3.4 Pedestrians

3.4 Pedestrians


This section documents existing pedestrian flows on sidewalks, within PSNY, and within subway stations in , near PSNY and NYPSE. Also analyzed are future No Build conditions and the impact the Build Alternative would likely have on these pedestrian flows.

The surface pedestrian analysis focused on an area around West extending from 200 feet west of Eighth Avenue to the center line of and from 100 feet south of West 34th Street to 100 feet north of West 35th Street. In response to comments received from , a secondary pedestrian study area was added extending north from West 35th Street to West 41st Street between Eighth and Sixth Avenues. Within this area, sidewalks and crosswalks were analyzed where it was determined that the proposed action would increase pedestrian volumes by at least 200 people in the AM peak 15- minute period. These locations are shown in Figure 3.4-1.

The pedestrian analysis also includes elements in the three existing subway stations along West 34th Street that would provide direct transfers to NYPSE. These are the 34th Street Station on the Eighth Avenue line, served by the A C E lines; the 34th Street Station on the Seventh Avenue line, served by the 1 2 3 lines; and the Herald Square Station on the and Sixth Avenue lines, served by the B D F N Q R V W lines. The analysis in subway stations focuses on the stairways, escalators, and fare control areas (turnstiles) that would be on the most direct routes between NYPSE and each subway platform and that would be used by significant numbers of project passengers. Additionally, elements on slightly longer routes are also considered when distances and circulation patterns suggest that significant numbers of persons are likely to use these alternate walking routes. The various levels of the three stations analyzed are shown in Figures 3.4-2 through 3.4-7.

No other NYCT subway stations are located in the vicinity of PSNY, and no measurable number of passengers generated by the project would access a more distant station. The only other transit station in the vicinity, the PATH 33rd Street Station, also serves a primarily trans-Hudson market; therefore, significant numbers of passengers would not be expected to transfer between the PATH station and NYPSE.

Local bus routes serving the PSNY/West 34th Street area include the M4, M5, M6, M7, M10, M16, M20, M34, and the Q32. The pedestrian analysis includes the primary walking routes to one or more bus stops for each of those routes. Sidewalk space occupied by persons waiting for buses is considered in the sidewalk analysis.


NEW JERSEY This portion of the project area has not been addressed quantitatively, since the Build Alternative would not affect pedestrian circulation relative to Frank R. Lautenberg Station, the only station within the project area. Pedestrian issues have been addressed qualitatively for stations beyond the project area in Sections 4.18 and 5.18 relative to indirect and cumulative impacts.

3.4-1 W 42 ST

W 41 ST

Port Authority Bus Terminal

W 40 ST

W 39 ST

W 38 ST

W 37 ST

W 36 ST

W 35 ST


W 34 ST

One Penn Plaza

W 33 ST





R E B M R General Post Office Penn Station/ A O


James A. Farley Station W 32 ST H D T W



V A 7 8

W 31 ST

Access to the Region’s Core Legend Final Environmental Impact Statement W 30 ST SidewalkAnalyzed Figure 3.4-1 CornerAnalyzed Pedestrian Facilities Analyzed (New York) CrosswalkAnalyzed 0 100 200 Station Footprint Feet Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008W 29 ST Legend Area N ot

Accessible W. 33rd Street

t o the

Publi c Scale Sou r ce: 0 T ransit Link Consul 35 70 t ants, 200 W. 34th Street 1 40 F eet 8 Eighth Avenu Eighth Avenu N Figure Plat Y CT Eighth f Final E A orm e e

ccess to the 3.4-

L n e viron 2 ve

Avenue l m ental I

Sub m pact Sta R w egion’s Cor a y

Line - t emen W. 35th Street


Legend Area N ot

Accessible W. 33rd Street

t o the

Publi c Scale Sou r ce: 0 T ransit Link Consul 35 70 W. 34th Street t ants, 200 1 40 F eet 8 Eighth Avenu Eighth Avenu M N Figure Y ezzanine CT Eighth Final E A e e

ccess to the 3.4- n viron

3 L

e Avenue ve m l ental I

Sub m pact Sta R w egion’s Cor a y

Line - W. 35th Street t emen

NYPSE t e W. 32nd Street T wo Penn

Plaz Penn Hotel a


S t atio v ani n New York a Scale Sou r ce: 0 W. 33rd Street T ransit Link Consul 35 70 One t S S ants, 200 e e venth venth

Penn Plaz 1

Avenu Avenu 40 F eet a e e 8 Plat N Figure Y CT S f Final E A orm

ccess to the 3.4- e venth

L n e viron 4 ve l

Avenue Sub m ental I m pact Sta

R W. 34th Street egion’s Cor w a y Line - t emen t

NYPSE M e acy’

s Legend Area 32nd N ot


Accessible treet

Subpassag W. 32nd Street

t o the

e Publi c Penn

S t atio n New York Scale Sou r ce: 0 T ransit Link Consul 35 33 r d LIRR

S treet Subpassag 70

W. 33rd Street Concou r s e t ants, 200 e 1 40 F eet 8 S e venth

Avenu N Figure Subpassage e Y CT S Final E A

ccess to the 3.4- e venth n viron 5 34th


e Avenue Sub m ve

S ental I treet l

m Subpassag

pact Sta W. 34th Street R egion’s Cor w a y Line - t emen e t

NYPSE e M anhat t W. 33rd Street an M al l

B r o a d w a y Scale Sou r ce: 0 T ransit Link Consul W. 34th Street 35 70 M acy’ t ants, 200 s 1 40 F eet 8 NYPSE Upper N Figure Sixth Y CT B

Final E Avenu A B r

o ccess to the 3.4-

r a

oad d w e n a viron 6 y w a M m y & Sixth ezzanine ental I m pact Sta

R Avenue Sub

L egion’s Cor e ve t l

emen W. 35th Street t w a Sixth y Lines - e


e W. 33rd Street Scale Sou r ce: 0 T ransit Link Consul W. 34th Street 35 70 t ants, 200 1

40 B

F r o eet a

8 d w a y N Figure Lowe Sixth Y CT Sixth

Final E Avenu A r

ccess to the M 3.4- ezzanine e n viron

7 Avenue m ental I


e Sub vel m pact Sta

w R a y egion’s Cor

Line - NYPSE

t W. 35th Street emen t

e 3.4: Pedestrians

HUDSON RIVER Pedestrian circulation is not relevant in this portion of the project area.

NEW YORK SIDEWALKS, STREET CORNERS AND CROSSWALKS The sidewalks, corners, and crosswalks along West 34th Street and intersecting avenues are busy throughout the day, reflective of the activity in the area, including PSNY, Madison Square Garden, the Farley Post Office, several hotels, and Macy’s Department Store. Among the three key intersections along West 34th Street, the intersection of Eighth Avenue and West 34th Street is the least crowded, while the intersections of Seventh Avenue at West 34th Street and Broadway/Sixth Avenue (Herald Square) at West 34th Street experience higher volumes of commuters and shoppers.

Pedestrian pathways have been analyzed based on volume and capacity. Congestion has been translated into a pedestrian Level of Service (LOS) rating from A to F, where LOS A represents an un-crowded condition and LOS F represents extreme congestion. LOS C represents a busy but comfortable condition while LOS D represents a somewhat congested condition typical of urban settings during peak periods.

Existing conditions were analyzed at 30 points on sidewalks, 12 street corners, and 16 crosswalks in the primary pedestrian study area and at 40 points on sidewalks, 74 street corners, and 71 crosswalks in the secondary pedestrian study area. Pedestrian volumes were counted from 7:30 to 9:30 AM and 4:30 to 6:00 PM during October 2006 in the primary pedestrian study area and during May 2008 in the secondary pedestrian study area. As shown in Tables 3.4-1 through 3.4-3, 7 sidewalks, 2 street corners and 9 crosswalks operate at LOS E or F during one or both peak periods in the primary pedestrian study area. Existing conditions in the primary and secondary pedestrian study areas are presented in Appendix 3.4. The “platoon” level of service defines conditions in which pedestrians are concentrated into waves due to the influence of traffic signals.

SUBWAY STATION ELEMENTS Each of the three subway stations along West 34th Street has multiple entry points and fare control areas (turnstile arrays). Pedestrian volumes were counted at key subway station entry points and on stairs and escalators within the stations during October and November 2006.

In the analysis, flow rates were adjusted by a 25 percent peaking factor for passengers exiting the stations to account for additional concentration after trains discharge passengers, and by 20 percent for passengers entering stations to reflect the influence of walk signals and other fluctuations in pedestrian flows. These adjustments were included in the analysis at the request of NYC Transit.

At the Eighth Avenue A C E lines station and the Seventh Avenue 1 2 3 lines station, the busiest entry points are located under West 33rd Street, with direct connections to PSNY. At the Herald Square station, which includes entry to PATH’s 33rd Street Station, volumes are more evenly distributed between entrances at West 34th Street and between West 32nd and West 33rd Streets.

Three entry points (one at each station) along West 34th Street were analyzed. Existing conditions at three control areas, 24 stairs, and eight escalators were analyzed. Congestion is represented in the analysis as a pedestrian LOS rating from A to F or a volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio. LOS is represented by a range from LOS A, which represents an uncrowded condition, to LOS F, which represents extreme congestion. LOS C represents a busy but comfortable condition while LOS D represents a somewhat congested condition typical of urban settings during peak periods. For escalators and turnstiles, the design capacity is represented by a V/C ratio of 1.0 and V/C values higher than 1.0 represent more congested conditions.

3.4-9 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Peak Overall Effective 15 Minute Sidewalk Sidewalk Average Platoon Platoon Midblock Side of Volume Width Width Flow Rate Flow Rate Level of Location Street (peds.) (ft.) (ft.) (ped / min / ft) (ped / min / ft) Service

AM Peak 34th Street North 523 23.5 13.4 2.6 6.6 B 9th and 8th Aves. South 635 23.5 8.1 5.2 9.2 C 34th Street North 618 23.3 5.5 7.5 11.5 D 8th and 7th Aves. South 475 23.5 11.5 2.8 6.8 B 34th Street North 1,389 23.6 6.5 14.2 18.2 E 7th and Bway South 2,377 23.5 10.5 15.1 19.1 E 35th Street North 244 15.4 5.9 2.7 6.7 B 9th and 8th Aves. South 428 14.9 5.1 5.6 9.6 C 35th Street North 313 15.4 8.8 2.4 6.4 B 8th and 7th Aves. South 364 15.4 6.0 4.0 8.0 C 35th Street North 332 15.2 7.0 3.2 7.2 C Broadway and 7th Aves. South 433 15.2 3.7 7.9 11.9 D 8th Ave East 649 21.3 12.5 3.5 7.5 C 33rd and 34th Streets West 460 16.0 5.0 6.1 10.1 D 8th Ave East 827 15.1 6.8 8.2 12.2 D 34th and 35th Streets West 606 15.1 4.7 8.7 12.7 D 8th Ave East 1,054 15.2 9.0 7.8 11.8 D 35th and 36th Streets West 962 14.5 7.8 8.2 12.2 D 7th Ave East 718 20.5 11.5 4.2 8.2 C 33rd and 34th Streets West 812 20.4 15.5 3.5 7.5 C 7th Ave East 714 20.4 7.1 6.7 10.7 D 34th and 35th Streets West 2,091 19.9 12.6 11.1 15.1 E 7th Ave East 1,288 20.3 6.7 12.9 16.9 E 35th and 36th Streets West 1,641 19.1 11.1 9.9 13.9 D Broadway East 729 18.8 9.7 5.0 9.0 C 33rd and 34th Streets West 936 17.0 10.5 5.9 9.9 C Broadway East 664 19.3 12.6 3.5 7.5 C 34th and 35th Streets West 902 19.9 11.5 5.2 9.2 C Broadway East 523 18.5 13.2 2.6 6.6 B 35th and 36th Streets West 707 18.7 12.4 3.8 7.8 C

PM Peak 34th Street North 497 23.5 13.4 2.5 6.5 B 9th and 8th Aves. South 795 23.5 8.1 6.6 10.6 D 34th Street North 1,252 23.3 5.5 15.2 19.2 E 8th and 7th Aves. South 938 23.5 11.5 5.4 9.4 C 34th Street North 1,229 23.6 6.5 12.6 16.6 E 7th and Bway South 2,022 23.5 10.5 12.8 16.8 E 35th Street North 158 15.4 5.9 1.8 5.8 B 9th and 8th Aves. South 222 14.9 5.1 2.9 6.9 B 35th Street North 269 15.4 8.8 2.0 6.0 B 9th and 8th Aves. South 376 15.4 6.0 4.2 8.2 C 35th Street North 365 15.2 7.0 3.5 7.5 C 8th and 7th Aves. South 442 15.2 3.7 8.0 12.0 D 8th Ave East 806 21.3 12.5 4.3 8.3 C 33rd and 34th Streets West 552 16.0 5.0 7.4 11.4 D 8th Ave East 827 15.1 6.8 8.2 12.2 D 34th and 35th Streets West 606 15.1 4.7 8.7 12.7 D 8th Ave East 1,131 15.2 9.0 8.4 12.4 D 35th and 36th Streets West 1,120 14.5 7.8 9.5 13.5 D 7th Ave East 1,571 20.5 11.5 9.1 13.1 D 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,719 20.4 15.5 7.4 11.4 D 7th Ave East 1,480 20.4 7.1 13.9 17.9 E 34th and 35th Streets West 3,182 19.9 12.6 16.9 20.9 E 7th Ave East 1,226 20.3 6.7 12.3 16.3 E 35th and 36th Streets West 2,120 19.1 11.1 12.7 16.7 E Broadway East 913 18.8 9.7 6.3 10.3 D 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,666 17.0 10.5 10.6 14.6 D Broadway West 868 19.3 12.6 4.6 8.6 C 34th and 35th Streets West 1,456 19.9 11.5 8.4 12.4 D Broadway East 774 18.5 12.6 4.1 8.1 C 35th and 36th Streets West 1,268 18.7 11.5 7.4 11.4 D Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-10 3.4: Pedestrians


Peak 15 Minute Volume Effective Direction In Out Rounding Corner Pedestrian Level of (from dir.) (to dir.) Corner Area Flow Rate of Corner Movement (ped.) (ped.) (ped.) (s.f.) (s.f./ped.) Service

AM Peak 8th Ave at 34th Street south 384 234 92 309 51.8 B northwest east 244 214 8th Ave at 34th Street south 324 183 217 446 78.2 A northeast west 214 244 8th Ave at 34th Street north 234 384 93 291 39.8 C southwest east 365 240 8th Ave at 34th Street north 183 324 89 546 91.2 A southeast west 240 365 7th Ave at 34th Street south 2,064 655 262 310 13.2 E northwest east 282 448 7th Ave at 34th Street south 882 182 319 423 40.7 B northeast west 448 282 7th Ave at 34th Street north 655 2,064 85 315 3.5 F southwest east 257 1,047 7th Ave at 34th Street north 182 882 302 637 46.3 B southeast west 1,047 257 Broadway at 34th St. south 532 196 953 591 52.3 B northwest east 141 611 Broadway at 34th St. north 196 532 253 582 78.4 A southwest east 116 470 7th Ave at 35th Street north 226 1,044 222 368 29.0 C southwest east 298 293 7th Ave at 35th Street north 139 1,007 302 342 27.0 C southeast west 293 298

PM Peak 8th Ave at 34th Street south 265 507 66 309 40.6 B northwest east 223 431 8th Ave at 34th Street south 307 255 306 446 60.7 A northeast west 431 223 8th Ave at 34th Street north 507 265 93 291 32.0 C southwest east 215 560 8th Ave at 34th Street north 255 307 89 546 76.8 A southeast west 560 215 7th Ave at 34th Street south 763 2,501 275 310 10.0 E northwest east 711 653 7th Ave at 34th Street south 868 1,158 248 423 23.6 D northeast west 653 711 7th Ave at 34th Street north 2,501 763 212 315 2.6 F southwest east 1,319 658 7th Ave at 34th Street north 1,158 868 328 637 28.5 C southeast west 658 1,319 Broadway at 34th St. south 641 678 284 591 54.2 B northwest east 418 325 Broadway at 34th St. north 678 641 493 582 46.1 B southwest east 401 450 7th Ave at 35th Street north 2,372 435 215 368 17.1 D southwest east 316 200 7th Ave at 35th Street north 499 473 451 342 28.4 C southeast west 200 316 Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-11 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Peak 15 Minute Average Surge Volume Crosswalk Dimensions Pedestrian Pedestrian Surge Cross- N.B./ S.B./ Width Length Area Space Space Level of Location walk E.B. W.B. (ft.) (ft.) (s.f.) (s.f./ped.) (s.f./ped.) Service

AM Peak 8th Ave at 35th Street south 126 149 14.2 62.7 888 97.6 47.0 B 8th Ave at 35th Street east 443 303 15.7 51.7 810 39.7 16.4 D 8th Ave at 34th Street north 214 244 21.1 69.8 1,473 80.3 45.5 B 8th Ave at 34th Street south 240 365 21.0 62.7 1,317 65.6 31.6 C 8th Ave at 34th Street east 324 183 15.0 51.7 776 32.2 18.5 D 8th Ave at 34th Street west 384 234 15.8 53.0 837 29.0 16.3 D 7th Ave at 34th Street north 448 282 19.8 59.7 1,182 36.6 19.9 D 7th Ave at 34th Street south 1,047 257 23.2 59.1 1,371 23.8 12.9 E 7th Ave at 34th Street east 882 182 21.0 52.9 1,111 34.4 15.0 E 7th Ave at 34th Street west 2,064 655 30.0 51.7 1,551 19.2 8.2 E Broadway at 34th St. north 611 141 17.4 100.0 1,740 59.4 37.7 C Broadway at 34th St. south 470 116 15.8 100.0 1,580 69.2 43.9 B Broadway at 34th St. west 532 196 17.8 52.9 942 55.1 22.5 D 7th Ave at 35th Street south 293 298 15.8 59.7 943 28.3 18.6 D 7th Ave at 35th Street east 1,007 139 17.5 12.9 226 28.9 3.5 F 7th Ave at 35th Street west 1,044 226 18.5 60.0 1,110 26.1 12.8 E

PM Peak 8th Ave at 35th Street south 148 115 14.2 62.7 888 102.1 49.2 B 8th Ave at 35th Street east 508 625 15.7 51.7 810 26.1 10.8 E 8th Ave at 34th Street north 431 223 21.1 69.8 1,473 56.2 31.9 C 8th Ave at 34th Street south 560 215 21.0 62.7 1,317 51.2 24.7 C 8th Ave at 34th Street east 307 255 15.0 51.7 776 29.1 16.7 D 8th Ave at 34th Street west 265 507 15.8 53.0 837 23.2 13.1 E 7th Ave at 34th Street north 653 711 19.8 59.7 1,182 19.6 10.6 E 7th Ave at 34th Street south 658 1,319 23.2 59.1 1,371 15.7 8.5 E 7th Ave at 34th Street east 868 1,158 21.0 52.9 1,111 18.1 7.9 F 7th Ave at 34th Street west 763 2,501 30.0 51.7 1,561 16.1 6.9 F Broadway at 34th St. north 325 418 17.4 100.0 1,740 60.1 38.2 C Broadway at 34th St. south 450 401 15.8 100.0 1,580 47.6 30.3 C Broadway at 34th St. west 641 678 17.8 52.9 942 30.4 12.4 E 7th Ave at 35th Street south 200 316 15.8 59.7 943 32.5 21.3 D 7th Ave at 35th Street east 473 499 17.5 12.9 226 34.0 4.1 F 7th Ave at 35th Street west 435 2,372 18.5 60.0 1,110 11.8 5.8 F Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-12 3.4: Pedestrians

As shown in Tables 3.4-4 and 3.4-5, four stairs operate at LOS D, E, or F during one or both peak periods. Escalators to and from the Sixth Avenue subway platforms at Herald Square station have additional capacity when all eight escalators are operating, but periodic congestion occurs especially after trains arrive, and some of the eight escalators have been out of service for reconstruction in recent years. Tables depicting existing conditions at each analyzed location appear in Appendix 3.4.


NEW JERSEY While passenger volumes would increase at many stations in New Jersey and on the Pascack Valley and Port Jervis lines in New York State, these increases would generally be dispersed between the various stations and on multiple pedestrian routes at each station. Therefore, no significant impacts to pedestrian circulation are anticipated in the New Jersey portion of the project area.

HUDSON RIVER Pedestrian circulation is not relevant in this portion of the project area.

NEW YORK Pedestrian volumes would grow in the West 34th Street area in the future compared to existing conditions, particularly due to the proposed Hudson Yards development. While most of that project’s development would be west of , redevelopment is also anticipated on the Farley Post Office site and nearby blocks. Some of these new residents and workers would pass through the PSNY area on their way to work, for shopping, or to reach other destinations. Pedestrian volumes associated with Hudson Yards would decrease, moving east along West 34th Street. Pedestrian volumes associated with the Hudson Yards and other “soft” sites identified in the No. 7 Subway Extension - Hudson Yards Rezoning and Development Program FGEIS, as updated by the NYC Department of City Planning in May 2007, were added to existing volumes counted on each sidewalk, crosswalk and subway station element. A background growth rate of 0.5 percent per year was also added to account for overall growth in the area. The East Side Access (ESA) project would divert a significant number of LIRR passengers from PSNY to the proposed ESA station near Grand Central Terminal (GCT), resulting in corresponding reductions in pedestrian volumes and transfers to subways in the vicinity of PSNY. The distribution of these volumes was estimated and deducted from future pedestrian volumes on sidewalks, crosswalks and subway station elements.

Pedestrian volume increases in the PSNY area would be offset to some extent by the diversion of some LIRR passengers to the proposed ESA station near GCT. The ESA FEIS indicates that the project would “reduce the volume of LIRR riders arriving at Penn Station in the 4-hour peak period by about 45,700 in the year 2010 (representing a 45 percent reduction in LIRR commuter activity at Penn Station).” However, the ESA FEIS was completed early in 2001, before the Hudson Yards plan had been developed. Hudson Yards and other development in West Midtown would increase LIRR ridership to PSNY, offsetting part of the ESA reduction.

3.4-13 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Control 15-Minute Volume 15-Minute V/C Area Element Units In Out Capacity Ratio

AM Peak Eighth Avenue / 34th St Station N70 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 5 101 330 2,160 0.25 N70 Service Gate 1 1 17 750 0.03

Seventh Avenue / 34th St. Station R142 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 4 77 628 1,728 0.51 R142 Service Gate 1 1 33 750 0.06

Herald Square Station N506 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 14 420 905 6,048 0.27 N506 Service Gate 1 12 495 750 0.84

PM Peak Eighth Avenue / 34th St Station N70 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 5 446 150 2,160 0.33 N70 Service Gate 1 5 17 750 0.04

Seventh Avenue / 34th St. Station R142 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 4 377 159 1,728 0.38 R142 Service Gate 1 4 8 750 0.02

Herald Square Station N506 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 14 1,398 721 6,048 0.43 N506 Service Gate 1 38 416 750 0.75

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 Notes: 1. For bi-directional turnstiles a bi-directional capacity of 32 persons per minute is used due to the effect of opposing flow conflicts. 2. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of V/C ratio. A 1.20 peaking factor is applied to entering volumes in calculation of V/C ratio.

3.4-14 3.4: Pedestrians


Effective 15-Min. Volume Flow Rate Friction 15-Min. V/C Level of Location Element Width Width Up Down (ped/ft/min) Factor Capacity Ratio Service

AM Peak Eighth Ave. / 34th St. Station A/C/E SE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S7 7.3 5.3 124 53 2.73 0.9 721 0.30 A NE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S9 5.7 4.7 223 49 4.82 0.9 631 0.54 B To uptown C/E platform Stair 12.8 10.8 577 55 4.88 0.9 1,453 0.54 B To downtown C/E platform Stair 9.8 7.8 312 106 4.45 0.9 1,047 0.49 A To express A platform (s.) Star M27/28 6.1 5.1 27 241 4.38 0.9 687 0.47 A To express A platform (n.) Stair M29/30 5.9 4.9 34 333 6.20 0.9 664 0.67 B

Seventh Ave. / 34th St. Station 1/2/3/9 SW Corner 7th Ave./34th St. Stair S3 5.6 4.6 177 29 3.72 0.9 619 0.41 A NW Corner 7th Ave./34th St.Stair S5 5.6 4.6 484 49 9.66 0.9 619 1.07 D To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U6 11.8 9.8 435 39 4.00 0.9 1,329 0.44 A To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U7 12.1 10.1 435 39 3.90 0.9 1,365 0.43 A To uptown 1/9 platform Stair U8/9 11.5 9.5 311 21 2.90 0.9 1,284 0.32 A To express 2/3 platform Stair U4/5 13.3 11.3 24 682 5.22 0.9 1,520 0.56 B

Herald Sq. / 34th St. Station B/D/F/N/Q/R/V/W SW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S5/M5 9.7 7.7 748 397 12.27 0.8 921 1.53 E NW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S7/M7 8.8 6.8 707 127 10.11 0.9 923 1.12 D Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P3 10.3 8.3 434 60 4.97 0.9 1,115 0.55 B Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P5 9.4 7.4 231 123 3.92 0.9 1,002 0.44 A Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P7 10.3 8.3 512 122 6.35 0.8 991 0.79 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P4 10.5 8.5 696 18 6.99 0.9 1,149 0.78 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P6 (bmt) 9.5 7.5 572 68 7.08 0.9 1,014 0.79 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P8 (bmt) 10.3 8.3 490 163 6.53 0.8 991 0.82 C Downtown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML3/4 8.8 6.8 142 91 2.80 0.8 821 0.35 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P6 (ind) 10.3 8.3 175 120 2.90 0.8 1,001 0.36 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P8 (ind) 10.8 8.8 177 224 3.73 0.8 1,051 0.47 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML5 13.8 11.8 352 344 4.80 0.9 1,599 0.53 B Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 231 -- -- 247 0 -- -- 765 0.40 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 232 -- -- 246 0 -- -- 765 0.40 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 235 -- -- 338 0 -- -- 765 0.55 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 236 -- -- 354 0 -- -- 765 0.58 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 229 -- -- 202 0 -- -- 765 0.33 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 230 -- -- 277 0 -- -- 765 0.45 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 233 -- -- 0 87 -- -- 765 0.14 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 234 -- -- 403 0 -- -- 765 0.66

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 Notes: 1. For escalators, flow rate and capacity are ped./min./unit. Capacity of 1.5-lane escalator = 51 ped./min. A friction factor is applied to capacity and level of service to account for the effects of bi-directional flows. 2. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators. A 1.20 peaking factor is applied to entering volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators.

3.4-15 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Effective 15-Min. Volume Flow Rate Friction 15-Min. V/C Level of Location Element Width Width Up Down (ped/ft/min) Factor Capacity Ratio Service

PM Peak Eighth Ave. / 34th St. Station A/C/E SE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S7 7.3 5.3 57 217 4.15 0.9 721 0.46 A NE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S9 5.7 4.7 101 233 5.80 0.9 631 0.64 B To uptown C/E platform Stair M11 12.8 10.8 114 377 3.69 0.9 1,453 0.41 A To downtown C/E platform Stair M9 9.8 7.8 140 582 7.51 0.9 1,047 0.83 C To express A platform (s.) Star M27/28 6.1 5.1 162 128 4.65 0.9 687 0.52 B To express A platform (n.) Stair M29/30 5.9 4.9 117 232 5.84 0.9 664 0.64 B

Seventh Ave. / 34th St. Station 1/2/3/9 SW Corner 7th Ave./34th St. Stair S3 5.6 4.6 74 70 2.57 0.9 619 0.28 A NW Corner 7th Ave./34th St.Stair S5 5.6 4.6 93 311 7.12 0.9 619 0.79 C To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U6 11.8 9.8 82 372 3.72 0.9 1,329 0.41 A To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U7 12.1 10.1 82 372 3.62 0.9 1,365 0.40 A To uptown 1/9 platform Stair U8/9 11.5 9.5 147 303 3.84 0.9 1,284 0.43 A To express 2/3 platform Stair U4/5 13.3 11.3 525 186 5.11 0.9 1,520 0.58 B

Herald Sq. / 34th St. Station B/D/F/N/Q/R/V/W SW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S5/M5 9.7 7.7 579 699 13.59 0.8 921 1.70 E NW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S7/M7 8.8 6.8 317 681 11.84 0.8 821 1.48 E Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P3 10.3 8.3 173 304 4.70 0.9 1,115 0.52 B Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P5 9.4 7.4 143 234 4.13 0.9 1,002 0.46 A Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P7 10.3 8.3 711 129 8.43 0.8 991 1.05 D Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P4 10.5 8.5 633 26 6.45 0.9 1,149 0.72 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P6 (bmt) 9.5 7.5 376 222 6.55 0.9 1,014 0.73 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P8 (bmt) 10.3 8.3 148 358 4.97 0.8 991 0.62 B Downtown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML3/4 8.8 6.8 51 535 6.89 0.9 923 0.76 C Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P6 (ind) 10.3 8.3 18 186 1.97 0.8 1,001 0.25 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P8 (ind) 10.8 8.8 13 202 1.97 0.8 1,051 0.25 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML5 13.8 11.8 31 388 2.84 0.9 1,599 0.32 A Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 231 -- -- 0 57 -- -- 765 0.09 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 232 -- -- 255 0 -- -- 765 0.42 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 235 -- -- 0 419 -- -- 765 0.66 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 236 -- -- 304 0 -- -- 765 0.50 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 229 -- -- 0 323 -- -- 765 0.51 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 230** -- -- 190 0 -- -- 765 0.31 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 233 -- -- 0 352 -- -- 765 0.55 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 234 -- -- 107 0 -- -- 765 0.17

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 Notes: 1. For escalators, flow rate and capacity are ped./min./unit. Capacity of 1.5-lane escalator = 51 ped./min. A friction factor is applied to capacity and level of service to account for the effects of bi-directional flows. 2. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators. A 1.20 peaking factor is applied to entering volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators.

3.4-16 3.4: Pedestrians

SIDEWALKS, STREET CORNERS AND CROSSWALKS No Build conditions at 30 points on sidewalks, 12 street corners, and 16 crosswalks were analyzed and compared to existing conditions in the primary pedestrian study area. As shown in Tables 3.4-6 through 3.4-8, 10 sidewalks, 2 street corners, and 10 crosswalks in the primary pedestrian study area would operate at LOS E or F during one or both peak periods. Additionally, 18 sidewalks, 2 street corners, and 22 crosswalks in the secondary pedestrian study area would experience these levels of service during one or both peak periods. Tables depicting No Build conditions at each analyzed location appear in Appendix 3.4 for both the primary and secondary pedestrian study areas.

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) has proposed sidewalk improvements in the area of Herald Square and along Seventh Avenue from West 31st Street to West 34th Street. These improvements would increase the size of some sidewalks and corners and reduce the length of some crosswalks in the area. Specifically, these improvements would increase the size of the northwest, northeast, and southeast corners at Seventh Avenue and West 34th Street. Existing temporary curb lines at the southwest and northwest corners of Broadway and West 34th Street would be made permanent. The west sidewalks of Broadway between West 33rd Street and West 34th Street and between West 34th Street and West 35th Street would be widened, and the bus stop on the west side of Broadway just north of West 34th Street would be moved to the north end of that block. The north and south crosswalks at Seventh Avenue and West 34th Street would be shortened due to expansion of the corners. In addition, a significant expansion of the sidewalk along the east side of Broadway (Broadway Boulevard) from West 35th Street to West is currently being implemented. These changes are reflected in the analysis of No Build conditions. They would significantly improve pedestrian circulation and comfort in the areas where they are implemented.

SUBWAY STATION ELEMENTS Passenger volumes within subway stations along West 34th Street would grow in the future due to development in Manhattan. While most subway riders from the Hudson Yards Development would use the planned extension of the No. 7 Line, some persons would access other stations along West 34th Street. Passenger volumes associated with the Hudson Yards redevelopment and other “soft” sites are identified in the No. 7 Subway Extension - Hudson Yards Redevelopment FGEIS, as updated by the NYC Department of City Planning in May 2007, and are included in the No Build Alternative.

These Hudson Yards project-generated volumes were added to existing volumes on each station element analyzed, and a background growth of 0.5 percent per year was added to account for overall growth in Manhattan. Trips diverted as a result of the Long Island Rail Road’s ESA project were estimated and deducted from each subway station element.

No Build conditions were analyzed at the three control areas, 24 stairs, and eight escalators. As shown in Tables 3.4-9 and 3.4-10, four stairs would operate at LOS D, E or F during one or both peak periods. Tables depicting No Build conditions at each analyzed location appear in Appendix 3.4.

D. LONG-TERM IMPACTS OF THE BUILD ALTERNATIVE NEW JERSEY No long-term impacts to pedestrian circulation or transit services would occur in New Jersey. Ridership would increase at some stations, but it is anticipated that the effects of this increase would be spread both geographically to the various stations and walkways available at each station and temporally as some passengers would utilize new trains, spreading the demand at each station. Pedestrian mitigation measures are not anticipated in New Jersey.

3.4-17 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Peak Overall Effective 15 Minute Sidewalk Sidewalk Average Platoon Platoon Midblock Side of Volume Width Width Flow Rate Flow Rate Level of Location Street (peds.) (ft.) (ft.) (ped / min / ft) (ped / min / ft) Service

AM Peak 34th Street North 1,065 23.5 13.4 5.3 9.3 C 9th and 8th Aves. South 892 23.5 8.1 7.4 11.4 D 34th Street North 899 23.3 5.5 10.9 14.9 D 8th and 7th Aves. South 187 23.5 9.5 1.3 5.3 B 34th Street North 1,662 23.6 6.5 17.0 21.0 E 7th and Bway South 2,187 23.5 10.5 13.9 17.9 E 35th Street North 510 15.4 5.9 5.7 9.7 C 9th and 8th Aves. South 696 14.9 5.1 9.1 13.1 D 35th Street North 394 15.4 8.8 3.0 7.0 B 8th and 7th Aves. South 461 15.4 6.0 5.1 9.1 C 35th Street North 360 15.2 7.0 3.4 7.4 C Broadway and 7th Aves. South 421 15.2 3.7 7.7 11.7 D 8th Ave East 887 21.3 12.5 4.7 8.7 C 33rd and 34th Streets West 929 16.0 5.0 12.4 16.4 E 8th Ave East 958 15.1 6.8 9.5 13.5 D 34th and 35th Streets West 831 15.1 4.7 11.9 15.9 E 8th Ave East 1,173 15.2 9.0 8.7 12.7 D 35th and 36th Streets West 1,068 14.5 7.8 9.1 13.1 D 7th Ave East 1,027 20.5 11.5 6.0 10.0 C 33rd and 34th Streets West 871 20.4 15.5 3.7 7.7 C 7th Ave East 721 20.4 7.1 6.8 10.8 D 34th and 35th Streets West 2,158 19.9 12.6 11.4 15.4 E 7th Ave East 1,369 20.3 6.7 13.7 17.7 E 35th and 36th Streets West 1,730 19.1 11.1 10.4 14.4 D Broadway East 816 18.8 9.7 5.6 9.6 C 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,054 29.3 22.8 3.1 7.1 C Broadway East 752 19.3 12.6 4.0 8.0 C 34th and 35th Streets West 906 29.2 20.8 2.9 6.9 B Broadway East 525 18.5 13.2 2.7 6.7 B 35th and 36th Streets West 703 18.7 12.4 3.8 7.8 C

PM Peak 34th Street North 1,560 23.5 13.4 7.8 11.8 D 9th and 8th Aves. South 1,205 23.5 8.1 9.9 13.9 D 34th Street North 1,672 23.3 5.5 20.3 24.3 F 8th and 7th Aves. South 807 23.5 9.5 5.7 9.7 C 34th Street North 1,521 23.6 6.5 15.6 19.6 E 7th and Bway South 1,856 23.5 10.5 11.8 15.8 E 35th Street North 485 15.4 5.9 5.5 9.5 C 9th and 8th Aves. South 553 14.9 5.1 7.2 11.2 D 35th Street North 380 15.4 8.8 2.9 6.9 B 9th and 8th Aves. South 525 15.4 6.0 5.8 9.8 C 35th Street North 421 15.2 7.0 4.0 8.0 C 8th and 7th Aves. South 467 15.2 3.7 8.5 12.5 D 8th Ave East 1,211 21.3 12.5 6.5 10.5 D 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,399 16.0 5.0 18.7 22.7 E 8th Ave East 1,071 15.1 6.8 10.6 14.6 D 34th and 35th Streets West 1,186 15.1 4.7 16.9 20.9 E 8th Ave East 1,292 15.2 9.0 9.6 13.6 D 35th and 36th Streets West 1,268 14.5 7.8 10.8 14.8 D 7th Ave East 2,014 20.5 11.5 11.7 15.7 E 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,940 20.4 15.5 8.3 12.3 D 7th Ave East 1,603 20.4 7.1 15.1 19.1 E 34th and 35th Streets West 3,404 19.9 12.6 18.0 22.0 E 7th Ave East 1,307 20.3 6.7 13.1 17.1 E 35th and 36th Streets West 2,273 19.1 11.1 13.7 17.7 E Broadway East 1,023 18.8 9.7 7.1 11.1 D 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,884 29.3 22.8 5.5 9.5 C Broadway West 991 19.3 12.6 5.2 9.2 C 34th and 35th Streets West 1,537 29.2 20.8 4.9 8.9 C Broadway East 810 18.5 12.6 4.3 8.3 C 35th and 36th Streets West 1,335 18.7 11.5 7.7 11.7 D Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-18 3.4: Pedestrians


Peak 15 Minute Volume Effective Direction In Out Rounding Corner Pedestrian Level of (from dir.) (to dir.) Corner Area Flow Rate of Corner Movement (ped.) (ped.) (ped.) (s.f.) (s.f./ped.) Service

AM Peak 8th Ave at 34th Street south 487 400 141 309 29.7 C northwest east 385 399 8th Ave at 34th Street south 184 270 245 446 59.5 B northeast west 399 385 8th Ave at 34th Street north 400 487 138 291 29.3 C southwest east 274 351 8th Ave at 34th Street north 270 184 128 586 102.2 A southeast west 351 274 7th Ave at 34th Street south 1,874 764 296 575 29.9 C northwest east 399 332 7th Ave at 34th Street south 904 238 358 764 71.3 A northeast west 332 399 7th Ave at 34th Street north 764 1,874 49 315 7.9 F southwest east 381 551 7th Ave at 34th Street north 238 904 377 637 49.1 B southeast west 551 381 Broadway at 34th St. south 491 226 1,079 846 68.5 A northwest east 185 702 Broadway at 34th St. north 226 491 303 852 146.6 A southwest east 159 93 7th Ave at 35th Street north 257 1,173 252 368 25.3 C southwest east 362 284 7th Ave at 35th Street north 159 1,062 294 342 24.3 C southeast west 284 362

PM Peak 8th Ave at 34th Street south 571 861 140 309 18.5 D northwest east 376 967 8th Ave at 34th Street south 465 171 346 446 37.9 C northeast west 967 376 8th Ave at 34th Street north 861 571 143 291 19.3 D southwest east 361 569 8th Ave at 34th Street north 171 465 152 586 71.8 A southeast west 569 361 7th Ave at 34th Street south 892 2,380 313 575 21.6 D northwest east 647 842 7th Ave at 34th Street south 1,025 1,216 281 764 39.7 C northeast west 842 647 7th Ave at 34th Street north 2,380 892 204 315 5.4 F southwest east 911 840 7th Ave at 34th Street north 1,216 1,025 408 637 27.4 C southeast west 840 911 Broadway at 34th St. south 738 655 334 846 68.9 A northwest east 528 412 Broadway at 34th St. north 655 738 573 852 72.4 A southwest east 65 544 7th Ave at 35th Street north 2,664 496 244 368 14.7 E southwest east 324 272 7th Ave at 35th Street north 567 470 463 342 25.1 C southeast west 272 324 Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-19 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Peak 15 Minute Average Surge Volume Crosswalk Dimensions Pedestrian Pedestrian Surge Cross- N.B./ S.B./ Width Length Area Space Space Level of Location walk E.B. W.B. (ft.) (ft.) (s.f.) (s.f./ped.) (s.f./ped.) Service

AM Peak 8th Ave at 35th Street south 167 265 14.2 62.7 888 62.0 29.9 C 8th Ave at 35th Street east 504 373 15.7 51.7 810 33.8 14.0 E 8th Ave at 34th Street north 399 385 21.1 69.8 1,473 47.0 26.6 C 8th Ave at 34th Street south 351 274 21.0 62.7 1,317 63.5 30.6 C 8th Ave at 34th Street east 184 270 15.0 51.7 776 35.9 20.6 D 8th Ave at 34th Street west 487 400 15.8 53.0 837 20.2 11.4 E 7th Ave at 34th Street north 332 399 19.8 48.0 1,182 45.4 20.6 D 7th Ave at 34th Street south 551 381 23.2 52.0 1,371 37.9 18.5 D 7th Ave at 34th Street east 904 238 21.0 52.9 1,111 32.1 14.0 E 7th Ave at 34th Street west 1,874 764 30.0 51.7 1,551 19.8 8.5 E Broadway at 34th St. north 702 185 17.4 100.0 1,740 50.3 32.0 C Broadway at 34th St. south 93 159 15.8 100.0 1,580 160.9 102.2 A Broadway at 34th St. west 491 226 17.8 52.9 942 55.9 22.9 D 7th Ave at 35th Street south 284 362 15.8 59.7 943 25.9 17.0 D 7th Ave at 35th Street east 1,062 159 17.5 12.9 226 27.1 3.3 F 7th Ave at 35th Street west 1,173 257 18.5 60.0 1,110 23.2 11.4 E

PM Peak 8th Ave at 35th Street south 307 181 14.2 62.7 888 54.9 26.5 C 8th Ave at 35th Street east 621 731 15.7 51.7 810 21.9 9.1 E 8th Ave at 34th Street north 967 376 21.1 69.8 1,473 27.4 15.5 D 8th Ave at 34th Street south 569 361 21.0 62.7 1,317 42.7 20.6 D 8th Ave at 34th Street east 465 171 15.0 51.7 776 25.6 14.7 E 8th Ave at 34th Street west 571 861 15.8 53.0 837 12.5 7.0 F 7th Ave at 34th Street north 842 647 19.8 48.0 1182 22.3 10.1 E 7th Ave at 34th Street south 840 911 23.2 52.0 1,371 20.2 9.9 E 7th Ave at 34th Street east 1,025 1,216 21.0 52.9 1,111 16.3 7.1 F 7th Ave at 34th Street west 892 2,380 30.0 51.7 1,561 16.1 6.9 F Broadway at 34th St. north 412 528 17.4 100.0 1,740 47.5 30.2 C Broadway at 34th St. south 544 65 15.8 100.0 1,580 66.5 42.2 B Broadway at 34th St. west 738 655 17.8 52.9 942 28.8 11.8 E 7th Ave at 35th Street south 272 324 15.8 59.7 943 28.1 18.4 D 7th Ave at 35th Street east 470 567 17.5 12.9 226 31.9 3.9 F 7th Ave at 35th Street west 496 2,664 18.5 60.0 1,110 10.5 5.2 F Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-20 3.4: Pedestrians


Control 15-Minute Volume 15-Minute V/C Area Element Units In Out Capacity Ratio

AM Peak Eighth Avenue / 34th St Station N70 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 5 140 622 2,160 0.44 N70 Service Gate 1 2 19 750 0.04

Seventh Avenue / 34th St. Station R142 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 4 102 759 1,728 0.62 R142 Service Gate 1 2 46 750 0.08

Herald Square Station N506 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 14 392 975 6,048 0.28 N506 Service Gate 1 9 556 750 0.94

PM Peak Eighth Avenue / 34th St Station N70 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 5 791 203 2,160 0.56 N70 Service Gate 1 8 23 750 0.05

Seventh Avenue / 34th St. Station

R142 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 4 500 194 1,728 0.49 R142 Service Gate 1 6 11 750 0.03

Herald Square Station N506 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 14 1,533 730 6,048 0.45 N506 Service Gate 1 40 463 750 0.83

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 Notes: 1. For bi-directional turnstiles, a bi-directional capacity of 32 persons per minute is used due to the effect of opposing flow conflicts. 2. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of V/C ratio. A 1.20 peaking factor is applied to entering volumes in calculation of V/C ratio.

3.4-21 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Effective 15-Min. Volume Flow Rate Friction 15-Min. V/C Level of Location Element Width Width Up Down (ped/ft/min) Factor Capacity Ratio Service

AM Peak Eighth Ave. / 34th St. Station A/C/E SE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S7 7.3 5.3 288 76 5.63 0.9 721 0.62 B NE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S9 5.7 4.7 355 66 7.48 0.9 631 0.83 C To uptown C/E platform Stair M11 12.8 10.8 773 75 6.55 0.9 1,453 0.73 C To downtown C/E platform Stair M9 9.8 7.8 349 119 4.98 0.9 1,047 0.55 B To express A platform (s.) Star M27/28 6.1 5.1 37 333 6.05 0.9 687 0.65 B To express A platform (n.) Stair M29/30 5.9 4.9 45 436 8.13 0.9 664 0.87 C

Seventh Ave. / 34th St. Station 1/2/3/9 SW Corner 7th Ave./34th St. Stair S3 5.6 4.6 231 41 4.91 0.9 619 0.55 B NW Corner 7th Ave./34th St.Stair S5 5.6 4.6 575 63 11.55 0.9 619 1.28 D To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U6 11.8 9.8 583 55 5.39 0.9 1,329 0.60 B To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U7 12.1 10.1 583 55 5.25 0.9 1,365 0.58 B To uptown 1/9 platform Stair U8/9 11.5 9.5 444 35 4.19 0.9 1,284 0.47 A To express 2/3 platform Stair U4/5 13.3 11.3 38 860 6.64 0.9 1,520 0.71 C

Herald Sq. / 34th St. Station B/D/F/N/Q/R/V/W SW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S5/M5 9.7 7.7 795 361 12.41 0.8 921 1.55 E NW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S7/M7 8.8 6.8 798 143 11.41 0.9 923 1.27 D Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P3 10.3 8.3 480 56 5.39 0.9 1,115 0.60 B Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P5 9.4 7.4 252 127 4.20 0.9 1,002 0.47 A Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P7 10.3 8.3 575 137 7.14 0.8 991 0.89 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P4 10.5 8.5 781 20 7.85 0.9 1,149 0.87 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P6 (bmt) 9.5 7.5 642 76 7.95 0.9 1,014 0.88 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P8 (bmt) 10.3 8.3 551 183 7.34 0.8 991 0.92 C Downtown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML3/4 8.8 6.8 158 89 2.97 0.8 821 0.37 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P6 (ind) 10.3 8.3 190 110 2.96 0.8 1,001 0.37 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P8 (ind) 10.8 8.8 193 226 3.90 0.8 1,051 0.49 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML5 13.8 11.8 383 336 4.97 0.9 1,599 0.55 B Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 231 -- -- 276 0 -- -- 765 0.45 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 232 -- -- 272 0 -- -- 765 0.45 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 235 -- -- 380 0 -- -- 765 0.62 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 236 -- -- 396 0 -- -- 765 0.65 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 229 -- -- 220 0 -- -- 765 0.36 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 230 -- -- 302 0 -- -- 765 0.49 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 233 -- -- 0 97 -- -- 765 0.15 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 234 -- -- 451 0 -- -- 765 0.74

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 Notes: 1. For escalators, flow rate and capacity are ped./min./unit. Capacity of 1.5-lane escalator = 51 ped./min. A friction factor is applied to capacity and level of service to account for the effects of bi-directional flows. 2. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators.

3.4-22 3.4: Pedestrians


Effective 15-Min. Volume Flow Rate Friction 15-Min. V/C Level of Location Element Width Width Up Down (ped/ft/min) Factor Capacity Ratio Service

PM Peak Eighth Ave. / 34th St. Station A/C/E SE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S7 7.3 5.3 87 414 7.58 0.9 721 0.84 C NE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S9 5.7 4.7 127 385 8.88 0.9 631 0.99 C To uptown C/E platform Stair M11 12.8 10.8 147 570 5.38 0.9 1,453 0.60 B To downtown C/E platform Stair M9 9.8 7.8 157 652 8.41 0.9 1,047 0.93 C To express A platform (s.) Star M27/28 6.1 5.1 255 153 6.52 0.9 687 0.73 C To express A platform (n.) Stair M29/30 5.9 4.9 205 269 7.90 0.9 664 0.87 C

Seventh Ave. / 34th St. Station 1/2/3/9 SW Corner 7th Ave./34th St. Stair S3 5.6 4.6 92 118 3.74 0.9 619 0.42 A NW Corner 7th Ave./34th St.Stair S5 5.6 4.6 113 388 8.84 0.9 619 0.98 C To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U6 11.8 9.8 108 529 5.22 0.9 1,329 0.58 B To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U7 12.1 10.1 108 529 5.08 0.9 1,365 0.56 B To uptown 1/9 platform Stair U8/9 11.5 9.5 181 452 5.39 0.9 1,284 0.60 B To express 2/3 platform Stair U4/5 13.3 11.3 700 224 6.64 0.9 1,520 0.75 C

Herald Sq. / 34th St. Station B/D/F/N/Q/R/V/W SW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S5/M5 9.7 7.7 629 783 15.00 0.8 921 1.87 F NW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S7/M7 8.8 6.8 356 769 13.34 0.8 821 1.67 E Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P3 10.3 8.3 183 334 5.09 0.9 1,115 0.56 B Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P5 9.4 7.4 149 256 4.44 0.9 1,002 0.49 A Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P7 10.3 8.3 797 147 9.47 0.8 991 1.18 D Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P4 10.5 8.5 709 31 7.24 0.9 1,149 0.80 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P6 (bmt) 9.5 7.5 421 250 7.35 0.9 1,014 0.82 C Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P8 (bmt) 10.3 8.3 166 403 5.59 0.8 991 0.70 B Downtown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML3/4 8.8 6.8 55 597 7.65 0.9 923 0.85 C Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P6 (ind) 10.3 8.3 14 207 2.13 0.8 1,001 0.27 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P8 (ind) 10.8 8.8 8 225 2.13 0.8 1,051 0.27 A Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML5 13.8 11.8 22 431 3.07 0.9 1,599 0.34 A Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 231 -- -- 0 64 -- -- 765 0.10 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 232 -- -- 280 0 -- -- 765 0.46 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 235 -- -- 0 463 -- -- 765 0.73 Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 236 -- -- 340 0 -- -- 765 0.56 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 229 -- -- 0 347 -- -- 765 0.54 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 230** -- -- 188 0 -- -- 765 0.31 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 233 -- -- 0 379 -- -- 765 0.60 Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 234 -- -- 107 0 -- -- 765 0.18

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 Notes: 1. For escalators, flow rate and capacity are ped./min./unit. Capacity of 1.5-lane escalator = 51 ped./min. A friction factor is applied to capacity and level of service to account for the effects of bi-directional flows. 2. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators.

3.4-23 Access to the Region's Core FEIS

HUDSON RIVER Pedestrian circulation is not relevant in this portion of the project area.

NEW YORK SIDEWALKS, STREET CORNERS AND CROSSWALKS Subsequent to publication of the SDEIS, the pedestrian analysis was updated in light of comments raised by NYCDCP, NYCDOT and Community Boards 4 and 5 with regard to pedestrian impacts in the vicinity of NYPSE. In that process, an error was identified in the pedestrian impact analysis of sidewalks, street corners and crosswalks which resulted in an over-prediction of impacts in the SDEIS. Specifically, the computer-based spreadsheet used to project pedestrian service levels incorrectly added a full hour count of ARC passengers to a 15 minute count of existing pedestrians. This error resulted in a significant over prediction of impacts reported in the SDEIS. The error has been corrected and the impacts described herein accurately reflect future conditions under the Build Alternative. NYPSE would attract substantial additional volumes of pedestrians to particular sidewalks approaching the station. Pedestrian volumes would include not only those walking to and from the station, but also those passengers transferring to and from buses and taxis. Since direct underground connections would be provided between NYPSE and each of the three subway stations in the project area and to PSNY, most transfers to and from subways or PSNY would occur underground, removing these persons from surface sidewalk volumes. Five new street entrances are proposed for the station: the southeast corner of Eighth Avenue and West 34th Street, the northwest and southwest corners of Seventh Avenue and West 34th Street, and the northwest and southwest corners of Broadway at West 34th Street. Since entrances are proposed both north and south of West 34th Street at Seventh Avenue and Broadway, passengers would be able to enter and exit the new station north and south of West 34th Street, minimizing the number of passengers who would walk along or cross the busiest part of West 34th Street (between Eighth Avenue and Herald Square). Future conditions with the Build Alternative were analyzed at the 30 points on sidewalks, 12 street corners, and 16 crosswalks in the primary pedestrian study area, and 40 points on sidewalks, 74 street corners, and 71 crosswalks in the secondary pedestrian study area, based on CEQR Technical Manual guidelines. As shown in Tables 3.4-11 through 3.4-13, 12 sidewalk segments, 2 street corners, and 13 crosswalks would experience LOS E or F with the Build Alternative during one or both peak periods in the primary pedestrian study area. Additionally, 20 sidewalks, 4 street corners, and 26 crosswalks in the secondary pedestrian study area would experience these levels of service during one or both peak periods. Tables depicting Build Alternative conditions at each analyzed location in both the primary and secondary pedestrian study areas appear in Appendix 3.4. The Build Alternative would increase the number of pedestrians on sidewalks in the West 34th Street area, which would cause significant impacts to various sidewalks, as measured by CEQR criteria. As shown in Tables 3.4-11 through 3.4-13, 3 sidewalks, 1 street corner, and 6 crosswalks in the primary pedestrian study area would experience significant impacts during either the AM or PM peak periods pursuant to guidelines established by the City of New York as described in the CEQR Technical Manual 2001. In addition, the following 3 street corners and 15 crosswalks in the secondary pedestrian study area would experience significant impacts during either the AM or PM peak periods (see Appendix 3.4): • Eighth Avenue at West 36th Street, northeast corner • Sixth Avenue at West 35th Street, southeast corner • Sixth Avenue at West 36th Street, southeast corner • Eighth Avenue at West 35th Street, west crosswalk • Eighth Avenue at West 36th Street, west crosswalk • Seventh Avenue at West 36th Street, east crosswalk

3.4-24 3.4: Pedestrians


Peak Overall Effective 15 Minute Sidewalk Sidewalk Average Platoon Platoon Midblock Side of Volume Width Width Flow Rate Flow Rate Level of CEQR Location Street (peds.) (ft.) (ft.) (ped / min / ft) (ped / min / ft) Service Impact

AM Peak 34th Street North 1,213 23.5 13.4 6.0 10.0 D no 9th and 8th Aves. South 1,111 23.5 8.1 9.2 13.2 D no 34th Street North 962 23.3 12.8 5.0 9.0 C no 8th and 7th Aves. South 282 23.5 9.5 2.0 6.0 B no 34th Street North 1,740 23.6 6.5 17.8 21.8 E no 7th and Bway South 2,207 23.5 13.7 10.8 14.8 D no 35th Street North 547 15.4 5.9 6.2 10.2 D no 9th and 8th Aves. South 844 14.9 5.1 11.1 15.1 E no 35th Street North 453 15.4 8.8 3.4 7.4 C no 8th and 7th Aves. South 520 15.4 6.0 5.8 9.8 C no 35th Street North 382 15.2 7.0 3.6 7.6 C no Broadway and 7th Aves. South 444 15.2 3.7 8.1 12.1 D no 8th Ave East 1,850 21.3 12.5 9.9 13.9 D no 33rd and 34th Streets West 929 16.0 5.0 12.4 16.4 E no 8th Ave East 1,297 15.1 6.8 12.8 16.8 E Impact 34th and 35th Streets West 1,053 15.1 4.7 15.0 19.0 E Impact 8th Ave East 1,359 15.2 9.0 10.1 14.1 D no 35th and 36th Streets West 1,179 14.5 7.8 10.0 14.0 D no 7th Ave East 1,117 20.5 11.5 6.5 10.5 D no 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,031 20.4 15.5 4.4 8.4 C no 7th Ave East 721 20.4 7.1 6.8 10.8 D no 34th and 35th Streets West 2,603 19.9 12.6 13.8 17.8 E Impact 7th Ave East 1,503 20.3 6.7 15.0 19.0 E no 35th and 36th Streets West 1,908 19.1 11.1 11.5 15.5 E no Broadway East 922 18.8 9.7 6.4 10.4 D no 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,270 29.3 22.8 3.7 7.7 C no Broadway East 937 19.3 12.6 5.0 9.0 C no 34th and 35th Streets West 1,323 29.2 20.8 4.2 8.2 C no Broadway East 710 18.5 13.2 3.6 7.6 C no 35th and 36th Streets West 735 18.7 12.4 4.0 8.0 C no

PM Peak 34th Street North 1,686 23.5 13.4 8.4 12.4 D no 9th and 8th Aves. South 1,391 23.5 8.1 11.5 15.5 E no 34th Street North 1,722 23.3 12.8 8.9 12.9 D no 8th and 7th Aves. South 888 23.5 9.5 6.2 10.2 D no 34th Street North 1,591 23.6 6.5 16.3 20.3 E no 7th and Bway South 1,865 23.5 13.7 9.1 13.1 D no 35th Street North 516 15.4 5.9 5.8 9.8 C no 9th and 8th Aves. South 679 14.9 5.1 8.9 12.9 D no 35th Street North 431 15.4 8.8 3.2 7.2 C no 9th and 8th Aves. South 575 15.4 6.0 6.4 10.4 D no 35th Street North 440 15.2 7.0 4.2 8.2 C no 8th and 7th Aves. South 486 15.2 3.7 8.8 12.8 D no 8th Ave East 2,020 21.3 12.5 10.8 14.8 D no 33rd and 34th Streets West 1,399 16.0 5.0 18.7 22.7 E no 8th Ave East 1,360 15.1 6.8 13.4 17.4 E Impact 34th and 35th Streets West 1,375 15.1 4.7 19.6 23.6 F Impact 8th Ave East 1,449 15.2 9.0 10.7 14.7 D no 35th and 36th Streets West 1,362 14.5 7.8 11.6 15.6 E no 7th Ave East 2,090 20.5 11.5 12.1 16.1 E no 33rd and 34th Streets West 2,077 20.4 15.5 8.9 12.9 D no 7th Ave East 1,603 20.4 7.1 15.1 19.1 E no 34th and 35th Streets West 3,782 19.9 12.6 20.0 24.0 F Impact 7th Ave East 1,420 20.3 6.7 14.2 18.2 E no 35th and 36th Streets West 2,424 19.1 11.1 14.6 18.6 E no Broadway East 1,113 18.8 9.7 7.7 11.7 D no 33rd and 34th Streets West 2,067 29.3 22.8 6.1 10.1 D no Broadway East 1,148 19.3 12.6 6.1 10.1 D no 34th and 35th Streets West 1,903 29.2 20.8 6.1 10.1 D no Broadway East 968 18.5 12.6 5.1 9.1 C no 35th and 36th Streets West 1,414 18.7 11.5 8.2 12.2 D no Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-25 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Peak 15 Minute Volume Effective Direction In Out Rounding Corner Pedestrian Level of (from dir.) (to dir.) Corner Area Flow Rate of CEQR Corner Movement (ped.) (ped.) (ped.) (s.f.) (s.f./ped.) Service Impact

AM Peak 8th Ave at 34th Street south 487 400 141 309 24.2 C no northwest east 780 411 8th Ave at 34th Street south 184 270 245 446 43.7 B no northeast west 411 780 8th Ave at 34th Street north 400 487 138 291 21.6 D no southwest east 831 367 8th Ave at 34th Street north 270 184 364 586 57.3 B no southeast west 367 831 7th Ave at 34th Street south 1,874 764 368 575 29.0 C no northwest east 399 354 7th Ave at 34th Street south 904 238 358 764 70.6 A no northeast west 354 399 7th Ave at 34th Street north 764 1,874 250 434 13.5 E no southwest east 381 651 7th Ave at 34th Street north 238 904 377 637 47.2 B no southeast west 651 381 Broadway at 34th St. south 491 226 1,107 846 56.9 B no northwest east 240 1,118 Broadway at 34th St. north 226 491 950 852 80.5 A no southwest east 159 462 7th Ave at 35th Street north 257 1,373 315 368 18.6 D no southwest east 362 462 7th Ave at 35th Street north 159 1,218 294 342 20.2 D no southeast west 462 362

PM Peak 8th Ave at 34th Street south 571 861 140 309 16.5 D no northwest east 386 1,303 8th Ave at 34th Street south 465 171 346 446 30.9 C no northeast west 1,303 386 8th Ave at 34th Street north 861 571 143 291 16.1 D no southwest east 374 1,043 8th Ave at 34th Street north 171 465 353 586 48.1 B no southeast west 1,043 374 7th Ave at 34th Street south 892 2,380 366 575 21.2 D no northwest east 666 842 7th Ave at 34th Street south 1,025 1,216 281 764 39.5 C no northeast west 842 666 7th Ave at 34th Street north 2,380 892 379 434 9.7 E no southwest east 996 840 7th Ave at 34th Street north 1,216 1,025 408 637 26.8 C no southeast west 840 996 Broadway at 34th St. south 738 655 400 846 57.7 B no northwest east 887 458 Broadway at 34th St. north 655 738 1,099 852 53.9 B no southwest east 379 544 7th Ave at 35th Street north 2,796 496 298 368 11.8 E Impact southwest east 513 272 7th Ave at 35th Street north 737 470 463 342 20.5 D no southeast west 272 513 Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-26 3.4: Pedestrians


Peak 15 Minute Average Surge Volume Crosswalk Dimensions Pedestrian Pedestrian Surge Cross- N.B./ S.B./ Width Length Area Space Space Level of CEQR Location walk E.B. W.B. (ft.) (ft.) (s.f.) (s.f./ped.) (s.f./ped.) Service Impact

AM Peak 8th Ave at 35th Street south 170 337 14.2 62.7 888 52.9 25.5 C no 8th Ave at 35th Street east 720 379 15.7 51.7 810 26.9 11.1 E Impact 8th Ave at 34th Street north 411 780 21.1 69.8 1,473 30.9 17.5 D no 8th Ave at 34th Street south 367 831 21.0 62.7 1,317 33.1 16.0 D no 8th Ave at 34th Street east 184 270 15.0 51.7 776 35.9 20.6 D no 8th Ave at 34th Street west 487 400 15.8 53.0 837 20.2 11.4 E no 7th Ave at 34th Street north 354 399 19.8 48.0 950 35.5 16.1 D no 7th Ave at 34th Street south 651 381 23.2 52.0 1,206 30.1 14.7 E Impact 7th Ave at 34th Street east 904 238 21.0 52.9 1,111 32.1 14.0 E no 7th Ave at 34th Street west 1,874 764 30.0 51.7 1,551 19.8 8.5 E no Broadway at 34th St. north 1,118 240 17.4 100.0 1,740 32.9 20.9 D no Broadway at 34th St. south 462 159 15.8 100.0 1,580 65.2 41.5 B no Broadway at 34th St. west 491 226 17.8 52.9 942 55.9 22.9 D no 7th Ave at 35th Street south 462 362 15.8 59.7 943 20.3 13.3 E Impact 7th Ave at 35th Street east 1,218 159 17.5 12.9 226 24.0 2.9 F no 7th Ave at 35th Street west 1,373 257 18.5 60.0 1,110 20.3 10.0 E Impact

PM Peak 8th Ave at 35th Street south 368 182 14.2 62.7 888 48.7 23.5 D no 8th Ave at 35th Street east 626 914 15.7 51.7 810 19.2 8.0 F Impact 8th Ave at 34th Street north 1,303 386 21.1 69.8 1,473 21.8 12.4 E Impact 8th Ave at 34th Street south 1,043 374 21.0 62.7 1,317 28.0 13.5 E Impact 8th Ave at 34th Street east 465 171 15.0 51.7 776 25.6 14.7 E no 8th Ave at 34th Street west 571 861 15.8 53.0 837 12.5 7.0 F no 7th Ave at 34th Street north 842 666 19.8 48.0 950.4 17.72 8.0 E no 7th Ave at 34th Street south 840 996 23.2 52.0 1,206 16.9 8.3 E no 7th Ave at 34th Street east 1,025 1,216 21.0 52.9 1,111 16.3 7.1 F no 7th Ave at 34th Street west 892 2,380 30.0 51.7 1,551 16.0 6.8 F no Broadway at 34th St. north 458 887 17.4 100.0 1,740 33.2 21.1 D no Broadway at 34th St. south 544 379 15.8 100.0 1,580 43.9 27.9 C no Broadway at 34th St. west 738 655 17.8 52.9 942 28.8 11.8 E no 7th Ave at 35th Street south 272 513 15.8 59.7 943 21.3 14.0 E Impact 7th Ave at 35th Street east 470 737 17.5 12.9 226 27.4 3.3 F no 7th Ave at 35th Street west 496 2,796 18.5 60.0 1,110 10.1 4.9 F no Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-27 Access to the Region's Core FEIS

• Seventh Avenue at West 37th Street, east crosswalk • Seventh Avenue at West 38th Street, east crosswalk • Sixth Avenue at West 35th Street, east and west crosswalks • Sixth Avenue at West 36th Street, west crosswalk • Sixth Avenue at West 37th Street, east and west crosswalks • Broadway at West 35th Street, south, east, and west crosswalks • Broadway at West 36th Street, east and west crosswalks

The areas of sidewalk and crosswalk impacts are shown on Figure 3.4-8. SUBWAY STATION ELEMENTS NYPSE would be connected through underground passages to subway stations under Eighth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, and the Herald Square subway/PATH station under Broadway and Sixth Avenue. These connections would utilize a combination of existing, new, and reconfigured spaces and vertical circulation elements. Two scenarios were developed for how passengers would distribute themselves from NYCT subways at Sixth Avenue/Broadway, Seventh Avenue, and Eighth Avenue. The first scenario was developed by NJ TRANSIT. NJ TRANSIT engaged in extensive discussions with NYCT regarding forecasted usage of various NYCT subway stations by passengers originating at NYPSE. While the NJ TRANSIT travel forecasting model predicted the percentage utilizations of the Sixth Avenue/Broadway, Seventh Avenue, and Eighth Avenue NYCT subway facilities identified in Table 3.4-14, as a result of consultation with NYCT, NJ TRANSIT agreed that a sensitivity analysis on a range of different percentage usages of NYCT facilities would be appropriate. Therefore, this FEIS utilizes the NJ TRANSIT scenario, but also reflects an analysis of NYCT’s scenario to assess the impact of pedestrian distributions predicted by NYCT on NYCT facilities.


NJ TRANSIT NYCT People % People % Sixth Avenue /Broadway 9,855 73.5% 5,233 39.0% Seventh Avenue 2,169 16.2% 5,098 38.0% Eighth Avenue 1,393 10.4% 3,220 24.0% Total 13,417 100.0% 13,417 100.0% Source: NJ TRANSIT 2008

Table 3.4-14 shows the upper or lower range of predicted usage, as proposed by NYCT, in comparison to the NJ TRANSIT forecasting model. NJ TRANSIT and NYCT determined that the design of the interfaces between NYPSE and the NYCT facilities could accommodate passenger flows within the range of possibilities developed by NJ TRANSIT and NYCT. This range of predicted usage was analyzed based on the existing NYPSE design. (The range analyzed for each subway location is, therefore, between the numbers identified in the table. For example, the Eighth Avenue subway analysis addressed a range between 10.4 percent and 24 percent, or 1,393 and 3,220 transfers.) As illustrated in Tables 3.4-15 and 3.4-16, the Build Alternative would impact NYCT facilities. NJ TRANSIT will continue consultation and negotiation with NYCT to implement mitigations identified under either forecast scenario.

3.4-28 W 42 ST

W 41 ST

Port Authority Bus Terminal

W 40 ST

W 39 ST

W 38 ST

W 37 ST

W 36 ST

W 35 ST


W 34 ST

One Penn Plaza

W 33 ST





R E B M R General Post Office Penn Station/ A O


James A. Farley Station Madison Square Garden W 32 ST H D T W



V A 7 8

W 31 ST

Legend Legend W 30 ST Sidewalk Impact Figure3.4-8 Corner Impact Pedestrian Impacts (New York) Crosswalk Impact Station Footprint 0 100 200 Feet Source: Transit Link Consultants,W 200829 ST Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Control 15-Minute Volume 15-Minute V/C CEQR Area Element Units In Out Capacity Ratio Impact?

AM Peak Eighth Avenue / 34th St Station N70 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 5 206 623 2,160 0.47 no N70 Service Gate 1 9 19 750 0.05 no

Seventh Avenue / 34th St. Station R142 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 4 119 764 1,728 0.63 no R142 Service Gate 1 4 47 750 0.08 no

Herald Square Station N506 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 14 3,842 1,154 6,048 1.00 impact N506 Service Gate 1 9 658 750 1.11 impact

PM Peak Eighth Avenue / 34th St Station N70 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 5 791 259 2,160 0.59 no N70 Service Gate 1 8 29 750 0.06 no

Seventh Avenue / 34th St. Station R142 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 4 505 209 1,728 0.50 no R142 Service Gate 1 7 13 750 0.03 no

Herald Square Station N506 Bi-Directional Turnstiles 14 1,773 3,433 6,048 1.06 impact N506 Service Gate 1 40 691 750 1.22 impact

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 Note: For bi-directional turnstiles a bi-directional capacity of 32 persons per minute is used due to the effect of opposing flow conflicts.

3.4-30 3.4: Pedestrians


Effective 15-Min. Volume Flow Rate Friction 15-Min. V/C Level of Mitigation CEQR Location Element Width Width Up Down (ped/ft/min) Factor Capacity Ratio Service Inches Impact?

AM Peak Eighth Ave. / 34th St. Station A/C/E SE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S7 6.7 5.7 74 9 1.20 0.9 773 0.13 A -49.5 no New Escalator (Up) (2) New Esc -- -- 664 -- -- 1,530 0.54 na na New Escalator (Down) (1) New Esc -- -- 78 -- -- 765 0.12 na na NE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S9 5.7 4.7 1,074 88 20.69 0.9 631 2.22 F 98.4 impact To uptown C/E platform Stair M11 12.8 10.8 1,029 77 8.55 0.9 1,453 0.92 C 39.2 no To downtown C/E platform Stair M9 9.8 7.8 473 133 6.46 0.9 1,047 0.70 C 27.5 no To express A platform (s.) Star M27/28 6.1 5.1 57 367 6.91 0.9 687 0.77 C 8.8 no To express A platform (n.) Stair M29/30 5.9 4.9 132 467 10.07 0.9 664 1.12 D 14.5 impact

Seventh Ave. / 34th St. Station 1/2/3/9 SW Corner 7th Ave./34th St. Stair S3 15.2 13.2 231 41 1.71 0.9 1,784 0.18 A 0.0 no NW Corner 7th Ave./34th St.Stair S5 6.6 5.6 102 6 1.61 0.9 757 0.17 A -45.7 no New Escalator (Up) (2) New Esc -- -- 917 -- -- 1,530 0.75 na na New Escalator (Down) (1) New Esc -- -- 57 -- -- 765 0.09 na na To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U6 11.8 9.8 657 624 10.65 0.9 1,329 1.18 D 118.9 impact To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U7 12.1 10.1 754 104 7.05 0.9 1,365 0.76 C 41.8 no To uptown 1/9 platform Stair U8/9 11.5 9.5 725 77 7.02 0.9 1,284 0.75 C 77.0 no To express 2/3 platform Stair U4/5 13.3 11.3 326 891 8.92 0.9 1,520 0.99 C 48.0 no

Herald Sq. / 34th St. Station B/D/F/N/Q/R/V/W SW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S5/M5 6.7 5.7 132 36 2.46 0.8 680 0.30 A -78.6 no New Escalator (Up) (2) New Esc -- -- 1,190 -- -- 1,530 0.97 na na New Escalator (Down) (1) New Esc -- -- 325 -- -- 765 0.51 na na NW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S7/M7 20.7 17.7 1,617 250 8.76 0.9 2,388 0.94 C 80.7 no Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P3 10.3 8.3 508 318 8.21 0.9 1,115 0.90 C 53.6 no Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P5 9.4 7.4 281 388 7.34 0.9 1,002 0.82 C 68.1 no Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P7 10.3 8.3 604 399 9.96 0.8 991 1.23 D 40.3 impact Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P4 10.5 8.5 800 320 10.86 0.9 1,149 1.18 D 40.6 impact Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P6 (bmt) 9.5 7.5 662 376 11.36 0.9 1,014 1.25 D 39.9 impact Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P8 (bmt) 10.3 8.3 570 482 10.44 0.8 991 1.30 E 43.0 impact Downtown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML3/4 8.8 6.8 158 1,303 17.18 0.8 821 2.22 F 403.5 impact Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P6 (ind) 10.3 8.3 205 388 5.78 0.8 1,001 0.73 C 97.8 no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P8 (ind) 10.8 8.8 207 505 6.59 0.8 1,051 0.84 C 73.6 no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML5 13.8 11.8 412 893 8.94 0.9 1,599 1.01 C 116.0 no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 231 -- -- 281 0 -- -- 765 0.46 na no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 232 -- -- 278 0 -- -- 765 0.45 na no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 235 -- -- 386 0 -- -- 765 0.63 na no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 236 -- -- 402 0 -- -- 765 0.66 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 229 -- -- 250 0 -- -- 765 0.41 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 230 -- -- 331 0 -- -- 765 0.54 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 233 -- -- 0 401 -- -- 765 0.63 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 234 -- -- 481 0 -- -- 765 0.79 na no

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 1. For escalators, flow rate and capacity are ped./min./unit. Capacity of 1.5-lane escalator = 51 ped./min. A friction factor is applied to capacity and level of service to account for the effects of bi-directional flows. 2. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators.

3.4-31 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Effective 15-Min. Volume Flow Rate Friction 15-Min. V/C Level of Mitigation CEQR Location Element Width Width Up Down (ped/ft/min) Factor Capacity Ratio Service Inches Impact?

PM Peak Eighth Ave. / 34th St. Station A/C/E SE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S7 6.7 5.7 10 80 1.26 0.9 773 0.14 A -52.6 no New Escalator (Up) (1) New Esc -- -- 87 -- -- 765 0.14 na na New Escalator (Down) (2) New Esc -- -- 717 -- -- 1,530 0.56 na na NE corner 8th Ave./34th St. Stair S9 5.7 4.7 146 996 19.68 0.9 631 2.18 F 68.8 impact To uptown C/E platform Stair M11 12.8 10.8 148 788 7.01 0.9 1,453 0.78 C 39.5 no To downtown C/E platform Stair M9 9.8 7.8 169 757 9.63 0.9 1,047 1.07 D 13.5 impact To express A platform (s.) Star M27/28 6.1 5.1 284 170 7.25 0.9 687 0.81 C 6.8 no To express A platform (n.) Stair M29/30 5.9 4.9 231 344 9.58 0.9 664 1.05 D 12.5 impact

Seventh Ave. / 34th St. Station 1/2/3/9 SW Corner 7th Ave./34th St. Stair S3 15.2 13.2 92 118 1.30 0.9 1,784 0.14 A 0.0 no NW Corner 7th Ave./34th St.Stair S5 6.6 5.6 11 77 1.26 0.9 757 0.14 A -45.4 no New Escalator (Up) (1) New Esc -- -- 102 -- -- 765 0.17 na na New Escalator (Down) (2) New Esc -- -- 689 -- -- 1,530 0.54 na na To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U6 11.8 9.8 592 592 9.83 0.9 1,329 1.09 D 101.2 impact To downtown 1/9 platform Stair U7 12.1 10.1 150 674 6.58 0.9 1,365 0.73 C 35.6 no To uptown 1/9 platform Stair U8/9 11.5 9.5 217 691 7.72 0.9 1,284 0.86 C 49.6 no To express 2/3 platform Stair U4/5 13.3 11.3 727 251 7.03 0.9 1,520 0.80 C 7.7 no

Herald Sq. / 34th St. Station B/D/F/N/Q/R/V/W SW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S5/M5 6.7 5.7 63 123 2.67 0.8 680 0.33 A -79.9 no New Escalator (Up) (1) New Esc -- -- 566 -- -- 765 0.92 na na New Escalator (Down) (2) New Esc -- -- 1,108 -- -- 1,530 0.87 na na NW corner Bdwy / 34th St. Stair S7/M7 20.7 17.7 447 1,465 8.74 0.8 2,123 1.09 D 57.4 impact Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P3 10.3 8.3 405 358 7.57 0.9 1,115 0.84 C 47.2 no Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P5 9.4 7.4 372 280 7.19 0.9 1,002 0.80 C 54.2 no Downtown N/Q/R/W platformStair P7 10.3 8.3 1,019 171 11.95 0.8 991 1.49 E 25.9 impact Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P4 10.5 8.5 964 47 9.89 0.9 1,149 1.10 D 37.4 impact Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P6 (bmt) 9.5 7.5 676 267 10.36 0.9 1,014 1.15 D 36.3 impact Uptown N/Q/R/W platform Stair P8 (bmt) 10.3 8.3 421 420 8.32 0.8 991 1.04 D 47.1 impact Downtown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML3/4 8.8 6.8 211 603 9.63 0.9 923 1.07 D 20.5 impact Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P6 (ind) 10.3 8.3 220 227 4.38 0.8 1,001 0.55 B 102.5 no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair P8 (ind) 10.8 8.8 215 235 4.19 0.8 1,051 0.52 B 97.5 no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Stair ML5 13.8 11.8 435 461 6.18 0.9 1,599 0.69 B 138.5 no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 231 -- -- 0 70 -- -- 765 0.11 na no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 232 -- -- 437 0 -- -- 765 0.71 na no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 235 -- -- 0 470 -- -- 765 0.74 na no Downtown B/D/F/V platform Esc 236 -- -- 497 0 -- -- 765 0.81 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 229 -- -- 0 367 -- -- 765 0.58 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 230** -- -- 394 0 -- -- 765 0.64 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 233 -- -- 0 399 -- -- 765 0.63 na no Uptown B/D/F/V platform Esc 234 -- -- 314 0 -- -- 765 0.51 na no

Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008 * For escalators, flow rate and capacity are ped./min./unit. Capacity of 1.5-lane escalator = 51 ped./min. A friction factor is applied to capacity and level of service to account for the effects of bi-directional flows. A 1.25 peaking factor is applied to exiting volumes in calculation of flow rate for stairs and V/C ratio for escalators.

3.4-32 3.4: Pedestrians

Future conditions with the Build Alternative were analyzed at the three control areas, 24 stairs, eight existing escalators, and six new escalators that would be shared by subway and NJ TRANSIT passengers based on CEQR Technical Manual procedures. As shown in Tables 3.4-15 and 3.4-16, eight stairs would experience a decline in LOS to D, E or F with the Build Alternative during one or both peak periods. Tables depicting Build Alternative conditions at each analyzed location appear in Appendix 3.4. As shown in Table 3.4-16, 10 stairs would experience significant impacts pursuant to CEQR criteria, including 3 stairs at the Eighth Avenue Station, 1 stair at the Seventh Avenue Station, and 6 stairs at the Herald Square Station. None of the escalators evaluated would exceed their 15-minute capacity, and, therefore, would not be significantly impacted pursuant to CEQR criteria.

As shown in Table 3.4-15, one of the three control areas analyzed, the N506 Control Area at Herald Square Station would experience a significant impact pursuant to New York City CEQR criteria during both peak periods. Existing control areas at the Seventh and Eighth Avenue subway stations would not be significantly impacted because the project design includes new control areas and turnstile banks at those stations.

PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENTS BETWEEN STATIONS Although efficient pedestrian connections between PSNY and NYPSE would be important for certain types of movement, the volume of pedestrian flow between the two stations would be relatively light. Few passengers would transfer between NJ TRANSIT trains at NYPSE and NJ TRANSIT trains at PSNY. Some passengers would transfer between NJ TRANSIT trains and either Amtrak or Long Island Rail Road trains at PSNY, but these volumes would be a small percentage of total Build Alternative- related travel, especially during peak periods when commuters dominate. Some passengers not familiar with the stations or uncertain where to find their train could enter one station, then realize they need to go to the other station. Some NJ TRANSIT employees would regularly move between the two stations, but would also comprise a small portion of total pedestrian activity. Greater volumes of passengers could pass through portions of each station to reach the other. The volume of this movement, which is distinct from transfers between stations, is dependent on the design of the connections and passages in both the new and existing stations. Due to the depth of NYPSE, no passengers en route to PSNY are expected to pass through its mezzanine level. A passage beneath West 34th Street west of Seventh Avenue would attract many PSNY passengers bound for points north of West 34th Street. By design, it would reduce pedestrian congestion at the intersection above and provide a convenient path for passengers accessing both PSNY and NYPSE.

WALK TIMES Because NYPSE would be deeper than PSNY, walk times to the surface or to the Seventh or Eighth Avenue subway stations would be longer for NYPSE. Walk times to the surface or subways, which include time standing on escalators, would vary at each of the entrances due to differences in the routing and profiles of the street and station. Based on average walking speeds, it would take about 1.5 to 2.5 minutes longer to reach the Seventh or Eighth Avenue subways or surface from NYPSE than from PSNY. However, walk time to Sixth Avenue and the Herald Square subway station would be two to four minutes less from NYPSE due to its more easterly location and direct connection to the Herald Square subway station.


The CEQR Technical Manual considers an intersection to be a high accident location if five or more pedestrian-related accidents occurred within any year in the most recent three-year period. Accident

3.4-33 Access to the Region's Core FEIS summary data for 15 intersections in the vicinity of the Build Alternative were compiled from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Centralized Local Accident Surveillance System (CLASS) for the most recent three-year period available (from July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007). Based on this information, seven intersections in the project area are considered high accident locations (see Table 3.4-17). Although the intersections of Sixth Avenue at West 33rd Street and Sixth Avenue at West 36th Street each had more than five pedestrian/bicycle accidents, no more than four accidents occurred at either of these locations during any one-year period. Furthermore, there was one fatality at Eighth Avenue and West 36th Street, and this intersection was considered a high accident location based on the CEQR criteria.


Involving With With Non- Pedestrians/ Intersection Total Fatalities Injuries Reportable Bicyclists West 33rd St. @ 8th Ave.* 18 0 13 1 12 West 33rd St. @ 7th Ave.* 17 0 13 0 10 West 33rd St. @ 6th Ave. 16 0 13 0 6 West 33rd St. @ Broadway 4 0 4 0 3 West 34th St. @ 8th Ave.* 43 0 28 3 19 West 34th St. @ 7th Ave.* 43 0 36 2 19 West 34th St. @ 6th Ave. & Broadway* 47 0 34 4 20 West 35th St. @ 8th Ave. 8 0 6 0 2 West 35th St. @ 7th Ave.* 15 0 13 0 7 West 35th St. @ Broadway 5 0 3 0 3 West 35th St. @ 6th Ave. 7 0 7 0 4 West 36th St. @ 8th Ave.* 16 1 12 1 9 West 36th St. @ 7th Ave. 14 0 11 1 4 West 36th St. @ 6th Ave. 20 0 18 1 7 West 36th St. @ Broadway 3 0 3 0 2 Source: NYSDOT Safety Information Management System for the three-year period from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2007 * Indicates a high vehicular-pedestrian/bicyclist accident location

The analysis focused on intersections in the vicinity of NYPSE. The incidence of accidents within the project area is not atypical of . With the Build Alternative, most of the intersections in the project area would experience increases in pedestrian volumes. However, the proposed design includes elements that would divert many pedestrians from crossing certain intersections. For example, planned underground connections under West 34th Street on the east side of Eighth Avenue and on the west side of Herald Square would carry project-related pedestrians under the street at those locations. A new underpass below West 34th Street west of Seventh Avenue would not only carry project-related volumes under the street, but would attract many PSNY passengers who currently cross West 34th Street, resulting in a net decrease in pedestrian traffic at that intersection.

Although high accident locations exist within the project area, the Build Alternative-generated increase in pedestrian trips, offset in part by improvements to divert some pedestrians to underground paths and by reduced pedestrian volumes resulting from the ESA project, would not be expected to substantially alter safety characteristics at these locations.

MICRO-SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF PEDESTRIAN FLOWS In addition to the static analyses of pedestrian capacity and level of service described above, NJ TRANSIT is undertaking ongoing simulation analyses of passenger and pedestrian circulation. These

3.4-34 3.4: Pedestrians simulations are being conducted for areas within NYPSE, in connections to subway mezzanines, and on nearby surface sidewalks and crosswalks. The analyses are produced using the Legion Studio software suite. Outputs of these analyses include videos, graphics, and tabular data.

The micro-simulation analyses would continue to be conducted as an integral part of the planning and design process so that as issues are identified through the passenger flow analysis, the design can be changed. These and other changes to the design can then be put back into the model and new analyses conducted. As a result, analyses are conducted for the latest available design iteration. Existing and No Build conditions and previous designs no longer in consideration are not analyzed with the simulation software. Simulations would also be conducted of various operating scenarios and conditions to inform design and operations planning.

Initial results of these analyses indicate that the platforms, mezzanine, and lower level vertical circulation elements at NYPSE would be adequate to provide appropriate passenger capacity under normal operating conditions, and are able to handle some degree of train delays. Results at upper mezzanine levels also indicate that these areas would function adequately with minor modifications in specific areas. The analysis of conditions on surface sidewalks and crosswalks generally confirm the levels of congestion identified through the static analyses, and would contribute to the development of specific mitigation measures in consultation with New York City agencies.


SIDEWALKS, STREET CORNERS AND CROSSWALKS NJ TRANSIT, in coordination with NYCDOT, has developed pedestrian mitigation measures identified in Table 3.4-18 and will work with NYCDOT to implement them. Mitigation measures for impacts in both the primary and secondary pedestrian study areas are presented. A concurrence letter from NYCDOT regarding these mitigation measures is included in Appendix 3.3. The final mitigation measures are subject to revision based on traffic and pedestrian circulation patterns and consultation with NYCDOT. The mitigation measures identified address impacts associated with the Build Alternative by increasing effective sidewalk width, and widening crosswalks and street corners to accommodate project- generated pedestrian volumes. Crosswalks will be widened to meet CEQR standards by replacing the current pavement markings.

These mitigation measures may not result in adequate levels of service on sidewalks and crosswalks, considering the total extent of pedestrian traffic at these locations. That is, existing congested conditions may remain in some areas. Impacts to sidewalks on the west side of Eighth Avenue and Seventh Avenue between West 34th and West 35th Streets cannot be mitigated.


Sidewalks Mitigation Eighth Avenue sidewalk, West 34th Relocate the newsstand on this block to increase the effective sidewalk width to West 35th Streets, east side by about four feet. Relocate the phone booth near West 34th Street away from the corner to improve corner capacity and access to the adjacent crosswalk. Eighth Avenue sidewalk, West 34th This impact will not be mitigated. to West 35th Streets, west side Seventh Ave. sidewalk, West 34th to This impact will not be mitigated. West 35th Streets, west side

3.4-35 Access to the Region's Core FEIS


Corners Mitigation Seventh Avenue at West 35th Street, Relocate light/signal post with signal controller box outside corner area and southwest corner relocate fire hydrant and protective posts outside corner for a gain of about 8 square feet. Implement a sidewalk “bulbout” at corner to increase corner area by at least an additional 31 square feet. This bulbout would be similar to bulbouts NYCDOT plans to construct at several intersections on Seventh Avenue and Broadway within the area. NYCDOT has found bulbouts to be safe and effective pedestrian mitigation measures. Eighth Avenue at West 36th Street, Relocate one FDNY post outside corner area for a gain of about 4.0 square northeast corner feet. Sixth Avenue at West 35th Street, Relocate one light post outside corner area and relocate or remove two southeast corner telephones mounted at corner of building for a gain of about 4.9 square feet in corner area. Implement a sidewalk bulbout at corner to increase area by at least an additional 6 square feet. Sixth Avenue at West 36th Street, Relocate one light post outside corner area for a gain of about 2.3 square southeast corner feet. Crosswalks Mitigation Eighth Ave at West 35th Street Widen east crosswalk 2.6 feet, from 15.7 to 18.3 feet. east crosswalk Eighth Ave at West 34th Street Widen north crosswalk 3.8 feet, from 21.1 to 24.9 feet. north and south crosswalks Widen south crosswalk 2.4 feet, from 21.0 to 23.4 feet. Seventh Ave at West 35th Street Widen south crosswalk 2.0 feet, from 15.8 to 17.8 feet. south and west crosswalks Widen west crosswalk 10 inches, from 18.5 to 19.3 feet. Seventh Ave at West 34th Street Widen south crosswalk 6 inches, from 23.2 to 23.7 feet south crosswalk Eighth Ave at West 35th Street Widen crosswalk 9.1 feet, from 14.2 to 23.3 feet. west crosswalk Eighth Ave at West 36th Street Widen crosswalk 8 inches, from 14.3 to 15.0 feet. west crosswalk Seventh Ave at West 36th Street Widen crosswalk 1.1 feet , from 18.0 to 19.1 feet. east crosswalk Seventh Ave at West 37th Street Widen crosswalk 5 inches, from 17.5 to 17.9 feet. east crosswalk Seventh Ave at West 38th Street Widen crosswalk 6 inches, from 18.0 to 18.5 feet. east crosswalk Sixth Ave at West 35th Street Widen east crosswalk 7 inches, from 17.3 to 17.9 feet. east and west crosswalks Widen west crosswalk 4.2 feet, from 17.0 to 21.2 feet. Sixth Ave at West 36th Street Widen crosswalk 1.1 feet, from 15.5 to 16.6 feet. west crosswalk Sixth Ave at West 37th Street Widen east crosswalk 4 inches, from 17.5 to 17.8 feet. east and west crosswalks Widen west crosswalk 1.6 feet, from 17.0 to 18.6 feet. Broadway at West 35th Street, Widen south crosswalk 1.0 foot, from 17.1 to 18.1 feet. south, east, and west crosswalks Widen east crosswalk 2.7 feet, from 16.6 to 19.3 feet. Widen west crosswalk 2.5 feet, from 19.3 to 21.8 feet. Broadway at West 36th Street, Widen east crosswalk 1.1 feet, from 16.3 to 17.4 feet. east and west crosswalks Widen west crosswalk 1 inch, from 17.8 to 17.9 feet. Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

3.4-36 3.4: Pedestrians

• Impacts to 26 sidewalks, corners, and crosswalks with significant impacts will be mitigated by these measures (see Table 3.4-18). Absent these proposed mitigation measures, the projected impacts would remain unmitigated. Two sidewalk impacts, on Seventh and Eighth Avenues between West 34th and West 35th Streets, will not be mitigated, and those impacts will remain. • Where required based on the crosswalk capacity analysis, NYCDOT will widen crosswalks by replacing the current pavement markings. The additional crosswalk width will be provided on the side of the crosswalk away from the intersection (see Table 3.4-18). • In addition to the proposed mitigation, NJ TRANSIT will work with New York City and New York State agencies to develop a long-term transportation plan to support the proposed commercial and residential developments around PSNY. As discussed in the No Build Alternative, NYCDOT has proposed sidewalk and crosswalk improvements in the area of PSNY and Herald Square.

SUBWAY STATION ELEMENTS NJ TRANSIT has developed mitigation measures for impacts to passenger flow within subway stations and will work with NYCT to implement them. These measures are identified in Table 3.4-19. Note that these mitigation measures may not result in adequate levels of service on affected elements, considering the total extent of pedestrian traffic at these locations.


Subway Elements Mitigation Sixth Avenue station stair ML 3/4 Operate escalators in both directions in the AM peak period to absorb reverse-peak volumes. Note that this operation has recently been standard practice, but was not at the time of counts. Seventh Avenue station stair U6 The design of the NYPSE interface will be adjusted during final design to provide a level connection to the underpassage and eliminate this stair. Eighth Avenue station stair S9 Mitigation for this impact will be developed during final design in consultation with NYC Transit. Sixth Avenue station turnstile array N506 Four additional turnstiles will be provided on each side of the existing turnstile bank. Source: Transit Link Consultants, 2008

• Identified improvements will mitigate significant impacts at the four elements identified above. Absent these proposed mitigation measures, the projected impacts would remain unmitigated. • Mitigation measures have not been identified for significant impacts at the following eight subway elements, and these significant impacts will remain: – Eighth Avenue Station Stair M9 to the downtown C/E trains platform – Eighth Avenue Station Stair M29/M30 to the uptown and downtown express A train platform – Herald Square Station Stair P7 to the downtown N/R/Q/W train platform – Herald Square Station Stair P4 to the uptown N/R/Q/W train platform – Herald Square Station Stair P6 to the uptown N/R/Q/W train platform – Herald Square Station Stair P8 to the uptown N/R/Q/W train platform – Herald Square Station Stair ML3/4 to the downtown B/D/F/V train platform

3.4-37 Access to the Region's Core FEIS

• Herald Square Station Stair S7/M7 at the northwest corner of West 34th Street and Broadway will be replaced by a new wider stairway. Although its PM peak period level of service will improve from LOS E to D using reasonable and feasible mitigation measures, the wider stair will not fully mitigate the impact of additional ARC passengers according to CEQR calculation methods. • NJ TRANSIT will work with NYCT to monitor project conditions and identify additional improvements as necessary. A typical approach could include widening and/or adding stairs or escalators where feasible or changes to station configuration to direct passengers to less-used elements (see Table 3.4-19). A program of improvements to existing underground connections, and extensions of underground corridor at Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Avenues, is currently in planning as part of the Moynihan Station project. • NJ TRANSIT will work with MTA, NYCT, New York City, and affected community and business entities to identify additional connections between NYPSE and existing subway stations to enhance pedestrian connectivity between the existing subway system, PSNY, and NYPSE. Mitigation of project impacts will require coordination with one or more agencies and will require balanced and coordinated design.
