49 The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, March 4, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS

T hree New Type Street Reap/jointed Light III tuned Here NORTH SIDE NEW PLAN IVOTE HERE Three mel'cury lamps, r egal'ded as the lalest a nd most e Cl'ici ent method of public ill umination, have been in- SEWER LINE IS PUSHED FOR MAYOR, ~~~I~~e o~~o~~~e t ~1~u ~ll~i~~~~i~ c~~~~:re IWORK 30 PCT. Chi f advantage of the new li ghts IS BY lIEALTH COlJNCILMEN theil' hi g ~1 intensity. The devices gen- erate tWIce the power of the older COMPLETED~

types on the same current. Thc .l amps, 1' UNIT HERE NEXT MONTH which emit a metallic, bluish glow - - - have bce n e rected on Delaware Ave. be .$'75 000 ProJ' ect cause that area has always been l'e- , Local Restaurants :1 Council f~::~~t ac~ i~~1~o~~1the most poorly il- Win Connect Getting Peri!,dic Posts Open George Rams y ,. head of th e street Whole Area To and li ght commISS Ion, supervIsed thell 'Checks; Personnel In Election I installation. If public reaction is favOl'- Sanitary Sewer Are Shown Films On April 13 I ~~~~'r hheazs;~~~~ l: ~ o~ ·~e a:.ay be placed in --- ('II pils at the New The $75.000 north sid e sewer laying I Sanitary standards in public eating Despit e th fHct that the a nnual a~I~1~ II' al l~lI in-service train~ I I project. begun her e last November, is places here, including restaurants, Itown election is onl,. a bout , month . tl led h re e'lJ'ly this OCHELTREE now 29 per cent comple te. according to lunch and sod a fountains, are expected away. the poUtical scene here has fail­ fea ::~ I\~~1 wo rkshop · sessions Town Eng ineer, George f . Price. to be among the highest in the state ed to produce a rilmle of activity thus faculty members abreast of To date. sanitary sewers have been soon as " I' suIt of an educa ti onal fal'. with no candidates filing uS ,YC'I advances in ed ucalional tech- AND STEERS plac d on portions of Cleveland Ave- I progl'ilm currently being conducted by for Ih e four posts ope n. . I nue, Annabell e and .Race Streets. roposal • 193(j incubators from br ('ding flocks of the At Fe tival Here 2. 140 .Y. Celllent oneretc Base must be marked "Proposa l IOI' the COIl- • Oldsmobile Tudor Sedan 40 finalists from 2(; states tha t are 8.200 T . 11 0 1 Mi x Asphalt Surfnc structioll of, St').t e Hig hway Contract No. !! 1936 Buick Tudor Sedan ('otnp etin~ jl' lhe contl~ t to sl'l cl, the --- ~:~~g s ~ ~ : P ~ ~~ h r~ g concr e t e Pavement I , " " '1;';' co;"'t;',;ct" wiil b award d or reiect- I 1 935 Ford Tudor Sedan lI"lIon's ollt ~ tnndill t( mcat-I) pc broil er. \ Wide varicty in Ihe types of dl'ama 190 . Y . Ccment Concl'ele Mason ry ed within twenly (20) days from the dale • 1933 Plymouth Con y. Coupe A E. Tomhm·c. head of th UI1IVCr- to be o(1'('red' by j;i~~ee l orT~~ ': I~'l~t ~~o :)~~:,I ~~ d 10 r jeet a ny or • 7 And Other Models ~ i t.v of .Del;}Ware poultry d ep;o nm nt '-i:dh Delaware P lay F estival is illdi_ 11.1 0 L. F. J5" R .C. P ipe \ cl~mb~?~t'c sel5 o[ plalls a nd speeiflca- • al1d chairman of Ihe' Delaw.,rc. com- ~ate'd b,v elltries reccived to date. Dr. 7~ ~ tJ·. ~~ : ~ .g: ~ : ~~ lions may be oblalned after March 8. • Ca l's Bought, Sold and Exch ange rl mitlH ~tate~ that the chIcks 111 1he C Robel't Kase director o( the Drama- 42 L. F. 30" R.C. Pipe 1948. upon receipt of F iv doliars !S5.001 I Cash or Financed '''lItlt'St \I ill hatch 011 1\[.II"Ch 22 and ti~ Cente l' a t lhe University of ~e l a - ~: :~ : ~ : ~g:: g ~~t ' I~~~e P ipe . ~ocr 1 ~~~ll~d~~~tract. whic h umoun t Wi ll not II will b~ moved 011 March 23 from the l \I'llI'. sa id I'ecentl .• 5~ L.F . 4" ViI. THe Underdralll v Make check. payable to the State Hlgh- • hatchery to the jloulllY pliOn t at the J • 4,2? S. Y. 4" Celllent Concrete Guter I . way D e partment. GEO. B. PASSMORE, Jr. 1Il\' 'r 'i t \ Subsl'ltion IIC'lr George- Dr. J(nse pOlntt'd out that the dlf- 23 E~: C:;~i~g ~ aS in S STATE HIGHWAY DF:PARTMENl' I• outh Balta. I'ike a t Till 9:30 OfTi fTrc 57G. tll\l'"\:h;'rc the~' 'Wi ll be r ~ arcd under 1 [t' rent kinus of production were typi- 1 1.~ 4 g t. . P . Wire Rope Gual'd Fence O~f;:: , ~:i I Y ::.h~ ;~ c: R ~ . Irib "1'1 11 . J o u ey" a com 8 Ea . End P ost Attachments W. A. Mc w~~;~n~', ~ ill~~ I P;, :~in~:; ,a " 'l1la n • idt'ntical ('ollditions for a 12 week I CC y 1e . aoP} t rn , ' .. - 17 700 S. Y . Soddin g Dovel', Delawa re podod. I al'l S . Seegar, assist"nt re- cdy. to b e g lvcn by t·1e Laurel High 1::120 Gal. R .C. t Asphalt F e bru ar~' 25. 1946 . ill ••••••••• • • • • • • •••• • iI •• I I :"3rch pou ltryma n a t thc Substation, School; "Th Vali:II:t."' a drama. to be l.~ g~ ~ ~ l c l~ s~ ' l ~ ;~ha l t ~- 4 . 16 . will supervise the rcaring of the birds. Llvell by Dovel' H Igh School; .md ~ 106 T . Slone hips At th con c lu~i on or thc growing cutl l n~ from the .atmeal "Pygmali on. ~ ~~ SCYY ' R~~~~~aT'j;I~:s~~~''p av men t pcnod the' bmls will be dressed and to be g h'en b,Y Wilmington H igh ,,5 Ea . Rellloval ofTr es J"( ·d ,lllel the prize w inning breeders School. 220 T . Sand will be announced at the "Chicl

We Earnestly Urge That You Place Orders NOW For Scurc(' helJ1 s Such a Refrigerators, Power Lawn Mowers, Etc., While 0111' Deko makes " tired" rooms new-quickly and ~ easily. Paint right o ver wallpaper. Deko's oil I\l.<:: , 1948 Stocks Are Complete. base makes it really washable-lut longer. ~ ..,,,,,P"'IIIiiii_... Beautiful pastel colors. Ready to use "/ 11!I1II!!!o!!'!!!!!!!!!!!"lE'l -no messy mixing. I - \ ~- All Articles ~rdered N9W Will Be Delivered BefOl'e l\'Iuy 1, 1948. 1I ....=---.::::;;"lI 1 ~ !fElTON-SllBlEY Product I 1863 ·1948 fiO,l /y- fi /CJ colorFul years of quality RIC ~ARR~A~~ _lo~~ LEON A. POTTS Jackson's Hardware -S7ELKTOH R0f40 re -:"-'I(>fl~ ~ __ ''''''''Il;( ... yj?!dLl'''d{ 0" 44 East Main Street Phone 3821 Newark, Del. 90 East Main Street Phone 4391 Newark, Del ll.,u The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thur day, March 4, 1948

.::.+.:•• : .. :-: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :-: •• : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : •• : .. : .. : .. : .. :~ .. : .. : •• : •• : .. : .. : .. : •• : ... : •• : •. : .. : •• : .. : •• : .. : •• : .. : .. : .. :-~ . . if ARLEY BY 30 PCT. C ~t\RS * REFRIGERATION SERVICE :1: RElVIOVAL OTICE ~l~ HARVEY REFRIGERATION CO. :1: DR. J LIU' BLUMENTHAL ARM COOP DEFECTIVE .;. 'Phone 579 Newark, Delaware 27 Tyre Avenue ::: I Nnturopulhy-l'hyslo -TheraIlY I :!: "Fifteen Years in Refrigeration Work" , :;: I rov"d to 813 West It'eel WEEI( Sta t Check-Up ·.··;.. ;.. ; .. ; .. : .. ; .. ;.. ; .. ; .. ; .. ; .. ; .. : .. ; .. ; .. : .. ;": .. :": .. : .. : .. :":":K: .. : .. :": • •:.. :" :.. :": .. : .. :" :•• : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : •• : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :: Trraling pains due 10 ARTURITI _ Rheumatism _ ('urili- Reveal Flaw --. ' clatica - L\llllbago - ~~~:~~~i~~ ;IC, inus - kin J)jsortlcr t ~J:~ :~~~l :e:: "i~:O~~'~ r,"~ ~d~:":fr;;~ ":::;~~~ Ir ··;:;~::·;:·;·:;~~;:~

011 We (lne day aLnd R rccd, re gstatistration motor nre vchicdefectivele commi5-, Frank I:i: .;. DIC}? & DOT'S :::.1. I~~ ~=:::::::~:::======::=====~ , -- sionl'l' said this week. I ::: ~ .:- ~r"tnbl'I' S Lf Southcl'l1 Stnt S CO-I MI'. R cd said thot ii thes motorists ';' ::: local bOll l'ds and farm home continue to wait until th last few ): , Will Open at 7·00 A M To Offer YO ft 'f itlCl'S. Il'om nvC' communities , in days t~ prescnt thcir vehiclcs at thc I :1: ••• :l: NOTICE wlii attcnd an annual m1('1- Inspecl1ol1 lanes, the r cpair gal'agcs .:. .:. I'c~tOnal con Ccl' nce ncxt Wcd- : wiii not bc abl to complcte th il' ad- I :i: 3 New Breakfast Speci.a Is :j: at 7 P Ill. in the Aead my R s- justments in timc for the cal' owncl's .;. ,i, , Taxables of New Castle County itC'r . to I'ctul'n to thc inspcction lane Cor ::: TWO EGGS-Any Style ONE EGG-Any lyle ." I' report on South('m Statcs' I'cinspection and renewal oC rcgistra- I .;. Bacon or Sausage Toa t & Butler ::: Thc Board of Assc sment of ew Castle County, Delaware, ,md financia l st~ndin g, to- tion before thc deadline. He added :;: Toa t & Butter _ Coffee Coffee :z: a picturc of the fa rm sup- that " it would be advis,able Cor the :i: 50c 30c :1: \\ ill sit In their office, Room 122, Publio Building, Wilmington. (ion for the coming spring , owncl'S to havc the vehIcles e~ecked 'j' .:- Dela war ", each secular day during the month of March, from lid a I'('vicw of the cconomir j ~ fOl'e prcscntlng thcm .to the II1 spec- :!: HOT CAI{ES :!: 9 A. i\'J . to 5 p , i\T Monday through Friday, 9 A, 1, to 12 1\1, Satur­ fn~· Hgt'iClI lturc, wi ll be given tlon lanc." :1: Butter and Syrup :1: d a~' s, to hea l' a 1l1l0als, make additions or correot·ions in or to said O~ y Coff ee y a s~.s m e nts for th e ensuing taxable year begilUling July 1 t, n ext. :lnd commit es from: Elkton, oaking Drains Spinach :1: 30c ::: The asscs~me llt or asseSlll t' llt roll may be secn in the ollie :11~it~~~ Sun, BNll' and Nor th Of Vallluble Ingredient ':1: :1: of th e Board, of thc S. S Newark T.ocker Spinach should be wash cd in several :i: DICI( & DOT~S LUNCHEONETTE :1: BOARD OF A E SMENT s. S. Ncwal'k S rvice, Sou~h- ~~I~~CI': I~~~ : ~ ~~~dv:~ I~~ae~'I :~;~1f~I';~Ss~~~ :l: Rear of 92 Ea t Main Street, Newark :!: New Cas Ue County, Delaware tatcs COOI~Cl'atlvc. Agcncy, In- vitamins w hen le(t in wat I' (or any :i: :i: I ~r. ~~~II"M~~~~~~eJ~ a liin~~~;~ I ngth o( lime. .: ..: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : ~..: ~..: ~..:~ ..: ~..:~ -.:~..~ :.. ~: .. ~f.~ ~~~~~~•• ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Grank DUl'bol'row. Oxford; A. Ginn, Landenberg: Arthur Wcst Gl'ovc: and Vinrent L Disaster doesn't knock!

wi ll bc a m mbcr of South­ Stat s' Board of Dircctors. L. D. Ik , of Wyoming, Del. IlI'COmmCllldaltions for improving the ' of Southcrn States cooper:J-, to its membcl'S and to agr iculture be requested from board and com­ mcmbers attending the session. I' organization now is completing its year. OURSE FOR I A mother is putting her child to bed .•• . ; . a tornado imprisons them in the wreckage of 'heir home EL. POLICE

A course in "TrafTic Investigation" is givcn 30 troopers in spccial acci­ as well as captains and Is o( c

no(; - H NTING PI HING Happy young couple Is enjoying a party : : : : : ; fir. destroys the building, killing and maiming LI ENSES ANY of these tragedies could bappen to you and yours And , _, afterward .. . the Red Cross stands by the injured •• , (M Disaster doesn't ask permission, It strikes with- and the desolate through difficulties Disaster caused •. ; out warning, - . ' " 0 help rebuild their homes, restore their strength, and OPEN But where Disaster goes and Panic prevails, there too give them new courage to carry on. is the Red Cross, Prepared for action, calm in the face The Red Cr088 doesn't stop-to ask questions-it knows EVENINGS of danger, experienced in the succor of suffering humanity, no boundaries, no prejudices, no limitations. All it asks the Red Cross brings relief quickly, generously, efficiently. is your help-for it cannot exist without you. W. HARRY AWSON :1 30 East Main Street IT'S YOUR RED CROSS •• KEEP IT GOING ~f~~ ' 2-0441 +

Shop In Our Basement House Furnishings Department

W I, ,,,.,, Y n,,'ll "';,/(l Everythillg For the /lome' •• Coo!.:ill g Utell.,ils - G la s.~lVare - hilllllvare - Children s Toys - Novelty Gift Item s alld Mall Y. Many Other Use ful Everyday Articles For A ll Departmellls of YO".r 11 omp - Price(l to Brillg Joy to YO lLr Heart.

!)O E. MAIN , T. PHONE NEWARK DEL. JACKSON'S HARDWARE STORE 4391 Fou r LADlE 'BIBLE LA --Income Tax Day is just around the ) REGULAR MEETING corn r- when so many of us haven't I "The God int nd d pow r of person- THE NE~I\ got wha t we ought to have to pay up Society a l testimony in bringing m n to ac- with on what we had last year. cepting the Lord Jesus Christ" is the 0 " 1.12h .. calendar, notable days in subject for gener a l discussion this week Founded Janua ry 26, 1910, by the late E\'ereH :~OhnsOD 1I 1. ° aul~·e \VOI\[£ ' A ' ILIARY HELD , "EETI TUE DAY by the m emb rs of the Ladies' B ible 6 , . G neral Sherman's Birthday, 1820 fAR H 1\1 ' 1 1 Class of the Newa rk Methodist Chur ch. An I ndependent Newspaper 14 . F irst Trans-Atla ntic Radio, 1925 The regula r meeting of the Women's Class calls at the regular Sunday Fri.-, at. Published Every Thursday by the Newa rk Post, Inc. 15 Andrew J ackson's Birthday, 1767 Auxilia ry of the First Presbyterian School hour of 9:45 a nd a ll members 14-16 T hompson Lane, Newar k, Delaware 17 t. P a trick's D,]y Church was held on T uesday evening and th eir friends and guests a rc cor- I Locally and Independently Owned and Operated 26 ... Good Friday of this week in the Prayer Meeting dially inv ited 10 be p resent. f I I d n request 28 .. . . , . Ea tel' Sunday room of the ch urch with Mrs. Raymond ~g~le:'~~i a~s~~"J' cadr~~r~~ I !}ta~a~~"s ~:~I: '~e r ~gale Line: I nn u en~a, lagr ippe, Virus X 01' wha t- W. Heim conducting the meeting. , -----:--:~:-::-: ." .. , ...... ,., . . . i ... ······,····,, · · · · EDITOR ever you call it, talm lg It's Will t er I 0 II R eports wel'l' given by t h e va rious. Playotcd H CVl'io1iniC c.xl t WTo c l I .,' , .. , "" " " .. , .. . .. , ., .. P UBLISHER of vi tims, ha many uncomfortably group chairmans and al'l'angemcnts .are ------Delaware , bcdded w it h temperatures, aches, sore- being made for a strawbel'l'Y f es tlv ~ l Ossy Ren:J rdy the second artist to bel Enlered as second-class matler at r, ness and accom panYlllg dlscomfol ts to be h Id the tirst week of J une In pr esented in the curren t series of con- under Act of March , To\\'n leclton, only a 1:lOn th away IS Dodens' gl ove, certs sponsored by the Newark MUSIC T he subsCllptlOn prIce 0 1 th is paper '" t.he Un l t~~ O~IB~ ~ ~ I~e!; O~ T PeJ..n~e;'{,.J: I~Oll1g 0 sec many would-be candidates I FollO\\ Ing the bllslncss m ee Ing 111 1'S Sociely, w ill appear here next Thur _ ADV A 'CE, anadlan and F~l'e lt' a{i U~~~~:fs"~~ ~a bl e to The Newal k Post fi lll1" thell' llltenltons too la te to g lV C Helm sho\\'ed colored pictur s of her day even ing at 8: 15, in II litch 11 Hall SIngle copIes 5 cenl s. a e much chance of IVll1l11ng. "If they recent tilP to th West Coast A well-known Amer ican violin \'ir- NATIONAL EDITOrilAL had any chance in the first p lace. Bobby 1I1cA Ipine al~o cn ertained as tuoso, 1111'. RenarJy mad hiS Americ:III o, ASSOCIATI ON !t'g hard to appreciate the ~ower the guest soloist. . '.' debut ten years ago in Town Hall. " 'II' ~, =: ~ /J , of \\'omanhood- when one can t see I G rouJl '0, 2 of which IIII' '. uthbel , York C ity. I n his Carnegie Hall rerj'al I~~ ~' Jr~ the stems, Webber is leader, \\·as hoste" for the last O ct~ber, he was described as one We want and invite communications, but they must be igned .b y the writer's - I ocial hOllr. of the best equipped talents among th(' n ,

D.. h,,," Bd' of ""mio"ooI War eA h 0 nt s<. ON M0 ND AY I~~:::~::;::~o~"£~:::i:~:,~'·::~;":: ::~:::~E:~:y~i;':::~;~~~ i~:~ \, I~~~~:. W illiam Hamilton Ill. al.'d IIlis '1I1artha Foard will be in charge I osItion by Suk. El!:~ar.1I d WieniD\\._ 'll ~2~ Io f the busin· ss meetin!( \.dth 1111'. W. ski D"ud Hamilto'l,..r Kl'lls ,.\wnu~ w:l W 0. \':. ·could and docs stand for COlltrilJllte oJ H. S. Boucelle conducling the de\'o- IIlr \\'alter Bricht \ViII be at the , he h J US~ !!uc" , of . 115 Eleanor ml 1 mo,; any old II ing you might \\'ant it I B t' a ls }llano i 1 Bal:imore, :hi' Ill'''t \\'CL k -end. to : could be Woodmen of World I For Specia 11 s lO;he . program \\'i11 be arranged by I 11 46 N th - Weakness of \romen-Wallop 0 Ie F I F V t 1\lrs Geor~e Short and I\lr, R oger P We ":I,h-- CAto RDth~nk OF rcTHA;\'laun I,S, friends and :\Ir Challc, H COl nc or Wallacc Wild or Woolev-WondennJ llll( or e s Watkll1s neIghbors [01' their e"pr -s"" of ympath" Ch.l} Ll tre l.. lIas ho. noledSa\ \t'tl ltl~ld ,\ a\. ovel W,ratt- Wldducs, Ott W - Wrly Co-host rse for the e\'entng \ \'111 be exi nded 0 us at th I,me of our recent I ,UI pn'e f.1I111:1 d mnel onbraun h ;s old Wotf iHenl'y)-WIlltng our .w al e- ,j A 25 contnbu tlOn to he lp defray :\1rs J ames F o tel' .1I1 rs Li lhe SCOl! 1110berea her.\"emen L."dla . in S .the To\\'>-on. death of Wife and l'\'eIllng at Ill S home c Ie g abouts WOIl Yll1g O\'e l Worn lo\\,- f ib t b t d I I\ [I SS Ida K imble. MISS E\'elyn K imble 1.11'. Perry Tow, on and Daughters. _ IlIncteenth bll thday Cha rles IS th~1 on \\'mnlng our \i'I\'1' - W rlh a 01 Wunt eha co t 0 a pecla us 0 e pres en e. and 111 1s I\[i lburn. - --CAIlO OF T H AN" I or !\lr and 1111 s NOlman H Corne I but. none of these are \\ hat we , ~~~ : I~e,::~,c;:s~v~ ~~ ~':~I~~l:t ~h~h~ at:~~ Mrs E B 1\11 1bl\l n, Sr" announc~s ne,,~.ehb~~.~Sh a~~ ;~~ ~nkb e ~'; l a~ iv e:he fr~~~~~ had In nllnd \\hen we went off on thiS mee Ing of the J A O'Da ni el Ulllt 0' tha t a few of the memory plates ale Lodge, N~ 25, A. F . & A. M . and Chap .1' \\ illl\lr;:. conduct A . J . J3ck the on,se siond i~ t rict's openll1g president. at bmge° th I W ° (Bill) White , 10 Amellcan L egIOn on Monday . , sti li avat lable cNoOn' l' nlOe 'ntael~DPI,. ~~eOe~d a;i~r~ffc~~,rs.fO~f tht~1~ Ihe quarterly meeti ng of the W ilming- tllt; 1 OU~I't~~\~~ tl;e CUltlS G azelt~ The money \ \' 111 go to the \Vorld war , ------h' ~~~~e/ x,!'~~ s~~ens.,[o~ars: ~;; :;'l o ~~ l~:ed;; tOil DI·,_' trict \\'oman's Society of Chn.s- ers \\'." Cd P b b f b 1\ lothers I and II. who a re raising a 11 [1' Wa lter R. Powell r eturned t IS bereavement in the death of husband and 11 \\ ho IS OIng a ang-up)o 0 pu - , fund for the speclaly de 19 ned vehicle, weck from l\liam i, Florida. father. Howard B . Messick. "11 1Il v U er v ic~ on Thursday. la rch• II. 1I Sh 1Il. g th a t comp. a ny bl'- week. I.i news - Iw h ic h w ill carry disabled 'v ets to ath- ~~;;;;;;;;;======;;;======9 1..:n lon :\1ethodist Church, WilmlIlgton. let tel .... despite takIng llme off to letic events and other ou tside acti- ~I ' spend several days In ew York- dlie A MEL T Z lr. Gaylon T. Lowe, eIV Lon.don osteniatiou ly attending the paper con- Se\;en ne\\' members have bee n eno l I RO ;1 d. was best man :ll the marnage venlion. roll ed this yea r. Mrs. W illiam Mote, I • of ,ltss Mary Dads, of Oak Grove a nd And, the thought of Curtis Paper Co., president. presided . TAILOR 1\11' , Harlan E. Hobson, of Hockesslll on brings to mind the work now in prog- The local unit. along wilh others l F ebruary 16. ress of erecting a Bailey Bridge across throughout the state. is preparing boxes CLEAN I IG _ PRESSING _ INVlSIBLE ME DING \ '"hy It' e Cl ay C ree k prepara t ory t 0 d'IS- of clothing to be sent to SI. Die. F rance, ALTERATIONS OF ALL KINDS I Irs. Ann Baker Spaulding. daughter m a ntling the old Curtis covered bridge where the na tional auxiliary has taken I AGENTS FOR of Mr, and Mrs. George Baker, of 271 . \\'hich is undoubtedly a forward over the care of some 1.600 children. H. OPKINS T AILORING CO. Orcr.a rd Road , a member of the Semor and progressing step bu t. for senti- The Child Welfare chairman reported I Class at Simmons College, Boston, IS men tal reasol:s, we'll hale to s ee the on the conference held at Washington, U its a1ld Coats for ~1 en and Jrf o,nen chairman of the senior prm to be he ld dem ise of thIS 200-year-old tructure D. C o, recently, where a 3-phase pro- IIl arch 20. at the Hotel Somerset. ~~a~vl;~l~:~'\'~:n!h e populace hereabout gram. ~d u catio n, legislation and emerg- I 63 Eas l\lain Street PHONE 4511 Newark, Delaware ;\It,s Elinor mith, of Baltimore, was Jf we ne\'er said anything, we 'd Iewas ncy s palden. waslast yestudia r byed . hO\e 'er na tio3n,000a l .au000- , n,.====:::::::::::======.. :::.:~ I a hou;e guest this past week-end at the ne\'er have any thing to take back. xilia ry and subsidiaries on he Child home of 1\11'. a nd Mrs. W. S. Hamilton, But. agai n, if \\'e never said anything Welfare Progra m. . I Rcad Th Newark Po t £01' News o£ the CODllllunity, K ells Avenue. you wou ldn't be reading th is weekly Mrs. W ill iam Bes\\'ick, Pan-A men- ______l\lrs. C. K . D, Lewis, 150 Academy ~: ~~ ~e ~:~ our chores would be slightly can chairman, gave a talk on this year's tre I, is d siting her sister, Mrs. Clru:- However. to stop beating around the st ~~\~ ~~~ ic~ l :~ ~~'~~n~ n;;; contribution ' enee Harvey, at Hurlock, Id., thiS bush, we erred last week when W I> to the Red Cro s, \\' ek, said the university was erecting orna- ______menta l Iie:hts along its campus on Del­ ;\11',. Annie Taylor, of Lumbrook, r e­ a ware Avenue. In the first place we tllrncd to her home on Wednesday frol~ should have 1010 \\'n bellPl' P eggy Cronin" the Delaware Hospita l. Mrs. Taylor 15 F a ct i th at the To\\'n of Newark has com'nlescing from a major operatio n, erected these much needed lights . , . BARGAIN BOX a lso they ha \'e erected 0 P a rking signs ;\ 11' and 1I 1r S . ~d L. Ellison, Jr .. a long the nor th side of Dela ware IS Will entertain this Friday evening at Avenue which elimina tes a consider- ' iDu-7e4ted dinner for 1rs. Ellison's sister, Miss able amount of traffic congest.ion and OPE AGAI J oann Elliso n and Mr. Ill. Carroll White, danger when two cars tried to pass whose ma rriage will take place with cars a rked on b c> th sides of th" and is POLl- PARROT March 6. treet. Chock Full of Wouldn't be a a ll surprised to soon Down·To-Earth Wed.-Thur , )Iarc h ", II' Raymond Dunca n. of Newark. s e park ing rcstricted to one side along I SHOES w ill be an usher at the wedding of Bargains For other narrow streets-or. where double I Fredric .Harch !iss Virgi nia Penelope Roberts, of side par ki ng reates a hazarri , Teen-Agers. Junior FOR ,BOYS AND GIRLS [ 'orth H ills. and IIII' , Richard Arthur Olivia De Hal' iirllld Dur ing the past ten days we have Misses, Misses, Wa lke l' Crafton, of , Pa .. had no les than four young gi rls ap- I in \'hich will ta ke place on March 27 , and Women- ply for employ meat-qu ite a chan e "Anthony AdreJ"l in Hano\'er Presbytcrian Church. from a year ago \\'hen you couldn't For Instance : . ---1 hire help for ' love nor money. Wonder I Dr G. Burton P earson has r eturned if this por tends a change of tim s . ... BLOUSES .. $1. Sl.S01 from an extended motor trip through or the coming of sprinl!. Florida and other southern states where Two column. heading on the front he visited with friends and relatives. Styled to delight Ira c. She~ page of thc STAR. last Su n da~ ·. pro­ SKIRTS ... $2/ a ttending Ule wedding of his nephe\\', cla ims: "Chrysler Plant at Newark to P earson Almond. a t Atlanta, em'oute young eyes" , built b read y in 6 Weeks." Well. it Illay be I and Better Skirts- I home. ready, insofa r as the construction is / to protect young FU:\ERAL concel'l1ed but you can take it frolll 1/ 2 Price lI[ r. and [rs. Joseph Reed and Mrs. us tha t it won't be officially opened Frank Tweed have jllst returned f rom fe.t because " , HO~fE and operating within tha t length of SUITS ...... 5;S 11£ a month's vacalion in lIIiami, Florida. time. As a ma tter of fact. a letter from a ;\1r. William F. H ushebeck, of East Pre-Testing. depa rtment head of the Chrysler Cor- DRESSES .... $2 up - e- Cle\'eland Avenue, who resigned re­ pora ion,. dated Fehruary 24 . stated : ______e n Iy his position with the University Gives You! of Del' \\'arc, has moved to Wilm1l1 ton "W" do no han' any new, about RAI f lOAT .;> & ..~ I plan for opening Oll l' Newark plant." • '-' I.., oJ 254 W, )Iai n ~t r ce l to make his h ome with his son, 1\1r. And. we can't c nce h 'e of this pla nt !------_ Alfr d Hushebeck, 11 11'. H ushebeck was Newark, Delaware emplyed with the univprsity for a being ready to open within six weeks HANDBAGS $] to t 31 and the corporation not being in the I ~ period of several years. process of i ormulating plans for such Phone 2-(; 1:1 1 111.1'5, an event. ~ lIlr. and Joseph Zappo, of East Another interesting bit of propa- I .', EXTRA Cleveland Avenue, spent the past week­ ganda, in the S tar, that c(] ught our at- Clearance REINFORCEMENTS AT­ enr' in Philadelphia. tention \\'as the musings of one who All VITAL PARTS purports to be Thomas Jefferson writ- hI Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Douglass. of ing undel the heading of " Democratic 'Baltimore and Miss Alice Douglass, I lI1usings." Fashion Shop! f New York, visited with their parents, The alleged MI'. J efferson said, in , 11'. and C. E, Douglass, of South Sewing part: "Dolaware Democrats are active- Mid.Season 'College Avenue, on Sunday, Iy engaged in p lanning their state . Westinghouse Console Machines a\'ailable noll' (or ticket for this year's election , . , , In Ir C. 0 . Houghton, of West Main D RES S E S ~AGE,CONFORMIN' ' mediate deli very. every district party leaders seem un- Street, who has been a patient in the animously in favor of Elbert N. Carvel, $10.00 ARCHES ALL MAKES RI::P AIRE D lemorial Hospital i convalescing at of Laurel. to head the ticket , . , , Two GROLL '~ h er home, or three New Castle Countians have FormerLy up to 525 been approached with respect to the elring Machi"e , (On 'i itillg Nurse Made second place on the state ticket. John Crepes in plain. colors and 621 W. 4th Street " 214 Calls III February R, Fader, of Newark, and Howard 'Phone 8625 WilmingtOn. Stayton, Sr., have been mentioned put, plaids with all the uelOe&t de­ A total of 21-1 visits, including 183 we are infacnted that Mr. Slayton has tails including long lengths! n ursing and 3[ instructional calls, were positively declined," made during February by rUss Allee Sizes 10 to 20' ROOM I t's true that Hearn Bros. (Wilming­ Electric AppliotlC' Leak, visiting nurse for this section of ton grocer) are dickering for a site BOTH SHOPS 'OR'ROWTN New CasUe County, according to her in Newark, But. no deal has been made Repair monthly report released yesterday, -as yet. OPEN 'TIL 9 Washer - Vacuu m CleaJI Types and number of visits follow: The Dayton (0 ,) Daily News re­ ON Sewing Machines p renatals, 2, visits, 5; maternity cases, ported: "Among those evacuated as WEDNESDAY Lamp Rewired ~ 2, \isits, 14 ; arthritis, 2, v isits, 17; can­ flood waters poured in, was a 72-year­ Wringer Roll Repla cer, 4, visits, 22 ; anemla, 1, vIsits, 2; old blind man with one leg and a two­ FRIDAY ~ /? Electric Motor R diabetis, 2, vtslts, 16; intestinal d iseases, month-old baby," SATIJRDAY 8, visits, 22; paralysis, 3, visits, 28; h eart Ain't it the truth: "Lots of things DEPARTMENT dLeases, 5 vults, 27; apoplexy. 3, visits, are opened by mistake-but none so Newark Repa ~ 11 ; grippe, 2, vbits, 2' miscellaneous. 12, trequenlly as one's mouth,.. PEGGY CRONIN la&er f', Bua, ~ visit.a. 49, The Ides of March are with us and Ne'flark, Del. (/~ Amltel An, - [lkllO tore Hours 9 to 5 :30 - Fri. & Sat., 9 to 9 rhODe !S2f....-d The Newark Post, Newark, pelaware, Thursday, March 4, 1948 Five · lEt THRIFT SALE MARCH 11-12 MRS. MILLER GUEST MR . LUTZ HOSTESS TO IN NEW ENTURY CLUB OF W. S. . S. MONDAY MOTHERS' CLUB MEETING A Thrift Sale will be conducted by Mrs. Wa rd I. Miller. of W ilmingt.on, SOCI8 yen S t.he members of the Newark New Cen- will b the guest of the March me t- A Mother's Club meeting has been CLASSIFIED tury Club on Thursday and F riday, ing of the Woman's Society of Chris- sched uled for T uesday evening, March FemaI;}:ielp Want ed March 1 I. a~d March 12, in the Century I tian Service at the Newark iVTethodist 9th. at 8 o'clock, in the home of Mrs. CALENDAR Club BlII ldll1g. Church on Monday evening. March 8 Bruce Lutz, 272 Chapel Street. Y~~)~~. t~:'~~h;'c~ ~v~~~ i'?~ ~e ~k"."~V,~'t! 1'0 WED 0 APRIL 10 I Selling will sta rt at 10 a. m. each at 8 o'clock. . A committee has scheduled several 2J~~t/c~terv'cw. P. O. Box 00. Ext. I. Thc w dding of Miss Jane. ~l'8nci s, I day and items of clothing, shoes, cur- Mrs. Mliler will give a book review programs and formulated new poliCies, rI,' tI~h t('r of MI'. and M,·s. W illiam M. Friday. March 5 tains and dishes w ill be on sale. " Who Walk Alone," by Perry BU rgess. one of which includes a larg I' m m- Frill'l'is, of Wilmington and Palm 8:00 P . M.-Public Card Party in F ra- Articles over $3.00 may be sold on This book deals with the Philippines be l' hip plan. Bl·;tch, to Mr. harles J . Booth, son of ternal H all. consignment. where the Conference of which the All club mothers are urged to invite ~Ir. /llid Mrs. Newlin T. Booth, of New 6: 15 P . M.- Covel·ed Dish Suppcr The entire membership has been di- Newark Metodist Church is a member prospectivc members to attend this GENERALCLERK. WITI! TYPING Ex­ Co,t l('. wi ll take place on Saturday, preceding meeting of vided into ~ea ms with captains. Each has a One Thousand Dollar project meeting The topic, "Th Care of the ~fb:~n~~ . Apply Contlncntnl-DlamOl;d 3-4-llc. April 10. at 7:30 p. m .. in I mmanue l Newark Chapt 1', O. E. S. member will be contacted for contd- th is year. Sick Child," w ill be d iscussed with f. pisl'Opul Church with the Rev. Dr. at 8 P. M. butions. A ll are urged to be present on this demonstrations by Mrs. William De- "'or Rent Chnrl L'S W. Clash. ofl'iciating. Monday. Maroh 8 ------Monday evening. Long and Mrs. Owen E ly. R;:;O;:;O=-M:-:-~------i\11~~ Francis, who is a grandduughter 8: 00 P. M.- March Meeting of W . S. Tr-IARl\.·If~ ONY GRANGEi ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ 1>110 I,·c57393wl.ESl' DELA IVARI!: AVE,mE"V . III till' lat e MI'. and Mrs. L. K. Bowen. C. S. with Mrs. Mi ller as CARD PARTY MARCH 16 3-<:, ltc. ~1'"rI 'liIt, d from the Palm Beach H igh guest at the church. Mrs. W a lt~r Marshall is chairman o( EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IVERY DESmAi3LE ROOM ~ Sehoul alld attended Ihe National Jun- I Tuesday, March 9 the card party to be sponsored by the 3-~~\~~' ge nlJemen prefel'l'ed. Phone .Y2 4k~~ i ,I' Cull ge. • 1:30 P. M.- Glasgow H ome Demon- ways and means committe of Harmony ONE THIRD OFF "r Booth is a graduate of Westtown stration Club with Mrs. Grange to be held in the grange hall _ Wanted Hidl ,chool and Wilming ton Friends Huggins, 24 West Delaware T'4i!sday evening. March 16. __ School. He attended Swarthmore Col- Avenue. W ives of past masters who took part On High Quality F'j,~ I LY WASH INGS TO DO AT HOME l e~e nd sen 'ed three ;veal'S in the U . S. 8: 00 P . M.-Mother s· Club with Mrs. in the progrnm nt the meeting inc1 ud- I 3_4_]~~,e 2-0462. . Army Air F rces. Lutz, 272 Chapel Street. I'd Mrs. H enry C. Mitchell . cha irman. EATON AND WHITING Lost rOLLARD-CASHE LL 8:00 P. M.-Willing Workers with ~~~d~~t'~ ' ;;~;,n ;fl~~~~ l ~:s 'N!~:::~~ STATIONERY I Milbul'l1S, at Barksdale. Mrs. J . Walker Pennington, Mrs. Paul .swJ./'CHJEY.:~;c- --- Wlm DING SOLEMNIZED l'etUl'l1Ccl to Michael ;-. ai', Reward iC ~-4 - ll p. oome.\'. I MT ~ r slf~lla~ . M.a,rOh ll. W. MitChell, Mrs. Norma n Dempse.y. 10 Dr and I\Trs. H enry J . P ollard. of 7:45 P . .-11. sSlonat.\ SocIety of M rs. Harvey Ball, Mrs. James BrackIn. Fon nerly $1 $.5 Pel' Box \\'i1mll1):lton. ha \'e announced the mar- F Irst Presbyterian Church I Mrs. J oseph Mitchell and Mrs. I rvin I'iil~p of their daughter. Miss Evclyn at the church. G. K lair. Mary Pollard. to MI'. D. Irving Cash- T hursday and Friday, iVl a rch 11-12 RHODES DRUG STORE elL 146 West IItain Stree t. son of thc 10 :00 A. M.- Thrift Sale at New Cen- WEEKLY MEETI G OF PROFESSIONAL PHARMACISTS laic Mr. and Mr . N. J . Cashell. Sr. tury Club. WOMEN' BIBLE CLASS (C. EMER O N .JOH NSON, SUCCESSOR) The ceremony touk place at the home ------__ The ~ e mbers of tl~e Women's Bible Phoncs-581-2234 Night Phone 2-0403 of the bride's parents on Friday, F eb- BIRTHS Class of the First P resbyterian Church W e Deliver Mi cellaneous I'uary 2~ . wi th Dr. A. H. K leffm an. of Congratulations are being extended under the leader ship of Mrs. Ale'x D. i~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~;;~ !>'~~eEdR HANGJ ' G - ALL WORK g't,ar­ West Presbyterian Church olTiciating. to Mr. and MI·s. Thomas Burns, 32 Cobb will discuss the subject of "You Phon'e CNe ~; C~~N~1 e~~~2 CbhrtiStlana. Del. 7 P . M . I (' ween G and Onl y members of the immediate fami- North Chapel Street, on the birth of Are Witnesses" th is Sunday m ormnp, 1- 15-7Ip . he> d tlended... .' a son. born February 26, in the Me- in the regular study class. Att r a weddlllg thp to FIOllda and morial Hospital. Wilmington. I MOONBEAM Cuba, M.r . and Mrs. Cashell w ill resid I - -- ~~~~~~~~ at 146 west Ma lll Street. MI'. and Mrs. J ohn Gle nn J . ~ ~ ~Trs . Cashell has been ass.o ci ~t.ed with receiving congratula tions on 't h :"bi~;~ ~ • ~ [~ ~ ~ ~ Il~ [~ the law fi rm Former Dlstl'lct J udge of a son. born February 29, in the Del- 1 II ~: ~ We Deh ver. Hu gh M. MOII IS.. aware Hospital. ;" I Mr Cashell IS an assIstant secretary I --- ~ ICE C RE A M of E I duPont de N eumours and Congratula tions are being extended C'om par.y to Mr and Mrs Carl Connell. of near For Your IS A NECESSITY FOR THE Corner K etch. on t he b Irth of tWill HOSTESS WHO TAKES PRIDE MISS ALICE MORRISON sons. born at the W ilmington General ~ PARTIES HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Hospital on February 29. ~ IN A DISTINCTIVE TABLE Miss Helen Jezyk. Pike Creek Road, I larshallton, gave a surprise party at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins, of New­ her home on February 27 fO!' her class­ ark, a re r eceiv ing congratulations on • • ma te, Miss Alice Morrison, who was the bi rth of a da ughter, born F ebruary rclebra ing her seventeenth birthday. 29. at the Wilmington General Hospital. Gnm s we re played and r efreshments POWELL'S served. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lord, of New- ICE CREAM CO. The guests included the Misses Nancy ark. are receiving congra tula tions on For Sale Baylis, Bonnie McCormick . Nan cy the bi rth of a daughter. born F ebruary Dial 3171 USED CARS. BOUG HT. SOLD AND ex Di hI . .Toan L eahy, Mary Maxwell, 29. at the Wilmington General H ospital. f~~'~~~ at P as~mores . Phone office Ox: .Joyce Fanning. Dorothy Ha wthorne. "' .. 1- 2 9~t1c . or res'dence. Oxford 208 . Joan Stiltz. Doris Creswell, Ann Linn COVERED DISH SUPPER I~ss..'~ N ~W 4 ROOM BUNG ALOW ON Rambow Taylor, Barbara A n n Soule, J anet E ast- PRECEDES O. E. S. MEETING .:•• : .. : . .: . .: . .: .. : .. : .. : •. : .. : .. : .. : . •:.. :~:.• : .. : .. : . •:.. : .. : . .: . .: .. : .. : . C~~d2. ~f;;~ 1' occupied, a ll conveniences. burn. Evelyn Stanley. Dorothy Demp- Mrs. Catherine R. Gibbs, Worthy 2- 19-2tp. s Y. Betty Davis. R ita Aulen, Delena Matron of Newark Chapter. No. 10. Amuroso. Belly Riley, M ildred Vansant. Order of Eastern Star. and Mr. Con- DEALER FOR LOTS. UNIVERSITY MANOR. SOUTH Choose one of these beauti­ 2~W:_eO l~~: enue and Chcstnut Hi ll Road. ~~~t:h a~u~t:;:. R~::~ n:( ~:~s~~ a;~~:: rad K. D. Lewis. S~ ' " Worthy P atron. 2- 19-2tp. Bllckingham. Betty L ong, Theresa Tier- wil l c?nd uct. a meetlllg of the C ~ apter ful new patterns for a lifetime Iley~ Priscilla La G ran?e, Ray ~u m -I ~; t~: I ~~yo nt~ . ~~;~h 5. at 8 0 clock of usefulness and beauty. !~~i~~S'MH~ ~~~on~ e ~~.. ~d~I~~O ~· :.~~~ At . 6: 15 P. M. sharp. preceding the g ONE PORCELAIN NICKLE PLATED Coal illo rrison, Mr. and Mrs. L eo J ezyk, and meetll1. , the .Marc ~ Ways and Means tROGERS 1 STERlING 2-~J~I\;~ : Good condition. Phone 2-0182. Frank and Albert Jezyk. CommIttee WI ll be In charge of a cov- Electrical A ppliances 00 ered dish supper to which the mem­ 48 Piece Service for 8 $180. Including ~e~~~Tax 10 PIECE WALNUT DINING R~ , CIRL SCOUT CANDY SALE bers. their families and friends are in­ Rejrigem tol's vited. Mrs. Mary Swan, general chair­ CO/lVenient Credit T erms . V~Sl~ ~~~ . ~~d~~aJ 1 !~dSi~g t°?r~'m JWI~ft~ )IARCH 12 TO 29 man, a nnounces that the committee Wi ll i 52·Gallon Water Heaters ~I ;~~e C~~~r;. h to Ebenezcr Chlll'ch. No Mrs. W illiam D. Mur ray, in charge of 2-26-3tc. the Girl Scout candy sale for Newar k, isr~~~~~~~I~. dessert. Mrs. Betty Conell Garbage Disposal Units announces the above dates for the sale 1946 C RESHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER In- 3_i_lllt';. Rhodes Drug Store after 6 P. M. "nd I' quests the suppor t of the com­ Ranges munity in this p roject. GLASGOW HOMEMAKERS MER~I N S. DAIJE Ord rs for cand y w ill not be taken in WILL MEET TUESDAY "'&Il1=~f)L. N EWARI<, F-lf tf'~'';~~c1 LS1~~fT OR . James Rhodes. A LL FOR lMMEDlA1'E 3-4-ltp. . ad vance of the house can vass b y the The Glasgow Home D emonstration LUJ..... DELAWARE. DIAL '322.1 girl scouts. Club w ill meet at the home of Mrs. DELIVER Y ~ LOT. MILFORD CROSS ROADS ON Hard Girl Scout Troop No. 13 under the d i­ Bertha H uggins, 24 West Delaware 3- ~ ~~ ~ " 96x318. Ca ll Newark 2-0182. rection of Mrs. W. Adams, Jr .. a nd Mrs. Avenue. o n Tuesday a fternoon, March O N EASY TER MS 9, at 1:30 o'clock. E. Lawson have been following the ir H ~~ ~~S~~IKii~~s:rg~Ir:;.. ~L~';;~k2 B~i~~~ "Know Your Com munity" program. M iss M. K a the\'ine J ones. New Castle ~, s ~a ~k~~.f ~~ ~~~a~~~ '1 3r;rew 011 Broode,: Th y have visited the N ewark F ire County H ome Demonstration Agent: LEON A. POTTS 3- 4-2tc. . Hall, also the Newark Polict! Depart­ will be pr esent and give a demonstra- l (Graduate Electrical Engineer) ment, where they h eard a very inter­ lion on "Clevel' Nutritions Low Cost WALNUT DINETTE TABLE CHAmS 44 E. Main St. Phone 3821 DON'T FENCE YOUR TOES IN 3 -~-Tt~ .' Server. Phone Phone '4882 . . esting talk by Sergeant Hill. At the Meals." Newark Post they saw the paper being ------printed and the Linotype m achine in Give Them Room ... Lots of Room M~it~E s p~~~ T!;.d B~,~ e r ::,~~~ ~~a l~a tl;::~. operatIOn. When they visited the town 3 J~?i c:h o n e Newark 2-8021. . library Mrs. Sincla ir expla ined the fi ­ BUS nancing of the l ibrary a nd h ow to use TO 19 ~ ~' b~!;.D ~~~B:.;~ a rt · ~3~; Sedan. Good the library. The troop offered to m end 3 4- 1 ~ . and repair book s in need at the li­ INCll~ brary. MERRYLAND SKATING RINI( (Route 40 - Near Elkton) Marston ~lARCH MISSIONARY 1lEETlNG NEXT THURSDAY FRIDAY NIGHT DA VNO BED $25. Excellent cond ition. 154 The March meeting of the Home and Leaves Main & Chapel Sts ...... 7:30 P. M. 3_ ~: Jt~~ m Street. (Call 8 to 5 o·clock). ForeIgn Missionary Society of the F irst L Presby terian Church will b e held on eaves Main & Col1ege Ave...... 7 :35 P. M. BATHROOM HOPPER & FIXTURES. 1'humlay evening. March 11 . in the ' ~~~d~ . new. T. C. Gray. Milford Cros.~ Prayer Meeting R oom of the Church at SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3-4-ltc. i : ~5 p. m. with Mrs. A. B. Eastma n. Leaves Main & Chapel Sts...... 2 :00 P. M. 4 CY.LINDER FORD PICK. UP. Good con­ pr sident, in charge of the business Leaves Main ditIon Gaylol'd Greenwa lt .. Poll y Drum- & College Ave ...... "./ 2 :35 P. M. monds HilI. Phone 87 12. . 2·6131 meeting. 3-4-Jtp. Mrs Ra ymond W. Heim. S tewardshi p ROYAL CLEAN ER. Phone 459 4 except Fri­ chaIrman. w ill p resent the lesson on day mornings. st('w swished another fie ld goal through the S. J~~ e 5-600 Mil es Special from May 15- P . M. C., home. was never headed again. The property may be inspected Mon- Warren County Beagle Club of Penr.· cords, "Then you'd better get your May 18- Ursinus, home. WILMINGTON NEWARK days through Fridays, from 9 a. m · sylvania on Saturday and Sunday grandmother out here- quick! " G~i~~~:v:~':5 ~a. Mi les Special from May 20- Drexel, away. Podolak.f ~ . ~ . Pi Gregg,f ~ .~ . iii to 2:30 p . m. at the WAA Sales location April 24 and 25. s--n--h Spartanburg, S. C. May 22- Gettysburg, away. With Bill Murray getting spring fOOt­ W'ii';,,':::'l ~ ~ ~ i'i~;1l~'t.;~C g g ~ ------ball practice underway at the U. of D. June 19-500 Miles Special from , PiMcCuliin,celuska,f 41 0 82 CoselliMarlin ,g,g 30 2I 712 it might be well lor us to look at TRANSIT MIXED CONCRETE some of the recent activities through­ sp;~'~:n~~~50; ' ~i l es Special from NHS GROUP ~~~;;'~k i,g i g ~ Palmer,g 0 0 0 out the nation pertaining to that sport. Spartanburg, S. C. ~~7~1~~~~i,g i i 3 I Most of this has to do with the great July 3- A Special Race, di stance at AT P .ARLEY Tolals \4 5 23 1 Totals 10 8 28 migration of football mentors to what presen t unsettled. SCORE BY INNlNGS appear to them to be greener pastures. The SpeC ial race, sc heduled for June ~~~~~\~i!l.~n . "::: .:-c: :: ::" 11 ~ g I~=~~ ELKTON CON(;RETE CO. Fortunately for Delaware, the Blue 12. will be an open race open to any NEWARK I BROWN Hen institution is not involved. as the member of the v.:,ilmington Homing ThIrty-three Newark HI gh School Fero.f t?~ . POINeyers f ~ . ~ Pg PHONE, ELKTON 437 ;tble. effective and usuall y sil ent Mur­ P Igeon Club. -:he SpeC ial race sched- students Joined WIth pupIl delegatIOns Gregg ,f 4 1 9 Bukow ~ kl ,f 1 11 ray rounds out his eighth year here ulcd fur June ", wJll be the second an- I flOm a fi ve-state I)rea In staging the Murph~,f 1 4 6 Keeley,f 0 0 Elkton .:- Maryland and prepares for his n inth. nual contest for the "Secretary's Tro- model RepublIcan N.l l1 onal Conven- ~~~~;·'I ~ ~ 'I~ .C ~ g Ig ~~~~~~ Cg ~ : One of the first grid coaching phy." tlon last week at Temple University. iO~ lll} ,g ci g Il Robells: 4 10 j changes became k nown when HOWIe Mrs. Bessie ~i il er , of 129 East Dela- The Newark group represented the MO~I\i~ ,g 0 4 ~ ~r:~ t;~ll1,g ~ Ig I i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Odell, fo rmer Pitt star and Yale men­ ware Avenue, :ewark, \~as the wlOner state of ~is s ouri. Totals 13 14;W/ Totals ------tor since 1942, sign d a contract to of the drawlO" held dUllOg the meet- FOl!OW111g an opening rall y, the COll- SCORE BY PERIODS 19 15 53 coach the Huskies of the University of mg. vention broke up into sub-committee Newark ...... 7 16 9 8-40 C lothe a lone can'1. make Washington. The spot at New Haven A social gathering follo\ ed the busi- meetings, where provisions ef the plat- Brown . . 9 11 16 17-53 you a s ucce . s-but still remains vacant after General the Eisenhower himself. soon to become n e~~ :e~~~~1. meeting is scheduled for ~~:~ a~:~ b~o:'~ ~~n~~~e~a;~rh~~t~ cgoe~~ James Jlllian I s \vl'on~ clothes can certainly president of Columbia University, re­ March 19, time and place to be an- mittee reports. Bl"idge COull'aelOt' make you a failu re. ee to portedly talked , for eighteen nounced. Nominations for president were A recent nrticle in the neWG - it that your app arance is years the Foghorn of Baker Field, out heard at the afternoon session. and on paper regarding the construction of a of accepting an attractive Yale offer. the thi rd ballot Harold E. Stassen was temporary, prefabricataed bridge over a n asset at all time:.;. Let us Down at Annapolis. Naval Academy chosen the G. O. P. nominee, with Whi t Clay Creek, on North Chapel do your dry cl <1ning and officials, after two disasterous years in HEN CAGERS Earl Wa1'1'en his running mate. Street. contained an error. pressing for YOll. wh ich the Middies won only two A total of 1,093 students from Dela- The work is in charge of J ames games, decided to follow Army's lead ware, New Jersey, New York, Mary- Julian, contractors. South DuPont Road, and obtain a civi li an coach. Captain THUMPED BY ~~~~el~ ~~n . penn SY 1V a n i a attended the El mere, and not Julinn Jones, Wi!-' Tom Hamilton was made director of mington. as reported. -e- athletics and hi s football coaching shoes were fill ed by George Sauer. The latter, P C 77 58 Alteralioll a form ·1' Nebraska bacl

~:&~p,onp . :~~ m1 9~= m FRIDA Y NIGHT LEAG E , H~~I~ id' ... .::: ~?? m = 1I 82 :!: :!: OIbom i31 894 770 2395 1I1asolls I A. E. 1'. ':. H B W ete F .', TotJI, Red (Ia) (,,·ok. No.2 126= 413 g ; b~~ca~c r .. ... mm 170- 576 ~"i;' · ~.Y ..... '" ~~ m= :!: ave een al log or ,:, ("",Ia lid . mg~ 183- 441 Howe ll . Sr. . . . . 136 J72 ; ~t= ~gI I G~ :';hou ~" ... 128 107- ':' :1: KJ!r J:l4 153 ] 20- 407 Hill . 132 156 170- 458 Isaacs ...... 95 107- .:. .:. II r\: . 177 95 179- 451 Mo le ...... 157 183 188- 528 S tlllman 128 130- :i: :i: ~I~~~~~~r, . .' mm m = 2m Totals. ~liiio~ (i " c ;'o ss8~~oa8J~ 901-2590 H !l!~(i~~ ~ p ..... 5~J 6~;= 1 23G .;, .'. Totnls f~lli!.:"hh of Pythias Andel'son , . . .. 184 163 188- 535 ------:!: .i. \I Ritch.. . . : ~ ~ m~5~ = ~~~ ~i~~~ ~~~~:~, ...... mm i4S= m :i: G. I. SANDWICH :1: r.,"\vI~~ltnan .... : l~~ m m = ! ~~ ~~:;1~~11 : m 176 m= ~~~ REAL ESTATE :i: GRILL WITH :!:

g~~~~:~:e . 132 142 m= mE':i~ ' ~;lts :: ...... ::: 83S ~~~ ~~g=2~~~ I Colonial Brick.:"1:.:::: WAFFLE GRIDS :".i.,:':,•• Total< Curti- 1',I1;e; ('~I, ~,P~~~ 773- 2276 Tomlla"e . .. Lions C I:~~ 137 146- 44 2 D I .. 126 135 145- 406 D avis 109 132 11 5- 356 we ling .:' .:. P!';.;~ :. m m m=~g~ ~~~~fo 'r d .: : l~~ m m=: ~~ 0 0 f 0 f d P , .:' .:. Cus tcr 144 164 157- 465 Tolals ...... 731 686 663- 2080 est '~esi~:n~ial ~t~ :e~G . a'~ 1:~~"~ :!: G, E, AUTOMATIC :i: 8j,~~clr ... . . : ~~r m ~~1=2g~~ c. W . NeISOJ1E be .n ~ze~ . ~ 1;~:c~ 5 7 200- 505 R ooms, T w o Baths and P owd er :i: QUICK HEATING 'i' Tolal; \I'hi,e CI,,), Creek G . Lomax ...... 133 99 127- 359 Room. Steam H eat by G as, Large :i: WAFFLE IRON :1: ~111~i~rr~); • '. 1' 36: ~~ . 1. ~~1 6 1::: = ~2~9~7 t~~c~ ~ I ;O~': . : : :: : mm m = ~:g Living R oom with Attl'aclice ::1: :i: I ln,lIl Stone Firepla ce a nd Exposed .1, il Murray . ... 146 ~g= ~g~ Totals 'iie'd ' Me~57 655 743-2055 Ceiling , T wo and One-Half Aeres :i: .!. 1 6 40 !;Jl:~: t~.n 'CO' I"ll"'" e: "':1:' :1 :p:gI4al.~t~~ m=2g~ ~Reo·ilb1:s·~0~gn..hert.Y .. .. >1:5: . r33 . ~t4-~ !f~5 ~p~. ~:~~~~ ~:.Si~ro~::s~:~: ~ b~:' ~!~ .-.. ~l~ flees a nd Home. 'i' ,.• Lomax 191 183 136- 510 Miller ...... 121 175 .146- 442 11' WILL PAY YOU TO IN- '.,1,;,' hr,. . n- .:.:!: ~~~~r tsOn : :: :~~ l ~g m= mGT~~ a~ ~herlY .:::::: : ::: 7i~ m~~~2m VES1'IGA1'E TIUS AT $19,500. I .'. G. E. THREE Ironing Boord :i: Beers ... m= Lahman ...... 145 154- 457 :,i: M~~~~h. ' ::. :::::: :: m812 83m4 747-2393 ~~g B . Spenccr Mar YI ~~I.. ,. d~186;~ 168 140- 494 WJleelel' & Grl'er BEATER MIXER ~._ .;,.:. Red ch.v Creek, No. 1 Kerr . . . .. 105 178 150- 433 R EALTORS :i: Drops Into :I: SUrlnger 156 145 177- 478 P e rkins. . . 150 147 193- 490 Plo 400 0 fo d P • AND JUICER i Shakespear 2 11 195 J55- 561 ;, ;;a ;. ;

Made of ! grade, golden cream Your ~udget gets a break!

OUR "riGHT I N THE MORNING IS Most Convenient il size I NOr THE SAl\fE AS AT NIGHT d We ar ta ller in the morning. The b'ses 01 cartilage between the verte- " 'Rockinq:- Chal;' .. rae 01 our backbo n e yield to the preSSure of the weight of our bodies when erect. Consequently. we may be as much as a h alf inch s hort ' t' at the end of the day. Abbotts bulk ice cream Safety and Comfort 1\ lk' "Popular F a llacies."-A. S . E . c ermann. in the convenient, money-saving half­ Transit eervlce h88 much to oller you _ .,... venience, comlort and safety. gallon container. ~''''''';~':':~::::'''''''l Did you know that traub ill tbe ..f.. fora .. public transportation In the world? You are .. Cet YfJllfS tfJdtlyl tale here a. YOD are I. 0WIl home. At a matter of fact it'. quite Ukely that Ir.... h .. Ideal oize for parties, eerve you better, with IJrealer eomlort _ eGa. I venlence than any other mea... or eIty tr.... Get the habit of ...1-. tr..... eerriee Fits easily into freez­ "'~;:~~~:~:MOD. Tbru Fri.~ portatlo~. i regularly. ing cabinets or freezing L...... ••• .. •.. i compartment. of neW refrigera tors. You can serve part, and store remainder in refrig­ CWI CIMMN! erator trays. ="W~.""'Qjw~ rAsr, fH' DI"fltfNCI Eight The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, March 4, 1948 ----- s NHS Workshop I NBS Jonrnali t Hour I Lecturer At Univer ity I' LOCAL AAUW (Continued from P age 1) E-52 PLAY Smart Housewives S" y: qu,llities: oral language background, The Newark High School journalism sight word vocabulary, phonetics and Iclass attended the University Hour at TO BE HOST thoughiful rending. Methods for teach­ OPENS 2-DAY 1itchell HaU, University of Delaware, "A It: • lUPER-RIGHT IIlg th se were demonstrated at a !'e­ last Thursday find heard Alexander Janta, noted Poish writer, speak on cent session. , CI.OSE-TRIMMED MEATS FOR STATE'S P eriodically outside speak rs are in­ RUN TONITE "America's Stake in Europe." vi ted to address the workshop groups. !\II'. J anta, the first allied war cor­ lAVE THEM MONEY" Recently. Dr. Cathf'ri ne Geary, assistant respondent to be taken prisoner in 'mort housowi.", lib Ihe dependabl. qualily of Ar.P Sup er-Righi meoft PARLEY I-IERE superintendent of schools at Chester, Dr. C. Day To Germany, compared American and •• _ and Iheir Ihrifly prie •• • _ • and 01 eou"••• e,ybcxly goe, lor Ih .ir II Russian approaches to European prob­ P a., and director of the elementary lender, juicy gocxlne ..1 You don'l have 10 fHlY lor exee .. i.e wa,l ••m" , workshop there, spoke to local teach­ Be Narrator lems. He has traveled widely in China, Ihana 10 our C/olt-Trimmed mt


MARVEL BREAD " ' 01 hoI 14c: 2(-01 Lool 19c HOT CROSS BUNS JANI PAlm ,l, .,,25c: RED CIRCLE COFFEl 1-" •., 45c J-Ih ... $1.24 lORDEN'S CHATEAU CHilli POOl Z I. hoI 9ge PERFECT STRIKE CHUM SALMON ',,"01 SAVER KRAVI' 27-01 SUNNYFIELD ENRICHED FAMILY OR PASTRY 10-/b FI.OUR bog PRIORITY GRATED LIGHT MEAT TUNA FISa IT'S RED CROSS TIME - GIVEI 1948 RED CROSS FUND + Ii.t• Entry :Ilona at Y""r A.' R.L. TAYLOR for Curr.n' Con'.If. 49 West Park Place PLUMBING AND HEATING OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE I,'c •••".(flu n"",clar. ' d-l • ., .,,1 TELEPHONE 2388 _,~., _ Mo"..... SI. _ d 6I~ Corner MaiD and Haines Streets