File no. Exam.12(1)2018/SSA DR/Phase-II/372 कर्मचारी भवि�य विवि संगठि (श्रर् एिं रो焼गार र्ंत्रालय, भारत सरकार) Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India) र्ु奍य कायामलय/ Head Office भवि�य विवि भिि, 14 - भीकाजी कर्ा ꥍलेस, िई दि쥍ली-110066 Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 Phone No. 011-26714172, Fax. 011-26172661, Email-
[email protected] NOTICE Date : 10/02/2020 RESULT OF PHASE-II EXAMINATION HELD ON 14.11.2019 FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF SOCIAL SECURITY ASSISTANT IN THE EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION (ROLL NUMBER WISE) REGION : MAHARASHTRA 1. The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation had conducted Phase-II examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Social Security Assistant on 14.11.2019. 2. The result of the above Phase-II examination is given in website in the links > Miscellaneous > Recruitment > List of candidates Short Listed for the Phase-III Examination (computer Data Entry Skill Test) (Social Security Assistant). 3. For Maharashtra Region, total 1698 candidates have been shortlisted for Phase-III examination i.e. Computer Data Entry Skill Test on the basis of their performance in Phase-II Examination and the same is attached hereunder. 4. The date of Phase-III Examination i.e. Computer Data Entry Skill Test for the post of Social Security Assistant will be intimated shortly. Candidates are advised to check their registered email addresses and EPFO’s website regularly for the same.