Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Traces, the Southern Central Kentucky, Barren Kentucky Library - Serials County Genealogical Newsletter

10-1976 Traces Volume 4, Number 3 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Traces Volume 4, Number 3" (1976). Traces, the Southern Central Kentucky, Barren County Genealogical Newsletter. Paper 64. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/traces_bcgsn/64

This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Traces, the Southern Central Kentucky, Barren County Genealogical Newsletter by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF FRANKLIN GORIN K by It Ray H« Gorin, Bowling Green, Ky. As we near the conclusion of America's Bicentennial celebration, it is interesting to look back and note some of the events which were occuriring one hundred years ago during the Centennial Celebr ation of our nation's independence from Great Britain. One note worthy event in South Central Kentucky was the publication of a series of weekly articles in The Times, beginning in March 1876 and continuing until October of that year. This series of thirty articles, entitled Of Long Ago, was written by Franklin Gorin, a well-known pioneer resident of Barren County and prominent South Central Kentucky lawyer in the early days. This series of newspaper articles was collected and published in book form in 1929 by Lewis J Gorin,Sr. of Louisville and then repub- lished in 1974 by the South Cnetral Kentucky Historical and Geneal ogical Society, Glasgow, Ky. Although one hundred years old now The Times of Long Ago is still a valuable source of data for geneal ogists and historians and contains a wealth of information on many of the early pioneers and succeeding generations of their families. It is truly remarkable that Franklin Gorin, at age seventy-eight, still possessed the keenness of memory and brightness of intellect required to produce such a book. He was a very distinguished member of his own generation and one of the few living then who left a leg acy which we have continued to enjoy even to the present day. On this hundredth anniversaray of the first publication of The Times Of Long Ago, it is therefore seems very appropriate to review some of the highlights in the life and career of Franklin Gorin as a tribute to his memory. Franklin Gorin was born May 3, 1798, in a log home in a tiny settlement later to become known as Glasgow, Kentucky. He was the sixth child and third son of John Gorin and Elizabeth (Franklin) Gorin, who had moved to that area less than two months prior to his birth, along with members of the Franklin family, from whence his given naone was derived. He was the first white child born in Barren County, a fact comm emorated in a bronze plaque dedicated by the Edmund Rogers Chapter of the DAR in 1940 and now attached to the north wall of the Barren County Courthouse. The Courthouse itself stands on ground which, intrestingly enough, was donated by John Gorin, Franklin Gorin's father, in 1799 when Glasgow was established as the County seat of Barren County. John Gorin was a veteran of both the Revolutionary VJar and the War of 1812. He was born near Alexandria, Virginia, in 1763 and enlisted in the Revolutionary War at age thirteen, serving in several rtiajor battles during the war, including the final caim- paign at Yorktown which culminated in the surrender of Cornwallis 1 and his troops. He was made Captain of a company of mounted Militia recruited in Barren County during the War of 1812 and was subsequent-

-59- ^ ly promoted to major, serving with distinction under Isaac Shelby at the Battle of the Thaones. Little is known of Franklin Gorin's early life beyond the few m' details and incidents related in The Times of Long Ago. He obtained his education in Barren County under Rev. John Hov/e and Dr. Benjamin Thurston and was associated with his father in the merchandising business for a few years before entereing the legal profession. On October 21, 1818, he married Louisa Frances Underwood (1802-1841), sister of Joseph Rogers Underwood (1791-1876) and daughter of John Underwood and Frances Rogers of Goochland County, Virginia. The Underwood and Rogers fsimilies included many eminent members in those early days, the most distinguished of all being Gen. George Rogers Clark, who was a first cousin of Frances Rogers Underwood. Louisa and her brother had been entrusted to the care of an uncle, Edmund Rogers, who brought them to Kentucky and saw to their education and upbringing. Edmund Rogers (1762-1843), a veteran of the Revolution, came to Kentucky in 1783 and assisted his cousin. Gen. Clark, as a surveyor that year in the area around Louisville. The following year he became one of the first settlers in the area south of Green River, msiking the earliest surveys in that region and founding the f town of Edmonton, later to become the county seat of Metcalfe County. ; Edmund Rogers, no doubt recognized the remarkable talents and abilities of his nephew Joseph Rogers Underwood and provided him with an unusually fine education for those days. After his graduation from Transylvania University in Lexington in 1811, young Underwood studied law there under the eminent Robert Wickliffe, receiving his license in the fall of 1813 and moving to Glasgow immediately after wards to open a law office there. He was very successful in his practice from the beginning and had achieved a considerable reputat ion by the time of his sister's marriage to Franklin Gorin in 1818. At that time, he was representing Barren County in the state legis lature and also serving as County Attorney; in later years, he would rise to national prominence as a Congressman and U. S. Senator from Kentucky, in addition to numerous other honors. Underwood encouraged his brother-in-law to undertake the study of law, giving Franklin the benefit of his own unusually good libgrary education and legal training. Under the able tutelage of Joseph Underwood, Franklin Gorin mastered the rudiments of law and was ad- mited to the bar in March 1820. After receiving his license. Frank lin began practicing law in Barren County, in association with Jo seph Underwood, this arrangement continuing until the latter moved to Bowling Green in 1823. He was appointed County Attorney in Nov. 1820, succeeding his brother-in-law, and served in this office until 1835, when he resigned in order to have more time to devote to his t private practice. He represented Barren County in the state legis- * lature three times during this early period but did not run for ^ political office again after 1835, He was, however, a very active member of the Whig party which dominated Kentucky and Tennessee pol itics for a quarter centruy or more prior to the onset of the Civil War. -60- One of the highpoints in Franklin Gorin's career occurred in 1838, when he purchased the already famous Mcunmoth Cave for $5,000. at a time when the cave was, in his own words, "in a delapidated state," and tourists interest had waned considerable. Under his leadership, exploration of the cave was pushed and many new passageways and chambers were opened up, attracting much attention to the cave not only here in America but also throughout Europe. Gorin established the first system of official guides, who not only conducted visitors through the cave but also performed most of the exploratory work in this era of new discoveries in Maunmoth Cave. He also recognized the need for improved living accomodations for visitors at the Cave site and enlarged the existing inn, built stables, put up fences, and made other improvements. Under his leadership and guidance. Mammoth Cave sprang to life again, and the real development of the Cave as a major tourist attraction got underway to continue unabated until the pre sent day. .O As a result of the new f^ame and popularity of Mammoth Cave, Dr. John Croghan (1790-1849) of Louisville became interested in the Cave and on October 8, 1839 purchased it from Franklin Gorin for $10,000. Gorin had represented Dro Croghan as business agent in the South Central Kentucky area for many years, this relationship perhaps stemming from the family ties existing between the Croghan, Rogers, and Underwood families. Dr. Croghan's mother, Lucy Clark Corghan, was a sister of Gen. George Rogers C^],'rk and consequently a first cousin of Frances Rogers Underwood, who was Franklin Gorin's mother- in-law. After the transfer of ownership of the cave. Franklin Gorin con tinued to represent Dr. Croghan and played an active part in the Louisville physicians' Mammoth Cave venture. Following Gorin's suggestion. Dr. Corghan had an unusually fine system of roads con* structed which gave access to the cave from four different directions, Extensive additions were made to the hotel and surrounding grounds so that tourists could spend several days or more in relative comfort in the midst of the wilderness at the cave site. Exploration and development of the cave itself was also pushed as during the period of Gorin's ownership so that the cave continued to increase in both size and popularity and to attract more and more visitors. After his wife Louisa's untimely death at age of thirty-eight, Franklin was married July 30, 1841, in Nashville to Mrs Frances Boardman, a thirty-one year old widow, originally from , Eng land, and a noted beauty of that era. Possibly the finest chapter in his career began shortly after this, when he moved to Nashville and opened a law office there. There were many distinguished lawyers practicing in the Courts in and around Nashville in those days. Among the legal giants of that age were Ephriam Foster (U S Senator from Tenn), Francis Fogg (Civic leader, first president of Nashville school board), Felix Grundy (eminent judge, twice US Senator), James K Polk (Eleventh President of the U S), and the renowned John Bell. Aside from the aging Andrew

-61- Jackson, Bell was no doubt the most powerful political figure in Tennessee at the time and a leader of national prominence in the l^/hig party. He had represented Tennessee in the U S House of Rep- ^ resentatives from 1827 until 1841, rising to the position of Speaker of the House and later becoming Secretary of War in President Will iam H Harrison's cabinet. A few months after Harrison's death, Bell resigned his cabinet position because of dissension between President Tyler and the Whig party led by Henry Clay of Kentucky. Returning to Nashville, Bell resiimed his law practice there and in 1842 enter ed into a partnership with Franklin Gorin. An advertisement which appeared daily in 1842 and 1843 on the front page of the Nashville Republican' Banner stated the following: "John Bell of Nashville and F» Gorin, recently from Kentucky, will practice law, in conjunction, in all the Courts held in Nashville; the Chancery Court held at Franklin, and in the Circuit Courts of the adjacent counties. They will attend to collections in any part of the state. Office in Campbell's New buildings. Cherry Street, Nash ville." The partnership flourished and was continued until 1848, when John Bell returned to Washington following his election as U. S. Senator from Tennessee, He served in that capacity with much dis- 5 tinction until 1859 when he was nominated for the presidencey. In the election of November 1860, the southern or pro—slavery vote was split between Bell and John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky thus assist ing in the election of Abraham Lincoln as a so—called"minority Pres ident." Lincoln received less than, 40 per cent of the popular vote but carried the heavily populated Northern states with large elec— torial votes and thus was elected President at a crucial moment in our nation's history. After the dissolution of his partnership with John Bell in 1848, Franklin Gorin returned to Glasgow and practiced law in association with his nephew John G Rogers, who later moved to Chicago and became a noted Judge of the Circuit Court of Appeals there. Gorin's second wife died in Glasgow in 1851, and the following year he married Deborah Putnam Campbell (1820-1900), the daughter of Col. Samuel Campbell of Cherry Valley, New York and granddaughter of Gen. Israel Putnam of Revolutionary fame. Deborah C. Gorin was very historically inclined and an active genealogist whose detailed records of the Gorins and related families exist to this day and are of great value. She reputedly could trace her paternal ancestry back through the Campbell Clan of to King Arthur of the Round Table! In 1855, Franklin Gorin and family moved to Louisville where he became a member of a law firm in association with Addison M, Gazley r-\r and VJilliam Sampson. Gazley was one of the most successful lawyers of the 19th century in the Louisville area and Sampson was to be el ected Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals in Kentucky in 1865, Gorin continued to practice law there with the same unvarying success as elsewhere; but, due to the trying times and conditions existing in Kentucky during the Civil War, the firm was dissolved in 1864.

-62- The Gorin family moved to New York state at that time and spent the remainder of the war with relatives there. At the conclusion of the war, Franklin Gorin and family returned to Kentucky, living for a while in Bowling Green near an old friend, Joseph Rogers Underwood, then returning to their beloved Glasgow in the early 1870's. There, with a few remaining old friends and colleagues. Franklin Gorin lived out the remainder of his almost fourscore years, and composed The Times of Long Ago, possibly the greatest achievment in his long and varied career. He died in Glasgow on December 8, 1877, survived by his widow and three children; Harry C. Gorin (1854-1923), Mrs. Alice Gorin Blake- more (1845-1924), and Annie W. Gorin (1857-1939), all of Glasgow.


COSBY DUKE WILL Recorded Book 3, page 257 Date; 9 July 1839; Probated: Dec 1845 In the Name of God Amen, I, COSBY DUKE of the County of Barren and State of Kentucky being in a low state of health But of sound mind and memory do make constitute and ordain this my last will and Tes tament. First: After all my just debts are paid I give & dispose of the Ballance of my Estate in the following form and manner. Viz: I give unto my son Thomas Duke the tract of land I purchased of Jacob E. Davidson containing Sixty-six acres to him & his heirs forever. I give unto my Grand daughter Nancy Jane Duke one horse beast known by the name of the Black filly & one feather bed & furniture which filly is to be sold this fall and the money put to interest for the benefit of my said Grand daughter. The balance of my Estate I leave to my beloved wife Nancy Duke for her maintainance for and during her life and hereby appoint my son Thomas Duke Trustee to take care of my said wife and to manage the said property for her benefit which consists of the tract of land whereon I now live with all my stock of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and crop of every Discription with the Household & kitchen furniture with the farming utensils & tools of every discription and at the death of my wife it is my will and desire that my tract of land and all other property be equally divided between my Two sons namely: John Duke and Thomas Duke, lastly I appoint my son Thomas Duke my sole executor of this my last will and Testament Rattifying and con firming this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this 9th day of July 1839. /s/ Cosby (X) Duke Signed & Sealed in presence of: John King, Argil Holder

^63- The following letter was written by Amanda J Marrs, to her mother Mrs Joicy R Stout, Barren County, Ky« Date of letter was blurred, but looked like it was dated 1841 or 46. Letter in possession of Mrs Sevie Morrison, Glasgow, Ky. who contributed it for our use in this issue.

Mercer Cty, Ky July 8, 1841 (46) Dear Mother: i set down this evening to inform you that we are all well hoping this may find you and the rest of the family well i have nothing of importance to write only we have a fine son he was born the 9 of June we call him James Henry tell Liz that he is the prettiest child she ever saw. VJe have been hoping for a letter from barron for some time but we have not received any. We want to hear from you all ver; bad i want to hear where Mary is and how she comes on. tell her and liz not to forget their promise about coming up this fall the re lations are all well so far as i know except uncle tommy's family. Janes youngest child is dead her other one and Kitty Jane and David are going the same way except they leave that place. Dr Polk says it is not healthy he says Ant Kitty must send them down to Shawnee- run to stay some time. Ant Betsy is sometimes better and then worse. Grandmother is as well as common. Uncle Clark is dead he died about the middle of May. Cole was here on Sunday and he died on Monday he was perfectly willing to die he prayed for the hour to come that would releave him of his suffering. Grandpap talks of coming down this fall and going to uncle Rushes and to Elizabethtown to see his sister if he can get any body to keep the gate for him he wants to get bob but he cant leave home Crops look very promising although we had such a dry sping there hasnt been such wheat crops for seven years. Jo Pursley started to barren about the middle of this month to look for his horse he got as far as Possom Kingdom and there he found it and he turned round and come back he is now at uncle tom's him and William was down here last Saturday and Ant Betsy sent word she was better than she had been for three years. she is taking some kind of patent med- ison which she thinks helps her very much. tell Pap I heard he was a candidate for the legislature if he is elected i am in hopes he will come by as he goes to Frankfort and see us. Give our love to liz & Henry and Pap and Ovie(Ofie) and all the children and all of the relations and all enquiring friends, no more at present but I remain your Daughter affectionately Amanda J Marrs To Joicy R Stout


Continued from October '75 Issue. Contributed by Eva C Peden, Glasgow, Ky. 42141. (1855 con't)


Oct 21 Cowan (Male) TJP Cowan Nancy Kelly Jan 11 Arcada C Beckett AR Beckett Louiza Shelly Mch 18 John A Campbell Sarilda Cajnpbell Sept 4 Elbert C Irby Vincent Irby Milly A Boe Aug 14 Berry McGoffin Luke Davidson Aarah Cooper Oct 27 James W Smith George M Smith Clearaman Chaney Nov 12 Lewis Smith Jaones Smith Sarah T Farmer Dec 11 Schiler G Shelley LS Shelly Debora J Frogge Oct 11 Mary J Herns Williaim Berns Sarah Norris June 25 Mary Jane Elza David Elzy Sarah Shipley Dec 9 Mary A Smith Wm D Smith Remember C Myers Sept 22 Sarah E Groce Robert Groce Sarah Griffin Spt 2 Nancy J Hammons Ezekial Hammons Nancy Sliall Feb 2 Thomas B Burchett Granvill Burchett Juda Perdue Apr 15 Perlina Sheffield LD Sheffield Elizabeth Perkins Spt 8 Allen VJest Granville Jones Catharine VJest Nov 12 Lee Ann Burchett Richard Burchett Matilda Marlow Oct 28 Samuel S Parmley James S Parmley Elizabeth Pierce Mch 18 Sidda M Staley Isaac Staley Nancy Gunnels Dec 15 Rebecca Ann Bunch Isaac Bunch Elnore Bunch Feb 12 Marina Brown Enoch Brown Suzannah Harmon June 6 Mary E Smith (Fentress Co Tenn) WJM Smith Hester Young Dec 4 Suzannah Hudson Elisha Cross Sarah Jane Hudson Dec 15 James M Dickerson Jesse Dickerson Jane Bell Spt 17 — (male, white) Dempsey Guthery Anna Ellis Jan 8 Elizabeth P Wilson Robert Wilson Temperance Pritchard May 28 Sarah Jane Brown Blaborn Brown Eliza J Tallent Mch 25 Thomas Patten Brustus Patton Matilda Far Mch 5 Elizabeth Neal James Neal Lucy Ann Morce Aug 12 Jacob G Perdue Wm B Perdue Nancy Wright Jan 15 Roberty Bryley Andrew J Bryley Nancy Agee Feb 22 Emaline J Pittman John Pittman Lucretia Pittman Mch 15 Martha J Hill James Hill Harriet Maxey Dec 28 Hix (f, w) Willey Hix Nancy Young Mch 13 Martha E Young (Cumb Cty Ky) John Young Emily Smith Dec 18 Elizabeth Rash Autuora Rash Sept 10 (f, bad health) John Riggs Euda Young Oct 25 Rachel Koger Williaon Koger Jane Lutrall Feb 16 Andrew J Gwenn James Gwenn Lotty Rigney Mch 7 Harriet Gray (Mulatto) Charles P Gray Eliza Gray (Fentress Co., Tenn)

-65- June 9 Wm Slone MD Slone Jane Tuggle Spt 13 Evaline Kelsay John Kelsay Jane Taylor Spt 15 Febe C Duvall OP Duvall Evaline Irwen Dec 5 Sarah Hopkins PH Hopkins Adaline Bryson June 9 George H Abbott George Abbott Catherine Prichard Feb 17 Shedon Smith Winston Carter Mathelda Smith Oct 10 Sarah E Comstock Owens Comstock Martha Long May 5 Joseph B Bunch LD Bunch Rebecca Lee Mch 21 Permelia J Alger Riley B Alger Stacia Campbell July 9 James Story Robt Flowers Fanny Rogers Oct 27 James Bryson RF Bryson Lucretia K Holsapple Nov 9 Saanuel BL Duvall WC Duvall Martha Stewart Oct 27 Meranda A Thomas E Thomas Julia Ann Shores Mch 21 John L Branhaan Wm Branhaan Martha Burchett Dec 10 William F Dicken George Dicken Eva Brown July 26 GW Coop (Male) Enoch Coop Luesa M Marcum Dec 9 EM Walden (male) James Walden Jane Burris Oct 10 Williaon Burris Charles Burris Lucetta J Guffey Apr 18 —-- (male, white) John C Guffey Rutha C Guffey Apr 7 —(male, white) William Guffey Martha Burris Apr 10 —(fem, white) Milton Walden Mary Bolen Aug 15 Fanny Ayres Henry Ayres Cynthia Hunter Jan 18 Rufus R Walden CC Walden Phebe Taylor Spt 27 Henry Brown Jackson Brown Suzannah Melone Spt 4 Elias Brown Greenberry Brown Mary Brown May 12 Wm R Brown Claborn Brown Catherine Brumley June 15 Huldah J Brumley Robert Brumley Eliza J Vawn Dec 8 Lewis A Brown Anderson Brown Rachel Brown Spt 23 PE Hunter (female) Wm H Hunter Martha Jane Ellis Dec 15 Benjamine F Belew Joseph Belew Sarah Agee Oct 15 James M Helm James C Helm Melina Anderson Spt 1 Calvin A Vincent Henry Vincent Elizabeth Zimmermin Mch 23 Ambros R Hay Thomas Hay P McCawley Apr 10 Rice M King JT King Matilda Myers Oct 15 Martha H Smith Robert Smith Cynthia D Ragle Apr 14 John C Myers Harrison Myers Agness VJood Jan 18 James H Craig Not known Zylpha Craig Feb 14 Winfield B Stockton Not known Margaret Stockton Dec 22 Sarah Atkinson Williaun Atkinson M McFarlin Jan 10 Thomas A Smith Richard Smith Sarah Cole Oct 29 Lucina(Lucinda) Lutrell Emanuel Lutrell Rachel Koger June1 9 Mary B Crockett Williaun Crockett Elizabeth Reno Dec 9 Mary Ann Gaddis Thomas Gaddis Elizabeth May 10 Thomas Mc Koger Elizha Koger Nancy H Frogge Dec 10 (Male, alive) Peter Allen Nancy Lanev May 18 (female, alive)Isaac Stockton Docia Ross Feb 23 — (female, white) Wm Guffey Phebe Guffey Sept 19 Sarah Ann Summers Jacob Summers Permelia Avory Apr 16 Samuel Marcom James S Marcom Mary E Hall (Hull)

-66- Dec 16 FJ Duvall Jaanes J Duvall Rachel Cowan Aug 1 Mary Jane Perkins Joseph Perkins E Baber Jan 30 WFS Burchett James T Burchett Mary Millar Aug 10 Charles Young Charles Young Mary Cooksey Mch 10 WH Lowhorn Noah Lowhorn Virginia Holsapple Jan 23 John C Summers James A Summers Manerva Warden Aug 18 William T Garner Henry Garner 2 Perdue Nov 5 Isaac C Carter Elijah Carter Nancy Jeffers Dec 10 Matilda Ryan H Ryan Mary Ryan Oct 20 (fe, white) Job Glidewell Fereby Holt July 30 Olive Carter Joshua Carter Nancy Lenear Dec 16 Wm A Norris NM Norris Mary A Zackry Nov 24 Nancy V Rector James Rector Artema Huffacker Jan 2 Jaanes K P Branhaim B Branhcon Luvina Davis Nov 19 John B Kelsay Joseph Kelsay Martha Buster June 17 Tabitha J Dicken Isaac Dicken Mary E Pearcy Dec 18 Mary Jane Dicken John Dicken Martha Tallent Sept 12 James Cowan Jcones C Cowan Sarah Martin Mch 12 — (m, white) Jeremiah Bell Mary Ann Dicken Feb 25 Mordica Neathery Tilford Neathery Nancy Ellis Aug 30 (Male, white) AB Guthery Nancy Zimmerman June 2 VJ C Lawrence John Lawrence Nancy Mason

1856 Oct 15 GB Davis (male) RL Davis Margaret Savage July 25 Marasetta Little Greenberry Little Jane Reeves May 24 John A Wright GJ Wright Mary Randal Spt 24 Beriah Magoffin Reeves (male) AD Reeves Polly Ann Burchett Spt 20 AV Snow OHP Sn

-67- Sept 3 WA Bell JA Bell Malvina Harvey Feb 27 PJ Hester (female) JN Hester Louisa Warden Jan 27 Margaret R Beckman E C Beckman Rachel Woody Aug 27 ES Wade (Male) Elisha Wade Martha Hopkins Apr 6 Sam Ayres Samuel Ayres Jane Pittman June 24 Alzina Morrison JA Morrison Angeline Groom Oct 4 Arminda Bunch Milton Bunch Mary Blankenship July 31 Stephen Smith Jajnes Smith PM Mackey Jan 30 Ann Eliza Beard S Vt/ Beard Mary Ford July 8 Clamanza Beaty GG Beaty Martha Crockett Apr 12 Sarah A Ford LH (S H) Ford Eliza Leslie July 9 Polly Humes JM Humes Eliza Kitts Mch 6 Mary E Smith S Smith Susannah Beckett July 9 Sarah Abston Frank Abston MM Norris Sept 6 Phebe Woodson RR VJoodson Catherine Talbott June 15 ----- Campbell(Male) AW Campbell Lcuinda Cook Feb 20 LAC Cole (female) FM Cole Sarah Riley July 4 PL Burchett (female) James Burchett Mary Bell Nov 27 GB Algur(Male) Riley Algur Stacy Campbell Apr 14 Riley A Groce David Groce Tabitha Parvis Nov 5 Louisa A Dick RK Dick Purlitha J Ingram Dec 20 Negro (female) PH VJilliams Dec 15 JM Meadow (male) R Meadow Mary Ann Brown May 5 Ann E Robison JJ Robison Nancy Smith Nov 25 HB Westmoreland(Male) Betsy Westmoreland Mch 7 Lucinda Canady R Canacy Rebecca Vanover Mch 7 A (S B Carter)(m) John Carter EF Flowers July 18 Stephen H Koger JH Koger Rhoda J Cawood Oct Miles L Duvall Samuel Duvall Nancy Stewart Feb 15 Martha J Bell JM Bell Mary Ann Dickson May 25 Mary H Shelley WS Shelley Francis Chilton Apr 2 Louisa Tuggle Henry Tuggle Catherine Burnett Feb 22 GA Tindle(Male) WH Tindle Jane Blankenship Mch 29 Martha Catron Levi Catron Sarah Davis Dec 1 BW Hopkins(Male) GW Hopkins EJ Mackey Mch 4 Harvey Harbour Thomas Harbour Mary Smith Aug 19 JP Smith(Male) Jesse Smith Mary Ann Dickson Dec 20 Hay (Male) JW Hay Jane McClusky Mch 17 PH Wood (Male) JH Wood Martha Reagan Oct 13 FM Southerland(Male) JC Southerland RA Young Apr 10 James T Brown James Ashenhurst Sarah Ashinhurst June 28 James VJ Abston Jesse Abston Betty McCurry Jan 8 Mary E McCurry John McCurry Sarah Abston March ML Smith Cynthia Smith Jan 31 Zac J Smith Louisa Smith Mch 1 George Beckneal RT Beckneal Elizabeth Johnston Oct 9 Mary V Ragle AJ Ragle Elizabeth Jones Jan 29 Nancy Carter F Carter Fanny Felkins

-68- Mch 11 John E Sidwell MJ Sidwell Nov 30 G B Craft(Male) Anderson Craft Olive Prewett Mch 3 Guthery (Male) A Guthery ME Vance July 5 W Irby (Male) Samuel Irby Nancy Abston Jan 25 Amanda P Smith LE Smith Malvina Miller Apr 15 CL Cookindoffer (female) RH Kookindoffer Elizabeth Ellis Aug 19 GD Abston(Male) Wm Abston Lucy Shelly Apr - Jacob Oaten Elisha Oaten Sarah Wright Oct 2 DJ Shelly (female) LP Shelly EF Frogge Mch 22 VC Vincent (female) Thomas Vincent Lucinda Lowhorn June 2 CL HcUTimons(female) R Hammons Elizabeth Watts Jan 12 John C Hurt GW Hurt Felicia Bristow Apr 1 Sarah E Bristow F Bristow Nancy Reeves Oct 20 Mary E Tell TJ Tell Jane Shelley Oct - Jeones Beckman John Beckman Lucinda Cross Feb 12 Mary Means Henry Means Mary Groce Oct 27 A VJ Glifewell(Male) Anderson Glidewell Sally Ann Dec — Jaones Holt Isaac Holt M Jones Oct 13 MH Groce (female) Pleas Groce Martha Lee Aug 25 JA Groce (Male) Asa Groce N Taylor Oct — Delina Melton JA Melton E Ferril Jan 8 John R Snow FG Snow Martha J Ryan July — VJillis (Blk, male) EF Harrison Nov 10 Julia E Wood JJ Wood Luvina Myers March Creed (Blk, male Ed Long Oct 1 James B Gibson R Gibson Nancy Wooten Feb 19 John 0 Ashinhurst John Ashinhurst Sapphira Thrasher Mch 10 L E Key (female) FM Key Abigal Huff June 18 Jim Buchannon(Blk, male) S Wheeler July 1 W E Smith (Male) James Smith Susan Sell Dec 27 John P Davis John M Davis Caroline Brooks Apr 11 LM Reeves (female) HG Reeves Francis Armstrong Sept 2 Lurene A Car (fe) Thomas Car Sarah A Clark Sept 17 Soloman Long WT Long Malvina Wade Oct ------Perdue(Male, Alive) EB Perdue Mary Bullard May 8 Sarah Moles Jackson Moles Jane Walker Feb 13 Malvina Ayres George Ayres Elizabeth Branham Aug 22 WTL Wade (Male) John Wade NJ Crabtree May 11 Louisa Cotton Stephen Cotton Judy Pittman Aug 22 Jones (female) JM Jones NJ Kelsey July 20 WJ Davis(Male) Thomas Davis Martha(Matida)J Huffacer Feb 29 Alpha J Davis (fe) WW Davis Elizabeth Neathery Feb 19 Moles(fe, al) Carral Moles Elizabeth Miller Feb 1 Sarah E Hall FM Hall Polly Ann Stephenson Aug 8 Nancy J Hall Green Hall Betsy Malone July 25 Leveridge(fe) Abram Leveridge Epsy E Davis

-69- MONROE COUNTY KENTUCKY DEED Year; 1836. Found by a descendant in Texas, in an old trunk of an Aunt. This Indenture made this — day of in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Six between JOHN B ROPER and HANNAH ROPER his wife, PHILIP and f^lARTHA MULKEY his wife, JOHN DAVIS and CELIA DAVIS his wife, SILAS MAYBERRY and AI-JNE MAYBERRY his wife, ELIZA MARTIN and JULIA NiARTIN legal heirs and representatives of VJELCOH NiARTIN deceased of the one part, VJILLIAT-i BARRY of the County of Monroe of the other part. Witnesses that for and in ---ideration said VJILLIAM BARRY to the said WELCOM MARTIN deceased the re ceipt hereby acknowledges ---ith given granted Bargained and sold by said heirs of VffiLCOM MARTIN deceased unto the said VJILLIAT-i BARRY one certain track or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Monroe and State aforesaid. Beginning at two beech trees corner to said BARRY in line of MOSES DAVIS, thence with said Barry's line north by --- degrees west seventy poles to a beech and sugar treei Thence north ninety three poles to a stake in said north bound ary line; Thence with line east sixty -- poles to a hickory and elm corner to MOSES DAVIS. Thence to the beginning containing forty acres more or less. To have and to hold the before recited land and Bargained premises with all and singular the rites profits emburs- ments heredetaments and appurtances of in and to the Scime beloinging or in amy wise appoilino to the only proper use and behalf of him the said WILLIAM BERRY, his heirs and assigness forever and the said JOHN B ROPER and HANNAH his wife; SILAS MAYBERRY and ANNE his wife; PHILIP MULKEY and MARTHA his wife; JOHN DAVIS and CELIA his wife; ELIZA and JULIA MARTIN heirs of said WELCOM MARTIN do for themselves cover and agree to and with said VJILLIAM BARRY that before recited land as to equal parts they will warrant the title to said BARRY free and clear of just claims of all and every person or persons whatspver/ In witness we have here unto set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and year first above written. Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of - - - -

NOTEs Welcom Martin was born 1772. His wifes Mary Trimble. This land was in the Vernon section of Monroe County, on Cumberland River.

-70- SMITHS GROVE CEMETERY Located in Warren County, Ky., at Smiths Grove. Copied October 1873 by Mrs Ruby B Lawrence, Mary Edd Chamberlain and Eva C Peden, Glas gow , Ky. Charles Edward Hobard Druitt March 26, 1892 May 30, 1965 at Whetchurch Dorset)VJashington, DC England Nora Pardue Flora June 2, 1894 Nov 10, 1957 Rumsey Flora March 17, 1894 Dec 15, 1972 Katie F Martin, wife of Beckham Martin April 9, 1900 Jan 14, 1963 Esta Martin Tabor Oct 14, 1911 Sept 16, 1971 Samuel Obadiah Martin July 2, 1892 Adaline VJ Hardy July 17, 1897 F Bryan Hardy Jan 30, 1898 Thomas E Walters Aug 8, 1879 Nov 4, 1964 Margaret Jones Kirby April 4, 1896 April 10, 1964 Jesse J Kirby June 1, 1891 Feb 15, 1951 John Thomas Davis Sept 15, 1891 Dec 1, 1963 Ethel O Garman July 17, 1883 May 19, 1970 James R Garman June 5, 1878 July 23, 1958 Reitus T Norris WW II Sept 13, 1920 Aug 11, 1961 Joseph Smith Mitchell April 24, 1903 June 20, 1960 Omogene Murray Mitchell Dec 30, 1908 Jan 26, 1972 Lillian D Shobe Aug 18, 1895 Ford Shobe July 1, 1884 April 16, 1955 Margaret Butler Shobe March 11, 1879 April 30, 1962 William Merritt Shobe Nov 6, 1880 April 7, 1960 John N Walker 1836 1902 Mary J Walker, his wife 1838 1897 Nathaniel T Walker, son of JN&MJ Walker 1876 Inf of Nathan & Alice Meredith Jan 18, 1889 Feb 20, 1889 Lucian Jewell, son of GF& Ella Jewell 1892 July 8, 1905 Ella Jewell Sept 7, 1865 Jan 19, 1930 George F Jewell Dec 21, 1864 Feb 11, 1940 Amanda J Jewell Cogle Aug 22, 1893 Jan 6. 1970 Waldo P Cogle W VJ I Dec 12, 1884 Oct 27, 1968 Carl Jewell, son of JW & Lizzie M Jewell Dec 12, 1888 Oct 22, 1900 J VJood Jewell June 13, 1867 Oct 19, 1907 Elizabeth Jewell March 21, 1864 June 18, 1939

-71- Annie Lowe 1898 1967 Nannie Lowe 1884 1973 Mrs JH Lowe 1857 1924 JH Lowe 1856 1938 Delia Carter Grimes 1858 1924 Williaun W Grimes 1852 1941 Russell Grimes 1886 1924 Sarah Brown Grimes 1860 1886 Porter E Cook April 29, 1902 March 4 , 1951 Clara Cooke, wife of Porter E Cooke Nov 28, 1901 Jacob C Brooks Nov 3, 1848 April 24, 1927 Minnie G Brooks Feb 5, 1870 May 26, 1926 Eva Mae Nowelle Cross May 1, 1897 Edgar E Cross WWI Dec 29, 1891 July 13 , 1969 Laura Smith Cross Nov 15, 1861 Jan 4, 1926 John Thomas Cross July 27 , 1857 Feb 22, 1918 Bertie Walter Cross Dec 20, 1882 Feb 10, 1883 Inf dau of GT & Odell Cross July 6, 1898 July 4, 1908 Tandia Mclntire Feb 15, 1865 March 1 , 1947 AW Mclntire Oct 16, 1833 May 2, 1908 GR McClure, MD Sept 22 , 1904 Nov 8, 1955 Harriett Geraldine Madison Jan 9, 1945 Aug 29, 1955 Adela Eleanore Madison Aug 17, 1913 Jan 1, 1971 Jeanette F Rossetter m Aug 24, 1933 Sept 2, 1906 Aug 30, 1962 Dannie F Rossetter Jan 10, 1902 Elizabeth S Johnson Oct 29, 1875 Nov 27, 1953 Bevely C Johnson Sept 2, 1873 March 15, 1955 Nellie R Madison May 18, 1902 Thomas E Madison April 2 , 1895 Dec 8, 1970 Steven Thomas Ewing, son of Earlene & John T Ewing April 13, 1956 May 1, 1956 Virginia "Jennie" Morrison Dec 18, 1879 Feb 26, 1957 Maude Dorsey Dec 12, 1883 Aug 25, 1966 Westerfield Dorsey 1879 1965 Ruby H Young Oct 10, 1895 Aug 20, 1957 Bernice Young Dec 1, 1896 Clifton L Cook W WI June 24, 1893 April 3, 1958 Vennie Mills Doty Feb 27, 1886 July 22, 1966 James Harvey Doty Feb 14, 1872 July 8, 1956 William Jones June 7, 1872 Dec 19, 1971 Bessie B Moulder Jan 10, 1886 July 11, 1966 David F Moulder Feb 6, 1875 Jan 9, 1964

-72- Bluford Miller 1902 1971 Clydine G Miller 1905 Mary Overstreet Melton Oct 8, 1914 Jan 14, 1971 Sue R Grimes Dec 9, 1908 J Frank Grimes July 9, 1887 VJilliam Thomas "Bill" Mills Nov 29, 1913 Alma Rhea "Snooks" Mills May 25, 1924 Annie R Greathouse Jan 27, 1904 Roy Greathouse Sept 14, 1902 Aug 24, 1968 Lorena G Garmon Oct 1, 1890 Sept 8, 1971 J Rowland Garman Nov 8, 1889 Dec 24, 1966 Carolann Melton Boyd 1945 1968 Earl Barrack Isenberg Dec 3, 1923 Feb 14, 1968 Frances Wells Isenberg Aug 16, 1927 Peter H Butler Dec 12, 1880 Oct 11, 1967 Charlie Mitchell Jones Nov 16, 1922 Feb 19, 1923 CP Jones Feb 20, 1897 March 22, 1966 Elmer B Madison May 3, 1901 Cordia Hawkins Madison Nov 1, 1900 Charlie Renfro Nov 25, 1913 April 2, 1969 Lamanda Renfro Feb 25, 1918 Henry T Brown July 6, 1896 June 25, 1969 Helen E Brown May 19, 1910 James Dwight Anderson Viet Nam War Oct 25, 1948 Aug 15, 1969 James Davis Lowe Sr Oct 27, 1918 March 15, 1972 Alma Slaughter Lowe April 13, 1917 Joseph R Underwood May 11, 1898 Feb 25, 1972 Nannie Morris Underwood Juda M Miller Feb 18, 1900 Graham C Miller Aug 10, 1895 Minnie Cochran Lowe Nov 10, 1881 March 4, 1965 John H Lowe Nov 3, 1882 May 15, 1971 Carlisle G Morehead March 6, 1898 July 11, 1972 Clara Meador Morehead June 3, 1903 Doyle Fay Jones April 1, 1911 Nov 21, 1969 Marie Ellis Rasdall Jan 22, 1909 June 13, 1969 Lorenzo Dow Rasdall Nov 9, 1909 Frank Moore Jordan Oct 31, 1901 Jan 10, 1973 Carrie Lee Jordan Sept 1, 1912 William H Spinks Jan 8, 1916 Jessie E Spinks Feb 19, 1920 Rodny Dwayne Bryant March 31, 1960 Oct 16, 1970 W Lanis Martin m Dec 27, 1947 1906 1971 Grace M Martin 1909 Mildred Bryant m Dec 27, 1947 July 23, 1929 Rodney Bryant June 22, 1920

-73- Pauline D Renick Aug 10, 1911 Feb 28, 1973 Willie C Renick Dec 20, 1900 Sidney Finn Ayers Nov 21, 1910 Aug 3, 1973 Regina Hill Ayers m Jan 4, 1937 Oct 21, 1920 Hughie V Cowles m June 15, 1926 Feb 11, 1903 Christine C Cowles April 4, 1910 Maggie McCombs Johnson March 26, 1882 March 20, 1962 Louis Johnson Dec 25, 1888 Timmy Turner b & d Sept 26, 1965 Willard Lindsey Feb22, 1892 May 1, 1965 Lucy Alice Lindsey Jan 31, 1890 James S Wines m Feb 20, 1900 July 19, 1881 Dec 7, 1964 Lou VJord VJines June 11, 1881 Oct 25, 1961 Dale B Hughes May 29, 1898 Ruby M Hughes June 21, 1902 Sept 30, 1962 Benton Meador Nov 8, 1914 May 21, 1968 Laveta Meador m Feb 20, 1937 May 12, 1915 Myrtie V/est Cole Feb 29, 1892 Sept 18, 1964 Grover C Cole m March 2, 1918 Nov 8, 1884 March 3, 1961 Darrell Morehead WWI Feb 23, 1894 March 25, 1970 Leslie Page James June 6, 1876 April 30, 1961 Florence G James Feb 5, 1882 March 18, 1960 Edgar R Ground Dec 14, 1893 Jan 25, 1962 Maggie L Ground July 4, 1899 Jimmy McKinney m Sept 20, 1958 Nov 30, 1938 Dec 1, 1962 Shirley McKinney Dec 12, 1941 Thirza W Kirkendall March 11, 1886 March 12, 1970 Hattie L Kirkendall Aug 3, 1890 Oct 28, 1969 Ruby Stahl April 14, 1908 May 12, 1961 Ferrell Stahl May 27, 1905 Madie Tabor Garrison Sept 20, 1907 Ivan E Garrison Jan 7, 1898 Aug 19, 1960 Annie Frances James Sept 24, 1903 Oct 24, 1959 Elmer Page James Aug 6, 1902 Oct 24, 1965 Ella Davis Mills July 11, 1872 Jan 1, 1960 Thomas V Mills Jan 25, 1879 Feb 28, 1964 Byron N Morehead Dec 31, 1887 March 5, 1956 Mattie Hopkins Morehead Aug 8, 1902 June 17, 1972 Louise Booker Hood June 28, 1915 Jan 4, 1966 Paul Dial April 15, 1926 June 30, 1951 Fred W Dial Nov 2, 1922 Nov 10, 1955

-74- Maude Cowles Booker April 11, 1888 March 1, 1953 Phebe E Cole March 29, 1874 March 10, 1957 George H Cole Oct 25, 1871 May 2, 1964 Charlie Barton Hatcher April 3, 1869 April 27, 1953 Lerah Hatchett Hatcher Aug 21, 1875 Nov 4, 1956 Drilla Hendrick, 1866 1949 Forrest Hendrick 1864 1951 Barker M Stone 1904 1970 Lester Wright 1885 1951 Nannie E Cowles 1917 1953 Otis W Cowles 1911 1951 Mary Blanche & Mollie Sue Marr b & d Oct 19, 1950 Belinda S Richardson July 30, 1910 Sept 22, 1969 John Scott Richardson Aug 7, 1935 Oct 9, 1950 Scott Milton Richardson Sept 2, 1905 Ruby Murphy Aug 10, 1896 Ambrose B Pennington June 2, 1906 Jan 16, 1972 Thelma F Pennington Jan 5, 1908 Minnie B Stanley Dec 24, 1880 May 7, 1962 James R Stanley July 4, 1882 June 6, 1961 Jennie L Stanley May 21, 1884 July 9, 1948 Dorinda M Pennington May 1, 1925 Oct 18, 1952 JW Oldfield March 29, 1880 June 2, 1960 Morgan O Estes June 14, 1897 Dec 17, 1972 Hattie A Estes Oct 3, 1899 PD Henderson 1866 1951 Goldie Henderson Laimb 1888 1967 Porter P Shirley Jan 29, 1892 July 22, 1950 Frank Cheatam Jordan 1875 1950 Bessie Davis Jordan, wife of Frank C Jordan 1885 1950 Robert P Jordan Oct 15, 1877 Nov 30, 1962 Betty Roberson 1889 1959 Nancy E Nichols April 8, 1873 Dec 23, 1946 John O Nichols March 8, 1877 Feb 9, 1951 Edward Spear Dec 2, 1886 Dec 29, 1945 Myrtie D Spear Lou E Peterman Oct 20, 1883 March 27, 1963 Van Peterman March 1, 1880 Sept 18, 1969 William F Jordan 1931 1946 Loranzer Geder Falice Sr Aug 18, 1886 Feb 22, 1959 Robert L Johnson Sept 16, 1893 July 18, 1948 Hallie T Johnson Aug 15, 1897 Ruby M Bergen 1896 James S Bergen 1887 1948 Clarence Edwin Smith, CPL Co B 2 Regt Mo Inf Spanish American War Oct 13, 1871 Jan 11, 1965

-75- Maude Totty Smith June 9, 1882 Aug 19, 1968 Kirk L Cole June 3, 1897 Oct 25, 1968 Audrey L Cole Sept 12, 1893 April 4, 1965 John Carl Ferguson March 16, 1889 Ruby Skaggs Ferguson June 21, 1889 Walter Frank Bybee WW II June 21, 1921 April 27, 1967 Pearl C Billingsley Oct 8, 1897 March 25, 1970 Lucile C Billingsley Oct 2, 1903 Donald L Cole WW II April 13, 1922 Oct 11, 1972 George VJright Kirby, son of J Moe & Annette Kirby b & d 1921 Wilmer H Meredith WW II March 1, 1908 Jan 7, Joe Mackay Kirby June 24, 1892 April 19, 1960 James Douglas Richardson b & d Sept 17, 1965 James Curtis Richardson Oct 16, 1909 Nov 24, 1969 William Ervin Watt Nov 24, 1884 March 20, 1969 Hettie Hunt Watt July 20, 1888 April 25, 1963 Chester Renick May 15, 1894 June lO, 1954 Vessie Renick April 25, 1893 Dec 17, 1956 Taylor Barrick w v; I Sept 17, 1893 Jan 21, 1960 Evon R Renick May 4, 1929 Kenneth Renick Aug 8, 1927 April 29, 1949 Edward Curtis b & d Nov 28, 1940 Martha E Curtis March 28, 1938 April 16, 1949 Lottie E Curtis April 4, 1916 Jan 14, 1972 J Byron Curtis Dec 27, 1913 Clyde G Jones 1877 1960 Wyatt A Jones 1882 1951 Alline Watt Wingfield Oct 14, 1911 April 18, 1951 Mabel Kirby Beard Feb 14, 1880 Oct 22, 1948 Richard Edgar Beard July 21, 1875 March 30, 1957

Henry Smith April 26, 1822 Oct 11, 1886 Tobe Smith, son of Henry & Ann Eliza Smith Dec 10, 1849 July 14, 1850 Ann Eliza Smith, wife of Henry Smith Jan 3, 1823 July 25, 1883 Jennie E., wife of JC Cullins Oct 2, 1845 Sept 21, 1876 Georgia O., dau of JC &JE Cullins June 18, 1871 Aug 2, 1888 JE Thornton Jan 2, 1856 Feb 6, 1882 Maria, wife of EG Thornton May 2, 1828 -- Notes This is a large cemetery and contains many old stones. Balance of stones will be used at a later date.

-76- QUERIES REMINDER TO OUR MEMBERS - Your queries regarding your ancestors are always welcome, and are entirely free to members. They will be published in order of receipt as soon as space permits.

PEPIGO-TRUMAN - Abner Pedigo married Charlotta Truman. Their birth dates probably around 1820-30. Daughter Nancy, married James T. Dyre. Believed to have lived in Monroe Co., Ky or Macon Co., Tenn. Will be grateful for any info. Naomi J Clark, R #9, Box 476, Muncie, Ind. 47302. JONES - PARDUE - William N Jones (1827-8/1893) married Cahterine Pardue (1827-1902) VJho were Williaun's parents? Who were Catherira'c parents? They had 7 children? Rev. Ira Henderson Jones (I/IO/I866- 5/IO/192O; James R Jones (1854- ); Teddy J Jones (1855); William Tom Jones (1858); Martha Jones (1857)5 Manda. E Jones (1867) & clc-n't know other name or date. Thanks for any info. Believed to have lived in Ky. Naomi J Clark, R #9, Box 476, Muncie, Ind 47302= DALTON -GROVES - ViJho were parents of Booker Dalton (l/l813-5/l7/l88£, who married Elizabeth Jane Groves 1816 - 6/9/1884? Who were Eliz abeth's parents? Booker & Elizabeth's children weres William Mike Dalton, Winnie Dalton (Anderson), John H Dalton, Cola Dalton, Ac-viine Dalton (Justice, Malinda Dalton (Anderson), & Daniel W Dalton. Booker Dalton had sister Jinney who married Martin Bonds. Eliz abeth Groves had brother named George, Lived in Allen Co., Ky. Thanks for any help. Naomi J Clark, R#9, Box 476, Muncie, Ind 47302,

JOHNSON - Need information on James Robert Johnson, b 1827 Va. Wiiat Co»? Married Catherine Anna Hall 1851 Wilkerson Co., Miss. He died 1866, Van Zandt Co., Tex. Mrs Robert L Ratliff, 1203 Cascade Ave, Dallas, Tx 75224. ABBOTT - LEMMON - Need parents of James Abbott, b ca 1814 Ind.? Married Quincy, 111, 1836 to Sarah Lemmon, b 1819 Harrison Co., Ind. Children weres Silvanus, Amy, William, John, Miles, Allen, Martha, & Albert. Mrs Robert L Ratliff, 1203 Cascade Ave, Dallas, Tx.75224 HOLFORD - OFFICER - Would like to know the parents of Cynthia Holforc VJho were her brothers & sisters? and where did the Holford family live before settling in or near Overton Co,, Tenn? Cynthia Holford born 1 Jan 1819 Tenn, and d 22 Sept 1877 near Monterey, Putnam Co., Tenn. According to the 1850 Census she was b in Tenn. She md Will iam Alexander Officer 11 Feb 1836. He was b 22 Feb 1812; died near Monterey, Putnam Co., Tenn. 8 Sept 1886. 1850 Census Overton Co., Tenn states he was also b in Tenn. Shall be glad to exchange in formation and will answer all letters. Was Cynthia the daughter of John Holford, listed in 1820 Census of Overton Co., Tenn.? Mrs Barbara Denton Brassell, Star Route 6, Guntersville, Ala. 35976


1870 CENSUS BOOKS - METCALFE CO KY. MONROE CO., KY, MONTGOMERY CO KY. 1 Each county separate book of over 200 pages, 8% x 11, indexed - Soft bound. Prices $12.50 each. Order froms Mrs Gladys Lee Aiken, 1019 West 29th St., Lawrence, Kansas, 66044,

The following books availabe from; Leeran Publishers, 120 No High St Burkesville, Ky. 42717. CUMBERLAND CO KY SURVEY RECORDS - 1799-1945 $21 <95 CUMBERLAND CO KY DEED RECORDS -1799-1867 $24.95 FEDERAL MORTALITY SCHEDULES -1860-1870-1880- for Co's of Adair, Clinton, Cumberland, and Monroe Co., Ky. $ 5,00 ADAIR COUNTY KY MARRIAGE RECORDS $10.00 Green Co Ky LAND ENTRIES $ 7.50 CUMBERLAND CO KY CENSUS INDEX And Abstracts - 1800-1850 $10,00 " Same for 1860 $ 5.25 " Same for 1870 $ 5.25 " Same for 1880 $ 6.30 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND CO KY $16,95 AWAKENING OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY aENTUCKY $ -.40 CIVIL VJAR ABSTRACTS $ 5,25 LEERAN PUBLISHERS, 120 No High St., Burkesville Ky 42717

ORDER BOOK NO 1 - BARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY - 1799-1802. 83 pages, 8% X 11, soft bound, indexed. Prices $7.50 plus 50cents postage and handling. Ky residents add 5% state tax. Order froms Mrs Eva Coe Peden 208 Morningside Dr., Glasgow, Ky 42141 or Mrs Gladys Benedict VJilson, 128 St Mary's Court, Glasgow Ky 42141.

MINUTES LITTLE BARREN CHURCH - FORMERLY TRAMMELS CREEK - METCALFE CO KY 1815-1849 - 47 pages, including index, 8^ x 11, soft covers. Prices $3,50 plus 50^ postage & handling. Order froms Mrs Eva Coe Peden, 208 Morningside Dr., Glasgow, Ky 42141 Mrs Gladys Benedict VJilson, 128 St Mary's Ct, Glasgow Ky 42141

MINUTES GOODHOPE CHURCH - BARREN CO KY 1838-1.851 - 30 pages, soft covers, x 11, indexed. Prices $5.00 includes postage. Mrs Eva Coe Peden, 208 Morningside Dr, Glasgow Ky 42141 Mrs Gladys Benedict Wilson, 128 St Mary's Ct., Glasgow, Ky 42141

PLEASANT RUN CHURCH RECORDS = MONROE CO KY - 1815-1844. 28 pages, 8^ X 11, soft covers. Prices $5.00 including postage. Mrs Eva Coe Peden, 208 Morningside Dr., Glasgow, Ky, 42141

-78- ^ MONROE COUNTY KENTUCKY CEMETERY RECORDS VOL I and VOL II - Mrs Eva ^ Coe Peden. This valuable work, composed of two volumes, in the result of ten years researching and recording grave-stones of Church, '/ public, and private cemeteries and burial grounds of Monroe Co., Ky, Vol I, 140 pages, Vol II, 143 pages, both indexed. Each volume is priced $10.00 plus 500 postage and handling. Order froms Mrs Eva Coe Peden, 208 Morningside Dr., Glasgow, Ky 42141 THE BIOGRAPHY OF ELDER JACOB LOCKE, of Barren County, Kentucky. By Elder James P Brooks. First printed in 1881. Our South Central Kentucky Historical and Genealogical Society is very proud to announce their reprint of this rare little booklet. Elder Jacob Locke was born in Hanover County, Virginia in 1768, and died in Barren County, Kentucky in 1845, after a long life of minis tering to God's people. He was an early pioneer of Kentucky, coming to Ky in the late 1780*^5. Brother Locke is one of the first early ministers in this area, and was loved by all who knew him. His story as written by his colleague, Elder James P Brooks, is one of tender love and faith in this "Old Soldier of the Cross." Both were minis ters of the Baptist Church. We highly recommend this little booklet ^ and we urge you to buy it. It is about 5x7 inches, contains 79 pages offset printed from the original, is an exact reprint. In addition to the original, an addendum has been added by us containing the n names of his nine children, and many of his grand-children. The price is $2.00 which includes tax, postage. Order from: South Cen tral Ky Hist & Gen Society, PO Box 80, Glasgow Ky 42141. PEACEMAKER - Announcing the publication of the book "PEACEMAKER',' it is the life and service of GENERAL JOSEPH MARTIN, in the Revolut ionary V/ar, 60 pages of his life in the book will be covered. Many descendants from 1740-1976, one of whom is the gr gr grandfather Jesse Graves Martin, of the author Nancy Knight, who came to Kentucky from Virginia and settled in Barren County Ky in 1839. The book contains Wills, bounty land records, deeds and marriage bonds, and military records, and pictures. Related families in the Biography form will have the following: ANDERSON/AMYS/BARTLEY/BILLINGSLEY/ bowman/ BRANSTETTER/ BRYANT/

SMITH/TOITEHURST/WILSON/ lineage charts SHAW-FROEDGE; JEFFRIES-GLASS, the book is 700 pages and over, 8% x 11 soft white leather like cov-' er and completely indexed. Over 5,000 names mentioned within the book, steming mainly out of Barren, Monroe, Metcalfe and Cumberland Counties in Kentucky. Price: $20.00 per copy - pre publication price before 31 October 1976. After publication: $25.00 per copy. Make all checks payable to: Nancy Knight, RR i^l, Ghana, 111 61015 NOTICE; VJe still have a few copies of these books: TIMES OF LONG AGO By Franklin Gorin @$9.50j CYRUS EDWARDS STORIES OF EALY DAYS at $15.50. Order from So Central Ky His &Gen Society, P 0 Box 80.

-79- ! ^uti) Central lentucto listotical 4 anb ®mealopal Sotirtp, Inc.

•7 Post Office Box 80 Glasgow, Kentucky 42141

THE SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., proudly announces it is sponsoring the publication of THE BARREN COUNTY. KENTUCKY CEMETERY RECORDS. VOL I. which has been compiled by Mrs. Eva Coe Peden. These eagerly awaited records, which have been collected for more than ten years, contain listings of burying grounds and cem eteries, some well known and easily accessible, and others little known or abandoned. Some of which are no longer in existance and are gradually disappearing over the years. There are no partial listings. If listed at all, it is complete, except for burials made after data was taken. The markers that were unreadable due to the ravages of time and weather, and in many cases, marked only with native stones, sometimes were identified by descendants or others with knowledge of persons buried in these family plots. These cemeteries were located with help of maps, and with persons who knew of the vicinity in which the burying grounds were located; from Wills of persons, who "excepted" these plots, if their land was to be sold or divided at their death; and from Deeds in which a family burying ground was mentioned. The book contains an index by name of the cemetery or burying ground as well as a 15 page surname index; there are 264 pages of the listings. The exact location of each cemetery is also included. It is 7X10 and is hard-back library bound. These records will be helpful to persons with ancestral links to Barren County, Kentucky. Expected mailing date is September 30, 1976, and pre-publication price is $12.00 plus 50^ postage and handling. After November 15, 1976 the price will be $14.50 plus postage and handling. On both prices Kentucky residents will please add 5% Kentucky sales tax. Place orders and make checks payable to: Mrs. Eva Coe Peden, 208 Morningside Drive, Glasgow, Kentucky 42141

ORDER BLANK. PLEASE PRINT Ky Residents, add 5% sales tax Enclosed please find my check in the aunount of $ for copies of BARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY CEMETERY RECORDS, VOL I, by Mrs Eva Coe Peden.

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Make checks payable to Mrs. Eva Coe Peden, 208 Morningside Drive Glasgow, Ky 42141