'60s | '70s-'80s | '90s-2002

1961 - National Indian Youth Council (NIYC) is organized following the American Indian Charter Convention in Contemporary Indian art often explores the impact of social, political and cultural Chicago to encourage greater change. These works exist today due to the self-sufficiency and autonomy. Native Americans whose actions paved the way for renewed cultural identity and Co-presented by: 1964 - Survival of American Indians freedom of expression. (SAIA) forms and stages "fish-ins" to Click on the image for a larger view preserve off-reservation fishing rights in Washington state. Those who participate in about the art the fish-ins later help the occupiers on Alcatraz. Fishing and land rights protests continue throughout the 1960s and early 1970s.

March 9, 1964 - First landing at Alcatraz. Five Indians claim the island under the Fort Laramie 1868 Sioux Treaty enabling Sioux Indians to take possession of surplus federal land. They occupy Alcatraz for four hours, calling for the island's transformation into a cultural center and an Indian university.

October 1966 - Senator George McGovern introduces a resolution highlighting increased desire of Indian people to participate in decisions Red Paint Can concerning their people and property. Peter Jones (Onondaga) Summer 1968 - United Native Americans (UNA), a pan-Indian organization, is founded in the Bay Area to promote self-determination through Indian control of Indian affairs at every level.

July 1968 - (AIM) is founded in Minneapolis to protect the city's Native community from police

http://www.pbs.org/itvs/alcatrazisnotanisland/timeline.html abuse and to create job training and housing and education programs.

December 18, 1968 - Mohawk Indians form a blockade at the Cornwall International Bridge between the U.S. and Canada in protest of the U.S. restricting Native peoples' free movement between the two countries. Many protesters are arrested but the Canadian government dismisses the charges. Boyhood Seperation October 9, 1969 - American Indian Tom Fields Center in San Francisco burns down. It had ( / Creek) been a meeting place that served 30,000 Indian people with social programs. The loss of the center focuses Indian attention on taking over Alcatraz for use as a new facility.

November 9, 1969 - Mohawk Indian Richard Oakes leads an attempt to occupy twice in one day. Fourteen Native Americans stay overnight and leave peacefully the following morning.

November 20, 1969 - The 19-month Indoctrination #3 occupation of Alcatraz begins when Steven Deo approximately 80-90 American Indians - (Euchee / Muscogee) mostly college students - take over the island.

December 1969 - Members of the American Indian Movement, led by AIM co-founder (Leech Lake ), arrive at Alcatraz. After about two weeks, they return to Minneapolis bringing new ideas about confrontational activism and land seizure as a tool to confront the federal government's Indian policies. Younghawk Seven Anthony Deiter (Plains Cree / Ojibwe)

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