Sedgemoor District Council Council Tax & Housing Rents 2021/22


Formal Tax Setting Resolution

The Council is recommended to resolve as follows:

1 It be noted that on 22nd February 2021 the Council calculated A 40,991.35 the Council Tax Base 2021/22 for the whole Council area [Item T in the formula in Section 31B(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the "Act")] and, B for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a Parish precept relates as on page 78.

2 Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2021/22 £6,989,845 (excluding Parish precepts) £73,784 with an additional requirement for the Rivers Authority

3 That the following amounts be calculated for the year 2021/22 in accordance with Sections 31 and 34 A £51,335,079 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils and the Somerset Rivers Authority. B £41,355,288 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act C £9,979,791 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31A(4) of the Act). D £243.46 being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (2 above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts and the Somerset Rivers Authority). E £2,916,162 being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the attached Appendix).


Sedgemoor District Council Council Tax & Housing Rents 2021/22

Council Tax Schedule 2021/22 Tax Base precept band A band B band C band D band E band F band G band H band D equiv. 6/9 7/9 8/9 9/9 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/9 £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p £ p 40,991.35 49,270,372.96 801.32 934.87 1,068.42 1,201.97 1,469.07 1,736.19 2,003.28 2,403.94 SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL - 40,991.35 6,212,649.01 101.04 117.88 134.72 151.56 185.24 218.92 252.60 303.12 ADULT SOCIAL CARE AVON & SOMERSET & 40,991.35 9,887,113.62 160.80 187.60 214.40 241.20 294.80 348.40 402.00 482.40 CRIME COMMISSIONER DEVON & SOMERSET FIRE & 40,991.35 3,689,222.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 110.00 130.00 150.00 180.00 RESCUE AUTHORITY SEDGEMOOR DISTRICT 40,991.35 7,063,629.43 114.88 134.03 153.17 172.32 210.61 248.91 287.20 344.64 COUNCIL 465.02 16,965 1,262.35 1,472.75 1,683.14 1,893.53 2,314.31 2,735.10 3,155.88 3,787.06 676.10 93,000 1,329.73 1,551.36 1,772.98 1,994.60 2,437.84 2,881.09 3,324.33 3,989.20 229.05 9,152 1,264.67 1,475.45 1,686.23 1,897.01 2,318.57 2,740.13 3,161.68 3,794.02 231.02 8,000 1,261.12 1,471.31 1,681.49 1,891.68 2,312.05 2,732.43 3,152.80 3,783.36 BERROW 591.42 50,500 1,294.96 1,510.79 1,726.61 1,942.44 2,374.09 2,805.75 3,237.40 3,884.88 253.58 5,000 1,251.18 1,459.71 1,668.24 1,876.77 2,293.83 2,710.89 3,127.95 3,753.54 562.17 35,000 1,279.54 1,492.80 1,706.05 1,919.31 2,345.82 2,772.34 3,198.85 3,838.62 9,895.41 878,814 1,297.24 1,513.45 1,729.65 1,945.86 2,378.27 2,810.69 3,243.10 3,891.72 858.77 33,400 1,263.96 1,474.62 1,685.28 1,895.94 2,317.26 2,738.58 3,159.90 3,791.88 BROOMFIELD 108.20 3,550 1,259.91 1,469.89 1,679.88 1,889.86 2,309.83 2,729.80 3,149.77 3,779.72 BURNHAM-ON-SEA & 6,326.96 707,399 1,312.57 1,531.34 1,750.10 1,968.86 2,406.38 2,843.91 3,281.43 3,937.72 HIGHBRIDGE 656.26 20,000 1,258.35 1,468.08 1,677.80 1,887.53 2,306.98 2,726.43 3,145.88 3,775.06 152.32 4,100 1,255.98 1,465.31 1,674.64 1,883.97 2,302.63 2,721.29 3,139.95 3,767.94 CANNINGTON 729.89 40,000 1,274.57 1,486.99 1,699.42 1,911.85 2,336.71 2,761.56 3,186.42 3,823.70 230.71 8,500 1,262.59 1,473.03 1,683.46 1,893.89 2,314.75 2,735.62 3,156.48 3,787.78 CHAPEL ALLERTON 180.45 5,000 1,256.51 1,465.92 1,675.34 1,884.76 2,303.60 2,722.43 3,141.27 3,769.52 CHEDDAR 2,281.25 182,731 1,291.43 1,506.67 1,721.91 1,937.15 2,367.63 2,798.11 3,228.58 3,874.30 161.25 8,000 1,271.11 1,482.96 1,694.81 1,906.66 2,330.36 2,754.06 3,177.77 3,813.32 290.02 6,756 1,253.56 1,462.49 1,671.41 1,880.34 2,298.19 2,716.05 3,133.90 3,760.68 177.52 10,100 1,275.96 1,488.62 1,701.28 1,913.94 2,339.26 2,764.58 3,189.90 3,827.88 267.42 14,500 1,274.18 1,486.54 1,698.91 1,911.27 2,336.00 2,760.72 3,185.45 3,822.54 COSSINGTON 286.41 11,000 1,263.64 1,474.25 1,684.85 1,895.46 2,316.67 2,737.89 3,159.10 3,790.92 218.15 7,995 1,262.47 1,472.88 1,683.29 1,893.70 2,314.52 2,735.34 3,156.17 3,787.40 549.92 20,895 1,263.37 1,473.93 1,684.49 1,895.05 2,316.17 2,737.29 3,158.42 3,790.10 EAST 437.79 32,500 1,287.53 1,502.11 1,716.70 1,931.29 2,360.47 2,789.64 3,218.82 3,862.58 EDINGTON 167.10 7,000 1,265.96 1,476.95 1,687.95 1,898.94 2,320.93 2,742.91 3,164.90 3,797.88 ENMORE 114.21 4,765 1,265.85 1,476.82 1,687.80 1,898.77 2,320.72 2,742.67 3,164.62 3,797.54 119.33 4,300 1,262.05 1,472.40 1,682.74 1,893.08 2,313.76 2,734.45 3,155.13 3,786.16 94.85 3,381 1,261.80 1,472.10 1,682.40 1,892.70 2,313.30 2,733.90 3,154.50 3,785.40 69.74 0 1,238.03 1,444.37 1,650.71 1,857.05 2,269.73 2,682.41 3,095.08 3,714.10 363.78 16,400 1,268.09 1,479.43 1,690.78 1,902.13 2,324.83 2,747.52 3,170.22 3,804.26 LYNG 119.78 3,900 1,259.74 1,469.70 1,679.65 1,889.61 2,309.52 2,729.44 3,149.35 3,779.22 MARK 561.47 17,600 1,258.93 1,468.76 1,678.58 1,888.40 2,308.04 2,727.69 3,147.33 3,776.80 269.47 13,467 1,271.35 1,483.25 1,695.14 1,907.03 2,330.81 2,754.60 3,178.38 3,814.06 109.59 0 1,238.03 1,444.37 1,650.71 1,857.05 2,269.73 2,682.41 3,095.08 3,714.10 NETHER 552.30 63,412 1,314.57 1,533.67 1,752.76 1,971.86 2,410.05 2,848.24 3,286.43 3,943.72 3,351.82 161,300 1,270.11 1,481.80 1,693.48 1,905.17 2,328.54 2,751.91 3,175.28 3,810.34 255.94 9,800 1,263.56 1,474.15 1,684.75 1,895.34 2,316.53 2,737.71 3,158.90 3,790.68 302.38 26,000 1,295.35 1,511.25 1,727.14 1,943.03 2,374.81 2,806.60 3,238.38 3,886.06 164.89 7,649 1,268.96 1,480.45 1,691.95 1,903.44 2,326.43 2,749.41 3,172.40 3,806.88 415.34 18,000 1,266.93 1,478.08 1,689.24 1,900.39 2,322.70 2,745.01 3,167.32 3,800.78 794.28 50,000 1,280.00 1,493.33 1,706.67 1,920.00 2,346.67 2,773.33 3,200.00 3,840.00 SHAPWICK 193.26 9,000 1,269.08 1,480.59 1,692.11 1,903.62 2,326.65 2,749.67 3,172.70 3,807.24 481.29 12,199 1,254.93 1,464.09 1,673.24 1,882.40 2,300.71 2,719.02 3,137.33 3,764.80 438.44 9,612 1,252.65 1,461.42 1,670.20 1,878.97 2,296.52 2,714.07 3,131.62 3,757.94 STAWELL 172.70 4,950 1,257.14 1,466.66 1,676.19 1,885.71 2,304.76 2,723.80 3,142.85 3,771.42 STOCKLAND 71.69 1,893 1,255.64 1,464.91 1,674.19 1,883.46 2,302.01 2,720.55 3,139.10 3,766.92 70.81 3,300 1,269.10 1,480.62 1,692.13 1,903.65 2,326.68 2,749.72 3,172.75 3,807.30 WEARE 287.24 6,120 1,252.24 1,460.95 1,669.65 1,878.36 2,295.77 2,713.19 3,130.60 3,756.72 1,519.66 65,000 1,266.55 1,477.64 1,688.73 1,899.82 2,322.00 2,744.18 3,166.37 3,799.64 1,261.44 98,220 1,289.94 1,504.93 1,719.92 1,934.91 2,364.89 2,794.87 3,224.85 3,869.82 477.33 20,500 1,266.67 1,477.78 1,688.89 1,900.00 2,322.22 2,744.44 3,166.67 3,800.00 633.45 21,537 1,260.70 1,470.82 1,680.93 1,891.05 2,311.28 2,731.52 3,151.75 3,782.10 740.71 44,000 1,277.63 1,490.57 1,703.51 1,916.45 2,342.33 2,768.21 3,194.08 3,832.90 40,991.35 2,916,162.00