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ISHM: AUGUST 26 – SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 September 1, 2016 EPIC Security and Humanitarian Monitor, Monitoring the Crisis

Key Takeaways:

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and Human Rights Watch expressed deep concern this week over a growing number of reports that some Popular Mobilization Units (PMUs) are actively recruiting children from displacement camps to join them in fighting ISIS militants in and around . According to one report, on August 14, two trucks entered the extremely overcrowded Debaga Camp in Erbil Province and recruited at least seven young boys under the age of 18. Also this week, the Salah ad-Din Provincial Council voted to deport families of ISIS members living in the province and seize their belongings, but provided no information on where those families would go. The vote followed an announcement by the UNHCR that at least 5,000 individuals have been newly displaced over the past week from Sharqat in Salah ad-Din and nearby Qayyarah, bringing the total displaced from that area to 83,000 since June. Sharqat and Qayyarah have seen heavy fighting in recent weeks as they are strategically important to Iraqi security forces advancing to retake Mosul. August saw an uptick in the number of suicide bombings and attacks across Iraq as the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) reports that 473 civilians were killed and another 813 injured. Baghdad was the site of the heaviest number of casualties according to the report. A terrorism expert and judge for Baghdad’s Criminal Court who preferred to remain anonymous, warned that ISIS militants are residing on the outskirts of Baghdad and pose a serious security risk to the Iraqi capital. On August 29, five suicide bombers attacked a wedding in Karbala Province, killing 15 and injuring 16 and on August 26, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives inside of a displacement camp in Makhmur, 33 kilometers west of Qayyarah, killing two. (For a complete list of IED attacks and casualties, see the map at the end of this full report.) Following the clearing of ISIS militants from Qayyarah last week by Iraqi Security Forces, retreating militants set fire to 12 oil wells in the area, creating a precarious environmental and public health hazard. 10 of the 12 fires have been extinguished. Economic and security expert Biwar Khansa reported that oil wells in Qayyarah produce as much as 20,000 barrels every day and will be a devastating loss for ISIS now that they are no longer in control of the area. Meanwhile, Iraqi Security Forces, the Iraqi Kurdish , and the U.S.-led international coalition continued to clear ISIS from several areas in Anbar Province and other points surrounding Mosul. On August 25, Iraq’s Members of Parliament questioned Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari over allegations of corruption and mismanagement and voted to reject the Minister’s testimony by an overwhelming majority on August 27. Although a vote of ‘no confidence’ has not been suggested, President of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) allegedly assured Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi that Zebari had the support of Kurdish Members of Parliament and he would not be ousted. Concern over a lack of decorum during the Finance Minister’s testimony led Speaker of Parliament Salim al-Jabouri to form a committee to focus on issues of Parliament Member behavior and conduct. The Parliament voted to make its next session confidential, and is scheduled to take place on September 6. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abadi is continuing to review candidates for Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior, following last week’s ouster of Defense Minister Khaled al- Obeidi and the resignation of the Interior Minister in July. The Anbar Provincial Council voted 19 to 30 to oust Anbar Governor Suhaib al-Rawi over allegations of administrative and financial “violations.” The council voted in July to oust the Governor, but the decision was overturned by an administrative court because al-Rawi was never present for questioning. Al-Rawi also did not attend sessions to which he was summoned for questioning on August 28 or 29. Also this week, the Salah ad-Din Provincial Council ousted its Deputy Governor, Ismail al- Holob, after an investigation into allegations of administrative mismanagement.

Concern Over PMU Recruitment in Camps as Provincial Governments Decide What to Do Next

On August 26, 325 families completed security screenings by security authorities to identify potential Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) militants and are set to return to the city of Jalawla in the Diyala Province next week. The location of the returnees’ temporary refuge outside of the city was not reported.

On August, 27, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that the sponsorship program that allows internally displaced people (IDPs) to be sponsored in a province other than their own is back in effect after some changes. IDPs will now be sponsored in groups, allowing families and small communities to relocate together. This has eased some of the pressure on the overcrowded Debaga Camp in the Erbil Province, as people continue to relocate to the Kirkuk Province.

On August 27, the UNHCR reported that 83,000 people have been displaced from the Sharqat and Qayyarah areas since June 2016. The number is a 5,000 jump up from the 78,000 reported last week on August 23.

On August 27, the Ministry of Migration and Displacement allocated five billion Iraqi Dinars (approximately US$ 4.3 million) to build new camps to accommodate people displaced from Hawija, 45 kilometers west of Kirkuk, and regions in the south and west of the Kirkuk Province. This announcement came after a meeting between the Undersecretary of the Ministry Jassim al-Attiyah and Governor of Kirkuk Najm ad-Din Karim. Karim revealed that the Kirkuk Province has received 600,000 displaced people and a total of just eight billion Iraqi Dinars (approximately US$ 6.9 million) in financial support since June 2014.

On August 28, the Information Office of the Prime Minister announced that 25,000 shelter units will be erected to aid people displaced in the Ninewa Province ahead of military operations to clear the city of Mosul of ISIS militants. Ten billion Iraqi Dinars (approximately US$ 8.6 million) will go to addressing the shelter and humanitarian needs of those displaced in Ninewa and five billion Iraqi Dinars (approximately US$ 4.3 million) will be allocated to the rehabilitation of the town of Sinjar in the Ninewa Province.

On August 29, Director of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Iraq, Caroline Abu Saada, warned that the “enormous and urgent” humanitarian crisis in the Salah ad-Din Province is only getting worse. Abu Saada explained that although IDPs continue to relocate to “safer” areas, authorities and organizations are having difficulty securing decent living conditions for the mass number of those displaced. According to Abu Saada, dehydration and shock are major health concerns, along with respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, skin diseases, and musculoskeletal disorders. MSF is planning on scaling up their primary and secondary health programs and, most importantly, improving access to clean water.

On August 29, Peshmerga forces received 800 people, mainly women, children, and elderly, who were displaced from Hawija. An anonymous source confirmed that they were provided with relief and taken to a local office in the Kirkuk Province to be registered and transferred to a displacement camp.

On August 29, a fire broke out at the Yahyawa displacement camp in the Kirkuk Province and destroyed 17 tents, but did not result in any casualties. The Department of Migration and Displacement in Kirkuk confirmed the incident and said an investigation into the causes of the fire will be opened. The Yahyawa Camp houses 650 families, mainly from the Turkmen population displaced from Tal Afar, 63 kilometers west of Mosul.

On August 30, Governor of Kirkuk Najm ad-Din Karim argued that regardless of the quantity of services and supplies available for relief, the humanitarian situation for displaced people remains dire in the Kirkuk Province. He stated that the most ideal solution is for IDPs to return to their areas of origin once their communities are cleared of ISIS militants. These comments were made as Karim visited the Yahyawa displacement camp where a fire broke out the day before.

On August 30, the Salah ad-Din Provincial Council voted to deport families of ISIS members and seize their belongings. Head of the Security Committee of the Council, Jasim Jabara, explained that the council met with various security leaders and decided that a select number of families would be deported for a period of 10 years and that the decision will be reviewed every six months.

On August 30, Human Rights Watch reported that Popular Mobilization Units (PMUs) are recruiting boys and men from displacement camps to fight ISIS militants, mainly in the Mosul area. Witnesses told HRW that on August 14, two large trucks came into the Debaga Camp in the Erbil Province and recruited 250 men and at least seven young boys under the age of 18 to join their ranks and fight against ISIS.

On August 31, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) published a press release expressing deep concern over growing reports of the recruitment of children by the PMUs to fight ISIS ahead of the Mosul Operation. Lisa Grande, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq for OCHA, called the reports “completely unacceptable.”

On August 31, the Ministry of Migration and Displacement, along with the World Food Program (WFP) and local NGOs, distributed food relief to 5,054 families in al-Musayib and al-Muhawil, 25-30 kilometers north of Babel City, and in Hillah and Hashimi, 30 kilometers south of the city.

On August 31, 5,000 displaced families returned to their homes in Rutba, 317 kilometers west of Ramadi. Mayor of Rutba, Imad al-Dayimi, said that the returns so far account for around 63% of the district’s original population before the town came under control of ISIS. Security forces are continuing to check the identities of returnees and the district’s administration has been taking necessary measures to restore basic services like electricity and water.

On September 1, Member of the Anbar Provincial Council, Mohammad Yasin, announced the return of 50 families back to the city of Saqlawiyah, 10 kilometers northwest of Fallujah. Yasin explained that that after passing security screenings, families were relocated from one of the camps in Amiriyat al-Fallujah to Saqlawiyah with the help of local authorities and the Ministry of Migration and Displacement.

On September 1, Mayor of Garma, Ahmed al-Dulaimi, says his administration halted the return of displaced families who were set to return to the city next week. Al-Dulaimi explained that security measures still have to take place before returns can be accelerated, including the admittance of ISF forces to the city. He added that a new transit camp has been opened near a highway, southeast of Fallujah, to facilitate the transfer of returnees back to Garma. 50 families were transferred to the center according to Chairman of the Anbar Provincial Council, Sabah Karhot.

On September 1, Member of the Anbar Provincial Council, Barakat al-Issawi, announced the return of 60 families to the city of Garma. Al-Issawi explained that more people from Garma and Saqlawiyah will be returning to their original homes from displacement camps in the Anbar and Baghdad Provinces with the help of service departments and security forces.

On September 1, Speaker of Parliament, Salim al-Jabouri, called on the international community to aid and mitigate the humanitarian crisis that has displaced millions of people already. Al-Jabouri’s comments came during a summit on solidarity between international parliaments in Ankara, Turkey.

August Sees Uptick in Attacks, Suicide Bombings

On August 26, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives inside of a displacement camp in Makhmur, 33 kilometers west of Qayyarah, killing two displaced people and injuring two others. Member of the Ninewa Provincial Council, Hassan al-Shahabi, confirmed that one bomber detonated himself and a second was killed by security forces.

On August 29, Governor of Basra Sabah al-Bazona allocated 350 million Iraqi Dinars (approximately US$ 300,000) to rehabilitate a road linking major cities, dubbed the, “highway of death.” Al-Bazona accused the central government of trying to evade responsibility and financial support for the project. On August 29, five suicide bombers attacked a wedding in Ain al-Tamur, 171 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, in the Karbala Province killing 15 people and injuring 16. Two of the attackers detonated their explosives and three others were killed by security forces. According to the Al Sumaria news outlet, Karbala is one of the safest provinces and officers there are trained to be prepared for emergencies such as this.

On August 31, a terrorism specialist and judge for Baghdad’s Central Criminal Court who preferred to remain anonymous warned that ISIS militants are residing in the outskirts of Baghdad and are posing a serious security risk to the Iraqi capital. He explained that these inconspicuous areas do not have heavy military presence, contain lots of vegetation, and allow militants to train recruits while remaining undetected. A judge from a District Court in the area supported the claim and added that the military and security forces are preoccupied with military operations instead of securing the areas around the capital and finding the source of the militants. The source added that the District Court compiled information in these areas during Ramadan of last year and led to the identification and elimination of 12 suicide bombers.

On August 31, an anonymous source in the Kirkuk Province claimed that Abu Hafs al-Baghdadi, a top tier leader of ISIS charged with orchestrating many suicide bombings (not to be confused with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), was killed during a U.S.-led international coalition airstrike in Hawija.

On September 1, Head of the Hit District Council, Mohammad al-Hiti, declared a curfew in the district in anticipation of increased terrorist attacks against civilians. The curfew was accompanied by increased security measures and forces to protect civilians.

On September 1, the United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) reported that 473 civilians were killed and 813 people were injured in the month of August 2016. UNAMI condemned the large number of bombings in central Baghdad in the last few days and revealed that Baghdad witnessed the highest number of casualties in Iraq in August.

ISIS Sets Oil Fires in Qayyarah as Operations in Anbar and Ninewa Continue

On August 28, an anonymous security source revealed that two ISIS militants were killed and two others injured by Peshmerga forces while trying to flee from Hawija, 45 kilometers west of Kirkuk City. Security forces have been searching agricultural fields and neighboring villages for ISIS militants.

On August 28, Chairman of the Municipal Council of Khalidiyah, Ali Dawood, confirmed the killing of 800 ISIS militants in the city since the start of the military operation in July 2016. Secretary General of the Badr political bloc, Hadi al-Ameri, stated that the number is actually closer to 1,000 individuals.

On August 28, an economic and security expert in Kurdistan, Biwar Khansa, explained that the successful military operation in Qayyarah was a major blow to ISIS. The city is able to produce 20,000 barrels of oil every day and served as one of the biggest sources of oil for the militant group.

On August 28, the Abbas Forces, a Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU), expressed their intent to aid in the Mosul Operation, particularly to clear ISIS militants from Tal Afar, 62 kilometers west of Mosul, because many of their members are originally from the town. Supervisor of the Abbas Forces, Maitham al-Zaidi, explained that his forces have already fought alongside Peshmerga Forces to clear the village of al-Bashir and that the Peshmerga Forces expressed their desire to continue fighting with the PMU. Al-Zaidi continued that the Abbas Forces have a proven track record of working with Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Peshmerga Forces in accordance with the Iraqi military framework. Concern over the involvement of certain PMUs in military operations stems from allegations that some members may have abused and summarily executed innocent civilians they suspected of being ISIS sympathizers.

On August 28, the Special Command Forces in Salah ad-Din Province discovered 30 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) left behind by ISIS militants in the small town of Tulul al-Bah, 20 kilometers southwest of Sharqat.

On August 29, Ninewa Police Chief, Arkan al-Hamdani, confirmed the existence of a major oil spill in Qayyarah after ISIS militants exploded or set fire to 12 oil wells before they fled the city last week. Although many fear that the spill will cause an environmental disaster if it reaches the Tigris river, al-Hamadani promised that the spill is under control and will be dealt with by security forces and authorities.

On August 29, an anonymous security source revealed that ISF killed five ISIS militants in Albu Thiyab in the northern part of Ramadi and deterred them from reaching the city center.

On August 29, the Ministry of Electricity confirmed that ISIS militants destroyed 80 electricity towers in Anbar, severely impeding the effort to restore electricity areas east of Ramadi. Director General of a local energy company, Khaled Attiya, explained that IEDs were planted and that many towers are not easy accessible by maintenance teams.

On August 29, British newspaper the Daily Telegraph reported that Britain is preparing to send a warship to Iraq to aid in the fight against ISIS. The Telegraph quoted British Defense Minister Michael Fallon as saying that the destroyer will be deployed to protect U.S. carriers used in anti-ISIS operations.

On August 29, Australian Colonel Andrew Lowe predicted that the ISF will begin efforts to clear the city of Mosul of ISIS militants at the end of this year and could potentially clear the city in less than a year afterward. Lowe said his optimism is shared by U.S. and Iraqi officials.

On August 30, U.S. General Joseph Votel who oversees military operations in the Middle East affirmed Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s intention to cease control of Mosul from ISIS militants by the end of this year and stated that the U.S. is ready to help Iraq achieve this military goal. Votel expects ISIS militants to cede some areas of Mosul, while firmly holding on to other parts of the city.

On August 30, medical directors in Basra confirmed the admittance of 11 PMU members to the Basra General Hospital after exposure to poison gas. Seven members have recovered and four others are undergoing treatment. Doctors are still unsure as to what type of gas the members were subjected to or where and how they were exposed.

On August 30, a U.S.-led international coalition airstrike killed four ISIS militants and destroyed a rocket launcher in the area of Albu Ali Jassim, 15 kilometers northeast of Ramadi. Commander of Anbar Operations, Ismail Mahlawi, confirmed the airstrike and explained that the next few days are crucial to clearing areas near Ramadi of ISIS hideouts and weapons stockpiles.

On August 30, Head of the Security Committee in Khalidiya District, Ibrahim Fadhawi, announced the formation of the first Board of Tribal Fighters in the Anbar Province to unite the various tribes, comprised of 5,000 fighters, under one unified umbrella. The non-partisan board will assign duties to various tribes to maintain security, eliminate sleeper cells, and deter the re-emergence of ISIS in the Anbar Province. On August 31, an Iraqi Air Force airstrike destroyed ISIS headquarters and media center in the city of al-Qa’im, just across from the Syrian border in the western part of the Anbar Province. An anonymous security source reported full destruction of the targets and an unknown number of deaths.

On August 31, Australian military personnel completed the training of 8,500 Iraqi soldiers in explosives dismantling since May 2015 at Camp Taji, north of Baghdad.

On August 31, an anonymous security source revealed that two ISIS militants surrendered to Peshmerga Forces in the village of Rashad, 43 kilometers southwest of Kirkuk City. The source explained that the militant group is in turmoil after experiencing military losses and increasing defections.

On August 31, citizens of Qayyarah are reporting an environmental crisis after oil wells were exploded or set on fire by ISIS militants as they left the city. Many reported thick smoke filling the streets and worried about people contracting respiratory diseases. An employee of the North Oil Company, Mahmoud Atiya, confirmed that the Ministry of Oil has already put out fires in 10 of the 12 burning oil wells.

On September 1, a U.S.-led international coalition airstrike killed ten ISIS militants in the city of Hit, 70 kilometers west of Ramadi, according to Major General, Qassim al- Mohamadi.

On September 1, the United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) reported that 218 members of the ISF were killed in the month of August and 203 were injured (including Peshmerga Forces and others fighting with the ISF, excluding Anbar Operations).

Parliament Rejects Minister of Finance’s Testimony as Kurdish MPs Show Support

On August 26, Iraqi Shia Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr issued an ultimatum to the executive branch, giving the Prime Minister 45 days to nominate “worthy technocrats” to the vacant positions of Minister of Interior and Minister of Defense. Al-Sadr threatened to have Members of Parliament from the Sadr political party boycott Parliament sessions if the positions are not filled with worthy candidates.

On August 27, a source in Parliament reported that Member of Parliament Haitham al-Jabouri, the Reform Front bloc member who insisted on interrogating the Minister of Finance, Hoshyar Zebari, over allegations of corruption, publicly argued with members from the Kurdish Alliance political bloc over his request for a vote to reject the Minister of Finance’s testimony given on August 25. Kurdish political parties have vowed to prevent the dismissal of the minister.

On August 27, the Iraqi Parliament voted to reject the testimony of Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari during the 15th Parliamentary session of this legislative term. The session was attended by 192 members of Parliament and an anonymous source in Parliament confirmed that the rejection of his testimony was passed with an overwhelming majority. The minister was questioned in Parliament on August 25 for allegations of corruption and mismanagement.

On August 27, Member of Parliament and member of the State of Law Coalition, Ali al-Fayed, revealed that the vote on the Minister of Finance’s testimony was not neutral and was solely based on political motives. Al-Fayed stood behind Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari, stating that he succeeded in his management of the ministry in a time of strained financial circumstances. Al-Fayed praised the minister’s ability to negotiate with the World Bank and secure loans to pay the salaries of state employees.

On August 27, former Member of Parliament Fattah al-Sheikh, publicly nominated himself as an independent candidate for the open Minister of Interior seat, citing Article 20 of the constitution which allows any individual to nominate themselves to political positions.

On August 27, an anonymous source close to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi claimed that the Prime Minister is currently in the process of deciding between four candidates for the Minister of Defense position after Parliament voted to oust Khaled al-Obeidi from the position last week. The most likely candidate, according to the source, currently sits on the Anbar Provincial Council.

On August 28, member of the United Coalition political bloc and Member of Parliament Khaled al-Mafraji announced that he will not vote to dismiss the Minister of Finance (if that vote is to take place) and that the vote against his testimony was unprofessional. Al-Mafraji claimed that the presence of the current minister, Hoshyar Zebari, is crucial to the smooth performance of the federal government and expressed concerns over questioning the heads of ministries over corruption instead of investigating lower level politicians.

On August 28, the United Coalition political bloc submitted an appeal to the Federal Court to reject Parliament’s vote of no confidence of ousted Defense Minister Khaled al- Obeidi, claiming that the vote was unconstitutional. Spokesperson for the United Coalition, Khaled al-Mafraji, revealed that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi intends to keep the recently ousted Minister of Defense in charge of a defense agency until operations to clear Mosul of ISIS militants is completed.

On August 28, a source in Parliament revealed that Speaker of Parliament Salim al-Jabouri met with the leaders of the political parties to discuss the creation of a new committee to focus on parliamentary behavior and conduct. This comes as many political blocs and parliamentary members communicated their disapproval over the decorum displayed during the questioning of the Minister of Finance on allegations of corruption earlier in the week.

On August 29, the Iraqi Parliament voted to make their sixteenth session confidential, according to an anonymous source in Parliament. Speaker of Parliament, Salim al- Jabouri, announced that this session will take place on Tuesday, September 6.

On August 29, the Alliance of Iraqi Forces political bloc stated that the parliamentary vote on the Minister of Finance’s testimony was rife with tension that was not “healthy or sound” and did not create an objective or professional atmosphere for the voting procedure.

On August 29, Member of Parliament Salim Shoshoki of the Kurdistan Islamic Party, said that President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Masoud Barzani, is set to meet with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to ensure that Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari is not dismissed from his position. According to Shoshoki, the minister is a veteran member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Kurdish Members of Parliament will do what they can to prevent his dismissal.

On August 30, member of the Coalition of Iraqi Forces political bloc and Member of Parliament Zeiton al-Dulaimi suggested that a secret ballot be used for the vote to dismiss Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari. He added that regardless of individual motives or political allegiances, the Iraqi Parliament is committed to keeping people accountable.

On September 1, Chairman of the Integrity Committee Talal Zobaie announced the formation of a fact-finding committee to investigate the statements made by Minister of Finance, Hoshyar Zebari, during his public questioning on August 25. On September 1, spokesperson for the Supreme Judicial Council, Abdul Sattar Beyrkadar, formally asked Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebar to reveal the name of the person who transferred US$ 6.5 billion to Beyrkadar’s personal bank account after Zebari made the claim on national television. This came a day after Member of Parliament Alia Nassif asked Zebari to reveal the name of the sender, suggesting that the sender was a Kurdish authority, and accused the United States for interfering in the domestic questioning of ministers.

On September 1, Member of Parliament Tariq Sadiq of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan confirmed that his party has met with other political blocs and members to reach an understanding about the dismissal of Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari. Sadiq said they have yet to meet with the Coalition of Iraqi Forces and the Reform Front political blocs but hope to resolve the issue in a way other than a vote of no confidence.

Anbar Governor Officially? Ousted

On August 28, Chairman of the Anbar Provincial Council, Sabah Karhot, confirmed that the Council held a session to question Governor of Anbar, Suhaib al-Rawi about potential administrative and financial violations in the presence of the majority of the council members. Al-Rawi was already questioned in absentia and voted out on July 28, but appealed the decision because he was in the hospital being treated for an illness. Al-Mada Press reported that al-Rawi did not attend the questioning planned for August 28 in Khalidiyah and that the session was postponed to August 29 in Ramadi.

On August 28, 10 out of 30 members of the Anbar Provincial Council requested to question the Chairman of the Council, Sabah Karhot, over allegations of financial corruption, administrative issues, and mismanagement of public funds. Member of the Council, Barakat al-Issawi, confirmed the request to question Karhot during the council’s session in Khalidiyah.

On August 29, the Anbar Provincial Council voted to dismiss the Governor of Anbar, Suhaib al-Rawi. Member of the Council, Arkan Tirmoz, confirmed that 19 of 30 members voted to dismiss the governor from office. Al-Rawi failed to attend the session.

On August 30, the Salah ad-Din Provincial Council voted to dismiss the Deputy Governor, Ismail al-Holob, after an investigation into allegations of administrative mismanagement of the education and health sectors and his own office.

Show 10 entries Search:


09/01/16 Nahrawan, Eastern Baghdad 2 5

09/01/16 al-Dora, Southern Baghdad 1 7

09/01/16 al-Jihad, Southwest Baghdad 2 4

08/31/16 al-Biyah, Southwest Baghdad 1 8

08/31/16 al-Adil, Western Baghdad 1 1

08/31/16 al-Zaafariniyah, Southeast Baghdad 1 0

08/31/16 al-Nasr w al-Salam, Abu Ghraib 2 6

08/31/16 Central Baghdad 1 7

08/30/16 Sadr City, Northeast Baghdad 0 3

08/30/16 Sabaa al-Bour, Northeast Baghdad 2 9

Showing 1 to 10 of 38 entries  Previous Next 

IED Killed 2, Wounded 4

IED Killed 1, Wounded 7

IED Killed 2, Wounded 9

IED Killed 2, Wounded 7

IED Killed 2, Wounded 8

IED Killed 1, Wounded 7

IED Killed 2, Wounded 9

IED Killed 2, Wounded 2

IED Killed 1

IED/Armed Attack Killed …

IED Killed 1, Wounded 7

IED Killed 2, Wounded 9

IED Killed 2, Wounded 6

Armed Attack Killed 4

IED Killed 2, Wounded 6

IED Killed 1, Wounded 9

IED Killed 2, Wounded 4

IED Killed 1

IED Killed 3, Injured 11

IED Killed 2, Wounded 10 Map data ©2016 G1o0o0 gklme, Mapa GISrael, ORION-ME IED September 1, 2016 IED September 1, 2016 © Scribble Maps

Please note: some geographic locations represented are approximations and this map may not represent all incidents.

Derived from firsthand accounts and Iraq-based Arabic and Kurdish news sources, the Iraq Security and Humanitarian Monitor is a free publication of the Education for Peace in Iraq Center. ISHM’s research methodology was developed by EPIC’s Senior Visiting Fellow Ahmed Ali. EPIC intern Hana El-Gamal was responsible for compiling this edition’s content.

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