paleontology. Discussion by Wendell Ricketts. Fall 2016 (19.3): 54. Xing, Lida et al. (2016, December). A Feathered Dinosaur Tail with Primitive Plumage Trapped in Mid-Cretaceous Amber. Current Biology 26(24): 3352– 3360. Recent Papers in Paleontology. Discussion by Yasmani Ceballos Izquierdo. Spring 2017 (20.1): 51. Žalohar, Jure and Hitij, Tomaž. Fossil Seahorses and Other Biota from the Tunjice Konservat-Lagerstätte, Slovenia. Spring 2016 (19.1): 47-48. (Reviewed by Nando Musmarra.)

12 Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology Index: Volumes 19 - 21 (Spring 2016 through Winter 2018) as of 30 January 2019.

PaleoArtists & Photographers Art Murphy Fine Photography (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Cotton Crustacean (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Defranchi-Nelson, Lydia. (Fossil Basin/Kemmerer Special Issue.) Winter 2017 (20.4): 33. Eskridge, Daniel. Featured PaleoArtist. Spring 2016 (19.1): 4-6. Fink, Stanton. Featured PaleoArtist. Spring 2017 (20.1): 4-7. Fischbeck, Lynne. (Fossil Basin/Kemmerer Special Issue.) Winter 2017 (20.4): 29, 52. Lindgren, Anthony (Tony). Saniwa ensidens. (Fossil Basin/Kemmerer Special Issue.) Winter 2017 (20.4): 49. Monger, Gareth. A Disarray of Palaeoart. Summer 2018 (21.2): 6-9. Monger, Gareth. Featured PaleoArtist. Summer 2016 (19.2): 4-10. Norpell, Thomas. Faux Fossils. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Paleontologists and Their Prehistoric Pets: A Gallery (Katharina Holzinger). Fall 2018 (21.3): 16-21. Pastori, Fabio. Featured PaleoArtist. Fall 2017 (20.3): 4-15. Sermon, Tom. Featured PaleoArtist. Fall 2018 (21.3): 4-9. Sermon, Tom. Paleoartist. (Fossil Basin/Kemmerer Special Issue.) Winter 2017 (20.4): 4, 11. Silva, David. Beasts of the Mesozoic. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016). Tamura, Nobu. Featured PaleoArtist. Summer 2017 (20.2): 4-12. Tibbetts, Michelle. (Fossil Basin/Kemmerer Special Issue.) Winter 2017 (20.4): 5, 6, 10. van Hulsen, Esther. Featured PaleoArtist. Fall 2016 (19.3): 4-6. Wiewandt, Tom. Saniwa ensidens. (Fossil Basin/Kemmerer Special Issue.) Winter 2017 (20.4): Cover. Winston, Eric. Boneyard Pets. (See “PaleoGifts,” Winter 2016).