
Volume 4 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS October, 2008

On Emergent Physics, “Unparticles” and Exotic “Unmatter” States

Ervin Goldfain and Florentin Smarandachey  Photonics CoE, Welch Allyn Inc., Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153, USA E-mail: [email protected] yChair of Math & Sc. Depart., University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM 87301, USA E-mail: [email protected] Emergent physics refers to the formation and evolution of collective patterns in systems that are nonlinear and out-of-equilibrium. This type of large-scale behavior often de- velops as a result of simple interactions at the component level and involves a dynamic interplay between order and randomness. On account of its universality, there are credi- ble hints that emergence may play a leading role in the Tera-ElectronVolt(TeV) sector of physics. Following this path, we examine the possibility of hypothetical high- states that have fractional number of quanta per state and consist of arbitrary mixtures of and . These states are similar to “un-particles”, - less fields of non-integral scaling dimensions that were recently conjectured to emerge in the TeV sector of . They are also linked to “unmatter”, exotic clusters of and antimatter introduced few years ago in the context of Neutrosophy.

1 Introduction long as "  1. Full and equilibrium field theory are asymptotically recovered in the limit of physical space-time (d = 4) as " ! 0 or  ! 1 [11, 12]. Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a framework whose meth- ods and ideas have found numerous applications in various domains, from particle physics and condensed matter to cos- 2 Definitions mology, statistical physics and critical phenomena [1, 2]. As We use below the Riemann-Liouville definition for the one- successful synthesis of and Special Rel- dimensional left and right fractal operators [13]. Consider for ativity, QFT represents a collection of equilibrium field theo- simplicity a space-independent scalar field '(t). Taking the ries and forms the foundation for the (SM), time coordinate to be the representative variable, one writes a body of knowledge that describes the behavior of all known particles and their interactions, except . Many broken Zt 1 d symmetries in QFT, such as violation of parity and CP in- 0DL '(t) = (t ) '()d ; (1) variance, are linked to either the electroweak interaction or (1 ) dt 0 the physics beyond SM [3–5]. This observation suggests that unitary evolution postulated by QFT no longer holds near or Z0 1 d above the energy scale of electroweak interaction 0DR '(t) = ( ) ( t) '()d : (2) ( 300GeV) [6,7]. It also suggests that progress on the the- (1 ) dt t oretical front requires a framework that can properly handle 0 < < 1 non-unitary evolution of phenomena beyond SM. We believe Here, fractional dimension denotes the order that fractional dynamics naturally fits this description. It op- of fractional differentiation. In general, it can be shown that erates with derivatives of non-integer order called fractal op- is linearly dependent on the dimensionality of the space-time erators and is suitable for analyzing many complex processes support [8]. By definition, assumes a continuous spectrum with long-range interactions [6–9]. Building on the current of values on fractal supports [11]. understanding of fractal operators, we take the dimensional parameter of the regularization program " = 4d to represent 3 Fractional dynamics and ‘unparticle’ physics the order of fractional differentiation in physical space-time (alternatively, " = 1 d in one-dimensional space) [10, 11]. The classical Lagrangian for the free scalar field theory in It can be shown that " is related to the reciprocal of the cutoff 3+1 dimensions reads [1–2, 14] 0 scale "  ( /), where 0 stands for a finite and arbitrary  2 2 L = @ '@' m ' ; (3) reference mass and  is the cutoff energy scale. Under these " circumstances, may be thought as an infinitesimal param- and yields the following expression for the field eter that can be continuously tuned and drives the departure @L @' from equilibrium. The approach to scale invariance demands  = = : @' @t (4) that the choice of this parameter is completely arbitrary, as @( @t )

10 Ervin Goldfain and Florentin Smarandache. On Emergent Physics, “Unparticles” and Exotic “Unmatter” October, 2008 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 4

It is known that the standard technique of canonical quan- 4 Mixing properties of fractal operators tization promotes a classical field theory to a quantum field theory by converting the field and momentum variables into Left and right fractal operators (L/R) are natural analogues of operators. To gain full physical insight with minimal com- chiral components associated with the structure of quantum plications in formalism, we work below in 0+1 dimensions. fields [8, 9]. The goal of this section is to show that there is an Ignoring the left/right labels for the time being, we define the inherent mixing of (L/R) operators induced by the fractional field and momentum operators as dynamics, as described below. An equivalent representation of (1) is given by ' ! 'b = '; (5) Z0 1 d 0DL '(t) = ( ) [( t)] '() d ; (14) @ (1 ) dt  ! b = i  iD : (6) @ j'j t or Without the loss of generality, we set m = 1 in (3). The   Z0 (1) d Hamiltonian becomes D '(t) = ( t) '() d = 0 L (1 ) dt 1 1 1 t b 2 2 2 2 H ! H = D + ' = (b + ' ) : (7) 2 2 2 = (1) 0DR '(t) ; (15) By analogy with the standard treatment of harmonic oscil- lator in quantum mechanics, it is convenient to work with the 0DR = (1) 0DL = exp(i ) 0DL : (16) destruction and creation operators defined through [1–2, 14] Starting from (2) instead, we find : 1 ba = p ['b + ib ] ; (8) D = (1) D = exp(i ) D : 2 0 L 0 R 0 R (17)

: 1 Consider now the one-dimensional case d = 1, take ba+ = p ['b i b ] : (9) = " = 1 d " 2 and recall that continuous tuning of does not impact the physics as a consequence of scale invariance. Let Straightforward algebra shows that these operators satisfy us iterate (16) and (17) a finite number of times (n > 1) under the following commutation rules the assumption that n"  1. It follows that the fractal opera- tor of any infinitesimal order may be only defined up to an ar- [ba; ba] = [ba+ ; ba+ ] = 0 ; (10) bitrary dimensional factor exp(in")  1+(in") = 1i"e, + ( 1) that is,   [ba ; ba ] = i [';b b ] = b : (11) " 0 0DL;R '(t)  0DL;R i"e '(t) (18) The second relation of these leads to or   " 0 1 i0DL;R '(t) = i 0DL;R + "e '(t) ; (19) Hb = ba+ ba + b( 1): (12) 2 where " lim DL;R '(t) = '(t) : (20) In the limit = 1 we recover the quantum mechanics of "!0 the harmonic oscillator, namely Relations (18–20) indicate that fractional dimension "ein- 1 duces: (a) a new type of mixing between chiral components Hb = ba+ba + : 2 (13) of the field and (b) an ambiguity in the very definition of the field, fundamentally different from measurement uncertain- It was shown in [6] that the fractional Hamiltonian (12) ties associated with Heisenberg principle. Both effects are leads to a continuous spectrum of states having non-integer irreversible (since fractional dynamics describes irreversible numbers of quanta per state. These unusual flavors of par- processes) and of topological nature (being based on the con- ticles and antiparticles emerging as fractional objects were cept of continuous dimension). They do not have a counter- named “complexons”. Similar conclusions have recently sur- part in conventional QFT. faced in a number of papers where the possibility of a scale- invariant “hidden” sector of particle physics extending be- 5 Emergence of “unmatter” states yond SM has been investigated. A direct consequence of this setting is a continuous spectrum of massless fields having Using the operator language of QFT and taking into account non-integral scaling dimensions called “un-particles”. The (6), (18) can be presented as reader is directed to [15–21] for an in-depth discussion of “un-particle” physics. b"'(t) = b"'(t) "e'b(t) : (21)

Ervin Goldfain and Florentin Smarandache. On Emergent Physics, “Unparticles” and Exotic “Unmatter” 11 Volume 4 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS October, 2008

Relation (21) shows that the fractional momentum op- positive particle (say clusters of and antiquarks whose erator b" and the field operator 'b(t) = '(t) are no longer total charge is positive, etc.). independent entities but linearly coupled through fractional dimension "e. From (11) it follows that the destruction and 8 Unmatter creation operators are also coupled to each other. As a re- sult, particles and antiparticles can no longer exist as linearly It is possible to define the unmatter in a more general way, "e independent objects. Because is continuous, they emerge using the exotic atom. as an infinite spectrum of mixed states. This surprising find- The classical unmatter were formed by particles ing is counterintuitive as it does not have an equivalent in like (a) , , and , or (b) antielec- conventional QFT. Moreover, arbitrary mixtures of particles trons, , and . and antiparticles may be regarded as a manifestation of “un- In a more general definition, an unmatter atom is a system matter”, a concept launched in the context of Neutrosophic of particles as above, or such that one or more particles are Logic [22–24]. replaces by other particles of the same charge. Other categories would be (c) a matter atom with where 6 Definition of unmatter one or more (but not all) of the electrons and/or protons are replaced by antimatter particles of the same corresponding In short, unmatter is formed by matter and antimatter that charges, and (d) an antimatter atom such that one or more (but bind together [23, 24]. not all) of the antielectrons and/or antiprotons are replaced by The building blocks (most elementary particles known to- matter particles of the same corresponding charges. day) are 6 quarks and 6 ; their 12 antiparticles also In a more composed system we can substitute a particle exist. by an unmatter particle and form an unmatter atom. Then unmatter will be formed by at least a building block Of course, not all of these combinations are stable, semi- and at least an antibuilding block which can bind together. stable, or quasi-stable, especially when their time to bind to- Let’s start from neutrosophy [22], which is a generaliza- gether might be longer than their lifespan. tion of dialectics, i.e. not only the opposites are combined but also the neutralities. Why? Because when an idea is launched, a category of people will accept it, others will reject 9 Examples of unmatter it, and a third one will ignore it (don’t care). But the dynamics between these three categories changes, so somebody accept- During 1970–1975 numerous pure experimental verifications ing it might later reject or ignore it, or an ignorant will accept were obtained proving that “atom-like” systems built on nu- it or reject it, and so on. Similarly the dynamicity of , cleons (protons and neutrons) and anti- (anti-protons , , where means neither and anti-neutrons) are real. Such “atoms”, where nor , but in between (neutral). Neutrosophy consid- and anti-nucleon are moving at the opposite sides of the same ers a kind not of di-alectics but tri-alectics (based on three orbit around the common centre of mass, are very unstable, components: , , ). their life span is no more than 1020 sec. Then nucleon and Hence unmatter is a kind of intermediary (not referring to anti-nucleon annihilate into gamma-quanta and more light the charge) between matter and antimatter, i.e. neither one, particles () which can not be connected with one an- nor the other. other, see [6, 7, 8]. The experiments were done in mainly Neutrosophic Logic (NL) is a generalization of fuzzy Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA) and, partially, logic (especially of intuitionistic fuzzy logic) in which CERN (Switzerland), where “–anti-proton” and a proposition has a degree of truth, a degree of falsity, and “anti-proton–” atoms were observed, called them pp a degree of neutrality (neither true nor false); in the normal- and pn respectively. ized NL the sum of these degrees is 1. After the experiments were done, the life span of such “atoms” was calculated in theoretical way in Chapiro’s works 7 Exotic atom [9, 10, 11]. His main idea was that nuclear forces, acting be- tween nucleon and anti-nucleon, can keep them far way from If in an atom we substitute one or more particles by other each other, hindering their annihilation. For instance, a pro- particles of the same charge (constituents) we obtain an ex- ton and anti-proton are located at the opposite sides in the otic atom whose particles are held together due to the electric same orbit and they are moved around the orbit centre. If charge. For example, we can substitute in an ordinary atom the diameter of their orbit is much more than the diameter of one or more electrons by other negative particles (say , “annihilation area”, they are kept out of annihilation. But be- anti-Rho , D ,Ds , , , ,  , etc., gener- cause the orbit, according to Quantum Mechanics, is an actual ally clusters of quarks and antiquarks whose total charge is cloud spreading far around the average radius, at any radius negative), or the positively charged nucleus replaced by other between the proton and the anti-proton there is a probability

12 Ervin Goldfain and Florentin Smarandache. On Emergent Physics, “Unparticles” and Exotic “Unmatter” October, 2008 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 4

that they can meet one another at the annihilation distance. antiatom is unmatter if the antielectron(s) are replaced by Therefore nucleon—anti-nucleon system annihilates in any positively-charged messons. case, this system is unstable by definition having life span no The strange matter can be unmatter if these exists at least more than 1020 sec. an antiquark together with so many quarks in the nucleous. Unfortunately, the researchers limited the research to the Also, we can define the strange antimatter as formed by a consideration of pp and pn nuclei only. The reason was large number of antiquarks bound together with an antielec- that they, in the absence of a theory, considered pp and pn tron around them. Similarly, the strange antimatter can be “atoms” as only a rare exception, which gives no classes of unmatter if there exists at least one together with so matter. many antiquarks in its nucleous. The unmatter does exists, for example some messons and The and antibosons help in the decay of unmatter. antimessons, through for a trifling of a second lifetime, so the There are 13+1 (Higgs ) known bosons and 14 anti- pions are unmatter (which have the composition uˆd and udˆ, bosons in present. where by uˆ we mean anti-, d = , and analogously u = up quark and dˆ = anti-down quark, while 10 Chromodynamics formula by ˆ means anti), the K+ (usˆ), K (uˆs), Phi (ssˆ), D+ 0 + 0 0 (cdˆ), D (cuˆ), Ds (csˆ), J/Psi (ccˆ), B (buˆ), B (dbˆ), Bs In order to save the colorless combinations prevailed in the (sbˆ), Upsilon (bbˆ), where c = , s = strange Theory of (QCD) of quarks and quark, b = , etc. are unmatter too. antiquarks in their combinations when binding, we devise the Also, the Theta-plus (+), of charge +1, following formula: uuddsˆ (i.e. two quarks up, two quarks down, and one anti- 2  ; ), at a mass of 1.54 GeV and a narrow width of Q A M3 (22) 22 MeV, is unmatter, observed in 2003 at the Jefferson Lab where M3 means multiple of three, i.e. M3=f3kjk2Zg= in Newport News, Virginia, in the experiments that involved f:::; 12; 9; 6; 3; 0; 3; 6; 9; 12;:::g, and Q = number multi-GeV impacting a deuterium target. Similar of quarks, A = number of antiquarks. pentaquark evidence was obtained by Takashi Nakano of Os- But (22) is equivalent to: aka University in 2002, by researchers at the ELSA acceler- ator in Bonn in 1997–1998, and by researchers at ITEP in Q  A(mod3) (23) Moscow in 1986. Besides Theta-plus, evidence has been found in one (Q is congruent to A modulo 3). To justify this formula we mention that 3 quarks form a experiment [25] for other , 5 (ddssuˆ) and + colorless combination, and any multiple of three (M3) com- 5 (uussdˆ). D. S. Carman [26] has reviewed the positive and null ev- bination of quarks too, i.e. 6, 9, 12, etc. quarks. In a similar idence for these pentaquarks and their existence is still under way, 3 antiquarks form a colorless combination, and any mul- investigation. tiple of three (M3) combination of antiquarks too, i.e. 6, 9, In order for the paper to be self-contained let’s recall that 12, etc. antiquarks. Hence, when we have hybrid combina- the is formed by a + and  , the positro- tions of quarks and antiquarks, a quark and an antiquark will nium is formed by an antielectron () and an annihilate their colors and, therefore, what’s left should be in a semi-stable arrangement, the is formed by a a multiple of three number of quarks (in the case when the proton and an also semi-stable, the antiprotonic number of quarks is bigger, and the difference in the formula helium is formed by an antiproton and electron together with is positive), or a multiple of three number of antiquarks (in the helium nucleus (semi-stable), and is formed by the case when the number of antiquarks is bigger, and the a positive muon and an electron. difference in the formula is negative). Also, the mesonic atom is an ordinary atom with one or more of its electrons replaced by negative mesons. 11 Quantum chromodynamics unmatter formula The strange matter is a ultra-dense matter formed by a big number of strange quarks bounded together with an electron In order to save the colorless combinations prevailed in the atmosphere (this strange matter is hypothetical). Theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) of quarks and From the exotic atom, the pionium, , proto- antiquarks in their combinations when binding, we devise the nium, , and muonium are unmatter. following formula: The mesonic atom is unmatter if the electron(s) are re- Q A 2 M3 ; (24) placed by negatively-charged antimessons. Also we can define a mesonic antiatom as an ordinary where M3 means multiple of three, i.e. M3=f3kjk2Zg= antiatomic nucleous with one or more of its antielectrons re- f:::; 12; 9; 6; 3; 0; 3; 6; 9; 12;:::g, and Q = number placed by positively-charged mesons. Hence, this mesonic of quarks, A = number of antiquarks, with Q > 1 and A > 1.

Ervin Goldfain and Florentin Smarandache. On Emergent Physics, “Unparticles” and Exotic “Unmatter” 13 Volume 4 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS October, 2008

But (24) is equivalent to: — For combinations of 5 we have: qqqqa, or aaaaq (un- matter pentaquarks); the number of all possible unmat- Q  A(mod3) (25) ter combinations will be 64 6+646 = 15,552, but not all of them will bind together; (Q is congruent to A modulo 3), and also Q > 1 and A > 1. — For combinations of 6 we have: qqqaaa (unmatter hex- aquarks); the number of all possible unmatter combi- 12 Quark-antiquark combinations nations will be 63  63 = 46,656, but not all of them will bind together; Let’s note by q = quark 2 {Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, Charm}, and by a = antiquark 2 {Up, Down, Top, Bottom, — For combinations of 7 we have: qqqqqaa, qqaaaaa (un- Strange, Charm}. matter septiquarks); the number of all possible unmat- 5  2 + 2  5 = Hence, for combinations of n quarks and antiquarks, ter combinations will be 6 6 6 6 559,872, n > 2, prevailing the colorless, we have the following pos- but not all of them will bind together; sibilities: — For combinations of 8 we have: qqqqaaaa, qqqqqqqa, qaaaaaaa (unmatter octoquarks); the number of all pos- — if n = 2, we have: qa (biquark — for example the sible unmatter combinations will be 64  64 + 67  61 mesons and antimessons); + 61  67 = 5,038,848, but not all of them will bind = — if n 3, we have qqq, aaa (triquark — for example the together; and antibaryons); — For combinations of 9 we have: qqqqqqaaa, qqqaaaaaa = — if n 4, we have qqaa (); (unmatter nonaquarks); the number of all possible un- — if n = 5, we have qqqqa, aaaaq (pentaquark); matter combinations will be 6663 + 63  66 = 269 = — if n = 6, we have qqqaaa, qqqqqq, aaaaaa (); 20,155,392, but not all of them will bind together; — if n = 7, we have qqqqqaa, qqaaaaa (septiquark); — For combinations of 10: qqqqqqqqaa, qqqqqaaaaa, qqaaaaaaaa (unmatter decaquarks); the number of — if n = 8, we have qqqqaaaa, qqqqqqaa, qqaaaaaa (oc- all possible unmatter combinations will be 3610 = toquark); 181,398,528, but not all of them will bind together; — if n = 9, we have qqqqqqqqq, qqqqqqaaa, qqqaaaaaa, — etc. aaaaaaaaa (nonaquark); I wonder if it is possible to make infinitely many combina- — if n = 10, obtain qqqqqaaaaa, qqqqqqqqaa, qqaaaaaaaa tions of quarks/antiquarks and leptons/antileptons. . . Unmat- (decaquark); ter can combine with matter and/or antimatter and the result — etc. may be any of these three. Some unmatter could be in the strong force, hence part of 13 Unmatter combinations .

From the above general case we extract the unmatter combi- 14 Unmatter charge nations: — For combinations of 2 we have: qa (unmatter biquark), The charge of unmatter may be positive as in the pentaquark (mesons and antimesons); the number of all possible Theta-plus, 0 (as in positronium), or negative as in anti-Rho unmatter combinations will be 66 = 36, but not all of meson, i.e. uˆd, (M. Jordan). them will bind together. It is possible to combine an entity with its mirror oppo- 15 Containment site and still bound them, such as: uuˆ, ddˆ, ssˆ, ccˆ, bbˆ I think for the containment of antimatter and unmatter it which form mesons. would be possible to use electromagnetic fields (a container It is possible to combine, unmatter + unmatter = un- whose walls are electromagnetic fields). But its duration is matter, as in udˆ + usˆ = uudˆsˆ (of course if they bind unknown. together); — For combinations of 3 (unmatter triquark) we can not 16 Summary and conclusions form unmatter since the colorless can not hold. — For combinations of 4 we have: qqaa (unmatter tetra- It is apparent from these considerations that, in general, both quark); the number of all possible unmatter combina- “unmatter” and “unparticles” are non-trivial states that may tions will be 6262 = 1,296, but not all of them will become possible under conditions that substantially deviate bind together; from our current laboratory settings. Unmatter can be thought

14 Ervin Goldfain and Florentin Smarandache. On Emergent Physics, “Unparticles” and Exotic “Unmatter” October, 2008 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 4

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