Febru.ary 2000

'W"inter Cove Provincial Park

Permit SV97 10081

Satu.rna Island Ecological Reserve

Permit SV970082

Pam Janszen P.O. Box 34 Saturna Island. British Colunbia VON 2YO Phone: (250) 539-5150 Fax: (250) 539-3267 -----

- I .:v~ . IIllka ! . \~-'-' .- Introduction ...... Page 2

General Observations ...... ,., ...... , ...... Page 2 i Occurrence Ratings ...... Page 3

Fungal Inventory ...... Page 6

Future Research ...... Page 7

Other Observations ...... Page 8

Occurrence Data ...... Page 9

Winter Cove Park Annotated Inventory ...... Page 23

Ecological Reserve Annotated Inventory ...... Page 30

Appendix A - Reference Material ...... Page 42

Appendix B - Chemical Reagents ...... Page 45

Appendix C - Vascular Plants ...... Page 46

Appendix D - Birds ...... Page 47

Appendix E - Ecological Reserve fungi listed by genus ...... Page 50

Appendix F - Winter Cove Park fungi listed by genus ...... Page 55

Appendix G - Field Checklists ...... Page 59

Appendix H- Slide Show Handout ...... Page 63

Appendix I - Maps ...... Page 67

-I·· - I I~n Two and one half years have passed since I received my first park use permits to study the fungi of Saturna Island in Ecological Reserve # 15 and Winter Cove Park. During that time I made 65 trips into the Reserve and collected and identified 281 species of fungi. I also made 45 trips into the Park where I collected and identified 169 species of fungi. This document inventories those species found from February 20m, 1999 to February 1~, 2000. Annotated records for the previous years may be found in the annual reports of November 1997 and February 1999. The appendices of this report contalos separate lists of all species collected in the Reserve and in the Park. Now, in addition to my usual inventory work, I also record the occurrence of each species of fungi encountered. Using a checklist of previously collected fungi, I note each known species seen per trip. Sample checklists for the Park and the Reserve are included in the appendices. Using information from these checklists, I have compiled preliminary data regarding the abundance and season of those fungi collected thus far. This report is the first to contalo that data. Each year I have increased the areas I study in both the Park and the Reserve. This year I collected in the Southeast corner of Winter Cove Park where it parallels East Point Road, an area outside that normally used by visitors. In the Reserve, I added a new trail through Polygon 7 and extended trails 2, 3, & 5. These sites are all shown on the maps in the appendices of this report.

G~ ~116 While the trips were similar in number to those recorded in last year's report, the number of new species encountered this year is significantly lower. I believe this reflects the fact that I have now collected many of the more abundant and! or easier to identify fungi. Those that remalo may be difficult to identify and may have


- I been seen but not identified, many times. They may be rare or they may fruit only after a particular set of circumstances occur, i.e. the perfect weather pattern. For example, this year two of the three genera in the Family Agaricaceae, Cystoderma and Lepiota, were fruiting far in excess of their usual numbers. There was an abundance of the all known species, they were fruiting in areas I had not seen them before and the fruiting bodies were generally much larger than usual. There were also species of Lepiota I have not previously encountered on Saturna Island. In the appendices you will fmd a handout from the slide for the Friends of Ecological Reserves ordering the fungi of the Reserve by Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. I know that some species are very under represented in my inventory work. Species of the genus Cortinarius are far more prevalent than is indicated by my species list. Cortinarius contains many species that are very similar in nature and it is also poorly represented in most reference material. In her article in Mcllvainea, published by the North American Mycological Association, L. L. Norvell reviews "Studies in North American Cortinarii V. New and interesting Phlegmacia from Wyoming and the Pacific Northwest" by M.M. Moser and J.F. Ammirati. She begins by asking: "Have you ever wondered why species in the genus Cortinarius, one of the most abundant mushroom genera - and a big showy one at that - are so difficult to identify? Why so many mushroom experts shy away from identifying your fmds?" She goes on to answer: "The truth of the matter is that the genus is not well studied in North America, where species outnumber specialists a thousand to one. Alas, there are still many North American species yet to be named, and even where species are well known, field differences between them can be very subtle." This fall I attended a slide show and workshop given by Dr. Ammirati, the leading Cortinarius expert in North America, and was heartened by the number of undescribed species he presented. No wonder they cause me trouble! The genus Inocybe presents similar problems except it has no large showy species. The fungal equivalent to the birdwatcher's "little brown bird", it is a genus of "little brown mushrooms".

Other genera have different qualities that destine them to be identified last after a days outing, and therefore, sometimes not at all. Keying out a Russula, for example, always requires tasting the cap and gills which are usually have a considerable spring tall and maggot population. They regularly are last on my "to be identified" list.

Also under represented in this inventory are some of the more obscure types of fungi including those commonly known as "crusts". My ability to identify this kind of fungi has been enhanced by the addition of The Fungi of Switzerland Volume 1 & 2, to my library. I have also been fortunate in establishing a working relationship with Mr. Jim Ginns who leads Canada in the study of such fungi and who has volunteered will help me with some of the more obscure specimens.

~ Rati1tg6 Even though it is very early in a long term study to look for trends or draw conclusions, it is interesting to look at the early data. The following data is based on the checklists mentioned in the Introduction and on field notes made prior to my using checklists. Because my data has been gathered in a relatively short time I expect some ratings will change over time. Those ratings are noted with an asterisk and may be affected by a variety of circumstances. It may be a that is relatively difficult to identify or one that is not often encountered because it develops undergrounds or perhaps it is one whose identification involves a taste test.

The months noted in this data are those in which the fungi were found. This is relatively

-3- - I straight forward for fungi with short lived fruiting bodies. However, some fungi, such as some polypores and crusts are perennials and are present year round. Still others, such as puffballs and annual polypores, have fruiting bodies that can remain long after the fungus has shed its spores. It is difficult to put an exact month to the sightings these fungi as they may be seen year round. Dates given for such fungi reflect the months they were noticed to be actively growing and are shown in italics.

The numbers in this data correspond to the number of outings on which the fungus was sighted. The first number is for outings in the Ecological Reserve. The number followed by a slash, /, is for outings in Winter Cove Park. This data is based on 65 trips into the ecological reserve and 45 trips to Winter Cove Park. Once again, these numbers become difficult to assign to the polypores and crusts. The perennial fungi are aSSigned the designation YR (Year Round), as are those annuals whose fruiting bodies are long lasting. This data will become more meaningful as this study progresses and more data is gathered and the processes are refined.

The peJte.lmial poi.ypcYte., GanotkJtma, appiamJ.t:wn" J uA.y 1999

Whether a fungus is A - abundant, C - common, U .. uncommon or R - rare, is noted to the right of the outings for each listing. The guidelines for this connotation are taken from Ian Gibbson's CHECKLIST FOR LARGER FUNGI ON VANCOUVER ISLAND.


- I The oame GanotWuna appplanatumo al,Wr, one ylUVl.'O g'tOWth, Auguot 1999

Those ratings are as follows: A Abundant: identified on the majority of outings to suitable habitat at the best time of year in the best weather conditions C Common: identified virtually every year but not on the majority of outings U Uncommon: identified on five or more occasions but not every year R Rare: identified on less than five occasions

Because my data has been gathered in a relatively short time I expect some ratings will change over time. These ratings are noted with an asterisk and may be affected by the fact that the fungus is relatively difficult to identify, hard to find or not well known.

When determining the abundance of the fungi on the following list, I have taken into account the occurrences of the fungi on the whole of Saturna Island. The reader can determine the relative abundance for the Park or the Reserve by noting the number of outings the fungi was observed in that particular environment.

For comparisons sake, I have also included the abundance ratings for the fungi in the Vancouver Island Checklist enclosed in parentheses. Because not all fungi found on Saturna have been found on Vancouver Island (and vice-versa), a comparison cannot always be made. Even at this early stage it is interesting to see we have some fungal ratings in common while other fungi appear to be more common here than on the Vancouver Island, and vice-versa. It should be noted that this data may be strongly influenced by the

-5- - I collecting habits of those individuals involved.

FwwtK. I~ In the past year I made 19 trips into Winter Cove Park and added 50 species to that collection. I also made 31 trips into the Ecological Reserve and added another 81 species to my inventory there. This inventory is an annotated list of those fungi, Winter Cove Park specimens # 120 - 169 and Ecological Reserve specimens # 201 - 281. It is ordered by collection number and contain the following information:

Taxon: Genus, and species when determined, are noted.

Date: Date the specimen was collected.

Collection It: This refers to my fieldbook which lists the collection date, habitat and location of this specimen as well as other relevant information.

Spore sample: Whenever possible, each specimen is accompanied by a spore sample deposited on a plastic slide, covered with a plastic cover slip and sealed with a clear lacquer.

Population: The population observed refers to specimens found the same day and on the same trip as the collected specimen. Population size is noted as a, b, c or d with "a" meaning one specimen only, "b" meaning one to five specimens observed, "c" meaning six to ten specimens observed and "d" meaning more than ten specimens observed.

Location: The location refers to areas that are noted on the accompanying maps. In the case of Winter Cove Park, the trail referred to is the established provincial park trail. The other areas referred to are the picnic area and the previously mentioned area parallel to East Point Road in the Park's Southeast corner. In the Ecological Reserve the trails referred to are those I have established and marked out with surveyor's tape. Some of these trails have been broken down into sections in order to give more specific locations.

Photograph: All photographs were taken on Saturna Island, however, as there is no need to have multiple photographs of every species, one photo is often used to represent all Saturna collections. These photographs are only used to represent multiple collections when I am certain of my identifications. Photographs are 35rnrn slides.

Habitat: This is a very brief description of specific habitat, i.e. does it grow on the forest floor or on wood or in an open field. Mixed woods refers to those with both. hardwoods and .

A dissecting microscope with magnification of 20x and 40x and a compound microscope with magnification of 40x, 100x, 400x and 1000x were used in identifying the collected specimens The reference material used is noted in the appendices as are the various chemical solutions and stains used to aid in my identifications.

Specimens are kept in separate collections, one for the park and one for the reserve. Each specimen is dried, labeled and stored in air-tight containers that are kept in my office on Saturna Island. The only exceptions are two Russula specimens which are with Russula scholar, Christine Roberts, at the University of Victoria.

-6- - I Fu.tnIu?- R~ In the coming year, I will continue to collect and identify new species of fungi and to record previously observed fungi on the appropriate checklist. I expect that next year's inventory will include a greater proportion of less well known fungi. Perhaps I will have a name for the "brown crust" at the bottom of this page. In the Ecological Reserve it is time to add one more component to this research. Harvey has now completed the terrestrial ecosystem analyses for each polygon of the Ecological Reserve and so our next job will be to cross reference my trails to these polygons. When we have each trail clearly marked as it passes from one polygon to the next I will devise a checklist system that correlates my observations and collections to those individual polygons. Although it will take many years gathering of data, eventually we will have a very detailed picture of fungi of the reserve and their habitat.

-7- - I ~~-. 0tIteI/, OMeIwation6 With the aid of my husband, botanist Harvey Janszen, I have I , . . included in the appendices this years notable vascular plant finds in the Park and the Reserve. We are also active "birders" and I have included our lists of birds observed for the park and for the reserve and further notes regarding the two Great Blue Heron nests we found in the park. We have kept records of our Winter Cove Park bird sightings for many years, but are just beginning to do so for the reserve. Therefore, while the much shorter ecological reserve bird list definitely reflects its less varied habitat, it also reflects a shorter observation time. Birds observed for first time this past year are noted with an asterik.


- Occu-\ance data.: I W E C S V (CC"" Genu6 [; Spec,W, Month6 encounteMut R P I I

AGARICUS augustus July 1 C (C) I A. albolutescens Jun. Oct. 2 V A. bernardii Nov. I 1 V A. campestri Oct. Nov. I 4 C A. chionodermus Nov. 1 R A. praec1aresquamosus Nov. I 2 C (C) A. silvicola group July Oct. Nov. Dec. 4 I 3 C A. subrufescens Nov. I 1 V (C)

ALPOV A diplophloeus Jun. 1 R* (C)

AMANITA constricta Aug. 1 R (R) A. gemrnata Jun. 2 C (C) A. pachycolea Oct. 1 C (C) A. panther ina Apr. May 2 I 1 C (C) A. porphyria Aug. Sep. Oct. 3 C (C) A. silvicola Oct. Dec. C (C)

ARCYRIA denudata x incarnata Mar. Apr. May I 4 R* A. nutans Aug. 1 R*

ARMILLARlA. ostoyae Sep. Nov. Dec. 2 I 3 A (C)

AURlSCALPIUM vulgare Jan. Feb. Apr. Jun. Nov. 7 I 6 C* (C)

BOLETVS chrysenteron Nov. 1 R (C) B. piperatoides Dec. 1 R B. mirabilis July Sep. Oct. 4 C (C) BOVISTA plumbea I YR R* (C) BREFELDIA maxima Mar. Apr. I 8 C

CALLISTOSPORlVM luteo-olivaceum Apr. May Jun. 4 C (R)

CALOCERA cornea Jan. Nov. Dec. 3 C (R) C. viscosa Nov. Dec. 5 C (V)

CALOSCYPHA fulgens May 1 R

CANTHARELLULA umbonata Sept. Oct. 3 R (R)

CANTHARELLVS formosus Sep. Nov. Dec. 4 A (A) C. infundibu1iformis Jan. Dec. 3 C (A) C. subalbidus July Aug. Sep. Dec. 6 A (A)

CERATIOMYXA fruticulosa May Jun. July Aug. Oct. 9 A

-9- - CHROMOSERA cyanophylla Jan. Mar. Apr. May Nov. 6 / 1 C (R) I

12~-;' ~ eM II./VI€. on Vancouvell, 16., and. eM oUJM, 04 notaUe tIvtoughout the ~ olr B.C., CIvtom061!J1,a cyan.ophy~ applUlll6 to w ql.l.iU c.ommon on SatuIma, 1Mand

CHROOGOMPIDS tomentosus July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 12 A (A)

CHRYSOMPHALINA aurantiaca Nov. 2 / 5 C (U) C. chrysophylla Jan. Apr. July Nov. Dec. 5 / 5 C (U)

CLA VARIA fumosa Dec. 1 R C. vermicularis Jan. Jun. July 3 C (U)

CLA VARIADELPHUS borealis Nov. 1 R C. ligula Jan. 1 R (R) C. pisti11aris Nov. 1 R (R)

CLAVlCEPS species July / 1 U*

CLA VULINA cristata ~.Mar.A~.~.My~g.~.N~.D~. 5 / 8 A (A) C. rugosa· Jan. Mar. Apr. May Aug. Dec. 4 / 6 A CLA VULINOPSIS laeticolor Jan. Oct. Dec. 3 / 1 C (R)

-10- - I CLITOCYBE albirhiza Jan. Apr. Oct. Dec. 4 C* C. ciavipes Nov. I R (C) C. dealbata (rivulosa?) Sep. I I R* (C) ~ C. fragrans Nov. I I C

CLITOCYBULA atrialba Nov. I 2 R* (C) I COLL YBlA acervata Dec. I R (C) C. acervata var. ? Dec. I R C. butyracea July Nov. 6 C (C) C. dryophila May I 2 U* (R) C. maculata Mar. May Jun. 6 C (U) C. maculata var. scorzonerea Apr. May Jun. 4 C C. oregonensis Jan. July 1 I 2 U (R)

COLTRlCIA cinnamomea Apr. Jun. July YR/YRC (C) C. perennis Jun. July YR C (C)

COPRlNUS micaceus Apr. May Aug. Nov. I 6 C (C)

CORDYCEPS eapitata Jan. Dec. 2 R (R)

CORTINARlUS californicus? Nov. Dec. 3 C (R) C. cinnamomeus group Dec. I R* C. collinatus group Dec. I R* (R) C. corrugatus Nov. 1 R C. cotoneus Nov. 1 R* C. cylindripes group July 2 R* C. evernius Oct. Nov. 2 U* C. gentilis? Mar. I R* C. glaucopus group Nov. I U* (R) C. haematochelis Oct. I R* C. limonius Nov. Dec. 2 U* C. lucorum Nov. I R* C. multiformis Nov. I R* C. seaurus group Nov. I R* (R) C. semisanguineus Nov. I U* (C) C. sodagnitus group Oct. I R* C. superbus Dec. I R (R)

CRlBRARlA macrocarpa Nov. I R* CREPIDOTUS applanatus Oct. Nov. 2 U* (C) C. moills Nov. Dec. I I 2 C* (C)


CRYPTOPORUS volvatus Feb. Apr. YR/YRC* (U)

CYSTODERMA arnianthinum var. rugosoreticulatum Nov. Dec. 6 C (R) C. granulosum Oct. Nov. Dec. 4 I 2 C (C) C. gruberianum Feb. Nov. 3 R

-11- - I

-- ~'~} DACRYMYCES palmatus Jan. Feb. Mar. Jun. Oct. Nov. Dec. 17/ 12 A (A) D. variisporus Dec. / 1 R*

DISeINA perlata Mar. May 3 U (U)

ELAPHOMYCES granulatus Jan. Apr. Sep. 3 R* (R)

ENTERIDIUM lycoperdon Aug. / 1 R*

ENTOLOMA bloxarnii Oct. 1 R (R)

FOMITOPSIS cajanderi All months YR/YRe (e) F. pinicola All months YR/YRA (A) F. rosea Aug. YR R

FULIGO septica Jun. July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. 16 A F. septica @ nectria violacea July Aug. Oct. S e

GALERINA marginata July 1 R* G. heterocystis? Jan. Feb. Mar. May Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. 8 / 4 A (R) G. (WCP photographed) Nov. / 3 R*

GANODERMA applanatum All months YR e (A) G. oregonense YR e (e)

~12~ - I monticola Jun. 1 R* ~ Cc~~; GEASTRUM quadrifidum Jan. YRI YR /U* (R) G. saccatum 1 YR R* (U)

GEOPPYXIS vucanalis Jan. Jun. Aug. 3 e (R) i GLOEOPHYLUJM sepiarium Dec. 1 YR U (e)

GOMPHIDIUS oregonensis Nov. Dec. 1 1 2 e (A) G. smithii Oct. Nov. 5 1 3 e (e) G. subroseus Mar. July Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 9 1 ~, A (A)

GOMPHUS floccosus Sep. Oct. 4 R* (e)

GRANDINIA granulosa Jan. 1 R*

GUEPINIOPSIS alpinus Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Dec. 231 1 A (e)

GymnopiUM aeJWginooU6

p'.. .~ .. ~:-_-_-_,~=i

GYMNOPILUS aeruginosus May Aug. Sep. 3 R (R) G. sapineus Jan. May Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 3 1 4 e* (R) G. validipes Nov. 1 R*

-13- - I G'{ROMITRA esculenta May 1 C (C) : ...•C=I G. infula Jan. I 1 U (V)

HAPALOPILVS salmonicolor Jan. 2 R

Nov. 1 I 2 A (A) d HEBELOMA crustuliniforme HEL VELLA acetabulum Apr. / 1 R (V) H. compress a Mar. Apr. May Jun. S I 4 C (R) H. elastica Jun. 1 R (R) H. lacunosa Jan. Nov. Dec. 3 I s A (A) H. maculata Dec. 2 I 1 V H. species (var of phlebophora?) Jan. 1 R

HYDNELLVM aurantiacum May Jun. July Sep. Nov. S I 1 C (C) H. aurantiacum var. bulbipodium July 1 R* H. suaveolens July 1 R*

HYDNUM repandum Dec. I 1 V (C) H. umbilicatum Oct. Nov. Dec. 3 V (C)

HYGROCYBE conica Dec. I 1 C (C) H. laeta Mar. I 1 R (R) H. miniata Sep. I 1 V* (V) H. pssittacina Jan. Mar. Apr. Jun. July 2 I 8 C (R) H. singeri var albifolia Nov. 2 V* H. subminiata Dec. 1 V*

HYGROPHORVS agathosmus Nov. Dec. 2 I 1 V H. bakerensis Nov. Dec. 2 R (R) H. eburneus Mar. Nov. 6 C* (R) H. niveus Nov. I 1 R* (R) H. pratensis Nov. 1 V* (R)

HYGROPHOROPSIS aurantiaca Oct. Nov. 2 / 2 V (A) H. olida Jan. Nov. Dec. 3 C* (R)


HYPHOLOMA capnoides Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. Dec. 10/ 10 A (C) H. fasiculare Jan. Mar. Nov. I 3 C (AI HYPOMYCES lactiflorum Aug. Sep. Oct. / 3 V (C)

HYPOX'r'LON fuscum I YR A (C) f , INOCYBE albodisca Mar. 1 R* 1. calamistrata Jun. 2 R* (R) 1. geophylla Jan. Feb. Apr. May Jun. Nov. Dec. 7 I 7 A (A) 1. languinosa Apr. May Jun. Nov. 13 A 1. lilacina Nov. Dec. 5 I 4 A (A) 1. longicystis Nov. 1 R* 1. mixitilis May 1 R* (R)

-14- - I [nocybe pudica Mar. Nov. Dec. 6 A (R) l. sororia Jan. July Aug. Nov. 3 I 2 e (e) ~ l. species (umbrina?) June 1 R*

LAeeARIA amethysteo-occidentalis Jan. Nov. Dec. 1 I 3 e (A) L. bicolor Jun. Oct. Nov. S I 1 e* (e) d L. laccata Jan. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 7 I 1 A (A)

LACTARlUS deliciosus Sep. 1 e (A) L. luculentus Oct. 1 R* (R) L. pseudomucidus Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 7 e (e) L. rubrilacteus Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2 I 3 e (A) L. subflarnmeus Jan. Nov. Dec. 4 I 2 e L. uvidus group Sep. 1 R* (e)

LAETIPORUS sulphureus YR U* (e)

LEOTIA lubrica Apr. May 3 R*

Le.piota, ~tincta. WinWI, Cooe. Paltk

F, \ .

LEPIOTA castanea Nov. I 2 U (R) L. clypeolaria Sep. Nov. Dec. S I s e (A) L. cristata Sep. Nov. I 4 U (U) L. flarnmeotincta? Nov. I 1 R (R)


- I M. leptocephela Jan. Feb. Apr. Sep. 3 / 1 C* M. maculata Mar. Oct. Nov. 5 C* (R) ~ M. monticola Sep. Nov. / 2 U* M. oregonensis Nov. 2 R* (R) M. pura May Jun. July Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 15/ 3 A (A) M. purpureofusca Oct. Nov. Dec. 7 / 2 C' (R) I M. subcana Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. 7 / 4 A (Al

Myc=a OItego~. Ecologica), Re/.leJWe


NECTRlA cinnabarina Jan. / 1 R*

NEOURNULA pouchetti May 1 R (Rl

NOLANEA cetrata Mar. May July 3 / 3 C* (R) N. mammosa group Dec. / 2 C* N. verna group Mar. / 4 C* OMPHALINA ericetorum Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Sep. 6 ! 3 A (A)

OSTEINA obducta Aug. YR R (R)

-17- - I OTIDEA alutacea Sep. Oct. 4 U* (U) O. leporina var minor Nov. 1 R* C,------O. onotica Jan. July Oct. Nov. Dec. 3 / 3 C* (R) PANELLUS mitis Jan. Nov. Dec. 2 / 2 R (R) P. serotinus Jan. Nov. Dec. 5 / 4 C (U) i PHAEOLUS schweintzii Aug Sep .. YR C (A)

PHELLINUS chrysoloma / YR U* P. pini YR C (C)

PHELLODON tomentosus Nov. Dec. 2 R* (R)

PHLEBIA radiata Jan. Oct. Nov. Dec. / 4 C (R)

PHYLLOPORUS rhodoxanthus Jun. 1 / 1 R (R)

PHYSARUM cinnereum Aug. Nov. 1 / 1 R* P. galbeum Nov. 1 R* P. rubiginosum July 1 R*

Too MY'xomy=IR-. Pha.6aIuun 'tUUgin06um

! F

PLECTANIA melastoma Apr. May Jun. 7 / 1 C (R)

-18- - I PLEUORTUS ostreatus May July Oct. / 3 A (A) 1 R (A) 'i= .-C P. porrigens Sep.

PL UTEUS cervinus Jan. Apr. May Jun. July Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 9 / 7 A (C)

POL YFORUS badius / YRU (C) P. elegans YR R (C) P. hirtus Jan. Apr. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 14 C (C)

POSTIA caesius Jan. May Oct. Nov. Dec. 4 / 3 C (C) P. fragilis Jan. Nov. Dec. 3 / 1 C P. guttalatus July Aug. YR R

PSATHYRELLA candolleana Nov. / 1 R* (C) P. gracilis group Aug. / 1 R* (R) P. longipes group Oct. / 1 C (R)

PSEUDOHYDNUM gelatinosum ~.~.M •. ~r.MQA~.~.~.Nm.D~. 28/ 5 A (A)

PSEUDOPLECfANIA melaena? Apr. / 1 R* (R) P. nigrella M•. 1 R (R)

PYCNOPORELLUS fibrillosus Sep. 2 R

RADIIGERA atrogleba YR R*

RAMARIA apiculata Dec. / 1 R* (R) R. conjunctipes Nov. 2 U* R. formosa Dec. 3 U* (C) R. gelatinosa v. oregonensis Aug. 1 R* (R) R. rasilispora M•. May Dec. 3 R* (R) R. testaceo-flava? May 1 R*

RHIZOPOGON species Jun. 4 C* (C)

RUSSULA albidula group Dec. / 1 R* R. albonigra Sep. 1 R* (R) R. alutacea Jun. July 3 C* R. bicolor Nov. Dec. / 2 R* (R) R. brevipes Sep. Oct. Dec. 1 / 2 C* (A) R. brevipes v.. acrior Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. 4 C* (C) R. crassotunicata Oct. Nov. / 3 U* (R) R. cremoricolor May / 1 R* (R) R. fragilis Nov. Dec. 4 C* (U) R. frangrantissima Sep. 1 R* (R) R. integra group Sep. 2 U* R. occidentalis July Aug. 5 C* R. olivacea Sep. 2 R* R. placita group Sep. / 1 C* (R) R. xerampelina July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 10/ 1 A (A)

RUSTROMIA species M•. / 1 R*

-19- SARCOSOMA mexicana Feb. 1 R (R)

SARCOSPHAERA crassa Mar. Apr. May 5 I 3 C (U)

We counted ovet 100 SOItC06p1uwr.a. Clta&\a in one. h.iIub in W ReMJWe in 1999

SCmZOPHYLLUM commune Feb. Mar. I YRU (R)

SCUTILLINIA scutellata May I 1 C*

STEMONITIS splendens Apr. July Aug. I 5 C*

STEREUM hirsutum group Jan. Feb. I YR U* (C) S. sangunolentum Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. YRI YR C* (R) S. striatum Jan. I YR U* (R)

STIBELLA byssidea July Oct. 3 R*

STROBILURUS trullisatus Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. 10/ 5 A (A)

STROPHARIA ambigua Nov. Dec. I 4 C* (A) S. rip aria Nov. I 1 R (R)

-20- - I

SUILLUS caerulescens July Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. S I 4 A (A) S. lakei Oct. Nov. S / 4 A (A)

TAPHRINA amentorum YR U*

TAPINELLA atrotomentosus July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. 6 / 6 e (e)

TARZETTA species July 1 R* (R)

THELEPHORA palmata Jan. July Nov. Dec. 4 / 2 e (R) T. spiculosa Dec. 1 R T. terrestris Jun. Aug. 1 / 1 e (e)

TRAMETES virsicolor Dec. YR/YRA (A)

TREMELLA encephala Jan. Nov. 2 e*

-21- - I TREMELLODENDROPSIS tubersoa Jao. Nov. Dec. 3 C (-C-::cc' TRICHAPTUM abietinus Feb. Oct. YR/YR A (A) T. fuscoviolaceum YR R*

I TRIcmA decipiens Apr. Dec. 2 R* T. favoginea Mar. May Aug. Oct. 3 I 1 V*

TRICHOGLOSSUM hirsuturn Dec. 1 R* (R)

TRICHOLOMA auraotium Nov. I 1 V (R) T. flavovirens Dec. 1 R (C) T. myomyces Oct. Nov. Dec. I 5 C T. portentosurn? Nov. 1 R (C) T. saponaceum Oct. Nov. Dec. 4 I 1 C (C) T. sulphureum Nov. Dec. 2 C (C) T. terreum group Jao. Dec. 2 C (C) T. vaccinum Sep. 1 R (R) T. virgatum Nov. Dec. 1 I 1 R (C)

TRICHOLOMOPSIS decora Nov. I 1 R (V) T. sulfureoides Oct. Nov. I 2 R

TRIMISCUS helvelloides Nov. 1 R (R)

TRUNCOCOLUMELLA species July 1 R* (R)

~. TUBER gibbosum Jun. 1 R*

TUBERCULARlA vulgaris Jan. I 1 R*

URNULA (craterium?) Jan. Mar. 2 R*

XEROMPHALINA campanella Mar. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6 I 2 A (A) X. fulvipes Feb. Mar. Jun. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 12 A (V)

XYLARlA hypoxylon Jan. Oct. Nov. Dec. YR/YRA (A)

-22- -

I WinWI, Cove PDllk I/'I.VeIttoI&y

Hyg'Wcyw pOittacMuz" Co{kotiott 120 A6 it ~ tIWh g~ coWM .jo co~ ~ with pinko and o-umgeJ..

Taxon: Hygrocybe psittacina Date: March 6. 1999 Collection #: 120 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail D Photograph: yes Habitat: shallow soil on rocky point between mixed forest and Georgia Strait

Taxon: Pseudoplectania melaena Date: April 1. 1999 Collection #: 121 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail Photograph: yes Habitat: forest floor. possibly on buried wood

-23- - I Taxon: Morchella deliciosa Date: April I, 1999 Collection #: 122 Spore sample: no population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest flor

Taxon: Arcryia denudata x incarnata Date: March 26, 1999 Collection #: 123 Spore sample: no population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: growing inside a hollow decaying conifer log

Taxon: Clavulina cristata group Date: April 10, 1999 Collection #: 124 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B Photograph: no Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

Taxon: Clavulina rugosa Date: April 10, 1999 Collection #: 125 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B Photograph: yes Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

Taxon: Brefeldia maxima Date: April 11, 1999 Collection #: 130 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Winter Cove Park Trail D, E & F Photograph: yes Habitat: mixed woods forest floor and grass on rocky point

Taxon: Chromo sera cyanophylla Date: April 10, 1999 Collection #: 126 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: decaying conifer wood

Taxon: Amanita pantherina Date: April 20, 1999 Collection #: 127 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Morchella elata Date: April 10, 1999 Collection #: 128 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail F Photograph: yes Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

Taxon: Enteridium Iycoperdon Date: August 7, 1999 Collection #: 129 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: atop a conifer stump

-24- - I Taxon: Lepiota sequoiarum Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 131 Spore sample: yes population: b Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Hebeloma crustuliniforme Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 132 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C & D Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor and mixed wood forest floor

Taxon: Lepiota flammeotincta Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 133 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: smithii Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 134 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Lepiota castanea Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 135 \'--- Spore sample: yes Population: c '.------Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Tricholomopsis sulphureoides Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 136 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: decaying conifer log

Taxon: Agaricus subrufescens Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 137 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Tricholomopsis decora Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 138 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail H Photograph: no Habitat: decaying conifer wood

Taxon: Helvella lacunosa Date: November 7, 1999 Collection #: 139 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B Photograph: no Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

-25- - I Taxon: Clitocybula atrialba Date: November 13, 1999 Collection #: 140 Spore sample: yes population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B PhotograPh: no Habitat: decaying fallen alder Taxon: Armillaria ostoyae Date: November 13, 1999 Collection #: 141 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C PhotograPh: no Habitat: on and around fallen and standing dead alders Taxon: Mycena elegantula Date: November 13, 1999 Collection #: 142 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B PhotograPh: no Habitat: decaying log in mixed woods

Taxon: Leptonia decolorans forma decolorans Date: November 13, 1999 Collection #: 143 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B PhotograPh: yes Habitat: mixed woods forest floor Taxon: Clitocybe fragrans Date: November 13, 1999 Collection #: 144 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C PhotograPh: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Lepista nebularis Date: November 13, 1999 Collection #: 145 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B PhotograPh: yes Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

Taxon: Tricholoma aurantium Date: November 13, 1999 Collection #: 146 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C PhotograPh: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Inocybe soria Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 147 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C PhotograPh: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Afthough many lnoCYbe6 can w dif,I,i=.U to diMingtMh lIwm one anotheII., Jnocyw 6Uy ~gnkaUe /,y a Wtcng odo'!. which it, 'I€IlUn.Moont 0/, gil£en com Mlk.

-26- - I Taxon: Gomphidius oregonensis Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 148 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Xeromphalina campanella Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 149 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: decaying conifer wood

Taxon: Mycena PUfPureofusca Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 150 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B Photograph: yes Habitat: decaying conifer wood

Taxon: Agaricus bernardii Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 151 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail H Photograph: yes Habitat: sandy soil between salt marsh and high tide line of beach

Taxon: Lepista nuda Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 152 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail H Photograph: no Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

Taxon: Russula bicolor Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 153 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Physarum cinereum Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 154 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B Photograph: no Habitat: on living and dead plant matter, loosely covering an area of 2 square feet

Taxon: apiculata Date: December 29, 1999 Collection #: 155 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Clavulinopsis laeticolor Date: December 29, 1999 Collection #: 156 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

-27- - I Taxon: Hygrophorus agathosmus Date: December 29, 1999 Collection #: 157 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B Photograph: no Habitat: mixed woods forest floor i Taxon: Lactarius subflammeus Date: December 29, 1999 Collection #: 158 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail B Photograph: yes Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

Taxon: Tricholoma saponaceum Date: December 29, 1999 Collection #: 159 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C & F Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous and mixed woods forest floor Taxon: Dacrymyces variisporus Date: December 29, 1999 Collection #: 160 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail H Photograph: no Habitat: driftwood log in salt marsh L~ ~~,~c-c,~4u~U,

Date: November 21, 1999 Collection #: 161 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail F Photograph: yes Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

-28- - I Taxon: Hygrophorus bakerensis Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 162 Spore sample: yes population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Hygrophorus niveus Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 163 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Coltricia cinnamomea Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 164 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail F Photograph: no Habitat: mixed woods forest floor

Taxon: Hydnellum aurantiacum Date: November 20, 1999 Collection #: 165 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Winter Cove Park Trail C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Nectria cinnabarina Date: January 9, 2000 Collection #: 166 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail extended Photograph: no Habitat: on bark and branches of dead maples

Taxon: Gyromitra infula Date: January 9, 2000 Collection #: 167 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Winter Cove Park Trail extended Photograph: yes Habitat: atop a decaying maple stump

Taxon: Postia fragilis Date: January 9, 2000 Collection #: 168 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail extended Photograph: no Habitat: dead wood in mixed forest

Taxon: Tubercularia vulgaris Date: January 9, 2000 Collection #: 169 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Winter Cove Park Trail extended Photograph: no Habitat: on bark and branches of dead maple

-29- - I Taxon: Cystoderma gruberianum Date: February 20, 1999 Collection #: 201 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 1 Photograph: no Habitat: very decayed conifer wood

Taxon: Sarcosoma mexicana Date: February 28, 1999 Collection #: 202 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: conifer forest floor

Taxon: Pseudoplectania nigrella Date: March 7, 1999 Collection #: 203 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Photograph: yes Habitat: Decaying conifer wood

-30- - I Taxon: Chromosera cyanophylla Date: March 7, 1999 Collection #: 204 Spore sample: yes population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A Photograph: yes Habitat: decaying conifer wood

Taxon: Ramaria rasilispora Date: March 16, 1999 Collection #: 205 Spore sample: no Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 D Photograph: yes Habitat: mossy opening area in conifer forest

Taxon: Mycena aurantiomarginata group Date: March 16, 1999 Collection #: 206 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 Photograph: no Habitat: hemlock cones and fir needles

Taxon: Nolanea cetrata Date: March 16, 1999 Collection #: 207 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 B Photograph: yes Habitat: conifer forest floor

Taxon: Mycena species (white) Date: March 27, 1999 Collection #: 208 Spore sample: yes Population: b i "-'--'------Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: yes Habitat: bark of fallen Douglas fir

Taxon: Cortinarius species Date: March 27, 1999 Collection #: 209 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Inocybe albodisca Date: March 27, 1999 Collection #: 210 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: mossy open coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Neournula pouchetti Date: May 13, 1999 Collection #: 211 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A Photograph: yes Habitat: mossy hummock of very old decayed conifer

Th€.1UZII.e- a6comy=te NeoUlllllda. pouche#i ha6 only ~ /,ound one Woo on Satullna IWmd. AWwugh in, tiu?- photoglUlph on tiu?- /,olkwiM page N. pouche#i app

-31- -

I MmMM to the aocomy=re SoJI,COop/uu!M, cM66a, p~ on page 20. it 11.> acW.aUy a much. omaJ.,W" .fru:nguo. A W!tge SoJI,COOp/uu!M, cM66a can, k up to 20 em. /,!wad when ma.tuILe- whUe. a W!tge N. pouc.IuaU 11.> only about 31 em /,!wad.

NwUII.nUW PoucJuU;;t;i. Col.l=tWn #211

Taxon: Gyromitra esculenta Date: May 15, 1999 Collection #: 212 Spore sample: no Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Caloscypha fulgens Date: May 15, 1999 Collection #: 213 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: mossy coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Inocybe geophylla Date: May 15, 1999 Collection #: 214 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photographed: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

-32- - I Taxon: Clitocybe albirhiza Date: May 15, 1999 Collection #: 215 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 & 5 Photographed: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Cortinarius subgenus Telamonia Date: May 15, 1999 Collection #: 216 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Photographed: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Ramaria species Date: May 15, 1999 Collection #: 217 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Amanita gemmata Date: June 15, 1999 Collection #: 218 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: grassy, mossy open area in coniferous forest

Taxon: Agaricus albolutescens Date: June 22, 1999 Collection #: 219 Spore sample: Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5, polygon 23 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Tarzetta species Date: July 18, 1999 Collection #: 220 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 1 extended Photograph: yes Habitat: dirt and duff on coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Polyporus elegans Date: July 18, 1999 Collection #: 221 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 1 Photograph: no Habitat: dead fallen branch, mixed woods forest

Taxon: Otidea species Date: July 23, 1999 Collection #: 222 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 E Photograph: yes Habitat: decaying conifer stump

Taxon: Collybia species Date: July 23, 1999 Collection #: 223 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 F Photograph: no Habitat: roadside dirt in coniferous forest

-33- - I Taxon: Agaricus augustus Date: July 23, 1999 Collection #: 224 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 F Photograph: yes Habitat: roadside dirt in coniferous forest

Taxon: Fuligo septica Date: July 23, 1999 Collection #: 224a Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 B, C, D & E Photograph: yes Habitat: dirt, duff, moss, sticks, stumps, etc. in coniferous forest

Taxon: Collybis oregonensis Date: July 31, 1999 Collection #: 225 Spore sample: no Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: no Habitat: mossy decayed conifer stump

Taxon: Physarum rubiginosum Date: July 31, 1999 Collection #: 226 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: yes Habitat: Hylocomium splendens on coniferous forest floor

GeoPYIKM (l~, Co.uec.ti.on #227 weU tulI1I£4, the- /rleI.>h olr th.-iI.> 6YfUl.U cup /rungi 6~ otMngiy olr 6u/..f,u!1,

-34- - I Taxon: Geopyxis vulcanalis Date: August 22, 1999 Collection #: 227 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Ramaria gelatinosa var. oregonensis Date: August 22, 1999 Collection #: 228 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor / Taxon: Amanita (constricta?) Date: August 22, 1999 Collection #: 229 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: forest floor under single alder in conifer forest

Taxon: Russula fragrantissima Date: September 6, 1999 Collection #: 230 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Entoloma bloxamii Date: October 11, 1999 Collection #: 231 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 A Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Pholiota species Date: October 16, 1999 Collection #: 232 , Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Polygon 7 Photograph: yes Habitat: gravel road side in conifer forest near polygon 7

Taxon: Gomphidius oregonensis Date: Nov. 6, 1999 Collection #: 233 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Clitocybe fragrans Date: November- 6, 1999 Collection #: 234 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Inocybe lilacina Date: November 6, 1999 Collection #: 235 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Habitat: coniferous forest floor

-35- - I Taxon: Strobilurus trullisatus Date: November 6, 1999 Collection #: 236 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Photograph: yes Habitat: fallen Douglas-fir cones Taxon: Trimiscus helvelloides Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 238 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 C Photograph: yes Habitat: mossy meadow in coniferous forest

Taxon: Tricholoma viragatum Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: a Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 B Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Cortinarius scaurus group (prasinus?) Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 240 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 C Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Leptonia umbilicata Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 241 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 C Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Cortinarius multiformis Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 242 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A & B Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Lyophyllum semitale Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 243 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A, B, C, D, & E Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Collybia butyracea Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 244 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2, all sections Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Oavariadelphus pistillaris Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 245 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

-36- - I Taxon: Inocybe longicystis Date: November 12, 1999 Collection #: 246 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2, several sections Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Tricholoma sulphureum Date: November 14, 1999 Collection #: 247 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Cryptoporus volvatus Date: November 14, 1999 Collection #: 248 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: yes Habitat: fallen or old standing conifer trees Taxon: Clavulina cristata Date: November 14, 1999 Collection #: 249 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Tricholoma portentosum? Date: November 14, 1999 Collection #: 250 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Cortinarius glaucopus group Date: November 14, 1999 Collection #: 251 Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: yes Habitat: forest floor in a cedar grove

Taxon: Otidea leporina var. minor Date: November 14, 1999 Collection #: 252 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 5 Photograph: no Habitat: forest floor of hemlock thicket

Taxon: Laccaria amethystina Date: November 19, 1999 Collection #: 253 Spore sample: yes (spores globose) Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 F Photograph: no Habitat: edge of gravel road in coniferous forest

Taxon: Cortinarius semisanguineus Date: November 19, 1999 Collection #: 254 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Habitat: coniferous forest floor

-37- - I Taxon: Hygrophorus pratensis Date: November 19, 1999 Collection #: 255 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Clitocybe clavipes Date: November 19, 1999 Collection #: 256 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Boletus chrysenteron Date: November 19, 1999 Collection #: 257 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Lyophyllum species Date: November 19, 1999 Collection #: 258 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Cortinarius species (spicey citrus odor) Date: November 19, 1999 Collection #: 259 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Panellus mitis Date: Nov~mber 19, 1999 Collection If: 260 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 extended Photograph: no Habitat: dead conifer branch

Taxon: Hygrophorus bakerensis Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 261 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 F Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Hebeloma crustuliniforme Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 262 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 E Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Clavariadelphus borealis Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 263 Spore sample: yes Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 E Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

-38- - I Taxon: Tremella encephala Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 264 Spore sample: no Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 Photograph: no Habitat: dead conifer wood Taxon: Cortinarius cotoneus Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 265 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 Photograph: (still in camera) Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Cortinarius corrugauts Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 266 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 B Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Cortinarius limonius Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 267 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Hygrophorus agathosmus Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 268 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 B Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Physarum galbeum Date: November 27, 1999 Collection #: 269 Spore sample: yes Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A Photograph: no Habitat: underside of bark from a fallen decaying Douglas-fir

Taxon: Cortinarius collinatus group (vanduzerensis?) Date: December 11, 1999 Collection #: 269a Spore sample: no Population: c Location: Ecological Reserve polygon 7 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Calocera cornea Date: December 11, 1999 Collection #: 270 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Polygon 7 Photograph: no Habitat: decaying log under only very old very large alder in coniferous forest Taxon: Boletus piperatoides Date: December 11, 1999 Collection #: 271 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Polygon 7 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

-39- - I TMdwloma ~oviJLew." Co~n #272


Taxon: Tricholoma flavovirens Date: December 11, 1999 Collection #: 272 Spore sample: yes Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Polygon 7 Photograph: yes Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Laetiporus sulphureus Date: December 11, 1999 Collection #: 273 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail Polygon 7 Photograph: no Habitat: decaying coniferous wood Taxon: Armillaria ostoyae Date: December 11, 1999 Collection #: 274 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Polygon 7 Photograph: no Habitat: dying alder tree

-40- - I Taxon: Trichia species Date: December 11, 1999 Collection t: 275 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Polygon 7 Photograph: no Habitat: underside of bark from dying alder Taxon: Hygrocybe subminiata Date: December 11, 1999 Collection t: 276 Spore sample: no Population: b Location: Ecological Reserve Polygon 7 Photograph: no Habitat: mossy coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Collybia acervata Date: December 11, 1999 Collection t: 277 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve polygon 7 Photograph: no Hl!.bitat: highly decayed wood on coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Helvella species (phlebophora var.) Date: January 23, 2000 Collection t: 278 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 3 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor Taxon: Clavariadelphus ligula Date: January 29, 2000 Collection t: 278 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Clitocybe metachroa Date: January 29, 2000 Collection t: 279 Spore sample: yes Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 Photograph: no Habitat: coniferous forest floor

Taxon: Hapalopilus salmonicolor Date: January 29, 2000 Collection t: 280 Spore sample: no Population: a Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 E Photograph: no Habitat: smail fallen decaying conifer

Taxon: Grandinia granulosa Date: January 29, 2000 Collection t: 281 Spore sample: no Population: d Location: Ecological Reserve Trail 2 A Photograph: no Habitat: bark of old fallen Douglas-fir

-41- - I Appendix A

Reference Material Arora, D. (1986). MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press.

Baier, J. (1995). MUSHROOMS & TOADSTOOLS: AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE. North Dighton, Ma.: JG Press.

Bfreitenbach, J. and F. Kranzlin. FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND. Volume 1 Ascomycetes (1984): Volume 2 Aphyllophorales (1986):Volume 3 Boletes and Agarics, 1st Part (1991): Volume 4 Agarics, 21ll Part (1994). Lucern: Edition Mykologia.

Buckzacki, S. (1989). FUNGI OF BRITAIN AND EUROPE. London: Collins.


Courtesuisse, R. & B. Durhem (1995). COLLINS FIELD GUIDE: MUSHROOMS & TOADSTOOLS OF BRITAIN & EUROPE. Toronto: HarperCollins.

Farr, M.L. (1981). HOW TO KNOW THE TRUE SLIME MOLDS. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown.

Gibson, 1. (1999). PACIFIC NORTHWEST KEY COUNCIL MATCH MAKER PROGRAM. Victoria: Personal communication.

Gilbertson, R.L. & L. Ryvarden (1986). NORTH AMERICAN POL YPORES VOL. 1. Oslo: Fungiflora.

Gilbertson, R.L. & L. Ryvarden (1987). NORTH AMERICAN POLYPORES VOL. 2. Oslo: Fungiflora.

Hawksworth, D.L., P.M. Kirk, D.N. Pegler, B.C. Sutton and G.C. Ainsworth. (1995). AINSWORTH & BISBY'S DICTIONARY OF THE FUNGI Eighth Edition. New York: CAB INTERNATIONAL.

Katsaros, P. (1987). ILLUlSTRATED GUIDE TO COMMON SLIME MOLDS. Eureka: Mad River Press.

Largent, D.L., D. Johnson & R. Watling (1977). HOW TO IDENTIFY MUSHROOMS TO GENUS III: MICROSCOPIC FEATURES. Eureka: Mad River Press.

Largent, D.L. & T. Baroni (1988). HOW TO IDENTIFY MUSHROOMS TO GENUS VI: MODERN GENERA. Eureka: Mad River Press.


Lressiile, T., A. Del Conte & G. Lincoff (1996). THE KNOPF MUSHROOM BOOK. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada.

-42- - I Lress¢e, T. (1998). EYEWITNESS HANDBOOKS: MUSHROOMS. Toronto: Stoddart. Lincoff, G. (1981). THE AUDOBON SOCIETY FIELD GUIDE TO NORTH AMERICAN MUSHROOMS. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Martin, G.W. & C.J. Alexopoulos (1969). THE MYXOMYCETES. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

McKenny, M., D.E. Stuntz & J. Ammirati (1994). THE NEW SAVORY WILD MUSHROOM. Vancouver: Greystone Books.

McKnight, K.H. & V.B. McKnight (1987). PETERSON FIELD GUIDES: MUSHROOMS. New York: Houghton Miffen.

Miller, O.K. Jr. (1978). MUSHROOMS OF NORTH AMERICA. New York: E.P. Dutton.



Orton, P.D. (1986). BRITISH FUNGUS FLORA 41 Pluteaceae: Pluteus & Volvariella. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.

Pacioni, G. & G. Lincoff (1981). SIMON & SCHUSTER'S GUIDE TO MUSHROOMS. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Persson, O. (1994). THE CHANTRELL BOOK. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press.

Phillips, R. (1991). MUSHROOMS OF NORTH AMERICA. Toronto: Little, Brown & Co.

Redhead, S. (1999). Current revisions of some genus and species nomenclature. Ottawa: Personal communication.

Redhead, S. (1997). MACROFUNGI OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: REOUIREMENTS FOR INVENTORY. Victoria: British Columbia Ministry of Forests Research Program.


Shaffer, R.L. (1968). KEYS TO GENERA OF mGHER FUNGI EDITION 2. Ann Arbour: The University of Michigan Biological Station.

Smith, A.H. & L.R. Hesler (1968). THE NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF PHOLIOTA. Monticello, N.Y.: Lubrecht & Cramer.

Smith, A.H., H.V. Smith & N.S. Weber (1981). HOW TO KNOW THE NON-GILLED MUSHROOMS. SECOND EDITION. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown.

-43- - I Thiers, H.D., Editor of THE AGARICALES OF CALIFORNIA. Eureka: Mad River Press. #1 - Ai'vIANITACEAE by Harry D. Thiers (1982) #2 - CANTHARELLACEAE by Harry D. Thlers (1985) #3 - by Harry D. Thiers (1985) #4 - PAXILLACEAE by Harry D. Thiers (1985) #5 - HYGROPHORACEAE by David L. Largent (1985) #6 - AGARICACEAE by Rick Lerrigan (1986) #7 - TRICHOLOMATACEAE (MARASMIOID FUNGI) by Dennis Desjardin (1987) #8 - ENTOLOMATIOD FUNGI OF THE WESTERN UNITED STATES AND ALASKA by David L. Largent (1994) #9 - RUSS1.JLACEAE - RUSSULA by Harry D. Thiers (1997) #10 - RUSSULACEAE - LACTARIUS by Andrew Methven (1997) #11 - TRICHOLOlvIATACEAE -TRICHOLOMA by Kris Shanks (1997)


Watling, R. & N.M. Gregory .. BRITISH FUNGUS FLORA Volume 5 ! Strophariaceae & Coprinaceae p.p. (1987): Volume 6 I Crepidotaceae, Pleurotaceae and other pleurotoid agarics (1989). Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.

Watling, R., N.M.Gregory & P.D. Orton. (1993). BRITISH FUNGUS FLORA Volume 7 ! Cortinariaceae p.p .. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.

The- au;/;ho-t and tIu!.. ~ of, a Ganod€Jtma, cYLegon

Ecologi=l ReM/we. T'WA,l 5

-44- - I Appendix B

Chemical Reagents

Congo Red: stain for hyphae walls Cotton Bille: stain for selected hyphae walls. chrysocystidia. spore walls and spore ornamentation Ethanol: wetting agent

Ferrous sulfate: produces color change on seleceted russula species stems

Gum Guaiac: aids in determining if a wood decaying fungi causes white rot or brown rot

Hydrocholoric Acid: produces microchemical color reaction used to distinguish hyphae and cells in selected agarics

Melzer's Reagent: determines whether the material is amyloid. dextrinoid or inamyloid

Methylene Blue: determines metachromatic reaction in selected material

Phenol: produces macro chemical color reaction in selected fungi

Phloxine: stain for hyphae interior

Potassium Hydroxide: can produce macro and microchemical color reactions in selected fungi. revives dried hyphae and is commonly used as a mounting agent

Sulphformol (Sulfofomol): produce macro and microchemical color reactions in selected agarics. particularly russula species

Sulphuric Acid: discolors psathyrella spores

-45- - I Appendix C

Vascular Plants

Allotropa virgata: on May 15, when hiking in the Ecological Reserve on Trail #3-extended with the Vancouver Mycological Society, we found a small group of Allotropa just emerging from the ground. We returned on May 23 to photograph them, but they were still immature. We returned on June 15 and got a terrific photograph 2 of the 3 stalks which were in full bloom. The third stalk had been partially eaten. When we returned on July 11 they had all been completely eaten by the deer. This is the only time we have found Allotropa in the Reserve. It is the third site known on Saturna.

Pyrola chlorantha: later that day, while continuing our hike of May 15, we were on E.R. Trail #5-extended when we found an area where Pyrola chlorantha was scattered throughtout the forest. New to the Gulf Islands, a specimen was collected by Harvey and forwarded to the herbarium at the Provincial Museum via the CDC.

Chimaphila menziesii: found in July 23 while hiking ER Trail #2-extended near the Southwest boundry. The only known location for Chimaphila menziesii in the Reserve, this site is essentially an extension of the only other site known on Saturna which is just outside the Reserve boundry. Abies grandis: very uncommon on the reserve, we came across two grand fir when hiking ER Trail 3 extended. These are the only grand fir in the Reserve we are aware of.

Bidens frondosa: Inltially identified as the endemic species, B. amplissima, we first noticed these plants on July 24, 1998 when walking across the wooden bridge that crosses the cattail pond of Winter Cover Park Trail F. While the species B. frondosa is not an endemic, it is also uncommon and this is the only site known in the Gulf Islands.

Impatiens capensis: also growing by the wooden bridge crossing the cattail pond of Winter Cove Park Trail F, we have been following the growth of this stand of annuals since we first noticed it in the summer of 1994. This is the only known site of I. capensis on the Gulf Islands and had produced an ever expanding. display of healthy flowering plants until the summer of 1998. Whether it was due to the unusual dry conditions or some other reason, the plants did not do well in 1998. They were fewer in number than the previous year and as the season went on they looked decidedly diseased. Although a few did produce buds, none flowered. Unfortunately the summer of 1999 produced no impatiens plants.

-46- - I Appendix D Birds

While we did not observe the Great Blue Heron nests in Winter Cove Park at the time there would have been nestlings, when we checked later, it was apparent the nests were still in use. The ground below the nests was littered with guano and broken egg shells and pin feathers were also in evidence.

Birds in the lists below that were sighted for the first time in 1999 are noted with an asterik.

~ Cove. Palik Bald Eagle Cooper's Hawk LOONS Red-tailed Hawk Red-throated Loon Pacific Loon FALCONS Common Loon Merlin Yellow-billed Loon Peregrine Falcon

GREBES OYSTERCATCHERS Horned Grebe Black Oyster catcher Red-necked Grebe SANDPIPERS & PHALAROPES CORMORANTS Greater Yellowlegs Double-crested Cormorant Black Turnstone Pelagic Cormorant Semipalrnated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper HERONS Least Sandpiper Great Blue Heron Pectoral Sandpiper Dunlin SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS Short-billed Dowitcher Snow Goose* Canada Goose SKUAS, GULLS & TERNS Wood Duck Franklin's Gull Mallard Bonaparte's Gull Northern Shoveler Mew Gull American Wigeon Ring-billed Gull Harlequin Duck Thayer's Gull Oldsquaw* Glaucous-winged Gull Surf Scoter White-winged Scoter AUKS, MURRES & PUFFINS Common Goldeneye Common Murre Barrow's Goldeneye Pigeon Gulllemot Bufflehead Marbled Murrelet Hooded Merganser Rhinoceros Auklet Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganzer PIGEONS & DOVES Band-tailed Pigeon AMERICAN VULTURES Turkey Vulture OWLS Barred Owl OSPREYS, EAGLES & HAWKS Owl sp.

-47- - I WRENS GOATSUCKERS Bewick's Wren Common Nighthawk House Wren Winter Wren HUMMINGBIRDS Rufous Hummingbird KINGLETS & THRUSHES Gold-crowned Kinglet KINGFISHERS Ruby-crowned Kinglet Belted Kingfisher Swainson's Thrush American Robin WOODPECKERS Varied Thrush Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker WAXWINGS Northern Flicker Cedar Waxwing Pileated Woodpecker STARLINGS TYRANT FLYCATCHERS European Starling Olive-sided Flycatcher Hammond's Flycatcher VIREOS Pacific-slope Flycatcher Hutton's Viero

SWALLOWS WARBLERS, SPARROWS & BLACKBIRDS Violet-green Swallow Orange-crowned Warbler Northern Rough-winged Swallow Yellow-rumped Warbler Cliff Swallow Black-throated Gray Warbler Barn Swallow Townsend's Warbler Wilson's Warbler JAYS, MAGPIES & CROWS Rufous-sided Towhee Northwestern Crow Savannah Sparrow Common Raven Fox Sparrow Song Sparrow TITMICE Golden-crowned Sparrow Chestnut-backed Chlkadee White-crowned Sparrow , Dark-eyed Junco NUTHATCHES Red-winged Blackbird Red-breasted Nuthatch FINCHES CREEPERS House Finch Brown Creeper Red Crossbill Pine Siskin American Goldfinch

Ecologic4l. Re6&\Ve Bald Eagle

SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS GROUSE Mallard Blue Grouse*

AMERICAN VULTURES PIGEONS & DOVES Turkey Vulture Band-tailed Pigeon


-48- - I Cornmon Nighthawk" TITMICE I ~~~~""___ " Chestnut-backed Chlkadee HUMMINGBIRDS Anna's Hummingbird NUTHATCHES Rufous Hummingbird" Red-breasted Nuthatch

WOODPECKERS CREEPERS Hairy Woodpecker Brown Creeper* Northern Flicker Pileated Woodpecker WRENS Winter Wren TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Olive-sided Flycatcher KINGLETS & THRUSHES Pacific-slope Flycatcher Gold-crowned Kinglet Western Wood-Pewee" Townsend's Solitaire American Robin SWALLOWS Varied Thrush Swallow sp. WARBLERS, SPARROWS & BLACKBIRDS JAYS, MAGPIES & CROWS Townsend's Warbler Northwestern Crow Western Tanager* Cornmon Raven Wilson's Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler* Rufous-sided Towhee Song Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco

FINCHES Red Crossbill Pine Siskin

-49- - I Appendix E

'-----:--~~::=, Ecological Reserve C. infundibuliformis 59 AGARICUS C. subalbidus 2 I A. augustus 224 A. albolutescens 219 CERA TIOMYXA A. chionodermus 171 C. fruticulosa 124 A. silvicola group 50 CHROOGOMPHUS ALPOVA C. tomentosus 18 A. diplophloeus 123 CHRYSOMPHALINA AMANITA C. aurantiaca 168 A. constricta? 229 C. chrysophylla 173 A. gemmata 218 A. pachycolea 151 CLA VARIACEAE A. pantherina 110 C. species 82 A. porphyria 1 A. silvicola 192 CLAVARIA A. species 50 C. fumosa 64 C. vermicularis 114 ARCYRIA A. nutans 147 CLAV ARIADELPHUS C. borealis 263 ARMILLARIA C. species 245 A. mellea 165 C. ligula 278 A. ostoyae 274 CLAVULINA AURISCALPIUM C. cristata 249 A. vulgare 89 C. rugosa 81

BOLETUS CLA VULINOPSIS B. chrysenteron 257 C. laeticolor 53 B. mirabilis 15 B. piperatoides 271 CLITOCYBE C. albir hiza 215 CALLISTOPORIUM C. clavipes 256 C. luteo-olivaceum 106 C. fragrans 234 C. metachroa 279 CALOCERA C. species 102 C. viscosa 66 C. trullaeformis 23

CALOSCYPHA COLLYBIA C. cornea 270 C. acervata 277 C. fulgens 213 C. butracea 244 C. maculata 107 CANTHARELLULA C. maculata C. umbonata 160 var. scorzonerea 131 C. oregonensis 225 CANTHARELLUS C. species 179 C. formosa 61 C. species 223

-50- - I ENTOLOMA COLTRICIA E. bloxamii 231 ':"""m" C. cinnamomea 103 C. perennis 127 FOMITOPSIS F. eajanderi 91 CORDYCEPS F. pinicola 86 62 F. rosea 8 • C. eapitata CORTINARIUS FULIGO C. californicus 186 F. spetica 224a C. col1inatus group 269a F. septica with C. corrugatus 266 nectria violacea 145 C. cotoneus 265 C. cylindripes group 141 GALERINA C. evernius 57 G. marginata 117 C. glaucopus group 251 G. species 159 C. haematochelis 55 C. limonius 267 GANODERMA C.lucorum 185 G. applanatum 93 C. multiforrnis 242 G. oregonensis 181 C. seaurus group 240 C. sernisanguineus 254 GAUTIERIA C. sodagnitus group 56 G. monticola 134 C. superbus 190 C. species 208 GEASTRUM C. species 259 G. quadrifidum 38 C. telamonia species 216 GEOPYXIS CRIBRARIA G. vulcanalis 227 C. macrocarpa 172 GOMPHIDIUS CREPIDOTUS G. oregoninsis 233 C. applanatus 158 G. srnithii 163 • C. species 198 G. subroseus 69 CRYPTOPORUS GOMPHUS C. volvatus 248 G. floccosus 27

CYSTODERMA GRANDINIA C. amianthinum G. granulosa 281 var. rugosoreticulatum 175 C. granulosum 176 GUEPINIOPSIS C. gruberianum 201 G. alpinus 65

DACRYMYCES GYMNOPILUS D. palrnatus 90 G. validipes 170 G. sapineus 43 DISCINA G. species 193 D. perlata 94 GYROMITRA ELAPHOMYCES G. esculenta 212 E. granulatus 46 HAPALOPILUS

-51- H. salmonico1or 280 1. sororia 144 1. umbrina? 120 !~cc••• ~. HEBELOMA H. crustulUriforme 2621 LACCARIA L. amethystina 253 HELVELLA L. bico1or 49 H. compressa 109 L. 1accata 48 H. e1estica 135 H. 1acunosa 177 LACTARIUS H. maculata 74 L. deliciosus 29 H. var of phlebophora? 278 L. 1uculentus 47 L. pseudomucidus 28 HYDNELLUM L. rubrilacteus 29 H. aurantiacum 11 L. subflarnmeus 189 H. aurantiacum L. uvidus group 39 var. bulbipodium 138 H. suaveo1ens 137 LAETIPORUS H. species 22 L. sulphureus 273 HYDNUM LEOTIA H. umbilicatum 60 L. 1ubrica 104

HYGROCYBE LEPIOTA H. psittacena 129 L. clypeo1aria 166 H. subminiata 276 L. species 169 H. species 130 LEPTOGLOSSUM HYGROPHOROPSIS L.species 40 H. aurantiaca 164 H. olida 75 LEPTONIA L. fuligineomarginata 136 HYGROPHORUS L. species 162 H. agathosmus 268 H. bakerensis 261 LEPTOPORUS H. eburneus 70 L. mollis 85 H. pratensis 255 H. singeri var. albifolius 182 LYCOGALA L. epidendrum 115 HYMENOCHAETE H. species 196 LYCOPERDON L. foetidum 68 HYPHOLOMA L. per1atum 24 H. capnoides 194 L. pyriforme 25 H. species 67 LYOPHYLLUM INOCYBE L. decastes group 14 1. albodisca 210 L. infumatum 184 I. calarnistrata 116 L. semitale 243 1. geophylla 214 L. species 258 1. 1anguinosa 101 1. lilacina 235 MARASMIELUS 1. mixitilis 113 M. candidus 99 1. pudica 180

-52- - I MARASMIUS PANELLUS M. sp. 152 P. mitis 260 b'-.::-----' P. serotinus 174 MARASMIOID FUNGI M. species 195 PHAEOLUS P. schweiniitzii 183 I MERULIOPSIS M. ambiguus 157 PHELLODON P. tomentosus 71 MNIOPETALUM M. species 199 PHOLIOTA P. species 232 MORCHELLA M. eJata 108 PHYLLOPORUS P. rhodoxanthus 133 MUCRONELLA M. pendula 188 PHYSARUM P. cinereum 146 MYCENA P. galbeum 269 M. acicula? 154 P. rubiginosum 226 M. a1calina 63 M. aurantiidisca 34 PLECTANIA M. eJegantula 33 P. meJastoma 98 M. eJegantula group 92 M. epipterygia 52 PLEUROTUS M. leptocephela 19 P. porrigens 40 M. lilacifolia 204 M. macuJata 156 PLUTEUS M. oregonensis 167 P. cervinus 10 M. pura 26 M. purpureofusca 153 POLYFORUS M. subcana 80 P. elegans 221 M. species 206 P. hirtus 6 M. species 208 POSTlA MYXOMPHALIA P. ceaesius 73 M. mura 36 P. fragilis 79 P. guttalatus 142 NEOURNULA N. pouchetti 211 PSEUDOHYDNMUM P. gelatinosum 31 NOLANEA N. cetrata 207 PSEUDOPLECTANIA P. nigrel1a 203 OMPHALINA r O. ericetorum 20 PYCNOPORELLUS f P. fibrillosus 13 OTIDEA O. a1utacea 37 RADIIGERA O. leporina var. minor 252 R. atrogleba 200 O. onotica 51 O. species 222 RAMARIA R. conjunctipes 237

-53- - I R. formosa 7 THELEPHORA /~ R. gelatinosa T. palmata 76 I c. .. var. oregonenisis 228 T. spiculosa 77 R. rasilispora 205 R. species 105 TRAMETES R. species 112 T. versicolor 128 • R . species 217 • R. testaceo-flava? 111 TREMELLA T. encephala 264 RHlZOPOGON R. species 118 TRlCHAPTUM R. species 125 T. abietnus 84 R. species 131 T. fuscoviolaceum 197

RUSSULA TRlCHIA R. albonigra 35 T. decipiens 101 R. alutacea 139 T. favoginea 96 R. fragrantissima 230 T. species 275 R. occidenta1is var. undetermined 141 TRlCHOGLOSSUM R. olivacea 9 T. hirsutum 58 R. brevipes var. acrior 32 R. fragilis 187 TRlCHOLOMA R. integra group 45 T. flavovirens 272 R. placita group 44 T. portentosum? 250 R. xerampelina 17 T. saponaceum 54 T. terreum group 83 SARCOSOMA T. vaccinum 42 S. Mexicana 202 T. virgatum 239

SARCOSPHAERA TRlMISCUS S. crassa 97 T. helvelloides 238

STEREUM TRUNCOCOLUMELLA S. sangunolentum 87 T. species 143

STROBILURUS TUBER S. trullisatus 236 T. gibbosum 119

SUlLLUS URNULA S. caerulescens 21 U. craterium? 88 S. lakei 161 XEROMPHALINA TAPHRlNA X. campanella 155 T. amentorum 122 X. fulvipes 3

TAPlNELLA XYLARlA T. atrotomentosa 16 X. hypoxlon 149

TARZETTA T. bronca? 220

-54- - I Appendix F ------==

-~~~~: Winter Cove Park C. oregonensis 68 AGARICUS A. bernardii 151 COLTRIClA a A. campestri 97 C. cinnamomea 164 A. praecJaresquamosus 107 A. silvicola group 28 COPRINUS A. subrufescens? 137 C. mlcaceus 83

AMANITA CREPIDOTUS A. pantberina 127 C. moills 102 C. species 103 ARCYRA A. denudata x incarnata 123 CRUCIBULuM C. laeve 108 ARMILLARIA A. ostoyae 141 CRYYPTOPORUS C. volvatus 73 AURISCALPIUM A. vulgare 59 CYSTODERMA C. granulosum 23 BOLBITIAClAE B. species 93 DACRYMYCES D. palmatus 52

i__ BOVISTA D. variisporus 160 B. plumbea 110 ENTERIDIUM CHRYSOMPHALINA E. lycoperdon 129 C. aurantiaca 85 FOMITOPSIS CLAVlCEPS F. cajanderi 61 C. species 92 F. pinicola 67

CLAVULINA GALERINA C. cinerea 2 G. species 112 C. cristata 36 C. rugosa 125 GEASTRUM G. saccatum 5 CLA VULINOPSIS G. quadrifidum 71 C. laeticolor 156 C. species 48 GOMPHIDIUS G. oregonensis 148 CLITOCYBE G. smlthii 134 C. atrialba 140 G. subroseus 25 C. dealbata (rivulosa?) 18 C. fragrans 144 GLOEOPHYLLUM C. species 19 G. saepiarium 87 C. species 20 GUEPINIOPSIS COLLYBIA G. alpinus 62 C. dryophiia 90

-55- - I GYMNOPILUS L. amethystina 161 ====- G. sapineus 31 L. bicolor 24 ,=, GYROMITRA LACTARIUS G. infula 167 L. rubrilacteus 27 L. subflarnmeus 158 30 ~ HEBELOMA L. species H. crustuliniforme 132 LEPIOTA HELVELLA L. castanea 135 H. acetabulum 80 L. clypeolaria 100 H. compressa group 75 L. cristata 17 H. lacunosa 139 L. flarnmeotincta? 133 H. maculata 41 L. naucina 14 L. roselivida 101 HYDNELLUM L. rubrotincta 16 H. aurantiacum 165 L. aequoiarum 131

HYDNUM LEPISTA H. repandum 42 L. nebularis 145 L. nuda 152 HYGROCYBE H. conica 54 LEPTONIA H. laeta 78 L. decolorans H. miniata 8 forma decolorans 143 H. psittacina 120 LEUCOPAXILLUS r------,.,-_ HYGROPHORUS L. albissimus group 57 H. agathosmus 157 L. amarus 7 H. aurantica 98 H. bakerensis 162 MARASMIELLUS H. niveus 163 M. candldus 12

, HYMNEOCHAETE MARASMIUS H. tabacina 66 M. plicatulus 22 M. scorodonius 6 HYPHOLOMA H. capnoides 49 MORCHELLA H. cap. var. viscid 50 M. deliciosa 122 H. fasciculare 77 M. elata 128

HYPOMYCES MYCENA H. lactiflorum 3 M. alcalina 10 M. ambilissima 104 HYPOXYLON M. elegantula 142 H. fuscum 69 M. haematopus 9 M. lilacifolia 126 lNOCYBE M. monticola 105 I. geophylia 82 M. pura 11 I. lilacina 51 M. purpureofusca 150 I. soria M. species 56 M. subcana 55 LACCARIA

-56- - I NECTRlA PSEUDOPLECfANIA 166 P. melaena 121 ~.. N. cinnabarina NOLANEA PYRENOMYCETES N. mammosa group 46 P. species 70 N. verna group 79 a RAMARIA OMPHALINA R. apiculata 155 O. ericetorum 72 RUSSULA OTIDEA R. albidula group 47 O. onotica 38 R. bicolor 153 O. species 39 R. crassotunicata 25 R. cremoricolor 89 PANELLUS R. species 115 P. serotinus 64 R. xerampelina 33 P. stipticus 58 RUSTROMIA PHELLINUS R. species 76 P. chrysoloma 94 P. pini 63 SARCOSPHAERA S. crassa 74 PHLEBIA P. radiata 96 SCHIZOPHYLLUM S. commune 118 PHYSARUM P. cinereum 154 SCUTELLINIA S. scutellata 86 PLECfANIA P. melastoma 81 STEMONITIS S. splendens 84 PLEUROTUS P. ostreatus 32 STEREUM S. hirsutum group 119 PLUTEUS S. sangunolenturn 116 P. cervinus 40 S. striatum 65

POLYPORUS STROBlLURUS P. badius 117 S. trulllisstus 13

POSTIA STROPHARIA P. caesius 99 S. ambigua 113 P. fragilis 168 S. rip aria 109

PSATHYRELLA SUlLLUS P. candolleana 114 S. caerulescens 37 P. gracilis group 4 S. lakei 35 P. longipes 43 P. species 91 TAPlNELLA T. atrotomentosus 95 PSEUDOHYDNUM P. gelatinosum 15

-57- -

I THELEPHORA T. palmata 44 T. terrestris 1

TRAMETES a T. versicolor 53 TRICHAPTUM T. abietnus 60

TRICHIA T. favoginea 88

TRICHOLOMA T. aur an tiurn 146 T. myomyces 2 T. saponaceurn 159 T. virgaturn 45

TRICHOLOMOPSIS T. decora 138 T. sulferoides 136

TUBERCULARIA T. vulgaris 169

XEROMPHALINA I~\ X. campenella .~ 149

XYLARIA X. hypoxylon 34

-58- U()"l"\"/~,.. 2-LX.:O

Winter Cove Park GBASTRUM I O. saccatum G. quadriHdum AGARICUS A. bernardii GLOBOPHYLLUM A. campeatri O. saepiarium A. praeclaresquamosus A. silvicola group GOMPHIDIUS G. oregonensis AMANITA G. smithii A. pantherina O. subroseuB

ARCYRIA GUBPINIOPSIS ALPINUS A. incarnata x denudata €MIIOPILUS '.. : ARMILLARIA OSTOY AB SAPI~ ~ ~------HBBBLOMA ~~(L; _. \) ~.u!.I~~LPIUM VULG~ H. crustuliniforme l ()

BOLBITIACIAB HBLVBLLA 8. species H. acetabulum H. compr~a group BOVISTA PLUMBBA ~-:acun~ . naeu1\ta BREFBLDIA MAXIMA HYDNUM CLAVICEPS H. repandum C. species HYGROCYBB CLAVULINA H. conica C. ciner H. laeta (~-:-cristata h H. miniata Zru 80sa HYGROPHOROPSIS CLAVULINOPSIS H. aurantica C. species HYGROPHORUS CLlTOCYBE H, b~ker,e~ , C. dealbata (rivuiosa?) C. fragrans ~ (lo) HYMNBOCHABTB CLITOCYBULA H. tahacina _ C, atrialba

. capnoi es _ '. . . .viscid , 0' ~~ US HYPOMYCBS LACTIFLORUM C. micaceus CREPIDOTUS ~ C. mollis INOCYBB C. species ~riJiYlli) l' ina CRUCIBULUM LBAVB


CYSTODBRMA C. granulosum LJ....!illllNr.. ~ ~~YCBS-PALM?5 LACTARIUS --...... ENTBRIDIUM LYCOPBRSON C~oi!~bt0; i>' ry,Q<, I, ) h A FOMITOPSIS 1.. castanea F. cajanderi - L. ciypeolaria F. pinko!a L. cristata L. flammeotincta GALBRINA L. naucina O. species (photo) L. roselivida L. rubrotincta L. sequoirum LBPISfA PSATHYRBLLA L. nebularia P. candolleana I L. nuda P.a gracilis group P. longipea LBPTONIA P. species L. decolorans forma decolorans !f<-~s~~. LBUCOPAXILLUS ~. L. alb.issimu8 group L. amatus PYRBNOMYCBTBS P. species

~~). albidula gtoup R. bicolor R. crassotunicata MORCHBLLA R. cremoricolor M. deliciosa R. species M. elat.! R. xerampelina

MYCBNA RUSfROMIA M. alcalina R. species M. ambilissima M. elegantula SARCOSPHABRA CRAS!lA M. haematopu8 M. lliacifolia SCUTBLLINIA SCUTBLLATA M. monticola M. pura SfBMONITIS SPLENDBNS M, purpureofusca STBRBUM S. striatum ~NOLANBA 1\J..Q.~a.., ~f\~b({)\,UY1Cu N. species (mammosa gr.) SfROBILURUS TRULLISSTUS N. verna group SfROPHARIA S. ambigua ·~J:f;9S 0 . ~Q~ S. riparla OMPHALINA \) SUILLUS 0r"~""<~ S.· caeruiescens S. lakei

O'lJDJM-..--... ,ref. onoti~ T~I!!P!!~A. palma ---O:-"specles Cerrestrista

PANBLLUS TRAMBTBS /~ T. versicolor ~ti~ TRICHAPTUM PAXILLUS T. abietnus P. atrotomentosus TRICHIA PHBLLINUS T. fav<>ginea P. chrysrJioma P. pini TRICHOLOMA T. aurantium T. myomyces ~~ T. virgatum PHYSARUM TRICHOLOMOPSIS P. cinereum T. decor. \. \~" / ~ T. sulferoid.. r L'v Vet' ()JJ'UJIJJ...)...J PLECfANIA P. melastoma XEROMPHALINA X. campennella PLBUROTUS P. ostreatus ~<~XYI~ ~., 0M--- ",J c:) (J{,-o Ecological Reserve CRBPIDOTUS applanatus C. mollia AGARICUS alboleteacenl I A. 11,l8ustuI CRypTOPORUS volvatUl A. ehionodermus A. silvicola group CYSTODBRMA IImianthinum C. amainthinurn var. ruguaoretieulatum ALPOVA diplophloeus C. granuloaum C, gruberillnum ('.-_. - .. -.----.~ .... AMANITA constricta -. _. -- A. gemmata D~CRYMYCES pllimatus"> A. pachycolea - ---.-_.- .------' A. pantherina DISCINA perJata A. porphyria A. ailvicola BLAPHOMYCBS gunulatus

ARCYRIA nutans ENTOLDMA bloxami

ARMILLARIA oBtoyae FOMlTOPSIS cajanderi F. pinicolav

~UM"~~fg~ FULIOO aeptica BRBFBLDlA maxima F. septiea @ neetda violates

BOLETUS chrysenteron B. mirabilis P. piperoidea

CALLISTOPORIUM luteo-olivaceurn GAUTIBRIA monticola .... ~--:---....

CALOSCYPHA fulgens GSOPYXIS vulcanalis

CANTHBRBLLULA umbonata GOMPHlDlUS oregonensis G. smithii CANTHARBLLUS formosa G. subroseus C. infundibuliformis C. subalbidus GOMPHUS floccoaus

CBRATIOMYXA fruticuloaa Ci1UilPlNIOpSIS 'IElnJi0

CHROOGOMPHUS tomento8uB OYMNOPILUS sapineus O. validipes CHRYSOPHYLLA aurantiaca" C c. Chrysoph~ OVROMITRA eaeulents CLAVARIA fumoss HEBBLOMA crustuUniforme C. vermicularis Gn~~ cO"mpressa CLAVARIADBLPHUS borealis c. 'l:=!!:::':-> CLAVULINA crist&ta HYDNBLLUM aurantiaeurn (~~~~ui08a ) H. aurantiaeum var. bulbipodium eLA VULINOPSIS laeticolor H. suaveolens

CLITOCYBB albirhiza HYDNUM repandum C. ciavipes H. umblicatum C. fragrana C. trullaeformis HYOROCYBB psittacena H. singed var albifolius COLLYBIA acervata H. suhminiata C. butyracea C. maculata ~OROPSIS aurantiaca C. maculata var. $corzonerea C. oregonenaia ~"·S~~ f: HYGROPHORUS agathosffiua COLTRICIA cinnamomea H. bakerensis C. perennis H. eburneus H. pratensis CORDYCBPS capitata HYMBNOCHAETB species ~~~~ californicus C. colIinatua gr. (UypHOLOMA capnoi~ C. corrugatua H.~~e--_=~-' C. cotoneua C. eylindripea group INOCYBB albodisca C. everniua L calamistrata C. gentilia I. geophylla C. gIaucopua gr. L languinoss C. haematochelia 1. lilacina C. Umoniua L longieystis C. lucorum L mixitiIis C. multiformia L pudica C. acaurua gT. I. sororis C. semiaanguineua C. aodagnitus group LACCARIA amethysteo-occiednta1is C. superbua L. bicolor C. sp. (Subgenus Telamoni&') ~ CRIBRARIA maerocarpa LACTARIUS deliciosus L. luculentus L. pseudomucidu8 L. rubril&cteus PYCNOPORBLLUS fibrilloeue L. eubllammeua I L. uvidua group RADIIGBRA atrogleba LARTIPORUS 8uiphureu8 RAMARIA conjuntipee R. formolA LBOTIA lubrica R. geiatinolA Val otegonenaia R. ruiliapora LBPIOTA clypeolaTia RHIZOP<>GON LBPTOGLOSSUM

~JWV--S;a-;dW:~) SARCOSPHABRA orana

MARASMIUS epiphyllus STIBBLLA byssidea M. aalal SJ'BREUM aangunolentum MBRULlUS ambiguu8 SfROBILURUS trullisstus MORCHELLA elata SUILLUS oaeruleacens· MNIOPETALUM sp. S. lakel (~lk'R6;:n,iiEp·~d_~I,,) ';:'-0'~~?J' TAPHRINA amentorun MYCBNA aoicula TARZETTA M. alcalina M. aurantiidisoa THBLBPHORA palmata M. elegantula T. spiculos8 M. elegantula group M. epipterygia TRAMRTBS versicolor M. leptocephela M. Iilacifolia-Chromoaera cyanophylla M. maculata GAence~ M. oregonensis TREMBllODENDROPSIS tuberosa? M. pura J" put~fuaca ~CHAPTUM~-~ .3biet~u!l . au6ca T ..... fuicovlolaceum

MYXOMP~ALIA mura TRICHIA decipiens T. favoginea NBOURNULA pouchetti TRICHOGLOSSUM hlrsutum ~etrata TRICHOWMA fiavovirens OMPHALINA ericetorum T. portentosum T. saponaceum OTIDBA alutacea ulferoides O. leporina var minor terreum gr O. onotica T. cc T. virgatum, PANBLLUS mitis P. serotinus TRUNCOCOLUMBLLA

PAXILLUS atrotomentosua TUBER gibboaum

PHOLIOTA XEROMPHAUNA campanella X. fuivipes PHYLWPORUS rhodoxanthus XYLARIA hYPo:lyion PHYSARUM galbeum P. tubiginoaum

PLBCfANIA meiastoma

PLBUROTUS porrigena

PLUTEUS cervinus

POLYPORUS eiegans P. hirtua ~~ P. guttalatus ~------....:::.,,--. ~~~~>,!llbLo.t.~..., PSBUDOPLBCTANIA nigrella - I SATURNA ISLAND ECOlOGICAL RESffiVE


All fungi in the following list were collected from the Saturna Island Ecological Reserve under Park Use Permit SV9710082. All specimens were collected between August 30, 1997 and January 29, 2000 and are dried and stored in the Janszen home on Saturna Island. The. fungus featured in this slide show are denoted with an asterisk.

Primary nomenclature for this list comes from Ainsworth & Bisby's DICTIONARY OF THE FUNGI Eighth Edition, D.L. Hawkskworth, P.M. Kirk, B.C. Sutton and D.N. Pegler, 1996.

Additional nomenclature is from J. Breitenbach I F. Kranzlin FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND Volumes 1 through 4, J. Breitenbach I F. Kranzlin, 1984, 1986, 1991, 1995 and from personal correspondence with Scott Redhead, Curator-National Mycological Herbarium, Ottawa.

Basidiomycota and Ascomycota diagrams are from THE KNOPF Mushroom Book, Thomas Laessoe, Anna Del Conte, Gary Lincoff, 1996.

Photography and general all round support from Harvey Janszen and funding assistance from the Friends of Ecological Reserves have been invaluable to this project.

Thank you,

Pam J anl.>zen

Box 34 Saturna Island, B.C. VON 2YO

Phone: 250-539-5150 Fax: 250-539-5150 2

- I PSILOCYBE (Phylum) species* BASIDIOMYCETES (Class) TRICHOLOMATACEAE ARMILLARIA AGARICALES (Order) ostoyae* AGARICACEAE (Family) CALLISTOPORIUM AGARICUS (Genus) luteo-olivaceum albolutescens (Species) CANTHARELLULA augustus* umbonata* chionodermus CHROMOSERA silvicola* cyanophylla* CYSTODERMA CHRYSOMPHALINA amianthinum aurantiaca* amianthinum var rugosoreticulatum* chyrsophylla* granulosum CLiTOCYBE gruberianum albirhiza LEPIOTA clavi pes clypeolaria* fragrans AMANITACEAE COLLYBIA AMANITA acervata constricta acervata var. * gemmata butyracea pachycolea maculata pantherina* maculata var. scorzonerea porphyria oregonensis silvicola LACCARIA ENTOLOMATACEAE amethysteo-occidentalis* ENTOLOMA bicolor* bloxami* laccata* LEPTONIA LEPTOGLOSSUM fuligineomarginata species umbilicata LYOPHYLLUM NOLANEA decastes group cetrata* infumatum HYGROPHORACEAE semitale HYGROCYBE MARASMIELLUS psittacena* candidus* singeri var. albifolius MARASMIUS subminiata epiphyllus HYGROPHORUS saialis* agathosmus MNIOPETALUM bakerensis species eburneus MYCENA pratensis acicuia PLUTEACEAE aurantiidisca PLUTEUS eiegantula cervinus eiegantuia group STROPHARIACEAE epipterygia* HYPHOLOMA leptocephela capnoides maculata* fasciculare oregonensis* PHOLIOTA pura* species* purpureofusca * 4 ,I

- I• INOCYBE perennis' albodisca HYMENOCHAETE calamistrata species geophylla LYCOPERDALES languinosa GEASTRACEAE lilacina GEASTRUM longicystis quadrifidium mixitilis RADIIGERA pudica' atrogleba soria' LYCOPERDACEAE CREPIDOTACEAE LYCOPERDON CREPIDOTUS foetidum applanatus perlatum' moll is pyriforme GAUTIERIACEAE MELANOGASTRALES GAUTIERIA MELANOGASTRACEAE monticola ALPOVA DACRYMYCETALES diphlophloeus DACRVMYCETACEAE PORIALES CALOCERA CORIOLACEAE cornea' CRYPTOPORUS viscosa volvatus' DACRYMYCES FOMITOPSIS palmatus' cajanderi' GUEPINIOPSIS pinicola alpinus' HAPALOPILUS GANODERMATALES salmonicolor GANODERMATACEAE LAETIPORUS GANODERMA sulphureus applanatum' MERULIUS oregonensis' ambiguus POSTIA caesius' GOMPHUS fragilis floccsus' guttalatus' RAMARIACEAE PHAEOlUS RAMARIA sweiniitzii conjuntipes PYCNOPORELLUS formosa fibrillosus gelatinosa var. oregonensis TRICHAPTUM rasilispora' abietnus species fuscoviolaceum HERICIALES TYROMYCES AURISCALPIACEAE mol lis AURISCALPIUM TRAMETES vulgare' versicolor' HERICIACEAE LENTINACEAE MUCRONELLA PLEUROTUS pendula' porrigens HYMENOCHAETALES POLPORACEAE HYMENOCHAETACEAE POlVPORUS COlTRICIA elegans cinnamomea hirtus 6





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