THIS VERY The St. Thomas More Society of SECOND Orange County is ad an independent GREGORY N. WEILER veritatem organization sponsored by and judges My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: who are practicing We get so wrapped up in our careers, family lives, members of the Roman . even our desire to integrate our Faith into these other ST. THOMAS MORE SOCIETY areas of our lives BOARD OF DIRECTORS that we forget: PAST PRESIDENT Our loving God PRESIDENT Donal P. Hanley Gregory Weiler Donald A. Hunsberger THE LAW OFFICES OF David Luke created the cosmos, PALMIERI TYLER WEINER DONALD A. HUNSBERGER WILHELM & WALDRON BICKMORE RISK SERVICES then us, and then WEBMASTER SECRETARY William Malecki STATE COMPENSATION revealed Himself– Steven Cotugno INSURANCE FUND Fabio Cabezas CONSULTING SOFTWARE His beauty, justice, ENGINEER TREASURER Ron Moore mercy, generosity, Michael J. Alti THE LAW OFFICES OF Michael Murphy, CPA THE ALTI LAW FIRM VIRGINIA L. LANDRY, INC. THE ACCOUNTANCY FIRM OF magnificent infinite MURPHY, MURPHY & MURPHY, INC. Alma L. Murray James P. Doan HYUNDAI MOTOR AMERICA power, to us–in a CHAPLAIN DOAN LAW GROUP virgin, to us in a Rev. Hugh C. Barbour, Julie A. Palafox Lydia C. Duynstee PALAFOX LAW CORPORATION Babe, to us in His O. Praem, Ph.D. ST. MICHAEL’S ABBEY John J. Flynn III Jake Vollebregt passion and then PAST PRESIDENT NOSSAMAN LLP BEST BEST & KRIEGER LLP ultimately in His Hon. David Belz John L. Flynn III David Werner O.C. SUPERIOR COURT invisible Spirit. This O.C. SUPERIOR COURT LAW OFFICE OF DAVID WERNER, LLP Spirit is invisible to the eye but felt by us all sometime ADVISORY BOARD (hopefully often) in our lives. Hon. Michael Brenner, Retired • Hon. David T. McEachen Cirilo Flores • Dean John Eastman Pentecost: wind, tongues of fire, burning in our breasts, Hon. Andrew J. Guilford • Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. the daily desire for Him–His kingdom, His love, His

righteousness, His justice, His mercy, HIM, I Am... IDEALS OF ST. THOMAS MORE members of the legal profession. The legal profession is a high calling The feast of Pentecost–hmmm, 50 days after Easter. Big with corresponding responsibilities to MEMBERSHIP IN STMS deal? Yup, a big deal, for His Church’s entire calendar is a society. The principal objective of every Each member of the Society is is to promote and seek justice. committed to: reminder of His reality, now and forever. Catholic Lawyers pursue the truth in • strive to live an exemplary Christian both their spiritual and professional life and apply the principles and ideals He is not an abstraction. Pentecost is our celebration of lives. The duty of a Catholic lawyer is exemplified by St. Thomas More in to remain faithful to Jesus Christ, His their daily lives and encourage same God with us right this very second. PAX - GNW Church and its teachings at all times in the legal profession. despite the personal consequences. • attend monthly meeting of the Society and provide personal support THE OBJECTIVES OF STMS to the St. Thomas More Society. SAVE THE DATE: • encouraging its members to live a Christian life and apply the principles • attend and support the Red Mass. and ideals exemplified by St. Thomas More in their lives and encourage LAWYER’S PRAYER same in the legal profession. Give me the grace, Good Lord, to set the world at naught; THIS VERY • promoting and foster high ethical to set my mind fast upon thee principals in the legal profession and not to hang upon the blast of men’s generally and, in particular, in the mouths; SECONDRed community of Catholic lawyers. to be content to be solitary; • assisting in the spiritual growth of not to long for worldly company GREGORY N. WEILER its members. but utterly to cast off the world • encouraging interfaith and rid my mind of the business Mass understanding and brotherhood. thereof. OCTOBER 7, 2013 • sponsoring the annual Red Mass for - ST. THOMAS MORE elected and appointed officials and The 2013013 Red Mass will be held at Holy Family CCathedral in Orange at 6:00 p.m. Watch for more details ccoming soon in the Ad Veritatem and at!hom [email protected]




The title is borrowed, from a song we sang as children at my Catholic grammar school, to celebrate the queenship of the Virgin Mary. Our May crowning of Mary was a big event, which took place in the open air of our athletic field, parents in attendance, and all of us dressed as if for a gala. We left our catechisms in the classroom; this was a moment of encounter, a serenade. We needed song sheets. never dreamed of, and which you were even then preparing for me to be my rescue and my Faith is encounter, the meeting of persons who seek union, shelter and my home. And when I thought each the cause of the other’s joy. Faith is not mere belief in there was no God and no love and no mercy, facts, or a syllogism, deduction or inference, but trust, in a you were leading me all the while into the person in whom the trust is warranted by unfailing love. It midst of His love and His mercy, and taking engages the entire being, and not only the intellect. There is, me, without my knowing anything about it, to in addition, a profound Marian aspect to the encounter, to the house that would hide me in the secret of the meeting place of which the Church is formed. His Face. The memory of singing Mary’s praises reminded me Glorious Mother of God, shall I ever again of a kind of song that first appeared many decades ago, distrust you, or your God, before Whose authored by Thomas Merton. Merton was a Trappist monk throne you are irresistible in your intercession? who gained fame in his own lifetime (1915-1968) as a Shall I ever turn my eyes from your hands and prolific and eloquent spiritual writer. His The Seven Storey from your face and from your eyes? Shall I ever Mountain was published in 1948, a fascinating and brilliantly look anywhere else but in the face of your love, written confessional, at one point of which he interjects an to find out true counsel, and to know my way, extravagant, heartfelt song of praise to the Virgin Mary: in all the days and all the moments of my life? Mother of God, how often in the last centuries These are the words of encounter, not theology. Still, have you not come down to us, speaking to the intellect too is engaged, as it must be: the Church is a us in our mountains and groves and hills, and meeting place of two hearts (divine and human), but it is telling us what was to come upon us, and also a teacher who must contend with sin, error, and the we have not heard you. How long shall we limitations of language. So, the Church speaks the language continue to be deaf to your voice, and run our of both ideas and of encounter. There may be no 20th heads into the jaws of the hell that abhors us? Century theologian who combined the idioms more skillfully Lady, when on that night I left the Island that than Henri de Lubac to express the theological implications was once your England, your love went with of Mary’s role in the Church, later so beautifully if more me, although I could not know it, and could formally stated in Chapter VIII of Lumen Gentium. I have not make myself aware of it. And it was your quoted this paragraph elsewhere, but it bears repeating now love, your intercession for me, before God, that and, I suspect, it will in the future: was preparing the seas before my ship, laying Catholic faith regarding Our Lady sums up open the way for me to another country. symbolically, in its special case, the doctrine I was not sure where I was going, and I could of human cooperation in the Redemption, and not see what I would do when I got to New thus provides the synthesis, or matrix concept, York. But you saw further and clearer than I, as it were, of the dogma of the Church. . . and you opened the seas before my ship, whose (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) track lead me across the waters to a place I had



June Wed., June 19, 12:00 p.m. Lunch meeting featuring Dr. Andrew Seeley, Jilio Ryan speaking on “Rights, Rebellion, Religion: 14661 Franklin, #150 Some Misconceptions About the American Tustin, Founding.”

Sun., June 23, Come to help cook and serve breakfast to the Isaiah House 8:30-11:30 a.m. homeless of the community at Isaiah House. 316 S. Cypress Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 835-6304 JUNE LUNCH MEETING DR. ANDREW SEELEY: RIGHTS, REBELLION, RELIGION: SOME MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE AMERICAN FOUNDING Dr. Andrew Seeley, Tutor at Thomas Aquinas College and co-author of Declaration Statesmanship: A Course in American Government, will address some common misunderstandings about the historical, philosophical and religious background of the American revolution. For 20 years, Dr. Seeley has been a tutor at Thomas Aquinas College in California, where his love has been teaching and learning with his fellow faculty and students from the greatest minds of Western Civilization. A 1987 graduate of Thomas Aquinas, Dr. Seeley received his Licentiate from the Pontifical Institute in Medieval Studies (Toronto) and a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies from the Desiring to share his love of learning, in 2005 Dr. Seeley University of Toronto (1995). His dissertation was a study became Executive Director at the Institute for Catholic in St. Thomas’s teaching about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Liberal Education. He has spoken at conferences, led in- His teaching experience includes courses in Biblical Studies; service workshops, offered consultations to schools and Patristics; Logic; Natural Philosophy; Geometry; Cartesian colleges and directed the Institute’s Annual Academic Algebra; Differential Calculus; Ancient, Medieval and Modern Retreat for Teachers. Dr. Seeley is co-author of Declaration Philosophy and Literature; Classical Physics and Relativity; Statesmanship: A Course in American Government. and Music Theory.

The Law Offi ces of programs Advertise in Deborah Pernice Knefel invitations T Y MAMMOTH booklets • Labor and Employment Law business cards PE REAL ESTATE adveritatem • Municipal and Admin. Law logos C OLDWELL BANKER • Tort/Business Litigation advertisements Affordable and the A ˜ Fly fishing, golf, skiing, advertising at $150 333 City Blvd. West, Ad Veritatem  per year back packing, property sales ˜ 17th Floor 15% discount for St. Thomas Orange, Calif. 92868 More Society Members MIKE S. MARTIN (714) 937-2035 Mary Harrell [email protected] [email protected] 949.292.3447 [email protected]


QUEEN OF THE MAY so constituted that in her the human is MARY ... (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3) directed toward and subordinated to the divine, the visible to the invisible, action ALLOWED THE . . But as long as we to contemplation, and this present stop short at positing world to that city yet to come, the PASSAGE OF DIVINE a functional analogy object of our quest.2 between the two, and a more or less exterior one Mary’s constitutive, representative LIGHT WITHOUT at that, we have not fully role in the Church, to borrow from grasped the reason for it. yet another passage I have quoted THE SLIGHTEST The links between Our elsewhere, is even more poetically Lady and the Church are expressed in a summary of the Marian OBSTRUCTION; SHE not only numerous and thought of St. Maximilian Kolbe: close; they are essential, In the Holy Spirit’s union IS, MYSTERIOUSLY, and woven from within. with Mary we observe more These two mysteries than the love of two beings: THE VERY of the faith are not just in one there is all the love of solidary; we might say the Blessed Trinity; in the EMBODIMENT that they are ‘one single other all of creation’s love. So 1 and unique mystery. it is that in this union heaven OF THE CHURCH’S De Lubac’s formulation of the and earth are joined; all of essentially Marian aspect of Christianity heaven with all the earth, the MATERNITY. finds a complement in the Catechism’s totality of eternal love with articulation of the Church’s nature: the totality of created love. It is truly the summit of love.3 These dimensions together constitute very embodiment of the Church’s ‘one complex reality which comes The life of every saint reveals yet maternity. Her essential role has together from a human and a divine another aspect of divine love, every undeniably increased the joy of our element’: The Church is essentially both saint allowing the passage of Light, faith. It is Mary’s role not merely to human and divine, visible but endowed however slightly bent. Mary, according transmit, communicate, or mirror, but with invisible realities, zealous in to the plan of God, allowed the passage to magnify. action and dedicated to contemplation, of divine light without the slightest present in the world, but as a pilgrim, obstruction; she is, mysteriously, the

1 Henri de Lubac, The Splendor of the Church (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986), 317, footnotes omitted.. 2 Catechism, § 771. 3 Fr. H. M. Manteau-Bonamy, O.P., Immaculate Conception and the Holy Spirit: The Marian Teachings of St. Maximilian Kolbe (Libertyville: Franciscan Marytown Press, 1977), 5, quoting St. Maximilian Kolbe.