c ARKANSAS BANNER, E we have here are PUBLISHED WEEKLY« mentioned, ea-ily atiainable & < «•• by every person before arriving at 21 years uV S. BORLAUD of age, however humble his circumstances, R K E DOLLARS A YEAR, 'Til and without detriment to the course of stu- IS ADVANCE. dies alredy pursued at the district schools. terms of advertising. Arllmkmgagi Mamnw Books for rending, frt the country schools 10 lines, or less, first insertion, .nre of fo be frefnr what raS>0squares—and proportion VOL. I. and mechanics; n? LITTLE horticullilre, stock-breeding, advertisements. ROCK, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1844. No. 22. and less mere ora- advertisements. I II II mill I MORNING, 13, of matter. Poets, to be paid for in advance, III ■ PI I II1MIIBII II —111 ■■ III! I II11 III literary Tn advertisementsd“ II ..Willi . A11 _hv snmp Derson. tors, and fine are not as much want- ',gumed by some responsiblere9nonsiblc person. writers, GOVERNMENT OF THE U. STATES. ed ns f®ent individual account, at the above rates, NEW JERSEY. GOVERNMENT OF ARKANSAS. ARRIVAL &. DEPARTURE OF good farmers ami mechanics. We have ID I_< r> nno lrooi* 1 c. MAILS, POETRY. jell in one a AIdis 1 and under $100, year, Lucius Q. C. Elmer,* 4 Littleton HOCK. a desire to see in the re- to ??i.r,0 THE EXECUTIVE. Kirkpatrick* EXECUTIVE. LITTLE burning every child nts _, ,„;nwill be made;made : and when it 2 5 William uer cent, John Tyler, of President. George Sykes,* Wright.] Eastern Mail. (rin Memphis.) From the Southern ]Ate ran/ Messenger. male and in such a same a Virginia, 3 Archibald Yell, Governor. public, fettirile, educated *100 or in the period, Isaac G. Earlee,* Arrives 7 NOT AGAIN.—LV A. I). MF.KK. ? upwards, Wilie P. David B. Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at manner as "8 will be made. No deduc- Mangum, of N. C., Vice President. Greeb, Secretary of State. to be able to make the most of the °r fqi ner cent, PENNSYLVANIA. X. o’clock, P. M. int Elias Conway. Auditor. Not not again resources be made, if payment be deferred Abel P. Upshur, of Virginia, of State, 1 again, of nature which siirroiind them.— over will Secretary j Edward Joy Morris,] 13 Iaju.d C. Departs Tuesdays. Thursdays, and ('an heart its dream renew ? nor will re- John C. N. «< Henry Frick,t Martin, Treasurer. Saturdays. my have ; any Spencer, of V., 2 R. 11 eitern 1 an A education f shall expired Treasury. Joseph 14 Alexander Mail, (ein Hurra.) forms meet inv thorough in the and James M. of «« War. Ingersoll.t Ramsey,] brighter may view; theory prac- on legal advertisements, required Porter, Pa., 3 John T. Smith,* 15 Arrives Wednesdays and at H, I’. M. tice of the be made David of Henry Nes.f LEGISLATIVE. Saturdays, Sweeter tones may wander by, agriculture, great business of our Henshaw, Mass., Navy. 4 Charles J. 16 and Fridays, at 4, A. M. Jbe published. Ingersoll,* James Black,* Samuel Adams, President of the Senate. Departs Tuesdays With a dreamier melody; and, indeed of is what our BY THE TEAR. Chas. A. Wicklifke, of Ky., Post-master General. 5 Jacob S. Southern ein country, mankind, InvTB VCTS Yost,* 17 James Irwin,] W.S. Oi.diia.m, of the House. Mail, ( n'askington.) Spirits beckon the trees. renewable at John Nelson, of Md., General. 6 Michael Speaker Arrives and through children should he taught. As the 10 lines, pleasure, $20. Attorney H. IS Andrew The Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, » products ixceecnm,f'dina Jenks,] Stewart,f Senate is composed of 24 members, elected White robes flashing on th breeze ;