From: Reviews and Criticism of Vietnam War Theatrical and Television Dramas ( compiled by John K. McAskill, La Salle University ([email protected])

S7860 (USA, 1980) (Other titles: Cascadeur; Diable en boite; Kaskader; Professione pericolo; Der lange Tod des Stuntman Cameron)

Credits: director, ; writer, Lawrence B. Marcus ; novel, Paul Brodeur. Cast: Peter O’Toole, Steve Railsback, . Summary: Melodrama set in contemporary California. A military deserter (Railsback) finds work as a stunt man on the set of a World War I movie, where nothing is what it seems, and the director (O’Toole) is just possibly insane. Explores the ever changing nature of reality and illusion.

Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 122-3, 219-20) Ansen, David. “Movies: Hollywood’s hostages” Newsweek (Sep 1, 1980), p. 45. [Reprinted in review annual 1981] Arnold, Gary. “Making ‘The Stunt man’: The director’s long shot” Washington post (Nov 9, 1980), p. M1, M3. ______. “Movies: Deception’s daredevil: Spirited ‘Stunt man’” Washington post (Oct 24, 1980), p. B1-2. Asahina, Robert. “On screen: Marketing lemons” New leader 63 (Nov 17, 1980), p. 17-18. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Battiata, Mary. “Preview plaudits at AFI” Washington post (Oct 24, 1980), p. B4. Berube, Robert-Claude. “The stunt man” Sequences 102 (Oct 1980), p. 25-6. Birdwell, Michael E. “‘The stunt man’: An overlooked commentary on Vietnam” Literature/film quarterly 20/3 (1992), p. 223-30. Blake, Robert A. “/TV: Slightly sour” America 143 (Nov 29, 1980), p. 352. Boyum, Joy Gould. “On film: A wacky comedy of illusions” Wall Street journal (Oct 17, 1980), p. 31. Butcher, Maryvonne. “Cinema” Tablet 235 (Jan 17, 1981), p. 65. Castell, David. “The stunt man” Films illustrated 10 (Feb 1981), p. 177. Cebe, Gilles. “Le diable en boite” Revue du cinema 360 (Apr 1981), p. 21-3. Coleman, John. “Films: Flying circus” New statesman 101 (Jan 9, 1981), p. 24. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Crist, Judith. “Film: Three provocative gambles” Saturday review 7 (Nov 1980), p. 82-3. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Dempsey, Michael. “The stunt man” Film quarterly 34/3 (1981), p. 37-41. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Denby, David. “Movies: An old man’s dream of glory” New York 13 (Oct 27, 1980), p. 71-2. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Devine, Jeremy M. Vietnam at 24 frames a second [GB] (p. 134, 325) Dhont, Florent and MacTrevor, Joan. “The stunt man” Cine revue 60 (Sep 11, 1980), p. 16-19. “Dialogue on film: Richard Rush” American film 6 (Jun 1981), p. 33-40. Early, Emmett. The war veteran in film Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2003. (p. 83-4) Ellis, Caron Schwartz. “‘The stunt man’: Remembering Vietnam through forgetfulness” Literature/film quarterly 20/3 (1992), p. 231-42. Filimonov, Oles. “Obmanchivost’ ochevidnogo” Iskusstvo kino 2 (1983), p. 159-63. Forshey, Gerald E. (see under Wall, James M.) Gaggi, Silvio. “Rush’s ‘The stunt man’: Politics, metaphysics, and psychoanalysis” Post script 4/1 (1984), p. 18-34. Gelmis, Joseph. [Stunt man] Newsday (Oct 17, 1980), pt. II, p. 7. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Hanson, Stephen L. “The stunt man” Magill’s survey of cinema--English language films, second series Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1981. (v. , p. 2321- 8) Hendrich, Vladimir. “Podobenstvi o iluzivni virtuozite” Film a doba 29 (Dec 1983), p. 707-9. Insdorf, Annette (see under Jameson Richard T.) Jameson, Richard T. and Insdorf, Annette. “The director as stuntman” Film comment 16 (Nov/Dec 1980), p. 21-5. Kael, Pauline. “The current cinema: As swift as the buzzard flies” New Yorker 56 (Sep 29, 1980), p. 134-6+ [7 p.] Kauffmann, Stanley. “Two for the role” New republic 183 (Nov 8, 1980), p. 22-4. Kavcic, Bojan. “Kaskader” Ekran 6/10 (1981), p. 28-9. Klemesrud, Judy. “At the movies: Peter O’Toole and a film they tried to ignore” New York times 130 (Jan 9, 1981), p. C6. Kock, Ivo de. “The stuntman” Sinema 29 (May 1981), p. 31-3. Koehler, Robert. “The sinister saga of making ‘The stunt man’” Variety (Feb 28- march 5, 2000), p. 40, 42. Kuk, Ewa. “Przez kogos napisany” Kino 16 (Sep 1981), p. 44-5. Lanning, Michael Lee. Vietnam at the movies [GB] (p. 321-22) Laurent, Gwennole. “Le diable en boite” Cahiers du cinema 322 (Apr 1981), p. 60- 61. Leepson, Mark. “The stunt man” Vietnam war feature filmography (1992 draft) [GB] (p. 382) and Vietnam war films [GB] (Entry 577) Linck, David. “The stuntman” Boxoffice 116 (Sep 1980), p. 34-5. Linthorst, Gerdin. “Richard Rush en ‘The stuntman’: de lijdenswegvan een Vietnam- veteraan” Skoop 17 (May/Jun 1981), p. 14-18. MacTrevor, Joan (see under Dhont, Florent) Martin, Judith. “‘Stunt’ works” Washington post(Oct 24, 1980), Weekend, p. 17. Masi, Stefano. “Professione pericolo” Cineforum 206 (Aug 1981), p. 73-7. Maslin, Janet. “Screen: O’Toole in ‘Stunt man’” New York times 130 (Oct 17, 1980), p. C6. McCarthy, Todd (Cart). “The stunt man” Variety 299 (Jun 11, 1980), p. 20. Meurice, Jean. “Le cascadeur” Amis du film et de la television 297 (Feb 1981), p. 38. Millar, Gavin. [Stunt man] Listener 105/2694 (Jan 8, 1981), p. 60. Milne, Tom. “Stunt man, The” Monthly film bulletin 47 (Dec 1980), p. 243-4. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Morton, James. “Meanwhile back in Paris: Quarterly film review” Contemporary review 240 (Feb 1982), p. 102-4. Munroe, Dale. “The stunt man” Film bulletin 49 (Oct 1980), p. 30. Muse, Eben J. The land of Nam : the Vietnam war in American film [GB] (p. 128-9, 138, 268) Nacache, Jacqueline. “Le diable en boite” Cinema 81 268 (Apr 1981), p. 85-6. Ryan, Tom. “Richard Rush” Cinema papers 32 (May/Jun 1981), p. 128-31+ [5 p.] Sarris, Andrew. “Films in focus: Energy isn’t everything” Village voice 25 (Oct 22, 1980), p. 47. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Schickel, Richard. [Stunt man] Time (Sep 1, 1980), p. 58. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Schumacher, Kim. “Med livet som indsats” Levende billeder 9 (Feb 15, 1983), p. 62. Schupp, Patrick. “The stunt man” Sequences 104 (Apr 1981), p. 41-3. Sragow, Michael. “Will ‘The stunt man’ survive? Director Richard Rush is paranoid. You would be too” Rolling stone 338 (Mar 5, 1981), p. 36-7+ [4 p.] Sterritt, David. “Short takes” Christian science monitor (Oct 16, 1980), p. 19. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] [Stunt man] Film review 31/2 (Feb 1981), p. 35. “Stunt man, The” Film review annual 1981 Englewood, N.J. : J.S. Ozer, 1981- (p. 932-44) [Stunt man] Hollywood reporter 262/4 (Jun 1980), p. 3, 7. [Stunt man] Listener 119/3052 (Mar 3, 1988), p. 34. [Stunt man] Maclean’s 93 (Oct 13, 1980), p. 70. [Stunt man] Mademoiselle 86 (Dec 1980), p. 54. “Stunt man, The” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 7, p. 3186) [Stunt man] Motion picture product digest 8/10 (Oct 22, 1980), p. 37-8. [Stunt man] Post script 5/1 (autumn 1985), p. 31-41. [Stunt man] Screen international 275 (Jam 17, 1981), p. 18. [Stunt man] (Interview with Richard Rush) Screen international 284 (Mar 21, 1981), p. 98. [Stunt man] St. Anthony messenger 88 (Jan 1981), p. 10. Tamulis, Jim. “The stunt man” Film journal 83 (Nov 1980), p. 21. “Toughest stunt, getting distribution: Rush” Cinemag 48 (Oct 13, 1980), p. 9. Turan, Kenneth. “The stunt man” New west (Sep 6, 1980), p. ? [Reprinted in Produced and abandoned : the best films you’ve never seen (edited by Michael Sragow) San Francisco : Mercury House, 1990. (p. 183-5)] Valot, Jacques. “Le diable en boite” Revue du cinema hors ser. 25 (1981), p. 107. Vanschoenwinkel, Rudy. “The stunt man” Film en Televisie 288-289 (May/Jun 1981), p. 28. Walker, Mark Edward. Vietnam veteran films [GB] (p. 137) Wall, James M. and Forshey, Gerald E. “Current cinema” Christian century 97 (Dec 24, 1980), p. 1277. Weldon, Michael. The psychotronic video guide New York : St. Martin’s Griffin, 1996. (p. 540) Wells, Jeffrey. “The stunt man” Films in review 31 (Dec 1980), p. 628-9. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Wiesmeier, Peter. “Der lange kampf des Richard Rush” Film und Ton 27 (Oct 1981), p. 61-4. Winsten, Archer. [Stunt man] New York post (Oct 18, 1980), p. 15. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1981] Wolf, William. “The filmmaker as Houdini” New York 13 (Nov 17, 1980), p. 83-5. Zapiola, Guillermo. “Solo de a ratos” Cinemateca 7/39 (Nov 1983), p. 101-2.

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