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(213) 882-8330. New In Please audition each disc Immediately. If you have any questions, ptease contact us at (213) 882-8330. WITH IOI llNOJL!f ABC Watermark 3575 Cahuenga Blvd West TOPICAL PROMOS Suite 555 TOPICAL PROMOS FOR SHOW t41 ARE LOCATED ON CD 4, TRACKS 7. 8. &. 9 Los Angeles CA 90068 DO NOT USE AFTER SHOW 41. 213.882.8330 FAX 213.850.5832 1. NEW IN THE TOP TEN :27 Hi, this is Bob Kingsley. Last week on ACC, we had four big debuts into our top ten. Confederate Railroad jumped from 14 to 10 with "Jesus And Mama". McBride And The Ride leaped from 15 to 9 with "Going Out Of My Mind.. Wynonna landed at #8 with "No One Else On Earth" and Randy Travis is wastin' no time, making his move from #12 to #5 with "If I uidn't Have You•. Lotta contenders for the coveted top chart positions and you c-m find out who's got 'em this week on American Country Countdown. (LOCAL TAG) - - -- 2. COLLIN RAYE SCORES HIS SECOND 11 :32 Hi, this is Bob Kingsley with American Country Countdown. Well, it looks like Collin Raye has carved out a good position for himself in the country music wortd. Last week, his ballad "In This l.ife" became his second #1 hit and if it holds on like his first #1, "Love, Me" held on, I'd say he'll have another contender for song of the year. Follow the fortunes of Collin Raye and all your favorites, as we count 'em down every week on American Country Countdown. (LOCAL TAG) 3. BUBBA SHOT DIE CHARTS :18 Hi, Bob Kingsley with Amnican Country Countdown. Our highest debut last week came in all the way up Ht ;ia. The new one from Mark Chesnutt made a big noise. It's called "Bubba Shot ·~·n, Jukebox" and I'm sure it has it sights set even higher this week, on American Country Countdown. (LOCAL TAG) - FOR YOUR CONVENfENCE, WE HAVE PLACED A 25 ta TONE AT ·10 DB AT THE END OF OUR NETWORK COMMERCIAL BREAKS TO ACCOMMODATE AUTOMATED AND SEMI-AUTOMATED STATK>NS - AIR DATE WEEKEND: 10/10/92 G IABC Watermark j HOURS:.1...&.2. SHOW#: .il 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W, Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068-1346 VOICE: 213.882.8330 FAX: 213.850.1050 or21:l.850.5832 OUtslde the US contact RADIO EXPRESS 1.213.850.1003 GABC RADIO NETWORKS WITN 101 CINOIUY BILLBOARD! "Now, American Counby Cou~wn. brolqit to you In part by ATU. Theme and Opening of Part U • "MY KIND OF COUNTRY" more ways to help you stay In touch, And by True Value Hardware Stores.• (Al Capps,Ron Hlcldln/Soundbeam Music, BMJ) Theme and Opening .of. Part I • "MY KIND OF COUNTRY" LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN (Al ~on Hlckln/Sourd>eam Music, BMI) #30 Ill THINK OF SOMETHING (A) Mari< Chesnutt #1 (LW) IN THIS LIFE (A) Co11n Raye #29 WE TELL OURSELVES (A) Cini Black #40 WHEN SHE CRIES (A/8) Restless Heart LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC LOOO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC TRUE VALUE / AT&T :30/:30 HIMEL / HOLIDAY INN :30/:30 (out aie) Voice out cold with • ... not worth H.' (out aie) Jingle fades after•. .. travel agent." HOUR 1 TRACK 1 RUN TIME; 8:20 LOCAL INSERT 1 :00 HOUR 2 TRACK 1 RUN TIME: 9:09 LOCAL INSERT 1 :00 LOOO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN #39 LONESOME STANOAAD TIME (A) Kathy Manea #28 HEY MISTER (I NEED THIS JOB) (8) Shenandoah #38 NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK (A) Mary-Chapin Ca,penter & Joe DIiiie ACC EXTRA: GHOST IN THIS HOUSE (8) Shenandoah LOOO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC CHEVY TRUCKS :60 FOi.GERS / FEDERAL JOB DIGEST :30/:30 (out 008) Jk1gl8 fades after • ... trucks that last." (oul 008) Voice out oold with • ... 543-8000." HOUR 1 TRACK 2 RUN TIME: 8:30 LOCAL INSERT 1 :00 HOUR 2 TRACK 2 RUN TIME: 9:21 LOCAL INSERT 1:00 LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN LOOO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN #37 WEAR MY RING AROUNO YOUR NECK (B) Ricky Van Shelton 127 EVEN THE MAN IN THE MOON IS CRYIN' (8) Mark Colle ACC EXTRA: KEEP IT BElWEEN THE LINES (A/8) Ricky Van Shalon #26 l'M IN A HURRY (ANO I DON"T KNOW WHY) (BIA) AJabanla LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC LOOO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC GREAT FOODS BEAT /OVALTINE :30/:30 GMAC / OVALTINE :30/:30 (out cue) Voioa out cold wllh • ... good for you." (out cue) Voice out cold wtlh • ... good for you.' HOUR 1 TRAC~ 3 ~ mcL 11:s1 Loe~ INSERT1:00STA110Nln :':'•. ~ OU~2 w~,~~3 ?."...!!:!..!'~: a~ 1,_~..:.!. ~ 1-~s,t:-~ Jr!:t~ ,_ - LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN #36 I FEEL LUCKY (A) Maly-Chapin Ca,penler 125 YOU N40 FOREVER AND ME (M!) L1tla Texas #35 NON THAT'S COUNTRY (8) Malty Stuart 124 I STU BELEVE IN YOU (8) Vince Gil 134 IF YOUR HEART AIN'T BUSY TONIGHT (A) Tanya Tudcer LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC · LOOO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC CHEVY TRUCKS :60 HERSHEY/ HIMEL :30/:30 (oul cue) ..Ingle fades after• .,. tnldm ltwt lasl." (out 008) Voioa out cold wlh •.. , or'il/ M dlreded." HOUR 1 TRACK4 RUNTIME: 11 :58 LOCAL INSERT 1:00 HOUR 2 TRACK 4 AUN 1111E: 10:00 LOCAL INSERT 1 :00 LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTAY COUNTDOWN #33 RUNNIN' BEHN) (BIA) T,acy l.-.nce 123 COULD'VE BEEN ME (8) 8lly Ray Cyrus #32 JUST CALL ME LONESOME~ Rlllhy Foar 122 8UBBA SHOT THE JUKEBOX (8) Mllltt Che!Wlutt LOOO: MY KIND OF COUN1R'I, IIY 1C1ND OF laJSIC LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, IIY KIND OF MUSIC DAHLBERG / TOI IWD\Y'S / HIIEL :W.»':30 HAMBURGER HELPER/ HERSHEY/ HOL.DAY -..1HIMEL (oul cue) Voice OC oolll wltl • ,,, art, • dlreded.• :30(:30(:30/:30 (oul cue) Voice out cold WIit! • ... only u dnc:ted.• HOUR 1 TRACK 5 AUN TIIE: 9:10 LOCAL INSERT 1 :00 HOUR 2 TRACK 5 RUN TIME: 9:48 LOCAL INSERT 1:00 LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN #31 I WOULDN'T HAVE rT AtN OTI-ER WAY (BIA) Aaoo ~ 121 F THERE HADN'T BEEN YOU (M!) ~ Dean ACC ARCHIVE: GOT MY HEART SET ON YOU (BIA) Jotrt Con.e ACC ARCHIVE: THE GRANO TOUR (8) George Jona THEME IN ANO UNDER WITH TALK ENDING AT: 57:30 LOGO: MY KN> OF COUNTAY, IIY KN> OF MUSIC THEME: 51:50 (Al ~n Hlckln/Souncl>eam Music, BMI) THEIIE .. ANO lN>EA WITH TALK ENDNJ AT: 57:SS THEME: 51:50 (Al C~ HlcldWSoundbeam Music, BMJ) HOUR 1 TRACK 6 RUN TIME: 6:31 LOCAL INSERT1:00 STATIONl>:1(1 HOUR2 TRACK& RUNTIIIE: 7:0S LOCAL INSERT1:00STA110NID:10 14444 BellWood Parkway AftERICAN CXXMRYCOlNTDOYt4N iff DISCCD'SN ,___,...,, TM cent ury Oa1aa Tuas54244-3228 uaes t"..,.,.,......,, INC (214) 934-2121 or (800) 937-2100 AIR DATE WEEKEND: 10/10(92 • IABC Watermark] HOURS:J_M SHOW#:_M 3575 Catuenga Bald W Sllillt 555. Los Angele$, CA 90068-1346 VOICE: 213 A2 SJ3ll ~AX. 213-850. 1050 ex 213~5832 GABC RADIO NETWORKS WlfN 101 IINOIUT Olb6de lhl US 0lda2. AA[X)EX?fESS 121:1850.1003 Theme and Opening of Pat ■ · 'UY io.D CF ccumrr TMtne and Opening of Pvt IV • 'MY KlNO OF COUNTRY' (Al ~on~MU!ic., BMI) ~• Capps,-Ron Hlcldlr\lSoundb Music, BMI) LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN #20 WHATCHA GONNA DO WITH A CONaOY IA} aria LaOoux: lf10 CAFE ON THE CORNER (A) Sawyer Brown (Duel wlh Garth Brooks) lf9 NOWHERE BOUND (8) Diamond Rio 119 WATCH ME (SIA) Lon1e Mcxgan ,-000: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, IIY IONO OF MUSJC HERSHEY / FEDERAL J06 DIGEST :30/:30 HERSHEY / FEDERAL J08 DIGEST :30/:30 (oul cue) Voice out cold wllh • ... s.43-8000.' (out cue) Voice out cold wlh • ... 543-8000.• HOUR 3 TRACK 1 RUN TIME: 7:48 LOCAi.. INSERT 1 :00 HOUR 4 TRACK 1 RUN TIME: 8:•o LOCAL INSERT 1: 00 LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN 000: AMERICAN COUNlRY COUNTDOWN 118 LETTING GO (B) SUzy 8ogguss 118 SEMINOLE WINO (A) JoM Anderson 117 NEXT THING SMOKIN' (8/A) Joe Dllfle ~ ACTUAUTY FEATURE: GARTl-1 BROOKS F TOMORAO.v NEVER COMES (A) Garth Brooks LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNlRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC 000: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC DAHLBERG :60 (out cue) Voloe out cold wlh • ... to lfe agu,.' AT&T/ HIMEL :30/:30 (out cue) Voice out cold with· ... only as directed.' HOUR 3 TRACK 2 RUN TIIIE: 8:41 LOCAL INSERT 1:00 '1OUR4 TRACK2RUNT1ME: 10:11 LOCAL lfSERT1:00 LOOO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN 000: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN 118 SHAKE THE SUGAR TREE (8) Pam TIiis ',7 LOVE'S GOT A HOl.D ON YOU (8) Alan Jecbor1 ACC CALENOAR: HARO TIMES ( ) Lacy J. Dalon i'CC EXTRA: CHASIN' THAT NEON ~BOW (A) Alan Jllcbon LOGO: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC 000: MY KIND Of COUNTRY, MY KIND Of MUSIC CHEVY TRUCKS :60 HME1. I FEDERAL JOB DIGEST :30(:30 (out cue) ..Ingle lades after• ... trucks thll( last.' (CM a,e) Voice out cold wit! ' ... S43-8000." CK 3 AUN nE:- l'!:i LOGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN IL.000: AIEAICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN .
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    DOCUMENT RESUME ED 433 563 CS 510 144 TITLE Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (82nd, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 3-8, 1999). Media Management and Education. INSTITUTION Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. PUB DATE 1999-08-00 NOTE 302p.; For other sections of this proceedings, see CS 510 132-153. PUB TYPE Collected Works Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC13 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Advertising; Audience Analysis; Cable Television; *Competition; Economic Research; Electronic Publishing; Global Approach; Higher Education; Journalism Education; *Marketing; Models; *Newspapers; Television Viewing IDENTIFIERS Black Newspapers ABSTRACT The Media Management and Education section of the Proceedings contains the following 9 papers: "Communication Technique: How Does a U.S. Record Company Identify, Target and Reach Its Audience in an Ever-Competitive Marketplace?" (Lisa L. Rollins); "Supplier-Buyer Relationship in the Global News Value-Chain in the Internet Age" (Yong-Chan Kim); "The Relationship of Circulation Performance, Environmental Uncertainty and the Market Orientation of Daily Newspapers" (Randal A. Beam); "Viewing Motivations and Implications in the New Media Environment: Postulation of a Model of Media Orientations" (Jack C. C. Li); "Black Newspapers: In Search of an Advertising Strategy" (George Sylvie and Lucy Brown-Hutton); "Opening the Umbrella: An Economic Analysis of Online Newspaper Geography" (Hsiang Iris Chyi and George Sylvie); "New Entrant, Competitive Strategy, and Consumer Welfare in the Cable Television Industry" (Kuo-Feng Tseng); "History of a Business Decision: Ralph Ingersoll II Decides to Create the 'St. Louis Sun'" (James E. Mueller); and "The Myths and Realities of Newspaper Acquisition Costs: Fiduciary Responsibilities, Fungibility of Assets, Winners' Penalties & Excess Cash 'Problems'" (Dane S.
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